gami- & 65w a For tin; Cu ‘ Yank Sn. Sun-as, me, : In. Ignaz :~—-Now that. the— fen-ri nnmopmquent dpan the iqnsion o‘ 'll-! nbsidod,~!~grunmo it. will not - pigs. to drop you s few line: {or puf In, Milan Mi “1? humiliniion u: “1 “on?! on invading‘trfiy‘. But the f .qut at unnhnlud myrindl hu (:1 Jinan an utter“, sad ere-r; patriot guru m; we bond: of 0;" on Keysd Inga Seen Iwbly~ vindlnnwd by h‘er hr A pwul,-hnfihtf, sciflcoufidcm Tn Ind treacherous to the has! intern WW; I“ day all" (is, been boa] pad swept like ‘c‘hnfl bein?!) the win And}! chug: cube Union army. ‘ Oléf quieliiii-fle town was thrown in of ”wound zinflame!“ By thejrlvn. J n! Ewcil’l division dashing unceru } am the hm find‘dcumnding the no opened. The d’aj'yv. foifowing Gen. ‘ (one ulide,lhéit alpeamnca hhou? ‘ nncnnped in and about ihgptown ; at “no demanding the citiaens‘to prepn -‘ {or HI men, which wan npything cisl pgreenble- task; hit. the; had to ‘mnk 1 of noceuity in this case. In the men ‘ ‘man were bul'py engaged m gntherj l bowel, cows Ind 0519, in_ihe immedh : borhood. But Ibepnd was-stat. yet. ‘ 'morning brought with‘ it (it-nu. Stu Lee’l fluré‘lcs. and [how were lucidl krona“ Liiitgvea of nil—M Mm. l'l guys; ~“ Tin-2y ‘Cllppcd llu Hunn." “shin; wo‘tyd‘z, clump of imsiu-a \‘wm until M 10633. oi‘t-ryinlyr<e 101 l in tho ’1 hood was nu umi. ‘ The mtrEimntywilh lin- exception 1 ‘A.Gllrdr'l(-r, sum-red but. slighlix. H ‘ lugntely‘fihnd um. rammed all l|i< All" being ur-céumgrjly shat-m. {or same ti , to the rinvuaiun. .\lr. Ephraim. )5 . Harp» \gus'nv. fine time _forrfl‘g’gmhl . luring (he greater part. of his dry g‘ ‘chgr V’nlnnble‘ articles" removed, ‘ comparatively little loss. Innight. I , fiatdgnger (or. a. timé wns imminent. 1 dark and portemioua hung over the 1 (up cnghusbxsta .spoké unadvisedly vhlck'mg‘ them. I ‘eunpuse 'eome I 'pverheud it. anfl in a short time n n; 915 ch mu! men drew up in the strut“ munded if such were timinimemim {.th would suck and hum the luwn slyly. A nugpher of our prominmnt Jlr. Hitashew,‘(}nl. Wolfoj-d; Mr. J\ ,othcrs—guc'ecédodjn [:nuiiyin: tincm “”512”an that 'there ,‘F’H no du‘ngc ' being molested asllong as they run], ‘ ,righll of private cilizqns. Many “:41 .were the inquiries nfwfiMr. (inrdnc -‘.W.Senglcr,r. M.‘ The farmer is «3-491 Fiv‘c ‘Twrnt’y Bonds. Forum 13' 1‘ ,lflgt Erasing, or else lhry “Hull-(1%“! rl ’ lmebmlu ting “ pest ridden oily," 1 on hard tack, deprived of 1”":nd n 1 intmthe filth and vemlinmfh Libby 1’ "This iniclu has spun on). too long Jim *1 mmt not forget to return tb thank: of the'ciliz'cns lb .\‘lr’. 'Ephmim fox-31in mgunnimons (‘Onlll-ICB exhibit t th; rebels workpusing through this I‘ Hun] of them he had been acquflinrco » (ome! days and by higurg‘euc expo; he Induced them in scvemlinsgnnces _ from their work etylW Severnl_ juegeogled in gettinge‘zx‘o officers to .1 - 'Gnfimr'i more to be losed, when tl wen robbing him of his goods. 3-} pennants kppenlu quite 5 n_umk.e'r 'I View 0110 returned to tigeir owners. . :’.J¢hll ”I likewise untiripg in his 1 friend property from wnulpn des fimbyfpfichg mnny under great ob ‘ He will plating acceby. Lheir thanks f 0 .l Mustedness mahifested 0d the occu. xi, 1:;. 2‘ ' ,"‘ ”ISI-ac ani'H'l‘TMAnq’ Ail? Eacnn.—-A ch ‘ flmnund milesrffof‘n here, nftcrzlhc p. ‘ .25. no’ponscripgion act, got married to c 1 ‘w dam The rail: young_36 year 01.] .1 : first if liq can get a diverge he will c‘ J! Ho inmlfight, he wodld rather do s“ country. , 1 L Thin reminds us ofa. story told oftw- Who flexing War. It was a rainy ui théy‘lay wrapped in wet blankets and flag in the mud_. "After-turning for ho 1 -_ jllde to aifle, in the vain effort. to comp I jawbone: mid seqd their fancies ofi' - {fibre-Igb dren'lhl'a’dd, a groan and a. cur l _ct'me forth lrom the disquietcd soul 01 - the twain, and the sileuqe of the wrotch " ”broken as follows: “Bob, (up you i f‘Yu,'Per." “ I say, Bob, how did, ? piano to enlist. ?" “ Well,’,}’—'sui‘d‘ Bo v 1 Debi, I had no wife nor clxutflrelffinnd n ‘ uh care of m; to one ior‘mcmnd so 'éQ—tnd besides, I llkr-W'Jr. “Wham m pun, Page 'I" “ Well," gmunpd Pete, gfiildreygfnnd I had' a. with, and so \ tk ydpld. enqut-npd besides, you 'u-c, n ‘ BAb ans ABOUT U) sl'l‘wnsw—(‘nnsl pppre'hehsion Is Mt {or p suppb‘ of l 4min; the coming souaon. ’lmst sensJ {yore nnusunlly scarce and the prices phony tw'enty-five per cent. The pn . fihin oily, in view of the information I" Fob‘the lower part of the bay that. the ; pm: nearly. eih‘nqsted where they hm flan {3'} the past three yesirs, held n l pad lull ngents down the Chesapeake pagin‘a intann'd report. the facts. They J “\Mfie.bws are Almost eqnirely‘dcs lad ll yot they‘ cannot; go Hf the beds‘ Virginin rivers. Added to 95¢ scarcity ‘ ”fl, folly h'olf of the whqle nimkmr OI mind in {he trade hnvqbeeq destroy 'l ‘tllo‘wu' broke exit, and it! has become w ”,got-uugh; and brought w the city 1! ”o paupro ‘lefl. in‘the beds. ’h} viewl Milan ‘of things the packers have . 'po'nule any contracts At any specific t pm Sun. _ I ' lln‘mgrlng the recent rebel mill in} pin Virginia ope ofGen, Jenkins’a mo '- Mdy‘a hoop skirt, which so enmged the film! he ordered ihwllow to wear it. . mun-Lu: he ’wwqbnged ‘o' go with it ”I nick, amid the Seem of his commd £9 no Imp hemp: it up whenxiding 1.- ???)fe beefihlhuons 1:111: ‘ {an )haxmc Taniuurne—Fromt ' 393:; use! an .election, 3-,. the o ring peak, receive the polilicd outgi ,1“ Mn will; an closest dream we fie'pon’pdent engine of the fig ‘ M‘M lhonid be denominated “a ‘ We winch omaalgy tells n l ‘5; pompondelt informs the N m M “ Andre's," notorioul {or ‘gflihm the recent. riots, and ' ‘ dyad, ”I famed; 3 d’ete'etiveo MM?! Bfionton'upiu—A .. ‘ s'!- !m Emit Yum-:1; is : ‘ ”99!? Vicksburg“ am one of 09: 3 “W“ in that on; and Hillel! .’.». 7-..