The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 03, 1863, Image 3

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. A Day «Thamgiv
'Bhe De-momttic party has never made’ 1:
!nomination that has boenbwplcomagl with
‘ , ' ,‘ more sincere enthuuirza'n v the 'putriolic‘
If I'll ”laminating .LNH'ED guns or masses than that of'Jiivlge Woodward. It}
‘ is felt. that m is emphz‘itimll‘fv the mgm Tori
. A PROCLAM “ON 1 v tlm times. possessing up Mr. Clymer ”id in
Ith» pleased Almigh y God to hear-km his HpccCli at‘) Cbnvrntinn, “shohlderpl
to the eupplieations and nayers of an nf- broad enohgh, brad stout enough, not!
fllctod people, and to vouiil'isufa tothe Army; brain big enmigh,” to meet. any emergency.
Hid the Navy oi the Uni (l Hintesrvidkiries‘rEmrybody who is a? all acquainted with i
on loud and on the an, signal aanao d— ' him recognizns the ability of his mind and;
~ {active as to furnish onable groumh: the purity ofhis character. With suchai
{or augmented confiden that the Union 1 man in the Executive Chair, the long noeduf
‘ of these States will be so tnined, their Con-i ed improvement in the mdnngement of"
‘ atitution preserved, .nnd their peace and State atlhin,.thnt everywrue citizen has‘
prosperity permanqntly stort‘d. i sighed for would soon be aecoinplishc-‘dfll
But these victories ha 8 been awarded I and Pénnuylvania wou'! takn her stauxlaam'
not withqzt sacrifices of die, limh, healthil onoofthe hast governed of all the niombers
and liberty, incurred by crave; My“. “Dd i oflthe Unlon.—-Ilo?ltduyshtrg Sandal].
patriotic citizens. ' Ilom tic afflictions in ‘ ' - ~- «___. - «~47 -« ‘ l
every rut of the count y follow in (he! The Coming Electiona.——TheStatcain‘whitth
tnino these fearful be: :weuients. It I! tho most exciting and important glections
meét and right to recnpni o, and confess the take placP din-in the coming autumn, are
presence of the Almight Father, 3nd the, Pennsylvania ahft’mio.’ In the latter State
,powerloins hand equally n these triumphs not only is there n Governor to electin,
nnd‘thew EOH'OWB. , ~ __ 4 i plgge ofGovémor'l‘nd,butalsobotihhmnches“,
' NW. (Acre/bra, liq" it kno n. That 1110 set .of tho logislature. which is therc‘only elec
npurt Thursday tho 61h (lay of August. tedoncein two ychrs. The Governorservet
next, tobe obsér‘ved as day of national forxtwo years also. In th Stuteiwe ‘have
thanksgiving, praise, and rayer, and l in- I n Govornor mid Supreme Fudge to electr
‘vite the penple of the U itr-d Stateq to dds-i In New York and haw Jimmy noimportant
‘aemble on that occasion'i their customary , nllicew tire to be filled: In Ifltlla—nfl. lllingis.
place; (worship, and in t L‘ forum a prov"! Michigan and Wisconsin, n'b election except
edhy'flheir own conucienc , and‘remiz’n the‘ for county oflisers takei place; but lowa
' homage due to thv Divin Majeuty furlhe : and Minnow“: elect Gowrnorqfln plape of
wonderful things He has done in the m- ‘ “Paul‘s. Kirkwoorl and’ .Rdm‘hYu In' the
lion's behalf, and’invoke the influence 0}; Border States I: fierce} some”. will take
Jlil} hOlpririt to subdue the anger which“ pl' L; on the I'm-ration ol‘ emuucipution 1311 d‘
_h’as produced and so long sustained a needg ki‘Sli-ed matte“. . ‘ l, ‘
Jess and cruel robe-llion, {to change ‘the' -.—;—~ ——«¢»*—'t'——-_ ‘
i heart: oi the insurgent: to guide thoi New I’mmu.—-The géverrrnwnt it about
counsels OTAthe Govern’m It with wimlom estuhliilring twolargé’milimty Prisons—bong
adequate toao great a n‘ati nnl emergnnn , l at Point Lookout, Mdu “’lliflh “ill; be, 4‘1““
Incl‘to visit with tender c re and commit . hle anccmnnmrlniin}: “LOG/l rut-hi nndfone
tion throughout the length and lJl'Nllllll of at ItorkL—Blnml, 111. The lattdryvill cnnsxst
Our land‘nll those who, thr ugh the’viciasi- , of (me llulllil‘n‘tl buildings; HtC'h 201) jot-t
tudea of marches, v‘nyng s, 'tmttlgg, and long. A’ .glliu'd has an lVl‘d here antl‘lmll
31989!» ha-ve'heen brought to sull'crin iniml, shortly gt) down to guard the mutt-rm e.—
Ixyly, or estate, and finally ‘to loud the, Win/A. Slut, 7,, ‘ " ‘
whole nation thiou h the ' val-«. 0! re ion-J A ’ "i‘ “" " . -'
tnnco Ind'fiubmisaifip to 1:8 l)1V:IlP"lfilli.l mJnnit‘s la. Murrlgca‘jthe‘ elarl-utnm’lst
bunk to 'the porfm-t enjoy unit of Union ‘tnntl "05‘1”" "“5 volunteer-c m ‘m Q“0 19111—
nnd fraternal peace. ‘ ,- I "”7 gompnny
- ln witness whereof, Iha
: my hand and mun-d the her
\Stuten tube affixed
~ Dohc 1m; (liq. (My of “3:lin
vléth day of July, In the y‘
'(me tfinuwnd (:‘i- it humlrvd 1
- nml (‘Jf‘ lhn Indolu-mlum-n ‘
Nam: 01' Amen :cri ll”; night,
le. H. SEWARU, SecreLgry
I jSpé‘cinl Nd -i
Singer 8; _Cc‘ifis LittorA 2
ingMgchine, with all llw m-v
(Ucfinmnr, Hagan, ”mm-r, 1‘
..Ujj‘l'll'lar, “QUIZRP, k 9 . Rm, .3115.
Minn}! lu-st.umi mfgwgfi» mlilul‘
lur FIUIIIU' ‘ 51:“ luq' nun] ixght‘Al
-}mrh n. It. nmkn lhc' inn-l
in“ is «like nu lmlp hhlex)‘
_‘Jmpgwily fur [km-”:5“. Knna
7p‘illr 41A.~ mam nl‘ lhri'n-L‘ Ex
“BURL Un- fun :1 muslin, um; I.
"~l'ectjmi on this murmuv. h. nil
‘ Sutlom' “(I,;ng I|x..\vl!.>.'-O linvn
'it [fill-l! (In «In unlxlln- -knu\\n
machine tésu-d'. 'l'lu: Phi-Img:
«Inmngl [€(7llmsl_\ulmxhlv of the}
Inuit“ IL “my be up'cm-ll‘unt
mu! sull’mhnlnrl thh- ‘2O a‘uduin
‘ 'u‘ Ken llw :nnvnllinc is “fin! inn-‘l'”. _ ._
Img nlhox, _\\l|.uh pxulmu the urging in“:
.0] ”Id Nurh’lfc. Thl‘re is no :Jwr Inzuh‘hw
{o equitl f'xeLvm-r A in simplivi L- «lur‘ulnlra'.
’npidi'w ,ud ccnzlixny ..‘f'curru‘ L ucnuu :n m
rap-fl spud“ The l’mnily ‘Scuing Mufiplué
in hidhecoming as [lf-)[luhu’ {of ml; use a;
’ 5.111} Co.'s Mrinixfiucmring Mu ln'iqcs are for
nnnlimcluring pnrvoscs. '
The V Brunch (”firs-s rue" Wu“ F lpplicfl with
ljlk twpt, lll‘refid,n¢tdlcs, ovl, lac , at the \ery
bheak/qugfikv.’ A ._ . a . .
Sungfur n run-m.” arid n qopy of“ Smut:
igvkaHLGA-urn." ‘ “'5l, .
' .I. M. mxnzrl: .t (‘0.,45h‘ Bro
whimm-lphe. unis“. slO (gh
urgngxcuns k um, _\grutafiu
Juuupn, 12163.4 . '
.‘ .. 3 ‘lmpormnt Dis‘cove 9
, " - Kenny [3' TA \[anm
“Iku PUMfi’XIC “tn-mus
Inf; "infill? cure or L‘uughs, Col-u
mum-mm, Sure 'l‘hnul, “mum-m-
Brmlhihg, lnrqn'wul-J‘u.|al\:np:‘mu
ome; ul- Elle hangs. 'i‘huy lun-
:I‘xn-uli‘nlftfmui(am) child will 1.1
.'l‘hmgsupgs hnve [wen untured y:
‘ hm] he‘fore downhed. .—’l‘\‘\[i|‘n'm'\"
i hundred“ 'ol C 9305. Afihxglc d‘hyc
i‘ijn .\lnhutcs'.) .
‘ ’Ask fur'Brynn's Pulnwnic Wifvrs
Lima—Jun}? only ucuuiur litanmuu-Il-
{’Spuvri‘éus kihds are 011‘ rm; Mr \J
1 five cent: :1 bn.\. Sum by dc-flfi-I's
g \. a ‘ was .\xusss, sule‘vrop
E ~ - a . 27 (‘urllundt _
i ' Fin sale by A. D. Brennan, GUI}
]4 nIL Druggists. ' [July‘lL fab.)
K‘ , —.M._
I - 'New. Jersey Laqdq for SE
| Guuxx OHKFHUH‘ Fuuis, suimble n
he tubes; I can, Raphurriea. b‘ln
:_ Binukberries, Curragwxfikp, (if 1, 21
.‘ 20 acres fuel], at (M fulluzx-“irig prlc 1
Ivpruscnj, vizi 20 :gcr‘él‘ {gr $209, In x
. ‘.‘sl lot!) acne; for 31,152.} acres {qr $
5 Hor 3'20. Payable by one dollar au e 1
' Also. gfibd L‘muhcrry Lin is, and v
! in‘CHETWUUD, 325 by Nthet, at
‘rpnyzlihle by one dollar a week. 'l‘
[lauds \{nfl fnrm; Ame situated a:
"2 “’ushingtan township, Burlxnglon cm
L Je‘rseys: For funher lhl‘urmuion app
I‘. 6. Stamp, fur- a circular, La_
1 No. 90~Cédqr Slrget, New York;
,7‘ Jm. 26, 1303: . . .
