El 4 @b’t’ ffllnm’piltr.‘ OUR FLAG ! I. I. I‘I'ABIJ, IDITOI AHD PROPRIITOB .13“ _ 1.1;: :”::;:.'. ~ (:n'r-rvnuvna, PA: ‘ HONDA? ibnii‘m. {£175.11 1x53 ‘ T. _ panocumrmm firm. ' [fog (lovrrnor, ‘IION. (JE().‘W. WOUDW'ARD, or u'zuml mux‘n‘. , J For Judgr of "u- Hupr- a; Court, _ lIIUN. WVALTER 11. LOWRIE, , f, or ALI/EGIHJSY vat/31¢. “Till! UNION All'l‘ “’Al—Tllli ('o‘ n'l‘l’l‘ll’l‘lON as n' u :3: ‘Dem‘ocpatio Delegate Elections ~ and County Convention. . A! s mceiing of the Democratic Cummlpce of Adnms co'unty, [will]! the public _hquso of Cblrlel Will, Esq‘, In Gouy‘sburg', 0:1 Sutur dtyy';.éngn|t 29th, 1863, thefollowing res‘olu- ‘llonlwu ufinnimously‘ndopled 'Rnoh'ed, That. the Dcmormtlo rotors of fidnml county be and they are hereby 'ruquosl ~ _Lo meet I! their usual vlncfl o‘f'lnhling Delegate Rlértiaul,'on SWURDAY, the nu. day of Bepllmber urn, for the purpbam‘ of chodling'DL-lcgates to nproaq-nLJhom i} I lieu"! Convention to be held ii Gettxahum, n‘n 3&51e follwini, (film: 14th.) u. to _(J‘Erock, A. l, to nomtnato a County thket, and transact. such other hulineu u may be deemed neccisary. 'l‘he‘Delt-gute Elegtions tu {dpen nt'3' and close nl. b.o'clmk, l’. M, in all (he, district: except (let!) shurgfiin the lam-r chl3 election to bu held helwuen 'l and 9, l’. _M. 1 Every rind of lheg‘GOOl) OLD CAUSE" Lalwdy the cause oi-Lho UNION and the uoxsrmßluN—Je .olzcued to mpg-slum 413‘“:er mcqtingn JACOB nmxumroh, Cbnlnnan [main LILu, Secretly}. »~ ‘if g V I I Aug. 31, 11863. DELEGATE ELECTIONS. g The Democratic Deiegnlo ”fictions ii: the ‘ manl- distriéln of unis ooukgty will take place on Saturday next éLot the‘ best. man the sent to tho CBfivqnlirm, and a good, utmngrtjcket will be the rébult. We have n Gover'nor’ to olcct inLOeteer-I-aml the adv-tion of our distraelcd country may de -‘ pond ujwmi the clnoice'aghigh the? people of . I‘enmyl‘vania shall makefon that day.— With the election of J udgé Woodward, we ' may look to the future Willi hopes bright . nnd lien-ts bqoymt. The papuliritr. of “no local tickéts ivill help largely {o‘39- mire the success of but State ticket, mid hence 5| iq nioro iniportant tlmn ever flint Lhe but {man be placed upqn these tickets. -~ The Convention on Monday will therefm-e I cue the necessity of making thg- most ju~ ulicioul lelectiong from the good material presented. This glone, the success of the vj'cket will be assuxed'by 'n. handsome lim jol-ity._ r k sexes were represented, inciuding the most PEMOCRATIG NATIONAL COMMIT' magnificent display of ladies ever congm . JTEE' , i gated. The people came in wagons. with " Tbé New York Herald “3'51 ; mlisic and banners flying: on horseback. . ”3t gettimAelotxiie divii'sionpf 323$0mt on font, and in every conceivable way rrnic mom 0 9 ion A ,a -- - - wing of the party upgxuigtod ‘hlcnqmmittgeioi, that .wns‘requmte '0 reach the 'pomtrsm ~ on" future cnnventiqn's. The committee of“: ”TNT": which Mr. Belm nt is chairman has been railed to meet'in ghis city on Monday. Sep- Jemberj'.‘ An effort is being made to have We cofnmittecr meet. at the same time, , md also the Beil-Everet Committee. that tr concert-12f action may be had ofnll persons opposed to the destructive measures of the \ra’dical lholitinniels, and in order to pro duce a union on a copsenalive candidate ”for the Presidency.” , c _ . “ By‘the action of/the Denficmtic Eteom tii'e Comtnittee; which tacitgigce at. their , meeting in Washington 05 lh .. th ultimo. 'nli cause of difficulty or dissatisfaction was: happily removed. The two National Dem-l *pcralic: Committees have pdtriotically do: ; termined to nieet'at the same place, at the' I-ame‘hour, and {or the same high purpose. Besides this, the'proaenco of all "conserve.- ‘live men bppoied to thqdestructive queas urpe ofthe mdical Abolitionists,” is lieixrtily desired for the purpose. and. in the lan _ guhge of the Herald, “to produced: 'union an a conservative candidate tor the Presi fl‘ency.” God speed the good work! ‘ ”The Dembcrals of.‘ Franklin county] have ndminnted the following ticket: ‘ A‘s- sembly. J. McD. Sharpe, of Franklin, Wm. Roi-ton. of Fulton; Irothonotnry, John R._ Orr; Regislbr a; chorder. S. R. McKesson ; Clerkof tfie Courts, 11. C. Phenicie; Trea- Hates-{Jacob C. Secrislj CommiSaionov, Jacob lit-evenDix-ector of tfie PoonJolm C Iritle; .rAuflitor, Vv‘ihTH.Blair. - This in an excellent. tickef, and ahhgald, gmd we doubt not will. receive at least five bufldmd majority. There are in~Fran|€lin “3 (so93lth there are- in this, llundrefl’s" of ‘.Repuluiems who will no longémote' with um pu-ty. They cannot follow Their had eu inns thb u’aark " waters' of Abolitinnigm ——ali ism ibi'ch is not. only dismsteful to ' th' as white men, but which homing _ax ' ‘ 1&2; too mud}. r I: 'fi'“ tel 3119 soldiers vote.;,’—Aiol.2ian By all means, let them vbte. But let all vote—soldiers of both parties. It. is not. fair 15') Allow} Athe Bépublicans to come home and do the Voting, vhilatlbémocmts are com- W‘tp Eeeb their places in the, army. 16 (i 0 fibpfigbtipg, “ Fair-plpj is njé'fiel.’f fi'l‘bufiepublicans are constantly chars. in. flat. Jlifigg Woodward did a heiious‘ m ’in decleyips \he soldier-YOGHB—Aaw un gonpmutiéml. Them] to mention. bow; "at, that. Judge Re , be Republican Judge. tank the same View . thamtwr. Mid “my accorded with the lions— These Wy-bfinded demagnguas m d. I, 1,911 flip Ruth or do; fair wigs. ‘ \ fl‘The Demoératic Stage officw Jam-y in filling up he: qnou of thé draft. with Maker: :Ngzfixatt will mm be made in am fig}: : ‘ . JUDGE ‘WCODWABD. The Rupuldicnmpnpergn working thenv' selves? inio a fine frenzy aborlt Judge Wood-g ward.‘ Stories HIM invented df 'wlint. he. Mid tiventy or thirty yarns ago ; and u soon'l as am: is refutedunnother is rmdy and 'rm- ‘ mcdinitt'iy put upon the Atrnck.