-.5 -‘ A n Paafiomzm mam. ‘ L A. J. Coven. , 'r'rnß‘xEY Momwmn pmmyfly Mt A It) ('ulllfi-liunfi :uul u” nun-r h‘iglurasl trusted tb him.‘ (nut, Iplwécn Fulmeahizr and Uunuvr .9; Ziegler) Stores, Hallimnu‘ at. (- Ucuyahung, Pat. " \_ [Sept 5, 155' . xal. pillzr ISGJ ~ cwqite~ vpur'mil out of Incision. destrnc~ manned and to - gm re- ‘ n 0 Stale ‘ , D. McCQnaughy. HDRPIRY AT LAW, (083 cc one‘door ' It A of Huahlur’n drug and book atore,Ch 'm bumbling stream Anon“ unSoucx-rmg on l’nll'rn All" Put-loss. Nounty Land WM ranta, Hack-pnymuapt-nded Claims, and '1“ ogher nlnimh against 1):}- Uot'crnmentazm'q‘hh. ingtom I). 0.; nlnoAmeritanfllnimsiu'B'ngl ml. lmnd Warnints located and soldmrbdugln, Ind. highest priors given. Agcnllf tngngéd 3'!) lo cating wnrmnls in lowa. Illinois nnd‘o he! nutcrnSt mas WAliply to him-perso‘u jlly or 1:; lent-1;. ' . ' (:cfltysbdrg,‘N'ov. 21, '53. ~ 7 . IL " m sons. , hostile '9 g! bur all back, l' by Rte Bi: and B. Bu ,hler, ; l TTORN‘X‘M‘ MW, wn m‘mruny pm! A prompujwucnd to nllb flimscutm led Lu him. .lie Fm-Aks the Génqu {ung‘unfi}.f— Office at the same plat-2,31: South Bilti are street}, nc-nr Porn-mg}: drug store, and nelrlj opposite banner 1: '.legler’l More.~ E ~ Gettysburg, March 20. . __l-,.. . , .. .__._. . ; ”Wm-A, Duncan: ‘E u a Mommy AT LAW—umqiu the North. A was: corucf' of Centre fitmnrc, (iv-ttyshum, I‘m. 3 ‘ . '[ucx.3,1559. ti’ ; . 1! mm ; é‘guafinl iounly cs to he Jenkin'! ‘oon and be sumo 'mgiona lhnn‘nn It virtue time but a up'thé encigh he nr-xt. rt'a and My Ulla rllnglun . J. C. yeply. . - . TTORNE)’ ,AT ItAW.-J'sini(‘ulnr n? A tum _pni-l m cullerliqp hi l’cnli Buunfy, u'nt! Mark-Inn". Unite i the ' com” 01' [he Ummuu-l. . r (.‘.-11351.“; .\lvnl U, 131717. If hvery \fl hm], ighhm- T J. La‘wrerice Hill, M. D. I. AS Us 9611+- nm: _(fim a . I duvrw-~tuflhv“‘ , "‘l." “2.; 1 Lullumn vhur-L irléswl Chambers! an: tam-set. fwd oppoiflo Pit'Li Mt, -c-,, vax-r‘e‘lbwr winking lu_hnn'¢ nu} Do -opem~iuu‘ prrtorwvd urn r.»~,.m~n'ull)- iuviu full” Kynwmur Dr“. ljurxwr. lb v. (‘ Knuth. {MU , RM'JH. L. 8.1u:!..-r, l). p., I‘3 Pier. M J‘wnbs‘. .’rul. '\l. Infilwwr. , “ (xellydmrfinfivni l!,-’p3. ‘ . j SEIM , int brr- ‘ ' guulls,‘ m: prin‘ teshvfi '1 rml‘gbut ads and ustzum-J ‘ R. O'XIAL fins.n‘nl';x.‘(-:1 hfi nmvo f om D Wills’ bulh‘nug to tlu— ('urn‘vr nyijlli-‘, “fur“; um! High \lrrci‘, umumu: thx- [’[véykyi‘ lcrjnr‘x (‘lmn-Ix. Ilvaldumcudjuiuingflwfil Cu: April '5, Eso}. 1f . r ere Rthl ". cloud. Me. I‘. .f bush- a ~ _ A “A _. ‘ «13.. (“figs 5: Taylor, GUNQTYC 4‘ H Y?! I ('1 A .\' S.~—Thc I ovr‘ Elnamfid gvntlrmrn, hpviflg quor-h‘nm themferln-d in lhc' put-hrs. of .\lcdu'm‘c‘ and Surgvry. o'frr 'Chv-ir Ffufi-‘hinhfl ‘scrvicf tn the citinn‘p offing dmrg and virinhy. . I fit— in; hill hrcu- mnu'al "ljll‘fl;l‘N‘ in the ‘. S Arm}, anfi' val-mun» h'o‘qmn‘. mnmirrfJ‘hoy rt-‘cpcvtfull‘y iolirilynur [kifipmflp'm ‘ pm h- jlh‘" meJnfif' lu ‘.rhome or av! 31. Hn-mw M}: :IL'QY the th.-d, Quasi Ind 'llst ”Vinyl? n-n: div-I fr un‘ all j-ulhrr svruri nix-‘.lird .nrh Dolh, which bu‘e hm: ”comm Jed from th‘ at. [errm'f Ill“! nanxliuxml h" ~puvmw o! {W ablest Ito u-uu j'mcnrmu a, nun! difikk‘trd thus»! m in“ uxiurluus, iurb‘ Is until! in", urwu'jr, mrrrul)‘ blul‘ pi“, Mo leniq‘g? ‘O, (Mice. iu Bulmuun- ~«rm, in 'thp I" IQNFXD' m-rupiml by Ul. Durwy, one duor 54 A 11) 0 "Nu: “(‘l(,)lil[|ill‘..r” nlliro. Siilllivrsd fluuiliv httkhd (Hl [Nu uf Hmrzu during their absence. ‘ ‘ ‘ DIE. JA‘Jrzg' Gumsi Dlh Wu. TM 41:. Jan. ltaJisuu. _ K . inf them .‘ mbcr of and dc- ti; IS n'nedi- c'Uzens, NH, and “ith the of tin-m 10d lhe lrvquout ‘umi‘ B. 1. fur the 0y were vein-d n. n‘bv {ml [.l tlmut already, Sim-etc Mesh-cw d wlm‘st place.’— » with i.n ulutions o defiisl inws he v dor Mr. Adams: 001111137 I UTI‘AL FHtF. Hsl7]: \NH: GunpAlz‘ i I Incqrpon‘chj .\lnrqh _lB, gram. l . ‘ oyncznu. ‘ I’rqurnl—GPOrgo Swppe. . ' ‘ 1 VW I'rflqnamr._s. n. Bussell. ‘ ‘ °« 8. "Junk—«D. A. Bur hlcr. . . ‘ ' Trr'rwlrrr—Dnrid M’Cnury. , ‘ Ezqcutit‘; Cummillcr—Rubcn McCurdy, cob King, Andrew Heimzolmnn. } . .Vapgei-f—chrge Swope, D. A: Burgh! ,R. .\lfCurdy, Jacob King, A. He‘lntnoimnn, Djlc, Crcary. S. R. Russell, J.- K. Hersh. Sn ‘uel Durham‘s-i E. G. Fahnes’tock;Wm. B..Wi son, H. A, P'lc ing. .Wm. B. McGleHnn, Job?! 41,]- fnrd,.R. G. .\lchesry,Joh§l Piéking, A 11'. Wright, John Cunninghamh Abdiel F. in} Jamie‘s H.lMnrshau,‘.\l. Eichelberger. ”This Compgny 1: limited in itso 611' men his im. herpes r. J nuns fl'orta to ruction, _atious. hirdis- ‘ lions to the counlf‘of Adams. 1!. Int: begn in ‘ succe'séful opcrmion for morn than six yam-3:} and in zhat’parjod 1135133“ all jdssu uni! ox pcnsofimvithmufiny anumwnl, having uls’o I [urge surplus capital in the» Trmfizury. The Com ‘pnny lemplolys ho Anna—,3“ huxiineas icing) ‘done 55' the Managers, who are annually (hoot ed byitho§Stockhoidvrx Any perm)! dos ripgl an Inffux‘qncc can apply to any of the sbnre! name .\I: Imvrs‘rs for further int‘nnnsflinn. “ Egg-Th ExoculjveljommiMtge mrl Isak the“ office 0!". 1e Compifiny on the lust. Wedndsduy. in (why onth, ME, RM. ‘ "; ‘ qut. 2 , 1858. -_~” , I'7 a . Mathlot & Son’s ' ‘ OFA ND FURNITUREWAREROQMS}N6B. S. 253 nm 27 N. Gny street, Baltimore, finenr Fay-mic ML) extend'ing Imm Gay to fiedm‘rick st—the lirgest gsmnlishmen't ofthe kind in the Union. Alwaysmn hanttn. Huge assortmdnt of .HOL’SEHOLU AND OFFICE FURXITHRWLE‘mH bracing‘glhrenug, Bedstequ, Washsynndsfivnrdfl rubes, , mttrqs’sbs of Husk, Cumin and; n'ig Spring Bqu, fiofus, Tetc-mTetesgArm .C! nil-s, Rocking Chairs, Etngcres‘, Mai-13.16 Tnblesd Set leos, Reception my; Uflmlstercd -’Chnirs.l AS SORTED COLORSQFCOTTAGEéL'RNITpIIR, Wood Chairs. Office Chairs, XLu—hcr C! 1131's, (‘riha “nil (‘rmflosfi IL". Racks, Hull Furnfmre, (“11.1211in “Kllnut Frame Loukiug Glil~3(‘s, Side-I boatq‘j, lingonkion Tnhlcs, of every length»; mum“; djlpufl‘g to purrlmsu an: invit'pd to NJ] :I‘nd fiivv our sun-k nn runninntiun, which fur virict‘y :unL quality of “'(lrknmnship its not. equal ed py unyfiestuhlisluneng'n (,hc‘ mngptrj. ‘ ‘ A. .