Terms_ The Comm.“ is publishqd every Monday morning, by my" J;_Sngm. at $1 75 per annunt if 'paid strictly lawman—s 2 00 pel‘ annuvn} if~ hbt p‘aid in advance. No aubscriptio’n discontinued, unless at the option of the publisher, until‘all «names are paid: r Anna-fishingihnertedntthousua‘fites. _ Jon- ansnxc done withjeétneas and dispatch. a ’ ‘ Omen in Soutthaltimox-e street; nearly opposite Win'mplens' ’l‘inning Establishment -—‘“ Col mum Pgmilxa chz ’l' on 'the sign. Register 8: Recorder. .\'(‘OL'R'AGED by my lricn‘dn, I oficr my- E self” a ‘anllidnle for theplfice orREGIS PM: I: “minim-Imm the next. election, sub ject to 111 decision omhe' Democratic County Conventigx. Should! be no formant: uto Le‘ nominated and elecwdfi promise to dis- Ishurge the duties bf the office to the beat of my nhihty. ‘ “'3l. K. GALLAGHER. (idlyshurg, April 27, 1863. N: ‘ Register 8t Recorder.) 0 THE VQTERS 0F ADAMS COUN’l‘Yz—e _ At. the urgent solicilulinn of nnbmlg/I om-r myself as ll cundldate for REGISTER &: RE (‘IURPHIL nul-joct lo the da'irion ohm: Demo cxxmc_('mwxy (‘on ‘ou‘ifm. ‘Consl-iu‘hq 0f my Ability to dischwrghlc dnlil-s of the affix-e, nnd nomly of lht- pram: of the mmv, I pit-due my self to fnilhttu‘.diachurgze lht- «Inflow: and packet ghc profile if the pccplv urt- kind e‘r‘nngh to I-lwt mo, 11. FITZGERAM). .\lultllomu'n, June 1,1353. tc :‘ ‘ - Reglstez: 8: Recorder. 1 T the :olivnmlipr’i of uuun'rou’i (Hedda. I A again (MN m; scll' IN «T mdidam: tot lhf‘ Olhu- ul I‘HUISTERR IHCCURI)EI(,nt the ensu— mgviovlnu:l,auluru to Ihr tlcgisinn uuhr Demo ‘rmt' (,‘uunly CUIIVL‘niiOII. Should I he so tuuun xle as to be numumtud and L'lL‘tU'l', I [do-1,4.“ I'uyvlf In diulmrgv the duties-u! [he oHiFI- lu Ih(‘ ln‘x'LK', wynhjlity. I , .\. \V'. ,FLEMMING. “wily-burg, ‘.lnn‘h 30, 1388‘. lei Registnr 8: Ret‘erder. ‘ x T Ihr mlk'xtuinlnnl n‘mncrnuw fliendair [ .19 Im nth run} ~04! |~\:\ :unvinl I'P fur ”Ii mm m m msrxans IH-X‘HRIHaII m «Lu-muig 111.1171 I l {m Cl]l-"*"’YIIV’N‘IIPI isltfiilnf‘iu- l‘h-mn- HMy (Muhh (‘rnhnlmm leuch I M: Sn fmxunu :- m. In lur- nun-mm"! and elm-led. I pl: ‘lll' [m H 1: I.) :1“le :12“ the lllllik‘s (If the nf‘mv A: Hm h. xi Ht luv Julih'. . EDWARD “(INTHU‘L 1 Li‘mxfy ngf.‘ \!".y H. ”(1.2%. tr ‘ l Rem t 9? 8: Recorder. _‘ , ‘T x'm- inlunuinf J! vnr l'l'u-unls,[ (pm-r j‘ m\~vll :u .I. 1",! HHHHI': fur I)!“ (.1114? 111 INIVHS l'l‘.“ k HEI‘UIHI’KH. \‘H’j\l'l tn lIH- dc . ~lnu nr' Hm “my "liv l‘num)‘ ('nn\(~nliun, .‘lmuil Ht- nu-n nt 'mxl‘ ('k‘l'll‘d, l [wk-die 1.). ~le I; [yr-Hm“: lc hum-'0! III" vflu'v “_ilh .\. l’. “.\I'HIHIH. “' A _ :_ A, =MEE Re ziater 8: Reco‘der. 7 ‘ll ‘lw 111 Ivlwntl ul \‘jfll'rfi nt'Alliugm (fulln ! 1. »1 1n n I); ‘.l.munum- (gust-1!}. :1 nn In tylu lxll'Hll um’hulun- [or the “Hi Ef'imfifiif- Tlflt .k |H~'l' HUM“. :lml Hui-. 50 “05:0”. 11 Hm {I .1 huhtullx-nml‘l’l:l|nrti..ll_rm«l«grinn xll li. 41"! I" n! “In ”1511-. Ii- hug m: unrrudi: Icuml l n-uu 1n: ",1 TI'KIW'VHHH)‘ £IK||IC~L lint; pin-nun ”I m} IVHII\\-I'llA/."Xl<‘ mi .|“ :lutwa. I).\\H I 4 I’LAXK H uml'nnlnm t]: , Jul; ‘l7, 1:03. ‘ Ragisfer 8c Record-er T I'm -ulw 1' film! hf Lll‘nvrmh hiq-nxh in ‘/\ 17.: \‘mpr' :w! i: nu:- (K .._, wont ldi‘ulfl' h Vlwl H 41? ..~ ‘\ vszJi lnlx- l'ur llm ufliw nl‘ +H'I-I‘Tlk-Y lli2!'lll{'+jil.~nLjl-qu. tlwdl'l- A-wa u: I‘;‘\.l)‘~l|\ .(1 Mn (‘olqu}!Funnn'lmn. Nuan l '7": \n lnl‘nxnl» :l‘ in itt-rnnmfnuul (.11.?I-Xurullhxh-lgA nun-ll 14,_£,Ps‘x..vru'v [m llxltlv- n! Hu- uflicv Iu I'm M 4' n gig-..xlxilih. 1 mxmzr: EILLY. 115* Iv7'nhl’. ,\l.,\l:l_\’ 213.18 Cigr}: of the Courts. ' ‘l\""_()|',...\lilih M n nnmlnr n! m) Hit-nth, 4 . ‘ | . '- .1 , . 11 1.: n, Ulul n-\~:lln=ur.l'ld|d tofu] llw mm:- mJ'MJm’ UV Hm} wru'ra; M u..- I'Hulll‘l'; dw li-m uh; «L [0 the I.L(i~il.mxlll l |«- 5:: lanmva .\~ In lu- -I: Hm], I plmlv. u I'd-\H‘H T)‘1~(I|u;;n' Ill" dlnf'ss of t‘m- Jim-c hitln Ill). J‘ACHI; S ‘..\Ul.l‘m‘. .’.:, IMF“ \Jmmhuh-A nu! 1p , .\l H‘ , Clerk of 111.0 Courts. r ‘H HIE \"Hf‘lJlr \H" .\D‘\.:\"V'~4.U['NTY:— 1 mm“ nH:m~p~:»-Wring cnx‘nnraucd Ly nmnmuud flu 11‘“, I 05hr mywil In ymr cun mulunmn up: a ("“l‘; Mu fur ‘.lc utliu‘ of ('llliliii All“ THE ('UL'IH‘S. n! (he llL‘.\l Lit-r- Imm ~uhjvrx lu 'lgL- ului:iu:x of Hm Dummnlic ‘(Hvunu {lmu‘nl on, Slmull { rum-He UlO Hulxmmzlun :uu'. lw Llucu-d. l >llnll duh "Appro— (l m- 3.1 m: ( nufi [um-r, Ind prnwiw H) thwlmrgv Hm ll'un-s ullln‘ nlncc l-rolnplh .\n|l\\i.h H-icl .iu. .\DA‘J .\6{XTER_._, Flrlukliu tp , .\pnl 65150.3. 1L _ Clerk of the Courts. {l} (l RUM: “ill M:x oztlunliulult- fnr tlm . IMAmerMir nmninalmu fur ULH'IK (H’- ’¥ ‘l4 ml'n'rs. .\llfl‘lllll he he sucwsslul, he plmlmw mum-H Lu inSe mm [)rnp‘t-r oxrrl'mn )ur (M-tmu. ’ . [tiny $lBO3. lc Clerk of ,thatgougts. H- WHEF “2i” hvn cnndhlaté {6l‘ (7LEBK 11, up Tm; mum‘s. enhju-z‘to we de (“hiun M 1110 Domncrulir ('uumy Umn‘cn’iion. ‘ ’um_\~lu.m,s|‘ny H. 1806. m ‘ Clerk of the Cofirts 'l' HI» mh’: ”an ufflxunu‘roni friends. I } ‘A‘ ”til-Influx 4-” :N .\ «Nnnlhln'e lor the “Rice -0: CLERK ‘UP THE (1:171:13, at the efi§uxung-f (-ll~rnun.-su|-j(-vt to Hit- «H-vifluanf [he UIIHO‘ 3 .mm- Cugmly ('Amu‘nlion. Shbulul I he SG-r“ tunuzuue M to he- unminuted and elm-god, II Ngulgu m) ~r-lt m diCt'un'zc the duties of the ulhuu m the best 0! my ability. ‘ ‘ JAMS ~ UK""“L\”"l’“§rixan.l3m. I: J: F 1“ *Clerk‘. of the Courts: NCUHIAGP’D by :1 number of my friends, ‘ E I on” mug]! as n cmmidnle tor the oflice 1 h! ULHRK OF THE I'UITRTS, lit the cuming ‘ L-ltc7lml._sllhjl'c[ 'lO We dévision of the Demo :rltiu' county L‘um‘cmmn. S‘hould I be 50k hurl-"mm us to be numumtcd am! elected”! “mg-o mysclt‘ (n discharge the duties of the MW e Lulhlulh'. ' ' \ ' .\'n:um..\s n. snrm'Eß Simhau 31)., .\prilli, 1863. la Clerk Of the Courts. x AT (he mmest request of muny friends, I of fayucuemn: s a mnulinlme lnrifih’l‘lltK 0F Tm: (:Ul’li'rs, subject. tu tLge decision of the Dfinfimmtw County (lonv’ensiun. Should] be uomiualml mul elm-NHL I pledg‘e my bestefi‘crta m a fui‘hful and satisfactory discharge of the duxliemll hr flfi cu. ‘ ‘. , CORNELII’S DAUGHERTY. » Cumberland tp., Aug. 2:), 1865: )0 Dlreotor fi the Poor. H'nre requested 3to announce ANDREW SHULT/..‘of Latimore township, u . candidate for Director of the Poor, at the next. ‘election, subject. to- xhe ‘decision of 1.1:: Demo cratic County Convention. June I, [8634. N: . 2 ‘ Plcking : ~ I ‘smmwnn HIS * , . 5‘ SPRING 4: SUMMER CLOTHING s‘" cums ONE, com: ALL. myzis, 18:13. : __ ”mime: HAS macmvsn ms P SPRING a: sunnaasmrmxu 0 to PICKING’S for you: Spring nud'Sum me; CloLhing‘. ' , ALICOES, Ginghms, ngigsjfi—nfiicéi rates, 5% FAHNCSTUOK 8308’. Sign .1 :5 gm Front. s ._ *. BAwoaA‘L BOOTS,—“Kue, mien one you gm. those nice Balmbral Boots 2" “A 4 . , L i _ WLHEN’Y’S." __ _~,_._.~_,“".1‘ :«‘(‘-.—.. .‘. SAGO, Arrow Mflthumh, Ricerflonr 4nd Gelatih, {or sul'e ul. Dy: HORNER‘S Drug Sm. ._ ; - Br H. J. STAIILE 4:51:11 Year- " i '_ A Sherifi‘alty. -.- ' i T (he solin-italiou or nu'nemun friends; I A om-r myself as a candidate for the o'fliuc of SHERIFF, n: the ensuin‘g election, suhjer-v. to gin: ducniuu of the Democratic County 009- J \‘L-lllinn.‘ Slmulll l he so .fnrtnnlte u m be namxmtel and elm-Led. l phage my~elf to JR. chzu'gé the dunes of the 011-7159qu thy best. of ‘ my‘uhiluy. - GHO‘ ". PICKENRODE. Gctlplmrg, .\hmh 30, léul cc ' , ‘ , Sherifi'aity. ‘ i , E‘IéOW—CITIZENS 0F ADAMS CO.:— F “Ming hum impnrtunrd for snmr-mm- In ln-cnm'c a ('mndlvhte for the ()flim-‘nfSIIHRH’F, l n‘nw‘unnmuu-c mysc-N :1 rxuulid‘ale for fink ”flirt-x [milk-cl lu xlu' [eruvr‘n'iu Numiunlifij (‘mfiwnt'nnj bhnuld‘l he cu tnrlnnute as to‘ he numinfnv’i mul‘r-lomf-d I prmhicq m dis-V charge II I: uulim of mid «fliée promptly and will: fidelity. Your obedient servant. ZAUHAXUAI‘ MYERS April 27L15‘63. 1c - ‘ V c To the Public. ENT’HIUHN :——IL is rt-porlml Tn some parts G of Hut-(mun), lay ~3|uunu|l tll>posoll pm .fiun, Hut I Imu- wixhxlxt+n from being a (min dMnH- lur‘tlu- Sin-riflkhgr—Nid rt-pnrr. being u hull‘r Eihyni-E “1'1?”th Yl‘p my friends I would say that [m-wr needcdflénrc 0' their a-s‘ishm 9 Hum now In by lb" {“3}?ch m the war I lune bu'n dq-riwd U!" the mm“: 13th \lech I could maker; lninf; ‘ Ynuri, ‘ * _ * ZécIfAHXAH MYERS. . Aug. T, 18GB. ‘3'. J 7 ’ She'riffa} ty. VPOY'RAGED by mnmirnu! friendefl‘ nfl‘vr E rm =(‘lf' vi u‘cnuli‘lmv for the. 0(1in of hunlill‘l", sulujm l 10 Ihr dun-ion of the [firm urrdw (fuuun (11-nymlinu. Slumld Ihe num ilth-Iklud ‘ lurlu-«l, K plodgr-‘m; 5111' toglisulmrgv [he .luti‘s uf (l‘c nflim- mlh fummplnou nud iulpnninhly. ’vJUSEI'H A. NIH-JNDU'HFF: 3'l_uuulju;tp., April 27, 1653. u . ‘ Sheriffalty. ITLI.().V Cll‘lZ.‘€\S:——-r\t the earnest so" E mi Minn ufnyxn) friends in all purts of HM; rum”? 1 “Her Il'j'fl‘lf‘. us;a;§mul'w‘:m2 fur Iln- . ”J" nffilllilill'li. In. the néxt clrcx'mu, .suhjm l ‘lO HH- AHTiaiulllH the lmnxgaaliu (‘uun 1y l‘unu-nl'un. .\hunH 1:110 .num'u'ntk-«l :2qu (1' ("(nl.| lulu-'gv nuwlt X.§—:lll\l}.la.r;_v‘bl}leJliliu of lhv uflin'o .tdilld'ul‘.) mul‘womprly. ‘ .\U.\.\| HEBERT. Franklin tp., Apr“ 27. lwa. lc’f ’ ‘ ‘Slieriffalty. ~ ,' . IXt‘n!’lt.\(.i-‘.l)hvnnmcmus friends, Infier I‘l m_\-rh '~ 1 1 “NJ-l I: “fur Illa: nlYu'v: (If > vl‘JiH‘F. Hilly II (n [ln A!(l'§»lull nl [hr I‘M-In n: mt..- ( '~l|l|"\‘ (‘.mm. min .\hwuX-i Ihe num— in u. .t .‘.u-I . l. - u-f lpimluu- m: WI! m disrhprge Ilw;.l|ln's ..l' I‘u- urnr flzx'n [-ru'upXm-q ‘zlllti xm'éull n! t_\‘. ‘ S.\\H,'l:l. HIKE“. . Hunlum [ll,, May 13, ISM}. h f ' . . I“ “ T” '3 1 Shqrxfl'algty. - f "“U t.)l:I.‘.\!:l i) by manj‘im-nr‘.‘<. I um-rmy 'l‘, 1n .. .~..u.1n1:.x.-jz;,é MH‘Jm'V n! 111(- m_J [l‘l'lv-II I|‘ Lu“! l-I _l'lu- vlmhiull ul 2h" Ih'umv-rmr “numb. " - nrntiulL Shujlhl I b Mummy "I nl Hull -|u ”- l‘i ‘|l‘t\Hl-~(‘ m [lt-ri'mul lh- dnh. ‘4 Ilm n-HI-‘c “ML lida-lily and im [n.‘rl'..lhi\ ‘ .I"”\~_‘i“¢JL.\-§I“EI{. Mounlplm .mx I",‘\f'l||l{.l."u.i. lie". Shorifl'alty. ; .\‘(‘U!'lt.\(.‘lill|.ynx}m(rou~z fricndfii'nznin 4 mm m\ ~« If n: :1 rainl‘dme tnrihcofiicc'of mffinnrr, Mllxjw L lo the dmismu u! the: “(In (utdic l'mn'l. ('unwnliml. .\lhuuhl ILL-nom mug] and vh-HL‘L l pledge mvsvlfM disdmrgv {he duties ”1' [he olfice w-Hx prmnpmw, :unl' impnrli llll‘ . , CEURUI‘; BL'SHM‘AN. ~ . (‘umhcll uni} (pi, .\lunh 5w l-w'ii.‘ _ 1953“ “Aging Lyon infuTmed 'of a ’rcpnrt‘ in circ Almion to tlée clincr'lhm lihtL-nd to run .H ll'l Imh-pi-ndcit ('.mdichrc shonH I not he numinnlml’ by the I‘qmocmfi’ County Convb'h tum, it Is due to myst-lr Lh..l I at once hmmi Elu- saill‘lxqmrl. as utterly false. I have ILQ)(:I‘ butcimincd smh a thought, and feel myself in lmxmr bofind to u‘aidc by Ihc dqliqion of“); Cuniomion. ns,nnnmu.crd in my curd nhm-e. June s‘, 1863., ’ GEOI‘IGE BUp‘uMAN. , Sherifl'alty. A ECOI'RAGI-ZD'hy a number of friend: I E (\lll‘l' myself as :1 candidate ml" Ihe ofliv-c Ul Slllllill’r‘, subject to the dcnsmn at (he .Dcumcnuix- County ('onveplion. Should Ibe numinmwi mul elected, I pledge myself to tiis cluuge llxc \lmics ol the olhce faithfully. ' ln-zxm' BUTLER )[ounxjey {p4, April G, 18133. tu“ ‘ Sheriffalty.‘ » J ENCOI'RACHD by n nufixher. ofJfi-ienrh I nfi'or'mvsc-lf 213:; candidate for the office at SIII‘IRIFI“._ sulfide! to lhc_ deci ion at the Dcmmnnic Cuunly ’Convcntion.‘ Should I he nnmiriML-d «pd victim}, 'I pledge wmyEelf' to dis charge the [duties o£ ghe tflire fuiLMjflly. ‘ ' ' ’- .\l. MULLER." Mnuntplmsnnt (p., June 22, 186-3. —:’.—‘" ‘ ‘." ' _— __'_;“.'_——' ‘County Treasure? - NCOURAGED by many friends, ofl'or my- E self‘ns a. Candid-lid! fo'r COUNTY TREAS URER, at-thc next «Election, sni-jcn to \he de— cision of the Democratic County Cumjentjon. Shuum I be so fortunate .'ls to be' nominated and oh rted. I pledge myself to discharge the duties ofllle otfice t'uitlnully and promptly._ " 5. ~ ROBERT D. ARMOIL Geuysbntg, May I}, 1863. 1c ~ ...-4 f _634 .- v; ~. . , ounty Treasurer. NCOI‘RAGED by many lriends. lpfi‘er m‘y- E self as n candidate for COUNTY TREAS- Ulw‘ll, M. the next election, subject to the de cision of, the Democratic County Conn-mien. "Should I‘ he so fortunate a: to be nominated and elected; I pledge myself lo‘disflmr2e the duties of the office faithlully and promptly. \ ‘ .HCOB SuEADS. Gettysburg, llnyifi, 1863'. tc’ , . County rllfremmrer. RING freqnengly odflcitéd, l'ofl'er mvself as a candidm-‘foutbb omce of cbusn’ TREASURER, subject to the decision of the Democrntic County Convention. Should! be nominated and elected, I pledge myself to dis charge the dune: ol the office fuizhfully and» ‘promptly. 7 JACOB TBOXEL. 4 . Gettysbnyg; April 27, 1863. . Kc T ' Removals. . . x 7 HEundorsigned.beidgthe aflhofizedpersof to make remmals into Ever Ghen Ceme tery, hopes that finch ns contemplate the removal ofthc remains of dime-sad (clativea or friends will avail themselves of this aenson oflhey'ear to have it done. Remomlnmnde with promptncss -—term'a lowynnd no efl'on spagcdxlo please. ' ‘ PEEK“ THORN,‘ llaich 12,’60. . Keeper of the Cemetery. ‘ Farmers? b: Mechanics’ AVI-NHS IKS’NTI'TIUN'UF ADAMS Co., S liming manual its unpiw..has enlarged iu‘busin: »= my! extruded its accommodations Loan d 5), Wednesday. [April 6, 1363. If ‘ - . Picking g AS meal-11w» Ins . ~ 1 89mm: mums}: 01.0 mm) ‘ ' cm”: ungugmxm. \- a Hwy 15; 1554;." ’ . A DEM©©RATU@ AND FAWMLV S©URNALO gETTYSBURG, 3A-, MONDAY, SEPT. “121:, .1863- om: $311152; "Tllli CONITITU‘I‘ION Al IT IS, THE UNION AM IT WAS.” BY KILL S. BAYIB, The cohntry we at) denrlyJove, ’ Whiéh love shall still remain, To warm the h’erns of Democrats, And’make it one again; I The nation cries Mouton moie lem-nsk for honest. laws, Thy.- Ctxnslitutinn m: is, 'go The Union as it «115. , Cuouts—Th'eu rally§ boys, rally! ‘ " Join us in the cause, I The Constitution as it is, > The Union as it. was. : “The good old ghip will brave the storm, ' The pilot. wilLLeJrue ; " Nu danger while the bemocmts . Will (“OpiUlutc her new; “N 6 Xdrtli, no Spud), no Eiist, no West." i The»): only know on: cause, “ v”l'lu- ,Cum‘tiymon us it. is, * l T Tli-e ('nion us it was. ' ('uoiu'q—Tthen inlly, &c. i i The .\‘oth and South hnvg nt‘ted ‘wrong, 1 » Apd [ld-3'1““. wrong remain . t Tl“ horn-st, lruerlur Denim-nits “Vi“. nfalm y‘cm right again, a A Inill'g'oilgvofurs then will shun}, ‘ ‘2. Amid tlie world's applause, ; ’ The Congtilut'on as it is, ; ‘ 'g‘hc l'uion “a it was. ; V ‘7 “ Cnunrsc‘Thcn rnlly, kc. ‘ Thon‘rany, *‘Uld Dcmocrncy," - And to thé cause prove true; The of]; lmye E—n nation’s eyes Are Nolan; now to you. Ariu: and shoulrto ll” the world, Ilrgnrdlcsq of its flMvs, The (Iqujog‘li'ion us itis, 'l‘llbifltlfiolx H: films. ~ ( finds-v—TLEIH mlly, I'o. Lo: .\hnlition find its gr'nvo, Sl-cosxkin sleep hef’nlcg And ghc Emr “ Little .“lIC ' Hm him, And Is: {he 0M sh‘ip ghdc. Bm'ru “.hh ifié‘flwruug, up with the r'rght, And give llure loud humus ‘ .' For lhr- é‘nnslituliqn n 3 ii i«, , Tho Union up“ was. _ -('nuuL’s—Jhon rally, km . . flimvlmmm .5 RAIN ANDLCANNON It ii noticed that vinh‘nt *nin stnrm~ {"11" lmv Lattloa. .'l‘his h‘ns bony 2m (lurmg Hm prewnt rvlmHim-L. and so it hm l-mvn in all» l.m« 513 ml in ailltinws. To the- snhlwr~ it may he :1 very fortunate O‘Tlllrt‘lu‘l‘. 'ltn 'xlw wmmnh‘d left on the finM of batl'lo "tithing on'nM lux better. It nfl‘ornls rnlinf h": thr- in tnlprnhlo thirst that fullmvs glljhhnt “"numk. and water ia the bps! «In-Sfmg that My); \rnumhd gnu!!! roceit’e. I! may be llmnufit nlsd to tfin‘w not yofinded. sing? it “"hllt‘s' tlm ,hattlefivlcl where pu_tref.nt:limi might nthnrwiw Luke place anrl Nagllohsl rmu L: and it also washes and pu‘rifies {ht-'air, hur dened with érnokgj‘nud (lust. amt-the exhal atinm from the (land. . What is the cause of the mags» Philoso phers are not x'lgroed, though any of hue have decided with Pfefessot‘Eipy. who mid that min was produced by the shock m~ the ntmncphere fgnm the explosion of gunpow _der. and he claim; that shnwen mav be had at hny time from the same ember.— Pn<~ibly Ahis may have something to do with it. but. quite as likely it. is the prowess by which nature renovatea’l herself when contaminated. whether by battles or" from any other cause. '7l-‘ha ancients noticed the phenomena. of rain after hatttea. when my gunpowder» was used. Thus PlumY'gh, in his 11113 of Caius'Mariui, noticed the u‘-inrt of :hwxy. their“ “all ‘ln‘, nullnin: lull tn lnud our hem-la tom-11w]- ,hut‘, trade and r‘nmmnréuV “:TIK'I',” mid vim. “ x~ :1 vow pnxcrfn) hand. I .uhhi!.' but, mhrm tho peril-h- nf (how Slates- hepmnn Hun" nubiy nlivn HM ("rum (nu-h CHhN‘. mu! [94. their 1» m)'é(l, Maryjuml enugufi‘g'denih ingtan capturod. the Preaideqt exdml, and 159 Guvurnnwnb Iltktmyexl; Hive m thew nnJ any other ¢.l.lamitie~i “1:3. can rmu'ut, from (h-fvnt and ruiuhnnnner than‘ a victory with )linellzm as Generm‘l." The Tubmm is tan Myoliti‘nn‘jgurnfl (if the‘Urcc-leyfic-honl. :m'JAis, 01' cam-ac, per mitte‘vl to mint. :3; much trous'on an '1 pleas es. 1! It haul the same language ap‘kan‘rml in n I) :mucraticjuurnal, the ”magic bell” wohld have qulukly rlbne It: Work and the hapless edibor wquldfat once have bpen con-‘ timid within a military' prisOlL—b'dnbury Democrat. 4 g 5 ABOLITIONIBTS. , “H‘hfe town of FoudnmJ’SL Law nnce cmtntj X. Y...“ their recent. elomggnn, chme ghve Republican ' Trustees: 9 of wlmm’is a fan blooded nogrm" ‘ This paragraph. which “gent the roumh last year. i 4 entzlled to make the circuit. again. The negro'wns not only run and elected n; a. Republican Inst year-what was ra—electad by Lghe mme p'u-ly'lhis year.— Tflp vote of, Pbtsdnm (which was n'xmnd fmm‘the Pots that damned {he Kettles for not being black enough) stands about 1.000 Abolitiomsts to 200 Dmmchis. Pojsrlnm is the place, sayéjhe Advatce, whore lan terns are used in 1.119 dny time.—-A(lzany Ar gus. i . ' ‘ o » -———:—f-—«lW———-v __u . Wfl'l Ho'ievfi y‘that the-Conatitution h'M given no power It? tlm General‘Government to interfere in thib matter (and to'bsveslnvca or no slaves (legends upon the wople in each Stqw nlono.§, But. besides the- conni tufinml objectiofl, I am pérsguaded that the nbviom rzsnzxm‘ or sucn’m‘rnnrmssc: ow rm: PA“ or mix bT.\TKS wmcu} RAVI 3m suns. wnn'mzirnonnr? 0:3“le nLLow cxfn'zzxs or In: Ginsu.” m mouqct A but or mscoxttxr Aé’D JEMDUSY 'nu-r‘ mu: "'l’ m: zxn nova Hutu. 'I'O we Uxxox.”—,Ex-‘ Pusmmr ”Annoy. ‘ ‘ . gag-“ Win; n. 2,; Abolitionists m,“ :Ing of property n're not. inq; the dpfiumucy of the powers of the g‘vnerul government‘ us noth ing; the ncknoyvledged and inmntegtihle powers of the States are nothing; the dis sblution of tho pnion. nn’rHLhe overthfow of a. govemmenfl’in whloh‘are .coucentru‘ted the hopes of the civilized world. are noth ing. A single idea. has tnken posseseion of their' minds, 31111 onward they pun-meat. overlookmg all; barriers, rocklous and 'r9- gardleuof allconssqucnces.”—H zanCLAr. aw“- lheseginfernul (fanatics and Aha-3 litionists ever 581 the power in their hnndaJ they mll over-rifle thq'mnsgitution, set the: Suireme Comcimt ‘defiunca, change and nm e laws to suit themselves. my vmwxr,‘ nuns ox ruosgrwuo mrrzn’wmx mu m! orlxlpx or dare question "10)? fidelity, am.“ finaliy bankrupt the country and deluge it -‘ wnh blood."-D.\VIEL Wnnsnn. 3"“ Sir. thd Abolifion ‘party is a DIS LOYAL organization. Its pretended love 'for freedom means naming more or lee. than CIVIL WAR ANUA DISSOLUTION 01“ TH E UNION. Hones: men of all par ties should unifi'a to expose lfieir in wntinna and arrest their programo-Axnnv JACKSON- 38-11 Dechrafio Kan; fleeting will take. place at. Carlxsle on Thupday, the am oh Udnhel'. ‘ ’ N 3'; WU/DOLLAR-s" A-Y EA u.‘ -../_L _‘_._________..___* . 4.4 - than the Garlhla Am 3&:;, 1.13520; {ml '\ m 393333? Donsumm. THE TORNAGK TAX REVEALED The Robin-a 7Hump/sl-Il—g3ne Penp’d Swim K dlal, and (Ix Sale I'lnmalercl. * “We recon! with whims nnd 'lmfciylod narrow, th.“. our Nate Legislature. of: M unlinylut, [rwwl thmzh Illa lower Km a hill winning [hp mnrtgmgn of the Ski. an ”IF Sun‘mrj’uml Erie It filmed, and 11‘ to. I bill for ll"! repeal o! the Tonnnjo TI: on tho. fi-nmylv.mi:|. Ilailmnd. By thmo uch (ha-Sim!» is plundered off/0m nilfiou o/«lal/arsl'fihd burthena to that. extent fan lanwl Im the necks of the tax mynru "(the Commdnwealth. [or the honvfilhf mullpu Curmrafium. These maultq «or» brought about by the dfimorallmtion of both partiel in (he !.P;:i«lalllro,‘for we find on exumim in; M van: that of tha seventy tvm mmm Imm who Vim-d to! the Sunbury and En" an, lm-uty of them veh- Dechnq; and - the twentyfive who voted again” it. bu‘ ’ ‘ni . . were Dcmvicratsl—lhat ofule sixty who \ ' mi l for the bili repealing the Tonnngé Tu, ~ rtecn «were Democrats. find these ‘... - butler voted against tho bill, along with , Hug Lliirly fight. who ilid. it. would have do- _. T ' fated the... lomehan'immeiy. Thiuhowl ’ flat the vote -- s not a may one. um! um , ‘ ‘ the [His were rriod 3mm. by menu (I * emu-r instrumen itiu.‘ We obit-Ho with ‘ pride and nus; ' dug. our on mem- \ ‘ her, Wm. B. Irwin. Bsq..‘vo¢cd steadily:- gainsx lmh bills, thu- ' ananfuliy J his plmigés-zmd his Ilut For thmacu he will he honored by his nstituenb, Ind . reap a rich reward in tlmir arty appm'l'. ~ But, Wm. Lonther, of l’vrry .. does not 3 stand dn ilw‘mmo ’plniform. In! b - ‘ ‘ flayed on: intoruin. mismp lad om- _ While-$.81“! forfeiu-Il tiieconfiilan ”pond in him. "All our peoplo believed ‘m e.- . pubic: ofcnting ouch votes. they louldiuvo repudiated bin almost unnnimmuly. n- ’ deed we most sinqarcly believe he no. not ban commmiio-l one hundred votes in - . the conniy. had he been mapeetedol'fim‘ in: Mime" plundering schema. \Vo our- ‘ . selves would have voted Ignimt him and \ denounce-1 him a an enemy. lad unfit to * be trusted. 1101 ha can explain hileouno we know not and will unit mxiously his ‘ u, explanation} He mu understood to ho .' Istrongiy opposed \to time act-x, and. m ‘. covnral over with plo-igea'to rapist their ,‘ passago. All they? pledges have been {IL Eifil‘li—S‘! his (friend: have been put to . shame. and all our irmresu.;:unding Inil prospects darkened mnl' jeopudelr’fiy his i unfaich fuinoss. Now. and here. (or all our pooling and spmkin: for them, w_e denounco ~ ' the am. as criminui,lreu'lierouwmll diahor'l- 7 est. aml tramp them with illgrsfil‘lda am! ‘ ‘ infamy. We mo them strong mini. hm ‘ gnaw wn cannon permit ourmlws. or the , _ ‘ " , pfiiy to which we beionx. to be complim- '. 1m! wnh thnmmcti. or subjected to the sun- ‘ ' L. picinn nl‘ sanctioning than. Lg! him re- ‘i.., sign. and give up the [run his hm beirayocl ‘ ' _imnint the people may him In opportu- - niiy to exprefi their debentation'ollho fl The above article appeared in the Miblf ini columns of the Carlisle America): (11:11)- oiition organ in this county.) on the m ani-‘ehruary, 1301. We desire the. people of Cumberland county to read the «hick carefully, and in doing so.let themremem her' at the name time that Gov. Baffin eignml this hill'rnperiling the 'l‘onnsge Tex; thuq nnkinfi it a low. and by this act (tone the: language of'tbe American.) “111 i non-Ll WERE SWIVDLED .u'n 'l‘fll': Sn": rtnxolum” Amorvling to the conclusion the Aristides arrived M at that tixhe‘, by this act of’Cur tm’s the Slate WM ‘.‘piuntiered olflflcen mil: how! ..I [la/lam. ‘und hurtlm‘ns to that extent fastened on the necka of the tax payer: of the Commonwealth for the‘lienefit of soul leuq corporatiouui" The American, it will he sown. was severe on Mr. Lonthcr (theri n lti-pulilierm Ixh-mhe-r ni‘ the ”auto from this iimttiet.) for having supported tho “urn-at swmrllu." liy voting as he did 'he “betrayed our intervals, misrepresented our' wi‘hn. nn-i fvlrfi'li/P'i the confiilenceropose'd in him ;" and “had ‘our [People believed him capable of costing such ‘VOMI, they would have repudiated him almost enun mous-ly." "illx could not have commended one hundred votes in the corny, hell he iii-en smpeetml of favoring t wee plunder ing schema.” So skid the Ami'icqn. Nit mare. the editor oi that paper spooks' ‘pi ~no'nully for himself, and says that lie “would halve voted ngnmfit him. denounced him h" rm ennmy, nnll'unflt to betru'stcd.” Again ’hexlenmmcm Lnutlxnr's votes and course “n 4 criminal, Irma/«rays and dishonest. and ”stumps lhefn with illgl’iltih'l‘l‘!ll"linr:linv~” ; Now. votervnlCumborlnnd county, reooL lect that Curlin approved of Lonther'e ‘ course, find after thrngiHl had passed both Home; he signed it and made it"n law. ll’ ‘ l. Hither we: guilty of “ingl‘nttitutle and in: i flnny.”'n'hnt ‘muat he thought' of Curtin, i who had it in hi~i power to strangle the bitl after it had paued the two Houses? The Am'm'mn has «mill that if it hml lcnoun that Louther intended to support the measure the editor '.himgcil' would have ‘5 voted ngninstfiim nnd denounced him ”In sne . my.” A'ncl fet Curtin, hy whose ([3er the Bill was mivle law, and who a. ' thonmnd times morgeulpohiethsn' Louth er, is now supported by this some American, ' nnxl lnfi “irPflcilflserl‘ onrl,dishonest” name [appears at in (3d! r_inl head! How due the Americ-m thus not? How: date it thus insult itsmvnxmdersf And, asif in mock ery ofjtmeuhd‘ers’. mteliigenc’e, it contains amorticie in its last issue. inwhich it eulo giees the “gtagomy ofthe State edministrs tion 1” ‘ Uh, what miserebie', infernal hypog risyi What a yielding to the mendntes of a corrupt party is heregxhlbited‘! People of Cumberland county, we ask you aggin to read the article We quote from' the Amm’can above, end then compare the present sbntiments of its editor with those he expreqaed on the_2ot_h of February, [B6l. San you hglml by such a paper!" Can you: support a man .I'or Governor who favored the “plundering uschemes" so jultly de-v nouneml by oneoi'yourown county or‘gns? if you can. it will be evidence of your own -degradation—evidence that you bro willing i to endorse a “dishonést amt infamous ” ‘ man. marely because he isryour nominee i let Governor. Younvotes at the election i wiltdecirle whether or notyou favor hun i estv and State prosperity; over party And party chincanery. More amine-While i Wlunterr. ' I=l fifWe are permuted to make the foiiolzlng enact from s [end writ‘pn by an other be fure, Ghnr‘leston: - I “ G'en. pilmogc mm undoubtedly forced Into the assault. upon Fort Wagné'r ggninn his jut lerjudgmein. l luwe gnu ctr-Manet? In blur, Ind mink Mam ~ghz: .my ball going ‘0 work now that Charllgon will eerllinly ML' 1! will LP slow 1m! :ure. "cl." .2: I“ tho ne gro soldiers at fnligu‘g IMF, which li‘whn‘ evégy other general 03131“. to‘, do.) The ”Oriel about tlneir‘splendid fighting m {.lan my by». At the assault the; run i 119; M fut It they coun}, and mum near demormzjng tho_ whgle nutcklngiforae. In an hour 19‘! th. fighl commr‘wednve‘: A thousand 0! them bllno Juggling thin to ~tfhe south autfof'ihg low. 'and befowmomlgg there wars n th. Lupin! and «luck over 300 of them, not Martin the hut. Why" was not, a dozen whm loldlm II the dockx‘ JI see tho f\lew York paper: gin them credit for doing won lon-inlay: NE 5.. “6131“”. . ‘ ‘ nan-Th9“ firefly vacancies in the West Point Mihllary A ’ clay, and the New York Law/er very proporll_suggesu that. they be filled mth Brigsdifl Genny-ale. . , ‘ _' ia‘Never irodhlg troubfe ungil‘finmhia _trogljtw you} for trouble rudf‘W” peop‘e who never trouble thew“ SSOM trouble. , , “