' ( Tarn-ts- Theimxnun is published every Mbndny morning, by Hun J. Snnu, at $1 75 psi annnm if paid striouy m ”nun—3s2 99 per annum if not paid in advance. (___No subnoription Biscoutinued, unless It the option of the publisher, until all arrange. arg paid. ’ ‘ AbvIe'HSIIIXTs inserted at, theusunl jam. Jon, annxa. done with nutnégrand dispatch Orucl in South Bfltimoré streeLanll opposite Wamplers' ’l‘inning Eotnblishmen ~“Coxrlun PRINTING Omen” on the sign " Register & Recorder. . I. .'l‘ the solicitation of my {ricndu,l offer A myself ".5 a candidate for the office of REGISTER k’ RECORDER, suNjfl'l. to the dc mqiou of tho Demmzralic County Convention. Should I be nnm'u m. «l and. eluted, I pledge myself to performiho duliel of the aflice will: promptnms. A. P. BAUGHER. Aptil zn, 1863. tc /\ ‘ , * Reglster 8t Recorder. : T the sol‘u'imliun of uniqcrgug friends in A the County and in on!~ Regiment, lam-,- ofler myself In it rmul'nfute‘fur the office of RRGISTH! & HECUKIJEK. "subject to the dc ‘Lillon of the Eemucrdlic Uuumy Uonvdmion. Should I be so fartnxmtu us to In: noluiunu-d and ‘alrctcd, I wedge I") salt to ‘digulmryge the dutioi of tho uflicc to flu: Inn-u. of my nlullly. ~ S \MUEI. LILLY. ~.-1.65rh P. 31., Mn,» 25, 1&33.‘ lc” _ , ' ‘ . Remter'fic Recorder. ENCOURAGED [3y lnyiru-uda, I ofler my self as n I'nndidznr for the affine nl’Rl‘ZGlS ‘Elt I RECUIHDKI‘.;IIL thumcu clfl'liu", anh ject Eithe Jet'ision ul' 11in [Minn-ratio Uuunly Coli'velilion. > filmuld I' he so tortunnle as to he nogfinalcd and cit-Ming}! promise to dis (huge the duliqs 0! tr»? unm- m the hem of nijnbilnly. , , “I“. K. GALLAum-zu. Gettysburg, April 21, ISGJ. la a, ; Registemaz Recorder. 1 0 THE VOTERS U!" .\D.\.\lS'4,'(_‘)L'.\'.TY: 1, AL NIC- urgcut Slvlirimlhm 44' lit/It'll," I ufl'rr myavlf us A rumlldntc lnr “LUISTICN k 1:14- SIUKDEK, filll‘juc'. lu llu- (luridmg, I»! [lnc Dunn-p (‘Mllc (3mm!) (‘nnwn‘ium ~(inufliuui ul my ability In disdmlgu xhc nlutivsdi llu- ulliw,uml upL-dy of lhv prnhts 111. the 5.1 m“, I phllgt: m - aélf w l'nilhluilr IllSt hirgu ih'L- 4.:th 4 MN lubckyuhc pm‘lils If the pun ph-hm- kind cxmuHlh w clm'l mo. . ‘ ~11. l’l'l'ZLH-lILXLIJ. )lidtllr-luwn, Jumr I; IS'Z'I. to. V ‘ < Register 82 Recorder “ ‘T ”H- :olir'im£iun (1| huzucrmh‘ {urn-Li, I A ngAiu ullc‘rJuun‘H' .H n r xn-llchtc tor the omm: ul HHHISTEILR HI'}UU[UH'§K,:|L er Phill- Hr’g ('lt'i’ullll‘ suhjx-rtlu lln- uh-vi;im. u! m.- lJunu‘- culigdluuhty Culncmum. Sim-{l.l l ln- m fprlu‘gia‘c as to he ninmndlml .m-l ‘lmh-x), I lllellyiu Duh-w“ [u diaclmlyv Lin: duzlica {lf UH: un'iu: \Lu the brat (1' m) Alnlxly. ‘ . ' '.\ \\'.‘l"H-I'|L‘\H.\’U ; chyuhurg, .‘Jnnii 30, mm. ld“ ‘ 4...- , .7 . .h- 1 ’ , Reglstgar 85 Roccrai‘r. T lhc suHPhnlh-n u! mum-rum flit'llvgfi I A iii-Am ll”'._hfll_‘»4lhr.!¢ :t nunlix! m- t'uu 13.0 (101 ch ul'llujt'nng‘lzl; k Mil Ul”"‘.||.:|l_ljit"i'§lsh ifilg‘cirrliuu.slller-N In [l'm dcc hug," nl'ml-AL-um (hum yU-muly Uum’nnliun. .‘lmuhl l he's!) lurlnum- [is m he Hnnl‘n-Ih‘dynul rlvch-«l. I fllv'dg‘c In sr“ [u 11': HI -l‘;::‘ [he (“Aim of Hw umcu lqlhc ln'ai of“ .‘ :InEiu'. \ H l v L “fifl'. .- kj ' l |—- ~c f‘ A v um um MUX'l'Hifi 1! Liberty [p., .\l'uy H, 1 . Cltrl: 01" thu NWUIHLuH-ZD hyu numiu‘ur "'1'“! frimdt, “h I offer lIH’M‘” :x-z n mmIIH -h"‘{ul‘ llw ”Hi-r ! LLHHK- U!" 'I'IH‘I ('Ul'R‘UhflatL llw‘k'vming gawk-u. sullj cl It) 1110 nhiliunn nl'lln- Drum .':llir Cuum) ('n'nL-ulum. .\‘hdnld I lw st) Ibrmnnln- us In In- nnmnnti-xl mu! «lvczlml, I . Agu- Hiya-71‘ m di;cix..:;.- Hm mums 01 the " llicc fallhmily. , ' ‘ 'Nzt‘nn', \mn. snzu‘rEm I Slrulmn [p., .\ynl x 3, H‘ZL 1c = 1 ;. .vv - - .. ._, J Clark of the Courts. ‘ < ‘XNH'ILMIEH h_\ u n-zmhux uf I.l\Jrir~nds, J ‘1 lag-nu hlhv’r nun-Irv u (.llußi-l [- fur Ihv. d-nun- ul' I'LlSlik “1’ THE t'UI'RTS, at 1110‘ +1.:llllllfl ulorliun. uhjv- l lu 11-v uu'iiiun nl' Il'u: hvmuruun‘ (31mm) I'l-nh‘x‘ludl. Nunlld [,h' in: Influx-mu as m In: 4 I. cu'nl, I [lnk-L‘- mywh‘ in nifl lung-1 lln: duties uffin‘ unlu hilh“ My. JAN“: 5.\_\1)1.2.4. ‘ ' r " .‘Hulxntplr:\~nlll lp, •.r :.•. •Yt. ~1 I ' Clerk of iho Courts; 7 ‘U '1 I1]; \llll‘luHS 0.” Al) \MS ‘.‘(foT‘l’tj— ,_ I" Hun nil/mu: gaining: ruvoumgc-I My limll‘rlum i'rwn-l: I Qi‘l'l’ In_\ «”111 .\mn‘ can ~ t ' k‘lllrtdllun n~ -| ,‘4 Aln-li ullt‘dnr t|n-_ tilin- ul' 3 i ‘ Shcrflaltya KELEHK HF ’i'lll‘} t?l‘sl3il'l‘>‘. Mi the m~l Hri‘- ‘— 1“ 1N""ll|:‘\‘(: 14m ‘. "m“, runiirienda ‘fiun...~lllijl‘l'll tn the dun-mu lII‘ the l‘r4llv0""“r'" [a UK. r nu'n Hus-n mndhinte lurthti Uultnty ('untrnt'nn. min-till i tom-in- the in”; ”VI", aiiiljl'l'l to the I'u-riziop 0“: nuuunntiun nnd ticn-iri-h-ul. l_;-h.~ll dyi} .tplnr- and“. ,3 nut, t'. mention. ‘ Should I riule )nur rulnii N‘lH"‘H”“' l"”'“i“' ‘” .'.iwlmrgvj in ("ad and 'Em'li‘d, I pledge imsellto d the-duties ul'the nun-c [nun-pl!) :tn-l \ii’i.|ld'llil‘l' ithe dutixs of thy km“. “2,," pmmm‘ jg. _, ii‘H’A‘J “NV-- umpimumy. (minor: new i Fr“”k""}i'w 51"“ 6:135”- 1" . l I L'nnxherlnmi to, March 30, 15013. ir ‘ V “... ‘7’ .. 1,.