\IATIHOT AL SUN: 1, ; Nos. 25, and 27 N.‘Gux‘strgct.’ An: 6. .1860. ‘ I am . not :1 mm of ado the MEM list, as, for his soldiers ht, and Inflow-~ rs from. 5e their (routing finally one of 411 night. fivnkc 2'” ou ever ‘u I , you Ody to enlist- .16 yo,“ ‘ I qui ugh; l l “kc =I BM In tht-y cn'l up ’on of !»ccived Something New ' IN (bETTYSBUIe—Thc undersigned infnrms . the (itizons o! the town my} countyfilgt hq hiss commenced the B.\’Kl.\'(:: husim-ss,‘,‘pn a ; large (scale, in York strget, Gettysburg, n‘cnrly I Opposite \dees‘s Hotel, whet-c. 1145 will dry to deserve, and hopes to receive, a “Inc-ml patron age. ,1 BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, ,‘GRAGRMRS; mmrzsns, kc” km, bakdd every day, SSW ‘ (jays éxceptch all bi’thcrbcst quality, mi ‘ sold at um “most living prams. Cracker-bump]: in ‘ all its;brniuches is largeiy’can'ied Qll, and D‘rdcrs to any' amount, from this and adjoining co’un ties, supplied ut_tlle shortest n'onice. Having erected u large and commodious bnkc-house and securéd the best workman and ’the mast ap ‘gmvcd machinery, lie is _prepured to 310 a enxy business. 7‘ ‘ ' 1 . l ‘ , ~ WALENTINE SAUPim. - ‘ ' July 25,1859.. ' A l nysters ' been 23mg to ex- eport royed, ii the .f oys. bgals . since xfliclflt 1e oys ‘of [big dined Onik-- \ | Coal! Coal! Coal. i,‘ HFADS &JIUEHLER Ell-e now prepargd to S supply COkL, of superior quality, i any quantity desired. Terms; Cuah. - é- . (YB eUnel Come All! ‘ : é-Thcy also- requbst those} iqdehtod ‘to thenmo call and pay up. M funds nre {nuch medal... ] tho will be the fir?! to can 7 Office gym: Irqm 7to 7. ' - ‘ f; Feb. 24, 1862. ' -‘ A West atule a I 1 MEI around > ; and ; hohp ’ creme. x , ‘ , :: ‘ John NV. Tlptom 5 ASHFKONAB'LE BA BEER, North-cast «dar ner of m’Diamond, (next door a; Mc- Clellnn's finch) ficuygburg, Pmfiihu e be can a: all timia be found ready to attend all businessi‘in his line. He bug 31180 excellc 11. sisL-xq‘cemud will ensure misfnction. tG‘ive him a calm. - ~_ [Dec 3, mm. :- i'l time - ebud I his: or u-ction. übhcnn ‘ artisan ‘23." WSEUMDB h Buznnzn’a Score is'wenfwdr- I [by n. viaitjust M thiséimc: Wodouht wh ther, even in our lnrgcst cities, so fin‘a a. dispzfiy of Stovus can be found. Thai!- large m‘m is full of Stoves of every pattern; also. “cry 7!»- risty 'of Hollow Ware; Shqet—imil Wan-q, Tin Wu"; Plunilhed Ware, Jinan Warec—embrM-l lng, Kndqedwverflhing in the blue fumihhing lino. deco, Sausage Cutters, Sausage Stu‘fl'on,‘ Lard Presses, he., to” {they are prepared .zo sell wholmlc :ud retail, Tin Wm and Sheet lron Wax-re of their own limnufncture—k” ping a. sumcion. number of hands to supply 5% de- , mamr. Their assortmwm. of lumber is f fiery: hrgn: film Con] movnry kind: ‘ I: g I , ' . ‘ ‘ A 5 1 ‘- I uniting. an un cu- Ind 5.. Aryan. '4lin clls ra l per- Removal. I=l 4‘ ' “r— I v»:- deeds 2 mix: TAIL! { ' ‘ J.\(:4mß-& mm, ' roqr‘ived frnm‘lhe éilim 1| £4er «may («nguLh-men's wear, embracing jg {lqu fits 01 gm h mricl , O cwsgumns, i k VESTINGS, ‘ 1 was, _ c., with tiny other go: ‘ >d summer wear. ' 1 {epnyed lo makeup garments malice. and in (he very has; man .hioda sn- renlnrly.nrcivod,‘nn H: in any dosirpd style. Th»; all M filj, whilst ‘he'u- sewing is am '.tinl. \ _ ‘ ’ g l > continuance of the: pnhlic‘g {LI lvéd by good Work and modem In it. ~ ‘ - 1, April 7, 1862. Gush‘c ~ J.“ for up :3 M 1 Th re 1‘ the sbpéest I net. 91‘ e 1" cl lhfilglnim? w ya make . to be sll,"!th ‘Xhu ‘nsk . uqnaé; re‘s charm-s 10!.- Udp #lloer L m: Gnu GE! " x l ste’n' Book Bmdery. : wum, 2 ‘ 1 4m 0 015'. I: IN I) HR; LASKi noon gun PACTI'}U‘.K:, ‘ I a > LA)“ \sl‘Mt, RA, ; Ont/rmrnrxll Him/mg], m [-fxrry div-J} cutmk in the my“. suhdubtiul and}; lbs. '3 ‘ T i rm agrip‘l any? I n and (”th ! ‘5 5' [ “unison. , ‘ 1 'l‘ Esq}, runners Bunk of Lftnmxtljr.“ , Flux}, L-mmsier {‘ounty ,Bunk _; Ik. th., (yu‘pnm Nunkd‘ . E nt‘f', sq.,‘ _orfix Bank. 3 . i I nor, Lulu kin-k (‘uunty flank. ‘- , Emll,lS-Ink df Graph”! I. 3 Hsll3,i‘rulh‘ymrLuxumaw‘tm,Pun,“ horn} Rwy, Rugialct “ ’“ " n,Y Esgmlficcunlcr ' “ “ ‘ 861. ‘. ‘ 1 E. W; I) ow W. LJJIH¥Ipe Samd ‘1 Sim Snmu .I {WWI Willi ml Wu T. D. 11:10 Peter rl'm Gm. C. "Aw (390. White (Aptil {15,1 ‘ ‘ {rho Grpat Secret; q' $1) k)UT.«—~‘l can tell you jnll now _ gym-rehhbf‘ mm‘. Mis in York sin-ct, Kn. I. 3; night gmmsito Hm Rink, an? the nun-I mix-i 4 ll‘us'uthc uu-irrligmul h\s )u: rN'nrod' from flu; c'nj a wry finn‘uqunhm m. "I'M'litSti GOD IS} for} hmh Lulu-s MM ‘gwmh vm-n, 1‘ m 1: Ln“! r 591): HI:- hullol, hhukvrt, Uhm-aStnkk-‘I in,“ I )ihwn {amnmnhn-n. I‘ullAn, hm, I’l-rj Imm 3" of u [Limb] Huhp’ .\.‘irt~,‘lul-lib~' leh and ix ".ct lxumt‘murhl‘ng \l-0 m the Iquth way” (3“th Hui: I'nqfllnjr Ihlflhl-S, Tooll 13“»! u.” an! nun’umum udxvhutrclvs. , Uu-Lfl‘quei's w‘, much. .'u l‘nnts, hints Yum-i, it 1h full Wing pricgs: {lnt riah- Lint-u him: a s2,‘ gbo l bummer _\'-t“: u: 7i: Hahn-j OXI‘H‘ (‘Tlulh‘nx I! [hr smfix- “:95. A Summa ngtsichu-i; r thy: unr‘mhfi houhe in rthd? tnvuni! n 1: 0': tiny: AM mm. ”Min; Inn-J “Hum! In It m-tinn, he [can all them A? purl-fl 111“; will Igmku _k‘lgwt hny {me Lu} :wd fils m nf ntho-r gqhds, surh us‘Tu‘xkx Fork!llgndlg-aljfimuls and Hludl-w, llan-a Twixfisi Erwin“, [{rnghhs, QiH-vafiv um '(ZLlFl‘dhm‘ (HuIt‘FJHES, mud Mun-4s of :11 killdifik fi‘mp} of I” lint“; Harem {N uh” Hula Knitr ,3 Tu séh’puunk‘l‘ 'i‘l‘ulmfivn, 5:31;.er nn .‘inuflJ‘And léhl'l :‘tlmhflhfln; filing: yuu \Vnul. calyu‘l’d‘é tu’ find in n Noziun Harv, Ml n>r_ cheApflan'izh. Divn’t 1101'ch 1h- 111.110. Ym I; ; n Huh: hr‘jm: Hmw‘th It h-u‘r‘ Mat \uun‘fizfnja d }v\. 'HHEN in, mum hr 91‘. u ‘tlivmfluft .\- '. 1125,0p1mHlu the “Auk. 1n Yo!" \m... ~ \ {l}, G. CAHILMAgcuL. 3‘12“, 153:3. }. , ' “WE Honrd Afiso‘ciatlo: {LABELPHI.\.»-v‘pr MP 31:] WM; :Ith lhstreudd‘} utthvml' Hi ('firmuic “Din-113%, and («1 \P (“KIM-«nut: “1‘11““ Svuin] ' . Rd. ADVICE QiM-n’gmush [- mutt is. a » , H ' .Fl REPORTS nn Spormntorflmfi ‘-'(ukm-sa,fu"nd mm “HI'HMN off uns,“x\nid‘on the NEW mam:- '\u the Pi;pm‘l~:\r_\-, seni to 11‘;- lumtr' unn-loprs7 fro.» ‘ r 'rzc ib‘lumps) for postngc M I I K . g'e Ind 1 la c» A-L ‘ I! "-hf u (1’: e , )1 2. large n ”I"! .. Arr : 'Q " A i u 'L ‘. I. .'. ‘I. ’L n ‘1 , 17M. {be (1" ink { v.§f.r.u\ or 5+ 11 nnl r'x the’ é‘cjlmlpr DIR} lIHHQS'I‘d I'Lfnigtjffi'fi-‘HE swim vlmrp: T oor ‘.x be at ‘ép‘tnlrlc. ‘ .icqu«-ss,‘l)r.).l. SK . “$5,; « suhwx‘minlj sL-winiz. -Ho .‘ lumlic‘s pdlruunué, promisl forHo lit-Skin? it. Ellis {Mal {mu ‘1 as n min-nub a: the n Carling +1“! Ilrfi min”? :1 notice. ' J {Gen}, {slu v V (1‘ 'l. Ramolvnl...-fl‘ HHJyfilcrsi, néil be' ,r mmsulrlhhmufl nearcr lmmhé-rriquz‘g slicer, mdjt Rll5 Uruqi‘l‘urc—n very cc continues ('0 manufacture. I)‘ an lumdbevcrylvuriely 0; TIX-“g-sz, . " PRESSED ‘ jg ( ' 3m»: mu} hill “ways be ready » ‘ j «harm: and s also flout; iin the hrs! mAn hté. E‘lnd ud elrort spin-pd 'I faction. The public's‘com sblicifid‘ j , , A ; Gt-tL‘yslyx‘n-g, April 7, 166 l i lSpeclal N. 3 .N-‘ nd rm JUlfy m, i rupqo \‘prling lheprtvs 3 TERDER : mm ~l.\"l‘0 Tl: I’m: GEN . LOAN; (comn 'Tme‘g-é”i will cease. LAB aghanvieh lp invest ‘ lion); must, Llwrclorc, npph JULY {nu-x23. A o ..H 'f , J ’ ‘ Szrxsr‘l , H 1 MAHSJHHLLD April] 13; 15-;3. 3m ' | .._ x: , _,.‘_i ’ . 4 ... - ‘.Prano Tu ~ ndF. nmvxln, of mm! H’lllno Tum-r, informs myéjéq’l pf Elie in gmwrnl, tih‘m, 1101‘ lgllcrwise (gccup liepalrlng Pianos, nt um pmmispsfi tire sntist‘mtign rccoiqu at. this ollicc. . l I. ‘ ‘ l ; qupen onk‘cumsnm is car ! J inf; business, in all. ills goegflcmvvsbnrg. ‘ Fl2ol} ' sireyl quantity, made to tire, ‘ahd a", low profits. ' kinds, pale ‘ded to,‘ prom Every plfo t. will 1:291:21de tion to‘ CIL omcrs. , Decl 29, 1562. cm ; ; New .Go‘ 1781‘ WLeived- from NH (In delphiu, thy. hrg'éic w Br ‘dtcxou‘us, ' . ‘ Summer Cloths. ‘ . »- ‘ Cassiyzmi. ,2 4 R‘ . Drfli Bclptiful Nylon, well as cash 4nd rumba sold all PICMG‘CIIILRH see-the . - ,‘ 1 2 q '1»; May;11,1863. tf We 5.... .4 3 ‘ PlO 1 AS RECEIVED ms ‘ SPRING AND 81! ‘ cum; ONE, 00 May 18, 13363. . ‘ ' g Wall Pa I MEG-E variety of p j " and most desimhlul rc cing gold nuke old 31‘ them at 1 I _ ¥ LL” 1114‘! bufPatent - gun but FamilyE Saute q! ‘ ~ ‘ drama-uh. finest linoflrfleotpf Spring I . 01d Summer Clothipg in term.» ‘ _ HA’WLS, in every variety and (he kiwi S style: hon: New York for rule cheap 31‘ g .9 1 ghnxns'rocxs; ‘ AWES’ Cloth fobClétkinn, a new upmyl ,iwt mqma a: unnasrocx 311054;.- WllB, Cuisinart-"ml Vesfinga.2chnan:nl ; : b‘AuxEsmesg ' DP. no I = NEW mmu‘ 1, Large ”Stock! )RIVG. - ‘ anlarxnrnn ran-r, Grr'rvsnl.‘no.' Huh“: rt-ximd min Iht~mtivrpmrfigr ni my: prim “ion, VI tukl‘ ph usuro iunnmmminq ,to 159 Citing-m onk-LL: sb‘urg und' \'icillil)"lhut I have opt-mu! n 7 A; I ' NEW D (70 STURE, in the room formerly occupipd by Dru. R. "on“, u an office whéré [will count keep on hand a Inrgc'aupply of-llkjndl ow was“ mums, 3‘ . . “mum-ts, 1 ' 1 CHEMICALS,‘ ‘ m-ummmhv', ‘ ‘ A Tou'ru POWDE' 7. ‘ ', umsr DRY PANTS, Ind ’ ' lEAINTS gran d'jn Oil, , , l fiUIL’S, gnu-viva 'lnd :llsfilll I‘:\Tltu.\‘l~2lll“xrnlll like, Pena, Pom-Ha. [,aq-prxinmlw, llruslml s ,3 PATEXH .\lEuu-mzs. l; ” All thr- pnpnlun Pflhgut ,‘lwllvlnr‘i‘, mgr ”“1“: a ~1-lmlion‘nlPllr('\\'lxl:3,nllll.\l\i .anfl WlllSlx'l-,Y, fur nmilmnnl )uyl’ptfiéa akin)“.- rm hmrjl. ln; wot-4.1”}; 3M<~k emh ‘o‘ gr: thingdndulllly tbuu-l in :I lint—Chas ‘uHh’H IlQiCriplmn. ‘ . - ’l. '. “ A-lnwc supply ul‘frdslt Drugs has-,hoo lain-11, :mnl oLlu-rr nil- arriving. whivh l n Qring lo llm public’on Very m-romifipxl' tcruxg'. My .\lcdicim‘k hair all been mm -11114211? my persmmlimfircfion and _fupen from tln- mun. relia‘h 1: houqt'fl. [can til-0 nut only rm-nmmu‘u thm as pure undf lull cmy’hqll mom ch :xp. ’ T s. IL—I’All'l'llel'AI: ATT' the; treatment of nlléhmnic (ll WA l) V l C G I: Muy l2."1802. u; L' - , —%-M~,. » ~—>~.——~L - j Sometlung N« ”Dunli‘llnignml mrsln-l-Ll'ul- T ly infimn: tlwl ”with-1:1; (ll (3 -L!_\.~ll’firy.:nml \‘itlinl’rJlu. ,‘lm'kn (la-ml n yum .\xn .. n‘ “Hill; in NW muznl'nmm «War-[v 'nl tln R‘ll'. J. L. Scluh-R‘MSKUW, and Iron ll lexlrv. “hort- he ill‘lvml‘l lug plug min. “In “I (11. “'A'l'l‘lll’SJJli“ lll.‘l'.\',..\'llll:.:{l LNMH: .rm'nzu? mam}, blu.‘u‘l';.ul ‘v‘(‘l.|u‘i{.<.:ty~.,Ji'c. ( ’3 . Y: 1 ‘ H‘ulng‘ lawn‘ ruplnrciml will) fl fifft IW'IH h Juhl J?-Wle_ filmy 9n Baiting):- ‘smlxml _\(urs [941:1]? ix' llrk'p‘l‘l'dl u}; 9| lt-vury :uthlv it) ll: Hub, ul‘ lll‘le :llm‘lwl ' who-z :Im'.:~'xl ppm: «505 “ill be 'llmnlm J l‘tprgwmml. l ‘ x ‘ 71.: l l Change Of Tl ~J [hand :1 lan: q'qw irru‘t- in Wuh-lurolgm'rinz.’ Vllll fn’lnuin: i: u srluefillxl [1 emu-Lnllg’n! ’ l_.l'l\‘ .‘. HIM. _ly'l: propaerfifv- all)‘ 1 “g “...l t'r.v.xg:~nnn-H-t‘ l‘u-u ll'llll\ll[‘l~ (If 2'. :‘ll: 11-\Tl)rl\ qr‘mlpll: , iujlfi 143:1, ‘ 'l‘lzc 1:”th 'l‘;:_\[\" 11.4““ I mllxnvr. {v 11 Q'Lérmiy l'fl: l-v {.‘nrluinv-l’wlt'nt. A. 31‘. “nu-f, 1,,‘5.1-y1p..15 fnv‘r v I M» v- xll l‘\‘ U 'leu ) 3/611 11-uhl :1 lu‘nnl‘ up fur-h; mlz‘ddpllmin, mu] Llu- .\‘u'Nll. ’:m‘ ”I "t >L‘h‘l‘ H'I’fi~“lalf‘l"“l‘ 3“ :Al‘ 3 :H’lw’ fii.(ill’\,:nurg .1: 1' ll.‘ Lulu- (§l.\~~r'a; “'“l’ l .\‘uf; 11:1”).y—jfilex, 1],“; lzl’nll “wflflnfimlwma."ll HUN-“l““L ‘mZ/l'i’" 3'94 “Inf"; ”’ ch.l~‘4;ili, is: llnl \l' u“ ingnn. {'.L; uni-:11 ' uq‘n. 11.3 in 1i! ('.l u U'H‘W'l 1 mm. ! ,-. , : ~;.‘;. ._A.. : my. l.:. i, ”All: .l'l)“ llllll‘l‘lllmgllnln ul‘ll r lfiklgl‘ LPSt ‘ {JV-.‘.}. 'lth bx: :11}: ”fun 1“,.) sgg’lnfund u 1;: z‘ ‘.lnir": o; l'-‘”‘ mu gm lmml ”£1 1“]... l‘ \l- ‘ f l 1 .IMYEIrIIY gimp; in an..l-wmmlw . , '1;.(->l’.l}l"\'n Tmm le f l ,/ , ”.1. ,j-Hfl’l'll mfl‘l‘gr‘ Lin l'. "luiluiw pas-muvrrlf' l Glyphrrx, pd“ 3! 11': ”K“ “‘H _\ "(l . kv‘flrlllhfl'd)“. l“.\w.l.‘ni',“\">':'.;l ,'_T', . ‘“ "A ‘3’?” l Haganmy l’, \l. Lenwlhllith ‘ 3/ The 01,-(1‘311-51 RChamel l - urerl-‘in \\'..=’hing:un .ut 10-11 ~/ 12w spiny: mans.- . ‘ l ,‘ m, "1‘03“,“ mm nn'd l: 1 "\“AH‘ l’illlfil’l'n‘ “"Qyn'll‘ “NUT-3%;- ~uzoivl ”fin. .\n-1w 1:1 13-h“ " ~ - J 11.. 's‘” H l“' R ‘. " \l '.\l:|ll‘.l".£\' :4-‘(3wn-mlq l) wuuld rr‘mll'llly :‘y hillm Mir/{ins ml (fist— h -xh Mug-“£443 :rna. Hiring]; :31) slung :me iiiwi: .11. u In: in apivxfiuc’Fnjug i{u 41 11m 5”,“, and “Van; ‘l Ila! IIH Bfva» plum :11l ' l I: x j l' ’o £(E’l’dsfl‘3‘ 13 mm lflfl‘lf‘ ’ ' FTUlfl“. l”: Sl‘lll‘ifil» “(5'01”- <‘ ll\vx\'..ul' litllinwre nt 4 .\.}! f The six-(k elm—PH in 'yv‘zrt nl' Em?" nndé'“ 'l‘rvshllr" m:1 I’, M. 01 ml ‘St '.ph‘ llll'f (“901535301' \Jcl'y dpag'l :tfuu. \, 1f”: Pgmuglnmi r (‘\ ulnxll lsdm‘s, ‘ ‘ . g Q 1 . “ad I:.._l.lang,_‘, m 1‘ * . ‘AIUZ-l‘mlm'l'lp' .‘ V "'j ' mm at n.3u l’, M. - l‘. \LUALlllllh', . . L. l ‘ .llM‘L‘.ll7,l3£;3_ , l .mm..uxr~:<_,. . 'l _l . _~‘T ;-m ~ _ ”“4... l f . ' " “W“‘AEZIV’E t l' _ To .»Disablod ;, ' 7' i M“; “it” ' ’mxnzv 3m. u um»; ‘i ‘1 ~ ." f (\‘l’l ()l‘Q' 4S m: 02".]: 1* ‘.ll}!l:s‘.h} 3fr ‘ _l‘ , J,'' a; nl, mm m: 1.1.‘.\ l\ ,l. 0 fall qx'llmee 9,lslooolem‘ntr.nil. l mil ~ a“ ( ("T ,V" W ‘he’lsuld‘m rmrtl‘s'uu mm (mm.- 1 up») ‘ ';“’;T'_ I": 5, ‘fi {:2 .“ '1:§.\l4l‘l"l (luullx' l I, A:'-.-. . ‘l..'.\ .um u A ~«I‘ » J». ‘ " J'l '. ‘w-"uuVlJJ‘nJ‘ ,ql‘rll R‘Dm. vm:.‘a '1 v _ \‘jll‘ Lara-n nnl‘l ‘mxm' {._ ‘3' . ~ ll: anArT'ml-R. Mme—3sl:» kmuhflv-g « “‘s‘ ‘ "_.‘ " l Ald‘h n’ sngr-‘xnlfifl flo’hr'r}. n‘. In? ”"1: ,0 -.'.<,l‘,‘J-“‘§”"s' 1‘ [Ln‘cez :\n'll’_llcl m, rm "Raw-3'l l'yyr'lku’ ~ .3“ ‘l‘ “ ».\lylsm< ‘n u.‘ ‘23 [ll hi “Ith will ju- {lyufid ‘ull‘ [and complete, nxd'custmgcrs’ may f l}; u uun‘ ohm); getting koofigogds at the 103 v SL4 la 4' rle [-l'lt‘vi. . ‘ 1x . ‘ l ' Gentlemen will filid it tfi‘tlxeiindmn gé I cal-1 and «:mun’l e In)“ stock of '; ‘ _l‘l .‘- r 7 (mums, = 3 r A tl l CASSIMERES and f I ‘ ~ ,vgsr:sas, LYN ”(H'fHITUX, Aci wuidxiou, .\‘u. 2 Suuili I’a. m: ' J-ZPK‘FNRODE. LUR, f a. \friendszmq opnnrd n “rm-t, ,H.!‘\ .1} Th m'ng iii: he has an Baltimm Hem) near L ed to do 1111 w :rjumljo tho 5 gfempbya none e 15in *k in ktis- 4mg FFGULARLY, , 1. fits and um! um ‘kg {I share or “u I n to spare no 91 g ~_~. will .11“ 335 In m 9 “1” :muw. )m-‘a ih!‘ sham-m r 22, .\p 31.7,1an1, n Wa _ , moved h? thu‘ lii. Inin: .\. 1 lrnllm'a‘ wad kdcps lnnml ul, i] a“ \d- lcuit.tan MLL . .’X‘Uy‘ . the an 1 ggent' mi x, :fiqusflhus ‘ specific, in! (. ('elflts ‘pcr boll l‘. stdrclqcepors. ‘r \Vholésfle t Minn"; counfi’zi L “i ‘5, Varnish, Sp! i ‘ Hen (his, B=~L~nrds a Glfirg;.l'crfxxxlxcrj'. lbntu ‘ t—mA. I). Buthior is h, huh: [or “ 111' LnMiilcr‘s b \ Mipure.” ? [N RE, ’ .\IYJNG mm) W‘ ‘ v I'd-21‘ ’OL‘TISG at. Prim . render! mm! [ML . P. BAU) --s madér 'rH \snu’s. L onnge is Hymn. ,tice. 1863, (hoi prinlv [ntisvne (it‘LI'IH. 'l5 NATIONAL H duly CzilldtLuler: n the Fir‘p-Twc ' [ln-fore “H‘JSt\m. wnhx Acm‘r, 1., i’hiluQL-lphiq . I 1863. Sprmg Sty-«c ,; 1863. 1"" HATS A_!\'l)l CAPS. \ ‘ "K . ' “ j E . n: F. 11c LnEN)’, at his 014 stand. SE‘F. cox. (‘gntre Sr uni-0,1133 jua‘t oponml :1 hplvndid msurtmuut M 1 1 A ' H‘A 'l‘ S »A;N b cAWLs, of;t!lolnfest skylns", at very ‘Mpv pxicgs: Perl sons in “mm. offi good sensonnbm apd Malliom able “at annp, nrcmcquvstuc‘l to givg hlirq up”. I; '9 U. T S .1 N D is 1111.1a71.5, comprising Men's fine Cxxlf lio‘uts, lie-nl5 $134- muralagen'a‘\\'d!ingtou Tic's, (larynx; G xi~ tors, B r.uns; Ladibs’ mordccp 15.3 mm“? 11nd}, Gmitcrs .fine kid flippers, Take-05’ a“! (ilnh drén‘s éllucs mad Gniwfs, 'of ever} vnrffity mu] 51y a, all of whiqll will be 5016 ns elm-«mas the chgapcgn. Let all (Who. wis'n ‘,lo sfi;ll:3sl’lselu~ 30151-5 with good and éubstmilinl won; "(pull and examine our stock; .1 R. F. MclLllfiax‘T. ‘fipril 13, 1863. 2‘ ~ . y‘ , . LE! ‘slown, a Pmctifn] lis (Honda and 11110 that he gnu-s his («1,10 Tuning aim lt-rJtev'pl-ice'si“ Ie orno ply. Urdu-s [SepL 16,1}:61; ' mg on the Conpér [ brunéhos, in Yqu HARRELS, in-rmy larder, at shop. 210- :mmmxu, of :nH {Ly and cheaply}: to render satisfac- 18m. ; Sprmg mmnery. s 5 31502. , lss necnm'm' invites Ladies ,Nfiicnu M and are ‘her new usihnmcx‘lt ofhfipring ..n' ‘ummer "M‘s, CAPS, [illSNl-I’l'Sgilitix. Mfr Txmmmus AND gxxov ramps, which are of the latest. qtylc ,‘nd Béixg, put. ch‘gsed for cash jrill be sold In rca .‘pr primes. 1. , *1 i _3 - ’ She is almf prepnred tcg' BlQach'Mnd 1" Bonus and 1H“: gt tlje abortefiafi‘ nbtice an in the best. mminer. ‘q 1 ‘f 1 ‘pri127,X863. gm i . rn Yo‘rk aim Bhijn ck in town of ’Tweed’s, ‘ ings‘nnd Vestin s. orted,‘ bought or gap for the same may 3mm“)! B The Grogery Store." N THE IIILL.-—‘Thp mndcraignad ywould respectfnfly inform thc~citizens ul (Rhys. burg and viciuilygfilml. he has taken glue old stapd'“ on the Hill;"'in Baltimore sugar, 09:. (ppm-g, where he intends 5 keep coastanfly oli‘hlnd all kindsl of GWERTES~SugaTg Coffees, Syrup! of: all kinds, Tobacco; :Yish, Sam, am, Enrlzhenl‘wnm of all kind'a, Fruits, Oil‘s, and in fact cvqu-thi‘ng usnnlv'ly mum“; 3 Grocery. AkaLFMLCR 1c mating: angkmds ;' all ofwhich he Intends l'o mu low as nip lair. {an ‘Coumry produce taken in 'exchnage fur Rodd: and the high'pst price givexg. He flxutcrs himself an, by strict attention find inwhoueu (ignite to [fleas-e, to merit a warm at public pa. uonage. THY HIM. J. 11. fiUWB.‘ Im. 23, 1863. if ‘ t ~ {.\lE‘R (‘LOTHINEL ‘ E ALL. ’ - Ever! . 7 * ' terms, of thehattst 1“, many of wh ‘h ices. Call and ac HcILII ES it's cine! can bi lfid vg nudPrescgiptflol Dr. R. HOMER; " BEAUTIFULg ARTICLE, ‘4: the dim {ar (:30, ANBODD. Ladies will plea. «u an ‘ see them. ; [April 37, 1863. If PRING and Summer Clothing Inst received ‘ '1 .1: ' 4 PIDKJN'G’S. ; o m m. x 30mm ‘Drug stony gauge: ‘ A ‘ m. MEDICATED comm cunt; ' Homer’s‘ , Id‘fi ‘Vn ’ ‘ ’Hffifiqb'm I’l2:an STORE, ‘x-hrfitvdJlln:+xxxxv\lic \me 3, IS-U'l‘. If Children’s Clothing: § “ 1 ' _ V p T .1 , .Q M @ r ” *mrmxn. 