\, ———__. .‘....
‘4 A Corgis £ll6 Sufi'erin
I‘, The Rev. Wu,“ nasanovn, while
has a. Miésionuy in Japan, was cured
’ s.surquion, when all other means'hml {4
1» recipe obtained from I leurned plays
”aiding in the great City of dedo. Th
ahas cured great numbers who wéle t
[from Qonsumplion,‘ Bronchitis, Sore
Coughs and Colds. and the debility and
'depressioa caused _by these disorders.
Desiroua bf benefijcing others, I w
‘this rEceipe, which I have brought hm
FAQ, to fill whomeed it, free ot‘chaxrgc.
Adams; . Rev. WM. CUSGRQVI
439 Fulton Aqu
0 f '5
D‘_ec.l.'z, 1862. 1y
; The; Great Englihh‘Bezhed;
' i _ Sn June Chan’s ‘
x W: invalimble medicine is unfiilin
Inn-3 qf all mono painful nnd danger,
m ineldent tofthe female éonsmutio
11. moderates. nil exbess,- removes all”
tion, from whatever cause, nnd'hrin
monthly period with teglllarit)‘.
‘ These Pills should n‘ct be taken by
that 51’. pregnant daring the uni
lON‘I'EI, an they are sure to bring on
ring ; but at every other tinge and ii
othigme lhey are perfectly safe.
In all cases ofNervous and SpinalAflections,
. 'n in the Back and Limbs, Heavinéss, Fa.-
‘fizue on slight exertion, Piilpituion of the
Heart, Lowneas of Spirits, Hystericsi - Sick
Headache, Whites, And all the painful d senses
pcmionad by n disordered system, theJe Pills
will client a. chhnn all other me’nn‘ hue
failed. r
Fnll directions in pamphlet around each
pmknge,_which shnhld be carefully pre‘erved.
They can be seni. in a. bottle, conuin ug so
pills, post free, by enclosing $1 and (j lthree
oeuutamstoln aunt. ‘:
- P ’. 3 , mg. MOSES; i
5 ' 27 Dorthndt Street, New “ark.
For snle by L D, ugugun, GellysburF, and
’lll Drugglsu, ' [3Oll. 16, 1861‘ ly
ng and,Pra.i’se.' 5|
a hfirounwspt
[of the UmLud
.'The' Compiler for'_ the Campaign.
i o'l_‘he nppmm-hi‘n:(itihi-rnjntnrid]anampiyign
will be one Dflho meal inmortant.nnd thine.
fare mm of lht' ’m‘nJ in:t'em-.~Litu:z.§4-vor Wit
l-xu-ssryl'm thb nlr! Foystone. Failing that.
no cflprt shmxhl bu:- spy-é? by “It“ Do If)-
(:r:lli('l:rr'vn in givv the ygfaplv’mhtho HEM
‘ pmfihlv, we shall lahpr ()d‘romingfy to that
(-n‘l—nr-vr-r thrfy-lt‘hm the happy ind pin“-
1 pm‘n’us condilioh nf- our ’eountry‘ pnglér
f “(Nunez-.410 rule, and .(hohx-mfil [biotin-gilt.
, pl: innh mulqr the gu'idnm‘c 'nf Jtnnnt an]
Inn}! (lt‘:{7l10“)’l")\’tolitlnllifll). Id etrix'Tn"
for 3H": sum-r?» nf D'll‘nn)(‘r‘4tic litinoill’lk‘s
‘ and man. 'vm :thuH hu «laihfi that {which gws‘.
mmHin:Unnxlyhlu‘flimm tn I'gn fur the gq'od
oi thvnnmitxy. 'Yiln‘h innurvvmhnml 7L3
bill“: In inm't-uw m ”It! Inr-gwl 93km”. Ihr
, nm‘nln-r of I'n-mh-H (If the Cow-Jun, - v 5
hm'c: mmvhhlml to, fm'nwh it fol-"their: n
wmimt—lmm thii film“ until ‘nftr'r‘ the (N
-ltl‘lu'l" (-It'r'lifilt—ut (twin!) price arisn‘fity
:Unt‘i'rh',-«iu (“.’r‘uurl‘. ‘ t n .
I We _hu~L that cvmy Dmpmrnt in. t w
I cqunty. [:er the sake of‘thb- gimiom ‘.h]
’ cuurt‘ in; which m- are mut-unlly'd'nunfi. d,
ghflh. (Ink, Hm
u' nféur Lnrd
13d ~Extv thrne
5' MN United
-ci;hlh. ,
0f Shmw
runny Sew
‘ impmwmi-nls
"[1,”! 7 Tm L 4 r,
) i 1 [begin-ark
:f'nll mar/11mm“
‘ lu‘ km! sun-h
and-Jun: gunut
0! Math, and
'll ' h 'uhn-r, as,
.1 firu‘n to pol-X
Arr-11.. \legl
By giving rho “
40p ("[3O. h l
ll‘\‘\' ”lIIDT‘JVL‘
I“: 1 spacious
“‘fll 051.5!) intmi‘d himself in thfi‘nml!
m‘xil smnl us 1” least nne SlleCrnfl'f
m.x_v Infufilul
' I'GE'X‘TYSlLUliGéh‘X’rmwn' LAST.
F1mzr..1..........‘......:.‘.....1.............5 ".1530
1:} 0 F10ur......
\\ hih-‘Wheun
l\‘.. d Win-at"...
(Turn .............
(um .1..
Ulm er Stu d ....
Tin-only Svedv
I‘L-x 5eed..............
l'l lscr ul'i‘nrh‘ .....‘C:
, BALE .\IURH-—-Fm-g.w LAH'I'
F10ur........... "3...... “
thn'l ...................:
Rf} ....... . .
Unls ...
(‘lmfl‘r SEWINH...“ ..
Timqflly 5pvd..........
Rot-1 Cfll‘lh‘, per hum!
hwy, pr-r hnnd
nut grant
uh.) slung
re unmi-
, lmlzu nil.
-1) [late 0f
(3 mom-‘—
mm!) that
u w .2) “Moi:
\Vhiflx’r'y.........‘............1............ 44‘“)
Guano, P~ruvmn, per t0u.....‘... < 92
g 1; vn in
. .
day-s m
Flour,'fl mnm‘agons
Du. Iron) store-s
When: ......1.......‘.
R) 4‘ ......... mum...
the origi
P vvntv-
[‘hn'n'r IScoaL.
Timothy Seed
-., N. \
blll g,:mnl
‘O5. If
e, 41:59,
r Gin-(3;,
. 0n the evening of the 3(rth'nfluly, 1863,11};
J. H-u‘n‘c, Justicfinf 11v- Penc". \lr. CHARLES
sum; 1.. Mix-q 11mm); RURNEY, bod: as!
Butler township, Ad.xm3 county. 5 ‘1
5-, 10 m“
s for {he
nrres [or
0, 1 acre
[Q‘Ohituary nutiocs 3 cents‘per line for ML
ox'erXqurliues—cnsl; u: accompany not’i‘cc. &
0n the 20th uh”, Mr. AUGUSTUS HARTZELL
of Butler township, aged. 37 yenrso numb:
lmud 19 liiys ‘ h '
()n the 23th ML, Mrs. EBIZA AXN, wife o*,
Mr. Daniel Keetzluvfir,ngcd 43 years 1': month!
and 16 days. ‘ "' ‘ ~ ‘
tge lots
10 cgrh‘,
e nh‘ovc
Ill), New
I‘, Wit!) ii
x. Y
0n the let uh.) in this place, Mr. JAMES‘
HVEN, in the 75th year of his age. -' E 1
_Dn tho 27th “IL, in New Chester, Mr. J( h 1
15. MYERS. aged 23yyexu-s 4 months and 2 d 75‘,
On the 27th uItJ CLARA ANN, daughter a;
Apdrew and Sarah Ann Culp, aged 2 years {
’mouths nnd'iflhys. _ ‘
0n the 18th ult., ROBERT MILTQN, son 0
Jacob and lsnbelln w. Slow’er, of Fruxlhliq‘
township, aged 1i months and 15415324. ‘
0n the 24p; "15,, JACOB E. PFOL'TZ, ngca i
‘ 4 months and ‘Z7idaysa . ‘ ‘;
Un the 23d 11”., mum“)! MONROE MIL-i
,LER, aged 2 years!) months‘and sdag; I: 1
‘ ‘ ~ _ numfl’h‘ated: i 1
of Con-
‘ fled, by
cinn re-
0 will]:
0n the 26th 1112., at the residence of Mill
mother. near Gettysburg, VILLLMI MCGREW,
nged 26 \‘EHI‘RB months and ”days, ofwounds‘
received on the battle-field ofGettfsbm-g neon"
the Rou’nd Top, on the 2:] day of July, Hal
was 1 l‘nember of Co. K, (fo‘rmcrly the lamentedl
CspL 'Bhiley‘sJ‘ lst _Regiment, P. E.., having
entered the service 6:: the 4th of Sept., 1862.1
An amiable youth, a faithful and patrioticrfll-fi
die}, may he rest in peace. Long live the Re-t‘
public in defence of which he gnve his life. 15
”gran we
‘ 1g d1!"-
' Communicated. l
Died, utter a long‘ and painful illness, on the
22d of July; in Chnmbenhnrg, at the house of‘
her brother-in—lav, Mr. .'P. S. Deehert; llissl
CAROLINE IA.. don hter~ of tha‘late Snmuell
Hofl'mun, ofylhil cfuuty, aged E 3 years 115
months on}! 18 days. After her e‘cease, hm"l
remains, accompanied by her mother and other‘
relatives and friends, wercjemoved to‘ the oldl
homestead, in Adams county, now occupied by
the qply survivingson, Walter Ff, iromlwhich
on the 24th, attended by I urge circle of
mourning relatives 'and sympathizi’ng friends,
her body was laid to rest in'the Cemetery of
St. Paul's Ev, Lutheran Church, neu- New
Chester. Apyropriate services were conducted ‘
on the occuion by Rat’eJ. Steel: and B. Raby. ‘
The depmted was mufl loved find esteefimd— ‘
amiable in disposition and exemplary ii; de
partment, her early death is a loss tomhe church ‘
of which she win a member, and a heavy af
fliction to her mother. and surviving brother
anti sister. May the testimony other faith in
Jesus,_and the confident hope of the re-nnion
-of believers in huuvw, comic". and sustain
them. . ‘k. '
‘ Q \
[ 1m:
[v iscar
_ chl’y
‘...] 22510,‘
...1 2010 l
7--- I' ..... ."*"
‘ 2
”fir“? 6 offim l;
........ -l' 50 :0 l
"1...... 1 M to]
89 IO
..‘m to
9 50 m 1';
.. 2 cu m 2
. .‘m no 'u-‘m
p. .... 7 0‘) It 7
n AS‘)\'!§R—Tllonsfia\' us‘!
