,;~ ' at,“ x. m D 3&1!” Valuable ‘mte f ‘ mc sun—on my, the F10ur.;.......,,‘........, . d 50 ' A “filmy qf MR next. we sub- Rye Noun: ‘. 4 ho scrihefwmmw WhlhAWhen?.....u.... .................l. 26 u: l 30 WWW 05" 3'- 'Red Whent.....,......................... 9o Lox 15 Public Sale, on the premises, ITIE {allowing cum,...........-......... . .............. 85 highlnnlunble Real Ham: Wm (lye‘.. ' 95 Vii: ’ VIM .........;.......,,...._..“_......th 35 THE MANSION ' FARM, . known n 5 “ CM 8uckwheu.......,....................... 60 rollsfi rg," rim-w partly in Liberty township: [Cloursm ...-2..,,....,.........,...;.,. Adlfma county, Pm, and pull) in Emmitsburg Timomy Seed .1 00 to 0 diflribtrfifederick 02min". Md-v Ind “joining Fm 5ud,__,,,,,,,,_,,,_,.,,_,,,.,,,{\;‘,Lz p 0 had: ofibmhum mm, ..D. u. Rnymond, “is; or. Pam . ‘ 1 0 :nd at e Incominingafl ACRES, mox'e 0; ‘ 3 un‘ er b“ ...»...u... 59‘ ass with gin‘ ro unions of Woodland nu L" In‘—— 31'}: - F 1» ———- . ;.\len,rlow. énn'gf 31c land has-been limeli— , BALTIMORE—FIIDAY “In. - laudfillcr’e is I himesmaeQnMry on glue premi .fl0nr.......v..._. ..........'..... .....m. 5 50 lo 5 621‘, aesj' The {Encing is good, and the land-Ln a “$953.... l 20 :0 l 85 ‘high ”an or cumnlion, prodncmg the heavi- RS’Qy-r... .. «...; 98 ml 00l can kind of crops. The improve- C0rn.......... _....:.........‘.. ........ 8.! to 98': memi are a Three-story GBIST OI“ ......u... 53 10 802’ MILL, _nnrly inc}, but“ on (he Clover 890d........n u................ 6 75 '.O 7 00 moan-pmom ”le .nd in fir'fl “moth, 5eed................... 30010 3 12 rate "a", munizg two F“? of burn land 4 B“! Cutle,per hund......... ...: 5 0° 3° 9 10 pair'of‘clmppcrs. Also, I SAW BULL, nearly Hogs, per hund,........... .......1.. 6 50 u 7 75 new, M 11108!- lo the Grist Mill, Wm. the 5“; 11ny....;........,..........................24 90 ‘026 oovmflchjnuy' .11 coxnplete. The" Mxlla, being ,Whlskcy...—.:..:. 51 to , 53 well located, (mo "‘l‘” wen or Em:nit.=lulrg,) fiunnoy ”Hanan, per 10n......... 4,- 80 60 E and on a constant “realm. (Tom‘s Cree-K) en -1“” l ‘ Ejoy a large run of custom, which they are ab}: 'w supply at any season of the. your. The othei- buildings are a Two-agory‘Stone . Dwelling HOUSE, with Buck-buildings. 331]”: a lnrge Bnn'k Burn, Wagon Shed mid _ (‘orn Crib. Cnrriagc House, Spring House, Smoke House. [)l] House vyilh all olher nc~ cr-snlr'y out-huildingz‘f naO‘TWO TEXANT lth‘SFS nnd x: COUP‘ER Sllm’. There is n never-failing well of yater M the dotr of the dwelling, wnb a Splendid :prinz between the house and burn. All the fields are Wntered hr?! Rune—Lsn‘uni mm. :2... 5 50 to GET ‘ HANOVER—flaunt)” “at Flour, from wugons...‘ - 00. from More: “'hcnl ‘ Ryr'...4 ' Corn... 1m15..‘....;..... . l‘luvei Heed" Tnnullu lit-rd P1.n~ter’...;..... =I I MARRIED. . (in (he; tam inst... at the house’of tin fathrr. in l’rlnnhnrg. by Rev.‘ I’. V '| SA .\II'EL UATSIIA W, of Curliii'q'lu MARX CA'EIIAIHNE Sli.}El-‘Fi§fl. ' _.11.-- ._I.. ___ in, .D'lgni 3 -£‘OhltunrylnnticoH/3 cent: per line for [I over {our lings—cush/o ucconxpuny notice. ~ 1' v * —. . L ‘ ,I On the.2-tth inst. Mrs. PRIFPYLLA CLI'CK, h wife of Henry (flutk, or Frankiin township, snid‘ i‘, ’fi‘L’P'i 39 your: 1 in’unllr and 23th:“. "In! it,“ ..-. .. ...uuurr, .. x 'on' the 2.911 inst.. ADA)! LOGAN RUTT, ,mllers, tithining 53 _\‘-r951, more 0( lug, sun qf Adnm Putt. of (Yumhr-rland tumuhip. tent-flfJil ,4“; “m. Yellow p 01,; v Cheat. “M 19 37"?" H monthsnnd 15 "".‘"~ " 4 nnt, White :1 ‘d Rl‘tLUHk. Locust nmlic ry. . 0n the 21st inatnnt. .\ird. ['ZL'ZAHI'JTH LIT- This tx‘ntzt Wl[l\he “mi-9"] in six] 3. _ Till-2. wife of i’rlt-r .\i. Littlv. of .\iountpifi'lfint ' Alst),.s SHARES UF STUUl'yd‘the “NHL I. township, nut-d 4| _‘iL‘Jl‘S 4 mmuhsnnd 15 dnys. huro', ({lecdunslleknd 3181 c ahurg. urnpike (in Tuesday night hst. m the r-ssidenct- of Fund. , x f ‘1 his umndumthcr.’\lrs. J. [.4 Neciy. in Strnhmi‘ The ,zlnsion THIN Ibe kw"! entire, - township, Ihis_tountr, JAMES NBELY ”CD‘- nith myth! in-prul‘u‘ A'ided to suit ’IHJN, um (Eu-«ign- T. Hudsnnfot Whitemdu tinrchnscrs. " ’ ‘ ‘ 0““1‘3 “I - “LE'H‘M W". 0' ".15“?- '. _ l m‘r Terms oruy’me iron-ahead will be, : (in ”10,14?! XML, M 1m resident-elm Latt- ("104'"th the yum-base mom-1 ("ash on day "l“""f“r‘"“‘l”l’ fi‘lmlHß-H‘D ( ' GAMLUL, m M sule—vbuw‘in 1.2 month ','wiih upprmed . I etzmiyouru'fisngn ~ 0': it i ‘ rs ~om.fl{r_ ‘0 so ._ m. the mm inLt . 1.1-: mom “(‘on REEV- ; :h;'f“{,;“.'n ['.‘r‘fpfirtg'm fire Enftffi‘éflmf Tm' “"71 J” 3‘9"" H ""‘Mb‘ "”d 9 d 53'" ‘ iii :1 in nmit‘hnrg whn kill alsn’ slick the (in the SILiIISIn in Huntington tunnship. Mrs.‘ . ' i ' _> '. ihijiigf’fhlilu'r “’hliii, ngml It} yt-nrs 3 months i . ”Sale to commence at ( o'clock, . .\l., .”W 3"- ' , - ‘ .n' - - i - -i r’r n (in .\Milhv but. MARY ‘ANX, dnnghtcrof ffr;:;":nad-c'§Ll;‘\l‘n“§ff“d‘“‘9' ‘ 1“” ‘=_' e" "d Mr. Henry Hauler. ui’bluuinj’oy. tamishipgngéil JUSEI’H ‘1) .\it'DlYiT M l_ mnn‘h nud 3”dxl_\B ‘ 'i“ “In“ 3' 'II I l'. ‘ ' '(in the 19th In~t., ALICE. daughter of David gym...- .Kqu-,-ut I'rtA-rhhurg. in the ‘Hh war of hr-r age v ' Un 'the'lTlh insl.. ANNA MARY, dnuuhter of A ' - . Jnmh l'uumii‘. (it h'trnlmn town-‘hip, uged 1i ‘ rillbl'c sale , )gnr 1 month and 1 day. _ {OF REAL im'l.\Ti-..-in pnrsnnnt‘e pf nu ‘ . ' ("immunicntei ' order of the Orphnn‘s (‘nnrt of Adnms‘ _On the 2!“ ins'., in 'th Chest", of {.\[lilnid l'ullnly‘ Will he "(Tort- Ln! I’uhiit; Sale; on the ‘fe'irr. llle’ltAJ} ALMA, (luuuiter 6"Philip prmniacs, 0n SATURDAY, theHhh day of A. Summggmt Its _\cnrs] mouths um! 10 .la} .4. Ul‘vTOiii-IR next. the foiloxfing pmfiftiuns of lira] ‘11”, .I”.de hevmné in menu," of the ]-:\-_ Estatepf 'l‘humns A. .\lnrshnli, Inc of [lnn 1L» Lutlwrnii (lurch on the 19th at last .\pril.— lonbun township, At'urns county chl‘flSEd, .Fhe mh rnrtl her public [)l‘an-S-illn" of mill) in CUllEis'inzot sevel'nl parcels 01'1.Itfli,&t7.,situnte ‘ t hri-Itfiduring lu-r shurt munociion with the in mid township, 4: foilmvz. to wit: ‘1 hurch,|~_v M“ illllll'll;'"LOHSI A 9”: to said east-6 to mhke immediate M'lneng and 'l'wo-stor‘vFrniue Roit‘ghcnfit Dwelfl ‘l‘.” = 4 those hnfin'g claims against the_same tobresent “Lg ~HOC’SE,’with Buck-bhildini: is. W them pmp’é‘glynuthcntxcatell for settlement. Lo Sho Lo l 3 0 C_-,w. ~ - ‘ J. C. NEELY, Executor. g P’ , g urn, am. “I” a‘r‘b... 5eP528,‘1863." at ..l 3"" P“ “”9 "W"? " ‘Mie‘l‘éfSW-Is _ --,__ c . - -»~ -~— »-~ —-——‘ l'lregs, ““1 81l ell oi “uter‘wixh Pump con \ ‘ Dr. James_ Cress, Imam-m to_ the house. ' . CLEC’I‘IC Pm‘smux, thankful for pm»..- d WT“ defilmble property ojfere men! in ) lic patronage heretoforeextended to‘him, , 9:3?!“ng purchasers. .It '5 smme one anmrms his friends that he will continue the tune 'o': 20'?!” “mt “ mile? {7.o"} Hunters " notice of his. pmlessiqu in,(}_e|tysburg and ""1““; , “"{e’ from Bum" f church. ' Eicinitrk “Eclvclic” menus to choose or select. fi— n 91:," commence at I_° Clock} . M..bn ,‘ lencéfiré Detect the bet}. safest and most r--- 5““ “sd" "“ nttendance W!“ .b‘ 8““! and Jsliuh'le remedies frog!) all other sectarian medi-‘ terms nm e “0““ b! ‘ , , pal ‘schools, which havibeen recrommemled B th Co ‘t—J‘b ’9"); WERTZ: Adm 15‘ . from the experience and sanctionnd by the IS 9', 2"r ° “1310110111,,(33crk- - . muztirrof th'e ablest Eclectic Practitioners, , _ 'l’ 'B' 186%, u ‘ lit-fl diEé‘ir‘d those more injuriopa,.mch l 8 nn- “ “‘“‘“’ " Worry, arsenic, niacin-y, blue pill, bloodlet ‘ pnm’tc.’ . ‘ ‘ Office in the éutlend of York agent, in the availing owned by Henry Welly. ‘ , fiefizflgrg, Sept; 25, 1863. 3111 > t u ' '1 ‘ . Clothing.‘ . ,3 GEORGE ARNOLDhu now got up His Fl“ )5 f Ind Winter‘ltock of Clothing, the largest ‘& ' flock in town, oomlpting of . : 4376.00.65, I, g ‘ ~ Dress Costs,“ Banned Gotta. - -, I, 1 , Military Blouses and Pants, l ‘ ‘ Panmloona, Vega, Under Ind Drew-Shifts, printers, Hosiery,- Glues. kcain grant niiety, nll of which will (be laid cheap for cub. Call pad see them ~ ML 'B, 1333. . ‘ Shqads g Bnehler, ', ' \ ‘ mass m "D ~ (3’ GOAL ‘II‘ND LUMBER, ’/ 8 T ivy 5' 3 1 ‘k 3 gunman, HOLLOW-WARE, ac. ; i! 2 ' » ~Auo— r“‘ . gym-rims, mums, 8333, me. ComerofCu-lisle And Railroad Streets, oppo uito Bisilrosd Depot, GEUYSBURG, PA. 3.3.“,- 1953. m ‘ ‘~ .4 __ , , Notice to Teachers. TIYHE SchoolDirecton of Hamflfouhnn town - ship inmeet at the Public School-house. mellrflerd, 9n SATURDAY. OCTOBER 3rd, for the purpose 0! employing teachers )0 take char of, hophjn “id lownship,‘ior the can .1 The meeting will be held a: 1 6'de By 3%" at the Bust-3c, . - . ,4 A; C. . 1 - sepia—lw, u: .“ ’3 "fl" , ~;.. Mo ...d. ' 4 A. son 1 orjnpu 20 r‘f 95 5 20 212 7 00 .I hri‘ 's {QR Mr. , ‘ - iss .. ‘ , 7' 4.,' _ j— ‘ New Goods. GEORGE ARNOLD bu h!” received from' Philadelphia. 3 Inge aim-lg ottCLOTHS, CASSIMERES. Over-comma, Un‘sainels, Vesta inns, Flannels, Nuslins, Jeans, kcmnli of which will hp lold cheap for call. 6311 and see them- Soph 28, 1863. HE firm ofI)“. GRESS & TAXLOR is hereby diqolred by mum-l congent, on September ,15th, {863. All pe _ ual Inning claim: against or indebted to 3:8 firm will please present. them to Esq. A. J; 'Cover for min-mom. . r ' - ‘ ‘ Dr. Wm Taylor inform! the inhubitnnu 6f Gettysburg nu} Vi cin‘rty “‘.\!“ will continue the practice of hi profession : “mold stand, next. door'io the. Compiler Woe. Gettysburg, Pa. Tennkful for put fnv‘ors, he begs to réceive A I ure of future patrontge. '[SepL 18, 1863. XI ‘ t _ H. B. Woods, 3 TTORNEY AT LAW, vasnuxc, PA.,I A will attend to all pngfeuioml busineul enlruvged to hi! can. . ¥ ' (In-‘14:: :——Ou West Middle street, next door to the Court-house; in the may: finely occupied as a .an 05cc by \V. B. McClellan, ESQ" dec'd. ' Seguzl’, 1863. _ (up Partnerslnp Dmohed. HIS is to give notice Ihut the _pnnneuhip T between the undersigned wu dinoiyed oath; ITLhoprrillnsL , ~- . , A . CORNELIUS NITCHXAN, 4 7 JOHN xlrtrimxr: Rnding.fp.,sopx. 21,1861 in ‘ ‘ ' Vil Noticie. - Pubhc Sale“ | Public Sale. HE undersigned will ofl'rr It Public Sdfl, i N THURSDAY,the 15th day of OCTOBER Ton SATURDAY, the ”lb 9f OCTOBER. out, the “th.-"fibers, A’dminislrmorj of next, on the. praise-I; than VALUABLE FARI, (“he estate of David Lockhnn, deceuedfiym uitnnte'fii Jlounlplenunt to: nship, Admin: atlr ll Public Sale. at the late residence of said county. ‘Pnf, the law ruideuce 91' Anthony L decedent. in Slmbnn township, Adam: county. Smith, deceased, adjoining land: of Henry J. LSbOlf‘,l mile nnd n'hali' northeast. of Gulden'l Hemhzr, J. E. Muller, S. H. bmitb, And others conta‘nmg about 108 Agra: of patented-land, abut 20 m: of which are covered with he Ti er a. fair portion of Meadow. The ' v ntsnren large and ' comf I rick DWELLING . H S , large Bank Barn, nearly l i new, Wagon Shed,with Corn Cribs attached, Shop, and all necessary out-build inga. There is a fine Orclnrd on the premium, 9. well of water It the door And a never-tailing spring convenient. The land hu been twice, mine three timel heavily limed, in under good fencing, and in a high state of callirntioné— Permna wishing to View the property an do no by calling on F. X. Smith, residing thereon. [S‘Sale to cummence It 1 o'clock, P. 31., 'on said dny, when attendance will be given and terms mnde known by ‘ 4 I ' F. X. SMITH; ; Sept. 21,188.-“ ' D. C. SHITII,_ :-7—-- ~- =I~ ‘, , Nance to Assessors. 9 RE Astessors elected nt theSpring‘ election, i T are hereby'vnotified to nittend at the Com .'xnissioneru’ Oflice, in the bgough of Getty:- i burg, to receive Blank An smqnt Duplle‘ntei [End the nepeasary instructions, a: follow: E The Assess'yra of Union, Conowugo, Berwick, 'Benwick Borqngh, Oxford, Humilton,__Rudiug, lMounlplensn-Ir}, Germany, Struhnn and “Hunt joy. WI“ attend on’WBDNESI)AY, the 14th of QCTUBER next; And the Assessors. OHM Borough of Gettys ‘ nberlpud, Freedom, Liberty, Hamill ”rnnklm, Butler. Blennllen, Tyrone, m and Latimore, will‘alleud on AY, the Im. 0! OCTOBER next. order 01 Llie Tomminsinnera, \ J. M. WALTHH;CIerk. g, 1863. td r A -\—~ ,—» ~— - ~~ «~——,——-——~—‘ :obsfis Saloon Ravlved. urdérsignrd have lenqed Jumhs’a Sn , in ChAmlnerafilx'rg :‘U'I‘EK, rmd intend, linythe best Mylo. hopmg that the lli npprecintv lheircll'uru to please by giving gym a Inn-go patronage. They will re fceive QJ'STPZRS lOglllt‘lrlfi' nnd do them up' in : nu scyfgsn’ouxucnwK'Hxs,BEl-:FTONGUE, {HAM _ASD mus, and almost eve‘rylhinfintlmt “nay be; called for, will he served. The; will Also Keep ALE,L {(lfilfi. PORTER, WINES, kc. [They hrc dexgrmincd to do things up in the imost desimble hummer. mu! feLl- c‘ermin of :pleysin’fi all who may (.Lll. A . ‘ 1 ' .\‘u‘ HULAS (‘ODORI,JI_Z;, ‘ JOSEPH anuu. .. | Gettysburg, Sch. 2|, 1561. K ’ . l " One and All, , ARE NOTICE—”I'm: undersigned wmfld {T any to th- u w manic is rm-oivinz 11 large and s stnck of GROUEIHES, whfihe w‘ I -ll n_s low nslnny ogher house ‘ r ‘ r in Howfi—L‘Mcr‘s, Szr‘glrs, .“ULIBRPR Syrups, TensgSslt, Frs‘h, in, with l’umioeé‘, Beans, nud Rice ;. Woodfi'n Win-e, pm up in the tnesUmm m-r ; Tuhmimfa, Sign”. kin. (to. . I’mmmnj‘nm; .\'(|TlCH!—:i 3'9" want 'lO My in you? “guns for Imrvvs‘tflnmv is the time. I lune many hfnndsuf Whiskic“, Hrzyn dies JYmes. am} 11’! qilu-r’l-quors. which I am disp sing of at short‘prnfiu. (:iw- me a call. ‘ I n 1 'nys by to "least-"and belie—vb I very of- PC nccced) Relucmln'rllw phlvc—suutheast ‘CJZDFI‘ of the Diamond, (ii-Li\_sinxig. . i , 'n 0130. 1". KALUI’LEISC". Mm; 23, 1893. ‘ gar , Come With a Rush i .UE undersigned \mul-l' must rocpt-clfuiiy I inform his nnny'hiL-uds :Intl {lnc public. i‘gencrully,.timt he has gqno inlo the l'lmhing busineas,“ S unson's old's'nmhn thy Diamond, .Geltysburg. PR. “is 5103:, ulrcnd)’ fullqvill hc' much mdami‘d; «a mghrnrc cwry “SH 0! CLOTHlNG,l;rml‘>j.j:mms, .\TS, Cups. Trunk, Valle: s, ( luck-P, Wu lws~ Jo w lry, Gunssl’inuls. null. in short, c'rrylhing jginiqh ought lth- found .11 n‘lirst class Clmhing aim] Variety House. , ' . I’nuiculars here.xflcr. In the chnlime he infill-s ch-rylnody m p3_\'r.him‘ u L'nH. He in- lunrls to kei-p sn poncvx av. Nguk m m‘uqcmn’.“ fNo. 1: THE MAXSI‘W TRM'T. iihmkn in ")4th HlV—9nd. wuh Ilu- hupc (4' lmu sill-N" anilcr nmmhlp, mntun'rng mu -.\rxo.~“. be me he lmpts to make u lni: g :\f 5111 II I rams, 3%!!!)01110m ui I.‘~>. udjuinmg lands of .“OSIS truuhlc ln‘shnw‘guuds‘r nyd't \L'r) clfml m...‘ - Smith. .‘ul‘ulunn Pele-rs, _\lnmlmm SIAM-«ugh, to satisfy buyers, _ z ‘ . / LnnJuxl-ers. _ The inwruvvnmnnare “‘5: " l JACOB LIHUNKIIIUXOF 7. rn 'l'wu-u-tury Lug IIUL‘bE. “mu “,1“ "l' , .June 15,1‘én3. u‘ " / jam—y K [um-n, Lug my"; Lo: garni . a __ .' ' . . SprZ'ng ”on 0, “ill: n Sin-p :x_lm\e: 5332*": All IRVIth. ‘ ' {an cum-Hem (In-h ml, umslly'of ynuugxrws.—’ “IE nmkrdgned lmm‘lhis~ nlny ”Hen-d into Scum] Spinas un the MAN“, Upns~um clock 1 p.lrlno-rsl'ip in the Grain. l‘n‘muce mnd'ruu: through one end nfmefnrm. Thereis n. Uommis‘sinn’ lrusinr-ss, nt :ht- 01-l‘ Klim-l‘. Her ‘ sufii ieu‘ry of good meadow, an 1 ulso a quanti house, turner of Manon und. linilrmnd “reels. I_\' M finibcr. » ' ' g ‘ The highest pricm HI curb pnxJ for I- ~\'o. 2: .\ LOT OF TQWFR LAND. in Ty- \. ‘FLUL'R, WHEAT, __ IlYifi, CORY, , ‘ OATS, FEEDS. g, ~ ‘ AND 11.4)". All kinds of Gran-cries, Guzlnns. Fl~b, Szlll, nnd=ercry dl'ncr urtivle mnully [band in our line of bufifies‘s. all of which will be sold wholesale and retail. on life lowest. trrms. Call And see us, and satisfy )euggeh'cs that it is finally 50. ~ ‘ - - ‘ ' ,Honuvqm a: lIEKB‘ST. Gettysburg. Jhne I, 1863: If ‘ * Partneghlp stsolved. HE pg’rgnrrship between the undersigned. T in thedtlncksmithing busineu. in Gruys: burg‘ has-yew dissolvcd by mutual consent.— Thequoks' of 11m firing-11min IhQ hands of S. K. Foulk, with whom settlemeiis “he‘to be upde.‘ * I _ S. E.. F 0 WK, 1). W. leélfl'flOCK. Sept. 2141863., 3: Pamphlet Laws. . HE PA‘MPHLET LAWS of the Sfilte have ~ been ficeived at this Uflice, nug'nre now ready for distribution among thong l-nmled m receive them. , JACOB BUSUEY, Prulh‘y. Sept. 21, 1:863. 3t _ . “| ' Stray Bull. AME to the premisei ‘of the subscriber, re— -0 giding in Liberty lowuahnp, Adlms coun‘ ty,nbout the 20th'beullLv l_a—t, A RED BULL, between two and Lllree Len}: old;wutx a'p'u-ce off of the left 'enr. . The owner will come forward, prove properly, pay charges, and take it hwy. _ - JAMES O'BRIEN. Sept. 14, 1863. 3: ~ _ Stray Horse. 3 3 ’ CAME to the barn ydrd of [be linden-sighed, in finding low‘nship‘ an the night of me 8H: 9! August list, a BAY HORSE, left eye blind, pastures whiternnd nifl' in both hind legs. Any perk-q. owning {he horse can get. him, .by prawn; profirtyrnnd paying chug". * W. S. 'HILDEBRAN’Du Sept'. n, 1883. if ' : ' ‘- ** Ale & Best. ‘ \ WI. REICHARD, in ,3! at Middle strum. opposite Ir. Harris, receives a reguln Supply of READLVG ALE ad LACE“ BEE ' , which he keeps_cool ma taps nicely. Tis impla apnouupement he_deeml unflieie to bring; lull lhnre of public; patronage He 'ill lpnre no efl'on. _io VW‘ ‘ _ Gouygburg,‘ Sept. 7, 1863; .39." ' ‘ '. Nance. ‘ a AVID iOHXSON'S ESTATE. Letter. or ndminiakation, with the I' I annexed, on manna 01' David Johnson late of Latio more lwp., Adam: co., deceu u, luring hen granted to the undersigned, residing in H‘lh tington tuwnship,he hereby gives notice to all persons indehtcdto said e‘atnte to make im medi‘te plyment; and “’65; _huving claims Igninst the same to present ‘tbem properly authenticated for settlement. , WM. B. GARDNER, ‘ P Adm'r withthe Will annexed. Sept. 14,1863. 6t " , Notice. OHS BUOHER'S ESTATE—Letters of ud ( ministration 9n the estate ofJohn quhor, ! lute ofj‘mnklin' vwnfllip, Adana county, do- 7 , ceased, having bean granted with: undersignedf, “widow of deceucd,) residing in lhesgme town-s ship, she her'eby gives notice to all persons ill 4. ‘debted to said estate lo make immediate pay- ; meat, and those having claims Against the ! “me lo .prgsentnhem properly authenticated ' for aetxlémenz. ‘ SUSAN BL‘CHE'R, 3 Sopt. 7, was: 6!. w minimum ‘" ” ‘l': rmind. u mama's 3;» ‘.aa ‘ "loaning. 00:30 on. 9513‘ ' '.2. 4 - "' Smlionj phefollfzithPeE-sonal Properzl. viz 2 GOOD FAIL“ HORSES, l Milch (‘on, 2 Helge”, l Brood Sow and 5 Pigs, 2 ”031, n first-rule Narrow-tread Wagon. Hay Carriage, Lime Bed, 2 sets of “Luzon Harness, Wagon Saddle,‘ Bull and Long Tract-s, Brenst Chums, llnller and (‘ow Chains, Culling Bpx. Sled, Plough: and ”arrows. Double Shovel Plough, Double and Single—trees, Grain Cradle, )lnwinz_ Svylhe, Glindswnj. Hay llake,-Llnnure Forks, Side Saddle, Cupboard, Bureau, (Yin-st, SLoc Gun, and n )nriely of other "titles, too nu merous to mention. - fi-Sale to commence M. l o'clock.P. 11., on Inid_day, when attendance will be given. and terms made known by . * when!“ E. Locxmn'r, Adm’x., , HENRY THOMAS,‘Adhiiniau-ator. Sept. 21, 1863. u A Valuable hopertyr 31‘ PUBLIC S.\LE.—Tbe undersigned, As-1 A_ signeel of Georxe~S.,Tl|nmns n'ml Wife, in trust for credilors, will sell at Public, Ven due, ‘on the premises on SATL‘RIMY, the 3d day; of OCTOBER next, the following described valuable Bell Estate, \ in: ~ l No’. l: A TRACT OF ILA.\lX),.conlnining 21‘ Acres and 100 Perches, adjoining the town of, Arendlsrille, Franklin (ownihip, Adams conn-, ty. in first-mm condition. and very desirable, ‘ No. 1: A‘ LOT OF GROUND, in .\rcnqu ville, containing one-half Acre, more or less, with a Two-Mari Brick mid Frame Dwelling HOUSE, imh I BnL-k -building, a good Burn, Smoke House, and all-€l3 out-buxldings.—'- There Is a fountain oflexegllenl wruer ”Er—(Tie duor, and an ”H‘hfll'll orchoice Iruil on the Inn No. 3.," A‘ LUT UF GKU’I'XD‘ in Arevdls \‘iHe. adjpining the above, with a. Tnnuturj’ (TARI’HX'I‘I‘ZR SHUP arm-ted then-on, \\ hich can convrnieully be coxiv‘erled into n awohing house. . ! ' " nQ-le Trntt of Lana first nlmve menti’qnm} can be divided, and'sold in 101: of four-m" five‘ acres, '1! «it-sirfid. 1 ‘ “ The_property h we“ ‘ orth the attbntiou of any person hishing’ tujsvznch use. WSnle lo commen e M. 10 o'nlock, A. .\l., when attendance WI” be given nnd termMuude kno“ nby Lu?“ P LOWI-lIR, j‘ . ‘ MU: IS IeEFEXSPERGI-TR, . Sfin. 14,16”. tg \ ‘ Aés‘igng‘f-s, Largé $11; F VALI'ABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. ~01: S \TI'RDAY, lho- 10 li‘duy Qf (N‘— TUIIER nrxt. the subsrrihorfi. . dminist‘rntors ut' the e By the Court—Juhn Eichultzjtilerk. WA! the s-xmc’time rind place, will be of. foretl the I'erconnl Property of Mid deceased: 1 FAMILY .\1.\111~2,l (lnu-ycnrlingCaltJ Cmvs nnd 3 head of Young Linnlv, l .Slleep, Four hmse Wag-nu, ('Mri um: and llnrnesr,y'[‘llre > 2n. 'm “' >l, ; ’ “" " . As] intend going to the West, I will sell on very rénsénu‘hle terms. JUUN SLYDEH. Sam. 7. 1863. if ~ 7. ‘ DR SALE—The subscriber, desirous {o F fnrm on a larger suale, o‘fl‘crs at. Imam 5-llL‘lliS S“ \LL FARM. i‘nntginihg Ah " 40 .\ CHES, and will dispose ofiil on very unsun able n‘rms. r: is pizmued 3.} miles suuth qf (:ell_\sl:llru. near the Emmiuburg road, sul jiuuing Ln'ndi of AlexaudL-H, Cu’rrons, Michael “lgshnqn. :x‘unl otheus. Tlie improvc— 5,323, moms are in good order. It i= admirably aim} czfiuulmed for n Nuraory. The Timber, "Mi Water and Fruil ureml in uhundnnce. ‘ JACOB BEAMER. 'Sfipt, 7, 1.8.63. 6t* : ’ I ‘2‘ ' .\ YID'LOCKHA RT'S ESTATE—Letters of D mlrininisvrA-liunon llmeénutco! Dundjmckfi lmrt, lane‘urSlrnhxm twpn .\dgms co.,du-mued,‘ Inning been granted to the, undersigned, re-l siding in the same luw‘nsl!ip,_lhey hereby give ‘nu'iu- to n” pqrsons imlebled to '3nid'cstntcl to nmfce immediate payment, and those' luu'm Jag chums nghipst the same to present. them ‘vcrlv nnthr‘ntirotrd tor settleuwnt. V 31 \mmnm‘ E. LUCKHART, Adm’x. ; llliMH' Tumlfir.\dmmisuum. a 7, 13153.» w 1, ' ,1 ‘ i V .' .ju-.. - ‘2“ .. Things from the CItY! reel-hing twig-v !\‘\\eck I'mm the rnrivly or uriioies suited t {he “nuxnity,\'ia,: FresllfitxtFSnlL widers nn-LShlen lihlhiny. Peanut-d, Orglngu, Lemons, as, Segnrs, will: many le—nll rt-(eired in the ‘lowestprnfils. Gne wt, nearly oppbsuc lIM Al T E l' rl 1y “'.lnls of [his FISH, ”mus, ‘ “HUN. Salt, App: Conferlinns, Tob: ollwr «rlivlos in H 1 bust onk-I" and soldx us a can; in Bullimox Fnhuustooks' store. ' . \\'.\XTl-Il).—lhntcr, . other country produce—x lugstrprive \iill be [mi-I. SWEET PUTATUES—hcst en" “\ng prfifits—nlwnys ,ou UYSTEHSi fipe and er-sh. '. _S 'RICKHUCSER & W. ‘ Gptt’Qhurg, Mu" 18,1863. .’{m ’SDAY', the Auditor’s Notice. . "E undersigned, Auditor appointed by the T Orphnn’l Court, 10' nmkp distribution of {he bulnu’ce _of funds in the hands of Hon. Dmid Jiegier, Ari inistrntor of [he estate of Wiilinm Wis-)lzkey deceasedno. and hmonz glu- creditors legulL entitled to the same, Igin-s notice that. he will ‘allend and discharge lhe duties» of his appoinylment, at his office. in Ihr: Borough o! Gettmirgwon TUESDAY, the 29m day or Sl-IPTEJBER, A. D. 1563,‘where ail panics intergelrd' mm nllend. _ .' ' \V. A. ,DUNCAN, Auditor. filsepi. 7, 1303. td . - rm}: TREASURY b 9. uulhorized mm to Oyontiuue my Agency for a fincf period, and until fnrtho; noticeJ dhull c'ontiuue to receive Subscriptions to the 5-20 LUAN’ AT, l‘.-U3. gt my officegml at the difl‘erem Sub-Agencies throufihout the Loyal §ules. - ‘.' JAY CHOKE, Sndvivrimton Agent, 414 South'Third Street, ”.115. .1111, 20,1863. tf -‘ A - OR SALE—The suburiber olfers for sale F 17 Acres of Timb'er-land, in Franklin towpabip. 3 mile! southwest of Cnshtown, on the ropd leading from John Norilz’a to Mun nbower‘l tavern. The'toz in well covared with Chunm and other timber. It will be sold in louhor mum, to suit‘pm‘chuers, nnd a! low price. Also, on hand find for tale g lot dt'dry Uhesnm Rgils and Luann Polls. - ' ~ PETER HENRY. , Aug. 17. 186;. 2m ‘ . » HE undersigned ofl‘en hit services to ‘ho public as 5 SALE CRYER, and asks a liberal ah-re 8f gncoumgement. He has bud ‘considrmbie experiente in the businegs. and feels cdnfideut’thngge will give entire util fnclion. Chm-gel m ile.‘ Hi. ruidence il in Freedom ,towmbip, 1} mill: west of Bmm'l )1111. ‘ ' REUBEN GOLDEN. arm. 14, 1863. “1* ~ . A - Gettysburg Marble Yard. , mus z 8R0... m EAST YORK STREET M Gutrtssuuu, PA.——Whera‘-thpy m prrpared to furnith all kinds of work in their line, much u MONL'SIHNTS, T 031138, HEAD STUNES, HANTLES, Inn, at. the shortest. tio lice, and as cheap as the chenpen. Ghé us a can. ’ ~ , Whoducn taken in exchange fpr work Gel!) sburg, June 2, 196?. u - ME URE BRANDY,WINE AND WHISKEY, {m moglicinnl purpose: 93133!“ the New Drug 839:1; 9t ‘ ‘ Dru}; HORNER. - A'DIES' DRESS Tnlwxgsi in gnu I'M ricl)’, n 5 " I‘, 1 SCHICK‘S. Granite Farm A Small Harm, Notice. Lard, nnd‘nll ich the highest lity, at low nd. Also; The Secretary Timberlland » O Yes!.o Yes! Demable Property. 4V”: SALE—Thqsnbscnben, Executor: or Willinm Golden, deceased, ofl’u for mic, Inn: DESIRABLEJIOKE, left by and deco dcnp, situate; in Gcmnny ,townnhip, Adams counly, wilhin light at Liltlestown, adjoining properties of Daniel Grouse. I-lphrnim Myer; ma James Renshnw. The Lot from; on‘qtlne }FOR 8 x ‘ mac 8 ‘ e, 'plensnnt town hr fromflonnngh \ lands of John 1 others,conminin 1 In fine state’of c l. ‘fe‘ncing—wizh due at ”mg Meadow. The in n TWQIStm-y STONE {1 11 Back building, a huge L Corn ih, Wagon Shqd. r 1 Hpuse, . ring House, with 1 éellent well of water and s ‘ th‘e fnrm. \Aho a good A‘ppl other ~frgxit.\\'l‘hc properly l 5 \ churchcu, “hind-houses, nuilh. &‘. Persons wishhvg to new the. p m roquost’ed to call hu the Irgldersigue thereon. ' ' \i ‘ , ..5 1 JOHN SUUKa Jne .’.-wt.“ , ; 1 1 Small Farm 3“ T‘PRIVAS‘E s:4l.E._'rho_ :lg’arrihor 0 Am“ at,.flri\‘nl3 hale lhe‘Jonowing YAL ('AHLE I;:2ommrv, snuueq in smbml hlWllShip, gidilms counly, Pm, on‘ the pxildic‘ rung] lending Iron! Gettysburg to Hnrfl'sburg‘l 4} miles North East of the forum: phi-86. A ‘ , The Farm contains-75 Acres and 32 Perches” nudxlhe improvements consist of p godfl sub stantial D\\'l-:LLING_IIOLKS‘E,mene ' ‘ Burn, Wash House, Wood Houée. .. ‘ Dry House, Cnrrifige Huusu, and fl = ; Cldcr Press, with olhrr nrressury ‘ outbuildings. t'wo well: of: good wuler i’n chm yard. There is an Oxclmnl of good f‘ruit‘ on th'e prmnisos. ,The prupgrty is we“ propor-’i tinned with menan and timber Wand. [I is‘ (umrcniont (9 Markov. Chum-hes. Srhooli. &c., ‘ making n very d’esi'mhh‘. The nuemiun of ;mr~ chusers is invited to it. Call upon or ndrlsuss the undersi;ned, residing thereon . 41 mm“. H. mnnxhv, ‘ Gettysburg; P. 0., AJngns co.. Pa. 1 a N 1 B.—'fh.e suhscriberuiso qfl‘crg‘ 160 Srrps‘ of hen soil l‘rniric Land, situnged n’cnr prong; I’u‘wrsheik county, Imm. ' ‘D. 1!.” FE; ‘ Aug._3l,luu3. fl , ‘ ~, 12 -' s ' , » Isaac K. Stauffqr,‘ A‘tCH MAKER AND JE\\'ELER,- ‘V msrucn'nan or ‘ ' SILVER WARE & “HUNTER 0F WATCHES, No. 148 North Secnm} SL. Corner Quarry, . 1 v Pumnsnmlu’, PA. . { Anguzi, 1863 He has conhamly mi handfin nssortinem of Gold and Sllcer Patent Levérflmpine and Main Watches; Fine QOlll toning, Seals nnd Keys, Breast Pins, Eur Rings, Finger Rinml, flruce. Ins, Shnialure (‘uses, , Medallions, Lockets, Pencils, Tlumlvlea, Spec‘tncles, lever Tnble, Desert, Tm, Salt and )lustngd Spoons; Sugar Spopns. (.‘ups. Napkin Rinzq‘ Pm“ and Bp'ner Knvii'es, Shieldsfiumhs. DuLmuud Pointed Pens, cum—all ul which will be sold law tor gush. .\l. I. mums .1; CQJS best quumy hilljew 6ch Puget)! Lu or .\Yovém‘cnls consmndy on Lnnd ; also oihcr Mnhrs of superior’qgmlil)‘. N, 8.-—old qud and Sflver bought tor'cash.' ’5cpt.7,1863. 1y , ‘ ‘4 Grain and Produce. AVING mk'en the lnrge nnd'com'fiodious I‘]: Warehouse receuxly occupied byl‘ruk Hersh, Esq., ‘ ' . " IN_ NEW OXFORD,‘ ‘ we are prepared to pay the highes't prices for all kinds ofPRODCCE. Alsu,svn3ulhe 10“, (Kt prices, LU\IBER, DUAL and GROCER'IES; of every description. _ \ ‘ '- .A', P. MYERS k WIERHAN. New Oxford, Aug.‘lo, 1863. cf ' ‘ Fresh Reinforcements. TREVGTHENIXG OUR PUSITIUN.—We S‘Me consmntly nddin; how supplies 5-0 our nlrendv large and fimhionahlg stock of H ITS, CAPS, BUUTS AX!) SHOES ' We have every style of Spring and Summer "its, whivh in qnhlily and price cannol'hii to" plmne. Boy's nnd .\len's Hula nnd Cursm! every descriptioufnud of {ht-luvs: Rules." 6n! ‘ :tmk of . .. . V ‘ BOOTS, . r . i SHOES, ' _ { GMTEBS, km, km, dren ('lu be accommodated with “P!- this lirie, as we me better prcpnred -.. fiu nnd greater bargains than even * want. tax-gains, good fitsl.ud ls. call at the sign'of the BIG ‘auburg street. " - H JOHN (CUL'P, llnL now u belore. fushionm BOOT, in A Mix: COB HAN. Furs 1 5 man STREET. be- June 9, 186 ,\' FA REIRA, Dehlrr in all F A'.\' C Y \dics‘ and 'eur. l vn iny 'nend‘a ' S“ r- er 01'. kinds FURS, . Children's» ”wish to rv thunk: to ur their very libern tronnke’ -exzcndcd me‘during the .lasl‘ years. and woyilld any to them that I now bare in slyre, of my own imporialion'nnd .\lndu‘fucture n very ex tensive nssorlmt‘nt 0! all the different kinds and qualities of Fancy Furs, for Ladies nmi i'hil drcn, tlnnnwill be worn durin the Full ’nud Winter nelsonl. ~ . » Being the direct Impotter of H my Fursi from Europe, and having them all Mimuf-ufiured under my on: Inpervieion—ennblcs he to éfl'er my customei-I and the public a» much hand somer Set of Farr l'.-r ghe .ncuue money.\l.ndiei plexus give me n all before purch’nahiy, PleuCremfimber the name. numbr! mid stun. ' ' JOHN “mm, ‘2 No. I(18 Arch St., Pliijtfielphia. ; Sept. 14, 1553. 5121' - ‘ - Notlce. v - AXE W. BORNEB'S ESTATE.—:—Lime. (I «Administration on the ell-ate ot’ Jr . W. Homer, late of Gettysburg, Adams V n-. :y, deceased, having haen granted 10-l‘hen . r ,aignegi, residing in lb: same place, he hqreby mé‘l’nmicc mtnll pemnl lndvbu'd to mid ankle to umke immedinwpnymcmuuml those having chin“ tgninst the lame to present 111er pro‘pcrl‘f authentic-ted tor‘lettlemeut. , WM. GUNS, Adm'r. 5ept.21.1863.‘ a} ' For Sale. § LARGE vovxc cow. 4 yurs 014,.“ um. Applyto unansuuwz. . Aug. 14.1883. a: , ’ New Goods ~ ‘ [s° °“ ”"q-"v “5% v ' ' - . ‘ me Court-house _m the Borough of Gettysburg, , A T FA'HNESTUCKS 'T—F‘hnnmflk Bron. lhon and therein) nuke a (air statement Ind‘ would {elpectfully mfom the“ “up“ certitiuuie of the number of votes. which film“ 1" “d the 'Puhl'c genemlly that. they have In“! hzué been given at we dim-rout districts in l_l“ received their Spring stock of Goods fiomxgw 1 ('onnlv of «\d‘ for York and Philadelphia. fini'ing huugm them :_ ‘l 2:3 as .‘.-”11535:” I?" for bush, we are prepared loptfer lhe Large-st . r ‘ andgprelticu Jack of DRESS” GOODS flex! 1’ .. _ .m" _ . _ 5" _. offered 40 the cxl‘zens of the coqnty undfib ,0 w‘ ”it“ 'v . umpmcnsx "Quiciin]esnndshorlfirofits"‘ “Q. .9 e. , ... ‘b- w being our motto. _ ‘ ,7 __ . . ' .~ v. ~ , " “ a} WC 'md examine a} tlhfxaign of the , f;‘3}s“férihElysflmgqfiyéfngigu fi , Big-6%. ‘ :{ED’E’LKUNIX ’ "WWW" and \vugvs'T-I‘J— 4.3 'tpyisi ; l 0: » I EBIY S, , ‘ he mEde gned, A uc'x :Qj‘fi’ I)"; “E ul} D' Fl en, 'p' {mo uu : . V 4 1- ._ iuu u : mm .Yo , up ‘1 N aunt-j, e 5 - ,signon D. / ‘S'l'.’ l» , 03. 1 ‘ ‘ : ‘ I , , _ . _u . ;< - . Proclamation . HEREAS, in and by the Act of £1191)“- S; cm! Assembly oi {his State, emf“ : “ Au net to regulate tlu General Elemiflni of lnna (fommonwcnhh," ennried on :tho Moi? July. 1839, it is enjoinedon me to gin Ifnb-‘ic 2 Notice of such gzlfl‘film m he held. and to 5 icnumernte in amh nolire what ofliun "9 ‘0 3 <1": clm-tod. i, >l.\.\ll'l-21. \\'Ul.F,3herilofl§n r County nr Adm”, do. therefore, hen-by' [in (his puhluc nulirc tn the Etc-clan of the MM \Cuumy (f 1 Allumfl, that a General I.7:de will .Iu- held in mud ('onMy. on the Second My ' qt‘th-rumr narr, (”.613th in-the several District! gonummnl of the fallen in: Townships, viz: ‘ In the Fin; diazrict, campoled or the Bar. ’ of (i eufiburgfutthe (Juun-hpuufin Gettylburg. i In mg brt‘ond district, composed of tho ‘ townshippf.Gunnanyflt thehouse oanthanlel - gEnmns. in the town of Unknown, in the townehip oXGermany. ' ‘ L I) the ThiXd district, composed of the (own ; shi‘o' Ultord'fi'he house of Anthony Shun: l brouzh, in Hue wn’of New Oxford. In the Fourth digit-int, composed of the town- ' «hips of [ultimo - nnj Huntington, it tho hr‘use or G. \V. dcbnnd, iu‘thn townhtp . of, Huntington. , , V In the Fim. Jis’triq compo-ed om» ton- ' shipah‘f Humlltunbnn n tiLibel'ty, It the PI!)- lic School-houn- in Mill nto'wn. , .- - In the Sixth Qirtrict, co posed of tho wwn- .~ . {llin‘nf Hn'inilton. at tho In use now occupied ' if Daniel Becker, in the to I of East Berlin. - In the Seventh district, mpoled of the ‘ tow'mhip of .\lcnuilen, in the übliu School housciu the townp'fßendL-rsvill ’ In the Eighth district, t-otnpose tin wvn- . ‘ shift of Strubnn, ut the house 1““; L. Grass, in llunterflpwn.r _ ~ . in the Ninth district, comgoled of e (own- ‘ ship .of‘l’mnklin, up the hougc now u npiml . hy Jvihn P.Bd“. in said township. - , In the Tenth district. composed of the wn. ‘ ship olitionmmgn, nt thé house ofJohn u- ~ lit-_\'. in .\lehorrystown. “ ‘ In the Blr-vrnth district, composed nf th‘ ‘1 ‘ tn“ n=hip of Tyrouo, M thu‘houso of Allen 0: Cunk,inlioidlt~l\~burg. ‘ ’, . ‘ In the Twelfth district, éomponed of the tnwnfihip of Monmjny, M the home of M". V._ ”muse, in sm’d township. , ~ . In Ihe‘ Thirtponth district, composed.“ the township of .\lnnntplcnsant, at tin: ~pnlflio crul Sprlllbb on Orchard, with mn'enicnt lo min-s mo residing 'HHO, unfilled .. An act relative to voting ite lcctions in Adnmn, Dnnplliul York, Lancuter, 1 Cumberland, Braflfo rd, Centre, Gracie, IN! E ,riL.”\iz;, , - . < _ . Eacnox L Dr it enacted byjhe Senate and llnuuc ol‘Re-prcsenlatives of‘ihe (‘ommonwedmn I qr Pennsylvania in General Assembly met and." is her by onncted by the authority .of “amino mefn shall be lawful for the qualified Valera of the bountica of Admins, Langnster,Dnuphin, York, ankiinflgumbeflnnu, Bmlford, Centre. ‘; Gretna, and Eric, from and after the plunge ‘ot this “1.10 \OlB for all mndidam for the \‘nriuu's difices to be filled at in} election on one slip orWicket:-.J'rovido.-vlr That the office for which every candidate is voted for, slmll be deaignnted, as required by the existing in!" of this Commonwealth; _ ' ,1 \ Ssqnox '2. That nay fraud committed by any person voting in the manner nbove prcicribed, ‘shnll be pnnighcd by'lhé cxistmg law: of thin ~ Cr‘monwuhh. k A toqt'ion is nlsq directed to the foflpwing J set-Linn of the Art or u.e General 413911!ny of . the session 0! 1851, entitled “An a Mo pafivido ”for the election—ofJudgesgif the leper-l Court: ' of lhiS Conimanv’veulth :" 1 ~ Ssc‘rms 4. ”The: the election‘for ludgel lb.“ he Mid and conducted in, then-wen] electiork districts in “be same manner in. 5H respects u elections for representativeeare'or shall‘be . ' held hm! 'conducted, and by the sgmo Judgel. Inspectors, and other'oflicers; end are provin iope of the egg. of the Ouch! Aucmlfly, um. tled “An Au relating lo‘the electlenl of lhii 4. Commonwealth.” Approved the second tlny‘ oi July, one lhéusqud eight hundred and thin;- nine, and the aeyeml supplemenunnnd 11l oth ler like hows. as I'm- ns llxceamc may be In force and applicable, shall be dcefned and taken ta npply to the _éler-lion for Judgq: Prqrided, a That. thr- uforesaid elect'fim: shall Vole {undo ‘ I go: of lhc Supreme Court. on I aepnrm pic” of paper, andfl'nr all other judges required to ’ be learned in the hm, onnnothur .rpnmte piece of paporr - ”I , Amnalq and hv rirhw of the H!!! lemon 6f the adv. nf’nremid‘ eu-ry pawn. exrcpting Ju'xslices of the Ponce, whi: aha!) hold any oflico or appointment at profiLor mu} under um Government of the United _Smnn,.ar of any“ City or incorpornted district,‘whether a. con miisioucd offircr or otherwise, a Inbord'unte nni' er ‘or agent, who in, or shall be em yed under the legiqL-uive, executive or judiciu de purlmcnt of this State, or ofthe United In, or at any city or incomnrnu-d district, ll< ‘h" mu of Cr» a a! thl Cl= EC] 3 I 1 :- 13 I -.‘l‘