The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 20, 1863, Image 1

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Terrns. ‘
.'.” Conn": in published every Monday
homing. 5y Hun! J.Bunu, st. 31 75 per
III“ i! paid strictly m AnVAICI-f-fl 00
,0! Hanan if not paig] in ndvanoo. No
“Mutilation dinoontinnod, unlau at the
opfion of the publishér, until .11 unease:
In mid.
Anvunsulnsflnerled a the usual rats.
Jon annim gene with neatneai tnd
dismh. C i» " .
071 ch in So‘ixth Bulfimyre street. neafly
oppoaiu Wamplel‘l' Tinnirig Estubliihment
.-"Conntn.zn anflxc Onrcnf' on thenig‘n. J
“County Treasurer.
y RING. frequently, solicitedgl loffer myself M
A candidate for the office of GOUNTY
KEASURER, subject. to the decysion of the
. Dammit-antic Gduuty Convention. 811 on Lbs
‘ n Hated ma elected, I pledge myself to dis
cg’ge modules at the officp faithfully and
priimplly." _ ' >JAGOB TRUXEL.‘
Gettfsburg, jAprlJ 27, 1863. It:
Cogntg Treasurer. '
NCOURA 'ED y many friends, I ofl'er my
4 I 91! as a nndidnie for COUNTY TREIAS~
U R, at the ion election, why-(25.10" thc‘de.
c‘uion of the ‘ emr‘mr‘ntic County Convention,
Should I [4; so fortunate as to bc umninated
and denied,- “pledge myseif to diécharge the
dutiel of the oiflce laithfuuy and promptly: .
Gettysburg, Hey 11,1863. to. ‘
- .Comity Treasurer.
{GOURAGED by many irivnds, 1 offer my
self a a. cundidutc fur GQI'N'I'Y THEAS~
Uni-111, n! s': nexu-iectiun, subject in the de~
onion 0!: th‘cF Demm'rnlic County Convunljgn.
Ebouh‘l l’be an Mnuxmu: arm .hc myminagy'd
and elecked, l-pludgc nu self to disclmrgm Lh‘e
dut‘iel‘e! thepflipg faithfully nnd prongnly.
. V ‘ ..' ‘ JACUB SHE‘AUS.
Gaylbumany 4,'1863. tu" ‘ _
___..r 1 “___
‘ lClerk of the Courts.
;ENCUUIIA(§HI) by a nnmhrr’hf my fri'v-nds;
lvpflcr myrsr-ll u 'n LJn-Hrlvue gar (Lu- ufiit‘u
‘ or omm: um THE yum“, m llw wmang’
0 ttioh, snbjri‘t [U the docisum ut’Hw Demu—
Mic LCoun‘ly‘Convention. Should I he: so
ortun-lte _fls up he _numinnlod nu'd elm-ted, I
ple'dg'c myself to disclmrgc the duticsAof [he
ulficu fiiilhfully“.
Stnslmn tp., April (5, him. to “ 4
. ClerlJ: of the Eourts. ,
ENCOURAGE!) Ivy n num Ir of my friends,
'\ I algnin o!va ‘mjm Hale 4| hurl“ Alc‘fur the
«mice of CLERK “I" ’I'HH“‘UURT,~‘«, ut. MK:
comi'pg elucliqn, subject (u'the th’Li-‘lun of the
Dcumcrmir Unhuly Conn-”mm. Simum 1 lm
In fnruniutn ns‘L 1.9 lu- L‘IGI‘KL'LI; I 1.107120 mvwh‘
to uisvhurge thie duties of tln- um.~e hill»? Llly.
Mouanlvmnm 2p ‘ Mnr. 23, 190:}.
___.-.q “H, § , ‘ ~__._‘.,_._.-.____—.~
, 0161‘? of the Courfs.
0 Tm; \jnflflm OF ADAMS an'NTYF—
i: ‘ Ft-llowicillm-ns 9-120 in ynmm-Jgt-nl by
numeral” friu ds, I ufl'cr rhya'rffto your mu-
Ridur‘ulxuu as 'n (ffimii-iate'fryr :he‘ nfliu-c of
(”.19ng ,()1«‘ THE (:UX'RTS, at me me“ dw
tiun, .a‘uhjr-rtlm ‘lhc dL-ui-mn uf‘xhr Dr‘nngl-m‘lic
Uuumy Copu-nuun. .\hould I rocen'c the
EKUVHIIIhNV-ii'n )uu‘i’jw elected, I shnll duly nmwc- ~
cistuqukr mum‘lqnce, um} prumisc lo '4)iq~lnhfic
'1 “w duties oflhé‘ uflicc prumull) urn! with fi-lela
it}. j ADAM .\HNTER,
lfmnklin—t-qunx-il 6.1863. in
“ft—“_" *1 ~ ‘ - - " *—*—-*
' , Clerk of the Courts.
- G.l Ukl H. “ill-l «- al.‘ cumin] :N‘ {ofthe
Vl.‘ D 1 n u. r uir nomination for (‘LH‘IK UF‘
Tm; 0131:1353. 31mm hr he Ellen-aha], he
”Alarm”: himself “5 use cury prnxn-r'uuruou
'lar clgctiod: j A [Way 4, 11163. {lc
.._: W {1“ 7, ..7 w- _ A .._—_—
‘ _Cler» of the Courts. ‘3
0. W 0 ‘ will hgnandidm for (:I,an
. 0? TH ,COMT’JS. subject to the de
q'uiou of gho Dc mcnnic Cnuuly Cguvpntion.
Deny-burg. Jay’ll, 181:3. tc - ,
.._—3...-._ .f.‘_--;‘ -_<7__..__._____
. Cler of the Courts.
Tthe a‘olic min of numerous friends, I
. A ofl’er In)“: f . :1 cundlnhtc [unlin- uflke
nf CLERK UF THE COUNTS, nt lh‘q ensuing
Ilectiun, subject mflnc decision of [he Damo
i-nlic CountyflCmiwulion. S)mu}d I he so
lorlungle as m" be nominated and elected. I
wag. mj‘self Io dischaf‘ize the duties of the
ulfico to the has ohny Mnmy.
i! to, 1853. m
Ogdord {p., A
T the huliu
A m) s/rH' its
er & Recorder. <1
tngion of my friemtsfll ochr‘
u caudidmc fur ”1%. office of
EUUIHJEIL subject. to the de-‘
I’LOKI‘IIIifi (Jun-le(Mnn-nliun.
‘i‘nntqd and e/lected, I pledge ‘
the duties ol'tln- 0113013 wagfl‘
A. l’. BAUGUER. i
ciniua of the. hi
.Shhuld‘l he no
Inynélf tu‘pcrfor
“ .
J to
\ pmzo, 186
er 8: Recorder.
'l' ‘lhe soliciimtion of numerous friends Vin
’A the Colgtfinnd in our llngiment, 165 m,
olfcr mgsd “in rungfidnu- fur the oflice of
REGISTER & Lg ,CURIH'HL Subject to the dc
cision 0H1“: Dvuupcy-nic Co'unty Cum-untion.
Should} be su‘furgu‘hnlc ns tu-bc nominuml
9nd elected, I ifle‘dg‘o myself to‘ discharge the
duties of tin; omceito the best of my uhillty.
mm: P. AL, M 33125, 1863. u:* ' .
Register & Recorder.
NCOURAGBD by my friends, I ofier my
‘ .aelf as q candidate for thisaflice oUIEGIS
THR b RECORDER, at. the next election, sub-1'
je‘ctw the decision of {be Democmtic Goumy
Convention. Should! be so tortunnte as to
be nominated and elected. I promise to dis
thnrge the duties '0! the uflice to the best of
my Ability; . WM. K. GALLAGHER.
Gettysbn‘rg. April 27, 1863. tc _ ‘
‘ ReglsterSz Recorder.
T At the ixrgent. solicitation of nobody, I offer
myself nan. candxdate tor'REGISTER & RE
CORDER, subject to the deci<¥on ox'the Demo
.crdmc Countx. Convention. Conscious of my
‘ agility’to disehn'ge the duties of the otfice, and
inc-ed} of the profits of the mute, I pledge my;
self to faithfully * discharge the duties and
'eret the‘profits if the people are kindgnongh
f 0 elect me. _.. ’ R. FITZGERALD.
_Middlayang June I, 1863. to ..
7‘ Register & Recorder.
.' 'P‘the solfcimtigq of numerous friends. I
A again ofl'er myself as.“ candidate for the
mike ('.REGISTERW RECORDER, at. {be endu
ing eliétion,anbjectto the dcbisionofthe Demo
cratic County Couvemion. Slfbuld I be so
forfimate as to be‘_nominnted and Iglected, I
pledge myielf to discharge the duties otthe
blflce to we bent of my ability. , .7
Gouylbqrg, Mal-c): 30. 1863. «2*-
Regiéter 8; Recorder}
J. T the solicitation of numerous’i‘riendss 'I
( {A again 0581' myselfns & candidate for the
‘bmnfl of REGISTEIMz. REgORDIfiR. at (he 'euu
ingelectionwubjecuoxbg ecisiondfthe Demo
cutie Coin” Conveggon. Should I' be so
fortunate asvmube' n inued and elecled, I
"pledgé myself to discbnrge the dugiu otrthg
0606‘ to the hen of my hility.
Lilla-ti tp., Slaya ,‘863. cc,
.. Dlrector of the Poor._ ~
‘8 negrequested to announce ANDREW‘
W SHULTZ, of Latimorq tohnahip, us a
tin 'du'o for Director of the Poor, m. the next,
plggfion, lubjgcl to the‘idecision of (lie 03mg
‘mfi: Bounty Convention. ‘ ,
. June 1,1863" t 4: . 3
__rxwfiixs “ammo ms
P SP 6 8 SUMMER 01.93211)“;
' OWICKING'S for yours 1' d
G‘lfi’flothinl; P “8}“ ‘30“!
A‘Lfcogs,nghams, Muslim", at ream.
nun, u: FABNESTOCK 8308'. Sign of
marked Front. ,A
B‘M‘uoh Bogrm‘xgeh whgné did
lune not , 001 ,“A!
’°" “m" , _Mcimax’gs‘w
137.11. b.3mnnif.
4:5?11 Year.
luving been impurmnod fun Homegimc m
Rim-"me a (-undi‘dhte fur Lheuflicc ofIBBHILH-‘F,
I now announce myself ulcundjdale for said
uflice, (Muhject h) thunDemormfic Nominating
Cullvcnllpn.) Should I' bo‘so tortuunte'us to
he nprnyipulcd nml‘relccunl. PVprorlgiae to dis
chnf’ge rlze dulies of said ollice promptly Find
withvfidelily.‘ Your obedient .ucn'unz, _‘
‘Apgi‘l 27, 1303. tc ' . , i ‘
___,J-.._....- M ‘ 'fiégfi"
. . , ‘ Sheriffalty. " ‘
TXPOIVRAGED lf’lpxnncmus hiendsfl nfl'ur
' 4 -I!' n‘ . "'JM' h r the 'ofi'mc of
J mu: 5- '1 cm!“ P l
filll‘llllk‘F, ~uhjL-rt tor)": dcrhiun oflhr. DunL
(wrath: l‘uuntv ()Imw filion. Should Ihe mm;
inatgd‘nml 51""N'd, l ph—J'gv mum-if tn di'.~(~h:_xr;;v
the duliegflf file-omm- “ZLILMMHMJII-ss (fin!
imparlinhfif - vinsm'n A. uumlsuuwa‘
Muuul‘u 'l r: A ’11:? 1853. to
+~_Jfi)fi[l \g ,d _ , __"___,_
f : Sheriffaity. , ‘
ELLOW Cl'rlzzaxs:—.u the‘eagnm 50-}
IF Iu t‘utiun .uf {dung fril-mls in all pints nf'_
, the mmmy, l ssh-r Imlvh‘ :15 n candidrln;
‘ for HIP vflivr (Ii 5! Flint)". HEJH: n.“‘§{*_l;l(’-C|3l)u,
Isnljt-c! m lhvdccisiun M th’d ln-Inovm'ric l'flun-I
My Unm'unl'un. ’Fhmxhi L he nbhnhmtqwl nhd‘
elected, I file-Igp m'; ru-Lfto ‘limclmr’pt-lhedu‘tigs
’ of we omen iaithull) and promptly". ‘
7,1 ’l, ' , u "ADAM ILEBFR'I‘. -.
“Frunklin (p., April 27, lljlni. tc' , ‘ ‘
3 NCOURAGI‘H) by mum-runs friends, l-o‘fl‘pr‘
‘E lily-1c“. us a (Quaidnte for the éflicé ‘ofl
blllfiiilb‘l’, subject)» the decision of the Dem.
; ovum: County ()umcmmn. Slu-ul‘dl 10114)"!-
liflJlttl uml elected, I pledge myself lu di‘uliar‘gei
”he dulii-s "1' mm ulliuc with prouuumss imd?
V mpzil‘lidllly. ”- . SAMUEL EIKEIL ‘
i". Freudwugpv Mny )8, 18013.. -u; _ i‘: l
—r :A--- *1”! - v _ * -‘—~——‘——
} ‘ Sherlfi‘alty. ‘. .-' i
, .\‘(YlUllAGfl-ZD hymuny rriomj ‘, I enemy—l
E self us it éuurlidixlv fur' SlllfiillFF‘at Mic;
yin-.\t (lt'LLlun, sthl-(L 10 the decision’ nf the
‘llum'wruu' Gaunt) Cunvcnimn. Should“ I)?
naminM-wluutl chard, l‘promicpr‘to puifmin‘
Tlliw ulntiiapf the ofli,u: with fidelity 4,4114 im~‘
K p.lrtl;llit_\'., ‘~ JOHN MIQIASTEIL. ‘
i Muuulylcusanbtp.,April“;l663. tg‘f I
~ - , .4 . i - ___.
~ ~v‘ Shemfl‘alq;, i ; l“
_\'(‘OUR‘ACEIHJy numfl'bus frir-nd ,l again ,1
E oil'-~_l;,ln3srll‘ns a, candidate [or thunfl‘iuoqf
xthHLl‘l’F‘,‘ Suhjm". to molded-inn pf me Dun-1
('ucm'tic (‘uunxy ({‘nnvomioin. Shm‘llsk l bpnom- 1
imm-d nndfxlccu-dhl pledge ni'g’aclfiu (liacliargfl‘
the diniesjox the olficel‘wuh prom mess null
implrlidfiq.’ GEQHGE I!U§IIMAN. ,
Cumberland tp., March 30, 13:63. . i
W‘llnviifiz been informed of‘a report in j
circulafim; lo the efi'ect that‘l iniu d to ruh ‘
in: an lndep'endeut camlidole‘ shoul I ilOl. be
nominated by thaDemocmriECfiunt Gonvea-
Itibn, it in mjrsclf that I at on a brand}.
the said report. as utterly false. I have nevell
[entertained such} thought, and feel mysfillf
"in honor Imam! to abide by the décision on“ u
,Convehtianfus announced inlmy mnl dbov ‘ i
June 8, 1863. ‘ GEORGE BUSHMANqLI
~r‘Sherlfi‘allty. -x 1?]
ECOURAGED by a number lefiftjenda’
E offer myself as n candidate for the MIT-é |
u! fililjl!““f‘, subject lb the decnsion of (t J
Dcnmcmlic Cguuly Convention. Should-I bg‘
nomimuq‘l :m-l electcgifl ynl‘cdge myeelf’to (113%
charge Hui duties of the u‘flicv filithfunj“. K j
Monntjoy [p., April 6, 133133. tc" ‘ ’4
Shenffalty. if }
- NCOURAG'ED by a mnnbcr‘nf fmcndi
E ufl'er mvself as a candldnzé fur lhl‘b mm
of SHERIFF. suhjovt tq the decision of I]
Dcmucrnlic Coun‘ly Com'emiorx. Shnnfid‘l l
nnminau-d and elected, I pledge mysuiilto di‘
charge thmdutiEs of the (Alice fixithtull;
, ’ 3:. \~ 1 M. B. )1“,
Mon‘ntnlonsnht tp., June 22, 1863‘
.T the sfylicihuion of nnmerons f'ribhd's.‘ I
A oll‘u-r myscu'ns a candidate fur‘thc nfl‘i d
of SHERIFF, at. the ensuing olsrlinh, snbje "
to ghc ileuision of thefi'clpocmtic (‘on‘my ()0 <
ve'hlion‘. Should I he do Tortumue ‘l3 to a
nominated and floated, I pledge‘ di -
ch‘nrge the dunes of the ofliL-e to the‘besv. bf
my qla’lily. GEO. l". Ecumwuufl ‘
Gettysburg, March 30, 1863.. to ”’4‘ i,
________,,,,.._-________ I
A.Small Farm fi L
——-Tm= aulrcriber, desiring 10. remove '3O»
the West, oil'urs nl, Pril‘ule Sulc, HIS vF’AIIH,
sil‘uule in Munutpleusant townsliip. Afiullfié
county, Im the new State road fr m 1 Getty -i
burgzqulnnm-or, n‘ipu'i. '5 milesfmnK the land!“
place, adjoining lands of Peter S] illi, Pauli-i
Rimluiggli,iihd others“ containing 48 Arne"
more 'or less, of lawn-Hunt fanning l- nil—about
lDaci‘csurcfirst—ratemeadow—land,- m ‘
The’ imprqvvmenta are n. large (lne- _,. 51?
story Frame, HOUSE, with Kitchon 25!"; %;j
Mtaehedfp'an frame and part log fi ff‘iffi
Bagn, Wagon Shed and; a lntge ncx- Mug [’9 ;‘
a nfleriuiliug well 01 water near me door; : 1
good young Apple Orchard, with a variety If
other fruit flees 'on the premises. ,
WPersom-i wishing to View the pmpért
will call on the subscriber, living ihcreqh.
_ _ . JACOfl QUSMAN’.
April 6, legs. _‘3ll‘l - ' . ,
Mdhnery 111 New Oxford.
R 1:55 8. WU'ODS, formerly of Buliimor
havilfig located in New Oxford, Adam
county. “Pa. in the house occupied‘ by D
Hall, ii: Hanover 'streeg will carry on th
MILLKSERY BUSINESS, in all its branches
will keep on lmudfiosxms, HATS, RIB
LA ‘B5, 30., and solicits; a share of Rub“
patronage. ‘ ‘ [Apri127,1563. 3h ,
l HE undersigned,being the authorized perso»
to make removal: into E er Green Ceme
tery, hopes that such as contem§ate the removafi
ofthe remains ofudgcensed rql lives or friend!
will avuikthemnelves of this season ofthe‘yenr :31
have it done. Removals made with piofipme‘
.-—terlnl low, Add no efi'ortspured to pie-use. . ‘
Much ”3’60. V Keepqtof we Cemetery. ;
_T— ‘ . 4..., ~ ,V W, A..—~— -.—T..J
Fax’mers’. 8t Mechamcs’ '
S having increased its capital, has enlarged
its business and extended in acéommodntionm‘
on day, Wednesday. [Aprll6, 1863. tf . ‘
5 . =Plc-kmg
I f. _ ONE, CQgIgALL. ‘
Kay 1. I v; . x ‘ ‘
WLINEBY GOODS, Bonnets, Ribbons, ‘
Flower-IrShakers and Bonnet Frames
3» ‘ received from New} York, chegp at Faun.
-“ . kp', sign“ the}, RED- FRONT.
Em 313392,me AND WEISKEY, rm
ni' d urpous.only an eNew Drug
turn or; _ p a D}. R. Hongmn.
I ‘ HEAfichn s’:ch Coffee and Bram»,
Tor hale at 1):. Ql. HURNER'S Drugfilore.‘
4 - @émmfihwAEfibfiflfiuLYi§©fiML,‘/7
\_ ‘ GETTYSBUBG, FA; MéNDAY, JULy 20! 1367:
the ''t:
M t
Till! DYING‘ 80
Wen‘i'yl'nd worn Lon akeleton {o|
J‘lleilny on agom-h of pain,
And his wish at‘ even, bib prayer 9t
fWerc to I'isidhis ham‘ 3 nin
I ' g
H‘b hiked of his muthgrhr Mm];V ‘ ‘
IAM he unked uf his ‘lonely wifq, \ ,
“{hkn the fowl-frenzied [his blurusng bein] \
.‘E‘And loosenedgvhis hom‘oflife. ‘ ‘ '
m- Inlkqd or m home', Hie rm free land, 1
g'l’hu ‘lugmc‘nf his cgildbaod’u play, ' 1
He game-13.: himbabcyan-d the large teary MI 1
‘Aind rul‘lcdflramfiia chcclexinwly. . ' ‘
W 1: tnld hirh‘his feet might nei’er pgnin
:1“le oven‘his native sod, i ‘
lifitfrc lonbnp‘lmy should [read the ‘goldcn slrcclp
LAt‘homc i . the my of God. ; ‘ . 1
And maid mughhia rye: wouldincvcébchold
4T)“: formé 3?! his cmth's deppluvl,
Hi.- shuuld wuit‘ffor they! there bylhulifmrivcrfnir'
:In U‘fe‘sunia‘n of bequty 111 mm; ‘
Bil“ he'wept ind Be Lflkgd of his; bgriul )on‘o ‘
"In 11 Huang-("s 'unnotibcdfiedfi P - ‘
Tjenlno rqsc %:nfi‘ucli\on’§ “and \vul‘pld be trui'nett
To mm: o’ r liis gravéyrhqn Mad. .
“:0 told him ‘ll“qu .’
ixvhere nu Jung child:
Aig not one #f His lover‘
_n the rosufirrection d:
t he sighed: andiwhisd
Eu many 10th weary
\And my lunclj' wife and
yAlo‘no-in a 7:111; 01"! ‘
\E Ma him we "ft-d o
ghrlrplh :mtyi‘bol ness,
As the Frisndlo! Ith “'i -
41111: Guide (if 11.0 huh!
when dadlh mm atmcd l
Kind hands‘with éem
Humid suved l‘qr'héx, that
One truss ofwllis 105 g,
Then Lhéy wrapped thcw‘
Round the martyred l ‘
21,1 e in his rude unrarni
anid him gudl: nwnf t.
Nob him" was Fun'g, ml
ilpn‘a‘word ofpoufiuel ~
Butlhc‘hiréli‘ufis rude. 1
Filed me damplmouldl
[£me of :hc‘i‘midv“ lo thOhio U‘om
‘ ‘ ‘n I‘nilr . {I t g
‘ Wun'xfiqm‘x. D. C., no 29, 1863.
Gentleman :+"l‘hu r lutig’q’nipl the Ohio
Democratic State Con 'L-(upn; which
preje‘nt me. tbgqther, V-r I) gain mlro‘l
tony and closing remm- s, 1; mg in pnmm‘n
and urgqmem mainly t m a mu m the rev
lutiions of the Democr tic macling m. Al~
bnhy. N. Y.. I refer yo to xuy‘rusponsc' to
«thé lutteras megatihg m ht 9! we palms in
tbé former. This r., ome y¢u evidently
used imprepqring your Ijemgurk‘s, and L de
~sir¢ n 9 mprg than ihal i be ‘usqd wnh accu
'rndy. In a single readi 1g 0‘ ydur remarks,
I only discovefml one inmiqurucy in mm»
teq' which ’I suppose nu dock from that
paper. It. is where yo- say.v“'l‘-he under~
signed are unable to uu ee with you In the
opinion you have expmssec} that the; cop
shtution is'dfl'erent. in ime of‘insurreétion
or invmien fréim what i is in time of peace
and public se» rity." 2» f f 3 j
' A_recuneuc _to the apgr win show, yqu
that I have n ‘ éxprgss d {be Qpimon. you‘
supipose. le‘ pare-shed 'efipin‘mn that the
cnxrjstftulion “ difi‘eren iu'its zzpplaculwn in'
cases of rebellin or inv ion, involving €ll3
public? safety. ram whi h is is ‘m‘times «of
profound pea¢e and p blic security ;' and
this opinion I dhere t , simply because—by
the constitutiqfii itself, hings may be done
invthe one casd ykich- ay not, be done {in
member. . ¢ ‘ .
1‘ dislike to' waste a. word‘ on I merély
pergonnl points, but, I mils» resngctfully as
sure you that youmilLlfind yoursélimsj‘al
fnuht should you ever séL-k for bvidence to
profs; yo r'qssumptionitml I “opposed in
disdussiogs Before the l ple the policy of
the‘Mexican war.” .‘ ~ ‘
Ypu say: “Expunge from the constitu‘
tion" this limitation upo the [towel-pf Con
gress to suspend the wri of lmbens corpus,
andfyet-the other guar iytees of personal
I liberty would remain uu lmngedf’ Doubt
lem if this-chime o‘f tl constitution, im
} properly called, as ‘I “rink, a‘ limitation
upon the power of Gang ass, were exptmg—
ed. the other gumntees [would remain the
some; but the guestionlis, not how those
guarantees wouJ stand ith the! gliuse out
oi" the constitution, but; how tiieynzzud
withthat clause remaini gin it, in c _ oi
\rebellion or intrusion, intolving‘th'ublic
safety.“ If the liberty could be ind god of
exp nging that clause, letter and/spirit, l
‘renii think the constitutionalurgument
wou be with you. ~ / ‘
my general view on this/question was
stated in the Albéhy response, 3nd hence
I do‘ not state it now. 1 nly a d that, as
‘seéma to me, the benefit of the writ of
habeas corpus is the great means through
which the guarantees ot‘personal liberty are
conserVed and made available in the last
retort : and corroborative of this view is the
fact that Mr. Valiandigham, in the very
l case in Question, under the advice of able
’ lawyers, saw not where else to go butto the
unbet corpus. But by the constitution it
l self the benefitof the writ of habcss corpus
i itself may be suspended, when in we! of
rebellion and invasion the‘ public safety
‘ may:require it.
i ,lfou ask. in substance. whether I really
i claim that 1 may override all the guaran
‘ med rights of individuals. on tho plea of
E con-crying the public safety—when I may
‘I choose to say the public safety requires.—
1 This question; divested of the phraseology
calculated to represent ins as struggling lor
an arbitrary personal prerogative. is either
simply a question who shall decide, or an
affirmation that nubody shall decide wimt
the public safety does require in cases of
rebellion or invasion. The eoustitution
,coutemplstcs the question as likely to 00-
cur for decision, but it does not expres-ly‘
decline who is to decide it. By ncceilsury
implication, wh‘en rebellion or inviuion
cornea, the docilsion‘ is to he nude, from
time to time; :und I think the man whom,
l forthe time, Mia people have. under the
‘ constitution, mode the coiiimnnglcr-in-chioi
1 0! their army; and navy, in the man" who
, holds the rower and bears tile responsibil:
l ity of ma dug it. If he uses the power
‘justly‘ the saute [maple will prohahl juntil
fy him; il be h ‘b’es it, he in illJllélr§ll|ndfil
‘ to be den“. wj h xl‘iy all the modes they‘ihuvvi
lxrserved to th niselves in the constitution;
The eiirngs‘ness ,with which you infilah
, hut persons-bun bnl‘y, in times of mbtzllilinl
l .2 liiwlnlly dcnltl with, in imoortlunce Wlllll
th- rules for friminal-‘trials and, punish-l
men in time ol' peace; in‘du‘ces nle to add'
it war to win» l Buid bentilt point. in ml
Albany respo me. You claim tlintfmen
may, it' tl y(9 case, emt-nrrgisa those when ‘
duty it is . nllmt a giant .t‘cliollinn uni
than be den with only in turn us if ther,
Wl'l'e no rehcl Qi‘. ’l‘liu ci‘lnstitutluneiteel
rajecta this vi viii—Tho iiiilitALy arrests and
Adt‘lt‘nillnls w! ch. iiivc‘been made, includi i
ing those of” UV: llzzndigliiun, which art? l
not different. ‘ ll , Il‘kgllile from the other,
have been for p A-nliun, and not tor puny,
‘ishnicnt—iwjiiju ictinns to stay injury—its
proceedings holkcici'i the peace—mid lit-nail;
like-proceedings in such cocoa andfin‘ 1!, l:
reasons, they liiivc not hi-en acoo gym-f
willi..iiidictinciits, orJriiils by jullL‘ (no,
in a tingle case, by2uny punishing- ’whut
ever beyond ,whiil: is purely inch}L tnl th
‘ the prevention. l’l‘he original 56 once (if
, imprisonment in‘ Mr. Vziilundigl‘i‘nlin’il clwe
, was to prevent injury to the, idllitnry'quf
i vice only. mid the modification ,of it “'th
, made in}: 1,735 disligiccnhle mode to him of
‘, securing the same pi'evcniiuli, . 1
l I uni unable to pen-i ive ifn insult toOhip
in the case of Mr. Vullylnlighnin. Quite]
l surely ‘nnthing all this so -t was or is inland-I
‘ ed. I was whplly unaware that Mr. Val
l hindiglinm WuSHHL'llllyllllllc nflliislurrest,;u l
, candidate Jor iht- llylllut‘l'dllc nomination ‘
for Governor, in ‘ti ’ bu informal by "your
~r_eatling to Illcl‘llyll‘ rcmlulmnn (if tho cnnv
; vnntinn. I all) ‘.rntel‘iil to the State pf
Ohio for inuiixr ‘hings. eapccially': lor tho I
‘ hriive'soliliers ig'nt cilia-rs she has given in
the present nytioiiaLtnul to the armies of
the (’iiinn. .l, ‘ ' l
You clniiya its “understand, that nccord- }
inu to my own plinil‘imi iii ‘the Albany m
l-punso, Mr. Vitlhiiidiglinni sluiuld he. re
lvnsml; Kind tim because, as you clniiu, lie
hzm "(2/ damaged the military service by ,
discui aging nnliqlmenls, encouraging du
sortio’iis, or olliorwiae; and that if he had,
110 nhuuld have horn turned owed to the
civil authorities limit-r tho rocontlncts of
(longrcas. I certainly do not know that Mr. .l
f’nllindighum :lm‘s specifically; and by, di~ ,
rect language, ndvised against enlistments,
and in tuvor oil dosertion and resistance to ,
dinning. We All know that colubinutionsfi
urined in‘sonie instances, to resiét tliearrest
of dimmers, ,h‘og‘ui :bCVf‘l'fll .months ago;
that more rccérllly lhe‘liko haanlipeaer in
mslstulli‘e to the ‘ enrollment, preparatory,
to it draft; and tllut'quite 9 number of «so ,
unssiimtions hlivu locchrred frnm the some
mmnus. Theme hint to be mm; by military
‘ lune, and this ugiiin has led to bloodshed
and death. . l f .
And now. undefiq senseof responsibility
more weighty uiidleudurlng than any which
is merely olficul,‘l solemnly dualitro my
‘ beliel that this hindrance of the hii-litiiry,_
including Inlllnllilg and murder, is due to
the course in viiiicli Mr. Vallnntligham has
been cligugi‘d, iii Qt greater degree than to
,’ any other cause; and it is due to him nor,-
sonzilly in a greiitex degree than 'to any
other one man. ‘L'fhesc things hate been
notorious. known all, and of course known l
to ‘Mr. Vullundiillmin. Perhaps I.would
not be wrong tel-hay they originated with ;
his es’pecnil tricnds nud‘udherents. With
perfect knowledgc‘ol them he has frequent
ly, if not constnntl‘y, made speechgs in Cou
gresa and before popular assemblies, and if
it can be shown that, with these things
sturing him ii. ”the face, he haeever uttered
a word of rebuke or counsel against them,
it will hen mgr: greatly in his favor‘witli
me, and one o; wliidhflns yet, I am totally
ignorant. Wlibn it is known that the Whole
_hurden .of his speeches has been to stir up
men agninstthe prosecution of the war, and!
that in the midst af‘resistance to itlie has
not been know in "any instance to counsel
against such resistdnoel. it is next 'to im
posnihle to‘ refiél the inference that he has l
counseled directly in favor of it. ,_
twin; all this bel'ore'thejr eyeshthe can. ‘
i vention you representhavit nominated Mr.
Vullundighnm for Governor of Ohio, and
both they and you have decl red the pur- ,
pose'to sustain the Natinniilfignion by all '
constitutional means. lint,ofcourso. they, l
find you, in common, reserve to joul’sollkz l
to decide what are constitutional means.
dnd. unlike the’Alhisny meeting. you'omii- i
to state or intimate that, in lyour oywinion,
an army'is a constitutional means 0 saving
the Union againsta rebelliqn, or eyen to
intimate that. you are conscious ofuiiexistr
ing'rebellioii being in progress w’ h the
avowed; object of destroying that very U
nion. At. the some time, your nominee for
Governor, in whose behalf you appeal, it
known to you and to the world to declare
,agaiiist'ihe use tit-an ntmy to suppreél' the
rebellion. Your own attitude, therefore,
encourages deuertlon, resistance to the
draft, and the like; because it touches thoee
who incline to-desert and ‘to-escupe the
draft, to believe it is your pummel; prc»
toot. them, and to hepe that you til 1 ben
come strong enough to do so. l
After a personal intercourse, with you,
gentlemen of the oommitteé,.l oann t say I
think on desire this~ cfl'ect to folio; you!
attitude; but Iwuro you that hothlfriends
and enemies of the" Union 100 k u; nit in
this llght. it is a humunai hopefind by
consequence, I. reds strength to thefnemy.
It is a thlée hOpe, and one which yo would
willingly dispel. I will make the way ex
ceedingly easy. ‘l‘ send you' duplicates of
this letter, in order that you, or a majority
of you, may, if you choose, endorse your
numes upon one of them, Mid retuiii it.
thus endorsed to inexmth the underutan d
ing that those signing are thereby com
mitted to the following proposnionyund to
nothing else. 3»
,181. .
nld mar-153M spot .-
‘rgn My. } ' .
‘ ohes bq torgot- v’
ered “(sqi lon‘g. so long.
'ana, _ ‘
limit: on?
God ‘had gano fog”:
I. W’s lonely life,
but loving heart,
righq k[mini
‘ x .
lero’sprcust, ‘ ,
bed hed'
!ajar was retried,
in} I‘m-Ida
in head.
Stall: Jaw-hut
Q'er l
. ,
That there is now a rebellion in the Uni
ted States; the object And tendency of
which n to destroy the national Unxon;
and that. in your opinion, an arm! and navy
are constitutional means for uppreuing
that. rebeuion. , '
2. Thu no one of you will do anything
which in his own judgment will ‘tbnd to
hinder the increase or favor the decrease,
orlessen the efficiency oftbe army and navy,
while eugnged in me effort lo sawprosu
the rebelhou ; Ind ‘I
3. That. each of yqn will. in Ms qphere,
do an In: cu: 10 have we oiliucrs, aqldlcrs,
"Hutu 13 man" AND wruvrunu."
i;, 7 .
and heamen of flu) army and n’vy. while
engngéxl in the 0!?qu to suppresfthe rubel
lion, paid, fed: clad, and otu’crwisu “all
pmvidqd for and supported.
And with the farther mul landing that
upon receivin v the“ lattr‘r m 1 names thus
Endorsed, I will cause th in tn ha pumm
ed, wihich publication ‘ll ll be witlun itqelf,
a revocation of the :ord i_n relation to Mr.
Vallandigham. '; , Q.
It. will‘not escape: cybqér mn that I corp
scntto fixé‘release ()f lfir. Vallamlluham üb
'hn terms not embfncing any plgtlgo {mm
h‘lm M from Oihetfill‘! to what. heyvxll or will
not do. ‘ I dri thiil bw‘ause he is nn§ prmcnt
to spvéléfor ln’iZmelf, or (o nullmrizu others
to spank chf'h' J; and henco.‘ NW“ expect.
that on retur/ningt, in) would not put. himsu-ll'
prjaqticnlly in antagmii~m with ”KhrfifilllOn
l oflhis frieyds. {lull l do'fl chiufly )emuse
l X thereby prevail on other inlluontiul gem
tlemen 6folxir') to riu define tlmii- pnsllinn
Ina Ln D 9! of immcmq Value gov tho army—
thus 'ioro than toimwrhuting for llm con.
[sequimes of uuy nlistflao in allowing Mr.
kvn' .undiglmm to rd-tum, m that, on the
flyiolv, tho public sdfety will not lmva'auf.
f'md by _it. Still,‘ in wizard to Mr; Vullsm.
Aligl‘nun n‘nzl all others, l'mufi. hereafter. as
h‘lzcremlnm, do snmnch M NH; puhljuscivicc
may seem to require. '1 huvt’: the honor to
bo respectfully, Ayour‘s, etc., ‘ ' '
. ~ : "A. meom.
ii ' The Chmmittee’av Rej'olnder. ‘
‘ \ J NswlYonx, July 1, 1863. '
O. mum Encdl’cnry (In: more“ aft/ti: uuaqdl
IS'JllteJ.—Sir:—-Your iinwwr to tho applicar ‘
tion of the undersigned fi|r_!'(“'fl('lttlon oft
the order of tho lmnikhment of f‘lemont D. l
Vullnmligham runnirés :1. reply, which th.—y
proceed with as hull: delay as practicable.
tomzike. ‘ ‘; , '.
3 They are not able to apprr-oiote the force
lof the dihinctiou you m the lyetwmln (1w
mnxtx‘luliun nml [/Ic upp/zr'ulimi of the conctitu—
tion,’whcrully you Mannie tliht powers are
'«lqleguted to the Promll-nt it! tho time of
‘invnslqn or in~urrvcu3m. l!) damnation of
Ithe plainilnngunge' m'thc coustmitiouf
’i‘lienihori‘nt [ll'ilVlnlUnS‘ of lllt‘ C-illntllullflll
{emnining'thc some in timo of lnrlll'rl‘fillnn
'or inimsion it» in timoof pcaco‘ tho Presi
ldentd can have no moth right. to diqrvcard
1 their positivcnngl ixnporul}vug'fimirn-un-nts ‘
‘al. the former tinw th arm. the latter, 1'15,-
' (muse. some things niuy 1m 'ilon \, by tint
Itcrmw ol‘ the constitution at. tho ti 1o ofin ‘
vmion or iiwtirroction whiuh wouZi not be
rvguir‘edhy the occiuion in time peace,
you (“sumo that (Ulydtiflfl w/uL“' , oven
‘ though not cxprieswd v‘by tho ('Oll itutimi,
l may he done on tho ocmbiuu of ins, 'rcctiuu
ior invasion, which "the Dre-dd t may
choose’to any is retiuiretl by the p ‘.i'é sate.
ty. ln plainor u:rmu.:bccau~«- tli writ pr
hnlieau‘corpus may bu shapeudvd at time of
invasion or insurrection, you infer that all
l other provisions of the constitution havin '
‘ in View the protec‘ ion of the life; liberty ang‘i
property of the citizen, ngny he in like mun:
ncr suspended. { ‘ , i
l The provisionréluting'to the writ qfhabo-l
as corpus, being contained in‘ the first pint
of the constitution. the purpose of which in
to define the powers delegated to Congresnfll
has no connection in language with tho do-‘Y
cluratiun of rights, as guarantees of perso
nal liberty, contuinedin :tho additional and
nutc'ndntory articles, andinnmuch as tho
provision relating to hallo-as corpus express
y provides for its suspension, and the oth-i
e‘r iirovimnn‘s ulluile‘l to‘do not. provide for
1on3; §uch thing. the lggil conclusion is that
the ‘uspensmu of thé latter is unauthorized.
'l‘hoiptovmion for the writ of llltllt‘fl gco’rpu'i
is nicrclyinlonded to furnis'li n summary re—‘
medy, um‘knot the menu}; wlinreby personali
security is‘conservnd. i‘njhe final resort;
while the otlinr provisiofii urn gui nntcei
of personal rights thoumpenqion which
puts an end to ultq‘retense of free" overn
ment. It is this Mr. 'Vallahdighnm ap—
plied for a writ of {whens cor' us an a sum-.
mary remedy against onlxreuhmt ‘But‘the
deninlr of this girl not ltgk‘o away his right,
to n a . {dy u lie tiiu yon impuptml ju
ry, oriiifprivf; him of hislotthr-ights as an
American .citizen. Yourlassumption of the'
right to suspends)! the conuituti‘onpl guar
nntcés'or personal liberty. and oval; of the
freedom bf speech and of; tho prew,»f7écauue
the surn'md‘ry‘remcdy ofhabenfi corpus may
be suspendeflpip (it once startlingantl alarm
ing to all persons desirous of pro‘pex'viub>
fr'ee government in this country. ,
'Tho inquiry of thKun iprsigned, whether
_“you hold that the rights of. every man
throughout this vast cohq‘try. in time of in
. vnsion or insurrection, lll' insubject who am
kind”?! wh9'l"°’ you muggy that‘you consul
er the puollc safety requires 1N” was Rplmn
l question. undisguiwed by circumlocution,
‘ and intended simply to elicit information.
l Younafiirmatim answer to this icstion
l throws a. shade. upon the: loudest mcipw
j t'ions of tho i'ramemol" thelconstitutiou.who
fluttered thoinnulves'tlmt they had pmvidud
safeguanlsngmnet the dangers which‘ have‘
‘ ever‘lfvoset and overthrown free novernmont
in other age; and oountrips. Your “silver
is not to be disguised by? the .lphraueolouy
that tho question “is simplly A question who
shall decide; or an ntlinuntion that‘ moody
shall decide-what the public safety does- ro
quirq in cases of rebe iron ‘Ol- inv:xsibu."—‘— ;
Our government was dosififnedito be a gov
ennment of law, healed and dqfinedhund not of l
tllg arbitrarym’ll ofa singlpmun. l Asnsafo
guard, the powers were delegutpdw the
lopiailutivd. executive undlij‘pdicinl brunch'es ‘
tol‘the government, and e h m‘nde cb-Dl‘dl
mite With the others, nndtsupreme within
itgi sphere, and thus a mutual check upon
each other in cone of ahfio'of power.
It has been the boast of the American
people that they had it bring: constitution, not
only expressly defining. but nluo, limiting] the
powers ofthe ‘government, and providing
oil‘ectuul suhguards for personal hburgy, so
curity and property. And to make the
matter more positive and prlit‘ith it mu
provided by 'Ule umendatory articles; ninp
and ten, that, “the enumeration in the cm -
stitution oi certainn'g/llxuhnll not he caist‘ru
ed to deny or disparage o'thera retained by
the people, und that “the pawl-rs nnt dolo
guted to the United States by the constitu
tion, nor prohibited by it to the Staten, oru
reserved to the States respectively or to the
people.” With this care and precaution on
the part of our forefathers, who framed our
institutionl, it was not to be Expected that,
“.50 early 3 day 0.8 this, aclaim of the Pre
sident to arbitrary power, limited only by
his conception of the requirement; of the
public safety, would have been assorted.—
n dominion of the constitntionnl provis
ions ma ing the Prosident strictly an gxoc
utive officer, and venting all the.delé’élited
legislative power in Congress, your position
as we understand it, would make your will
[’6’ rule qfaction and your decltmtionfiof the
requirements of the public safety the law of
tho Lind. 90. x inquiry was not, therufore,‘
”Sump y u ipluatlun .am chill pluchicyor Lhu‘
/_ ‘ E
/-. . :
‘ l
allirmnl on that nobody shall decide, will“
the pub in safety iequires.” Our govern
ment, is a “governmem of (die, and it is the
[um-mu): gpowrr which ascermiim what. the
publics iety requires, and prescribes the
rulo of ction; angina duty of the Presi
dent in imply to exoculo'the laws thus-on
ncwdga d not to nnil‘aor annul laws. If any
exigenc shall Misti, the President has the
power t. convene (longing in any time. to
provide for“; so that he‘plea of necessity
furnish -: no reuaonable pretext for any as
sumptio of leflslapiv‘e power. .
For n. momnnhqonlemplute the conse
quences of such a claim to power. Not on
ly wouli the dominion of the President ho
absolute over the rights of indixidunls,—but _
equally o (no: the other departmentaol'
the govc n‘mcnt. If he ,nhouhl claim that
the publ c safety required it, he couldarrest
and imp ison n jud‘ o .ior Lhe conscientiour
tlischarg dl'hin duties, paralym thojudicial
power. 1r supersod it by tho aubqtitulion
of court -mm'tial. subject. to lulrxown will,
through in the whole country. If any one i
ofthe Sites’heven far removed fmm thel
rellollio shoulll not. sustain his piti'ni for
prnweut ng the war, he could; on the plea
oi‘puhlic safety, nnnhl and set M. defiance
the Slat lam. a'nd‘authoritieséarrcst ~and
imprisoi the Governor of the State on: tho
mémlmn of [He Lq‘gislalurehwhilejn'tho‘
lisiihl‘ul discharge f their duties, or he,
(‘.ould u solutely co trol the action "either
ofCongi as or of th Supremeflourt. by ur
rusiing nd impriF ningits members, and!
upbn th some ground he‘oqurd‘, suspend
the elccive frunchife, postpone the olec—l
tions, :1 d d clm'e‘fiho perpetuitygof hisi
high pr- ogafiive. _ nd neither the power
of hope». luuont. no the eloction’s‘of the l
people oulil/ be n xule available against.
'suc'hrcon enlrnlion {powerl ' .
‘ Surely iiis no}: nscessnry to suhvcwfiieo
govcrnui -nt. in this country in oriier to put. 1
l down (in rebellion ; ‘nnd it cannot be llam- un- '
. (ler (In: p ‘lenccoi‘put ingdown therahellion.
; lmlecd. is plain t. at your administration §
1 limhecn enkencd, n greatly wonkenel‘l. '
l by the : sumption (ii p wer not dclcgiuod .
;in the co slitution. , , , i
In you answer youll say to us—T“you claim '
)thnt men’mny, if they chooue, embarrass;
‘ those wh an duly it. i3lO combat. a giant. re- 4’
beilion-a d then he (flotilla With in termsmtii V
I there we a no Tobe lion." You will find i
,yOHl‘sltlfl fault. ify‘l“ wnll search our‘omu- ‘
‘ muixiculi nto you, lornny such ideas. The
u “3 (ill believe thnt the constitution
3*3 ftholand, iiropor'ly “ministered;
lin a iplo power to put. down nu inmo
procuon w thout the lassumptinnno! powers
, not. grant d. And if oxistin v legislation be
1 inndL-qua u. it is final du’ty‘ 5f Congress to
,considcr hm furlhdzlegiulsiion is neces
lmry, on to mlkeiluimble provision ‘by
'law. - ‘. - ‘
You cl im out uul‘miumy mega-mm
by your ministrntic’m mmetelyfimu‘w
.rcmalm. 'aa injunctiona'lo lay injury. or
‘ proceodi gs to keep the peace, and unfu
l'punislimq " The'érdinary preventive remo- l
t dies allu ‘ tonre authorized by establ'uihed l
i law, but t e preventive pro‘ceedinn yoh in;l
latituten axheir nu horily merely in 1,119.1
will of th ‘Exeogsiv or that of officers su
! borgiinam tolil‘h‘uuth rily. And in this pro- ‘
cecding a discretion eamsm be exercjxed
{as ho Whe oer the pri oner shall be allowed l
l a trial or ven beper itied wknow the us.- 1
i glue of th oomploin’flnlleged against. him, l
or Life nan qof his accuser.‘ If the proceed- l‘
i ings be m rely Aprev nciv'e, why, noh allow :
j‘ the prism or Lheben fit. of a bond m‘koep l
: the punce lint ifn oil'imse hubeen com—
lmilted, any was Mr Vullundigham tried,
. convicted ndsenben ed byaoourt-martinl? .
1 And Why. he actual uniyhmenl by impris
‘ nnment o himiahme I, Without thn oppor
' tuniiy of hwining h' ‘liborty in the mode
' usual in l eventiver meglles, and yet. soy it
lis not for runishmen T A ’
You sci l place Mr. Nollandigham’gggfi.
_viction an banighm qt upon the grofind
‘ ~that. ho d damagetllvthe military service
by ,diwou aging unliiiuuenu o’nd encoura
' ging dose Lions, he, And yet. you have not.
even pro ended to uoverl. our WIND",
' thathe w ‘ not char ad with or convicted l
for any an offense Rule tho coon-unr- \
ml. . ' .“- , '. . l
‘in answ rto our sition that Mr. Val- l
lundighun was entitl to a trial in the oiv- l
’ tribunal , by vi‘rlu’e D! the lutenctsoi Con- l
gross, you gay : “I ceilainl {out know that
Mum“ I;ng luu acifigalyand bydml
141 yd vital against enliumna and m faior
12/31:; and res-up: cwfiafling," to" and
yet,in\n übsequent art of your unmet.
al’krspea ing al'oertapn distuxbanceswlaioh
are allege to have oocurr‘edin resistance of
who sires: oldesert and of the enroll
‘ment pro rotary to 6 draft; and which
.you attrib te mmly the course Mr. Val
lantligha has pumu , you any that ho
hils made peecheapgainst the war in the
midst of r launco wit, that “he has newer
.been kno n, in vany,.insumce, to counsel
‘ ’.ngainu an i resistan ” and that“i¢i: next
\{o unlmxil: ta rcpt! (I inference Iliad lie .luu
cannula! di telly in la of it.” Fermi]. HMO
sayihat yo riniormal on is most grievously
m fuhlt. "‘he‘ under: ngd have been in.
:the hi‘figit of hearing; Hr. Vullnndighugp
speak beio e populara‘luemblnges, and they,
appeal w confidence to every truthful
pgnion wh lugs eyer hing-d him for the nu
cumoy of I ,declarati n that he bu ne'er
madu a u'p ch bei'ore’ hmpeople of Ohio in,
which he has not csulmeled subu'iiunion
:nd obedie co m th‘ehms and: the constitu
tion, and u vised the‘peaceuil remedies of
the judicin tribunals and or {,he ballot-box
for the red ass “grievances, and for the
evils whic «filial. our blinding and unifor
ing countr . And, Wei-e il. not. foreign to
the pqr] of this communication, we
wouhhund nuke to 4mbluh, m the onus.
(action of a y candid person, that; the dis.
turbxmcmw man; the la, to which you .
allude, in >position t 3 the arrest. of deser-
Sers and t a draft. hqve been occasioned
mainly by :8 measurel‘s.‘ policy, and com:
duct of y ur administration. and thel
course of ‘ political friends. But if the_
circumslan‘ml evidence exists, to which
you ullude.iwhich makiisflit. newi impos
sible to rep-l the inference that Mr. al-l
hmdigham line counseled directly m favor",
01 this resismnce, and that. the same has
been mainly attributable to his conduct,
why was heinot turned over to the cwil nil-t
tboriiiol to he tried under iho lute act! of
Congress? ‘ll'there be any _féundo‘lon in‘
fact, for your stucemenu implicating hiurm
resinumce w the constituted authorities, he
in liable to shch premonition. And we‘ now'
demand, as h more not ofimlice to him. an r
investigation of this matter, oeforoo jury of
kin country}; and reapeotfqlly imixl may
flux-nus require: either that. you rah-net
these chargd‘s which you' [nuke against him P
or that. you [revoke your order ‘Ol banish
nient and s ow bun the opportunity hi" m
‘ inventiguliq beforean impartid jury.
The noun - iuoe do Roi deem u naoeaury
to repel at length the impumtlnn thit thnl
altitude of themsolvpsm of the Democntio
guty in Ohio “encourage doserlionn, real-'.-
I moo to the draft. and the like.” Suggu-_
[ lion: of that klnd sro' not usual waspinn in
our ordinn political contacts. They ri
readili in 120 minds of politicians healpd
with t a excitomontolxmfim strife. Du
ring the two yeam in which the Democratic
put, of Ohio 1m bean constrained to op
pqe the policy of the administration, Ind
to “and up in defenm of the co'nntilutiot
.mlof pmaonal rigliln. this charge ha been
repeatedly nude. I; has fallen harmlau.
however, gt the feel. of thono whom in nu
intended to injure. ’l‘lmcommith-o believe
it will do magnlu. If it were proper to do
JO in this paper. they might. unggnat that
the rheaaures of the aglministrnminn. 3nd
its change: of policy in the prosecution of
the war. hnvcbeen the f wilful sources ordin
coumg'mg onlir-tménta and inducing damn
lions, and furnish nyeMon for tho undeni
able fact thnt tho first. call for volunvaors“
Wis (mam-rod by very many more than
Vere demanded. mnl that the next call for
mliliers will probablype responded to by
(11-gifted men alone. ‘ -‘- . ‘ '
Thg observation of the President lnrthll
con necpionhthnbneilher the Convontibh in
its rewlnégons."n. the commitme in In
commum tion, intifimto that they “are
conscious 0%?" existing rebollion being in~
\ regress wit the a‘vuwcd ohjnct. a! destiny
ng the Union,{' 'noedll.perhaps.l no mph.
l‘he Democratic pnrty' of Ohio has felt up
No_ 40
eenly the continiom'of the country, In?! ;
been so stricken to the heart ‘9 the milk.
forgnes and sun-own which have befullen
it, at they hardly defined-it nccggugry by 1
solemn resolution, when their very State
exhibited everywhere the and evidence: of
‘war, 10 remingl the President up“ “my.
were m'waro ofius‘oxistmcer ’ ' . V
ln'the conclusion ol‘yonr communication ‘
you propose that. _ifn gajority of “10' com
mittee shall nfiix their ‘signutnree to'n du—’
plicate copy of it, which you ha a i niuh~ -
ed, they shall stand committed tb (lime .
{,rnpositions. therein {ll. length slat forth,
hat he will publish the nmn‘es'thue signed
and thatqthisi pubh‘batioh- shall operate lili
revocation ofithe order‘of banishment.” .
Tho com‘mitta’o cannot refrain from the ex. .
preesion of their nurprifio tlmt the Fred-“l
dent should tmake the inlet of Mr.’Vullnn- T
dighnm depend upon the opiniomof this ‘
committee urn-these nropoiition'l. Ifthe
arrest *nnd anishmeut were legel, a-p'd’ "-
Were deem-veil; if the Prosidentaexoroieod
p: poww- clearly d‘clegnled, un’de?‘ oigwm
stnnccii which witrmnted its exeréiaé, the
order o_ught not to be revoked, mfimly‘b‘q
can-so the committee hold. or ”presentin
ionilnccnrtlflnt With those of, the President.
lfthc nriest and banishment were not legal;
or not Journal by Mr. Vulhimligha’m, then
surely he is entitled wen immediate lid.”
unéonditioiiul disclmrge.~ :\J ‘ ‘ .-
'l‘he [moi'vleo‘f Ohio were not‘em‘ ply '
mov‘eil by: the action of the President, ‘ ‘
merely lgucnuse they wore concarned for 5
the personal safety c’gr conveniences of Mr. ,
Vailandi‘glmm, but because they-sawin his
arrest mnl banislnnrnt an attacknpnu their V
own personal rights; and they attach ”I‘qu
to lmdiiicharge chiefly ns‘dt ill indicate
an abandon ment of the claim a) the popezl ,
ul‘ anchjimt and banishment. illoweve
just the umlcmignml iniglit- regirtl th
principles dontainml lid the several propoei '
lions uul’rmitteil by lie President. 01" hi)
much snovorvthpy might, under other cir
cufémnncns, fun] inclined to ondoreo the
‘ {sentiment}: ’contninfiil therein. yet they lbw
,Rnrc him that thny .Ivn_nnt been nuthoriz: '
ml tr) on!” into my imrgqim. tonne, cott
tr:wle,_nr editiiit.ionn with tho l’rneidéntvol ‘
the Unilnd States to procure the releaho of
; Mr. Vallnmligham.“ ‘l‘ho ~D|llll‘lslll of am
‘ undersigncdtmching the Questions invflv
‘ed in those [-inposiiions are well kno u.
ligtvc been many times publicly exp, ,
and are an, iently manifested in that '
; 'olutions of th Convention which they r pm
i msent. and th 'cnnnot mppduo that hot
‘ President éx > ts that they will snekl he i
‘ discharge of 3hr. » nllnndigham bya. pic 50
i plyingnotqn an imputation upon 'r '
o’cn Jimmy tau! lin as citizens of til-0*
‘ United Stem; and also carrying'witfl, it. ‘
by implication a‘eoncosaion of (he! ' of
his arrest, trial nnd.bnnishment. ngei It.
“which they, and theconvcption they re re
ieent. havosnlomply protested. Andw 11.
they have naked the revocation of the 0' er
of hnnidimenl not mm favor.‘ gut as I‘ ju.
due 10' ll“! puopl‘é 9! Ohio. an with a. Mr
to avoid the potsxliility of conflict‘br di'gv
itut’ba‘n’ée of the pnblichtmnquility, they do;
not do thin. no;“doee’;Mr.— Nellendigh’un‘
denim it. at any ”orifice of their dignity
and self-respect.; ‘; I .
The idea. that'tuch I: pledge Mallet linked
from the unilomigned would secure the ‘
public‘snl‘oty sufliciently be 'comp'ensnte for
,eny mistake) of the President in diafilflg
ing Hr. Van-ad ghnm is, in their opinion,
‘a mere evasibn' l' the gmve‘queetione ln- ’»
volved in .'this iscnesinn, and of a. dire'qt_'
i answer to their dienmnd. And this iunndo. '
especially apparent by the {wt [_thil thin
pledge is inked iii n‘communicntid‘njdiich ‘
’ mnclutlcfi' with an intiumtipn of In duped--
, tion on the [nut hi (the President to repeat
the sch: complained of. r '
i The undersigned, therefore. haying fully
”discharged the duty enjoined upon them. i
leave the responjibilitywith’lhe Prelident.
i M. 'Brwutnp, Chnirmnnparfd others. '
A 17:71:13; For CC’llmn-fiA wmawhat ver
dant. lonklng‘ imliviilu'il'called u'pon ajew
eller in Montreal, and stated. that be bid,
managed to accumulate, by hard labor filo.
past few "years. some seventy-five doli'u'l,
that. he finned to investit. in something
whereby he‘ might mpke money a link:
faster; on? than"; Windmill) take name
of his stock and peddtb it. out. Thejewel:
ler seleéfied who! lie-ihought would sell
readily, and the new pedlarmmrtaetl on his,
first .trip.‘ “ lle was uonebut. a few dnysyvhen
zhe returned, bought. as much. again u be
fore,aml started onxhis second (tip. Again
he returned nml greatly increased his
stock. .110 outmoded so well, and accumu
lated so‘fupt: 1h“ thojcwnller one thy uk
ed hjmyhat profithe obtained on wlmfiho
sold.- “Well, I put on about. five percent."
The jeweller thought. that a very smll
profit. .and expfnssod an much. “ Well."
said the pgdlern'hl don’tknow u I oxmtly
understand“ about your. per cent... but on
article for which 1 pay one dollar, I general
gull/org?” . ‘
—-—-——-—«O¢>——-—-—- ‘
National flat-3.4m“ Jar twenty-{lm
banks have been qrgnnized under the na
tional bulking lumnnd only Music the (II:-
niahing of notes by the Treasury Do not
menc in go into complete Dix-ration. fluid
will be supplied,“ is thought, within the
next two» months._ i. ,
WThel-e is a Layal League organization
in every ward in Phllfldelphifl,_ but u? a»
Tuesday night crank, of thm had vp un
teored for the chenco of (.110 State. . ‘
i 3.“ is 'mu'xl tabs now Gel-{sin Until"
grain crop of the West, abounp tie pupi
id. will be one af/tho mqsL abundant cu:
nown. ‘ '
”General McDowell hnqhen ordered
to New York, ‘6 act as Sresideut of use
board for reciting, army 0 hens, lopet i’m
inodiutofy m that city. :_ A
fi‘Twenty-lwo, member; of tha Smith
family-Wow dmftml in the Menu-goon!“
Ward, N. Y., on Suturdqy. ,
fi-luvid’s'hglnnd. New York. Chatter,
P 1... and Point. Lpokout, MIL, have been
selected as nation; for the rebel View
fianral happineéa can fave BOW
gush mun the universal law 01:ij Ami
ave. . '
fivAdmiml Dupom. hummooo who.
mags] whis credxt, non-in; ”and a
2151. ' 0
' flu is amend "ma“. Manta“;
be sppoinmd mmwifi {Mg}
I’9o. 1» z ”A"; ~ ‘