The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 20, 1863, Image 2

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    - ' . l ‘ - l “ ' . /
U K A B I E B T 0 N: "M '" "fill": mm" of their infield orv‘ vn- l— " o «
_ . —— ~ _ lrnnmiyzililg m- lm rpm!“- llifim 4‘45. l'ni' ~ l r
ACCOCXT OF THE ATTAI‘K AX“ RF:,oiivlt~i\'p "urpngpe' “10 nevl‘fiflfiilyil‘tailmi.i ' tt .
PULSE or Tub: IRON-GLAD FLEET. ‘i'rhe Kunk’pk Jul I-"tflwvt‘w ““933" «he; .
We havejust. come to realize the remltc ' 'l‘" "”3”“- three "’ rm" hundredl'iflflll‘ 01': ‘-‘77 M f
of perhopl the 1110'“ desperate. while at the ’"m S“"'"‘m"'l “kw" bottle, ‘3‘“: “I.“‘d'd ./ . IR
nine time. perhnpn,d rule oflthe slim-[Est . midlife 2:lll:sl}:tigzlgm:§{:'2f§:r£prr‘néi W/ '
ru'.'" ' _ ‘ i 4 :
Stalk glintiiezhirgfgl‘mfi. ligfln“élil?l’l0§i0;: . roundu. and W!“ 3”.'”"k ninety “3“”. ""ll // V
for which we have been so anxiously 100 k: lclt the light With her turn? ridd Ni. ‘l'With " .
in‘ {or many weeks. has at hut taken place. “"“W ”we halo! in he; aides, and so disy/ .-
h. an very near the anniversaiy ofthe firrt 2 $2913.” "'"gr‘l‘" ““lkl’l‘ll only 1! Tim“: '7 'fi
tingle had of the first. hiimiliation‘ofour: ; n "'.M‘ " m vycntt °l‘.“ 0," M “I"“S’l 0.
“gr. ‘3 flirtingggfiofm‘m‘,mm"? : ii?lm".’°.32i‘2.‘ “iii {i2’”ii‘.‘;i’2n°i.%§iii"2.’f;r V
i en 1 . ncar . lea . . '. ' _ t I i
tron. u'it might have been. oitl’iei‘ in loss imifilv ‘Zflugfig :he‘ took}? minim“ had , i
yWe °’.fi‘,Pfi"“-‘.‘;f"9 1m? "going: Jam £29.13 .... .‘.J‘mbi‘iid.i.‘.;‘fznéfff ‘ .. e, ,
orce Ni 3 Wl sic com I: 0.~ ' P ' ' ~ . / . " -G“n on o lakes—the union 6‘ ..
the éonmry. and "may. rennin. I.3mm 2b”! ”tv'fm'iy more” for u"? purl?” air.» i The Union of States naiie wuniii Tellt-
Jnd of any attempts for u long timeto come ', I’afznbfgfim'f” preparatory ‘? “mfl'f‘”, 3“” The union 0' hearts—the liiiiunof head;-
toward Llw‘filmfl‘ of‘lhfi city ”In“ lib“ befn “to”. to3.922%an:ngiiobg:hi2liiirri: Ahd thelFlug of our fiiioii forever! ,
foremost the-reic ion“ 2; W 1” «en . . ~ ;‘ ~ . . ..v. - .. ,-
...... .. “3...... .1... 13mm“: i3lll".i‘£.°.“.‘.‘;2?’l.‘£i?§?§§i‘?.’2?‘%lilll"’.2‘ l
'ruentwaul be. um» Visa ems its ruecesa,‘ . ‘ ' I" . - - L
liitould be imposeibie. it. in prolmlile ”mlii‘lif'piiixliunits-321“?"lit-21:31:”gig“iv'hzi‘fhl IL. .
both “)0 fleet and ”10 few lam] {OMS that i‘dk'lynl fl"d ' ‘ J“ rd (in 111-Phi. yt n 1’). \7 :‘> -M: ' ,_‘—" >“h
We" to co—opemto With the expedition Will t“n" “8° l‘fi‘ncflfenfim 0d {“l};th $99". IQ DA‘ MORNING. APRIL 20, 1963.
return to Port ltr‘iynl as soon m 4 pint-limihlo. i “win 12:" " M'd an?” 0‘? ‘ ‘.i Brown}; m
to await the planning olleonie new eiitcr- the :. lumljisuilyoiigltgnjlli: :Lfliifioriflz’COMPLIMENTING THE DEMOCRATIC
1”” Wm“! iiiitiiii‘irémr . ice-t llu-m in fighting order, and it‘liq prove-iii 3. ~ PARTY
. On-Ttlosdny the great’mnvnl hattle whit-h iii»: 2;“fll""‘!" 5135;???“ "i 1-I'l‘.,ll"‘4|l Ortiiel The courge of the Republican, Abolition
decided the tortun'm of the uttm-k tool: lawn“: :Til'i‘lnwl‘lli'h u);°;g:"t‘?lfi'§igle or “Union League” party‘. is occasionally
j’i‘ce' . “had beenl'l9?!rol(il:};nl¢i:,;:l3nis:i‘flemiV-e ("Papma "ff-" Mtg; 1:0 15:; I of‘suth a character as to be in the highest
taxonomy . .r ... ...... ......m... rm
‘coul'lo. and it was nnri'n hrfore the tloet got -. 2:22:14 (Jilnilmmcrl' omiothc (1:11in ollt'heir Marty. 0f éourse they do not déalre that
under wny- The Weehawkon, winch “‘M'iiiireiiliilfloy iii 5: ii 1‘? cots; 33'! gm f‘eryiEUCh 311111le the NSC. but they are 007'1'
provifided With :hmfi- immitfg hy Mr. {Friend in,“ 0' y ‘beli “3 e'—;jictlrcl to it. ' This changes in circumstances
0 e irow re verse am ~ . i I. . . ~ .
(“liloliinitiating:removel obstiiictiom. took tliei ' mf‘ort Mfiiiltrio first opened firejupon .’ :Jfoilglit about by their mad and bad acts:
lending position. The michor ““"l‘fi-O’ the I tne Federal llent; and warsoon fdllow‘od by 0‘56 them no other remorse. They must
Weehmgken iii-come Pntuncln/llin. Hid Ill'fl‘ir } 83.0%"? 2"” and liluenles’trhiiin thefic‘. do it or sink IB' 3 party. without even tlie
ilin drone of this rnlt'uliiiost M soon as'. "“ “ gener 3’" r “'..c- l ’9? ho eofachd'n on he ' ' "
1’” fleet "“5 in "‘Mio'b‘m‘d “ ‘h'lflY “{“V‘Tilmn‘dms advanced, replying “‘9‘“?le l élcldlinn nu eveentttri wliifilu lresuientill
an hour took plum before the trouble could 3M“ lowed the northew fucelofllrortsiim-g , : ' ..I l Pier.“ lion .
by remedied? ,Intenflfly harassing were all it?“ when ””9 “In“ S" obftrucuiona; We") , dountrqunsutution and I“W's—lS SMrlhcekl
these detentions. which had warned 3° “bathroom-rod, l‘mdrng whinging?” “)I re-: by them. ~ '
""“l the expedition “i?“ nggmvlilin’fi per- i more ml Fifil’sv’thellin' ‘lhrybéur im “’o‘” ““d’ Previous to the animated disco-minus and
vanity even from the start at Pint Royall“. 'I‘"““ ‘,"“" t e ”‘r O Inlillleimeani 0 the . . . .
Thin mntterfriglitbll the Weehawkcn atart- “"7" the keokuk had Menstrual: and per-i 13.? a m“""‘_"" ”'"ml'll'l m the 101 l elec
ed ‘E‘ll‘i and the other (glam iron mnmfiiomtmi by, large slim, from the etfuet ofl ”-lonfh-lhe administration party inaistedzoin
Ilowly followed. The tlcet move up hy'the 1 which she) sunk ’the next: mor . ing.l llio : the Wildcat methods for putting down tire
shore of Morris Island and tuggrd ‘Forl. ‘md 13121153,: fig“: 59:: his l‘iecnme; rebellion. The chieFoltlicse wastlie emaili
;;:og:':r.bu'lt ilgopiiiiiiiwrgl;:ss.:i.;l.‘l”s;: I bent tha‘t the ”“91 W; [inlet-id Infill]; :5. cipation of the slaves find the ceiifismtioin
others also pasqone by one. and all iasilo'nt. l we. i{cher b‘oatsqalso parrodlupiiilio "Wu"! °f “KE‘PWI‘C'HY llfflonglng to southern 0“:|fl-
Suddenly now, as they “PM“ on, the m.“ 1 eimt are of l'ort . umter tilltheyl were aim 915: .1 in? preposterous quzickcry has receiv
two-hots comc'from Fort Moultric. ncrors- ztopgied hy ”lie‘ obstructione and turned edits quieliis. The Republican organs now
the bow of the “(cohort-ken. and every man“ iiiute “A t‘," lemé'itll‘m‘lflthoy?" ”"99“ inoiit, or pretend to insiat. that The only
in the whole fleet is ready in a moment ahq "p. na” 30‘" “no“; o's ”reo’d9r‘l it ’- -‘ .1 . ‘ . i
h' . - ed _ ed iomthdraw and iii. liven cloc itlie entire 3“) ocxtiiigui. h ”lefd’eumn ‘5 by heating
In mign .mst for the. commencement . fl ’ f, d l l? mI., _ d fl. . . .
of the battle. The next‘lire is from Forth?” “as auto range on he uctpn ceased.‘ A 11119571"! capturing its military strong-
Sumter. First a flush of flame and then a: lne statement says that the fiiil‘itclcorly ; holdg. .\0 reader of ilicir newspapers coin
:Ihole broadside from its biirbette g“Milemonstri‘iteu that. the’iron-‘clnddngoneoun-pfail to be struck with their entire channel
chine crashing upon the “901- len whip“ Wk“ Cigafleq?’ I‘helirinz‘p “.‘efleet of tone within the last few months Tll'(:(‘|
Cummings I‘oint battery. Moultric, and Il! supposei to h e damaged l‘ rt Sumter f l-‘l I. l, .' . - ~ I
Battery Bee opened nndthc foremost of c°““d"“bi¥. 'lB beveml lnr‘ge lea were 0° "'1 RENE 0f elnnmlpahon and other,
the Monitor: ”00d injthe midst of the con; Beep. onl “16.88.?!an wall. ’l‘h 2‘“"Devil”_ mnuntebzink measures may not have. (“hang-i
«titrated fire of hallo dozen batteriesr‘l—i kifiiietligndfnirgilieiiertlignfsflii; ”iii" YEW“; ed thoir opinions; but they have lit-mi
Th it‘d waited until the verse in i-houl ‘ ‘ ~ 3‘ g ‘1 0“ " hroii 'lit 0 . ' .
can: concur as possible to the converging ‘ ashorcand “""sc“l"“l'°*l,bythemedera’tcs. not. fuhpctirtlnfirfihdfitigstwgie firm? “‘llll
. . , . . ___..__.<.... ”.... I - . armed h) -
. range of most. of the guns in the foruhca- ‘ . l >. . . . l
tion: round about. 'lt ill‘Ul boon the i‘ntun-ISPECULATIONS AND RUMORS FROM t 10 "3mm“ Olll‘mlllm}.ofl the. Democratici
tion to pan thrg‘uglli th}is tire, rind beyond i ' WASHINGTON, 11. - 1 party. they have been forced to tlirn‘w their .’ .
Biimter, but sud on y 1 ie chlino‘kcn iru‘s . -.. . l 1‘(-irmnoiprition‘huinhnz <0 fur into the liacl -:1
Checked “"4 seemed to MVHG“ 1’" motive l milmeitiiii."iiiircxmfflggjflg hcflliiiif ground that it has “‘11:“! to make nub! ll‘ vnrie i'
never and to be straggling holpl’csdy ing _ i" . f’ i ”I tl .' l‘= ‘. 1 f 1,. f 1‘ _ l
n‘gainrt the influence of the tide. 'l‘hiswasi 14mm, advices from the Gult‘ linninfor-l .' m‘ ‘ "u “c "We“ “”5 \
explained by the fact. that she encountered inlutiori that “1.0 lur :9,- portion 0 Eur‘forveii Signal change is entirely due to the intrepid I 5
“lb obstruction con'sistingofa 1’1"?" "‘P“ 0" have left l‘nitnn llogiie hiitaiufliipent nuiii- ‘ stand taken hy‘ “"9 Democmgic party; I“ 3 \
mblxrgrxizlwrugrfiigi‘néh:c‘t‘iimsieile§fl::tjc¥ldi'y i berof troops liuyo doiibtloss heefi femilieil iis “ practical confession ”it": lhoi Demti- i;
in ‘ ~i.. ,L- '. .-.. . -' i‘
PM“! The ”wen“: WM fouled by the I :iiilldlgz“iitliigkbl‘iie'itgniifvlii)g:lziii ifgopinppy l crats were ripht and the Republicans 3 .«2
note, out; unable to more for some timc.—- it ‘ 5 if g H {wrong F'lLi‘nalNK months ago, ”In former; It
A torpe o burst «10:0 to her port side. but 3 w .7 I“ i . nnsertci t 9 same principle; now nfl'ectedl
without (‘oan any‘lmrrn. Tho Piflf‘ln‘f’ds fiiili‘iiienliiligziil‘,litl’ngalglrciegigihcfigrjig;i by theilllflC-f. ‘ i 1:.
fizeznf? 1033:2332 :g‘igxfrfigflifiémflrfgg 131:9: it; the lccenlguhck upon diatoms. in ii Democrats, your principles are nlimys , 1,.
. Tinelel'l hand’channnl. phasing “.‘wmpnfl Edi; ltd-:lfftliiififrhohis???:Llégzuti'hilifiii: i right—nhckto thorny—urge them upon all i 1.;
- Sumter and Cummings Poinhwan olutrucl- but that lit; vtiniild run the hum,“ ‘pi‘n-t'id: men. . The hope 0f the country “’3” on llri
:s3.}?i..“:2::.:°:i:.°.f.i:::;:s:Lti‘sizfi ioi xnvrnewpne ...... ...... ...
l “at out of the water. And 1.8.4; of “Ease Eirizat‘ligthrill-rt:n‘ldi-tifdtii (ig‘élliolnfahl‘li:‘i'€mln:ilcfng the whole oppmitionr again i‘
I ‘3'“ rebel irOn-rleile we“, R’ifl'ionpd‘aw‘fit' ml, hat-rowed £11919} wh’en the tiae’&el":::d sUppmclhut the people m“ g” with themm ii
i 2.3. “1° (”"Ing 05 the fleet, if by any p“’i_“i‘ and opened the attack Wllil \vhnitl i‘diiulti is i they “f'” urge their negro eml‘m‘il'vlfimllflml 'H‘
' bility they might. he able to remove the 111-ifllrondy known. " ; ' ..i -» ;negio equality schemes 3; hotly a: m.é,.l_ , ’5“
i ”mmng ob‘"“°u°m- His s“l‘l‘h“'~m'““’ It is reported (inmhatis comid rod ' and l They :niust he he‘d in check. 1» . oi 1a ’an
i opening ll) one 0H!” ”“5 or I‘ll?“ “‘9’" is-niithority «that, thdi Wiir llciiiir‘t lentgii‘i'h d bi;- -v ‘ t .’i‘ nv‘ - 3pr tee” in
ian immense torpedo: containing several Idecide.- :iviiimt this consolidiilimil l the ‘l‘d‘an 3 oigiimcn . lhn 1 man Leagues 'o‘
thousand poundl nfl“““l""- “"1 fflPi‘i‘lt’v ’ renimcnias in General ll‘OOl-it‘r‘si rm lint _are' managedhy Abolition leader: 59nd
' M the rebels believe, nt utterly destroying will Order “ draft to gm the relies ail: ll“ (lcmngoguos, and “"3 inténded ‘0 “Mimi” l b
any vesselltliat muyoom in mutant with it. i ....riv (1,... l‘ . ‘5 i.llSll. liv tliq deceptive nnd hy ocriiic'il cr l"
The fleet was therefore e’llb~ctiinlly 'cliccked The “‘gnwnwmnnt that cl~~ - “‘- lf“ .. _ p , ‘ y -
Train further ro'resm In-fltllilllfln to ”ml . . won. .0 ‘iclin 0 Union, tliesnme piirposoowliicli they
, l" A» command oi the ‘rr-lmlq tlireziteni ' I‘o‘teri -
difllcuiti‘cs presented by them almost, lm‘iisiiunilonhtlv 0,.1.(,m;,{fl .1 he‘ 'iis u'ite °"“‘"“"""‘l “1‘0" "110er on every one of
payable obstruction: “.33 the great “.o“th recently-heard iron) in l-ii-iilocnlilii‘ r] j their Ivnrious. fanatical arts. frnm their i'e-l
i experienced in steering some of the iron-1 Jackson’umovements o}; whei'upihouli ‘mifusal to adopt the Crittondcr. Compromiw i
triads. 0’ indeed making “3““ ObCV the. tlio.iiulvject of'frcqu-dnt inquiry land Al'rrnn (IOWRJtO the resent. in tl en t' it '~ y
l b. 9101 5‘ nil. Th°'l"°““d‘3s “'39 “‘9 m?“ ’ the lmigfihsence of intelii-vcnc‘d‘ mm this‘ " JP 3 i 1.0:") ii“ 1' ”hi
l unwieldy. The Keokiik, though unlined“; wily cm‘e'rm'in it is feared ‘3“ 1i iicliiefi m: volvmg the o.o“er 111"”th Irretrienuble.
iu it afterwards proved. to stand the terri- inn unlocked-for quarter is brew‘i‘i ; ‘ l |'-I“'nii ' ‘ . i
1 "his impnchof the shot thrown P” herfi-oni ; The loml “ppm.” of our 930:. 5-for tlioi There is but one safe course for all truly.
tgie splendidly mounted batteries to which ‘ “I'm“ Dram-105m" are 1“” claim at. the " patriotic and conservative anon nmv to
ain was exposed. seemed the beet capable l sum 0! $l5O 000 000. ‘ ; i l g 1 1 . '
ofregulating her movements. and Wm! lllll‘il ' ' ' ' l_pur:ue,l am “at ”_"m“" '3 V’T‘f“ 7":
Molded to pas: nearer to Sumter thnnfnriy l DWOCF-‘Tl‘? PARTY. and tllua assist iii re-
Bulfitifllel.‘ The lionsidiu. it will be re- i moving from place and .power’ by: the
moniker-ed. ‘5 PM“ one of M"- Lm’”°“:“ peaceful and lawful means of the lilillot
Monitors, but. in built. a: forum her hull is box tl t . l _—v . ,
éoncerned, nearly own”) plan of the ‘.Var- , . ~in sectiona party whieli is liirgely rc
tlior and Lu Gloire. The Kmknk isulight- sponmble for the terrible nfllzction‘a brought
z:- draft verse; than any 0]! the other-u. and upon the country. the destruction ofpro‘pen
o'nstructe on n'new in an. invented y t the e s. - - .
Mg. Whitney. of Netinrk. The vessels 1%; of flxpen int-(Tlihom 0: money. “.18
tti-ictly known a! the Monitors were only . “Inuit." “9 "psgnm ”'0 "'3an
i moderately successful in governing: their. "‘3 of the bog} union of btntcs Proyidence
i ape-ed and motion. but ‘withstood the fire everamiled upon 1 .
l £qu “13:32; 22:1} 3:93:66 wltiiihjvliu ul- ‘ Iriie Abolitim, or nopuiiiimn, iefinm
on. es o i irc .'u can ir 'in preg— . , . .
.1 lmbiiiiy.‘ ,liie firstdilfirultyw'n-li me lron- Wednlw“”‘°}3e“t°d “'8 ””“e‘mime
‘: tides wu manifest before the firing had can any {hm—“ml “my mean ““1013 as
l mmmenced, as in passing up the channel ’ng aslthe people willfullow themselvps to
l the bow swung on the port. ride. and she beclieatwll‘iythemf Tho “UniOn mime"
l bould only be brought. to regain her steady is their last dod e—all others are H l . d
. course by skipping the engine for slow niin~ s" T- . g . , p aye
; utés. In the midst ofthe most terrilile fire on ' in” 7"" “T
-i it w found necessaiy to throw out the on
i thor- to prevent. the ship from shoaling.
l and on gem'ng in motion again it was but
i _a short‘lin'ie before the anchor had to be
l thown out a second time to rendei- her
l manageable. Shefinally. after firing one
i broadside at. Fort Moultrie. was compelled
l ‘to retire, as she woe entirely helpless. mov
; ing eguselessly one way and another. and
i sometimes touching bottom. and 113 the on
i ehy. noticing he ondition.took particular
l pains to bestow \gon her a largeproportion
of their ‘fire. She wasdnvulneruble, how
ever.. to the best directed missiles.
All the while the. Monitors were contend
‘ng against obstructions in the stream. and
their ownjnahility to control their motions.
they were receiving a concentrated fire that.
' would have destmyed the- best wooden
fled the uorld has known inxthe time that
. would have been taken in passing through
'iti Sum. of the finest English rifled guns
{gonhe largest calibre. which have run the
2-”‘blockade, and the heaviest guns cast in
l Richmond, lind beenplnced by Beauregard
; in the moat efiective positions. and proba
bly all,the etfect to he obtained by the best
i mofuioderninipro'rementsnndinventions
i in artillery practice had been necomplinhed’
- in the l‘ortificutionsfin the midst. of whose
3 fire the Monitors werecoinpelled to remain.
in I’vohobly there Wits never so terrific rm
f "iron hail" in the history of naval warfare
. as that which was withstood by there vesgels.
. “Thedwt came nometinies faster than one
; ,nould count—in tons. With crashing weight
1 And with the severest force that could be
_ imported by the greiiteat velocity. It. is
j W that during the’ fiercest firing a
j hundred and fifty shots were sometimes es
‘ tinted inis single minute; and it. in be-
I=‘ rliovod that from three to four thousand
1 team. wsofired by the enemy in theahort
I I of half an hour. It was the climax
‘ 'o‘fll the forces that science and ingenuity
lion evoked from the elements for the pur
meo of warfare. It waslthe first great trial
[up perfect artillery practice on shore.
md the mast inrniidable inventions of the
time upon water. It was emphaticallya
f battle of iron. There‘ were very few men
gagged and very few lira: lost. The pon
(herons shot. 01’ four Hundred and fifty.
pounds were lifted to the muzzk: of the.
I by machinery. the guns wens managed
. ' :1 memory, the turrets swept around at}
139 bidding qt pOWertlul engines. I 1
Aftér ép_ trying the the 101' hall'or tin-oer
gutter--0! an hour, in which five oi the
ironolwls were disabled in each a manner
, .
The allm'k on (‘lmriestou was l carefully
prcplrcd, tleliltcrnle nllack. nnll it i ts iii-{on
"Olaiflllcf‘. (lur repulse is thclmo complete, {
null, under the citcutnfituncctl 1h imoszt rli:-;
henrtoning ruilure ol‘the whole war No od‘id
uinl glaze, nh collocation of word:, will set.
nairle the hnlmdpslismeml fact thn' after t.wo_
years of cligful prcpnrntton, with t ‘0 most in-‘
Etheruhle ships of year the War] 1 has ever
Jon and guns dongle and treble th Icnlibrc of
lliose heretofore used in naval w llfttre,‘ with}
money and material without stint rid the hear
and man In niltib'le mechanical skill on lite
globe, the administration lms lailfid to take
that place whtc:l above all others till the South
it could least. afford not to take. 'llho orihinnl l
capture of Sumter was A misfortune which "
could be excitaed, but the failure rd racnprurc
it is, under the circumstances. an oyerwlicirn- !
ing nataonal humiliation and liiifililfl‘u uhich‘
cannot. be expltiined nway, and ‘willltiqt be con
doncd by the American people. ' l
Two ~rears ago the rebellion w+ fortnnllyl
'opened by the‘ bombardment and ' uhseqnent
capture 0t Fort Sumter. The whole rm’vnl l
power of the government has bcjn employcd|
l devising means to captur thi ‘{ rebellious
stronghold. l’ehdihg theSeitrcp::lPtions new;
and terrible forces come into play it ofpnsige-l
‘ nuvnl warfare: mailed ships whiclillha huge;
‘ balls and shells as though they wet-l: pens, Ind l
guns which could throw shot wei' hing over;
four hundred pounds. The" txjnlzeleinehtsy
' invulpernbility of vessel and cone: rated pow- I
or of shot, .éhonld have given us} 6 tic-Img}
‘ other things being equal, and thud 5t ey bevel
1 not done so is due simply to the It’ll: of fore
-1 night, comprehension,—comblning power and 'exl-l
eculive ability on the part ol 0‘? rulert.—l
Knowing as they must, the prestigxlthe pation i
would lose and the rebellion gnin in case they
, failed, it. became their imperative may to' lcltve i
no means untried to enpture than ty. 'He'ncel
the army should have been emplojid in well ‘
lac the navy in the projected attack. Thn‘t iii
{was not usedis due to the snpremeffolly which;
{prevails at the army, headquarters: not! War
, Department in Waellingtoh. , 3
What. a record it will be in {high}? that with
;an army of 700,000 soldiers iii the em, barely
17,000 were employed to co-operate with the.
lgreutest enterprise of the whole ”war! This'
lmol‘llfiing fact tells the whole story of thei
‘fnilure. Our present iron-cltld fleet nlone,and‘
without the co-opernti-on ofthe nrn‘t‘y, will nev-T
er capture the city of Ghnrleéton. The confed-l
terms power of delence and obstruction is supe-l
lrior, much superior, to our power; of merely
] numl nttwk, a: at. present developed, - ' i
l The htornl ofthis disaster in so obvious thstl
‘it need scarcely be mentioned. his the story‘
l of Bull Run. t JVirginiacmPaigfia “Dd Fred- x
leriekthurg over again. We hovejtin adminis-l
{Lt-Mien who cannot conduct a sncnesslul won.
:nntl’who lune neither the courage nor Address
l to Obtain an honorablepeocea—X. Y. World.
m“ The Secrets of Americlfi Bastiles,"
isflnetitleofasmanpamyhletisaued by Wm.
H. Winder, 55¢, ox Pluhdelphig, who was
so long a Victim of the hatrad and tynumy
of Wm. H.Sewamt. The workia‘a parsonal
mn'rnuve of Mr. W 3: (use. and tnwreatmg
as contributing to tho history at the hdious
acts" ot' the pxucm. unscrupulous ndmiunr
manor), ‘ ‘ .
wl‘he Trduuw‘ headsfihi returns from,
Cvnnectqcuy ."A Comping: Oug‘nhrow of‘
the Copperhudd.” A gtfiu 016.000 in 1‘
single year is rather a camel spgn‘of "over-I
flux-OW." - i
nar'r‘he Abol‘itionisgé‘invite “men or all
par:i,es” to'join their ~‘ALoyal (alias Aboli
tiolh Leagues,” but when government
qflfce: are to be distributed, they mpnnge to
have them all given to their mm partly;
Their “ loyalty” is to» be {mid for—otiheb
wise theywouldhavc nnne. The “Le-agile)?“
they suppose will make them votes,‘and
thus continue them in power, and insure
more large sums into the pockets of em
cers. Fonim’ctors, and the“ thousandé of
other Republicans, great and small, who
are‘growing rich upon the blood and treat
me of the nation; But no they humbugged
thepeople with Know Nothingism, Wide
Awakeia‘m. und ‘then .“ Union Party]? we
doubt'ubethenthey will find any consider
able number gnllable enough to be cheated
inio their “Loyal Union Leagues.” The
same leaders. the 'same set of demagofiues.
who are getting up the latter, werqjthe
fathers and manager/39f all the rest.
S‘Tbe Damon-tic party is “Loyal
Lbague" enough f 6: every real patriot”? Al
wnya tine to the Union, having devised and
om-ried \hrough nine tenths of the great.
measures thnt have nude the country pros
perous, meyer equivocal in its sentiniento,
nyd perfectly faithful to all the tr'usfi re
posed in it, it needs not rwprt to secrqt or
gmizations, and midnight oouclnveh, to
promote its ohjects. Let all honest Union
men connect themselves with it at oncp, for
it is the ‘only puny that has proven‘itaelf
consistently and uhaltembly devoted to
the national cause.-En'e Observer. ‘
”The opposition‘ in Crawford county
sfiil cling to their old 'name. We notice in
the Jaui‘nal a call fora meeting of the “Re.
publlcnn” County Committee—quot “Union"
45 “would be called here. It makes very
little dnfl'crenpe, however, under what title
may army {himselvw—Hle people will we
Hwongh the disguise. The Republican pu
ty and um “Loyal Lesgnes.” m and had
the kamc in puryose, and both man Aboli-
(mom‘s m ms unison.
i ,"I say that Ism not for the Union :9 it
wts. I lmvp the henor to any tliatJ am not i British Minister. published in the "Diplo
,"‘'', n v . . .
mitr‘bmon to ““5“" “a ”' “‘s‘ ‘B' 1" matic Correspondence" printed by order of
i i , . . ' l ‘ egg ’ .
iThin w the hngnage ost-n. Butler, the zLong? , occurs thefollowmg most remit-IR ’
. i . . 'able and disgraceful sentence :
"'5O hid bottoms the licktspittle of ‘ ' .
. . . - . ‘ ~ 5 ‘My lord, I can touch a hell on my right
1! administration {or the saltei ofnn of-. - . . .it
t _ . . . {hand and\ order the one“ off: citizen in
mic. for tho prinlege of pampcririg his um, . . .
. .. -. Ohio. I can touch the bell (gain; Ind or“
1!: by the pomp and circumdance of glow . . , -. . .
,i u , _\ .. ' ”. dar the Imprisonment ot' a citizen of how
nous war. Such‘ is the loyalty of the- . _ . . -
x , , . , . t \ ork ; and no power but that of the Presi.
mpn whom the Abolitionists are Just now 1;.
ld' ttl .k' ‘ d l he . -dent can release them.‘ Cfm the Queen of
A", mg 0. 1°? la' ‘n. on ‘3' min t D” -, Englandhin her dominiona, do its much I _,l
f‘,'r;£tbexr{ulaqrne naygqrm , 301301.110“ ii the object oer. sewnni'wu tbhumil-f
vigingxffwtg rm»: Pym”) ." "11:0 , ’inte the pimple tr this country mi to dis— j
ig l _ e.. loin”: lcunmg 0“" 0! grace and (llegrude them in the eyes of the:
“F ‘o' *L ~ i | i whole civiliwdiworhl. i“ could not have]
Jigs-Some 3%, '9} are WXeakeniné the Gov-Z done ih more effectually. lle boastslof the?
ewiment by c‘ iticii—iiig the not; of the ul- ‘ ”biliary-” Hand unlimitefl power oithe (10v
ministration. iNo’.‘ we .will strengthen it, emméMP—lmflfl that iit i“ in more perfect
by bringing it.“ back within the citadel 'of ‘desmtinm than the English moxiamhy.and
this Comt‘itutton, wherh it can withstand‘ glories in.“ 116 tact u’fltiitviflfies to overridb
:th'pattncks ofitq {995 for ages. That'mnn, ' the (hmtitution und the laws and to ruth
hti he et'er so boorj in friends find money, “ lessly trample nmm thef rights-and liberties
who battles fq'r me right, standing alone, hot the citizeng whme‘ servanfit is! And in‘
nuimnted‘ only by Ithe pride of‘éonsqious. the vgantonnessl of his tirrogiince, he’taunt
rebtitnde, is‘the only really strong man of; tingly asks whether the Queen of England
in? day. Node bu? hind,Gofiernme.pts canidflm '0 Unis outruge the limb and the,
,t 1... . l . . v
fogir to have y“mgr principles and policy i rights of Citizens in‘ her doniinions: ho,
fairly criticisett. If those principles andlshe (are not! Contlutéte on {her payt like
tli‘pt policy e right,’ they cnnhnt helm!“ Fur-“10d by our 00 rnme . would
,sti-ewthened y phblic (liscus'sinn' andvbeii came her throne tot befitset , d herself
mime forever 0105 and grounded deep in i and t'nmity driven in oxile fr ttheir land.
thhhearts of the hooplerwliiléh system} .Ym‘ wejtre calipd n free people. and our
orlpnlit‘y which cannot stand the test ofthe ; Government “ free Governn‘icnt, Wh’le ”“9
crucible ofipuhlic. opinion, grill and ought .‘Enflhl‘h people ”6 the/““159“: 01:3 monar
to fall to the ground: And tliis.‘in-leod. i'ChY-fi‘batl’f- IMCH’M“? ‘ *
in the very fer-Lon lu‘éli ii. great cr)‘ is raised ‘ , 7T“ 7-
ngiiinst publicicriti‘ ism of the policy of the WHO ngfigrgEgngggFOßT T 0
pug-3y in poweg. Their waning tortunes udil‘ . ‘ 5 ' ’. _
leni‘ih them hi their approaching doom ;', ‘ The grent game now pinyqd'by Ahthtion
l c t v‘l fom thenwél -. th lightning and simill-heer roliticuins ‘yh yen
t 'FY ranno .n ‘9 r . ‘ “ .“9 _e . Nate the questions of I, no (lay in ale-hollow
mighty I‘E'VUiSI nu public sentiment which I and liar-roan”, iota im‘pute to. De ocrnts
is Fweeping or I' the'loyal States, and will: complicity-with the rnlil-11. syninath with
50in sweqi ”I?!“ f‘ m the places of power I their Oath", niid a (‘f‘tll‘f‘i‘flllf‘nhzdl'tslre r the
1] honor asithoriubhle of tho 9'll”] isidmmimmn'm “-16 Uni-m” nndlto. ‘harpe
a"? ' ‘, ’t . , ‘ ‘ Ltilllt the Set-esomniwtei ‘look: to Ithis-i same‘
swivpt away Di' ”'l’ rPlentlesa fires 0f themmmomcy for hid and comi'hi't. But,
pritirio. They; have been weighed iii'theTSYl‘fln‘fi‘ 1" “with“ “‘l4! SWP‘SiOD i “-9“
. ‘ . - . _ of the " L'ontm eruto Smiths! [all to k at.
ba?nnce [infliqilfnd 323“"; ~ 'tlm qumtion in tho mini? livgll. The hold
‘ WW“? Aréiv of McClellan conimenoed I out tlip right hand of ti‘rllngvship to their
moving inst yénr nminéi; the enemy on the i {‘.mmm" I":"tvhlr‘m “f the berth, 9.” they
, .. i .- . , . , ‘ .nth now '.unm .0" thelsamq platio tit;—
4th ohMaitli. . It 15‘ no“ mormthaii n month ’ I:]th .. ”w Climuon i“ a pqvennn “1“]
later in the win, my] yet no‘forwnrd mone- t death and :ricagiw with llc”;’,——'Wlllip they
mént hm; tiikgn .Phlmtmw the gun'e ”my. Q hold the 'Ntll‘i:l(’|ll lJi-‘nrwnry to b tlioiri
t ‘ fl . H . ‘ - t ‘ :vpi'y worst am: ‘nmut iiiiiuermi; on iy.—‘
‘l‘“th “Z "ind“ r. . \\ e are not dispmcil i “'0 wk» the prom! oi“ thisk fact. fr 1 the
i COlllprfllll ht the liittri- faint—pel‘hfll‘fi\‘orymnnilis of the Southern hamlet” rind
AFTe may hoigootl cause for it;—but we . iilt‘ ("tiltlll‘l-ilii of tho .\‘Txtliern prosai In it
:ertainlv cannbt unilérstzmtl'hnw it is tlmt‘ 1M“ ““10er, the Mel. 10 (Alabama) IIL-giao
‘ .' -',‘ ‘ , .- ,9“ - ‘té'rsnyfi: 1‘ . ‘
mi" nho rim”. “"0 ; r.mll Pf r” "‘ mfle’i' " 'l‘lm' i-nrlic-al :ilmlit on element vhiéh
II ncmg ‘[‘('(flollan7 beCl‘W‘h‘m tliey‘eny. (lvcliirm against ro-unit n, and npiins s the
110 “'1“ "100 5.0“f-3' ' , _ \ r’o-omihliuhinrnt nfimn ‘ni‘mor p’nliti‘Ad re
.} u . ' 4”” ""* ““"" . ‘ liilions. iaulthr all. nr‘ntmt to what we Want
"Irrrrtmg,K‘r.:m.——.\inongllio:n\\.[iniirised and m” huve. An”. having mmlia ivnr
wi h Rt‘w. Mr. Atla‘infi’ cliurr‘li‘ on .\liulison ' upon in tor uni yum, now, as that ”trig; is
it; lill'P. New inrk. lmt'Su-itlny, were Gen“ PM”! “"t "f l"?"""l'- '1 “WW“ PM“? on ur
\l Clollun. 1111 l ){l't-L Mnrm‘ and thiutthter— ' 0w" “rm“.«mle “m Democratic Party,
- V ‘ v ' ‘ .‘. n’lili-li milli- liitn pnwvr on the hmbliyviiorse
hi 3 latter the 410,191-le s. motherin-lnw mid of WNW, can only meet us “ml reconfitl'uc
is er-in-lnw. iwbo joined by loner—tho tion." .4 ' . 1, i ,3 ‘
1 mar by profession. "the some was wit~i A lin on tho qth of? March. the Rielitnnnd
e sod by a {nrge |and deeplv intoreitmi\{j'd/iunrh ltlni “tail-15d {Wain}? of .lefieraon;
'. ;,. . ' . - .I\'-.‘.<’.'ii« t" HULL-l iy: 'v i i
' grzogntmn.“ “'0 front “n'l “hf". whroi lit-'l‘.) luv plum. \m fum- amhtli=trh=tifiir
| utiluliy‘ndorned With ilmvvru. it heir]; mow jhmn :It'imlf‘ftliy lril-mlly mummies
tor Silndiiyi, hut tliPl'o “‘.u' no u'lnpartum Q." thti' Dairy-i2“;-vtlihn‘thi- “SW" ll“‘t)(‘ll\' (if
im the tlhunlvobwnnnoes on sticli:occ.i-' pliiliintlii-npi‘tfi‘ 01' .‘.lwzncl‘iiiselts. : The
‘ llh‘lllllCtßlil' imi‘tv n‘uuys ‘EJ‘L our. worst
font-my. my! but tnr its 'rOlH)liOll$ Plllill‘tlcc
thvsi- Siam» \rnuhl lmw lure-n free and clear
‘nl thi- llt‘Q'lHllVii l'iiiun twenty yt‘illfi ngn.
it. i.‘ not ting S-waihi" nntl Siiiniiirs,:tite
ili‘m l; Iii'ltllllilfl‘lll)~ tiliti‘ .\hnlitisillidq, who
h-n'o. limt iii. fl‘lii-y iwrn right till nlnng;
lilf‘l‘i‘ mu'mi irrn,u~.-,«~ihln conflict.” '
M'lm.‘ tlu-n. «in the Sl‘t'9s~ioll leaders of
tho. Smith (mint their lie-st frit-nth? «,To
whom iii ”1'? ,N trth‘tifi they look for “aid
and 'miiifort ‘3”: .'l'lit-y toll m. in so many
wank. their only hunt» is in; “ the rinlicnl
nholitiun n-lumc-tit,” ivhirlhliu: boon ': right
till :ilniiszi‘ii (-I.,umiiig “the l'd-t‘ilflfiil‘h'
mont of our t'muu-i-v political rhlntmnsf’
while tliv'y, :ll'l‘ otgiiziily candid iii admitting
that " tho- llviiit)urittti'_}iiii-ty can ‘nnlvv ti Pet
them with Tt‘l't'l?‘il'uclloil."—»V]H’7‘lld' 741 a.
,«fi' Dani nriv one in hiim-Jinxivy ”nae!
,pmv Unit tibia 121:1 bun) o! (finlrm-fpyk’
lot-s, govnrn'n on! ngenh. tax calm-tori,
l olhvr Niki-01‘s} wlmc‘p pun-um ‘nrn grmy,
fut m? fiho lwnh drcim ii to m-dsc? Not
of thonLl. "Fried-finger itrnntthn-‘F, tho
tor for their i‘ntnrmtu. 1,0!“le comost‘;
», and dine pécupmio‘n (if mom: of “:oanE
“' ‘ 4
7 «‘~-—-.-o-I—-—v —:-“-~ .' H
a; We wnulnl‘i‘nwre“ upnn'upr fripndi’;
th 3 necessity 3M llmrnuflchly nrgnfnztzing inf.
o‘vii‘y tnwnshiélin Hm onngnty. Tho si}pos'-
tio 1 moprcfmjing to spring nnmlfipr “Know
Nmkhing dodge" npnu Ku‘s. witthqir ‘ ‘Loyalli
Lg gum.” antlyith nfaogtiul thqt wn shoals]?
ho‘rmuly (Ii nwvtlthmn. Let fllflrs he 01-:
tufjlishml in Mfr-1y son-mm at (“16+ In: .fré: '
qu'ént mcotin‘gs he held. open w a}! windy
chboze tn mtmfid limp. and lot. L‘Ehe pqopla ,
ovélywhero be given it chance hi hear the
with. , ? ( "I
-‘ -——-r—--- g...» _— ._ ~ ——l
@An Aholitionist; the olhq} 'dn)‘, In
mhvc‘rmtinn, ovade his party ffie’mls fbr
théir terrihlu iconuptinns. on the ground
thdt “ nftof Mfr. Lincoln's term (fxpired. it
wnnldlhe‘so lohg until meg-hot u‘o:hnm-.9;1t.~
thg public crihagnin‘. this: ii WMI only fair
they should‘ta}: , their sham ol'lhe plunrlex;
when they chhl get it.” "Whether the
roasohiné is s‘ hdx ox‘faise, it” certainlyl
looks'm if? in}: 'mje the principles upon'
which they are acting. O .‘ ‘. , ’
fllee, Boswn Courier thps‘makos (at
forcible poiyéz “ Now the Abblifionists
want blue /soldiera. and put in? a [fifth (if
the Sally/rm climate being iinliealthy to
white/lien. When, it wzu claimed on. this
growid that slatery was noellful to chiti-
Vtyé the Scum, they used 90 say white when
(bald mise' cotton and rice as we“ as black
me'n'n l ' ' —‘- .
ted. maxi Steel, 1::ch editor of «he
Blgirsville Rcom'd. hm: been sued Mr libel by
Dajvid Taylor. a resident bf thnf; borough.
It n'ppenrs that Mr. Steel called Mr. Taylor
“at: Abolition tmimr," and for this'he'seekl
redreSS in a court of jugcice.—Ethangs.
lf calling mpnl“tmito}s” is any ground
{on a libel, there are not a fey factions in
eh'm vicinity who are open'to indictment.
Too Bari—Hon. BL. B. Lowry, Senator
from the“ Erie. district. in hismpeech in! the
Sénnte. on the bill taxing the Erie Etnel
Company. delivered Feb. 23. 1863, giv ’ us
. _ the following pathletic morsel‘: .
i ' ’— ' - “The poor widow who perhaps. loft her
fiWephall ”“19“"? to find roan) mlhnsbaml from the ‘Jniaema’ of this ‘conal,
our next f" the. admirable 39399)} dd"?: ays more mxes’ tor thqlittle e'kifl’ that takes
edjby 00L Wl- HOP‘I-‘l 9f Washington! in lalier to the other side of the cannl, (which
the House, at Harrisburg. during the die-l Micah! her little filth“! 5" 3'05) ”011 mg *3"
’ - - - ‘ - ' conitat nsturestere y er u: n’s
cusaion 0‘ the Joust WIMP“. on the grave their: dues thit powertuioorporntipn."
suite of the country. It ml‘l be found Couldn’t there be some uni-an ven'xent
sotmd and convincing. All shodld read it.‘ inede to keep the widow and the 20W on
» . ---4-»—+ ---—— ‘ e »
gifts; ‘Jene G. Swiuhelm, of Minn, I the nine side hi the ditch f—l'ranldin Spa:-
hap just, been appointed to a position inngn , _ __ - .
the W" Department. with ‘ “1"7 orl 089 mm: Henderson. of Missouri, Op
514090 ”Hpnu‘fh MF'F‘ h“ 1.3“]7 b“? posed exempting ministers from military
“inf" lettcrs ‘ pnfiing’ the "'3' 0f the duty, under Wilson’s Conscription Act. Du-
Fresldent. ‘ 2 ! ring the debate he Mid : I
mmwrmwl‘m-mi t‘3's'3'3lrmtsxzzsdhsssiré*3
ha been serious difficulty among the ’Long-' :heeyahave been in a great degreeinetmixxin.
emu-amen. the Il‘lsh determined that the; M 1 in brin 'ng about this Win “21 had my
negroes shall have no more work. Severe! I way. 1 wmfi'd put them 311 in the field. and
collisions have occured. All such troubles mnke them fight the hettlee they done so
grow out of the “ irrepressible conflict.” in-’ much ‘0 "WE“"W-n ,‘ ~' ‘
nugurated by sectional Republicaniém—| The people'in the galleries applauded the
now “Loyal Leagueism.” The doctrine of sentiment. ,
u . H . f A . ‘ ...—“W“.
qu't’._'fll_"ff 2 121133“ I new-The .\boiitionists of the town or Rip
m°v°m°§ncnmn having been offered ley. Ohio. have n~characteigsticlwa¥ of show
- . - ' - - - gin their phi anthropy. ate yt 1e made
a foreign mm“ ' .(to S,"“’“’ 1" 15 'reported,) degperate efforts, and succeeded in rgscuing
declines a re-nomxnation for the Governor: , two negro. childrenifrom their Kentucky
ship. We suspect that he see: " the hand- masters, land a day or two afterwards sen;
wtitingon the wall.” . . ‘ l two helpless white orphan children, whose
...— ' ' , ”other is now ‘in the nrmy,‘to the poor house.
' To the credit of the people of Georfietown,
Ohio. these children were not perm tted to
enter the Infirmary ; they were provxded , ""‘_““"“'°"""‘:"""-“". _ ,
With homes in the families of two goodi 'fi-The Legislature adjourned mu dieon
Democrats of that place, I “ mummy luau,
“A Western ootemparuy, in oompu-I
in; the Royal League tothe Know Nothingsfi
says, ”it is the same old skunk in 4 new
hole.” ‘ |
In one of Mr. Sewurd's letters to the
The following rhsolulirun for, the ~Unirm
hroughtn hut Water in lhé llmise 'of Herve-l
aen!ativo!,.nt lluriiy‘bul‘g. showing pln nlyl
(that. the Dnmnornts N 1“ for the Unibn and.l
tho Ri'lfl‘lliliollllf m-n hint: ‘ '
‘ l.‘.:.riu’z-ul, 'l'lmt tllic Connml ‘ Ascemhly
11mm it pl‘ppm‘ hirihgr tmlnnlnm Ithat it. to
gojhor with all the truly loyul periplu of‘thel
State. would hu 1 with plc‘Mure and delight ,
any manil'ektnl’mn n_l:'n desire on the punt of}
the sooenlwl .\‘lzutvs to return to‘thvir alloyi-l
nnco to the unw-fnnjnvnfi of the Union. nndl
would in such (event‘cnriliallynnnl onrmmtly
co-npmate \nt‘hvthmi-i in the‘restorulion all
pence :md thtnj-rpmfotnnnt 9f ~urh prolmri
gnuruntomgm iron] I (live sgcurily ‘to all
th’eir interest; nml rights. ‘ ’
Yes“ 46, all Do ' ocrats.—Xsys 39, all ‘
Republifns nri‘Alm itionists. _
'_:m;. 3.4.“! .- .__‘_4_
Who are the limyajuuf~ThelLegislaturé
I i ,‘ l .
of New Jersey. (in the latt. tlny‘of its fleet". ‘
session. fussed the follpwing yesolutlon by.
'a concurl-ent vote ofibolh houses: 1 ‘
_,“ AM I» u melqrd, Thin we Hedge from
this {\‘tnte u cordial lnnyl united support to,
the Fprleral Govnnmfiml. in all its consti
tutinnnl effort: to maintain the integrity of‘
thit glorious Union." , ‘
The vqte stpod as follows :—All the Dem
‘ocrats, «yd—all the Republicans, no! Who ‘
rwcre the loyaliuu, and who the traitors‘l—i
Let the commonsense bfthevpeOple answer.
v ' ' 7": -. « ~
\ 2“. ‘g
, Aggy-3WI
g. ~ ‘. 3""- !
rm}? % El‘A‘Q‘ .. .
Cza‘.‘ “‘s’: ’51?“ z
A \l’T" «~13 ‘ I} I
Y. ,;: w ~ «11‘ ‘
Mali) ./ Q ,
"ap H .‘./r»- i" I
7r «m I
E . i ~
M 93 11‘ Tnumnnm i
7111? 13.11,]. 0T 1:03” s'l}an SPEAKS."
Abolitionism “No»Go 1”
Dzuocnntc Vic-tom 88 m Duh—‘o!“- cottn:
try exchanges lrotn Ohio brink; In the best kind
of olectfoq rrtums. ' The [Pt-mythic gnips
gouty/r} on the Vote ofhlti’lhlll Ire lurge.~ ‘
The eoplo in thy country diitriflu are unused. I
Everythihg indicates a l‘nchrntic mujority in
the sum: next run 0125,00?! “0 show , l
Dkuox, lhc hmné of Ru. {O. L. Ynllzm-
diglmu}. usually Abolition, “skimmed the on- r
irlc Deujouuuc ticket by a)hx{ndsonxo major-
Tommo, which ,waé (tron ly‘ Abolition last.
fall, has elected lbc Dcmocrfitié ticket‘by two f
hundred majority. ~ t l x’ ' i
Micumnsl—The election: in} fiichignnhm‘e ‘
gone largely Democratic. The: city of Detroit 3
gives the Democratic Stnteficlg‘d‘ for Judge of
‘thc b‘uprome Court, and the iregjeuts pf the Uni-{
versity. About 300 majority, fit it“ telegraph i 1 l
Véry quielfibofi! it. 3: é ’
\\'lsqo.\'sm.-—The- State GEECQMn in Wtisron
sin luris resulted in lhexelr‘ckion ‘of {be yang
crulic Judge of lllCZSprrcmefiCfifiT-g.‘ ~ 1 '
Amatfx',‘ N. Y.—’l‘he Chmrtor election on
Monday resulted in {he sué’cehoilhc 170 mm
cnuic ticket by 2,600 pnujfir'rty. The Drum
crahs cmny nine of the ten *ul‘ds 9n Aldermen
and (fight mi suimh‘flors. 1i i “Iv
lhylvin'qr'm, L‘uu.——’J he {fictfioemts curried
Hurlfoyd, Connecticut, on Elfin-lay, by‘mo ma
jority.’ This is (I gain u-f Igrn‘rly, one hundred
since the Governor's elm-Ho , Inst Week. The
“ pikked men from we KArxut' M Mnalfutomnu'"
have g'yne'bn‘ck to cnmp.’ {
anfllfixx.-¥The Dcrfiot‘}
cm rim], over) thing «heir wu
_do “hqn [hey my. The; hx
'nua' 11.3 “'eh'h, Mayor, by n
Ehundrc‘dlgnll ciglxlty-fivc vO5
ofubuxjn buc huizdrcd uud Lb,
ghbcrn‘ntoriil election. - ‘
I‘xxx:§ltvx.N. .'.-P. s. .\m
filectcd .\lnyur 11y 378 m‘mj
:lDemocrnlic city ticLeL ig glu
'3 nmjuri‘l); oi near” 400,, If ‘
five out of {he sis \i'nrds, xlll,
Fofliu‘ré. I 1
Im‘uiinn'rv‘xnm, .‘I. 111—5“
elected by a smashing ‘
Lengfnéa" won't alive siukiin
Thu ‘Almliziunisls comm.)
result of the (‘nnmuxicut L-l I
that they carried the Sun:
shqml by "113% mcnns they !
us 109 how much they gni‘pe
extc m o! the \icmry which }
nmmrvnt upturn. ‘ 1 i
Tlm Budgtpurt ((‘qn ‘a:
Farmer", nflvr énumrmuxfg’f
upon the \xlc moans H'sur 0d
[ismuiou und in Almlfliugljyfl
tn) curry lhu Shun, COIH‘IILM‘I
ii“: rl‘lnglrkq and sulmningin‘il
“ All "WEE «xi-Mitch's“
’utmmt- of thrir Ability, nmyl*
)nid derived Iro'm their joint ‘
lnth-l in How, Hwy have It
v'hmrc llmn sme lht-mseh‘c'
time sdnmi. {of Buckingham?
411.1534: Buckinuhmg'i 11mm
'_\‘en|'l||e Hm: sxuu-hfl‘ur- lh‘l
Humor-s exrcpléd.) [or .\cymui
»~?iughnm's ludjmil)‘ 2,525. Tl);
‘ 16:4. ’ '
V .. huiumcmm “gain 0.-
- '1
-| This is not all. In Lhé name, where Inst.
year we lnul nm. a 5111ng fixember, we now
lune 01gb: ycrtuin. and may have nine ; and
in UN! House, “here we hip} mfly fifty-eight,
“0 now hmc nluout um: hqun-tl members.
“ To'm'r‘ompli‘h 5-inch repults, ngninsv. the
extrawnliuury mhnns mul‘ i‘ngfluencu brunghl
tu UL-nr dirm 11y unun us, i: Ibo small m‘llim‘c
nwnt: indeed, i'n everything? essenlinl, ,it in n
\‘ictup —:x,nrl‘ mustzhc so rl‘géflrdéd.”
1" due Aholitiufuifi can .fifid ‘unything‘fnr
t'xculnrly gratifying in suchcfi vifimry, Ihr; 91-0
entitled to the fullerst enjoyfif-nt. ofit. ‘ We are
vsmisfied, if flxoynte. It pr sent! the'ringulnr
fuel of two pug-lies to a viru cnt pomiml con
test. mulunlly pleased with t u résull. ' ‘
A {(m' facts no! heretofor
co the means used to carry t 1
'inghnm and elect the?Abolirioh‘crtndidatel tor 3
Congress. may not he nninacrestihg. A New;
Haven correspondent of theiNow York Brynn
‘snyai "-The army of on ’ ppztlmnnock niust
hnve had extrncyul from “1 ‘ everyy‘ltepuhlicnn
in the Connecticut regiment —-Ir7ula not 011 cm?
arm! It buipehmmdto com home." The Hurt
tord ' I says: “Gen. Ri ey, Lf'the United
States Ordnance .Depnrtme t, came there on
the Saturday preceding t ihction, in u“-
t'oun‘, and ntlmoniehed the'c ntl'uctora in COH'I :
armory thnt. the Gorernmimt would, not tar-. 2
Dishwork to those who voted against 'thcm— ,
whereupon the contrnczo s informed their
workmen that their litunti‘fns dopended upon
their totes. This was the cau'whe‘rever'the
Government held po‘wer orgy the working men
of the Slate.‘ It was exercised mercilessly, as
it was in the private corporation, of, whatever
description. ATlrold womah. Wu taken from
Gov'ern‘riient emnloy and dent, on full pay“,
ltrolling through the Statq' nukihg lpoe‘chea
and organizing Womens’ Union 'Leagnés, one
of. the feature! 0’! which Wu proscription in
tnde and eociul intercourse!“ nil who refined
to come_ under their ntufilard. In fact no
means, eithet of enticemopt or compulsion,
weré let‘t untried—and yetfi‘after alt, the State
was barely carried. In Exit-field county‘, where
upward: of three hundred Repnhlican soldiers
were voted, the Democratic glut o‘ver last
year‘s vote in: 1216, electing the entire ticket.
Last year the Republicans iffnrried the county
by over 1000. In the {anti district, last year,
the Republican Senator waif elected by 248 mn
jority—thil year the Democratic candidate was
elected by 367. The‘ll‘thi Senatorial district
was last year Republicanggby 3347—41)“ year
Democrfitic by 41.. While English, the Demo
cratic candidate for Congréss inthe New lin
ven distrtct, is elected by over 1000 majority,
Deming, the Abolition cendidato, elected in the
Hartford district, has hint about 20 majority.”
A gain of nearly 7000 on the popular Vote,
of eight or nine State Senators and over forty
Representatives, heaides a Democratic judge in
the Bridgeport district, will do very well—in
fa‘ct we believe we have A better right to burn
powder over the result and'to fling up our hats
and huzzn, than the Abolitionirts had. B‘ut
outforlr is modesty—Two are not ambitions to
make a noise in the world, and, at all even“,
"are too accustomed to Victory to nuke fool: of
ourselves when we achieve; 'ono.
_ “N
. 1N ~~
’ Among the letters ulldrosuorl to the com.
‘.mmee n); the Sumter meeting. held on Sat.-
urdny in the cxty 01' New York. wd fintica
one from General Hallerk, nfwhich an ex—
i ”act is furnished in the N. Y. E:prru_ It
runs thus: ' I
' Human-runs or W" Anny,
“VAEHINC‘I‘UX. Aprxgl .6, 1853.
Jumu A. Remark, &‘r’y of (14¢ [AV/gm“, N. Y.
We have already made immune prom-pg
in this war—Ht grater "ogre“ than was
over before m‘nde under simrlar circumstan
ces. Our nrmies are still advancing. mu], If
amtained by the voicmpf lhq pa‘lrintic mil
lions at home. they will ere Tong crush the
rebellion in the South, and than 771 m: ”W!"
11rd: upon (Ind Mada of sneaking tr'ailora in (In
North. ) Very ‘respeclfully your obedien s'
servant. ! ~ ’ -
'Our generals have been famous for pm
clamfiions‘ aiddresacd to the encmy; hut
more tmhnvo n. proclnmution 6f thetiencr
‘al-in~ciiicf'. midi-mm! to the nsscmhiugo in '
“Union square, “suturing them that the army,
5m sou‘n as it aim” have conquered thr- Smith,
will be directed North. "to pinkie itu lied“
uprin the heads oFauPaking indium.” ‘
We do nut, know whether Gen. Hillier}:
Men to those ‘faneuking traitors iu the
, NorthJPWhn' have for ymu‘sJiee-n uttering,
’treuson ' against the Cnnstituglongr dB.