. r. . )
.......A.~.....11m0m 1 ,1 )
That you-tion of the National Debt which
islrr-brwntcd hy bands and notes is tele—«fi
graphedfmm \thingmn to ha ' been. on ‘V
the fut ofJuly. wilhin a small factionzdf
'I:UL_LA R 5” But this docs not embfiie
any 93‘ the claims for which mvrc chrlific
of indehtpdnem have been issuedlnor 1
part bf the very huge amount. due 'on cv
variety of claims again“ the Guvgqrnmn
adjusted and unadjusted; due and int“:
ing. All-'these doubtless amnum to new
hundred millions more, and, altogethl
they form any thing else than n‘ plan-i
rofleétfon to the tampnyors of the: countl
It? the war contmuew another year; the pi
lic debrqill he nklmst 7340 ,Tfiautand A
lion: af Dollars! Whonn begin tow-ea!
the immensitypl' this_ sum, and _how is
ever 910 he pnitf!;—]_.anc. Jud.
A Murmur. cmmzni' m»- a
' '" ‘3‘ TYSBUBG. ‘ 1
m nhntnc,-luly 31,—Arrhngement3haye
been arise to purchase a part of 910 but.“ -
field t thty‘burg {Or a cemetery, ‘.inyhkrli‘
it is pi-opdscd to gather: the remnil'la of mi?
dean]: The gmuhd embraces thé {point '6!
tbd‘dgapernle attack made uponsthe left
cenird of our army.‘ Eight 011161;:- Sin?
have'dlfendy uhitcd with Pennsylnnin n'
this pfojeqt. ‘ g l
mf‘mfi, July fill—Advices have bee
receivtd from Jackmn, ‘Miss;, to Qhe 25L
imtanl. ‘Gon. Sherman had evuuuted _;
town. his army gningr via. Clinton lb Vickl
burg. I The o‘y two buildings left sflandin.
in Jaékqon are the State House had th
Gnvelpor’s Mansion. . ‘ - .‘
Hawk-gum, July 30.2.1” 000150, su
srriptipn agent, reports the sale to day .
$1,558 30,14! the various wrenches. lh-liv|
cries ofbonds are being made tquly 15th
inclus' e. ‘ .‘ ‘
DEF" ‘hefSnnitnry Commis-zion ban disr
burned noarly the vnluepf the lufge sum 0
$5.00", >OO in supplies, medicines, clothing
$lO., hi (to i 5 organimtion, which the docuL
'mvnfsl the (,‘ummiSainn exhibit. ‘ I
"‘"I"T“”"" ‘ ‘ '“ ‘*_‘._ “Tf
'4. To the Pubhc. 1
HNILI'LEMEN :—‘lt i; reported iuxmfie pnrlsl
G ml (1w county, by s'ome cvll,dlspoberl per-I
sun. Huh I have- Withdrawn frmf) heingu “m‘i
dxdurc fog-4M- Slmriflally—snid~ n-Jrurl being:
u hull)“ lovuid nl'trulh. To myfricuds I wnuhli
say Ulh{ I nr‘vur nt-eded moreofl‘lcir fly'll-isl‘lm't‘
man no'v, n 9 by fbr 'mmgns‘ of the wnrj han-
I {-011 glr
limke u.
V'rixed bf Lhc meuis fromwhich l‘could
LLing. Yours, - —.
g 7 7 .zAcnmml MYERS.
i 3, mp 3. at
. ~ Real~Estate
, Pl'nLH,’ SALE—In pursuance of :{n
film-r o! jhanrplmn's Cuurl nf Adams
‘.tfill he MWTOd up l’ixhlic rule, 6n 111!-
u .’nh..<.\_l‘l'un.n', um‘mh .ny m SB?-
Eh} no“, the Raul Esta“: of Pius Luv-
I'mc. of Cunuwngn lo'wnship, Anhum
.|(]t~(‘r"lif‘d, rnmiqifig of A_l;O'l‘ ill"
,\' ), einmtv in liruflnnwn. in said town
'unminlug l [\(‘RE 0}“ LKND, be flu
n m oth'sa, adjoining lands of Peter
«‘ll, 'f'lu‘um IS .\lcliinncy‘ und_lrumimz the
01m... H‘hi- unpmvemvms :u-c~ ' ’ Vt;
‘|lllf‘alnlldtfl-hgl”-SIOP'V.Log '% 2-2: 7
‘filmg Sinhlr, Log smm: Kris":
» Cxuuiwvll or waterfiwjkh . 3;?“ {fl-.5,”
n il.?ni-nr the door. Tht-re is :LԤl,.|m-vy
1‘ 1111‘“ upon the premix-5: Tl_u- smm:-
I a: gnad nut- f'ufi'u‘nfcclmrir
A l l i
My mfnmmom‘c M l u'tlm-k, l". XL,
11:15, whm xnfinduncc “ill be gift-u
V~ . .'
r mmlc kunw )y ‘. .
, 133333! tai -.
X 331“
( 1 mi
‘,‘| nll to
‘ ,x
‘ Ff
~‘ 1‘
hr; of Mmmislrnlioh ‘on the mum of
lllilrshoy, late of Franklin 1wp..,.»\n1.-uns
(:e."s'oel.ha\'inglween grnmcd to {hammer
tngidim; in the snme ton “ship, iw'lu-rchy
in) Me 110 all persons 'indohlud to mud
to rnmke immediate Iniygn-nt, and those
; 1' n‘mg agiinst the gratin-'lO ‘prcécm
_.m u-rly umhenlicnled for sunk-"gent.
,- 27‘:
[IL-xfiy I
to flu.
sign rd
HH' 8
. . (mom-11.14.10); Ahm'r.
(a, 18%. cm A ~ 1
.I. ohx'dininiictmlinn ‘on ihe (-smn- of Jun/h
‘Grm-nhtpltf, ‘lnle of (:rrmnry [\vpmA-h’mé r-n ,1
dwemyidfihming héxcn gr Maul m lht-ynnrlv‘F-E
gihes until-o to all persons imhhu-rl b‘ Silill\‘
ostnté’ ho {ha-€45 immodinlo payment, .nmjl thou
hwvmz'ctnhn against the same to prnspnl!
Ifom liroqorly‘lgxthemimu-nl fog sultlvn‘rm.
{' " PET ‘R J. GREENHOLT, A9lll}. ‘
V \4
July 2‘;
4‘ . fibtigfib to Collectors”
.B.\,Tl£.\lE§'T.—A—No‘tjcc is hvrcby gi‘vcn by
A hi 2 Commission"; at .\dmm ruuudy. that
tlu~ untnfivnt on SW? and County T 431109 hug
mu aimldull‘ m um m of AUG Up'T, -I‘su.z._
fly or cr 0 'the Board. 1' A ' ‘
1 T { ‘ g. M. WALTER,£qu-k. -
:Juiy 1.7,!»1563. td , ‘w ,
t ‘
3 V ‘ O the ndependent Voters of Adams Conn- a
i F a ’:— i hereby announce mywll us an In- -
lit-pen cut candidate for themice 0i [EEGIS
TEX! k, I ECOJIDER, and plrdgo myseif, if
t ek-utc , faithfully and iihpurtiully to discharge
1!.“ the duties (it the office. Buing an unc’cn‘li, i
linnul Union in h,I reapectfuliy [equeat Jhe
suppoh ofmy iciiow-citizens bf a“ parties. ?
: _. ; - . DANIEL PLMK.“
.‘Hamilmnbnn 1511., July 27, 1863. .5 :
Wk, ‘
property; “1'
July 2‘l, 1863. . 3,:
g ' ' Stray sml'. *
AME‘to the‘premisc's of‘tlxe subscriber, re
» Fifl‘xrfiz’giu. SLi-ab'fin ‘towns'hip, Adams 139.,
oniueugm must, a. 3mm swam, very large,
red, m; white back. The owner will come
forw d, préve progeny. pay charges! mule take
him “my. ‘ PETER menu. ‘
July 27, L 863. Stf ' . L
; stray Cattle.
CANE toithr‘premises of flip subscriber, re.
aiding in Erahklia township. Adams 00.,
Pm. on tgefigb qPJuly inst., SIX STRAY CAT
TLEJ‘} stem-spud 2 heifers. The owner:wil]
come forward, :grofe property, pay'chargea,
and take themygwny‘. , n ,
' " ' GEORGE {DAYWA 'l'.
Lab 20, 1863, an ‘ V, .
