The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 17, 1863, Image 1

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The COIPXLIR is published ev Monday
morning, prn'nr J. Snuu, M l 75 per
annlfin if paid scrictly m ADVAX 2—83 00
per mnum if not paid in adv ce. No
subscription discontinued. must at the
deon of the publisher, until in
‘ he paid.
‘c Jon PRINTING doqe‘ viith mt
dispatch. '
Onxc: in South Bgltitpore str- :
oppfmite Wamplets’ Tinningfita ;
fi—“Coxnun Pun-ma Onxc on
, Clerk of the Co .‘
H ILWULP will hon candidate I":
; . UP THE (‘UUIITb-i, subJec: !
,‘Jsiou of [he 01-1110”.le County Com
-. aficuyshurg.Muy H, was. tc ‘
' Clerk of the Co :
T the sohcilnnon of numerous
A ofl‘or myself as n candid'nt'c {or
ofGLERK l)!“ THE COURTS, at {h
election, subjert to The dbciaiu‘n of u
crntic County ~(.'unvenlion. Shun]
forl'unate gu {who nominated and
pledge m_\s(lf to dist-hung: (he. 'duti
oflice to the best. 0! my übxlily. .
‘ ~ JAMES J.
Oxford tp., April 'lO, 18453. to
: Clerk of the Court
WSCUUVRAIH'ZD by a numfin or m
L 1 oficr mysvlf :u 5 candidate for
of CLERK OF THE (.‘UI'RTS, m. ll
election, nubjsct In the xlnciii‘nn of“
trnltic County Convention. ’Shmlld
fortunate us to be nmmmgtell and
pledge ruyqulf 15 disc-[Luge the dud
otficp faithfully.
“ ~' . NICHOLAS B. SI“
Stratum lp.,_:{pril (5, 150.3. 1c ‘
Clerk of the gear
NCOUIIAGRD by n numhvr of m
E l “gum 0!le "gym-Hing; a candid}:
mulmor CLERK or THE cum: "
.cum g I-leckiun. suhjm L m the un’cxsi
‘ Democriflic (lognly’t‘nm(*uuun. Sh
so fortunate as In; ‘l“4‘h‘l huh I p‘mlv
l 0 diat‘hnllo'c UN: (114 L 10: ul {lw “Hit 1: l
' > ~ JAl'HlirS‘.)
‘ HaunlplL-aznnttp ,\I u'. g.;, Inf).
1: . , A
\ Clerk of the Court
. 0 Tm; ywrmm 0194 mm ( 0
~ I’Lllnw-clllm-tn A—”A mg cnsmxr
‘-Hu‘m‘cruus l'ru-n H, I ’olh‘r l’xusoh'lo _\3
shit-” Hun “3' u Lil'H'” z:ch fur the
(‘LEHK HF.’l‘2!H,(‘o\'l{'[\‘,Mthv XII
‘ tion, ~‘uLjl-rttu thfl]! (i Bull‘uf 11,601-
County ('um‘E-ntmu. .‘lwuH- l rm
n‘llllinlllinll mu! ln- t-leéUfl. I :llull dn
(‘IuLL- your mmtidvuc‘v,:unl [mm-m-m:
Ihe duties ol the ufliw plulx|ptl_\':lll'l\\
in}. , ‘ .\U.\\l .\n
Franklin ”1., April A}, Imm. lc .
“ 'Clerk of the Cour
.' (A; IAM“. “.11 ha 11 rauuluhl
SIPI. Damn: r nth-'nmnimlliml In? HI
Tlih: HUI HTS. Hm :le hr bv ~lu'u
pic-lg!” lunnacll‘ to ":0 uvrrv' pmpur
lur decliuu. ‘ [\laysl, la
. ‘ ‘ County Treasufer.
Ixt‘uru.u.x.ln.y many tripmh‘l
11‘ srll‘d: :l 1' H. 414! :1: 1"] JYHIVVI'Y
. Mum I: “w lllt\Lt‘-hfjllllny :Izij v. {
(‘ISmrLIII llu- lnu'gfigxuc l,'nu'n!_\ (3-1
quhl I luv m'luuujuto .u Ln he I:-
am! : [x um! [ pk ‘.gv mgvu‘flu \l-lu'h
dllalh-g 9! 'llu- mum- fizlhhni) ,nnl pm"
~ 1 ih‘HHJ/l‘ I). A 1
, ‘lh-H_nl‘l|r;,\liu_\' H. 1.11:: Ir
County Trsasurcr.
VVI‘HI'HAfiH! Iv. 3.1 m.) MI 1 th.]
2"! .~‘ ll AN 1‘ Illlllllz‘h'lul ('(‘l NI‘Y
‘l< 3.1315. IH. Ile m-\l (-lm nun, ”Am-(1‘
"('ixrén n! llu' luniuh'ulw I'm-11.15. (‘m
15M)” I hr 311:} Kuhnh- .I-‘ '1) law In
and vim-Hui, l ‘Minlgw :m m n h- ami
'dullf: of [hr ( Hw‘r limhllm .uv‘ 1""
‘ ' .J u Ln; an
‘4 (:Pt‘UJIIHL'. llvx)‘ I. 14-153. {1
4 . County, Treasurzr.
)HIN-l (LI ll'l't‘llll.\‘.\ Ilitlu .‘.l 04331 '1
'L '1" "".“‘!":"'~‘ hr X'IIL‘ ulnu: y! (I
I'l'fil'..\hl7fl.iii,:thul In Hn- mfhm
RIM-[Mfr l;4' l'nlmi}, (.'mlh'nuun. .\im
:nuulfinMd :n-ul J 0 mL 1 “twin.- In) :4".
flurgt‘ Um ILHJ-s o! IIIU nili :- Luxm
”mnnplly.’ ' J \t'lH: T“
a (h-ngalmrg..\pril27. 199;. h. m
i ~ Regxstpr» .3: Racordo ‘
'. T lln: .‘.uli‘iml‘mn nt‘ mmn-mu: {
[IA .lgniu ufll-r nlhaL‘H‘ .R u can Fuhre
iolhcu-u} HHCLV'X'IJHS‘ lila"()l{l”5!{.ull
Ting clL'L'H‘m «Hum lam ll| - lit-I 14mm! 1!;
V(:lj.l_li¢.' Cuumy (‘uu‘xu-uunn, S'muh! I
[lsrnlnale n: pyhe Holmium-. 1 nu] (-
;pled:e myevll to .qh- Imruu the \lum'
‘ odico,w the {Nat ‘ f m 5» :inhlv.
- ‘U . .\. \\': FLE“
Gettysburg, .\X.m l‘x' 210,.15
1 Register 8; Recorder
‘f 1‘ Im- striiviL-liun (a? mum-run; fi'
VA uunin ngfvr mytu-lIUE' u mur'nl‘u‘l
J olhce ul REGISTER .\: IH'ICUILDMLM l-l
'ingeßecLiuu, suhj'l-c‘. to the (let Ismu u! In
truth Coniuty Quin-"lion. :lmuld"
gffirt’unnc us to he numinnlml nugl L;
[IFQKB nl,\sglt‘_tu disthdigo me «lugie
ulliei: w the best 01' my mung-2 » 1
‘ ‘ EDWARD “dX
.Liberty tp., May 11, less: in ‘
W Register. 8: fiéédrdé
T the solicitation utmy t‘lien‘d
Hufclf-{U u chndidnle fur the
(HSTfiR &. RECORDER, a'uhjcct t
cision' nf‘the Demm-ratic Cquuty Con
‘1 filibuld I luv nomixmtcrl and elected, I
myself {gycrfurm the duties at (ht-"Ki ,
’ promptness. A. I’. Mill
. Apdlkzo, 1863. cc. ‘
Register & Recorder
T the solicitation of numerous fr“
the Cqunty and in our Ilrglluent
o I myself as n (-nnlidate for the
'BEGISTSR 8 REGURDER. subject to'ittic dc
pision of‘the Democmtic County Cunkemiou.
_fihould i be so fortunate as‘oo be no inmrd
7pm! elected, I pledga myself to disc'hfgc the
(luck: of the office to the best. of my iluy.
165th P. IL; May 25, 1863. lc" £
‘ _ :Régister'ik Recordex‘}?
‘ NCOURAGED by my- friends, I Mist t’ny
_E selfas a candidate for the office of EGIS
ER b RECORDER, at. the qext electionfi'ub
» 'ject to the decision of tha quocnflifiCoumy
\ Convgmion. Shoufdl bo ’so‘fortumize as to
.be nominated angi dented?! promise? to dis
charge the duties 'of the pmce to thefbcst of
my Ibi‘nty.. “'3l. K. GA‘LLAGH ER.
’Gezgysyurg, April 27, 1663; It:
”Beg-aster & Recorder; .
-T‘A£ the urgent soliéiutiou of “ohm", I offer
myiel‘ u t candidate tor REGISTER LEE
jGOBDEB, subject to the decision ofthubemo
mile. (hum, Ganveufipn. Conscioui of my
:pbility tn dischuge the duties of the officewnd
Judy of the prom: of the same, I pledge my
, pelt to mlhfully discharge the flames and
.pockoflhe‘prpfiu if me people are kmdl enough
Jaded lu. . R. FITZGERALD.
J‘iddlqlown, Jnue L 1863. to » 1 -
Director of the Poorzg‘
~ flue rsquesterbto annouxice A DREW
fl ASHULT‘Z, o! La‘imore mwnsh p, as a
ulna-I“ {ol' plrector of the Poor, at. the net;
piggfion'mbj'ecrto me decision of thé ngo
pnnquoh‘m’y Conyencion. ‘ f
’ ling}; 1863. £6l ' . l
' " ‘xoi’lcxrmfspryom
,1”! clawing -
wmgémhm ‘mimm
Qt?“ in rmssrbcx BBdS'. : Sign a,
ALHOBAL “BQQTIS:—“ Sage, whm'm?
- ‘ ' ali Imoml_Boo¢s.2" “A
B I???" 37?! eighthwgnqfip
-"£‘: «I5_::-. 1) ”v; L”4 5...: .‘. ~_ :X.‘
ual rates.
van and
t, newly
' ish ment
the sign.
the de
4:53:11 ‘Yearfi‘
fiends, I
he oflicc
‘ “emumg
t; Inma-
I ‘be so
lected, I
s of the
‘ ; Sherlfi‘alty. ; i. J
XCOURAGHD by many fricnfls, ['lng? my-
E 8?” ma ll cnndidule for .\IH'IILH‘T‘ M. the
next elvrgiun, mxfijw-L tn {he decision M the
”immune (Funny ngnwuuou. Sl-oulé lb:
nominated am].rlw.l¢-l}l promise to pqrfunu
lbw duln-a of‘lhc ulficc with fidelity null nu
[mrlinlily i " JOHN .\ILMASTkJR.
Mounlpleac‘lnnl Lp:,§-¥)ml6, 1863. -tc* ‘
he nfllce
- Demo
! he so
hurled, l
s u! the
T‘"-_A 0 - - * ‘
. ; Shgrg‘ltfalty; 5i
. J on}; myEn-If nu: candidate funheu.‘
stumps. sufhject Io the-decision of the w
ocru'licl‘muny (‘unyanuom Shmfld Il;
innu-d nnrl c‘lectcd. l plcdfzb m) solno disc
thuglulics of} the emu! “rill promplne“
impuhiutily. GX'IURUF. JSL‘SHM‘
Cumlu-rlané} t~p., 3131-01330, 1561!. I 1,
W‘aniuf; ‘Béen informed ‘of a repart in
circulanun Lug {lie CHI-u. 11ml ! inn-ad to; gun
as an Imlvponden! candidate should I sb" he
nominaicd tfy the Dumncrulir County Coin’ou
tmu, it is duc’lo myself glam L’xu. duct.- imnd
the said rqpufl. fis uttcrly fixhe.. I u Hie bu er
(-utuluinwi ">l?th :l ”mini”. 111111 fL-cl. nun-ll
in‘hmmr‘lufifiid In n‘d-le hy xht' dr‘Li'emn Milne
Cuxnwllinnf us :mnouchd'in my ('unl ‘nhme‘
Jung 5, 15.5.5. .guumfi; lwsxmm.
is for the
, M _lhc
1: hi [he
I?“ 1 hr
c mywlf
illi! Illy_.
)LIIS. ,
EV'WFRAUHD hy’u’x numlffl of frh‘nd: I
E ulfl‘r.)u_\l~(~ll"n~' .1 _cnmlinh‘lv Mr [bl-‘(vlhc'c
ol SIH‘IinH-‘l’l .mhjt-rt ~1.0 the |hcgumn o: the
Dvmqumw Quugl) Uouvcnaind. flumid‘l lu:
numumwl my! dlcctugfl pin-11g“ "13302! to dis
clmrgu the duties 0! 11m ‘oflh v fixijhlullya I
I _ [”3le liEl‘l‘LEß.‘
.\[oumjoy t 5?" April 6,15 w. 9 tc" i
-4 My; , . ;_-_;HV _,
.‘CT'; :
1.1"] by
ur ('on
ffic'l- of
He the
.( hnrpu ‘ , ,
VII “(h‘l- E
"EEK. ';
' 5 Sheriffalty, '
‘NFOY'RAKHZD by u nugnhirr of {rionh I
IL nflvr nnnll' as,“ un’nlinlzuq fur the (flim
o! SHHQH’I“; suth-l‘ to thvfle-c'nirm of" the
Dmmwrmic thmulyH'tmw-nliun. Should I he
numiv'm'lul HIM t‘h‘l‘ll‘d, I pledge mysn-ll‘ totdis
charge yin: duties 0: i‘m: ufli‘c ilxilntully,
I fur like
lmx 0F
~lul, hé
utt flu)“
, 1 ‘ 31.34;. MLLE
~ Mo:lutph-.-;. mt lp . Jnnv 'l2, cos. ' ‘
f..-‘.._’;.___ -‘- .‘.. -...__
j . j ‘ Shernfzflty. _
T Hie solicxmtiuu ul' numt-rons Men'-
A uli‘er mv‘smt‘ui n munliduh: tor the ‘
0t ;.\'lll'}RH-‘l~‘<. :u the cusuim: rlv rliuu, :u)
[U ‘Lhcficrhnhu 01 [inc “Guam-14th ('uuuty
\Ulllllun. blank“ 1 Lu :1) l‘urluuxlu n; I:
nupmwlwi :u} I (-lvrh'tl. LMMI'J? lug-019' (u
cimrgx- lxc (lulu-3E0!” the 06510-1” the bra:
my ali-lflf'y. - (EHU. l“. ECKHAKUDI
00.11;»:bulg, March 30, mos. v,c
(Tn-r my
The db
\‘: 1.1 m“.
In”: 1119
“KIT. ‘.
' ;. Sherlfi‘altyi A , 1
F ILu‘iilg ln'cn ixuportunud Ihr wuu-iniuL
bul'nme E Lxungz‘huc fur the uh'ire uf SIII‘IIU
I nuw a‘mnfim-c mysrlf :1 cugxlldnlc fur é:
dill-v, (“@ij m tlw htmm m'ic Nugxin-H
(‘mnenhmnfi Should [Him so fortuunle .n
he nun'npatrd nnd ole-Hui] promise in u-‘
«11:ch tlfzo dulits‘of said ulfita {u‘mnpllx :
\ufh tulcjity. Your nhcnliz-nz~:L-rumt.- '
April 2‘“, 15133. tc . ‘ ,
fllflr my -
" H 1‘: .\ s'-
th V dc-
\I utiun.
V , C {Le
in“ n;
l u! the
m; 1 pa
[6 dl.»-
liy :Ignl
xcnpmnw by mnmcroui’hicnd,l o'n
‘ my -ll us _n cundi‘lafl‘u fo‘r the ioffice‘,
.\nnlill-‘?,.>ul3jm lu \ln- decision ()fl‘he DL"
uchLc County (firenfiun. 515:»;er hem
mm uni] elven-xl, I pluflgc m} N H to diuflm
[hr unlir‘ nf; mu.- uljnce “ith brommuoss
impnrlin :y. .- .losnru .-\. Urucxnbxwii
MnnmjL): [p., .\pin 27, 18%] u: ‘ ,
~' _H‘-“ _. “ "_—
; Shenffalty. . ~
- 4 EUan‘ (‘l'l‘xzr2xs:._.\x ‘ttur earnest -
g 111 myth)“ of m.ur_v fl;“ll(!> in-ufl lryti
tut; vuunij‘K'l ofier mycvlf as a (11mm.
fur Hm offing 01' SHE!” H’. at Ihr new, ch "“1
snhjcfl IQ'IHH- flH'iail)n m the lN‘xnm'ralzil- (‘(.
lvnvh, I
In' Rhi-
hu ru
‘k [U L 1
ul ,lhl:
tion.«Sla Illl" l W nnmiiunwl, ‘nd
flame-mix” to dim lylrgd the (“lime
e'filfllifnli) mid pmmpxly. “ I
a: '3 ~ 1. .\muhlwmxgnr.
~ ~.._ w .3. .
1) "L 12?“ A. lab». EL._.._;-_'_._._|
‘lShorxffaltya ' 5
fl} AGED by numerous friends, I offer
ilf :is :L ('.lndiddte fur fin: "alliu- of
i sulijvct to the decision of the Djm
unEy Convention. Sli-mlil Ibe n Im
tlécwd, I pledge mysell to discharge
of] mi: olficc with {thinlpllflnd aiud
y. 7 SAMUEL magi;
{p., Mn)" 18, 18 B. lc
\ _ __ _. _..
i'A Small t‘arm l
——’l'liie suhcriher, (lean-in to rnmuve to
me West. pllurs -nt Private Salli, 138 FARM,
Silllnle in.“ llountpleusunt tuwnilx‘ip,‘ .Adums
county, ml the'new State rond'lrnm Gettys
burg to lldnuy‘er, about 5 miles from the lzll't‘r
pinL'C‘,-l|lijl?llllllg lands of l‘c‘ter Smith, Peter
lhmhangh, and others, contair’xiug 48 Aug“,
more or leis, :of excellent. flu-mung l.Lud—-:_ibblit
gong-res artlltifisl-rute meadow—laud. h;
The improvements are n. Luge One- f 3111‘ ’ 7
Eldryl3mmhellUUSE,willi Kitchen 3‘9; fig
attgchedflfimn frame and pan l,oL: ‘k'Lrva.
13.1 u,‘\\'gxg;_uii Shela and :1 large new mfg nu;
a n yerlall‘mg well of water near the uluof; a
go ,yuuug Apple Orc'lmrd; will: a variety ol
otli If l'rnittuecs on the prenliées. , -
--_‘_n;§"Pe&"§ous wishiflj {O. View the property
willrcall 011 the subscriber, living lhereon,
.. .- n6o]: 605512032
-—v-4 . -——;—————‘——-—--—
l ‘ ery 1n New Oxford.
158*}. WOODS, formerly of Baltimore
M l'mving locuted in Naw Oxford, Adams
c.3umy,‘ EL, in the houses .gx'cupied by Dr.
Hall, in :Hanover street, mll cyry on the
BIILLINEIfiY BUSJINEQS, iq<all its branches—
will ken-fl lun' hand BONNETS, HATS, RIB
LACIiS‘ 5.212., and \{icxt‘s u-slmre ofipubllc
palrunage., [April 27, 1863.! Elm
l'\' Conn"
elqum} I
at the UH:
\mk, I
my lhc’
' W.\'(‘Ol
k mpci
0- mile (‘r
ill-(it'd nu
me duties
!» so
Had. I
ut the
I Lfl'rr
office of
the dc:
; 9. walk
5' ads in'
I lam,
7 HEnndu-signed.beiug the authorized person
’ to make removals into her Green Came.»
fiery, hopes that such as cantemplane the removal
of the refunins of deceased r_élzsm'es or friends!
will avail themselves of thii seasuu bfflmyear to
have it done. Removals made will: promptuess
—torms low, and no effort. spared to please.
lieu-ch 12, ’6O. Keeper of the Cemepery.
~_‘ q ,_ ‘. ~ , . _
Farmers' 8: Mogh‘amos’
‘ huviqg inc‘reued in capital, has 'enlnrged
its business and extended its mcoxnmadfiiofl'
Loan day. Wednesday. [April 6,1863: tf
- ‘ : Plcking 7.
005 m ONE, com: ALI...
May 18, 1863. ‘
”LINER“? GOODS, Bonnets, Ribbons,
LI Flgwersi Shakers andrßonueg‘Fx-ames
)ust revuved from New 'York, cheap gt Fflm.
'es‘tocks’, sign of the‘ "RED FRONT. '
.pring n‘nd Sum
mediunul purpgse: oply, at am New [gag
Store of ‘ . , Barnum}: ..
' “erroxxevas, for Men‘ondzfl'oym in
) be hm} cheap I; , SCHIUKZS. .
E sherifialtyi
A @Efi©©£amuéfifiififififilmw
@ll2 flaw.
v~T——» —-' f— ' ‘_¥~TT.::::
. l umanon Gonna. g
I _ ’ ‘ ' '
Say, dngkqs. hub yoy seen de has”, ,
Wu! de luulr—lilbh on his face, ";
Go 1011;; de wad some umc’disgmomiu’,‘
Like he gwi'ne to léru'c the pliee?‘
He git-en a smoke way! up dv‘nl her-,1 ’
Wlmr dc Lin‘kum dunboma ly; ‘ -‘
[lgg’ook his hat, uu‘ Km berry sluddgn, _
An'l wee’ he's run away! ’
, ‘ CHUlLLsz—Denmssa's run,hn!llm!
‘ l , Ilc darkeys 5.”. , 110')! Ind! ‘
'‘f It Hillel be no dej kingdom's
'3 momma? “ .
U I’An’ de‘ year db I{lubi‘lol
Ire ‘s‘ix féet 5M} wa‘y, two foot 1 alder! ‘ l
‘ 11’ he Weighs t’fl‘e hundred rounds, , ’
[lain-Oat :q In}: he—umhln'! pa du tailor,
.n' it. u’un'r go h_H \my mu -I. ~ _
Hr» rill emmfmh, :lvv cull himi‘np'un, '
A‘pn' he not :0 Alrrmnul Unmet: ; 4
[mad h::‘ll~xry mu“ mii dc Yam csi ‘
1‘10: I) Link he's {UI lmbunfln‘ ‘
i ’ h “1‘ Cum‘ics. ‘ _
_ ‘ ‘ A
Do finrkeys FM! so ”writ lonesnnjo. ‘ l
”Linc: in d:- I(>;’,‘.lll)lly§o'pfl dc lw‘n‘,
hm], 'mm‘r- durfiug‘» trx‘.\lu=s:\'sfipnrl‘tyr, ,
’l'}: keep it wlnielhr’s gone. ‘ [
DJ .5 n'inv nuni chi 3r. de rennin '
Ain’ dmdu‘rkt-y's of". hm 51') re, ‘ ~
I d use doy'lluil i F‘rr’mfiwmnw, j _
\ 1“”de Li‘nku srgjer‘s come. -' ,
_ " Cuoi‘u‘s. 1’ . .
ice of
> urgi-
Is and
Dé ervr-r he g 5
35ml ht- dl'iho gs
.\\'e“;!uck hm: up 1
\lid dc key {ma
Du: whip izlufl, de
1 (NIEL- .\l:1~in"il)
Hr inm- enufi', 1m;
Thu}: to'wcnt‘uul
it I
”L e
‘nuw nh‘me has been brou‘g‘ht into nnm~
ml; far the Empire of va‘ivdhflmt of
u; Ibn,, who ,wa» born: in lhhi
o, :unxlz'r-t Hui prundmp of Jmfime, thu.
in‘: .
Igoq’3lothci‘bf the Ilnnupsn-io ingmlyk
#3loqul: Lu m, mwluntml u}._“’¢st P um
.I.}gignmf his nmmhwnnn In gh‘n .\nir-ri
ladmy. and entered (ho Flmm'lncrvxuu
‘ni: H‘P' (Jrimc-un JVhr. Wis srk-MEIVI,
m} high dignity afimeximm {Emmy
21m ~ -
11b mn-mleJ qum‘ utot‘lvmqnl {n the
Vicar] hmffi‘l| nfthk Rzny'qnljta Lunily
Inf recvnt. ulll'dvmjblol n ’jmli~ ti an oi'
‘Mn §
for _
the Trcnch murts on its‘clnima asidxgul by
theiwitlmv of h-rrnme. ‘ f 1
I mayhgtemomlmrpd tlnatflemhu’ I’. \m
par , thpn quite‘ young~x d: “the than
19, '9 bohm'c—féh. in love, t’lumhg a brief
sr-jn'lrfi in Btltin‘torg. with Minn-1.42m mm,
the It‘mrivntled beauly‘nf the uyémd mar
rml hufimme, time in 15”.}. -} lyiaxctmn -
tn mince beams Icompollnd y his hype)“
tut \rnthcr ‘to dix‘prvm his flmori'mfi mtv‘
nndmmrr)‘ n Gormhn I’rirccss.t 'J‘t pltrn'mer
had (the stm,»\\'llo is the fmhor otrtho gn-n '
tlex an who, it};’ suid, is dtst'uml} to wit-id
the dmtintos-dof li-xicn, Tire P lttt’lfi‘ltns
of Edtim Jre are ‘escendunl-stof “£l4l Ali-r
-uh‘ "—-one oft!) sons nt'tthht célehmtegl
chufiétcrlmving migrated to Hunt onunlry
and settled itr t} at mty‘ whorel hy hm
knowtedgw, enter min}, and t_(-|'rr~!;_vy 11‘ 15
Hum-chant». he son uccumuhtt‘od ntptinr‘ely“
fortunet lie was ptjcgcuttor of tin; lLtltt-l
more Bonapartes. ‘, _ t ‘
~ _.____ «54,—1 l
. rhg‘. WEBSTE‘ AND HIS Bins.
('Hn'Tpndvrs arejware that the hue (Lon.t
‘Dtmji'el ‘Wybster w- “got so car t'ul in hid Im
cunlary utters lmfiome mun, ml his fault,
was at titties taken adynntagze afil At' one‘j
tin.~ n pdor mug-sawed ap" e of out] for:
himinnd having stresehtetl h ‘bjl . it was '
pro ‘13“)! paid bj' Mr: Webster. 'l' u-hxhor-f
er tsnk sick during tlle‘vhvihter‘an‘d u neighyi
box-[advised him t 4) call uponhir.\ Vebater
for the paymefihofhishill. 1 ‘t _
‘_' “But he haspaid me‘,” said the [.I‘M‘JI. .'
. "No matter,”.re
er, f‘cnn again an
agadfilon’t. mind CV 1
common thing fgr
er lnxls over twiée.
V‘ The man gouwell. and carried iii his :5:-
éount, the second f‘me. Mr. -\\'et.sler look;
ed at it, looked mt the man. fiemémbnned
hirxfirbut aid th‘é bill Mflmut demhrriugs;
’l‘Eav owgot “gallon-t 1” some lhn op or. iour
moritl terp‘urdel. a'nd Mt‘uoughtl bun of
the-generosity an}: lease manner of Mr.
Webstfirin his mo‘ ey matters; anti 9. thud
tiin be cal d and resented ihe whi” for
sawi gith .woodfl Eh: Webster thk the
acco nt, xiqh be immedintoiy necpgnized,
and canping the hood-sawycr h moment,
he si‘ld: . '
“I l’
now do you kebp your books, si!- 1"
“I; kee mo book's,” said We man : bmxhed‘.
"I thinlk you do, sir,” continue 1 Mr. .We‘b—
Rter, ‘with marked bmphasis ; “and'you ex-.
ea] _‘o‘se who are Batiafied with thq double
lentr _s'ysterxu .Yofi kepp your books upon
a tri [y entry p]an,'l observe." :
d gearing up 1139 account, Mr. Webster ad
-9l§ , ‘
"Go. sir, andbe l‘ronest hereaftnr.‘ I have
no quections 'to paying. thesh'little bills
twgc I b‘m 1 cannot; pay them Mme times.—
Yourmayretnre." 9 '
'l’ 9 man left thg mom, feeling as ghough
he as aufi'ucating for want, 6f. air. He
had .learg'ed an Jensen that lasted through
1 e: . - I r
“mud and Wmmded.” It takes but little
space in the columns’ogthe dlmly papers,
but. ah, whatjong household stones and
biographies are every one of these strange
na es‘Jve read over a'nd ffiet! Killed
and wounded! Some eye re s the name
to whom it is as aezu- as life, .and some heart
is struck or broken‘by the bldw made by
the name among the list. It incur Henry,
or our~James,,or om- Thomas, tlmt lies with
his (footbquen limb: at the hospi'al. or
dea , still and with ghastly face, on the
battlefield. Alas for the eyes that read!
Ala; for the hearts that feel! “He Was my
pretty boy. that I; have sung'to _sleep so
many times in my armsl’: says this poor
mother, bowing id anguish that cannot be
luttered. "He was my‘brave. nobte hus
lband. the father of my little orphan chil
dren!" Bob: the stnckdn wife. ,“He was
mydarling brother,.thn‘t I loved 30,; that I
Wu‘prbud of!" murmurs the sister. amid
heirs ; and so the," terriblelstroko ‘fills on
the homes throughout the ‘ land. "Woun
dodlnnd killed !" “Every name in that list
isa‘lightninghuéke to some hglnt, Ind‘
breaks like thundbr over some bonnie, and
falls, at long blagk shaddw ¢upou some
hearthuqne, 1 u, ‘ x 3 .‘.
us trouble. ¥
’ruu’nd a spell, "E
‘ ds~ smyke l‘wusq collar}! .
‘n in dc we"; '
handcuff lrroken,l . ,
IMH hil pay: 1
-untf, ought {lO kéow Miler,
ruu «wuy. ‘ g - ,
l ‘ (”10(1ch
Lilia-d his dishono’it ndvh- ‘
l h it, He 'dun‘ft leow,
‘at he pays. I! is :1 v ry
’xim to pay ‘muaih'smu -’
Y 5
» u 7 -~— ~ ‘ 77‘ < ,__._ —~~— “‘2‘!" ‘ w—— ‘
'. - '
Jf'nxn'u J 3 mam-1‘ AND WILL PMVAILC." i
‘ ‘3 From the I'ork.r§ress._ THE ABOLITION
ll't'anvuLE, Nun ABHIP-Y’S Glr“ bllrl; 0“ wellnefi‘lily 18“!
» 'y (July 2], 1563. t } “Tho.- nld Public Functicn
‘ DE“; 11535 ~..Yy‘ u are mmre, of cnttrsla.‘ Cuum, to run for (lovernr
thltt we 0N? sung“; now with m ' Army wwerpl lmhllc plumler‘
oftho Poto: :m. slytrmg its toils mil dd“. hittel‘j’mnglmg. Hon.
germ Uu‘ nul\3rrival it Frode lf‘k, wile vl'tlrel wi““'”l=":°"v silk-red “will
plnct-ul in,llm ql'd Brigade, 3rd- lhviluohnl' ”is “P 1‘ DOW "l 3". Wl‘il‘
3rd Army Corprl. (9hr Brigade iscout'mmd- Th “WW—'"U’h pays, "M'
ed 1- by Colonel . ilh: 9mm)“ bll g“. inatptt Gov. Curtm’ umidln
Elliott, and 00le v Gen. French, .t . es,” and Mr. Thomas Mir:
‘W'ct'eiuniu‘mltm ‘rt-derick liutbhla hou‘r, ny, arkcd “by .. what Mr
‘whl-n we marched o\\t and hlvouahcd at. ; name was useul, 3:5 he hull
right a few mllt‘s' East, _of Middle‘tmvn. the l “lllll‘l'ledw 01,5“ ”13““?
no” we moved fivéx miles}; to fill. g'up. candidate.” ‘l3 also sa’iul
ptm. ol Genet-at Kilpatric who was having} Pf Allfi‘EQUnyi “ho-“ 0““ "1
nn l-Izigatgmmmt. the on my near Boom: in “IQIDHW‘V un‘s‘ urn-uch
Lom’. wt, lonnetllltuil'ine‘ 1‘ battle, mth‘l lAmvlauw-l MP- Fuller
Otlt' left I‘vsang With n 20 yaglq offlie 31.01,. thete Was "gcmd Fall‘e” l}:
Whure Gvn.‘ limit: to l. (_in uuh'tl'ont “+5 a“_the resolutions proposmga
grave containing fill '-nino {amok and. "year ljwas ‘lqlll’llm .‘b‘m‘ 6‘1"“.“1
lly,‘ a “‘t-ll 'lnu'tly d 3. that hall tlsO hwn Hm“ fora "CW nun. "Mi,“
tilled mm the tit-ml of mufibttd c gilt-sled trims! by many am wmlwd
filfl'j. ',, : \ i uu~~ toluyal, honest. Rnpuhl
{\‘l'e'hnd scarci‘ly ormml our li‘nt: \rvlwn‘ ' ”5"“ a "‘4” i“ “I“? ”‘1
tho engagé‘mt‘m ca \cd, night. com in: on t “l“ “llfi‘re w.“ not a war
welwcn- allowed to [“3l tljrthe’ alight; wtiéh 5 “910159“ ml“ Curtin was?
Wl} Vcly grxtctul to dur lira-d lluwu " e l bUSUL‘IUIQIUWi in Whlull rev
m.“ luv ill-ya and [gm-5 we mat-élmd 34!! -f l’ul‘. (Julalllc of the tar. ‘I
ntxtnunu'orml Ovt‘l' Ll 2- old [mule gruumli of 393”" “l‘gllt‘ll ”film! newt!
Anltietam. On Sun .iy an billet: calm;l ”le 10 "#300043,
thtl Illfliirvnt comm}: dens to‘kl-ep‘thcincn I Mr. Landon, of Bradfor
well‘ln hand as the General Commanding 3 er ice of “,1“ people mustl
inh‘ei'nlt-d to attack the enemy along lllhfil thej'h‘ol‘e 90‘1""? 9f ”“4 5
«mule Im.-. Wuh'rl )llght, came an ocuér; W tun"! [Al’plause 'a:
to hill in, which w: done promptly. Cum glint-whi} ' “ ' '
lines wom- admnt‘e'lr hr) and that Ilulwl‘ .Mr. Kwr‘ence "37‘3““
works. but a: you already know we t'nfin‘d.’ “OHS ()flkf‘lmg. and ‘lm m
“of Hlt'my tnfight. and thou cunm that dbl-pi “‘9" “(ml-fl “I“: 1"“? 5‘30““
nttlttermg alumr thowholu lint:——the'_d't«~p n" 1““! n“ W} to 91“”
(llqltllrlflllllllltllh thet int-n fuel when th.-y: l‘f“! 9100'] by um. "51k”
i-vrtliiv- how 1y :1. little mnmundkmulnt: ” '“IMWWINF ”“94 “l (5'
they have lett nlip a golden om-m'lhnlty. 1 0109“"); I‘9“ l“?\""“ N"; tl
'l'lte hlulc does not he“ with this army—l womanly "1 llpficountxy.
HL‘Tcr inn-(- men in lN‘L[.\r condition, "“50“ be trnulllc in givl ' him‘ I
nuire Cugt‘l' tn t-trilrea dull! bluw'tufiie “3.: knew they had the rowel-l
lmllion. than m‘xlm lulug; flfdlfy' omm; “I:4:un could on 255;
OJI army exprem-«l tlit-rr create“ dwgustl PM”! 1. I” “309,“ n”‘\‘ ~.
hu- the way (it which things wrrt- muiuagedi'l {‘s WNWPBd m “h 9min
.ntlopvnl) (11-glared “it“ ”13.51 Would'rathtr‘ force Curt”. upon them To
olmme “mutt-main any longwund‘lnhpm vote'ww _finnliy taken uml‘
[tumult haulers. It. ha~~ olten been tltnicd‘ Curtm 9‘" H- D- 'MOO'Q
[lull llll' ft‘t‘llllg Ol “1m :llul)‘ wapyl‘argl-Iy ”I? ‘ MI'OI‘CLKHSIJ l. and Bt'chh‘
durnr m .\lt'ljleglau u» lll‘ commander} 'l‘t-ib l .GWvCurlm recetved‘ iii
.iy': mlhglmglwlth Ha Vldl-“H‘n'll \"eterulm. : .m‘iNY‘fiV‘f “'5 first. counlhd
"u-lblm lm- tw m) txu’y, tllltl huh'e'nqt, Wk“ 0" a Hmlll¢ount.~j
ut-n any man (I stl.u‘u.n._nut rlllllll~l.lello' M" Nr-vrus. of 3“”“Kl‘t’!
lt'or "Ll l'l Ll) .llAlii” ll’ ~t‘l--ii..u “.3516‘ ‘ the nominntion be 'nmlt- hi
1116‘th lm‘ ll’ltt lullou‘in‘ulcg tho 1,“; Mr. lllt'Kt-livmli._uf \Vu
tltzlul Ai-llt‘tam,‘ why" 1 'll':~"'+'v'l|\ ,1..,,t,.' him to “Ill“llu‘v ”“1 [ll
rl'ml and lnukt-u to picczw, lil'lliylcolnp'.ln- ““111 v o _ i
rs and rggnnmlis mthu‘ut t." olllt-L-i- and: 7”“ motion ‘l‘o mhlm 'tlu
my 01' 1;” men \l‘iLuaut allU‘Lb, an 1 hour; nnlly taken. and “about t“
, alt-1y “urn out. what cAuUwS lhlt‘thérel nlultlhhws and al'lllallier"
“an“. n”: otttu’km: Lu” “”1” ”“I uuuyl , AtiJottrilonl.”“
:t'iic'ly l‘o.:il.u‘l{“4l. arlll [hit-newt: ME '~ ln-nE 5‘1"“ '5 ”"0 ll‘leflml'h'sl
titer con-lllmln tin n‘m tug m" 15.J0nlb)I;-0'. l nomination ol "our An-ly.’
. The d‘umchulent ol'uul; rt-gmwlit under; W, “7“"dl‘3‘r'l 1" ”‘0 ns
1%“. Hunt “Jr not yutjulllé‘al‘u'l.‘ > firm“, Fenthylvhnl3.7-éup6m-y Dr
mic llt'cll Hut 5-! to uva hull, hutfrerl lapel ‘ *“ “ ""‘J" ‘ “
“NITJM‘ intt-J li-i‘n-;.2l'lir‘llu hdlt would uth‘rr; :‘5 THE DEAR OLD
“the u' u l\'>ll€‘("ltll|‘ n v {Hum , is now! , ' - ‘
int.“ :qulld. The 67111 Pl V. Halli but .70. d rhe follOWlllfljlll‘pP-fl‘red
. ‘ _ . . . , u :13: or two mtcr tuc mount.
mm, and ‘l‘\“{“l omtaru ul Blinrvy old my; sin}-
uil-n‘tsfallei cult up “‘1; 1h; ‘s4th lrnhn;it‘l‘,‘z .111“ me g“. 01,] plug!"
“‘Jl‘e U “ ' on M.” “‘5 “it“ in 15‘ ttmb t ‘e‘rl the nltxonul flJ" in all part
it n tngt-tliei.l hurmy there mustuhc some . rin ‘th ’B‘: goal: durii
l 1‘“le nvgh‘c «it"t'luty on the ”arthol‘ the} 8 ngtewgrtlh , circnnmtanm
l V ‘l' llh-l-..i“tm{t u}. oilthtly l\3rultt_ not per-i the citizens) have takm l-lx
IL“ _"l”-“.e_‘i. l” ll“: “glnfgf'fi'fli “hf?“ start, let. (/42 Jun oldfirg '
I ‘. ‘0 Infum 79 ‘t'f'mlm-{ul‘ Lutorahaul bread. from L-vel?’ “MB ”“1“
5 “0y “11l he, il-soui‘t-tlnng rib-not done to album ‘thm anew ”W 51‘
o ‘etrhdduv tliimu at' unru. rl‘ have jug 'milloX-x t\' J 1’ ‘ two 0‘ tour men ‘tho lvcptlwounldtgtl ‘ “1:le ildtrlnvv was th A 'l
‘t \\ll\(‘llk‘t‘~(u lune .‘H‘Ce. duul Mhmn . '3~ {
. . t- ~ . of the fit .bolotc meo n t
_p cknrd and limos Hoover: lhe hrsti ' i ll hl l 5116 .
xc >Oll klllt‘(l lt‘ our regiment in hfttml en- Tl ,a"1 u _ “"fim‘
u euiont was Daniel Curlew. trummcr - ‘. ”11".flr"f"'l"‘l " "
m , (il’t‘u. ltr m NEW Ornird. llhw many A ‘ - the .‘mpvb '“e A”?
' . ' ' . - . A is tuc daunting h)‘
’tl't" lulled :11 ll woundwl during all; first. . #mrw .1 l
, - . v . .mutittltun
h er. day: h‘htmg :‘H W lllli‘llt‘hlt'al', .I can- , 11. lfm'dst the ”MT", ll:
(‘ my, 'nor a. [tiling to at“: this ' llub of ‘lnslllt no “My sky
h e 2110 lpil att‘tiiei‘wbzitvtlpgof t‘Lnrters With hntea' polluted r
_ll use, 0;] Mandatiumning, _ut qs_sqonaist tccmmfln,“ uhheceilsa
it my be ascel'huttrll, ll Will be hunts-bed hhnn rbvmb l 9‘ e ‘ (
oh {or puhh’ htion. IWe ‘now éutertainl e : ‘3,” ”31,3199
. . . t 1 dear old fla v, but. ml on I
mefunt ho a that: Captain inn-rah woe: ov' rum Ml" s'f r ‘l9de (
at killed, bu badly wounded. 'wg can vi ’3. are .i “ ““, .’n
, _ «~ » m, it u: u flaunting he
(w nccuuntfor all oth- buys. except one; 1.3,,»
llttudred :unL twenty-six. and it. hi tondlyl °' "
hoped that some more‘tot‘ these have'come
‘ut of the confirm. unharmed. Corporal
numkerxhats 'hqerl promoted Color Sci--
ennt. tor savinl’ml olingmg to the flag of
t‘ihregiment thrnishpd by thy, State! and
lriugmg it safely through the dim-ranchin
es in which the boys We‘re eug'tgetl. "
' ‘engra'il Milroyl is loud-in llli‘pl‘dlsfl and
¢-Iy_expiesscs the opixjion tlmt‘ if all the
‘gll ems had fohght‘mlour’s'dld‘ that we
nldwuve -wdn‘: the l tlle m. “CSJLET’S
busn, on Monday rimming. As .We
u‘mrched‘ by somel of the ’column. we hoard
rppaurks made by the men conlplimentmg‘g
handful ot'Loys. ‘Thc- reglments that were
i‘t‘l'ront of “A were lull and these the army
fl the l’otomhr' called mililtiu; soft bread
ters, th.. but. when our boys came along
t. to line, they would say “ah, thine hoyfi
ave seen had v i ' their faces.
round and dark ‘.ery in that
alr T”- t‘Fourth l! are you t”
‘lB7th .P. V.” '" " “There
are the boys w to 3 butterfly
sfi'oflen at Cart. r’s some dther
x giments wer ‘ pa tart not of
fering to assut tht gheer after
cheer would do v y's would
lrightpn' up and 1 old mar
t. al gpirit, dete mined to dome fullduty
are as thay id in the Clieabl ounbuin
Division and t Winchestem *A é have
mini-chad sin‘ce we hoverlx-en i‘n sérflco the
distance ot'sev tween hundred miles. "\tFo‘w.
rhlgimrnts hav seen more activd se ice
ahd work tha hate the the boys of‘ 13
old organizatio . Ibo health of the {lon
try are here ' very good, except: few on
s, oilexh'aus . 3
1 Our friends in writing letters will be
careful to note he army corps to whigh: we
balong. l EXTRA
of your neighbors; dgn’
leg. thamvstir » ithout watching—Ahey ipa'y
db something rang if you do, 1 To boshre,
you never Ifixew'them to do‘ anything voi‘y
bind, but. it ma be 'on your acoouno that
tfiey have not perhn 3if it bad noq been
fqr. your kjnd an, tKey‘ might luve‘dis
graced lhemsel es and families‘long ago.—
'Uherefore don't'rehx your efl‘ons to kee ;
them Ibere they ought wbe‘ Never mlnh
ygrfpwn business-adult will take care of
i l . .
:IQ’A Westernpnper. annoyed by the
p‘eriphmisfi‘A erioan citizens of African
dieseent," ofl'e “uhbleupbed Americana"
a}: a shorter a mote expressive term.
1 ——~—v -—v—<..Oo— ——-~—-—— 1
V's-An 0332131 order from the Wu: Db.
WWW" afinwmes that h¥re§fiar a re
ward ofteg: Slim will be pu‘ld {or the up
preheamou'n delivery of a deserts; . '
L L‘
2 Paddy 11am}: u’ullt/u! 7' u [c.— n X.York
:1 mun was ca‘l ryingia/live urt‘mf uiong the
I Mme! when along’cumev a ' Iri hmun 10l-
Ilowc‘d by n lull-lie dog, T e o§untrymun
him! bun! to get. the «an of Hme «M to put
this fingorEn/lhe turtle’e m dlh, but he was
, Loonnnrl 1m that. ~ FL I
! “But,"r’aays he, ”1'” put, fit 3': tuilin
glut! nee whzit th Inhte wild 9.” ' .
':» ‘lle immrdihlely c‘nllod u his Llog, tn)k
‘his tgil in his hand and Etu‘k irrqn the tuc-
Hle'sflnnuth. 'IIe bud Fact-lyr‘got it. In
| whén Mr. Turtle shut dm :1 on 1 the pgur
i dog’htail, and ofl'lhe hlle' ran [at u“ {nil
-1 road speed. puflmg the tur le alter bid] at
a mme rapid rate than ever it had traveled
i hefure. ‘lfixe countrymzui thinkmg his
day's woxk, would‘be thrown away if the
animal 4,!“me run 'long at that speed.
tumud savagely upon th ' " ' 'uid ex~
\(‘Ja'fined '.—£ ‘ ‘
I ‘ ",L‘all baq‘k your‘ dog!’
x Patrickfuhhis hand‘
I thrfaw his ‘ead to or'ge 3i
prdvnking hing/raid;-
“Call back yqur fis‘h I”
« _V' -.—— «no.»
O'owding 4}lim.--“Wh¢
asked a traveller m the
the 01d “solemn'wilderm
\§st. .
“Hpgfcal lain’t got n‘
"‘Wcll, where do you .
‘.‘l livein ths‘woods—elefi
mént, Purr‘hdse, eat raw fie
key. and drinkout of t 3
And, be added, “u is gettin,
on folks about. here. Xbu
. an I’ve seen thin hull; mm
that. there’s alwnole. family
fit't‘ miles don’n the river
put m. in the woods agsm.’ ‘
My.» ‘
a” as day hat wgeka. Indy living in
this 00 My, 1 erw mxles romnhe city.
Irought awn-col to one of L La express offi
es to forwArd to her husbn' d in the army.
Ir. containeél some articles that) she hnd
uahlly pre-pamd‘wilh her own hands-7‘
l‘b’e clerk looked at. the ms 6 an'd add? .
ml {tamed away to hide is omega???-
~ me very homing one of hose’fofmzmus
was ,which crownl nnr Lrhms,’ mm the
South, had arrf "(Hie upon it
which was up ye remams
v] the husband at that, mo
zi'ient at the d( to thepoor
lyly was terr r .ghousu‘agl
grin-fibreakihg axing 6393
ya milufl ......" .w v (o thw— I -
ma. ,2 "v T
wife are (old to “fat cares“: int it
«:95? may; enpugh‘ «heme ‘We take it‘or
n . . ‘ . , ~
\s.l [L -c.
“Blessed ire th‘e peacg makers,” méans
hang cyk-ry Democrat. " "
, “Lm‘é lhy neighbor as thyself." is inn‘F
‘prcledz’ “Don’t speak toAlms family—
tlwy am swash.” ‘ _ . .
"ans mm ndnthej," nmrmg Lhaphurch
niambers. now means "luvu the Abolition—
brethnrin and curxe the DPmm-mta." .-
1 “My kingdom 'is‘nob of this world," is
now discovered to be mxsgomtruedfl 1':
means. “my kingdpm is the kingdom of,
Abnlitionism—wlmle away at the Butler
nuts.” A ‘ ' ~ ‘
et at Pim
10 cohesive
st, prevunfi
'ernmn. M
in 013'ch to
L dnunlml.
pbell nnm
e and hiss
of Allegiw
y ()urtln"
- Him apol
‘ 1 not he n.
H Guard
\‘nn H
‘ (Ind
k. T
’“11 nl
“Givé imh Caesar. Omar’s; un'to‘ God’
God’s ;’f reanls in the late version,“‘give un
to the Lincolmccs the spoils; unto (fie
Democrats cur<es and bastiles." . '
r .“Dn not. Neil,” does not. refer to Oeuvr
alq engkged in co’gmn speculations, or the
filching of Unoleh‘am’s mon‘ex. . '
"Do not boar falm witness.” relaterto
Demncmu (-xr‘lusix'ely. hAbolifionLLa. mhy‘
pm iure Hmmaeb’oé with impunity, if‘Jk‘m
ocrals cbu be place-din limbo by the oper
than? ‘ , El' ' . ' _
“Tc-uh! your childrpfi 'Jnfl'le wayflboy
should Igb." méans "p'ers'dcut‘e and abuse
the Demmchk, lie in wait. furéhem (Hat.
they may sull'cr.”—'.—-llaud{lorQSTme Tele-.
yup/I. " ‘ ' ' F"
ette, b,Licl
'mn. as ‘it
h‘un. 1&0
'l‘.‘ (‘urlin
1f übxmxx»
n: L“
md ll
'lum :
h?“ (
L oft
1 good]
‘I‘Al y
If the 12311
nth in the
Imm}? A
r~mu work
I). I'ul'rLly
Is the only
‘ .y A
;, common 01mm, \
I’linnt as Governm- Curtin has been to
the Nutionul_‘Admhisgtmtiflh. k has not.
been able to secure the ‘00:! hill of u“ its
friends. Perhaps lhé ititléerenzt oneinie? he
has gratin his o‘wr‘x party. Damocruls Sim
ply despise him for his “Weakness afit! Lindy
ism. A Inge portion of 1m own party hum
him, and denouncehim with great, bitter-
DOSE The Pithburg Garth: of the “20“},
cont-Lira a Cruel a‘tta'ck lipon ,him—the Dis
pulc/i, lmgfiiaquently. rapped him severely
over the Rnpckles—the'l’hiludelphis Plan,
of Saturday. exinces a strong disposition to
serve. him as the marihers‘ ’served Jonah,
and the Tcquraph4wjlo€n edjtdrwas lac
ed threw; the Gaveruofis‘friend, mug ap
pointed Slate Lihru'rinn by him—is mu‘m.
Bad signs. your Excellency, tel-y bad.
Putriuldl} Union? ‘ ‘_ ' ' fi
d, sail
be re.
d in-
pin-ted in~
es? in the
l_:! go f‘u r-'
an he (1.111..
‘ rtin and
well, and
ice uf {hf
lere would
urity. ‘lle'
im under
a reasbns.
:I :3} not 1:
- tune,” .
am“ gave
cn’ny * 14,
I’lzrlz'hm Y'Wainy, Allrm'flalh-v-Thc; Pith
lmrigh chart/(of tE 20th‘rj an elaborate
nruc]~e.‘fn‘tefis on Gov. Cuttiu's mlnnuisLm—
tinn all the crime». and pectilntmu ‘wnh
which we chargodJlim for two years past
The GU3I!» says that he mm l‘ouml guilty (if
:qecurin‘g fin cudllm‘la for, humell‘. thrmi‘Eh
“private agent-r,” “by a com miliig uppm'nlc/l by
Aimed/"’3" "Fhia is arlniixai‘on‘ enough to
olm'rl the eyes of'everil honesLquuhhcan.
This Pfilwme ii mule not thfougb the‘hon
\esty o ,the (z'Jz'llr.»l»\\t'ber;\use there-is a
liar goi'pg on inhhe Alml’fl'i’mgwigmnh be
tween the parxizans ol‘honostfilmon (lame-
I'OII‘NWIIIOSO organ the Ga:ctte-is, and 11:
trim-mini of" Gov. Curtinl 'Aflq Camera 3
friele have commended f‘ telling nib: out.
'of school,” we may expect. spme rich evel-‘
qpmeutsfiom‘ the ‘Cumn side-of fly! house.
Ogne part 9 buys the other, and Prybodyn
khownfCankrnn isrrich ! “'llef/rZZgues [all
out. hdnest at?" rfill'get thei/du‘equ -
Haw: will thin deVelopmen'i of thelG/I:Elle's
net- up? the st‘ mach‘uf/cérmin ‘very'mtri
otic ge tlemén Rom mldst wllo ham'bee‘n
50 furiousin their el‘ence of the purity 9f
Andy Uurtin? El‘r Washington Review. i
l -——— --, J.- »»~—v - .-- .
The All); y L wing Journal, edited"
lately ’ y TbUI/‘KJW Wecgl. u’rul how conducted.
by use?) of Sycrétury Suwu J, says of the elec
tion in Ohio: - IV . , ,
, “Th ,issue of the catnfifizgn wan furl,»
shaxlmfied as'soon as it was R own Ms (Mr.
fl'al/l/a’ dlgham’b) arre’st than uptinuedby
the 1’ Peitlom. His parly _(let mined ‘to
{/ppmll to the people. 'lfht‘v r ,‘an6ll to
est Ute question nf the “arliitrnr 'm‘rcst”
of a ci Ezen of a State not in con‘liuéu'ofm:
7" belliml. before that, tribunalof laétr'e\ort—
/ the limllot box. And'it must be conffsgwd
Vh/fln the ‘that they have the party of the Aflmih'r» u.-
,{t g, “the tion utadisndvantuge. {thousands who a
‘.sents thel test thé'man and loathe his p‘iiuciples, din
Washihg-l approVe of‘the manner i‘r'x' yvhich be has
‘a polluteu {been treated. They would like to express
‘ their disapproval, to give the erarnment.
t‘o‘ un‘dersmnd that; they do not like ‘such
an eqrivocal exerciso‘ of power. MAny.
llnubl e~ls, will do so, and thus swell 'the
Dumobmtic vote tar beyoljd its legitimate
proportions.” . ' J - .
' 4AU—«nop—L——-,——’——- ‘ -
vot'efi not.
I ite a mis-
n-ed that
\ u '
on, \stod
I: und\hrs-
15 I
i an”
uled nu
100 re:
x. liqo‘rge
vcruul‘ of
? Iflrt
I 1““
Ixt G
| mcl’u-
n. . ‘
n [h
Trzbunc I.
ak in our
I We «once of
IA)? [llO chy, ’du
“a the riot, .\n:
I: but”)? that'
301' nd a {new
lye flu g ti) the
i in 11: city,'lhut
in of. atn'otiam
l . .
Mu‘pe‘a opm‘lon
'B5 elécted: '
.1 d‘
- Q‘Gnv. Sgymaur. kfif Nrw,Yonk, and
.5 Judgei Woodward, ouficandidate for (Lov
erno'rngre classmates when; young mpg),
lat u. Cfliege in Geneva} N. Y. They forni
ed 5 ery strong intimacy at that 'timP‘.
which; ims been continuefl ever éince. 'A‘
genl‘ij‘man of our acquaintance; who rec'en 1.:
1y hall a conversatidn witiflioy. Seymour.
sJys' he WM highly rejoiced‘atJudge Wood;
ward’; nomilmtion, reuurkin‘g r “If Penn
} sylnnia elects Gm. W. Woodward she mil
have n Governor to be proud of.’ He is one
e ablesL and'puréqt men in the‘nntion.
w him well.,und I donoi know smm;
anywhere for whom I iuvia greater respect.
' whether M a citizen, 3 jurist. or a mates
"mnh." We envy the: person who can obi
tam s‘uch praise from such agonrog—Jmii‘
i‘und (kl/1007“. ' .‘
with a
Whit. Geo. S. Hilliard, of Boston, one
of the; mast accomplished men bf his time,
a friend of Webster and of Chow, a Whig
ofthe ulmiglxtest Sectr .nd'a'pnlridt the
mural, in him lener _to: thq' Agudemy o?
u uF'
nuse ?”
one of
~ num
r :tnimld tur-
, {OOH/“ck w‘th
1. e the second
.‘th, I+de {hear
I army in about
\le‘q going 3°.
fi-Tho gregt. pin-hunt”, the Baron do
S‘evres, is‘ dead. Amongst. tha property he
left. war: found two large and hwy boxes
which, y the hem wars supposed to com.
~. mama goanu "...... . 7 V .J a .
. . n‘ . ’ tamcash but turned out to be filled mth
an ‘“§?Piflfl?fl‘f‘3'i{°.‘ii‘f’fi;_g_ g hundred; ’o‘: ~(.housaiulu of fill, jipagiunble
:Tlm Praidcnz’a Oath—{Presing Ligwlln. s2:fo 5:1: bi (F [firbgezfig $133!." £83)“:
:s::?.::::azgfon::€n;:;e“3:223z "'3 Izmtfkreduemdree" pm var»
‘ “Ida solemn/Q may (or (Zflrm) that I wigtlldresoh, ylck up any pug be 4m
‘ faitfi/ndly mam theugflicnlg Kim“? 13;; foovmd 933:: gLoyflf;_____ j
Unilel4 Mum, and wt .4»! No as: i . ' - ‘ ' " .
‘ ‘ ‘ . ' I ”The‘ Wuhmgton correspondent of»
1mm?" Prof‘ff “,2“ ”find ‘s‘ U?"f‘“‘”’l'- (fun nu York [lemld scum; minke Em.
i the [11.1164me ‘ '., _ { idem has avowed himself.» “profourighg;
v ”a. ~'. , " h '
[ .lOTA ¢orreupondentv qurm ‘lhe Ney.l::r£”°dky the [596 at i 1 81855199] 0’
Yorkfli'orfithu “Anqrewm’! notorious for[ ' Mina-4w".- , ‘
[incilipg t ‘mob ‘duung the (may; riot:h ' fi-«A retired logioolmzqmr mam his
inning-dot are“, was. formerly a de~‘ may,“ {offingl'mg by §ayinfi that, fit!!!
(realign coy md oneoflSectetaA-y Shawn’s -cuns’iant fia‘bit. ha' .never fee a qiitig’ 33m.
ayaaf—Afilunfly Arum. , _ 1 self gnu“ he iahfintynn’g the Izod. ‘ fn_
Two DOLL'AIw .axmk
No_ 44
Al WHOM Bm. '
Tho Harrisburg th..w}lmorogfioc
tor in Pow-Hunter of that cxty, an 1' 040
mhm‘r in State Librarian, in its issue of the
30”: ML cnnfninml Llninmntom‘n:
I lune wk: [)0 NUI‘ lIARMOVIZE'OUR
.\MRDTO SUCCEED ”firm:- nALm‘r: ’
GOVERNOR 0? 13m: s‘ru‘my .‘ .
Heavonn! Hm it came to thin? Is it.
trun that the menial: of the AdMiatmtion
prelcr to see our vnllgxy and mu; State a‘n'ul 5
oqr State“ Cinl'ol dcvuntaled, and utlafly
dostrnyod, rather than sen L 1 pure, loyal >
man like George \V. WOIW‘WRHI elected»
annmr nf Pvnmylvan‘m. Hit. true, wu'
my? Yrs w» bq-heve it. is; the Telegraph!
owned and ~llth hygtlm lurelingu of the
Natiouul and smm ndxfbinia’tratinns lpv‘ukm '
(hwsencimonts of its traitor paer.‘ Whit,
an idea! ' Bauer (hm. Memo hmfbeen (lie:
l‘eatml by Lee; and our sons am ‘hrotfiem _c
butvhnrml} "botfi‘u‘ ta nilmv has. to: panu- .'
trate Pennsylvania and rambllnh himself in
Harrisburg tnuu [3'3 allmn 'Wonclwunl to
raucveL-d at, :he l):1}10tlmx, and then be ilk .
at’fzumtod Govr—ranoflhe Slum.” 4 ,
~lueL'our furthers of the Cumberland Val
ley look at this. _ m Mn; prepargd to see
their fair _fiuisb dpv dated, their hmmsngul ..
cattle draw ofl‘, mvf Hu- mplml oflhe State ‘
in the poiaessinn of Jefl‘ Buwis' lmmy ufin-g
ions! A"; tney? 1m they preferhfl this /.
rather thhn see “statesman hkoGein‘fia W; '
Woodward theirflov‘fi‘nor? No! _éfthmr ,‘
«and vnicos no F The worm! of Punnhylv‘n- ”
rain will hpr) bm-k intJL-‘lho (new offliu'gflvl- r:
'ejflap/Lbhle hired org" of lh‘Q Mlmngimrn
hon.) its mwar-Hy wish: h‘n!‘ No3with~ . ,
standing the (lqwini I‘xprww-d by the Ab»,
lition Qrgun flit “Arrishurg, the pacific (ff ‘
Pennsylvania sr‘nrn nml spit npqn iu'vi u ,
declurntinnr "1:110 not. \f-i‘h to 13m in,
”mansion 02f nur milry and his bond-q r
lcraat,llmrrja.l;urx. an.) the min wlm.o_- '
proues mnh n dcshe is a. ‘tragilor, mid du-\
set-m»: lhnr‘pgio. _ > ‘s' I ' -A
Notwithstanding (119 w assaults upon the a
Dcmncmtic nominvti; notwitluLuvlin Um '
primers ul' thewniniqusof the Slam ans Na- ‘ -‘
noun]. mlhnnismilinhu, (190 nm “F. Wood- 4'
word, the candida“; 0rd": pa‘oplfirund tho ' ‘3l:
‘péople’a friend, «in be elected Guvprnor oi" . "-
Pepuaylvamm. As’sum as the sun rises On‘ ' .
Lhe‘sr’cmul 'rl'uvsday ufl).:mber, 88 {um will ’
this result. mka-phcv. And i[ unjxuet ofl '
rascal ly Lhiéves ntmmpt In prevent. hisx’nnu? ’ -,
gur’ation, (as the Telegrayh mtimxlm.) their .
worthlvns necks willstretfh hempmwceriqin _ ’
us fibre is a h'od in Imam-u. ILuvarß. min» ‘1 '
Emu—you hm teaching i.ho_ principles of '— /
John Brmvfn, and Efyou «laré to carry tlyiam -/
'nnu' ‘ ' A ' ' .. ' '
' ,w“'heh'\_Morgan and .his‘ robe] Emmi—3‘;
rauders first ientplcq on‘their invasiop of‘
Oldo, Gov. Tod Issued :1 mmuhunatmn call
ing fay militia to rem-l fligfi/ilinina nmd pm
lect the State}. The rcslpomo was overs
wbelming. Almo.~t inqtantly Columbus
was slim and hwmljy crowded with tr'oops. -
The .S'lu/cs'wuurp dcscnbes their enthusiasm .
as {oll.ova : ‘ . -
“The Militia hre fnr Vallfin-lighnm and. -
Democracy” Companynfler company came -
into ups city. all ‘hurmhing’ ‘for Va,l.-g
Camp Chase presents ~the appearance ofofie‘
fist Democrahc ma‘fis’ meeting. The De< ‘
mocracy hale it. all their own war. Ilhn- I
drgds of th , miiitinyvho came here under,
Gavernm' 'l'bd's caQ nu Repubiimnq am M
turning homé shou ing for V‘.dlandighau_l.”
Mn Ada’r'fi ASIYIZIII:7I‘III‘.-.——An nminunb (rage
dizm, nqw-dhgcefiqed, w-monr‘o looked up in
[a room at‘tlhe rem- of.) thontro, (9 keep him
in a proper monditinn curl“, mu culled to
[go on_ the «Luge; 0n ‘1 diy'n' 'of the ‘nparb
' mout opened 611 {he cirnnt, nngl, while:
hapki'ng thrbugh tho koyhalt', hesnwn mnn
' Infi‘sipm an "filing lnm up to the door. ht?~
’pushednc unruugh ac: uclrnnd instr‘ucb
.ed him to go to the public home. nt‘thu
opposite? cqxner, and pmbure n pimmf gin
m! n 10 “ ‘l‘” 4] hi"
--V ~———— » <gaou‘ w,»_-_’ .‘
~,.,Sa!<liera' ‘3‘in Proposition in Ncw Hvimr
:hva.—-’l‘h.e pinion of tlné infiwiuy of New
Hampshire on ting c‘oqutitutionnlny of the
soldiers’ voting bill, pfopo‘scd by‘th‘c Legis
iature, Ms been givan. [t is.nignefl by
Chief Justice Bell and Associaw Justice:
Bylaws, Newman and Birth”. And amen
{that the b 1“ isoppused w the spirit up?!
‘l'eiter of: the Constitutiqn, as well u the
; cmmuou law, which requzres the pxesmm
of the voters at. the polls. , , » j