El}; anmpilcr, ‘ OUR FLAG I x. (, luau, I’M'ron gun quwulnuna, ‘“ "KOND’AY MORNING, A: ,J ”-9ng Bmg: —'P-.-‘ _' HON. 9320. w. wo . r. 0’ LUZERNE_COUN I ; fury-In «11-e gap"- norg. ~WALTER u. ‘6'" 0! ALLEGHENY COU 3 38-7129 Educa- r; ‘Hcflenry ytgsterdng possible “lemme n .49 so. ‘ Ho" jgnow t] with}. The punk heyopd question, (i; gone in “'9 hat for solely on the Inge i 1 With! oymmnti) fin n‘ow’ sham of all Inipriaapmmt‘ qf , sinc‘e Henry J. Blah priep‘r’of the Ge“ mired in ngrFMcl] paringpecn wnuh ing ‘0 have been ni‘ Ooucfi. The fbnsia fine igcused, on a ooi fiettysbtir'g’. poigted plug"rvihere a. num! .\gvr‘e stopping. whi ’ffio whole nfihir is fabrication, nnd Cap M dbl Assishm! written : the .(iem Jfir. Wl9 has gom post, and wields-V gimpe‘r apigit and Friday .lau. 'fi’Tbc million-5‘ who nre n‘|onr.midst are ‘ beginning to see the politicaltfirkingfis of the’ 'gfiscdess pqlitiglnns of me A §!ition‘penstxn piglfl'nnfi paw ascertained to ‘eir entire sntis- ; ‘.factionfthat, lbpsc rho. are Vulgnrly aryled ‘ .“cojiperheajda.” Ar! fhns_d ignaied simply beefing they an: Democxus a d in .thcir umu- 1 @OO3 übd 3h; exerdge ‘of their judgment ,hm'e ‘ ”magi to kiss the ground whet-ever the pr‘ésent fAlllfiinisuhtion Stands and endorse their policy jn life freedom at the negrfo. :lfto be '1; Damn put is to bq n “copper-head” and to be a. fi‘copperhehd ” is «to be dislqynl, then be it ‘mun-thnt in the Stat! of Fe - nsylvanin there "3 gbont 200,000. No. a, fulae issue has .bmn made-Abe low, cravcn . famcrs of air neighbbrs, whose Imliticnl 7x ymllfihgjr integrity and (run! in get the ppoill of office, u». ”y‘vyor‘my a!" Kepll?jr)elr}.‘ng.ti pfo‘firpuusfizgtiqguj INQ‘Na 1 ' I? “)6 world .knnw 2L-we‘ 3nd glory in the nume and apply. tad believe that its mi uni ’l9 us ‘ a yuliqy mum-d, ftiPP7• f mum OF MR. CHI 1 "5 gteatamnn hxis fallen i :1 Joya! J. Gun-nun“, the a; .pnd fight, has passed. f 1 . )yeon gathered to his fathe I ' ghgrcity of Fgankforu Ken‘ ,dgy morning, at 3 o'clock; ‘ .. yfln‘zggie, in thq full posse. ‘ flanking, at the ripe old ug v-Thm'ponq by one, are the pmitigfnqm .flw “we of e -‘ yillbe w"lhyto fill mi; ,dnrk hou'zfo‘f our country’s A filone k119i“? - ‘ : $20111: réaderg should re pchding papers away 111:er . .-' 4 -. ' 1 _(‘Junt‘smmpy Instead of a. 01 “perethnre; The stamp for‘ winm Mack. «ad has aw ‘ ,1 Jackgoq 9901; it. 3 “ » j fiTfie Hop. Thad. Sm : us. of Penugzyl ! mlpvia, th adyocntcd in on of his speech -95111.9 “burning of every—J- be! mansion,” has. lmd‘to take some of his own medicine. Tho‘rebeis Have destroyed his extensive jam-mill}, um Geg‘tysburg, anfl stolen all hisllotses. His persona} {053 by lhnir dep ‘ fcdaiion; is said lchxcegd $50,000. ' fiThe Shnmbersburg p, ' flue mgnuest (ind moercruc ! _‘ fihp visited .tbeir tow‘n, du ‘ 2pm,, was.» Major mm; of Jyxother-in-lnw of President. ; ~ ,i_s_‘tho map who bame near-h planed in twp_ by‘ a. bruvu Judy. . . ' @The dispatéhes m R} ‘ bent oqr despatchomin {nend m—lh’e 3th,. the Bic‘hmofid . maths» had wona great Vic flirty lhmwundprisoymg. ’ Won Quit bmkers or [blitkianaag 1, We Fonfederimfscrip for .: . "fine slaves pf 1,119” a Viking)“; ,yvero a sbdyce of the sniuondey. Gen. {Gran _A sensible wny—he is 9 man allowing nllyho wish 10' go '4 fen £09330. If they fomni 3:15,! ui'pfitectiopfihey canal fifl‘bd administration - pl?” Gov. Seympuy 8(1de ,iqifio Pun-3 ‘he other day, ”my mega-1” But, spoken flit] dispersed; sud thgre ail gm an kindly Bpeechdid guiding the excilgment in 1130 mm force .thnt wag 1 ark .F- Meyers; Fm: ~ :u -’o': ofglw [Bedford Gaztlle, h: 19% for the Psizlatwer 7 pa accomplished gentlemapfl II a ' ' § 1 . ' ~ My»: #8 a 3:3 ~ ppm e;phanges come tabs from y-ri pp: pol-tiny“ 9f thé Slam wit: list! ofthe W pep ‘in their respepli e Benjam— We hm npt heard of megigilnes; 415mb .‘PFP “'3.” _f-‘r '3‘ Shu‘g'iffl: 5 awes- w» m.» up»: of Aug-15.x» :s:qu hpm‘n'my in the so-cnfled Sonm‘em Conl was wu To sum 'mgony; I We are glad to leanl’flmt‘ thcgood work of thoroughly organizing the Democratic party in ea‘rrently progressing throughout the State. Tho approaching meeting of the Democratic ’thto Central Committee #ill ndd ami impetus to this movement. The able ind energetic Chairn'ian, the 1101!. Charles J. Biddle, will be 'l'ound equal to evgmqgfirgency; and, two have no doubt, that/finder his direction, the camnaign’will be vigorously ariil energetically prosecuted. .‘ltut we‘niust have the :hearty cooperation of every Demoan in’l‘ennsylvnnin. There must be no individual lukewnrmnea mani fested in‘theLpresent struggle. .At no time in “i" hitto‘ry of our party, were greaterper sonnl exertions necessary. Success is with in om- grnsp. ‘ We have only wrench foul) ‘ our hands and secure it. The people are ready to strike‘ a blow 'which will“ forever prs3trate the power of ‘A‘bolitioniam. To Make the victory complete en'l overwhelm-i ing, we muut wheel thewole Democratic mluinn into line, nnd pat-sent an nnbro‘k‘eni «and undivided front totlie enemy. > ‘ _il "liTOE G. 3. 1863 CIE'I‘, I WARD, Y. _‘ ‘ 0 Com, Q WRIE, Iv. . ‘ Them in a well grounded nnd firm’ beltet' among if“? people, that the Democratic! party is theenl y qrgnnizution that can save the country. - Cl‘lifny have witncefied. an abuse and mnl-n‘dminihtmtion of power on the part of the ‘Abcilitionists thpt cauaes thém to reco‘il with lion-m. at thé feat-pf a 4 continuance of these evils.' . The have! seen the dearest privileges of the e' "zen as shiled, emf the constitutionabri Its of the States invaded by at party whammy 'object now seems who the emancipation of the slaves and the equality of the negro, with‘ the whitcjreemm 9f the Republic. Theyl have heard— it boldly” itrociaimodhy the; Jncohins-tlmt “this war is for the A'fricain' and his rtica:”- rind they have been appalled. -y the infamous? announcement of an Aho lition menther of Congress, at a negro meet- ‘ ing in this city, tlint “tlh colored men tire the ones who are to save this nation”. Se ‘ ril'msly alarmed at the fiightful future stretching before them. they are ready tq use every honorable inenns to cnult tho‘ i monster which is destroying the countrfli iin whose welfare and prosperity all their; 1 hopes are centered. Hence they‘ fire willa‘l ting to engage in the work of origanizationi . with a zeal and energy never before exhih-l itedp It will, therefore, be an casyiask tti uccomplish this great purpoac, if the prop er efl‘orLs are qniiskily inude to turn the cur rent. in the right direction. Let the Coun lty Comefittcos at once begin‘to fully ceiop~ ‘ ‘ crate with the' State Central ConniiitlteCu— 1 Let each individual Dcmocfrataid and as- i ‘ sist the efforts of the local committees, as ‘ faras liesin his pnwor.’ Let light be spread, \ meetings held, addresses delivered, clubs ‘ ioruicd. and ‘the whole machinery of the; i united and. hnrmoniouspurty be called into immediate requisition. If them things _be done. the trinm‘ph wilt’be as certain as the I advent of the second Tuesday‘of October»?— P/u'la. Age. > ' ' , 3 TEM .M ordér to can}: and as true as under ‘.ribgtuble mlj‘gnan L’ 'his point. [ew days - nmfixm er was re- prisoner 119 H.— . Gift“ 1;) ‘is that \ whilst in ‘.be‘ls the iioldiers arrest.— o a sheer e efficient neral, has xubject.- the qbove mill” with American, Everything that can be done by the m‘i-r ministration witjiout sacrifice of lihner should be done (.0 close‘this bloody and ril inqus war. and welcome lmckjlb'ebelliods Status into-the Union. Now is the time fie“. do it~n.ow, when victory has perched upon! our bannerfand the Southern poople‘leéll the hopelcngnoss of the struggle. Let 5 add, too, that the attitude or France all! (ii-m. Britain toward usshould h'nsten action” {or while, united, we could safely defy Hiek yvorld in arms, divided, and fighting among oursely‘es‘ we might fall it prey (.9 the howl. er of these two nations. The N. Y. - . in view of the Union feeling andmoveme .~ II has run riot , have; in prder (1 every epilhét st {he followers dye Democrgts, ihriplea ~01 the ion will yet r3:- p. 105 p 079“ . and 0o4;r041 lsracl.".’ Hon ‘ ge, stat sman nm 9%)", am in Louisiana, Tennessee, and Not-growli na, says: ‘ " 'l ' 3““ is go ho _liopod that a wise statesmali ship may influence the Washington gover - merit; to encourage; by' every means mega hg'mpel‘iil moyements in' the seceded S Maj. l‘lvery am'zenrnnce‘of imposing mud [in _s should be scrupulously avoided-exce t t“ ‘ one impera‘tive requirement of fide ity ‘ the Constitution of the United Statics, The American people are especially tenacious in repelling all restraints that, .do not nee ’(‘p‘fll'lly proceed froxn=~qonstitgtinnal law', and Will not yield obaiience. evcn t 6 ihedé. unlehs they nccoid wilhvtheirxens n and conscimce. 'We should The careful then not to impose burdens on the Southern people which we ourselves would not, touch with our little finger. Let. us have filibh in or‘ national destiny and events, and freely w:- come back to the Union and the Hallfl of Congress. all _who mnylho willing to resumb their obligations to the Constitution as it‘is and the 'Union as it. was.” ' <. He died in pcky, 9n Sun ‘ithout. pnih or : ion of all his . ,0! 77 years.— old 'palriarclxs isteyce. Wlib pla‘ccs inlflfix existence God lembcr that ‘u ust use a two .9 cent one as thjn [impose is mit 01' Andrew m It is pretty well settled in the [inblip mind that the spirit of lawlesaness which pgrvndes the North, is owing to the r‘evolu" nonary and treasonible teachings of file Abolition pug-13v. "For nymy yéan-s pasttlxg A balitionists. have animated resistance to 3; law which was passed by" Congress in con l'nrmily with‘the Gonstltutionéft'he Unit'etl States. They treated the Qecision ol'thé Supreme Court in the Dred Scott {use viith sovereign contempt, and they’openly siola ted all statutes thnt interiorad'with tlie progress of their nnli-sli'cry doctrinebj—T The whole responsibility ol the recent fear;- l‘ul riots is upon them, and'fllex will’ln compelled to meet the issue at the ballot} box. _ .' l .persr say tha hearted who, ng tho _reccn . Kentucky, 91 .ilicoill’s. ‘lle ving his skull ‘cum-erhead ” Imond rather city. As late avers cluilfied ry»—capl.u{ed 1» er if thet'e‘are 1‘ iclunona WHO ’ Mao-W u » ‘ Goodfil't’m From a Par Coquy.+Th9 “flap: quick click ‘or the magneiic finger, bringi us the brief 'ncws that “the election in Washington Territory has gona largely Democratic.” There is noghing:mdro—-no purgigulqrs are giveq of tha triumph 6f lhé Democracy in that far of} region} {Yet the intelligence. meager though itis, tgivesu‘ great, paure {Sr rejoicing. It speaks ofbeté ler things for the Republié. The ascendeni cy ol (he'Democmtic-barty throughout the; country is tha only salvatian of the nation; and the distant, Territory- (landmar- thé name'of Wuhingtbn was Sitting Ipqt foi tha work of politiml regagerguon‘ to confi menee. . '‘ _ 5 E . .1 officers iq trouble aftér settled it. ih ‘pf sense I—by ith their mas- LI in our lines :Lbe‘removed, {vets 'hoyl be »d the people calling thém 0 thus kindly, p be no doubt bore towards ”Edda thaq au‘ Amy (jinn Raind.—-By direction of the Pull out. the following oflicen no to be well from active lorv‘ioo, tad thelr name- on red on the retired lint or ofiiodn 1' oftho to {which they now mpootiv: . o» I . 3.4) P' . M‘ly belong,i moordanoo with section 1 Wii mgeci a 1 -wriggo’Zdent‘m; tho mtg approved July 17,1862. vl'lnlll of the N 5 Y. Build, in a communication; order “ “3“” efl'eo‘. on the ht 0‘ Augu'o}, dated an“: Jackson Mississippi, Jul! 12% 1863:._ .MworGynel-d John E. Wool; But. 19863,”..th that a company duv‘lry,*_uen. Willum S. Home]; Brov. Bug. 6°?" co rting ‘ foraging chip; Influx learnedf Harvey lirowo, Col. 01 Llae filth. Andlaqg ;‘ from s negro ivhero Mr. Dani-’3 librpry was,t COL Joann» Dunnuok. m!“ ,‘fl'fufl” 3 m proceeded to the house, Where thej found.} 01.1““ 8“ Momhmt, Fourth Artilloryi ‘ thousands of volumes of books; a few bush-9 Hunt. (aloud Hutu: Burke, Third A"? 315 ofprivato and political papers, Inf] new 111", W Y ? oral vallyole gold headed canes, ‘ohe ofl Widen of flaanuy Nolan—The fro chem‘prgssegtod by Franklin theme. The person- mwged “Sheffield. Enslmd. flan-l pbpexp aye fiid to be of wwnfaal in": lon-gory of _Uoited States Treasury Now, portayee. -. 9f coungeyerylthiug w'as um. 11pr been 11ml 111 d oomioted. One was Some of the letteggtpgl page" lapve been 56an tq‘bqr yag’wgl unituge, sent to the Hero“ and will go cloqbt 59 nd the when to fifteen math; imprisbnu [lbhlishfil-ij of any consequence. ' igloo t. ‘ ‘ r_ ) I fmylesa 9di b9en nom r. ne’m'il d win mks .the 21-! .68! ~ am: prayer ; Emmy. " WELCOME THEM BACK. - }>--«-~~-~—-. - 52~ <# -< ——~»~ , “we il3O THEY WANT A RETURN 01' THE THE SPIRIT or m DEXOCBACY. ‘ j; ‘ REBELS? . At no period since the organization of the i The #bolitlop-Jseoliin journals, having Democratic party was its spirit more deteri .’recoverqfl somewhst from the fright they l mined. or its prospects of successjbetterf— 'experiertced recently, occasioned by the ‘r Knowing this, the extravagance of passion ; rebe‘l invasion of Pennsylvnin, are spin exhibit/ed by the ultra. administration psrty him-y st york in eoncocting‘ and publishing —the/Bleck Republicans nnq wool-dyed [treason *nd slender. Apia in they hold . glitionists—emou'nts olmost to insanity. ;ln assiir'y g -the rebels ”thst a majority qr werless at the ballot-box, they rest theiri lthe‘ le of the large Northern Smtfii/hopel entirely in the bayonet and the gib 73min f vomr the sooth and Mia ,gbee,,;and hence we find them ‘dnily aha Lthus giv 3 our enemies another invite ‘oh l hourly beseeching the President to esteb- I to‘invsd‘ our soil. It was the publi tion i lish msrtinl law in all the States of Ihe fofthisinl'smbus end devilish slsn :- thfltiNorth “(“0 arrest: imprison ensl'hmg‘i 11 ' induced the rebels to invade Pen ylvunis. 1 who have a,” good! sense to oppose ”a?” i For the last If”! moffltbO-J bin PIPGIF‘ heretical opinions end fanatical policy !'.°f Pennsylvania, New York New Jersey‘, While they regret tbefrenzy ich dietaiues ‘ Ohio and Illinois, and infill the Eorth- such exireme measures. the gmocrscysre em sndiiVestern States; we been pnblislt- by no means moved by l these appeals for ‘ ing tq'the lerd the mKnstrouslie that the Executive _interferenoe with their rights. Detach? of these tee were “invfevor of 3 or frightened by the idle and silly thrests Soothe . treeson ind desired to see it su'e- with which their estfssre continually wag]- cesful!” Gov. §éyniour of blew Yo'rk,Gov. edi _ They have "their candidates in ‘ e' Parker oil‘s Jerky; Judge Woodward of field, and menu to elect them. ‘Th‘ey‘knhw this Ste ”flair. Vellandighnin 01 Obits their rights 41111 are 'determined to-jmaim h‘ave,‘ one nd all, been classified as “ secetk tnin them. They will vain peaceably by sign syfiiémthisers," who were very solici- the 'bnllot, if lthst is not interfered“ with, towmsuccess of Jeff. Davis’ humbqg and if it is, lthey viii] jvin by' any means Co age 1 ,2 l; 1 which circumstanccs‘mey render necessiiry ‘flhe mien belonging to the Southern army to achieve success. ‘There is no division illi regteiiied; these“ lying _gsheeu almost daily, theii' ranks. They are ixnited in sentiilnq‘lil sndnfunrénding thehp,snd considering thet- as they are in determination, and no 113%" ‘ the Damper-fits held' “I 5 majority in the ‘er‘exists which can defeat or crush lheinii— ‘ Northern. end Weltern States} conelndeil They‘mve raised their battle flag. on which i upon in infusion of the Xorth. It was oii- they have inscribed, “.'l'he Constitiition lag ly after h'ey arrived in Pennsylvania thiitv it is—the Union as it was”-—snd thni flhg they dl vered that the Demogrsts‘yvcne they intend to carry to victory, dispi‘te shy‘ {the only enemies they had to fear, for, sis and every effort thst the opposition elm l [rebel infiiceli, remarked in-enr hearing. make toprevent it: i i I" the l üblicans, and their allies, the n'e- The nitra! may as well make up their ; groes, nttily all fled at our (the rebels) ap- rninds at once that this is the cue—it will: ; preach, hilt Democrats rema‘in 'm. home to save them :1 world (if useless trouble, and" protect their” properties and :fsmiliesmnil in the end much sltftme and mortifica‘tioin. ltothwsrq us in our movements and expose —l’ulriol(i':VU{ubn.‘ . I gr ' ' 1 our designs? The same reliel officer also uie‘ntidn that their ’t‘visit to Phnhsylve nia confinced them that the statements they had: so often read in the Abolition ~pu-. pcrs wcrh‘sll false. They now discovered l that the cmocrntsinstendofbeing friendly, ‘werethe r worst foes.” “We cnrmnothing Ifor the A litionjsts,” he said,"‘théir creed Inf onion ipntion, confiscation. and suhjugh -5 tion; hplps us. for -it unites our. people toia Luann ; lbfil: the doctrines of a restored i Union-med (lonstitution,j with rights gun;- I initiated] tricvery Je'tate, as sdvocnted‘by tllo Demonim , is calculated to do us harm, l' r it divide; our own p'eople and creates dis putes.” E“We do nlee ca‘n,” said the rebel, .“ to havelebolition papers circulated in onir 'country; I ut we never permit a Democratic popes to o’South if we can help it," “a: l J udgini they from the language used by this rebel officer,’ whose Words we quote. {vie are satisfied that the‘ rebel invasion of lzn‘m nevei . would have been lf‘ had it hoLbeen for the persiéf l—f the J acobinpfiperg, who assured , that they wmld ' received with [1:315 by the Dei'n rats. The 9 ‘ihvited ihtp thié ate by the i is, and those who_lost \property aaion .mny thank the leaders 6f nous‘pnrty for in , ‘ '2 mobin papers are again publish" 'he people of the North are div‘i— "nion’.-nnd that} majority favqr * Do they want another visit from t, we opina; Lee will 'not nggin . ‘nsylvania 7 he mu once déce'rvéd of Abolition sciihblers, and w’ill 'ved a secohd time. ‘Thg Jactr -:, however, n'ppvear tory anxious . e rebelg; make uh another visit.— lzs are again induced‘by Republic tions to invade‘our Stat», the I hose horses, cattle and flour are tured by them, ahould‘tgke. these lhand and déal with them as they I Cdrllltle Volunteer. , Emnsylv' thought .' {zit lies J t ‘ rebel u 1+“ .1 lelPels we Abolitjqx) hyflhe in lthxminfa ; These ipg um“; ded in o - the Sout‘ Lee? B invade?~ by the 1 not be d‘ ‘b'm papa ‘ to have t Jf thy re: can mvn farmers to be cap papers ,in deserve. 30min Ddhnmm. ‘ E gland Ab“. thu's‘ dmoourses upon _ The I’o Ithe “dra ' ‘ 1 ‘ “We hye Tmped.‘we still‘hopm—nlm ‘t. believe. tat this conscription business “nip“ Live given I the many never called for. mid llthat vol ‘ n y 'enlistments with libertil bounties 'ill be. substitutéd {or it. Since the recen glorious sncccsSes of our arms, ”are believ it' might be successfully done. ’ and more me promptly obtained ‘than by i ever so ch't'rouble and expense by con lscription. Still, if the authdrities persist, lwo coun 1 all tokofilgr no teeiatauce other thafi t 9 bfing the mlittor before the wurts. The court and the‘bhllqtrbox afl‘ord the on ly lawful remedies for unconstitutionnl hr 'unwisoe ctments, and good, law-{bidmg citizéns‘ ll resort {to no other. 'ioleht refluxing to otlicert; of the law. iymob vio lence. I lead: winuchy and its untold that-tors. [To avoid this, it- is far betterJo {bear evils? for a. time. and qven injustice.— Every g citizen will accept this counsel lax on the hole the part ofwiadom, and will race accor ingly. Let us have no mobs in ‘Maidehb t let us ease the unequal bur ens Eof conscri ition asmuch at possible by wn lmd city id, and then Weep away the whaolq‘mq'cern _by repealing All the aut an of it mrorigh the ballot-box It the cry enrheet‘ol portnnity. Thatix the right ty ito meet iti,” ' ‘ 1 . I; g The {entimentscontainedin the alimeprtr sgraph are worthy 61' a place in every Delh- Ocmtio’Lnéwspaper 'in the country. The chocrat c' pirly is the party of law mid. l order; an in no instance has it ever coup ‘ soled r ‘nce to the constituted aqtlioii ‘ ties of the land. The ballot is the weap¢n 5 today all’ lmonsten in the path of liberty and hm. Let this obmcription be fairly! ‘tested by belCourts, and he authorsl 1 of the Eu) sc'iiption be m 0 poll: by the pwégp ng denpnciution eindignnfl fumes. ’he evils which no now upnn u hnd betw be borne in patience, until the! 1 time can , through the instrumentality of} 3 the ballot-box, to hurl from power the bad' 1 Inch who are .now .diagncing tho high places of theGoqernmen’t. . . '"' INFonMERs. 1 " i . . The eggistgnce 1n the- North of‘ n OJMB‘ f . men, who, in on: ’me of rvntrio'tism, ate acting the disgrace ul part of infamzers,§is one of the mostlpa'ihful cir‘cumatnncés vit 4ending our national; troubles. The sysiel‘n) oi egapoinage under tiny'Gover'nment is dis picahle. but. in altos country it. is béyo d e’ndprance. Wlien Mn, Seward told Lot] . .0 . . Lyons the story of his “ magic hell," he 9i ._ posed the whole hiftory of official wrong inaugurated by' the prcéent Administration. But: Mr. Seward, and his colleagues in the Cabinet, would be utterly powerle'ss to c'nrry out their inquisitorihl measures, if it wet: notvfor the willing tools and emissarics th findi existing in‘ every community. Théy are in fact aided and assisted by men wlio claim to be respectable and Worthy members of moiety; but who inre ‘only regarded 'y honorable and right-minded people wil‘h feelings of oontemptnnd indignation. i It is painful to dwell upon thissocinl do}; mdntion. 'An‘ inforiner is always viewed with suspicion, no milttcr how disinterestéd ‘ he may appear to be in the execution ofhiis mission. His position among mon’ot‘ char-V actor and standing must‘ he irr'mrnbly damaged xby the knowledge tlint ho is en gaged in a business from which honor and ’dcconcy shrink. The alleged patriotism igéiich is pretended totbe at the bottom of isinfnmons work cannotjustiry it. A main '»_ not be loyal to his country..and at tile some time (lisloynl toi honor and» good faith. lleyzho violateé the latter, mUat be untriio to the former; Such instruments, in’ the hundn of n dcu'poticf Administration, mdy do great wrong, and be «the cause offierious injliry to innocciitnna unofl'ending citizeng'; just as a madman mhy he the means of in~ flicting inculculnhleloiu, by npplyingn torch to the hoart ofa great city. This low work is instigated/by spurious patriotism. It is not the offspring: of 3.1: high ‘ and-ennohlin'g sense ofduty. Ibis piomptod, too frequent ly, by the basest patsions which degrade human nature. Ami those who indulge in it, must expect tq feel the scorpion lash of acorn that honest ’nen employ to whip such “ rascals naked through the world!” '_l?/u‘m. Age. ; 3 ~ ' t . t mnonuous FRAUDS UPON THE GOV ' - EBNMENT. - ITA'lmsnL'n‘G, July f29.—‘Cu'nsidnrallle(ox cinemen; hm been cnemed hero by the dis-- covery of enqrmous rauds upon the Got erument during th recent army movel menu in this region loonsequunt upon tl‘ Rebel raid’. "l‘he amqunts' arematml at miqicj lions of dolls ' thumher of prolminmit State politici , been placed und t errest, and the will leceive the mo c searching investigati , by the Wnr Dopar ment. The most ctirrulit pnwticeq hnvb prevailed in horse cahtmclsnml in clothing and subsistence supplies. -'l“hey thloivmie "shoddy arm-elm” int Harrisburg in thy; summer of Stillentircly into the shade—.‘- Mnny of the“ slime yank-s are iniplimwd, and the gangs who rive infested the Show capital in the winter. have reaped 1 rich summer harvest. ; l ' t . It. is n and eommentlnry, thanh'rle thous ands oflbrave men runhed to arms to dgfe d the. State from invasion. and while the Governor waa'tickliu'z tliem with h'oriied words. his minions and followera were pet» mined, like harpieqd to deprive “them q‘t‘ fuod and to compel them to make long‘und weary marchedeithout even the poor lux ury of crackers and flnrk. ‘1: is a matter at rewrd that. while (hm connectors were receiving enormbus slime. the gallant, l’hi‘ladelphin‘ soldierq were placed an an‘ allowance of a creclter a duy for ne'vora‘l days together, .thxmltti‘ to“ the neglect: an? corruption of the atecutive Diimrtment Of the State of Pennsylvaniu.—-Phnbs.,ln quirer. i ’ , ——-——«.Or~—————~ ( .l " ”A joint‘ resoluti‘pn. pmponi'ng amondg rhengs to tho constituFipn of Ifenmylnqin‘; finned it. the late union 0! our Legis'l‘mr {Pro is pnbl'uhed in many, ofour oxcbun. gas. The Socrelnry of the Co'mmonwea‘ltllk hu not. .5 yet, authorised us 1w d‘o dob though ha ha plmedtit in papers 0" much" 1905 circuiation in the county. Tho “n? pin-9y" principle team; to has something todawithit. " . , ' 2: - ‘ MW / . 91'“! lane.- of Jan“, mm, "Mug/Mr: Stephens propoaedh ‘deliver to 9%. “Lin‘ coln nl. Wubinglnn. bu been pphlinhedili Richmond. It. hid no poluianl purpose“ bath“! for in objnctyw put themonducl, ofthe war on a mom humane and civil‘ued fooling. _ i ‘ 5 j 1 Arnie. ”a m. Main—lH: mm um ‘ eSecrotnry of War-Lu determined' that; ‘Mot‘gunwlnd 31l‘biadoffiéprs captured in Ofiio‘ilull be confinedfiu the Ohio finiten §tiul until thoConfedéi-ate luthofitios and fit to role”; the 0130?" of Col. Str‘qight’a :cinnmnd. captured porno limo. {sq in 3 Govt-sit. And over line's kept in 1:10:03an Moment. ' ' ' ~ -g , 19mm lufléren by fmob 11; Troy, _N. Y..; has filgq alum agniym the city-mount. ing ‘to the spin of $19,054,12. ’ hm wAa m mnmekrfl Tim IhMa Allau‘k Jar/IrmonJJi 'Cxxcwmn. July 28.-—A special (lispMCh w the Commercial from Loxingtot. Ky.. _ssys the why]; this mbmihg mm; ed our forces at Richmond, céns'umng of‘a nmnll deuchment undo! Col. Sanders. ' ‘nor _nn‘ hour’s severe fighting our Lro‘ops warp com mled to fall back to the Kentucky river. . lly cutupfi - ; , ‘5 The rebel force is estimned at. 2 trim and six gum. 'l‘hoy are nupposed be 1110 ‘adviance of Bmgg‘n army. 7 ,At the‘lnteM-advices ou’r trqofis Md fallen back within five milesof Lexington; the en emy closely follbwing. ! ' Martial law‘hnd been roclnimod in Léx inglon. and all the nblovfiodied citiiens be tween 18 and .45 ordered ‘to'report for duty. It is “nought. that the city can be hPld against the rebel force of brer 15.0001moiing in a northerly direction via Crab Orchard. The (iuetia's‘: Lexingmn dispnt'eh says the exciwinom has subsided. The rebels cams! to thp Kenmok‘y river at Clay's Ferry. San era's commiand' is nearly all iuéfind troops from ankman’s Bridge inaure'lhe safe-(y of Lexington. GeneralsCarlm and Gilbert’s commands are in' the rear of 'the reb‘els. ' . ‘ .flc .'Voqanent an. Ricfiiitmd- ‘ Cixcxxsan. Ju‘ly 29.——'l‘he.Rcbel General Pegram, with between 1,500 and ‘2,”00 mmi crossed tlle_Cl,lmberland nive‘r‘n clay} or twp since, and moved ndnh, toward Richmond. The prevailing opinionjs that when l’egrum‘ started he was not aware of the capture :of Morgan, and contempluled assistmg‘him lo escape. The disjmsnl of our forces in Kon tucky is ‘such “1 t, it will be imposiiible for him .either to ‘mfimnce much further or es cape- ' 3‘ e ‘ ' ’ ‘ l - _ 3 __‘L i, fillabl‘ Upon our Harm at Paris by Prgram— The sztlg: 'Jfleipulsed and Driven Away—- J’ryram Rviriaq Towards arm/tater; » . ‘ Cm‘cmmn, Jqu 30.——Yesterday morning Pegmm and Scouts Torr-psi numbering abou 1, 2,1500 left Richmokvlucrossed the Kentucky river, and marched to Paris, where thqy nr riyed quWrduy nfternoob, m‘xd attacked our forges. » .‘. . ‘ f Afwr two‘ Mom? aovbreengagemcht the re bels were répulsgl and driven Ywmii' ‘ ' {z is though they yin mqlge’ a flank movement onxulmt place. . ’ A [urge Union cavalry forge is in _the rear ofighe rebels. ' . ' c 'l}. is believed that the movemcnbnminst I'nr'nJvns lor L‘hqpurposc ol’dcstroy‘mg‘ the bridge there. . " , ‘ ‘y * I'3 -‘ - Lam. ‘ Z Cmm'vxnx,,".Tuly :10.—Pegrnm'sj aneos have retreated toward Whit-healer, (bllrnqu by our cavulry.’ A n‘umbcr 9f pnsoncn have been taken. ; l FROM THE ARMY OF THE POT The 11:}; Conn Ilrolrm tip—l omm; 11‘; Command £711; 211 ("01798. l WAsnmc'mx. July (ms—Adria»; Til Army of the l‘ tonne tonight say tl lltlr corps is t be broken lip—the 1- mon will go w th Major (lenm'al 11l who takes co mand of the 2d mrlf 2d division wi [be inborporutéil w lflth corps; n (l the other divkm Shurz’s—hns n independent an'll guard the 0m ge and Alexandria l : trom Manzissas to tha R ippnlunnm': There has be n'no important fipl't (ions for some imn pust. Our rnvnl bpcn rcconno: ering the country “{urrenton unfulpeper. They in only small hco ting parties of the : \ ___}- ~.'...__='_-___ I - l THE WAR EN THE SOUTHWI _ . v ‘ l Jloumm‘nt of (I: 125136! A unit: in Missl Mums, J 13; Ell—« The, rem-131 Billlcs, Jcsxe, t 1 Forrest are 'repo have again cm fed the Tennesstju. ri‘ gone towards} mksnn, Tennessee. ul Dodge has mint :1 force to meet t om. One of Gone ‘3l llurlbm‘s scouts, trim”! lnst night, repérts that I’vuibcrton nnil his btufl' have tion to Richnmnd._ l'llsui'my hzw'seuttvn-d iTrerery direction. Member‘- ton anid it was mpossihlc to keep than) to gether. Tho rlbels :Lre presszn; evvlryho-ly mto their runklf. anil‘the‘ exciu-mcnlt is in tense. The rolling stock on the r.'ilronds is all being :th townnls Mobilo. myth largo quantities at entwu am going hilt-h sumo direction. l . ’l‘ho hulk of +nhnstnn’s army is ,rt‘ at Mnitin, thin y miles» east of Jaicl llis force is est mated .1} 30AM). Gr linnloe and Finest paused througll than on the lSt‘h.‘ .110le to Johnstmil [rent was sulfén’lig Iron) a wwuu‘d, ml, nut fit for duty. ' a CAIRO. '.luJy 27.—-Pnsse‘ngers nrrivold from Vl‘cksburg, which thoy lot": on I'thq 24th, state that (jenérzfl lleri-on'g divisian had l‘rllll‘ut‘d .fronrlthc £17.00 river. 31ng was preparingtn go‘to mm» point l'u-zthr‘ séuth. A dispatch (laud Martin, Miss , J4l)’ 2t), flutes that. all the gclmrul and field :lficors taken at. VickSLurg lmd been‘ ex ungcd but their men ‘liud struggled :04 lb t they~ were without commands. - ‘ ' FROM CHARQESI'ON. I By xin'nrriml M'Xew i’ork wollmve {rum L‘hnrleslon up to Sunday 'ovnnin‘ nt‘n‘higth time 1. u siege of ‘Fort .Wagi mill in. progress . It is stated ‘thJ (iilmnrc had cut ‘cedl‘ll in erecting hm. laeuvy siege 1;"an within a thousand y' the buivqu fort, and lhnt nlthougli Sumter and Johnson Kept up n continl on :lu- Federal Forces, their cusuzilliu aA o'ulfalmut six per day. All the princii of lliq tort have hepn silenced. luri bowil'zera for the‘ use 0! the Confcile Gen. Gilmore is roping-Ll to have recci' infiircerJdiilg. T 139 batteries had ‘beq him-ml on ihe let! six hundred yards' to Fdrt. Sumter, and six ZOO—pou'nilcl been placed in position. Brig. Gen. ': who was wounded in lhq terrible us ‘iho lath, rind '.wu subsequently bro; New York, died o'n Thursday. ‘ I! -—.—~ ——---—o . +——~—— The Pug/mm! qf Heritage: Sustained 51 Pain» ; Gwen—'l‘lm Second Controller 4r the Treasury, Pr. Brollh‘eed, has decided {has ’whero the pmpcgty‘of U'hion citil'ens' is l damaged l’!‘ UniOn ”Idiots, end receipts for damegos,giveu l'vy bonds of afipoint went? a Settlement can only be mnldo by act of Conggess, inasmuch Ls all appéopria tbna hue/e definite object, and to uhe any 1 mono‘y fl‘om appropriations f r contingent [ punpeéee for such e‘nds’vioula give I'lmost unjhnited power to (illicers apptoviflg and ofliculu passing such accounts". .‘ l ’ , '————~.«--.~4—:.—'— ; Pennsylvauiq Slate Tack"? Win.— The meeting of the Penn‘sylunh State Tenchers’ Asiocintion,which weapon ' ned last year on aqcount of the dintfiqte con ditign of tlie country, will be {held at d ing, commencing to-r'norrow. ' The in tion will remain in sessidu three‘or’p'bux‘ days? Till ”pri Opened—Thwuiuipsippi is noiv.opened for trade aiuoowflhe fill of Vichbnrg uni Port liming] The granny, Sou Imfieriil united amen Orlennl} from ‘ St. Louis on the 10th, amid the geheqnl “"l ‘joioing of the citizens I." , flow of several hundred men dmfted at Pioyidoneo, 8.1., only on. film: Mum- Tn been'mustergd in! All the Mipaid jhoSl‘SOOtfidgqtofllr " , ' 3 ‘——--'—4.-.'—"—— ' ‘51,; :- unfortunate for“: gonna-y than ill than of principles 3m pot ' a ptirq‘cipal ‘méfi. ‘ . ‘ ‘Y 1 . LOCAL ‘ DEPARTM-E NT. fi’l‘hcre will be services in. St. James' Chur‘ch, on Thursdn’y morning next, at.- 10 o’clpckf‘ "Sermon by M‘llnuchr. THF. 105175—4119 1.65 vzimcnt; P. LL; k_in-rived 3Q 1H1: phcc on the 25m of mi}, PFC ‘l'pualory to diséharge, their term of service' hsving expired“ They cnanmpcd on thnprop"- .fityyof D. S. Shaffer, xie'ar town, “"ll‘l‘efilwywcrel fingered out of service on tho 28th, and man ' \‘isiLk-d on the 29th by n pnxlimster of, the 11¢- ' pnrtment, whom ilhe‘lmu'e b.oys were "jawed ' (d‘sce, 19nd from whom Lhyy received those aoh‘d liéronjhnt they I 0 justfiy carncd‘ during the inino moiplhs ofa‘soldier’b life. ,Thé regimen . is‘ disfiersed‘nnd lliqmemibera, then-of are now rciurned to their homes: here the joyfyi faces— -1 and Winn heart! of lhgir'ririemb and rel-fives have welcor‘nefl them. the brave boys ofltheJG" deaths in the regiment I 10, of thesc‘two were fro| be! dischgrged or resign The follop'ihg is n lis officers of the regimexft : yuehfcr; Lieut. 001., E. l N. G. Camp; Adjugunt, E. T. Rinehart; Surgeon, Surgeops, Sq: F.'Neply, R. THE DEAF .—Upon terns: is m nifested at much enquin as to ‘hc made in mid district. ‘it fi'ill be mxgde very soon Tile Dmfl. jwill be mad which pincefi: ‘Hendqlrmr‘ wheel wiflgoa begin to " I WTb‘c Bank of G 9! its opemtimis, and is mi befo’rc the mebcl invasion stimtion has sufl'ei'etln yoml 't'he ‘inconv'cnicngo :hasty removal, of its vu‘ gammy, and @h c dclny Mi its dobrs b 111;; closed fuii WA Gieiinéml Hosp“: ed on the 1" uvutcd gIOUI ‘on which I}: Poflcr‘C‘v' huffile lust, and" ‘1 ‘ I] 1113!": as rapidly [Aim and -our’ \‘ d 00*“ ; nnd‘ 611 The {voumlpé indrells daily? “‘i ntvr removed [diu'erc-n: 'vcry Lu? 'bu,m)or have be: moved ‘ F ‘0 igell aii‘ fl hm u'lagjiiig re: ’fughospitms abroad." Inté bank of (h-I‘ly-l-u'rg» “ml-in ughls Isuhsyfuvnt to ig‘sovcntcon 415 \\"ere plumb! [torifllllkcafltluvll’ ns‘ ncmls BA'rktsdlle, Ulllni‘ll, Knu- Pelligréw ah: Huh); Goneruls ltubiéorr werei cnpgunod; Guns. Trhnblc were “-oufidc'd nud cap ran Hoddfli’cuder, Huh, Andrr . Jcnklns,SEalgs, Hampton and 111 wotindcd. V ()flhrzfii‘o‘ ,c‘wud-y 'hum I'lgxissuuon. first Mught u; I ,mut‘onc remains in the field—d I’ nephefi“ of {:10 General} ’Robison. I Lee are in qur hands and Jones guard w‘dundcgd. ‘ Iny fill *ln (pl LIT)" ‘ m: the (‘m‘ Rage: ( follows lslend I Archer Kcmpc tureil ; 'son, SL meS 'l Brig—MEl Beverly Filzhu: and \V.‘ nnd Ila EMU 'ffffEA I m the lint thé ‘Nt dwi (”myth is; ”IO th thr- TCJI‘I Inn. tn :ulroml opera y have tween '0 met many. Lari—The nnd prisone P. V. The- zlllowing is millist. or the_woixn¢fi"t_i § of Cumpnuy‘ F. 87th Ragnnent. 'ounde‘dmreg M. \Vinclmgtervuud l‘lnu'ozal been fiuroléd ziud nge rioW' inle, Annupolm, .\|d.: COij. Wm. lb, qup. \\'§u.' McGogigul, Wm. ‘co. Muss”, yum-r Cnsgnn, E. B. ;u mm, min Littl‘e, Fi'c‘deugl "Mug'fny, Z. [Roget-3, Gab. Ford, nur, DimjeJ Il'gigle, Samuel i-‘ishgr, :, Daniel Cl‘flp, \Vm. Full’brton, ; Jqsrph Simpwu,Wr}l. Zieglclj, {Corp.J:ohnstqn film-11y wounded Hush“, [’cilipg wounded in r 131”. the prisnuex Mil m. Cami L. Hall" \ .‘ Grumbx‘, Skelly, ‘ = under ‘led to er and ‘ v-ncr- man, J James : ECM mil. !i UM Jacob Jacob II in rightl LEE rE2 I= .'mitnry Commission has sent fi'om u E 60“) shurg ‘piuqe the -Imtllc t;\’l|’ and fiounds of fresh ‘brmd, {“46l}; ”minds of trees!) mutton and pom; xsand’ pound; of condensc‘d beer . usgnd-pounds ofcpiulen—gd milk, ll pounds of flesh butler, ten $913 of freéh ‘ekgsfive tons 6f flesh [our Ihuu§nn’d pounds of”swect hr thlcmsundr mi}; of shooinnd“ [on -of-tnnm}inds, ghn-e‘ hundycdl s and ornngcs, ofjeHics, {Mina-J 'ines, _spirits, cox-dials. spenm’s,l P bunddges,‘ SON-{S and» hospital! Ilhy car 193%. Theée nrficlcs \ "holly supplied by voluntary con-i “ 3‘33““ 0B A] n m '-| twenty 'I.I thou and; lhq‘ .e tll -| ported ;son.—— . E p) I m-ruls Meri- Fur- fn‘e ‘ lb, usu lhlpusxm dd yegn-mh 05; L chocolage, {q d was slippers; ohel boxes of lcm ! ceuus food. - fin‘r'e‘ls,“ lint” ‘élcthing-émm‘ have been w tributions fie unoflicinl bdneliuble'informiJ FLcc lost. at. the haulegofl Geh‘ £O,OOO killéd; 10,11001wonnded. V‘lh on, foot and in wngbns; a'a‘d £2,000 in prisoners Mdldeserten, . loss‘ of not lost than 35,000.. L 41,600 meh-gvor filo Potomac ‘1 ngfive ha lion this; (in: tiysburg tull3v ‘nken Yi'nh [l3‘ #l9:. less than (baking: a 19)] 110 crossed ,b on his rglrexyl the entire for- But a niomh I over 89,000 I: burg was 3an and 4,000 cup dxices week, er was ‘cncrnl } rics 'nf tds of ‘ Fons led fire firhgcd 1] guns lg only which cxc‘epting a few cavalry is -. hq has taken @npk s.thin‘i'n’. I: o be crossedint‘o Marylandnrilh Ipn. Gen. mcudé's loss ntGen'ys '.n 4,500 knk-d, 10,0001 wounded I unm—scnzehd. ~ . .' WWe n , very In'uch ngificho Ie that Calvin H. milton, son of.“'m. S. Kamila 5551-1? who wd‘s wounded if: the late battlajm. Gclgssburg, 1+1: 'nol. lost his leg, as was m 698'. reported .nnd‘, üblishcd, [nit {ms 0111);“: severe flesh wound, £011: nhiéh kg in rapidly recover- » es.— gd‘ re u m!- nearer 3 had trong, tilt on gGrew, '30:: fit WmLVMESGrcI', dew Mummnabnifdicd" on‘ Sunfi’uy from .the e cts urn Wound rm; ‘ S‘Wm. j ceased, near ! morning wee , ceived m m deeply with: ( Grew. ‘ ' 1, ‘ W“God '5 Lady's Bdok" for Angina! has greatly gre 'd us _witlx ils smiling face and‘ handsome dr as. It. 99ch with the bczmlifn! engraving “ fiallowcd‘ be Thy llama," calling to rcmcmbmh e childhoo’ci'i happy hours, {vixen kneeling'bgsinfo our mother desu-fwe leirned to lisp “Our FM er whg nrt in Benton." Thig is a. splendj‘i ninbenvnna .e'khibiti grail. 1:56: sud cxgfiéie oh "laps“ of the publilher. l mu late balm}. W‘e' sympathize‘ 0 mother aquipn‘da of Mr. Me. fifl‘he number ot'wouqued rennin/ed to the Geheril‘flos igul up to F'ridnyl/m‘oming Inn was 761. ' . ' ' ' ‘ Fun for Voice, " good fir Golda—ln changeable anther you ghould b 9 careful of your voiool. Bryan’s Puknonig Ware}: cure colds, guy”, gore! , hoanenoea, kc. Price, ‘ cents a be?" ' 1N0: Ezemp;.—An order from the provost m‘arshnl general’s ofiice scales that desertera‘ from the rebel army who have taken the out: of allegiz‘mce to the rebel ggvernment. get-sons who were residing South al the out reak of the rebellion, and were oompefled‘ ta aka the ohth of allegiance, or cinlmna .who have been captured and paroled on ‘ the condiflon of taking an oath never to{ bear arms against these-called Confederate government, we not exempt from the draft, ut they must in each case preaont‘thexr "I'lan flawmenu to the board, no they may not. be assigned [,O duty Agumt We m surgenh‘. , . #1319 city directory ofChicsgo for 1863 fixes the population of that city 'nt 150,000. HELP Till! WOUNDED SC)LDIERS.~TImra nro now in'the Hospitals ‘in and nrou‘nd Get- ‘ g-aburg sereral‘ thounnd \(vonndcd Selma-i,” most of whom will ‘rcmxiin for months. . For the proper nursing nuil éomlort of them men, many prticlcn are necesgnry in ndditio‘n to those supplied 36y ~the Geller-‘nment. ' Thole guest. needed u present are ‘Buucr, :Egga’ Chickenl, Apple Butter, Drigd Fruit, mu: Beejfl Potato“; Onions_ and 'Plckels; also, Sheets, Pillowsi‘fiushlons, filing-pedafihirts, Drawers, Sccke {ad Slippmfi' The Local Com-i inlttee of the Unitedeutea (Ehrlstlan Commlsim lien eunqstly‘qppgnl to tb ir bepevolept And » patriotic l'éllow-jcitizene 'to thud in‘aupplies of - -e above artlel'ei, ind evefi other that may be suggested as suitable for halpitnl purposes, in on); that the terrible'eufl'eringl of guy brave ‘ dléra iii], no far In ppuibl'e, -be”n lined, n‘nd that they may be restored to theiv , amiliel and country. , I , LAM“. directed .to the U. 3. Christian. ommiesion, or left in the care otoither of'thu‘ nggned. mll be thankfully received nut]. flu finally and pr‘emptlj dhtrihntui vihcre most needed for the “bore purpose. _ e» " ng m’ay they live, d)! The number of etc in the aggregate wdlmda; the num~ i 9; deserted ll] bf the field and smfl‘ Coldnc-‘_l,Chniles H. i. Fahneslock; Mnjor, . H. White‘,_ Q. 3]., '. W. Ilcckél ; ‘Assist‘. A. Wilso'n. 4 his subject 'much in; Iresent, mid there is immxcn ibwill be; e can only 3%); that probnbly'ficit wc‘ck. a! Cbnmhershurg,‘ ers'. Look , out, the. odomms OF THE ENGLISH pnmss ‘N mmufirws qr emusaune. - ‘ When the stqameg Solo“; sailed from Liv: er‘pool, on the hill: purrgteat anxiety pre vailegl in Engla‘nd to benrflurthej- and mare definile‘news $3 to thé filial result. of the battles ol Gettysburg“~ Al’ljlhe Londonjuhr; nals ccmmputgml '.he accofiuis'then receiv ed. ' '‘ ~ '1 yshfirg has resnméd lSflcling busiriess as This excellent [n ‘ pecuniary loss, lie orcnsi'oned‘hy the uglfles to XI place of .husiness incidcnmo :zlu: time being. . . I _v'll‘he London Mornhgl‘oddisccvemsom‘; {Mallets between film bntitlo mar Gt-ttvg- Mrg and ”mt. M‘Anlietamfcroek, and mg}: : l-‘m’nught wqakltow to lhj‘é comm-y, Imm muy'lmvc ugb‘lw s‘alno 'imo murkl-«J tho coihmoncemé‘nlt nut! to: nfihulinn ol'tih‘outh - ern im'nsion.‘ l'l‘lne North¢rn boldiut cer tainly fight. hes} on their pan soil; ‘fqr. ox~ cept on the ltrgsont oci~mion and at Alltlt': mm, they ‘lmv? never Mid their grqum? with men stendliyw'ss whim oping wth their Southern nnwgpnnts.” l j - r) 7 The Londun (Far-graph thinks thnfflcn brul Mouth: may be g‘rdntagl ’1; larger art-«lit, tlmu anyFuh-llfll cmurnnmlerlms uchinvod. llu lmi at IL New fllcrel the cliurgcter of tho 00!?“ch ‘ ‘1 , ‘2 I ' The lmmlnn {Globe says that Gen: Momle‘ foughtn defen'mw- mtinn with Hemline” 'uml skill. but lligyictnry hm! yé-t. to he ,wnu; '.l'lw erdtm l’unes rt-vtcws the ~xjtuutiun of the tw'n nrfmies. Gem Moude’; mave mcnls. it .snys.” warn ,lumhubly nhmeu‘lmt hire {zwidtltzqnlm Cnnjml‘emte-s ogrficteti; his clenr tlmttlua; pnailiouof'thp two ur ‘mies 1: Very «{‘mcul lor enrh'af them, null ‘tlmt no turtln; inwu’rtunt. movement can take plaqe‘on (litlie'r‘stdé until the issue is decidrd GHQ wzly or the other, _’l‘ho.llnt}.=h Army and §uvy Guzt-tto says m’ost‘prohuhjy the (:(fllrse of (‘VUIHM Would be determml-tHay’ the Tom]! ofllm battle of July 31d, and infill would 'tlcp’emkwh'ytlmr qu‘bmgtun ft I_ur Leo rallied mm Vll‘fllll fin,a with tlm'lu}: ril‘mdny men. but v'nth 'u prmligmuu (llluilllly ol ynlunßlo slbrgi and plunder“ L'nu mnnnt ull‘nrd Ito stand still and ifhe fuun' bik‘fldl“ too strong for his nrmj to Sllflvl? agiiin'he would get any from‘lth'e :m’mtli at the‘ levmlvuulitia and volunteers \vhiglt \vnze ggthcgiug ui‘ouml. him. . ‘ ,K '\ hns'héen estamis‘h ds ens: of ‘lhc town, nrds were nngnmpd lojvoundf‘ul nr'c. bei‘ng sus'pnssihyf'r'dm the try hfigxfitals. “iii 15? mama, n‘nd “ ill ‘lele' wan fife plhcrs ‘ "I‘m Munchoqter Gunrdnifi snys iffimwr'ul ‘ Mf'dde'n dbputt-hpun be credited, it niny bo‘ imelred that. he held succeeded beyond ox— ,yccuuiun m hi'inging’the'tfiumphnnt van-oer of this Confederates tqw p‘pum, and pow bly in pro'iiding lhem gnu good reason to ’ 'ruu'thelr. “quot-n», Etch party is in ’- po- Eition in wlngthumpleto ([0523! may be. nt tended with wry 'gxont misfortune) The Lnr'ulnp but: says that Mmulg'u luo-_ den: ”will invighrnt’o the 11.9 an fin] arms 3 of the Nuylh. p.lylll’xlxorqtlmll chap-k the lcufrnty bf the tS‘mfléhorni invadu‘rs. Fur 'theni Iqhuvu hmm} i_n Lhairgggrcssxon ii In ,lmve incurn-d gr Tm" hcw’vwr dlsmfir than defeat on {hri'rmwF‘ bbil.",l The Luhdnn ‘Uemhl remnnksz—“At pro. sent the battle ollGuttysbugrg'Bo-ems tn re— , .wmhlc too utosclyhll the grant fighm of the whx-«fie‘xcp‘ b}oody"‘nnd protracted contents, with results in no dbgreq gowmgnsuruto ) mth the gullm'ftry’, ‘IeVQHOQVI‘Id, numbers of the Hungry engaged. 7 (3 had holwd that the lineetzfig ofslhe twb nrgliea'wnuhl ' vhay‘e bbcn dt-ciswe ; ,but ithemns that the vidorifi.’ whoeve: the} maydne, wxfl lmmr nhn hut burlcn'honoi's, nm‘i that the “rug. gle Will have tolbe renewed. lu tlm mean, time, if me Jungifltmned ho other objm'tf he has mceoded’ in provisxbnihg hi? army fox-2.1x months at the cnemiy'é’cost." ' . . Several recent decisions pf interest_hnv& been made under the;Conscripv.ionv Ah}, among finemlthe following: a . I’m—A ny person claiming oxomptiom from the draf! by reason of apy dimliilily has the right to have the question' of his disability submitted to the board of enroll-I menl, whose decision is final. 1 f the bean? sh.;lldccit‘le than} the claimant ll liableli s'ervé; he has the right after such dgcx’xio I again‘schim. to [any his cpmmuéulion money‘ or. to furqish a subatitute. ' -‘5 gd.—Dmne¢\ liersmu; who claim to pne sent mutilated; will give written notice to tho Bogu'd that qn surhn «lay they” will present. :1 mbafituge. gifing his nnme, mil-- dance and mud, and swung wbelhei h‘e ll an alien or a cilizep. The suhsmute may be [lreséntenl atlnn'y time before the dny {qr ‘ bging eat the re (lozvofis. Ah mum-Mum is to; be on ‘pxiclaely the sums footing as other Soldier; His qualifications must belho same. ’ , ; ‘ The question concerning tha Qéceplanfl of 300 amp ' inlent for military serviéo baa/Been dénlm übdu, and the payment cf séidlémount fill relieve the drafted per son frbm furthel‘ lilbilxty under. that. dram Tbequestitm is now being agitntga whéthet tlge’ju‘symentxpfi $3OO v‘iill n 92. ‘relieve the pérson dnftgdtJfom all liability during the “nth-61mm oi s‘kxvice for which lhe in .d'mflr. ,ed. It by; not. W} been decided. (bructioru of iMiglalm' in qufling.—The following official oraer has been inqued: ;‘ 'War’Dcpwbmymh Provost Marsh?! General] qfiia, Washington, D. 0., July 28. 1862. Circular No. {la—Whenever any drafted pun shall show to the Board of Enrollment of the which to which he may hue been enrolled that he wpegimproperly odrolled‘ having been, when enrolled, an Alien. l non-resident of the distrlgt, not of rope} age, or in the service on the 3d of finch, 1863, he shall be discharged by the bond! And‘his place in the quom shall not be fill: ed from the fifty per cent. dawn-in Iddi tion to the quota togupply vacanqxucren ted by exemption arising under the secohd section of the enrolment act. Jan B. Far, Provost Mushul Genqnl. The Draftand Subatinm.—From the {ols lowing note of Provost Marshal General Fry, it. will b 9 seen that he has decided that‘ with the consent of- parents, minors my bq' accepted 9! substitntes for thou taken by a me oomenption:, '~ » . Provo“ Martha! General’a (Mica. ~ " Washington, D. 0., July 22, 1863. ‘ R. Grant annwell, Esq, Philadelph' '_ ‘ I’m—Substitutes be’tween 18 and 29 1311 he sweptbd with content of parents. _ ’3 Jun B. F". 1 y. Provost Marshal ngonl. ' ~ ‘No man is thordughly des‘ , other: whq is non condemned by h‘xmn‘.‘ R. G. “ch3.l“, Mir!» Brown, J. L. Scum}, J. F. wanj‘ucx, H. G. Finis“) A. )ESII'CK. \ ’ T. P. Bvdunn, - r'l ; t ' .g 1; Lagfrifcmgmr U. s. c. c. ccsa THE CONSGBIPTION.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers