=SIM ‘°"—7‘f””2‘ ‘ i ..' 1m GRAVE 0F ORITTBNDIN. After describing the nbswiuies of the late John I. &itwnden,_ 3 longer snys‘: “At the clean of theexercmeu the pa,“ was lifted sud disclosed a plain metallic coffin, vmh out ornament other than gum cuntomnq brunt-plate bearing the uimplo inu-x-iption of‘rmmc nmldutes of buth uhd death.‘ The land of nili-ction hml sounded a few awnin ly scented white flowcis on 'Lhe lax: recep t‘cle. The procession metedjo the uni emn strain: pl’ the band a: 2 o'olnck. a‘ml {using over Am-nul Hil , reached the teaulii'u'l cemetery ol Fran fort. overlo'ok ing the Kentucky river. ' IL! lovely spot excites the edniiratinn (if very siranger, and ii, in ju-itly the pride I: L on'ly of die citizéfis of Frnn‘kfort. but 01‘ the whole Emmy for, aside from its est mtic worth, it contain: Lhe mouldering rcmsins oi nearly ‘gli the piorwers who rescue what. it now‘ the Slate from line hands of he hostile red mun, as well as those of mil ury éhieltains and statesmen, whose name illumine the military of‘the Unmmguweultl The solemn eorlege passe gavel grape-skirted streets thedend" 'until ilréached a b monument. with" a shroud: ‘ by Mr. Crittenden to the derénaed wife. ”Pro it pa coffin was borne from the)"; relying place.a A Tluynor qf the Draft—l’m in the foul-109mb “art! n I gave rise to much nwrrimont uled to the good feghhg eve ’whore mnnh fumed übnut [he conscript on. hr the cro’wd there atom! a' pulp-Ln ed Ihshmnn; wilh his hands crossed and hi ul‘Mlahehiu‘l his back. He gained intently :u mch mm» was drawn from the whty-l of (bsfinyu i:« had not. LLB" heard to 511931: :3 war-1' to anybody. Presently he nmumrcd lo be up rralcd upon by same unset-u igulvu‘nic hin 'lcly.. llyxing his films”! he xcluilucd in nu thurp Lone: ‘ “Whmfl it mun-d ! wherljtr it, ml] ye)” shouluxL Lln- umu Idmhly full of dread sinpcnso " ‘ . -.n “WhntHJhn matter with y u?" shouted [he l'rovnst Murnhul. ' >7 "Uh, he szM-r‘x, turn it rnur‘ timm, {pr ”mt 111‘!" you drmw nexukmr neighbor.” . 1 Al am pmnt. the mum-ran! hit —l'/u.ux[c//Muu _\'qu/t Alm'rmm.x \ .. r 77—.-- .‘er mum/rum 'l'uvulay an «luclmfi wnq‘lml-l m Laurn dcwidc hv \‘nlu \Vlll‘llfl‘l' the (:1 Le dwulml, and c-~tu|:lis!l the llu'lulilng sol4lll“anqu *up The lm-murt- w.“ dvf‘vntoll. " ‘ Special Non Singer 85 Co.’s L'ettcrA F‘ jnglfiuchlne, uiLlI :in ll‘u- no“ (”I'III’IH'I’,L “rui‘lvr. “Ilultlr, Fe (.'urdr—r. (-‘uUu rrr, in". $13., .\n") 6.1,”.an h-“l‘nnll Inml lu-numxfl o In; Fun-fly nrwmg and lng I purpusu. 11. unkm HAL-"inter (whirh ii ulike OIL-hull) shim), (qua-31y fur wwinfg ALL Km” 4 \ritlh‘u. “‘squ of thnl‘ml. Hu uell M the huvax mush“, nmy J~c fc-‘um \m thiaqut “mm It uill unluu :1: “pH .Ls _\u :10 lint-n L jut cnu :10 0:11 un’ly In; knuuu; Ulll‘hllll: _lv~lu| '1 hf Fol-hug “mung 1M- mmt nimble ufthc It ”My Iu- o‘u-m-«l‘uut n Inn-HI! nud sul-r‘: mi. 4] tululr t 4: Emmi" ‘u‘hgia lluelnachinc |~ nm is; uw it I into a how whxh ”FDIC-15 the u I ‘4 do 'qu'h'uv. Thur‘o is nu ul‘ i; eqlual Hm: Lcuer A in silnplirnly "My! and vermin, of (-0"?! ; utgi‘ter spa-I]. .Thc l'nmily Sun 1 in Inn: Irtcbming us pupulur ’u!‘ In fixxuxu k. (1135 Blunumviurnlb' Mad un'uufnrmmm “Schnaus. The “mm-h (Hm-tau” “‘ll SI rilk urlst. lhrt ml, umJL-s, O.IL M. .lacliugllfll‘ll)‘. :' Sen-I fur u_ run-nun- nnd am?”- A (70.3. USZJI‘H; " ‘ k. L il. >l§Gm k C().,4.'n§ Rm M‘l'llthit {pin 1' Milk x-r HlO ('le (FISH. J “'th & UllO ::.\sLlll:', iu June. 2“, 1583 The Great English Re ’Nx: Jum‘ ('M'IAP‘H 4‘, I". LE “12 .\ 'l‘ H H FH\IA l. H fi'hl; invulu Ihh' llll’llil'ill‘L‘ i 4 unlu mum of all (“use [n.linful um] {lnn I‘MLI'C im'ldfiul m 1111- funulv rmhli! It mud-un‘w ..H (-w’s. ,unun-s : li-fim. from I]: “cu-r (-Ix‘uso, ‘.mll br‘ Infmllily pexiud will] roguhrity, 1. ' mut- Pills slmul-l not he mkon ‘ .Ihtg. ‘nn )irr‘fz‘mml. Ilnnm; ”he‘— in u-ifnm. a: the-_\- nrn'sure to bring:l “3:40,; hut nu. unry uHu-r lime 'm nlhvm-nsu tin-3 :nc pmluctly 541 v. _ In n 1! ens-«. 01 _\m~\'{nxs :unlflui-ml] [Hill in [me [hulk 11nd Limbs, .Hm; llama on flight. .t-u-rlimi‘” Pulpiu “15‘!“ t_. Lufillwafi <3l Spirits, My“ “auxin lug, WIHLL". and u“ vacuum m'cusinuu d lLy u (hmrderml Lynn-m. u in clfccl u. cun‘ryuhun‘ull other I “filed." ' . ‘ " Full lliroclionfl in pamphlet nr pu"lmgu, n Inch should to l nrumlly . o&'hcy can by lmu. In a humid, cu] I‘m-‘1 pmiL lr‘vL-{J’y cud-min; 51 n 1 cent slimy: to any ugn-ut. ' } i 27 Cortland: bun-1, A“ For anlr by A. D. Bu'suuzn, Gun; Ml Draggisu. (Feb. 16. 1 Important Dlseove BBLIIF‘ m Tux Huh-El mums I’ULMUNIU WA anus ‘ _lng inuie cure of Uqughs, Colu.‘ Brunch‘itis, Sore‘Throut, Hoursenc' Breathing, ‘ Incipient. Consumption, pnics of ’the Lungs. They have ,médiciue. andagmy child will u v’l‘lmusunds'lmvg been restored to _ Jnu’l beforj dcspin'rcd. Testimony prqx‘pdreds 6! times. A single dose li‘cp Niuuws. ‘ ~ _ I - '.Ask fer Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers pat um! only gengume is stamped '3 Spilriuus kinds are ufi‘cre‘d for axle. (iv; hunts a bot Sold by dealer: L.“ ’ JUB MOSES, Sole Prop . , 27 Uorllnndt \ For sale by A. D. Bumuca, Gem BlLDrucgists. [July 27. (eh. I - New Jersey Lands for SJ (hips: 0: Fur: Pulls. suitable f‘ Pelches, Peal-h, (Rupberries, Sir ‘Zln‘ckbeuics, (Jug-rants, tc., of l, 2}- 44) acres each, at the .fnllowing pric repent, viz: misery: for $3OO, 10] £115), 5 acresfor 560. “Acres tor . for {2O. Paynme bx qua dolls: aw .l - Also. goodflmberry hunts, and vI In. CHETWOOD, 25 by 100%“, _M. -' 'ayable Hy one, dollar a Week. II and. end fnrur fie fitumd u } uhipgton township, Burlington co gene]? For t{umber :‘nf‘orm‘mon apll , (7. S p, or a. citcular, to f . tun - u, Eagxxux CL 3‘ No.‘9o.Cedar ghee!" New Yo: q“. 29, 1863. .7 . . A God to the Sufi’erln The‘ Rev. Wznwu Common, whil labo ing Al nflipiouu'y _in Jupgn, W“ m” ‘0" 60m sunning, whe‘n :1! other mus bad fuilad, p, .3 reap phtfinsd from t learned pmlsiginn “a, 'lid'.‘ mm 31-.» City of Jeddo. mm recipe has aged grout numberl who were? sulfaring from Consumption, Bronchitis, Serb rim,“ Coughsufl Colds. and the debility anld nervou; depression canned by thele disorders , Desirous of benefining others, I 1 this reqeipe,’ which I bug bmufitn 11‘ inc, to 111 who need it, free it: urg'e. Address ‘ Rev. WM. CU 'GKUYE, 039 Fulton AV'fnue, ‘ filobklyT’ 3’ Y" Per. 15, 1062. 17' GENERAL McCLELLAN 'AND ‘TEE BATTLE. or amnsnune. _1 , It hit Mn mmy ‘h-mnrked that “the ghost of McClellan fnught‘thc bulls :of quynburg.” To this point 'we giv‘e an éx lruvl. from the letter: of an oflicorof than c tirm who has been in the Anny of {ht-Eo tnmoc ll'o'nlLllebogllllling ofjtpnrgmn‘vt‘ulidn. The first «tntcment to {lh'h'same efl'dét 'Vve hml through a Mn-lmvhuwtt-s (mirror ofrnx‘k, a few days ‘uner the battle. We an n‘bt Jaw how such an unnounc ment, which“ mhk its way undlapulml through Jthe ‘m my. could have hug its origin; but fit fp‘oq'ld seem gut if those who have shown lh‘enitehics go uanrst as to depriye the earning of the Incomparable lsoervioyi~ of Mth’llun‘. w r 9 naturally mean enough to takingdvnntn'e of the known devotion of the army to] hi ,_ lto inspire it with courage and oonfiflen illpon lhnamppofifion of hi-l prmbnce‘. - f. tull‘eVOllLs, thwrme was attempted nld Mfrs ’succemful. The letter Hay-H ‘. .z, “I am atill of‘the opinion that if McCl l “lnn hml Been left in command eflheé at y ‘nf the Potomac we ahohld have} 569:: ‘ ’ ltiél‘nmqnd“ lhuiathis Army been syentjdo n "to 0.,-[Mn]! on the James river, and Injunc ‘tior. made thh the fbrces {trim}: Fdrlréu diam-02' with q cmopcmting colu‘mnllfro I Munassas and I!flfl0Vl“r Court lion 'O. ‘ a ‘ was McClellan”: nrigjnfil plhmthere ou I] ‘nnt-lmve [lt-«3n a repulne at Frmleric shn g ,or Clmncollnrsi'llle. Lee would notl hnp Flux?" nl-‘le to ('l'lhis the'lhppalpumpclg, :11 d‘ penmr Maryland and L’cnnsylmni'm; lthe 9. {Would but have hw-n any [mu-la at 018$!” "burg. llut UH: mlunimatratxon \t'eré; nlt ‘wlllmg tn lull hack on his plan; he carxim )- lly had the right rind, and he'wu'thd only ‘nmn the army hall'confillem-e to fight u l ‘dvr. l’ulm. llurm'rde, am] llfiolterhgve ll Hproved grrat lailuros, nml‘thw’kcax'eom ha 0 finger) nothing but. expurimohts. Gillie] l , M'emle pas-nu Imfnuvenwnlflm the olhc. 3 "nt, G tlp’bblll’fl; lib-[her than: that l- liu'n ‘ 110(th m any, except that. the paper‘s'm d ‘pmunle who were the lpudeat "Luenouhcn gv ‘ McClalll-u at Antiotnlnzlwve s'ecn til. tn a much more culh‘lderntn jlz‘ggqrxhng rece IL ‘ movements. Whatever ot—hérs may _ . nutlnng' cnn shake thé confidunce of ,tl in nrmy 11)» our beloved, noble. [‘nltriotiq, :1 ll uvcnaurlishull McClullun. We; beli‘évu‘ h ii the man 0! all nLlu-n Ln loin! us on m yict -. ry, glory. nngl ’zug'cens. When any‘oth r mun slu‘nws (ha muuo ability and gene!" [- ship, wg will have Cqual coulixlun’cg n him. l ; ’ ‘ ‘ > ‘ through the f Hm "city of nueifulaquare urn. eta-cred gemgry of his : Jr". and the" 'me to its last ng ‘hn draft Llle Hmulvnt and contrib- COM 93 lie kun OV- d a dozen 0' ‘d but is my ugh came in hn 2l~t ult. ‘ county, to u'hly bhuuhl ‘ Upper part. rutc county. “la-tn: in Hm night, before the batfip j (h-llyxlmrg. \vlfiLL nn lh» nurqhuund ll mpnmu tnzed ULLt they couhl hardlyl,‘ nnv lnul‘hvforv lh‘e «)Lywy, a, mum; ways!" ‘ (wl Hut MrCEvflun hm! lit‘t'n uppmnbefl ‘ cum’mun‘d the army,; 1!. put. new life-hi ‘Hm mun, null thr-y flnrguk Lhe‘lr auiil-ri‘n : m‘nl, “the xvi-on. prscrl dawn [hcgcnlu'ln chug" ah‘cncheed wanup for .\liClélhu 'm' \'lr‘lnr_\‘. J (iml grfint {hilt 110 may uguiu big]: Mme lné belongs, at [ll6 head of the Ark ‘ of lhu l'plnnmC." vh- =a mily Sow upl (Drum-"L: ér, Tucker. 5 lhc rhmp- •ill tn:tchinri ‘ll’nft/q/ 7'lac.nnutn-,v—llnvatlo Seynflqul , now~ (hm-rum of New York. anddhor u W. Wuodwanl. the noxth‘uvurnorof P 341! ! sylmnyl; gmtlu:lte(l_ in we mum 614.18 K U'Illx":ll, IN. Y., and buquen them the c has cvrr exhaled 11m "deafflmuest {Mien ‘ ship. -L_‘bl Llue people-Md ihez'r duty. " e luve Ill) 'lJttht‘llmy w'll, m'hl we'willnifl I; n‘exc. full bane why. New York now Maya Gun-ruur wullhy‘of the grcut‘b'mle m r winchllc yremhs. i _ unlucturjng rkuJ Stitch n! has gr« .1 uluth, nun! I( Aber, /IS ex•u to per- 5‘6'2005100”! cud. “ [mt ing the A ”my! Smrm t'nilfrll's ”durum—OE} Thin -‘ day last, mm ()me mmt tprnfic stormfifiy. - se 1 qur “lurks coynty, [’.t’, that jut: usher! that Icelion‘ 0! country [Jr some tang. ’l‘mos wn-ro blown down, Lenses itnrohfc I and, in some Instances. bgtrus were How I out. and the ioufs cnrr ed mm}: Tl streets 0| lieudiqg were strewn With lung turn trum the trees, though not a house it unrnnlcd‘. or n clunméy blown down in Lll whole city. The prutripal dnuuge achUu [u grain ‘t‘nd‘fi'uit, which were dasu-nyad i l maul plethora, doing u’gtout dull of duang‘ jq nupra% .1. hp mxons mark. and ‘3' hrfhlllfi‘ rking parts er nmch'iue dumlnlity, “in" M n” ‘,. 3|:u‘lliiu' miy urc us um: arc-fur .1 Slum Q,f';.§'.‘onnndll.—-IL is understo I that Hm “db! ngulshp'l” gunfimflcmmjhl Ina-ml lln- muvgment {or oxpressmg in 1‘ amiable fmm {he :ulmimtinn 13x Englnnt ‘ 1 . \ \ luX‘ the myum‘xy of "Muuexmll" J.u:k.~(m have bcu‘fly ('umplcted lhvir pluns.‘ A 51.4: no ix-“Juprblv, of hL-ryic sug'be‘vep leer. i height; lty‘l-‘uley, is [o‘ ha, presented 11 Hm-k:.nn'h mmvu Nuto. (Vu‘gundf to b yum-d m' the‘ c:_lpnulox stale hogse at Hicl dwud. j c‘ ‘ l yplivd Wiih 0) Wu \‘cry {“slth u. luny, N. Y nul ilrvol ‘ .L-tl.\.~hurg ' Gum! Alina: for $l. —Une ohhe mungv dra »t «lodges is‘ (hm plucticml: 'A sharper u - vbrtm‘s in the papers, “libn’l flue yb . cuun‘ny! Don't, ream the (1;:fo !' mexrh :m [mu m‘lMe and cerlain Wu}? to an)“ it! llll'llbe \‘l In the widths 01419,” Jun 'l'h , «lullnr isa‘mlt, and [he nnchr mama nnl ' nfiu\\:'ord for the ndverllu‘er, 5&2. .‘md ear uckx, :us'il’ within it his whole" mfml he did vulpo‘ur," and that. word ¥s-"l:}u}u;t." edY• ILLS ling i 3: the nuns (it - lion. "fi llillregruv ngs on thy,- _ sf THREE The Compiler fdr the Campaign. HI d in m. \ .'v 'l‘lm approaching (J übgrnutorial cunnmigfiu will bu one B? [lls‘ amat‘hnNnn L‘untl liner fore one of the mmt interim kflk •ti r , |nus~, Im an ul' (he mum-Al m the 0M Keystone. ~F¢ /MEM 1m (Atlnrt slmnltl Bu .\pflrcll: by‘ the “i (‘l'lllK‘ I-rtul to give [he 11001179 '3“ the lig meilvle. We shall labor unconfingly to thin. etrtl—~lm\'or fol-getting the hpppy and' prpsl; porous condition of our_ counliy unile' _l)cnu)cr.|tic' rnle, and the Mad pictltro i profit-Hts under:- thqfiflldance of lanzztica and destructiv'e Alm‘littgpism. In' strivjn for the auccEss of Dctuoct'atic pritloip‘le and men, we shall be doing that whichn conscientiously. b’elieve to be for the g‘ of the country. Thus fimprgsgd. and 516 siring tojnuense to the lat-gear; 'tent'th numbér lot Traders ‘of the Coming: «i lmvo concluded to furnish it fér the cam} paign—fyom this. time until after the Um} tolwr olc‘ction—nt thé lqvxiprice of Fl FTY CENTS, In advance. '_ .. I We trust. that every Democrat in thd county. for the sake of the glaring}; old cause in which Ave are mutually engagedi willeuch inlezest himself in this matter; and send us at. leastpne sitbecniber. i H 1 chm-Ase; m-‘u PM: um; lune um! cai-p prescnéd. uiuing 50 _d U threw ES,’ -~ 3w York. ghur‘g, and $5.1. 1y .1015 .\M 3e ‘unfnilJ i 'Asthmam » .Dlflicult ' and Dis !) msté of I - them.— leallh that given in chum-s in ' the origi ißryan." Twenty nernlly. ° iewr, . N. Y. arg.und 63: If GfiTTYSBURG—Suuénn um. I 19 F10un....'...§,'..,................'...J......,..5 25 to 5 59 Rye Flow-«............................... . 4 50 White \vpm......-.....,.....¢.........l 35 w l 40 Red Wlmfltl 20 mg: 2% e, ALIO‘ r Grup‘cs, wherries. . 5, 10 or s for the acres {or o+l were ck. Huge lotl 1:.10 each, 1h: Above , hetwood, ny,Ncw i y, with a Com ...”,...........,..._..,- .......,...... so Rye..‘......‘..........j;.:'.........“.._..."T , .at Oats ...-a- ..un ...-nun; ...-u nun-on - 6, Buckwheqt......... .;.‘..‘.... ............. .: CloverSoed -......;..................... ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 5 ‘ 0 ‘l'imomy 8ath"........................l 75 £212 0.. Flax 5eefl.........:...;..............q-n - 41' 75 ‘Plnsci- of I'uis ....1..,................ ' ‘‘l 00 Plus“?! ground, per bag...,.......... : 45 ' BALTIMORE—Pump? tun. * “outrun-ma. ............... ..."..2. 6 09 lo 6‘ 25 When”... ...," I 50 m 1‘ 83 Rye.....:. .. ......"..,,,,;,............. 90 to 100 C0rn........., ...-.........,..,. ..,,...- "86 so 89 On: 69 w ‘ 'l2 Glover 5eed.....:.... "......"2..-" ‘5 50 m 6 75 Timothy Sud, ..... [z on “.150 Beef Cntle,per‘fiun'd......... ;.. . io oo‘mm 62 Hogs, per hund..-..._...... .....J.... 7 09 It 7‘ 75 Hay......;........m.............,,;...,..35‘ I!) log} 00 Whi5keyL....................»..‘..‘...1.. uto-‘ 45 Guano, Puuviun, per ton..-_.,.... 91? 00 ,N: Y: HANOVER—Tauwa but. Flour, from wagons...u ~..'-....L... ‘ 5 {:0 ' Do. lrom 5t0raé....£.»..z§... '~§ 6’50 Wheat. “in?".........'::..........g.... 1 so to 1; 30 Rye .......,. ”v.5...‘..."...LM-u-ufi..." ; 95> mu.............f......................... ,‘ ’rfif’ (Hill send' pme v‘vixh huts .. inn-n 1». ...c" .9... ‘lover’ Secd.-..z...... Timothy Se‘cd...m...‘. Pinup..." .......,. [From |he Boston Courier.) Tfifiiqinnfi Ta} " V“ L-Iflanlo 4 , 4... ..:... ••1••••ri,, , ,•16 ?‘ Advices from ofl' Charle'pton 7311“”. no 4n. instant, have been i"vod. M. tinge (he siege 1:» WMF3‘“' Lly. On Saturday week the Cour ‘ 'er— day, At 1 I= u rule a dortie_ on one pf lb‘e hattqriea prse of ereétion, but weri rept’ ’ considerable lbs» Heavy reinfi , have inched General Gilmore, éductiou of the Confederate worl dared only a quéuxon of ,Linie‘ aces [“0 the IMIC ~~— - ‘— - 00..- ' From Geééral Mazda’s arm); we . “everything was quiet. .111) to Fr 11*, no ebnhge of position having I- Slight skirmishes occur dail' by capmredlwventeeh more 0311.1 I son W'ednesday. this side of Fai I House, and {wen-ty‘ on Thuniday. I 1 l —o . >——A ~-f— -- , my H’lillium'L. mum—The So I apcrs eunouuce the deatlx of I $116171}. leader ofitho secession mi I He died ‘on the 28m ultJ, at? ‘ -. ce, near Montgomery, 1113., aftel ll'o‘f‘l four Weeks, from the effect: y disease. " that mor mad wag Cou pro I men real ‘ illn ‘ kidn . MARRIED. , W the .0111 of Jluly, by J.~l_lanes, Esqf. ‘ Ir. umxfinsmu w Miss ELLEN mum ‘Y, ()1 him!" luwn~hip. ‘ ‘ ; «ht-"3d iu-t , by J. Hanes. Esq , at ‘lthj ‘ fire of the bride’s father, Mr. SAM * E . JANL‘LER. or'rmneauwmpip, to. is: :~‘;}ILAI. I‘LAIK'I'ZI'JLL, of BILLIE! luwns nip. “I," .I.”: inwt., by’ Rev. D. ,A. leenb rg, 1 INS SI’RArNKLI-J, of églums coin! C m \IAIIY A. BUCKINUHAM, 6r Frede'ick 34,5“. ‘ ‘ ‘ I. km. CH .1. hdlh m‘ resid l: b; ”“5 Un .\lr. J‘ Mia ‘ coun DIED F‘Ohitunry “Illilz't'z‘ 3 c" our lined—.cush r‘ 1 1‘ J o t l' . .l’ E /une, at the Hospital], Knish ‘e, BALTZER .5. :UENNEH‘M of ,u x _L‘nvulry, éon of? Jacob Br' 1?", “Lu-ct aged 23 years 11' month 11le I!) illw N‘HLIIHE Were brought Lax/m3} {for Em. I - I [firmly Inn, Mr. EZRAIWAYBRIGHJF of erhml towmlup,‘nged nboutZt year. the 25L}: uIL, in Curwinsvflle, (Elm 'lii'hl ‘,._lu..,A.\_.\nc .\l., Only dnnglucr or q“. Gardner, ugpd 2: months and 14 dn 1, 1 h".- 1111:1111”inHl-ldlersburg, LISH'HN, ' \\'il_l~|.llu :mJ Suphjulqury, aged 2%”? Lll3 nyd 21mins. 1 ’ [_i. lite 27th of Teuuey/ mlcr On "ville, :lhe ‘ in? th :9“: 1 er ; ..Uu ('u'ml (')u v (01!“ TL. M. ()0 sun I; 7 mo Uh DHIH I.!ch ljm iQL inst.l {mar qu Oxford, DA.- , 1555, nn .uld null rc'specmblu ciliteu“ in .l‘ yon: of his n2e.. H . f . , 'l’c .Jlst BIL, LBLLIE “'ALLACE,ydu g ‘ :ghicr of ILWM and Ann C. “edgy, LL c:'. [3 1 mvmlh nut Ntlufl. ;‘ ! .l'm 41h in>L EAFUU I‘L,’ i‘qunt sq‘n inf I IRL-Ld, ol Bullcr luu'ush‘rp, “it‘d Uwcfuljhs . ldavs. 1 . 10 I's: inst” RI'FI’S, aged ,1 mnnul nhnl 4; an ¥ on the ml: inst, ALICE. twig-11' Z gland ;! (Ll)‘fi—L\\ill children of lid” . n 1 .'., " Moira-hey, of this pint; ; 1 L Aunupulis Junction, /.~\nne. AI'EHH’I-l ‘o'] 11m 1513!. ML, ARTHUR, filth spmot, up] the late ()wcn Conner, aged 1:) )cdrs Igsund 20 days. ibiy he ml in puree,— On ('3'. d. Il} ya llJunir lguul I ”n L") dn mohl '4”de Ii NM ‘ Lulu)! . .\hry ... ‘ :12 mm ‘ A men \ V ‘ v . l Cnmmnnir‘n [-41.‘ 1h: 25m “IL, Mrs. ELIZA ANN, 2:501“! nil-l Kin-tum yr: of Cumlnérlnnd l‘avG'lL-h“;Y rl3mr< I» mnmhs‘flml 5611“". ‘ ‘ Ih, .lhuu “amt mild and lovely, ‘ '\ mtlc us the summer hreK-zu, ! . mut’ai: 11m nir uf evening. V i 3 lion u Hunts umvngw the :rcés. I 1 iéful ho thy “lent alumhvr‘, , £ 5 aux-I'M in. Lh‘y gruc‘so lm‘n',‘ 1 ‘ i 3 ‘l‘ no mum. mltjuin our'nuinbor. f "L ximfiuo more ()11l songs shall, know.‘ I Fun m‘ulher', Lhnu has}, left us, f 1' rc‘thy'lpsr we'd‘ueply fuel; 1 ' l’tis God um: hast bum us, , I Jam‘ull our-sorrows hen]. ‘ E, . I‘EM'H‘T hope to meet thee, J 4 xu’ the day ‘of life is fled ; ‘ I‘l lin Mr won with joy to grecb leu 5‘ xcrc no tnrgwcl'l [cam is shed. L. IKI (In Mr. D an“ 4 Mn: ‘. But' 1 H Yet \\ ,Tllé ’SAT‘UKDAY, m- 2‘93). an of Am {1; Il.e :u'uscribur, _\lhnilliSUAH ‘Hl‘l:ll'_\'. in, duu-nwnl. will m Swle, ut Hm thc msidrnrc M ..u' E in Mufmnmjfixrg. Adlams coumy N 0 n lhury {Hlbhc P'L-MLJ‘ the In! 1m Igluugll lth-l Fun, (I (mung I’m-[3oml Properly. \ic: 3 ' \HL)’ gyms, 2 Cows, :s tlog4,als‘|:g3 . ,~ Ihrrnw. Shovel Blmlgll. ('nrn 'ka. um] Sings-lives, Uuy ('mringu, ,‘L Ilvnl ..w ()huini, Crown”; .\muu.;\g HTIIIII» Fcrks; U y by the ton; “ht-4F um! _\‘ the bushel; L! den-5.“! (‘oru in the 5 lietlatemls and Umrdiug,'l':l‘)h‘{’,(7h.til:4. m- Subve. Cook Some, 2‘ Uluckb .md Qvlvcnr-wme, THY-“"310; .45»qu .nl‘u! Mics, .\leni Yessok; Bacon mid luv-d w“ ml, and umnf’ oxhgr ILELHHI'S. 7‘ i ' Sale tu commonce M 1.: u‘cluck,’j{., nn_ ", when nnénduuco will‘be gneq‘; uid' adé known by ‘ ‘ ‘ A ’- GEORGE LADY, .\dm'r.. m, 1393. ts; ; stone, Nuts, 1 :rgum 'l‘. n-pl] (3.1503, ‘ Iran 5‘ \lllu po 1 snfil‘d. lcx ms‘ CM Grain and Produce. ; " 'ING-Inkcn the Ltifiu and (-nmmrjdiou: 'urohome recently mcupied bytl-‘rmfak Int]... 1 , 4| ‘ In UM W I IN’ NEW OXFORD, ‘ prepfiedfioqmfiv Um hiqu-u [.r‘nrw (pr 3 m PRUDUPE. Alan. sell 2h thi‘ Infi— -s, mum-m, cum. gun! ununrjnnak, ‘ description. , V t l, A. I'. MYERS mwmmmy‘“ i .xfurd, Aug. Ip, 186:3. [f j 1 . Licenfies. ‘ ‘ appllruéons m koop Ipuhlic jinmmt, have been filed in Lain: numher of sSgnvrs» 1m Court of Quirmr 3:1. of Am; {lst l -; we are all kim —‘ HE . ho‘ my Mfiv nu‘iifin Sessihn: instant ‘ AMOé PETERS;‘Mechnnicsvil ‘ JACUB GRLESMAN, Mounplejsn . ‘ ‘ Jpns Excuumz, Clerk, ,_ ‘ 3 Pay S. 1:1. Emuonzflmpm; " Aug. m; lB6§. tc ‘ “ 110 m lsos ofen? ‘ with me Hi ’ he‘ pron-Med "I, I’ on TUESDéy‘, ti? _ '_ ' Estrays.~ . AM to ghe premises of the suhuorihor, in C C lcrhnfd townshipmeverulweeke since, ‘3 head 0"] YOUNG_CAT[I‘LE~2 hritq‘rs m 1 lbull. 'l‘ efiowuer is requested M come for ward, p on: property, 'pay charges, mid mkc them: liy. ' JOHN HORTJNG. fiug.‘ 0,1863: 39 . - “ ” Estray Horse. j _ GAME; {0 the premisos ofthL- subscrjber, in Fr dim; township, Adams county‘.‘n‘out two mafia since, a HAY HORSE, “30m 15 ,hnnds‘high, “years old,crippled in the: shoul ders and left. hind 10¢. The ouner is [dashed to fall, have property, pny charges, rind take him nwdy. v, CALVIN P: KRLSE. Aug. g 0,1563. 3t" ‘ CCNHAD SLAYBAUGH’S, ESTAT Eqnetters 0‘ “ministration on! the estate uijoirad Slnybaugh, Isle of Butler township, Adina co., decensqd, having been gr'unled'» toflheoundefl signcdfiesiding in debdllnnd tp.., be hereby gives notice to all persons indebted in said estate to make immediate payment, anti those having claims against ting same to present them properly authenticaled for utllemeut. ' ISAAC Dumas”, Mp’r. Aug. 10, 1863. sf " , - '; :0 To the Public. . 1‘ ENTLEHEH :—E_ is reported in some para ofthe county, by some evn disposed per son, tint I have withdrawn from being a can dictate for the Sherifl‘auy—said report. being wholly devoid oftrulh. To my friends I would ”.7 “M [never needed more of their Issistancg than now, as by the ravage; of the nu- l have been deprived of the menus {romwhich' I could make a living. Yours, , ‘ ‘, ZACHABLAH MYERS -‘: Aug. 3, 1863: at U ’1 ' Que'enswm. - x 1" you was: anything in the QUEENSWABE \ line mu M: A. SCUT'I‘ & SON'S‘, where you will fimtthe best. assortmegfi m town. ; Mathhlfi, [‘B62. ' ' ‘ ‘ I’RING BALMORALF inst reroived It S; . mmumocg Imus: 5 00 2 12 7,90 MEM Acute per ling {of all Eiccomyuuy new“ , Public Sale, rAsddms co >lp. ‘ Notipe. ‘ Pubho Sale. .. . , V {SATURDAY xsxr, August ‘15.». the ybscribu vnH leH M. Public S’k. M. bu 1653, in West Middle snug-(i "yummy, mung mum. Houathold u)? Kitchen re. vxz: LES, But-nun, 80h, Stun ~13, Stands, Cooking? Stow” 'arlur Coal Suave. Ten-piste S I‘lock. A lot 01 good Wood, «lad ir artifice. ‘ . Imm- to Lummrncen3l o‘clock. -v,: u hen amoudnliue 'IIP be I_.ulu known by O“ I. reside the toll; Furnil TA .1 Beds“: iurei, Pipe, ‘1 0f oth | ii said 13 terms m, 1563‘ 1w I? froposals. } S‘hool Directortof TyronL ll tutu nt‘chk-rsbnrg.‘ ob be 2m djay of AUGUSTA ‘ l’. '31., mi receive Prophsal ‘3 min new school Home at 1 hairingi formation in neg ‘l upon an { lb‘e Prendémfl ‘ any oftlzegDirecgors. By or ‘ lamina. qwumxp, W's DILTIHUk, Sec‘f.‘ ‘ “ 1u,'1a6‘.5. yd . ilj hm H 'v T ... on. o'cluc ‘ buildi .i Pol-so will c‘ [l"], 0 Board, Au; L‘s _ ml “ hi 3" Eve-i This ‘ ”an. . 1 of Real Eataie; .‘ PUBLIC SALE—In pull-swnce ,of nn rder of tfiq‘ Urplmn's (fun-rt uf' Adam! i will he amend :xt‘l'uMic Snlc, 6n the ‘ . u'n SATURDAY, the 5111 d‘fn'v 0' SEP -1: nut, “fink”! Eslme ot")’ius!L:Lw late of“: mvngo township Adams duceasrd, it'mx‘irting‘ of A LOT 01’ ‘D, ammu- i Brn'ihu‘m n, in 5.1.1 ‘xowu onminnw L: .\(‘lih‘ (’l’ LAND, be ll 16]“: or. Rs; “(gaining lands of Pcl‘l-r r, Thomas ckj’qney, nnd tnuntmg the ad. Theim rroremvnts are . "5' Une-nnd-Mhnlt-smr‘y Lug _..‘4A ' ‘ i I'mg Smb‘le, Log Smith 1,; [m ,1 xguod wvl! 4f Muck, will: U..-_;\'g:: ’1 it, nem- thp door. There in n V'uru-ly afrun. upon, 'he premises. The situa rA guod our for n mechanic.’ ..m- to cumfiuvnc‘e M. l o’n‘lork, P. 31., day, whom nite'xuuucc will Le g'n’cu us lumlc Mil-“113w SfiliL'EL snpms, Adm'r. 1,1363. ts. " l 1 ,Valufble Farm A . ’l'mlu} SA LFE—(ln TI'IiSDAY, the b day pf ()(JTUHHX’. ll(’\'f, the sulp -1 Executoraiof the luv. Wilhnnd ham 1' m-nry N If, amused, will mm at ls-alu, on “Te prom-sea, the following an?“ on 521' l and lcr ‘ 'T A m xihcr. mum ‘ J’nhliu \ullmhl A F. aaunty: MS. ES 2 15ml Hunk ofsrxid dcu‘flunl, \iz: IN, a‘uunte‘inT} rune township, Adams 151., udjuinluuihuds of 11cm): J. .\ly , §~unuvl ,' Lkrull, Llie prupm‘ty .1511ny vy Joseph “J”, and when, cunlnxmng (-:, muPc 1:, lo». "Hug iiupmvcmcms of a {mall '{u Untdry Log' ' 1:» liU'L'SE,’ Bun; Buru’. {2% film}, Spun r liuqsv, {Tim -- ’ i 5 .ulix.,; .\printut‘uzuu, “1144‘ u 4.1-qu uul‘h'lllihugs. 'J‘IMFM'HH: In si'ulo of cuitirutiun«-3H-harflng bum ‘ny Hun-.l,—anl h-nrin‘: u'uudn .’l‘lu-re mcmy'u‘l cituvl‘lcul .\lmdwv mink-Tun ,auml \nm-rlin umr'l) uH lluc'field‘i— pm 3' is :\ )1 us! 'irsxfahlu unr. Yum-h; lhcr Mum 2v“. it Is ('muan'nl to 1, 31115th IH<. ILu’argkkn-q [lviiuf'bnt ulv lrmu l'lc 1:16:st Hung, 0713““ y f 'vj r 15 “liming {o :fit-w the premises will n J Wu!» [hu‘untL-H. rcwllrv: lhuréon. I 10: 10 colu;m>il{-e n: I o’rlhr‘k, I‘. \l , 41.62 “Immuth‘mlance will be gi‘s u: I: umdc lulu“ n hy ‘ ' alumni»: woLF, ‘ ‘ A . Josm'u \wmr, . 1 nos, AilL‘linipL-cr. ' ' Exceulors. 7, law. Ls‘- . mrmd ‘ II? .\c (-onswt lure-h 'B}ng u hm qr jolhcfin u. hi,_-‘,h :[lmrui -{ r’is .l .\n] hmlul l‘ .'Hm 24'! ‘many; . |(hllll'_‘l 1m“ 4' fljl Left I'l I'M) mu” upu ‘ £33.17”- «Ju Mid and [cr LJuhu H July - * ;" E *--~4~7———,———<-&- I Shomif’s Sale ‘‘ A nuance ul'r writ of \‘ondilioni Ex ' and L um i P‘zu-i-u. issued on! Mike Cunm‘mn Paras of .\uhnu calmly. I'm" 0 xlirL‘Ll(-Il,|will bl- oxpuwd li| l‘ubnu lhe prwuisns, in (h-lgrdmrmbh SAT , the ram any pt .\limrs’r men, at Ii", I’. Mn} the following dcb‘qribed mu HA: g L ~ ' .\cr HF Tmnm LA‘fD. sinym- in . mwnship, AdJmi'r'un'ny. I’s” ulfjuin. ~. u! hwruei‘fifmmms hwy! Harlnmn, r.,.mvu mu *4 h Ann-r», mure ‘nr'hw. mi lAnkru mln-‘Acuuliuu as {he ":I‘oglL-riy L S. WAL'IL‘ ’ ‘ - n' .\II'HL you: s max. if's nfi'xco. Gr l}:hur,},J.nh EYE-,3. ‘ 'vu [Hr cm . nf the yurllufiq 11mm}— 5 do" hy the‘ Sin-_rlfi' mud lw sTfixl qu-r ’uh after H: - "rupmly ls strung: dmur .nih‘mz u. (nlillllj‘ urns“ uh lll't-WI’OHGI IL :thin pm Mr lur ..mrle. ‘ 'V " l ilx' .px ‘ “an Fl‘uu rl'u —1 132 th: uu ‘IYKDA'I II u'xln um 1:25] ‘ A 'nl 2“}th . ‘ing 1 m- I gnnl ( 11l . ‘."n liu II I ,ln's hr «I m'finw vr IT. 1 "LL ['3’ 1, . Sheri 14a!" ' upon :Ll in: lumlu 01‘ upon 1» uI“ swab Steer. » m lhn- pflnnsm of Lln- hlllJSFTiberl rem ng in Sunlxnm lellflhnlv, Adams 1'0..- ‘rh inatuuh'vl‘luh’ fi'l‘fZl-LH, w’n lurgv, lu-‘ntc hack. ' hc. mmu' u if} (‘mne pruxc prupérly. nu (haul-5,91“! la)!“- y, 1 111 nm M.\cl§Lyz\".; 1,1863. aw \ ’ ,_ \ FL LU” C an. 0:: [hl- l n v!, “if ’lvl'\\"ll"ll in“) 2m" 5 July‘ HE uhsn-fibr‘r, a": Tursdny 1915!, found on , 1h Hulllmulc iturnpnké‘. nl'mn ¢m~lmlf hnlclro l Liuuyshurf, u I’IJIIKI-Z'l"l£0(11§, mn lx‘iuing I. small sun of lupnuv. 'llle banner, by prm ng y?b[)(‘l‘!_1’,lllll1 puylng (fir ll" is Ed; fitcruaun cut, cun j-ct vcr it by nddr‘cuihfi; . T um). .\l. (141?, ' ‘No. 111215’vu1ht51‘ush, ’hila. ‘ 7.1863. _m - 79‘ ‘ UM | . T 4 , -- 1 | ; ‘ $OBl3, »‘ , lmrl‘sday Ins , bcuvoen Wiclorls shop kl Geo. Smu-f's,’ (fin Ilu~ ()humw-Nharg x or an the flunu ioer. (Iristfi‘n ('um. lrtmvnshipuq mag..- l'Ut‘Kl-I'I‘JHDUK, In: $7O. in 1}). s. Funds, all 5m bins, ‘gulul ring, mud n ‘Lhone ring, wjrlh tour 11 on it, mfikml ‘yJ-' M. Mn, 10tst.”—o let hook is nmm‘kcd “ 0. H. Blmlllcr. ‘.sL” The finder will rocuhc zirtwkrd lenvingit (It lhis’oflice. » n ‘ 1 1 .103. M. MILLER, ’ ‘ Cumberland tp., Adams co., Pu. 1353. ‘3: - .1 _ 1 ‘ .\' 0 \nu u r_np‘gl: x If. rht n d MEI n I’miiésl hearts LI 'Hw pm (‘o. K, II of $lO . IM egister ‘8: Recorder, V (Mb lndepexgdmfi Yours of Adam> Com}- tyz' I hereby apnounce m} self “is? In 'depcudet candldnle for-the oflive. of .015- Tm: a ; mzcmml-m, and pledge m on“. if vim-ted, nilhfully nnfl impérliallyto d 1 'burge lull the has; of the Mice; Being an uncondi tional nion mam!) respoctfulty roqtiest‘the support»: fmy icllow‘ciliuns nf all parties. ‘ ‘ ‘ i . DANIEL PLMK. l‘tonhnntpq £uly 27, 1863. - ME x , ' - -»{ _-—‘-—-—-‘*-'r— g '. , , Nptlce. ' »; 1 EN Y HERSHEY s,’s:., ESTAM.—Lct ; » lo :of administration on the estate of ,Zumry l crshey, late of Franklin Lfivpu Adams co.,dcc , sad, lmviug Leén gnum-d to "launder ? signéd, sidmg in ”game luwnshi|l,he hereby ,ghcs n lice to almcrsuns indebted 10' said est-u t make im ‘ ‘ into “nymem, And those having ‘lnims against. the same to [pp-sent ‘ytl. prfiperiy uulhcnjticged for imtlemem. \ ,1 »GSORGE LADY, Admjr. _ } July 47, 1863. 6:2, 1 , - Nptlce. ‘ . lACO .GREENHQLT‘S ESi‘ATE..—=Letmra Q of ministration on the astute oi‘ Jacob (ireenb It, lute‘bf Ghrmany L'wp., Adana; co., dam-ast- , having boeh granted to the linden, signed, ‘eaidinginlhdmme mwnsllip,hehrruby xix/e! n tice to I“ hex-sons indebted to‘snid dsulelt make imm inte payment, and thosc. having him: ngailiit the same 7:0 present thump perly‘nuthc tinned for settlement. ‘ ‘ PETEK J.| GREENHOLT, Adm’r. L 7, 1863. ‘w‘ _ ' ‘ W5l j Hay Wanted 1 * ‘ i' ndcnigned ishea to buy 50b toil of ‘ - HAY. T 2 highest nun-Ht price ‘sh for pri Timothy Hay, Bdlfivered \ cking egtablishmeut in Graysbnrg.- I plicnlion}! dwmt .. | g mt. E. BLTTLE. T“ 80¢ paid in At his I Ea‘rly a. I 20; 1863. 59* A pril ' uc' cei NBEB PmKLEs, A large m j‘nst r‘ ed from thozcily, in prime ardtr, at I j, I umpwxsqwa,‘ i :3» you’ll“ g nito “ Joe {longer L?‘ 0.1%“: , mime. Y‘s: , !‘ OIL-fist: , . ‘ A ' . H ‘CUA an. n. fionxz‘n's‘nmg Sum ' Chain, .' nil ‘Fix— “We and la yuiety_ IP.‘ M.,on .iww 32¢ ! I'o'l'l‘. JOHN R. EL Bwnihip swun n,, at 2 Im- the N 6, I'. ~' thereto 2 Secre ermf the Freak. ' FAIHH‘IRS, TAKE X(}TICE!—!f you wn'nt' (why in yuu'r li-pwrs for'lnxrvoit,'nd\v j; the (Imm. lahnvo many brands, of’Whlskies. "th’. dip, Wmesl and all other liquors, wlfich"! In] : dispusin of I". short profits. {ii/Vijme‘n anJ '1 MW 3' try to pleusu—muL-b‘élinreq vary ur-l 1 [en SSE AL Renn-xphcflhe [Hide-Ffouthuwz cutugr [l’l9 Dia-ufimd. (iellyshhrm ‘ . ' , um). I“. mum-1815011. .' May: ,‘1563. ' ‘ I, \ _‘. .._!— “ ,_‘-.__.___ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘i p . 1 . ‘ Geod'l‘hmgs fromd; e ‘bxty! . ‘V E .m: fn-vc'n mg I.“ we f ‘3l} ckaf'rm‘u the; ‘ city 11' \Lll'il t} u! nllic‘es‘suil ~d to lhu. ‘ \\ ”1'10! NIL A-vufiyfiunily, \i'/. :1 Pros nunLSnXL' FISH, “.I.;ush Shuul‘lvrs :Lud lSidm', Homing: Ih-zm'a Salt,):pplrs. l'utnlovsflhflngus L-Imonz. 1 (‘uuluu timisfi‘ Tulmcco‘l, SI-gxlrs“ \vi In many i ullu-rnrtix‘lt-QJH this line~u|l ion-h «I in the, ln-sl ur-h-r. arid mm M the lu\\.l+l‘pr 4‘ s. (lirel us a (6.11, in Baltimore street, , murky oppusilc' Fuhnosmvks' store. ‘ ‘ ‘1 ‘ 4 ' ‘ l ' WANTI-Ih.—lhmor,' Egg. than}, and an mhrr (-o‘untry prn‘ducc—-fur whi in the highcs} c.xsh price ml] he [ltlil]. ' i , STRH‘KIIUUSRR k “if” '.KEY.‘ Getfivshurg. .\lzny"lfi,_lB6l:. _JI' ' - und. Fresh Remforc QTRENGTHENISG' (Hill ’3‘ are ‘cunltantly nddirig no,\ already large and fashiunublc, HATS, Cal’s, BUU'I‘S A ’ ‘ —————-—~;g~.m +5....» OL’LQCK’S LEVAIN—t puma and hen knitting ‘powdgr in that Dr; Kl lURNEB'S Dug Store. ‘ . w 1 9“ ‘ ésiwmiswwssoor ‘ G‘s—fiafiiffir ' children, at' Dr. 'l5. B ‘ NER’S Dmg “”0" “‘l-..‘ 2‘ ' ..JJ. ~_.;'-._m i ‘ .um; Anna-unburom 5: ‘ch, Miro-flu"! ‘ 'und (in-Lulu. {ohmic at. EL. HQLALIE‘Q . ~ ‘ , Give‘ Us a. Call! CODORI t GILLESPIE hpvc jut retain-d nlnrge and splendid stop]: at Nrw Goods, which the): are selling as chimp us the time. will allow. Their stack has been nhactedwuh are and in of. us good Q gullity ms the mnrkt-l rwill . nlortl. SUGARS, we have All lumls. Hurt] and Soft Crmlmd. l’ulrcrxzed,Gmnulnled, New Orleans. l’orm Ric... nud Cuba. TEAS, ,Imper’nl, ‘Young Hyson and Black Tons. HU LASSi-lilh'ov Orleuu. Pom Rica-mi Syrup!- oi dilb'erenl kinds. TOBACCUS, to suit all lovers of the ueéd, (la-gm“, Spun, Navy. Cnvendiuli, Rough and Rnfly, anural Inf, and Fine Cuts ; b'muklng Tulmcco, 16 ditlureul kinds; PIPES, 1 lug. “alone ashortxpun‘; BEGAIifl of -Y&l'l0Ifl bruins. COAL UIL LAMPS un‘d Shark-5,4“ hnvq the bust assort ment in lb: Place, which tel’scll low; nlso. n N 0.3 article 0! Coal Uil. ll.\\ts,plain and lnunl‘ tuna, Shouldm'autl aides. FLOI’R, of thg best quality; wlncll_we always guarantee; Cegisr-wue, Tubs, Buckets, antcr Cam, in. We' also keep onious, Co lemmas, l-‘rulta, Fish, by the qumll or by the lirrrol, Salt, Spices; ClancolntcfSlnrch, Blanking, Indigo, l‘uudlu, Soalys. Curry Comhsmml Cur a, a large nas‘nrt ment‘of llrnshrs. l} talicls, Ru; cs. l‘onls, Crack: kry-wnn‘, 3w. GIVE US A ( .fiLLI a Gettysburg, llny'll, 1863. L , , ; Eureka, Euiekal ' ‘ fm; “EXCELSIUI: WA ‘mztw. is u:- T knowledged by all w‘hoiuu it, m be‘ the’ giant complete, and wilhoul t: caption, the mud pom-cl. lmhor-Snnug Wuhan; .\lm‘hme met hefuré interim-d. It» lupwio'tiybwr 'nll oth ers cunaists in the simplici anngl durability .ufils cousu'iiclinn, dug Lipid ty and' complete ness ul ”.5 workmpd (he ulmo L tnge-lihlu ease with which it is managed. ‘.A'clnhl 9! ten years, possessing ordinary in gmentfln’u learn ,to “urk ll‘ru live minutes ti c, and tunmzr it as Well as a grown person,» gmcyt for wry llt‘fli'ylgnolls. In a word thi‘t )ia the machine that is destined to lake the pl can! every either mm: in use“ Rizrsoné intending 'to get’ I mn g‘hine will fingljil. greatly 0 their 'mlv’an- Inge to examine this one huf re purchasing. The undersigned 'haV-u pur lineal Ihr! Patent Right my .\lllilui County (9.1 L ~lltiugouc to» n— ship) and are making cxlons \e preparations for their mnnufiuturc, Ei’ury nm‘hinc will be hujltiu the [10:1 uianner and ginrgnPlud. Price $3 on, Inlcurrneczion with lliis unclnne th.-r cu , ”scummczioa m... n uwhine there ‘fé u Paton). “'nngur, which pyrfl'flms tins-l».- 'borldué [mm of \\aslning,wiill;lhe grcn ' ease run! much Letter llmu It can It dune lylmn‘d. They may Le 'uttnched 10 hi common Wash Tuh,and fie sold with' the pmchiue ur'scp‘- nmlely wus flushed. Samphssx of end: may he been av. pui lelh‘ry, in Em: thk' hflrcct, oppu: 9ch (he‘lhnk, U‘cllpburg. Pf. ‘ ~ Tysurf Bypmmis June 8,1‘1863 ‘ All Invite} mE undersigned m 'e inn} 1 pxr‘uvrship in lhkuxhi {'oluu;i<.~inu limitless, an. [ln huthe. guru";- o'f SL-uon n\\i '{le- hum-n. prim-a m 911:1] Vi FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORK, OATS, ‘ \ "- Mingling, ~ " _ AND 111.111 c All kjnKls of Gun-cries, Gu 11b5,;hsh. 841 g, ~and ewry (mu-r urlidp uwnl y ; l:lg|9'i\ in ou4r 151,“: of businénr n” of )MVIIr will l sold whufunlu nuEl mm”, on line I “kit; {:3qu ('ull MN st'u us, and Enlist ypufsclwa \hat H. h rudtly 10. . n ' 7 .‘ , \ HULL-ISM: . a; i‘nmus'r. \ , m f 1 ‘ , ‘ l 1‘ | V l' ' Feflyabl'rg, Juno 1, 1863. § Que and w 1 , hum NOTICE.—TIm umh-F'ig’ned wnuld 1 say to the Pllhlh‘ llmt Lie; s hum-hing a "mime 11in! splmulid Rim-k f “C(HJHRIHSI‘ "Minn he will sell IN 19w “‘1 my other Immu iu Luwu—Cofl‘ccs, Sugnrs,’ I Mares. Syrups,. Tené,’s§ll, Fish, 19.; will! 1’0! Ines, ‘Ht-uus, find H [Lieu ;'\\'omh-Il' Wnru, put up n thé bust. mau ucr ; Tulmcma, S‘gus, Jun. kc. '.A ' 1‘ l . Clothing HORGE ARNOLD has nu G bfhis own nmndhcturix 510 k of ULU'IZIIISU, suilahl mu 0 in the wry hexl muuu l v. fxuhionnfle «_\’ury 51310, v rul wing firom ”by: 4 ymrs 01 six [tor Mrn’s Wont. We Luv n‘ll ‘sizos in suixs. _Also .“L‘LI suit’s, all of l'lm samh'imneri nl} mxc. Alan. Eng-1r? Cause, Pun Drug-cu. (“931511 Unaicry, 344 which will he; sold‘cheqop for t! (a 11... No tumble to show the) )lay 11, 1363. If . We have evdry 3!) 1c of 51er' H us, wfiich in quihly and luril plane. muy’s nn’d Men": [ln every descripuuix, and of will stock of ' ‘ | j moors, ‘ ‘ l ~ 4' SHOES, 1 ‘ ' ' GA TERS,I&¢., km, was never mbrqcomplete. L dies: Gram-men and (‘rhxldren can be ucrommodnled with lily. Huhg in this-lino; as we sire hem-r prepared ngw 10‘ givt- fits and greater bargains llmn eve] befu’n-L If you want ‘znrguins, good 1113mm} fashinnnhlo‘ gnqd's, call agrthujigq’ 05 the BIG BOOT, in Cbambcnbhrg sheet. ‘ , ~ - ‘ , mutv.cbur, June 9, 1862. ALEX: GOBEAN’. _ - - ><----- -'— 7.7 - - I -~- ~-5 ; ‘ » New Warehouw. . . HUSH ELK; “FL GRAIN 1()0. ()00 WASTEle‘th‘r new (i ram uud‘l'mdqcu [lo-we, in Harliile mien 'mijnin ing. Slmnli & Jhmhler'u ‘embl mum... The hikhesk market price will alwhfis be; mix; in cash for , ‘c ' mum, of all ma, ‘i i , - , FLOUR; $ ‘ Mums on bani and Ant mam profits, ‘ 4 . ' L GUAXOS. ,j , 1 - ' SALT, 'FISH, ‘ ‘ . _- , GILUCHI‘JES, 4 . ' VWhulestl 'TRY USI We l'hnll do“. tafisl‘nction in All cases. ' ‘ {J ‘ 6 “com 3 1. Gougshnrg“, gay 11, law. I; - v'. New Goodlsi T nn‘x‘aswuuxsu_vm cswdk Bros. A would {respectfully info . ‘lheit friends and the pul it: generally unu.‘ ey Have just received the r Sprink stock uf mods fmmNcwi York and? 'ladelphin. Unvi g hou‘h: them for eush| we ar'c prepared to _ tier tho unrest and ‘prcuiut gtock ’ol_' DRESS‘ GOODS cvar offered to the citizens of the soan!; and M. OLD PRICES I “Quick‘suloa'tfi? shofl‘pwfils” being our motto. ' ‘.«A. 1‘" ~ : , lei-Call uni examine at thefs‘ign of lhe' ‘ Hay 11,185.]. {um ”lust . 12mg .\‘Lur’c. , ' Come with a Rush . HE undonigm-d wnuld "05‘ rum-cm)“; 4T imam: his m-ny tnmlh find “Ii pnbhu scour-Hy. that be has gone into Ihc Uhlhifig barium, at Carr’s old unud, m York luau, ;Gtu]dliffl, Pn. His awn-k, Already lIILIHI he ; much onlnrged, to embrace every .ler «I '3 . CLOTHING. UUUK‘S. b'HrKS, HATS, Cabps. TrunLa, \mhcca, l} , \Ynlrhos, Jew- IMr}, Guns, l‘nwis, and, m almrt, "erythiug vs hach ungh". Lobe found at: am chuolothing ‘anll \ uiuty Home. 1 , _‘ Particulars henmfter.‘ In the minutiae h. inxitcs L-wryhody to give bin: a (.111. He in lemti to keep an lwrfoct 5 stock u to newu- '5 mudnu- all—mud. with the have of large sales, he hopes tom-kc I living!“ will profit!- N 0 troublt-\to ybo-r: goods, _und ever; cfl'urk page to satisfyhuyerl. ‘ r ‘ . - \, uc‘bn nmxmnnorr. June 15, 18353. tt‘ , ‘ ._._.._. r -4,_.._,..~-_,M _ ‘ Ngottce of Inquest. NOTICE (in Mrebyfl given to all thieabeirs‘ ‘ and legal rx‘grckentatires 0F GEORGE“ ht‘l.l., 1m of Hinnnon township, Adams ‘ manly. deceased, Vii; Joseph Null, (the pc titioner,) Druid Null, Dame} NuHHCnlhariuc, ‘ (intermnrried with Gregg!“ Brown.) and Su san llnmilton,.(.widow, whq has been pmven of.’ uniénml mind. but_hu notion-trainee to take , cure ofht‘r Icflalfi‘nn‘d who‘ll” assigned all" her interest’in the estate to .Nficgih Kepner:)‘ and also let: grand phihiren. ring the chfl-‘i dren ofLy-di‘n R‘row'nf, (intermarrihd will; Sam uel llruufijfthe mill Lydia “me» being dew cum-. 1 hetgie the death of her {:hhcr, [mo-1‘ left the fulluwing mutuall- minor clniiern, \‘lZ‘Z ' \\ 111 mm Brown, !.Anron Brown, and\ mo: 1 Brawn. who‘ have for their gunrdinn gem} _.\Volr, Sn; nn‘d n grand daughter, Eliza “Leg, -a minor daughter of Sarah, (intermaflivd wt “1 Jacpb Fried.) which mid pannu' ol' Quid Elia ‘ l-‘ried died in the lifetime of said qurxe fin“;! {and the said ,Eliza’ Fried also lately-hut since ; tbr‘deccase or said Georgelull,dbd infut'ult‘. ' without issng, whore Adminiurutor is Samuel ‘ Brown ; and said George Null let! ulso I 1 grand daughter: Agnes Wdlf, ’ intermarricd ‘ with Henry ‘ Wolf; Jan, said Agnes being 3 1 daughter of Max’j Srnugler, (let-cased, nho l was intermarried will: Jnlm svangler; who in also dogmscc},—thflt an ISQUEa‘T wiilbe held; on the fullmtiug property, viz: No. ,1: The Maris’ibn I‘ar‘m, situate in Unmiltun: and Ber wiu lo‘t‘nfllipg, jAdam‘s county, bounded by 1 land of .\lalilda Lawrence, Andrew Bunkard, ‘ Henry \Vulfhnnd others, pontaining 85 Acres and‘ 100 I’rrchPfl,’ and ulloivnnuea, more or] lcs's. No, 2:13 Tract of Land, situate in Beb‘ wick township, ’Ailayns countyfixljoining lands' or“ Cyrus'Whll‘, Edward Ballet. and othcis, mntaining 'l9 Acres and 80 l'erxlnés, neht ‘ lanurt'. Kg. 3: .\ Thlt‘i. 61‘ Woodland, sil uatc in Uchfivk township, Adam: cgu‘lity,‘mfil tlw “l‘igo‘on Hill:,"‘ud;iuin§ng lands of Henry llivlitvr,J.ici.l; llnrnitr, Hoary Wolf, and Dillt'rfi!. continuing ll Acres, Inor‘fi‘ or less—on MON-)1 DAY, [he ll h any of Aumust'nyxt, 18313, at It): ~_o'llovk, gt; 3., on tlux JINIIL‘ISCS, 19 make par- , tilion or vnlxmtinn of th.: [irenxisusiai‘oxesaiil to , and amongst the rop‘resummhgs ofsaivl [lOOO - in sunh manner and ‘in‘suélohwopurtwnfi , as hythrlaws of this Cumnmnwrulth i: (ii-V; rmtul, ifsnvli partition. ('{in he) lliulll: u uLuut pn-judice m dr spailingtho ,wlmlo; but it am 1: partition cannot be m ido' thug-"f, then to twin» and appraise the ramp. ' ‘ ' ' ‘ SAWHL wow, 81mm". ‘ Sheriff's, mime. Gettysburg} , V , July 13, 1803. St 5' . ME Mi)" enteretf'iulo n,‘ l’rmluue and ”(LL filinrfrllcr ‘lllilr‘uad kneels. MM , | ’ ' ' i, 1 ’ - I’roclamatlon.. _ ‘ “ 7' "BREAS‘ the ”‘on. .Rmxn-r J. qum, ‘ l’reaul‘rnv. nl' the several Courts nfllqni mun fleas in the ('oum‘n-c rampaging the [nth llialiirl, run! Jus‘Jrl-e of tho Cmirts ul-Uycr gut 'l‘ol'lll'lt‘l‘ and. Gem-ml Jail IM-livcry, lur (l1?a lrinl xllll t-apiml and cum! ofl’emii-N in Ihr: mid dislricl, lIH‘MVID Yasmin: iiud‘lauu E. \Vialiflyfil‘lww Judges of ugwuns'gr ("(lhl‘ mun l’lL-aaNlml Jll~ll(‘t_‘l§,,9|f’/llli‘ Cuuris of ”for nml Terminr 'llllil/ROJ/Ilcriil ,Jml D.,-liver)" flur the trial of 15 Ifnpilul and ntlu-r offenders in the County/olxlnms—lun'c issued lhéir pre cept; hearing “(In dny anApril, in the gear of uui' [1 mm] eight hun dred and sixty-l ue diruclod: fur lx‘olding a Court L 1:15, mid GL-ncr'al qurter Sessions :e, null chcm‘l JJil [Mllveny find ' and Tcrmiucr‘, ! Colgapurq, ( Me 171/: day of August "611—, < v ‘ NUTICB' m HEREBY dun): In all the .I'nuicns (if-(lid PC IN», the (anr‘ iur‘uml ("mem bh-a wilhin the shin] County ( Adan”), that they be then and illi-re in tlmirp par pun-wins, uilh their llulls. Rl‘cnr‘ds, lullulgllhnni,’l‘:\'.|ll)[ iiintiruw, and Hillier lh-nmuhr.iuw-<, [\Mlu Hip/w thing's ‘\'l'l( h\ lpllu‘ir aim-M und in ”hit lru’lmll umwmfin 1.. hi- dunr, um) also, the} “513;; will prmocutp ngninw Llll' prisnurrs llml. Mr or then shall he in] thu leil of the mid Con’nlx of Adumi‘. nre tn hr thou and there to, prosecute ugnlust them a; shall I.» jun, \ 1 ,‘i smurm WULP, Slmrill‘. '« : flgnfl's omhe, Gctlysburg, Jnly 20, :63. ‘ Jurorsi for Augifs't Court. ' GRAND Jun. Hmmilton—Mfchnol Dellone, (Foyemfipa Té ronu—-I)xqaiél “€th ' ‘ "‘--:rlnn—'-L"phrnim Riwshew; , ‘ m Show-r. > 7. :nry (Hz. ”yum Sell,L Flenry, ansingcr.‘ . yum. -K: 3 ‘ , Lminmrv—Jvm. .\I. Gnrdqer, 7 Uxfiurd—Sogurfion Brown; _ ‘ L ITnFOn—‘WniJSl'lfcr. , ‘ ' g ' Copuwngo—Jeake D. ,Kdl'cr. _ ' Ber“ it'k barf-‘.GL-orge DM‘ia.’ ' . ankliu:—Sumuel A. Swnpt’f - I ' .\luunquleasanll—‘John “tau-net, Petér O'Neill CumbcrlJud—Jnhn .\ku-img. :- ‘7' ‘ 'Heru‘n-k twin—Jacoh'lhfll. 1 ‘ ' ,sloumjny—Sunuei B. .\li‘lli‘r. ‘ Rmdingh—Amltvw Drown. . MvnnllenJ—Daxjid .\ld‘n-ury. ‘ ‘L Sir-.\bnn—Jamh B. Miltrr.’ ' ‘ - I": evdonf— George ,W. Scott: _]\ ' llmnillunbnn—‘chrge Tn-nk-10. ‘ . ’ "in! zip, mosh A" "w." 1w ‘1 r 111' evusnn, J1'3"“) filter Hut-i ' I'3er Fund sim,‘ ,tu the urgent; 803 '3 Clothinfz,‘ Li's, (Homing, in l a beautiful} up! n <, Yeats, Shins, i'ck Tics, u“ 91' ; ecush. Heavy) TL \ 3 menis. USIfI'IPN.—We sum-Hy: Lu out lmk 0f ‘ "H HHUHH. . Gun“). Jun. 'l4 , ‘ Cnnowngo—Jercmialf Juhns, Edmond DeHo'nc. Huntipglpn—Sumuel Bowers, George Snuck,‘ Jeremiah Sillyhnugh.‘ ‘ ““ ¢’ . ‘ Liberty—Jammy b'lirion. - .“ ' ‘ j (k-nyspurg—J'em-iah Dull, Philip Dmrsom; 1 Tyrone—Amos Wtjglc. ‘ ’ g _ ‘ Uxtord—Dnnic} llclucl. ’ ' ‘ ‘ llerwick bun—Fxcderick Wolf. ' ‘ .\lenuhen—Berpnrd..\l,\crs. Abrahnmflofl‘mnn. ‘ Simian-aloha; Robert. Henry Thaw”, ‘ Frccdoxnd—Joscph J. Kerr. ' . .4 . Union—Charleen. Spanglér. , , 1 ' ”(ignore—Goo, Show, n! D. " ’ _\lounngfluuu—lohnsheely, Jofin L.,Jonkins; Cumberlund—chry [.‘otl. . ()crmauyo-Isnhc Snyder, Henry Ibu'ther. ‘ ~ Hm’nilmn-A. K‘ Sunder, J'lcob Welder; , Hens-id; lwp.—:Jacoh'b'ourbeer., ‘ . ' !h-ading--—.\dam S. Kym-I, John Simpson, tug. and; Sumlhqr 'l‘ minnyt fun In ‘z’anw Cu; 3‘o! I s: agies.’ Our 1' Entmuuel Neidich..L A . -, ‘ Frunklilhaflmrge 06113, Hurison Brbugh. ‘ .\Kuunljoy—Jcsse Mucklvyfhcwlon Unmet. . Huguqlmutpm-durub h. Firof. .‘ t Bullur—Snlumpu UruL-r, Wm. (J. Lo“; . July 20,18123. , ~ .‘ ‘ —-———-—+—————~————+«-~—— ‘The Secretary; . ‘- TH'K TILEASHRY In: uuLhariiulwme'to’ . continue my figencx for übrier prriod, and gutil further nee, I flu“ comlnuc to macho SMcriptionl to th. V ‘ I 5-20 LUAX AT PAR, at my oflice, an?! a: the fiifl'eroul Sub-Aggie“: throughout. the Lo} nl SLnlea._ . was, to. ' l thelsmulléll ‘12., ‘ . und retail. he: to girl ‘JAY cow‘s, Sunm-riptioa Agent, 114 South Third Street, Pinto. July. 20, 1863‘. Ir~ _ ‘ “ a; mum \ x Sprmg Goods .4 AT A. SCQTT & SON’S.—We invite the at wntibn of buyers“ our steak oi s'er (500112,!!!ch will be sold cheap, couuisung ol LADKES’ DRESS (£OOO5, ' V' Libnwlsfiileakug Cloths, elm, etc. For Men's and Buys‘ wear we have Claws, CJSHilncred, Cuntingl, Vestings,l’i.th n «Minty of Cottag mles, kc., he. Cal and 59. Kay 18, 1863. 111.3901"? J: SOY. j a - "Picking‘f , as macmvno ms . . . :11 39mm 1; summit cwmm; . A com; 085,170)“: ALL. "my 18d§?}:_.__;__ _#, ~ W R. TOBIAS’ «laymen Derby Condxtjn‘n 3 l'nwdarx,lror Horses and Bathe, Mr mile in, 1):. HURNER'S Drug Store. ' ADIES’~ DRESS TKUHHNGS, In ng-M. va- IJ I'lrly,‘ M. SCHWK'S. - W'K TIES—A benulifu} lgsmflment‘nt a MCILHENY'S. EMI =I f;:¢:7:;‘rfi; lZJv—i —;-—-’. . V: _ I Dr. 1 It. Sundae? ‘7. A?! bu found at his Pflnclprl (lmfle,x..~ C‘ 39 Km“! 8‘31.“ S‘YQE'. .Philfl'l'lvb'lh every Hntnrmry. 3nd at 32 MD Shoe}, New York, cur, Tummy. All persons who Itlfl‘ in need of hit ndVlce (for WM“ mi 0"”89 1" ' undv) are i'lv'llc-l m r-ill on him. For :I_ lthoruugh ermninatiun n! “W lunm with the » :Rt-spirmm-ter he rim-gm $3. It is very lil‘ I mat tint the “()Llur .«lmuhl know thn pm. ‘ use sultr- ul llw luug‘uuil it vi u great autis mcllun tutln: lutlcm lu ln\\C chrrrct'infurm'l lion on llw Ruluvrl. ll 14 \vr-11. thl-rcl'no, for every om.- who~cnn uni-d 0m «permit, to bun la tin-taunt: cxnmmrxuun. Then: is so much ‘mnuy lu rune: of Consumption, (hut n difl'fl- ‘ cut trmlmvut “my {:0 ”Quin-11l l|('l'(|rlllngll&‘}."llull ln’his I‘m-Hm. . ~ Dr. Huh: uck’a lfrinmpnl wlrzm- is 30 North 51x13” SIM-ct, l’hllu‘ltl‘lllilt, m, “rum letter. - r l‘dllL‘L‘ allulll'l always, be directed. . \ ‘ wuumcmm: AGENTS.’ ' ’ fig York Olly, Conrad Post, No. 8! Patch} ' 's‘lrue ‘ f ' ‘ - fl . i not n, “355., Ggmga G. Goodwili & .60“, NO. 11 ‘ unhzlll at vet. ‘ . ‘4 _ ‘ i, l'or'tlixg, 310., \é. F. Philips, No. 1” Middle stint-l. ‘ ' ' ' 1, I'ltxgl;nrz\P¢, Dr. George H. Alicyser, 140 ‘ \Vuml ntn-g-t. \' a ' P‘ MM‘UD Km~li,\Uviity, Cdumhiimu pm, Ohio. ‘ ' St Louis,llln.)'\ll(>ury~ bluhélyfiomerdewud :nnd Vim: strut-t 3. K , V. . ‘ lhullimom, lid“ Seth Enhance, 108 31115“ mmestrect. l‘ \ ._ .'_ 'V ’ Washington; D. C.,\sumcel B: Waite, corner Seventh Btrcct‘nnd Luiiiuanu ave u‘e. ‘ l _ Chipmu, lll;, Luld‘ k S‘élilh, Ni 23'Lnlfe IL ‘- Sm hunt-ism), Home! gr, 3 th 1 My, ‘ J 2‘37 Mutgomcry ell-cut, (initiatingéu {or Urililuruiu. '\ ’ ‘ . ~' ’ Ami bald by. Qrugg‘im and Stotgficcporfi.‘ gemrally. - , ‘ a \ ' I; . _ PRICES: \=_ -' r-' I‘ulmonic Syrup, $I perimtllnfifi‘hnlfidnzcn. ‘ Sun-W ‘- ml Tunm, $1 per bottle, $5 mama-nu: L 5 Alandmka- Pills, 25 91:11” p 5: box. \ '~ ; ~ Junu 2”! 1813. lm '.3 _Ti . a Salisbury Bros. 8: Co., " 7, 0. 37 DORKAVCE STREET, and “a N " li7 mzvmrssm' 313531,. - - Pmn’umvgm, 1:. 1., K- . . limpricmrsyf ‘nuu M the moat extensive JEW: I BLIIY MANUII‘AUTUIHHS in the Eaglern Sunny, bmj to (2.5” 150 th-ntidn o: tho colfi- 1 mnniiy gvnumlly to ’Llu: very SURI’IHSING,’ (WRAP RATE lehich theyure Offering thllr’" goods, fu- uxrpassmg both Foreign And Do-‘ " mastic .\lauuhvtuws fuyuinl. of clearauco Incl Peal dumbing- ! A a ‘ . , - mu INST-flan r. ‘ For Finn: 113 m. us», _we, forward. niceli _ ourdmlnnd {LLL‘k-lfll} |u good ordgrfibefolloving. ennrmous Igiautily u! Jflelry, equal iii finish f' to any Plniqvl ”hi-i, and not Lu hu- recognited §" from Hold n’nly by the Ir) mg ul’ucidu _ art Sal. Emu-cl? Van (liming ;'2 Plain Elan": tinq Pms; 4 In; I(4an mach; 2 'l‘wiin-«Wim,i Pine; 4 liar Rings L 9 "mu-l“; Z I’inn Pint; 4 ’ EM Ringa lo mdtl‘h; 2.11 m! us' lungs, Douhlr— - ”can and I VM‘iHyfi! [mm-rm; 50 Uuimrfinh 3 blc‘ms: Sn Sc.xrf[ainl,l'l.uu nnd huim‘lin fluid: : 2 Do IMP-films: Lockets, engine-turned; 6 Box and EMMA Rm: [or purtmil or hair; 13 35th ed Locke“, [Jugs lan-l Shell (lbw-Inna“ Mia-1d “nun-lets ;——:IH inf Fl’Mceu "will”. Alwflec tion offiiia kind, wlmmylncul in the "find; of any one of onlilinry intellixcnce, eughuo nail ‘ to: M. least ch ,Lluudrc-l I'ullu‘s! ‘ ~ Cztuulnguns, cunnining full information find Prices 01 (.‘uodg, cau'lmohbaiued upon uppli rulinm, (ndens‘by \Lul, ’l'vlcgriph o: Expm‘: mym-Lrully vnlir'ilwl. , ‘7'; SALS‘SBUIIY BROS. k’fluq‘ , ' 3'l Durmncefi 61 Weybouet 81.5., ‘ " June 21:, 151.3. l'mvidenu,B.L Gettysburg Marble Yard» I;,st a 3110., 1:: ms“: yomarnmA ; M GETT%SHHRH, PAS—Why" they "'...: yrupsreul w ’fuvth n" kinds bf M Mam: Mu», such :5 MONUMENTS, I‘ome ' STONES, MANTLES, “451. mg shortcut. no tiug‘wd u chem) u the cheapest. 0‘» u.“ call. . .‘. WProdut-o taken in’ nxrhnga fo'r ivoyk. ' Uellyshurg,i‘une3l,l362h M ‘ i. “ -._ -~“ v *—'-—-~r~—-———l—g-—v<. 1 LYUERINIJ; nn-l 04;!er SOAP. lo: ‘ I pruvenfln and cgring the himafl quuuca nnfl othir insw-u, n; ‘ v . .. 7 mg. n, uuuuwsmng 8m" _'.....‘,_...A ‘... .1 30-»..4444: 'r‘ ' H ‘ L. .\n‘mn‘x has ij mam; ' 1n...” J. chap Lmyfiking Glasses > ‘ ‘ r HRAnu-ric n Excelsinr 03:;on If; 1‘ I'm; sule MTDr. R. BURKEH'SJM'D‘ Eon . . .1 .:-~~.. t• 74 mi