- _ i , m‘Ehliuving ht‘l'n informed of r port in , ‘ Clc‘k Of. til? CuUl'tm..; 'eireni‘uien 'to the client tint i idfi‘nd to run f ' U UAHUK “l“ ‘i‘f' “,""”"“1""“.;:": ”'9. £45 :in Ind -pz-r.dent eandidhte ,shouh‘l i not he i ' Denim-mule nomination fni‘bi.lax.l\ Ul‘ faxuninutc'i by the Democratic (‘ounty Cum‘o'i -3" n 2; ”81-[31:5- Nllml'l ."C h" '*“""‘”‘S"'l’,l’° ,tlun, it is due lo Iny><~lf that lat once hrxtnd ‘l'h‘dflfl llll'fit'“. 1” I‘so 0“"! limp” ":"nmn ; the mid relrwrt as utterlj fulsf. I lune ne\er< ‘tor tlecfion. -—. [AI-‘s'}. ”W" 1° it'llit‘rluilmd such :t thought, illi feel myself \I ‘ ‘4’ . . , ‘ ° '‘n honor l-(mnd to abide by the l et-ision orthe i work Of‘ {118: .COUQES‘ 113 w“ entity“, as uunoumeain'myjiexird above. in a, wow n-ilng-nyfl‘lnliclnte torfllflgK , ; Juno 3; 1303. (motion unsung, } . UII‘ THE (ftill‘lg'l‘b‘, snlijcrt to tie c- fir. _ .-’~ ; ~, iciaiou.of the Demon-mm- Sanity Convention. GlY6_ _US 5 Call! , Gettysburg, slny in, Isms; tc Comm J: GILLESPIE—Imve just received ‘3’“"’ - V ’' ' "‘ 4. » st large nnd splendid stock ol.New Goods, f Clerk Of the cow‘s' which they nre sellingns clamp its the times, 1' thhe solmiwtimr of numerous friends, I iriil nllow. Their god; hns‘ been selected with :_’A ofi'er myself us a t-mnlidatejor the office lcflre and is of us good a quality as the umrket 0t (I’LENK OF THE I‘UURTS, nt'~the ensuiing will ntiord. ’SUGARS, we have all kinds, election, suhjcc t: to the decision Or (he DUUO~ i Hard nnd Soft Crushed, I’nlverized,Granulated, ,rrnlic County Convention. Should I he so [New Orlean‘s. Portu- Rica. and Cubn. TEAS, «mm-m a: ,to be' nominated and elected. I lmperinl, Young Hysou and Black Tons. hio - myself W dis‘ih'mle “1° duties or the LASBESJiew Orleans. Portn Rica. and Syrups bolfice to the best‘ of my ability, of different kinds. TOBACCOS, to suit’ all ' ' . ’ JAHES J- FINK- lovers of the ‘wecd, Congress, 813th Navy) Oxford tpq AP?“ 201 ‘363- -‘0 V . puvendish. Rough and Reudy, Nntui-nl Leaf, ‘ ‘und Fine (‘nts ; blinking ’l‘ohnceu,.ls},tfifl‘erent kinds; PIPES, a large and fine nssbrtmt nt; SI‘ZGARS of vyious -brunda. COAL UIL LAMPS and Shu es,-we have the best assort ment. in the place, which we sell low; also, a No. 1 article of Con'i‘ on. HANS, bum: and sugar curt-d, Shoulders nnd Sides. IFLUUR, of the best quality. nhich we always gunruntce; Cedar-ware, Tulbs, Buckets, Winter Cans; kc. We also keep Notions. Conieiztiohs, Fruits, Fish, by the small or hy‘the barrel, Salt, Spices, Chocolate, Starch, Blucking, Indigo, Candles, Soaps, Curry Combs and Ourda, a large nssort ’mcntof Britain-5. lhsketst Ropes, Cords,_Croek cry-wure,&c. GIVE US A HAUL! ‘ Gettysburg, May 11, 1863. L ( ' County Treasurer. ‘ RING frequently solicith,l otter mySL-lf is I a cqndiduxe for the omce of cum'ry ‘ REASUBER, subject to the decxsion at me i Dcmocrutic County Convention. Should I be nominated and elected. I pledge myseh to dis ‘chargq'lhe‘duties ot the office faithfully nnd yrolnpdy. JACOB TROXI-JL. ‘ Gettysburg, April 27, 1§63.«.tc ’~ ‘..V_._——..___—.__, Count/ Treasurer. NCOURAGEU by many friends, I offer my. GEICAS wndidam fur GUUNTY TREAS» 1 KER, M the next elemion, subject 10 Hue dc : ckion gf‘flie' Democrfitic County Convention. j Should ‘I be so fortunate as no be‘nominuzed 9 find elected, I pledge myself to discharge the ‘glutiol of the olfice faithfuily and promptly. 3 _ . ‘ ROBERT D. ARMOR. ‘ . Getty-burg, flay 11, 1863. to ‘ .: County Treasurer. ‘4 NCOURAGED by many frie‘nds, loser'myi.‘ self u [candidate for COUNTY TREAS- R, A: the lien election, subject to the dc finial: 9f the Democratic Copmy Convention. Should I be so fortunate as In be nominated _nnd elected, I redue myseam discharge the dutiea of the ogce faiuhlufly and promptly. , r JACOB SUEAUS. :bettyaburg, Mayd, 1863. w- A Director of the Poor. . E Are requested to announce ANDREW ' SHULTZLO‘f Latimore townshtig, as, I. _cgn ‘dne {or Director of tho Poor, af. e next elation, subject as xhe decision of the Demo mtkcquuty Convention. ‘- . Inna 1, 3863. u; ’ ‘ [OKING-HAS RECEIVED lIIS ‘ SPRING A; SUMMER CLOTHING G 0 “TfGKING‘S {or you: Springnd Sam‘- :mei' Clothing. ' V A _ ‘ ALICOII, Giughnml,~ Husllnp, at reduced ates, at FAHNBSTUCK BROS'. ’ Sign «91 ~ 21°”m9'i... -< ;: ~BMOBAL .BOOTS,--“ Imm, when did :0; pt though-. 3 Manors! Boots ‘1" f‘Alb ~ _ mummy-s." BY n. ‘J, STAHLE 45th iYear; Sherifi‘alty. 'EECOEJIAGBD by a number of fricnds‘l - ofo-r mrsclf M n. cnndidnte 1m- Hee‘ofljco u: snmuri‘, subject. urthe duclsinn‘d‘t me Democmfic County Convention. Shunld Ihe nominuled nnd elm-led, hplcdgg mysel to dil cluugc lhc duties of the ~ofil'u‘ failhfulz'. , HENRY HEITLER. ‘ Mounljoy 151)., April 0, 1805). in.“ , ' Sheriffalty. ' NCOY'RjA ED by n nqmbor of friend”! E oflur myegy' as a “candidate for the office .u-r SHERIFF, snhjnvg. to '.le decision of the Dcmmnmc Count}; Cunw-nlinn. Should! be ‘numinnLl-d and eloclcd,»'l pledge mysl-If to dis chugu the, duties of the office I‘uilhhlily. 5 ‘ M. ILJULLER. J 'Mnnnlplrnmnt 1p.,J1.- 2‘2. XBl2ll. Sherifi‘alty. .' T Ihv suliviiui-m ofJnuuLmus flinndx, I 1& (1113; nnscxf as n ('.Lmlilhlc {or the {mice uI‘SHIiIUI’A‘, .lL Line turning rlerliuu, sulljcc‘ la th ' dm l-iun nl UH: Vanna-11c County Unn \'o-qu-n. ‘h‘hmfl‘l- [-hc so [finlunth' m! tn he 11 II" n l'l'li an I l-lvrted, I plvxlj-z vnywlf to die (~uu~g-- (h: «_Lmvs of thc ofii. I- my. Ihr- hos}. of my .ym‘ y. ' G’m. 1-‘. ECKBNIUHJEH Getu’hurg, Mnnh SO; 1363. 