The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, September 14, 1863, Image 4

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, _ - ‘ 4 'l',
_H 44:39:12.7; “.31.? _— . (fr.
«a; 94-;‘
. wr‘ w..-
fir; , ""4" :
“m UNIOV AH l'l" “His-THE CON
Dgflmtic Delegate Elections
h 3M~County Convention. .‘
Ar n mo'cung nl‘ tho Democratic (‘ommifieo
of Adams connlyfihcld n: the public bquse of
Chtrlc! Will, Esq. in Grnfgburg, on Sutur-
(13);, August 2311:, 1863, she following‘rcsoln
“6!: Val unanimously adopted: _J"
‘\ Hublvod,7That the Dumox-mtic \ioltcrs of
' Adhms county be and they are hereby rnqucsh
Pd to mom. u: their ununl plncelfif holding
[Delegate Elrclignl, an SATCRD n', the 12m
mu, 9" Bepombc: next, for m; purposge of
flnyoos‘mg Delegates to rcpruc’nl them in a
County Cnnvenlwu 10 be hold‘in Gettysburg,
on MUfiDAY Mlnwiuz. (5011.. Imm M, 10
. o'clock, A. 35.. In puminmen County katl,
andfimnsnct such other business as may be
deemed pecegsnky. Thv’ Dale-gut- Eh‘k‘fif)” m
agar: in. 3 and claw at 5 o'clu‘cL. l'. .\l, nu nu
, (he Hiatricu except Howshurg—in tho.- hatter
the elcclicn to be bold between 7 and 1), l'. M.
Every menu 0! the “6000 OLD CAUSE"
_—-alt'rl2lfl.lbc cunscflf the UNION and the
CONSTITCTIUX—is solicited to p.ulicipntc
in these meetings
‘ new: I3flINKERHUFI’, Chairman. x
Joann LILLY, Sacrelary. _
Aug. 31, um
J. The modemlc Republicans are culling lbosn
from 1h: rudii'uls, who have dverwlmlmcd ,
theirpahy mld,.ns Wendell Phillips says, sunk‘E
l: deepq than political plummet ever 'sonn‘d
pd, and we have no duubt will in the future notl
‘with flu ngocrntic [MI-Ly. They: see the
Imm} writing on (he wall which belokens (he
downfall of Almlitionlsm onthc ‘destr'ucl‘wn ol ‘
[our republican lnrm of government, and under
the circumutnncei they cannot but. choose the
side of their! country. Smator Shernmn, of
Ohia, in a sliéech mtule M, Dnyion recently, re
ynnrkrd L; J .
Y‘A grz'at «In! it; said About Hu- Presidvnl'n
pmnnripnlion lproclnnmtinnfi lily itlvn. of it i 4
11ml. lhii Wu! would lune been [Zrusvuutcd more
successfully if the Hrcsidenn bud nor. said any.
thing nhoqtglxmnegro.” .
.But the following Rom the Nrwburx; art
11mm], :1 Rvynb‘limn papal; is ”ill morn"sig~
pifiénn! : - , z '
- “SM’N/I-I-Ighflm Inf tht- pcnfilc. :11 of them
out of Now'ling‘lmlll, except snvh g“ hst
freihly omigrutvd-{mm here. rfid n fz-w roll
Itcpuhiicnn Harman": would favor ofn
restorMinn of Ich Unmn upon the old. basis,
fining nll quvsliuns ofloéal‘instll-ulions aside,
,nnd letting the punishment of the rebel lenders
who ptzu't} nhder NMionnl or-S‘mtc Inwxvns
they have_nlwn_\s 'i'xistcd. If. therefore, the
opposition shoull make llus the grand issue,
fihey wonld lurce the Republicnns to sayiyei
ur no to it. If they nssenlenl, the North rould
he]; unit. \fifll the exception of the Abolgfion-
ikls, “who mum not carry more than tam
Ethics for Limirjlworv of subjugation, extor
minmion, ruinnt‘mx a d dnmnntion. If, on the
other hand, 'lhe rndi‘qnls sbouhl got the nscvn
(loncy in the convchtinnf, nml say no lo the
prnp‘oaitiou for restoring the Union us it. was,
then thvy‘woum tall '.nto nleaaer minority than
did the \Wn’g party 0f185‘5.” ’
The Abolitionists “ho now rule the admin.
is/tration' with nhsolutc sway, have alrpady de~
cidcd tho question spoken of by Hue Ilrruhl,
{.nd ngninst the restoration of the Union as it
W 33. No conservative, therefore, can nclwlth
ujom firm-carter; and in order to be consistent
lhe Rupuhlicans can have nq gltermlivc in the
gaming confea! lky‘tojoin wit}: the Democracy
In totally ileum} 171 g the political power o{lhis
w of umdmefl—l’am'o! 3 Union,
‘ >—~-- —‘"l.» ~ - ——-
now nirzxnzns or Tm: corwnv ARE TREATED
.‘ - (m 1m: MHSISSH-m. ~
[Corroflgmdenc'e’bf _thc Chicago Ex\Jou§nnL]
By informaliunjustreceived from .‘ Ijor Gen
krnl ord, in cavunmntj of the .Thirte‘enth flrmy
‘rorps, 1 learn 111 M. there have ,‘noen en_ncled
sedge: on “It? stenm'fionts brihigirig furloughcd
uien from Vicksburg, ti’mt chijl the heart at. the
Paie recital
Asnn example, the steamer Hannibal, Cap»
“in Conway, loft Vicksburg on jhe 16m in-
Ftuut. Quancrmaster Lynfim—mny his muno
forever livéFin infnmy—packcd 1,200 men on
mxfi-d. w'ilh accommodations uhflt fur hogs.—
Gencrul Gmut, ha‘ing gone flown the river on
;.n visit. is not. responsible. The svcond any
glut, I’are} rim! from a sutfc‘z of filth. The
Founded, sick nudeo’rn unit. soldiers were,
[hinged ten cents per glass (und more it they!
ponld get it) fur ice water, (he i?! belonging to t/u'
gnnrrn‘m'm.‘ .' ‘ General ord, on the sccfmd d-Iy Y
am, could not, stand’ the pressure, {and left.—
mm“ are-[hinge over \\ bi‘ch corps commafiders:
have.“ cofxtrol, the .lranspormtion mzlsters'
regeivinglhoir orders from_\\'Rshington. This.
Quirpgeous lrcatmcn‘t of out soldiers, by heart—s
iejl livtr shfiks and imcompetcnt quartor.’
puma-s, deserves the immuqme actsmiou of
the authorities. » . ‘_
w“ Hold that this Govrmrnm! was mathon
the wan-nuns, by min: max, far (In: Immfil of
Willfi‘lli, and their rosnmjn [dwarf—S. A.
Notice of Inquest.
OTICE is hereby given to all the heirs and,
, leg’al represenmtircs ofAmul Musing")
late of Monntplensanb township, Adxlmsrcounly”
deceased, viz: Jacob Marshall, John .\lnrslmll,l
Peter Marshall, brothers, mid Mary Marshall, 5‘
piste: of decensed.—thut an INQUEST will he'
lleld on THURSDAY,th mu day of SEPTEM-l
{31:18 next, at we lné residence or's’ald decenagf
p&,.in the real esmle of said decedent, viz: * ‘
Ho. 1. The “union Tmct, situate in said ,
fiwjflfig containing le Acres, more or. less.
iufioining lands of Geo. Lawrence, Samuel
. fieisclmu, Samuel Wall, and others.
. A, No. 11. ,A Tract of Land, in the same low-n.
ship, containing 5 Acres, more or less, mljom
«ing lands ofSamuel Sllnrh, and otlxers
. ‘fn make partixion of the premises 'aforesaid
Mend ympngsr the representatives of mud de
madam, in such nmnuer and in inch proportions
u by me liwn offal}: Egnmomrenllh ii flzrem—
’pd, if such parlition c , be made without pre
judice to or‘ smiling the wholed but if snrh
‘Putition cannot be made lhereof, then to value
pndgpprdise the same. .
$3 ‘3 555 mm, wow, sumac.
