E 22 “in: ”may T“ 1.2.2.]..‘1‘ ’; ‘ "‘:':; ‘..f: ' OUR FLAG! , h . ' In. union of Mus—the union of lands— :The Union uf mum none would “:1"; .l'bolnnion or heuts—thepniah nHunda— Am! 14;; Flag qt omkliuion form cf] IMMMI m. .1, n'uuz. “110 i arm Manure: . . annual-vamp“ ‘ ‘ JIONDAY momma. Arm sum; ”We inyih) the mtontion of every tender to, the admirable Speech sf Col. :llopkime oui first. page. ‘lt. will Well "my I pcrungil. . There ,are immf good apeqclma mad/a “now-bdnya, on the Conservative side of na iionnl qficstioxfis, and via surrender much of Our'apace to them, because- in no other way pm we bevel put the-public in lELQMion pfunnd and correct hijguments.. Surely. in "Ith times of trouble,—no effort should be spared to cnligbten‘pupulu‘f scmiment. to the highest «loggers. _ The publication of thesodong nrlicll-n in fioqfcrel nemewlmt with the variety u‘sunlly éiyen on our first. page, but. we know that. _thn¢. will be overlooked when the valuable intoxjmntlon furnished‘in the speeches is 'cons’i‘efered, ‘ ' Tlm‘t it ia so viewed we infer from Hre' {not that may subscprersfire pouring in .upon us every 'ila9LJever before at. ms .uenéon of_t}w yenr haspur li‘t incremed so upidly.» “Keep on cqming!" WeNhaVu pom fory'more—mid «hull ulwnys endeavor, up lxexeidforc, to deserve the support. 6f.a1l whorm'ny feel disposed to .Imtromzo the Compiler. '= . ’ ' ~ fi'l'he Abolitionintu cannot palm them when qfi‘ as the "Uninn’fl party. The people understand them toqwcll for that Riel-Ho sucbced. The game was trim! here‘on Monday night last. The Know-No:hingWidp-A y‘mke‘Abplition lemlnirs had announced a ." D'tfipn Meeting” in 11:? Court-bouge for that évnning. And a. méefing came ofi‘. but. It «is (m: from being an nasemblnge of“ all pantiaq.” It. was qn Qut-A:\d-out Brpubli .gum or Abolition affair, nud did not succeed tin trapping a single Democrat. The "de ‘monstmlien " was a'failure in opthusiasm —n failurejn numberv—a failure In eVery mpect. ‘ ' ,; sqmuel Durboraw, Em“ Deputy Nation- P 1 Tax. Assessor“ presided, waisted by _a d'oun Vice Presidents and Secretaries nflfie . mmz'yalitica! stripe. D. A. Buehler, Esq, DgslmnSMr, road the resolutions, “an. E. McPhexson, Asbistan‘t. Commiasioner of Revenue, made the first speEhfaner. * KcConadghy, Esq. v’rhqgjid not got to the ” Stan: Senate. made the second and inst. Mr: Mel’liereo'n was 'nmiointed Delognle toithe‘ggepublicnn Stair; Convention, to be hefidgfl’ittaburg—Qialpioce ofpolilical busi ‘nngs having 119 doubt been and nl‘ tire pfil'.‘ cipal reasons for calling the "no 'party ” meeting! ~ ‘ .1 —_ X ,The formation" of “Loyal Lcngucs” llrrougliwt the cn'unly “"115 récommofidefl infono'of the reaolulionér ‘ We vannot mgr-J fiQngiy c. 1056 our notirp of the ‘ifiz‘le” 31m: by publishing the hanexed-Toroible paragouphs on the “ League ” subjeé‘t from ‘ihfe New York Harald. .It says: ‘ j .T he niggerhend spoilsmm sec in 1311 the jib!!! of the-limes the agiproarhing doom of flit-i}- puny. andlh’ry‘uro resorting to all Sq?“ of ingenious devices to turn it aside. «They are: cncbursging the most violent and unco‘mtitutinnnl meamres to nrrést {To onward,‘mnrcli of puhlic opinion.— T ey might. just us well try to stop the Mississippi with'n pilplii’nrk. Their futile vfi‘nrts tin "drum ,the (fitment will only .so‘rvu 'tqincrease its impetumity. Consciousof gheir guilt, and afraid to meet the peeplg hi their true colors, they change their name Ind try to raise a decnplivé :issue for the I’residentihl election (of-1864. ‘ They nra'inuugurptiug so—énlled “ Union flames," for the purpnég of taking the .x'vind out. of the sails of the great. conserva give party of the countrvauL they mhy “lye themselves the trouble. Their fine is xed,'nnd no expedinnt can save 111%:- ‘rk from going down béfore the breath f (He‘amrm which‘ ié now rising. and will soon sweep 'ln'nd and sea with maistleas {ores from the Potomac {0 the St. Imynence Egypt): the Empire Cl‘ty yoflaefiolden a a.» ’. , int-“'9 have heard the story of a Quaker. who, gpoq being implored by a Republican 10;. join- the Loyal Lengue,‘respoinded:— Ftiénd, thee changest' thy name too Voften; }bavo known thee as a Whig, as 31 Free ‘Sdkiler. )5 a fixative americnn. ash Know thhing. '9! a nepublican. as I specter at fie nnion, a; a friepd or we Union, as a jlbyal Leaner, 3nd thou recqllectesthow . miany more! tidesjand I cannot tr‘ust thee. mm. bmther Obed fell from grace, and 2WO: rogue; he changed his name, and II ihave found that whenevér then design Mg their‘living by dishonest means, {Hey no Illwnys likely to do the same. .. If ‘evjer theé‘adopu one nsme ind eet‘of prin- Héiblugiand Image on to them, for fifty "Jénn; u and painsch hue done, I may ;?>+fi"¥9{'_".‘_‘i’fi°; --L__ ~ '[fi‘TTwState Legislature adjourned on @995“: inst. In Mr. Mu’fi'fl'erry, in the nip, and Mr. Myers, in the Home. our '3.» hue had gnu: mum“ and ,emciem ~. pfegephfiyes. finjoying to Lhe‘ fullest. gtéptflze fileegn npd copfidenw of their ‘ How members, no lyo’ganllequn we're thorn useful in lthe respectivepodxes. either ilk so,oofiimopygenltli or their consfituents. ‘ panties id remnant—The bill legalizing , o pyuiaat of bountiea to volunwers hll ¥ £13011: bunches of the Legiahture, and . in #0 doubt be ipprdved bs} the vaen'mr. 1; leg-lip}: tfbe payment of bounties, am 9! . Count .00 xmiss'xonex-s, $13., 'fi:y£oisor thé‘ {iquifintion thereof.— v.Theu boynties, it. will be rememberqd, wem W ifconnty. city. Mlbugh, and‘mv‘m -1111i) guthoxities, without wnnanth-of law. phi this 09!. ‘ie intended to sanction and Min mph nppmpfintiom. ' U ‘1 ~ ‘ ‘ ;_.:_'._.....,_______.. - 4" W.—The bill to fix the “gon— ”for!!!“ of time in the Scum. The fatiguing hill the fgilpd, for than. )1 W 5“ '._‘.; ‘i ' .P Democratic Suw Con ventjon J un9._ls_ =OM ...‘ - ... _A. h r - 1‘ :i, 9 ~ mum: z,uau:ns;—.. ii l The ilurinhurgirutliol out ‘Uru’mn‘ mu: soy! : 'l‘hl'l'B4‘il nq‘ earthly: ~north-11y (out. fuch “LuafiueiJ: They can it; no‘ v'iuty ml'l' wear to the Government. Yl‘heyihlfle no," vontrnl o'h-r tho public award militant-fl" ' The President and his Secretaries fire cloth,“ ind with the full and liming: mnqmmonti iofthc ontiro physical molthdwntrfll .‘Thme Leagues may turnout: It fretbh swurut , :ol' wordy orator; to dolugu the country witll i ‘vérhul patriotiSnvers'” and ridiculed the ideaof thb/ véry disuninn and civil-"war they fwétl‘e‘ making. The party that. got .up—the Willie Aivnkes to march liberty and bread outta!" the poor mnn‘s’pdssl-ssion. ,The party flint promised good times. high wages. honesty. reform and lower taxes, and ilmnedinteliy rd'usetl 'memureiof ndim’tun‘ntfiiml brunt: the most sLupondom _'-}’Si(‘lll of puny rah— hory, l'unuticism and cm ruptinn otter latiqnh m tln> country. The purty’thab; ms bun: ishml gold Md silver, justitit-rl mobs, tiled to suppress newspaper: and mi; thgz'vlur'y merrwhmu they are now seeking to (-ntmp. in is tlielpnrty _wlnch maker} t'Ve negro tire equal of the lnhoringmun‘. h’iiich? S?ul{:-t,l() ovérr'g‘lefNatt‘ional and-State‘ Constitutmits. which brilics men in Study If-tz‘hlaiul'cs.‘tit.xl which seeks a contrnlizml (it‘spotifiu. The old Drnmcrntic punLL—vth’u parry oi the Constitution and the‘t'niun,’xs good enundit It is the party that. "grin- u.~ gi‘rtttnegs, purity. lmrd money, uevnvl wages; t goods'tmd national set-urity. liétt ni tangled hocus porus onttzip you zu‘L 'l‘huir eflin't is uln-ady n lnilure. The cat. people are against Lhrml" kr. - . , , A SHORT TEXT, FROM; §CBéIPTURE 9. And he spake this pirablel ur‘rte cer- Lain which muted in t emselqu that they were rightenus. and de‘spised Others: 10. Two men went. up ing‘o theftempledo may; one a l’hnrisee, and the other It pub licnn. \ =I g» 11. The lerigeo stood mid firfig'd thus with himself. God, I thank'tlu‘e. :tbatl am not as whiz-r mern are. emittiofiers, .u'njust, nrlulterm-s, nr even as this .prblican. I‘2. I {gut twice in the we k, [give tithes ofnll that I powesn, 1‘ . . ' 13. And the publium. s 'ndin‘g afar off. would not lift' up so much 5 his goym untb‘ lapaven. but smote upon hisvbreapc, saying. God be merciful to me n sininer.‘ ,{ ‘ 14. I tell vouyth’w mam wient dpwn tohig‘ house justified miller than‘rth‘e otlmr; for\ every one am exaltetli liinlselt‘ shall he} a bused; and lie that lili'rnblEfvh'birpsqlf'ShHl be oxplteds- Gospd according to Luke,L\' VIII Mapler. , ‘ ‘ 1' i We desire to bring filial lfifibn 'a! 9113 Great Teacher to the noticé of t‘h‘e very 're spectzible goutlemen in brohd-clolh and pit tent leather bobts, of £ll6 sect of tlie‘l’hari sees, who met in the Court. House bu Mon day egeningmnd modestly nrrognted {omen}- selves all ibe honesty, intelligenceinpalhi otiam and Christianity in the community-n We hopia they will “read, :eflqct, remq'm her and improve." ' i 1‘ @Au “ League " demonstration: in Ne‘iv York last week,'(cr decided failute. by the way, notwithstanding the promises] ‘of big speakers made on‘big pasty-5,) Johp Vnh Burep predicted ”mt the next Pr‘esidént of the United States would be a Democm, .'md hinted that his bgndidue wns Gen. McClellan! At. the sums ‘ldeoting. Mr. Rayinoud, A leading Repubfican. declafed "the Democratic to by; loyah" and Enid they would mos; probably cutythe next‘Presi dentin} elecfion ! These admissions did not go down well with themanlgen‘of [he “'Le‘sgug.” Uttered heather would have brought the gpeakers under the tentenqppf —.“nopperbe§£|s." 4‘ V . ‘ 3T3” pérent order of Know-Nothibg ism and in legitimate off-shootUpiop Lengujc ism, were both briginated and 'el’eated 4nd contgolled by the smile inen. The one ins “intensely Americhlg ”—4113 other is “:in~ tensely IOyal." ' flit is‘true that they; 33' no Union [en timent left in? the South, and it woui‘d be surprising if then weye‘; but let the author ity at Washingtén .shbwitseif the friend, nndtnot. the enemy 'of‘the Southern pqopig, and convince them I.IIM. they will have the full protection of the Constitution and luvs 41.10 confispgtions and ploc’hmuions—nnd file}; we uhpil see th_e rul disposition of the .Sonth: At. presenéL they have everythiu'gio 'lose by'coming back‘to the Unionfifioukfidz ,DWG‘GL ‘ ; _ i l ‘ ant. Wm._Wiu;tpn..Pl§ui§ienq of tho .W'iutcknwdhnka died on; Wednes— day,ngell citjzt-n II? Washingtnn“ count)". Mmylntiill, rhidingjiidt hag-(mil out: county. llllt‘, Wu :u-rmtml, his} Nuiurdny [if-4 tct'iionn, while :lllil'hlllufl vomit in lhii plm'e.‘ by mule-r otthc- l’rminst lfiqislml (Ronn- irlffA-i .ujmmihlu lirutvhnnt by the {minim 05 ‘59 |-: menrh) lrcrntly'i-nnvpynrl to ill? Ilvpntjufii ins' the uttvrnnnni train int“ Lliw'onst was sturb‘ in}; Him] ‘(‘llf—Il() (mo knnvvjwwhero. hut‘ ma>t I-lnl-cllbiv iln Fit?! Mulicnry. “'llh I iwlml trfil-IH‘l' lle l~ charge-VII" 0 one know'fi : ‘(2tmeiq'nnmln-r of our pinnirincnt ciltzmlsk‘ of l-ntlt inhliml p:trtin~,.-mtqfit ta have n 1‘ intvrv‘ir‘w with tlm mmxhnl Juli] with Mr. livlsv'r, nr t_n knmv tht- uhcxbhhmits of the latter; and sen-ml wealthy xiinl i-r-s'pmmhle gontlunénomx-mlrc-rs of titte- Republican party-Lniiored to bail l‘iim'to the lull ex tmt rit‘thuir mPnnu. hut nll to no twain; Mr. Sprawl hull “tum-hm! 1a boll on hi 3 rightiziml mn‘wrml tlm‘nrreatt M's C‘IHZ'WI 0f ‘Mnryl'mulfl and the edict. lmfi td be carried out to ihe mum's! l«-t’tur._ "i - '\\'eihope :tml Imay, for the: Rake (3? pence and untluigthul thi: \ull liethg List, UlPflfll ur nwt; nimlr in tlti< vicinity. ['l is‘ tzixinzz ntl'r forbmhmwo .tnn Ihr to have out I:ilizens thus rlnnrlesniuely M-izml und~ ul-dngted from g ‘fnmilynnd trimx‘ B‘S‘W'HLN‘. 1.-K.Squp.| Loon dismisq-d flum «In- f 9 lll'gS nwl fiqndru 1 mph? (mu '\.u'{uu’~; n! ‘.-H :‘Vv-Imu: I {1.41 nu: burr. Flll. «1 | . PORTAL» MA'l'Ta-jnx—Jrho mm Im'mn that 4-11 find an. r Juiy first.“ [”4311i in Um l‘u:t‘—oflice¢f‘nr mania tho iammgv is .hnrt. ||l~liaul(;fl.qi wnr-I us Jrnw. wxll ha kv-pt and rt rm. 1;“. tor} u‘prfn'yhhh pounce ii shoruljwill.nltcr the nrw 1n“- gmk hm? oft-H. lgejovi'nnled as u’ow, but" duuhlc. thel dcticiwcy d 1 be‘ de. munch-d on (Min-r; tin-re \m: gm Hump «m nmnlJé Im't EXECUTION or A #URDERER. On Friday, 1410 10th linsL, Frederick Smith was hanged, in l‘lnfierstown, for the murder of Agnes Tracy.” ‘A‘l might be ex-z peeled, the event. drew mg ,Lher an immense‘ concourse of people—sou}; eight qr ten thousand pefions. The p are of execution was in an open fieltl, juut' tiltispide of Ila pnrstown, on the Railropd. About on; o’clock in the afternoon; the cal rit ap peared "on the Hatfield, autmpanietfby ghe’ Sheriff and several clergy eu of the town. After some brief religious éervices. then-ope was ndjusted, the faml tiring wasl touched. the drop fell and the mg'xdcre-r was ushered in“) eternity: I ' : _ The 'cirpumstnnm attending this and case are substantially ”Jollows: Smith be ing a. married man. ‘(though never having lived with his wife) ‘MISR Tracy ‘tel’used 10' marry him. In an intlennew with her,“ his father’q house; he declarefl his attach ment. for her in then rongeu. karma, and vowed he could never llve without her, and when she finally positiyfil): reiectui his plea, he draw a inbol from‘ is pocket. and shot, her through‘ the head; Killing her instantly. he at. once gpve himsell‘up to the officers of the law, was tried last February and con victgd of murder in'the first. degree, Jor {:hich he has paid thp full penalty of the The Sort of Uninn Man who erpose the Rb publican Party.—The Helper Book—whilé yet the Union existed in all its integrity— long before the fatal shot at You Sum-‘ tef—wns primed, made the text. book 01“ the Republican party, and contained this,a-' trocious sentimentyzb‘wiiach the {lavas to‘, burn their matters ui ings,ito 'i their ..I H ' .;__ cattle and hogs, to conceal and destroy (at: '_ Aggfl' 'ltf'w FnaondmomlzlemL? “Jazmin? ming utensils, to nbaddon ln’bor in se€34 \l tJlonenl'elgnzns “:5 {which esolulidnl time and harvest, andlel the crops perish”; :veer: atlaniyriaoual'éfilo' ’ed appréving till a“ Sixty—sever} Republican Metpbem Of Con; ‘ tire came qflte gdmmgratian! ‘lt isl com. gress set. thlen‘ hands‘w a. wntten. heartyx ma—«p—f—f—f {unable to know that. people will) nullmr and unqualified approval Of that bopk. I , QGen, MCCQH' “m commanded the that. are in a bitiable mmomy inl Jena}. w #.7 M“ "'— (Pennsylvania. Reserves during the seven . M-..» “‘1; . | 1 .4 good Ono's—The N. Y. World recpptly 5 days: fight. has been musceled out. of the! 3-3. m of m“M ‘8" “who“; puhllslnefl brxel extracts" fron} _the wrmng; service. TN? peremytOl'Y 3c? coy-Des from. “omm of 53‘5“ out West. I £11859?” ‘ 0! Washington. and Madisorim such amnn. 3110 War Depulmenk"l3“fl banner. . led that'Governors Yates, of Ilfinoifi’.’ m,. new? PM Ipdxcnteft3letugt s.f One ofthefl. Gen-151003“ “35 “1° Demm‘icmmmu'uorwn, of Indiana welfe goi 8 th.”. :xlz'ajggnafi? fizz-19:11.2;‘tgzgrfi‘ézfidet-zfigg‘r Congres! in‘ the Chester disfiricc, 1“? with a. large fielegation ofAEoliagnilh, \ blues” of the World.‘ The Woer that; ran. «That's what’s the Lumen" ‘ mg“ “3‘; “fig; 5,; ‘33,," 33;? goes buck on Mr. Abolition editor-mud sorgo' "'_' “" -..—V'*sl_ 1. s? 1;" "0y hich acted then} wi 1i ‘1” «I; gntqlntellnm on tlgp cmpplim tpai to' H 959"; 3‘3'3‘Yv “fa?" . 0‘” "l“: inbumlw 8; A q,» lbepalriplism of Washingtop £sl.olin ' will resume hm resxdpnco u; ballfqum: l y "f!!- = _ 1 . .ty‘l _ x, v 1 rill Htiitm, Unvnut‘y rrvngnmng th.:- ‘Wprr m" Au‘hnrity mnl Jurtlmvl-imnl-nt of Al”. gh (y Had. In!“ (haiafllrn nhm-n and mu "vim, Imvi hy I rI-mtulirm, "rpm-«tad thr- l'rr-ulvnt lo «h-qumtn and "t "part a day fur Nimbu 11l humflinth‘m It’ll prnywr. ’ . And Where". It i‘: thl-~ Hutu of nntinm M Soto m-Il In men. tn rmn thmrvhqmndom‘o upnn' 'rm. lhv‘ lIVI‘U'III‘HIL' [mwvr ‘o' “ml, to rrm‘tmg' ind thvir «iri- um] trim-grandam. it» hulmh’h-unr- ‘ iur- mw, yr-t wuth nuurrd harm thntflrnmnu m pmutvuqv m 1! h-ml M um-rry mntl pardon. . ‘nnd rrcwnizc thesuhlimé truth, announced I P' in tlm ‘llnly Suripturm and .rnwn hy‘ nil .in- history. that thnta nations oniyrnro hlmml whmc-Lhul in tlmertl.’ ‘ _ , And,“mn~mnr~h :18 WP knmv that. by Ilia divine 211 m. mtm' tl);n;’ln¢mduatx, ”av buhim-téd tn puniuhmehts Inland chastise. manta ih thiu world, may} we not justly t‘enr 'm’~ that. thé awful chlnmity of civil war, which {Offiow dduolsm-n the qud'mayflw n punish ,7 mt influ-tml upon us: i'm' mtt' presumptu -1 s ‘iné to tho nwdful m‘ul otiour. national; t reformittx'on n n Mmh'faéop‘lé? “'0 have; V born the rcéii-ic nth til» the choicest bmmtiv: of “raven. We met-of" preservedrthene ninny y'purs. in ace nufl pruiperfty‘ We have giynwn in numb-7H; \wnlth amt power in no n‘utmn has over grew-"J: But “'9 have forgott ‘n Gm]. M's Imvlb formth-utho pm cious 1) Ind which presu‘rvodius in punter and m_ ltipiied and ,enrirhrcd and strength ened u _ ; and “'5, have thinly; imaginmf, in the dnc litfulnets ofourhimrts‘ thathll thou;- bles-sinfs wma pmdunml hy sinme superior Wis‘lhll” and virtue of our. own. Inhixicno‘ ted mt l unbroken succesis, WCt haw Levon)?! too s<-+~uflion-ntfin {vi-l thé nocos~ity of! _l‘c‘dl‘(‘n),hl;.' mu] menu-vim;‘gmc-e-utqo proud. to pm)" to tho (hpd that mmhym! 1 It behooves Im. thon.t9 humhie ourselves; before the oflbn Ind power. (‘duiess nuer- t tunmlshis, nndt pray for clemencyfnud for-' gin-nests. - '', 1 Now thorcrfinL, in compliance with the] request" ‘unvl Tuliy concurring in~,the viows‘ Oflhe iivnnto, I; do by this pnwlnmatinn,‘ dodgnatazmd «etuynrt Thursday, thu 30th day. nt‘ ‘April‘, 15th, as it day of national Inf-. 5 milinthfin, Latin! my} pmyei‘. "And I dn‘ hon-hylruim-~t Ah the phoplcitn nhstnin on‘ that thliv {ram Nmir semtlur )ittrzzuits. and tn‘ unitp ut thmr «A s‘rnl plat-es Qf puhho u‘nr-i shlpvml thoir I‘éLpE‘CHVE Mouth“. iflko ping. the (My hnty tuxlm Lawrdmnuil dm'ut \J tn the humble glischiir-go ot'ithe t'éligipus t uties propnr‘tn that hilt-mu numbinh. . i All this‘ living: dmw.a i_n fincority truth, h-t'lh the u rrst hfumhly in the] Anuthorized hy the Diviima tht‘hings. the united cry (if the natien {will he 1 0H high, and nnyzwvred with jhlussinc lé~< lhtm thn- Div-4MI of out“ ‘Knlinlmllsmu ithvi rc-Momtiun pr (.'.-51' now (liyidml :md suf. t'n-iiug country no Eb: 1}){11101' gm.” qundi-_ tiuu ()luiiiity anti I-vagm , ‘ < ’- In tertiumny iuhmm _ I have inprotmto cot. my hnnfl :Ilnti czumd the seat at the Unit-ant States-Id lu- :ttfirfml. T ~- Jhmw :n thetity of \Vinshin‘gtnn this. 30th (hiy of Mun-h. in, the may mt" our hard one thousand cighti huinlréd anti .sixly-thrm’, and «if ti 9 Indmmnth-ilico of the United Stzitesl the eighth-wvr-nt 1. I" ‘ 1}): the Pt -~i.h»nt, i ' A BRA HAM L‘INCOLN. “'il'liam U. Steward, Sucim-liztrynfb'tuw. for` I i_‘n circu .ctlvri dc ‘nu which scm. {ur lcd as if ECM M'ualzr ‘Tmnmy Lincoln.-—-The "correspon’ denmiof the Court Juumalsme very-pur-,\ ticulai- in describing the wondetful facul-y _tieu of Master '.l‘omwy. his clove; doings, .and sayings, his pants and his jacket, go} the very: buttons. Englishmen have rp pealedly charged, as with bein: man-word 'sliippers; but. the glorigms Administration. of Mr; Lincoln has reduced as to boy-worn shippgrs. ‘ i. .fi‘The political Clergy throughout the ,length of the land were .well rebuked by the result. of the recent elections. These hypocrites and mock philanthropists should now understand that, the feople want no more political Abolition se menu from the pulpit. on the Sabbath. A littlemareChris- Liunny. and l little less nigger, will be look ed for hereafteru—ailumbva Democrat. . 4 —_‘. - .—- , 4 ~ -v— '\ Unlu‘nd.—-Forney”s Washington Chroniflle 3a 's"lbe realestn mth exxSts amen t e‘ A . frge Amefican’citizfins yof Africuy deft-lent! Wfien- "31166“ begin} to“ the "<7"? in this District, on the subiept‘qf e‘phstigg , ient of the polite attentions'of ithe radio»? in theilbhslcklregimlents.f 'fixeyhglmosltduni-z PTN- They have begnnljust quch ‘ mid Verna y ec are hat: he w rte 5g iers ~ ' > ‘l3:. can’t. whip the :ebgls, it is no usp for the upon bun as they cmdon up‘pn Mob niggem to fly." This is unkind in the Af- lan. ‘ ’ , ricaqs'; very. If've Were in “Old Abe’s" place. and the Mricans refuaed to fight, we / wpuld‘ “go buck on them, withdraw the, proclamation. and appegll to white men to egstuin the Constitution.” - waxes.“ *2w.unmal 4mm“ EIS= WAR NEWS. ~ (inn. Font". thr- mvnmmtdnr '6? tho Fed pmt {mi-1»; at Wn-hingtun. ultornmlnd in [mg-ring tho l‘nytwlrr‘ntn hatter-inn in a gun. hat on tint-15th, hm] arrival mfcty at New. hunt. Ila mport! that the troops Ind been supplied with prrivicinm nnvl mnmunitinn. snd warp m-ll tnrttfiwl nnrl‘nhla to hold (ho- fllfll'l'llnlll furthv-r ruinfnruemr-ntn COMM ranch them. Gm. Nugle WM left in com. mmd. , ’ A l-‘nrgrgau Mnnrno diapstch state- th.; Gen. [xix lmd It-tt fur ,S'ufl'olk on Saturday ' tnnrning, Thorn 'wrro rumors of fighting: m" the Bldckwuter,but nothing relhntilo hut headrrqmived. t AJ-‘ortmss Monroe disfnttch at Monday, lflyWZ-w-l'l'n" firing has Wan gain on for . the- hut 2411051", on tho Nfinnmoid fivor. orcautrmt-d by our gunbofll lbdling out the rc-hvls. who are gttenuiting to piaanzttto rim at dxtl'a‘rent point: on the rig-r. mu 3 night our Kunbonu. with the niri nitheS'Jth .Nrw Y'nrknnd 81h Connecticut Mgimentu, ruptured a rebel battery of :5! pieces of ar tillery. tom-ther with 200 prisoncn-taken from the «HM: Alnhnma regiment. . 7 On Thumlny nighwweok. scvén ofthc gunboata of Adm.l‘nrtor'fisquuilron run tlm‘ hut teries nt Vicksburg without serious dnm. ngeor fo-s, T‘hwg trunFl-orts ulnrted with the expedition, and two mm-vgd‘rd in may" ing, but the third took fin-’wtu-n nppuqita the t-ity. and was Pntirvly dostrpym). of. reaching: Wurn-nton Admiral P-trter bom.‘ harm-d the town. with what ,etfcct is no: known. I The nogmgsgiment farming at Helium, Arkansas. is ngnrlydull, but it. in stated that. they show but- littie «nthu‘sium. amtmnm lmva to he: impressed in the service. ‘ Gen. Irix.’ in n diupntch to the War Dav pm-tmen‘t dated Sundny. the 19th. state.» ; thnt’un to that time all tha mavememn ot'.‘ ‘ the Confederates against Suflth ‘hnd law)“ thwart ed by the activity and coumgh of them Fellemi forms. t . ' l‘ ‘ ‘ An arrival M. New York brings the inteL ' lit-encevthat the Confqtlnrntes hnve retired . frum the.vicinity‘ of Washington, North 1 (‘urolinm and that theynbamloned all the 3' huttorim t-rt-cttjrl on the Tar river. On tho 1 17th a, regimentoftrrunpspnnml upflte rivvr I on :I stt-utnvr to reinfurct: Naglu, and was not Innindrd. ‘ ’ t Advire> fromtva Orh-om tn the 13th, are )ot‘eivmlf it is Qtulc-d that important mxhlnty mnv‘oment‘ wvt’l‘ in progrws hn the BAynu 'L‘v’ohe. Gun, Hunks was ut the hand of_ two division“ nqd advancing. they. l‘nnh-«lnrnlvs falling hunk; S‘»|.)(-.\kir,nam.,’ “"11,ng 0N mrml on Sunday, the l‘llll, I'm-L With. "'l‘“. E out‘imymrlunt results. : (I’s) therUth Pusan. that € gmlh. .\[qu was am-upw ivy “Tm-1y of "a crud § gm troops, and nnmo fighting Inuk ply-mi“, no which hvvnly Confelh-rnteh \wre kfllud ind, In huge number wnumlml. ,SfibAIEIUeIIII-IV. ! 1m“ (-vm'. rn-mfurr‘omouu Ql'l'iglllg ll'um 51.93 Wile. the l-‘mh-rul ”Imp“ Ivfl the: town nix-1‘ 1 irotunud th'hip I‘lumlJ huwhu lust. hm 1" killul and five woumlo' . A finnlmut was mugged nn thn‘ Amite nv'm- un [hr 7”, and r ‘:.m_‘!\\'urcl~ lrumml myr'vont heir {Alhng int‘p the lmmh 0f Hm l‘u WWII-ruins. Uvun, Futrngult in :Fporlcd bl ‘kmlulg lhu Jtml rn'r‘r. _ , - , A va Yurk journal vhau u h-Hor tram“ 'Nom" 011 mm «film; ”myth! mm ”uh-{L of {Um \qu. Inn lwrn rs'l'flpllli‘cd by the E‘ml.‘ 01-le fux'uos Lu, Grand Lake, mul than hr» mZix-or‘s nnvl m-‘rw. in ullxrninuty men. in: yrimnvrs 1n l‘wrwirk buy;~ Lnté HIM-"mud [min-r7) hnvn iliupntrhtu - {rmh Purl Hudson mnfig‘fil‘jng (ho roll-m of ‘ the ”ca-plum si! tlu- “MuhQum-n of l! ‘ “vat“ 'l'he guuhbm, Marga, gynuire'l 1411 K (‘oni'ddr‘mtma WM so olmfly 'pl'uvl‘d by m. 4.l7eder‘ul lurces 311 m. he: 631 mm! Gui-1.01611 * ‘ ltt‘l’. ‘ ‘ ' ' V ' Q The: (‘nn fi-tlonltes have nnt mtrdnlml'fmm , Nnnmmcud :Ls‘ rr-pnrted. (‘.u .\[uxz:hyllmyl 1 “me «till in lhoirold pmzt‘iun. and kept nu. é ‘s-kirmidliim until-1:001:01)‘Umtnhlyu h‘qp. I ‘ Muller-k. the Unqm-al—nrflhivfl v'mlml sun. «. 5 folk on_ Tux-3‘1“); in company will: aneral ' Dix. ‘ ‘ ' . * ‘ ‘l‘hé lntm‘t ndvicm’ from ~Pnrf‘ Royal Wm; , . that all the .\lulfixrirs amithon- in-uuz‘nvrv plutrd nu ‘nlvck. ll 21‘ qpfirtc-l that th.. ‘(Jnmrdt-énH-s in'v Png‘lgmhn the HHL‘lanl to who llmlimhak. . ‘ ‘, » 7 Thu ’intvlfigvluao from Hu- nlmysnl: ll.“ l‘nlnnmc L~ unimyunl mt, .\‘Ali‘md‘ pf f'un- ’ 'Q ‘ vrh‘dumtn mn'ulr'y (gum. the Hapnhnnqu, , Hen-Img lhe Feller] lim-a. AJnunbL-r‘hum been cnpynml. : , I" A skinuhh m. um'tl on “'a-dnmlny a; “he villinm-nfClnn-ksnm-k'. in I‘lenfl \\ Whiz r-uuhty \'n., twelve unleg -nurlh nf .\‘ulfulk‘ in “)nrh HmL'nnfl-nh-mlc's were drfvulud.— It i~ «him! that ”:0 Culnfi-I]-~r.xlq flow In tho ‘ ‘ 10mm],wnufichgents on l_'ie.\'m'.dnnmrl wag n! Imus, (-iuhL limvs an; griml. us I'qu (m Hm Ff‘dl‘rr:H wk. ' ' 3. ’ \ ’ 'l‘lwrmvl-l-c frmrtobn Mfgkmlin: vow-lint“ Chnric‘afnn 1,1”. th lTlh mist . xm‘ludmp Lhu Iron-film“ An ntlwmpt nfilln- ()Knlwh-hlus In tlmnunflv Hm "-unkcn 'é‘ull-(‘lml Kmlruk “21.: pi'cvéntml lay the lizfi ufu Hum-” 1.: uh (uclwd m thé ”wt: ' “L ‘ \7 A filll'!‘lr~o~i:nru' (T(-rlne§.~r‘:m~) «liu‘uh-h lu~ pork (1 c- :u-vugudx'ount'lhfi hm” s,l}ch nu- VIHP, find Hu- (nurture- fir lulu plum”! [Mun my) «man ol Cunfmlemti- \r-iuinu by lhn Fudmiz“! tnrcus. Thrcu‘ hinul‘r‘d ‘prxnuncri \mu L‘ukcin. 1 1 . GOPPERILEADS. 7“ _- 'l'h‘s term, {lust nppliul in Hip DHnm-mrl by the l'ehtlyl but nllérw‘nrds nllo u] phml Inf 1110 Alwhtiuu tun 'ltl'llllltl'! of the llallt'r to all lhoac \t ho uhlup’ uinuniuu in ung lurm ufld corruption in‘ ullflls ntuges nnd \nrieuw, hu‘t ntJunglh lwl'n‘ digulliéd by the oflii'inl runny: mlion of lhell’rcsitlcnl hinuelfflu his errr lllsmissmg n ynukte Silltll‘ r for vulm‘g ”W Dr— mm'rulic liukcl. Ai the scrlwnt is the imme mortar symboli of Wlbdoln, tile lh'lnnvrul-y‘l do not care how liturh or haw" ollcn tllcir_ appu 'ncnts apply the term cnppcrllend ll) llll‘lll, Ind they are genitally disposed to, thWJ “Pliny icnovrfit isislo applied. llfmy‘iuf-tlmm, in imitation n! thc‘putllou uf 1h: ltulululiun, 011-. min copper Lilmrly heads, OllleSllllHL“ beau-1 tigul copper breast-pint? nmde in he 'lbrm o! the hem and Jbust oEthe (lodlll‘e of Liberty, n hilc many a true blue carries an Ibld l‘luhiono' ed copper coin in tail anlm, to femind him, we upppmu, um only pl his dul) V 0 his «nun-1 lr)’ but also of the lap: that spcqie mu oncq llhed us a circuiluting medium by the people of this Nation, That an, holly should object to this course of Action is iiilxgulnr. y t it is true that nmuy Re übllcqn} nowrn-duls iet grout themselves wifen they dinm'ef lb 3 l e Appli cfuion of the term to“ Dcmocnt h‘ null“ In exhilarating effect upon him ! Wel‘hopel how-1’ ever, llmt'Ahe‘u friends will uroune the” for? mer good fixture and nminlulil’ tnd Fermi; Democ‘mu m nldicnle» but. Will mt mled “2‘.“ Oppmbrioue epithet as much as fly suit. “new. p‘euute. You applied it to the Immune, gratuitously. gentlemen, and martin: a par: feet right therefore to me it an be! in“: their tastes.—L'lmton Democrat. _ l _ ' ‘. W Th Flower: of (Jam—Cuba Duncan, in n ijd “312,33 thousand odoroq: ind nu; fléwen, delightful to the semen, But Bryw’a» Pufmonio Wifen ‘imparb to ion: voice, , lutigs and thi‘oat, {a weakness ind pet-fee: 1‘01! that the flowers of Cuba qamict surpw‘ -, ”Mn-vfl—ja