. WChemh. Spirit a: Times cbpy and c ge
this« olficé $1.25. “ K
TUE snbscribpt, on Tuesday Inst, found‘on
the Baitimnre tu‘rnpike, about one-half
mile from G‘gttyabnrg, n'POUK‘ET BOOK,-con
mining a sinnlhanm of mbney. 'lhe owner,
by proving property, had payink, for this ad
vemsement, can recover it. by addressing
‘ ’ .GBU. H. CRAP, ~
No. 1121 South at]: 33., Phil;-
July 27,1863.‘ 3:1: ' . ' ‘ i
Lost, "
N Thnrydny last, between‘ Wisler’l limp
and Geo. Stover's, on the Chunbersbnrg
iurnpike, orion the farm of Mr. Crisgrin Cnm- ‘
box-land township, 5 large POCKET BOOK,
containing 870, in U‘ S. Funds, I“ $lO bills,
3 ladies' gold ring, and a. bone ring, with four ‘
henna cm on it. marked “J. )1. IL, 101n."-—\
The pocket. book is market} "O. H: Blocker,
00. K, 10kt." The finder will receive nrevudt
of $lO by luving'it at. thié office. ‘ ‘l‘
C bV 308. M. MILLER?) l >
_' ‘1 ‘ u erland t . Adamsco a.
' Juxyflzv. 1363f1F 3t 9’ - A " I
' 1100:1ng mamas; a largela: just ‘ré
ceived firm: the city. in pfime order, at ‘
‘ - V; f ‘ mmvwxsou'a. ‘
Owngr Wanted. ~
‘by Col. Mclntosh, of Bufo‘rd's
Irebel prisoner,nml Supposed to
in fgom some citizen of Adnms,
vnland or York counties, have
”hands H; be reclaimed by the
.1311 have the same by proving
paying costs or admrlising.
.1.-:11. WEbSU,
Waynesboro', Pa.
Valuable Farm
1' PUBLIC BAL‘En—Un 'n‘nsmr, the
A 61!: day OLUCTQBEP. ncxt. the sub:
agribcrs. Executor» of the last will and tau
mentA of Henry “‘0”, deemed, \qill' utter at
Public Sale, on the pvt-misfit; the “Moving
vduuble Real Estate or nnid decedent. viz:
[ A FARM, sinmtc in'l‘yun: towmhip, Adams
‘ county, Pm. adjoining lands of Henry J. My
em, Euqqgsmnuel lufch, the propcny lately
owned by Jontph Hill, and others, übulninin
. “7 News, bore of less. The improve-142mg
‘consisqu good Two-story Irog ‘ __
‘l)Wehing - HUI'SE, Bank Bun, [if N ‘
{Wag-m Shed, Spring House, wfith I} l a
i a'neverimlmg spring of way-r, and, .'a - r‘; ‘
| other necesénry out-buildings. The lama is m
a high 91100 of cultirulann—AH Inning been
Hhorouzhly limed,-—aud rem-mg good. There
, {s‘s sulficiency oi cut-Dem lien-JIM and Tim
? berhud, 3nd wntcr iq neafly all the fluids.—
' The property in a guns: desirable one. Beside
lmnny mher advantages, it is «convenient to
3 churches. schools,‘mills, stores, am; being but
hall I milo from “to pleasant village of Ne/w
i Chqater. ' ' ‘ ‘
Eersnns wi=hinp to view the premiseslwm
fill upon Jacob Rommel}, residing genial).
WSulo to commence M. i o'ul k, P. H.,
on said day, when attendance willh "gin-n
and terms mdefino'wn l-y . .
. i GmJRGE-WOILF, ‘ ,
. ' Jossm wow; ,
John Runes, Auctidnecr. ~ Exéuulors.
July 27, 15b3,. cs , 1
ill's Sale
, N pursuant-e o
I pomu and I.“-
(Juurt of Common I
Imd to me dirrrtcd
Sam on the prcmi
URDAY, the ma
1 o’clock, I’. M.
11ml EMA“, \iz:
Monnllun townshlp,
ing lands of Hem-g
Ann) C!herfl,'(‘ontnifl
Seizwl nnd Inkm i
of ducal. S. WAL.
in unit of VL-nxmin-ni Eu
ri Farina, issm-d out fight.-
liens of Adams county, “11., ‘
I will he "KIN/[SCI] tn Rubiic
: s, in Ueltysbu a, on Sl’n ;
[day of AUGUgT new I)!
I the following dcs‘crifimd»;
:nmm LAND. shtiaubin
\dnms county, Pm; adjoin
} Thomas Dah‘id‘flagrlgunn,
Ing 8 Acrcgr, more ‘or [913.
| execnlfqnhxs lh’e prolic'n-ty
lyaburgJuiy 37, E 3. ‘
. of 11:9» purchase m‘nney
'- Sherifl'must I’- fmial over
‘e property is struck down
' ply ‘hx-rewilhfitlm'propct
up for sale. ‘ ' ; ‘
Jurors f 0 jAugugt. Céurt‘.‘
l ' GILHND Jmu'; '
[(nmihnn—“ichnel ‘Dallone, (ForcmanJ
T 3 rune-Daniel DicLL
“UnlillfllOlF-PHPhFHHH "itcéhcwq ' '
Inhcrt) —l{uubon Shbver. ‘ .
(:ruyijmrg—chry Viz. Q ' z n,
Hmnx:my-—Sn)nmon Séll, Henry Lansingcr‘
“Llh'r—Juhfl met. ?
Lnumnu-—\\'m.‘.\l_. q‘lrdnor. :
Umurd—Sulumon Btpu n.
Union—Wm. Slifcr. '5
('mmwngu—Jcseo DJKallcr.
livmn Ii bun—George [Lu-ism
I’rJuMin—Suxmel (\J Suopr. ‘
.\t'uunzplu mun—duh “flu-nor, I‘eicr‘O'Kcal.
Cumin-ll nui—o—Julm \urinz.
l’mru ivk twp—Juco' UH”. '
M(IIIIIIjOj—SJUHUPI ll Miller. .
Ib-qug—AnJrcw B‘ wn.
.\lx-uaHI-n—DAKM .\ld Min-y. :
fitl’:lluln—J-u'nh‘!s. .\l Her.
Fl ordain—{Margo WLLSCOH.
Hmu'zhunbzm—(ie‘ng 'fn-nido. ' V
‘ 11:5: Al..Jl'llY.. ‘ ',l
Conownzn—Jurcmihl Jnhns, Edmond nt-Honc.
”ullllnglml—onlHHH" Bmwm, George Bring, mml. Slnylgmlg I. , ~‘
‘.ihuxty—Jnmvs U'l: inn.
Hun;Jung—Jort'mi‘g Diem, Philip Dmrsom.
T.) rum—Amp: Wei-u! . ‘ . y >
t!.\hu'd-—l).x{§ir! “Ella-l. . K . H
H- rwirk' MINT—-1"! cab-flick Wu". ‘ i
.\l‘: n Mrm—lhwnnrd .\llp era. Ahmhnmflnflmung
Nr-Lan—Jumfis Huber} lh-nrl' Thelma”
Fundam~Jqloflh J. 'err.' "
I'hion—(‘hurlus .\‘lmngler.' ‘ ‘, ’
lu‘nnn‘urv—(éco. .\l_\ ”2,3“ D. , ‘ 5 ’
_\lpuntpleuum—John Shpely,‘John‘ L. Jehkjns.
qunhexhud—Henr)‘ [W’ll- [. - « :~1
(:umwuy—lsmc Suyfier. Henry nathoi- n .
Hamilton—A. K. Smugcr, Jm-ub Wchlcr.
Ucruivk‘ l\\‘p.-I—-J:lcob'sourbecr. * ,
Handing—Alla}: S. Myers, ,Jobn Simpfion,
I Eumnuclh'oidivh. 3 ‘ ‘ ~'
qukhn—Uvurgo (‘oiefllmrisnn‘ “rough.
.\hiunljn_\—J:.sser.\{ncklcy, Newton ltnmét. 1
H:§m:lmnhan—JA-fiflgh Firly'i: L ‘
Hmflur—Sufumuu Urubr, Wm. C. Lott. ‘ . g
July 29.13045. ' f l‘
Slmr‘nff’s affirm-:0 :
mrTen per ce I
upon n)! salt-s hy lh.
ilumclliuu ly after h!
or upon fuilurc to co
(3' will be again pull
anted !
"111 E nmh-raiguenl “‘s3th m buy 5001 f)": of
_i‘ gnu!) :HAY. "Th? highest mnrkmz mic;-
km"! in (and: lur prime Timoth) Hay, Bolllvvrml
Furs zukmg eslulllifhméht in U( ltysb‘n‘gw7
‘n U [Kylicmions degn-d. _ .‘
» ‘ a mu. 8. 13mm.
Ami: 20, mm. Gm} . - ' '
. “ Queer}
I" ynu want nuythin'.
I ‘Xinl' cL“ uh A-flCU,
‘1“ find the host'll§sort
March ‘JA, Hog. I
aware. ' n ‘
fl‘ 1. 0&3, nherc‘ypw
alum 'lown. ‘ ‘
$25 I] ‘Embl
ymont. ~ '[5251
L—We will payifrqm
mi Ml crycnsa.‘tn ne
leommissiun. Pan-id“
‘ 2510 $75 por (Emmi),
”ye .\genu, or givo n
1113 sent free. - Add”
I uumn‘R. JAMES,
'Emr. Sumac Mummy
‘enL-ml Agent, Milan;
[MnylB, 1863. ‘ly
| oods .:~ 1- ,
WS.—M’e film thevnl
-0 our stock of Spring
5| cheap, consisting ‘Ol
‘5B 00005, : r:
, etc, etc. For 310,":
:‘a Cloths, Cnssiuicms,
a variety of Cappu
!F Gee. - ‘ ,_
’ , Sprlpg '
A _ A. SCOTT; .‘p’t l
temion of buyers
"on ,Which will be 9:
.‘lmwls, Cloaking Clo: ‘:
ml 1305‘3' wen; we hat
, outings, Vestiugs, wi 4
dds, ac“ Ric. ’Cllll an
I May 18,1863.