‘ The whole ‘ inventive 81min! 0: the clan in It wink. and ' a rapid memion ofdutortiono". contortions, ‘ fishehhods and fury. mny be lookod for from ‘ this ufilil thn second TJIPSBBY bf dploberri Plain i truth con‘oe'ming the Democratic nomin’ié for Gnvornnr in thoilut thing the Repuj'plicanl iill 'mfnt (Hnd IO In: of? 1 from iihemjs it. ”that they 23.! not. begin to ranch iit Haring this crimptiyn—iF—vapr. {Phat iymfld place Judge Woédw-‘rd in jugt the Him in which thg Dnamocrncy delig t. to viq‘ Inim,.bnt in which hi 9 Qpponen I ‘ drum] 1M: very nhme._ , ~ Pat: they nmf’r‘nva and rnnt'until their i mantis nro sore, their pom \vo‘ln nut, um] I their paper exhaustnd, without soiling his clonn ra'wrri. Fc-w man Who ha‘vp been in Hmhfili life 'm‘ long I: Judge! “'nndvimvn'tf. ; (Tum-stand their Ixsllultl bo‘imll. Sufliin “’3’qu hr- does. a pn'hlib and prints Chg:- ‘ n‘clii-'without’blemish. he qan sit. unmoived j and laugh at. the imbecile ma'iémy of his ‘ (mt-mics. 7 . #By llm theory of pur institution! thq pmplr’firry on tho (inver’nrnant by again, selected ,hy ”mm {or timt'purpmo. who can more conveniently act for them thun they can act for themselveg. The whole people cannot meet to either mnie laws or execute tlmm;§fl‘iio_u§cgiied ruler: of the people, then. are therelyy.tbeir ngénu. depuled by them'to main their law-"under th’o lettér of imiruotinm. previouuif prop-red, called CBnilitutiom. ILII obviously, _then.‘ I. principle of lmr. u_ w‘ell u of oOmmon you"; that the peoplehsve thn right to (aim-Ai reét, and Iypervigo the act- of their igentl,‘ They? do thin through this prm’, “in their public numbliu, we! the uriom other modm bl? _lrbich thq princifili Inlay. direct lbe‘ ngent. ’l‘bo‘ doctrine lit up by the Bepn’biiug‘l. in tbhu Jitter duystwhirh u sume'l, that when tha’ [mule undertake (in okcrcise their undoubted rights, the! nu};- joct them-aha: to nip charge of diiloysiiy; in s perversion of the elemvntnry’pr'mciple of our free institutions, ’wbich in? no}. dreamed of in our lwtifirpdnys. ’ ’ ,i“ This falvlaoron tho rt of tha Rogwbli mm Badly" neédu rayifitm and correction. AWc beseech them to’qinuae and reflect in lithe. “ If they do nol Ipcediiy correct this fundamental error. 31119 peohlmwiil out: whehu lliem with the consuming 'firo of their indignation. Fa [note it be i‘ - WM is a noteworthy fact. tlt'nt those'wito clnmm-od loudrst far war, nixmt the time the Rotmllion was‘ breaking ,ont. stay at hotnelmd let others do the fighting. Who/n the Critte‘nden Compromise wa! beipg my ad in'lCngrr‘si, n petition whs gotten up lmio against that monaure— a mnsumwhich. if a-‘tnpted, would have nettle}! thel country's. trnuhli-s without war. apd'mved th‘lrtusnnds oflives and millions of mnncx‘ “That. poti tion was signed by one hundred and six persons. _ltow many~6t them in in the service? Very'few, wé ipagi’ne—cértninly notione of thme whn intercstgft .thennelv'os in securing'thui‘gnnturen. 77m; keep at. a very ufe Qistnnce from bullets} , The Paging in Indiam.—Aa a+evidence of the public feeling in Indiana, we may state that n tmnnship Democratic meelli'rigqnt Buss cfim, Knox~counly. was attended. snyuhe Vincennes Sun, by 8.000 WKBOU people. Voorllees and Allen. m'embers‘ oi'CQng'r'ess froni‘ Indiana. mud: npeeches. ABSges and 77:: Ohio Fainpaign.—The Newark (0.) Adm-"ale suites that the Hon. Charles Follff has lately rélutn‘iid home from his 16m with Mr. .Pugh to Northfrn GHQ/.133 gives Pfifious nccnunts, of the mee’tifigs he atlem ed. nnd at the‘ unboundéi enthusi a.~m of tho people‘L He says tba't ‘our friends meg-_ywhere :Igrerthat such meet inigtqlm 'thg Democraq are now_ holdilglg “:erc‘ never equaled in my history of the Slntég I ( i 1= h @The radicals thought they 11:11])“th ‘ one friend in the Kantucky‘deleguion ju'st ’nlecled to ‘Gmgr’fiss—L-Gen. Greene Clay smilh, nephew oanaius M. an'l Brutus J. (flay, whom tHey invited t 9 sliehk at Co ltha‘s. ogb. chitin 19m. He spoke. lIQ daffltns rep3i'ted in' ufifincinnnti Republican paper': “Kentucky is a slave State” and she vO - against)“. Lincoln. I do'not stand herb ns'nn advocale of Mr. Lincoln or his parly. I npver belonged to either oH‘he political parties tb'at had their existence up on this side o'l' the Ohio river. I have nl wnys‘lwn. and am to«day.nDougln: Demo.- cmt. ‘ I have always been. and mum-day, .to far (is apinirm am! sentiment are concerned, a p7olBla‘ very 'man. I may as well any home that] nm a Elmo-owner~ nnd have always owned slaves." ’ - [521116 Republican papers are nll en,- gaged in publishing Gov. 'Cu'rtin’e speech of acceptance, recently delivered to a meet ing of bid friends and dependepla at H“6 risburg. Would it not be a good idea min for them to also publish-his letter of deplina li'an, slant into fine Legislatur: last ‘vgintgr, sizthnjt the pe’ople can hgv'e a‘ ofiporlunily o‘ ‘seemg how much reliance is to be placed ir‘x his) pligmed word? ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ SfThe Pittsburgh Chronicle; known as an able nhd influeptihl npposition journal, uses the following frank and manly lnn guagd‘ in regard to the Democratic State ticket} ma’the ngptrohcbing glecuon : ' _‘ "The gubermiorial'olnvua in this State r promises to be very spirited an}! excitmg.‘ audit; is utterly impossible now lo.predxot. how it. will result. The Democratit party i have ("dust of unusual strength ‘nnd ex-4 cellqncy in fine field, nnd'jfi fiill require: the united and mos} energetic eflbru ~_of the QnimLpnl-ty to defeat. it.” ~ I Paving the Way—" Yet why should It ne gro Congressman more revolt the Augm- Subn ey‘e or nose “an a negro stable boy.”—N. Y. Tribune. \ ‘ Oh. yes, make them Congressmen, by all means! _ . ' 4 ”The Giurd Union, withing custbmnry wit, layl of the he“! thunder atom of §ntunduy morning. two weeks ago. a)“ “u 1 magmatic.» n was exceueuuy won done.", m a {39 {gamu- guep‘llu Moneßy fishy)“; “Ho. hug aiedof wound: may 'repeivé ed, M ”uni-17 figlnt'in Virginia". 1:" FiZSEM _ ‘......i.. --.,i ._..; ¢P*i_‘-u t ,‘_ A , l t I: it». , ‘ JUDGE WOODWAED ON THE WOBIIGOVEB '‘3 CURTm AND STUABT’S; ' INWSTICE T 0 McCLELLflN. ' { ,—“wmx" “OUR CONSTITUTION. 