. iz/TemeF/Kj ”’l‘heOoxPiLn is p blished avery‘Mogdgzy unmfnz. Ky [lser .Sn‘qu, n: 31 7:l7pm ‘nnnum if,~[mid sci-int y m mung-.82 0.0 pm- anhifl’n iflnot. [laid in hd’vnnce. No lubscripfitipn diséonthued, unless an the option of pho'pubhslierpuntil All ariearg'en ‘are paid. ‘ \ ’ ‘ x‘tml ntthepsunl rntéa ‘ Jon I’msnxu don dispatch. » , 1 Onxcz'in South B: Ltimoro Rel-egg, nearly oppoaite Wamplérs‘ Tinnimz Establishment "jZCtmslum—Plus”f a Ornchgl m} the sign. Sher], i alty. - ~ WEf‘O’L'RAGBD My 5 nufiber of friomh I 11 ofl-:r'awsclf as a :cnndidate tor the (-mvf‘ (4 SlFZ'l'ilFx‘, suhjqrt to the decision at the In-rnocxwic GountyCumcntiun. thupid‘l be unmm red and data”! pledge m’vself I'o dis vzzmge {barium-s 0! tin; oficr f'xililiuny. >1 ,7 ‘ HENRY BELILEB. - fioqnljaj [p., April 0, £563. tu‘l {1 - Sherifi‘alt-y.‘ ‘- _ SCOURAGED by nun‘muus mmdm n’min - E oil'vr “09' If as alcnmfidrue for Income! of humill‘l“, hubjwn 12,1211.- dcciiinh of rho Dem n erc Cuduh Cuuvuxxiun. 5““!“1 l huuum -1 mind nnd circled}! pludgc myst-Ifm disdnrgu the d xxi'os of the omco wim prumnmcumx’d glp‘ulmllt)’. \1 ," GUJHUD MC‘SHMA.\. (Juvzlb. rind Ip, 11anan), 1:63. W‘Hafing,‘ curl lz-z‘urmerl M F! repart— in r'rcnht'dn m meat-11‘”: Hm; liutrnd :0 mm W fi'lilnu’t puvfdum curriulaxv: “sz 1 math: p .uuxm'el : }; 15. x LL rum r'vlfil- (Tummy Couw :- ‘I ”n, ' is 'ug m n‘y-e-n than I'm. um‘é- brand :‘w «twl I'llth us uLGfrlv fnlnx ‘ l lnvunrver rvm:r:,-im~d b'l'f .'5 Huang“, nus! ILL‘I "nyaolf L; honor by Ind Jo’u'nfllc by "w dui‘nuu of i 1": (‘Jntezzti'w>. .u “unautN-d in in; rur.l"mm\c. June :3, 1863. ' ‘ GEORGE BUSIIMAS. ~_Shér‘ifl‘alty. ' T the solihfatiuu of numczoug mom“. I 41‘ of?- rmg suing a candiduh: tux; (he 2.13M f: SIIERH-‘P‘, at the enxuing rk-cm-n, suhjr'cL l“: the decilinn uflflzeflemnvrwtir ('o'mL“ ("On- W' "mm "QhU‘HJ-i I Lexi!) [originate m: to N' x 4 :n,;:xx'mi 41ml (L'L‘U'd. I'lrh‘ ’y" myw-IY In 4n;- ( u-rgl- :Tz- “lung 14! ilm “1T1! v M the 3 ' *1 HF L“; n i‘nyw A (‘.m i.1.t,;::z;~m.u5. G 4 31) ‘ nugfl‘f’nch '29. Hus}. 1F - Bher.zi'alty. "JTZLUHH’J‘Hf.’.l'u‘.‘«m‘ m‘ 3&l]wa ‘(‘o.:- i H thl')"!' Cm Zurfyorhnm-«Lfiy \fyvvwvnm' Po [-6 ‘ r 3," u l‘r'uw'nrhm- t‘m tho Lrfix’lft‘l’f‘flfli'RYFF. A vlrw n mum-1| :11) WW )4 c'u-isdnu- Mr Emil! \ f’: r- inn-jet". h) 1h“ Dr-nmv'rfi‘io .\‘mx'in :1? :1: (’ “5' .'Lanl.) Fly} 3‘3 L’ln; «aggrtumxli' :13 {u ‘..- .mlndjtai mad 4-: wk X i'r'.Hu 9 in '9‘?”- \‘»»|r,:‘ " f dam-q m' s‘u-l MUN.- glrompil} mm uh uh (3%:ng Your'uluzdim tit run! ' ‘ A ZAUHAKIAAU MYERS. Apt-2127, U 463. u: ' 1 Ehcriffalty. 1‘ ,‘\:('(’Cl'. “11‘ ‘ _\' nu. .L‘l r‘l-Ecil s ni—CH‘CT; hv:n‘.HilF,Fulfnll'l“..- ncnl‘c I pm)!» Uhnvvg-llt ~.:mnn.f.fcv‘wd,ll3m: 7w mum: of Ll."£=‘ c -' 'lj-nri:n:l; .T!‘ 5:111 MUU'NJU§ 1;“ , AN); 2.‘ Sherji 7. I!”.an (‘leA -..‘«'.~ i‘ L's" ~lf'l'__.': 1.11"” in" 1 1w '.‘4 'ann’, 1 w". m {.,3.‘!.7; ”:93; 3f .- .1125; E"’E_lll{l’l!‘\7tL|p n-m '. ~ ""('lJI‘ "i r .' v. '.4' fvi,lf".wl£t ur. « ' '.‘re niftc‘arh‘ :(y-rrm._klm,xp“ls.l“;3 z c" . .1 ’ ’ > ~ 21;“2‘.‘1 [”1“ r. ... _~ .. s'l.f‘{’\.x‘lll.n‘!‘_ll ,1; .4 my’dqlns .. 13335 : “‘..‘.7,r1.‘,‘w-!!k!‘1 " -_,' " C“ ,‘n‘V ' out": g" .’. I‘lL';Jl':__3‘.‘l‘ ;;‘ 3‘ "l ‘ 7""3 ”lIUH- ”'1 C ,J.’ 239 w! 1,- \ x. r. -j- n kg” Mn! ‘1 ERNE 11. e • 1:;, WW I”- (7." ’_.‘§?“-v' , ,4." , .'.\ r A. '. y... . 1 }. 3: “1'1: C Kim: H: IMI .lujni - ”lan‘s of In“: u'zu'u’w'm filling: “1,: Ln .al; .: Jul”; 5% .'-L\‘l'rLß. fig; ‘6 lramut {p., .‘.;lm a, 1:53 la' '3 hegiréc?‘ ‘ _ -.ez, PI“ .Jcordcr , Xlehc p.ll ir-xruu' Minn :r-r';.l.‘l2.‘.‘eu'l~!; X 1" :I;an J‘ "If A: n._\,u Imin: ."r vh‘: lfimnux .m. ‘r rm .-.- nzcrmmr-um mu Buy]. [3 g‘hki-qnalr" -v’l {u 13h- (i—t‘."lr!'lli.h' D0111"- '}-- Fm (‘uua 1:. '.‘uuwv.h:q'l. Smm‘m. ! ha .q fim tun-Inn as :u‘bc‘ n nun-mm] w'! w.- and, l Baum-\- “1531-1" {a tIN hulri‘ "II! If Mic-9H Kile :1 law; Lu (1;: lust ; f. In) .\‘xn‘uy. . ‘ ’ .\. ‘.S" I’L’I'JMENG. 7 ‘ (:Mu'fi‘fi'n‘g. “Ark 30, lh‘yfl. ' [c' , Registar 5159 Becor‘der ‘ a? the silx‘tpliaum numerous t‘riPndu. 1 ‘ ‘ mung? £l. "my 9“" N"L mummil'r’lnr the ("htt-unliKib’ljZ‘l.\‘ld(W)RD£‘,ll.}lßug-am- V} :rnirr‘tu‘m s‘l‘lj3r'ml‘u de “W‘Hn'fhav D n.”- (val t:,COu:"L\" (1' Vim-ply": ‘O, Hum!!! I hn :‘n (urh'nu-v us‘ lath“ 'u-annicd urd'drflvv‘; I .‘;.‘u).le rmr‘dz‘ M (L: : urgr- Um cum-5 at [he Iniire tu the besb’of nxv '.n‘.€y. | mu Aim sun 1:11:12 "' ‘l‘ iherry (IL, Muy 17., £663. Ic, ‘;**-P --‘ :i“ q" ~"‘~"1~‘“"“~—‘-'“ ’ Begxfiqr‘ ‘B6 Recorder. K ‘ T thczsnlwitilioxi qr my hit-min! offer »’: A. myself As a cmminlw.‘ fur the. office .4 Imdsrmps I:};Ct);:r+:r:,smj.cz m we de -2 cubmof the Dex'mu‘ruli}: County ('.‘qfnwmin'n. Humid I bé ngminngcd n'xd ebflhd. I yak-. 31.! ‘ my=efltmpqurm mg dugi'eAsof Ull‘ MTIPQ with \} romflnees. ' . A- P- .U-XUGgibR. Arm :0, 1353- :c ‘ . egiste‘r Sz Recorder. TlllB soli‘ctxxnpon of nnmL-rmm {new ls ml (1‘ the County and in our llnqunuut, 15m“, ; .H'z-i’ mystlf M n nnndidnlcfar the officv‘ur R‘IGISTER .'z RECURDEE. subject to me dc itzsmq of the [)emucrfljc’ .031;an Conn mfoq. Euouw I be so lurtumfl- a: to be unmihzitnd . 9nd éfvcted.‘ 1 ykdge'mkscif m ‘discmrgu lug - :dunusqt _lhv: ufliee to‘lhe hes; nfmy qutirf. . _ 1" . _ ‘ . SAMQEI; SILL‘E‘. a 155:); P. M.,'3lay 25, {953. wt _ “., T‘Rééister 8: Recbrde‘ifi: NJC‘ODRAQED by my friends, I offer ~my ‘ Self as a v-amfidateforthe omen: OHM-Ems fan is RECORDER, at zhu’ u’ex; election. eup- jacl to the qéch'ior? of flu; i)_o.-mocrmiu.coun‘£y . Camemion. ‘bhnuldl b; s‘n furtu'mte’ns to be nominated and elected! promisg to dis ‘chnrge ‘he duties of thy ufiice to Kim hat of my Ability. a, wm x. GALLAGHER. » Gettysburg, April 27, fees.“ to ' f ' « . Beglster 8:» Reborder. \ ‘ 0 we: varms OF ADAMS coxFX'rrz... T AI lhé ntgem‘aqiiqimhon of nnbgdgl lofi'ef v fiysclf nan candxdnté low REGISTER. & RE (ORDER. subject to the decision mime Démw cram: County Convention, Conscious of my spimj' to disdlargq the duties 'of the 01550, anh fiegfiy of the yrufits of the nine, 1 plate my,- aelf to faithfulh', dusehsrgefihe duties and pockettli‘e’profiw 1f the pgople am kind err-ugh to chat me. ‘ . , R. FITZGERALD. Middlgmgn, June I, 1863. tc‘ » . m_____~__._____.___ , r»; \ *Asangneefs Nance. - HE undersigned, hath); bnen nppointed , ‘ Assigqcé. under A deed of [fast lorwe 1 benefitoferedilots‘ of Lewis P. ,Wcuvcr nan Nancy, hia'Wife, of_ Otto“! township,’Ad:uns county, notice is hfi’reby giVen to a}! persons. knowmgghcmselves indebted to suid Assignurs to make immediate payment to the undemgq‘. 1 inc" residing in‘ the same townsblp, nn‘d mogg hadn‘t claims 'ngll’nst Lily same, to preach: mm properly mthcuticatejd wr sculpmem. - JOa‘EPH J. SMITHfiXSSifiUfl. ‘ Lexygx,ls3.3,.en ; \\. ~ Eycfcragfc fii-snnrmmsn ms \— sr~ux~§ a‘lsusmirmpwmim ...- -__-..‘4.,-.:..,.;.'__e+‘-.;»_..‘.—. ~. ‘7 1 , BunfiIGKINGZSqu your eprmg and cum I met Cigllfing. ‘ ~ I _with .neamesu mind Br .11. J. ST'AHL .iir 45a” 1 Year- -l “I V‘J y l Clank of the; Courts. ‘,‘ Y 0 THE VOTERS 0F ADAMS COUNTY:— Fvllvm-cilizcnk z—Bcing éncuuraged by mum-rm” frit-fids,j oh‘u mp 4! to youricon :z'dcmlnon .u a candidate ‘mrfi xhe 015? of (v‘LMik' I)? THE GUILRTSL Mlhe next lec m n .‘U’uj‘ cHo :hcfiieciui'on affix: Dcmojrafic £s,“eg L'unwul-on. Should I reach- 11:! n, ”Fu’um n nu" be ¢-29c(cd. i shr.” ,duiy “3’1”“ um!» \‘mlr congitie‘ncemnd pMmi e M‘Jlsv: ml 9 IL: dunes ut‘the oliga- prmnpflyhnd with fidd— ' .ÜbA‘ SISTER. ‘lfir.u.k:in ti», Aim! 6,185.53 ___w.___. V . . . ‘ I t Clerk of the 00! fl _ G mm: will“ s‘; m A , limfimmtié nonnnutlimq Tn}; (.UUHTS. Should L 5" bcl pr-lu-‘s Limgclf to use crfnv pf for xl’ltfl'fll.‘ [Mu-1| .A 1‘ . 1»... -.‘_. . $ , 'Clerk of tha C?! G. \\'ug.:>willhmcmud§ ’ . w- The ruwu'sxgu.‘ cum" uf‘ ‘h; D. .nm mucCauplfl Uutu.\~‘nlrg, ‘.lu} 11,12fi3.1 1c: g - Clark of the Co 3 _\'CuUßAme by {amber b; my (tiindl, {E I (.fhr‘mueit us a. cAu-‘idnt tor the ‘ifico cf LLIeK Hr' TH}; C(JITR’IS. IHIQCL‘ jug :1. '.tlxm. why-L: tu the d'ecmmm frhc- Diamo ,crl:.‘" ("nu-Hy Convention. Sb “Id"! 5f :0 (minnutn 115:) ha ncmi ..tfvd ud clam d. I {uh-L4O mud! to diachnréo [fie shin-loot the “Eu mahhniy. . , \ ‘.f . ‘ NICED-LASfD. SHRH’EF. j S:rlb:‘.htp., .5pri16;1553.:.1e ‘1 -__._...‘ 1 ;- ~——» ._T__,__. ! Clan: of the Go rtgy, I'T‘TIJ(‘(‘J~"RAHED by a numlin' fmy friehdg. If; [“5 in u‘h-r n-y'sdfns a‘chn Mfitc {of 11:9 ‘nrfivu or (‘LEi’K 0? 1m: bonus, .1' the cumin; Homing. uukjo-rt to thy d cisiun of, xhe law-«pun: (‘uunfy l‘nnlvi'hbn. Shr-yld K-be :9 {urlpmm- o: m be ‘ ltf'f'il, I omin- misdf 'l‘» “Huang: the dunes of the o :- hnhf‘JHyu ' " " JACOB Afivfilifl. F Mouutphvm-nmtp , Mn}. :3, l!- . ‘ uunu: 'X’h’lxd‘,‘ “mt rl'v 10" {Pm name Hf dimming 01”}: “em— :l. ‘~six'f-'lili[7L‘ll\r;nl fe mfg-71: ro-dischurge L“: 1-:~ 11.;-".\‘1 Rh}; .V (Minfili 0.3 {c i ' 'a' '. '4 v . . ~— g T the solmtntmn of unmm-n s lnends. [ f g 4 rJR»: m-zw'zf Ma. cumming for the 93k? .‘. 1‘ , My? , _‘_ .Lu LIL‘ILK U!“ TIIE l‘trl‘illfl. nzllhe ennumg (:‘mk ‘ ' (:I '. WI: , f ch‘vi‘vzt. “Huh—qt m xhn dmiamu inns Utmo ‘,l ”H ‘rli’P‘Efd" cruuc glmmzy_Unnvcnhpn. Shonld I lid In fl" ._ H _, fo‘rm‘uulu mr’ to La nm-Jnazrd and elcolcd; I u 1h“ . 1x! um Ludh, ._, ' 1- ~ , ‘ . l' qM , ('l‘ _ p m,"- [JVtt'nfl to um: large the duuu of‘thc "~ '“r: v‘ " 3"" (AL-cm mm: amyausw. ‘ | y» nymph}...luu.l i . ”fl . JAMPS J ’IVK "u“ "unfit?" ‘U'. :‘x‘( r 1 vp,A;-nl:b,"§t.". 41c. ‘ ,_. ' ....» '? 7 . I . 7 111 Aux}! I.2:};E‘R? , ~ C‘cmfi'y ‘lregsur r. v‘ V§:",‘W'!\',.\‘-;7:§ EH7 many Mrnd . {Gaff py _;y we 4: «mu-Eidfizr 6m chm: nu‘nu‘s (in; R. m thr mm. ch-Cfiup. "his?! to DheEde rw m nir-tin- Drawn-mu (‘nunty {Conn-mien. ‘.~" mid I r-r .= . lawn-m: M to h? ng-minnted .'un'. v] FI‘W 1. ' H? {:L P 131703! ho lmchfir'w [”l3 dub“? o! hm “£l6: Admin”) an 4 rumpfig: ~ ' , ' . HUGH uu‘ufl. i Gollysbutp, May 4,15?3‘.~‘4c' ' ' i : ¢ _ _ .-.V A. ..--.._.. “a- f . County Trensfur r. 1 3; in]. ‘ {.2ENCI,)I"I\'3'JI|‘J_V ywry‘friqug 1‘74! iny- Y. Ink-3.1:. lam-Hm: j; __l‘ 3’ n {u‘ x v,_u ”Liz”! far L‘Uilfi 1 '1 BEAM 3‘:- SSH-Jill? M x‘im [.Hrai, L 7. nu- rtxt’vlhf43on.‘smue t‘tu [tu- dr . 1 L ‘ r, V‘ , c '.qu L! “XL: L'amocmuc ( aunt} "mm-Minn. If} m. ‘2” ‘. f‘ ‘ ”' .\‘l'vu'! I r-l‘,rol.vrgqu.tt: as 1.6 h "(.'nimfled "'“M " ‘h ‘_l "' nu‘i ‘1 Mb}, I j,‘ r’ m) m»)! :0 di chmizu Ma :5 muffin!» 0:153:91"; ".Hynrl ; nm‘pfiy. ~43 mum? D. Almpi ! 'Gmtysbnrg. May H, 1863. W - 1, l '.V ‘ ? 1 . , 1 , . H 1; Pr e-hia, F'ofl‘cr 9‘ W} I: c u'fi'v Cf mini”: l x: ‘ bun- IMEEEI=I an ' 7‘ (0'1! «hwy: IJ {mil-ux(x.l-I-.4!‘11.ul ' ‘.‘z‘. .i A. Llhhk. i rm 1 w“ :. ‘.u‘lr 'm i ‘, County Treasur’q )EL‘II; fmfiqm‘ml’ Nikita-1,1 05‘ E) n dud-« Emu {or tin-Imm 1 Am. Aswan. suhjcct “m m «1.3: Drmnvr-‘tic ('ouqu (_‘om'cnfivn. 1 1| mmniud and drew-d, 1 pledge n? cum-hm the dunes of the (Rice .'ni inmfil,"}_.._, 3 V ‘ JAC‘Ui‘ L}v't'._aph!lrg, Apr“ 27, \B63.‘Ht ’1" >7 »7v , rm_—-~'—‘—-———.—n—-—w i Director of tne PC "SETH .ur» requcimd Lo, annqunm x ' >lH'L'ié.of Lntimorp NM :Lundhldl: {u' Dxrccknr'ot Khr- Poor, ciez-a an: :hiJje-cl m the decision of rm! c L‘ounlyC' nnntion :Junr-h xs'm. 1r 5 Tim Great Sacra L,x 1 JUNE) UVT.—I «Md tell ya A“ I “3" ‘_ _‘ w‘h-rP x'x'r‘y' mum. hit in lork Agreet,l ’s‘"). H 3. rift ngxposm- um Ruth «kid the‘ rim- EU!) 13 IL”: the nnduraigncd bar)! It rechiud fr m: r}. | I{.'_'. :1 ‘.l r_\ fine nsqnnmenc‘ 'SPRISG (-O‘JUS. fur boil: indxc: "_nd manager}, Ag; (01-; l m; For the lndiea, bunkers. Gl('vt-I,Stnmk imxs, Lim n ilandl‘crchiels, Collarsl‘l‘anufdr furn- Fy. ohm kinds, Hmp ‘Skirtsl Llhdios' lids“ mud in Fret. nl’flusl anything else pin the {oiflet ‘ way; (Zum‘hs, Hair Pins, [lair Brushes, Tooth ‘ llmshcs, and numerous nther ariicleal [ l l | Cirrrflrrmenjs we‘nr, puck at Coma, Panza} ,X‘l-sts. nt the following prices: 61-min“; {linen ‘ :Pnnts at $2. good Summer quts’nz 75 ct:.,‘n‘fid imhrr cwhxnlz' at the sumo. rum. Sunlzmlcr ”bus ’(hmper than an: ether home in the“ tn\v::"lm!l) for 3:03”! and” inen. ‘llaring “pur (-I”in a lobah‘aurtion, he can new them pt pr cc; which will wake Almost any one Pu]: :.ni also mmy other ‘gnodo, such ‘ nu Forks, I‘urk Handles, Shovel! and Ilmdlges, Rupiah, 'l‘wne:, Isl-niches, nrnpnn, Queen ware: and (:hsg 7mm, GRUCERU‘ZS, and SJicts of?“ ; lmds, Soars ufxll kinds, Esiegcelgfnll kin !, zlx‘niws; Forks, Speous, Tobacco, Seams and bnnfi‘, and m fJCtfiImOSt any thing 10!: would c.llrul.\u-}to find in K Noxion Stork}: all ‘very c= n. 5,» forlcnsh. nonft 'orget the place‘. You Hm ham been th‘ere bring (base that have not hevntinilivted yet. There in room‘ for All 03' tliem, uz'Non, oppnsjte the Bunk. in York street. , H ', B. G. CARR, Agenf.» May 4, 1863 ‘ ‘ ‘ lie“? Goods; . JUST receiv‘c from New York and Pym. o delp‘hia, the large" flock in wwi to! Band Clolhs, '; i « ‘ 5 ‘ > Summer Clothe.” ' . ' Cunimergy. ' . Drum Beautiful styleaf,_wdl am cash and will be mld“chu "Plcnse cail surf ace ‘htm. ‘ GEOJ l my‘mqsea. _ u ‘ Pmkmg as nscmvsn ms. ‘ ‘ spmscmxo smmmcnornxxaw . ‘ ~ coam‘bxs, com ALL. in” 13.1363. ' , L ‘ j ' . . thtysburg Marble andx . T" EALS a: 3110., 1?? EAST YORK£TREET J. GETTYSBURq, —PA.—W|uro (any ‘nre prepared to furnish all kinds of- work in :heir line. such as MONUMENTS, T 0338, BIAD STONES, MANTLES, &c..'nt the shortest no éiup, and is cheap as the cheapest. Giée hi 0 an. ' ‘ ‘v r ‘ V l [ab-Produce taken in cxcbnugc to: work. ‘ Ueltysbnrg. June; 2, 1862. ‘ it, ‘ : "Cx’urcayzs, Giughmg, Muslim. ,red‘ed rat“. at FAHszaroCK wwsu Sigu of (by RM Frank. _ i ‘ , p cm 50 fin;~;fie'§n~u-:i £sng genéofEG‘a} I ”kind Sn’mmet Glowing indovq.’ ‘ ' fix. ‘, ’ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ffIM ‘ 1 \ lIM \ ‘ I I s \ , i - , ~ IMMI Clerk of the' Go FA lEWHCQCRAWG mm» mew J©URNAL up if ono. _ -32; fr: 1; z.— .1: 11'2": 34;. WHAT IR Tn]! [THE 0 ‘ Whfi. ig \ "you tht is 'i! 10d What is. ‘ When} What‘ia ; ‘ If yo ~ e I E ‘ m T lxdnte {0 the ur CLER ' 0F «acres-{u , he ‘Lrper ex: tion A What is If yoJ What ill‘ "you” *huz‘iu‘ . H you“ What in If ’Ol What i. 5 If you‘ Whit is if you! 0 E- ‘ o-find i 'therlloslon Courkx of yestef— dny‘tha pa 'xcuisrs ohm vncnuuter [inch look [vine tit Lowell. Mnnsuchmeus. a few £l:ny “£6. ng‘veeu a.hartl~fi~ted muchsmc andlG . thtler. The principal facts as the Vere Ll 9 mled to the Courh‘r. are “11-'1“) :‘ “M .'4 Bnuefi;~whn is a nmsou m Lowull. w" mplo'yeg by a Mr: [-2 Mann. the ngr-nl of \Tn._Butl r, to lay the [MIME in a I’J'x‘n lhiyhfliutuian bled dug on (Fm lie-field's [-roni ‘. = ‘be‘ ayinv of Um jpm was nongyfllgxmpioted. odeimly of “.1;- mam-m bib} by theixidn of the trench. At. (his um Generlllß. crime towards Mm R-H>.'l NM 'nndfox‘deredfhim lo rflmove i lurgd none withjiu tfio trifle of the drain, nn-i mmfi diu ‘ lungs baneagh the I-urfnco uf the grnunJ. mymg if wmhlri interfere mm :hn- llmigh. To this Mnflkussall oljpcmd; ham»; 'm: it. 1155 his buiiness toluy the pig/us. and 11¢: w'dag’m‘p «Mm. whichjhw b‘cm prt‘ywl‘t'l fox-Hl3 worklbi Eastmln. Then-upon} Gem on! 13., kit‘h‘ ioicnt and prnh'ne :nfl’éunu‘. orderedabimjto leave ’hia [lrrmzm-m .\n. ‘liuual‘lil tOld‘fhiiH) be WA! emplayud by who; lx~ ‘er percofi. an i did no: Ipnk x.» nim fur: ins ‘ply.lmd nhodld finish the Gum.“ brmrnl ‘5“; lhffi Lhkvfd: UK!“ fiP-‘fitm (“ le r-l‘m ml!) ‘chedmia‘, “1140th RJ-‘wii-pmkmi ug- ."rr: fl-lacéd aka}? tin its formur p bi'irm. H‘- lynl‘ng igne ofilenlzve. hugugg-n ‘;»‘r3~~’l;' .1. xckud‘u‘ne ylpo or?! ngu‘n. Ami 1531,5112 ! Russia” finsulxumpmm Lo rfi'plnm: ,‘Tt Imme coiqua [em biowfin th- hm“) v.l um. dos-signal that‘ subwrf'nrmiy. Germ] I! 3133:. “ed {p}; I? hq‘ye born In Monk-m; but 111-3 statemen l uptqn t’zm‘m'mr mic -Ly .'.“: c :- reapédd fmth‘hlmt “Mr 01‘ the ..u‘w. Mr. Russellixbmefimzeiyjumpmlirhml3.6 din-h and an qéyirkly Gen. H. Was fin upw't'm glouhd and r. Runr-H hall him by tho: thlmjt. girl]: . ifiulleglul In huvn’mmfin nn realm-mt ~; b'r. after lurlvlmg Mm‘ns’ Inng :5 116 {lloll3th hvceassry. Mr. ,R-guuli Minx ‘H‘d‘ him (*1 fit. and necmnpanic—d Inn 21 ;‘ gundrec} \or v. o hllndzcd _sz'uut‘of the , eld.‘ ' é! W¢Jeam chit Mr. Ruin-H to“ the Gr-n~ Jon}. phat‘ha fins an on! man, Mfr mxty [years of the. mud lmd ngiver l-vfoto boon as ,amlcd' in this ‘ ay; Iha‘l Lhe Gr‘nornl must {remember harm“ in «Assxchusezb. not. New 'Orlealxs;jnn«l that 5110‘“ gunmw: as his W‘puldnotlte tolPrmml on New Ilnginml ‘soxl. Hie also‘llold him it w'u no “curler we m-ruébenlex? by the Confwtr-ntm, wh. n ‘luch officer: log] our men: um. rm- his own ppm-c, he was my granulaun’ot u n—mluumm i ry patriomwhomuw 1:11ch by the Br:-;:=h in ‘ hIS 0""! house, (M. Lex:ngtnn,)t.lnd hv him— [ lelfiund thevhther dcscondun!’ m tfmt man P had bei‘n nus to their Datum-maid prm'c'ii L pies. i emiudimgflxe General 01 his 3911011 I :I:th UhnflestqnConvention nnnl‘ “This po ‘ Micah torgiversqtionlin general, My. Rmsell than hf: him.‘ , ‘ 5 as: my‘ elf an (41:;szij triqn n 2 .‘bl'q‘ hduld] in [l :01! in duo :‘ thffdfy, and 1 w 4" 1‘ ‘ . 'or. y 3] ,qu‘nsw} "ushlpr u 3‘ nl may?“ the Demo- DID ma; ,BEWARD an mica NOT? ‘_ The: followmg hm barn and iT in Mrcnln- I tinn ujndauiéd. ‘ We l-eheve it. therefore. to be m cotrecahumnzinn, but ‘wg can not ‘ lay oqr fin er agon the p’hca when nor the ‘tlme finer: she can we (151%th '; v stwtum to 1.0 m) Lvnxs. “My 105;), I dam. touch a he“ on mv tight handdand ‘order the arrest of a citvzen 6f Ohio :31 (mi tou h the be]! sgnin. and order the impria nmecht nf'a cixizepi of New York "And nb povier oh earth, rxcept. thut of the President. can telemge l—hem. Can the Queen of E gland (form much?" ' ' ‘ The; I)?” in broken; in New York; it spema how .ver: as you to‘be good in Ohio: but w‘zhereldid Sevmrd say or write in?— Nnn York Erwin ‘ ' Guru wteinporgry. by tofu-ring tn ’hgrd Lyonsf diaphtck to Earl Russell, demiling a cqnvermt-idn with Mr. Seward, date-"I No vember 14. 1861. publishegl in the Parlia menWy_' Blue Book, 11nd oopmd into the ,Ngw Yo:k,flma‘lof Man-h l. XSISL’, win find the eltrhc‘té Ibévamiiuded th.—Cincinnati TM Union or amt/nor meman—The oonsgrvnliv‘g party throughout the country is pledgedfi mly to the Union‘cuuee. The radical pix-{y ii 'everywhére engaged in towing (.1161de of disunion by teaching the pe‘pple that the Union as in gas ii not to be derail-eh. and that we are' fighting for “$52? new gavemment, which is to ba here ‘u r cpnam‘xcted. The only rule of mm {ought go be the constitution, the sole object *of Qhéwarought to be the 01d Union. That is with fighting for. But. an for a. new, vague. undefine government to Quit rndL (gall, that is not, wqrth fighting for.' Let us keep the war on its true purpose.-E:~i4 06- mar. ‘ Him. 11‘ for ant.— Freedom oleußallnt-an-A—Referringto the rem-at Mumph of‘tha Radicg} putty in St. Louis. the Repubt'imn says: ‘ “Some ‘cighteen thousand voters did not feel interns! enough in the election to go nnd voté'.” , , That in to any, such is the military IlOV eminent of Missouri. that about 17.000 vo lcn théught it rarer to stay at bomg phsn to risk voting.” _ g Wl'renfiee‘myu "Some n! (he Abnli‘ tion editors thihk tho“ they cannot be loyal uni"; they "laden-lawsh olwhonw to the adminfglruion. The; ‘n'hnuld have bun born njggen.” 1 . ‘ GETTYSBURC}, PAS, ,M‘ONDAY, JUNE 22, "1863- the use of trimming a limp,\\'\ newer intend to light. it‘! ,' the {no df grappling a wrong, never {mend to right. it? . ‘ thé use 6! removing your bu, ‘yon nevét intend to tarry 1 the use a! winning a. maid, \" I never intend’to mar" 7 the’nle of buying a coat. nsrerintend to Wear it? the an o! a house for two, 'nerer intend to share it! who we of gathering gold, idon’! intend to keep it? he use of pl-utiug a field, 1 never iqlcnd vw leap in ,J: ‘i' " “ he use a! buying n‘book, ‘don’t intend to mm} in khe use Ufa 9m In to you, never intenq need it ? I I l r v 558 Hflfflllfi. NERAL THRASHED ”TRCTH L 5 HIGH" AND WILL ”EVAN"? Dmoqauxc 3 STATE CONVENTION} , ‘ or omo. . . . The followinglare’the re ‘ I—ulions’ndnptegl 3 by the Donldcratk Sl‘ataaConvontinn ,0; 3 Ohio. which nominated Mr. Valgmdighém i {ol' Gm‘emor :‘ "‘ ' ’ I. That the will of the ppolflc i: flqunun dation of ail free govarnment. That togive‘ ffect K 1211” mu, fred thought, free 911 mm!!! Na free press are übcnluleiy jmlispmx-:x:7 ble. Wnlmut free (Lscuwwn, more i! no} ce‘x-tafity of sound judgme‘pt; without! sound judgment Lhené can be no ‘vaae gov ernment. ‘ ' . g 2. That it is n'n in’herenL and' conctihxu‘. tional nght of \rhn people?“ to dis’cuse -aHr mensur‘es o! thigh-\uov.n'n(nent,‘nnd Lo :lp- ‘ provc- or dimmunv» us to their hm: judga’ monk seem; right. That they have a IV'ke i right to progosg and xhlym‘nto that paltry: which in‘thnfr iudgtm-nbju Lest, anti ‘lo}. argue and vut_ against, whatqvcr pmpyfi leerm to (lawn violMe the chmtitundn.” to impair their 1 berliea, or to byeLrimen-H ml to their welfare. ‘ ’ ‘ '1 3. -ThaL these and all othnr right?! gui‘lr- i untied to them hygnxmr consmuuom, are“ their rights in xime of‘war‘us M4l as in,lime,f of pvnoe ; and offar mom valne and “Peel-u sitya'n War than in power F.)rin”lw.'xc'f'qi liberty. Mourily and px'nuE-rty fare seldnmf enuLbn‘M-red ; in “AT. thgy are ever In peril“) 4J'K‘Lui we now SI3M") .1“, wh‘mn it mayi; (fonds-Hr. not ‘Ly wn . of threat, but calufix; and film“: , 11m; wafx'il} Jmmurrenrlcr thvw'! fights. nnr suhmit, to .(hrir furc‘Me Vida-5 tion. We w.“ obey the laws uufselves, and qll—olhprs must (fin-y them. , l. _s’l‘inn more 1311 manifest difference be“ tween UH: mlministmLun dltheynvrirnrmnt and .the gnu-mm. m. itwlf. 'l’hH unverp~ nwm consists on" «he civ'd nnfl imliuval in atitulinns created by the constiu tion. and to it'lhe imnpl ow.,=_nlle;:3:xnvn. ,‘l‘u‘e admin istr'x'rinn arghut the "gems of the pnuphx, bli‘jfi‘n‘L tn Meir nyprqv L; m- mndtgnmnliom apcordmg {U the waiuox‘ Jcmenb of xhexr actr. . ‘ j . 6. That in the exercise of the right (45. diCbr with {he I’mleml Jvaufiw-v m: rule: o'ur sulcmn'prmvfl ngsnul‘ the p‘roclnni‘a. tio‘n of the l’rmizipntnf me I'mml Sum-‘5. (lan-d tho first day ofdauxu‘ary. one Lhousuhd eight hundred and eJXIy-(chc, by w-éuch he n-Lunmu m «ilnancil “19"] xvén m ‘corlmn Sum s. hmd‘mg ’m same (‘0 be unwiéa, un cgnsmmionn': and \‘mfi.’ ‘ 4' , 7. '!"\'lt m.- ciw‘nrr our detvrmznefl nf‘no‘ 5.2 m? '0 a ~y=km J. eum'ncinauun by the Stages upm: anuun-nmglop to he ma 1e out 01' the trt‘ns'n'y 01' HI» Unzted St'l«l¢>§. us burdens-'- nn mph!) the [me-spiel, unjust. in its v. r_v mm: 9, and wholly wuhout, warrant 9F the (‘.‘vnszimt‘on. ‘ I “ B..'l‘h .1 avg clec'are “in! the pbm‘or which' Eu: rvvenUy‘levl: n—mnmd by t'w Primi -4!--n' of :ahv i 7 ‘iiztl M mJ. where’yfnndor f'hu L'uflv of m .' ! r_v N’W‘l’R-Hj’ I)“ has pro (‘3;11i1r“; nn-I r-x'm dull—llll‘ Aka-its the nu.“ (51 '...-m-Zn: u m- “.’.-”11*!” ruA hm nvm‘ F 2110: “awn t'nr I‘m-4 nut: -‘-':. :. nnxl h.u ausgir‘nl ! 'l9: unit 01' 1.25%” :"fir’w‘ )5 un'. xylrrm‘t' I l_.' I’lo P-‘n‘éxhtul‘iq, HI“ I ‘l‘ Mn (hqu'xs :n ~'E‘|ll)T’X.!l4.ll'|l'|"l] .‘.) hll'flidf)‘ nu thusty. rm} to cum“; mu xyrtam M tree govmnrw-nl. ) ' 9‘ Tum W4O (IQ-Wt; il'fxrnfior‘further to «19‘- vlnrr- timt We. tnn‘flwtf with thc- 4.lqu 103 ml pm; iv of 11m Bmm. waglni huxl mth plea nun- ):mi- do! 3111!; Pnyrnian‘icknu‘mnfi of a desire on the 3: rr‘. 01 gth 3900(15‘51 SHIH to mum n Hmr‘yilngiqfim In the gnu-m 5 mun m’ :iw Unhn, 1.2: l ill‘fllch n-venz we wunbi Curdufillxy aind» earnmlly (‘n-nnvraie with them m aiu- rertnralion .nl penconml the warms-mom nl r-uuh prvprr gfiar’nnim-‘s 31 Wonk) gnu securny 1031.” their intercalu nml rmhxa. ' , ‘ ~_‘ ‘lOl Tha't the soldier: ronipmfng nur nmnins mur‘xl the warmest xhnnkq‘w‘mhe m‘rt‘mn.’ I‘}er equntry cullnd,_au-l n xbiy «Ixll ”my rc-u-anl‘ Luann. lheyhhniiknow a {minion‘s gmntndv: wnnndod.n.nqlmn's care: find uyxng. they shall firm in ‘nur mvmorzr's. and nmnunwnn shall he mi‘ml ta tench zmstr‘rity tp honor the pmnnx’w and hem-ea whn Minx-ell zi‘eir'fivvs m flu-1r enmi tlj'a ahar. 'l‘huir hitlrm'y nmlvorplmns .4an he ,avlnpteli by the mninn. to be watched over nnd cared far rm obwcta‘Xrub' wm my nmnnon's guardian-hip.» . H. 'l‘hqu-io wxll adhere to themmtilu [inn and the Uniun as'thJ hnsL- .gumy he I.lm lust. how-pf popular freedom. and for all wrong: whipimnay Jfive bobn cmumitied or evils which may exist: wi}; :(‘ck‘redrésa under the cons‘txtut‘on and ijn'n the U mon. by [230 pcm‘e: .I‘. but powerful agency of {he sutfruges of a free penpif‘. 12. Thu! we hail mth pleasure and hope the manifestations ofconsel‘rvutjvc sentiment. among the’ ppople of the fiorthcrn States in therr‘elpctions. antlH-egard the srune‘as the earnest. of ngood purpose upon their part to co—operatp mm all other [oan cui zens in aivmgfiocnrity to the r :zhts ofevery sectionmnd maintaining the Unlon and the, constitution as. they were ordained by; the {ounderu ofyhe republic. , j , ' 1:}. That whenever it becomes practicable to 913 mm a. convention of :1“ 61- of \hree~ fourths of the‘Stntcs, sucl} Body sh-iuhl be convened far the purpnsa r»! proposing such amendments to the Federal cdmcitullion as experience hm proved a) be nocesfiatyto, maintain that instrument fix um spirit and meaning intended by its founders, and to provide agnunat future convuléxon: and wars. 1 ' . 14. That we will earnestly support erery conuimciqnai manure tending to preserve the UniouofitheSutes. No me‘n ham a greater interest in its preacrvntmntthw we have—none desire inmate; plum-cure none who wi'l make grentar sm-nfices or endure. more than We ml] to nccomphsh that, end. We are, as we ever have. been, th'edevoted friends of the conslimtion and firm Un’ion,‘ and we hhva nosympaihy with theonemieo of either." ‘ ‘ ' § , ' ‘ 15. That the nrrext.v‘lmprisqninent. pro .tended' trial and Actual baninhment of Clement L. ~Vallundvghum, a citizen oflthd Slate othjo; not belonging to the land or; {naval forces of the Unftutt Sump, nor to l thel militis in actual aervmp. Ly die-gel” 1 military authority, for no other pretended l [crime than that of uttermg‘ word! at legiti-l mate criticism upon the conduct oftlle adv ' ‘ mlnistiution in power, and of nppealihg to l l the ballot-box for a change of policy—(said \ 1 nrrost and military trial taking place where’ l tlze'courts of law are open and nnobstruct-l ed, and for no act. d ne mtltin the sphere of active military op%nuom in can-ying‘on‘ the war)-—we r'egm‘d s a palpable vtolntihn . ‘of the revisions at the constitution of.thal Unitedp States. And we furthermore de nounce mud arr-eat, trial and Inn‘mhmmt,‘ 35.3. direct insultotl‘ewd to the towel-mind; ; of tha people‘of Ohio, by whose orgmlc la 5 H- ib declztn‘d that “nu parann sl‘nll' hé ; tnri‘pnrlad out nfuw Nate -:r~r nny helmet mmvm‘ned within thn 55mm." 1 16. llmt _Clemvnt L VJllaurthmm ms. ,at (It. limo of “iii-“Ff"! a pmhunem ('.m- didate for nomination hv tha Damogr’étic puny DI Onin for {by office of Gon‘ior of the Slate; than the Democratic. kg was fullyioknpetem m dgcide whgflr he was afit man for that nominalxo {and that the attempt'w dart-we them}? that right by bis‘nrrg‘et and )anialmmlm was an unmet-:1- ml imputauon upon uni); intelligenun and loyalty, as Well as a violation at Ith conzLi- Luuon. , . ‘ 17. That we resppclfuny but most as: nest- Iv can up‘u‘nlthe .l’resulem of the Urgued. States tO‘i'9SI!OTP Clement L. Vallaullnghum‘ to his Inigrfie in Ohio ; and that n cnmmmoe. (I! bury roux each conurieasxonul distrkt‘of HIS/Maya, to he s‘elecbed by we prcsfdmg afiiccrflm' this convention; is herc‘ig up.- Ifupiurrfi to y’reschc this appdcnlibri Ip. the l’rwidmt. ; x ‘ ; ‘ 18. Thu! the_ dunks affth'is conventinh are‘ hereby tend‘ered lo Hnmtin Se) mour, Governor of the Slute' of New Yoda fur his nnble lotth in i-elatiou to tile-arr“: of_lkr. VaHamlighum; and the yrvsidpmmf l‘fne crmvmxnon is here-b" dimmed to'cmumuni mtr‘ a onyy of this rue‘olutiun to‘Guvcruor. Seymour. ‘ ‘ , > ‘_ ‘ 19. That the rstxb'ialiment of n. milfitary government m-er “loyal Smtm, wheia' war dqes not exief. to' supersmie the civil nu thoriticsund «Hm-rev (helm axiom ol‘spm ch and qt tlmwrcss. and (u immfvru will! the ticoliv‘c lrmrchise. is nuL on'y =ubv eruivc- of the Conafi‘lutiou. and [he sonngiunty of Line States, but‘the actual iunugqmuon ofrevu- Tutinn. . , . v fill). That it is the swath duty 0“ the Gov ernor of "the Stan: t-n 1190!.ch hrr citizens in Hue cnjnynwnt and exe'rcite ofiall thou: constitutinnal 'nglnt«, and \ge have beheld with deep humiliation nnvi regret, not only the Failure 1» {Ulhvid Tod, Garvrnor of 0.1110, In ptrfm m thu‘l duty. but \vhal i? Mi” “uric. Ins aqlfre‘ [:Lulxcipalions in lhe'jlolutiou of litmfi'ighw. ‘ ‘ .‘ .21. ’l‘hn't. we deur‘sunce n; lruilm‘s to the rmmtry 1"»: 'nbulnlun Jumhhh who 1m Sf‘x'kinglu hnug wa-ul chui vyu'r m 1119 loyhl fitutegmith ILo v'ew of turnmg. it pdsaible. 1110' bayonet; bf the arniy against} the breasts u!" we {mm-Is. brothors‘ {cud frnemla of (he s(g!(liern.'aml lUthDUDd those Slates ti; n lpliimry huchillancc and ‘dommion. ‘ 22.'T1m& we vivnnuncc as “belnrs of [he "Diumcmuc party and ouean n‘F ‘ dwir euuull'\'.3ho mfin who are‘ .lgngnugd infu— prnz-m 11g Uni Dcnmcrutlc party 1w Wunl'ng ivy syrnputhy wnh (wry-501111913111 pm firm; It- 1~ 4 ‘bme‘s'luznlvr uprm hu'nux mum! «6 45:4an :hax ILm: . pals who have hundreds ‘oflnogwmis M. L'rulho- :4 and wusin :ne zu’my, do uni sygnpumtz-z wnh thew—a m 1 it. is an‘ oulmueupon the DK-xix-ktcmtro‘pmtty, ”my has alwnfi Monti by lhe country-“tolu— 'scrc that it, is not. the Iriend‘of in; gallant defenders. ‘ », ' .. .__*____Jfl»_é_ _ : Loss '0? 2,5901»: rm HALF AN r A Mrrespnhdcnt of tho New YJrk 771 m: ‘_ (‘ i'uixxistmuun Orgdp) mun-s from Vicks- bung: , I J '- ’ h is nrvpdh'u 10 pi?» pnrficulnrc—it wa‘a in (he m x'nJJLkfl vhn ntho?‘.n"lv"onnl.rzr'r tuna/q; i ‘:! 15H 'r 1h 3. rvpuhe M dr'i'mell as uid that nf‘fue«hy. The usual chm-ac (er ofmuum prehrhii in {limo-son?!) gul lamt hero-‘3 wantup {ha hill info (ha wry uhtrhm, others finled when hJH‘ K“! up. Others m-ver Marteli. hut musing .39. th J'rout‘he dmdly sun-li} bah'invf Imp. my} trrofirna'ny rtarwwlnnil went forward' brwei Iy, Hm. ne‘n-r returned. Shréle w{s re; pu‘kn‘J. Bhdr .vm rapukod, Ramon, Lngm', M'Cmrnguxl, everylmly~we gum-Ll path; mg ul'gmun'l. up last in kxlle 1 ant! «young ‘dml miles: xhnn halt‘an hour, Vtw'emrfivg hu‘vqud lnvn. . : _ 1 ll xv m everywhere the mme. dawn :\ 'nrnw‘ l-n-n huh. umu-r sham-1N m graph. gambler; {s|anst of 3hr”: and 11)!)va mm; up :g' long MGM". coh-rwl mth Mm Ht im‘mmv lmbla ibnuis. brnken mm holiows ix‘curlg maceréfiblv In a IVJ-deatrmn in (Int “my: page ‘1 Lun'es, lln:l.~9~1rclwd.'lll évery cur— m-r'bfi the deadly ln‘iasenjit‘rw‘ hum the crest. $0.19? up there. a wzdu‘ dnch -th‘e 'oppus'.%i ~ide rismg near pwi'pnnliuupwly twelve ‘pot, the!) in high xloukmlp,‘frt.»m whose ‘luubm limp-hows death “dd (‘lth in: forth uhcviuingly: upun heights lwyp. nd a fort.nxplxntud with guné, upuh lhe_ £43m. and loft Worlu with cannon pouring n {nub derowfirmling fix-o along the very finch into ,ch our .1 lvnnce *v'mm- crmy‘jiug. vainly kw'iinu fu- sn'ne place in from. of (hum any-“mm. IL mm in‘ Vuin~rhey ‘c’uilht nut get. over if there was nmcnemy begqn'd, unims Lhey shouldfili up lhed'tch, fining: (fawn the stockudcs. or mouutfitinem with; lung ladder-e 5 Ami so the gallant linen who had gmxiell the direct; line, regain éd. the lull beyond, and the sewnd usual: i'B ended. H ' * General Can- i« rnfibrted mortixfb wound ed. Col. Doghnga “killed. Col. Smue."o.f IDWaAms an arm shot off. Lieut. Cohngezs, Captuins,‘:,m X Lieutep'mls “when; number huvg gone JV-Wn, kdlcd (1r wean-lad, m lhls charge. which Gen. gSh‘m-nmn ‘prnnoufimm more deadly than that whxch tookfinhas topnl. ‘ ' , . / ' , We hnye now Bent for spnl2!-._mld Imrr‘nf (er‘the vrk of reducing V‘ugk'ibur‘g will be done ny‘rEe by digging “ya/charging. _ ' Upon which the [futon Put remarks: i‘l‘went five lxunflred mPn cuf. down in lxhlf an (iour L’But. strntr-gy—milimry sci ehce—c ‘ l j‘ildginent—coulg tan deter mined that this would follrtwj at as We“ béforethis fatal result“ gflorwm'dn. And yin/because Geh. M’L‘lellan (“tho: rub on mmuar bloody busmess, n bait of Aboli tmn scribbiex‘a and orutnrs lezv loose all nynnerui uufl‘m‘ poumn the puLhc mind against; him; After the Vicksburg repul ses. spadesvhzue been sent for! Would ”13th brave an. Grant 1w! exercin'ed his ow‘x’: 390 d ’iudgmem and refrained from this murderous wdrk.‘ But. It‘was not pm sible. gl'n his mark: lhg Secretary of War, with his nnti-s‘tragbtic letter unrecalledr; “this new is film the same reckless, h‘enrt- I 05! motion thug is_nbsolutely mar-gamut: in its; deunhuds and‘ commands on our noble sohliery. ‘But they are noywome in mili tary affairs than they are in ci'vif strain.— The enamel of mi: fiction, if completnly follow-ed, would render this country a mass Qf ruins.« God giie the people the wisdom And thy firmneu to turn from themmim lowing. ' ' , ‘ glared floopa in Panntylvania.—';Govern r Cu 11‘ has issued a general order stati 3 that colored troops Vi)! be «muzléred in o the service of the United States by 1110' all" thority of tbs \Vnr Department, and fdr-I bidding colored men frfiml ving the Sula tojoz‘n organiutionn it; «heel-{Salas , , .: ’ --‘——--¢-o———-———‘~—{ ‘ IE1" 7n ('LTVr‘nzo. I milllncr Wflslp‘d‘lJWJfld irj; huqurnz‘fiyl. brim: "{Ythrewh- tin-2 mud; 'mh'“ Murals») mu. :m-onw he a p’umvu hi m;..~.l,~m.g,mguer. ' ' EMI t fi" 4 L 1 > u ‘- _ A . £- / \ . a" . , ",7“. f» .. 3:. f .‘4‘, /¥%/§b‘ -'. J ».‘ ”m ’l. g» (,l . . .1, , » ‘ll-. z»_-.-< , 1— ; A flax . ~ ,4 .71 s’, ‘.j- t ( //' w) ' l‘ HOUR. E //// \\\ . / X MEI EMI : THE PRESIDENT CALLS For} 100.000 SIX-MONTHS MILITIA. PROCLAMATION OF THE PRESIDENT . Whalnxmox.. Juno 15.-—-Tbe I’resident hm) w-day' issued the; fullmving Nahum» lion, culling mi Pemilsylmnia: Ohio. Murfiu land and ergjnin. for 100,000- nix months militia: »- - - . A PROCLAX A'HON ' anns,- The armed insufrecticinary cnmhlmmoqs now existing in Several Smles are threatemung make inmmls Into Hie Sums otMar;yl:afid, Western Virgil-gin. P9nn~ sylvaniu and Ohio. requiring immediatdy an additmgml Inihtdl’y force l‘omha service of the United States. ' ' an. therefére. 1,7 “Abmhqm Lincoln, .Preai'lem of the Un.Lcd Bmm au'd 'Ce}n- Ynmmlez-in-Chief of 'Lhe Army' nnd .\Ny hhermf, nnd'of the muffin of the :eveial 1 (Swzggwhenfiémlied ipw actual‘service, 510 j ' hereby null into the fiorvficc ofitlie Unitedq islzflL-Q 100,005) muffin, from the Sunee foL :‘lomu‘g v.l: , 1— ' ‘ ‘ t From the Skate'nf Marylnnfl 19,000; from» ’the 51:11:) of Pennsylvania. 50.000 ; .from We ; [State of Ohio 3",000; fut“ the Slate of W 613: , ; Viramid MMIUU: ('o' be mustered into the 2 1 seyvacu’ of me United fimtes forthwith, ,t’u sei-ve for Hm permd Marx months from the ‘dale of such mush-r into sglirl'ifl'xvice, uul Hug.“ souufirflisclmrged, to—be musk-red in :us infantry. artillery, and fiamlry,‘m pm— 5 " {amnion which wfll he made through: 13m ‘ ; War Department. nhieh Dcpuflqlent wxll‘l I'dnsignntr- the seven-AL plncci‘of rendyzruus: ‘Theuc millhn to be organized According to“ ‘ [lie rules un‘G re 'ulatmns of tin: volume“, isqrvice, and ,sucfi orders as um‘y hereafter ' 'l4; i~