A. Soon: a. sqx.?‘.\
tamentary on the suite of John Willa,
l: lq of Uniun townshi , 'Aduns 90‘4""! de
(_. Med, having been mated to the qqdef
agned, residing in t e sgfme township, he
11 why: gives, notice t a}! perions‘. imteb‘x
el to said éstnte to make immediate pay
cut, and {hoée havijg c‘laimq Against tlie
3 via to present. thhm ,properly untbenwnletf
nr’lettlemvnt. [AMOS LEFEV'E ,
JuncB,lB63. 6: ,r Emcnwfi
Gettysburg Marble Yayd. :
A EALS e 3110., IN xEAST YORK swam
GETTYSBURG, ‘A.——Where’lhey a}!
egared to furnish all kinds of work in théix
‘ue, such as MUNUXE TS, TOMBS, 11mm
lUNESy MANTLESquc., at the shortest ab
'l9]; am! as. chehp as the cheupqsl. Gn'g us a
exchange for wggk
{.62. u ~
[Q‘Ptoduco taken in
{Gettysburg June 2, 11'
AS mzcmvm) n 8 ~
‘ spams a marsh CLOTHING
cons/'on, on: ALL. .‘. .
ay 18, 1863. ‘ ; {
H. 711. EMA ciibill‘ud fD'arb Ition
Powders, for Horn? gnd Cube, {qr Bale
“Dr. HOMBRE Drnnglore. '
i OAL OlL—at ,
,‘1 DR. R: HQ NEWS Drug Store. ‘x
mnrsG'BALMOR L “juimceived at" ;
:. ‘ . - ' 3310914 33032 ‘
I ADIBS' DRESS-m ; mama gmtgfi
riety, at g ‘ SCHICK’S.
I. ECK Tins—A 'bekuurnx assortment u
g ‘ Al 4. ~ IcILHBNy’S.
Arum; if you 'wiahigw m a. apleridid u
”agent of Shool'nnd Gn’ters, on]! at
‘ " ‘ ‘ 3 McILHENY’S.
UST reéeived ALPAJKTNG'S Spring Ind
Summer Clothing. )Coine one and all. .
‘ Al‘S.—_-Do you run: a nice " Joe Hookgr'
II Hgt T” Call n. A MnILHENWS.
08'! received I_lugoimmment oandlbs’
mues’ uni Ohildred’a Hun, at
_ ' ‘B. F. McILHENY'S. ‘
GROUND SHOES, selecud and
ground expreuly' {hr Dr. ROBERT HOB-
Ni I: New Drug Store. . ‘ ‘ ' a
,E have jun received. newpssortfilent
E " oEQueoanure, to which we innle the
attention of buyers. ' :A. SCUTT ‘& SUN.
~_A , “77.4- . . {s .-V;.,
- ,Notxce or Inquefit. I
OTICR in htfthl given to A“ the heirs
nndJngl representatives of GEORGE.
N VLLI Lue of llnmillon towns'ip, Adams
mgmy, deceased, vi: : Joseph Kalil, (the “(~—
tinoncr,) David Null, Dunigl NullVCalhnx-iue,
(intermarried wiLh Georgi Prong) and SH.-
san Hamilton, (widow, who hm: Mu prvvm of
Impound mind, ,but his no bogmi’u‘e to take
0111 other came, uud who has Assigned all
he; interest in the/uh“ to Jo‘pcp‘h Newer.)
and also lull. “and childnn, bring t‘bv Chi,“
6m: ofLydin Bruin, ‘iutegmnicd will; Sun»—
ucl Brown,) the aid Lydia Hrdwn being de
consul hey/e the draw of ht! luher, um
um thenfq owing named minor :hilihen, us:
William. Brown, Aaron Bruwh, and Amos
Brawn, yho' have fuv their ”findinn "we;
WolQSf4 angl-ln gnu") dauglnqr,‘ $lll4l. Fried),
a minor danghu'rof ngh, (inlmmfinird with
Jacob 7m.l.),wmch said Wendi .1 Mid Elna
Vrivd died in the lifcfirmdsqia George Xull,
and the aid Eliza Fried also lately but since
lbe’decease of Quid‘Gt-orgv: Null, died infilshuc,
ithbm issue, whose Allminhlrutm‘y L: swims!
Krona ;‘ and said Genrge Hum SU: aha aw
grand «flinging-J Agnes 4WO”, interznurinll
Jth Henry Well, In, said Agile Min: 0‘
snghler of “My 'S;Mgkr.~durfwe~di whi)
you iltermarrid‘yritli John SpunglL-r, who i
1150 deceauul,—thn¢ an INQL‘L’ST “I l-c held
up the followingqn'opow, viz: . r. 1: Th:-
pnajon Farm, situate in Ilumxlm and l‘y- ‘
icl»; townships, Adumgeuun‘nl nndrl -}
lands oanliMu Lawrence, Andrew-1 llaiubudl, ‘
llcu'ry Wolf, and others; containing :36 Acre}
and )0!) Pennies, and nllownnlces, more ,or
less. No. 2: A 'l'ruc'l. old-mil, sign: Ie m‘lhr-3
wick township, Adams county, ndjui ing has
of Gym: Woll‘,vildwsrd Kuhn, a ll ache?“
containing 29 A'rres Mid $0 Pfiws, Ital:
measure. No. 3: A anu of W ‘hmoi, sjr- ‘
nillé in Beriid‘ town-“hip, Adams county, uu
the “Pigeon liillg""udjoiuiug lmzds 1»! Henry 1
“win",JMr-b qu'ml, Henry Woman“ utl'wvs,
cudminmg 41 Atdfl, mo}: 9! lug—bu MUN-
I).\Y, the lmh any of Awgnél nut, 1?“; ch
o'viouk, A. .1., on the ptmniscs, u; )lmke [nu
tililm or valuation pf tbt pnmiscs aforeni'l 101
nnl) . umungst ilu- repr‘esenmtircs of 9"“ Jon“ ‘
dvnl,_ in gum manner anti I: such er‘rigmrfitmp ‘
la hy tlw laws of this (lommnnuvnllh is di
rutgd, H‘smb partilinn can he made without
prrjwlire to ur spuili‘nktho wlmlo; b L i! such
purliliunlmnnol lw unidi- hercuf, (Lu 1) to I
value nud uppmiu‘e Ihe ”hm-i 1 i l
l ‘ . SMIL‘BL WOLF, Filmy.
Shérilf’s Office, Counting} 7 . 4 '
~ July 8,1863. 3L; _ ‘ l
Eureka, EfiEka! 2‘
m; “ EXCEIISNJR WASHER in} ‘is ne-
T knnwlcd'gcd lygnll v'vho see it, tlo be the
{mist complete, and willmutcxrtptiunfllm most
pc’rfoct Labor-Saving Waslxingi‘Mnchine ever
heron; invented. Its subcriority over} all oth
.ers consists in the simplicity nrlil'dpmlrility
of'lll construction, the rxpidity nnd dimple}:-
has of hi work,nnd the almost then-dime ‘fasc
ivith which it is managed. A ~ rhilj! of) tun
year‘s, possessing onlina'ry judgment, van lgurn
to work i; in five minutes mm, and maintain" it
\8 well its a grvowr. person, (*fi‘p‘t-rur Yer,-
imm‘y goods. In a word this ii \he machine
that is destined to take the‘plnoo 2! evéry 0 her
nuw in nae. Persons intending to gut ahia
phino 'will find it greatly to their‘ mlvun—
h3go to‘oxnmine this plus before purchasing. ’
The ndcrsigncil hm‘e purchase-l tlm Patent
Right lir‘Ad‘augs Cqunty (excepting one tawn
bhip) and are making exit-naive preparations
for tht-ir'manufuctuiq. Every machine will be
’built in the heat manger uud :wurmmcdf Price
$8 00.. -In connectibn with this machine thL-rc
is a. Patent Wringer, which pyrforms'fhis lu
borlous pnrt‘ol' washing with the g 1 cutesl ease
and much bettér than it can be done by hand.
They may Le attached to a co‘uunon Wash
Tim, and we sold with the machine ‘or sop—
arptclf as desired. b‘nmplcs 0! much may be
sen: ‘.\'- om (‘..illcry, in'Exwt Yufik Street, oppo
site the Bank, UcLLJaburg, Pu. c
Juno 8, 1863. ,
, .
‘Come ‘thh a. Rudh ‘ , .
HE undersigned would most r'éiqpocmmy
inform his mnny Irien‘ds and the pulilic
generally, tlmt‘ he has gone‘ into the Clothing
business, at» Can-’3 om stand, in York 311 cm,
(.fcuysuurgn-a. pisuochaxready,mum“ be
much enllufged, .to «embrace exery_ Mylo of
Caps, TrunksHVMices, Clocks, \S'Mvhes, Jew
t-Irf, Guns, “$lOl3, Enduin short, everglhmg
which‘ ought. to he fdund 11'! u. first alas: dlolhiug
and Vhrifly H “me. .~ ‘ ‘
Punk-Maya mmmcr.‘ In the meantime he
imites every!) fly to gife him It cull.'LHp ix]-
lends 1.0 kec‘p so pefl‘vct A stock as to 'ccom-'
modntr nil—nnd, with the helm oralnrge salcs,
he lmpl-s‘w make a l‘nink at 5m H prulits. fin
troulnlc- to shun? guud's, and cv ry eflun mmlc
lo satisfy buyers
JACOB mu I'KElu‘mM
1r \ ; -.:
June; 15, 1863
‘AGDALFNA msmws Emma—Lot-
M’ tors of mlminiutmfiurz on! the (ima- of,
.\lu‘gdalglm Wialar. Inge offranlin pr.,:Adnn’za
m.,' llu"1)., having: bt-Pn gm‘hn-«y in the under
signed, residing in the *snmc, township, hf;
luvnbygivc notice to all persons i’mlohtml
to Mid est“; la m-Ikl:’iumu-Iliuln pflynu-nt, and
those hnviniclmms ngn'mzt the snmufitn present
themrjnroper. uuthcn'lirntyd fur 'gouh-nu-nt.
. JAUUU Wism-zn, .\dlfi‘r.
Jyn08,1863. 6t ‘ 3 .! l
A utlministnition on the csixnn of 'Adnm
Marshall, him‘nr Mnunlplousnnl lwp., fidnms
county, dopc'lsed, having bet-n granu-Il‘to the
undonigpctl, residing in Oxford‘ township, he
hérehy given notiqe tn fill persons indehud \‘o
saidmsmle to {nuke immediate payment, und
ghose huvingrlnims mains: th‘e snmc to present
them properly authenticated fnrjettlefimut.
JMHN GlNTwh‘lt, Adnfi'.
.gunn f 9, 1863. . 6t. ‘ :
9‘ Fresh Bemfprcéhents.‘ ‘ <
g urn vimaln’mly adding nnw sxxpplic~§to 0|"
nqundy’largt- mnl .’nshingmhle stock of;
We Irv/We over; axle 0f Sg-qing‘nnll Summnr
Huts, whirh in qunHly und price mnuut fail to
pit-35v. Jkuy’s and Men’s Hats ,aud _Cprn of
every-description, and of m- lntea on) Yes. Our
stpckwf,’ ‘ \\ . § ‘
,’ - 3001‘s, \ ; ‘
‘ SHOES,, v ‘ t
w * T ' ' -GAXTWS, km, &C.,
was never ’mnreecomplelc. Ladies, Gbmlvmon
and ,Cblldren can be accommodmjeél with? any
lhmg in' this line,’|u We nre be ter p‘rgpurml
now to give [its and grmlcr hnrgxgins ulidfiVl‘l
before“ If you want'hargains,:good flu! had
finshiona‘ble goods, call‘nt the sign of thé’Bl‘U
BOOT, in Chambersburg street. '-
. " . . JUIIN CULP, 4
: JgneaplßfiZ. ‘‘ ' ALEX.VC(JBEA“N.
.’New ~quehouse. J
100.000 WANTEb,at the new (llmin
and Préducn House, in Un‘r‘lirlc street, adjoin
ing Shanda b Iluelrler’s estublishmegt. The
highest market price will .alvnyg be pnld in
cash {or r ’ ]
GRAIN, of all kinds, " » ‘
. \‘ , FEOUR,‘ SEEDS, 'hc.
Always on Hand Ind l r 1216,“; the summer!
P 1155131 ' ' ‘ . J ,
GUANOS, ‘v .
='SAI.'I',FISI'I. ' “ i‘j“ '
' I GROCERIB‘S, hcl, ' ‘
' Wholesale land retail.
TRY 38! We all-ll do our bes‘t' tu‘glve
Mtiafgclion in all cases. ‘ ‘ P *
IcCURDY k? DlEltL. , _.
(*uysburg, Mny 11, 1863. I] r ‘ - '
_V, - ‘ . ‘, .hf—
‘ New Géods ‘ .r ‘
T FABNESTOCKS'.—Fnhnemock ‘Bros.
‘lrqpld respectfully inform their fricnda'
and [me public generally that. [by havo‘just’
received their Spr'ng stock of Goods from‘New
York and Pbilmlellmhin. Having baught them
for cash, we are prepared to offer the largest
3nd prettiest stock of DRESS GOODS ever
offered to thé citizens of the county and M,
OLD PRICES l “Quick sales and short prdfiu’f
being our motto. ' ‘ l
#OOll And nnmlne at the rim: of this:
May 11,18§3. BED FRONT.
OLLOCK’S LEVAINv-the jinn” ‘ and
best baking powdcr in nub-u Dr, B
no NEWS Drug Store. ‘ } ‘
’M children, a: Dr. B. 310 [l’B Dlug
‘bme‘. 1 r
M W ’ V. -:_ ’ ~.i "' 1 " “-'f ~ “"“"‘"-'-*-‘
m. ‘ Internal,lnevcinuerl‘amr I an bury Bra. a: on. ,:
’ ' ‘.-- ' I, -l 0.37 nmsms'rumr,m ‘
m; \jzsmv (Anny. must?» mm N (e 7 wwmmur 313 mm,. .
g L “.1419”ch DISTRICT; l’fis‘S’A. J . ‘ ovum-3mg, nL.
‘ 1 ‘ a -—-- . \ 'anficbt" Mm»: nh‘rc mud. extensive JEW
-0 ICE. The mum! mm‘fiicnl for this EMH' I “Ime 117.;er in the Emma,
. I sitlcx'P‘AYinjli‘ru wayward, ad! ”15- Sznua, kg: ‘ cu'l m. mac-mew. m" ”marm
uvu fl‘n- Ibo" IMHO", who Bun: icfl‘nzwfaiiv :11 MN m '.m wry MWWR'S‘SO
195: .mpc! ill! lmhle Soy um mC.utim.i CHEAP 31.5 511 «fr 5-. my up .v'Tcr‘mg'lbdl
mm. T.u.-:ps,sngr.cumi (mac; tannins—s M by ”much,- mu.‘ fizmigu‘ _nud Do—
| s.l“”)st or any mix-1(a- mm a smm mama in {Mini uf eluénuch m 4
2 ' i‘m use Exciu? law. any nqumd (mmlémbi‘l I ‘
1m: Mirna-m a}: my Min: in m: bound; (I ~ ‘ ‘
( cllfsbgulg, qt; 0! hcfm’e in m (by d August
_ an. ‘l‘msmp mil have ‘0 make trir my
mama wguqu 1;, M In par nu. yum thug— .
ciiand ONCtL-Ilmsighh « - l
:Hifl: {Juli—s3l puma: uh Li} (I: pay;
théir 013113.11 ales as 4‘1»: umgoo a: U4l".
‘3l: 11l- . y d;‘‘, Hill; Inn porn:- 3 push,
t} u! ( rn' momma. Wiliufl h) m: mum‘s
th.-no; '30:! fists, :3 ptmhléd fly is the l-‘lh‘
”mach! the; miae hr of la» 1102.. ,Alt‘
PGFJOOSJUIIO. an in Lake— mngnr ma Io Mr
om the r lwisesrus tucked In} hw,m u
h‘u‘ore If“: lsxhhv tar/incur, 23113; wit inc-urn 3‘
"mm a: minus: Trams rum Emil}?- .I.;
sa‘id M‘vav, Hb‘mmhmw with ‘b‘prn‘t'afim‘
oi the .km Him '0! the hu- dorwaiol ‘ I
The .011!th Issmnmcnts WIS-yuan
01101er Nor'wwlrr nml “inflict, JRG‘J, nun!"
‘o‘r‘J‘stnry. éshnzwy am! Hunk, Km hue
ah) kw I ”£szva and pupae”! of them is
fehnirvg tn l-u' mum: n: th‘ i'fi-l? fifixerM—
psi“ bunn' but (:ounnmnc'ium am ,3;
mcuivm f JHHN L T4lll. 7'
mpuzy Camus an mum mm trim-Eek~
Pram 172.0121: _ “ .
Coikgtur‘a 4. 100,. Gellysburgjuly 2!, ’63.
ZEN-IA“! the Hun. Rgémt'r. 3. Tana;
'rtsidltnl a! the aétkdfimru #s“!!
‘ss in l‘he (manners «Wang! (“IQ
and Jamie. aflhlr Cum-4 ll 0}”: 3‘
r and 60mm} Jui! Dvrnrry, fix we
[1 cu 'lul Ind other ufflmdc-rs {l* flu:
rick and ".\im meuu :xrm' In K]
. P 2515. I|?!ng 04 M’Q'UQFM N’ W 1
Is, my Justice; of Ute Cum»; o #lan
:‘nm- flu! (in—mm} Jail Delia ~ fix‘
of u‘d mph“! um! mimwfl’kflms in
I :3; ofi‘tkunsfi—hnvc interned um ya
ring In: the 10“: any of Aprilbin
dour vhoxu om,» alnmmndéfigliz H3n~ ‘
! cisQJ-tvm, In}! to he ’ijfmh‘hv
n LIL-tit; of Cranmml’l’lL-us, inn! 6cm»!
, smm” 0; m 111chqu (33mnl
wry‘m‘d (3mm. ofuycr gn‘ri TthM-r,‘
shqrg,l on lanky, [56.1731 Jay of
lII , ' - ‘ .
IE 1811““?an Gm ,to a" the
Qfllxe {’mt‘e, We Conmér um) CMHLP‘
hit) 111? sum (7mm!)- ~o§ Ada'ms,”flml
hen an“ may in EbLirprnper gmh‘
ir nun. Rommrdsflnqilisifim, Exam.- 1
mu! 03m— {ivulcmbmnct'm to da mom
hich toifihcir oflicrs uni iailut habit]!
I to iridonc, all] also, ghcfl'pa vi“
do ngnmst (be Iwismwrs aha“ are A»:
1'" be in? the Jan of the said C(mn‘ly of
‘ re to No when um! then: to [wsecule
{than “53111111 Mjusl.‘ ‘"_ \ ‘
i A ; auntm, wommmm ;
EEC? ,‘Gcttyfitjurg, J 91)" 20; :63.‘
iron I' '
trim! u!
said din rl
mrirfi‘l |
11114 ch i
the tr'm ‘
It!" an“
(em, I;
the en ‘
alrwg :t
1m Dcll
M. Bell
Alum-1 I
Mos wi
they be
with th i
“rings ]
then 5!"!
1 All Inmted‘ . ‘
nderizigfinod have this day entered into
Irmmln'pq‘in the' Grain, Pmdnfl: and
.iun lguéincsa, M‘ the 015! thtcfi-lt'cr
urnerof] Sumpn nnd Railroad streets.
cs: pride: in cush‘ paid {or .‘ ‘
,Uu,wm:ls'r, ‘ ‘, _
1 mix, cum,- ;-'
‘ ’ j 3 AND IMF.
:13 of {lrocericHLGummgflsm‘Snfl,
‘ o‘hcpnrlicle‘usimlly found in our
)ufinMß, all of I'vhich _VUI be 30m
~ and rgtm), 6n the lowon terms ‘
d see uls, and satisfy yourselves that
‘y 30. ‘ ‘- ‘
hmxse, m
The big!
FL ‘
_ Anki'
and over'
line of I
it is real
r Irg, Jane 1, 1563. If _ ‘ '
r , Ono and All,
largg an
wlm'h h
in town
Tern, Stall
Hjce ; W
nu- ; T 0 I
.NOTIGE.—Tho undersigned would
to fine t‘puhh’c thug. he is’ reéeifing n'
‘ spchid'_xmbk. of GROCERIES,
‘ will sell as low as any Other, house
I Potfeeh, Sugars; Molasses. Syrups,
1, Fish, 50., with Hotntocs, Beans, and
odeu Ware, put up in the has: man:
now, - emrs', km, kc. '
4115, 'l‘ KB NONCHZ—JI you want.
«ml-~15 “02:3 for hum-vest, now is» (be
we m¢ny brnudaor thskies. ”run-
I a. and?! other lilqudrs, yhfch’l am
,unt. a vurt pmfiis. Givnttne: 5 ml}.
r3l to Messennfid ‘Eeueve I; very of
‘.l. ”team-qu-Hhv phre—snndwnst
the Diamond, Geuyihusg.
, 18:3..5 ': ~ ‘ ‘
(o lay in
lime. ' I
dies, “'1
I always
lon sul‘c
turner U
lle UsaCall!‘ _‘
-I k G LLESPIH'hm’c just received
Incam] plomliLfitm-k of New Goods,
I; are sy-Hing as (limp n 5 ‘xhe ‘limcs
. Their stock h.’zs’bu:nm:h-eted with
‘5 of as Jzemd a quality As flu.- market
r-l. sucms, wl- Juwe an binds,
[Soft Cr shod;l'ulrbrimd,(“human-d,
ans, P rm Rimnml (ilghn. TEAS,
Young: )sonundflHm-k Tum: M”.
New 0 loam. Pom RicA nniflyrups
m “mt. Tmugms, 19 “'91:“. ML
; tho wgcd, (Rough-s 3, Spnh,_ Navy,
I, Rough um) Rn‘pdy,‘§nmrnl Leaf,
Cum ; Shaking Tohncw, )5 dilrcreut
C «1::
which Lh
will nllo ‘
mro mu!
will an}
Hon-«I null
New yr!
of differ
lovers 01
‘nnd, Finc-
PES, my large a“; {inc‘gssortmvny
, .. w ~- ......«m
of ,va’d‘ous bmhds. CUM. 01.1%;
Ind Sim ‘on, We [nuk- thr best “amt: 1
the film: , which wé zen law; also, n;
We of 1‘03! Oil. HIAMS, plain and?
N], Shoulders and Sidm. FLOUR, 0H
gummy,” h'y-h we always ”Hume-9;,
re, Tub, , Bu: keHJ Watpr Cam!x kc.
‘ keep . otiuns. "Infections, Fruits,
lghe smtillpr by the Harml, Snit’fiifimg,
‘9, Stan“, “lacking“, Indifinfllfnndle'w,
urry Comm: nm] Unrds,.n largo 3551:th
finishes. H wk (:15, Ilupes,- (fonts, Cracks 3
‘4 an. em; us A ()ALLI :
mlrnfin t
No. L M '
sugar c‘u ‘
the has”
We also‘
Fidu, hy I;
Scum, Cl
Int-Mo! I!
er‘v- wn re
urg, Md 11,1863
‘ , —-1-—'~*—f—" ;
Gomi Thimgs from the (My!
E rb rocci‘ving lwic¢n wvck from the
‘6 1: (y n \‘urifly of :ArtichL-s suited tn [lu
wnms of hiscmnémnity,\'il.\: 'Froslr nndSalt
FISH‘ ,Hinns, Shquhlt-m llnéLS'maa, "nminy,
fix-ans, S: h, Appics, Potactul'SAUrnngus; Lemons,
Unnft-cth hs, Tolmccus, chnrs, with nhmy
ulhc-r MAC!” in this lino—all received in line
bestordc , and sold at the lowest. profits.) him
us a call, in “ultimate street," nearly opposik:
f‘ulnnosln-ksf "are; , » , ‘ o
WINTER—Bur”, Eng Lnrd, and all
other wintry pro nee—for which the highest
cash pric. will he‘ aid. ‘ T ‘ ;
Ganys nrg,m}‘l3,lB63.i 3m .
L- I 'Olothmg. ”'
WORFF}, “MILD Inns npw got up, mostly
(I of I 1!;an nlnnumcluring, a wry huge
Muck of [C . ITUING‘, suitaWe for me. season;
made in he ,vcry he“. manner and uftur‘tho
| ions, of‘c‘vcry Itylffifllrioly and size,
0m Hu‘ys 4 yuan: 01p! to the flan-gent
r en’s went. “Hahn: Boy’s Clothing,
in éniu. Also Mé‘n’s CI-nhimi, in
' f the same mmqriqlra beautifu M
£4l, ExmLCouts, Pants, Vests} Shirts
Gloves, Rosier? Neck TlO9, MI 01
r?! be sold cheap or {be cash. ‘. ,i'lense
‘ _ , trouble to show thdm. _ _
unyuwasm u 1 = ’ '
[Most {MI
size pr .\
all 5522!
suitsPnH .
ticlc. A!
which m?
call. 30
‘ *3 The Secretary , ‘
F Tl] . TREASURY has “mowed me to
0, mm hue my- Agency 1'? n. We!” period;
and until-further noticfil hall continue to
receive Shhscripdons to: than _ "
' 3 5-20 LOAN AT,PAR,' '
at omiyze, mm] M. the difl‘er‘é‘m Sub-Agencies
Lluflghoul. the Loyal States. ’
JAY COOKS, Subscription Agent,
‘ 114 s‘mgh Thin; Sum, Phun,
duty 20, 1863. ti \\ ' '
J ndminiatruion of the nuts of 3mg; L,
Neda, W of Scnhnn ‘ownship, §dimis9 conn- ‘
:y, decanted, having been granted who undo»;
higud. the first mined residing in the nm‘
township and the lust filmed in flunk-mug!
they hereby give notice to all persons indpbc. ‘
ed avoid; estate to make immediatepnyrfiofil,‘
mu! ‘huu‘having chima against the ume N
present. then properly nmhenlicaud (Or unle
ment. ‘ SARAH _IIEELY, Adm’x,‘
Q ‘
'fl“ h: was; a?" eE NKELY, Adm-n
W 8 MJNCH : a '. ,
r KW“ m: lorvmvd, aim-l]:
‘qd in pa d. oping, mt-lulkmmg: .
, in]; M Jar dry, Nun! ivl flv-ILH
(kid. and ill I” he murgqimd
y Ivylhr tailgzul'uddsiy, .
31 Va: (\mu; 2 Hum: flown.
‘u Fig; Ina-aid‘l, Zyrwifilwmre '
".5 (u nun" ;. '3 Huir': PmPé & ‘
; ‘3'; hulk-D” Film. lkmMg-A
rid; a! y‘uqzn‘u ; st] t'njun Kim-f I
lsme'Luuaul 5m hub-u Cumlfi.
)‘ Laid-ht. unzinbmmo-J gd flux '
g hr yin'xrut “than: i : .uuxl
‘Lu mzmvuwam.mnmzind‘ -:
ie-liipu. hips. A uiflzc~ “
I, an‘u jin‘ljn “a. hazy}. of . ‘
‘ am, inulflifi'mp unfit! lu Jim‘s-i
» "haiku: héimm .'
was.” run Muh’uu and ‘
gru- {anti-3M cap-n‘appfiq‘ a
I's W. “ham-l- wflwmn .
mmf, .' ' , '
[ fflfi'li“ IZ'Q‘lS‘.‘ h (‘3), -_ ‘
mun; k GI l'g-glw. H 515: .
Pmpah-pr‘y, I'. l.‘ ; ’
..__,_..._.‘,7 . V4--:—.— «H
in: run.
«mint-n} .3
mummy I}:
m: u»; Midi
‘CU‘H fluid In
.1 $4 Um
Sm Punt : 1: P
flux: i 5“;
2m- Rings w
[Genet 6-!» r
u‘w,.'a.l‘!c.| 1
I [mhwiil
uni (:(axfl “rd;
«Hugh-8; '.
150‘ u “it hi
an-nac d x ‘
hr at W t
. “mm“,
{Huh-y: d “-u
ruins, “nu
mph unify N
‘- fill
‘ . :1 u
Sum: 2’ I»?
,‘J : ‘
L, , Dr. J. R. 8311-;ch: ‘ .. ..
1‘ ‘O. few Al ism 575»de {lawnjkn’ ..
C 3.9 mm“ smm jam-1.1 "finiam 1413.; .‘
u’n) Sntmmfiflénagx uimhli '34er I\'_'\r ‘
Tout“ In} T «Aka; kip-r. m 1H: . cumdi
N 5 beg“ «(11.4 '«d\ IVY Mn? ‘h‘rst '. n 61.115: 153
,léod-y an: hum! w m}; at him. PM ti, ‘
time-ugh en 'nuint. (of 54x- 4”” aim. we ‘
hgxizvuyfln" ‘ - Nun's". 2'12, 1‘ 'n ruff i’l," _
">7th Shed SM,- {‘\'{g>l’£3\x~“’ PJI'A un- [l%.
men-Jar on! It: lacuna: ll 'IL,‘ gum: “(uh ,N
-‘ Silly»: wake finite»: in Law v 11 unurjn-n- ,
ion on IQquJ'u-L :5 "w 314 i lawful-v: {lr}. ‘
fig?“ rho gnu -.Ew.l um w my». IJjnpv,
n W-uuninatfia 1!» Ois w much.
‘ ig‘dn'; in mid f‘nwcmkn “n! n my“; .
eut-pmhfiufi Am} in: “gain- new: in; u;
tin-uncanny. [sl42 lbmgxm wan-15:23:; £5
‘ “646: 5693563: am: x 23 wind I 121'} tau-sfbut,
uranium?! was ‘1 Inc-Mm": ' HwnW-EynL'
0m Mia-Mix I MI in! filtllflt REL-PILL“? '
dent igwfia: 3-" th mil ‘1? it“: Inc- “1!?- ‘
Se'ar, if flu.- dis £315 and} a rum 0‘1" 221‘
immune, or mam. 'n- mrmm; .
SYRUP is n rcqu'icwl the Um E 3 {my
’wmiJupl-{c 3% my" “fir: 1w; ‘lle "pump _
" indimud by z ' , h, gm} akin'lir‘nvas’. fir. xviv, .
dgmcmy or he NIL-1;}. to.» This svmrrpqaa
firifle Hmo'd, (mm which it summits lhehilo
and e'xpcis n}l}diuaar& mu'tlcr.‘ During? the
‘ Mood 'm‘nhwhk; common; And 0.3-. h; u re 1’" .
mikvrablrpllricohhc cuw. JhO-SEA'WEED
10);“), in mm ,cfion with Ibo E'FIJu‘HG .
SYKU P, i. a mo‘ Imxmwt nan-31y in tuba-mat "
‘ “er; mse 'of cgnnmptiuu; ‘II n-man-‘x mm
.dd-iligncod ammo! the sly-3cm I’hich flung—3 -
yq-mnpanics {mammary disuse, and ybiuh
‘ very 0M1.» rinse: it. - _ _ . I -
[ 'ISGHI'LVUK’S SKA “'FPXD T 05“? sluingtimm‘
} flu: gypotilu and improves ch? \lingfiol'; “." X ’
‘ (in: pajtient, inst ninth-inf; confim-d w p In“,
.mnty diet, 3 i 9: $6 me 1 sun! .rnsuzm ‘
[ which ganendly mvfiils,’is ma EN to dig“: ,
‘ the mosg‘noor‘isking food, nut that to grfin
‘ string“); and this 59 all that i-thnecqvgwq lo
I cmnph-tc the curb. No mnmr bay-fut or flu);
'thc foodgnny fie, the Mead Tuniv vii;
make u digcxg‘xhlfi, and by this means We “mic
59.1, is nourish d‘and. infigomtod. ‘Wln-Vu
persons fuhvcnk and dobilihxlrdhn wi;.(\.p!2L-’S
1' ofl-Kc Sun- Winn} Tonic will rcx ire mu} stymfihfii
tn the pmient at ‘ ma. 11. 19 n phasanmlimn
hurt 'or bitten, perfebtly harmhw. Freely
‘ when, i‘ is a car in nmcdymgaiul (mills and‘
‘ Fevers.
1 move ,obstructio
'mmer. Am} th
jarin of consum;
cording to dim
provided the disc
1 make a cum pow
lupn‘snre nearlyln
‘IKE PILLS an: imcadefi‘los-n-
Irs and carry off flu; disc-nerd
-s it nypean um A'J three oi
M‘pdic'mh In us-d in a [an-5
‘ the cases; an_d, if uked ac
-tions thqy nyc “Mummy
Inge is’nm mimncM k... m,
sihlc, as it {miniy is i! Ithe
mtmycd. Y »
L-asc‘m lako noticzo HmL when;
kc gimpasmhlo furflu-m (n
I'nu'lgvilw with Dr. de‘nck,
0w £ol."ch with :hé‘dsq -
:3 each bolgle is uccmmumiqg!
in Hnghab, Frclych,‘ German. :
Hum: «hwctiuna mu inn exo‘
. 'vr m:_Ly bu wagon“ I)! III“
Vouvlitmn of llu'q p-tiPnt. no
14.032 mcdicim‘ngll Lem??—
‘3 or runmmu, Tx'mn‘ is
{A pamphlvt dt‘ff'flbij'l": fl};
cunbnmplion, and the blimp.
man-1y 'dem-ribo? t):u:_e\'{-rg'
uh of mg medici le~ smm“.
l Iculnr «Ewe: .‘ 5 . f
‘ {'miems will
firmuustnm'm n
have n. person“
; Hwy will knew
nHus medicines‘,
hy hi” dilCCliuM
and Spnnish, nml
p 150“. Ihm “luilc
disease} or the (J
misthkr in the us
SiMP. ARIN)“ [unfl‘
m-compmlicd by
difl‘urem form of
‘ tomsz’tqc so ncc
‘ one mnyknuw wh
M :0 My own [ln
Sex eml Wings
The patient nm.
‘ 10' direaig‘ms; he
he mmt ml non
chow it. we“; and
at “Inn strqu or
«limp-l. :m'ylhing w
[OOll. If Hume s‘i
‘ Sufinnckpromisos
is enough of the
lficnpemtions oft
, All who are Hkl
vile-d tn‘ can a} 1
York, “(x-11m, l'hil
”my willy-o, not}
ten and printm] §
‘ 9fliu4cy ut’ ~Dr‘. n‘c
‘mll ulsu marl th
urn nuw Inning u:
‘ln’sl‘lf; llml‘llH-y }
chat-'5, from lln: i:
1h; the mug of Ur. S 4
' may hkjur firm) [ln
T duruiuu 0f the h:
ruce-jved [rum Dr.
‘ all of them bring
.cunfidnfil (-qlorml
n- (ohr especially ulwnrfld.
use the, nmficiue ufc mliu};
nuxtmrui‘nl taking chm, Emd
islujpg ram], taking mm m
rpm-6:11 mu In: nglam‘hr-nrivu
:irh‘n flirt," Inr flue SHA-
ompgwor the g-l'eiuau-h-m
rich mn‘ypmpnfy [)0 imllcd
wk rule-1 are uhm‘rufl, Dr.
r cergn’m'rurm pray My“ Uri-{n
lugs romui‘ning m away on
Inuu‘e. ' I '.
Intiml an Hzisau'ljechm ink
Ir. Hcham-«k'J r‘unn‘nin Now
nun-Ipm.. or “uhlmti'l: flux-l
'mly n rust .nupouul «J‘w’rit
vidrru-o, which prpvu. (Iv
nikia ‘lvdu'mru, [ml ‘Juy
a rpum‘llgH 01' Int-141.111 I'. LU
rc‘annJ “ho ‘ure I'oole ‘ I
W‘ M-I-ug puma»), in'w’! 1"
"mg-lune [inmm'i‘ol din"!
huh IVA “Hue-lies. Shani; J
Hp: oHlu-m- [mm-nu n 'h <
mm they have inmrh-k 1y
<4l“ n'fzk's trmunom. mfrly‘
in cwélwnt spirits and in
nn ofo urn. '
. Dr.‘ Sr-hvnck hn'
giving ndviod and I
amnipxivu patients,
.71“: cure: [rcrhnnn
[mun-rum, aft/l, in
:Icrl'ul. Sec Ma p
gmti's on npplicmi!
L how in mnsinnt prmdico, ;
xvupiuing the lungs of can
tor more than twenty _wnrfl.
\ u} by him‘ have bqun wry
some instinct-3,1110“ won-l
mphlet, {v hich muf‘ be 211111
n w hiarrnems. » . j
'rinéipua umcc is 39 North
hufclphii’, I’m, where Influx:
lwmyu be directed: 5,
‘uumd Fox, No. Big-Barclay
Dr'. Schenck‘n l
SIXTH Street, Phil
{of advice should
- « _ wmtm;
ficw York City, I
street. ' I
urge c. domain q: Ow,
H. " - -, ' ‘
“onion, Myst-1., I
No. U Hirihall‘sc
r. I’hlliyl,‘ No. “Mimic
A Portland, Me, \
gun-L *
r. m B. lichen?“ 51-"
I'nmfiurg, Pm,
Wo‘od strvct.
Butln Koch, Un
_ St. Louir', MIL, H
and “hank-ecu.
my, Qulnmhiundc-‘0.,,0h10. A
‘ nrxf-U'mk‘uly, comer Second "
cu. H. _Hanco, 103MH-
Baltimore, Md.’
mum'suecl. ‘ . ‘ g y
Washiéan, D. ~ Samuel B. Waite, q‘druer
Seventh street um] lumininntsnnue. ‘ ~
Chicago, HLJA; dA! Smith} No, 23 Lake)“. “-
Sam Francisco, lomeltcr, «Smith #1353",V
227 Montgomery 5 feet, Geneml'Agaua tor
Cnlifnr‘nh. ' ’ - , 3
Am? sold by 'D 33m. and Storekwpem
’ mom. _ 4 _
Y 1 per 001,042.55 halfdazeni'.
‘.l per bguié,ss halft’lozen.‘
|- cent: per hex. .- i
Ptxfinonic fly: up, ;
Sen-Wu ed T 011347, 2
Mandi-nth l'flls, 1:
‘June 29, [863. 1'
_ omx "~ '.'
JACOB uous- - ES’fATm—Lcttm mea- ‘:
_\montaty pu to camp of Jacub lon-b, ,
hug of Ufiion toyn nip, Adam; county, doé’d.. ‘1
Influx been gruntqd to the undersignodnho‘;
fir“ named residing in hm nme tufi'nahip}: 3
and the last unwed iu Hciielierg townshfl; ‘
Yolk unnum'they hereby gm." notice to ‘ fl.
pmom some said «We go huh im’a‘:
mediate' pumm’mnd those flaming fly; "a:
13-min; the 3m_ 30 pipun! 'them prqggfi. ~.-
authenticated fu'r lflfloment. ? , “ _ *‘
' stx HOUSE. 3 3m
EACUB H LLKR, ,- . : «
156.1. 6L finnedfifli‘? '
. wcmmn‘. 9M CAMP” ‘
prevehting 3nd curing H
q on “1d other inpocls, M. l
73W ‘ :
Drug 50011, y: x: