Téi‘ms- The COII‘".ER is publithl‘w morning, by H'unv J. Snmm. 'hnnixm if paid strictly «mun jar a'nnum if not ‘paid in‘ mbscription dig’oontiguod, 111 optign 6T_ the publishér,’ until are paid. ‘ Abvnnsxnflsinbertedatt Jon szxrisa done with dispatch. ‘ a ‘ I prncl in South ’Biltimore Wpohite W‘Mpffl'ers’ Tinning Es —“Coxru.zn Prux'rma()na‘fcz’J q. A Clerk of that-Cg 0 THE VOTERS o'rfimm Fclluw-mljwms:—[k-3n'_’ on humb’foua fail-11:13:, I offer luyséll huh-Lulu!) us .u .muv-l‘u 1m- for CLERK UTE TIN-2 §'«>ll;:lf<,nn yi‘ unit-‘11:»?! "(I H 'tion, Fll'yjl-l I. ml C’ounty Comm domination nnd cianu- your gnmfixj the duties oflhe u.- eléglod. I s! ‘nv-c‘u‘nd mung! “ice p_{uln]nll_\' Franklin tp., pril 6, “Mil , _ ~.Qlei‘k G CAR! . Thyymru THE C(DI'RTS. of the Co v. ill IN a (:i ‘rb nm‘ninntion Sfinuld 1:" hl‘ 0 use ‘e’vcry r. .. urn;- plulgos himsoH tor election. ’ 01ng (3. WOLF H. m; 'l‘Hll‘ clslouuftlu‘: Du: chfsimrg, .\L of the Co \_x~jxm-.r\'.nmn. lint'fi'l'h‘, 5.1!. 'erAtlcEthMy [y H; Jm,.:. z. Clerk T the Enhui‘ A ofl‘fir .11I_&~l'! (IfCIJ'ZIHC' UV '1 elm-thin. xnhjwtl crntic County ( turtuumc m: m plenlgc mg wlr’y oflicqto m 4; 'lu-a'. cf the Co “gym: at ndmvx m ‘1 1.: ,‘II’LU H: vmtm‘s’p ‘0 1.?1- I'.: L hinn Gnu-mum. S! n- nomimn'L din-11hr 1' III" of l!!)"nlhlh?_\‘. 1 l.\\. ' _i Lord 911., \n ‘ A Clark -. FVr‘thll: m": g lnvll': II", -. m n“l.)’,ni\ “I" 'i clrctmin. «119 w; » rmllc (,uunly t {albumin ’2‘: Lu of the, Co 'I lu'v-‘h’gsflu. 3,. '.I emf“ 1 m. ‘ {wing Y " I \ In-uuahur. ‘ w nu'innllml nhmhmg“ .L'l ”pied?"- 1m wlf Lu otlxv-c rllimz‘zllg': . . 1‘ .\‘N‘nums Stmhnn tp” Aphlh:lrz.i. _ oithe‘ Gr ‘xm'l zr\.«-.1:lm;~f- ..mrxr 11 hwy” vI. r .I‘_ 11:1 [gm m‘m;m" CU v.l; Cir "hm H , cum-i"); ole; Hun. -n!}:.lLml‘:(-' '1 holy-n ruug- f'mxulfv (‘u'h’v mum hn'fufl :mLU' M h. I»; duh-. 1, . ‘0 din huge LIH: dhtfu‘s‘ (,1 71'" A , ' , “ ' JAl‘l‘l Mnunlpimlwn': ”L, .\i Ah 2 Comity _Tl’t‘zléj :‘xr'm'n mm: P'n' {Bag-1.1. 4 «If us,” ( Ill‘hl' ‘1"111-1‘4'") MHZ-Hi, 2n, HM m \t um (”mu. su .mm-n of [”0 ‘b‘n-umirui‘;(‘..u. Should I m- :‘ufnxjmmh- u: n mu! fink-43031.1 [-[ngl man“ 1 ‘dulu‘é u!" [1.1; nihcv .'.,mHmly z-L - , ‘ an“ Uctlyibx‘ug IVA) 4'. l flaunt: T v ‘O3 :7 u ‘ 11mm; 1...“ :4 ) n n\'«lu‘ ‘\ F». .Pw . . -} I'R‘lf.‘\‘>.lii.7‘..‘vnm ‘ll.. x , . Dmuurryn {Ema-J \‘whn. .r-u. (Jinalnd and flawed, 1 plv-lgn chum 1h: dyti‘cs M :lm “mu prqhnpuy. ,' , JAN 1 _ Gettysburg. April 37, was. ' ‘ 3 County Treasu xcmmgmm Ivy .u...§rm. i J salt as it anzugn|ixil_a-t‘,r("rl Qlifili, 1n Lh‘c “\sz xhrhnnprn‘... ('ili'unl ur the liqmmrulic (“mu Hl’iould-‘J‘ (’lO ~(\ {Urdu}: xifl a: 1:5 and min {mi I ;‘.'v lav duties of me ulum- I n Gm .* ”h 3" {rd-um. M n' x; “pm-.mV -- . 3‘. _~ "‘5, Iv ' awkera’mer ~‘ n . (J: 9*"!an M “(C -I.l.:‘L'Fh “In h') l"*‘“" . A k’k [Ai‘pl fl" “‘6" . m .qun *~ “ "-m-‘z- ”“ "‘ Cn' ”ii-“ 1.3" '1"""‘=1“--~~ 1 “‘-~un.;n‘ \l' “’WH- r- I . c: annulmj..l‘ EMU]: x,‘ r‘ " “Tale 116911; mu; ““5“! 1’ t m). “m.“ “165 ut n.“ ”F 7. . 'Xl'(‘ “ M» K h, Gen.) um rg, April 2?. 1:65 'Reglstpr & R 0 , i D THE \ UTERS U'r‘ .\l’ \‘J T Al tin urgvm aniiri'd'nnnl mynelt‘ us :1 (.Imlxrlnh- lur 11,121 (HARDER, illi-jug! In 2119‘}th cnmc (‘minry (“m-\x-u‘im. (R nhiiity to ‘i‘iuhuym lhe duzips u needy of LI”: prune: ()1 mo >:unf sclf-tu {nilhmlly d 1 < huryé‘ I puckathc pnufixs ifv‘mv 1m 3b to clecyme. ," 7 li. Fl Mid'dh'lmfnfb'imn J, 186.). t ' ’Regls‘ier 'B2; Rec “ T‘the soliri' Ltién ofnum. ' AgJin pig'cr Hl)‘.~(‘W :1< n m otfice’uL‘llEU IS [Huff RHVUILD ‘ .ing ekectiug snhfi-cnquw decxsx : cratic 'Coximy" wwminn' h: forhmatc {as th.. nonmmtcd '. qfledga myscll lq Uischurgc th ".- Volfice to me bcs "51' my ability. ‘ , _ r L A. \\‘._ ‘7éB’tl;sburg,£fi_ ch 30, 18:5. my Eggxster 8:. Rec: 1 l, T thb Sojicitntion of numq 'l', ng'un nfi'xjr nun-Erin: :\ u w ffii’ceufflfifllby'nlka} RflL'LHH‘v ‘r ‘ ~rigelection.mhjecimtheElem; («static County Convention. ‘ ‘ ortunnmas tpgbe-‘nominutod ‘ . pledge m§self tu \disdlurgc 1b ; 4 slice u; uhe beat of my Mung 1, ’ 4 ‘ EDWAR ' a rLibert} tp., May ‘11,“1863 3 Register a: Red T _flm solicimtion- of my 1 A myself as amnmlidnitc EGISIER. & RECORDER, 51 biaipn‘ of the Demgvrgric .Con Shunld Lpe nominated and e myself to perfo‘rm {he duties 0 prompwess. 'A, P [mil-ac, 1863. n: Rkgistelr & Itec ' 3 T the ”gution of num rona friends iii the Conn and in our -gimeut. 165th, ‘ outnyulf u n candida“; or'lhe office of .l BEGISTE & RECORDER, a bject \o the de r...cjaimrot" e .Democrdtic'colmty Com'enfion. 78honld Lbe up fmtumfie as Q 0 be noxgiautéd “Land ekected,-I pledga myself- tp» diuhargé the " dnfiu of the ofiice Lathe beat: of my ability. -. ~SA¥UEL LfBLY. . 195“: P. 3L, May 25, 1863. tc* ‘ ___. .._- ,h A, ~ - ~_._J__—.-—- - Du‘ector of=theTPoon ' 3 me requested to sun upce ANDREW Lt.,\ ‘ t’SHUL'PA. of Lnumou. township, “5‘41 mfiafiig’rlchector of the 001‘, M the .11qu ' election, in jecmo the dcnisi n of the Demo pntic Cohnty Convention. , ~ .hu 1; 1863. ,w W _ ‘ G HAS RECEIVE P SPRING & SUMMEI , w on Hanna’s f 0 G,“ Clothinz- ‘r you CWIGQES, Ginghpmi, 11 mg, n uamsroc :1 “IR-Pm . 1 Bantu. .- 3001:5711: I 01! flfiMQ nice-3 :1 l W. . :".':~""1""’er4¢ .- v r . \IW 1’ *V‘T‘IR; '~ ! . ‘. “-7 '“r w ‘k ‘ [cry Mnnény m $1 75 p'fl' nub—s 2 00 'vauca. No less at the 11 arranges - usuflntes. unless van?! reet, nearly {lablisfiment ' on the Sign. GU . _(‘ol'¥Y:— 1 nun-m. -! Ly l to yunr cau '\lm 01' (,- of .0 mt! vim-- H' I“ lh-Lu‘rafiv ‘: I'l'l‘l‘i\c ‘.lht‘ H duh :- I u - M‘dx-I 12,1. n'hsirh fific-l- M‘H'THR. 1 15th Y ‘hhnuh‘ [1 111/1 ''- Sheriffalty. . H ELLOW CITIZESSn—fi: MN: on ‘ , 4 lil'iiutiou of many friends in mfi' the county, I one? myn-U’ a: a cxl for lln- other. of SHHlKll’F.‘ut;lhc next. ' finljm-l tu Lin/fireman 01 the M-niucmt ! 1y (‘I/nu-nlmn. .\lmuhl l he nominal (‘lct‘UNL I Madge r'nvst-lfito disthurze th‘ of the ulhc‘vz- fiulhluliy and nnunwlly. ‘jl 'rts. " Imim‘ fnr‘tho In CLERK m: nm-wdul, ne 'npr-r rxuxtivm runes. Ic' ' " . _-. ‘ Am.“ um .Frnnkl‘m tp., April 27, Huts!~ tc* 1 Shc—nffaljy. ‘ , FXU )I'RAGHD by hdnmrous friend J {fl}~('”' 1H y. I:.l:midntc fox-JIM: ‘ .\HrZLH {figuhjw-l [015.13 ducL—‘inn oft (-1 mm ('nunly (Willie-min”. Should I inau'lientl U; run], I piwluu In) :91! lo d the limit-q of thq‘ofliw “it“ pfigmfilu IHHLHIIJIMV. SAMI'TZU E Irts. 1.» m 6mm; w! tu ”14' 110- Jum'czmuu. GE ua frh'lllh. ‘ il:"_Vl,v-I‘Hn’o Vin-’1 n-Tnug at tho [Mum -I.HH"I [.O Ln I'm] chl'g'll. I dunk-ls UT the Sherifi‘ulty. N-"DY’RAhHD L} mEu:_\' Snowda! E “Ir u {an 1; ‘nfianr .\mmrr In \1 I 12.4")n'L, ‘ IKV-H‘ft l'! ”‘0 (NH-”u 1' 'mm v .'..x (3mm: Hu'wrnhnn. FA“ 5' J. ”SK un.::7r '- ~4 .Hn! Hum J, X Hnmin- t 0 f2.’.-.1uv~~.~.(.r [he mu“- mu. [idrlily J‘Jl'l HH_'.’. ~ \ JUHN A\ll'.‘J.\>‘ ‘ .\lumnylmsnnt Mn, AmilM-ISML' U 1! ~ 4‘ " Sherifl‘alty. .1 fiVf"”'7l.“?lehymn”! IF fl‘jl‘ndé‘ i‘J l Hvr fllA\"‘l| u.- fl. (all‘c luriin hulh: r‘, mm} in: II“: iun ani rd: «‘f'r‘a "r»:.‘~}‘llA.ll. .~'lmu‘.d [‘ In."l«iM‘l:l"'Jl:‘l.ll4W:'l‘lrx§l~l‘llll.'d‘.u ‘11!» dut” ‘ «'3! .111:- 9.23.}:- r...l'| "I! mum. >i‘hllm“. 9.3,. g? “gmrt 1:121; HUN! m . . ‘ . K Wu] -' “‘l’.“ Wyn, ‘u'én-r InJU, [Yr-pi. . 0; ': 71;“..«1‘3i 1,” ”mm: N"U «iixt‘nrnw‘vl- MIR 1’" *qt‘ in 1. I‘." ‘1“ "lugdglwm :3 11m Lilmt mu 1 x‘nmfiv! to‘rmx 11"" Mr V, M-. s'” lel pun-10m. civil-lan: fihm‘vk'l T not by ”k" I“ ‘1 ‘I 1““ lu-_mv.l 4w] by the lh~u.ul/~.xxi.-‘(Runny nu c.l - "3 I'LL“.- l mu, xi n uuv to m} 4011‘ that [it rvhc I‘mntl l"' “7")“ “‘ll tlh- 1w! Inport'us ”Mn/I} “136.. lln o: uu‘t-‘r 1‘" ’.‘,“,"“'-]J."- .l-ml-r: «inn-l rl'lh :l Lymmht, :ljnl h-M Jnv‘vlf "_‘\’\“"L’3' . fin. fulxml‘ hmxnd m nybl‘ic 10" th Q-viui ‘ x'Jl'lhc "’ .' ‘ €(‘:IH.»’L;‘KIV)IX..I‘I‘IIII'6UIJ'I“? in 'ugy mrnl hmc. ,gl,‘—""" Jaw. s, 1-4..;. ;/ (Hymn? 11:51! lAN. E: g ¢3~¢mgvg Sheriff-any. . 53') “(L ‘.‘k,’ .' ,‘Hf‘nI'IIAGI-Ii) hv u m‘umrvr of f it‘m = I "l. m H" ‘l‘” LEI ”HZ-r my~cll :\~-u candidate tor I no u! re » ('HuV-Lulnm, It”. SHERIFFpéthwI. to H)" IXLLlsinn of flu i“. X'Hm‘” 1;. ’! ;:'):~m.~n'ml'l' l'uu'lly ('nnu‘nlinil. bLt/{hi I ’u -I~4P ‘"w Hu‘ [1: 4i.“ “ -.‘ v‘) il I: 1. LI {”11"er _tTI IL, “I‘- ‘l‘ (h up: 1m; dun-u u} Luv u. u” =.|.:H2 u i; . -. J , -~,‘ 4 ' H it‘mm n:;x’1‘;;.:-:lt. Mufin‘jny :1... .\lyn c, 15.55.. 1m 5‘ ‘ ths “(1.1 I“in - 'n:' ‘I :- 4 “. \.'su “punt: 11332-14111, I fllxhn's. ‘ui [LC =ME SJIH‘. ER ‘ .lu, I:r’,\. \ MIIIAUS - _ Sheriffalty. TW'HI'VLU; H) “_\‘ ..Ix um .' I r 01' fl" __E‘i-m” r » f :t l" A~ n I"‘AJI Lxh- lur II -1 F'I‘JJHX MM (‘1 In ['o dwlgu-I Ila-Im-rinic (Tu-luh' Couvonuun. ' 5 l 0 ‘muninnu-d and cloqmd, I pledge mvw! ‘L'lmrge he dgliqs of the oflico thilhlnll : . , ‘ M.-B. Mfl ’ Mn‘lintpleqsnnt {p.,Jmlc 22, \ln'CA. ' . ‘u'; U] l',l(‘ .‘lrdfliui In, “‘.\l\l‘|d 'u; dis .Li' hf'nlly ,vmd 11‘ KUX EL. @I - ‘- Sherixralty... \ T Hm aéfivitntinn. of numr‘rous ‘f A [Sm-r myse K' as; candidate (qr t, ‘ ul' .\IHIIHI- Fen! the enguihg t-lectmn, mHu-du.:ipnnlthel)cuxoirnfic(‘mn “Ninth Humlvl I he so forhm‘ltv‘ ‘ xmminnlml :unl 1 ln-rlml. I‘ph-dm- mysel HIM!“ t'w dullf‘S of llu' unil'e: l ‘hr xv}- :I i ,xy. "‘ GEM F. i-ItzL'HNl URN: Jnn'g, _\l'Lrn L 1 30. INI L h' , hf'r‘vl ..m-r my x’r.’ TERA.» "u m the W‘- .- (\mvrminu. 'l.‘-:1-.I:E~I.(‘,J ”5.13:2“ lhu 4..1t,: , :n ; 176.1012 1 l. .r ‘ ‘ ‘ Shei‘ifi’alty. y . ‘..v ...; [21.31; T EVlLLt'n\'-('l'l‘lzr:.\:s- or am}?- _-U ...P KM” J _ ‘ .'4 Hum In l‘ll Impurh‘nwd fur mln : ‘. ... "'|~.l"\' 1” "“1“" {IL (.Imll-Lllc tnr Hu- (:Illn'v UPS]: 1:1“ fl . m I Hm .'H'uL‘m- mgr!” umx‘ulidulc“ 51, ‘1 1,, _ \f "'l‘ t'. fl-fx‘ng in th- ![umfluntu- Vm 101"!“ }|\l “i 4 nLnHmlxm...) 511mm] I lug‘h furlunl LLAthIL {il9- III"h||lll“"1.1|HJF‘.""1L'\l..l lnrmnnq lil’llfil‘,” 4- duliv's n! 5:}511 ()lli' (‘ Imm] \\ kl) [Ht-110'. Your lh-mli- M _wn mm - ZACITARH‘H MY Rpril 27, 1863. tc A r .er. 1'~~11'X'1", V“ . ‘ .'1 '9‘ «.11, In. 11' fi‘TLiL & 1H): Sherlffalty. . 4 \‘f‘OT’RAGED by num‘r-ruug friend I; I1.)'5u11 as :l Cuildifihlte‘ iur the Slul'ilx‘l‘. subjm L f 0 Hm Clemsion of 1 IN MW 1 u :nw Cum PnLHm. Kimmie}! J» HM "and {ft-HM, I4llt-4}§cnl_.av!l' 11).” I'2o .lv:n~<,nf li'L:("3l3l‘”Witll_llrmekl l‘npuriuihty. JUalivu A. numb .\‘wuh‘juy 11L, .\pnl 27, 16113. It; erluhs n: I'T‘ I‘m- mine. I. ,! lyvi‘ {3- .m . .h X ;M:XI2, ‘ - . .A’Small Farm 5 ; , N 9 STORE FTAXD'AT T’RH'AT SALE. I .‘TTIIL‘ nulucril-or, dofiri‘lm to r mow to .3 UN: \Ygril. 0m r< nt I'rivnw Sule, HIS FARM, Isizuaw-in .\lnuntplgamm township, Ailinrus~ “mum-pun “rho-new Sum road from 'GQHQS -1 bur; Kd‘lhnnwr, hh‘nnl 5 may: frum [EC lat'cr .‘plncv, .uljuiuincg lands of PHI-r Emit kP’pn-r {linnkcuzclL :md nthora, mumming‘fitf Acres, {Mun} nr less, of (-xvaGfil {.\rmmg [.'.ntl—plnhlt Hun-re arefirst-rulemomluw-fixnvi. fl TheinxfimvmnvntsnTAtzl‘lfl'rgo‘t huh, ‘.'. "ii, {story rhum“lil’ga"sFQfitl:J{m-lwu' ' {£s . :umclH-«I, [um .Ime a’nu pdrt I'"ng :1 i "Aw. “'.xzun .\‘thx and ‘3 latgv now “M 5 Pen; lai‘c‘" rmlmgf'cll m miber nr‘fu- the Edam“; n.‘ lgomi _\[mulgv.\,|v;‘ll-'i)rcl}:h‘%l“ in: a What); 01 freight rungn-es on lhéju'c 'scs. . l f fi-jjhl’Lh'pns wishing to: \X: thekxmporty wi .cull‘ufi-thc subscriber, “T n: lhrr-nn. \ 73‘ '_ JAG 'GU MAN. ‘ April GLthCS. _3m \ ' -~_ g ._ . __o _ ~_ -..... ‘ Hungary lfl New” Gad rd. . ' V [.\.‘v‘ E. WOODS, formerly of\)i&llimnrc I‘l hind-g lotuted! iq Ngw omm", Adnms ,cnuprg', P 4,, in the ho se :ocquied by Dr. slsll}, in Ifnn‘ow: street, will curry Kn vtlle r.\HLMNEHY BUSINESS; in 31} its br :1 lies— plill ken}: ‘m lnlnd BUNNE'FS. HA ‘, gui -1 BONS, FLUWERS,RUCHES, SI_LKb,U' A hS, LAGES. 8:0,, and solicits a share ~o 'puNic pmwmv‘ge.‘ .; ‘ [April 27, 1863]. &m\ riza nus fricmk, ’I «HILELC lur Illa? ant 111901151» 11 ut‘lifi- Wang)- OHM I he 5‘9 :ml (leclcdnl (Julie: ut lu'e PI.T‘.M.\H_NG. § rder. . '3 mus frir‘ndfifl w'ri‘lmv‘ {Ur (fly ~1‘.‘..~.t”441-113131- 1. ldt‘lin‘ Drum wuhL I br- 39‘ um! circled. l ‘ duch at {he McINTIRE .rder.. nen‘dsfl ofl‘ég' :1" the offiw 01 1300: to YllE: (It'- I ‘3' (‘on\'cn"inl. ected, I plain: the; office with. BAUGUERM ‘ , _1 , . Removals.~ ‘ HE nnflcrsignedmeingche authofizqdperson ‘ no nmke removals intotEmr Gree‘n Cemeo‘ teryghfipes that such as conualplate tbelrerpoval of the remains of deceased gelativea 011 friends will Mail themselves 01 thiuienson oftlicyelu' to have itdoue. Removalsm e withp’rompmegs -—tei'ms low, and no efi'ort spared toqfleasa. ' ' * PETER 131 mm, , ‘ March 1.2960. LKeepex-ofthe emctery. H I ..l - _ ._ , ~,l— Farmers’- Mechamcs’ . . SAVINGS INSTI [ON OF’ADAMS 00., having increase its‘cspiml, has enlarged ”its business and extended its accommyfidations Loan ay, Wednesdufi [AgriL6, 18¢): If. : , Plcking « AS RECEIVED ms 1 , . snugzo t suuuzn'md'mmo GOQIE ONE, 0083 ALL. f by as, 1883. ‘ . t i‘der. I“ [n ms 3 g «momma. ILLIXERY GOODS, Bournemflibbons, Flown-u, §hnken and Bonnet "Emu jusrreccived from New York, cheap at: 'Eahn estockn',nfign of the ‘ ' RED FRONT. Spring 'uid Sum- slins, t rpdnced 8808’. Sign oi Tm: RANDY, WINE AND WHIS. :Y, for ~ mgdiclndr pu'rpopes only; at the New Drug tore of . 7 ‘1 .- Dr. R. HORNER. Kate, where did ml Boat: 7" “A! McILUENY‘S."’ ' 315 mm: GLOYES, {or flea and 133;. K 37 _ be highwprm - scpicuys. A . --...... lIM By‘ 11. J. ST IILE MEI l‘rt mlum'qu .‘vl ny 18., 1‘9.1e to I =II f . ; Vag 1 ? , fi'FDFEMQLgR/QTUC AWE’FAMJLV JQUR a: , (\J i—Tfi—g @hfiggflfif. E '0“ so lpr‘ts of ndidate I ectiou, I (‘uune Pd and r duties“ ‘oLh gunman; : . r.— ' friends l 7 7 > < 11 ; sdm‘a‘ burgcd; some gone onto! 1I - ; -s,‘ nml ji‘l the world's swift. fight. Jane to [fluke amends“. fricnd3+ l I ‘ i ,“W‘ qh r-e éhnhx H Bight He énem 1 5 N° S lofi'cr [fice uf c Dvmf .e nom ‘[ charge a" and ['ER. Rolg, oh I ‘ - refuel gone fro '1 Nu (-3-? Thin-e are lying} in one grnvn; thcfar- fi'world ought: daily wave loving ,cs'sngej send . . al d, d TM, 0131 f A'n ' ix- frienxb! ,-.‘ ‘nily ; uufl one wants n. musk; Ih estranged, can-s not to ask lere musk-less anger ends. ‘ A l -. “pauses 'lht‘rflo ‘ , WI ‘I I} dc‘flr ~oh than-mun Gut E [Wormp I at 1‘”: ‘ :3! the {H z b- HIIOLH ud im [H.[L' {fist-13h; ' 1 38 (oan in days ofymxth‘l ~' .\‘ilh cauthe divoflcdj'wm Truth, severance ends ‘DM, 0'": J 1r hm‘ur -| ‘punrl mu’ still in evening Elma" hull rvnlrn w'ug-n sunlight fud “So on im] dcpo‘nds. | i- 4411‘?!“ Mr Howl My um _\ ‘ ‘7 9251-141 ulhvt‘ Ul 6-,111 {iiimllmm MUM 'TZILTf’ :11 fl: '., ‘.LVVLL HEN Lll5 DARK w " ‘_ :0‘ folk f-n rrnnL 'Il!s‘l.“'l‘l ngqhinfl f‘isgqlurk ’, 39m ti Hf): mm}! fury. ‘ It! Orr V ":1 «34:1,? ¥ MM}: IbPKL—xtlful sonllmonll “Moiqt r Karl's Skl-tcll l’w 1e N 151! to! Heaven.” lci ton lvr (’ts: : wixi‘nfilhe llrmnrnlllo antllm ire rem‘lc of long yuux s V by th knnvnh, lmm-tl!‘<~ li: (lax-ll when lwsceatlm cl : lmr :mimd. and knows tlm mfipin¢ss of mixers are fit x. Jlufi‘in that hour the n nt‘egrity will he a true con ~uro him evun lmro on 9: “WWW fin lmnyqn. It i 4 Lup £olch mi (313“ rikwm : (- ‘llv‘lni'wl. H n. muro l; I’mur.r Pnr’k. \rlxuv lbw} wt in: Hnuxn. ream)!“ “h Ll, lfl'lflsl‘filld, Hh-p luv ’ Unk. kyhvil my:lv\\pll-ln m :zmfi'x mm: mmmml l. 52‘ nuw 1m vhl‘ll in (11-u (only lMn" gloom which he r 11; of immgrmlily sun! the leaven. ‘ - wx-Ix 1115.0“ nr_fof']£.a-L tin', mm :1: [piuu'lc q ' l 1 DIM-«1] ”(.- s‘) kn , . inn/Imm 1 5'1"“! 1, 1 ma «gr :- [x , 1m ' fiUf-h \u. Mums, l} ‘ : «lay-arr? ‘ :Jigh'l on! J: “IL‘ M 1 he ‘ln dia- i- #l.: mm Tuzr'u'c.9.~—A long .my in wand ha‘ 5n mm! Hl'pl‘rFSing e'fl'nct' nn ‘npirua— Th} nnivorul mourning wnrn by the mfmcq ha ms you In ymu‘ sleep, and you fr-Pl; that “h . ck" is after all; the true ghost color.— : leuevcr ybu go, you find the same Imin", hn- plpsq crmturns jbordinp tncnflwr inlllhe 011 whoa: .'LJnd kw?!) ”ll'N‘ nut :xlxvuyx-Irq.) I‘mu‘n tlm‘hrumlity 'gpmhe thamn FUNK-1 y. Un‘ilor the lnx‘r‘tcnéo of mm“ Mug» TnLMMG‘ t‘hr‘icam'lily n! Um Loni" nailwiu..~lrlmw 611'} _Lm-n 'viqluh (l :nml «want -4 ~t My 1:: J at Le dnnr not unfit quonfly sl.l‘~il‘1 S’ \ ( ' _ § . 3‘ 1 1' i liEl “mum x: .mcnh‘n‘n mu. yawn."- . .1 THE PENNSYLVANIA RESERVES AT THE BATTLE OF‘ GETTISBURG. The I’énnfllmnfih lhfim-vesmfirchctl from Washinztmn on thé‘ L'hth of June, and by forced max-rhea, under tlm‘ command of General Cruwmrd. rmglm-l Ihc’Armynf the Potomac illzt' M time ‘tu Imrlicqutefiin Mu great battles la'toly‘ InurJhc oILLHm 5011 of their muzw: S! (u. Wlmx ii jkus munzzwt that. 1116 tan-m; had Culubliflwllhmuwlw :l _in Punnfivlvunin. nomnilfinulul l \cnml the enthusimm of Una: trit-ll cox-r 1531" their d~- fiil‘e‘tvfl'llN'QL. thjim bn tfmix‘ nwrr soil‘. 'Hmy were suon gratinemand tho: qnlerw to mme were wedge-14 with lon-l chcqfl. A mil sntrm march w v. lnnrnn mthpnt ”I. murmur. MM‘ :1! Fr-I-lorlék chi-y wC-rv- auburn) .u‘thn 'l‘lfird pwi‘mq‘ of Muzulc's ,mfy gupv— Tln-m‘c tlmy, marched in ‘l‘vm'x-g Evan”.— lhvfnrn (‘rwwmg I§;c_:.rlr-, G- mml Umwhu’d addrmw'! 111 mm 3‘ fixil§r\|~:—~ ‘ ‘ 8011,le of I]]. Pynmylvnniq Rhsf‘i‘vozfl‘. ‘YJUJIM'O omfi» m‘lm- bvvn 'mnllwl In the‘ “v-M.; An (ml? (lam-ml. :1 hp“: plum I'x 1h :ng'nfi vlv‘mml in :1; L fun-.'hl'fi ‘l'l'i. ]:(:('l~ of aglnte . 'jxghl. haw m' smm in iu'q'dx plundnror; sw! 1:1:11 «m l ‘Amb flank of our H {uni ni’ L'cnnijl Inn-Al, ulll‘ fiéll! H. up.) ».L T“ “A ‘H th‘ U 1 NlOl Max ()1 1.11 “will luuk. mm 511111 (In; ugh: «)Hm‘ JNJH“ lirn‘ 511 m m 1720 Jmur 0 I‘m; 1s flour tn' I"?nna‘ylvunxhn Lunar [he :lm-y ( in mid: uthil‘ ‘ 1“"- ‘ll‘.‘\ c Untied Migufiinn and J 51):! ! FurK‘Od mnr‘ 1‘ linfm ,(hn ('ummnnfTE—nfli '1 null fatmpmr; much, has" Iby abs :‘g‘h: u? conxrmlv‘lrcn“ r ~llrsl-i'nxgs 0n umny hurd-I lJl‘y-jm. .'.XM hail Luv l rn~'~[ lorvirn at any (imn MIR: tl~‘-: “hi, xzuru-o‘nnm.‘ Our 1‘ mm! '1 i'yllly: \\'<‘.lt,ll!§‘tlu-u"lmh and encoumg-- “’1“ “I“ <1 3 Imm ”“5 NWI" "11 "“4"??? on 1 ling '.hmn Lu). ..QL-iiing- Iheir“rulm.~l in (he ' “”5”“? ’11:}? "n'l 17]"1‘1“ 9'. h“ ”:11"; “ml mund'uf [lu-u' GonduiJh-y more iruwzynbie.’ now, on ”1‘“- LM- 12:3"1'1'114 01 4 ”131:1"?13’41“. 1W1“: 101‘}: an" mfiql clwcu they 6105251411 the “'hf‘" :‘"}" lI‘IVH. “- gvfrghgm {'ll '"~/11“nv; 1" {MI 110 w ground, (bunnfuj ’lhe enemy lvy tmir. LT" ”1 'l’ 2’44" 1: {“W' (.1715 "' {2 07"1311'1'30"I"¢’7"‘“1" mum: and rnlgud ‘vu‘uuy m:k amm- 1116117‘? ’l‘ ‘1 "3W" "”7 “3’l ‘1”"“l’7“":]' ' “’9 1".”“1 ground; nuflugh n“. “1,004.: to [Le 41“,;20‘ (th sunsmglcr 01 a, ma! pow; v’u\ pnsmnn; :bexond. ilrrr thkzy slumlcd. Tucrc' \mb'l ““‘I army ‘l’,“ 111‘131'131)’ 'l‘}'lJl"!’°m_'s‘l) ”WI-1 NIPPON dim“ ritfiér “mg“ 2 1 {10! only 59,}:nt 1H :2 man-5 :(m ni,..lnuh~s ; Tue chm,” “up“. I&va gem fin“ Hwy lln Pl'H‘Hrj'lanH‘.“llK‘A'.lr m t:y_,’;‘li::‘_muh fill-rO9l lhml‘gzum d [:1 bar posVe‘ fin: (14y “115 ' d 13.." ’0 "“P‘ “y" 3““7'511' “131 1‘11“)” ““11” 1"" gavel The r'wkv‘ mu our 'lm~=oé- r 05‘1“"! '0'"? Pr“3f1"“:"‘. 0“ fl 15L 2n 1 and rionflmton nl, 1&1.“ still my ‘,..,. mu “15:31 of Um 9mm“ of .lulyz; m d an Hné 4th. ilo be gained, qf n Hick th‘v slurfihoou-is 9f the “01‘0”“ 11f [3‘o4" ‘s’"? l/;"}'G.n‘ll"t/m r/vi-n'drd gthé enemy Had pnssmsion. Um} of thé' 3"” ”"33 "“1, "I“ “’Vt‘7"“"{<“l ’1'?“ {""”f““fl1 :bngmlcs of the ltosvrvm, umh-r ‘ (Idiom-l . “_‘ I “f"- _(an‘nj 3“" minimum}"‘l""“}"~l*‘; .Flsbor haul bet-n 1:. “‘loqu ordun-u to my. Uk'l'tit‘m‘my 'flllf- ”’l‘ gummuk “WNW. {lll4‘ Apart the batrcfix llt‘ul' wmch Gena-. 11 Wped ; ’2“°"“9~'L“"'”1 10" 3 “MT“- 1“";I ’l‘“ "“1 PW'I 111 ml the lamented Ila/Jan lthlmon knlud. pared 1" P‘-‘.l“‘"”°‘ “NHL". "I, "‘33 ”\‘f-f‘l’[”' ‘Uastlly 11111110110them”.(mnPrulcran‘thrd, 1 “ 9““ like 1" 9‘9“!" m 10"01144“I'l‘t'»whxe‘ Idu-ectpd two :1“ the m-uxmt-nls ~f [hm {my} to the mmy‘prm-o omm; an i 4411;1E'a‘1'1» who! Hide—the Two rm, unJvr (Julnntl naming have Wu'ah' 1n “I? C-vm 9f the l'mvjm antl mud the FAIL), unupr Licutounnt-Ut-lunql lzimrneg o‘l} the‘counhy, from_lth="lw;:.rhnn§ i‘Durr—to htul‘ll the Iwigm. b‘hpuhl thccn- ‘of “‘9, “'3“- 1 “NR “"9, “OW"; r'chh-ms, érxiy hold it, 1' puzlu‘m below 3":Lsunu-Xla-In'fl d-“W {" f‘““‘3“"‘:y buff"? tihcflmatnt "UC‘ (vblo. These "regiments advanced 5:: (Juan: QF“- 1 (11%llk0 t 0 {HOplmn tlix-nlamu nrmm ‘nnd’dnvmg tliu‘ enemy ho'm the hi“, new -‘ 51'12‘19‘ “filfljl‘. 10“ [MUM (I!)J~r""'—'"f"¥lm‘¢l :it firmly to I; ‘6 end. "'3 \LI xnxght (angel. Recent. (-v Ink}. bnqg up Jr A“ night ”lid the fogowing day the ene. 1 filormninzllthglnul’mulhll‘]‘l'pllo!”lnvl‘ntgmlgfu.y ‘my mad atlugnpm to k rive m .‘uur pickets, 1 E} ”‘O7O 1 ““441 “0‘ ("WWW-1 “JV-“$53M fund conzgam fku’mxsbmg mu Mum um but” “‘\°'\IDUCII, I wal mm take 2 Ilnl:1c.i 'in vain. 'l‘owpu'd evcmnglt bréanue 1.1351 an \ ' '' j it?” ‘“ "’*" 1 . _ ‘ Ibhe Lo clear We Woods in lx'omidt the posi- flaw” (“mama “mofs‘i ‘ ”3“} “it '1’") “0.1.1 We bud detaken in the ghurgd of the} bryukgng out of we “grin-ngnl “.29; La!)- Eprévious day. ! Genurnl‘cmwflifd nasal-der-I, "WW M" ‘lO ““15 31411.01”? £1 “SHORE .m 'ed forward, with djrcctmns not 1.6 attack, if) «marge 01 I‘s" {“1“ ”WWI": A“"“:—Zl “151‘ he found theien'émy mo m-d’ng, but boob-1 snvmnl nth (31h «em-m Lhu (ff-wm-m'x'mt 1n 4mm pqssessxon 9f the field Ifl§usslblm A—' “I“ 95"” ‘9 ”9‘ h“ nun 034?"! “i ‘Hi: I'3' 3 bank. 6 o’clock! the order was ngen to Col.l"°”'°°"sm“ ‘°“¥"“E““? 011 ”WIND" 1“" McCaudless, commanding thuglbmgade, to! tnolsw 131‘ ‘m 0‘ “I‘t‘é’hmf‘m ”0 m ‘advunce, Gendn Lomwlonl superintouding 1 dilinulllly 1:0 NM I‘Y‘.‘ din-unocd "3'4 the movenlenpi person. ‘A butéery‘ofu‘e .111 ) commutatolop -”bo mun Amman: as a ‘enemy bad bgb‘ established, wmcp threw rebel ”MP“ 1339““); * grape and canfis er wuléi‘enrfnl efl‘ect. Ad: ‘ fivancmg the rig! t of the hue, the Buck‘tails soon brought 2n e'u flfles to bear, and the gunners, unfil‘ m itand the‘fire precip’i lately fled. (5 ‘ , - ' Colonel MoCandless 1 nova advanced his line rapidly dross the open 'space and into ‘the woods. The aermiubers of tha enemy ‘fell buck, nud‘tnq mam body, consisting oi: iparls of‘ km: brigades, unde’r Generals An [den-son and Rébenson, alter a few volleys, fled. 00101191; Mcp‘mdleéghad advanced 3m! 1‘ ind :‘L 120th «In; c [u nw-rcm‘m‘ lhrz :AYl‘HH' uni] I‘.- Unrpn had 1 Cut-1»; kwl bro 110 w ground at :tery lmll bwm .‘of mm]! arms. .‘ofthqdayg. ‘T stood‘gdrawn u hold panic!) \m l‘vn W proud tum J I ’l‘no cnomy Main 0! Sligh d.u- w «I‘4 1: Supon their flajnk “Ml: §uh rapidity .Lhat §one brrgi‘ule did withoup firing a 3119:. The Linus". valuablé result fbHowad .Lhis move jiuent. We nefiouk over 13000 stand of arms, ‘bolh Rebel and our own. .'Wa retook a.“ ‘our woundedhmanylofwhom had remumud ‘withou L‘nttentxun axncc the fight. 6f the Int. *We retook one piece 01 uullery, a twelve pounder Napolenn gun and three cam-anus, pm of Sicklesf Batgeiy lost the day before, besides ca luring a stand of colors belong ing to the g‘nltgexxth Georgia. and we 3ne hundred prisoners. Theron me ground wu rat-ken. The enemy’s force consisted of 'three‘ brignden of/Hood’s Division. _. ‘The following mornin ’the enemy retren— tod. It cannot. be (limited that the bril- l'umt nervtoo of the Pennsylvania Reseneul E‘Agéodmn who huseéh much of this shved our left from destruction; ‘ They wbrld, jays; “Theggand essqntgals mlhapt fought a; men never fought. ‘They were pines: in. ithis‘llfe are, mmdtl‘nng‘ to du,’ fighting upon‘tfieir own sun and £0; we“ mmeuuug to have. and suuwuxmg io‘hojm uzw homes. ' Um: mm belongtgg to a (coup, _for." t» g W . 4 ‘ , ‘ . " | =a .‘ ’j "‘ ;"_’ ’}jj“ pimy from Gnttysbur was _WJ awn furm,’ah‘d wrenl wnuixn perm'wsion tn go m moi-r mm? battle hayl been fought. ‘ 'l‘hi-ngillunt ‘ olnuul‘ol‘ Unrf dickfnik was lec? . “ext“ .1 brulher n! lfzu'dnl Taylor antlwrm'lwloru by a”. A ‘ry '(‘uunull n: we}! :szh‘ghl ’ chill'udm 1511 Iwt 1». ~L Ib'd of Emma 11.19-I:{:x'fs. 116‘" but um. \‘x’lmn mm 1: wnc'mliml. ifihe r'miq uk In- gut-s [m [41:11; [ml by: thin gr) wm. (mun-. 1710.— 'l'h(-y m t, nM’t-r ZLH inlp fhe vnc'my’b handx, ul Jouthh owner xluy be made priming-L; " ' 1: : 47‘7“- o—- '. f a. 'NO PARTY- i; ’ : ‘ ‘ ‘ '1 f. . ‘ The qunh‘hmns' nl] pmfi-wto‘doprwmo party org mikitlonmcuuj 'lhi~ Lhyn‘ {magnets nre nhhm-r'rd at thalidm {int (Junty rhnnld (‘ki-t. So ”my ~:\\’. 'I ingzlecfln‘vl'ity in Lhi~ matter" will 940 i) lm‘ h-flod. A (‘fun'nmi-m roprewnting a \‘m‘y[rmgrr-(mlllo pullim of" tho citizoné; of this Cmmnnmvvnllh. (and no dunht :I.‘ lnrgé unkuuv ni'lhi‘m)pug-1,04- cd the finrfin ofhon. IV. “'nhldiwuz-l t‘u-(‘mv crnor. _Hfs fibxlity 2}. fi‘] {Em o’flwé will [not he {(nNtioht-dy hy'mgiy l,mlv—.-xnth: woman, Pifiifl, irimgnl, enemy, Ina-wmqiuni orlwi‘xc [gun—his fink-gt ily imp] [mtg-ihnflu’ ni-e as we” tl'hniflodl by cw‘ry {forlyliwlm is cuynh 41.10 of Juriuiiv: :1 ddwm nyv)ETxnn——l)mn i 1 lfiu-kc 110.1%: I} fulka iln not mig‘ an to nxpo~e tlxeuxwlrn-H ts) _tho‘whaflc Fugue ilh (13min; hnmvrilea‘jwm Ith tin-y I‘o!qu m'xmkon numhmlfoin ng tins? him}? ‘l3“ party l‘inei 'an- drawn M the. next olr‘r-ribn, it m“ be Lecméc [Mow who pr‘vai‘ td":lb)mr party orgdmmlio‘n oguwliwslyhmt q‘czmllixhgto' m 4119 field against Jud-3:; \Voml‘hvzlrd. V‘lW’O' havc alfi'uys (-nnthm '«l (hm: Lht-wgmun were thc-mwlvps [he mn‘nh uhm of pml‘y polli 'cmns mm the uim'l'xa of c‘nvx'} fnonth “’lll lxrofi'c thoni hxxélx.;—('/’£>x':£n DMfi'wrm'. ‘ "‘ - ’ ‘ “'” ‘ h 1 IMPORTANT SPEEC FROM .PRESI ‘ “RNT LINHOIJVA ‘ IDENT LIN 011$. ; 'L.(l:)n Tlll‘fllzly uveniv‘g :LLLO!‘ fi‘lun',rol~hip€ n? The Edd of Ansr.~rm. A @rrosporideni with the Army of the £olng wrnesi ‘ “ The field of Antiouun'l 1" lost all trace of last ygzu's 'desolAtion, 33m smileslwith golden wheat, scented clovel, antlfluxw ‘ mam. com. A close exn'miunlllio may per ceive'a torn tree, but thézig all. AlmoleK 3044-30 church hr school-houfo st.“ Lands, Eertblqtod 'with bulimaml hwy-rd}; d ‘ cod 3' thé lude deings and fieuwlew hm. ip tions ofmf-fiers, both rebel anal Union. TWowy/ldran.Gznnon.—-A fizfm in Bridgm water, blues,/ are mnkmg in gun {from wrougbyi’wfi, which mu Weigh; when com pletedrabdm, sevenumu wind H; H {uh-2:1! soluk'm an nemgonal form, with tin; ‘gphh’y bq’rcd Out, thirteen News in {Munich-P um! will ha hoeped with strung baudxqfuiron, put 0'?! by hydraulic pressnra. The lathe 9:: which we metal is being gturneg‘l‘is one of 1,110 km.“ in the worfii. 1 . v A Big Pile.—The 'o'ommutalfion for Lan cuter county, Penna" wxll yield an immense. revenue, Collecwr Hood in taken up vol noon on Friday week, $l7, for commu-‘ ‘11“? " ‘l7 in, 3*?" .. . »‘ - _ ‘ ’ K 9" '_ ’ . V ‘ - . - 4- ‘ ' 1.: ‘ : ::—_:_::_:_,lb———-—-—--:—‘ ‘ ME HON. c. L. VALL'ANDIGHAM'S AD- 1 fidod op his JIUL ndé Itm‘ ics umil um DRESS T 0 THE‘PEO-PLE OF OHIO. .\(‘clzvmxcs ov‘rn'u: xmnxmmx mm wrung-1141;; DEFINES ma Posnwx. ‘ ' I, 1 ‘ f Nucnu FALH, C\\’AD.\ “39.91, . :1 . July L'xgh. 1:63: a / Erwin} .'mtl (‘nn Hm ll Mr Una-o weeks—in; Ul"Ul)h-'ll.\'!'l'1<, :1 lA'xufiwrgl State, lmnl Hit em thiPL‘unfmiQrMo Mutt-x, and there‘ I'M! m:m :xlwn enemy and prisoner ul‘wnr. Um "h on ”mile, fail-[_\' And-honorably dealt will ‘ and gn’uli halve)” depart—nu act pO5- 1 MW nplg.-"l.y-ruanimz tlm MK-vk-rlmut tlm . 11517. H nfil-vinzgfiro “l"‘fi 11-thllh' flyingiho 1 flag pl hu‘ (-mxnlry-—,l f-umil, mywll‘u lrua- ‘ mu “Ixexf‘nn 1“; th sud. Anrl to (Lug! mix“ :r‘numtngn of Um ..‘Sruifih llngz. ’1 nuH In! H anjm' un Ira. m (Terr'Hu the“ pm' 4-1;. .=.'.mll r 3 uiclr'mui-pogs inss- l qu’. \wlt-n-c 1n!- m ~ ‘ , - f 'l‘ v Unlhm' (-n‘ N? of the wank do;- 1 rat“. at \\':l~hing(~m. und‘Qu-fii‘ :t-h‘hcfi, has 1 mm dell-med. X'ly, ‘iL Min hen“ lurhod "' 91%| 4 th.-m: ‘nlyl I, whn‘fuanyQ-zxfn was 4 "HI-.1 a; hi whim. ltlerz,u4-‘\\?)h}l the '(‘q‘m 'M-m, halving refnwsl wlmn in HH‘II‘ lIll1lt‘l“"ih:\1‘lll~l {new the nva fuvur _citlwr tn hit-nut! run-IH\vnhhthvgi ‘m' (-vvn p'l'mk‘x 11v“) rqmmir, pro-2 a: 1.1 m: .lvw'ln m :\ {hrviun ll\!|ll.‘l'(“UNY f“ \yilh uHoymm-n tu‘m‘v myu Sum- smll\' 111i~(:1x, [n ‘ xjx'nilun'. nnhmlu'n in u‘m-J, Hum-Ihr. rvr L-lmqmue , xh-c‘" V um} -.\ Ith m143'(14-01nmuuryuifl pledge 5 ‘,,~. I” to v’ nylnls- :lt lmmv. )m-l hut'ure] was th- [ ' ”Um lcn“ Envy, made gua‘l’ilr spirxlf'und to Um “W“ ."N vex-.\nl‘om r. —" " nnnl nhlu .(‘rrl How (inv- 's‘: week: ng’n. whmfjimt gnihg into lum is'hxgant, )wmiww an “whit-mils but Imm, (-0“. rti‘iy dimiuumu CHIN"! it; ILl‘L ‘ —— , ' on THE TIMES ray—raw, nnt rvi'n ,iq Ill 'r_n r: 'm lin m§ or g (.'.mcrnmfil jtuttr'g [LI/£- t: I", (ct/am of Nch/e or Hum I/HI‘IIYI 1115 M lliefnuf 'qu llcr'nlzoumwsm uf I/r' ' u‘nnnpr CU}! I'Vlml/lIEI'I’I‘ I lib/1153"]; )unl‘rr. I". r of the plu-m-nb ‘ I:3;t' the immune {newt of a‘urvery national ex- l (n incl-Aw: the peril n prejudice and gm at cauh‘ Owen—Allan- d ygtyou, in conzmon yn'ur party, have bean ‘ at. thfng cv‘cr aince fife ‘ I-- _ » . on always have dull-r -lhanges lhé'n- entimgmi , uns, filways‘fiill _dlfl'er . tiers of Gavel-“mogul mc-n donnort see Wings nu denmmée them an muons," ih uu ‘ ‘l'omcn L -1' and excjtinglt'heyeo nu monwaaltfl, Senator i thewfuastjon ::“.llow hr 3 return 0! Ethan f9:- ‘siu and 1!):anle .L than says: “ his Mm q‘htbe Etormfi Lzm and Hfoce'of Jubo’vah." :lLed ant} _bfgggmous he’rn Asos} [dyer I“loyal!” ' j '