The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 23, 1863, Image 2

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    ”’11:: (Himmler.
11. Ink)! 0! lakes—tho union of limb
“I“ Union of States none would‘uvcr;
'I’II union or hearu—Lhe union of hand.—
Ald thl Flag of our Union {on-var!
I. :. Inna, IDITOI um rwrllnol
mNDAfißfifi—(f—uu 25. 1863
Thu section'of the new Conscrim bill
which permits a drafted man to .be dis
chugod on the payment. of 3300 m the
Government, created a,|cnution in Wuhv
£9sk": circles last week. It in “ill? the
mercury at War in disposed to confirm:
die lection u; optional whe‘her to weep}
flu money or require drafted men to hunt.
lubuibutes u. my pfice which the parties
uuy ngree up‘o’n, aims: formerly the cue.
It “understood that “no ViGW] o! :11th
xtornoy-Geneml ne diametrically oppo‘sed
to thou entbrfiuinod by the Secretary of
Wgrmnd am he held: thu the law obliges
”the Secrets] to ii; In sum by’lhe pnyxnenl.
of which, to propel-Ix Ipfminted persons,l
' the drnfhd men may discharge himself.—
The eventual determination of the Govern
ment. under them 'circumuanoes, in or
tonne n menace! uncertainty.
‘ «—.—-—-———A~Onu -———--
At the dection in Waliamsport, Pu... on
Wodnudny, S. M, Cram. Democrub, was
clocked Bun-59”. o'ver Mudge, Republic-n,
by 59 mnjbrity. being I Democratic min of
thou: 250! All the Councilmen blected
mDomocnul Theatre-tor Vallwdigham
“It“‘nnxlfl ‘i _ >
TM sauna (3/ My. Vqllamln‘gham.——Tho
writ-of Imbuu corpv) .ppgicd for by Mia vu'l
lindighun'c counsel, having been denied
by the Judge before wfiom my application
111 "filled. on Sulnrdly rack, Gen.‘Burn
lidt pmnounced hi: selitence —in a general
ford", on Monday: Mr. Yfi‘n to be impri
soned in Fort Warren. uuiinho end of the
’ wskfi'ljhe Prelident hu yet to approve
“Ii! hnwnco. ‘ 4 .
P. 8.--A dispatch horn Cincihgiti. dutcd
Tridly, “£an that iho I’ve-Idem has {flung
od tho'nentence of Mr. anlundi‘ghnm from
’uqndnomeut in Fort. Wan-an £0 banitlimenl
in thy Saudi. He wuto lain Cincinnati
on Friday. Win-T next? ,
”Mn. Vulllnfliglum in tqportod to
in. become n mnni-o. ‘ . ~
Tin thfitau Ojll‘cm.—on Month]. the
4th inst" in accordance with Inv‘r} tho new
awo'officen, to wit: - .
Iluc Sinai. Auditor General. -
JAIu P. Bum. Surveyor Genenl; '
WHJJMI V. McG nun. Slate Trauma.
all Democratu. who were electqdqu‘pe first.
"in mnmd by the pegple in October 11m. ‘
Ind tho Jut by the LEgislaturo in Jinfunry
flaunt} up’qn the duties of. their respec
tiu ofliceL They succeed 'Tnons E.
(vhmvu 3ppoimed‘for the unexpired term
of tha lltq Gen. WILLH. Ksnl) Ls Surveyor
Ge'nonl ; Qnd Hun! ‘1). Moon 1: State
Mum—:ll Republicans, ‘
" TIM 'Aga."—-Thq Democracy 0! this
flute hue long needed a. highftnned metic
politln journal as an organ of their senti
ml'ntl, and u A means ofcounterwting the
pomicious doctrines daily put fifth by up
Abolitipniled pron. We are glad ,to say
“It! want has at last been supplied _in the
now paper bearing the aboio‘lytlofl“ The
136" it 'qut Inch 15 journnf;‘ its editorislo
lI'O able: sound and dignified: its miscel
lmooul Ind nqrn dnpnrtmenh equal to any
other dnily, white its typogrnphyil an honor
to the proprietors. “The Age " ii'publish
0d dli}y and weekli by A. L’Gloubronner
5 Co., I’hiladelphin. _ ,
H'Gowrnor Curtin, it in my], bu o‘fl'ar
ed to nine 5Q,000 volunteers to mgn‘ the
foxtificatiom gt Wuhing‘wn, Ind the Info
po-mon is undanmod to luv. been no
copied. '
.‘Thefibolicionisu In New York hon
organized n “ Loyal Puflicntion Society."
oud on lending out their do’cugneuu prot
ty freely. with g yigw to bolstering up their
My. The dodge Won't help them. The
pmplo have gnt to (Making. and will elect a.
Demog‘A'NAJ the hex} President being the
lam: romedy' {or chum]: which Abolition
inn hu brought. upon the ooungry,
’3‘Brigadin-Goneul Hucnll, commind~
inftha Department of Indiana, bu bang
relieved of his command. This In: the
pony tyrant who issued " order No. 9."
Tho diagram of regnovnl is but a small put
of his duel-u. Among his performance:
was In impqrative order to the editor of the.
South Bud Forum to “retract." a certaih Ar
uolo commenting on ,his order. He in out
of am bulinaadust now, it seems. .‘
.'Of lite it is getting quite eomlqm for
R-pubhenn orator: and presses, espécially
‘hose of the radical stamp, to assail Gen.
Halley}: And Secretary Sum-é. In St.
Louis a. convention has been called by the
Gerunn citizens to take measures for the
remnant of the Former. Our only fear from
this (mail; quurel i 5, that it will indqcc
Ulllock and Seward to endeavor to take
refuge in the ranks of the Democracy—a
film“, which itia to be hoped can be
gutted. ‘
.‘Tbo lending Repubficnn journals of
Rev Yoi-k Ind Boston denounce Life arrest
of anbnglighamu illpgnl. unnecessary and
i-‘pofltid. Burnside bu thus plued him
uv'il' “tween two firesf:
.’The rebels dnpiu‘s Northern Cop
?nhud infinitely more tbm (boy do an
‘Abglitioninfl any. the Albwny Earning
Mail, negro En)”. Very wen ; the Abo
litioaisu In t a allies of the remain!J while
030‘ “oopperhoadi " are not
‘.‘Col. Geo. Hny. of the 87th P. V., has
mm. on «>qu Of his hellth. He was
much «termed Dy his tegimcnt.
.‘The 130 mm Oommonwenlth lays
a.» the Massachusetts calm-yd regiment
lifllo to Newbem, 8. t,.. wJum (muons!
“ rue ._ th.-5411*.
‘ an human ”Am
rz-m PEOPLE or xsw WRK H’EAK OUT
. AND memos“. mums.
1 On Saturday evening week, a very large
meeting was held at Allmy,'the Sapiul of
the State of New Yurk, to denounce the
arbitrary errant of “r. anlmdiglmm.—_
The‘molution: adopted point to the devo
tion shown by the Democrats duéing two
years ofcivil war. and express 1 determin
ption to devote their energies to the cause
of the Union: denounce the assumption
offiilitnry power in the arrest of Mr. Val
hndigham; Inert the right (if free discus
sion. They lay thnt in the election o.’ Mr.
Seymour the‘pepple condemned the system
of "binary "rests, and all u'pen‘ the Pres.
ident to roam Mr. :anlandighnm to lib
erty. They djrect . copy M the resolu
tions to be sent to the Praident, with the
assurance of the duke of the meeting to
support the government in every consti
tutionnl nndlnwful measure to lupprels the
rebeltion. i
7001.80ymoutwas invited who one of the
hpcaken hi the meeting. but eould not at
tend, Ind thenfore sent the following
mnmly letter: _ |
' ‘ Exsccnu Dunn-“33', May 16. L
I cannot attend the meeting at the Cupi
itol this ev‘ening, but I wish to state my
“pinion in regard to tho arrest of Mr. Vill-
I landigham: It is an not “high has brought
'(liiihonor upon our country. ‘-It is full of
ldsngor to our portions and our homes. It
ibulri upon its front noouucibus violation.
intllw and'Justioe. A‘cting utmn the ovi
fiencc of detailed informers, shrinking from
the light of day. in the darkness of
night, armed men violated~ the house of an
émericun citizen and {urtiw-ly bore him'
away 'to military trial, condugtcd without
i these Mfr-guards known to th proceedings
ofour judicial‘tribduulw. Em transaction
involved a series of ofi'en z againat our
mast "cred rights. It interfered) with the
freedom of speech ; it. molested our‘ rights
to he becure in our homes Iguinst unream
onnblesmrcheu nnd uoizurel ; it prnnnunced
sentence without trial, snve one which was ‘
A mdcitery, which insulted as well as ‘
[wrongedl The perpetrators now seek to
jimpom punishment. not for on nfl'enao‘
ngnimt law, but for the disregard of an iuvn
lid order, put forth in tlw’utter disregard ‘
gr the principle. or civil liberty. If this
i roccpding in approved by the government,
,and lustiiined by the people, it ui .not mere
‘lya stop ton-ind revolution—it; is revolu
ltion; it. will’ not only lend to nnlitury des
‘pptism—it estnliliulms military deipotism.
,In,this-Ispect it must in» accepted. or in
:thin aspect erncil-(l. mi iii uphold. out-l
llibertios nrapvnrthrown. the nitt'oty of our
l per-acne, lccurity of our jimmy-Iy. will lit-re
inftor depend. upon the-v nrhit‘rury will of:
such military rulers an mny‘ba placed our
us. while ourrconstitutionalrguamntecs willi
be broken down. ' .. l
‘Eyen now the Governor-q nnd'courta ol'
‘lomo'ol' 1h» grout \Vestt-vn’SluiC‘! li'nve sunk[
into insignificmim'lmrure tho’despotic pow
l era claimed and oxercxsed by riiilitnry men
who imva heon‘sent ivlto‘their borders; It!
is a fearful thing to incrmue the danger:
~which now overhangs us lry trenting tho.
law, tll?_iutll(3l§lUL,flnl"lll’e State nuthorttitfs
with contempt. 'l‘heipi-oplo‘ oftliis coun
try now mt with tho dict-{lest anxiety the
docilionsot' tho ndministrution upon these
acts. llnving given it n gnnerou-i l-upptllt
in the 00(1th of that war, “'53 name 'to see
what kind ofgnvernmrnt. it 11l tor which we
am asked to pour out ‘nur blood rind-our
trcmurvs. The tuition of the atlnlllllf‘tl‘ib'
tion will detrrmine in the minds of more
th-n one hull" of thn people of the loyal
Stiitcs whether this: mu- is waged to pg!
downrobnllinn iii the South or destroy free
institutions tit’the North. M 743 look for its
dccinion witlrtho moxt rolomn solicltude.
_< (Signed) ' Ilrixnto Stratum. _V
'l‘he'peoplc of llw whole Union will thank
Gov. Seymour for this noble stand in behalf
or civil liberty. 'l‘héy mm rejoice to wit
neu in his utterincgq. on go grave A ques
tion; 910 evidences that our‘ institutions
have. in him. “l“ elnquont And ulilo advo<
cue. We trust and pray that. the Wash
. . . 1 l g .i
Ingtog ’(Jovermh'ent may not consummate i
this act of nudnou 3nd of folly, by m 0 (li
cial approval.x .’u s ‘ ‘
Another Masa Meeting-" Thirty. Thous
snd Americans in Omaha“!
On Monday evening -a magnifiéant Mus
Meeting cit-me of? in Union Sqimre, in tho
. city of New York. 'lt Wllfl not only large—-
getimnted ht. 25,000 to 30,000—th the em‘
thrtisinatn‘ woe unbounded. qur stands
um erected. but those were not sufficient:
-—7 the people could not,ell got to them.—i‘
Hence there were a don-n or more oxtem
pdrized platforms about the Square. from
which speekers addressed the people.—
Ablo speeches were: made throughout. Ind
the following resolutions Adopted with
grout enthusiasm: . -
Wharton. Within nState ivherolthe court!
oflnw ere opnn and their process unimpe.
ded.soldierx under the commehd of offi
cers of the United States army. heve broken
into the raéidence and forcibly abducted
from hie home the Hon. Clement L. Val.
landigham; and ' _ ‘
Where“. .A body of men utyled : milita
ry commission have arraigned befall! them
and tried the aid Hon. C. L. Vallandig
ham. e’t‘ivilien and eminent public man,
[or word: rpoken in the discussion of puhfl
‘i’ic questiom. before on mamblage of hisi
fellow citinm; and . ‘
tW/terms,’l‘he said military commission
haveréntenood him to a punishment on
yet unknown, but which ieto be announced
in some militnry order to be prbmulgnted
‘ hdrcafter: therefore. ! _ i
‘ Resolved, Thet we. the citisent of the city 1
i ofltlew York hole maembleddenounoe the}
‘ arrest of Hon. Clement L. Velkndighamv}
and his trial and sentence by n military}
commission. as a umtling’outrege upon the .
hitherto sacral rights of American citizen-‘
shijgf l
(MIMI. That the exigencies ofcivil wnr :
require the fullest and freest discussion of
public questions by the American people,
tothe end that their temporary public aerl
vant- mny not forgot that they are the
icreatures of the public will and must roa
pect the obligations: and duties impased
upon them Hy tha Constitution of their
.country. which is the authentic, solemn
’exprenion 0! that will; and that whenever
lupon the orders of military commanders
iand from {ear of their spies and informers
l American citizens not. in the military ser
vice leull fail to Approve or disapprove
monsurnl of public policy. to demands or
.applnud the cnmmander-imchief, and to
advocate peaceor wnr,as their judgments
i may dictate. they have ceued to ho lrL-emen,
I and have already become‘slnvel.
Ruched, That we reverently cherish thlt
great body of constitutions. laws. prece
dents. and traditions which constitute us a.
free people. and that we hold those who
designedly And persistently violate them
In public enmnies.
‘Resolrtd, That we are devotodly attached
to the Union of these States. and can see‘
nothing but. calamity and weakness in its
disruption. and shall continue to advocate
whntever policy we believe will restilt iii
the Nfiltfl‘alion of that Union.
Rammed, That at a time when our fellow
cilinns me falling by thousandx upon the
Dottie-field, and human carnage has become
familiar, we implore the federa't authorities
nut to adopt the final error that a system
ol‘ltutiiaintnunl '.tml twine-inn jw l! whiti-
lgnlc (hp minrls and :tifle the min»; of thel
g Amorin'm pv-nplu
1 “53011711. Timt wn mil upnn Ilw Gun-mm!
Inf the Statem‘h'cu Ynlln Mill nll mlwrs if);
nuthnrity, 719 they vnlu» organized EOPlvl’y
and “able institutinm, to have m from the
humiliation 11nd peril of tlu' urn“? null tnul‘
before militnry cnmmiscmns of CIUZFHS‘
whose only crimpnhnll be the «Xi-mien mi 25:
night, without which life is intolerable nnl
republican citizen-hip 5 him may: and al
fnlse pretense. l
Raolved, That the refusal of (hp judge nfi
the district within which the ”on. C‘. Ll.
Vallnndighnm is incnrcorutml to grant a 2
writ of [urban corpus H. in itirlf, a nullifiim- l
tion of the Constitutiun am! an inf'irnous,
outrage upon the clan-1y defined rights of
tho citizen.
Rcmlt'rd, That we fully and henrlily in
dorse the lnngunge of our noble and truly
patriotic govt-rnor Rddl‘Pssed lo the meet
ing assembled at Albany on Saturday, the
16th inst.. that tho arbitrary arr-ed. and im
prisonment of Mr. Vzillnndiglmm is “an
act. which has brought dishonnr upon our
country. which is full ofclnnger to our per
sons and homes, and which bear: upon its
l Front 3 couacious violation of'htw and jun
One n! th.‘ most annoying thing! to the, The Republican party journals pride-'4 to;
Aboluionists is the coolness and good spirit desire B unitrd North. and toAlnment that?
with which Democrats accept and turn to' ”19 Peoplo in the free Stutesdp not think .
ridicule all the- slang (firms that the former '- nlilte and act together. There isjust one
are in the habit of nicknaming them. The 1 way. my the New York £4727:qu securel
titles of ”Copperhead ” and " Butternut," i'this unity of sentiment and action at the‘
which are their most recent inventions in E North. and that )I—for the nccuscrs to
this way, instead of being regarded by the . cease to be petty men and tq/become pt»,
Democrats as a reproach. have thus been i triots. bong speeches are made, and long
nmiubly adopted by them. much to the dis- 1 er reports printed, in order to culuutninte
gust of their political enemies,» It is thisttens of thou-ands of loyal men. who. nrel
imppy faculty of the Demnqriitic orgnnin- i called traitors,«sympathizers. copperheacls,.
tion which constitutes one of its chief ele— iand by every opprubrious epithet which I
ments of success. No amount of rilnldry. {:th taste find worse temper can command.‘
abuse or persecution can drive its member: ley, is this the way to unite the Northl‘
from their allegiance to principle, or in— 'Can it be done by proving party mcn,whil_ts‘l
timidate them from thcexpression of their .busin‘g persons, oerhfinly not more parti-i
doctrines. The‘Demoér-stic party .is oin- mn,and fiarmorenstionsl,thahithemselvesfi
phatically a good natured party. It fefls Can it be hy insisting upon tlfe extreme"
strong in its own sense of right. and having party measures, like. the terms of the..Con-‘
long ago becomenocustnmed to the extrnv- scription Act and the Proclgmstinn's 'of‘
egances of the opposition, it laughs eveiry September. 1862. and of January, 1853 2—5
, 1 new nickname to scorn which they invent, Gnn‘it be by declaring that tell who are hot
Resolvtd, That while fully and heartily us take it can well nfi‘ord to submit to. for the Administration are enemies of tho'
ind‘mmg "'9 rnnnly ""1 """lmk"n "Q“‘i' and which will do it. no permsnontiha'm. Government! . Can it be by muligning thei
"‘99,“ 0f th." Governor °l'N°' .York' 3° Had it not been for this happy quality of millions It the North, who. while they‘
shun do all in our power to sustain him In , , _ , , . 4‘ . . _ .
his Jewrmmmon to preserve invioln'e the the Democratic organization. the "alumna. have no confidence up the ’gltlcnl policy
sovereignty of our State Ind the rights ofi the fertility of falsification, and the “myth of the ‘Administrstiion. dear to support:
i" people again" federal encroachment: ' cal spirit. of enterprise in the Opposition the deernment and suppress the Rebel
‘lfld nsurpattonl. ‘7 ‘ i. . leaders, would hnve déstroyed it, long ng. lion 2or by calling ill men ol‘ Pefice, com
-1 fiThe Fe" ‘Wk ltorld, m ”fem": We suggest to our Republican brethren promise and Good Will. traitiors.
to the meeting. says: a. ‘ . ' thst if they, think they can put down the Those who suppose the wt: can end by.
befgiafiunm‘llec tiling: dgzmi" 33,132: Democracy '.by the system of “strategy”- means and agencies like t 951 e,. ’mistake:
igraph lusT‘t’i’ight announced to lull tho pco—l they have pursued since “'0 warihegln, i alike‘hnmun "9“"9 'nd a wholesome pub-l
lple ofthe United States that a person wear-i they may as well give up the “tempt. at Lllc opinion. Reason may oonvmce men ol“I
ling “15 commission 9f. (major-general of; once, for it will certainly fail. . Democrats i th'l’ien‘)’: ‘5 "'0" “a“ ‘0 1” dangerous;
Americanyoluntecrs m anrnrrgi;_;isa¢:nit;leag i can be coaxed by kindness; but “w, in] when reason is left thcombat it‘; but _men|
filinhzignl; Jiliiiiizftiilign foezxcticiii; 13'"; n I never becowed by threats. tThcy Krill cort- Kirchner won by the clause; and calumny :
(roe citizen of the United Strut-s All the un-l tlnuo a! m the past to laugh over your ec- which form Just nowE the chief stapleof so.
litidled authority of 11. Russian viceroy.:—l centricities, md to fight your principles; many leading menfid pressestlmt support:
T'wfiilfmv’h “g" ”“3 1mm?“ i"! nnnouncoi and thomoré you vitupcrato them the more, ”‘9 Admin-"s"“ién‘v "hegu'e’ fit!“ .0"
fifi'hehififfifufe s3,“;ng it. €533 it: ! united they will be in standnig up for the I Wrong. One may dithnt for-tzho Govern:
financial life of the American t,qovemmelit. t Union. the Com titution and the rights of ment when ‘t "l m t . “b 1“ 0' m peril, but
have wnrned thst government, more in the white men of the'Nnrtli.wL‘r-i¢ Obnywr.‘.""‘" {0" P 31"! 1116+» W"! 0‘4“": ‘."d
sadness than in anger. withi n calmness _. ' .....___.__.. ' party machinery. ‘ “
morc formidable for than 'any veheni-| Appointed (”gin—Tllo3ls BROWN. .bmth.‘
cnce 0f passion, thntmothing, ho emerseu- er of “old Jomt BROWN,” the llt-fO (f the
"Y ”r m": retil °." pretended. "0 extremity“ Harper's Ferry massacre, has bot-n appoin
of pressure, whethcr inVitod tty imhpcihty i ted to fl $2,000 clerkship iv the 11‘".qu
hr I‘nflictcdr hy the force of cirlcumstances. [LuelmflmenL he “having hot-ome “39,1 of the
he suflert‘d tofxcuse 1‘ WWW 3‘o mon- l army and resignctl.—lllhsliinylon pd sr.
‘strous, "7m establish 3° (hinges-mutt Pam-i “/0 think tho Buowx’s (the fins and
l('l of financing despotism agninst the t'or- “ ‘ n ' . . ‘
tress of American freedom. . I lbrutht-rs of old John, j are now provtded
There are none in all the hind so deftf' for, all of them having been quartered up
tlmt tlle voice of New York, latt night ut- on the OoVet-nment at very mug salaries."
tercd, will "M reach them. Woe'to ‘hemvl‘After “old JOHN Brows" had made his
woe to “5 “’9’ their fellow-citlzrns and "it; murdproua raid upon the women and chil
takers perforce of the evil or the good they; , ‘ _ .
may bring on us—but most of all and lust , drenoflllitrpcr s .ljerty, the Republicans, .or
of all to‘ them who, hearing this stern and l Abollt‘tomsts, begun t D tlnnklthey had gone
isoieum voice, shall fall to hood .it. 't :60 {strand attempted to (“Wet themselves
Neithorpermnsl nor pnrtyfchling made of tho responv'hility of that act ; hut no
the meeting of last. night. In this City what‘l . ll 1 . ‘ 'tl ti oe _
it was. They crime-together. those thou-15mm" ““8 uy m power -_ "'_"- l y x
Hands of the citizens of New Yttrk, under ‘ hibitcd the 111"“- uutt'ked nilcclmh for “‘9
ithe stress of one deep nnd n versnl intvillsowus. and the ftwors of the Admihistra
fpulse. to plead as fret-men W?! love, not“ tion have bent! extended m them ever
liberty only, but. the’lnw, have lways ples- 3 since The Jon! Bunny rnid "M . lmmon
ded with the maniacs of powc lor rightsi . ' ‘ ‘ >l. . . ‘ t
sacred, ancient, in‘nlienablo wit honor or, 0’ “‘9 Pl 3“ adopted by ““3 Ab”, ”mu” 5 o
with ‘pt-ace; for rights which. when the , involve our country in civil strite.
imadtress of power refuses‘ them, l‘reiemen 1‘ , ————--<-or—’
who love ntit tho law only, l'fiitLJiberly.
have never failed to mud and keep ina
’luuhion more inrrihla mun speoéh:
i The governor or Néw York sppke for tho
imperial htnte when from hiil exucuhw
chair at Albany hn, well knownlnml wide
lwhdimred for his reticrnco. his paliemrg.
and his sellloo'mmund. bnuulcd them-r 951
of Mr. lflmllandiéham in Ohio as tho begin
in: af the and ‘ofull thine: which can make
lih: lolsrrnble or respenm‘hlu in Unis rapuhlic:
The people of the imperial city, have ndw
spaken lor thems‘elves. The voices of gov
«war and people, ofstatc and ci y ‘are one
voice—n voice of freedom cluthml vhm 'pow
er and awake m be:- peril. II \ ill be well
[of Lhc land and lbuse wh‘nxhalld well in 1110
the minutes! genermim, if the I caning If
this voice and of those who utlfir it shall
he' felt and reverencud while it. In yet
cim’e. - l :
At a meeting of the Conclitutitbnal Dem—
ocratic Club of Bo'ston, held huff week,
the following reseiutions were Adapted I i
. Resqlvtd, That we (leprecate and denounce
this high handed outrage as n shilmelessyi
olntion of the sights of a citizen.3loudly de.
manding the reprehensions ohm Union
loving. law—abiding men, to whom life With
out libr‘rty is not wnrlh preserving.
Rtsnlved, That in the arrest of Hon. C. ‘L.
Vallahdigham a blow has bee-ii aimed at.
our liberties. which n freemon we are
bmmd' to repel‘by all the powérswvhich hu~
mun nnd,dlvine luws‘have conferred upon
us :‘and that we will exercise those powers
tothe upholding of the spirit. and letter of
American institutions, against. the violence
‘au’d us'urpation of an y man, sect, gfnetion, or
pgrty. ‘ ‘ '
An immense meeting was he at Syn
clue, on Saturday, to protest age lat the ar
lfitnry arrest of Mr. Vallnndigh m. May
or Bookstiwlor presided; usiste by n large
corps of vice-presidents, embrn ing mimy
of the most. prominent citizens 0 Syracuse.
Eloquent and patriotic speeches, moderiite,
firm and manly, were made by he mayor.
and by HomfGeorge F. Comstoc |. Rowland
H. Gardner, Esq” and D. Whi i, of Mon-
Lemma. A preamble and reso tions; re«
ported from the committee b Hon. B.
DJVJS Noxou, 'were unanimously sdopted.
\Ve quote the concluding’resoluiion.
N 021; therefore. we the citizens of Syra
cuse l public meeting assemlilkl. protest
against the seizure, trial and sentence pro«
nounced upon Clement L. Vallhndighnm.
and against (all similar seizures, trials, and
decrges, as subversive of the fundamental
principles ofAmerican liberty: u tending
to universal anarchy and disorder : as inau
gurating a reign of terror and despotism
forbidden by the very charter by which
government here exists; in is public decla
ration and example on the part of the fed
eral authorities, that the Cuiisiitution hav
ing ceased also to bind them, has ceased
also to bind allegiance to them; and, as
leading necessarily to the disturbance
of our pane and to probable collisions,
involving ruin alike to our country. our in
stitulionc, ourselves and our posterity ; and
in this belief we but discharge our duty as
Citizens in demanding that the federal nu
tllOl‘llll‘B ravnke the sentence so unwar
nuitably pronounced against Yallnnui,»
hum; that it restore him to his family and
home. and to the freeman of Ohio, and
that it refrain from all similar proceedings
in the future, to the end that nlike the
people and the government may be preser
ved from further injury.
A The arrest of Vallwdighaxn was evident-l
ly illegal. Grneral Burnsule is now rushly
dafibmg himself against the law as he did!
ngamst the rebel lortlfications at Freder
icksburg. ,But iLis the policy of the Dem-l
octncy to‘ keep cool and be quiet. All
such cases will tell in their favor in the
next election. When tlwy havecomml of
the government, in 1804, they can take
Wendell Phillips, Greeley and a few omer}
fanatics. and hang them higher than Has-J
man,under the very laws which the fnnnb'
ios themselves have passed—<s2 I'. Haald, !
Ml3l 91/). 1
Q’Gen. Grant (ruptured Jnciéson, Miss.,
on the 14th inslum. after three hours’ figh
ung. Rumors mace teceived sqte that. he
had emcuated the plnce, after burning the
Sum: Home and the Confederate stores.—
Il was thought a. heavy figh between
Grant's and Joe Johmon'o fo *9: would
mm. taka pinch.
36-“ would really been"; as if the Prui-i
dent. luul made up his mind to desort his
Almlztinn friends (om-mink ?) und become a
Copperhead. Does not the following sen
tence from his fun day I'l'oclnumtion look
that. way : 7‘ - ‘
“ Let. m, then, rut humbly in the lmpe
authorizml by tho Elvim- teachings. that
the united cry ofthci'hfitmn will be heard
on high. and unbwerwl Nth Mvsxingi, no
less than the [mrcluln ‘ol‘ our national sin“.
and the rb~tamtion Ifhur umv «llvulvd and
mfl‘nring country to II; farmer happy canfluiaa
ofuuity um! pan-e.” ‘ . ‘ v
What. else du'es our “former cnnditinn of
unity and happiness ” mdf‘n than the “ U—
nion as it mm, and the'Cbmtitution an it,
ii 2‘”: Call it be possible tlyfl the Presitlfnl.
has resolved to‘becomn u Copperhead ? '-
The assumptions of Generals -in issuin:
Orders setting aside the {biistitutioninnd
Laws, .iuid telling citizens as independent
as themselves what they may do, and say,
and what’ not, in the midst ofnpcacteble
law-abiding community, is no arrogance M
unnecccsserily as it isirritatingly otl‘ensive.
and presents n great obstacle to that hnily
of feeling and notion among the Northern
people which is inilispeiienhle to the wel
fare of the Government. Domestih, pettvu
officul tyranny should cease—military ofli~
cera be taught to respect the civil authority.
and to seek for honor in the field, and not;
in persecuting a more party (lppflilanL—t
'l‘he hdpe expressed by Abolition journals
that the General Adiiiinislmtion will com
trol State elections till’fiugh the direct exer'
cise of its military pow rs. is revolutionary,
and its authors are as much enemies to the
Government is any soldier in the Rebel ur
my. To carry the country through the
present struggle the Administration has on
y to observe strictly the duties that the
Qonst'itution has confided to it. and leave
the people withe discharge of their obliga
tions, as freedmn,‘ lbs] not as mere slaves
to arbitrary Orders. Could it only be
brought to do so, not nnothersnow would
{all before the war would and in the resto
ration of pence and the Uhion. There is
no sympathy with Secession in the States
not in rebellion that. need disturb -the
public authorities at nil—if the Administra
tion and its agents WI“ only perform their
part wisely, the people will promptly dis
charge theiryiand restore the Constitution
to its former! supremacy over the whole
lend. Let schemes about the next Presi
dential election be sdiournerl—int rigues for
supremacy among Cabinet officers cease, and
personal rivalries end detractione among
military officers be silenced; let the great
work of restoring the Union be made the
sole and single him of those in power, and
all unconstitutional schemes of negro eman
cipation be abandoned as impracticable—-
for experience has proved them even worse
than that—and how soon would our now
distracted country rise above the clouds
that obscure its prosperity and glory. and
rejoice in the sunshine of returning pence,
union and libterty. The great mass of the
Ameiicsn people are not traitors, and no
military usurmtions. either with or Without
Executive authority, can make them slam.
~li£adi7ig Gunfire. ‘ ‘
Thig term of repruéch is what the Ropulr
licnns are atliempting to fasten upon the
Democracy. ‘Should they succeed in doing
so. it would be safe to bet that in less than
two yonrq they would ”a! the name. The
Republxcnn party has already stolen nearly
every thing which could be laid hands on.
and their in‘lincls incline them to hide
their bad reputation undor any new name.
no matter how first applied. which shall
have been rendered respectable by being
borne by the Democratic Party—Symon:
Cbun'er and Union.
WTbe arrest of Mr. anlnndighum will
undoubmdly give great joy to [luv rebels.
A few days ago the Richmond Enguircr,
spanking of him and Mr. Cox, need the fol;
luwmq language:
"‘ We Wlsh from our hearts they war
both already safely chained up at the pres
ent. writing. 'l‘ntv "AV! mu‘ Us [on
mu, m" up rnxm . LI“, TRAN as
Human: Slwums up SUMNER].
“ob, Dxctawr Lincoln! lock yo up those“.
two Peace-Democrati—togethér with Rich:
srdson—in some of your Iniiiury prigons."l
The President. ncrnmmodnling soul that;
he is. hzu paniaHy taken the E-vquirar‘s‘ad-k
vice 2' ‘
' W'Asmsmox, May 16.
Never, mince the énmmt-m‘vmont of the
war, has our city bee so nxciw) an ut the.
present tima. The n nvéments of the (luv-g
ernmeul are k profu ml secret. Lb‘" imme
thing highly important. is Libouvfiwing .ie-l
\‘elnped. . , ‘1 i l
A NPWiEnghlnd Senntorhns stated in the
mast emphatié manner that within (It! Marti
mo werk: (here wouid be! an armistice for (Ice phr- '
pan (3/ enlemiiufizg peace prnpoulionl. The
gentleman making this nsnértion seems to l
511 ml; bthe curd. ‘ g ‘ 1‘ '
The failure 9! Dumnt at. Charl‘e'stnn nhdl
the disasl‘mns defeat; of Ilonkcr, sum to:
' hue “roused the liephblican leka-rn to [he ‘
Jimportnnce, of: the more oi hnimviiiy,‘u‘ff
putting u. stop to this ifrightful camngfi I
:b'cvcrul prominent llqrublicmu'luror tha
idea of an ur'mishco.‘if lor no other pur
-1 1:05;) than to recruit our Irmy.
Gen. Hooker paid its n Visit; had A long:
interview with tlge l‘r uidrnt and Secre-tn’ry’
.\‘tnnmn, nml, nftfr [arcing n l'ldP du‘wn tho
nvenuq with Mrs, Li ‘coln in Iqu Pl‘!‘§idP||-'
lml barouclm, reiurué? to the‘bnae of open.“
‘tinm. ‘ ‘
‘ It i‘ riurently reported tlmt. Gen. llnnker
will he rtrnnsfvrfvd In «umber cnmlnnwi
any that Gi-n. livinlzx‘iinnn' will NIRLII‘nf" The Great Eitfilieh Remedy.
15-4! of the Anny of the Pol’omnm In fact » sm‘Ju‘g; Chan'-
yon mil): suy , rumor has tukon every Lirru CELEBRATE]! F 1)! A I.IL PILLS.
in gum-mini; the iilgeQL of liunker'l Vinit. Tilt! ill‘flhlditifi medicine is lllliflillllu in who
”is suiumm‘dur»,resiiuifltion. and retention “1"" "l "U 3"“ l“‘i““‘l "”‘l d"'|~'"""'” d";
have all been nonlidontlv nsnertml. nnll (lif— mm: in: ritf-ni mil.» “”1“”? riinx-titiiliun.‘
fimilimg with Gfincrikl lilllli‘t‘k, Sm-retn‘ry lI iiniiliraivn njl guru rrnmvu rill atrium-l
summm und gym; ”I? l‘rofiillynt' Inn-0 thins. trunimliiiti-u-i‘ t‘nlul‘. lnil brings on tho
iwon‘r‘o'mrterl as ”m foundation fill' ”Will. i m""“".‘ l'mi‘”l “”l'w‘flmr‘nly-
Sumo rnomheri 0f- tirer'Atif'llnL'lflui‘"! IL’I-VO " There l‘il.~ «hould nut he tukvn’ hy {rm-rlO5
born inelrnml. it in said, tn i"s'o|' the romll that riro pr-Irinnt during the rim-r mun
offinnei-nl MrClellun in the cfimmlmd of towing air ihey .re Illl'l‘ hi bring HlLMllflr
the Arinv ofthn I’iitoni'ic: but this i, flu- 21;;Kv;‘l‘llt‘lnl . very nth”! time and in "wry
.‘ . . i ‘ . r_ . _ ‘ r'i'r «our "-3 nrr, [IL'I vr'l y vint'r.
:31:lg:n'::;:f"€€m;“:::5eElissa? 21,1], ARMY LETI‘ER. " ii: rill (‘llfl-’l.or.\.(‘r‘ulll nml Spinal inertial",
“pm. the l' rm“. “"1 lmvill,’ unwed since ‘ grr'm‘ VA M 1_ 13363. _« Him" in uérrinr‘k lllll‘.‘,llllii:, Ur-rninru, F...
tlle l‘ctnvniile rnuvome‘nt ' ‘ ' i '' - " ny " ' ' . wue on ‘ "'1” "“9".“ '7’“"“‘"““ ”r ‘l'.“
a. _ - Dun Colman—Jim nmv seven month: lir.lrt,,<l.u\\ni‘n ui minim. Miami-u r‘ll'i‘
:7,“ ffi;l};3’3mnmn—A B“! thiit we iii-o in the hervir-e of the United iicnd‘y‘hc. \Vlrilcwf'vlml all the ‘t'ciiirllrl am“...
‘l?me "Rafi '_T|]e Piiilmlphflfiamini," of States, and I have "pt “mu." you nnytliing (roman-vigil by fl-dlmlj'ill‘lrll n];lf|ti.liirll- lull:
véiterd-n hiider the he “'o‘, "Emu/m e (at yet. no I thought it ruyl duty to‘drop you it ’“ill eifL-ci. a cure nhunull uihrr mrnul lure
Rbadin X'ic t.d t ‘ td.'f h newlines" 0n the ”in. our ri‘tgimeiit was-WIT'L , , , .
4t. ‘ yr on nine ”W in piii’pnr e to e ‘ ordered. about "In“ ovchwk'ito liP readyint i Full dlrt't‘illtlll' In pamphlet unwind urh
t bpeemi ”switch from ting. city—iinon-l twelve. with three day-' riitlonil. Of course pn'oluige, whri-h rilihuld lu- cureiuliy prrurnd.
1.313133: mmjxfgzfit'fit $233333: “3.. iii knew mm m :3 march to he ")3“ch ‘nff’”{u;;”,r“'_' “s'” )7“; KM,“ “t"[l'W'i'W "°
‘ , . . ~ 3 '“N‘ regiment Wu randy at ”10 above stated P,' I. i, )UM ruin“ it n 9 thug.
““9 Committee 0f Receimm" ("men wasi‘tinre At twelve ournien were ordered to ”M “'mu" mm" mini. I
nftmed joihlly_ by ”mi Prerifilqms of omm“ full in. and the. roginient left. ‘ Uur wholoi For in illi.- by A. unlit-nun. Golly-hurl. Ind
filiiiiifiiiffi'iiliii zfvgz 59:21 3:513:53"? . lr‘rignde went. and scverul other regiments. f‘“ ”WW- _7 7 4 [Hb- *6. IM- 1:
tion'” that “the Union £squ 'imd citi-i they illtl‘l‘CilCd ill-out ten miles that after- .
zensdrad minced resolutions denouncing the. 92???" B']! 1:1,, {mile}! “”‘iefn‘fik «filmy? (ant: ’
not its an outrage. om! refusing to join in l. . -k“lu- m“ lnm -w n mk.‘ '
the reception unlefiit the objectionable l ““5, no tis tinie tin regiment loft, and I
name: are withdrawinf’ that aidespntch(axial? s:o3s.“3,llégdgmflmclfixmims
had been eceiv fun the soldiers refi-ln - ‘ , . , '—
nin‘g to be l.rirceirfciil by lthe Cit;v C'iurréilhl ‘llhcyddonle ? Im]: fib‘hii'ixg linked” and
and'deci‘ding to bareceived by the Lei-Rue: ‘hm uyl 19 one, 191‘ wi, ‘ Mil“ h'ufceim‘ I
that the sol'dierit. “to express their ulronglouvelno is?” ', ,‘v I? 21%.“ “it"?
indignation against the copperheads, are wlii'nniifiinfiibrnyo:rri‘tc-g’imi-iii. are ‘ It. ty
£l93sz “bh‘gnf’r "ascribed h'DMIn "mill I understand by lotto-rs that are written
1 , PP" en 3—3" 'th'?‘ 'H“ 1"" D 9" in: our boys ihzit them [3B certain mun in
P:'m}fl'l“lh"“l:""9d : “09998 ‘0 co-opcr- l Coriowago township that made the expres
“3ll:; :hfre iz’ii‘nerdl'y A grlin of truth in'do" that he wished our Regiment wank!
this whole story. Tire Committee. upon f3fi:£;:;? mailifeflégiiihigai‘ifliiw.
:V”:ng:26l3:§£so‘;'3;ci::‘39m’l“ "im’t‘" . hnw._ Now is HOL'UIM it nice exiiiersiun fru-i
riilsgauients for the roceptirhi‘ out This 85:: " man thnt u lying a“ 'hmiw End culling
.dim. and their action has he?" frien l' others traitors that are in tre eld scrvnig
and harmonious. No ”citizens" have “5585 their country. . Would not thin nmn better.
resolutions denouncirig the nppoiniment l glaggntirglgmgwala'(oz-lenfinsuightfialéosg
glieihrizcgiiiiilcililrngre :hnacl 'ggghmgt foiiliiiln J: are the true Union men and lie is the trai
have no public knowledge of “iv such tic-l tor. I think our men are more true to the
“oil even by the “ Union Lea [w n The‘ Union than he_ is. We went tohght for our
only resolutions froni that qungter: which . Suggrginlud iii-”‘GZMJMY [Edi-“kn a (inning
have been made iublic are these relin uiuh-i ‘ y nor ur n "9” cu
ingithe nssumedldirection of the. roceqption ‘ fixmiiibffii, laweveilfist lili?ifmlcl'ugf“ciii:
into the hand: oft‘he City authorities, where! 13%“:an would enliwt ngmn \Vbuid lhnt‘
:L‘tguiié’i-ivefisbf°l3§63£u§2ill2f ‘ihonfilcdiiiz fliqw that we are traitors to our country f‘
a base Tahricatioh. Al least, we are infnr- {limit leligrlis gem 9 member uiz‘t'he mi)“
med by I gentleman whofippent all on eblmm:_:_ '__ 122:: trulz,-:alw. i
Thursday in camp with the soldiers, and re—l u A“) m Kw": or ansl" ho
turned home yesterday morning. that 11:3" $6 ' W " ‘ ‘ N
heard nothing of that sort while he iflgfi}—Veiyfifiemfigcg u:‘:,|l";:‘,gi?gs"
“'"6' “Either d“ he see anything or the ‘Lfee‘m Ilimes & 'Young tiie whale ofrth:
“banner" that this lying correspondent ‘ ' ~1, v _ -~ v
says is in preparation: For ourselveflr we Efégigwawfii? ilrwu'l‘l‘tutzuiz 22:1? :11“;-
have ‘0“ good an opinion of‘the soldiers ”ff Forge Furnac‘e ! .Gl‘l'itl Mill four we‘lliih’
- , r r v '
:h: t2?til;his]bglr‘vLargebgt,;?nlli,metil)lfi’:fit£lsllproved Furrng, rigid shout lfight tgiounnml
many ofthein old friends and nPigitiYlYS‘l “Oilefll‘tztilxmo:rthbn “rogfm'fiffimuufli’ég
the would mar thejny of the welcomeihnt ‘ . . ' . .
is pzepnring for them by parading un offen- ?nd_su:nficlgrsnl‘3 be started immediate
give banner ofnny kind. ‘ ' ly. MI» L e '
It is easy to see that thlfi“sperinl dis-l
patch" of faltehood! has been irriirln up by
some miserably mnlioinus rndiculslrere, for'
the express purpose of gratifying their ex~ l
treme partisan prejudices and hatretls.—£
They are determined to make political cnp.‘
ital out of the soldiers in some way, imd
seek to accomplish their unworthy object
by introducmg the fircbrand of party run
cor and strife among them. hut we trust
the decent men of both parties will have
influence enough to crnuh this despicable
plot, and prevent the hearty, united we!-
come of our citizom. a: men, neighlnrq,
friends and brothers, from being degraded
into alow partisan brawl, which will be
both an insult to the midiers whom it is in
tended to honor, and n di'gmon to the rap
utation afinur city.-—Roadmg Gaul“,
The majority of thron, Demon-he can
didate for Supreme Judge. over Dixon, Con.
servative Republican. in about 4.500 on the
homo vote, but, the soldiers’ vote in md. to
be some 8,000 in favor of lhxon. Ofcourse,
that has beeh managed by juggling, but,
lher affect. is the name an If it. had been fair
——i& elects Dixon. We have this consolation
however—Dixon is a fair. modergte and
sound man. He is the Judge whofleclded,
in I case before him last winbe'r. thnt Ihe
suspension of the priulege of the’wfif effig
bea: nrpua by tha Pmident mu moo/unu
flmaf.——Harrisburg Patriot. “
w\\': are getting new lubscriberl cf")
dug-not nnln‘quently such u bin never be
fore puxoniud a Uemox my: new-paper. TM!
is I good :igp. ’ .-
fl-Wo learn that Samuel .\l. Schm'ucki'r,
L. L. D , author of- number of hinbricnl and
biogrnlphicll works, dxed suddenly M. his‘retio
deuce, in Pbfludelphia, on-Tuudny wink.—
He run the lot: or the Rev. Dr. Schmuck", of
this pince. ‘_ ' '
fi-T. D. CAI-son, Elq., Camel: oflhe Rnhk
of Gonylbnrg. hu sold, upon ippliution.
Government Bonds to me ‘lunonm of about
$25,000. He in ’lulhorixed by the Govern
menl, through Jny Cooke t ob., to furnish them
in any unusual desired.
struclion of Ihp find for thallnlmd Telegraph
Company will commence ab'onl the In of June.
to4he completed b. the middle “Screamer.—
Th'é‘routel Ilre-dy "ranged for Ind contem
plated ere the (allowing: Sterling from B'ulti
more with another wire in nfl'dltiun to the.oue
already in use,“ will be put up to the llnnovet:
.illnction, end there. atteehcd t 9 the wire ot‘,the
linuover Ind Gettysburg line. From Getty:-
burg it wilybe extended tO'Chftmbvrshurim—
Staffing with two when from Philadelphin
they will be run through Llncuter-nnd llnr
risbur'g to Chemberlbnrg, had the three wire:
taken went from Chumbersburg to l’ittsburg.
Thul there will he one wire from
Pituburg viii Gettysburg. and two tron: Phila
dglph‘in to Pitt‘sbnrg,-tlte three wires using the
stigma 1.01“ from Chlmhersburg welt. Also
one'lwirc from Baltimore to gyrrisburi}. An
nrringement hit! 'hm-n mode with the Indepen
dent Telegraph Company, which his a line
constructed along ‘tho count from Portland,
Maine, to Wellington city, thrqngh nil 'tho
prineipnl commercihl cities, to c‘onnect with
their lines hath in Philadelphia end in llnlti
more. Arringéinents are also being made tor
connection: through all the Western States, w
n! to rn’nlw I complete net werk of Telegraph
lines to I" the’Weetern cities} Ami through the
Independent line all nlonithe tout.
, We shall thus be placed in commhnirntion
with “ all the would end the rut of nun-kindll‘
The line will no dauht be “’01" manage}, and
prove of very great. convenience to all the
point! reached by it: win-,9. It 'shonlL' there
fore meet with the fnllelt sun-e 33.
EXTENSIVE AlWEllTlSlfiG.—On the fith
of April, Mes-rs. Bryant, Stratum! 14:0. oc
cup'ml an entire plug of Ihé New York Daily
Tribune will: nn‘Ailverliaolnvnt 0! their Inter
natinnul Commérfi lcullr‘l'sgflllll on the Hill
of April, the name +ilt'ellssolnclx! appeared in
lhc Nrw Y‘ork flemhl; wwlnol' [hose pnlcrs
also giving an uxtc'ndcd editurinl notice oflhe
tnierprjse. Again” on Muy‘ 7,11), thy touk‘n
whole column of the Daily Tribune, the lulu-r
-tisgment being also lure-rlcd' in the Weekly,
with a long“: editorlul' notice. Thur institu
tions Inuit be rujoying uulnécedeutul mates:
to warrant such nu oulluy in advertisingwhile
they up cnnforriug lusting benefiu upon the
pulilir. The Herald truly say, " T'ru; results
of their labors mro.lelliug largely upon the
husinrss (‘nptclllrl uud unfulbt-p of our young
}men." And the Tribune ndll-z. “Thcir plnn
,secuu to us eminen'ly Wlac run! prnclimli and
w; are confident thnt nearly every on. who
purposes In cnnulurtuny Hart of commercinlnr
industrial husiueys hen-utter mill dcria‘euignnl
hem-lit from donning u sumo}: to one of those
. Cnllt'gl‘s." ' , i‘ . I
’1 LP l'lnludolphin Cullete has jun-t hecn‘ re
‘ fiuml in .\II sum-rim nmn’urr, and new «ml-rs
nu: advantage. to .mung uni-n who dcgire n
thorough preparation for business. flux
l - no.» :- - < \r‘
fiTho new: from the Southwest is im
portant. General Grfint’l forces mandam,
ed Jackson. Mum, on Pridny and Saturday
week, moving northwest.. General John!
aton telegraph: to Adjutant General Coo;
per, from the Cont'mlerute camp between,
Livingston and llrmvnsnlle. that Gent-ml
Pemberton had been attacked on Saturrlay'
morning near Edward’s Depot by the Fed-1
eral forces. and compelled to full back he—;
hind the Big Black river after a hard fight,
of nine hours’ duration. A dispatch datedi
Jnckson, on the lSth, says that the Federal.
los: ln thenttnck on that city was admitted!
to be six hundred men by a. Union ollicezfi
who bare a flag of truce into Jackson hthat;
the. Confederates hml retreated beyond
the Big Black. deutroyma the bridge be—l
hind them, but that the Federal forces hadi
advanced eight miles north and there
fuund General Johnston in line of battle?
This correspondent. however, states that!
according to (Jonl‘edente advices, lheirl
troops—twelve thounnd strong—{oughtl
twenty-four thousand Federal troops, lan-l
tamed themselves. and fell back to thei:
intrehchmenu at night. They admit 5'
loss or three thouxan , but claim that. the
Eederal loss was‘ three time: as great, and;
pronounce the bottle severe, though indo;
eisive. General Tilghmnn was “non; th.‘
killed. The» statements ell coma direopi
Iy' or indirectly from Confederate sourced.
MK. gTAflLIZ—WP have thca qIIPPrt-‘ht not
of patriot! and Union man down here that
mm be lound outside of Musmhumttar~
We have exhausted revery memu to live
peaceably With them as noighhora. We
give them our work to do; we purchulae tho
necessaries of tile from atham. and pretty
generally pay them cash for tho-ir «entice»;
and their goods. We trmit them upon tlm.
scriplunl doctrine, “do unto others as you
would that ‘othervi should do unto you."
The tact is we do all Wlll’llH our power to
have a community worthv of the namo'ol‘
Christian. “hon they inault mi upon tho
streets by crying copperheads. we plug
quietly along, mind our own buainosa, hm.
tlmy won't mind their-3’. if we hon: a ling
M- their rt-quest they say we anhypocritm
at heart; if we unite with thorn in meeting:
they crowd together into one corner of tho
building and throw their eyes around him
a cut in a strange collar. as though we were
copperheads. nnd nbout to bilo lthem. H‘
We join thorn in worship the fipirit‘f tlm
4 movm them to take their hats and
lvnve. it: though they worn afraid that we
wanted to go to heaven will: them. If Wt?
meg! on the comer: of the strt‘et. to any
good morning to ench‘othor. ovary 'window
and door in the vicinity hi jammed with
long faces to see and hear whether we am
not conspiring anninut tho governmrnt. If
we tip our hot tonn old friend‘ by way nt'
politcnoaa. they any it innsign of the Golden
Circle. If 'we call thnm niggorheadt, a»
tit for tut. they want to fight. Il' vie say my
wouldn’t mind taking tt knock down with
thenl., tin-y talk right Oll'nbout hztvimz us
nrrvxt d {or treason. We have about Coma
to thélcom-lunitin tp go in a crowd by our
unltgrnJ Since the Above was written it has
been (li-covered that it -i9 I prrtty good
noiuhborhnad uftt'r'ull, but we are lu'tlh’fbtl
to death With 11 not or low bred villaim. lon
lazy to do anv thing rive hm loan a nimqfit
lair-rooms unit “ores, and on tho lienoheu,
breeding imschit-t'. 4 ' IVQI’tRII.
[Q‘The timo of enrollment is near. anal
books for that purpose are being mm m
the‘J’rnyost Mhr-lmla. Between .tho lat. of
July um’l'August the draft will probably
hrke plare. . ' ‘ ,
Special Np‘ueon.
Important Discovery.
“nun Ix 'l'n .\lnu‘nw. 5
HRYAN'S HULHUKHY \\'A Flullh' a}. (midi!-
“Hi in the cure of Dinghy, {'uhu. .\HMnn,
llh nvhitiu, Sun- "hrunl. lluurururn, Ihflix'uu
Brcythiug. lmu‘pié‘r ("unsuml-liun, and In».
mass of the Lung i 'l‘lu-y have no Inch: “1'
medirine. mu! uuy ulxihl twill lulu- then...
Tlluusnnds lune lwvn Ic-h-n-d lulu-n 1!!! “ml
hul hefurlc dt-spuirefl. TA‘:HIIHH|)’ given, in
hundreds uI cuwi.‘ A aiuglc douc‘nlluu m
Ti-n .\“fll‘ll'f.. , ’ “'
Ark fur [try-311': l’uln.onic Wufwh—thc origi—
gmlJunZ uuly genuine “- hlllllll-rd "my-n3]—
Hl'nrimu kind: Mu “If-run; lur wh‘. ’l‘wrnly
[infants In Inn. sum My dun", “Erna”.
JUH MOSES, Suh- l’rulnivmr, -
. ' ’ 11m lu-vlur. .\. Y.
For unh- l»_\~ A‘. D.l}rluuu, (y-llgnburand
ull Drugginu. . f [Fclh w, won. I]
5 $233] ‘3‘ Emplgyment. [3251
L- AGENTS ‘\'.\.\l‘l-J)!——\\’o 'uin pm, 1n...
1335 to $73 lurr mnnllx, sun! nil Axprnul, m In.-
I'm: Axrnls, or give u 'l'umminiuu. Partin-
In“: mm. freq. A-Idh Di lull: .\‘uuuu Human
Cum-”v, ll.'_JAMHs,'4l2nu-rnl Agent, Mllm,
011.0. ‘ ‘ [81:13 13.1“} 1’“
- A Card to-tbe Suffering. ‘
l The Her, WHMAI i'uat;)uu\'u, while Inhnring
as n Minimmry m ‘Jflluln. “In! rural 01 ('uu
summit)". “hrn alfoll.“ nu-nm hm]‘;
n n-cipu- uhminml fun“ I: lrxgxnrd-pluriguu n.
jsidiug u: Ilw great (In; of chdo. This "rip-n
has cum! git-u! numb-er: who 'l'ere waning,
frn'u t'onmmp'iuu, Ihnnrknim-b‘oro Thane,“
(‘ullgl‘ys‘uml Poms. and the JAM“)- uihl mum»
dvplrcyxsiuugynusml by than diam-th.". ‘
’ Dosiruui of lu-uvliumu when, l Ii" null
this recripe, which i lunc‘brouglu homu vilh
nit, to all who m-el it; {runs ufvlmrgc.
Addreu Rev. WM CUSUKUYK, .
439 Fulton Avg-nut.
. _ . _ Wuukbu, N. rug
Dee. 15, 18t32. 1y
‘ New Jersey Landa‘ for Bob, ALI».
(hnuu on Fun? Fun. mum. fur Urnpn.
l’mchcu, Penn, llalnlwrriu, Mrnwberu‘u.
, IHm'khcrrivs, ('urrnuts, ha, of I. 14. 5. 10 ur
[29 m r'es much, M the {allowing price- for tho
lzrcunl, vizgzu not“ fur 3200, lo nun In!
I .110, 5 acre: fur $3O, 2} acre. 103440, Hus
I for $2O: l’nyubla l:; mu: dull-t I" r'ekr ,
1 Also. good Cranberry “3.1.,“an nllngo lull
.in CHHTWUUD, 25 by “)6 feet, at 510 inch
ipnynble by one dollnr 1 week. Til Ibo"
,lnndh and farms are situated :1. Chel'uod.
‘ Washinglon Lowndlip, Burlington roumy. Nut
Jersey. For (mther mfnrmnliou aim-Ty, iifilfi
I'. U.‘ Stump, fur a circulug. lo
. N 0.90 Ctdnr Street, haw York, N. Y.,
Jan. 26, MM. ‘
0n the 17d: insh, by Rev. Mr. Fh-mn, of
Elliron’l Hills, “J, .\h. DANIEL KITZMIL
LEN», of Com. If. lSRth ltrgimenl. P. Y., to
Min MA RY H. BINMX, of Elliqou'.‘ Milli, Nth
. DIED-V 5
worm-my notices 3 cents per line for I"
over {our liueF—cash 10 Accompnny nmico.
In Westufimler, on the 29th of April, Mn.
MARY SCHWHGAHT. consogt of the Into
John Schweign’rtLuged I'o year: 3 month: Ind
24 days. . .
On the 2m: of March, in the U. S. Flaming
Hoppilul, anlnille, at Hiliken’s Bend, JAMES
HONFOI‘LT, ton of Mr. Dm‘id Mouton, formerly
of Adnml county, aged about efglueen year].
He died of typhoid fever, and was In Ohio
volunteer. T
0n thn 1m: inst, LEVI (PRIEST McCON
LEY, child of We and Sarah McConley, ol‘ ‘
Menullcn township, aged 3 years and 9 days.
On the 7th uIL.. of scarlet fever, ROLAND
SHERWOOD. olden. son of William: Ind Ing
gie E. Spronkle, of Fountain Dule, need ‘1
years 4 months, and 17 dlyx
Iu Monmouth, Illinois, April 27th, 1863.
WILLIE son of John G. and Louise J. Miller.
lged 2 yfire 6 months and. 19 duyl. ‘
Willie, thou wast. mild and lovely,
Gentle as the Summer’l breexe,
Plenum as the air of evening,
When 1% float: among the lreel. ‘
Peaceful be thy silent slumber.
Peaceful in the grove IO low;
Thou no mere will join our number,
Thou no more one long Ihnlt knn'v
Den-en Willie, [Hon but let! lll' ,
Hero thy lo:- we deeply feel, -
. But 'til God that hath bereft an, .
He can an gar Iona" heel.ӎ :.
Yer. again we boqafw amt . 'gr 3
When the dug a! ia in e ,
Then in Heavenyiu} 50‘ 1205"“ u". ‘V f 2
Where no tueewellgbv'!‘ ' ‘ .. r 3
Fnr tho Compihr