00““me GuLLmEs ' , Lm‘A’H‘D IN‘ “ . mummzwnm, 8.3.. can. 71H nu Cuksrr'rS-rl. New .York Clxy, Brooklyn. Minn. Troy, Bulhlo, Detrojt, Cleveland, Chiqngo Ind 51.11401“). .Book-ke‘eping, 'Penmnnnhip, Cbmmercinl Arithmetic, Commerciul anJFornu,‘ Corres pondence, Ml,, practically “with. ' These Colleges being under 9 same general 9nd local mnnngcrnent. and nuiltingln each t e advantages of nll,:olfer gro’at r facilities for imparting innruutlon'thnn :2.qu otlwl' abnilar lnqtixmionain the country. ~’ ' , A Sclmlnrahip {gelled by my pun is good in all fur up unlimifild‘timo. ‘ ’1 ; -~ INF l’hiludvlpbiu College lips hour rqct‘nlly enlargwl kmbrplurmdu-l in nsuperiur mgnmrr, nmi is “aw-rum largest andr hum. priciperuus' Ctmnm-rclul Institution in tltcSt-mn 1 , ‘ Bryxmt'RE Shawn's Serilhsxfll .Td}. Ronk'gxl emhrzlvirgz Hock-kwpiv, I‘\All}lfll‘fl'lltl Aliph vm-L‘m, nml (‘bxumouLd ‘LW, flit shlx-l‘gmnl tum; b}'-mnil._ 4 l _L / ‘ 39;;“For full pnrliculurs send for mcirculnru Qct. zu, 1552. I] 1 ‘ l 1 t 0., ml; S, ’ PS, 1.4.4, , 82c, hour IBIS Mr. H Li :w "r‘ ting Ail-d siun H&rdwar SPF CHOCERIES.- ’ / _ ‘ - ' he suhsurim-nih-w in ’O. rdur‘pod from‘ e 351%.: with an innfij-nselé Inply‘ nr HARD 'RH lAM) (Hmylcmus, M'llich'lhuy are: olferlng at their old-Mxl/u’dJn TBAltinmrv film-I‘4, m prit‘vi to suit. the limbs. 01m élock'couuigu in par‘pf -‘ / * ‘ 1 " j ‘ ' ' BUILDING .\fA-TERLU'S.. i ‘ l ‘ 40w csh, CARPENTERS minis, J , ,z’ BLACKS“! 11$ Thom, , .. Co; on meus, SHOE FINWVGS: ~ CAI'A’NEI‘ N \RCR’F T 0 .1: lICLL'Sf'IKEI'Ii’f-TR’S" ' ALL KINDS. ,Gnocxmncs 01° ALI; 0311. T‘uinls, («-1, km, ThéMl filhdrulliu the fl-Yk‘rifl (“whi-H filmvu hut “hut. r-mfihe 111"“ Evrry (:l‘:\.~<vrt",\l4-'lmuics can "I; here “illi, tun-15’ «m 1 findings“ nrs ('.le find «Vary urfiflv In ‘ 134 n cud, us “guru pl‘anrcd“ mph as nuy (Mu-r hum“.- um i JUNE “ , \ DAN ~nr‘uf r 111" hurt- E x H'Y “I.lm, chug u . (n: ‘ ni>h “fly 5* 2:5 inne . ll, ts,;.l . \ “‘fifi'n > x‘ 11:“ x; .'. siosxfi‘iZc ukfyylhm?) mulfl‘u {aiumlegr éilhma u: (.I1IIPI’1" hm‘n dim] qr helm) tillyd’whi! Bounty-Land [groom-M for. thgmhcnmurs. ‘a’ .Glli‘xh‘.‘ § , ‘_ .’ ‘ “‘zl JTC. Nag“; 'Agwnt, Gems Soul‘s); 1561:? 4 ,3 1 Come to the( 1. 'Nnlnw;¢rm:¢z‘nl‘l'(v\ A lunar. ng’n.~:l-:m1-;n. 1w l'hnx 'i‘m'w MU lin'! 1110,»! \‘Nlnn'k \lv": 'nguml‘ “:5 .EWL The ,qullh- [“L‘lliu rhlnu ‘4 n{Lf.’l\‘.’lf}HU‘.L_»l Luz-1:. ; ' .\'. lE, pmux {he in h \’ [HfiIC' Hm: T. 1:. u ‘ hrpl. 3,13'1‘. ‘ l ¥ - ‘ ,nowarg H. '.\ 121;! \1 n I: E' B ' Thv xfluiL-rmrrm-i h I; ll Junn'l inu In hi~ h'iun-L 5111111 ‘ LVH'ILH 3.1- haw i‘ZH-UI‘II‘NHH .\.Vl)\ I".'\VU‘IHHC HUN-:1»; Amp ofipwlrguggc \\ high it ‘ int-Min?! and his m‘x‘urls 10 pl '. ILflv'qu: qu HIT-LIN] bur n ducting wépulur Mulch in l‘ yi‘nia. mu! his (jty. he fi-tls‘ able, “ii‘n Hm M"; of his \‘(mn' to nuwt nil j.|.~!. expérmhnns ('mumlmilyin m n “gun; 1119 n q) Iv Fnrf‘zihh‘cd by no Huf'cl eruntfy. “ ‘ ' ~‘ ‘ Tcnns—rcbnflcmen s Ordiqm . “ Lmlus’ " "5' , Respm'tfuuy. _ WM; v. mum Bnhimorc, Apr]: 2‘). 1:03., ‘ . :. Town Brow : ”F PRIVATE SALEX+TIE fL rs at, Private Sub“):- Iw nu v rosidm, situate in {K (it-2!}.- um. nuiipildug SJ}. 'P and Mrs. MrElru’v .on the bus alley in "u- ronr. THE ‘IN two-Mun } 2mm, Wenthcflmd Buck-bulim‘il 7‘, k“ (-11 or' “rate it. :u the door and n \‘nfi‘ity I|)lpll‘s,-p|-nrs, 1 '§('l|l::’, :wLict grapes,nll the m '=: chn‘m}. , ,1 .: ~- "- mam Nov. 12, IMO. ‘ t ‘» New 3k Van’rnm a 2m; in: L ' 'nrs. Sbulh Wuwhiugl h from the ..{lngk- dhr‘lol, (I'L Cunsanyj nn hmxd, “In ‘ CRACKEHS, CAKES, FRET sous wisljiriq fresh [3mm] mil morning. by leaving {heir‘ n‘fi m the “duty. Euu‘y 1:50;“ Give‘hs n. call I [st ‘ V 7 E . ..‘ Dramage K 1968. , ‘ {IKE undersignedlms ncyw Qn Rand, and‘épq- I. tinnes lo mzmuhcnire, large quantities; if ARTUEN DRAINAGE Iflpfi ',wh|¢h be off #8 to furnish and My m. 7 cents er foot. ‘ Fol-{he drnining of cellars, sm, uotb kg belter can bel used.‘ They have been- txil‘d'lin difl‘er’ent parts of me counxykwhh enme garb-gab. Jflis mand-! fuctory is neat Lully’s Mill, in ‘Qxf‘or townshipl Popt. office address, New PxflirdWAd‘xma cg'uq- I , Pa. .; 1 ' I ‘ySpecimenh bf the Pipes on $6 ae¢n M. Yet/é: Hotfinnu‘a, in Gettysburg; ‘ \ ‘ . April”, 1393:3111 ‘~Jo '3 magnum; ' ' m V ‘- Old Gold audLSflvpr I AxTED.~The highes‘ wicé in cash ‘0 paid for ‘ola Geld hm}> Silu-r; tl‘c preTenl iq g filvornblulimg In 93), the {rrcrningx on in being Targfl. Ahoflflol} ,anJ Silver Cuih purclm a, nd the highbgn p infigiw‘an, hy , JOSE m mtvu; . \Va chmnkcr'k Jewdh‘ni. the fiiixmoud. ' Feb. 3,1863: ‘ ‘ ' .1 EW'J?‘ \LL & WINTER OODSII—A geek N use uncut of F9ll and rum Goods in chap :5 a chespeat‘nt, L 500“: 8 fiQN"’ Lbflor' tm'b’ouu no A clued in Lhiu mflkfl, ‘ U,_ NER’S Drug Store. 1 RAKE'S PLANTATION Homateod lonic; pt mg Store.‘ ‘ » IRST-RATE Eight-day . Alarm (Hacks, cheap J.“ Offs :f PINTFLES. 1 34-1“ mus, ML,’ 1‘ Kiwis, <,. i‘m n 6 nrtidc in. hit-nu mvmimnid ‘th this) Store:— )I:nrcmjnmnluu-‘L pnd' H‘xuzckcul‘u. ‘llu-iT‘lx'hc. (u'iu: Lo sf-ll 1H luw fu: “ 11:0 ‘11): ~ ‘ 3 1;. 1» i 1“ 7.” L'WER, : mun. ; me. ‘l‘ of H: .'rhul ;.v ' rxmmng Ruflnmri'; lEEE] (h-tux nxk. i.’ ...‘1 \x‘ v ‘ ‘ , ‘ r .‘ Illnuhr-’ I~L .\ll. h lunch. 12.." mare J “1.41. SIZE it 'll , 1, =TM ~° {:lt~‘_r 9,1 '3‘ hhjmurv fluf i'.’ in‘l‘mmumrb Vt. t R 3’. 5!; until. 1:33 . J’ncwng-r}, .u ri‘fmu by m,- ‘t ‘leng 7::1) I‘. r; ul ELM I’. ‘.[J' (lig, RIFLJIJphig a . x " ’Hhvlvlph'u by '. nzl-l who in ntr .IY ..fiU \. “u m S'h’n. ‘x'ql'uip in (591K):— ‘1 MN ‘ fiLsult'jfit. . "" “’3‘ Ij's, AN) ?-\'Hm‘.\‘s, ‘ T‘H‘}.\i§ \\'HU ,h l.\‘ mu»: may, " “ £5l? Finn/- -:| 1113;. “A2“- ""1‘ 1“! v‘.:>"~l: c I : ! Syn '1 W-"t'. m.;,r.l:i':uu:\ [+ll [\Svf‘flqrm: «’1 Pt“- rm‘r: lyifl‘ay 01%|. -ir§ bl'lhose wuo L'Tn serum). 1 eryiN-é ix‘l rm} (‘3! r. 'l‘l'cjlgrzux, 3 ~hingl(m, 1). CW‘ burg. ‘ I‘ “in“ u, u 5* (1. '3 u WM ISIT I’LRARAN‘H‘ I‘m-nus. \vishiuz u L in Ihr gruuml it‘r' .’.lu‘tu‘t plh'l‘k. lijlll'Squyluufili‘g mug" {Horn ‘o4} )k .2 ‘SUXS, ‘l - I’z- luu'mis.s *5 ‘ 7 1150,} ‘ 9 ‘ ‘ w o plmknré M" M}- ll' puhiw LVI‘IH'I" - m: m'rquvm lawn] sbluih Xh‘e» : 111;) !y Im‘umh L‘ ldfit‘ may dnscr\‘ . me 3' in cm - cnfihn 1r.1n.|.1. Vi - armed Of heirlg n-u-m ‘Astismmka, 0? lb? irru'clug 1031’:de “03150,!!! of ‘IS clags in (I e 1.-, #1315 per 011 .-. 2 «51) H > 1 ' ‘t .H, Prooricior. I lUm I“ 1 ‘ \ rty ‘~ ‘ I izmlvljsignod oV 't‘o}wn3 m whmb 4 \liglvllo xsu-avt, 13011.0): the WPFL Q‘mh 1m ' ‘ dug, wax v nyi'h n p‘nmp in (Mfluit. 5m 11 as (g chcmcz, and mu MYERS .ochzimk ..k -“NFC. flllsquum Ysznultu,‘ PM. oscx‘ot BIN-hub, .'LS,‘&l:‘. I‘er served every cal” firmidenyes 1'11:de to pleas‘e. yrilhgofisa tf P. I nd lngmlients peed exmnsip-ely {a En'rope ln he process ‘af Kynnizing or ‘pruurving food in railroad olruclures exposcqifltojmoiogure and decay. r‘This very useful property lend; direct 1y to nrres‘L and prqvcnt dgcy in‘A‘Qle shingles, ‘nnd will ollen save the necegaim‘fun sevml years of pljtljrng on a new roof. It igéwoll \r‘orlhyv‘of 9 trial." ~. - ~ _ ~ ‘ . x new: be show“ 300 nm Immune will be In - ished to cuvhzcmzs AND cmndwzx' ' TWEKTY-FIVB PER CENT. FRO)! OUR {‘REGULAR BATES. LIBERAL hagimumyrs ’ - um: wrm mmxsmu mm - 03-01 'mns “(was when hi hi}. can» _- ,L_fl ~ ‘i , 171385, or 01 r. a. noun? ‘ hirlyj—lmnr An , PICKwG's; ’ ‘ lamb)? 'Rdoriin‘e, ' ‘ mum, _ , 0. 7n mum: . ’NEWTORK is aniglo 13' undo of .n 'pxtromely nd “tong woven fubrlq, invgnud Ind MI I'»th Vuipmoly' log fur own no, Mad- “.‘.“! than 113(ékéf-‘lhnju the comm; Ihcet- amnion], <n/"d In “I iother gouipogmgu ng, .nd financing far no}: durable. o_ln m’éuperi'grlchlékma omit. cloth, it 1 Q ' ' vii, In saturation, a far greater nine“: of lfingcr-pxroof gon'apoiiliégiud flash finigh. , éll' yith tha firéfproof c'oating on ih‘é lurfaco, presenu {in most 'pompletely‘ finishled.,mdv ro confiden}, 'mostdnx‘ablea—ro'ofing n'Qw 'wn. It néedl‘no final 6011 f. applied on the , u all can}! kinda; do x-r‘xs- "gum" 310 um; now): is munnrnfqtn'red bind put up in golli About hundvred ‘ I ' ; J‘eet long, nd-Ilu-e \ . ”i ~ [L t 1 ‘ . .° Yogi wide ug on I .o be gpplléd, nud‘ u‘nii‘ed ’1 ' , . on I . _’ . roof. ; y Ll‘xis‘co-mlez'flgnt rind fidisfiéd skate, It}: I', ' 4. . cinle wqthy the Quentin; of. Imwmi amicmst, 'nxxnns, 1; "i I'' ‘ i all who billy to 3211 Again, ' We di f ’ , -‘ , ‘ l to such the‘! prospect of‘cnorm‘ i-dmtdy, PM. wn offer a runny nrlicle, in'£ demand 9"”); where, iljnes. \ i]; V. ' a f ; . "-4.._ . ‘ ~ ‘ sz CALL Afimxnnx TO A mm 15;. ‘lt basil! gnly nhfitln‘alf ns‘fn un‘rl is twicc'hstdurublc. . i'l L x ‘3 ; . ’le. It—ia {ld'npm-l to all kidilJ wfiwmcr st_cep offing. ‘ 'v . ' ‘ 3&1: is né: ”Race“? mjuripnély ("UIAL ‘ é . :1 ' I . ‘ y _ , j . ‘ -= 4m. Wny ohiany fitmkflmnn can ‘ sth. It is nét‘tbe “Minna" ro'ufi 6th. It is gin: best rdofing. fl‘his, Roofihchns luv-en u‘ayd it] er hf ri‘mzmo, fréaxzt 'Cn'nmla to} l'ulihvrnl (-qlil most puvtively rm'mmk‘n-wl—it lug ly‘pruof against. tiu- Humps ol'hr. that up so déatruc‘zirc m Ipany 51!: Roofing.’ ‘ 1 i ' IT mm. no; 50mm: AND RC 7 /‘: - WEATHER: LTWIM‘ NOT CMCK IN 5" 3' \x'm'rnum. It is n porgfco‘t prntm-U‘h? néniq life falling cilult-I‘a nntl I'l'.|.‘;:mq{m\ “1;: hull-1:11.39: fuljni-fiu: lh‘gs' “(HM lb is so (‘Lx‘slic mui strung “limb Lh“ t sumimsu UF nuuymu L . dpcs not. inju're it 11!. is paniwinrly vnlhghle.on ; Ppundrius,h‘ugar 111-Mbrjes'. Hislme buildings where the nirlis impn-g gusos or moismre, which {fnpidly m thje insidc,ullv.iu mud/maul rout). } ‘ ‘ FOR STEAMBQAT DECKS, , ‘ 4 ‘ -. ~ 1 (Lm,-'ram~x,.F and an mofinsed for kainu onfilhis mam :In§\Vch Evilnbllvr than any lvu'tnlfrnmL-«u ii “'i“ hmr fuck-Kusage without. cit-aching or lyrmking. ‘ .~ . ‘ ‘ c»: 'y. .‘ ' “It ié easily applio’d over vldfl . suzxcm mom, j ‘ a " ‘ mmo'r'r magnum TH}: s‘nmnms Also the GflTTERS 4 ('fm_ he foergd of {hip mnl’criut‘,’ an Eng the ex flu-ufie of .\Ii'FFAL USES: ‘4 '.x ' . 1 The cost. ofnpplyi: ,1 Ms v'qry fi‘nhl, nn’d'nn'y I ordinary mg‘f (mu {m finished in {be same day. “ 'l, [q ,A , ,r 1- T .\. Pnnsn’rfln YOUR 30:0»?st IF YOUR 'n'x ROOF unis, :‘ ‘ ~ ‘ IF‘ YOUR 'rm’noop ms ‘ ‘ ‘2 _ -, SMALL xzusrrlnpms 1x 11‘, IF YOUR TIN RUGRNEEDS {:E-PMSTIXG, our '.. » x . 4, 4 worm Guru-mum” CEMENT f 4 r - ~ WEI? vfl‘ocmnflly close up all the smnller RUST HOLES, and farm a. hmwy chum: lnmlv ever Mu: “hale Aurxiu‘e, that will p'ruvom fll'a‘T; Mu! ln‘st 'many yearsdon'gur “Km ordhnny paint. , ‘1 ~. ' ‘ < . 1 . , ‘ IF YOUR.‘SHINGLE; BOOF LEAKS, *4: IF, )I)in GU‘I'TERS‘LEAK, 11? THE .101sz AROUND YOUR QHnmEYs ' o : ‘ LEAK,’ . “j ' IF YOUR SLATEV ROOF LEAKS+ " Commvxp’ " ~ GUTTA-NJILCHA‘ can“ will completely fill up all tlie cre‘vices in the shingles, cm or over Que brokl‘n jointhin the tin and slate. form .permnneuuy adhesive, clnslic‘ co'nting around chimneys. shy-liglni;, ctc.,u'nd in all,lhcse situations will ‘onllust miy other article for this purpose homin use. 'Thil ur- Licle is a thick, tenacious compoungpf ' GUTTA—PEBQHAI no reduction of imminoomo co’... 2 ; no. 73 flxmm man, . l ‘ I Dec. 39, 1862. if ~~lr* NFALmuw 1 LJfVIM‘IRNr, -. 2 ‘ 1n - “ GREAT filmy! FOR RHEUMJEISM, c m', NRURALOXA, ~Lumnmo, in“? N 01: Axwum'rs, = srmms,e Bums}: cuts AND WUUNDS, mum hymen»), 3 ‘ men mm mm MATIC AND . \ Mavens m mums. . ~~- . ; ‘ . F 0? n“ of wlilch 1t 13 'n tpeedy and certntn remedy, and newnfnils. aThis Linimfln is Img pan-cpl from themmipq of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the fumousibone Better, and hug becfi used in his'prnctice ‘for more than twenty years “ iyh the nioatgnstolllisung success. s As an Anevjsitor ofiPain. M! unrivnhd by «my [m purnl‘iunbofm the public, 01 “ hirh thb lmust skeptical muy‘ in? confinccd by AH.»