FROK VICKSB ERG. h’l‘fiakimoxojsui, of Mnndny, nyl- Thcmdfiices from the .Sbutmt in‘di ‘pate ant another severe lmule [onk plane in ”Ont of Vicksburg on Monday lust. A general Amy-k wAs nude on tlu-Confedergte wbrkq, buL’fzuled to carry them. Ge‘n. "Gram bheh cnnrlulling that the positing WM :00 shrmg m )ae taken by nn'mult. 'opened ghenvy fircfupnn the Wurk! wnth hm artillery. -'The [Most advices slam that ‘(N fight was not ro~umvd on 'l'uesday.‘- 'Thg Confederates under an. Johnston are reported to be fiftN-n‘lhnusnml strong at Juckson. The Big Black rivbr bridgé‘is also reported 10 be in their (mansion; and lnrpo bodies of lrorfi'xs mas-led there. {lt is ‘ also reported that. Gen. Pen’xhertnnnrpin- } lorced with twenty thousand In'cn, was im mediatnly ln (ion. Grant’s rear. A! hut accounts most of the Gnnfedernm rivur byt (arias llmhheen silenced. but, lha most. dan uomus web-e in operation. +ll Mirna! re port of the rapture of ”Jim-A 'n Blufi" Mates! that. bonnie: the guns 9d stores taken at that. point. the ,Gonfmrgute navy-yard at Yuma city was captured and three rpm: ,nnd other properly (lejtrnyad. « 5 Since gha above was wrinen'm dispute}: mus received lrom 'Wnlhingwn stain]; thug unoflicinl dispatches hue bné‘n receivgd s from Gen. Grant. (ls-tog! 'l‘ueulny last, rep resenting that nn‘nmt'eriul clmuge‘ Indiu kcn 111m}? since the day ‘llPVll‘ll~. (M thp‘ evening of Monday the Conhu'lvrau- (hum-. nf asked fora truce tn Inn-y hii Aflzul, whioh .wm granted. This gum In confirm the ‘IEE for: nfa gr‘oat bmle an Mourlay.‘ A ‘ s'ochch [mm-rut hm9-ndvul‘fi fine day later. According tn lhém (it-n. Grant aka sent in a fldg oHun‘e 0x: Wmlnesrlny lawn m NIL-fence to the killed and wnunllcd. The loss of “Man ihe FoJum! .\id-i i. reporto l as greater than in any lnaulc_uf-llm wur. WM) of the Foderuf gunlunts {Humid to have been aimk. Gen. Bmkmin relmr‘ted us hm» in); owned his ‘unnv nt lhyoo Sun. anui iiitecn mile: above I'ol‘t Hull-um.“ Ccfionol' Urierson's cuvul'ry [nude unutlu-r laid fr'uq Baton Rouge rooenlly. cumin-mg undt duf " utrnyin‘g a Confmlmgxte camp. ‘ L V The Sun, of l-‘ridny..snya: ‘ : l The dates fmm ~VLcliuburg are 20 Sundiay In}, and (He Inns“ in important. 4501,21 Julnhtan w H ropmtcll m- be :L-lvuuzinz: 1401 lwcmi (ha Ymm uiul (Ins Pug "BL-wk run-r»; with the Int'rmliuzl nf romkiuz ”Jinvsju‘ “In", and hrmkmz tho Fed-Ira] cmumunM NLmn on 1110 Kuhn. 1).: \V'e-luns’vl my. tim‘i 27“). nun nr.n_v- vol-1.. Lurk {l'm-‘l‘ «by: ra-‘o Imm: and murchud out, In mmjt hum. Hist. ‘ fan-:- in vargmhly o-limuu-d at, from fine-en. m llfirty tlmmxmd. [L h I'opmlvd (lirnugh' Configdumlm. mu:rm-n»l!mt Hum-'ml‘ Gun“ ” luvin': Imm). lill~llfl'\‘%~rlll at i-vnrxfilukut all} the Vu-kdnurg drf:~ln-m-. hat! falft‘n'bat-k' lump Un- lfm-uf Um H :3 Mark; and Wm; [or Ulyxng hi- luhititgn Hum m prom-n! lef. . Jnhnnhlu "THHI'CIU‘BiHL'. 'l‘hu ping" npvm (mus on thy riwrpidn uH-r-v 1::th upon Nu" uni-1y hut, Hu- uwrlur lmnla‘lix mg, day unlit night upon Huu'umfml wan-umrk-u -‘ Jpn“:-i u A 1 c-rdmmh-h, lmm-n-r. Ft 11m 11m! th‘l' had lu-u-u no u (AI-rim] chanuv in ulhzrs up}, I Kunday. and ln‘mf'flmlfl imd hevn In) fig“;- inu Tornmuru] dnyr. Lug Um! lhu anfiy “~er wm-u in-zng em I‘éL‘ZiCJHYthth for} Hard byU.-n..('.'r,m1.l ' ‘ ’ L i“ «fie-mi a lvmm u.) to Sunday" rnpn‘ugntf that‘uw {mg-aw“ wast-mun; wn'h nus-3n 1 Add: ualulav‘iun. and (Lu! (bl-re, w.“ no immmlum 'lvrnnlan- ulmu IL-nyrul (iru‘nl'nf I‘l'lf. Gm. “inki- Was Inventing l’oi'l; lfudmn. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ " m 2 um“ ‘covmx'on on mum; ‘ : SiLVAHI/i». " \Vidinnl lerl-U‘ulllg in any w‘iy to mmldh in thr- l'm'litzmol'a slur-r (*ulll'nfln'.h-zlllh,W‘N may rm‘nril lli» gr llllylllliJ\l*\\~wllli'il l'i‘uch m u» from l’vrin-ilvania. lh-f ih lbm wra (-y «ruiu‘uuly t-ulvrlain ilu- _llll'n l'l‘ nunnnu! lug lilajar ”Huvml anguu 11. FRANKLM ”I. ”hir (-umlitl‘m ll)!’£(ln\'fl'i'l)dl'. ~ Will pun-h a nouinutmnwit is "nl mulrtu ~av~lhu .'M‘lt‘l‘y 1~l (-A-rlain, and -m-h gt \‘ii-mry Wlll Ir mt: n-ludr'wntNuH-wyig-mum wiilrh no nn. .\vill nuw mm. id to ‘nn-mur-u. t: ~ni-ra“ .l’rnnklin’s n inu- 54 :L~-auri.ifnd with/nil llm‘ ll glnxzulh ”113 “an; and tannin! lvo do? ”mail Ly (in-4 iimvnlariun nl‘ :I‘u'ysnnt. ('l‘ i iij'lln-ual .hylvm'o ux‘ umn-mflniy gulrngt-i ‘l\Vlll| yu- bll: “~9- lq ullz‘i It -. lm HI I. ha il.-.‘ H'lllu-u‘iu; Mdilnllun’. "right-hand uninfl (lo In» rlul‘Wl damn-r with “(J‘ll‘llJlLtfllld 1m lulu hllul‘t'Ll ulilm‘uy .md li'jlhlll‘l' will! Swim too. A l‘vtmsylwuiA liwka m-nn liwm lmth’; and v-guw all} llll'fll l‘mnlalin. with )nu-l‘mt :.- M.‘ pruh- u~ lu-r ginn— :znn ul lln» l'vtnm'liu)’: ”nil; \\ liii‘h‘ ha Mji'uiml in it Nl‘ u’. my ll'llllll]ll1£.:, LAD: Jnummll when lln')’ l|ll!l|L~niui~ily lu' «ziH-uihagnd by the-13:3} nl milzlmy 11;:an clam-y. or ihn im-pivimw which iquua lll'n k ( nt innotlloil‘puta‘t-f _lhinus might In: In‘ mum) 111‘" tln- pupulurmnml. (lu- llnxmm‘l ‘ wry {of P, unmlmniu‘luuk thdily ali'eul.‘ momnn- lbc- fluvillutiuna ul' pulilm muni ‘ merit and opinion uc-t‘urutt‘ly. and pruvi‘le fur the coming; danger lry $1‘ll'(‘l,lll;! n mzlfl “I their candidate “'lthlllflulll ”11' mil Ilus' urriw-{wlll 1w strnnu i-lgough. and bravi ennugh. and when vnnugh m 'iwut int-mini: ,1; man the hip-hwy of the last lw‘n year}; pruvenjth. Franklin (trim. hi the (7.1"- .s'm-s' he Willl-eunawsnilulblo. ”e o.m_lr.n'e no enemies but the é'nrmlvs of his country. :Jlne wrotvhud crowd of mrmilcs upon fix» oru‘tive favor. or the wil-l l'uiiatiL-s of the‘ fioflh—of whom. by and” by, there are Wlutiy’ely few in his ownfi'hno. llis lriemls will by! enrmlut and enthusiailiu. lle cub "command tlfe unlmughl ‘sufi'muea of tho fininllrede up! tlmuwmls of'gizllunt men who 11m 00139 home from the win, and whom the me oryoflmurs ofcmn'mon trial Will c'lu‘iter around him. Should other dan ‘gers'ilhgutun, the freemen of Pennsylvania will f‘ei-IL-whntlor two yam-s thy have-mot. fieltmthqt they will be sale in their persons ind' properly, and that neither will Briga die? General y’mlmvonli he sulft‘l'pd to caplur‘e eeliwrs. nor General Stuart to cap ture towns rind Stumped? horses wnh im punity. To‘us _in Kw York tlle'eleotlon of such a. mam—to be as~oci3neil in the Uefensaeof thé Cons'mtutyion with Seymour and Parker—ywill be a boon‘antlnmecuriiy ileyond (ll price. The whole free Nani: ivill. brentb'e' mom freely on knowing that. filth finch a leader Pennsylvania. has re~ ‘sl:de her mlvfinced posts in “Wl? phalanx of Demncmny,‘ We sincerely 4 mt Hun. finneml'anklin may be nominated, and that he ‘will accept. the nomiuauon.—N. Y._n'urld. f_ wThe Richmnnd papers o‘ft‘he 28th ult. oontaip the follnwing: “TupLAnoxL Ala" Mayh.—Vallnndig~ him in no: at Shelbyville. Ténn." Cmcnmn’l. May 2').——anlnndigham‘ is "he guest. of Bragg. at. Shelhyville: {Via re portedlthnt Brtgg telegraphml to Jefi‘ Duis uh» what. 119 «tion!!! do with him. Davis topliell, "‘ifhe'll take ”IO SMI’UI 0f allegiance to lbe,oonfedemcy, xecelve him; 'll not, load lijm back." ‘ Mergers! Ewell, wEo succeeds Stone pll'Jsckson. has but one leg, and is ump god‘lo hit horse while on {be field. ‘ i “ EA; seven-1i! regiments of the Pennsyl vsnja Reserves marched through Wuhing ton. the other day, they choéred voicil‘ep only for Gen. McClelhm, in the hearing pd Pmident Lincoln. ; i ”There in a fair prdspeot that the 03“. Cami; Democracy will um'te on a common phtforin pad ticket at the ensuing Sung auction; I ‘ ,I _rfi-D.\.yton. Ohio. the residence ”of Mr'. v.lguuigmm. is szjll restive, and the mili; my ha‘ve been again employed to keep “ “‘9'." ' ’ . [S'lf the Administration woum pay more utonuon to we work or whipping file rem“: m the South, and less 1.0 the euslnving o! thy péppje of thu North, “she country would Infill?! buses for it.” « ‘ \' . ~ r T .‘ ,~~~‘- l" -+—»-—n~-———---» -m ‘ “.._ HE 93:10ch or nummenoxl 4‘ W ' ‘ ~ . ‘ Anouszzm ' xAn k; 6' ”PM" of “”n-‘n- Law-" human “I‘m,” ;. 1l n (Eer m‘nn lawn regiment. who fo of Hunt” l “mum—Hm Democracylef y “’“ded-m ““5 mun”? ml" I "13' ‘ ml. mgkon county held no immeme 1 1'0“.” “333"“ '0 the “U"i'c'" LMEIVGSJNS f mcehnfijt Iluuti..gdon on Friday? I thmk ‘h‘f'luninn Lump", ruffle: 7 a temoon 'eek. to tn“, “do“ . 1' Lawn pledged to enter the army-At. (1‘1)? m u ure erence country's oall.’ would be en le “rm om , b ‘ of some benefit- Monitor Om rage porpcsmed on tho “‘~ leaflupi'comp‘wi 0‘ mm fled ‘ ' munt -—-b .113 Unmocmlltorgnn of tlie smy ntlmme ““l 'o‘" “'9 Reptil’li“ 8e? :0 two wyee, 7 . Blink ROPllblionn mob About I 313:; ‘23:“, "ox-4h, Prepare, for 1h: gm .cn, Druid!" TE; ‘mneli" '. _ 0 “mm“ M“ ”V "‘9’ ‘0 “'1 - presidéd , ‘ , [l3‘ was mmmnhon, us far Mld . 9 Ad ofllcer of river bl Genenl 3908!. a gallant 3” If '0 “a oomnellgl ‘23? mason?!” . 19 present mu- now Into the Unio I. . g 9‘50“”) “co“ - ’ “ home on , n, n. u solthera we w a slam“ health. 0:: taking the chsir' Imm, "“‘f‘linlu are very'émd Mm???— en. . . made a few amnion: Md pertinentl and talking patriot! to go and ulk “10:: remarks, and the "m, M _ b] 'gpprexsmg the rebellion. and. calling all tum," “dress“! ‘ ' :em age were! . one men who happen to «infer from Lh l of Cum} - by 11. Li Johnlon. Esq" C"PPorhmrls.’nnd exkrminnlin th gm, l ca t . m}. IfOfl-GeorgéSandorwn, of Lnn- {ace of the South and llhemt.ingg|.l‘loel:'lhll:‘l Q's er. J. A. Orvia. of Bellefnntefil. Milton :(llryfofthgsa'moetinb i. the II“ film $20.“ ‘ leg-0 ”mimic and “b 1 ‘ 'lwould he ~,_‘ to area mndred dollar: read by R Bruc . _,e~ resolutions ‘1 ‘ _ p’md qmckly. mit is presumed - . e Pelnken Esq‘ were' league’ I: able to fork over- b ‘ l " ' ‘ . ‘ t 1:133:11 3y ?‘;°l‘m“‘°“' and the meeting‘ illnfiy-emm "'6 war pmn-:_Bm7£blg . e wnl three hem-l ‘l_z . I C I‘3“ '1 _ ycllgeljsfort e ___‘ :mqn-and tho Cohat‘xtutiéln.’ Nearly $1.030 "a: rlused and paid ovel‘ lo in: Owen, Illa 1 prlelm of we Monitor,l to enable binl to purchase new materials, 1%.. to again start 1h? paper ‘witbout delay; The utmost har- Im'my and good order prevaiied through- out. the day, and the meeting was most. thusiaslic. - 'J'lmjhrnlocnwy of Hunting xlon cqnnty will give 4 s:me account of themsélves at the Ballot-box Special N_o’tice-.t The Great Englisfi Remedy. Sm JAxm-x ('{AHKK'S (\RL‘EBRATED FEMALE PILLS I Th‘ulim'nlunhle medicine is unfailing in the cure of MI Hum: yuiu‘fui ‘und dmgcmns dis lean-9 incident to the («mat conatitutiun, , l I! yundvruln; n“ ”can, «stump-s {\H Oh‘fl'fivc tions, from ulmtm‘er c.\u<4‘_. and brangs 5m the mommy period with regnLUfl)‘. f “ .'l'hcscl'l“§s.’xrmhlnathc men M fern-Hts «gnu uro |-r--gnu-nt gun-mg the 1"“le ulna» ‘umrm, :u {‘H‘y are sure 40 hi-in: airlismqr 'rirlgr; Inn at. rvcry othqr time” and iln “10:” “up." mm- the-y url- porl'gctl) .ufe, ', ' In all can. 5 m St-n‘nui Mud Spinal \fiot'tinqs, ‘ [nfiu in the lhvkfiiul ”mini. lro‘|\'ilroki.,Pll 'rivuc on slight (-xn'rliqn. [‘.le‘HiUnli of the ‘ Hx-nrt, Lmlm-s‘s of Spu'xlu’. “fivlvf‘ll‘fi- si“; ‘ ”mu! who. Whi‘efl-und all the painfuli dme 1:05 om-:n.~inm-d by.» diauldh‘ffl] a) 5113!". H vsul’Hli “_ill utl'cut a min- “hen all other mums have fni'od. Full‘ dirm-tiu‘ns\in pamphlet: "mind each llfll'kflgv, whh I: Jlfiul-l he (um-furl! ' [kt-served. They (' In he sou! "\n :I. ‘lulzlnmmiH-liui'lg .50 pill:_ ,uut Irr'c; b) cumming $l. and 6 three- H-nl slumps to :nn‘ HEN. “ _ . For f-In by .\. D. ”cumin. Gc-ztyzhurg. and all Drugsius. [Ffl‘mlm 1663. 1y ‘_ . _ A Card t 9 the 813 cring. J j" . The nl‘\‘.'\\"‘l.llul l‘u-umgvnc, vhilu Inlmri‘ng LIN n \li~'~iu.-|.u"\ in J mm. hams K'l null 0! (,‘un-‘ iump'hm. “In-u all ulhvr “WM” h. \fM‘wL “5 I :l u-mu- nhmlncul from n lcrruml ph Eiriuu‘ re siding In 11.9 great City at chdn. T)! ts JEN ipo In: rung-Ii firm“ numhgiq w[m [ML-fix 't‘ri‘ng’ lfum ('uni'nupviun, Hrmu‘lnli . Sure T ungri 'l'-.u,zhd mad l‘uhlp. lipd lhe‘dt-MJH; .Luh uen us, di-pra-«inu l‘~\llr‘('-‘ |n' [hrs ‘ di-urfll rs, ~ '\ Um'xrmH of Kt-nrlilllnz frilly‘rs. 1 hi“ 50:14 this rm‘t-iyn, \\'hi\ I: I lmw- Enoughl brine with “11’, m all uho lII'I‘R it. free ofvlmrL' -. . ‘A-ldl‘ck‘éd Rev. “'3l (*IuSGIiUKE, I 1 . ‘ ‘ 4.5:) Fulton Arimu". BrutuT, N. Y. . . 003'. 1,5. mm. iy “‘ “7”“‘7' \' "New Jersey Lands for Sale, “.60, H «mu-x m: Ful'lr Fume, su‘mlylo I’drflirupu’s, Pewhm. Pears, R .slu‘r‘kx'ri4l. Siniwhvrriiw. I‘lmkhuriw, l‘urranti, ('..ruf l, '_'¢_‘."s, 103 m '2” av‘rL-z vxrh. :n fln- fullnwing prir'x‘a' for the [ln-gaunt, viz: :0 arms fur $2OO, ‘0 m'ros‘ ‘ur $11”. 5 urn-4 fur Sun, 2!. m-rvsjur $lO, lutrc [or 510. I'm :vhh hy rme dulhr 1: weak. ‘ V Mm. «:md (‘riuheruy’Lm-ls, and V 1“ lge lpTS‘ in ('HH'l‘wmmxzn by Imp-en. at Slju with. humble h_\ mm duIIAr :a \tl‘l'k. mic fl‘ldYL“ lamb and farm: M'l‘ ~iunn§f ut (flietwogd, \\'.q:}|i‘}xgll)n mwmhip. fiurjinuan-nilm‘y. Xfiw 1 Jvriey. For full‘u-r ml'ufi‘maliun «why, With 'l‘ 'l’. U. St-11up,fur :x cirrul-le‘o - in ‘ A ‘ n. I-"uxmm CLARK. 1 V 0.90 Ca :1.” Sin-M, New York, N. Y. 1 Jul“. 231”“ r” ' 7.! .‘ ——~-......_...._ . _ » ..i'mpgrtnnt Disc ‘vct‘y. ; lirmw tn Tn “I!"JKR. u l ,1 nm’xx‘s l'l'MlHMt? WM mm are uuhn.’ Eng m tln- cure of Coughs.- 'ulus, :Asl'ma, lhmnv‘lilh, S'unt- Tlnwut. llmur-u.-nrw~x~ Dnlhylt .'ln.u.hin:. ilwipiunt (fumumplihn. ‘Mnd “i:— m-t“: m 1!"; Lugs. ’l'hA-y lrn‘e nn mflc of nullilimu and. Amy th-l wig! uh» (hob.— Thou< Imh LmnHJvL-n ro-huyd m healhhlfilml ll'ld lu-l’nro dt‘spl‘lrfill. Tl-llimnn)‘ L'h’e‘l in hundrl-«ls of Cilzl'S. A single £lost rhin‘ks in 'l’er Minutes. - . ~ § § “ A~k For Bryan‘s Pulmnnit' “HUME—4&O niip'i- H II _lml‘guly gl-nuim- i: “Amy-in! “[Fry In."— Spurtuue‘ kinds are (MT-rm". for Fule. l'l‘wcnly the «cut: a lmx. .\‘uld hy {IQ-n10“ arm-rally. ' JUB S}USES, Snlc i’rnpriotor, linclwsu- ’, N. Y. For Fah-‘hy A. D. Bt‘mmz'n, (hil)’stb}nrg.and ull Druggisls. ‘ [Feb. 16, 18%}. I; , . .9...» -... . 52'. 2]‘ Employment, ,1 [3359 AGENTS \\'. N'l‘EDE—We will {my frum $35 to $75 per "Tomb, and uil exp-ns‘es, L 0 uc li\c Agents, or gm- :1 commission. '{P‘lrticc hrs sex-l free. Address Ems Snun‘amwnmn Cour/xiv, 11. JAMES, Gem-ml Agon‘. Minn, Ohio. . , _ [H.xy 18, lagii. 1y - l MARRIED. 'f 011th an insh, by the Rev. I'. PL Hugh", Mr. JACOB BUCHEB to MILMARV TRIUMAN, boLh of Slrnbnn township. ‘ - Un the 2d inn, by the Rev. A. Eisivk, Mr. (”261101; TAJI‘E to Mrs. .nA‘sNAu “a. DELL, both ofh‘xmhnn tpwnship.‘ l ‘_ 1‘ On the lat ofJamunry, by Rev. firfifhugher“ Mr. FREDER'CK HANKEY. of ('umbc'rl‘lndx luwnship,‘tu Miss ELLEN c. mums, omg: t’sburg. ‘ a ;_ 0n the 2nd inn, at New Oxford‘hy Rev. J. U. Home. Mr. JACOB AUAITIthAUGHJ of York, to Miss SALLIE K. XUUNG, of the' former place. ‘ . ’~ 0n the 2nd inst.. by Hip Rev. 'l'. P. Bucher, Mr. HEZEKIAH LATSHAW, of New Salch Io Mrs..L\'DlA A. IHDDLEMUSER;of Cumlfierz 1.1 m! township. ‘ } . On the 2nd‘inst.. by the Rev T.‘ P. Buchier,’ Mr. ABRAHAM“ HERIHNG :9 Miss .MARGA. 115‘; MABTthboth of Frukliu township. . l n unefzsm 11”., by the Rev. J. c. S3IM)“ .\lr. JOHN A. HUUUK to Miss EAR A.’ STEALY, both 01' Menullen township. I Em WOhitnary notices 3 cents per 1% e 1 for all over four lines-feast: to accompany (finge. On Friapyxnsxxr'. GEORGE manly, an old nnd respect citizen ofCumberl nd, town. shinin the 88th _x'gnr of his age. _ On Saturday week. Mr. HENRY WARNER, of Reading township. Iged 69 yearsd on Monday km. ms. ELIZABETH sum, BA, wife of-Mr. George Scale, of ‘l-‘muklin township, aged 26 )8“? 3 In‘ohlhs and II gays. “ 0n the 26gb uh... at her residence in Littles tawn, (Lilli-ARISE, wxfe at Benjamin Lnndisn aged 52 yézu‘is and 22 du)‘; . « ' '« Sherifi‘alty. ', . NCOtRAGED by nume‘rous friendsfinznin ofi‘er myself as a candidate for nhe‘offics of sufjluf‘k‘, subject [0 the decision of the Dem ocrntic C my Convention. Shauld [be non:- inagegl ungueiected, I pledge myaeiflo discha’i-ge the‘dufies of the oflice With prompmess and impagxia‘lity. GEORGE BL‘SIIMAN. ”Uu‘mbcrland tp., March 30, 1863. S‘Having been informed of a report in ciréuinu'on to the effect that I intend to run as an Independent candidgte shouldJ not be nominmed by use Democdgtic CpuuthOHVea tion, it is due I! myself t at I ac once ~brand the said report as uherly Nae. i nan-nevu entertnined such a thought, and feel myself in' hono’t bound to Abide by the decision oftluf. Convention, as announced in my cart! above. June a, Im. 7. GEORGE Busdmx. TEE MARKETB- GETT YWu-unnn “n F10ur................... Rye F1nur............. Whine thnz.,......, Bed thz11............ C0m...-.....-..-.......' Rye....‘...............,., (1ac5....‘..............'..‘ Buckwlxenl....-......J ()lovngb'eed .....WJ Timothy 5eed...2... Flax" 5eed............ Piusér of Paris .... Huger ground, peg ~n~... K~Fulon iLug-r BA LTIMO .\ o 00 m a 12 ;..u..... 1 45 :o 1 7o 4 1 2;: lo! 13 ......4 _ 82 go 85 L 68 to 7A, .‘ 5- 501015 75 F10uf.................. Whehz ................ Rye ....... ’. . . C0m'.......... ........ {Jat5}.........2........ Clqv x- See-L........ “Thrill”! 5eed...... 1 Reel. ‘utlle,~per hu rungsrlwer hund.... 1 "yarn"................ l W1.iqkey............. 'Gpml‘o, Peruviund ‘.L......... .....; 2 oo cn2'so. d........ ~. .‘lO 50. mm 50 ..... .........‘. 6 75 M 1 75 12'; 00-102; 00 H, 43.0 44 1ei‘1u1n.........t_‘ ‘ 92 DO I s ~- .L 4—— ‘ -Tuunsmvlun. - . 1 ? BANGVE “alli’, frond wngo; 3. DO2. from More: Whey ......“ Rye.'......‘.............. (‘brn!..................‘.. “Mu".......5......... Cluv+r 5eed......... Timdthy 5ecd.;...... “Mink...”.......... 5‘ g 'To Bulldera < \ ; I I?“ SL‘!H)O). Dir]: mprs bf Sthnbnn Schuol I‘ : liktrict ,sxill 1 receive smiled proposals {Or liuildmg‘i SUHMUI: HOl'Sr} in ”nun-rs tmni, up to tho 2m . ofJnno mm, m 2 u't'lm-k, A. \l'. Linn and J'poc-Ifivmir-ns n. he soenfil [ln- “nu-e of dumb: L. Urnfs. in Hunllcrsluwn. TM I“inn-mm rme‘n‘n Ihr right to n-jm't any or illi the bid 4. b'mrdvr of llw Board, 3 . PHILI ’1 IJUXUHL'EJ,‘ [’wsidcng. JOIN “Hm-r2. 9's. r(- firy. , . i ‘ Ju;lt:B;lh‘h’3.‘ 3', ' , *, ¢ j Bonoug - ,Ordma ce. r 0 I’m-:Vlcx'r.‘ Rmn‘u A‘ n Dmvlm r ‘UVI-IR SIDE- 'ALKS, GUTII‘I-ZRS, tl'. - it t-mrled' by we Tuwn Council of the \ilrungb of Gl-liyduirg, and: it If hrrrby , Mini-ltd by nulhéfily at Lhé sum? : Li’Rhal tron) unl‘l after the pitssnge of this A'MJN _' person oripersnns Driving any Land t-d Wat-0 liner or iii: any pm‘ed'Gnlttr within the limin _fsuid Hmongh. excl-nut n rrgulstr h'lreél or A [-1 art-king. shall forfeit 'nnd pay it hill: of unit (“‘5 than Two Dolrlurs nur more than) Fire [.lOl rprjztnd costs 0 pron-cation, on ‘vomiction nf IQ sum: hcfnre the Burp-2:3. if 3.5111 in from n lifter the linsrnge of this runny pvxsun o ersuns Killing; or Driv ; tiny Burs}k o:- \' h 'lO ot‘gr on on any Side ‘ Ail-i". pnvell or ul'pnv 11, withi? th'e “lUILS‘O‘. the grind k‘fronglvi l-llri fmfu I. and [my 11 iiué ;nl not its: tlun 'l‘w Dollars nor more llm‘nr'l-‘ive Du lztrs :unl l'urhfi l' prosecution, on mmjiciion ul’ tho:- 5 inc het'ort (lie. liurgnsr Atty-rural dune 3d, MU‘J. ‘By order of wah ('oymlril. " I}. MAP-T ', Burgeps. ‘ Attl-st-LJnnnlujl Cur, Scc'y; ~ V June 8; {lain}. "‘L i . ‘Eureliga, Eureka! IIE u F..\'(‘EI.SIUIL \vAsni-zn l" i ac- T‘knnwlu-lgei! {iv all who so it, to be he numtromph-lc, :lnd u’illtnthH'ejttiou, the mu 't perm-t lunlmr-Su‘ing WashingiMavhine ere hrfnru inventrd. [ts superiuntyi over ‘ull oth- I‘l’i i‘llnaials in the Fiulplicity‘nud durability 0! its ('mnslruclidu, thh mpidity Ind complete gym: at in n ark, null the almost incredible 8390 fili'whiljh it is managed. A 'chlld of ten 3'l-.-t_r~',‘po~sofrzins: ordinary judgment, can learn to wrurk it in five minute»: lime, and manage it {*s roll as a grown pent-n. eneptl'ur wry lw'm'y goods. .In a work! thin in the machine that is dcstinpdio take the plated ol'every uther' mm in uae. .j’t-rsonl intending, to get n ma chine WI” find it: grcutl): [oi their advan tage to examine this one beloreipurchnsing. “ The undersigned have purchn all th» Patent Right for Adams Counlylcxcepfing one tl‘mn ship) find are making‘exrensivd preparations for their mnnufndure. Every m'uchinewill he huill in the hest‘manncr red “'1! sated. Price $5 00, ln.connectiuu with thiaTmuchine there in when: ernger, which perform) thishp bor'tous plutuf, wnshin with thte greatesl ense nndimuch bgtlrfi mania gun. he pone by hand. Théyqnay he attach to a qpmmon Walsh T'llh um] nrg sold with the mitt-him: or sep arately n 3 desirvd. Sum" ' i seen 11'. ouAr {hut-r5 in l-In: siteizhe mgr, ueupbuq z - n June a, 18163. f ‘ Notice. " . IDA!” RSHALL’S ESTATE.'—Lettars or i admin strution on the estate of Adam a hall, I, u: of Mouutpleasgm‘t twp., Adams county, detaqnsed, having been {granted to the undersigned residing m'Oxfurd township. be hereby give notice to all pers ‘nsOindelned to mid estate 0 make immediutq pnymeut, and those hzn‘iu claims itgdiust the zume to present 11mm [from k" authenticated f 0 settlement. ; ‘ JUHN GINT_EB,AdIg'r. June 8, l 63; 6t. _ i ‘ Notice. ACOB mums ESTATE—Letters team ' mental-y on ’the estate ofllucob House, late of Union township, Adums‘coflunty, diec’d., having been. grantefi to the “index-signed, we firzt pa‘metl residing“ in the flame township, find the last named in Heiicllperg township, Yotk county, they hereby give notice to all persons indgbted to said estate to 'makq: im mediate payment, and those €hnvlng claims against the, same. to prnent'then‘: properly authenticated for settle t.‘ " r E _ ' LEWRIOUEE, , “‘1 JACUB‘yILLER, ' JuneB,lB‘63s 6t! \: Exeeuwrs. , ' Nance. ‘ ~ I x ' OHN WILLET'S ESTATE—Letters :43:- O mmc-ntnry on the cam (If John Willa, IM3 of Unipn cownlhip. Adam! county, de cenlgd, having been gamed no Kiln under- Ijgued, residing in the lamb township. he hereby givéa‘ notice to I.“ persona inflam ed to said estate to main immediue puyi meat, mid those hating chins ngtinfl the name to presont them properly Inthenucnmd tor settlement. A 3105 LEFSVER, June a, 1863‘. so, Executor. Notice. A‘GDA’LENA WISLER’S ESTATE.‘—Let. ters of ndministntion on the enate of ngddenaWislcr, lateof Franklin twp., Adpml co., dec’d.;~luving‘been graded to the finder signeq, residing ~in the same townshi , he hexcby give} notice :6 all persons knighted to‘aaid estate to tnake immediuo payment, and “nose havink chi-ms against the Inn to present them propafly authenticated for settlement. ' JACOB WISLEB, Adm’r. June a, 1883: e: COAL OlL—at , ‘ ~ _ _ 7 ,’ -DR'E‘ 3931‘18'8 Drug.B£ore. ‘ ”I'Tsfiitcx—ifi; 3m; 3.: TE?! J.‘ fhcsp Looking Gluten. 1 r Headdunnen, Provost hound, mu District, Pennsylvania. } Chambcrsburg, June 15:. 1863. I HR attention a! lhe pub“; is called to th. 1‘ lubjoiued circular from the Peovou In ltd Guard of the 'Cniwd Smu. ~ ‘ GEOROP EYSTER. - . OIBPULAB No. 1.-——Provou Marshal Gena} ernl'n Ul‘fice, Wuhjugton, D. 0., Hey 22, "63.: All men who desire to juin my particular Regiment a! vanity lO' in the field, In hereby-euthariud to rresenv themfilru At. any time duringibe next thirty dnye, to 1116' Board of Enrollment in their rupective Dis-u tricks. The Bond Ihnu nnmine them, Ind determine npon theirfilneu for ”the “nicer and iffonud to be fit. the Provost. Marsha; of the District shill give them transportation tickets to the general rendezvous; It the hold qunrtern of the A..A. Provost. Marshal Gener al of the State. As soon he they Meson! them; retrea‘nt this general rendezvous whey shell be duly mustered by 1 running nnd‘disbnn iug ofiicer, and paid by him the hounty Allow-‘ ed by law‘ « ‘ 3 i Nari-The several paper: In; the Dinric'l: will please insert the shore (or three weeks l and send bill to the Provost. Hardbalu Cham : bersbnrg. , l ~ ‘ ’ June B‘, 1863. :8: J ‘ . , , ..-" _____+___._._.‘ ‘ Head unrters,Prqvost Hymnal, 1 v lath Dmnct. Penn!)- rnnin, l Ctmmlmrshurg. June lit, [863. l THE ntlemionpl‘all officer: I 0 have been l ‘ hononbly dischargvd, our| “count of. wounds or disnbility, is called to (he follgwing circular. ‘ ‘ GEORGE YSTER, ‘ ‘ Provost WArslml. lfllh Dist i’cl. l‘enn'a. ‘ CIRCULAR x». sag—n 3" Department, l’rq vosl. .\lurnlml. Genoml‘s Uflice, Wushingtdn City, May '22, lam—The aantion nl an ofligers who hnrr been hanomtly disclmrgw ed, on “count oi round: or dimhility, sud ; who desire lo re-emcr the service in the liuulid ‘ “Yon-pa, is called to tho hrorilions of Grnerll Orders. Np. 105, 0(1893, lrom‘tha,Wnr’l)e. pnrtmrnt, gyubliihed inn?!“ pupgrs throughout the country. Such o l-ers are req‘u‘ened to comply promptly I'ilh the provisions of mu order, and to send {heir “rincn applications.- ‘ as therein providedhlor positions in Ihé hue.- ‘ lid Corps (stalling the diameter of their dis». billty). with.” liltlcl delay as possible, to the Acting Asaisuul Provost; Marshnhuenernl of lbé smm in which they any be. "Such Acting; Asaislsvll Prutost Marshal Geller"! will Hi nncc forward the :ppliciuions, ’with lhis cu.‘ dorsemeiit, to the Provost‘Mlrshnl General n! \S‘mhingmn. ‘ _ 1 Vumgcrg for the invalld‘ Corp: will he appoint ed. ilulukaiglcry upon furnishing we pupers “.4“in by (Jenner?! Order No. 105, of 1863, {rulnlhe Wit Dcpgrtment. Their pay nndrmoh mum-ts,will_mmmrm-e from due Qfm-cep'lunce' uf sm-b nppunnqrutnnnd not eru ‘dnlo of! organiznhn u! (hf respeolim columhndl to’ whirl: Ike; may he nuigned. _ ‘ l Jul-1:} 23. mm, . 5 25 lab 50 ......u,’ 4 50 -.....j..1 so to 1 so .........1 25 £Ol 30 ......‘... ‘ 80 ......... , 90 .-....;. 56 4 50 ...1 75 to 2 00 .1. _ z 75 ..L. n 00 :~'45 ......4 ‘1 75 .......‘ 6 50 ......J 1 w «:1 m 2 .......J 95 ......J ' 30 ........‘, » an """r d 00 ‘ 100 Natl—The several pnpvrs in the District “'1” plenscz hunt [lve lhOYc fur lhrcg Weeks. Am] and b'ill to ‘he l'rurun shr hul Al Cham bersbnrg. ‘2 “ .' June 3, 1863. 3! , $ '. : Notxcq 9f Inqu st. . 3 TOTH‘R is hon-f " given (a ll 'tlm heir ‘ LN um! legal- rrprqululvu f GR” .\I'LL, [any 0! Hamilton mwn My, county, downy-d, NI. : Joy‘ph Kill, 0. Wiener.) David Hull, Dunn-l Null. Ca rinc,‘ (intrrmwrirLlim ‘(u‘vdrge Rfovn,) and Sn. Mn Humillon, (I'idnt, the his he“ movm’of “mound mind, but u u Corn-inn to nk‘e cure of 11+? od-‘o. I“ ah. ha. “timed all her inter"! in‘ghe (sum (a {oan: Inner.) Ind Al-u ldt yfnnd Children. being the chil dren ofLydiu Bmin, (internal-flied rim Sum. uel Jinn-J um “id Lyd'u sruwn lm'ng do." cusrd lu-lore (he do.“ M hcr lather, ant ll'fl, the tullnwiug LIIIuF-I ulnol' chxldrnu, “le Willmm mourn. An‘rqo jtruwn‘ dad As'uuu Brown, In“; Imu- fur mcir guardian ‘Hrury w01r,,.~'r.; “Pd :1 grand dmiill‘lur, Elm Erie‘d, A minor d u gull-r «If Sarah, Uulrrmurh-d uith J'u‘vb Frilh’ ‘, “hid: rdid erl‘hfs 09' mid Ellzl Friuf dind u the ligrtimu u] mud (lmrgeflull, and [llO said E 131: I'Yil-g film lately but Elnuc thc‘ LII-renu- l mid Uwrkv Null, du-d iul-gulo, \l'iihuul Hsu‘fi whose Admiuiqrglor is Samuel Brow-u; mud maid Ucnrgl‘ Null lrfn Ilsa a grand ddughll‘r' Aguvzx Wolf, intcrumrrié-d with ill-my Wu”, Jr‘, mid Again; being ‘ daugblrr of 'er ngglcr, dut'ast‘d, Ibo “\n: in“ rmuru-d uilh Julm Mung-4hr, uho is also Llou~.l>vd.—‘E‘!ul an IXQI'EST “ill be held nnrlhc-fdlh-wiug property, HZ: No. X: The Huuuiou l’uruu, inane 1h HAmilum and BM"— Wick um-uv-hxps‘ Aduus county... bean-1m! by lands of \llnlildujlmwrrncr. Andnw‘ Buxknrd, Henry “'l’”, In DUII‘ISY Cumuuuiug 8.5 'Acrus n9l louxlfonhtlapmfl ullmn-unu, nut-rergr leis. No. 1: A 'lracl of laud, pilnne m flor gick 10*!” fr. Ari-nun wun'y,ndjuining lauds o‘ ("\rud ‘ Halt}: Edunrdlimlvl, and ullu-rs,j \“uiuing 29 Atrefi Ind 80 Pennies, Mall ~un-. u'. L“: A fillet of K'nndhmd, Elb’ ' lh-ql'irk'lwwnsllip, Ad‘ma county, on: Qua Hill‘s," adjoining buds of Hém‘y' «ab BQruixA, Henry Wulf,and others, ‘H At-rcs. I'unn' orlr-M—ou WISD -1%“ (In) ufJuly um, mus, uHU =du the premises, to make pur wof (he premisekafun-suid [u ypresqnmmvs offidid dwe «grand in such proparlions "in CvmmomVegltlLii di— ‘ can’ be Jna 9 without ‘ “how; but" such ge thereof, than to. \‘ ‘ y“. ‘(0 h "lvtL I uuu-I . the "Pi A Richter, q lEont‘nu’n‘; . NESIJAY, l ‘O'C‘Nfl'k, A. H. u itil‘hm or n§hmh u and nmuuggplhe , dull, in mid: min): ' Is by the laws bf t "L rested, if and: fill-Lilia \ prejudice :p or spoiling partition cluuufi he an g mlue and hmmfiae the san . ‘ ' SAMUEL WOLF}, Shtrifl'. , Sheriff's Olfivk‘. Gelly’sbugg, ‘ ‘ Jape 8,1863.‘ 3: \‘ . ‘ ' Nance. I T, . Asms 1.1 NEBLY‘S ESTATE.—}.\ncra or J ullmiuisxmliou of the estate of “his; In! hceiy, Lite of Syabzm township, Adams and ty, dcm-asfird’, hall in]: been‘granled to the uufich: signed, thg firéh nmncd .r‘esiding in cup maze: Iqwuship (and ‘gc lust named. in chysburg,' they hex-eh; glv, notice‘to all perspnb Sudrbtfl ed to said ’eslate to mnkefimmodiate pnyment,l and thr-sejlnu'iug claims against lhe same to' present, them pmperiy uutlgenficntcd for Battle: mum. { ‘ SARAH NEELYhAdm’x, I J. c: NEHLY, Adm'r. June luxsca. 6t." . ' « ‘ J Notxce. J . EO. WEISMANTIJE’S ESTATE.—Lellcrg M'mhuiniutrntion en the esuug of Georég \\ eismnnue, jato of (Jumbelland lp.;Adalns-Qi).;, deceased, :lmving Been grqnted to the, under? signed; residing in Gettysburg, h‘e hereby gives notice to all persons indebted SOS3M estate to make immedintv payment, nndjhou having cl’n‘ims hgfiinsl tbe same «W present. them prop‘erly multmicalcd for smlement. _L f . D V“) 'ZIEGLER, Adm'i’. . , may 18,1863. m ‘ ‘ ' «;A To Teachers” ' .' [IE Board f Dflectors for Gettysburg School Disjl‘iigt will mm on {MONDAY EVENING. the‘ th of JUNE inst" to [elect Teachers for thq Schfiols of said [brough— The County Superixyt’o Eryn) ,will attend m. the School bu'ilding av. 10 o clock, A: I, of said dly, to examine .uppfl’éqnl; no: in “possession of professional certificutgs. ’ . v : I'. v. cmsprd, Pru'h D. A. Bu‘uun, Sec’y. ‘ ' ' Juuel,lB63.‘v 3: y Loin} ”Eh—CUM mops, gh. finest eve: cfiered in this market, up be but! a: Dr URNER’S Drug Store. , f , x LADIES‘ Cloth for Cloaking. I. new supply, just received u. [ARK ESTOGK BRUS'. commas muss, '. huge lot 33:7; ceived from the city, In prime arder, at " EALBFLEISCH‘S. RAUPLAN‘I‘ATION mums. or 01.: Homestead Tonic, u Dr. B. "DRIVER'S rug Store. 1 k have—igst—Brcemd 1 new monmenl > of Queensware, to’vbich we invite the Ittcntion of buyers. A. SCOTT t SON. ‘ iimé—EAEIOBAH jusl receivéd n “___ggnixss'rocx unos' OTTON GLOVES, for Men and Boys. can be Ind cheap 5: EOHIQK'B. ‘ LOUIS, Cuaimeresqnd “Ming". cheufit _ ..L 4 ,_ FAHNESTOCKS‘._ lm¢lfiu 'e finenssnnmeniof Spring ad m Clothing in (on. Prdron Inuhn, 16th unma Penn'u' ”Ems 8. mm} Provost Marshal Geneml Pruvou Marshal Grnrral in. 3. ha}; no‘v 01H Dmsmx (”“131 ,m‘sTj 10TH COLLECTION msTm T, new“. ONCE—Tho Annual . District hnving been col nu of che shove Diviiioq euodand ue linble for t "nrd Tablet. Slugh med! a, ”mum. or any «mi . ifiod in tho excise luwl kc payment. 11. my 43ch i uynbncg, on or before the xt. ‘ ' , PENALTIES.—MI person who fill tn my their guns] tnxel pa More id. on rlbll‘ore the 20th thy of June, 1863. ill incurs penul ty of ten p'er untnm. addi 50 Al to th amount thereof, and costs. n'pmiid dfori the th section a! the excile I”er July, I 61. A)! pepono who Ibnll in like} In nner {a to take out thilr liunsos. is requir dby 1 ,on or before the 20th dnypl'Jnne; 863, w incur I pmllty of THREE TIMES m A mm or mld [icon-em: ncmrdancé with the ovisionl of the 59th uellon othu int lion-an? {The mnnthly useum nu fér St October, November Ind gt emben for Junuary. Februnry ‘an ilarch, 1 aka been received. and pgymont of I‘ ieqmrcd to be mndeAnt the time afar; fi-Nouzing hm Goveunment fun] received. .LOFJN L. 1“ Deputy Coliector 6th Di. isfion, 1614 .’Pennsyhmnin’. 1 1 “Collector's Ofiice, Gettysbqrg, May , ~ Public Sage. { :N pnrsufnce of an Orldew of the | Court. ofAdums counxywwin be‘( : Public Sale. upon the [.Hemises, on .mv, the 251]. day orJuxr-t‘ipsz. up ‘QFXnncy WalkerflecensodJ(heingfl Julie-l moirly or halfpnrtf) urn PLA‘ OR TRAC'FOF LANE si‘uaue in “township, Adnms county, A out i r below New (Tm-Eater. um! C pnger’s joining lnnds’ of Willinm Picking, {Man-h. John C. Crenuor, an Minors, [jug I'4B horn and 129 Perch aof LIV on the Great Conowngq. 'l‘lle‘ 1 pmvmm-ms are I. T“ mmnry‘ nWesthurhonrde-j"()USEmncl‘m ' Kitchen, Frame Barn, with ‘9l improvements; Orchard. Sl‘yri Housefi There :3 n luflicieuicy "nlfio of‘LMcadnw. 1 ‘ .Wthg-to communal at! 1 ,on said day. when unen mic: :u’ud terms made known h r _~ , .D.v.'.§w may the Court—John PlicllFlli, June I, 186$. ts ‘ "‘**—' l.‘ ; ' 1 . All Invlltad. ‘Hfiunderfignm! hive lbifi ’1 lurtarrwip in K‘HUJGT‘HA ('mnminion burin’en, I die [Hausa corner of Sutton tnd l The hlglm-‘C prim; in m: pni‘ ‘ J-‘l.uun, mm”. 1 =1 ‘ 141')?» om. r. . ~ , omm . . ‘ u ' ill kimls pf Grororlcsl Glmnos, P‘h‘lu, Salt, and eu—ry other article unmlly fun .in'our line 91' lawman, all nl'lwlliv-h~ wil a sold “bolesule And relnxl, on ‘th rlmvosl h ' Call ln'll ace us,'aud mkisfy yourfi‘l kis rc-ll; so. ‘ fl . BOLMXG‘ER t-H' Gt-Nysburg, Juno l, ”(03. 1 If, ' One‘an. AXE XOTICS.—Tho T jay to the public t. largo nd Ksplendid 5w I’hi( I ht "illsell n In in tawny—Folk“, Bug\ Ten. Salt, Fish, tan, with king ; Wobdcn Wnre, pu uer ; Tohacruq', Reg-us, ‘I WARM-HRS, TAKE NU Lo hr in your liquor-I fur‘ tithe; Thho nmnr bran div. Wmeu. “(all other‘ diqmsiug ufntshort prnl lalunys try to phase—~3l u-u sucrced. Kcmvmhrr wruerluf Ill? Dinmondfi . $lllO. I' turns—m; ‘lurfl‘n, no i so! Whiskl r liquorsl w L’lr‘. Ui\'(‘ ; d bt'licvc ‘ I”. place—q» 'iuttg'shuru. ii KALUFL ISCII‘, '5 Mn! 2:, min. . . - c——«—s~«— ' 3 ~l———~—-——~-~—-— ‘ 5 Good 13111238 from the ty ! \ . E are receiving luxce n “we ' irothC‘ ;‘ thy-t \‘urimy ol uniclos Sui ’d to ll"; .wnnu of this community, viz: Frl‘n ’unil Sal-I. vFISH, Hlms, Shoulders and Sidvs llnminj, ‘ Beans,l§:ilt,Apxrli's.Pointorsfilmngr IA-mons, I(luul'vv'x um, TOLHIL'CDF' Fog Ara, w ll many ulhvr articles in this liur—nll roach L 1 ‘in the burlOrder,qu suldutlln-lowcinprs =. Giro ulrnza callY in lhlninmre slrucl, uuarl oppqsilc ‘l‘ulxm-amoks' flare. . 4 l W AM‘l‘ZlL—lhngn, Eggs. Lnrd: and all ”ng“? coum'ry producr—lur wlliub “in highest. " clish price will he paid.' ‘ “ ' 1 l} snuvmwvsmz t msu ZKEY. il ’ Gettysburg, May 18, la'uti. 3m '2 ._....__ 7 V _ v- ._‘_,__,r.__.~_ l I‘. Audmtor’s Notxce.‘ ‘ . HE; undersigned, Auditor unpainted to IT mm dislribuiion ul' l_lx(**lmlnli¢c reunfl'iuy in; in line bands of ('hr‘isiinu K:lurl'm.m nnd‘ "Henry Kaufman, Emu-nuns of Henry K-aulr 'mnn, decmwd, \u and nmuugst the parties llegnlly g-ntitlod llwrem‘ will m miss oflicvfln 'Gi-nysburg, on MONDAY, the lb'fh Jay oi" [JUNE next, at 10 A. 1,10 disclmrgg the dulies . of sail-idtnppoimmenu when and limb all p."- l‘liean‘erv’st mny intend. , ‘ * _ 1 , E. B. BL‘EULER, {indium lldy 25, 166%. td . x ‘ Auditor’s Notice.“ THE undersigned, appomu-d Audil‘gr by the Orphuu's Court of Adams county, to did-v \rlbute the [unlance‘remuining in ”m; lmnds of Jacob Unveratuck, Adm'inislratot or the cstzlw of Peter Liner-stack, deccnsed, w .'ud among the panics legally entitled to rerc‘u‘i the same, will attend at his office, on IQEFDAY, the luck any ofJL'NE, 1363, ”'lO o'cluck, A. I, ‘jor we purpose of his Appqiuiment' whenflund ” Inlet In inteno‘itlare roqnesfod to A, J. COVER, 'Audllor. {63. td -' , ‘ _V...._.’__ .udltor's Notice. Irsigned, Auditorappoilited by the ‘_ i-7 A‘qf (‘onnnon Ple's of Adams county, :0 distribule‘oKhe balance in the 11 nds of R. )lcCundn Esq.,\chu¢-strator of the aunyslmrg Railroad Comp mi. 10 and «mongs‘tghc pzlrlil's ‘legally en‘tiued harem-mu hilabcond' uc count~will sit to crform the duties or his appointment, at his oflicc, on SMI‘URDAY, .tho 2021. 0! JUNE_ in . 'All nert'pns having ,Bunds‘of mid RuildeSQnu-an], which were not prgsentéd m the Audlfi at. his previous sifting, are requested to pr‘ cnt li‘lcnf to him on um day, .1. C. NWLYrAuditor. ‘JunelylBB3. id \ _ , Auditor’s Notice} l’ HE Audimr‘ appoinq'ed by thé \Orphun's 1‘ Court. of Adams county, :0 upon distriog bulion of the balance in the bands’of Mrnlrdu (Hildebrand, Administrator will: fly; Will nn-‘ nued of John Bowman, deceased ‘to the par—l tin entitled thegelo,'will meet all [renting in; terestodafor um purpose 0! his upmlnlmcm, at} “It: oflict; of H. k W. )lcClenuLin Gettysbui-g, ‘ 'on THURSDAY, the 25”: d‘uy “JUNE inst, at [0 o'clock; A. M. . . x ‘ ‘ f WM. HcCLEAX, Auditor June 1,1503. td. ' ‘ ' Queenswgre.‘ ; 1" you yum puythingin' the QUEENSWABE I line cull m A 300”; so“, where you will find the beatnslortmn: in ion. , lurch 24. 1862. ' / LL the but Patent Medicides gun be 11803 A «In. new Flmily'Drng and Rrescription tom 0! . _I Dr. R. BURNER. BS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP, for M children, at Dr. B. HORNFBJ'S Dmg =I SHAKBRS, the nigut Ind besfitaortmeni in town, At ‘ . HcILHEh’Y'S. ECK TIES—A bunfifu! as'ortmenl u. N , McILHENY’S. ' ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, in great. va- L riety, M - » SGHIL‘K'S. B. TOBKAS' celebrated Derby Cpndltion D Powders, for Horses and Cuihc, for 5:10 IL Dr. HORNER‘S Drug Store. ‘ _ ' L‘Y‘CERIXE and TCAXTPYIOR SOAP, fov G preventing and curing the hue: ul’!us-, quiloes and qxher inn-nu. at ‘ ~ . J» DB. [2. HURNI‘ZR’S Dgug Store. ‘ 1 County Treasnyer. ‘ ’FVPOURLGED My many lriendl. l ofl'ermy. J soU'ns uncaugixlule kw C(H'NTY TERA» 3 mum, at th; nu: ulcetiun. fuhjert to the de ’cisiun of Ilia homoennic County i‘oh‘renhun. fihould I he an fortunnm as to be numimm-d land alerted. I pledge mylelf (o dilrhnrgc 1m; du‘ties of‘thé omen “him“, and promptly. JACOB SUEADS. Goltpbntg, Kay 9, 3863. w! ' ‘ =I Hellman! far this I . mpleled, all nu . tho In" been m on during". Cattle, Manufac- In or occupation nro regum-d to {he Borough of 204.1: d“, 0! June ~— County: Treagnrer. ‘ NGOURAGED by mu] friendsnlmfler ny— ,sclfu I candidue for COUNTY TREAS HR, It the nut. election. subject to the de- ‘ cilion of the Demon-mic Chunky Convention. Should I In: so furlunnte as to be nominnkd ‘ and electef‘l,‘l pledge myself :0 diséhnrge lbe‘ dutiea of the office faithfully nnd promptly: ‘ - ,- nmmm' n. Audit. 1 Gettysburg, ”my ljl, [863. 1c ~ ' ‘ 1 EING frequently solicited. Pom-r myself As a cnndidnto for the offing of CQUNTY T {EASURKIL subfict to~lhe decigion of ’lhe Democngic Counlylgmrentium, Sbnhldl be nominated and doc (I. I pledge myself media cbarge the dutiel q} mg olce faithfullpnd promptly. y ; JACOB mom Gettysburg. Aprig 2'l, 1863.; lc . ' te'mber. 62, and 3. hnvh “min d. I, ill b. 0 THE vormns or ADAMS count;— ,Fellow-cm cum->801»! onconnged‘ by numcronq Iriengg, i ofl‘e: myufl'm your con sideration u a ~undidne .r tho (mice _of CLERK OF THE COURTS, At the next 210%. tion. subject to the decision of the Democratic County. Convention. Should I receive tlu; num'mmion mod be elected, I shall QM} npprp oinlr- yunrconfinlonmmnd promise to dischurpk the duties ol’tlm oflicc promptly and with fidel ity. . _ ADAM MISTER. r- Ell phmn‘s 1 red at ! nuns. {v nteroet w undi- TLXL‘ION } ‘mding f‘n mile l‘nu .d- Franklin "7., April 6,1863. tc G. UARIL will be A candidate for-tho . Demon-mir- nominmion for CLERK Ul“ THE COURTS. Should he be successful, lu pledges himself to use pvery pmp‘er ext-film) lur election.‘ [llny 4. _1563. Lu- 55nmuul damnin lL situate, . Clerk of the Courts. : ' ,_ G. WOLF wiH boa candidate for.CIjEBK H, OF THE COURTS, subject :0 m. deg cision 01%th Democratic Coumy Conventlbn. Getlysbur'g,¥ay 11, 18GB: (cu : .‘JCOURAGED by a number of my friends; E 1 (”HI myself as n candidn‘le tor lire pflice of ULERK’UF Tm: (:qnm‘s‘ M Ilm cognihg clectinn. Rulrjcrt lo the dvcision of the 'meo cr‘utic Cnumy- Cnuvenlion. Should I he so. fnrtnnntc as to be nominnted hnul'clhcflgd, I pledge mygclf to discharge the duties of the ollice faithfull}. _ ' i : . x . NICHOLAS B. _SHRIYHR. -' Stralmn tp., April 6, 1863. ‘jlc V ‘ 2.- Clerk ofthe Courts. NCOURAGED by a numh‘rr of myfriends, E I ngnih bfl'er mym-lfus n mndidntc foylhe uliice of CLERK 0!“ THE COURTS, at, the running electiun, subject to lh'c decikLnn of thg Democratic County Convention. Should II bl su fortunate M to be elected, ! plgdge myself to dischfirge the dutißfi of um oflicé faithfully. ‘ ‘ » JACOB SANDERS. = , Mountplcn‘lsanltpq Mar. 23,‘18U3. ‘ _ l ‘n L “ml. -‘ lfvrs llmt ‘> v ' RBST. Directer of the Poor. ; _ WE are réquested to nnnnnnce ANDREW __SHULTZ. of Lnlimoru lownahipflna n cmdhlnte'l‘o¢ Director at the Hour, at thegnuxt election. subject to flu deviliou of the Upmo (-rnuc Counly Convention ' June 1, [863. to DM - would i-iving - ' Hams, -r Imusc Syrups, Ind. and st num- } Id‘derpig-n ‘ny. ‘he‘i; re k ‘Ol Gm . in any 0!. : , Hollis-ye . Payton, .' up ix; dad ~ kc. ‘ : Clerk of V ‘l‘ the soliciutlon of‘n’nmerous Mo 1", I A ufl'cr m‘welf as a mnflidutu {or the" [Tu-c 910” an QRTHE C()UKTS,III. flu- eu uiug clcution', subject to the dcvisiun‘ol' the I um (-rxnic Cnuxn‘ty ('omention. Sllnuld Y 8:5“ {urtunnle‘fia to be nominated augl aloe d, I plwlge nujsdlf toediachnme llm dines-o Un ufficuéto (be best. ofi'my ability. “ - 1 J H~ JAMES ‘J. FIE lp.’,Apri|2o,JßG.’L 'm 4 V . _'- ‘ .JV. 7_‘-_,:._;.._'. New. Warehouse. ‘ ()0 BUSHELS. 0F 61 - WANTEDmNh'PMwI ca "arose, in (‘urfislc siren, In I .11 But-Mex”! .cs’tuhlislm‘xam. rkel price will nlwuys’ be )Q. 09 way. is the a. “nu rl) I In: u- a call. ire-1y of buthcnst Oxford 100. and Produ iug Shun. hiulmsl m cash for GRAIN; 'Always ‘ prgfiu, I 603310 TRY I" salismcli . .\val'HDY & DIE I:g,Mnyll,lsl'J-l. ly< ‘t 1 “...—.._ AA‘ Small Farm . x 0 H‘i‘OßE smxn‘ An: Pun'A'rEs A —T e} sulvcriM-r, desiring lo rem the Westgoifvrs M, Private Sale, HIS F situate i ‘ loufitplgnnnt mwnshi’p, courrty,'n' the ribw ‘State road from G (burg to H hover, Ibonl. bmileu from %e place, Adj _ining ’lnndc of Peter Bmin. , Rimming , {and others. conuinlng ,48 more or I 33', of excellent. farming land—l- JOIH‘I'ESR first-ratelfieadow-lnnd. The impr i'gmgnts are a large One slory Pr» 6 llOUSE,with Kit'ehe‘n «um-bedn an frame and pan, log ‘ ' , Barn,Wn Von Shed and A large new Ho I'eu; I ncvcrfa lug well ofrnter near the dlor; a good you‘ giflpple Orchard, with s. vnribly oi uzhzr frui uees 0n the promin’csh i WK" sons Wishing to View the [urtpcny .will cull n the subscriber, living lhcrqn .' JACOB Gusnrxx. Cet>ltvnb April 6' 1863. am ; Dramage Plpes. 7 E HE n Gel-signed Img flow on hand, null con tinu ; in manufaaum, lilrg'e qmmtiflcs uF .AR’I‘HE DRMNAGEPlPES,which>hq‘oll'crs lq {‘urnia «in! buy at 7 cents pcrfoot. Eur the drnlnigg fhllnrs, km, n9thing lieu" énp be uied, T e] have been-tried in dim-rcn‘ part; of the coup”, v‘rilh entire success. Ilia manu factory is mm; Lilly's )lill,'_in Oxford xofinuhip'. Dost offic'P g’ddresa, New Oxford, Ad‘nmsi‘cong. 1)“. Pa. 2 ‘ ‘ ' . ' : , Speci ng’nf thePipu can be seen ui Peter Hmimfl’n''n Gettysburg. ' . , “ ‘ Alvrii ‘7, 1363. 3m JOHN BECKMKN. THE _ ST ‘burg, w NULAS. lowest 1i lnrly. e VEGET. markets Give ‘ n! to «12:1 tendon \ . . \Mny 4‘ \c l TACO] Q ad: Schw-rl cbunty.‘ undeni they be domed i meat, I mine to for setll -; Ally it?! per,“ hufng‘ I] fir". mun‘ county, I Adams c persona { module! against j thanticn L County; Treasurer. Clerk of the Coufls. Clerk of the. Courts. Clerk of the-Courts. of all kinds, ‘ noun, SEEDS. ‘ :1 hand and [or gale,“ the 3m LT, fisn. ¥ ', r * - (:lnucmms,.&c.,» thlesulo and re We shnH ‘do our best. t< hi all cusos. , . Green Grocery. - alleraigned hM' o‘pened a GROCERY. BE in Chumhershurg ‘slreel, Gettys rg he ofl'cru COFFEES, bUGARS, .\s, Inn, ha, of all qualities,.nt ,the ing profits. fle nlloJru-eiwea'regu cry week, a gener'nl assogment ot BLES, nice And‘fi-esln, from film city ' Alla FRESH AND SALT FISH! ‘e n 68”." I ingend to do buai‘ness so rue success: 3! ‘ enure cure hm! nt in be bestuwed‘ifpon it. . j . ‘ JEROME WALTER. - 1363. m ' . Notice. ' f SCHWA RTZ’S ESTATE—Mums of iatmtion ou the mute cg 3420 b ,Ing of Mounljpyituwnship, 'Admns dec‘egsed, having boon gmutedito the uedh aiding in ilk nme tqymshipi a ably fix}? ‘notice to ‘tll pe’taons in: . laid :1 la la nuke immediate may .a thou ile'ag claims ugninat we prgsent the property authenticated mént. 1 VI_SCHWI\RIZ.' , \ ‘ _JA OB SPHWARTZ, -‘,1863‘ 6!. A Adminismfitorl. | ! Notioeg‘x L ‘ [l.lO. szzn’s PBTfiEp-Lezrers eplnry on the estate of .Snmw] 0. Me pf Littlestowu, Atlnmlcn.,dcpmsad, )eei: granted to 11m undonigqed, [he 'diresiding in Julmsvijh, H I deuck yd“ nnd [lu- lnfl unmed’jh Littfithuwn, minty, they hereby gix'g no'ine Cd all nduhted to uni camte Io m‘kuhn- Inymcnt, any! those havifiu Ichums :e mum: to present them proper»; su- Ed 101' settlement. 1 JOHN )USZF. WM. McSHEBI Exec-u £863. 6: “ MMM swmmm F 113; . {mummy \~,.,rnxu.r o!,fly‘nfig t ‘1 n" .. n in” RS 9 candh‘mtr fiur'fihtfioéfie 0' .\l'Lt/ Fifiun‘fivgl rd Um ticonv'rm M ‘3O “(.n‘, . F m" ‘. ‘vmiun. S‘uyni‘dThO numh'r'm-lt ILhl‘ l-IP!‘U‘d,l pledge myu‘u m‘dir‘ clmv‘gu thu- dunes m the nflicn Tammi“ . ~ .IIENILY BEH’tER. Moumjuy‘ (p., ”:11 9;, 18433. té‘ Sherifl'alty. g, T we soficitulion‘ of numerous Mandi. I A (fife-t nun-H's: n candidnm for the oflied or SHERIFF, an, the ensuing olrction, suhjld to the decision of the lkm'wcmlic-Coumy Cone rentiun. 81.03:” I he so foul-mu Halo 5. nogllingk-d and 'e!ncted,‘l pledge nyuH‘ to M 54 uhufgr thy duties of the ofllce to the h?“ o! my ability. mm. P. Ransom. {Gettysburgpllnrch 30, 1863. ‘13.“ ‘ ' Sherifl'alty. ' rfimwmmzaxs or ADAMS 00.: [Ming been imponnnod for Inmuimo Im become a m‘ndidma for we office of SHEIUEI”. fI now announce :11eran candidate for lull nfliceflmbject to the Democnflc Nominulng Convention.) Should I be to lortunnte :- to be .nominnwd Ind elecml. I promhe lg dlt' charge the duties of Mid omca‘ promptly lid with fidnlity. Your obedient “rum. ~ V , ZACHARIAH IYSIS. April :1, 1863. u; Shertmt‘Yra ’COURAGED b; numerousfiiiendlfl m 4 nun-If as. n candidnlo‘ for the all“ of . HEIEIFF, subject. In the decision oftbesDuny pcralir County Convention. Should Ihe bani inniml and glean-d, l plodgmn) self to dist-luv” (1m dmies of flu: “mop with pmmptnau and impartiality. JOSEPH A. URENDUKEF. lloumjoy [p., April 27, 1863. t 5: ~ ‘ . Sheriffalty. {WELLOW Cl'l‘[ZlCNS:—-M the efmcng 11, , “(‘H'Hiun of many frion-la in all ”mar the mummy, J ufi‘r‘r mysvlf ua'n >rxmdldMn for flu: ofl'u‘o of SHHIHFF. n! the m-KL flurli‘on, snbjort tn rhc docisinnnf the Dcmocml' Coun ty Unfiveution. SquM Iche nnmimffml mid cloned. I pledge myselfio disclmrge the (huh! of the oflica mummy and prumptly . , .. K Am,“ nfinmr.‘ ‘ Franklin 19., April I’7, {503; k." ’ ‘ ‘ Sheriffalty. T‘NCHURAGEI' Ix; nunmum friends. I‘nfl'tr h myself as n x xrv'idzlu [or the uflice of SHERIFF, nuhjycl h‘: '.th Jeriaiuu of the Dem oc tic 'Cmmly Conn un'on. Should Ibe mm inlrs‘cd nnd’eiecwd, I plum” m 5 £0“ to dilchar'c the duties loe Moog-H: prumpl-ncsa 41nd "mummy. ‘ . l 5531”“? EIKER. Frceduump.,Mny‘lfilfi/lil. Ic. - 81.11 NCUUILHH‘LDJ E self ml 3‘ ennl'lj non elu-liunksulu‘c 'l)cmncralic (MuuLy numixi-ncd mid elm thc dulh-s of El!" ow pnr‘Llnlily. _ ‘ Mountplmsnut tp. Reglster .8: Recorder. . ~ 'l' the suiidtmi'on n!’ nnymmuu {til-“dun I A agnin ulfi-r I") :10" us n‘TEnndiduLo [or lhn ocht‘ a! HINSSTICHk RECORDER, n 1 flie‘é‘nsn ing (-h-cliun’,suth-l 1 “MM; decilillonfthe Demo cmlic County Unuvgmion. 91:0th 5 be .an fmhumlc nil lb. be [nun‘nin‘nlc-l nml elected, I pledge myself 15 dimhnrge the duties ol the office to the post. or ‘my nbimy. ~ ‘ - 1 fl«A. w. FrAcagMpNG. Gettysburg, .\lnrchfio, 1363. cc” ' . _ Registers &. Recorden; ;; V T the solicitation of mnncronmm‘éndi: I A again ochr m‘vsulfnn a. run-livlmcfifqr'lho qfliu' (yflifiGlS’f’ik, macmmlmm mo ennq’a ' goiwtiunfiubjccl In llw doyielimwfihn Denm :uiv (‘.unuty Convention. Ehuuld 1 b 9 an foruualo as to, be unmn’mtour und plot-led. I pledge lll}'$(’“f1t0 Mirth : . I'nu, (huib‘s of the uflicc In thahcn‘of’an?" " '. ‘- ‘ ‘ ' Liberty {p.,iMny 1.1, ML Register «flu-Recorder. 'l‘ flu- SnHrituH-m qt un- frigmlu,‘l ofler A mgsoh as a nilhiidntq fur the pint-00f IH-JlHfi'l‘j‘JlS JL lU’ICUHUIIJN, Fuhjt'lfl [it “)an cieiuu uf the Dtgum-rmjc' i‘nunty (‘.mtvculion. Shmml I he nmnimuynl‘ um; r-lm-Lcd, T [Hodge myuflf to prrmrm lllc (tluied of the «flit-c. with prnmmnets. _ A: P. UAUQMRR. April'zo, Imm. lc , e “...-" »~—»- A ,_.,_ .«-~ “—"“—-f"-""A - ‘Registcr‘_& Recorder, ‘.. {- A‘IN ‘ min "trim- The d in C. nest K‘ T the sofio‘mtton of numerous Mend. hi A mgcoumy‘nna Cm our urgimem may ! mil-pm) sell‘ us n. cnndidntc'fur mime...“ Human}: & “momma. mine: 1 the db cision of the Democutickcouyty meutiod. Show“ [be no fortunate us Lu be nominated and clcqled, I picnlge myselfto disclnrgo .1. dutbgs of £1»: oflice lo the but ur my AM“? c SANUBB LILL f mm P. .\L, m, 25,1863. m. . il. give Register 8: Record‘er. ALE. r ve to mm, dams ‘ Mya " utter Payer .cru, ‘bont .\‘COUR‘AGP/D'by any Mendy; l ofler qty ; syll’m a rmdidnte for the oqficu oLREOIB< {EEK k. RECURWR, M, the next cloclion, uh. jest us time deviation of the Det'nocnxjo County Contention; Should! be no {ortnnnh ”to be nominated nnd clocledJ pro-ho“ db charge ihe «inflame! the olice to the but,“ my shihly.‘ ' WI. K. (in-MON... Gettysburg, Afrrfl 2'1;‘1363. ‘0 " ‘. Registh Br. Recorder. . 0 THE VUTERS 0|“ ADAMS m:— T A: the lii-pent s licitnt'wn of um, 10!!" my=clf :38 n cnndxdgel lor REGISTER i ll- CIJRDER, subject to me dbcisiud onho Demo cmn: '(‘uumy Conwqun. Uonsci'oun' o! my thty to discharge thfiutics uf lln- nuiueinud newly of the profits nfghum‘nmeJ ylcdga my self (0 fnimlqny di-Mmrge the Putin 9nd. pocketvthc profile if £qu pouplé are kpuni enough to cluu. me. ’ ‘ UH. FjTZGKRALD. Mnl-Heum‘n, June 1, 1336.1; [(2 . 5 ’ . New Goods. 081‘ rawivcd'fimn} Sew ank and I'M]:- (I ‘4klphin, the large“ flock in tow-:0! Broad Clan", 1, ‘ ‘ -. m . 4 81mm” (Molly‘s, _ _. ' Cusxsimoren.Tm-q,la, ‘ ' ~. . Drillingsjmd Yutiuz'l. Benhflfql styles, “'0”; nsmrtcd; hang!“ for duh mud m“ M) 3:11 chcnpq‘or the uncle.— magm- cmjl mom a them. ' ’ ’ - GEORGE ARNOLD. flay H, 18473. I: Pinking' AS RECEIVE!) H‘S ( 2 * spmsa AND SUMMER (:Louwzqh ll cum; ONE, ,UUMHAALL. .‘ ) .‘3131863. ~ ‘ ___ Y‘7 1 __A --——~r—-~—————-—-§-——'-—&—--- ‘ To hCgmgflnnakers. .« TO REVT, ’ti llrgé Threemuiry fifijcK ("JACH SHOP; on Fuurlh’urefl, BfMge pun. lh’is one of the he". locations fa? butl ness in ‘ on ‘vomer- count . A l to k’ 1 1.23% 3353 mm. Norriuown‘, kn. . May 18, 1893. ‘ _ Synng Goods . \L' 'l‘ A. SCUM & sows -Wc—inyue me at tention of buyers to our stock‘ of Spring 'Goodq, which wnthprwhl cheap, manning M . * LADIES’ nwss tummy ' ‘ almwh, Cloaking Clovhayemw no. ‘ For Men'u , and nnys‘ wont, we ‘huvp :Clusm,~onninoru, Comings, Vesta-gs. with \(g variw of Cotton ndes, ken, kc. um nhd seg. ' May 18,1868. A. $O9" 8; 808. a - , ..._____.-m.- ___. .. ~ JUST ‘aeceivéd at yxcxm‘g's s£ring and qumer Clothing. Come‘gna n d all. ‘ HAWLS. in fiery-variety ind" the Illa“:- styles from New York, for ulé cheap 1: A mm: chs'. 1 ‘OLLOCK'§ ”NAIR-Aha pp cu", and tumhuking pugvder in use—‘- Dr, Bl _flflmfifltilnug Riv-«rs. ‘ _ '/ A _ _ 115 T man-g ~ n‘ 1: mum)! at}?! in’ ( NtsSuz' uudt: - “Mast .' -§ ‘ \ _ , . I'. l'LjLflE'XY’ N Ann‘s. if -.\ .—’. v." 'u 52:: n splendid u\ gamut-Mu. 53|O\‘$,Llld-L:RNOI'B.08"!“ _ \ » , _ a : mmnurs, . ‘ -I j ‘ ‘ z 4: ¢ 3.“ TJL‘HE ‘GRQVSD BK’XCYTEf‘ ‘seim‘tod‘ find , [ground eqnessy f 0; {.15 WBCWPME DIE-R’s Kw Drug-. 891?“ ‘ ‘ ‘ ora. . _ I“__-.. . ...—aw . lfi‘alty. ( l many frivmls,‘ on‘eljmy lulu for Sl] BRIEF nt‘ the ‘l' to the dvvirion of the hnvo’tipn. Shgnhl‘lho n-d,hpfumi=n to perform ceuith fidelity n'nd 1m- JUIIN .\chAS‘l‘Eß. Apfill;,lflvl3.. mi" _0 .8 .1 D )lclN'flflkj SIM