The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, June 01, 1863, Image 2
UZNIEMPM 't” Grampilrr.‘ OUR FLAC I The union of ‘llk’fithO union of lands—— Thu Uniqy' or smm: rinne «null! sever; 'l'hu unloxfi o'r lc'enhi—Lhehg'l‘nfon' uflundh— Aml I‘m Fhlg of our Union furJvérl 7' m. {' 9791px, :mro: up "ovum: apru-awm ur- limp“ uonnxmgnmm 1, p 36; hidcmfio swig comrmom' ' fur-mun to n renal-{Na}; adopted by the quocnllc‘Spu Cent“! Commitue, flu; 00n - yenfiql Qf‘Dalegntea, chosen; by His ngél-ruts throughout the State, willnsscmble’nt HAlL };lsqum,“ wmmuspu. JUNE Minds. ‘o‘ H o’clock, A.’ M‘, to nominate Canmmel , [or (logging-«ad quon or 1-ns_Sv:p]nu: Conn}, to {up pqurtrd by the friends 9! [the burnout): and Uigolmtlhg ”suing eluttian. The Convention wxll also give expression 10. file sentiments of the [hmocrus of the State. also, ’whllo their ’policy 'would lmvg averted prueot dinners, “Jill, anFflhcleil, devotn tlie Mug» ktuiogsn; 9! ourgreat Party quesc‘ue the Constitution and the Union, um: one from glurplflon, thi other from fixml disruption. . ‘ - t . ,r. w. Huang, " ' C’hulrm‘livhemocrftic §tnte gin. Com. '7 Potuvillo,flny :9, 1863. * ‘ ‘ I=il T 0 DEMOCRATIC EDITORS. ~ The “Dynamic editors of the Sum an: n:- Ifectfntlx gnviufl [9 attend I meeting In Har fllblp'g, on Wednesday, tho um of June.- ‘lflppjgpu b! Imfiguqcc will '2‘": pubmiued. . bemomdf pnpewpleue cqpy. ‘ ‘ T ”We lhvlio the «xncqflon 0(4ho Demo ‘cr‘flc" ”on of the: ‘Stnm to the Ibgyo cull, ,copied {may film Pittsburgh Post, fbrn meeting 9! “In! Dcfimic edito'rs of Piling-Hank, M. lhnllliyrg,‘ou the ”mar Juno next. A hill nmdtuce is desired, no business or great Ilmpox-Ilumue will gmwbmiuede-Aya. mm mm} IN INDIANA 0n gm: first huge will be found the pro; 'éoodinp of the great mi“ meeting of the Democracy of Indhnmheld at lndinnnpoliei, {an the 20 h me. It. Will bo'seen that. the yummy-fire out in full fog-oe, pm?! that. "put; ppsaible attempt was madé to iritiml ~4s}. ' ghd ovuruwe the p’eoplo, But. the A mum failed not in the}; duty to their par ' I,]; and {ho glémopstyuiiop wnaoue of tho grandqst {l9d mos; imposing that. ever took ‘plnoeln me gallant State of ludiaua. /'l‘ho prooegqmga' Ilwuld be extensivqui'lmbllsh ed and rénd lhrougllofit the entire country. ‘ In tho .lnngungo of ncontempornry, they tell the fwrful story of Hz; stride of mili tary pow;- in a. free an}! loyal State, and the‘guppresand fury with which it is regard pd byfile peopl‘o. _ ... ¢ _ who Démocrnoy of Philadel‘p‘fiia will boldfl grand Mass Meeting ill] ’quepen' (fence .Squgre this evening, to express their Inwfijqq glvtlgnprbilrnryNl-rés—t. priu} by milituy oommiakion.‘n|}d‘cxile ol Hon. C. I:.anhu3ighnm. '{he meeting willdoubt less be myflyfiegqg one. ~ Advertisement Publishtnla Gratin—The fol-_ so!!an advertisement in the Oshkosh (W 135 cousin) Review, shows that thel‘o hits {been It boner-AI change 9! bags sinéo tho access: inf} ‘of the Abolition dynasty to power}: Some of on} pmannipntinn and nnmigama-i itidp gentry shohld uppiy for the comfortn-l hie pqsitipu.‘ A. while mnn’s danghterl "(round 51‘ one of 313° family.” by “rupee! taliiq maimedP {olk .we should ihink would 1 Pa inconceivabiy 15?”: i ; :‘WAaf'rnD.—Bya espoctable colored fam-~ ‘ly. p bright-intelligglt white girl, to surve I] the. gngllty yse servant. Such 11 girl "in? (I?qu $OOl wages and be tr‘mletl macaw th.“ untidy. Somme»; us tn hon. PC” Intel Luella required, Addrfiu X. Y Z. Oshkosh P tOfiice. “ —r-—- «a. . _~.~=—~- "4"" a m etih’ nl9 noticing a minding of the “'lZam- My Society.” a venerable Democratic ms aocialipg in New York city,‘n Monday aiming ivack. thriller-aid (one us Ligat— “Ttgppp was agingge 'qlgcwdnnan of, me memv hem of this; the 9“pr politic-a 1 organiz'i; lion in this muuu-j’. 4m! prominent among (hem muting Han. Julm Van Burcn, who took ‘ in lively interest in the proceedingsfl-‘ ‘Ylml’s in Ith windf_ “as Prince Johnl lo“, the Lang-new already? He did say oh a former occa‘sion, ivhen he cdncluded to 2‘th 0M of ihe DBJ'HOOMHO coach? that a .1 . . . may) new: {9lth Rncorqforlnhlo In 1116:: while of the Damocmtig putt 5 nqd pop ]nps Lingo he “concluded to VNHC" uiis secondjime. helm; but] angtlwr smack of homolgigknags, 47 " i ‘ I “ —-—————-u.» _— an is suited that Governqr finkonmf Igdiané. has takep qdecided Mtion in op positiop‘to agy‘fyrther fists ié that State bymilihry'luthorifies. 'fifmv. Gunin should yako the same position in behalf of 1.110 citi gem pf the! 01d Keygtone. ' ' ”The NeW~York Post statee tlmt .gudge Lenin. who refused Mr. Vallandigljmm's’ np‘pliesfion for a writ. of halaea: corpus, is “a life-longbémocntl’ WQ thought as much? The Boston Put was not far from right win-n it ”linked that whenever you heu- n Re~ publiéln pope? spell—k of a man as a ‘_‘life-. Jung, Democrat,” you may 50 sure he is a met-JO- .'. ‘ ”The Mbnny Argu says the returning - Midi” 130qu afonlhuainsm fchClellwn, Whey} ”km? why McClellan failed on the ' yeah-5:15;)», gpsg’ell': “ Becauae‘he had ~,sro armle- to‘ponlepd. with—the rébels in goal, ‘9” q». fiolfitiohns if; the tar.” ; jurnr. J. B. Mimhall, qr neueron‘é, xhg 3m: joined (hp quon Lama there. banana 'out. ppblig)’ in a card, :nd “up: pin! is irill 11.6 n ‘mora to do with it. . __-. ...- __.__._ ‘ fl'No prominent mW in. the: Néqlhfiu ever proposed asap-1360a pf. phe States, or a cessation of thé war 0" $ll9, Myf gigolntion; the only membets pf pm“!- party yhp have urged the. breaking I pp qf “”0 pgiqg, he” wen Republicans. - ‘WWW’P': nttentign ! You said if 91d ”9° goth! bane n Broclnmution deck rieg {M959 to thy alqyes, yog wquld join the my and make it “warm.” The he?“ mm“ m a. w word wm: am'r m vnhmrszey? - ~ ’ ~ , if: 7273’?“me “* 31"" i '_"'*""'“‘T““‘“““" " ' 1' "‘1 THE jmu‘ 0! THE 'UBIflQ ER SS.)limflllnn.Afllll';lfpllHihfl a do? to inisguture ' . ' " - .. warm-r. n~lory pronpi he can“ iry.—-. 7' [hoiurexj Ind Uni. by T 9“? "bruit Ofi'l'ha free immutinm of this edumry Mil Mr. angnmhghamz cont nuu m in. ac: he;paregain-edit)”mil-original puruymndj more than an ordmnry n‘iura ofpiniarrr justice, Wl-HCil I»; now trampled unvh-r Ibol.. attention in Hue Nurtherh, Enlérn, “if“! rivill. yet resumu her weptro. thre Willl Northwextern Sum. 'Fh¢.principisl Ii _ 'the accuser-I null the judgnof Mr. Valinn-i hto the ean m] R 3 blienn ahjw I; tiighmr} stand then? And Win" cnndemnn— nu _ _ ‘ ' “qu ‘ . ‘.ll‘oq Will be hurled against than by the Qemzcnjnu; “12"} one '32:"! 9135 p? nl— vimwmi trihunni 9r publiqiolliuion ‘.’-—Age. me a‘ew .'or unex~ q npeflao ey \A —-- ....T...‘ —._ i. i lon Hm lulugcg.jy dermal“!!! at this. fine v Lmlanfl 3 WWE INSANE. ‘ i adopted by Gerrard] Burtmider The [Kev ['From the Syncqse Couricr and Union.] York Wurld, {he [Jr/mini [fem/Al, Tiikuna,’ These midnight arbitrary nrrnts have Pod, and Juurnal of (Uni/rifles, nll Zunitie in T“);“';" “2“"? lih'flln ”‘9 ““3 “(am $31!”), . . . . . .' (’2: is u wno Imy nre utme . nun ’ f‘gl'r-‘h'h-T 1’“ Miloqun “I 8 mf‘igk‘l' _flS ifiqong tlmulurdy Oak is stricken lion n, the dung i.m pnnciple ""1 dung'éram‘m . pm‘ct 3" ingwine which hm! twinedzi’NPifarnund it,‘ 'lhe Saw York Post; In yin articlc‘ntt vhu- “mi garhmdod'iu wra tnunk and broad ted to the pen of thp'miior ediinniiMr. braiyching arms with its graceful drapery Bn'uut, whilst uclénoModéingtbe “‘o‘ 1’ nse‘i M in?" or ilurters. falls with It. or in torn greener“ Bum 'l‘ lb' thp‘ if?“ or {III/w“, gag; xiililitifix‘ii?“ the gelimi Emil and ‘par ‘ P'LUO I’o“?“‘Piafiqinrypi’i‘flndid““Mi . 1p Daygon, there was aj gnnlie woman. in in cxprps'uinm of ioyaiiy.” thinldfs tat it lmiaQ-Iylin yen-son. agreeqhhf‘ in nin ner, the’ qxproqsos “dnnuerous failucias whiz?! cup-ht i liféTnf‘s circle nfapprecmlmg .rneiida, edu to be 0x21" _ ‘ ' cam}! m’xd refiney. She; With Wonmn's ‘ , ~I ~ . 1‘ - ' i'. strv‘ngth of instinct and} nfl'ectinn. ‘hmi fin-'70:! assem- that. Mr. Vnihmrhg ham LWi mi around unq’mnniy “9“], the ('iinfi'ing' _ has neither cqmmmed aways-{Cacti of ‘ w ‘ tenhrmf‘of woman’s heist «iffcciipnq nn: q" son, nor waisted the inwn ;‘ that. “no guv- the'Lgenial hopw and blisufhl vi~inna of wo é’rmnonls aml ‘ho authorities mu— to br- eh] I 'l'“ r’; firing: “fl‘gpp'?fs§;n'l hrme. 1‘ _. . . . . ,htle (em I In“ 0 mu lll' H, Wmn on _V a? “hove (”hm'im' 5" OV9" denuncmt n,’ ; thieves. burglars. and “Amusing .tulk abrontl, litid that there is no other way 04' on lect- - “t Zri'clock in thé ‘moming' the “0.8 gm . ing their faults or' restraining th it 1. mn- ‘ filed by unusual and disturbing mundafrohl nit-n “tlm_n by opm} and hold dist-hrs: n." isleeir, pet-chance from hlixaful visions, P‘i” The. llmton Churicr, in disc‘uvulng the pub- . films.“ fromdremlns 05%;!“ pong-'2; 22:” - . ' ' . 0 me u n w noses n rnrm u y 3095, boldly «my! _in“ Mr: \fiillanthuhuni”pg-CL“? r 3316) as the grails lupplnofl }tt‘ "‘hm bvchunluwfuily ut‘resta}.lmdbus on hpflll‘rpsent “f“. the whole stay of her f‘x.‘ put, on trial helm-e an unlawful con min. In ymru. sLike the startlml {.'an. Shel don ;" thutthe chnrgm nguinsthim i‘n e of "Wait" '0 I'9le bl” $1“. 11“} like “1“ 5‘34"; no conscrtltmco. conditlm'in': tlm‘t the ”o'l t'mvn “7" run A‘mnc‘wely fr"?! ”i 0 who's roceuxli ' is ille “I (v: i I] l' Haunth that hienncetldnngr‘r. Cill‘lg’ln; tn ‘ ' P _O5 . L“ 3‘o out, in ’.O the pule of h'tm who we: her tleh-nrlm‘ and Echnrucmt’whtch, il'nubnn‘ttud‘tnfil y gct‘v- },pr,[.'ritl , she npprmmhnd with him that il liberty a murdered victim in‘tht‘rflu ‘t.— wintlow Lfltlmir cimmhm’ and saw n'sipl'rt The people," mills the Chair, “’l‘“ ully affair. _Thq mnrity nigihtttiltlullyantl‘flim-i c’onxcious of their own wkrctt-vth hnil can- ly Illummmh by the [MI 0 14;: I'. (if the silent , r' r ‘ lxlnfimdtlml to tho sceneamv-‘tenom dread.‘ "9" he trutnplud “ml” {OM- But her ”'95- Armml mnmE with the ”deadly muxkot qntl P 803: law find 10% order, nml do I 'nth- ulitdcringcbnjnnethnd surroundedtin-home.l Lng hat. the! right which holnngg to “l 6 3‘ t?) 'l‘he'y had crlnm for her hmlmwl ; and hei express their political opinions in tap nah i "inst" eccmnumny tthomi She Iw] hehrdl . ‘ lundenouutml as n trutttrr hy the lumtttc! :md_by untmmmeled nation at L] h {lot-{sll‘ fonlmm’l she had knbyn ol the cold-‘ box." Tho—New York Tyifmnefiwh lid! t Aent-l bl "lml gsansinatiOn in the shine oin hyni ing the mutter nf th'o 'nn-egg, in h‘ a itili n'uyr‘tlerons lnuntic of: the lmltl untl chiral—l’ which is Intended to hojot-oae, but {whi h but"l“‘:|llilmfiy9_rycli:leP‘élltfil'l otgiifetiigni‘l‘ill‘nini‘ . ’ _ . H .t ’ ‘. ' l . ‘I ‘ it'nthmg hut in tuutltlle of unpgrtinenua rta-i“ 2;; wlilernuit M 3; :7’,,i,,§m";,, .0 !.(.,_;.;:tf_§ nmrkn, peverlholma, in a uemiJunhl i to“ fit: rtlml by the 'speqttttrlc, shu hoggml and: ya], that. “our federal nnd .\jmge (inn ; _‘ on routml‘th the would not trim. himselt‘ tiofi tlo net recognize perwrw'upiiiiiih “(km ,w' h met) whom she lim'w to he: the tmls ‘ un mtrintic a ieer'hes as v'rountlu ofi fli‘ of mwep undfmwf‘. mtght 1’" moth” nrla l" 1 _ I" t 3 " tn the mnssxnmol inner-once. "Do notgn on, and "we (12!!) Lexuctiy sec hnw‘jlti L. 0‘ hem.” “he begged. in pupal“ “worth, is to be lulyfull’y. Illlllihilt'ti |for willfhg al“tl «y will murder you I" Aam‘l'lillning .bud‘sper-chl’” , ‘, " thatt thny had no legal warrant for his 51r ._4 _ H.“ .v.;_ ~_ Sid-fl ' post, he refused t 8 accdmpnnv them. thh I 3-“ i., to “.0 cm“ bf n”, more in} d .t‘opeutcd‘ hléws that t‘illOC-k the “01130. one rate_nud influentinlofxm'n “Olmblicim .t u _‘fluru- was broken In, taen another, find “In. I t l'-. .1] . tl , 1‘ t llLiothor, and the nxmetl mon l‘llshmllninl in nu 3' 0“ o it“ w‘ as ”K ’e “W ‘6‘" ‘ .1-lmmber_ot the nohln mun and devoted— tuke ._deuiddd groupds against. thn “TIFF“ . slut too lnving and ée‘vote‘tl‘ wirp! : 'nnd foolish arrest: oil-Im'w'allantfigh ‘ .- i‘ * * Her l‘DfimnbL-TQP‘Q“ in that, awful The Boston Await“);anmnv ccthrh, ‘l| 5 l hhur, tattered for n._ £ tofinnment upoanr l 'L‘ l f Gnneral B "l .. t l tot-oat Lilrfil’l‘t‘.'ml'tigtlflr(t\\rfl}: to humc) i he 3“ lo" *0 v "”1“”, n a . " Render: lhls qu ncture oi the tmug howevor, on the grounds of its lamb in . inMinn. We give to V‘Ji“ the touching tale It. very wen‘gnyg: \ l in we have receivmllfi. flmn tru~thrlhy “We dnuht if Vullnnhiuham. with nl 'h' ‘ sources, and it needs; no embelluhment. skill in vihjic'atihn, unulfknnke an at nd—i . l upon the G w-rnlm-nt so u" ‘g f‘ as (hose {or which hix m‘l'}: cnuttmm‘tiusl in tho Stated 0! en Monsionw’ I" The Sprin diohlflf‘mz.) R 4 more emph'ttio in its‘oon ‘ , CM “It is much to he regretted that Gen Burnside 11:15 not been nsxignml to 5 command where'there ii lighting: t done, and t. e country is (Llfllplwlnlét: m to see him rching an army to the li‘ ermico ofth lonz appremml Union n ( East'l‘ennosloe. instvml of mi in: “J! iv niul militaryintliiiru in the ‘OVflffilalfls 0 hi depautmfnfl * f * * His ingitl'ilq v 3 clone throughout. and the ptflwy 61' ii course more no. The govcrnmont‘cfm L punish mcn tar treason immune thvi ill tombs tn givnlai-l _nnnlgwmfurt to the mile iy His subnnliime, (Mineral ”mm“ m when the sub-Heparl fi‘ont of lndinnm in hi supplementary omit-nylon a step b y n: Burnside, um} fairlyrnns the thing in. o h ground by tlirmmiing to punish N l: ‘v‘ papoue and pquic speakers “who in rt 'to bring the War policy of the gov not into dioepute.’ " «.- 1 \ The B-mtop Tnu'tyrr. another n'lmifiia re tiou 110er mws the moat'glnmny 'nu ' ries from this mis‘oliiovouslxmul wickml n. “The collixmn hullff‘bl't the military ‘ll civil powers mnnot be prevented from ‘ curring undo the prest-nl. state of tiling nml if _not silicon-illi}! resisted. we «hall a few years 1; ”mo like Maxim. n nii‘lit republic, “Huge the m'nn or the 'rlique it rule wllo can control for the time luvi the largest, niiiiibt-r‘of luyenets, .sAt ‘pi; ent there can! be no very 'seriouq trouh, the matter nllllics in‘the germ. but. ill grow day by flay. month by manltlr, n year by year Vailnndigham his inn friends and foiowors in Ohio. The Ct‘illll‘ olthe militn t nuthoriti€sl in prometll nuqinst him isl not calculated to '«lfedreh thmr number . Ac [ii-meet he mill li friends are [in 'orlyss. ‘Thoy are unmlin ‘ Aeouyeu‘hioitl i’ thmn ix. hmyévvrwo h ‘h t .on the llth ol‘glunu, and whether he igLsc 1 to Lie 'l'ortutgas on to the Southern in : they muy’elect him. and a} Le:i~l:tturelt.h ll will support him. Then comes -the ol i sion, and who wiannsm-r for its; Gin e quences? Lecithe oppmitio'njo theyi: ral government liml 11-ielf thorough] ‘ t ed in poiver in any of'the states ngeinsltt military cfl'uru; of the guneml governhm l to suppress “film, and it will not lie lid to meet military power {vith armed r 1 ance.” l . A ' I: i | All this is trite. No matter how gh" mi may progroige or end. the future is fill the direstphrtente to all who value tit ‘li ertiu of theircountry.—N’. I'. VFW-Ll. l ————-—-o - o—-n—» -._ | HR. VALLANDIGHAH IN' THE 80 T ' The act of violenciz. against a citiz n ‘ the United States. who was arrested at’ he of night, drugged before a military 00! m aion. convicted and sentenced. for war i. ‘ knight belonging to every American r man. under the'Constitntion of his cou t ‘ received its consummation by this app o'v _of the President, who changed the , pehal' . inflicted on the prisoner from impriao -‘ ment to exile. We now ieum, by telegrjnp #- thnt he was carried across the lines and - livered oven; to the Confederate nuthoriti a, A aingle ”in“ soldier received him, whom heiqnule the short and pithy doc - nation; "I am a citizen of the Sate of Di ‘0 and of the United States. :1 am here y force aud'ngninst my will. I theretore‘t s r render myself to yon as a primner of war." ’ We/usk the freemen of Pennsylvania 0 ponder on this puitriotic declaration of o {e of their exiled fello‘w-cltizens, .anol theri judge‘ far themselves whethe} there is any guilt. in him He has sfi‘rri'prlercd a: ‘a mi soner of wnr'. He ii in the South against his will. lie claims no hospitality but that which the progress of civilization mid of humanity accord: to the captive. Such is the finale, fol-_the present. ofu tragml‘ which has been enacted With the cums: down. and of which we have only heard ti announcement. and the hisses of the nut; guns at the last. act. _ Mr. Vallundlgham wilinnt he betray into an hm nnwcrghy of himsulf or my cause in whosgdefonce be is now sufferin flis Romah attitude now, puts all his we; fire to £l3O jxlusfl. and cohvicu them off 1' sifyiqghls characke'r 3m! {ramming “(pa ; l‘ic nun who had heqqmg l. lhvorilu o ‘lh‘ people of his sum. merely to rid the ‘ sfh‘en ol'a'poliucal wlvepuyf. This 1'; Ho {Lg menus qf «Jan-wig! mm L: yuhliq .~ ‘;‘- ... A ‘ - ' J. I In. ' ; . nl GEN u“ ’ ~————v—-—* , ELLA“ XN A V " A ‘:V?;IIFIGHVTITR—' LEAN? i LO ' 4 / 7,3533. . Yum-0. ' C i ' a???” 134?“??? "'**—F§'l-F‘¢‘.'3“ND“ Mu ‘Ael' ”"RTMEu-r ' ‘Expn - th.—g 3 Ame “B An - "’f“ , ‘ 'mllCn . All “- -Pl-.F)(‘t”; - . Fits-H ‘ .. ' . LIG ‘‘ U Gnv .."5 BY I'm" Enid. ’ ' “‘“n W . 0|" TB? "T PROOF ' Slam ' ‘efl‘or' ”‘llqu . . ‘ , .S: 3 ”UR—‘- « "I! ’ . ‘“ M. 4m cuE‘r‘mnsT-“ ".9." LN HOV“ mm" «min m- "mm Guru" "9°" , illi)“ PAP‘EWE‘EEHUSIASTIE Nanny“, Mid Ih'u‘d‘whc qui“ “H "- “1 0M » . ‘ , —'l .7 [mm 1 .._... ~ 0f lha mo, .“W n,_ A L" of Ln. vn' 'o‘“ ' n ‘l‘elpechb m 0! Du N Dam ‘ me. of ll hand ‘l‘ ”r can ‘ 'l‘ . Insm, 8 . mph.” ‘ , Kenn“, filly]: 3p}?! of NW YAL:_.,,'§:‘;L Sum-um mm; "9:“1‘0 "Wye firing“. »' a ‘ 0r _- _ . ruler Co d , ngd M Inc .“M Mr. *luel. . Md take “ "Ned . ‘uml Jimmy}; of 1.0112???“ In hem}? “Mimi. .\n? in}? W PTESenco 013:“ "flu-in. l ‘ S ‘ - ‘ y ‘Wefltofl'inio gml’crfuiC'fin'fh ex"'“Min'n M'“ the likeziei “a?“ i“""Mim w Prop?“ 11:95:. motlern £92m“ ..wugzmimz fiiufiu fonnflmnhnfior his broth” ‘ :1; 3!"wa Cumion wt e "’{Wh'm ~ ""'ofu ‘hvr m “e‘” n'' n i' “I“ - go”; ‘th u" “\ fan-Iml .‘9 .3 Chunky mf" the I “n“ We 53:"; {g‘fflellimfiw‘l Ryrivfi‘br {Pei ”“Hlisbmuéeiyy “m"! tulmv'gm’ms :1?" 9n". -.. L. Pru “.'"Wa‘o Ni." “' (aim-d “1e . ‘5 lloabcm ”, fave“ “,m ulr‘gvman km. 1“. m fulfill "“0. he d, Rama fuel .3“ ”'Wendem \P so was t- *2 slnca Went of 'd- B “4 Rnr ”'- “ya[nutriéticl,ol‘ellrrepresnibx:::di-andztlm‘cmnpenemm ”m“ hltnfldhlg 'mmlsmnch ‘ )u ‘ n - 0 .‘ A 10;.”thva bmlonfm' a g;.1)i“u““*"!0f one knew; l_"4ke ”9mm, {0 _‘hns. be “M ‘9 [Mann], 3! mink-. 1 - "m 501.1', f' . ,xqud we ’ ”th.“. ‘ Them:- urh“ -‘1 J‘mlohxiw kr‘ "Id om- He - nu“, no Rnd' u, "9"“ “3‘lde l£ ‘r and cumin “n” pregengnnr‘ounced .501“ any. “hllér- 1d :0" "'B’; Thil'soldi knoM’leui‘t the city 3"“ "on".; “"3 lfid but. the,- In" to pej 'ny F, . Wu um ' ‘.Ymt ‘... M " . ”‘l'Penel n .z. ‘4 , 9 ll' n ' ‘lmn . ll- ‘ ,Lmaéfivvet‘wflns Edf 3|;th and hogtfrt-hfir Mr I ‘Ookod an Mg: an. t: (gr I?“ gOr at, ’lnuefifl‘il‘e“ calling ”li-'3‘“; their om km-mun' “Hm-n) " ye,“ - or .n; , 2 -“ile '0 Show I’B ““nPrhl wl a long, for "I‘ we. , {lnus‘w‘ Vn‘ re 1 ums‘.‘ 1” film“ Ilflle'n .' 5 Sm; L 233“: hands thfitttihc "ind”; culinpcllpd 0:3‘051, Who “-150 1 "-1-" . IQ ' '10”. I u i“rdhw'n‘yli’gtwup‘i’mnw mks. Hamlin“ ~. . _ ‘.' - ‘ 1‘ :55??? will}? if lfgessvfms "M“ 3': {11211902, ‘1?“ not cohf'feif 1 _ r'ie "0H >“‘l‘ne m:\n- ‘ a ‘0 hm] Won]. WI ' mm ””13 ”I ' "“W l ‘ or“, llch , _n6 n d . ‘3": u ‘ u“3 110%an {mu}? m Small: man 1,. am “‘"m cf’nunue no Ono k qr It WNIf _l's “”106 the ‘ M “(1' Fm 4 Hun {Ur Du} -. ._ n ‘ I‘M“ Cor; ("flowed Illegefmwd' ilwl'eflfii'rin , Self—1""! F‘fi'llcfns ‘ tnrln “nan-“3' Which 311 mm“ ‘0 'he 1:}. ”I". not a 1.. WV“ “0"" ll] '. It Wuh' “WV (3 U“ “‘8 "“10“! Ic.l . 1 alum,"M . not. I," ~ album h (,f ( mm“. fnl detour (:6 ”(WM Llr 13h“ hm} rfluinpfl 50 (he Cililwslof h' . l|‘lau£“t.“' In! “I? MUN-.t 9;“)?le “Skill- ‘5 (“Hons llll‘lfilm . towovor. “51:51:” W llimsplf u”?- “'ni‘mhlo'f m] m". “If; We" t {"1 lhefi-‘ I‘m-f, 'l‘ ' -' “'Pres ' ' I“ho' 1' " ‘ ‘ - {bk‘ '9 00m ' ,Ile Cltv ' ,Plte'. “*de c “4‘1“", and mama?“ conlinxhefllnflmrmos “1.0;”? m ti“; 1 I” of “"5 “mn ‘-1..~‘ ) .A . - ‘ ~- ‘ fibers") Wave“ upon‘ («"ml'fllgn a 4‘! u (]e_ [31,.“2 ‘F'illk lb ' ‘t- (of "-is Jim. 1 lon {mu}. m, re hm Im' “in m.“ '"1 ‘h‘pu- out -. “) nr mk' _ "UL-:5 in Fumnp} urn f‘nded ‘ifljmnwnl n 1.. llnur ‘; of my”, tn- smg Punk-11‘ "nu Menu: ‘‘F "WM 1,. - ”WM”: 1. ’.”“"“rvu.tiv ‘ “f"“v mi. “Th-II Mle l'o lea'v‘Bl A] .. I" "ii" To ‘8 us. 'lm- e “(PM lic‘ I lukc'l- (or ‘ 3..”;nlneoplfl fucp n‘, {bany tin he {film to' 1) ° “xl‘h‘sw‘in .1 '. "“9 Eim‘e um", um"! " "133'“! v.. u "o‘s m' ~"‘ M'Pn‘, "'“O‘THI: L ”r 0 In -‘ ”I'lt‘zl} E 1315 z'ey .u‘, “m ' b w rl, -_ n “L” 1 '9 .101.“ ..' Wu all “we ‘ 'H n ‘ “mm uh Ix- y" Lemme u ”{NM 0; '- “Mug, . “'"Ucru " _ "“r' ra‘g‘cr ““‘Mic-u"Jh.,-‘."“"»"wt “:33?" for on. Minx” M w InscrpunnjnF}{:%“‘Pr’“clr£n l‘h.’ 'Pnfir‘Z; li‘lflllién of “ureyi‘yemgwflc’v:“l“; 31:11: or" “lin at 1 ‘ can; , _ NIH-pun riuyn'y'” ’” '1“ Wu. - ‘ ‘L‘ (‘ _ ‘Ps. whosfo Clam, Wu: .17: MM“ "0141:: at “loud"; mm M" "rm'v ' x-‘Hfi‘ "“V of run 1...! ”Hilly 00m ‘ 11.11“” "yll‘ : tn[_ 0 the Hun); _‘ 0 .“ln to: ’ Um! lor- Qlet, “:0. "9.16;!- {mulling by Crown“ .1 [,Hs ““35me m_ up. "The n ‘t‘lrcebemm h?“ “I: #3 ‘M 1.0 1' galliljin" 310 Imm ”1“ Wen—(‘l‘ ‘ Nu: “Inn-hp 's.'w "- . ' - ‘ ’ ‘ c ' girpmn'lrz‘ :15 :_ the b‘.gls":v:::>kj mm, .sz? z—‘“."h;l.ll‘|}m “f“‘f‘l‘ lr-frmnngm. MU: r . ‘9‘“ ms’tu- “Mi-nu '. "'h -,<- I 3‘3""; (‘ '35!!!" .'.' lflnnnrlifh' ll’d‘fil‘vn’ .133m'mwzifin'it“ 3M:- (I'::“m‘m*-'fu'l'{.'.'””"'"' ”in LEW-2s. Ell 1", fl . "1m fired ”2.. Mum: cmc] u -\lh.,‘.' ”"5 ,Ul‘ 1m” _ "m‘" urns.” f ”"I-, ~ )lllulu “ "‘1 Well-f 4 “‘<; I " "WI-1v ' ' "n““H "-""""u'vl '9’“. Imm tl "Meroml nf'q _"llt‘. ~I" M ““ “tn-k """ lhiw ' ""‘l vm' '."i ‘ ‘ 0' A ndr. ‘. - .}‘- a ‘ huh '-. my, 11'” “all. ”02:3..“3”? nrxrr'}»‘.‘l§“""" cin- 12‘; ’. w“ (infirm or “H. 153: slum: I: \ou'ou‘! (11-h: *. '. “Ch,” 'I ' ynr‘, [a u ‘ lII‘ p]. "k “1... . “UM-I“,] n'3 ~ '>- cm- ' J" .\v.‘ .~ "3 the- . ‘N‘lhev P, "“H t r «‘ In “t “fig, if: . - fine. . .\UK; ,M "d 3m- . ‘ f ", . ‘ 03.1.2” .. 6 men_, ‘ ‘fln. "Mir . ." "mint“. Vol'm "mm the bls u,‘ I” , )mnu‘. ..,Mu “ _ ,nn..m. ‘ , , lw .-.r. d ‘ whm. .* "m—wl- I 3'9 mm -‘ . .43 "r Hm ”ml ‘ um”; ,5. who Im M! Mn“ 'r. ‘lnunsgo‘... m.- ~,m dunno”! he I I. J "fly 111 m 1 ~ )ml “la-v. 31 “I ‘ "hid'li‘mis ' - Hmflmh‘nmy ~ ‘ Wmhlx-t d ”“V 1;: 11;;‘2'my' pu~}.;’(:‘{lr']]:(:eflndl “.'.. “Mufti; hl' ru... 'fl.,,x:,lc‘;3‘(‘.':£ m “rut-,EEYT‘W’RP'I‘“3:S3I: qnaflnhv , “Ml-1011“,"! P'“ Ilm ix hi I - "rm." ui‘lcm‘ ”'“Cd hv .‘. ,‘ ' ' Mr 1- - t‘P nmvnr I. x" SW'lu-l 11-10 mm“ \\'n .11.,” “w " ' “”3 “““Pilo ‘ V,' “'V'H. fllul‘ .l u; 5191'or}. 4'» “my“ -\'L|ln~ . r? ll»; dis-1” ."hfvhmlh." I' n ."mfillntulmd’ '.V (inn-r ".‘ h“WWII" l ‘l- l 3 “mm"- WU ""0" J.- 'm ”‘35 .' ‘ .‘ _ ‘ ”0r 5“ \ , '5" r IN! I. ‘ . u "-‘ds ..' . 4.1:. . 4.. _ 1'11!“ l‘lx‘lt-rm?llutl'zmll).;mmm“v :nPßfi'lr'khof """11'161‘1‘IHIEHNIlfp’c'I”awful nn.‘ '.:::’!r;‘lln ' "Yul 11“!) .1 4) “oer uny (m unluqu . "J'u‘u-r. dl :‘1 ”.9 \l ', ~" mm m‘ 'r hm! llnriu] _ , “‘eln 'l. - ; I "clglnmn '} lhcir - mhnéu . .0: . rile \ f "two” I_I;_, . - P‘flccf 1‘) n 1 “"d firm: “mum“! lii." ”4.15:“,“(1' “uh“:lltkwul {lung “mt Dc‘ ’ ul, Fun tile my 11:11} a 3‘l“}. Mmim-t‘r‘x? "'9‘“‘“lN~- “' “"u- will?“?Ttrlr‘“t'ul::)lpm3 ""1 ('rm'u' I "'1- “‘innl' I my] _""11' . A .nhh Fr ."flmu‘n, '' 0 ””5 ‘I 7 ”-V’hflul‘ - 1' - "‘flul" ”0"?!" 1n [llg‘lup‘fxfl‘ {1 l'flllt‘..~.,£:l‘{duh-”x” wigs!) ,“mi x.l.;ll,"r“]‘,'~lw, um] 'x‘lll'l'ihuke 111‘“ lM'mlfu‘l ”:9 fim,” 4!": um] :I'i'€ll}.s the "AU-Ir hut” (Pniridyi tH‘ round}, “:t‘he (.1 the “0.11 m.“ .'l CH)" "“‘nrl: In; el_ .‘.“ it Ihc yum harm" Who 04 ”’XIII “1...”. “mm. in Wan , r “9'“ .~ “I (In. ~ 1 Imm, .'. ‘.Wlun _ p lu'u. . M “be! VO‘NVIMI (In l'( lllmk ““11“.“ .1“ 'N‘l'nl I‘. I “ww‘”‘“u,( 10. Allulilil In) ly‘m lu l’oar "r'l'l -.u~ ,iil', “1 - 1"“. In) ‘ uplhilul‘. M ) ‘lnvn w. 9" [19,, ‘ .lnv offir “ "”“h'ml ~ " "5 llw- .‘ “'“l pm . r»"“ "Inn-h. 1” 5"" IN} . H": _ “Wm—‘3 .51"... m". ‘ . “uh h. 4 . [any of . .4“ ”4m", \ K hem nun. Wk J‘, 11mm“). 1L l.- "I; ...‘ '| ”um. "a' "If “...," . the I'l'n “no 0"""51 l.‘ ”"h In- . l' ' ““Juln '9 “"‘in . "'"L‘L‘ 11-" "n“ x.lm 4 _, l‘ cm r “Nn . _ k ""‘hw 1: din: ). _ ”HM 5 at..n"wl"'lfl‘i[l hum. In ”Jul!" and ”a“ “T" 30' lilunndg‘ :in "““rzlxl-N:,l:i:“‘r." layu'xrul' (hurt m ,0” _ Hwy (1.”; nj . lam: _ r ”re a .r. Jim-1e cm. tie-nlo'])}""Hl‘lH‘¢-«)ll; 1|! ll”. man", “! ”In n-IM. ”I," ; “chum-rm: «:1 ‘l‘“ ,Nure.,"lgr-i. '. ' "bk ..’ I (2&1 Dr I. ‘ .ln».‘\‘ll.~ ”ill .~”y . h. ll'is.l' “I" "a _ I 1".” ‘fi‘rk of (m, ( {hxml‘mnnm' a.“ “'l‘illutu-pJ h. l'. “L' "yum” , “H. "ml 11”. 'i‘fir'l'": u“. hlr more "' ”Woo 1' m~ “minim \‘ "t "’“l‘dm " u l": 'quu'v "" Q-‘nm ' . .‘I‘WIWM Ilmr.’ WM 4- the mum-"x. - . ——-;1'”: . . , -—-~|,(. n . I’l‘l‘lmruhnn “"ill [Hum “001;“ {.l "I|ano (In-1,. "'FLI' ‘h‘. In.“ ["10”qu In he _d I‘lghl . yléiwricm“”'h:d any}: mm'ierié-IQImI-nhwd‘m “my“ ‘lulxv‘nyv "‘“hlnrlmf‘l ut~ 3m.“ ‘3‘“:l 1m - 1‘ ‘ t-t‘ll ‘ "0: . mt”. " "I" u.-. ~' Hid. ‘ ' a'llnw "fl”“finnq 01"" Inm- -( 1 L "'l‘! “In” " ”.N‘Jn m-, "001 W“! mumr ‘ “ml ”.9 . “‘1" 'ml "“"Hlse‘D ““5" up“ """Ului-m. "" 5 u how -|' ym""- I "“ch .s; ”'“Orrnx .“ “mu ~ ‘ ‘IU- Jtl . 1w ~' §by U llmt . 3 to. “““s, .- "I :1 wonmnunzfitg" .3 1.2% nau‘i':':::';;° 1233'?- min “I . , re. “'9 ‘“Sw, I gm.“ . """i.~ml ' I-r lhm'. 0 1 "id mu“ were V 0 and t] ‘ "‘0 1. “‘“e .0 1| "a hoe, "' "run, but," , , he" , "'s'“! __ “Mn.” . .no .3 . ' "nun, _ v nis "(It (.’. the P 0 “ll"nau‘e 0 PS: ‘01" “”0.“ "'2‘: “lhl “2113;“: ”.mlhg (Lt-:1! "'1“ ‘Thc‘e- 90“ “ Wrinl-x nn 1 "mos-“l h ’.“0115 (n. 1r \fnimx '3 a Vinyng {’“hlt; L "umfi'YN-d' ISIAH!“ "'3 “lath.” c""".'i{‘9~;;.;yw telling I" '0 "Eculw " "1y hf, {llol‘ ('O.- tlm '1: f"? V and On '1 “Mum-mu .‘v‘h'“"""r.u. {\n, """ko-i nu] ”w‘ i: “"mylv : hm .“0 I‘m r s‘FIIm-al‘ ."- smu- ”I.lmm", ,‘ "I own r A flea {.'. [chm ban?" ‘3 “Peuqmfor‘u,°"’~nr!w‘ unm- mum ..u..““"v mum I" hm.“’J-m‘...";III;I“"”‘\" mm “M f‘ u »lng fl”, ‘ 9 ”PW”: ‘'_ Mrs W: o I'_ ‘ Hud In.” L“'l' lhoir , " ‘H‘ "m. " ... . = ”*“fi a. 1' ill nd fin"??? l' ‘38.“! k'uu’ AI “h"!‘(fi' -‘. "hm“ Tu» ' “"0“ "In ’- .V9l»xn.¢| ‘ ‘-L ‘ i“ IV “(In ‘ 5 in. 1 " ”Nor " ”10-1 M l'mmm. ' " "10s" drells 1 “‘59 few I “l:- Te-efif‘ I: luck to 1I “ Called nu: “1101,01,”. -. “"114: nun-y. L‘ “'I'"“‘""‘I" Carats, TKJTVf‘ll'Pm-l “Am“ Olt‘::1m('ll‘° ‘llunhrcwalllmfhlul wt-r’fi .Ur DUN-u“ Danni-"y L‘llmrce‘lvlhll‘gijlf'“lnnuflylw and Now In: the, c “yd N 1 a 111-mi”. ~- e WW" ‘'l , .. 1;. ‘iulcn~»‘ . Iwuro - N ‘cl’mnei- . ‘ “"‘l m' > y'“!‘ ; Mild“ ,"‘- A ‘9 110" H . and w! n ym“ * . Ilv , Dunn ‘0 -_ ‘ _ MI) A..‘— q . O Waning: :11: "firm": ‘lflnd cln§|;'fl“‘ilf'ln his: 11:23:, ,i" Elle‘fitflfi :3911111p.11i lhclrnii‘nrurlyr'kn'lV‘Vixhn I'[ mmWOM-é 1’" ”ledr "am am H. 'u‘ M ‘x- "‘0 mv w‘r “'"- Henry '. “ mrs'm-gu I J'F'un Vict ‘ “mm of {ln} "film ‘ ‘On‘mc ‘ . I'm back sunk. Mm' ’lO FM“ 4 “hm-y n - ”od,“, Dim. .r ‘ : l~ “no u .to. , w* . Hn'q . of. , Joni] ‘s} "m. py, "hm-ed, co%bllcltuon;mml mnlxi'fndxl «1 After ”iii-lttl’; uh ah‘m to _th) 1:: lnolivc My}: .uu‘m'lm-J 1;» j‘lmflliml funnup’h , v ‘ { ~‘ A, I ‘v‘ “‘3‘: ”Wm am; Food 1‘ ml overwhelm “Julia?“ fm‘cedvtglxl one“ fail-Iv mm d .fgllis f 0"! ”it"! “1“ m xnuli‘,ul)':‘l:rfixu loam. 9'! the . ‘ensn .- i, ‘ n “"50 ~ """i-tn ..'- "9 011' «Me , ‘ "0' mm. ‘ " ind ‘ igntlem Lima: ‘errk J'fifg‘wdmuw' ‘fl2":he"""“‘yfigujwwimaim 5" “"“l n hO-‘ribllfu' “1”“ "“an ""d" “‘L‘ “91:13:, 1' nmty is '- "“3"th ‘ ”mm-m ’.l or 0t ”m '‘o pnv z“"“«“\'hn u} "‘“MIQI' a "“de iLi : . ‘wsur‘nnce «1 Within “mi (' ‘Vhl‘n‘ll;. 0y m"! tu-iI- 1 “my “'flr‘e ';p'n'ly M‘fininn - mutfl‘rve inch s‘o "quire “'“W'I 5‘ "Mimi-nu "“h‘Y».=nr "r ”“01: mu” “P‘l "W 1 hidd “"‘N. tin "‘5 mm... . “Mm-m. ‘. ”3 heiuw . . ","nvumuon. . . "h a - ‘5- ”mt lnuk cal" en lum -'.- “rh'r u‘ ‘ s‘" . ‘ -_'|ldrlm... ""J‘Ht‘v ' ' “3mm" .- .m, w .thp .e ' u". Sen In t ”13“"? um.” - I .\I-ry“ . ‘ 3mm. “ ‘ ’”Wm"théi'r‘rnfxffi'imiwg i::'3'll‘%lm69nrmlarccl a ' he ““5”! of {33' imJiLT‘m'W “ we: ur‘L‘l‘l'Pl""“l'.‘“'.-i«-i..u: * ‘ « nn-‘ -: ’ ‘ ‘. '3W'- , I. ..' ‘ " 1517;”? —M"¢l ‘ 60:33}:me"m'I‘f‘Irgmp" inel.n:t!]“‘<qmunl ‘A - "lumping "urn!" m I’9“ ‘éllorl‘fiwry' in“! L —— n .1 “0136”...“ ,~ v».,7 _ T_'_j"“7ou. 1 in] 7"‘01'19, but]: Me of Cllth ' 10”.”. l‘lw “on 3‘" hi]; "1" '_~ Consmmlv . ATERFR Wham)... eL‘mt-‘ntw‘n r.. ”mum!" r 9 ‘ yam” to NW“ as' 'd 115-.- “uh t‘ "re -"' 'll do ' ‘Dfipm’d 1' 'M V 35’1“ Tthuyg’ on sMumfl9w‘loomcd home: ln his mommg‘zrlon at “ban?“ that. winds ofthe kind _ mart?“ "ot'mup 1 'u,_ 731117, big/1.5.; on H . ‘ “can, .3' Week ' 7 beau} fine ' 4 "“HH’ “" "fl , w “W 1 7""l ' ‘ n'"""""- gnu- ,c n luh '3 . (we 1 "I N ”UH-rI R ,' 73v - “-"‘ "’ Pmu‘ " “diets-'l]!“d“‘t‘ort‘jmsif‘; m “‘l“ iwfl’lg' 3:111?“ “whiff? 13°" #9513321"‘"“nn mam?“ "“3 “mph“ “ :- Cm“ {iiy’ogzrmmm' ‘ - ‘ . . m -‘ _ .;':" r' ..“ d.—-' ‘ and a Ingeprefitming the star”: thirtY'fonr:l Iniglaegzlrlflhzln'ity orig; Public atélrnu thieves 1:3; {k LINNtsQow:TU“ 5' "' Surre' mafia], I” nif'zlfllin 153: 1fp:m";" !mppr- A, numbe L. 950 m .m. 91‘0“. “Y‘fcm "‘"ri ”"1110 -. ' “Wm H" ..~F"'r n~ (- ""Hv "" Coun‘rr §' ‘ for 9HI” '"3 Unlon rl n Who 63 's‘- v‘" nn “um-(op n ""3 “ml .5] . l'rlhn‘cd - "I"! "1' ~ “I" “'o’ l ""M 0n M'm‘F’ -- - her ’1 ' "50m. " 1a: he " “‘MI n ‘1 forgot} ‘5 a! “"fi io I “”"mgnfc ' ‘ 'l‘: -°""‘ ”NW 1 '-' “m“ " pal streets ““1121:in ‘ e ”W 0 Mdf ' - art “pon 1 m VPl‘dic; '9"{N a "’"t One a‘4s' “a and . 'f-“M- m "‘n'llli " lf’w' 1;! - ' a "m“ , the l S than“, ' Ce‘v In in I 1 , ’l5 clun- .ofUm ‘ d (’z'llmf d “”l" the - (I'RIWI‘ "'1 “t Vu-k ' a“ square a 1 pl"Res-“0n ' “’9 ”inf-{lBnd 9""‘50 I act”and - W 1” - "‘lullih- ~ "5‘05 of ~ ”mm x' sm" 01- , “ 4‘")! 0n L ' J I ..d the . ‘ halted i x I fijfeetin fignawen has gyro , ~ 11mmg . 1 Hum“, ‘,‘ 'fil'utmn x lug-"10mm l‘rulnyw Shem-h of "mlment n "'0 Publl‘Hlflmo n“5 1111 k {5 ohm" -W 7. “flies . "‘"lUlinn “si“ rel) 1 ' ""‘l tonk m 91”"31011 ’l'“ : Welco ‘ w“. add q, "“Ntion r 2" ed ”lo "m“"n‘senm re mum. - n the re. - . ’t’s mliel some of Um rm. “mafia“ “"1 bv Ru '“md in M r""1, “Mine “‘ mnke ' "“H-‘Wm - ‘ and * ”Iv-m 1- ‘ _,‘ .. | . . t.n a , , mnc. rel . 'ut tl "alwthe 1"“ than Fflrtake M“ hxcnollm j! 4- - A— , g'.‘ m “may. 13‘ 0n “mm“?- “a! “minitécyl “23c uh- lhlpv‘wl" :"lmh‘l tn “Mul‘yi‘fl [I'M-m, “Wu-.‘.?” H "'9' t*‘ble ‘- “9". In P M ' 5‘ —,_ hMidi " I“! I “m. .' . "and J" ”111-1 n” “hug. c, J’- pmr afin “Ink .3.Eu . lo . ."g n .«h t - wouml- “"1 - "*"m “Plan of ' «fly grog ”3‘l ”“"--I ' r "‘6 C‘ ‘ - en door “‘ “w “02? ' I ”l “""5 b ’umt‘l“ '' ‘ l 4-.“ “kc “food lhingsj. ning and" at’ 0 mm“ mm ask me u“ or} 0mp.1.,_ 51:1.“ {mun-m .'0 Where the mi ‘° Wl5, “SKI-ms", Ml “ ““3000 I"‘J‘Eucd‘ T' i ”one“, . .ewme o ‘ “Warm. "In-colum‘ ‘ .‘Jdér "' “'L't'n l ‘ "“5 were "-‘Wei ‘ "1'28... ‘“ ' up" 3 Ito ‘. 1mm": . 3 “-Id m. 1m . 1 »On 5“ . 'vforc 5‘ . ‘;\l luv.- ‘ VW’WO . ' - lvThfvdaym—‘led “gr m. from "Ye Spin-J! mule ”‘9 Fairtfu'mo“ 1“ hUm;:c:ow “M 0": Mum"! mfg“ lon’ “‘Ol ‘mir I.2"re “h“; lagymlmkod “£013.11 “1m!" ”m.“ I’Bfutltrfwfl‘ Na!) —\—--—~, -' o bol' ‘ . Ver \ ~ ‘Cdo - s‘4)an orm [mil ”“rnl ' “m“?! ‘ 3'9“” 7' u “"0 V mm“ ' m ..-" . H Ypeno “Ho ‘"N - Who “1 Ll ‘ “WK“. ”'9 fl’ -y“ '" "k' -'K grim???" Wm m 0 1333;: 12;“? 22:5“? selaoril-‘sndw‘l 3‘3;sz _w "22:32” mm m.“ 2:.'.l\:a':z.s~:m .~ ' ‘ ml’m ” c m '1 ‘3 r. 1‘ 'Ow - ”Verse m . Pr 'iri . » '"wr ‘ " "é’ Ci" -' “Wm -B ' “”- h' '' Y “1:50 I "‘t ‘correspond \ ° man—Tl mafld‘fretul‘pcd ".odeSm “- th ."1 0“ obsm ’. which . "I": anal -—-.‘ “ """- ““3“ “if? nu '“ W"! ”3 '“"" lh “ i am of“). . I°Wnsh‘ . isel- , “Mimi °.r dish 1,901 mm.” , 61m. u‘ ““1 \hi; ‘ “URGL "4*- -, . ‘“ov ’ '3 J’ch 1 ..'.°u:lh at 1 ' ""l ‘ "The as] Show Yo '"b'lonq ‘” In a mu' ° “mm c‘r ”;‘F- '1- ’ “m“? - “Kenn ‘eu 'Jle'i ~ “MK—O ‘ ‘ ”'-~'- -" er 00m: W" In 1‘ . 1""‘98’ ~ - ‘ A ond ‘hq 1:: 7““ug L. ' ”Hard ‘' . PSL u " slllnrd . ‘7' ‘OO . ""mlul U not IF 1] ' cxty pf 7: °#?tnon at e ‘l‘ Pat “Ing '°“° Ible mm “9" “In co'm “Clea the mum . ”5 When “he nu ’ lc'hOUlr r “Y Duh: '‘4 "’mumm- I9m w- '"“ Who: :Gene - “him-k 8 “”flnan f - the réd‘« . e the, l. pom-d w. "H h 9M. lukew- “d chn - ' Plenum ‘ 'f’ “rs. .opr "- "M 9m Wu ' '0“ with u‘w "m. "If f I In‘ Fr. —. ' who\ mm “’1 In lblmng OT . flVe “an. uh "Id flmbng Jlfi “an" . . me\of Ih tOwnflh. .3 man i . 1' ‘ -IIINI;T¢ ' -u- {MOO , TOM xA'rm‘ r “Hm pin‘ °’“ “0 here 3' "“fif um, rawayiam . : “mldeg ‘ , In. ”ad everyo ‘ 5“» Co ° 'endin :' , it"“amsc‘ '" " Mount}. ”"9 m ' ' May '7B - ““1““ can ' 'l‘}; y o the POl, in Wmm to ‘30:! q,“ find. «pmffiicd . , '“d‘llged .p“ ck hm" ‘ 1h" dig r We‘head I ram “'5l) , minty. 0n th , w“ - the 25”., r - --,'l he lii-h y. .91 were 9M.h..~ “Dd or”, ‘the ”but be frlenda "1 by' :- “Md am ‘ “Mum :"W “In u 1 "Wow ' "N 6 " "mobile- = “""" "-1 ‘ ””5 "here 5 TeceyVed . °nob Soc 9' 'r" "M nun "mad and "he: Pro- di "cry PHs ‘ | of. ,me [“ng ’0 stud“, d . ‘0 “an“ :fl'nm ‘v. 'Wylngu . | lvlpgmm b _ ‘ In. 1;, ‘ l Wlth c h Medea ‘Justidp .'obe ( filln-b ‘9 plea .°“ Who at ‘r' "lysbu ' " "“cl’se ’ mm"! ‘M ‘ "fl“bur ‘ “WWS“ '' ' 1 ed. The eu- "W 5: . 0 "fly ev 'lclm ‘ . honor Ind“ Ound u,“ h' IWm new}; led,ng o landed . :1: turn i'k Olnhc Y v dun" ... Ll Ia up ~. "telhge . ~ ,_., . lu, the fa‘ - Ind 1’ cWM “’l‘ nl' " “I? x‘ 4" “lur~ . .nm mm! y’al‘lem _ “1"“me ery "Wt-neg 1h “finlme, Igb sense “-3, on] n! I. “,th Ir "a," ‘bOULth’ -if . emu.“ nd us 9“; melny bimbo Ala-y "I h.) ’ ‘ W 5, and h_ lg Obsz' \ Sfung. ”If GANG!" -5. which ML yas.l - 11' ‘h ‘ C", i lfilce doH- ‘ [o3}, f urls. Hi I (nny' , K I}, mhe has °W2Hnnt “Imm“ d . "‘e m--mm m- .1.” ntbe- . on! em - - "5° pr : “halo ‘ t ">me - “'K'nn' “m or “PM“ """m 31' . , Jam “13;". . “hem“ mam, . yssr mun. ‘ 11m: m , lenc. “up.“ en Outof .A] . Our w "'W rim 1 when th been ”led “move Hook 6a . flu- mm .3 And Co oldxer IIN Sent-n.l, the “u. .1, ... Mm“, ~ “burn-a . 08515! urku. 0- . smum] ~- . 9teis 011.06 n erun. clam. we “’"nny "ardlv ' .’l ‘ not an - “Pm-bx . "“150! "alum .' “Sen-b 1 ‘“I "”h‘mr d" 5" "‘“n 'r‘ “ McOiana “Tram“: “’"e‘ and fig lance '° to com .' Y'ho ham 5 “Dun—a no 10!“,10, th . “nun" Jun," IIM ip the ‘ SM)“: f‘mi LATFST “n . mm of h' the 1 ‘n‘gl‘fieml ."Y whmey “we 51°“ ‘heir m. m" coma“ ° mum.” °Pperhesd ‘ reuonu, ‘pmmv i ’,'¢-rd.wu‘,n. “Wad-"0’, "‘mm.‘ ”The Sun r l 014 r p Wnow filled mu beho or ”I“. 1 .u_ and h m, min“ .amorv, I b“ And Cathor’ at u I,“ “x on", b. ‘ Due I’dbw 7. Th... d _ gvnce “Inf 1 0 Sunny. < : “Bette by "00 “Orad “ ”Fusion Card ”lair old With H In-‘ 9‘15. IO humbu' "I3‘u . '9 be" '00]: . , vb!“ M‘E , n Imponfll ' cklbnr - ’llylfi—Th ~ rm beb keh" ‘h nod “f Comer - “most: un «"mas A . 3 8,. “rich - ‘ 1110 mm: m. '“° rum, {“k' “Wk 0r- -" TI! ro‘ F" ”“9 «H ° Paper, th ‘ eaten ~ , \ an“ “H: _Vnnre Sc , ammo“ . eel-mm one -,, u junk :enan,- ~ vr hon“ :11. .9 mm,- w V [Hike of th I litter“ , 5 Chic ' and De ThPfle v' . y "tired . "t'n‘rm ’5“!!! t' . - k’hl'lin ~‘ P‘ 03 "‘0 h I Ougd- 'he ‘ nn. 1: hue Id n‘ can lei. 0 “Men“ ‘ (with (1‘? _ ago 7H5“ ' $OOlll3,- ,{I * ‘lllmns lo “I"; “e: y“a thQ' A "no "I do" 0 odd“ .| - Ixo ('1 o'9B And. ‘ , mupt’. u 'fiflht‘ ’ n th. [0 ‘P6 on IH'B 1‘ . _ new MOO J”. ‘thm $5 : ”Ounces 3meMwk ‘ a in ‘heir 9..,“ "J n; ,0 3'. “9 ,1” ‘uobu ‘ mp 2.“ or' P rse mg on s“ u hr.“ 'l‘ im. 0! . muslbesa 18"") n ' conq e, heflvc ~. “110 b“. ‘ 0a: Br. I! ' ”I'm; in 9‘" Ch . th.. no! , [Fly-.11 v’9 been 101 l d 'l}! none” engaged . “rd“VJßen 'hml“ . ‘ , Vedb A_ . The . awn,” L 0 ”to,” 9 Mai ‘regt Ilr YM, mofin- hug ' Mover Um I: nto II: n. ,m .In “Haw" 'Granp. Co ' -—. Y hem; - count, where t 1.0 down -_ ‘ ° lhe r. "If Onglr on 11' "I‘M ’“i V. m- - ”Wang! ‘ '1’"!- l - ”‘3 “P e """ybei ‘ ' ”A; 'T'fi “only; or yon 0 have lh 1 "u" m he" at" the li 1m 11l h ' “up?“ 9 36‘ .., ',_,.____,:_____ ' ”I. "Me ‘ln "Pa ”d mrflwhme “I fl Prlous - -—__'__ not. “tall ‘lhnn (OXh el' hellish “St app] | the '3Prcslig ’. e ”’8! b On; The Lad' A . 11.10““ . r ”I“ all ,m. I.“ t'mrMond‘ ”0t o“lured _ ' “Wirih - e brave Purim: ‘Vfl‘e' "“1 llm‘ “"9 r ”'3 us' :h‘VOm In 0’31“! I ' ' and m" 5 Were “”1 9f "”00““ ‘ .y ni 'h at” . ‘ “es In def men Vb ~ca “m d_”lin th cum-d to lb Ing' , , lde up nd 9! no“ a .No . the fight. "Quenu .dc Spldiers 1‘ "- A n “"Hbuy fi‘lm - "“09 Mn; 0 have .9 miles ‘ ° Pllco ' chin - ‘Commi 1: (”Wink "‘1 'iCin‘u “‘3' With "'5 “"‘uiu " lt“m"‘etl . , ’ , mwivin timber 0f;- ,gdn l madlntelan e countr Pinned 03' on],- the" he 1' _ Eh, “103 mm- 111-w Hie ’,.Ceg. 01‘3"] GVEry PTO! .goin' 1 > gro quane ” Emmeimm . Named n, Y ”new“, ‘erm. u _l. fine}. to J up...“ clc. farm A. - ""a'seh Chri..i‘n»{,om . e Peder.“ .d Pm Men.“ 0|: on * I” of t tam the .. I "‘tcaned "mm," "mes 0n s. w W km: ‘1" . z ‘ 'v H ‘ omg “a 0,85! bur . Oman“ :1 e. 0&3 me:- "C, much ince W town ' "NSPIIH- . “m“‘offi ‘ ”fun” "‘ '“° Prom' "m ah ' ‘ "PM. "minded "hrci.""~'ga n, ””19th "'1 di. u used , been ”OTH“ cc and? b ‘ 6n. Re .. . In,“ via omg 1,. t‘ ,_ - .01,“ he ‘ pmlfflnl Hep," P cben 311 mm” , Ind 4611' Io Ver'l ”W he. so“, '1 ’cnbed ill-With p, , cl“ Imam . “an m . m“-——~ ' ' "”0 o'u ’u‘ “and "3 “Warn -°'“ ‘l’“ th ‘Ol the n r ‘0 'L'uu' y: on: e ““fllemd e g”! 1‘" “i 0 I; ’ "d! bolir ““4 neatly ' ' r'T' T ' __” I ‘ r men; °I 1’ “my an“ m From! "d G or mcre, ' V ”Hoes, and _mgwe {6 "Cepxiono ‘0 multion . ;he “Miners ‘ ‘oth 15m” our 'Rp‘fime , -Ta_te,o{ m. --_.r lhi, ,I 0 plan, .nd mmnmin t'b . 1h“. ‘l' 11w m M We?" mm mm" whims 4 Tucsd -'Anif 1 ‘ e"lam ‘ mud ”'" nnls d‘ " Cons“: ' ‘ unl’ProPr'u . ”inlwel "“5000 'uli \‘e IlilC I on illthe 4 “Ck'on‘ ' n "mnnr emJOhn ' ,v, uy “.1 tempt“, e to: blue had “Mam d Ird of "1' a mutant: mac" n, . sued to cum“, - away, th , .\vuh ll . .Dopa f" m _ 'llonl. thonti Hf" Was I “an - [Lug , . ire-mm “ mu] '"I- c ‘ “4 Mid A ' “My! - '°" 'ndh ””9 '“ ““en ”'“n' es. mm,“ awn o“e '...; - “haw red w ' “p- uny { n the 3 "N’bn‘di ‘ ”Horne "“n of -- "y °’ the hind E“6 Abnl‘ -.b . n 07th crlbadu "43 “ho ’ “to" -—.. ' A Fl! ‘ ~A ° “1e P ' ‘1 Penna - "“0“: of ’ ’"enaci -- "‘m‘ns u . ”Hide lllOnlm y the nu-"l e 'etnru' ugh?“ w «"‘Un' . a.“ .J__ ‘ “11'.st dug).a ("oan ¥ _ - (an-“,- ‘l,” Gun 15 ' 11K \xck b Don: , the w] 'I". In » hnv; Leu ”‘8 oold' ehk ‘ "'n oOn an Mn “‘1 10ft '"9 ll- ," e “07°08 ' rug s'l "'3' T . . 14mm,“ ded "Miro“ “3 got” at Ellen." 0 It" pok' “Kiley, du ““‘JCom - ”L -. to! mom ' oned ‘Poled Ontb K “my Iti W“ , m_‘ “I. bne of "I: lug fun 5 Poll ! lagz' "I d- Mignon“! ‘. 9-—— ~ _ lii an T“ for, 10" ran” ,I‘Wlt) "10 1_ 5 reported * . '“P'us rupm m“ 'hiny u: '" ”marked ”hm u. I»; I' ‘d the c... «‘ '°“ Wed . M We] " __,. ~ . "‘"Y- ”Mm: tn ' “Wm. H'* 4 '*‘- ‘ ‘ t . nea- P. ”do —— _ _ on a, .. , ‘ls In : WHOM-432;? 9‘3“ $31?" I: 3'1”“? 3%“ King-3315“ 5"“ “a?“ ‘o' Haiku"? 301:" mm" 001 m; 3:]: b’ n” 37"! “inch '0 a 50:33:“ Immipg an tnu ‘4ndidl;«e:""b" “Hit: ~‘ PW'l') “$1,025 ."P fili“ “a“, 7 WE; m fill th. '.“uquSc‘hnil “.3, ‘ {Ouagugw“lnvorrnxé-per re_ . ”'4‘ am?" a.“ or"; "' 4' ___‘ ,' ’ . ion at c I “mica“: ,‘ ”“93 um 9' G 936” . 1 \efew; Stalin ”‘--. 1‘ ' ‘s‘“l9 °' Wm H. .. ”"1 ““"ingt ‘ "”"Win "v ‘f \\ ' .gfmu‘. 1‘ _IN “'l‘ elect“ ”MILO .’1 "3,, lehvy columuog‘;lrd‘ Culpepe: ‘ \ ‘,4 . _ filing. to: 0‘? 3‘qu aha... I" 010 m; “d 'l'“ issued ,n “KM”. a..’ ‘ : 'FWouldbgwd' m ' “351:1?”ng “P 033353 W“ .‘ _~ . _ o " A‘We- m m, am =*"‘v%s.:,~s:s=3s "min a‘ "5““ M 3 '6l“. “and I ‘ Won "r -, "k“Jn'hgg, an“: ,SUPPRESSING THE TRUTH. ‘ The Mull‘mfl journhls for so‘voml days I past Imm burp jululnq't over the nccvptuucu thy the Hon. Mr. Caiqendcn ofhis re—nom l ; ihatinn f 0- Conglczfl. They lrrumpelml tlialyouh his sgicech, 01- 4t least such oxlrnf‘ts ’ {of it [N it auiled the-if purpose 10])11Midl, ‘curcflglly’hiding from. :puhlic viowJu: opiu- inns and bonvictinns ih rogaml to m-bimnry ‘txrrests mm] the freohm of sweet, We 4' ‘ omily crimprobcnl‘ that MLCrltlopden. 53" ms [msgtioh in Kentucky, threatened ns ‘35 I that. SKnte ‘is by a now invasion. should ‘ex "Ll press hfigml'f strongly in favor of resisting u“ {Hm invmfm; but 1m ‘cnro for tho Union {:lnnd file'snfcty 9f the_Stnlc has not made ‘i_-{ him Inlinrgljin regmjd to the rights of [tee- lmefi; which are aésmled by the Admi-nis» in I nation nnii those who act under its: onion. "1 ‘ 'l'o'rgfmshfiha memory of (he Pauli'cal ed:- 35:10” 6n" that. sulrjocthwe' copy from Mr. Okl Critleudéni's 'speech‘ the following 'extmct. m We hope ‘Hney may. ponder on it, and-fie. ~ lrivc from it, the comfort that we 11,0: l “Nnither on thin nor any other. occasion J"! has it been my habit to make an outrryand t. : , clamor; but when u~nriintioni of powor are ml "nmlewhuigomus, and when enorom‘hnmn is d. {upon my hherly and tho liberty of my con ;,_ ailments. and upon the Constitution in in g tended to palm] the liberties of u~‘ all. _nrq w immlo, I would have ovory man lmve‘sp‘irit ill 3 enough to dechn-e his opinions and offer ”‘2? his protosts. Without this freedom of .5; Lspoeph‘lhere can he no lmiting liberty ; the n; i Republic cannot Plel. If overy nun should .u "clone his ligis‘and not vonlnre oven :1 wonl "1‘; against vio ated rights, who could maintain .y 1 a free govmnmentt Nobody. A people ”1“ who cannot discuss tlnzr public‘nieafiures of f 2: tho nation, and apply the necessaryrehuke {a to securé correction of wrongs, cannot be a.- 131 free peoplernmlr do not deserve to hp.— g i Ilut'it is not necessary that it he done with l ‘ pmsion. You are a portion of the people 3' of the United Stutes; not in a manner be coming your_high character. Sedition dqcs not become it; clamor (loos not bucomo it. 1 Action at the propel-”time. and in the proper i manner, according to legal nnd conflitm tionul provision, is what we want, and what the world has a right to expect.” ‘ .._... - «I» '- - - -—— snan'r socm'rms. ‘ an. Burnside, .in at '.recent, lettnr, gays the plugs; and public men should “('lls- w noun-Inge (he organiznion nfsecret mietia, 1'; which are alwny! gndignified and disgrace fl ful t 9 :1 free pcoplv, bait, now they are abso ’ l'utely w‘rdng» and injurious"; théy create laissension'g .und discord. whiph,‘just now, nmoufi‘t toimnson.” Let all pau'ibtic men I refllect upon {his when‘asked tp jéin the {, “ Loyal Leagqes " now bpipg organized. by H Repuhlican demagogues.‘ Gen. Burnéide g- declarm (liege nrganimlions 40 be treason -: able,»nngi Tefihave no aoubc'tba; he speaks ' hhe truth. .., '_ ‘~ 1521 From the “Mk Gazelle—Ex!” MAJ. GENERAL WILLIAM B. FRANK-1 ‘ LIN FOB GOVERNOR 0P PENNSYL' .‘ VANIA. ' ' i _We aim plensurn in ia'vinz before ohr renders the following communication. re ceived ton lath for our p spur on Turédpy i but. [from one of our mo=t highiy estnomed fallow citixem. In presénling iti to the ) pubiic. Io canno ‘ refrain from adding our ‘ hart] varnval 0} every word that is paid of the milnnt and} heroin wolilir-r named ihv I'our corresponvlpnt for llm (inlmrnnlnriai chair. (ion. \Villiam B. Franklin D! il'llu- Jive of York, andlis at. tho present time n :rosidnnl of this lm'tnu-zh. He was appoint ‘Ml on West Pninq from this CongressionnL ,iDish'iCt. and the h‘i‘tghjumnri he wor‘l atlnur i National Military Sal-no}. and since he en »tered the armv, . casion‘od much umfl'ect god pride in the h- rts of lldll(1r('ds of our icilizens. He ifs ‘entlemm of unblemiuh ied character. It nldior of upguectinnod Ability, a citizen f the mmt thorough loy ‘nllv. and a Const'tutnonnl Democrat of the strictest, and is! nighh-st solidol. Hero whore he is knmv and lbved, wé honor his mum- nnd rwfion nomination, bv Ll ventinn, would 1 his many virtuv-s. His ‘9 Democncic Suite Con ‘s the _sure harbinger of . Hin election would u onwealtll an horns} and Listrnte, one who would f «I the citizen and the I, and who would use all tain the Communion as .9. Union In; it war. It is 1 9 and pleasure thnt We {'Gon. l-‘rnnklin.,of this nocrm‘v of I’ennsylvzanix‘p. Old Ikmocratic Y’orkfi’ nor of Pennsylvania! ; success in Unto} ‘: secure to the Com u faithful Chief Mal protact the rig]: rights oflvthe Sm h'is efforts to mail it is and restore tll therefore with pr'l pl'kjf‘l’a‘ “In name : Cnunt)’. totho De a: the choice nf ‘ for the next. Gavel . York (Mum. , ‘if 5 am so deeply impresse‘d; ce n‘f thé npprnuchink’ i in Pennsylvania. that, ,3 i ‘you to xuapend the rulm [by name to candidq‘las; nrm‘ed um verbally; gob: ‘nn guidance pending [this crnutorml nmninuti‘on‘._—i-.i Ithnt upon {he succes' df! my in Ihh smile at. ih’m ‘ m-.\.‘t,(le3mnds the PM?“ 'd. an hplioviug. I-cnnn u' omnioufiflws of the m - sting upon Avery Dem ~. l'wiiev'en, that. he can (it: hing. of whnteve-r lhrdei} Ir ql' great ummoht or éfi" To .1116 Editors of! it (Bum-Lanes :41 with the importa‘ political cnmpnig nm ‘tempted to be‘ against, reference which, as you in i hit] adopted for y« cnh taut for the gul ‘ I behave with yhu the Democratic 1» election in Uctobe nt'nnr country——m ‘ divest mvsrlfot‘n ful résponsibility r cmt who t'eohx. or something or ahy or \"€i,‘lllt,’|¥hf‘”l comparative unlm groin end. Megasrs. Bditoh‘. .'ms 0f the gmopl far nhoml of tho tvme llt-sim to h Damocrutic Gnu-r the absolute ’nom- Ami thme whn p' are no nverwhailn that they will arm the heart of Ppnn ic fmrty prewnt t: as the people unxi ‘dcmuilds. Sirs. this‘ igno (3 of any thing ”LIL: cmmti‘)": rcdonunti party «:lmlnr-s. pr might? in ordinary IHUsL now nll aim; ‘l that impirca theili I‘enmylvuninn. 1 l rolizziomly ltt'fil which thn [muimlml run he ncwunlnlisht mm] with ulm'o’ule, (.'r’tl libhl ' thr- oxlu'vaxiil this matter; and. u it. to l.“ cvmsku-nt’ In» tho !'~-‘ (hf/u "J nmm that I (may .41 brnthrvn. /' My cnnviotiurr i 2. vtri‘u nph tn the lh-u ——fl triumph that m nn ita’wings" to the (allow the nominal State Convention. FRANKLIN, of Y nor. I hnve no wow] i of anv one oftho [1 have lot-Kn pmmim nuclinn with the l thmn . I know l" highly—anti xhqxiyl the famifillencemf (I one of them. [award of tho Old Keyqnn nml‘i nfl'ectirmntoly wnu‘d :90 deeply st: cnthiusimm ns wm Tm’nb sanzn, the the Imm: us I h; one? z-tnnue, to firmuote thigtv‘ l ‘ i \ ’ v i lmlim'e that the magi-3 iol‘ Honmylvnnia am: blitivium in anger, in c'uru Hm‘ele'cl'iuu of n. .pr. They feel kmfil‘y iilv of such a. wwh.« Nix-filmy», in thi-A-l‘cnling iqulv in the ,muinrily nil-lid: this fir~L vi'iah M" gynniu. ifllu- hemophil athx-m such’ an. mmlhlutn pnly a'vaituml {hp time llo'lor Hun mmitl'nmtinn and.) in: the way ol'u‘ur m. Pmmm:l'h'wmlslnig‘; fulfill-ms ‘11,)1' men that imm lm «nf‘vlyvimlqlgml, "I_\' Kn lln- fin-at. [harp-m: nut. of mury putryu’ic ’ -\-0 (Mt _in» n mt‘uln by n nluyflif l‘unn-ylvania 1‘ [l’ll In! willmul till 121:»! [nit/J I‘ (LUC‘IN'I with ly/Inf my culn'il'tinn in (JIM that vnu will Tor! \i'h yuur July In :zllnw mull quire itfiwur’m-l pruk 10 my l’cmuquux' Ihzd lhi< M~vdnd s!‘ire‘ m-x-m-y oi l‘nun'eylvnuiu ululcnmciu il‘h "healing afflicted quinn ——\\ ould m. by Hm huilnuwmlic f Gen. ‘ WILLIAM: 1:. rk_ county, for (inver- («liipnmgmnont In snv mllvmg-n “hm-n nannies ml); r‘lr‘ntimml in com udmixxntipn. Many of -r.~nn:Llly. Annrl esteem of them pmsvsq quy o pnoplc.‘ But ie Hut-Ito I wllnm'l'ho great hour"! a wank] limp snxengorl'y t Is ”1911) mm Hun. r Hm wel'x nf’ anu‘lnr l‘l tlm- G\l.l.\\'T .n‘n st3n|.z;ss «aavrujulm, ve named? Is there p r r, of mnrsP, to oxpefiil your valuable Rpm-e ijl n‘s who (ion. Frank’liii a few days sinm hiia “IN! in (hit mnnr‘ctipn -:nys 1 have svi-n‘ hum I of thnumnde of DI-m; sug'gas‘tinn with pride m unite in Lhn predic xhnn of FRANKLIX ‘le intalligenm' Mm flx'e mat of Wu in 1 Minis 'ppi is exciting and imporlum. 'th SCon‘fes't-nw accoum% of lhé early mow» 1111 ch nl' Gen. Oran are confirmed, mil ‘ later new: 'meived of furllmr summm of Hhe ler‘rul forcqs. Thu llrmk mnvomont [on Vicksburg mmmmced hy She nuuck ' upon aml‘capl‘u‘rs ofthe Confedernlmpmku lafiflrand Gulf. nt the mouth ul Big ”Black rivnr. lhifly n'xih-n belnw. Moving went. a f butl‘le was fntht oh Priglay. my 1. u! Porn 5 Gibson, resulting injhe. defeutxfof thr- ('Ullx | lmlvrples and their rt-uem. norllmur(l?y.-- , 0n 'l'uslsdny, the l‘lth. the two armie‘a ugum ‘mmoxinm collision M Jlnymniitl. n town Eubom fifty miles [mm ‘PortjUilmnn, nnd' anu-lv on Hm mill-mud which mm directly Hum! lrom Vicksburg. A'E‘llfim lhn (lonl‘w’lw Mm: mud» a stand. hu‘t. 1w m‘mmin dol‘mtfi lpcl and I'le luck. 'l‘ln; mg“ day tlm lel-v ml fumes moved 0;. .[.n‘ck.-mn.~glne vnpitwl nf‘ I the Slut». nml qn 'l‘qurulhy, (ha Nth. _ , 3 fought unnthm- battle. lll9C<mlelltukl+~t hm far, one Of the moat N“ in}: againtlvl'mtetl.. ".\anim: wmlwnrtl llu‘» that pluco' who is g "in” two hrmiathemm»on‘gnuvdumun ons'ntur ”s Wu". hulne.,6n’Wmlnvs-I (lay. tlm lfilh, nt Ruhr-n", r-r N-k. nlmut lllir in |'”. -‘ l l W -tv miles Imm .1 tckwnuéhccnw mll ulivml . "" maul-”"5“ ‘.Pshl ing Hm leeml fnrcesuh‘ml on tho non. d ““1 '“k°".h"r"'° ”‘9 «lay. Sundny}. tlw‘lTlh. n séx’uéa ll‘llllfl wu. omhelled him to talk lhelfnught‘ a! Um‘luriduo'ovor (gm Ilia lllm-k rge was not slulml’m him, rinr. l‘g-‘a miles further: “rm "mulling Hut 9“, ”Cum it is that, hbglwfnw in tlw lllrfljlfllfilllr‘ offl‘e .\‘nulhmn WEN as wood a: a white ”ml". Ah" Hm Gnu-Grunt munchmhm _ . I " ' . . ‘ null )mnml the fo- 0 \vlnqh lmll lmlnr»lwnn "l ”lewd arresting ‘9 l“ . so“! In nml wluitgh‘hrul fvnnlurml “ulnl'l'i )ws, [‘l “WW "0 l'rO“‘€‘-, lllllfi'. nlmvv \yilknllurgfi“ The city why llwu '! The query sump-ills it-jhvt‘hlwl. mu} ll)" oulvr. line of rilln pin ‘rnor, nnd if “.‘. hnvr‘, “I”, “taker! nullu- l9lb. Tin: lust rupnrt iv \h-Il llle conslimlionnl nulm- film mlv hm lu-zgn nm'uphfl lnyllu- lemul . Q ~ h- h| _” lnrceaJmt thw newhc‘tnyhrm-mon. lg mm 3 "Hg: or u c .auome .\nfu'mwd that, tho Canlotlemtm hull agm-v .n look 0‘ mlh l‘lmsure'fifleun lllmn'iiunll trumés wnhin llw 4-n~ ' lrenchmvnh. Ul‘rmnjull. tlw lnm‘s‘nu‘ lmlh sides in them enuwmnvuls mun Imw hm n severe, but tlu- nlli-rlul rtfimrh can only g'n'u “would numlwrnf the hilly] null wuuun leni. Oflitjuzl Details 6! the‘. Battle of Black ‘ Rivers. 3 . ' Mun-lira. 'l‘vnn.. Mnfflll. “.3” RAM _— Iluul [flu-.’. ,l/,. .\Vunqu.Mun/my 'l' Wm —'l‘lm fullqwin-J 4h“- 11-'ll ll.“ ln-Fn rvu-uiv-nl ut tho-c ln-mlnlumu-N. um] ix‘ lnrw ujvlml m I‘v qumntd. S. :1. ”Hum I'. .\fui‘ l-‘un. ‘ Il'mr nl' VIM-Marv. rM 'r" ’2‘Hll. (3 .\. .\‘v ~ Hun. l‘l-lniu'M." Shmlnhg Sa-prMm-v uf “'m'. —_(}.-n. Gran! mm M urx-hl ‘.lll'l nudmonlnud \‘iqtm'y un-r llu- lfl'lr-l-vjimtlrr l'omlwl‘lnu ml the Ju-kum ngll \ "Kuhn-g rnl. u: lhkt-"N (Tm-k. nu :tlu- llllh huh. I’vmlmr hull luul n mm! ful‘l‘ll-LlllllU plmlinn (In llm film-l nfn \vnmlndflnill uw-r “llll'll llw l‘wnl pnNm Inn-_vim-linallv. ”1' _lnul who!“ 24'. . (MI mt-n. 'l'ln- lmtlln lwlgun al 111 n.ln.zunl \r:|<-yuinn~«l Ht 4p. Hi. ”Is ltluvlf'M-wlml no lug llln'l'v'h Ill\l~lnll> :p‘ull M"'l\'l:ll'llll'1 carpi, xmrl ln' Lvunnfi :m'ul l'rxwkr-r‘a. “1' Mn ,ler‘nn'd. ll\m'yj‘nlfnl-kwl [lu- lull mul lu-ILI tlu- yrmm-r ”ltl’l' pli ll 1'“! u'n-lm‘k‘f p "1.; wlwn,‘ huviniJmlrs‘lxla-qn lnumlrmt In'-n. lm Wm “'lF“I“"l“'l1 l-y l’upmm-r'fun-I ”ohm-x" hrigmlwz nl ”mu-hm '{llivhiulh LV which tlyt- mnflivl “PH Iln lwl ln th.-u! p-ut. 0T the field. , lhmnvr PM. fiwr. lugn-ln-jJ turn. ’ ‘ 1 , \ expect no on. will evrri -d gnfcly’hqme (lie lama. fr: had four oZther peraous 1 .nrmneg (rem [hut piggy; u u. be Mimi-urging. in-' and wqrc away l'rnm home‘ cumlionr, fnd were not .xponum not: vxcxs‘nune. VICTORIES OF GRANTS ARMY. [IAINE'S BL "F!" E I'ACUA Tl‘lfl bum}: Army Burroqndinr Vichfmrg. ngan ppm'nfw? nn ”H Um Mu-nuy'i din-v! ll‘lrl mmxmilwl to ¢-~'c.l}u-gn'| ”1.1- imp-uh. Lug”! Ind «I n‘ml wnn'mh-J. “W tlun§l~uml prinny-u. 0 i 5": tn ”INH‘.’ it} wk. “'Ol :Iguiu M 1m “”41" 1M llmw-llwmnwllm‘in-y-r'JH-nt‘h ”I'FHUI-l in r-flu p H. |-rnn'-m.~l Myra" :HfimH hn'mt full "1' "hunk. Lawlmf“ Ahrw-ulv, nr \1... Hon: Ill'l'.‘ cum-‘11“. (-I»anle Hue Mln p.lO m lun'fi‘wvlh'. in” I» ' murv [urn mun-if llmn {tlnvir _mrn mm» «are. 1': nflu-rmu hurnml h'gt 'ngl-Jr‘, un‘l m-mrm-tl M Vu-kdf In": with "ply Um'c chnJ-m out“ unv Mm! 110 Inul‘ tukvn 011:1. Humbug: ‘fuur lnrulzznw fll'l‘l' lln- flu ‘HI-I'rk. (i -n. ”run! an;- l‘iVWl hnfurn .llm fmtn hn Hu- IJ-vi-niu: nr (h;- I‘Hh. nwl nuvrl".”thi-l:m-lvinv—-~n~l, ”II h'l-l “ll‘hl'fil n4lim‘ Mixmnplim vm ix‘hivL :Nm' Inn-nu. having r-mr'u- mun “3', Imm I'Jlllt‘fi“: "In”; whit-h i~ Inhnnlmw’ l-v Hm mu~xu_\‘.’:mcl wlm-h IL-n. Cram! ml! Im-upy, Tin-re \':_.x- «liar,» “.'hlnr [hn‘xugh Ilu; Aln‘r \‘n:.~lnul:ly. film-Lynn" u n] hul-la‘ Hu- u'Hu'l" Mum ulul tlu- I-n‘mmv‘f ‘nmn-r «mu-r Jug tl'l'il"~r_ :m l gnu w-m-r I'm m ”w Mi-u'x-«Limd. Shvrman's ("“1" law! 3m! mhy fivv I'nunllh-ul kilh-tl :m-l wuumL-IL { é ‘ 'rln- :Ilmw- un- vlquvfr m Mnlhlgl‘y.» 'l‘hu 5%" of] ‘ 1") In “M linh- of ym'r' pus! twu n'vlnrk Ihii hmj , lulm-‘inlvllip-um- rm-fiiwl‘n ”hwr'llml givw} In [ln-l [Admiral l’nrle’V-t w‘lmrl {1 {day LN. llw ‘lmh in~la Wh-lwm! Hrml _hml clum‘ Lure. :un'l ||:lv:,l‘m<—N<Gin ‘mznuling Imin“. urnmrl mull on ”H‘VMan-th‘rnh‘! NI to l: ku‘ plat-e imlm'tle lure»uvul‘m'rnlmzimx 01 ”[4 ed. The ro‘pnrt HIM th {alkn wa~ nu! mmh‘rmwi cvix‘ml at the “'.Ai" Dupzm yesterday. '- HL'TIP. and PM ufl'a '|l.§~ll HI I, 'lr“ )Vuo ifil ifghl H lllxk Hm: 'mxz' hmulrml LlH } lnnß nlmnt Inn ”It; ”In. n iv-mw LhHLfiH J'vul'n" (nu i-lu'. ‘lll'll Pupiln'vh ‘m Hm oily lufin-ri I'm-«lay myd‘: -_' '(Ir'lrol-fl. ul [MIL +n-nu. (In-n- u‘ 1-4 lln. Tl trot?" Vu‘k‘hxlnz ”Mir )'l'r'('llLl'\',» {ii up‘tn _\\'-,-Iln<-‘L- If. at \vhu-h Hun-w h’ in‘n'dwl \:l|:l\‘~ nl' [hr ”Ile ('uln “. .\ :Jv-lu‘ml '.u~ me‘k- INN l xloqt‘l {Mr-iv n'wl (ht-«'1’» "w (-Ity :wvmn,:li~h‘- I wily hull :Ihn-u-I‘y {hy {my mlvww r - }ume up lu noon COBITRO IriJuq—‘l’l/n‘ WWI? Ir [nu s,uu’l.—.gtr~