- g‘le lrlnL A-“A‘ m ' E.. “ This Linimont will chl4 mpfilly and .adionl. Iy, Rheumatic Disor‘ em' or every mm, and in glxulignuuls 0! case where u. hgsncvur been known'to fail: -‘ 1 . - For N algia Win nfl‘ord immuhnto relief in eve y magnum?“ distressing. It hill rel eve the worsicnses of Headache in three mi ul'es am; is jun-aunt! :u do it. '\ _' , \ , Tootha’ he nls‘qwi’ll‘ cyte‘mstgndy. \ . . wot Nervousbebiity find Gonwfi an. silm 'l\ri.~ingfmm impr nlvnst‘ ort-xcvsx,llm Linir‘lfivg): is? I‘. most. hxrpm’ hm} unfinling ram-11y. Actinglhictly upun ,lhé’ m-rvous tizsuw, It. snminh'mx. mu! n-xhil‘u‘ elmsyslém, and ré stores it to elasticity mu vigpr. - ’ ' For {hear—As nn xtcryml rvmcdy, we (-hinhflhnt'il I": the 7:l] mm, and \H- Um]; lcnue (in-.wu'rhi m I'9"] co gm ('qfinL ku-‘xy‘ \‘iulm of;éi§lr"s<i )1: 50mph“)? durum rgh‘le j}: u. Uh’xl, 103‘ ii “in um 13m to unkml im mv-Eifl‘q rem!) pm“! in a nujm‘ity ofcusca will gifcct 5 10:11:81 mine. ‘ ' mom-cs, ‘3) no.l hold MIME orchnnm- ism' akin Qliinsy u‘nd SOTO awn-moi}\nL u [inn-b :x‘ppiinuklluu of [hi milw Cure. 4' ‘ ' 7 “ ’PUINTS l (11 as tine Sprainsfiro so «mum efflurgvuflnL M {£lo j‘u‘in‘t miu‘hwtpd. Tim worst L: by this Liuimwt‘in hm or roofs, ‘ Bruise'fi, Cum, W‘ cora, Burusmmd Sa' Ith \\")m‘h>rml Inn-flux SWI‘HIT'S ‘1.\1".\1.1.H:1. ugwi‘Jw-urding Us Mn “LAMS. J’uHS’I‘IJD 1 9111-25 'ANI) S'l‘I‘NUS: 1 bent or @133“. DvR. STEIPHEN S 113:0 (hf-gut. s‘\.«lr\n:u Hum "Drkaiiophvul Syn-4 ut' all un-rthv- I‘ml’tl 51x! hr. Slm-plu-H‘SWvM, .a h\L\".xnr.«M ‘.' Dr _S'stm-L': hr. NM" 1 » Inhdhhlv “Winn :uui mu-r huh r'v rnéiMy mu} “1! lu‘ “HUN“. [and _1 old l‘Jiillda 0!. xx 3101' In. Smut: InhihMe N‘II‘II'ILV 201‘ van'm-I, Dr. Sin-MK [lo.ll2lth and Slei iuunwE'ixm lg. ME . Inssuugf'.~.lm:ual.’u kn-{m n Hahn? ('nr .\prn hr: s‘o" - I" JIMMLIM “rho im‘nr 'lv \“ v; H; .{ Dr fice {Emu um lmrn-1 xiuuh.” - "n 1 r. ‘.u n r nfi'ln- i.” m-g- ‘vux': "E " 4 Dr, Htjfl‘t'l'i In! nlff‘flo and Wounds» imnwdmtv Dr. Sy‘pnl's IMMIIMI rum-4)- fm; Surea in me EMI Inflation. 3H. and It” nlcvl' with rodelgrom ‘_Dr. Swéct’s lnfnllilrl usqd by more slum n m praise L‘v _ y ' ’ Dr. Swfivl‘a Infnllib} Lcnmllyy cures Chum-4 (mans.~ ' mans, Ur._3u:»el's Infimihl “than! in "““JV.” Mn] [nu u‘il. zbl‘hnnll. ‘ ‘ . Dr. Sm .-I‘~ 11.13111be {IH “Highlald. .s'r:u_- g 0 ’ T 1351" Ir/LIML. §\‘.'i~ {sl' H ‘IHhHJ IVU; mxumxer. ‘...- dhc\|nrl.:lll‘A“'l”'l§.;~'\El“ u u. rival, 'u.“ kR m xiii wmtv -| .M mu. “H v trunk nu} [(UM‘I ‘l‘: ;:,-.r'l!inu. Fhru'l llxvx mzuiv mnl .\" rvmu Drmrvlt r.. it ii‘uuly u.” Rx !!le. null .\.: n. Cuhunl: Mr I‘MIN. Wmlwh, h'prnina. VIN-”mm. Mufiiy} slxrr‘lirixr;.l.x-,zl "g §ml Spunwrfn‘i sixtcncthqui’g pnqurm :. om w.- “*1 'jl'lsl wonder mu! nsl-mhmm'rm m .Ll|_ \vlm imm ever mum in)» «ml. uwr (gun qunmnl \n. tilimtcspf remarkable rurm, ln-Itulmul by n within the I‘Mtflwo years, must lthuct. ' X DR. SWEET 5 INFALLIHLE LIVHHIYT i-‘QI: ”cum-2.4 is Iwrivzflc‘l'hy mlv, .....1 u. .\n mums of lmnlt-hcss, mum-g from . binding Bruin-a 0; Wrchung. iii ("M L is main} (L-‘I d ('(‘rmirL =l!.xrnvss' m Suddlxafl. '2~ I)‘\I.I1":I-‘, Mange, km, ihuill nlw curt: ;IH'|‘\JHF‘ Spurn unit filingbvne m 4; -be e.t~‘{l_\ yn‘wm‘ul uh‘tl cured in t‘lu-ir incipiqn't stages, but: mpfiruml cnaCSmru beyond lh poswnlily ufxx"m.§ cure. No cu’s'c of filo kiln}, Lmven r. is 'm Ilespémte or how-less hut" it’uia‘v'mi: :le-vmu ul by this Linimqnt, and its faithful npl‘JJ-unnn will alwagg remove thc~anrm-:s. and. Ei-JMU the horses to ir’upl with companmvc unit} . K t ’ . should hnmdhisqemetly nt «lmn'lt‘lor it: {igne l'y .uae tit-tho first nppcnmnl‘b ol luunr-m-u wxll effefl‘l‘llb’ PN'VIm'I llluse {d‘rmidau-lc alias-11405. tom-[ugh all horses Ich liable, null Mulch rend (act. so many otherwise yulpuble horses uearlyf worthless. » . ; ‘v my A LL} ‘3 If}; L‘l N I)! 1‘: N I', And thousands have found it truly ' A must”; IN ’xnnnt 'lfo avoid impqaition, observe the Signatur‘o quad Likeness at" Dr. Stephen Sweet on "a“ lnbclpud nfao “Stephen Sweet’l lnfnlli A, Lipiment" blown in the gum p! cu]: Mule, without which unlike genuiné‘. ’ _ ' - ' RICHARDSON a 'OO., , - Sole Propri'eton, Norwich, Conn. f" ‘ MORGAN-t ALLEN, General Agenu'v 48 CHE street, New York fifiqld by all denier! everywhere .15“), 1862: Iy__ _ > z . ‘ W. FLEHMLNG continues the bum]. . or SALE DRYING, ma wimiuthc con- u nned pnubnnpe of tha public. hin his ooh ; ‘lmn endeavor to give latisfnction. Chap: ' u modanu.‘ Raidenco in Ereckinridgfi um. 2; Bony-burg. ’ .u 2 P. spank-Moons“ Anctioneermmlmfibml I'“ng ofthe United Stun. .ur." _ ‘ Ifiov. 1151832., ‘ ‘y m " ‘ For, 3;? , . W 0 flown-HAND ANNY lACHWES _IE will: Wond‘l lmprov mun. Enqhfic of ‘, ‘ “:23, 1863‘ ’ _- ‘ wwwmuu Nsw YORK. § ' ‘l ‘ DR. SWEET’S \ trout'nrt; Snmt‘timns 31111:: un-rwus, lu'u. n 51A: mom "will nu er " - . F 1:013 nhstinnl-c, nml ais lmlgilc lo .urvm‘ i' q m-u' yr: cnuqucrql 1‘ Hum: unfit? ~ . a. . :mds. ‘Sores, Ul - n-ulih lo ‘ [linid‘flil’g’flr “_li. 5‘ [2I3I\H’3XT, \\ h‘ru lixm-L' Mm, ('HIL. '.‘E'l‘, ASL) INo'H'T EET§~O{ Co lm r. | " ounvclit'ut, in hmwn ' ((unnflrlirut, ii Wm Ii'JHIHr “mm: m “, .mimurl LIIH'H li'n‘u- Linimcnl is n crnnih inilueut cures Burns ”'7l:an \l.H4v'br.‘ C I H's nllu‘ “mum. , =II ENE MOM udfs‘uwln- L‘nfmnm rnrnsfim y and [07:41“ nu var-r. Limmt-n: is th. but - known \vnrhl. ‘. 1‘ Linimrul" h,_ll bun “ion people, Ind nu Liniment ”ken h- Cboh-m Morbgn Ill] . ..‘J' . human". I! truly 9 may {4l3sin Mnoym fi/uimcnt i: fur ulo‘hjr 012113EM1 1N NEED“ £ A ERIEND TO HORSE OWNERS EVERY HORSE OWNER DB. BWEET’S OM SOLDIER'S- FRIEND. CAUTION. 4 Sale Crying. =I \
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers