lil @flfllfi‘mtmh ' ' Wipfioni—Fur mm-fl than A year puH the Burl-s (Emmy Intrll'zgmm-r, the nrgnn nl'i tho Aholitinnislu thi-I county, has been . Elmer-min: the llrmoarul, nnd endeavnring! every way it could to iniurp (he buninnwé‘ only-establisluneut. n hmmmacxy—mdl jusditon grivntely-callod upon the math} born 0! thexkpnrty 90 mtth the‘ir nuhr ‘ mimic” [rob the Dmocrat, nnd-nll that. almof mm 'whn were Willinan' be gov- Ahmed. influenced, my! made use (if by such nnprincxplad not! contempfihln brings, as “m adiw‘m have uhown'fiu-msflgon to be. ’ o'wyod the bidding 0f Hufir Ina-"tar! and withdraw (heir nubicriplionanbrylawwa I-Daua‘at. . J ‘ ’. ‘ :Wo takq the above {fem um able Demo ,7 antic joufmd, the Daylm'town Dmocrat.~ ind who. render, do fin nupp’osq the editor highs W is] None olhef than the ‘ 7. am! gallant W. W. H. DaviS, (.'nlnhel 9L. hethh I’enmylmnia Voiunteers, 'u ‘ WVVM flu been in Active ski-virgin “in Juny for nearly two yMrs. and who in'orm ofhin hard fought. Miles. receiveg I may}. . dingerous Ind painful wound. This iq the 3min the shy-avhbmo Mm-ksnnkofl of Bucks ‘ o3hnly are pnrsm‘uling. mvroly became be h I Democ‘mt. .This‘ is the man-whom pri “m business is nmuilwl nlnri injured_hy the “loyal" palflals who shy I'M- from the battle , fu‘ld“, Davis is fighting forms country, wh’ilst his cowardly poiifilc‘nl Opponents tire kylng to niin his businfass. Holw very "loyul’f they are! ‘ x ’... ~~— ~«ln. '—%——— ' : f‘fi't hue Allentown pinr any}: tlml the. accent order nf Gan. Hunt”. ullgmiaslng' ‘Cflptnin David Sclwlt, of me 17ml. l‘vnvjfi 'mili‘tin, Prom tho finrvicé or: account of ‘hie refusal togivo hi, n‘mwovnl £0 manly-s of, army r—esolntions, has [wen revoked by. the l’iesidont, nnd thc'Cnptnln reinamtod. le willfenve shortly to n-jnin the reginwnt. This is the some Captain Hchuflt, of whom we slated a couple ofweblm‘flgn, that ho was dismissed foygefuqix‘g his nsscni to a u! of resolutiom purp‘oriiygdo have 9mm nated from-h moctiugfithat had nrver been ‘lfitldl but; which wc'lgé attempted to he ’ {ofited upon the régimbnt byknmp Officials who dégired to_ mukn‘pbliticgl‘ capital by \ fining Ihe- urmjvm théirltoo‘l. Captain S. ‘ was one.of the few who; spin-nod all connec tiqn with such n; fuurl,hxnd.risko4l hiq plum " rather than becomo h Jfarty to it. W_o , honor the man fim‘ hi 4 manly~ course, nn‘l] Piesident Lincoln has; .«lnno one grand act nc'lensf', by’rainstnting him. , Officers whd A busy thpmsolves in golfing ub pnllLi'ml rosblutions at thé .hehest of Almmim. 5939185. ought tryfind plenty of lbctler em . 4 ploymont in thc‘se stirring times.“ IC'The great furore among Abolilinnisks 95 pregenthis the orgnmzutinn of Union Leugiles. If any msnl so appreciates tl}o pregant ‘pcril of the Unir'm a: to fqel it to to his duty to leagde withxis fellow citi- zaps to defend nntl proaei-ve it, we know '3} . 'certnin league which has‘oon orgénized fin- ‘ twayeai-s past, mqulu’c is the only genul j jile; Union Lgnguo, fiz: EVIL: Army, M‘ other Leégue i: u. bhont.-¢n polilimxl-ewin— die, with 'no (shim-t un-‘enr hozwc-r‘: in View but w'mfluénco the mud cluctiCiu.~ Tl 3 \ purse of‘the 4:0"?!‘11'HI-pt, and not preserva tion of we gnvcrumeril, is what, moat trou— yles thosestnymt-home imgnars. Lot ”1056‘ ’.whgm they npprmwh say; to them. if you wish to pi’ovp your love for he Union, {ln ; amijoin the army, which nciw ‘is aboql L 0 be reduc'ed many tlxoman-lu, bylghe dischurge of mldiersngu‘ose‘torm of snivice has vx pimd. OH9 mun wlio hikes a‘ muskeg nnd' _.-’unen it valliigiuy, itlgbatlle in ,Ero‘lilli mpre r’in‘lhis crigis may niiflho political X/cxfgueé : that can be orgénized in America—Lycra: i W‘Gmtdle- i '; ' t ’ ‘ Jar-wring Hie Re‘umcm' are callifig 311““ DemOCrntaX‘nppErhe’mls. and town!- mmding. as a war fireas‘ure. t'lne‘hanging oral; whomuicisn Hztm‘fiuf Hm Admini nation. they shoth mm- in mindiihnb if ‘UlPil' present. hangin‘g crqevl Imrl been pa“ into force during the" Mir of 1812 and ‘ll ' ’ Mexicaulfiar.when Democratic administrg ,tikms were in power. {therb would rm]. no' a belch alive’morerl'lmé' enong Bepublinfis \‘cto'fonnnngimem. . ‘‘_ ‘ ' "U' ",1 ‘ ~—'.—~—~l—.———~«—- ‘ ‘ Vii: :S‘A Bastoh cgrrespondont of flu: . :fiprjngfiold chulllicrm‘dilntes with' enthusi um' upon~ Lhéoratoribal abilities of the new 1 Abbiition Stump speaker, Miss Annie Dick» imam, Aftq‘r sgenking of her “culture," Ability. beauty: ahll‘ guod services in the \ ConneCticut and New Hampshire cam \ poigns. he excluimsdn a ton? of fixu'llnm ardor; ".Why not hunky MISS Dickufim the next Pgeaidenli’f’ 'L‘he suggestioh is ' eminently appropriafie., 1A pal-(y that once gupported Fremorfyfor‘the Chief Magis , ri‘cy of the Uninn ; which has such a baby ‘ as Sumner for its leadet; which kéebs v‘untmy 891111011.“ [Mug hand of the Wm - {Deparjmenty and 51:5 filled the lendu‘g. fificeg of the countr "with imbecilcs. would fitly cap the climmfof its career by nomi nating'Misa Dickh sun [123'1 its next caddi f‘ Mforzf‘rpeident. [They should “do why ‘ ‘ 1;“ mean}. It. would be the right. Wompn _ in the right pl:lce.~r Erig Obsgruer. . < . H‘Tho .Constitgtion, pro‘vides that Lin coln. Chm, and thje whole clan which how compose-the Adm'nistmtiop, may be im-. pgwhod. expelled from oflicfi and disfiuplifi fled. LWhex‘i all this 'is done, does any due. suppose that the Gavommentvis impeached? ,Cgm you imaginoiqh a thing _us the Gov ei-mnent being a {igned before the Senate wltflgd‘lfrom (mick—and disqualified from _pl irig oflicef—Evon‘khe supimsixion lo qongemical. Lihcoln; Chase & 00. might I“ lie :bung as high as John, Brown, and still (fl Government would cndurc. and proba bly sufi‘er very “lime detriment. in qnnse queues. Other and better men wpuld Luke Abe place}: they .hnd left yactmt, anihthe Government woulJ go on, just. as iFnrlthing bad lnppenod. .2311 this issi) éleur—do self ‘evident—‘that it humiliate: us to otl‘er the argumentto an idle'lligent and enlighten ed people. “ Yet there aye persofinwm any um; Adminismiipu is the Gov mama" -—Spirit (£- Tunuz ,« - ‘ 1 ~ ‘Hw Ha Kngwa‘ltwqwbe’never 3:31:10): Republican reads! an article, or hears a meal}, wHich' codtains far-m he can'tdepy, Indx ugumeinp ’9' can’t gnawerflhq’n hie. knon'flu uticloli‘): speech in question is "emu-pie. T2l. is how‘ha—’ 1”,", (0531) a! UO. 4 C=IM MEI .ITHOFLTJ‘QG GI’INRINU. 'l‘ili'] [.iHIITHST DRAFT MOWER: TN Tl”? \\'URLD.~H is [he nl-jH-t. of mevrs in ptirqhztsihg a ‘1’!" rhino m'blty thp heat mu! tuenpm l‘mh; (Li-:6 uhjrua will he at: uttcd h) haying ltua=cll‘s "Sun-w Pam-r- 'l‘hc grit“ amount. 0" pow" loci in n\'t't"i'(iniing tho frivtiun (If ill (fog-geared “Ml‘\|'~llr< i; mum} in th; :3" new l'unt‘r. by which we can ufl'er Llu- "grim-st. iii-aft Mower uml limncr in the world. This" hm hm lll'l'll lully dcnmyflmlvd Ly Um \._uiuus mushy Dynmuonu-tor and nthnwlae; I,“ which thu tnnghima has '11.! snhjc-t-tcd during tlmliu: my .s'l-niuus. Among the ynrimls IMiHN pf superiority in this machine Nl’k‘ the following; ', The uy- ofnpvn mulahlu iron-yummy, \\ 3.]. u eta-i plane or flu-v, ground to u l uttlnu rdgv. This with the knis'es; givr-s n pork-cl all!” cut. Double Hinged Finger Rom—lKo .‘tilmrrj curt du Knoll Mark, on all kinds of int-Mn” :1, u ilitnttlru flexible bar. This burrnn be mint] and SEMI}?- !y matting-d, wlrilg- pnusmg from lirld u, livid, l‘utixiit Adjustable Bt'l'i, pvrlurmingils \fnrkk‘quully us \\ 01l npnn r ugh gruun-l us iwun a lan-l tit-Id. Tin-HS is nu side “T 1“, or irn-igl rt. upon the liorM-s' net-ks. ‘NV‘V unrl pm'iilmr turn) of Shae, “hich Mill in t (In: “he-n mowing, “Ith a light playwhi-u the “paper is 'l‘lfy.» subs rllmr Mui is .\gont far this n whine hns tully teulgd it the int sm‘run,‘ iu'whuut‘fgrms‘ clon-r mul mils. and tulsumtidied tlmti nli wlu; s‘c thh Intichtuc \wtkwill [Min-t nu other A ageuitneu in.“ iinn‘ mm lw ~M'll hy mlling on tho suhvscnlu-r, ‘ucgr Upttyehurg, pu rthu Hitl'lriahurg ru'ful. g. _: i / 7~ . ‘ ‘.VVILLLL‘I WIBLE, Agent. 1 0‘ K . t ‘ '. furm of Villi‘un Wihle Inst, Lmrvt‘wg. Jm- the purpose of ext: iniiuf tho vbrk done hyjl‘im We Mum] Mr. \Vihlt- (-uuingronn: (if the \'A~r_\ worst kind of! 'igetl g'ririp, hnd fH-l antisliea unhinc. tis the lightest. ill" 1‘: ut‘uchihe we ever saw. Putin: M'flukl, ‘ ' l . “£93m: "HIFR. ‘ mg and ltitlgcd gm”, “illi 'l‘" ions, Fpnn at lint-Wm, and :we’ ‘ l I (htqumr “h‘bfl', ‘ (."EUIH'K Dmunonn. cxzmmt‘.\m§.—.We nonmgzhm .w‘é'wcnt m u wigh Human-H's Screw Power Mower "in! ltpnpvr. it éould not tune been done better by guy m'hcr _n . ~ ‘ I v ~ - ‘_ We comfy Hm! we saw: Mr. \\ Ihlu n‘ym' wuh the commer- it; Ihr best. umwer we Her :nw. - Mulch 23,1313. u ' "_- ‘. New Goods Z-n Larg- Stock! .ERCHIINT TAILL‘HLVyr. .V. ) M- ‘ ‘ g . - [mggns & mu). ‘‘- lmy- just rnct-ivod fiom ”ml-inc; .1 hurt» (tuck of gum]: fur, Gentleman's Wynn" umbnungm “ritzy of . __ 1 ' CLOTIIS, ' cwsmmné, ‘ VESTWGS, Cuisine", Jenna, km, with mm'py ulhcrmuod4 for wring um] sum'm-r wvnr. 1 , 1 S’l‘hL-y M 2 pregnant-d ‘lo’fmke "B {Hrmqnta M the chm-Kw! nmiuc, an)! In Ihr wry 111-«1 nun nor. Tnc thiouswrvr(-"11!..:‘)y rm mum, “n'l clothing [nude in Mny dr-sifod sub-m, Tl’ry 3-1- wnystkc 11":er Ills, wjnl [Lhcir sewjnggif; sure -10 in: snhufiznnM. - _ y M They :14ka rontinndnce of th‘e pu'flil-‘s pm tromtuo, n-soh‘ed by good “ark and mddemlq charms Lot-um it. \\~ ‘ Gettysburg, April 7, 1863: « 1 ' Town Property } ‘ '.n PRIVATE SAUL—The undctiirzned of- A 1733 M l'rimLc Sule'flw Proln-rxy iqMaich hp "(Hy rand-vs, aitqule in Emit “id-He 12m UL (:l-[lthuf-Lr’ Maui-ling S. IL. Tipwn un‘ mk- “'l‘3l um! .\er. .\lcElrn'V on We I~n'wt._hil}. nn‘ a nHPy in th'e renr. Tm: HOV-5‘5 is n 's‘!“ two~ituu H's-me, Wrathe. lIU-uwl‘i‘l‘,v “ ”11 Bunk-huddmg; n well uLuatui, “”1194"!um it, n! théduur; and u fluid) of f 1 uh} Eh?“ “5 apples, puma, .penclw.~, :xpriL-oté, c!)gtri§.~, find :1. m; U the Hunt clmiw. i . 1 ~. gr L ’f‘ ‘ ZAL'HAT‘IXH MYERS. , Nov.l2.mco. tf g: ' *1 ' Lancaster Beak Bmdery. ‘ 150 mm wmm', ' ‘ : p (3' 51:00A'.U?'1NI ER A.\'D_ BLANK 3008 {)1le l-‘U:'F_|'”LlL iLAxHAS'JmIL; Plain and Ornamental [hm/mg, n‘fyum scrip-tion} I'IPVCIIIC'tLIn the moat-pullsmuti approved .5!) [es . ' ‘ RRFERPXI‘Rs. E. \V. Browfi, Evy, Varmv-ra Bzmk of Lnn “r. Lupclper, Esq , Lgumbivr (Tl-uni}: L': Snmuel Shock, Esq., (‘nlumllniaflnnk Summ-l Wuum-r, Huh Ymk Nanak. William “hunch E~q.‘ York (‘nunfy Ba T: l). "Minn, Hum. Hank m‘.(}c:!y~.l.ur§i. Peter Martin. l-Isq., I’rol_h‘y ol'ka‘jncnstrr Geo. 0. Ha“ (ham, F3s\“,‘l:rgiwu"r “ (ion. Whitinn, Huh Rcc‘nrdci _‘ 'fl April 15, mu." ” ' ‘ __ ___l._. _1- ...--. ¥.‘ _7.J‘.-___‘- A _ Plano Tuumg. . RQF.‘BU\VI~IH. 01' Liltlezmwn. .'l Prtmfii‘t-gd P Piano Tuner, iniqruw his {firm}: . m] lllE' musiml pululic in general, that ha in?“ his time. not ulhc-ru‘isc orcup'nud, Io Twit“: mu! “(pairing Pianos, a; nrmlsmto pnr s.’ He [H‘OlnlSl‘S emirc sulfshu L:on,_oyuu my. 1mm“; rccch ed m Lhisyflific. ' {Sept 16,1i851. > STABLIHH \1 1:294'1-.--¢: Ed‘ F.I~2(IKENER(‘)I\E, E ‘ F:\SHII_L\';\IH.H~ I‘.\n.m:, ; 'minpts lhi-lmelhul! ut’ ini‘nrvninshh‘ friethds and Mn: pill-lie gI-mrully, that h" has op‘r-nmi n )Tdutlf'lnfl‘ e~tnbliehment in l’mfltiluore,Sun-ot, Uofiyshurg. (Luv l'ml nun-9.) Hour ”'45 91.1- munn, whm‘e In: is prl-puu-xl Lo flu n” “[mk in km ling in the In-~t mnuqox‘, [ind in I}: suns hlqion‘ of customers. He cmpluys mine but firstlns's hands.mnl‘n-reiving , E I mm +lAsmuxs Immm‘xmx‘, .l he can wwr‘fiyt‘fivshjunulflc (its and “fat and snlwtflntial‘sewiniz. He h?“ u slmrv‘vof‘lho public'a patrnnngu, promismg fio‘spnrq no N‘- f'ort to deaern- it. “is cha'n'ggs' will fllwfzzys lu found n 4 mudérnto net the tinms \\ill~nl‘ln\r. Cutting rind Repairing done :It (In: ."lmrtom non-sic. [Gettysburg Apt” 11151.3. . ”___“ -._.A .“._-__‘_______ :7. 1 Rmnoval.—lTm Ware; , r HIE-undersigned hn'm removed his Tinning F establishment. ”mm-r lhu hianuhnl. in Clmmh’rrshurtz‘ stroot'L udjninhm A. 3D. lhu‘h- Ilrr‘s Drug More—4t \‘Pn‘ comm! Invalid”. Ho continueglo mnnufarmm. and. hops cduswut— 1y on hand. vx'ory‘xvn‘rig‘ty of ‘- 1‘ ‘ ‘ TIN-WARE, ' ' ' ; ‘ , I I’RESSFD AN“ , 3 ‘ . JAPANED WARE; and will aim-nys' ho rcndy m do REI’MM’NG. ‘ ROOFING and SPOI'TING 3: i also done in the but» mnnnon. Pricofixmoflcr ult‘, nnd~no clfort spared tomendvr fulfil sntiw l'arliou. The public’s continued pzktl'o'hnqc is solicited! ' ' A. P. BAL‘GMER. (x’vtlyshurg, April 7, 15162. ‘ 3 —» ~~~ - - « ,__,. --- —-_—»—7«-—+——-—~r— szard Assoclatlon,é PHILA ELPHIA.—F{yr ihe Relirfi of tho Sick—«ml Disk-rcsscd. "amicled with Vitu lent nud Chmnic Diseases, and osmcilnl-ly'for the Cure of Distances of the Seiunl Orgmns. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis; by‘ihe Act ing Surgeon. 7‘ ' I , VALUABLE; REPORTS on Spervhngon-hma or Seminn! Weakness, and other Diadnsefi of flu? Sens-1| Organs. {mil on the NEW;RE“E DIES employed in the Dispensary. sen! t6.the nfl‘licmd in sealed leneh envelope}, ‘free’ of charge. Two or three Stamps for posthge wil! be acceptable. 1 . 4 , , Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTCtN. Aa ing Surgeon. Howard Association,l€a. Smith Hm!“ bin-ea, Philadelphia, Pu. ~ . ‘ June‘=l6,lB62. 1y ~ ‘ . ‘ COOpermg. ;.. ‘- lOHN‘CHRISMERis carrying on theCoopery Q ing hnaineu, in AH‘ its branclxes.§in York street, Gettysburg. FL'OURIBARRELS, in an}. desired quantity, made 10-order. at. short no tire, and“: low profits» REPAIRING. of 11}! kinds, attended 1:). promptly and ch§hply.— Every efl'on will be made to render finishe tion to_ustomerl. ’ z . ‘ ~'Uec,29,1_862. ‘om .. , ‘ . . For Sale. I‘ ‘ ‘ W 0 SECOND-II AND MANNY MACHLV'KS T with Woad's Improvement. Enq‘uire 0! Mar. 23,1863. wxgv‘anE. u_ ---~4._— ...—« ...}. '...4 HEAmeflcnn Excelsior Cofi'ee mid Br'nma, for sale at Dr. R. BURNER’S Dru‘g Store. AGO, Arrow Root, Corn Starch; 169.011: ‘ nn‘d Gelutln, forjnle at Dru-l] RNER’S Drug Store. 4 ‘ ' ‘ . - LLINEJZ‘Y GOODS, Bonnets, Fi‘bbons, Plowe s. SQnikol-s {lnd Bonnet anmn, just. rgdoficd froui New York, chum t Fnhn estodk‘uzaign uflhe ‘ , RED? ONT. . 031-: ammonwmn AND Wms’ KY, for P m‘ediclunl purpoles qnlyat'thah' A, Drug gm of ‘ Pr. 1:. mnx‘rn. , ' -. ~.‘.. Y _,..-:_ : :25“:- 7 g, “’23:, Eggé i 135: _,-:. :I‘fZ—‘f: L;‘»‘ :3 '2. 3.3—“; " '2'3). - V 4 ..2 .1 --"-'-‘.; .' fi'f T. ,r, r—~ aka/mwawafi‘ BUSSELL'S SCREW POWER COMBINED BEAPER AND MOWER,~ New- Ta ilori nz ±t : t :=’.‘;~' x" ,- 242;: , a"? ‘ ,1, :‘—~:=:'—-"—L“‘f‘f:'_i‘l'=‘ ;- —~. '31:: gig‘gi-“f figk‘jv;;fi{ ~‘E: 1: N - - .Z-“iiié WE: .5;j5~3~44:;':-:§. ’~; 5%, 'Zfi»::kj?‘:-,11~€,~f Ear-5,1“ {2% , Ll,: ~ ~§,.§'11~.n.-_,.g~,.- 3.~..~ .-. . r'. T‘ . .‘.-gaff; tag-£1: _ airr‘“! A 5.: _s liEl bovc Ifmdhygb both in _amndi‘ ~ ,-'l.'h_e Old and Rem ‘ TfliW SPRING HUUl‘bfi [ ' o .. SMALL l'HOH'l'S .‘. QIINDK H “4115. ' 1:11. SCHIVK i won” ro~pl-Ll’llll_\' my tn the _(il lA'IH‘ of flu fishing .11le firinity, that. he is .pyw rcc‘cinng 4111:; store- :1. uph-ndid ‘ 1 ' , STLIC'A w“ arms” a: The stovkl (nuiiatsgin pm! $1 mlg‘ DRY GOODS, o'l duly} SILKS, mf- ‘ ' , ‘ MUZAVIBIQUE, ~ ~ "UllvAL-LH-ZS, " DELA’IX ”S,‘ i . MQMILVIJVIIS ,‘ ‘ ‘ALI‘AVG‘ . V LA of a]! qlmlitifl and rhoiaost 31y he sbld-m PRH‘IN TA) IHZFY (' _. Frumrunxu mun «if nil kfingds. inrluJlng Silk, Lifl fiumnwfcljflf-i, (Hlnch. hunting; . AM), a Sim-mild Muirtxupns End-s undfieluinyt Y'mlrrvnas :1 my flnfk ur \s'um: mums “n. nul (-nmplou‘, nudwufiumcrs l‘ l!\\'x\)‘§ «getting good good: M 241"? ,Mc {-I'ncs. X . GI nllv-nn‘u‘wil! find it 10 thoi' cull ,“m-l (-xnmino: my deck .uf . _ ,CLUTIIS, ‘ CASSIMEHES nn: ‘7 of 1m {xlmhtifl and Ehoicest st} April 21, 1:502. " J. , Dr.. Robert Hor NEW FAMILY Dart"; AND , PIN-“"13“” CHAnr-fimsnmlc sru} LT, H: Hm'ing qurud (mm xiv: not. my I'rUhWfiiq‘l‘ I lukc [le-xruru hi l ‘c ruin-ha, ul Gettysburg nu I~hmc open «I n . ‘ ‘ 3‘HW DRFC STO‘T‘ in tho mom [mun Hy mcuyh-z‘. I llnm‘rn. a} 1m Elihu, “lyrv l x Ewe , (m twin! :1 lax-gn- supply of; “1&5” I‘HLPHSV _ MEUL‘WMES. A . .5 ’pumnnus. ‘ i r Hauwslnn ‘ 7- 1“ TOUT”; '5 a: . . D x'y dO - um: MEM l i ’ U ‘ '1 onk mm? and ' ' I'AJN b ground it Q": ' I ‘VUILS, t-xpw‘uwl m M STA‘meEfl: h‘dc‘s, T‘cns', Pr‘Lm-ih, I'npc‘t‘. (‘umh‘g f 'ITJ‘H‘HXT .\H‘IIH'WXL. . All the popular Pun-n: “(Mldixlxn-l. tné‘cthcr with pu-imiun ofpuro\\'l.\'lis, BRASDIICS un-l \VHZSKEFY, for yup-Sinimll innplmual only, Illw'ny: on In: uh. In H word. mv to: k Nubian-v: wdnlhing Jammy. found in‘n first-«X:n.xs‘:~tor«~ nf flu-'5 (h-svl‘ifitixm. ‘ ‘ . A lurk» pl Mil)“ of frog]! Dpugq 1m: qun ro rpift’l-‘d; mnl Min-rs nrc :Il'ri\‘ibg, h‘lxirh I am (N'- for'ngz 10 thmlpuhhc on wry :m-l-unmmihtinn; lei-li. My HIE-divine; lmw all “01‘” purulnuml u: in my pei‘knnal insz-vliun "in! smwmninu In In [bu mos? rrliulvlr Imusrxi‘. ,‘l mu lbqrflurw nu unly’rempnnend then: mix plum uudlln-.~h, bu. can stll [hem clump. ‘ - 1 ' '. [xv—van TH‘ULXI: ATTESTION given :0 lb lrmumcn 0f nll ('llrl)lli_(‘ (“:(‘INP'L { ’--,‘;‘2.\ ‘1) ‘10]! G It AIT X Sum Iny‘vl2; 15,23. - ll ‘ ' ‘ 1‘ l The Grocery Store 1 . x. Tlna.!llu.L.J—'nm undersignua'mmm roam-cl ully mlorln thu cililzcns 0! flags b 5: and L7i iuil). tImL lu- hmq‘ ka-u he old -1: ml “ on U A Hill." 'iu llle‘Liujryn- strvol, (Hut l_\_ innrg, \vlm‘re he intends In kgvp cpmkluml)‘ .u hand ‘nlllkimls ommuc l“l2B—sug:nrn. Galleon, Syfllps of all kinds, ‘nlnmvu'r Fish, 8.13:, ,lzc., Efu‘theuwnre of M LindsyFruxls, (Ills, and in 1‘ cl anything wilfully fun§ld in n. Gnocory.‘ Argo, l-‘IMIYIL & FEM) of 1111‘ kinds; Jll of whirl; he inl'ends to St” (NY :13 1’)» July‘-1 05!. Countrfpmducc taken in Mrlunge fur zuhds and [ll‘ lfighostprwo Lriv u. HIJflnIAflS {)1 s?” llmlg'by sirict‘ulu-nlioq and n honest Ilv he to plt-Lrso, In weril a-slgafc ol puVic pn- Lr “age. . 'l‘ .Y “I“. . A]. H WE. ‘ru. 23, 1‘353. ,u' _ ' 1 - ‘ .+_.-l._ . . ._ ._ __.__._--._.4-.._-‘._. .p.... é _Thel Great stcove F’ THE [Alll-l.—lnllmnummry and ,‘hronic Rhepmfilism can be cured: by mi ,1 11. L. \l LLI‘JI‘CS L‘diLl-ZBRA'I‘ED RIIEL‘MZIT CRUX TUIiIgI. Many prominent citizéns’ of t ‘s, and Lin: adjoining con-mics, hnn'e Losfificl to its great. utility; Its success in [Klan-mun ic nflec- Liana, has bh‘n hitherto nupnhillelcu by any ~«pacific, inténdpccd‘to the plihlic.. ’rice 50 mulls fwr bottle, For sale by 'all (In): ists mul stbrekeeperalw'l’rcgmrcd only by“. 1.. AHLLEII. Wholesale dn‘d Retail: Drug-glést, East Berlin, Afiams county, Pm, dealer iu'Dnugz, Chemicals, Ulls, Vuruis ,Spirits, Pninls, Dyewtdfi's, hut lled Qlls, {Essences nud.Tindturcs,JWimlow Glass, Perfumery, T'ntcnt .\lediTim-s, 0., kc. yes-A. miiuchlpr is the AgentfitGellys, hing tor “ 11. L. Miller’s Celt-hydra R. eumuuc Manure." ‘ Efflfilwm‘ tf > ' , Somethmg New. r , HEund‘ li'iigx'xed respectful- Iy iqurms thel residents of 'cttysbqfignnd (ju‘mjtyfihn‘ £3 b‘e hns opnhed n WAIT“ AND JEW‘EIJRY STORE, in [the room immediately in the at of Mr. J. L. :Nhick'i Store, and fronting the Square, where he intends Inn-ping dn‘nswn. nient‘nf \V ‘LTCHES,JEWELRY, SILVER and .SHNFR ELATED WARE, SPECFACLES, BLOCKS; c., &c. i - . ‘llan'ng een cnnnectcd'with a fiat-class Wntch an ‘ Jewelry Store in Balti‘ ore, for several years past, bejé prepared 31mm: eyery «nigh: in ’the fine, at the lowest (2in xix-Rm, and;l mpmhms will be gunfimied us reprcsehtcdu ' ‘ }‘ From a. lbngaxperience in Wntchj-epairihg, especially offine Watches, heis prep ‘red to do I.” kinds ongslch-vork promptly, in the best runner, "i. gunynnty the _perlotmangcc ofit. Ila will liefp algnya on hand a large ”sort men! of SP. 2 ‘TA LES,ilnd Spre tucle Glissgesfaud Inning mmllm “patience in ndnptinthem lo the night, is yrepnred to, fit all who need them. '" _ ‘ Imm JEWELRY made lo order ill the best. style, and a great variety'of pattern on hand JEWELj-lY repaired in the neatesd manner. ‘ ‘ J ‘ ' JOSEPH 33VAN’. Gettysburg, Deciza, 1861. u‘ jl ‘ 0.10 fir. R. HORNER'S Drug Slqre and get Gus \mW‘mTED COUCH o“er ti ‘ ' , ‘ IBM OEM =I ~ .i 33.1 _ s . z'é'fi—E‘é—J ‘ a _ s'§¥i£fi,§?l~%§3p I ' ’ ‘f—iéigfém‘i 1 :—' L F 5, . -2 4‘} 1 g,“ .. :‘Ei"“2zr in: fly:-;:-{gr:-—51&v:§fi§3 r fi“‘;-,,x -;'-.’l , , ‘:'_‘3=-‘5 533:,» - ”...-fig” , anle. & MH N. j r Fu‘lk'y‘: Il‘wnpuu ME WES. ‘l “I“ 'h‘llm. WM (-2 “MI-H '.\| PLTI OMB MEI 'ONS, {l's3 i fun 'xulmu 105:1- 01 EUR nl P.u.l 1m fuunl ru' 11-h Ix MEI mh unh ME -TISC i- CBE Mil EIII HL‘I S M an m o [u'mn n :m'ml \h‘iflil lII'pIVj ' \ I' k (‘. numb} _\' Drs. '3?! (-1.” I “kinds I 1- rs, mwm x 11; 5"; if“ Ilium ‘lY_u|]':|H )F. “l‘lhh 'lm]: L‘s. &l a . r V-.- q EIM BE [ff-5.411» '. - L 35; - u: _Herbst’s Lin 0. § , fl‘ilE findormgm-d 'wrmld' inform tho rzuiilif H! l! I): i: nuw runniku [inn 4:! FREIGHT CARS fmm (‘rV'LlyJ.llr“ Ln lhl'hnmrv‘ nor): \vwk. H - 35 prl-pnrv'd {li cunwy I’niglxt euhrr any qmwtixy; m- will uucp-l, il Jenn-'l. lo the mnkmg nf purchase" inwht‘ city, uu-‘l minding-Eng lh'e gdyils‘iprmqplly at Ucllyx’nlrk. “1,- r.|l'~‘ run I" ‘lrlc Wm‘vlmnsc In J. M. “0:11:33 Bot; Ngnrth plnu-xgl‘mlfiiumrc.—— Ih- iu\ itw thc nth "(12):: u!' the 'puHiL‘ .Lu‘hig linv. ue~qril'g {Jurmnfiml he \ViH spurts“ 00b”. tuyccumlmduc u” u'im ”my pumm’zfl him. ‘ ' ‘wfimq'm. “Elmsq‘. .\[nrch 16, 18332,’ 311‘?,\ ‘ 7-.._ , u _‘ “--_ --..fixrw '__.... 9”.» c: 9 ~- fl 34 ,5 --,1, 5" @fié/A/éj/Jj? « Q," TATXCISAL CO.\NE!:(‘I.‘.L \.\CULLEGES, i , me‘rrn l\' ‘\ 3;. 1 I'nfLAmcLl'm \, \ 2* S. E. run. '.Zru AND 1‘1: HM T Fig. , No? Yb'h City. I}: urkh n. .\Hnmy. 'l'm_r.‘{hzmdo, “Hm“, (Tl. wLLuu], (f‘n'. I'gn nudfil. Li‘wic’.‘ Jinnk~kccphnm I’q'nmuhhlp. ('ulmm-rrinl Arilhuutiv. ('umnlezr‘wl Luv. Forma, Cone“ punduu o.‘..h‘£ixv'..\ll_\ _Mnghl. ‘ ' Thcsn ("ullvgt-s luring} unhur lin‘ same unnonl :uxd Imus] manwcnionl. and mifn- inwm'h the Advantages of all, ud‘cx gru‘nvr h» Huh-s. f.-r imparting. iuslrmlion [I .\n .my ulbu‘ §iiuilar imlihxlinn: in the. «Sunni. . _ A b" hol.u-r"'yv< 1111 T 11! BO'lki. n-mlwm-il g Jim g-iyu-zrig: (‘uzmm‘n'iul .\rhh nlttin, und.(' Luv, for $411", mu] sr’nl. Ly 11m”. . 14/ . “ l:‘-;¢‘“I“nr {n p lrticnflals send. fnr‘xu-ilculnr. oa. 2U,lla‘b.’.- 1y ‘ W / 1 Hardware . ND CRO“ERIIZS.— ‘ § ' [X The sumdrumr.‘ h‘xm j‘nt refurmu! (may the rilim “illl :fin immonw :Illulh' o'. HARD; WARE .-\\'[l. GRIu'IERH-IS, “hi-'1! film)“ art nib-Hm: an um— uh] 5111131 in lidllillillrt' aim“, at [Him-5 Idsml. the film-i. ‘ UHF stuck coysiets :41 pan of - ‘ “Ime.\u'ngrnus; ‘ ‘ ', CAlu’EsTmrs FOOLSV . , gmmltsm'rlm TOOLS," Cum“ mmxus, .san “31‘0de fl» . . ‘- . . CABINHT'HAKTIR'R Thoma ‘- ' [IUI'SI'IKHIII'HI‘,".\‘ E‘IX'I‘I'YJ’S. - , ALL KIM-81M" may, to” GROCERIES Q!" ALL KINDS, A ' Nils, Pnints, Mn. .'ct. ’i‘lwlé is‘ m) article -iuv chulml in tho §e\'or:fl \lc-puruxit-nh nn‘minnled above. but. wk"! on“ he had :1; glllis'htnru— Every ‘ lzbs of .\lrrlmnil's mu 1n- tlé‘commu-hm-«i here gvilh luuii Mud Ivnn'tiugul, nml “much-op; «rs vuu (ind every nmélu in their H‘ue'. (“w usrn ,cllkui we urn: [ln-pared in so“ nix low for czlsli as (my ogher hoUM- «iut- of [_‘m‘ I-ity. , g . Jum. n. “ARI-TR, June 5, 2362. .an m z'fnnm-u.’ » To Disabled Solchers, QEA‘WIN AND MAIHNHR .\_\'D \V‘IDOWS, y OR “THE“. HEIRS ()l" THUSH \\'HU ".\VE DIED UR BEEN KILLED IN THESE“- VICE —(‘H‘As. C.Txun:n. All'nrnry I'or(‘!.lim¥ nuts, Bomny Land and {’enrinn .\m'nt, Wash ington City, I). (3.—t’(1:1~i()lls pmcurml [or 501- dirrs, Spunn-n anal .\lurhxcg of glue present war, who are disnl-lgd by rensun of Wounds ru—oiu-cl or «Eiscasv (mumbled \yhik- hi servicnuuml I‘IHI-t §i(-113,_”huuly Money and Arrears ufl’ay u‘hi mined fur wi'llmxs or ntlmr lu-irs' of lfmso WllO hm'c dim! or been killt-d while in .sc'nic'c. Bounty Lauul procured fur mgrv'y 03 in um)“ 01 the other wars. .. CHAS. (f. I‘I'CKER, » , \levinulun, I). C. J. C. NHELV. Again; Ge:ly,aburg.* ‘ .\ov. 1371551. . Come to the Falr!, . ND DON'T FURGE'I"|‘U\'I.\“I’I‘ PLEASANT A RIDGE NURSE!”HS.——l'vr.~‘nus Wishing to Plant Trees.will find Iho stark in the ground remarkably finc,a\ndgofll-rvd an ‘rcduccd prices. The Afiple Igunlbcrs 100 Varietipswmlfmcing all the hpproved sorts. C ‘ ‘ ‘ N. B.~Sce the inflcx board nom- Florn Dam Peat office" 'l'. E. COOK ‘s‘. SUNS, Sept. 2,.1861. ' ', Pny-n‘rlon. . - Change of Tuna, . HF. following is n. schedule of the nxnnin; of mega-Rina on the Gettysburg Railroad: The d’IRST TRAIN h-avcs (h‘tlyshurg at 8 A. 3L, with“ [fussongcrs for ,York. Harrisburg; Philadelphia, and the North an? LWesu AR RIVES n! Gutyshurg ut \ If. M., with passen gers {Fem thqsc points, nud'llfin I‘rnmllnlzimore and Washington. Passengers leaving Wash ington m. 6.39 A.,M.. mud-,B‘lhimore in 915 ,5. .\l., arrive by this lrain‘. at Gettysburg M. l O‘Lluck, P. M. ‘ ' r ~ Tlie SECOND TRADE leaves Gettysburg it [.lO P. 31., with passengers for Ballimare and Washington. Passengers arrive in Baltimore M 5.30 P‘s“. Lena Baltimore at B I’. IL. Lad arrive ianushingzon at 10 P. M. _Pnsien'gem can niso go to York and Harris ‘nrg‘ by the second Imin. Arrit‘e in Harris‘bn gM. 7.30 P. I AIIRIVES at Gettysburg- at 5.30 P. M" With pauengers from Unrrisbnvg, hiladelpbiu and the Nouh and West. ‘ 4 .fi‘l’awnengers can have Phi‘l way of himore at 4A. M., p‘.‘ GHlyshu at l l’. M. 01' lenu’é flu by the I’ nnsylmum Canlml m~ 1‘ and Read' g Builmafinnd nrriVL‘ bum m 5.30 Pin. , 1%. Mo May 11, 1863 Removals. EEundersiQneJ.beingthc Bulb 'zedpenon Tto make remqrals into Ever teen Came. te ry,lwpcs that such It! contemplate he rcmovd afthe remains of deceased relatives or friends will Avail themselves of this season they“: to have it done. Removals made with wrompuneu —-terma low, and no etfort .gpnred t plenaé. - ‘ . PETER 'l , Inch le'qo. ~ Keeper of the Cemetery. ' mum «mi Summer cxozu‘ugzeg: rocclred Sn! '‘“* “4 KIXG’S. jmmsszami ma, ‘ , ,m ~ ; 2 frnnp: McConaughy, ‘ "1 A «3531" u anomone «aorwm‘ hr. 1. n bnshur at I or a drug 3m} bcok sloré,(.huln~ mm- I owe PATENT: fire?) firmnwr uu Summon 70R undl‘r me 6 tum: BflA'kD INSIONB. Baum] Laid Wnr- liver comp other’tln" may: susgwnded China. and all benefits I lng'un Dmés'ngmnst th? Government. ‘Wnsh— Svrup and [mud w“. ~ Algomnencnn‘dluimsiufinglnnd. 3', the hles highest. :{nntslfnmted and sold,orboighl,nnd , Di. Sche 3:333:33otzwttx-“Ww” .1“ w I“ ” ' westerns: - - ,-V In ." an 07. or "I!“ I was 1 M h bunny-t." 3%”:1e 1? bun potsoually -““.”"" on bettyshprg, Nov. 21, '53. ‘ Aguillcimnilgztc ' ‘.Tho uhiLc \\ L~e my FR to digest W In and :‘o bud Ful‘ll ‘v down M. 1) ing, [but ( then iron! tardy unu drfshilu- In Every org»: ra'ngvd. S and 1, was l-‘qbrunry. to sit up. NEI - Edward B. Bu‘ehler" , - ATTORNEY AT LAW, um runhanly and“ promptfynuend to u” husinesa’nwusiml In him. He .sponks the German magnum.— Ufl‘wc at the rum: place,_in South unhimnre unct, nelrForney’a drug store, an?! nearly omibsite Dunner & Ziegicr‘s store, Gettysbutg, him-ch in. ' : ‘ ATTHRNEY ATJu\W.——Ufljw in q... .\‘uth wl-a‘i corner ochutrc SJHRrehfln‘gl t 3 a'IHTL’,K 7’n_- 77 7__ (km. 3.1359. n‘ I M' 'V‘“ A W . J. C. Neely; ’ ‘. : wanFX (yr I..\‘.V.—Purljcn]ar mm. A lion "pal-i to collccvipu hf ,°"‘i‘,'"€u Bnunty, um; Balclg-finy. (mite in be m Ln corner of Uzi: Diamond. ,| 1 1 ' (h‘uyslmrguaprilo, 1853. t! ' ‘. ATTORVEY AT LA\\',Wlll-pmmmly attend tn l‘ulh-z-limu and M 1 nlhcr hupimss en‘- tmnnl [0 him. Ullino hmwrm FAij-smvks' mud [humor 5 Zieglar's Stores. ”Anilfiul‘t‘ urn-v. (juttyalmrg, l'n. ' [SvpL I), 18.19. | , .-~-. _,_.. .4; :- -n ' J. Lawrence Hlll, ‘Mi D. , 'y . . .\s hisfiflicupne _ -‘ '1 ur.’ ll ulour west 0“!”- Z~¥fq¥é 1} [.uuncrnn church in ‘ , (‘humh’ersbur‘g slim-9t, and opprmhell’iching'; fibre, win-1:0 “mic “Sabin-p: m h‘n'e Jny 1'0"!le Upemtiun periurmgd ugc n-mcctfuflfiinvited lo ' cull. 111-:Fuuzwl-m: “my Horlwr, BM. (‘-. P.‘ Krautlyl, D. l) , Run IL L. Bah-2h”. '.J‘ 0., Ben. Prof. .\L J:lvoh‘s.l’rof..\l. I..Stu:\'cr.l: (BJLlyiburg, Aliril Xl,_ ’53. ‘ J ; Drs. Cress & Taylor, { ' C LT’J‘TIC If“ YS I C l.\ Nth—« Tho above. E n nnvd gvullcnit’n, liming Agrarian-4 I fluvm-«lwi in 11m pructin? nt' Mr-ditint and Surgery, nth-r \hoir prnfoasiufinl :grfius ml the m’ticeus of lh-nysbu‘rq and vicinityA ”an, in; 1w! urge surgical vim-ti! ncc iu tiff! IR 5.; Arm)“ :mIL t-xtrnun'c h’ospiml pmrfir‘jf‘, thi-y' 'n-spm Hull}y “liclL-r‘tic" I Imam; l’u ‘rlmusc ()r sch-("ll va'e we select ‘ llm heir, infest and must I’C‘inh‘ tome-Hrs; ,frum Ml 'othor sg't‘lmiun mmhuxl schools. 5 Which 'ilflc heLn I‘ECOHINCHJEJ hum the VX-‘x pvrwuco :m'd s:\m-'tium3.l by “nu-nue‘ul the; nl-11-ct ECLECTIL‘ I’llM'Tn‘mshus, and, dice-Md lhusc more injurinus, sud: as unfimgny, flrwaiw, rm-rcury, Mun pill, Mmd lvui m. kw. . Uni ~u in liallimum firm-L. in the one Mum-11y orgruluiod i)" Dr. Horse), one dour south n 1 lhci "()ulupilu" onion. Sohlmra' liuxhhcs :ltl:lld-»3 (a! l'rm- nt rhuuc during tigqir nhwme‘. . Im. .Luus (.‘ruzas Jan. 1:515:13. R. Q'NEAL has removed his nfliw‘ (mm D 'Wllls' I-uilding to the nmqu of Halli unm- :uhl Hifih \lrm-H. mmmilc the anhy lurinn ('hurx'hu Rusidcucu adjoixxing'lhu‘ ulh‘c. .\prilu, mus. n 'TFA‘L FIRE IXSIVRANVI'} 1" MFA N\'.-—l: Bl‘lecorp‘omtcd .\Lunh 13, 153%. i ' : orncna. i » l‘rnxirlrnl—Gt-urgt' 8n aye. i “ ,~ i lhul'mmlmH—S. ii. Ruins”. ‘ i ' - ‘ SNWIIrrI/él‘. A. Buuhlcr. ‘ . ; - 79-.'uz.wrnr-—’l)s\vid M'(';v:lry. . . “ l Eleni/[iv al'llhl'llrl—l{Dl'u'l’l .\lporfly, Jacob ( Kin 5. Am‘vlrew lh-inyzg-lnmn. V . ~ ' , Q - Jlm'r/rr'v~(}rmvug SwnJug. I). A_.-‘.Bunhh‘r. R. " '\r(‘2,rl_.-, Jar-ob smg, -\. “Jinn-Jinan. I; .\I. -, (‘rr-‘n-v, S. 1:. Ruse-H. J. R. iler'h, .\‘uqu-l , ”'lrb'fl'flfl', BJ}; ‘Fnhm-slm-k, Wm. B. Wilwn. i ”LA. Puminuk Wm. H: .\I'EUIL‘HnH‘ John “'9l- . th R. H. Ht'lTruH-v, Julul ,l’irklnsr. :UH‘IT. I Wright.~ John l‘n'minglrmn. Al-diul F. Um,‘ Jam»: H; .\lnrdmll, .\l. l~.'il-In~lln-r" r. . ! ‘.z‘ir'rhb Comg'mny is hmilccl {:9 its opera-1 liun< tn the vuuu:_\-.utgb‘hm3( lulm; Men in ‘ sm-m =stul operation for more Uml=i\'_\l ura.l mud in thin. periotf has pkid n” 10 1': mud ('V-1 pt‘n'svs‘,‘ri!/wul llu,“wt.n!:erul',hn\ {a}, flu) nhrgre ‘ surplu'p mlflitn} in the' Treasury. The (Hum: pnnv employ< no Agent's—u]! ‘bu noss being: dnnu by the Managers, who 11h- nnu’uully Hwy; ed by the Stockhnldcrs. Anx‘qu-rwn, nlmirinu‘ a." Inrurauclz cnn_npply to any uf 1M abo\‘e-‘ nnmml “MW-Eels {or lurl'hor information. E wags-The I‘lAccutin-‘fiomm:[lce rim-"s ..t the. 0m“. ut'flw (Ynmfmnv‘my “lu'hist Wednesday: in every monlh, at 2, l’.‘ .\l. . ' l Sept. 27, 1353. Av, j 4 .‘I GETTYSRURGQ—The undersigfiud informs I the ciliwni M'llm‘ town and mung-.5113! he hnx cqmmvnm‘d the “.\KINGJHHinMa; on a large soul". in York Strum:(h-nypburq. hourly opposilé Wank-sis Hutvl, wlu-n- he \‘vill try In drwrvé. and hopes to rewive. n lili‘crnl pumm mo] mam), HULLS, mus, unwmms, PRHTZKLS, Mu. Aux, bnkwl evo-ry day, (Suns dz|y< eweptod.) all‘uhhe [gust qunlitr. and sold at me lowest [hing prnlits. Crux-kw—hnkim: in all ”,5 hrnlu‘hea is 13111 on curried on, and (mix-r}; to any nnmunt., from this and aldjniniug coun fics, supplied :u the shqucst. nutf‘rv. Hm‘uug urn-mod :1 large and cnm'mudiuusiznke~hoxlsu and 50(11er the host wor‘hmin nm the 'nmyt :ip prénul ,lu:u-!.§n¢ry,‘h9 is pre nlred to do a‘ lmu‘y business. v} ‘. ‘. 5 - JIIT)‘ 2F, i 819.“ on AM) FURSHURE \\'.\lu:xguo.\ls,xn3. L 2:") :unl'ZIT X. Guy slrdctflhultipmre, (ncur Fuyvlle 3!...) extending Jrom (in; to l’redelick sin—the lax-gag:estahliehmcn} 01 “lo Hm] in the Uliiuin'. Always on lmml a lnrzo a§sorlfinenl u! HOUSEHOLD 3VI) OFFICE FURNITURE, cm. bruciu’g Bin uuu§, “fillntt‘fldé, Wushéwnds, “Mi-d, robes, giilttn'fiit’s of llu<‘.‘, Conn" and Hair ‘Spriug lads, Suhsm Tcte-o-Telon, :‘l‘ln Chain-l, Rocking Qhuirs‘,~-Etugorea, Marble Tables, Set (an, Reception‘ and Uplmlwvrcd, flmire, As- SORTEDUOLORS 0F OUTTA (,‘F PCRNJ‘I‘URE,, Wood Chnirs. omm: Chain, l’gnrper Chairs, Cnhs 21nd Cradle “KIM Ilncixs, “an furniture, Gilt. and Walnut Emma Looking Glasses, Side boards, ExtensiOn filhlos, of fivn-ryilenglh. l'yrao’ns disposed ‘to put-£1155“ xu'u) mvitrd to can an} give our stark an enminqlion, \rhirh for v'ru'icty and quality of \Hfi‘kinrw‘hip is not equalled by any egmhljehnu-lf; inJhe :ouutrl‘. . ' Aunufiqor at say, Nos. 25 and 27 N; ”‘2! sheet. Aug. G, 180 - WSHuDsk Bclnnxa's_storo is we" mar; thy nvisitjusz M. this time. We .10wa whvther, even in oqr lament cities. so tine; ‘ display‘ofi Stoves car! he ‘found. 'Thoir I’m-5c rerun is! full of Slaves of ion-ry patlcrfl; aggl‘cvcrn 3-“- riety of llol‘low Wan-e, Sllqét-ir xxl‘Wnre. Tin Ware, Finished Ware, Japan Wa;e—egbrnc ing, indeed, everything iulha‘houag furnishing line., duo, Sausage GutwrySuusg'ge Stufl'gn, hid Presses, tn, kc. ..They are prepared to nu \wholp'snlc and retail}, Tin .War ' nnd Sheet. iron;WarrMeix.own manufncmz'e—keeping p Inflicien, numlg‘iriof Imm]: £o,3ll")pr any d 9. mund'. Thcin‘ns‘ortmem 01‘ Lumber in Mary hrgo; also Coy] otevery kind. ‘.' , delpr'ldn ’by ‘; Coal !' Coal! CoaL» .3 HEADS MBUEHLER m’e now repn ‘d to S supply COAL, of superiox; quurity, i: any quantifi- desired. Tel-mnflnhfi ; " ConeOnel Come All! . ‘ L f ‘ '- arrive in 7.30‘ A. EL, hilmlelpbia in' Getty!- DRDY, ‘ ‘ firhey flap roqnast thou Judebted to them to cull and pay-up. M fundiure June}: needed. Who will be the‘fiu: modal” “Hide open from 7to 7. ’ . ‘ Feb. 24, 1862. ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ resident. ‘w John W. Tlpton,_ . 4 , ASHIONABLE BARBER, North-ens} (cor.- i E - nor of the _Dinmondyfinut door to Me.{ - ~ Clellan’c Hotel,)4.(}enyshurg, Pm; Where he'llflid in pan nt’all tim’u be found ready to (trend to .u at his busing-s: in his liiue. He has also gallant. u. ' Early - liatfipco and will ensure magma. “in him . cnll. iv . » LDeg. 3, 3860.\ “x A? ‘ =I Wm. A._ Duncan, A. J. Cover, 2,1)“. \'.'.\l.'l‘.nl.nn. , . W‘ -d...\._-..._.v Removal. ' Adams County Something New" VALENTINE tiAl'i’EK ima'tniat‘sgggg; n Co'nSumption nE D 7 RE”) AND JUDGE x", Yonx, Mr'rch 24. um. BE` Sénzch—Dt-nr Sir: I fu-vl it‘n , 3—o“.an all who M'tl Nth-ring “use known In consunuuiun and : m. to let lhun hum what [run-u . ve ret't'l\<"“_“vlll )«ulr Pulmomc '.enwrrd 'l‘nmv In =u ilmrt. n limo. mg 0! 90¢”! has cured mo thus fur; I ck. I will mm nuke my suuemem Ifollou'sz—Abmu ciglmon umnxlus {nu-Red with n smou- mugh. and it ' y Inn”: 1 ("OHM not pituin iuw nhd sufl'ered with eu-ning te'w'rs leS- l was wry much rods-iced, of m} eyes fvcro wry mum, like. i n ; my “Nu-(l3? nll gone. and unable - "“1 did em, ; bum-h: swol|en,irn~gu-1 live. I was \ur}' luw wiring. m‘ndv “If": spells ofvoughinwwle-n K 1453 mu mid when Xnmnn in the mnrn-l‘ .1 would last om- or um ham-R. l " Lira nearly «.\hnnstml. and was en: 'Fe (0 lie an nu Mt side, I mnnm , «fondled gum-vinyls Hyish 13min. ~ 1” my body mi: ITi ‘I . ' . ml-nlmxu rvlmimmd lll' cfibrt :l‘mdxcdl clue. I} ' Q'u’hsy nnd Sore ('\,lrvnn-iy ’ mull-1n HI! linn-Iy npplimuon ul l mil to cure. L Spmjm; ‘WQsMnt‘! 50:1! Hay-mun! nr'tfw 193' ‘ "DEM-01v“. Tfiu um ~l [l3y (he: Liniuu-ut in In | ~” , ‘ E: Bruises; Cum. N “091%. Burma and F Ihr umulrllu! Pugh _s‘.) Llc'r 5 mu: m.” uch] 1. hunting '0 :' 12mm? HH,L1 'Dr. .N'h-phi-n Sum»: “mm:- nl -' Dr. Sam Ul‘. .\‘n’uv't'n’ (“mm 41.211115“: and n u-r In; DJ": .\‘un-rl J'iulsllx r- midi) r‘ll'xl‘llflkl}i.l In. fiur-vx s Infill: ._lnoi Smlhh I'lmmg'l'm Dr. Suva '~ Imm. kmmv. ru- u~ IVA-gr S} ‘ Dr. S\\'c-I~l‘_~fluli|ll'n 311"": in'xnwliwiv‘v .n" Ur. S» M 1 hfoH‘ m ' Izfiu-n )El’Hm l'ih , UL .‘uA-v’l': IL! 41:] :w‘lc Sump/‘- nvinnh- Dr. H“ urt's luluilil Id ln‘nimrut (3115 i Qm: uni “'9”st i'nnmJi ml} up] )ruws no usinl' hr, 5‘60?!) lu’ml New Liniuzmjl ii (In: hlpl Minn-"y far’ Sun-i iafiln- R'unu H (mm, ‘ Dr. Sficel'a lnl' hm Dunn HSIHI livflmuré thm a} nuib‘m 'lu-upgc, mnl .nH pm...- n. . 1 ‘ Ur ‘SWN‘IW Infilm‘.ll-Jm'hm'ul '.lkm i~ torngtllj..' s'l;in ghul‘ié, {.'Vlmlu'n .Mullnm Jlnl C'nulir. ’ ‘ . ,g : _. Dy. SKI-0h": Wiflnlbihh- l'.fv:l"I1¢-|1Iiu‘nufr‘u “friend in ‘ul-M,“ fiwl uu‘g'lumnl‘y' 51mm“! have it w! h.rul. Ur. .\"m‘u-l'.‘ “s4”in- 'l.i,lljnfi-Lt i\ w: Sale by ull Druggrialla. l‘rimlfil :mil flux-guy. . A FRIEND IN NEED ,TRT FIX—“It? SWIIIZf'S HF \LLHH-‘C {IVEHHIV'II :h :m unvnm? rr‘m-d}. x< uul:.--". n erL amxl will «Hf-xi m- p. 13“ mnfu- .i-u‘hlx than :L|:_Y MAP} l-rmnln’yimz. Fur .«H (11.: n In-dirfnud .\‘frum" “Hunk rd h L try-l: m! n! '- Mc,' .m-I' .u n vhmuw IV-r SIAII‘I‘ngUIIIM', Sprain-X, HruPJI-e. m 5, USA-limiting, "cvh'ny; nu! pnwm'l'ul :ll'L-nufhl-nir’g {infill-HEM. 1M 154* I? I julfl “mm!” :uul 3! -l."m- hmull m .\1: ihu‘ lmm l‘\"'r gum: i! link-1.! 'Urr-r nnr Nnmum] 1v"- tilié‘ah-c uf Ifomnrxuhh‘ run-n [.tfinrmu-l Lyn h’xdlxiu me 1.15! {Ru yeah, zm- a I'm km. ‘ I 4; " 1 . I! VTQ HORSE OWNERS DR. S\\'EEl‘S INFALLIHLH LINHH-ZVT FUR HORSES is unrivaled Inhuny. mm} In ML rush-5‘ uf L‘l‘llfl'li as. ilhsina *f‘rnny Spmnn. .“YlfiaPS qr “Yr-1111mm“! «IT-wt 1.- “Hugh-24 .uut ryrpniu. Harness or Smhllu Hull-z N rthu-n. Mange. .h-., it Millalsu uun-spwfiil“. Syfuw. and [linghund may he o|:in Ayn-vmm-‘l null! clan-«l in their 'mi‘ifiiezgl 5113202. hm K'uufirnu‘ll mics are l'u-yond the pnssihili‘y I)I311|‘l’xldlt,lll mine No [Hie of. the kind. howen-r. l" m Ih‘SJperMe or hum-lan hm. it may he,._dh-v2umg In this Liliimi-uz, and its fnithl‘ul :Iplllu‘nliulpl “ ill nlwuys rcmmc tllflllmruouhs, 131,31 tumble theihorses tqmemul with cumpumliw mac. Ewan?“ nonsm’ 63mm} ? 1' Ah . nld have this remedy «than k for itatimn 1y sc 81! the firfituppfiu'm-Mof hummus mH cfl‘ chm-“y pn-vuul thine lormiduhlr difl‘usk'r‘ (0‘ jlnch ull hurses an! liable. mu] “hid! fr“- "‘4. so many otherwise valuable hum} maul: ~onhless. ' '. _‘ ' . '«' _ DR; ’sWnn'r's\ ~ INIALLIBL‘E ““an E A 8421 tllougnqdl him found inrtlyk‘ A Fn’ls-Ngo IN' N'Enp} To "aid imposiflqn, ohm-n tho signal» and Likeness or Dr. Stephen Sweet on "or! lnbeLmnd‘flio *Slenbeu Sweet’d lira???” Liuimenl" hlownjn the glut of each tile," \vith‘ou; wfliah noge no genuine. ’ ' .- l' RICHARDSON a: 00., ‘ , Bole Proprietary Norwich,‘Conlb noncxx‘t AiLEN. Gene‘m Agata. 46 9“! smm New Yer? ' ”Sold by '8" dealers everywhen. . .~ Pei: §£~862.F l‘, —-——‘-"‘"L' ' Sale Crying. :- ' A“ W. FLEIMNG continues the bullion . of SALEGRYING, and aolficiu flu con tinued pmrounge of the public, . u is lug col. smut‘endeamr to give satisfactinn.’ Charge! Moderate. Residence in Breckinridp ”goat? Geuysblfi. ‘ F P. E'— e'is a “rented Anc’floneer, unduthq Tax Law of the_ United Stun. ’ - 441?. 24, 180:. - ' , ' ”(Sizihéfil-J‘r , i 011,12. IOBNER’S!‘ ' 'B‘ , " L. scam: has hit mum J. cheap yooqug (Bump, , , .I f, ”A gt LL NILE. ilifymml Gonernl Ln. ’ rum-n"! ur t-‘xcmn. ll ‘4 v mu? ur‘fifiling fund/fir. ' hefin-n’nns” lissm‘ , El. it-sltlu{s§xdlem, and re