1c ~ I Sherifl'altyzl ELLOWJ‘ITIZBNS ()F'AELA‘MS CO. : F “Ming hot-n imporlmmll {or sd‘malnue lo bccunic n cnmli‘lzne for the 011169 hffilnikll‘l“, l nuw nn'n‘numc myself XI cundiiffl: .ILJ ~mul- Lfiim, (mhjvul'm Ilw “(mun-rug Numinnung (“nut-yuan.) hhn'xld I ho so inrm‘nmle‘ as 11: IE- HUKIHHIICI} 211.1ink-rlml.| pruniix‘r In M“- rh.lll'n_ Lo limits 0! ,su'ifi (ilivo pronmlly :md finh‘fidt Hy. . Yum- nlmnl‘u-nl .wrmnl, - ‘ k f Z.\L'll.‘.‘lil.\” .\ZYIIRS. ' ‘ Ayn-127, I‘l3. 1:: . . , ,1 Sheriffalty. 7FX’M‘C!‘ ‘.(-I.l) i~_\ mum-low {riomléJ I‘m-r “J nnmll Ali :1 t"l|1li<.lll‘ l' r the ufl'uc ‘ul hinzllH‘ A", ~n’vjl-L flu Hu- list-1.31m of Ihc Dun; (gm-.m- ('u-nny (Emu-mil)". Shuuhl I lxe-nmu innimlzmd kli'LH'l‘,xl'll‘tlgt‘l)|)Fl'Ll}l()l!i:('l.~flr£(‘ [lu- .iunrs HI 1111- umm- “ilh [nmuuuws‘d um] impvulmli‘fy.’ \ JUaHl’lf .\. filli‘fi'ifl’lil’f"h ‘ Muumju) qu‘Aplil :7, mm. m; ‘ , - ‘ ‘1 Sheriffalty. _ ‘ . "ELH‘LV Cll'lZENH:——.\l [he {“\l‘n(‘~‘t€fo - lirihuion ul'nmny fricnnls ju uil [mm of “w cnuhly, _I nlh-r m) cell .1: u ennui-lulu Inr'flxc c Him: (If S“ Em Fl“. at [flu m .\‘t pk r'liun, why-r! m the Alex-iaioum tlxé Jk-mocnuic Coun ty Cum'rulwn. Should l he nominutod and “('l' medJ pic-luv m) solflto discharge the 51-min? u! the ofliuu I'uilhfulb and promfnli‘y. ' - “ ADA.“ IH'ZBERT. Framklin ”1., April 27, 130.5. Hz“ Shefiffalty'. 1141 .\'C()U.".’K(HiI) by uunwruufifriends. Infrer :1 myle :15 n mludid‘de for the nlficc n! bxni'llill-‘F, .\lllljl'L". to the decision m 1911- “cm (H rmic Conn!) L'ofiveuliun. Should] he {mm inalcd :tnd't-lnic'd, I [.lt-dgc "use“ to disrhurgc we niulicr‘of :hc «nice with premium-:5 :unl ihllelial'ty, SEML'EL BIKER. ‘ Frye-don! (p., .\{-y 18, 1813 .; lc ' Sherifli‘afiy. , ' TEFXCOURAGED 11y muuy friends, I nfl'cnmy {J zclf us :I canJiduhg for SHERIFF at the rm: l-lt'ctiun, su‘jx-cl [U the decision 01 the Mnuwunc C-xunty Uum'euuon. Should I b ‘ 1. )vniT-lcul mu] dun—.l, lunmmzse to pn-rfurm 111-.- unhrs of [be ufluc with ndrlity and iii: [wt .xhty. -IJUIIN .\ll'.\l.\.‘_'l'l;lf. -‘ .H’n)llnlplt'l|>nnl tp.,Apnld, 131,33. EL!“ 4 Removals. I HEundd’sigpcd,beingtheauthoriudperson I to make mJuovalslinw Ever Green Ceme tery,hopes that [ich as contemplate she rembval grits remains of deceased relatives or friends will avail themselves of this sensed ofthcyenr to have it done. Removals malls with promfnness dorm low, Lnd no.efi'on ipnred to please: f ‘ . 1‘ TH! THORN, ? I‘M-ch 13, 160. Ke‘eper olthe Qemet’ery. Farmers’ 8:. Mecpamcs’ -4 AVINGS INSTITUTION OE ADAMS 06., S hnviug ipcrenssd Its capital, bu calm-god its business And extended“: upcommodmions Loan day, Wednesdny.- [Aptil6, 1863. tf ' v r . Picking . l AS RECEIVED‘HPS , ~ SPRING t SlfllfiEß CLOTHING. , COMEONB, CO! ‘AQL, lily 18. 1863. ~ - J ILLINERY GOODS, Bonnet’s’, Ribbons, M Flowers, Sinker: and Bonnet Frames um received from New York,‘chesp It Fahm éstocki';aigil of the RED FRUN T. ‘, um: BRANDY;WINE ‘AND watsxev, rO. medicinal pnrppm omg; A: me New Drug re of _ . 1L HOMER. ‘ as. M§SLBWT§S~OOTHINGSYRUPE§ .1 childrofi‘, at Dr. B. ~UUB§EHB D 1 ug . mini—GLOVE: for uJ’I-Tniy‘fifu be had cheap a \ scmcms. . A‘IDEUW©©RATU© Am' FAWLV JQURNALD @ll3 4mm A TOUCflING INCIDENT. , [The following morcun, contributed to tha l’hilndelnliin Bull/tin, froin some unlrnm’vn pc‘n, \ms huggealc'd by an :ill'uuling scene in one of the nrmy hospitals. A buvo h.d of'sixtcen yours, lit-longing to a New England regiinent, mar-tally woundqd at Fred'crickshurg, and sent to tlie,l’ntent Olllce Hospitul in Washington, was unxiously looking for the coming of his mother. As his last hour n’pproqchrd, andv sight grew dim, he mistook a sympullr’mic lady\ who'wnu .niping [he clupmy perspiration fro?! his forohmnl, Mr ihu expel-nuloue, nud, with n Smile ot‘jo; lighling. up his in do Lice, whisper €ll téndcrly, “ Is that mother 2:" .. “ Then," snys’ llu- writer, “ drawing her ldwnrd him wi'lh all his fig-hie Strcilfllil,.ll(‘ nestled his hmul'in her arms like a sléqxlng inhuit, unrl Linus died. with the a)» cL-l. word‘nihlhcr' ou his quli ering lips.”] . “IS Tun MOTHER?” Is that. mother bending o'er me, {is she sang my crmflu h) mu” Knot-ling tin-m in I." lrs‘tcfure me, Smy‘l—my sight is growing dim (,‘uuu-s i-he frrm: :he old home lowly, .(lul .mumg thyXurlhorn hills, ' To horpi-t hay, Ibmrgéluwly \ '_ Ul' \V~:ll"b lutflu-wI-mlds and ills? Mntlu‘}! uh 1w- hrm‘cly lmilul: ‘ mum! liH :hc xl3) was (Juno; “hilv Hue lc-mlfimii-pturm lulled—— _ Maui to than izuu lo' gun. But He fuilml—nud Inn! dying—l ‘ I); inf): m l:l3:._l;n_v-|ivtnd’s .\L'urs— “ ' Thorn-flu) warping—fir!l'-drn_\ ing, NQMU dcnhs demagud no wursl . ‘ ‘ h‘ . ( ’ Fold 3m” nrn‘r’w aixfin'nrnund mt‘; ' ‘ - I'm-as again my zuihin’g brad; a. 1% {~2ng lhc lulhhv‘yuu smug Inc— g' ', ' 13- Krbs mu, “hither, are I’m dead. \ L ‘ (flifirsllmzmfi. HOW GENERAYHGRANT LOOKS AF- ' TERETHE INTERESTS OF HIS SOL— , DIERS. . . . | The Clovoland IS'ra/vl of the 30m in'étnnL! says. m refc-rvncu- to ,this sul-jcétf . l . “(h-moral Grunt Eh irksucd n spe'cial 0|:- i‘ dor fillhidf‘iij)g stéfim!mutmvu (u cluugc ?' mdru HM: 1346'») dulln'l's tooulifled turn an I l awn-n dufims (n i-fiiu I's as (me Ln-lwm-n Vl’ckahm ' uml (.jnim.‘ fimmydinH-ly ufn-r § chkg’uurg hm} qubn a lfirge numu‘i of stucllxmoubfilx‘ul(U From Nut Lhm'u [nu-I: fun that {’lnco, and wv'ro 11l flog-meil. ulchzuging :1 suldlvls gumgl’mme ml Yurhulgh {rum “[n-vn : lo thuly dulim‘s fare to Cairn. A lricnrl r-C- ‘ lan‘s m 4 that. [he ate unm' llnpq was c )m- E‘ lyelj'ci byfivb. Gran? In dlacimrgg its Ili- ‘ gum-If wins the -mher day, under the hJ- " lumn‘g 'cn'cumsmnces: This Font :lnzul I‘ about one thuumnl] enlisted snlxlu-rs, mul : nearly tycu hundred 911 d fifty officers absurd ‘ on thirwnylmmeon short. onyoofnbaonoo, H nflcr (he Luiguonfl'm-ir pr H'uclml but gla- i 1 rious campaign. "“16 capl. in of the Hal-u q hud'chu‘rgml (In-so mun mull officers Imm i' len’ to h\enl§~fi\u dullurs apiece us Euro [0 ! Cairn. iJustst the boat was about. (a pm}: ' oil'frox the whmi‘at ,Vickaburg, .an culm- }! came from U uneml Gram. requiring HAD 1} captain to pay hack to his lubseugui‘s all 3 numk‘y rccexvc:l_hy him in rare in excess of i five dollarsm eulhted men, and sewn dul- ‘ I.er to officers, or sulginib Lz)’ imprironnwm,’ foridiaobcdiencc and hadve his boat configu tc‘ . k - I ,Y nanin uxlicv u! u- “1'!"- he‘num >chprgc ms .Lud |\m.\'. ‘_"i‘he order "astonished the cnpinih. hut the presence oqu guard rendered it holes: to refuse, and so. amid the shouts of H c suh’liél’s over‘Genemi Grant’s cum- of f oir interests, he complied with as good mm as passihie and paid bani: the money Our informant, Inma‘elfn pgsenger on the Hop‘e, was present. when Gellei‘ai Grunt 'ssued tho order nbo‘ve referred to. Thcgyérnl, when informed of the impositions p cticed'uyon furloughed men and oificerVl-r; steamboat mon, was very indignant. ‘[ will (each them, ifjhey need the] on,’ said the gen erul, 'that. the men wh have periled their lives :0 open the Miesissippi river foi' their benefji cannot. be imposed‘upuu wilh im punity] No wonder that the soldiers of the A} A 7 ' worship their The Qucen on €rino!ine.—Quevn Victoria has udvlresmed. the following remonst-rance to the indies of England: ~ - \WINDSOR 0‘55"!" August 1. 1863.—-Ladies: —-’l‘\he Queemhas commande‘d me to ex pres,s\- the pair: with which her Mnjosty J's/um: the account of daily accidents arising from the wearing of the indelicato, expon sive.‘tlnngerous and hideous article called Crinolipe. Her. Mnjesty cannot refmin from Ihaking‘ known to you her exlrc-me (liq-leisure that educated women should by ex'amlf erlfourage the wearing of n drew which an efileasing only to demoralizell taste. For the miserable idiots who object ly copy -the habits of those conveniently termed their hettersfijt is impmihle to en tertain anything but pity. But to the ladies of" England this appeal .to abandon the present degrading,» gan'gerous and dia gusting fashion is made in the belief that they willlshow themselves the rational and decoruus persons yhom thei org supposed to he. I have the honor to be. ladies, your most obedient and humble servant, 7 C. B. anyps. .A IMO A Lady Imy‘mL—Oné of the cnnscripts drawn rgcently in Boston if; a Mrs. -—~ Slack. wheisays she hm no wish to furnish fi’snbstitnié. . Since the draft she has visit ed Geuyiburg. The manner in which she was enrolled was peculiar., She has her name. :‘Slnok.” with her initials, upnn the door of her residence. The enrplling éfii car went, to the~house, And finding none of the occupants thhin,took d‘éfin the Mme on the door~plabc,.enraliingdc in the first The Draft in Ohio and ”limit—ln consid eration of‘the Sines of Ohio fund Illinois having furnished mom than lhéix quota: of volunteers; [hp draft. in those States will be v'ery light, not. more than 12,000 each, nnd it. is robablej that number in each State will Ea raised by_ volunteorhjg, and the draft avqided enfireiy. . fl‘andefl Phillipann-iéon mm mm“: the Boston comcripu. 0f chum ho paid his commutation 'maney. That. breed of Abolition“; don’t fightl—Ezclungt. ’ meme tcSés, what. "brad”! do 3-4.; GETTYSBURG, PA-, .MONDAY, 41736181, gas; IMPORTANT CIRCULAR FROM THE PROVOS‘P MARSHAL- GENERAL» The following rirculur; is issued by the Progosl’Murslml Gv'nm-ul: '- . ‘ . 'l'lto {allowing opinion of Cnlnnél Jnerph Holt. Judge Advocate General; is publi‘hml for the informution and guidance of all ofli cersuf this buyeau; ' . -ln_ the 0:150 ivhbre thfiro tire billy two son of aged and lllfi‘lm‘p'lrénliy and lmlh :xm drafted. (Clause 4; section 2, Enrolment act.) ' ‘- ‘ _ ' OI‘INION.—e‘.‘ Whom.tlirnugh‘innvlvnrtpnco or igumxufi‘o ufthu Luv, :L’.‘('d or mlirm pn rontg. lmyinf two «gins. have (”Hint-11, Le forv “19 4r" !. (“Hoot “(hivh shall be ex empt, mu/ (ml/I INN luv" (Inn/Inf it 5.06:”; that. tho righl'nl't-li-clion should still lm :Il'- lnm-"d to ho 'u'xn‘ri-iwwl at any timo lie-turn ih'e nation to import to the lmnrtl nf enroll mm! cxl-in-~. 'l'hqrcamnnf the rule here tofm‘e established, requiring (lllx‘ clnltmn to he ninth-. 414?” r (In: draft. wnz‘tlmt a I‘ll“ r ent ('ouuo‘mnuht rnfiult in ‘u pmmit‘al PX omI-tinn llf two mnfi inttj-ml (Monk’s This Mum)". hmvcver. vlncs nut apply in the lug" —nm-(-~'~:-rily of lure om-unk—nceJ—“h- ic lmthisnns lmvo been drafted: since “hicli (4101" “my be olm‘toxl. omx still rmnmins for the 'niilnulv H‘iviov, \Vllll'll ix all that tho lnw l-luim» m ('lHHl‘LlllllAtt‘u 'l‘lm rotunn 0T thn- ‘Hxlx- l'.x.'m;. thu ruli- it~t~ll :hnultl bil l'l'lnAul'ln Mich (wlwmv I‘ll‘t'w. qimv tho Ul'ljt-‘il ul' thv In“ “all “I‘l“an ‘ln'fti' «- wry)- li~hc¢l, “:13: ~.lt :liLriighlwl li:l;/,nlt!l_)l‘C-Aitl* pmmhing‘tlm pIILI-c.l|itL-lcs‘.~.” ‘ With urgunl tn xizc “inning ml the mud “l.:l4u'_’-' in wutinn'l. nl Ihr l’l'nnlmrut fiit'f. ‘ (lrtx ,n‘. -—-“ lsxlmi- iinl: lint Air to lu- ~_ll.nhly' or 11-‘lt'lllul (jxritltnf ‘lt mag"; uithin tlmf moaning ul‘ tlunl'twf 1..- :-i:l.i r Itll}:lllll‘0l‘l intt'lll‘l'tllltl ; it may In? [unlit miulml, coin-l mmclul or l'JL‘lVHlll‘l'fll :jl‘l‘l ("Mini ill(‘>l\i int-2m cl lttly‘d‘ may {mi 1 tun}. r mml li.-..-l ‘ lin:il~:.(nrin cmnltii-ntimh mth 0:l('ll alluvial "l'lm inttm~ lor the Huh 0. ! 'ul' thn‘ nun-nt‘ur] n'hlrw nm~t ln- [lltnllh'c 4i lry thij lulmr.‘ n‘lml‘u-n r m..y luv it: t-lmmrtt-r. lL n «“4 not: lm :rlm/‘y l-rmlufitul from it. hill at lllllqt ha] Tiltl;“'l’ll m,‘ A [.\n-n: or n'iilnw icm-it‘inui stimulnt hum Erlfltlt “hwy iumm~- iri i!""l\'|‘Ill tram ilivnlt-n-L‘ m- renta c‘nm it lie Lh'nl to be .zw-ntn-L: t'l‘l m- htiml‘; but if thxf ml min!- h't-u- «unfit-l)! lit-um ti o nuitlol pm ‘ ft'~>ttll‘:ll m Ile l'::l tnil. tf‘oui th;' ("~1- n‘nnl-l luv tlt.‘.f:‘¥ within ti.-» ;"'l ...-.x'ml' tl.«‘_ ll"“"“ ln Illl.\"jli('u-‘l~, \‘ht H' the tm'nnw h. llw 1 I" rim t oi l m \erl ( n, il.“l grin] mat n; tI-gtjti'.xt. tlm l" 1-li<-.tt.< I‘ m Ila: 1,,w is iunv-‘I .(l‘ mu! m it'\t"run, vsln-llwr, 1i illi-o N-nlé in'lwnul lnlmi “fil't'\V‘Utlh-UVH hy ;l('.‘:llit:: him 'to'the miti :uy shunt-ova gup ltlwrt h'vtjth- {went (1‘; “ii-low would l‘t‘tll.ll‘!'l.; ilf IL «mild—av in: time one supppwxl it llnnuhl, bun-.- lK bullc’l’lllit-ll'lolll‘l’ mmltl ho ‘lFllt‘Llllt'tl. :m tln-Kprmlut-tive cupuhility 0t illm writ-ll \‘t-uhl (villain—llla} the claim :tu rAt'liH ton ammo: be nlhm’tnl.” j / \ .IA'VE-‘t .11, FRY. .~ ‘ ; . I’rm'OLt 31.t1.:1a:tl UCDCX‘JI. \ ’ l:_/ Hm «--_ -‘- . A A HOME FOR SALE» llnw much we dislike to read an an « nnum-e-ntnnt in tho advertising department lot at pain-r! Not a house and grubmls only ihut'ulqo all the chcri=hétl memoriesuntl tmnh-t- :usnwintinm orthe place. that. enrich lit nith a \wnhh heymnl the -computntinn ol'luus'inoss Int-n. the traders. in homertemls nml othrr chines of rg-ul estate. I“; is n so;- ry dny for a mun—and more so for n l'nrni ly—whén he is ol‘liged to give upihis home and go drifting over the world. No experi ence like this shocks the sensitive heart. All gone—allr deserted! The lights shi ning no more in the window. ‘ "I‘he fainilinr times uressed'no longer hgninst the panes. .'l‘he lire gone out. The enlioke no more curling from thebhimncys: The dour voice Will not. be heard thoré again, lhouizh the men pussynnd ropasa the house daily; Ah, there ii needed no desolation of a sort him this. He must, be a. hard and undelielopud nature that cm‘ contemrluko sue]; 1:. an no without the (leopest'em‘ntio . Talese oqe’s home is to lase'nearly all that egu'th has to 9112-: of happiness to man. ._ “Hum 13 noun an WILL ”mum", r (film-Lu: vi 73. WM: Dxmknuwa‘. '1 Ramos-r Mum! u. GE\HML'S ‘h'nr'n, x ' K \V‘Wlll\h‘lfl\', .fiugufl f 3- } ‘ A————.-mpanies ol llli~Cuulnmnwc:-lllx “hit-h shall lum- at uny’ Lima roulxovcd any of its vguplnyl-ns on account of the pnhlxc..l (Pl-in"- inus'they llolxl,~ur sought in any manner to rr-struin llmm in the expression" of «uch opinions, fllll‘l algnf all COll‘lpflnles which have at any time obstrucloll 6r proventvd or nudmpled to obstruct or prm'ont ‘(ho sale or qirculnlio'n of newspapers in their cnru;_dppnlxyr m:_muf:u:lnrivs.” , . § ' 'l'Hn- Dvxnncraofzn Northumplnn' mot-Vin (11-ntly "luyzllu l (Le [Wimp—“ln; :11" totho Comtxtulinn—“l-n‘yal" m the (dvrtiru {mm-hi-o—-“loy:|l'f to (he ri-zhm ni' Amari (-:in cilm-ns. As mm of many lh-mncrutic. jnurlfmla, \vlmw right; have lu-on vinlntod Ly dislimnwx 1-Iny»ln.\'uq~. nf nw‘nh‘nHuui in lnlmant coipmutinuq, the Age nifx-m its .cnrdlul thanks to Hm author nlfltlm i‘omlu— lflinn. and 10 (hp Denim-racy}! gum] 02an 1 Non-Lhumpmn fur adopting iL.—-I'/u_!u. Agfl. vIIl'lrll“ fifty/nan”: (larynx—Tho attonginr; ofom made!“ is Ilirvvlrwl m thq {allowing oxgmcl hum Judge Mu} nnrd‘q alnle charge to Hm uralndjdxy ul' Lvhigh county. at the couuuvncrnwnl of the rmmnt tom) of mum in that c-nujlly. The Judge Inyi chmn the lxuu (Invilini- in a mzmncr [but ('.mnut Li; u::~lrudvr.~tuml:« ' ' "Mm Ilum ”(Mum-IM, fromhm qf~l~oncll, ‘ {mulum of tin: pix-2.», 11ml humlum of :fi 12m: «VEthln Hu- Imflfiuf the law. mul ct:n~‘li‘.u-\ timml ‘ilgoriy,:ul'oumxmg the mm! mlul'vll ‘nnnl (lmrvsl righfy' 'gh' hurmuu. Tho-(u :uo thug-i! [bright M (”iv ‘H‘flflh‘. :lan mum?! ho \vn. A‘Jl frum ”mm mm the (QUAHtulinn H abulbhcgl and HM: in“) '(ratublahwg the Ju-licimy are IPIH'J-h‘l]. , ' ’ . “h' Ls the duty of the Judiciary to see that line mghh ’nl‘l’m' penphe are lrvM serum “,0”; [he {-nmmchun-m-L 6f ppm-r. The righh nml thrlh's‘ ()1 (ho pony”: liml their .\uuwt proj_¢-Nnm: m Un-lmmhol'un uphght J ll‘LUi lf)’, wlm hymn! SI‘IJLP hut-n! (End. and :uyufiw th.:Lll nthv-rh-ur. ‘ll' uncnnaglxu lmlml hm; uh,- Mum-Ind, ”my mu Im 14-”- ‘1“!(llI!1|l‘!‘.}!l"—~}r_\' Ilm [uulupt ul'liun 4:! [ho lungu-rmurt when lmnlgzht Lt-Tuuq mcmk "lmkbwnvm ()rllllillltnl {\‘lH Innnmilllly {HY-~11.” H-Imum-w ln luxhku-ul qlm-tf'nne, nn'l fr- uldlwuvin‘u .msz In)! only he tub-xunr-d Lut va..ur.x;'t~d, and 1,100.] nature. should ulw..)s pnfpile nvvr guuhhlimvuwiuns.hum-m: laying: llmfnll these political (linen-new min b: bullied at. tho. ngan-hox; “mt is‘ the lrilnuwi. nml .\lhmlld bu lu-M as (he most. :ncrml (\Lull our “OIIHQ‘KI ri;;hls,«:xt mme ii)— (~l{l-|ul:liblc mud mv'mlaln. ' The, RPM-Hm: of the 1"“'l'l’}"“*“{!“’,‘- bc 1.0%. “lull-u! Ich b.l‘.!_nt box H‘UIJIIh hrs. 1! Hum: :5 any pmnt wlwrviuzlu-~lr:nm‘v “quid (:(‘z'w‘c H) lgl‘ a Vir tma it will he, u’l' that 1.05111 3'. hcu :uiy pzuty in pmmr shall nth-mp! to, ilzigx'l'urc wuh Ilu- inoculam oi lhé «lrutivq lr‘nifihim- ; Lut lul 1’1; ‘illhlt llmtlthe hubum'lm-«i u! l'xo.-_:m-n under um Gown nan-:11 “in Iqu [go put to lhu‘lenriui lost.” ‘ ' K "’ ' -—‘--——’—«-ID —— T~ ‘_ I ' Win the ,dclmtes in the New York Convention milled in 1753 to past upon the Federal Constitution. Alex unlur ll—uniltnn. the mm! ultm cnnstitmimmhs iii the Fed m-ul‘. (Join'eutiuu, used the {growing lun “gringo: ‘ ' . ‘ “I in‘si t that it. never cnn hevthe intere=l ‘ or the llt' re ul' llll' National lmgizl'ttnm tq dt-rtroy t to A'fulc (.'uucruuwnt.’ Jlt. CRT) derive i no :ulmn'uge from such an evq’nt ; but. on ' the cnnttl‘uiy. wauhlv low nu iitdiqicnsahlo support. ‘a necessary 3l|l in executing the 3 l‘m‘s and :cumicyihg the influénce‘ot' Gov ernment :to the tlUO’t‘s of the people. The ‘ Union is} dqanfiut on the wzll of the State CJH-rnmcnts far it~ chief magistrate. ‘ and for itl-i Senate. The blow aimed at the members! muut giqc a final wuuml tn the ; head; tuld the (ltNll‘lll t (11l of the Suites. ‘ mu~t he 11l once a [mlitiml suici-ln. Can the Natinln‘nl Gnvernmefilt lye, guilty of this madness: What iiitltteeiiients. what. temp fationyczm they hzwc?‘ Will they attach new hormrs to their station; 'will they in lcrehw the National strength; 'will they multiply the Nutio‘nal rerources'p will they 1 make themselves tum-0' respectuble in the 1 View at foreign natio’ng. m' of their fellow citizens. by rohhing the Smtes of their con stiluttonal privileges? 'L’utt. imagine.for a ‘ moment. hat a political ft'enzy should seize ‘ the Govtil'nment; A-uppose they should malip the attempt. Certniulv. sir, it would he lorcyer impruclimible. This has been sulliciently ,demnnslmtcd hy reuse“ find experience. It has been prm'ell that, the members of Remhlics have been. and ever Will be, stronger‘ thug: the bezuh” . ‘ " 42....-- «(4-. «“4:— -—‘. f , Mum/c and Bruin.—Nnture is a slric§ pe. munmnt; and if you demand of hor'in one (llircchon mnrc than kl]? is prepared NJ lay out, she bnlnnws the account by mang :5 doductinn elsewhere.\ If you imixt 'on pre nmmre or undue growth of any one rt, ‘ she willufirhh mare 01-1955 protest, com do the point; but that. she may do your e. Ira; work, she mux'. lmve some ofhm‘ more 'qu pnrhm work undmm’. Inzprimilive t'u es.“ when nggt'éssinn and deft-use were the] ing socml ucti’vitioe, lmdify vigor, will accompanying courage. were Mae gioat sidcrma; and then, education “an Ii cared for. and, gnaw}. was oru-n ire with contemM.‘ But now tl‘put mus rower is of. il5O for Mlle also khan ma nhor, while social success of hourly e kind dopeyds very much on nienml po our educatibn has become aimésLexclus ly mgnml: ‘lnstcml of re-‘fiecting the {Antlgig‘norin'g the mind, we now respect 1 hunt! and ignore the body. Bath those litgfles are w‘r‘gng. We do not suificig .reafize the truly, that 112.. in this life ours“ the physical underlies the men the nwutul must not be‘ developed, at. expenéc of tho pigysical. 'l'he nnvimn :‘ mndorn'concepfions must be Combine lglw'bS'pma-r.‘ , . .. WOnawzy hut-(veal: a lady livin this county, 3 few miles from thee brought a pakficl In one of the. lax press .. Ce: to forwmrl b? her hmban'i inJhe nr: 1!. contained gorge articles chm. she « carefully prepare with her or") hand The clerk looked ' the name and adilr and turned away Hide his emotio That. wry morning ( ne‘ol‘ (h Se omin boxes which crowd on ruins fro the So bad‘ arrived mm the mime u n it. wh was upon the parcel. is re mm of l hynlmnd and lather were at "t! at mum at the depot. The shock Li a poor kl was terrible. How: mnny t (flaw! her breaking segues are efiacfl minim-y d similar in some wspeclx to flu If”! Mr; willamliéham is M chm. finned [null {Luau vl' Par is tent Mrmlncaliy.‘ ~ , _ \ ' - ' - L ‘Twu mums S-YEAB vorcms mom THE mum “I believe Unit the Uonstilufim has gzv : n no power tn £129 General Gavormm-nl‘ to inh-rl(-w_ in, IN. matter, and lo havc- Han-u, or no ~lMvs “flu-nth ulmn the [umplu in much SlJti-‘alonm. . nut hesirlfi's‘tlm mumtitm hunul uhim-lmn. l mu [wrr-umlml that tho ulwiuus iomlvnvy of such interfelem'e on the part ot-thchmtes'which have noxluvvs, with Hwépwyu‘rly oftbcir follow cilizons 0T uiher Status,‘is to pmlucé a slatqnfdincon- Loni um] ‘g’nlnuxy that, ml] in thewnd prove fatal lo JAG Union."—-—Ex 11115510531 llama: soN. - ‘ ’ ~ “ - “With pm Abolitinnists tho rights 'ofprnp— m-Iy nre naming; the dt-fiqioncy of €319 pmvcre cflhe general government in nnlh ing; :holncknnwledgod- mu] incomfible pmwrs 6f the States are nothing: the dis solution of tho Union, and the ov'erthmw ofo governmvnt in which are concentrated: the hnpqs 0| Uméfivilimd warld'. are noth ing. A Single Men ha's Ink-«sn polssussion bf their miilu'ét, and onwnrn’f tlu-y purme fl. ogmlooking all conscqueucee.’T—-—H:Nliv CLM". 1 I ~ ' . “ll‘ (helm infernal fimutics and Abolition islq ever 'got the power i'n Egg-iv bands. they will ovegride the consllluhon. set the Su pn‘me “gun at delhnt‘F, clmngo n'nd m Ika‘ laws to auit themselves" lay wick-Jul; hands on thosejwho differ witlrlhvm 'ig‘ofiinmn or dare question their fidelity, and finally lekx‘upt the countr pull deluge it. wlth blnml.”-DA\‘u-:1. Waxing. 4 ' ‘ , ‘ Sir, Trlm Apolilinn party $53 1). ‘disloj'al or ganization. Us pretended'luvc ibl‘i'rcedom means nothing hlfn'u or lpsa 'tlmn civil war and a gisenmlion of the Union. Honest nwn‘nf {IH parties should uuiilo t 6 expnrn llmkinQHtimxsauii arcm-xl their progress.”—- Ammuv.’ I.}‘.\l‘i(~o\'. “ "In pnntomp] lung the causes wlniclx_mny di~turh our Union. it. occur-sand mnttnr of svrinus hum-In flmb any ground nhuuld have lmén fUlhihll(‘ll forchnrficferizinz par ties by gongrnphim! di~cx'imilmtiou‘s."— A\\’A«u|>m'r\)s's‘l’Annwmm Animus. “P holZd-thnh t[liisflovornment was mmlri on the Myitc lm'i'fi, h} while men, fdr ,um hunt-fit, of white mon,'nml their postui‘ily finc-yorffirfl. A. Ducnmfil L . Mon M' ('fimln-ll:nul,L‘nnnly I'Will you, mm ynu'fnlhrt-grml the wurlh 051E} fntlujrs quulr-l :xluivo? .'l‘hoymlrp indeed voicés from the grave—Joke: arch-parted Putrints,wnw nl' whnm’ wcrc' \\'l|‘i;:<. somo‘ Demoérats.—: )“UH yuu not he guide-'1 in your COUPAQ by the \Vnrl‘s nf “'l“an expressed by 'on“ {or mor grin“. Smlvsmou ‘l‘ If so, 116.111) and’dol Lug, my! ni-dxmlo put. (lawn, at the bqllob box; [he ‘fiqfimul fimrfliuf’fileo nre preying upon’ the 'vitz‘ls o!’ the pouiylp. antl- shaking" the very foundation of the livfiubliC. . Up, and thrmtle the “dialog/I!'oryauiulinn." if you desire to .szwe your cv’mrflrj, from the ruin that threnu-ns it.. Up, chcmen, up! - (id/(£51.: Vo/unlccr. I= Olmyiupg Wins OHfrllltllS (hymen—Military cmnmpiiders when they instruct, Bu'lmrtlx-~ mites t 0 deny the jurisdict inn of Style Counts ‘in military cases, where n lmlmns C'll‘llus huh been issued, certainly transcend. thcfluwis and nmke themselves liable to ur refit. 'li he objéctvof the writ of lmbens cor-I pua' isxtjo ascertain judicially whether a pe’r nnn isheld in custody by pro'per puthor'xty. When the writ is issued the United Stats-s officer is bound to nnewer it. nhd show the authority by which he holds the person in rcstl‘ninr. [fit mdonqunrlqrétho law'smf the United States and- in theamanner pre scribed] by law, (that. is autij‘cieut, the tp‘tnte Court mnnotfurther interfere with -it, but, it. clearly hue the right 0? inquiry to Know and be smkliml that the authority is era-rein. s‘etl as stalled.‘ It is {not sufficient. for“ Uni-t ted States oliiner to my that he lmldfi A per spn it} restraint of his liberty by' United State authority. 113' is bound (gs‘ha‘é that. he is l‘t‘Wlully iii ”DOhthSlOn of that nuthmi ty, and exorciaesifin '3 lawful way. The Suprenie Court. of Penusylvngiu him just derided a case in which a [n.ln_\rus imlmw fully held in custody by a United States of ficer. who pleiid ngainut the i'nfi:die.tion of the Court, But the Court in this case not only examined into the authority but de cide}! upon the facts and (lixclnirged the man frbm arrest. Any other rule tlmn this would make every man's liberty subject to the will of military officers, whpuravn‘gt'fil whys the best interpreters of civil rights or legal firétecfionn, and who may he {tilting without either'anthority or law to sustain themar-‘l’hil. Ledger. ' K,. 3 ’ ' . ' —-~—-————.-.—o—-———-¢ ' ' ’lnre-inal Rwe‘nuc DcrisiJ-rw.—.The an’mmis sioner of lnternal Revenue has deoidml that tlie jumt of an affidavit. taken bcf‘nlro u justiceiof’ t‘he peacti. notary public or othei‘ uflir'onduly authorized to take all'sluwls, is hold u; b 0 u. ceriifivale, nml as spph is sill)- ject to a slump‘ duty of five cents. Ac knowledgment: of deeds, or other inatru: monts,‘ are eiempt. , 'l‘hél commissioner has hhafleoiiled that tlie duity of s'l per Inn on hm's shoes, when a 'duly‘lnu ‘not been paid upon the iron l‘rfim' whichltlmy are made, or “of 50cen’a per ton when_l duly has boun'puid. as provided hy' the not of March 3. 1663, relerx to Imraoshoqs m'mlc by_muchinery. "gum“ shoe form’s:- ll'nrso Mines mavle by h , «I, imgl finished by locingland corking. and lwrsé shah furnH on'whihh the above hm hm; born [mid when (nell aild' corked, bummc a manufacture, subjl-cl to a 3 per centrad imlqi-em duty. un-. der lb; limitation pmvidsd hi aggtion 2‘.) of the :ch of March 3, viz: If the valuemdded to the 191.05 by tqeing and optlcing exceeds 5 pa)- nem _lhe value or cost of‘thel shoe be? fore these adflilions are made 10 il. ‘ ‘ . —————— «-»_~: -~ #—-v——’ \‘ Rawah'on Igf Decomposcd Riding—The hu man I nly, in so advanced ”tale ofdepom pmitibfn as to be rentirely unrecogninble, can an'be so restored by chemical ‘nrcnns as to ”agent an almost complete); natural nppm’mhco. .This process was lulely’prnc lined with knee?“ in lmndo’u. in the 04in of a body!V found in _the Thames, whicln was suspected to b 6 th'ut bf unit‘scnped murder er, who had committed ‘suicide. Ahér’tfie body had been suhjeéwd to Ibo liewgyrocess xEHviLuesses were able to swear that. he‘was not thasupposed mur,derer. . ‘ , ‘ ‘ ""‘“"“‘-'t‘ +——— "l‘w , . Q‘A very ingenious imgmvemht has! {Huh}: "I “1‘23 quintur deem him. ' . been bade in the polished nteélecnbbmvh' ‘ +‘" r 2"? -".—-- used Ity the battalion at light mfn‘mUy otl any Giant's “(wry—Tia grfstcst cap- Lbe Krench meorinl Guard. ,ngon (.lfe lure offncn mem'rufimf in niiidern History awordjis' thhdmwh the upper part. of the Was made” hy , -. H.llO Supcriqr Cuur!,‘~m,li.wum[,£ggu. .'1 REPEAL :a—rfifloumwg my gaxeAmxc swung”. 1 1' ‘. __ - ‘R.."‘;l..:v ‘ Tux-puymx of fldm‘horlcn-l Counw 13y ' have nu‘t‘ccqum «)th nilh Gov. Curtin. The Logjulature «if U is Hmlc, in .1861. fie"- Rennqxl by law. tho Pa‘lznPyh :mln_Rnil—ancl Company fmm Hm rnn‘rmfl 42f Topnuo Tux, which dept-WM HH' Slum ofiajust rev enue lo the Inmmin! a!" mme lltilc fiundtrd (Imam! doll‘msg yea; I _N-ly‘ more. It. fink lime the Jim? Rum! «mod the Sum- am}: kmidraf Mowmd dullau For tho two [union'- yonn tax. The lwgislnture, !n n section Ilf _the snnw hill repealing the Tonnage 15x. wipod‘ nut this desl7 80 by thin (me lot of the Legislature—which WM than mm scd ofn two-thirds Republignn major (y in holh Unumfflm Mule mstninm! n Inns of tho (onimgu tax. than nmpunlmg :0 $300.- (‘lo a, fear git would be a million a yawn by this (imaggud/ alsb the _s7\_io,ooo that mu duo her! “ ‘ . ~ The repeat of the 'l'nnnnge tax may: quos- A tion‘ l-v-t'nre tho pimple of this Spite in “to full oHSG”. Curtin'wasthen mnvnsaingth ; Stato tor Governor. nmt in all lsii spa-chm he pledged Ma; war! that Imam; imposed to the n-pm! hf (hi 3 "just tar." Th? Rn‘pnh-' “can pawns, mthoutrxcij‘vtmnmkowotus- ’4 ed tn nppuie tho row-nl. It {ms welt k nmm that llumy I). Fmtor, the Dux‘nmmum cnn dulatu for: (hwumw, was nplmml to thin muvnsnrr- nt' Wl‘nnggitx'u‘ knmm too tlnu. the lh-mmsnts in r-vt-ry county in th’v Sum. dnpnum‘wl lhavtl'ui'ts the Pill I‘nad Wm: kmgm lgc rx-lin'ved 0(' Sim tax. 'l‘tw Rnpuh l:c:m<, knnuipc this to he Um pmaimm ut' Fustvr and his trwmls, fcnrml that "w tar w payers might favor the Dvmncmtiu ht‘kt‘t ’ pl) this‘ ficmhnt. ”uncr- it. mu that they > ton mmtef grmt profiwguions ofhostitit to tho rvpput ufllu‘ tonnage 3.x: “'0 which; renders then that the KppuLhmns [worn {.\lysil‘ying, nml that if over the Ni] I'm-"lawns relieved of “us “juet ta;,"'it \vou‘uL be by the:- Ropuuiquus. - ‘ , g . To show (lm position the R’fiublimm no maple-l in: this county nt that hum. and the tiltsc me: us flu'fi remztwt to Mr tlmy’ut‘n'pom) at'che-ming tin“ people out (iftlwir tmtax. we .qnp)’ slh'e itulldwing th-t artvivlu flint up; ‘ [mm-rd mlirpriutly in um Cnrlmtg Aim-flaw ’ slumlylnifdru tho éléctinn of 13510: wo. “xi/710110 an: (qr/mgr! Iu (flaw/k. [.Qf lei' Ton nage 7hr, igu'fl wtvjhr Unrlin. Irvgh muanw- Ehor.”.——Ulrlnlu American, szw'c ”Manama, 13w 1. .. \ ~ “1“. the Lozlslnht. of IBM, m: we have sn‘k’l, rupmllml lho 'lnmmgn lax-Lowlher. one of the un-mlwrs of lllg: Hume from lhis lh-Jricl, voung‘ fur lh“ Pull, mul lhlrlih. 36:4 (I'o9onmii,gqu'xt lli a ‘7 . “ We hn‘va a right !9 ha’vé our Stain lax-:4 ohr-yezl. Wn‘ don't menu to resist. fuflm-gl authority:l 'J’uat.~ or unjn‘t MN, prhfxiz :l'lmirxis243ft-I}. win] “he rmpnmc I. .If ‘7' - satisfied we will gr) (.0 Qhe balk". Inf: ': n2l redress-our \H'ongi. But. we hays right. which the {Zulu-Al government mu-it nu: invade—rights win-rim- to its pdwur. "IF 'which oulzdnye-rf-xgntv dnpcnds, muLwo do mean tn when 1, “mad 113,11“; :4: mm all. samu uimlnssulfiqsxiuug pf authwnyf’ ‘ . ; ‘ .‘.»?hmthiateb"Sifter (he nnm?nnfinn of ‘Urfif. Cyrfin, his 111193171»; 1:: Harrishugg he!!! why." they mliod n' rutifiufliun (rm-v. ing, ai which thr- GHVC'I'HOI' m'irlu amp," '-1., accg-ptiuz the mu'lid u-v. Anm’pg ’uzln-r dodlamhfltious that. took place was rin firing oi'cunnvm. ([m pmvdn-r ll"? 1 mr ugh??- x was taken! from Hm sun: amwnul. and h >44 been paid fur nut nl’ the law-1 nunu .va m 1 [ruled hour fine people of oui dybiir'r! 'n :x ComuxonWeullLh; .7 ‘ - ' ' W V «.0» ——w '——-—-‘2' .. , Whirl Butthan-m plnmyly denietth'at nny leuervvfrom film could have {uch oh mined among the bar}: of pabpr. halo-1;;- ing to Self. Duh, disbovcred "(fanny in 'Muisiwfppj, He Has had nmflrmxmuwncu with the rebel President binge 1835, . , —-o-————‘-——~ «owowgv———l, ‘ , ”In One breath the R *pubfiwgnsflo‘li us that. the rqheh nn'lllh’e unmocmwarr; :I]- lies. and {9 the .vrrirwbxt, plan ov’er 'the cruel WA)" in' which the: furq‘wl; Hearted “copperheads? during their late raids 1x; Pennsylwmiaa andUuio. . ' ‘ . -7; . _ «:--»--+«-~—~.' ‘ , ' fi'l‘hoymeford Damian“ heads the nnnrmtion of Coffin ag " G minem '3 for tho Demo may. The Dnmm‘mt ev'uhamly. (luvs not. 1' Ward " Sho lily ‘Axfly " ns’i’n ter rilnl! 3min lat nah-110w :n’ his Republican 0