.1 Sham": omce, Gettysburg, ‘1
Aug. 24, 1863. a }
SALE.—Tbe subscriber ofi‘ers for s !c
“(1 Am. of Timber-land, in Frungn
"camp, 3 miles south—west of Cashtmvu. on
gem luglpg from John Horitp's lo Mum
mm“: mm. The 10H: well ,vered with
_Aghunm sud mher timbex. It. ‘ol?be sold in
'in”; o; _egnire, to suit purchasers, and at. Img
4,352.» ‘ PETER 315.51 RY. _
.-:Am:41.1863- an; '* ‘
.- UGUIBE'R PICKLES, range lo: just re
pgiygd Egon} pba city. in prime order, at
1.73? Mr fr PICKING‘S Sprin and
Jfiuwww Drwhms- (3913:: on: m .51
ml; “535:; beautiful assortment in.
k , . Mculumy's.
,nhnnany, 9 “Mafia
95. x; A: .39 9182's 512 4.33.1»an
D. Mcponaugby, *‘
moan-23' AT LAW, (ome our: d‘oor wen
A o! Huehicr's drug and book storH,Chnm
berabu'g street.) Anuasn‘ Ax» Sumatran rO3
Pun-'l5 um Puamrs. Bounty Land War
rantn, Buck-puy suspended Claims, and I“
qthef claims aguinu the Government athah
ihgmnfD. 0.; MsuAmcricunGlnima in England.
band \Vnrranulocntcd and sold,or boughtmnd
huhogtprircs given. Agenti engaged in to.
cnling' warrants in lowa, Hlinuis flurrolher
western States ”Amity to him pérsgmlly
or by leupr. .
Ge‘lysburg, Nov. 21, '53. g ' _
Edward B. Buehlei‘,
TTORNEY AT LAW, will faithfully and
A promptly and to All hubineu entrusted
to him. He (thanks the (berwflnlungunge.—
Ollie: M thr- mtmelplncl‘, in South Haltim‘nre
agree}. near Forney's drug: store, and nenrly
sumo-file Damnpr a Zirglcr'a store. 7
Gettysburg, .\lzm-h 30L K ,
Wm.‘ A. Duncgm
TTHRNHY AT [AWE—Office in the Nonfi
is west corner 01 Centr Squ.xre,(}ettylhurg.
n. ‘ [O9l. 3,1859. 1f
‘ r \
J. C. Neely, '
TTORSFIY AT -I.Am._9ar¢iéumr atten—
A tion pair} 1:. rulleuuiu‘n of l’on-‘nuq,
Timmy, mu! Buck-pit}. Office in the $.13.
cumv r 1 (If the Iliuuund.’ i ~
Gcl'phurg, .‘.pril 6, 1863. tf‘
A. J. Cover,
TTORVEY AT LAWJVLH promptly nttnnd
AlO (Milt-r 901“ nml ull oLher bmineu nn
tn'h'nd m ln'n. 011 w.) ht’twccn Fuh‘uo-‘zncks‘
and lufinn 5: Zieglcr‘s Sturesflhxltinyoré street
Gettysburg, I’4. '1 , [Sept. 55, 1559.
J. Lawrence Hill, M. D.‘
AS his office one 4
» dom- w_e.—:L orllre ‘3
Lutheran chum-h in u A , ,
Chambersiurg alrt-ehnnd opposite Picking?!
Itoro, wh we thaw wislr‘mg to have (my Dental
Upcm- inn pe'l'oxmed are respectfully invited to
Nu Barnum-n 4. Um. Harm-r, ‘RM‘. C.) l’.
Kr. nth. D. l) . He". H. L. Bn‘ {Mini}. DJ, Rev.
quf. .\l. Jncuh‘, .'rw. M. Lgtan'cr. ‘
h ('llyaburg, All!” 11, ’53. ' t
The ,stm-k consider in pnrt of Fancy and‘
Stnple DRY GUUDS, of Mary desr-ripuon.. ‘
SILKS. .. ...
, - DELMNER, -
of «‘1 qualities and “choicest stylcs, which “’l“
. .- mersmxn nouns ~ ' |
of n“ kin‘h, incinding Silk. Linen and Com»: ,
‘lhnni'.;r-rdbief=, Glm‘os’, Sim kings, rs" . \
”rs. Cress &Taylor, ' ..USO vn. Splendid nssorlmom of: “UNIONS,"
(‘L‘uU’l‘ l 0 i'“ Yg l (:1 \ \' q —Thr‘ ahm‘r ' have: and lhlzing}. ['lnhrvlh: nnd‘l'nr'rsols
{ ' . _ _' ’ ‘ _‘. ‘v ' _ My slnvk uf WHITE HHUDS \\'i}'. he found 31“
J nunud gonllumn. hum; Ha'uHJJlel I "l l _ v. 1’
inwfl-PLVP‘ in the prm‘li‘t'? m Modivine ““1 nm‘ P‘o‘mp'l‘tc, at.“ inrlomorfl Inn {0" upfmY
Surya-Ky, um I: their (”urn-Norm] which: to ’{t‘yl‘tmftr‘iffla'hug 50ml gum}: “’1 ”"3 lm‘c“ P 0551“
‘--",-- ul‘v-z-I.;rn.u\'i"'. .v- ' " . .4 7.
Eli-fs.:ill::{'l.::flcr<l'|rut-13:1‘uqu:1{;<llll':llllllni‘he {VHS-A {lengcmen xynllkfin’d Him that advantage {0
Army. mnl r\t4-n.—i\'e 1w pizza firmingc. they ca I,3:U(.lll‘flglne_m3 “03"“: ‘ 1 1'
I‘r~.~pn-.«-Huliysn'ivifiuur pntrxj‘u 29'7“ “Pinkeye" ‘ ’G \QSHH“! "‘S‘ Y ‘ '
:nmni I 0 (hand: or Sult-(L fivnuo we schrtl _ fl ‘ M I ‘a“ “3}?“va
the best. snlwzt‘ and mod. n-HJhle rommiic-s th ‘ H.” nd o] b 4:1 1'11: ‘" ' ,
from a!) olhvr r’t‘t'lnl‘iJll nwdtml schools, 0 ‘ 9‘l? ‘ i .I,‘ u: 0‘ j’l‘ ‘qmnp .. '
which have Dev-n locpznmgnded {mm the L'\'.-I _ ‘ firi‘t’i‘“:k_~_‘~____:; ’ I" _|
nonencc and sum-tinned hy pnwth-c of the' A . —' .
allhlest. Ilczmnxu l'l'A‘l‘ll‘l‘thl-Eni, nn‘lrliismud.‘ 1i Sqmethlng flew" ;
lhmc rmre, inyu'iuuq, such 45 ijntimony, THE‘EW‘QW'KBTr"5l)§“‘lf'll: “.3119
‘nrsonie, nr-rvurr, hhlrypillL Wlo9i! letting, St. : ' . 1." >l“r‘”'m“ "f 5 ."f>"‘-""féfibw
‘Oflise in 15n1§i1110m strccthin ”ne’one loum'rl)’ ofhelushurqnml \m'lln'k‘\rxlmt . ‘5... ‘_ ' ‘
m-cuwvll hr Dr. Dorscv, one door south ofthe hf“ “Ii “mm"! 21 “’. ‘ H H, “‘\l)_ J" " LU.) I
u Compélm- H mm”. :3. )lfiwrfl fumlies ‘xLLtgn’d- Slullh. In the rt>nvrnxnnrnxjrh|lL-I_\' Inthen'enr of}
ed “Te 0‘ charge during their absence ‘ l girl.» ”It“ Xthrihll‘): gush?“ktflinlignirollhn'l‘lg o‘xhtn!
‘ ):.,._ .< _ ‘_l . _ :L‘i V"' ' 5 '~‘ [2 .RF‘-
‘J’lfi;j‘;§:‘:;;;.“’ «UK ”I ““03 ‘lmL-m of \‘v'-.\/l’(‘HES,.H".'\\'(’.H‘.\', sum-:9. and
'_ _, ,’ ‘ .w- __-__-A__-_..____... sum-ma ,I’LATED WARE, SIeUT.u;LI-:s,
‘CLUC‘KSJ ERR, \KC‘. ‘ ', .
1' Having been ('or‘nN‘lt-d with a first—chss
‘“:ut<-h :Ide Jewelry Store in Baltimore, for'
s‘cu-ml years "pint. her «Inlepxglmlfl‘o !nrni'=h;
,every nrtiule in my Bud, M .\hr- lom-st mtyl
1 priws, nnd‘nil purchases will be guarantied‘ us"
rkprosemed.‘ f " i
I From Allan}: expr‘rionc'e in Watch-repairing,‘
‘ CSlN'Li.l”'\"of“ll9‘“vlflchl‘h*llL‘i‘ilfl‘ptlrt‘ll tn do
:1” kinds oH\'-.}lch-work prumplly, in the heat.
‘ Winner: and guaranty the perflnnnmcqofit. ‘
I “(will kt-L-n alnays on [him] a large Ifssurt
ncmoflsPEgTACLHs.andspoc. , 6
hole GhTsi'ni', nnJ hwing mugh‘w;
"cxpcrivnrc in adupfin} them to the sight, ial
‘propnriui'm'fit nll who needlthem. J
HAIR JEWELRY made to htdcr in the host
,style. nnd a grunt variety ofpulterna nn hnnd'
‘ JEWELRY repaircdfin (ht-nomad mnnner. J
Gettysburg. 13123.23, 1861. If . L, - . I
." Removal
R. O‘NE.U..'IMs removed his omynjrnm
D \\‘|l|s" budding to the carn‘ér nl‘ Bulli
mnre and High sin-eta, nppmile tho Prvslw—
to: inn (Slum h. “vainly-nee adjoining the ofliqe.
.kpril 6, ”01}. {I 1
Adams ; County
" Incorporated .\lurcll 13,1351. - ’ N
cruel-ma, '
I’rm'tlml—Gcorgc Swope.
I'm I'runlenl—S. 11. Russell
Sl-rruury—l). A. Buchlcr. n .L.
Trcuxurrr—«lhvivl .\l'Crcnry.
Era-mire Cumuu/Ir‘t—Rubel t .\XcCurdy, Juéa‘b
King, Andrew ”L‘iDLil‘]l)!)ln- ‘
' Jluuiqrrx~ficorze Spore. D. A. Buelller. R.
_\l‘undy, Jacob King, .-\'. Heintinhngn, D. MP-
Creary, S. 1!». “MN“, J. R. right], Sumncl
Dur‘umw, E. GA FAMpPMflCk. Wm. B. Wilson,
11. .\. l’wking.‘ Wm. B. McClellan, John Wol
[hr-l, R. G, .\lt'flreytry,Jnthl’l'cking, AbolT.
flight, John Cunningham, Abdiel F. Gilt,
on H. Marsh 11]. M. Eiclmlhorger.
Biff-This Company is limited in‘Lits openl
lions [Ollie cgulxt? of Adams. -It has llchtii'l
successful over-luau for more than six yours,
and in that period lins‘pnid all losses nucl’cx'-
pcuscs,rcllhm:_t any asuuniénr, having nlso Marge
surplus capital in the Treasury. The ,Conf-
Pl‘nf employs no Agents—all business‘bcing
dnne by H o Alhumgcrs, whonre {lnnbnlly elect
ed by the gtnck‘mldvra. Any person desiring
nn,lusllrunc_C can apply to any 11(1qu nhose
nxuneilnflanmzers [or further informntmn.
neg-I‘ll? Ewcntive (lommmeo men's at the
offi'rc of the (‘ompnnv on thc‘lxlat,\Vedncsdny
in l-n-ry mouth, at. 2, 11.1“. x 1\
Se’ln. 2:, 1353. _
A. Mathiot 8: Sou’ér
S 25 and ‘l7 N. 6.13: street, Buitimoze, (tic—.l:
Fit-mite sh) («tending [mm Gay to J’rmlcrivigl
st ——llic largest establishment o! tii‘e kind inllie'
Union. Always on hand n 1:"ch assortment of,
Imusmmw .\xn HPHUE FImXITL'RFT, emi-i
bracing ”uremic, Bedstcads, anshsqandé, Wau‘d— '
ruhe=, Mnlxresses of Husk,“ Cotton and Hair—f
Spring: Hedi, Sofas, Tetme-Tetcs, Afm Chairs, -’
flocking? i‘ilflirfi; Etugeres, Marblq Tables, Set- -
lees, RN‘f‘plioll nnd Upholster'pd Chairs, 180
i 10“ Chmrs. Office Chairs, Barber Chg s,
Cribs and CrmllcsLUMAßm-ks, "all Flfl'nlllé’c,
Gilt gum Walnut Frame Looking (muses, Side-f
boards, Extmfiion Tnbics, of every length. ' '9
Persons iii-“pond to purchase are invited mi
(1:111 uu'i givé our stock an éxamipntiou, which ‘
for variety and quality of workmanship is not;
equilléd by any establishment in the :‘nuutrj.i
, ‘ ‘ ‘Nos. 25 and 27 N. Guyslreet.
Al 3. 6 180.9. _ , _ i
Somathing Néw
IN GETTYSBITRG.—-Thc undersigned informs
the citizens of the town and county, flml, he
has commended 111 a BAKING business, on a
large scale, in York street, Gemsburg, nearly
opposite Wattles’s Hotel, where he will try to
deserve, and lio‘pes to'nepcive, & liberal patron
PRETZELS, Bm, Mn, bnked every day. (_Sun
days cxcebteil.) all of the best quality, and solrl
m. the lowest living profits. Cracker-linking in
all its branches is largely carried on, and ordéts
to any amount, l'g-om this and adjoining coun,
ties. supplied at. the slim-(6's: notice. Having
erected a large and commodious bake-houaqnnd
secured the best workmnqrand the moat. ap
provsd machinery, lge is prepared to dg a
heavy business. ' - ' ,
July 25,1859. ‘ , _, _
Coal! Coal! Coal.
HEADS k BUEHLER are now 'propnred to
S supply COAL; of superior qunlily, in any
quantily desired. Terms, Cnsh._ ,
Cone One! Come All! ' ‘
Whey a'm request those indebted to
them to on" and pay up, as fangs are much
nreded. Who will be the first. to can 7 Ufice
‘open from 7 10 7. ‘ Pi
Feb. 24, 13:32. - '
John W. Tipton, v
ner of the Dilmond, (next‘ door to Mc—
lellan's Hotel.) Gettysburg. Pm, where he
gun at all times be found ready to Itt’eudsto :1)
business in his line. He hos also exdellem as
sistance lnd‘ will ensure- satisfaction., Give
him a call. [mm-3, 1860.,
fiSunns & Bcnnnn’a Store align wor
thy uvi iijust at thia‘time: We donifi Whether.
even igo'hr‘ largest cities, so fine I display of
Stove cam-{)9 found. Thai: large mom is
{an of Spawn of every pattern; also. every va
:ler of'flollow Ware, Sheet-iron Ware, Tin
)Vare, Punished Ware, Janan Wnre—embracf
mg, indeed,every}hmg in the house furnishing
line. i 230, Snusnge Cntters,S.ms_age Stufi'ers,‘
Lard Brenna, an, to. They are prepar'ed to
sell wholesnle and retail, Tip Ware and Sheet:
iron Wan-e of their own mnnufuct‘ure-keeping
a sufficien. number of hands to mappiy any '33.
mand.; Tyir nssnrtmeuy of Lung“: is yet»,
pry: galsp Cm] ou-vvryjkm'i. - ' ’
hr. Robert Homer’s
VINE mung: mm; m) g
L . I'lli-JSI‘IUPTIUN squint,
cmuasnsncm snug-r, Gun-yawn?)
Having relirvd from the m-tive prurlice of
my prmessiug, 1 take pleumre in nunouncing
to the Citizens of (Fetusburg and viduity,tbnl
I have opened a
in the room formelly occupied by Dru. R. k C.
liounn,.nl nn oflicc’,‘ “here 1 will count-ml]
keep on hand 1 large supply oh.“ kinds of
DRY PAlNyg, and
PAINTS ground inVOil,
OILS, Qlpl‘PiHOd and distilled,
. g . STATKUNERYnfallkinda;
inks, Feanrncil-I. Paper. 01ml)“, Brushes. kc.
All the prulnr Patent .\lwliriucs. together
with n svlerliup of pure- \‘l’lNl‘ZS, BRAXIIII'ZS
nnd WHISKEYxtor medicinal plupoy-q only,
Nwaya on hum}. In a word, mysmck rmhracgs
everything us mlly found in a first-class store
of [his descriyilpu. ,
A _lnrge supply of fresh Drugs has bean re
ceived. find other! fire'nrriving, which'l am of
fering lo the public on very» necommodntipg
terms. My Medicines have nil been purr-hnsed
Under my [farsonnl inspection, and supervisiqn
frbm the most reliable huu<(-1. l‘t‘nn theraure
not. only recomgutnd them up ppm and l'rcsh,
but can sell them Cheap. " ‘ ,
the tren‘lmenl of all chronic direnscs.
tag-ADNCE GliATlS.‘@a
Mny 12. mm. M ‘ . L-
The Old and Ifchable.
EW SI’RING “0003. n‘f ”.3
SMALL PROFITS 5: (firm syncs,—
‘ J. L..S(lHl(’fl(l ‘
would rgpectfnlly say» to the citizens of Get.-~
ly-thnynfld vicinity. that he is now rimming
M his shirt: u splendid - i
STOCK m“ svmm (mops.
The Grocery Store
N THE llll: h—T 19,;nmlcrsigno'l would
respectfully inform the cilizons oLGctt) s
lmrg and vicinily. tlnn. he has my”, ”the nlul
stand “on the Hill." in ltmilnnr'c sch-ct, (ht
tyshurg, where he intenuhm kt-t'p ronstnnlly
((3,: hand all kinds of GROoElllliS~Sn;:\rs,
i fl'ees, bigl‘fnps Qf all kinds, Tulmut'u. Fish,
gall, kc , Earthenware of nll kinda Emits.
Oils, mil in fact. Wong-thing usually found in :1
Grocery. Also. FLOUR 5: FEED nl nlh’klmls;
all of g lll(‘ll he intends to sell lbw na tlie low:
est. Cunnlryfprbduce’ mken'in exc‘l‘nngn for
goods and tlne' highest price given. 119 Hum-s
himself that, liy strict attention and an honest
Engine to pleaxe, In merit a share or public pn
tlonn‘go. TRY um. ' J. M. nowr
Fcb. 23, 136.1: tf
1863. Spring Styles
0p nus AS’i) CAPS
v _, R: F. McILHENY,
at his old stand, S. \l‘. cor. ()cntre Sqnnre,hns
just apeped A'splendid nunrtment of -
of the latest s'j-lns, 11‘. very low prices. Per
sons in “'nnt of :1 good Reasonable snd fashion
nblc HM orEapmie requested logive him} :1 call.
mmprising .‘ll‘cn'fi fine Cull Bonls, Men‘s Ral
mornls, Men‘s “‘eliin‘gmn Ties, (‘Qngr‘esi Gui
terw, Brogans; Ludioanoroccn Balmuml Boots,
Gmitrrs.‘ fine kid Sl'l'ppcl'ls. Misses’ and ()hil-,
drcn‘s‘Slmes anlediters, of Mary variety and J 0
Mutual! of “llll'h will be sold As cheup as the i
cheapest. Let nll‘who wish to supply mom. knee:
selves with good and substantial work call and MP”?
examine our stack. 'R. F. .\IuILHENY. ‘tice,
Apri113,1563r ‘V . ikimh.
' Every
tion I
i; . Cannon &‘Adalr’s
[\fEW MARBLE WORKS, Corner of Balli
§i more a dNEnst .\liddle struts, opposite
'the Court gouge. Gettysburg, Pal—We arg
(prepared to‘fnrnish Monuments, Tombs. Hend
(stones, Marble Mantles. Slabs‘ tor Cnhine‘l
”bakers, and all other workwppertnining to our
‘ggusilxess. We will gunrsnte‘e sglisltnction both
La's tch‘execution and price; ‘Cnll and see out
designs and specimens dl‘ worlt.
I, ,Fcb. 2,9863.’ 1:
J" - *_._;__
Thisreat stoovery ‘
F Tx'lfi‘ AGET‘lflnmmm/ory ‘d Chronic
O Rheumtisgwnu‘he cured by using H. L.
TURE. Many prominept citizens of this, and
the adjoining counting), hue testified to its
great uquty. ”Its succus in Rheumatic affec
tions, has been hitherto unparallele’d by any
specific, introduced to 41:: public. Price 50
cents per bottle‘. For sale by ill druggists and
Itoreke’epers. f Prepared only by'“. L. MILLER,
Wholesale nag Rem.“ ‘Druggist, Ens). Berlin,
Adams county. Pen, dealpr in Drugsnfiemicnls,
Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot
tled” Oils, Essence: and Tincturesy Window
(“3333, l’erfumery, Patent Medicines, tc., he.
385 A. Deßuehler is the Agent in Gettys
burg for “ H. L. Miller’l Celebrated Rheumatic
Mixture," [June 3, 1861. if
_ .Cluldren’s Clothmg,
' BEAUTIFUL ARTICLE, xHhe store of
A GEO. ANROLD. leiea will please cal}
ind see them. ‘ - [April 27, 1863. :r
. purse and Sumnior'Clothing just i-mma
u ’ f _ PICKING'S.
0 to Dr. R. HORNER'S Drug Store Mad get.
PRING BAIJSIORALSjust received at
v- FAHNESTOCK 8808'.
B have just received I new. usortmem
.- of Queenawlgro, to wbh-h we invite the.
naentiou of buyars, A. SCOTT & SON.
PURE GROUND SPICES, (elected and
ground expressly for OLJKOBERT 1101‘.-
NER'S New Dry; Store. V -
HKAmericfln 331 cm Cofl’ea and Bormn
{ow sale “Dr, B. HWER'S Drug Eton
L. scmcx has just mama . lei of
J. cheap Looking Ginsu. w .
T New Taller-mg '
fl . FASHILJNAILLE “unit, 3
npopta this method of infvnuing his friends and
the public gonemlly. Hm: h» lm's opened fa.
T‘piloring establishment in lh-lmnore street,
Gettysburg. (lane l‘osl Ufhce.) flcnr the bit
mond, where he is prcpured to do all work in
11‘s line in the best manner, and tn’the sntii
falcfion of customiaé. He employs. none my
{inst clan hands, tnd reét-ividz ‘ ' ,
' can infant fashionable ms nud‘ n9l“ 82d
blunt“! sewipg. He asks a Share of t e
blic’l patronage, promising to spare no cr
tto‘dcaerve it. His charges \fill always lie
mg as moderate as {be limo-s will allow. ~
lUutling and Ilepnifihg done at the sh‘ortcit
2- ice. [(ietlyabnrg, April 7, 18 g”. 3
T__"-”_‘ -~ A~v_ ~~-~-~‘~-—#———+
RemovaL-«Tm Ware. .‘
HP} undernigned Ins removed his Tinnin
caulnlishmcnh nenrgr (ht; Diamond, LE
ambnslmrz street, ndju'ming A. D.Bueh‘-,-
’1: Drug Store—m \‘ory cenlnfi lm-mionz H’e
- tinuesm gmnnfncfure‘ and keeps constant;
on hand, 9 cry variety of x E
‘TI-N-WARI'}. . - ‘
- - szsssn' AND ‘
d will always be renay to do REPAIRING:
| ~ mmnxu I|qu spourma I.
o done in the bust. mhnncr.. Priqcs mullet-i.»