'V l . RAID. . ’ lln discussing “tho‘osmpb at Loo,” M! In Jununqfilms, twenty-five years ago, TTe penplepf this, and govern] of the wither “‘rm “19 ”"1““ of U" ""‘Fl‘ 1"le I. greilt qmfitinn comb before the Conven- .lOl“ “S 902;"“0'5 al‘eC unfit" thhliar 'Oltli- 1 their inruion of Prnnnvlvnnia. th‘b rudicslA WW Wee"... th W W W W whether tin nghtto rote should be connthe iflpprogchinu elemion. lt win be re- Oxpose the InJunhce done to Gaul McClcl-l ’fined to white-men or extended so u toi mp‘ lierpd hy manymf our rvmlmnin this, lan ll} his removal from command llnst hllJ iambrnce Elwin. To the powerful wort-31'3““ $1221“ aunties] offFl-lnltrglhnggi‘md the uimimus‘ mum which/flout] di-l . 111. a en.._uar.:ns a.m is ' ‘ ‘land spew of-Jtrdge Woodwnrd uponithu‘lbantl of horse» thievn, inn ded our State reetlzifromr that “fulfil-30L For instance, toccasion Ir. or. indebtedfor unit word in‘audimfied ofi‘ rome eight hundred or m tsfiu mg n tie operations subsequent to: iour Constitution which not” In View 0! thoxthnuand 2,141” moat. "jun“, horses in a tho battlgof Anuntmn, the N. ‘Y. I‘m-a, Win-nonunion pdicy of the ndmiuictrutinu, those counties. ,It will Ilsa be remfmher- I (Republican) rays: '— ‘ l ‘becomel more vglunhlo than ever. The:taxi-3:2;£lo2.l2??thltrgihzfgfoiil, 3:; ‘.“Preyious to the in‘qumlrntimt‘, of that l . , ' - . l . , iJUd” 70mm?“ '2‘: great??? ‘3}? ' Inst-Im-tioyv for renjuryeralion for the lmm,mhi;g:itils éeh‘f‘htifi‘lieiin: fruit-i 113? {212:3 ’F‘bClD'lotlou to insurt a war wum { thud ‘lnstnined..heli§rmg'thnt the d'uties of two lines or opemtion he should tnke. my laying: - ‘ “3915““? and 1“ CW1?“ were "‘9'me i It. first determined to move by the Shenan-i i “Whonupht folio. voter-“in Pennsylvania, "I“? “hit“ “19‘ o‘9 ("Nd “"93”?!“ ““1 doah valley, and groconnoimmce u force‘ ’Ol-. i 9 other words who ought to have politi- "slur-IM9) protect ""1 d‘efmd b" Gm'lwas even mndc as far as Charlestowli. This ;cal control of our gnvornmrat? This is a ernment '"l‘ “m“ 'n “'9 hf‘l‘lv 9"," 5m.“ line hpwewr wu abundoned. Ind~ tha' 'quwtiorol’thofirst immrtpneonntl afarrnt Fulfil” bound to protect. "5 "“20"" _lninther chosen. The movement mi: mallo imugnitude. When you have "“hligmdlthwlpermnsnndPlo99ll]. Tho 00mm"‘{mpidly and 'even brilliantly. McClellan loud distributed itl_pow_er| unnng tbelnflmfi‘d 1"“1 5‘3“!- to “‘9 “9“} some (““0“ reachéd-Wnrre‘nkon, \vhilo'lme'a uihny still lovorul deputmentu~leginlatirm executive ‘l't'nldred of “1"" “9“ men. "l the full mn‘lstretchbd hack to Winchestér. ’l‘h‘o delay 3 [and ju‘din‘uil. It ramins to «Loewe who slm/lv fid“l{°.° “In" .‘l'9 i “"f‘""}‘"““_"““ld “”0"! f of ten days which ensued when the changc: fdirecla'zgl‘mnlral Mlgovmme’nh, the ninch with"?! protection 3“‘"“ invuinn "l“ 00"“ in command was rmiilo gave Leo the tunex mlywbo‘well supplied ivithpii‘the necessary “"11“" 1"“ of l" '"'3'- 1" “115‘ku "*5"? l required. and when at length ihirnllidc not. iwhéall Ind Irrin'g'l. but in preparing and l misgl‘jeu, 3"}! “’l' n “’9 3"“? "i‘sl‘n'Mhd , the head of hi~i column opposite ‘Flflllt'F: ’fitting,.thom.mo queuion'cuu arise of so‘b!’ ~‘ art. ”"3 "9 3' hi“ “WW.“ ""‘l‘irkxblirg. he found the rel-9|! oc¢upyiug‘ great n‘omeni' nae/w Hull haw H. - reguéalinnt “‘"i! ”Wu”!!- 8 f lloll‘nrs; worth 01' I‘m‘i the line of the Rnpgnhnnnock." l ~ l of it: maliafil and direction. when it is finicky-l: ltcrty W“ 9‘7““! ofl'.‘ 1 he" Pam“)? "”I This march was a rnco for Rich and. in 1 31nd ready/hr uu. This question ha now to I Preutented m "'5 t‘ezL'il"l“'°' “Ff!“ b 1" "‘3‘ f Whll'll the Time: truly. states th t Gem! übe an-éver'pd withl_rofer°nce to two dintinct‘ "3‘?!“"4 b! 3““ ”3'979- 0f ’.‘d m“:_P|'°V|'| McClellan hnd erery advantage u; tn'the; and u} Irate clun- of men, the whitgs and “f“. {9" "'0 payment. OHMIUU claims.——‘ day of his removal. He had" the “‘.tnsi-ln’ the Mich, and from 11l the reflection “I l ’1 h“? bl”: thrquah ”'9 exertions 0’ hiessrs.‘ track”—much the shortllt route, rind was; have been lble to giro the subjecti'ami‘hcgbh 0‘ ”"8 county: Horton, 01' l‘flltomifur‘nheml in the rated. At the timiof his. prepared 10 “L “I 0 political p 010?" Of Midi My ['B' of Adamn. 81"“ fig“ firmnker (oasna, ' removal he mu; at Wurrcntnn “ii h the] gnprrnhwnt ("Itjll‘ 16 be exercised exclusivelM 51p“?! "'9 "““59 ll! ' fry 1")!“ "_"UOI'"! bulk of his army. “while Lee’s miny wns‘ Litre whim. ln‘ 'mming to this condluaion l, —' I! f" mt‘mh'“ voting: ammsi ltd—and l snllstretlchod 3m“; m “'ipchpch-rf". Gui; lhnvo endeavored,“ fur as pusihln, to divert. wallsont ‘to'rhs: Senate f“? concurrnnoo.—. McClvllnu's “movement was mzule rnyiillly' lmy mind of I“ popular prejudice; against) 1" “1“} W manifestly Jllsl.lll'liB W'PYI-‘mPS; find even brilliantly," it; snyqf uml “INC” ‘the African race,m=lmm chair: among us. ' “mil! "' met “'"h' “0 “0“” "PPOF‘llm" E" ' can’ he no question if he haul not Men in-, {They 'Jt’servé my Humming; ind they linel ““9 :HODQG. nnr wt- any “_PPl'Pl’Wn'lPd m i trrfered willinhe would have mitintziiuml . Ltlmm; butl'feel unwilling _lo surrender this. ”’9 hem“- 1.,“ ”‘3 WI! 1‘ W” Fefel‘m‘llthe grout mlvnmamht} lmtl isnmfrtmndl mnrernment. in whole, or): part. to (low heping. to the'nggtroprmtrcommittee, (Chum-l ong Lee could not have gained either the south ‘autll an) tlmrgtore prepared to. vote for “‘3'?" * nutor “”5"“ V“ chairman. ’md’hank of the Ruppuhunnock or retreat tri' {thin amendment" anti tn saw in nur‘Consti- "0“ d have bee“ r“l‘°"°'l‘r3".""“hl' hut 1‘"! Richmond. But just when he haul iLoc to ‘ tulion that the voters of Yonnuylvaniu almlll “‘9 intprfvrence 9‘ G‘”- L“) h": "b”. “l3om| his disndvnntnge and while he was phshingl ibe wniu freeman." 7 g;‘:;:;?:‘° {”"c';“: trtthea'de M} $1130" rapidlyl grunt: to intercept lthe’rrmmyfl ' ‘ ’ ' ' lg 7‘" ' 0 8“ " 30- "3'3 ° (‘ ra ~ " Inn was remove! . iis Wu l ,110 then proceed? in .. Illteguiun-hke Arniy ol the Potnninc. He nocnrdinglyiflzz‘v: alga?” As the 7”,,” truly 33;, ‘manner to lunfibrthie pmntinn andzn reply leftjfor Virginia, (rm. VVuhing'tnn' Cup)“ maiden". of the ten days mm,“ lby thcl (gather! "l“? h“ High-‘35" {"0" 0! con. "km“ “I" h'” mth h'm' "3" ““93"“: ”‘elchnngo nf commanders gave Lee tho timc'; lowing the right to "mutt-on blacks. :flf'finilolf’clfif eggfilfiy‘i‘n‘TlMrh';x:’:;“}::‘i:iho needed to exlricdtelhimfi'ellf Imam his i ‘ - ‘ - " '* “ . ur “’ ‘ l u iouition. am cmtiot im ‘ 0 on “I. 6th 0! u.!:' 184.2,?1’PIIQODEFJH- fornied 1h! Lhairrnan 0' th.“ committee. ’i‘leh’hilelzlrlihe ofitho RAppllhfiflnUck'ul 'l'ho' noln trade A cpeech in {Cincinnatr on the I having the matter in charge. in prwvncg. ofgcnnsequm-ceg of this mos; untimolytromo—t "m. subject it [guilt-ting nf negro“ fort; number-of gentlernen—several of whomilvnl of Gen.‘ Mr‘Clollan are fresh in the‘ W» «W Mr- Chm-now mm:xi.‘:*::;::':¥*“:ifjmisfit; . ””11“ WW 322“" ‘l ‘ - ~,:'- 1 1 - ,- i‘r ' stll’,flnl innc orvilb, no“ ‘Socretlry of tho Tmfufl- ""1 fifth" ’"EJE‘EH'" "7°- Ufi‘l“§ll‘?s9 Circfilm: girtasigifkol‘ ligansylvnnin. “is oxhxfiustingf‘ pitcher“ Th’“ "’d. l‘hfr. Xr. ,limfym "Mic" the bl” "‘5 “M ”“10“ 'n the Sen-l m‘m‘ch ofour army to Gettysh'nrg. tho four-i maid amid theureet Imam of perspmng ne- “Inland a newnno was subgtitiitevl. calcnln- f ful slaughter at that “we, mid mo ‘(h-pri-l "P 120381 .. We feel; therefore, thnt In :llegcd l 3;: Rnt’iiijliriiflj-rihvi‘ ;:;c}:>;t&fierlll:l:_¥ I rations, labor: and Inutl'eringsi which lhavoi " ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘F ' ’ ' esn 5" s 0' b4} :0, :lutmctiom between indlVillunlaof the some tutu not one dollar will fl" come into the 1 iiiiifivt‘izdtl’i: Tcigzliri‘eihfllfiirgigilgaswoi-ual'utri 'commnmty, foundzd. II any “'Wf’mm'“ I" pooh-ts of»those, who in allgood conscienre‘ u, to-clny than it win than. i 1 color. origin mm like. {l’7o 1‘0“!“ to the thonld have been indemnified by the flow} - ._,_._ ... ‘ - ‘ enius ofour ' tutiom ind inicmn “11,1. ernrnent for loss" sustained bv this. dis- ‘ ' ’ :ith iha tr ‘ gum! of Americm litiertfllgndeml i'z'"m°“ Mm" flute. The]! ""dv ’ MASSACRE AT LAWRENCE’KAWSAS' ‘a! . _ . I 8 llu theihchity, sent their son? to battle.) 0n the 20th inst. a party. of rplml gnnrril 'l fmbru'e _ h pleuure thuopportumty 0' for [the mlintennnco of the Constitution'lnn about 800 strong, entcrod Lawn-rim, draining my disspprqbntion 0‘ the Clllfle nnd‘ the‘lwn, relying on the (ihvernment‘Kant-inmamlafter pillitzingthohnnke. ton-la, oglthe Conh‘titution which denies to : pan for the Erotegtion flit their property ;dhut-it prirnte ’dwsllings and shops. tired lhrjtnwn. -‘ v ‘ ' - . seemst nt‘t eir re oneowsu vain an they'nnrl burnt itfito the ground. Almht 1m “9"“0: m°l°°l9r°fl PM)?“ the right. 0f mt: were «molly~ tfihl that. they must protecficitizem \iorebutcherml in cohl b‘noél. nnll f"£°‘.' théir own znrnpérty. The State how—wumher‘youmleul. In one case thr‘i guar- ‘Goi (Rh-tin hélnngq [p ”:9 same 391100] of Almtitionirh. in his incur“ swath ne mpti‘ng the nomination'he inid nothing against “19‘ Prefidenh‘u emuici'phtjon my! nngm rqm‘lil'y pnlicgg . . White men of Ijennnyhknin. "‘0 any of you so governed); your passjnnn and pne jhdiéos as now to ndmit negroea to taorms of political am} such! (quality. If 50. vote for Curlin. if uni, vnte for Judge Wood ward.» Carlisle Dcmrcrat. ' < , POLITICAL PREACHING. At a recent meeting of the Congregation hl Aesociuiion in Hartford, Conm, it. was -‘stnted 1y one of. tlne’cominitteei that. the l Episcopal Church lmptieed five children to ‘ eir one : that. few additions were mede'to their church membership and that there web A lamentnhle dearth of‘ interest in the Icanoe of Christianity. The. ren‘son'for all this is appnront enough. It i; political preaching. The Christian churche's‘cnnnnt prosper. so long as their houses of public worship nre turned-into political caucus rooms. The N. Y. Journal of Commcrce, speaking of political preaching from‘ tha pulpit, for the past fefv years. says: ‘ ,J‘The people-{in some parts of the land havegxheen wholly withoutclergymcn. . The l latter have turned into political gatofi, and l have been mukingthe templeco secrntml to worship. 3 place of bngwling and contention. We heard hglerymen preach a sermon on ‘ the Lord's prnyer. in which he Michigan. “'3 had no right. norm-ts it our duty to forgiv our political enemies, and thamhe prayer 1 for forgivene‘zs‘ as we haveforgiren others, my; not based 6n any trespa‘sses other than of A p‘ersnnnl andvfrivate nature 1' This : horrible distortjon o God's word-wan actu ‘nlly mule to defile the atmosphere of a New Englaml‘church on A culm summer morning, 3 church in which ‘men were rm : customed in other and better years tn hear { the pure word ol‘God from lips undefiled Iby the persinnate wine of rum}!!! wrath, . which makes drunken so many» in our d, .U x . ’ ‘Jy -———--——-ulo>— _....—L- 41m: 3mm sonnmn DOES NOT EN nonsn THE pomncu. Tmcxs'ma, Unmmmgns‘AuY or Poi-omg} ' September 1,1863, ~ ‘3‘ ,‘Elilors of Tim Ayn.- ‘ , 1, ’ Moan; from line.l\'ew York papers whiti i hmejust reached u’é, that Genera}- Meade. [’in his speech accepting ‘the sword from 'j‘xenoral Crawford, on Friday last, compli‘ [ xfi'oh téd Governor Curtin. and advocated his ; me-élection. 'Nothing could be mo’r‘e false; and lam so”) ised that ‘such Pxppdients , should be roam-jag! to hy pnliticiam in bol ' ster up a candxlate. I was present during the entire cerembnyfnnd heard every word [spoken by ffieneml fMende. He made no lmlilical‘alhvsinna golmléver. “The Pennsylva g nia delagnlion, wére behaving in a very noi ‘tsy manner. somepf them being ‘quite in ‘MXthed; and I. mg of tho opinion that ' Meade wished to get rid of them as soon as posnible, ' ‘ . = Ihopg you will'Vcontt-ndict this absurd ’smry. General Meadq has no desire to lmiir himself up in Penmyivunia politics. He’is a. soldier. and wishes £0 have nothing i tilde with poliu‘cnfiss. ‘ _. I am, very respectfully, yours, V A: SoLmn :fiGovernor'Curtln. in, his'lut 'annual message, recommended the passage of an act to abolish the “order system,” and make werlaployég-s pay their employees in cash. The Legislature took lnm It his word and passed the‘billhf‘ncl sent it to the Govérnor fqr his. appvoval.‘ The Governor put it in his pocket. and keeps it. there._— The~ inquiry pqw is why dpn’t he. sign thfe bill? Can anybody answer} Papaya he wants lo hold It‘over‘u'niil after the elec tion. L" J _ ' S‘The people everywhere are tired of the pregent suite of Affairs. and wish to make I. VCHAfiGI-l‘ 'Kever was a clung}; .niorg needed, and} the only Way to secure i , ‘will lie for the people to {hlly in their mi; ,1 toxbe poll: and You IO! Dzyocn‘nc c it manta. It is ghe only com-Io left. -._-’... “...“ Regain! a “Call."—A!nong the fled men in No‘rthumberllnd county. 5., no tour clergyman :K Ban. Onigh ,of Sir:- hnry; Wamplq. of Eleysburg; ey.'of Fpuhlumbexlaud. 9nd Sprech { of Hill. 10'}: , '3 7 . 5 ‘ money to eninpé‘nnate thvm for it! m‘imirmLz rillm dmv'o twain .men into n hnus ‘nnglcct in leaving the horde-r countieq rle— i aim]. them.‘nml then burned tho bu fencelen, "If! their ponrln s"}.ij to 'he‘: They sinnd upon Hm banks of tho rir mlflwed anti pluntlergd. 'l‘rtw,_ Gov. Curtin‘i fired into the penpla. killing sud {vnnz had placed in the hand; nf his cma’ture-,ls¢ores. Twenty five negro recruits thq‘ power of making ennfracts for sfinddyiahnt. Q gnrmnnln, shuns. the rnlu of whiz-h werei Tho citiznns lmd lmon expecting! pinrfi‘odyilh shavinge, and hlnnknts that af-‘rnini in cnaniwm‘a at the (In-pm- ‘ fol-fled no protertion against [his lrili'ng Qunnlrell (Ihr rein-l cinch) had mmll lyln‘als oi winter; by which lhoflronsnry of. may had nrinniznd military mmpnn thé Commonwealth \vnuldeplolod of mth eir defines, a part of whom hm! he liohs. find our gallant mlclinrq onimgod nmli der’ arms _cnnctpnfly; but. {rum lln/ swindied. True,thousands ofdoilnrw'nt' the peopie’s moneyt Were squandered on his wretched pimps and pnrueitqs, but not one dollar could he npprnprintmf‘, With his enn sent. for the reliefofthephrntlercgl farmers of Frankifii. Allnmw nml Fulton counties. The loser- by this {lime roux Ta‘itlr‘tllflnkQ to Governor (“m-tin, enn chrkt-t their lofies in-tearl ofthe, eaeh. and console themselves. as no doubt they will. by the reflection Ithat. hey may have an o tportunity of repaying his Excellency on the. Secoml-r’t‘ne'etlfiy of Oetotrer next. it». and henlnne,.isr pon sible for the failure of the mentori. Icm be reniemb‘cred.—~Chambcralmrg Serilrl~‘ - “Ml-W—‘fl-fi “THE sommns' Famtfiaz" The Inquirer nhnonnced.‘ afew days since, that. Governor Curtin. while in this city. had been called on \l-y several members of the Sanitary and Chriztinn Con\tni§iinne, ”who had not. seen him since they hn‘d met on various hatch-fields.” This is truly touching. Tender. indeed, must hallo been the meeting hetwejn Andy nndtht- c'pious genthfinen. partin,“ it: they had dntne last. “upon rnrious battleficltls.” But ‘here is something puzzling-about this state tent.— ‘tht in the [work] WM Andydoing these hattte-fields?f I e fvns not thereflqlt “If,“ lot we know that. in spite of hiq promise to head the forces ”of Pennsylvania during the recent. invasion, he mnintuinefl a‘ secure positionin their rear. He willing. hki Attemus Ward, to smotifice all s nF-ier ied relatively (hint to his wit‘efs Frother. the good came, but has‘ no idea 0, mm his own preciom person to rebel hulle “'e presume, therefore, that. the l fields on which Andy met his it amt Christian friends were fields 0 the; bloody work was Mrfidy do indeed must have been the sp: Andy. of men mnimml and t in gory henpt. with no shrO/ shoddy rags with which he" them.“ Many a son of Pen] who/e comfort the country" provision, marched to tlu that Curtln nnd‘his cont? enriched; Many a hrav: der his rotten blanket. hertz fitted. their pool which the State hm’ watm and good on sanptioned these profited h - them. acting): osl'the ‘ cr'o ile tears withm he kev nlige; shake! Sanitary Car on brie ~hr beiTtg the/ poor said of this ' Nsyh Ad m: fiPld i Aeratos 1 bdy ale] Ihila). Abm :1: mm ll paid '(0 In 1. And the btrageous fr: go'és‘ wunderim um of battle fie] Over dead Penn: /t lnhngry and rug; hands-With the Chr Imis‘sonv; wipes his 6: aqurchief. and sh'u! ‘soldiers’ friandll' «Go: ter from thé murdernus‘.."__v._p attle-fieltftourisH—Ag ‘5 ——.——-—‘...>—-- ‘ Him S/Ig'fl: andDm-Iya fi‘he' Repub -5 seem delvrmincd cgndnot the ing campaign upon f so reténces.— 2y (sill themelves e Uyfiion party, nich is an impquinen ,as all the nrlioé it the Keith are Uniony pnrliM, hnd {gr one to take that title is ly’ reflection upon the other.’ But the Isles dodgexs calling them selves WarADemoc ta. A convention of such was hell in ndianspoiisn few days‘ aim-e. and the W r Democrats turn out to‘ be Daniel S. Dickinson, zand Generals Lo gnn and 1&0! ’i'nand; w {h other: nf‘the nuns stripb. xiii-flame n to mata‘m the ‘Administm'l' n its wn measures he‘tray ed'tha Mrs {the ignnbl animnl that had donned t e lion’s robe. All these shifts and dod I show that ths Repu alicm par t}; I}? a red iiulity ofitl towing—lV. Y. -or . , x g Re; hour ('O7 y Flimale Fruit—“f6 are told of a bit of final amalgamatipn which is scarcely , iihle. h i: “Mk effect that. nwifo of Foflicer ofn Wisoq . in ngimem hasninoe Ie death of her husban . Which occurred Ahoy a year ago, become‘the mother of in interestingjuvenile citilen 0! “African de scent.” which is said to look, for all the worm. like the grassy contraband which the officer brought from the South and ii:- troduoed to his family. If in a and case, if tram—Oakland: ('Wu.) Rm’oun ‘ lA:J p}: ‘KALL PUBLIC FUNCTIONARIES IN THIS LAND ARE UNDER THE'LAW. AND NONE. FROM THE HIeEST.TO THE LOWEST, ARE, ABOVE I'll-AV“.— I'll H. Lou-nu. ‘ ‘ nnccs made that Qunnhell would yndo Kamnn, llmr‘orgnnizntinnw ‘dnnml. and the gnrrnllus found cnliroly defunwclcss. “ ‘ 'Gcn.‘ Jun. Lune (Snndtnr Lawronr'e nl thwtlmn. 'mh‘s!‘ hack about I hnlf )mur lu-fnr/ torell. JusL Tyke n ‘1]!!!10' \vodld do. lmno hn- mm] speecjnen lwl’ora Lnynl lA/ mqgrod h‘h lxontert that, n "copper-bead” 'cnuhl long 5- lie. Him-11‘ Ilmr Itlmmall nu fail as ha The mitt-mule drv SPTVf‘fl Um r 0 9! ' ‘onist, bonsto , m 1 scamps who 5 rl fives he disglnc ’dnnt'e fish. " ‘ erul’s shank) soon w; a re ‘llm lumpy man "Gr pl .rfohh'urils him. Why «lén't fof K-mznn rid tlu-pwnlh's nf‘lhis cm] L L“: ?{'— Cur/4.99: Voluntecr. Gil-(n ()L— Our rondon .n‘nfirru! my. in' tho h-loprnph :loupntvhm, ”mi. Henry Wilson. who came to -,e to stump flip Slnto,‘hm‘sudddplkro ml tor “'nshingtnn. 'l‘hnrofs 1: mud n! of meaning in HM fart—mgr? fimh floplo imngine. But a, fl-w dms; snjnurn in Maine convjncod the shrewd and, un scrupulousv )rnlilirinn thntv notrh‘rnt.‘ Dink—r lleavvn can‘mvo Mnine f'rnm gninfl f'n’r Bion' Bradbury but the in‘lorwqitinh nl'nrhilmry mvnsnres tn prm-rn‘tfghe anplP'S voting—a Either marlin] Inw 'm'uct 'ho proclaimed. lhn soldiem ‘in a body 21M hiu'o furlough: ~tn 'coma home, or 55.3%,000 m groonlmckkmusf hp appropriatew l-‘uy VOIK‘.‘ for Sam Gantry! This is what h rn'uwd tho skelhuhlhnlqof 'llénry Wi‘h-n-n/tn Wauhinumn. Be firepar ‘ed. irer vole-7‘3 of Muhm. In! the (minim: t)" runny oftlwAMlim-n despah. W 9 :Umnlll 01 he-nurnriscd to flu“ n mrporul’algunrd Aationod ul every hallo! mx to *mncrnls from 'vnting. )nmo no: vote, if you are ohli md to In»? In mm hand while you do /ote' with the otlnér37-Ilutlt(‘1!e.) UM yeslel! if: It, fai' tur/ finde mitm'y which FEM ctuqlg go min. piled «1 save the ...—f : 400$” ‘ ' C2lo!flflmm/.t'.——A.léttbrft‘nm "Q-I - T “;“'_' “.‘-‘k'w—"j‘ _ ofAuumt 13‘ 1.1 u”; (ybimgfif’g‘ Tm: “Sun or run Non". -.--“iiham I]. "Emancipation in this part of] Jacoby, proprietor ofthe “ Sun- of the North," has already pi-ovet’i‘ nrnrrydhns recommcnced the pul-lication olhie lpnper, l‘mrgwflmh'mk' 1"" lmye _nner on nbscqce‘ of ni ne' tuonths in tho army. I.:(:ll{trniZTLutfiwrs'rchtngni He raises the quoémtig: flagnhd is hamfight. I?" left to starve and (Hie of ing the Al’oli‘fioniele fur the eurrels onion-ti ' to which indnir-npa and‘expou tatiozml Liberty nnd the White .\Ltn's Ga reru “'9‘” litt'h‘k‘. They ImV_e not want. ‘The mind: of Woodverd Ind 'Lowrig 2%);7 ‘.flffin"::‘dnef::zn:firiol float ot the héndlofthe "Star bf the North.” .1 I - , . '. __M_-__«.... ,_____.. g no inedicnl— ntloncwooiyvhnujvor has hue-n ' WTht Néw't'nrk 7"", my: tbgt': 3 f""!i“'°"p,'\‘ “‘r 6"”: d"”",‘-”'.“‘ “68“" “Gen. Burnside. iflg speech to the inople “"5 "“mIPIS‘F-th'm‘a nf‘Gen. Curlw. 3: )K of Lexktgtun. alt-w e't'builtgs n2O. did outbu comrnbands have (11261 at 11019de-" “ L ’i tune tu declnre that he twin-d ‘mv-re "nutty-t. " ‘ :-- *‘—-‘ P!" *4 “I°“ lt 't K- t -k‘ than inen 'other Stute‘in hi rnyiww OM Scdrrf—w one M the liguruiazn't' n" ‘ - - ’. n - t ) ' "' t ‘ &::s:dn'{l‘i:: egg? (rim; tgxltéfsgy 13%;, To which the Emma retort: with I etinger, .'~'‘ . . ‘ . three hundred dollars shortér {lran‘whem‘fhnms' ‘ . . ‘ he went in, he cast his ginnce nrotmd uppn ’ .“Ahj-i S“ the 77m", Fm 3312039, "mam“? theluguhrions faces of the throng at expec-t “'"e ‘s‘ "0‘ 0” ‘dmuu‘n‘m' 10"“? a“ the tants standing in the MIL-whose hon: had’ "13“!" 5,”: of Kettgcky, '3'" E'mfifhlc Til" not. yet-come, wind soothed his ki‘ rtred'fi'"; ”:3 film-"”9 h?“ °" °" ': ""9 gfiic‘g spirits thus; “Boys. “"99 years 3&0 ‘1 “1.15, d I e :3. “:o?th "$313 $71.01“ " 1 a ‘ggiy ‘ViJe Avnke.’ and wore it glazed capo ro”no i euou ._ . "y' ' J'i girtyoobzntfi:peqfiabz:et::wcsit‘sé 1:2“ - Tnoorewr tantalum—By the 95th section: . r e. V . . coal oil account; 1'“ ram mine, and here's of the Art. ofAlsemSlJ of the Slate ofPenn the receipt. in full.’ Saying Which, he: “than”?! “July-1339:" “.0066th thet— flnurished his wattnutntion receipt, Vandi “N 0 BODY OI? TROOP§ 1N THEARMY tét‘t.—hxt_rio¢ r_fa _Unjgg; “3*; OF. THE UNITED STATES, on 0? THIS ‘ A Man Mud Titre: Tuna—Jamey Mar-t COMMONWEALTH, SHAhL BE PRESENT, shall. ex-toreman of Southqu Efigine t EITHER ARMED OR UN‘ARMED, AT ANY company. inflow York. wu_drefted no less]’ PLAQE 0F ELBCI‘IQN WITHIN 'THIS COAL‘ than thre‘tlmaovonce “his place at hat-f MQNWEALMI, Duums THE nus‘or SUCH menu,“ hll restdence, and at hie fuher'li ELEC’HOV ~ \ K 1 1 residence. -‘-—..———-«o»—L——— . Annapoli: Mid.) chtbfican.—Mr. ‘B. S. RiYey, who has conducted filis foam}! for the last thebty-oue yam. Lu tnnsferred its management md control whi: somfis. Riley. Jr. The paper will continue to sup port qhe Démocntiqpnrty. _ ‘ 'i _ . A’l‘n Utia, I than eopfined to hf: bed witli fever. hearing that boy-u drifted, be camé excited. Throw, walked the good: and fell dead- _ ‘ :and ‘Hing. raml dmg wen), Wham: K. Snuff". (one of the" luwfirm of Smuff‘cr 5: Harley.) hns in Hard!!! hm oM l'flnlll, 50. 148 N. 2’! street, Philmlelymn, n large assortmen’l o! Wnt'chcs, .lt-wu.-‘..x;11 Silvv‘r Ware, etc.. to which he ingiu‘s Hue intuition n! o].] cunomers find the public gogemlly. 'Sec n<'in E-ndx. in this‘issué. . ‘ OEMS Inusur: 1!. in- ME H" lon-n tuna.) ‘ Ipm. 'mhmrm n the rl-M-Is en fil, ALnlitinnist ‘ a px'r-ut ‘mnny .4gnlm'z. in whirl) he JH‘lHxPrn rebel nor 'liv: in K-mxzis so :. "P “unuhl shmt /cnnld thul tlmm.” «ha ‘1 "and «mum!' to de .c- WM alwa)" n «jliaunb /l’ pdltmn—mne of (Imm ‘ceivm' two nnlurivs fur of as. Minis 01w 0' the I’m-xi [onus-1.9.,- and spot-Lin (Inn -r slran‘ :m_d_ “Imm in“? as LOCAL DEPARTMENT. GRAPHS.——Our (ownsnmn. .\lr Jacob Rm mefl. placed upon our table, the olher day, seveml bunchu ofH-nflcnd‘ul Grupcm; tnkcu Imm his own Vines. They were 0! the-W‘Dcln wire ” “ritual!“ II “pf ppet-iml-ng‘of ii an “1- ever saw. The bunches were large, over, mpo potlecl, qnd‘ fin flnvor faultleu. Mr. R. In: our “nah. "X _ ‘ ‘ We mun: raid“ again edllng attention to this region, of country as reculiurly well udnpl ed ‘0 the culture of the Gimpe. We hue the soil, and we believe the Elimnu. to produce an. most any ruioty to pcrfectlonLnnd‘ to au')- stuntinle this, we need hm mm th'at us “ ,C.. UWhn," tender’u it is. when,“ all engihly planied, matures 3nd renrhcl "us highs} flavor: nine years out onten. The can inéero! the‘ Sumh‘ Moufiuin eSpeclnHy, present. iqcuions imiting to capitalists In Gmpo cujtfire,und we hope to file? the day Mm: its udvphuges will bo appreciated. ” ' Tm: DRAFT 1x cnxnnnksutgnpcwn Gem-go Hymn. Prov. lirshnl, inf lucky cnunéh m' drnw 1: prize 6:: Thursday, 27th.— In (Jlf'umlwrsburg It 'ih‘fick rawm'!nw.ven.fwr dm-tors. four druggls ta, ram printqs, my: cg“- !ors, amt the quman Réformed ininhtdr, Rev. Mr. nausman. In one_ instance i 1 refined one family offour ofita memberé, and the niniea a? ein butchérs (time out. tof the yrhecl. ; A WARNING—On Wednesdn; !;\sl,gwl3ilat .\Lé. .\lirlmcl Crilly, pf this-place, Was gngnged in an effort tunnlnnd It shall. fl exploded, and seriousiy injured his hang, requiring die nm-fl pnptiun at three flngcu. Tho accidl-m ’ mun-h to be ingntled, more Mpg-cinny ‘ns ‘ (‘rilly is n poonmui and has: aif'nuu'ly dw dent upon him for Human. I r. : _cu- DEATII'OF‘ AN ALLIED MAX—fir “David Johnston, pr l.utimore.lownslnip, Adn' gc’oun‘n} 13', died!“ ‘llis residenpo on the 5“ ul "‘9wa nearly one hundred yanl. His r mine were interred 'on the following day, ft lowcll by a' very lur‘go 'conconrao of frlflnll! ul ntci lVhlml'ax. MLJollnston wns'a guod neigh r and pllinsn‘nl acntlcnmn, and pre'serverl 50' [mmlivel‘y good lll'allll until a short time pro log- to lllsllllenlh. ? He was a firm. consistent mat-ml. to this dgy‘ of his death, And A: lon no he ml; alile, .M- l landed the elcclions :- ularly. [k- llifigerotln ‘on earth lnng'aflcrflli generalion'hml ppséml; awny, and would tvll “my luteroning clnnm-‘ stances \\ bich but to himyouldfixm be kufiwn. AL last he has {all . Pénre 3.0 blag-he‘s. ' TIllI l'llllAl) .l.l‘lllA AGlij—Wo lnwo fro; qumlly mu] 0 casinn tn commend ”11* on. ccllvnt Den‘loc nlicfijuurnnl in tho [mlmhn‘gc u? our rill/,enl. We can any. will: tlncvntnulatenn dur,’ than, ' our opinion, no better finpvr is pl.lnli.~llcd Andl'when we A; Ihismo flu-an ii in all H: dqpnrtmentl; Enlilorill. Liu'm‘yg, _\g ricullu l, I’olilical, News, km. 3&1 Could nd gnmljudgment nn'mnnifrsl tllmugb . Mnnx ofour mum into Hm}: rn fluilion. . ll such w. take plensn're in c'ommendlng l Daily Agc. . EZ out .\‘I‘ZW AD\’IHRTISE.\IENT.—Soe Dr, Sch; nrl'! nav nave-rlisenmnl cf Rem Odilfl fné ('mmltnp tiun,‘ Lin-r Cmnphints. he: fiisrmnlirifies are eu'cllcnt .Ln d wonky n lrial I»; inmlidé. 3* mu gram?» W. Woodward ii an fnr almw I An'lrfiv (‘nnin inf All lhnt’ nmkn n_mnn -‘ ‘l gnml and grin-if. M lho nun is nhnvo I mal éoil lamp in lmllmnry.’ .\l'nmlwnnl in hon-K ' i 9“ Gui-Ln in corrupl“ His own party 19- ‘ ”In": lril na lbil‘.\Wuvacnr-J in I higlifi ii-nintlul Slnlnmnn. Carlin ll I clap-luv l . , . | dcmngnpue. .Wm-elwnrtl l 9 rrlnulnlmn fur fininglrily is nhovr- snupicimwnml almw n!- itnvk. ~('urlin hns l.rr-n ltnrrnnnill-d l-y- park . 322‘,“1e ch||lllrllcfln County (‘on:inllloe in-“f unprinciplu-Il thiovw pvi-r Pinu- ho has called to mat: in Ihit plnce un Fridny he“, _‘l “N"! l" 11-ll‘fl‘l""5- T” "l?” 'l""l-"’ W9OO - mountain in in I.lmm ‘ . : Imin] our (lnvm'nnr “'lll he to ro-lurn m the , m» _ [days nf Sunnn .\‘n'v lor an l Francis R. ‘wThc ,Wesl Chester Jrfl'tenonfqn My! 111-i! Slumk.— him/0n Alli/"J. _ -_ lp Lnnculé‘r county, pnpmpnluml' $350, flr- l :‘ ""“ O ‘ ‘ " ”"""’ (‘U'lllllg lo the (lonscrjpfiun Board (a? lhnl llil-E‘ -m"‘ If" 1" "morn”! of‘Cunfberlnml “1"“. met, saves the [icrson pnying il. _ndl unly Iron! ,‘y mm m (Lulmly ‘ nllVlzmn-n n! (,nrllslu~, llncln-escnt draft, lgul koulnll fnlnro ilr‘nlla fur’ 0" Monday "m" ""‘l'nn"'”.'“|”l ”'9 ""10“" lhxee'\c;|vgr as "bum-urn 3,541” Cerhliuflhfll 's‘.” in; 3mm: m-lwl. Which. we. prnphroy, will 2 lo :bnsrripleil mrn ul' that count}, mt hills?” : ' lid ('lfi‘lHl l-y I'M“ nmjnril‘y Z—A‘N mltly. 7.“) “'o‘ lhc nullicvihira, cwwnsiné. Ih,» D'r. John I). l'unvmnn; l’llllllhmflnl)’. .‘.-m -llunnl‘ of l'llnrnllmr-nt ocllu- .\‘inthunzrin-rinn- "..l Shirt‘ninn' . lid‘mwh-r &,. 1,; ”mum” nl rlmriul I)! (he Slate ofPrune)l\‘nni4,‘|-ru\i- (. , . ll": .' (l {V \v". ll '1 v llr|l l'nr in section th.-“~10! ('nngn-ss‘ “for on-y mnmmn. ""N‘rll' ‘6' ‘‘ml ' ' 'F‘W ’ willnfinnd milling out ‘lhc National limos." 9Hl'l’l'. llv‘my Fm Ruler; gCummi-Ninu-r, ‘x‘il’l'r" 91d “Arc" B‘rlll‘fi?! lhcrcbyl film!)- ‘l‘” John M‘U'W =' llu'vclnr, Cluiuliun llurlunlni _ enry llespinger, 0 ' . Kim-gm . .nnm i-r - _ ,_ ‘V. . , ‘ . mnnly, Sing :11 l’ennsylu’mn, liming," glifcn'Au‘hml.’ 1);“: blufib'.’ '. ‘ sulisl‘cumy videnqc lhnc he is not pioxcrly 7: .—-: -~-- Slll-jH'l. lo do mllitnry' duty,“ as rI-qniredylyl . ~ THE WAR XQWS- . ‘, said Aft, hy‘icmqn ul havingjm'nl §zup 00an Inlnlliznnro from I huFls-rtnngip to Tnog. nxnlnhon', ls ‘on-mp! Noni nll llulnhl)‘ lo (10-nul- , day [ad has llU'Cjn rncviwll. ll nmmnr! llml ”'3'? ”"510: the to:r:_ol“;l||l'f¢m.‘;‘2ir:;§' inlthnn‘gh (ht-17¢: gn I‘llrrnlinnc, holh millin \ .. ~ ' ' ‘ '_ 1v 3 ~ry 31m nnvn , ave aegn actively prosecu . Cuplmnnrgll:sl:l2:L?lln;izrl‘l’.lnllnn::l‘l rumglenl‘ led.- yof no inlporlunt‘xoonlts have hen-n J , I’Xlil UllFlmFl-‘lt. ‘ lincl‘m-vml. The nllnck.‘ rfimllod by tho ' . r v. 2 ‘ . bfinlln-m lumm'rc M hnvxnulukt-n phloem: “m" art“ .I.;l'Eilcggl'lggnulefit '2 " l (- mull! of \Vednesdnx, the-Elf”; nIL, “ml-I -' . Sui-Jenn of “mm m Enrollment. In sncresn‘l'nl dulwnslrnnon of Gen. GLmnro . new] M Immune“ Pa... .ngnuml Illa Confederate yrifln pi}... Fm: this 23-111 any or July-{1863. I Sumlen ‘llll‘llolds out. with the Cnnl'mlt-r- ‘r .--; _t ...» ..'_--- ,_ ‘Me flag fl-ml‘m'g over it. On anlz'ny unm- 4‘ [e‘l‘ilty-lhreu men we're drnlled lrom gm noon in.“ the Iron-chill» (tram-ii fire on For: ‘ field, Conn., and fiflv-m‘o of ll.cm linill their: .'finulgrw. ‘tl'l “germ; riirwgori'l‘l;'es(lny. , -. . ._ ' . ‘ . )e pom mm! m ran 0 or _ agm‘r $3OO. The runmning genllnmnnmund'nrl‘elv‘. were Awngyeuipg; Gen. Gilmm-e had, “no, “ho film’s“?! 3”! delermnmnomlotgo “ml ceedo in runningn-pnrrnlcl ngainlzvglng - "present lll! town 1‘ 1 «ark. No further bombardment of llra‘ici -11 had luken’place. The cnnualliw‘nmnng lht‘~ Fedqul troops amount m about. my 1 ”outlay. . ' I Gon. Kilpamck on last Wednndiy inlch‘ed Port Conway, on the Rnppnlmn-y ; nook, with his command. and immediately , inpened fire upOn .tlie reccnfily cnplurni punboaln Relianqe and Site'lile, whwh'hui been taken up 50 that. point. Il‘rl abort 1‘: j tirnl hp had auccoedod in sinking the 84th . ; lite. and dunmging'the Relianc‘e to such an .7 lens"; an to rendor her use-lean. 7menre i rewhmg the river the Federul Moons cune’ herons a brigude ol“ Conretlorn‘ , "mm. 2 {rented to the right [:san of We m in flat. bollls.‘ This was pmhably,tlae 11,00“; “ federal.» force noyth of (he Kapplbannogk. below Fredericksburg. - 7 ‘~ ‘ . Keoording to «'correnpqhdent of the New York Times, assuming-g have reached' 1 Washington from n distinguished officer of lhé Army of thy Potomac that Gen. 'Leo hangiven no evxdenqe whatevor ol'a. put”- 'pose to move his l'p’rceg. ll is believed, an” the contrary,thnl’he is waiting (ho result of ‘ Ipc operations pf Gena. Roaencruns. Bani“ ”(199d Gilmore.—Balz. Sun. ; . ‘ -. ”Man; of our exchangrs have been gel ling duly n‘ hnlflflneél 01‘ late. The rfin‘é'm, :1 rapid incyyxgsc of subscrib-rg. lfunrarjllx us. friends—we upccl to korp pact with (he rnéli hereafter. ‘. ’ i Y 1 fi-Bob Liricoln, “ the \ggnmment’a” oldestson Ind - atom, athleticgyoung man. is spending hil, Samar at me White Mountains. Why dofi’l Robert. uy‘his hand with I nuke”, ‘ ~ 7 ”The neme- of : son are to hold ~ State Convenllon with {view/co loom-ins‘ *‘equdityfl "Things hhotfing." I I —~————...a—‘o- '-7L_..~ . , - K ween. Juhu_B. EEV’ 9! the who; nxinpyiodied at. Abmgdonv 3., on m‘mh' ‘u “I: .r . ~ /‘ THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY Lcuhose who now until the Dumocruic pur ly remember alwayn one {act—that hintory has vindicated every , position and justified our; important Mt of that party from the or gnnizntion a! the Government down to norm—7 Discreet men who nhlici‘pnxe a future, and do not ohjcét to the enjoyment-of "if-rennet in tune to come, had better rnmlnnte a little on m. Ilgnificlu'zt trelh. Without cluiinlng ah. saline immunity, the Democncy h‘m'a right to (hell with patisfoclion Ind pride upon the fachlntt their ‘lucccu hlu‘beel uniformly Uno' prolpcrhy Ind progrges oflhé country Ind the; ihcremd hopp‘lnenrot the people; the: their' coidinl prilciphl his" pnused’into In", my their theories of lol’flgovornmem to" become the weli uttled convlcllonljolmtlk'mourcllnu’ will the world our. ==They con tfiefisfore‘bdi' reproach with compnmtlvo Indiflhre‘nca. They' miller. still‘ to' their cordln'al principle! “I! rely upon the sober second thought of thdpeo-' ‘plo, knowing th [their principles [roams viulity which an never lie. weakened elthcl‘ by cnlumuyp defeat. I o 7' I _o v CORPO ' 9 The fol v by the 1) r fully. l ocrnti ’ h it tru I i r f fiTIONS AND OOEBCION. [flung resolution, pnued origiuyflly, Amocrnry of Nurlhgmjnloncounly, way Aorsed and adopted by the recent Deg-x Uoun‘y Conventiori‘ in l’hilkdelphiné . movement in‘tho‘ rightdiro‘clion'. nnfl we 1. ix will be made: a question a; every poll the Cummoxmenlth, And men elected to flu.- /Egialuturo wfio will inexorably canylouj ”lii measure, an nectimg, in; thus any. of pm acripljo‘n and fyrannifiy'l‘o [ire-serv- ihe ln‘lmm meled right of aufl'i'ngemnd thus 11-qura our libunieasjln every election district. Ihgu‘e gur ponnions shuuld be cugofully watchep, my}. :lxe evidence collected-upon which to bniao the ucuou 9! mo nut Demncmlic Legislgturo: “ Rnohwl. Thuq vu re-echo {ho l'entl'mnnhl of the ‘rewilnlionn 0} the Demucmm of old Northmnplu , calling. upon the Legislature to repeul the charlorsiol all ('orpuruliuns ‘(hnl shall have been gxigtified i? plot-rifting man for [he exe'rcino ol‘lheir ph ilicn ‘bpiuimu, o r in excluding, from tho institutions and public Conveyginccs undvr their. control. the Demo- \, crutiu press (if the country plml we n-qm-al tlic memhvrsfrnm this city to mill, ll; All IM muuns in Ihcir primer, [his lunch“: oll'nrt iu‘ behalf afconsliluliuxml frucdnmJ.’ wThe Abuliliouiszs hl't‘ " minim I TM tn‘i'r.” Gav. erulcue ins inngg‘krmod Ia (Inv‘crnur of‘Kcnmchy nn‘Tuoldny. Jn MI In nugurul he mnu-mls that [NO revullrd Stan-a 9H}! n 0! ('hnflge lhcir slam; by "ht-Hing. Ail thumb m-vr-Snry in fill; Ilfl-m In return to their position M Biz-fee ; lhu n-l Hliun did no! mun them to I turrilurlul c‘nmlllikurl. , [lt also unyl: “ Wu 'lmva numnnd will lmvr' when due relvvlllnn closes, the Illunllcol Unn stirlxtion‘ *llltfh‘lllé cxlroinisls ml 1.0 Ilorlrny —-fho um- by inmwnlim'nml the ulhcr by {on-v. ll ii not a rumgrod Halon—no! u r: cmmrmwl l‘n'mn—dlml Kmlm-ky ‘llesirrs, hnln'pruwrvo-l Unlon m" I‘rcétorell penqo npon luonllitndou nl hasls." . u ‘ , ' 3' TIM ”mi-rnnr ntrnnfly nljvru In lhn firming "fun-m rogimnm. nml Mkl—“ What is MIL:- donc lilh rurh suhliersnl [he ckffixnf tlwwnr‘! ‘ HQ paints to thc rosult of Hn-Toqcnl olouliun la n prim! tlml Krnuu-ky wi" no‘l Inlurmzh film the _7!'vl Hi- In. ellhw 0120"]; or c-nrrrl'y. nnd n‘cclnflu final ““Iva th.-m has a vrr Low. 1:: nmrfianfl‘ alwnys will remfiin loynlsw tho gur "mm-n! of our bullwru'r '1". . "The Democmtic State Convention of; Massachusetts met on Thursdhy lat. lt ‘ twain very large, embracing 1,520 delegates —-mnny of them lenders in the old Whig party. but who find it necessary toioinyith» ,the Democrats to put down the radical) 'r i whose policy- will ruin the country. in v i“ H. W. Payng; of Roxbury.wns nominam ’ [for Governor-,3 d Thomas E. Plunkett, o! , . Pilbsfleld, for Lieutenant Governor. I The resolutions adopted declare strongly ‘ . for State righu; oppose the prosecution ofg ‘ ' i the war for the purposes of subjugation and i ‘Vemlncipation; denounce the extension of ‘ I,!nartiel law to States not: in rebellion: as- F aert that the mu is the result of both secee- ‘, ’ 'eion, and Abolition; pronounce the cor; lloriptinn act unmse, needless, eppreuile. ) ‘ud unequal, rand warmly applaud the j: oourseol' Horatio Seymour. 1 --_.———o - 6—-——- :- “'Anothor draft in alreedy spoken on?! i) take place soon, to make up the deficien- ' ‘s] caused by exemptions. . About _hn‘l n r .vmanydmore u are now called for,“ mum Q .'will be drafted: I _ =I