;, and an effort spam] to render full sntisfl
tion. The publicfls continued pntrohage ii:
licitvd. . ‘A. l’. hAUGmm. i‘
,ienyzhurg, April 7y 1802. ._ ii
>—._.‘_., .._ ——.’—— V"__.____~£
Eureka, Eureka ! , gi
1m: u EXCELSIUR: WASHER x" is ach
L knowimigen‘ry ali'whp «e'- n, to be and]
m romplele, and \\ ithmfl Mx-opvinn, ihqmosn’]
:x‘ccv. imbor-Snnnp Wmhing .\inchine‘m‘em
fore invented. It»; ‘supcriurity over all olha'i
l» consists in the strnp‘ihigy and durabiiiu':l
its construrtiun. the rhpidizy and compiotel‘i.
is of its workunll the ulmoiL xnrmdi'iie erase;
h which i! is mnnuiged. Anciuhl of ten!
rs, possessinu oriiiumiy jnlfgment, cxm ienm‘
work It in live minulufi‘tune, nml mnnnge it.
well was in grown porsqn, except for wry.
ry good:, in a word this is the [Lint-hind
t is destined to mice the pince of every «Wei-i 4
v, in use. Persons intunding to get a mn-E,’
m: will find. it. kreutiy In Llwir mh‘unn‘
gto examine this one lu-io’rcyurcimsing. i'
‘hc undersigned hm‘e‘ purchnsethn Patent
ht for Axinn-s (‘ounty (um-Ming on'e town-V
up) and are making exmnsive preparations
' their manufacture: Exery mnchine will be:
it in Kilt' Lest nmnncr mu! warranted. ’l‘rive!
00'. In count-Minn with this {uni-limp there:
Patent Wrinin-r, which pmfun‘ns this ilk"
ions p-w‘. of‘wnshinu with the menus! case!
it much helgcr limud’t ("m be time by hnnd.
'3’ mny kc ntlncileq m n ('mmnnn‘ “Thhil
), and nre sol-’1 with the nmciiirc «r 591..“
lely us (11-sired. samples or much "my be:
H n: mu Gallery, in Ena'tj'ork Strécr, uppo-j
the Unuk, Cathy-mg. i‘a. ‘ '1
be I
of A
Lancaster Book Bindery.,
I-luguuc \{MN'LJ - ‘ -
. 1: 0:0 I" I? IN I) I' R‘
AM) liLxM: amyuc‘ .\IAVI'PH‘TI'DPR, .
* I:.\V('»\S'l'|‘ll{, _l’.\.
’lain un'l nrjnmmml (hflfng. of Pw-ry do
plii)11,(-v-(Ined m the Imm. suhslnnliul um]
rowdxstyles. » ‘ '
I . B-rmi’n, 15:11., I“.lrnu-r~ Bank of Lnnmfiter
IL. l’u'xpcr, UM} . Lnncmter Huunly Baluk
llu-l .\"hnrk. Esq , (Tulunghiu Bunk.
qucl “'ugm-r, liq.“ Ymk B'nnk.‘
Hum “'.uncr. lisp. York Capnly Bunk. .‘
). Parson, Em" Bunk ochft) aburg.
er .\hrlin. limp, l’ro'th'y oannhnu-r co., P—a
I. C. quvlhnrn, I’,qu Hugiflcr “ l “
t \Vllilmn. Buy, llet’mdcr “ , “
lg>lills,lmil.‘£ ‘ '
ew Goods !---Large Stoqk!
' - JAL‘UHS k mun, ,
e jnzt rocvivodfmm Hm rim-s :1 large stock
oath for Gunfiglqeu's wear, cmbmying 1
my of , ‘ ‘v .
CLUTI]S,; . ‘ ' ‘-
' ‘ ~ ‘ X'ES'TIXGF, .
inch, Jeans, km, “i\lll rimny ulher goods:
pring and summor‘w ‘nr. ‘ (
my are propnrvd to make up garments at;
hurled novice, and in Hue \'l~r.\' Ine=t mun-~
Thc Fashion: are rognl‘lrly rmc'rv I], am?
ling made in an} dt-Eirwl style. Tfit‘y a’l
make neat fits, whilst theirfiewing is sun:‘ml. ‘ - ,
my 113 k n continuance of tllqpuhlic's pmg
age, resoh'efl by good “"m‘L u'nd modem“:
gcs to our”) 1:. ‘
Ilyshurg, .\uril 7, 1863. '3'”-
1 Howard ASSOCIRthD,‘
“LAIHILI’HLL—Fur flu“x Relief of thé,
P Sit}; and lhslrwsud. “mun-A with Vim-f
lent and (‘hmnir l)i~‘o;1<e<, uml especially for
fine, ‘uro u! Disc-mo; oftlu: Sexual Organs: 51‘
.\l EDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Act;
hxrgmn. ' ‘ ' ?
ALI'AULE REPORTS on Spormntorrh i
whim!) )Yp:xknos<, Hm) mher hizonsm‘gf
w‘yxmfl (imam, {fr—lv) on the NEW RENE-f
iemyfloyml in the lli-‘pewnr’v. gent to the‘
ted in sealed lenvr pm‘clan, free 81"
:e. Two or three Stumps for postugé Mlll
jrcptahle. ‘: ‘
dress, Dr. J. SKILLLV' norcnmx, 2m;-
iutgenn;‘}lmvard Asmci‘uion, KO. 2 South}
.' ereet. Phflqdelphjn,'l a. ,
‘e16,1862. 1y 1" i
the }
nflli ‘
he a
. ‘
Plano Tumng. ; ‘ ‘
0F: BOWER, ofviriltleutown, a Pratcliml‘
‘inno Tuner, info ms his friend») mml the
A 1 public if) ‘geucml, that he gives his
‘ not otherwise occupied. f 0 Tubing and
ring Pianos, :1: moderate prices. ”0
<0: entire finfishv'hnn, or no (my. Orderé
ml at. [his ofl‘nce. [:sothch LB6l. ‘r
mus: 1
Coopemng.- ‘
‘1 N CHRIS’MER in l‘nrrylng on thGCoperl
g businesq, in all its lmmchec, in York
.Geuyshuyg. FLOURJXARIKELS, in ml;
yd qlmnlitfi. mud? to qrdrr. a! «non Im
md M lo“; profits. REPAIRING. of all
‘ Intended Em, promptly and clzéaply.'—
'efl'ort will be madei to render summe—
r customérs. . . ‘ f
. 29, 1862. 6m I :
l Queensware. I
-u want. anylhinz in the QUEENSWARE
8 call at. A. SCOTT & SUN‘Q, when: ybil
d the best assortment in town. ,
111 24,186 . ‘ _ - j
will 6
H:y Wantfid! £
. undersigned wishes buy 500 ionsl of
mod HAY. The highest market price
cash for prime flimotby Hay, delivered
packing establishment in GcttysburxL—.
pplicmions desired. " '
W“. E. BITTLE. ‘
pqnd i
M. his
1 20. 1863. 6m*
Come; One and All!
subscriber, having re-opened~ his sn
ion in‘ the Nozth-eut cnruerofthe ”ll
,Hiu'ites the ltlemion of‘his friends and
blic generally; to his excellent ALE;
E, TOR ACGO, SEGAHS‘&C. He Inop'es,
ct attention to business ,und a desire‘ to
1 :0 receive a liberal share 0! custom.f
t'p-sbnrg, Aug. 24, 1'863. cf . ‘J
r H!
the p‘
by ll:
18, 1363. _ L
~I Wall Paper! °r
L 116 E uric!) of p‘nuerns. of the latest
A a d most desirable stylen, mxluy or which
are beigng sold .I. the old prim-e. Can and see
them I ; McILUEN‘Y'S.
MTOBIAS’ cclebrnted Dexhy Conduionf
.Hovders, for Horses nag Came, lb: sale:
a! Dr. HORNER’S Drug Start: ‘ fl‘ K 1
cheers mum-Fm pnreEt;.“nd
‘ st baking powder in useL—az Dr. R ‘
01:)! [l's Drug Store. . (
u’AL 011,—" ,
- 1 DR. LiHORSEK’S Drug Store.
L ‘ the bra: Patent _ . cine! an be had
A i “In new anily-‘ ng and Prucrimiou
More Ar: by. B. HUIL\EB.
, Q / , "$
; cum 1: . i
s. E. nom‘. 71-: [no Cnnsxcr 5711.
New York City, Brooklyn. lbnnyfl‘ruy. Buffalo,
Detroit, Clevelnnd, Chic 0 End St. Louis.
Bonk-keeping, P‘enmnnslfi . Commercial
Arithmetic, Coxfimerclnl‘szgtoruis, Corres
pondence. tc.. practically taught. '
These Co‘lltge‘s being under {he xiii-he general
and local managemw,‘nnd uniting n uch the
ndxnntnges of all. offer greater flicllizics for
imparting instruction than any other similar
innitntionsin 'me country. ‘ >
A Scholarship issued by any one is good in all
for an unlimited lime. .
The‘ Phihdclphin College has been rer-ently
enlargl‘d and "furnished in a superior manner,
End is now lhc’larges: and mostprosporuus
‘ommercinl Institution in Ihefilafie.
Bryant a Stralton's series of {Pen Borrku,
‘emb’rncicg Bonk-keeping. Commdrcial Arilh
lactic, and Oommerciul I‘m, for sale, and sent
by mail. “ ‘
fi‘For full punk-ulna send for a circular.
(M. 20, 1302.! 1y . .
A The Su€sdginerihne just returnéd from
the citiés with dn imm‘onne supply of HARD
WARE AND lGllOCHlill-IS, whirl: they are
offering m the-r old Hand In Baltimore siren,
M‘prices to 511 v. the times. Our stock consists
in part Of ‘ ‘
~ ALL K NIX“ {‘F mus, 5:9,
I cmcmws 0!” .\LL' Kmas.
()ila’. Pu‘ints, «lid, Ma 'l' ere is no unit-Io in
dudcd in the screw! (I'l‘mrtmmn: nwminm-d
nhovu' hut “hut“ mn'lw lmd.nt thi~x Shun.—
Every-«lnn nl' )Ifidmnhw 1m In- :u mmmwhml
IK'rc wifh hmh thud llnd'ng“. and llrmsekl-np
er» can find “'oer MIN], in llwir Imc‘f Give
us a cull. .u we are men. rch N Roll as low 111‘
cash as any who} hohgo 3n" nf-lhv. my. ,
’ v , ..nm. In, DANNY-m,
June 9, 1862.
, c'Change qf Tune. ‘ .
‘ VIE ntlo-xin: is a sr'hcxllllv nfflw running
nf tl'v truini on Hm (11:11) Jun"; Rn‘ilrnml
17m- Hnsr ’l‘H.\l.\' 1.3 m; (h-Hytl-nrz m a
’A. .\l..:\\'ith pahsr'ngcrs fnr York, alnrx'ilhllirg"
l'hil.|d\;-l),vhi.s, am I Llin: North Mud “Est. Al:-
lUVH'S :ll (lexl'yflmng M. l 17:31., “ill: 'lfi|‘\‘(‘ll-‘
gcrs Imm I'losu phimsnund nlw Imm Hulfjniuu
null \anshinzlgm l’alswngt‘rs huumg “‘.ldh'
iuemn at 6 30 .\1 .\l., and [inhimun‘cnl {v 15 A“
31., mrn‘o Ly Lhi‘s train‘ul Gettysbulzg u: l
o‘tlm:k,l'. .\L ‘
The SPICUSD TRAlN'lc’nNs 'G'r-H} shurg :11
1.)“ l’. .\l., with pu'ucngers for Ynflt'nmnw mnl
“ushiuztun. I'.l.~~‘vmzcrsurri\e in “xxlllmni‘v
n! 3.3!: I‘. \l. fiuimc Baltimore :u 8 T'. AL. :unT
‘urriu- in “'zußinEtanL 10 P. \L l‘nswngrra
ran-. 114) {:0 I‘d {'urk :lml Rurfzburg h_\ [Le
c 1 com] train. Arrive in Harrisburg u! 7 W l'.
MA ARRIVES n‘t GenyM-uu: at .'.:m l'. .\l.,‘
.u'hh pnsungors from Hnrrishung. l’lviJerfphm
nnd lln- .\‘oxl'h nn‘tr “Zeal. .
[ééy‘l’nzsolggméz mm Imn'o Philadelphia by
way. of Baltimore at 4 .\. .\f.,' nlnl nmw 'Ln
“my-hum: M l l’. “4 Hr lcme n 1 I.lm A..\l:.
by the I’(-:m~‘}l\':mia chntr-d 'm l’l'n'ilmk-x'plrm
nmlmmhn; Ruill‘oad,m.d umn-‘iu (Hugs
hurl: :ll 5L3” l'. .\J. H. .\hUURDY, '
Howard Housq,
May 11, 156.;
,‘ .\ L 'l' I 31 0‘33.»
‘B The lindvl§ignfld has 1119 ph-nulre of an!
nvuncing (3) hi 4 irlivnds, and the pin-H.- gum-rm]-
13.11121! Le ImsREH)I’PZ:\‘E’!)'}'IHS IZX'HXSU’E
I.\.\'D F.\\‘l'RYFE’-n()TEL. xlnd “oiil'ili like
.slmre ofpntciminga uhich in h'gLJJ- fan 01.!!qu
luln’iinn and hie 'li’mls m pit-Me “my II("('T\ 0.
‘ H ring been (311;; I,;va iur in my {mun in (um
lxduttiu" pnpulur Ziluiuis in l’lilnSJVMilJ, \'ir~
i‘a.~ ‘ ‘ ) .
ugmu and mm m“. he fl'l‘n {unvoigm hymn
“bill. with tin» nlvl O!1Ii~'(‘()ll1]n‘lllll .\S‘irmnls,
‘lO moei nil jasl d‘xpu-tuinns of H.» innuii'tz
communily in mmfingjxgglhe llou'ml Hon-*O, in
3:1 sulc‘suri‘nugcd W 94944010101 its class in the
.cnuulry. ‘ E -
'Tenui—(h-ntlomcn’s Ordinary, Si 75 111 r- Day.
“‘ Lil-“(’6' -‘ 1! m) “
~ ‘ RL-qu Unlly, _ . I t ‘
' . \\'\l l'. REAMER, Proprietor.
Baltimore, Apt+ 2!), 1:46.41 Gm ’
t ,To Disfibled Soldiers,~
1‘ mt «mum tumus _uF TImSH mm
I’.}X‘E‘DIED 01’. i 1;)th KILLED IN VHF. Hitl-
YlL.‘H.—-(‘nu.t‘. Tt't'xmt‘ Attorm-g fur (1.13m,-
:tnt.=. Bounty Lam} and Pcmiou .\uvnt. “Huh
ingwn City, I). (‘.—l’l:nsinn~ 1n ucllttl‘l [or Sn]-
dinrs, Smmwn and .\htrinh’lpf the pm sent war,
“Hid nre dimlglod by rettzon of ijmul‘a rot-cued
ur.d}scnse contracted while in wn‘itomml l‘t-n~
sinus. Bounty “tune; and Arrears Milky oh
utihed for widows or other heirs of tho-c who
hmc died or been killed while in sex-rite. ‘
I. ‘BDHHE'V Land prdcurcd fur sonivvs in an} 01
Auxe‘mher mug. a cum. (I. wrung
' A ‘ Washington, D5O.
JAC. NE:Ll‘,AAgent,G€%yshurg.
Nov..]R, 1861. ‘ » .
' Come .to the >Falr ! ' I
A RIDGE NURSENlEi—Pcfinns wishing
to Plant Trcos will find lLe stock'iu the nrdlmd
remnrlmhly lino, mud Dill-rod at reduced Yirima.
.Tlxe Afiplemnmhefis 100 mun-tics, embracing
all the nppmyc-l SOl‘L‘. .
‘ N. ll.‘—See the index lmurd near Flom Dale,
Post office. 'l‘. E. COOK 8: SUNS,
89w. 2. 18m. 7‘ l’rapn‘emr‘s.
« Town Property
' lT PRIVATE SAUL—The unilcrsigfivd of
' fur: nLl'rlvnlc Snlr tho l’roprrly in which
1(- nw rnsidos‘, simule in limit llinlillc slrzet,
(lvnxslmm, adjoining S. R. Timon on the WM!
and Mrs. Mrl-Ilroy on Ihr men'wi‘h nn '
illi-y in the rvnr. THE Imm}: is a.
hro-storv Frame, \\'pmllorlmurdml, \\ illi ‘
Back-Imildinp: n “ 011 nl \\ nlcr. mm 11 pump in
it, n! the Ilqm‘; and a mr'mti ol'l'mit, snrll as
apples, pours;.penclws. apricots, Chef?l(‘:, und
grapes,nll the most ChOit‘e.' ' . ,
NO6. 12. H 360. tt »\
. New Bakery lo
DI BWPORT & ZIEflLER, Mechanical Bak
ers, South Washington Street, In“! sqmlrn
'frbm Ul9 Eilgle Hotel, GET"! YSHURG, Pa.—
Cnnsfimtly on hand, the bout 0! BREAD,
. sons .wis‘hing fresh [fiend wiTl be servéd every
: mérnin ,by lenrmg their names and residences
fat the gnu-r 33 Erery‘ tfl‘ort made to please.
rain us a call! ‘ [April 20, 'O3. If
New Goo;ds.
. UST received from le Yoik and Nails.
delphia, the largest. stock in town of
Broad Cloths, 1 > A '
’ Summer Clollls. ~ ~
‘ Cassimfrcs, Twecda,
_ f ‘ 'Dnllinga and Vgalings.
Beautiful styles, well knotted; bought fru
cash Ind mll be sold cheap for the nine.—
Pleue all And see them.
lily 11, 1863. tf ‘ ,
Old Gold and Silver
WANTED.—Tbe :hilheu price in cub
plid for old Gold, Ind Silver; the
present. is t {3lloan time to lell, the premigm
on it being Inge. 1130, Gold And Silver Quin
purchuod, mm the hfighelt price given, by ‘
Watchmak‘erlk J "reflex, in the Dinmond.
Feb. 23, 1863. ' I
aw FALL b ’wm‘mx G()UDS!—A good
assortment ofFall and Wimer Goads_us
rueup as the cheapest at A.SCOTT Jr SOX’S
LOT of lrasb UUM DRGPS, the finest eve!
iA cfiered in this market, to be land it Dr
IURNER'S Drug Store. * '
Homestead Tonic, at Dr. R. HQRNI‘HK’S
rug Store. ‘
FIRST-{MT}: Eight-chi; Thirty-hour sud
Alarm Clocks. ohnp at , PmeG'S.‘
’ cluldren, at. Dc. 1!. HOMEH'S Ding
..‘tore. , .
512:?“me . ~
j, 9313 A? REMEDY «
‘éon maumnsk com, rm" . am,
4 LUMBA6O, s‘rmr NECKAXD me'rs
' mm ALL mum-nun: AN‘D ,
1 NERVOUS msonnnns.
1 For all of which it is a speedy and tvrtniu
‘ rt-medy, and never fails. Ti Linimentispr’e
)mrcd from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Swvct, of
Connecticut, 111: {among bom- setter, and has
heen used in his practice for more than twenty
years with the mom astonESb‘ing success.
As an Allefiamr of Pain. it is unrimxcd
Hy an); preparation before lfie’pubh‘tzml Much
the most skeptical may be convinced by unfin—
gle trifil. - ; _ u
Thia Linitqenz will cure rapidly 3nd .’udiml
-IF. Rheumatic Disorders affix")- kind,
and in thousands 0| cuscsjfllcrc It bns‘ncvct
been known to fail. ,-
1"01I Neuralgia, it will «find immedxvale
rqlicfiu every case, however dist;cssing.
It willfiolievo {he worst cases of Headache
in thn-e minutes and is warrumd] to do it.‘
Toothache nlso.wilfit cure instantly
For Neflraus Debilit‘y m' d (harm! Lan-
Sillnll' arising from imfirmlonrp or mums, this
Linimcnt is a mom. happy uu'Luflniling,remedy.
.\vling (firm-11y upun the nvrvmu-tu'ésnrs, it
strengthens und rcvivifigs the s;s(ull|,’uud re
stores it to elasticity and vigorl ' -
x ‘ c.- . ~
FOl9 \Piles.—:\fi an (external romvfly‘ we
("mint lh.\\. it is the but knn\\'n,’xmd‘\\'e anl
lénge the worldfio prnduve nanu ul.‘ ‘l'lu-ry
\irtim uf this distrwsiug (umplniut shmxid’
'l:in it :u triu], Inr it \nll‘nutlnil lu Mfirdjm '
nu-d'unc relief. zulvl in :-. hmjurhy 0} Cast: win
0!?ch n rmhml Cl‘ll‘L‘. \‘fi‘ ‘
.Quinsy and Sore Throat “I"! Pplmmmes
vnrcmcly nmhumm um. IWPHVIR, hug n
[imply Application of (his Huimcut um “our
mix to cute. '- A , L
Sprains arc sonwtixfia Vcrv obstinate. mu!
(~nlnrpcmt'fivol'thl' jnil'ts ii linhlo m M cur ‘i!
neglected. The “ox-3! mac may he enn‘qucrcd.
h) HHS Linimuul iii [no or llquc dnyg.’ .
-. Brugcs. Cuts, Wounds, Sorqs, .
001's, urns and Sculds, )ivl-l‘ thl) to
Hi.» wnmh-rful hml‘nxg prmwniw »nf Ni.
.\‘WEICT'S INFALLIEHH l.lNl)ll.XT, “In-n
'lnml ”(cording '0 vljrmflnnc. .-\‘-m. (111].-
mu? .\N!) STH’HH. . '
DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of 001111.,
thr ”mu .\.:ll‘urux lzunc Henna. . « ‘
hr. Stcphon SwveL6l'(‘onnecticin, in! known
all m‘ox the UHHV'I SLnec. ‘ ’ , '
‘ Ur. SU‘pllmeu‘t‘ct, of Cnnnec'ivut. I: (he
\nuthor of " Dr. S“ 061': {uh-.111” lJlnnwnl.“
Ur. Swefl's (Mulh‘hlc Linimcm c‘ircs‘mmn
nmtisrfi nnd never fnih.
“tr chcl's lnfaHublu Liniman! Jsa permit»
rum-(1y for Neuralcifi. ' ‘
DrfiSweet’s In‘Lxlhhln Linimen! cures Burns
and Sc.lltlfi imnmlinuly. . ‘
Dr. Swéé‘k‘ Infillhlrlo Lihlmrnl it the besL
knnwn romp-1y fur' Sprain: and Bniisoa.'
Dr; Sweet‘s Inmllihln l.iuixril}ttllr¢>e He'd;
nt‘he immediately mwl Rut: novgknz-m u in 1 xll.‘
Dr. Sm-t-l'd lnTnllthv [.'vnimt-m “was iuv;
qwc-dinicrcliZ-ffnr l‘ilcszagytl =oM§mi hll‘ {n Puff.
Dr. F“ L-cl’~ lLfillMfl Lilz'uncnl cums 'l'uulh;
11.429 in mm n‘iyunn' . ‘ ' _
Dr. Swort'almallildo Linimvfit (units (‘uta
and Wounds immhlL-trb and “an“ lust-fir.
1):. Snéfl‘s lnl'alllhlc Lininit‘m is the has:
remedy for Sores in Hip Lnuwn w: 116. 9.
Dr. Sfi‘ecl'i lnf‘ullihle Liuimrm ha: horn!
used by nwre than a millionfiople, und ftl!
praise it: A /
Dr Sweet} InhHihle Linimnu‘t ,l-ukeh in—
lvrnnlly, cures Cholic, 011610er .\hnbus and
Cholil'. _ K Y ‘
Dr. S‘i-ocl'sanallihle Linim’eu! is hub-,3
“friend in need," um] every lamnly should
hm cit a; hnnfl. » .
Dr. SIN-M’s Infillihie Linimen} is for sale by
all Drugafists. “Price 25 and :30 cents.
A FRIEND IN 32131).
Y.lVl'\lE.\'T,:\3:lll Hternul remedy. is Mijlmul.
:\ riml: qnd \ull :I”l~\id!l‘ pnin Innrc ppvédilj
Umd any other Inclination. For i.” "bru
mntic and NCX'VO3‘! Disnhh‘rs i: it "“1? mmxiv
Me, and as n c-nmmb for Suns, Wuun‘uh,
Sprains, Bruin-4. kt. it: summing. lunlingund
pownful strengthening pGCOIIitF. (Xc'llo u.c
just wonder and nstr-ni:hmcnl ofnli whi) Inn-3‘
ovgr given it a trial. uvn um- llmusnud cu—
tifirntes of remarknldn mum, pmfunned b) it
within the last two )cnrs, mus! llw (pvt. ‘
FUR llt‘lßSl-IS is nnrirnlvd by any, mul in nll
vim-q of’n"~.!. Lansing: from I‘m-mas,
llruiacl or “‘rc-n- hing. in: M's-ct i:- mnpic‘al and
wrtuin. Harm-=5 m Huddle Gulls, Svrnlclms,
.\llmur. [Co.,il. uill :xl~n Lurl' ‘poe'dily‘ S‘pnvlu
13nd Hinghbne nuw lye msily prevented and
I‘url-d in than: imipicnl {lam-sfilml (jammed
m-ea nre beyond me IDo=Sjbllfly ntn radical
cure. N'o cue of the kind; hum-ow r. ~1l p 6
dospvmle or lmpelos‘s hm. it fully he nlleriuud
hv this Liv-burnt. and msmnmm qpplirution
will nlwnus remove llu- [ln‘mvm-ss. nml rumble
the horses to "Mel w ill: compnrnlire cue. ‘
should have this rrmL-Ily M lmn I, ior itsfime
15' use at the first nppz'lLrunl'e m Lumcnesnull
effectually 11111,ng llmsv lurluidxf-le dilusl-s.
10 “Inch ull bones un- linl‘le, and which ren
(ll-r so many othl-rmse valuable horse: nearly
Worthless. ‘ ; < ‘ ' - .
And thouundé have found it trnly
To avoid imposition, bbnetve the Signature
and Likeneu of Dr. Sl'cphen Sirpétpn nery'
label, and also “Stephen Swan's fnfallibie‘
Liniment" Maw-grin; the glass of'each but!!!“
without which hone are genuine. . t
‘ .g-An the shove 300 mm umups
.will be furnished to ‘
~— mcmnnsox A: co.,
Sple- Prlpz’r‘getou, Norwich, can.
uoncw t ALLEN, Ganges} Apia,
- « 46 CHI Stray, _Nev Yuri.
fiSqld by in dealer: everywhere
De:. 8, ”82.. I, _ “
S*, Crying.
3 W. FLEMMING continue: the {amines
. . of SALE GRYING, nn'solicltl the Can
lmued pltronnge of the publiy. It is his coh-
Jll‘nnt endeavor’m give aatis’fdctiop. charge.
'modemce. Residonre in Brbckmridge tunes,
Gettysburg. , ' , ‘
‘ P. S.—He is a licensed Auctioneer, “*3“.
' TaxLuw of the'United States. .. . -
‘. Jaw. 24, 1362. ~
I ICKlNGhuthefineitmodlgntoffipflig
and Summatholhing in” _v3‘ ~
ADIES' G'loth far (flanking. a: now ‘lnpply
. L just received u FAHNKSTOOK‘BROS’. “
NO. 73 mum“ ~LANE,
. ’ A mm mm:
This article in made of an extremely
thick and strong woven hbrlc, Invented [ad
mnnufnctured expressly {or our own no, Ind
Alert!“ times thkcku than the «Mo: oheot- f
i‘ng‘hmmonly raped in all othghmpoamgn
has ‘or am cloth, n
fir greater amount of
umble—‘rooing now
:1" rs“ "MAM" 'rl
T .
ed and ‘pxh ‘1
feet long, and th ‘
A 0:31; to be unroflcd, fin ‘
00!. l
. r 3 ‘ v/
ln‘this convenicm t'md finislzeQ‘ “Merit i 6
It is manhfnctnrcd and ‘pxh
one bundled feet long, and thw
rgguiring 0:31; to be unroflcd, 1m
the roof.
especinlly worthy dweltontipp o!
and all who buy to sell nguin. We do hol hoid
out (o eu'ch Ithc prospect of enormoul promo
immediately, but we offer a roullylmprchunm-
blc nrlig-le, in domagd cvan whore, run! at. n”
wx; mu. n'x‘nx'rnw To A FEW POiNTS!
In!._-IL rusls 'only ulmfxl hall I: mugh Ma tin.-
and is [mid- a’s dumldc. »
2n. n is adapted to m Ends of roofs,
thtlwr slut p of flux. '
3:1. It is not nflccu-d lnjanunly by hm! m'
4111. Any orlin‘nr‘y‘ workman mu apply )9.
Ihlh. h. is nut Hm "chenpvnl" roofing
6115. It in the list rouflng.
This Roofing has inccnpned in evcry v’nghysy
of climate, {mm ig'nu‘mln m Caglifurniu. nml In:
cn‘n mm! pnsilirclxlc: mun-«ml i 9 ln-he enlive
l): fir‘nnl‘ Algfiind l'ht- thungm affirm Ind will
that are sodestrgpli're In many (51th man J,
“mffing. . , _
IT'WILLRYOT sum“ up EU! 1)! mn
W E A_’l' H ER. ‘
IT mm. 301' FILM/IR I); cum
' “1:331me "
“Nil a per?“ Main-lion against fin Mum
«he film"; uu'd‘cr-r‘ um! frugn-Hlu lromgbum
in; InuiLiiugv-nfjuiuin; Ibis Hmpfing. \
h is w ehum' and slifuug tlml ille '
sumxmu mi gibmumkuns \ =.
dnnu‘nminjuro it. . ,
I II is [nrticnlnriy tnhlnhlg on’ Farldrion:
.Fnunllrics,hllgar livfim-ricx: l’isthlryivmnndull
lvuildingsmhcrc (the air imimlnvgunv! will:
«usos onmmslnro, “Ilich Tpidg‘conudr, {rum
" Ehr- inside, Illllin mid mclul roofs. ,
'- -' . CAR-TOPS}. mums,
nn-I nl] mm mm! fur walking on. [MR MllOlO
nz'wwx-rs [gr he'll-r ”In" x’my Im-tnl rliuf—-nl I!
m“ |n'-:u' Huh umgc “maul cracking or
bun-Ming. \ ‘ .
h is cmily applied over old
841 mm; RUUFS, '_ - ~
m mum‘ umuvaJ‘nfi sumcms
Also the
can be farmed nfflnis mun-rial, sm‘iyl 2': ex»
pom? of‘MHTJ L ONES. "
The vast ufupplvirn it in r'oryli'." ‘,lllnnf'
ordirfi'u-y ruof cuubc finished in the s .1.. .1".
I‘F man In: 3001‘ ms, ‘ ' ~
‘smm. RUST-HOLES m n.
PP vow: 'nx nom‘ NEEDS IRE-PAINTING,
l I
will-'elfcptnnlly clout up all the Imrylor RFST.
HOLES; and lorm A heavy elastic body om
the Whole surface; that will prevent Rl'b'l‘
nml lust ninny you: lqnger than ordinuyy
(Faint. ~ . >
Ifl'oun sum: ROOF ”MKS,
'5!) completely mt up all the crevice! in “IQ
shingles, com over the broken joinllin the 1:11
am! shalom permanently ndhefln, elude
coating mound chimneys. sky-lights, ”(hind
in‘nll these situation will outlast my ome:
crude for this purpose now in use. Thu "-
licle In a thick, lepncions compound 9!
and ingredients used txtsnsitely in Europe In
the proceu of Kynniz'mg or preacrvjug wood
in rnilmd wuctures exposed to moiunrq and
deny. This very useful praperty tend! direct
f’y to fine". and prevent decay in Ib'erlhin‘glu.
and will often sue the neceulty for seven!
yugs of putting on I new not.“ It. {I well
worthy of I trial
CHURCHES AND cnnnanmx 2;.
In reduction of
TWENTY-FIVE mm 9mm mom on
LIBERAL nuxmums
. unnwlmmspoxsmm minus.
ficmcumns cud. gangs 3m in:
‘ Addie" = - 4; _ f
READY ,noormG 69-.
110.33 mm DAM
Dec. 29, 1562. 1y
h! lon durable.
on, ad when.6lhh-
Ming toe the surface,
euly finished—cud,
my npplicd\&‘l the
mm; DOWN
‘p In rolls About
e feet wide;