,nouncjnx our glorious Union in! nn’ “nu;-
cursed Union with 'slmggholdersj’ “a com—
.puct with Ilel|,"&c.. am] who have main '
[and nguin express-ail. through their pres-ms
_nnd their‘pu‘hlic spcnkcrs, n dbaize'that the
Union {nighg be ( YSSOIVSIi rather than thnl
‘thcy should he contaminntcil by furthi-r j)”-
:iiticnl .mmcintion ’wilh ’thnse who, hk‘c
'lGeorgc \aniiington.‘ hL-hl nngloesud xhwm.
‘ Waarc not, Quito sure whetlmr Flnjnr Gon
oml Mailer}; mcnns these “tritium" nml
“dirmiionhH,” for such they are; or w'hoth:
er he has chosen tn adopt the cpithota (If
Repuhiimm sizing. and rvi'nrsin such rhoim‘
terms as we iiavv quntcd to the Union [rom
{v‘cmk and Jifmmorwnivm, ’whn 411cm}; are
loyal to the Constitution and tlm hm'i. In
‘cilhor mum, We can tcli Gen” ”ant-ck. that,
this p‘l‘flciilmiltifill will hardly incrciiseumy
claim he may huve had to twin-upon ot‘
the iiatinn. nor inky-ire :my vcry great, mi
mn‘uliuu inrJhe-leniiilies of his mind or
heart. It is an net of cou'urrlicn on the
purl. of ngonn’rul to threzunn umwmuil mru,
“lmcvcr they may hc, unit 1m act of fully '
to say whm he willdo, ufrrr /|(:\}¢U”Juu'c rim.
.(jwrc/I. Let him continua-fish "mi tin-n il-
Hue his proclmusition against, “tho‘aneuking ‘
trnitorsm tlu- North.” ' '
“'0 do not. know how hour we are to {lucid
l.finnl‘cru~‘hxng nf the rebellion, and (54mm:
ltpn, thrnlurv, how 3mm ”l'lllfl'lll llallepk's
threat. will be curriwl flaw t-km:u‘tmn,_4'
I_Neither dn we know whether (him-ml ll .13
zlovk will. xii lhiv elnse Ol'tlm war, he rum-1
'nmn'ler in—ehiel o‘ lll’c lirmy. ”e lml la hil
‘cmnmiskinn, like every mhernllimzr. (luring
’the, ple'ncnre pf the l’n-shh-nf; ’mul M M}.
}Lincoln is not; nlwnys of the ammo mind,
the present. rmnmnmlerdnmhio-l' muy liwl
lllimsell' 111-‘p'wfitl of lwl‘ore he hm hml .a
[chance of Tuning lzik llr-ol on the lmM'ln of
Hiis lelluw~cflll€vht “NI-led}; ll we may 'lwu
itjcvu (lmfernl (';j>.~iu~ M. L‘luy, Lhe war will
lnever be Onlll'il m Inn; 11.». (Ronny-“l Ilium-l;
ii»: at the hmul {lf tln- urmy: uml ditty- l’unu
lillflM. to whom limit-ml (Jluy gm": :hhiv gm
mrnncc in writing, =Atalmrmt thu nplmnu‘ of
his distinguished Trix-ml. General Hulk-ck
"lily not 'oven lmve 5m oppe‘n-umzly of pul
{tm‘g his hoolsmi the lit-ml: ul'iho dummy
Iln the field. .'l'lio repo'rt of the Mir "‘”'l’
;inilleeJnm-eovemelb us that the lhg-Lidnm,
‘gwhen he judge“ primer. Mll gn'o‘onlurs m
Hho generals in tho lix'ltl. Without C(Vlh‘lll‘ling
Mlle cmnnmnder-in-Pllinf, nn'l ll ii lln-n-furo
:(lullP yrmulvle tlmt when Hum-ml llalluuk
fzslmll be ready toqmt lll‘l heel n'u hiq'fell‘nv
[citizens anth, Mr. L nr-uln 'mxpy prnvont '
itim dire conseqm-nom'nf ihutllwu-Ful nop‘
thxln were! t'bunll'r mtlnr tn‘ he sulmrnlil
finale general“ commanding lhu in u-d’ n ht:-
vlle nit-re humanity ‘nml {list-r» inn ”um i;
iexhibilcd in {he nippucc tafuur moduli Ar- '
Tim. ‘ .
nts in Xaw “Mien
fr. ;us they 3.1“ ms
wq elected Harma
fmnjdrity of three
ices. This is a Enid
ix 9' \‘xole‘s since the
3,? Democrat; \ms
'riiy. The :wlmlc
[IM by an avenjge
e'llh‘mocmls curry
I élect all the mud
flemn'cf'nlic ticket
:surigy. j‘ Loyul
‘ ftb cr'nw o'var the
c 313”. ‘Woildmit
i {We have nhmdy
{ericd it; now lcl.
i ,nnd what is the
{1 :ey lmil With such
gflicut) llrpulh'rr/n
Hunt commenting
’3O by Uw admin
kait‘h [lug Inflow
‘10! the WWII;
‘t-re .ost to the
'ét.’ with 1.116 g'rmu
mppllit-luiun: to the
hen "Me to filtlc
'3 Ln“ )‘ea'r we
I. 9,1442, lur Loomis
”(Fly 9.148. This
:wkinglmm 40,6613,
i CHAIM,“ KIL, whr-n tii=pinnseti with h'h
'Cnunmi ntzfi'tnto :it Sim-kiwi”). u‘nt tho-in
:hi-s boon: but the Ivy Wn-I‘B not 11l Ilh‘nL
Jami m) ihinn-ximto dun-yr x-antmi fr nu
lthis hylllboiit'uh m.uniq-~"tut.'un nl' liwirnr;
much low mn wn suppmu tlmt’tfn-‘penpiu
‘oftho North will he i'righhxnml by.“ mp".
.‘nlluqon tn (Emmi-:1] ilalh‘rkfi lumt‘, tin mute
‘tor how mh~twntinliv thi-miihhlvr nrxv iilu‘t'g
.Init on the hot-h. “('IH‘IAL liztilN-k'“ mun»)
'l5 yet unmnm-ttml With (my [with 'Ji-jiL un
lv-ns the («Wipe nfflonm-al limuregurti from
Cgrinth: wnh all hit man. null nil hi» 'lmg.
‘gnpownrtiilery nu‘vi miLit-iryaltnmw. II mum
‘(lmml a profit Victory.. Ni- ii (ur from Imin;
n Cxcunr, n Napalmn. hr a FH-dv-rink': nuvt
yet, if he would imituto timdq man. in!
'mnat have a. can: not to mu thumb again-b
. unmmed people, who‘rn‘thr-s-i- grunt rapt-rum
ihm‘enlwnymspinwi umi pron-ulmL Thin-«l4.
i even ugztimt nu "rim-.5] runny. arr in m .'lr‘h
ed taste, and MP gmmruilv uvnilimi(hymn-1%
‘xniiitn‘ny t-nnnnnnth-rs. Aguimt fvlivuit‘ (gt;
izc-ns, tlu-y are altogether im-nmtmlihlo with.
that high some of harm; which shnuhl ,it
;uil times dibtinguiuh tho soldier and the
igontlemup. ' a 1i i ‘ e
, (it-norui llnlimk. not much 111 an than a
'yenr ‘ngo, was it private aitizc’m, a I.,nvvur‘ in
gCiilifOtuia; nnd'he may a your hence. in»
'ngain a. private citizen.‘ If live were mun-lg
i a soldier, w_e might. (-xcuee his ignornnve 01‘
the hm}; hut as n luwyer lmmmt know,
', that. martini law venues Wllll thaw-310mm“
lot peace. It. is-nnt for the commanding
‘generals then to plnm their hm-iu on tho
m-l-ks aftht-ir {chow-citizounnndtlmir pron. .
i.” there almuld he traitors in any "Sum: of
‘the Union then. they will i umcnahlr- to
Him c2vil trilrunnlri; they wimlmvo to he in
idictérl and tried, and when founrl guihyf
I punished._ not by General Hallock'n boob
:inw, but by th law's loe lhnd; General
‘llnlicck him: i' ovontnppin‘g 'thmzn lawn,
Iwfll be held str cliy ronpomihie fnr hi 4 :y-tq
qnni il’ persjsth g in his purppaa of military
usurpation, punished thh thjo scvcritv dfio
to his audacity and premmptinn. The NV
,igcns in exprmfing‘their opinions and .11“?
'poaiting their ballots, exorcise a. sovereign
rightrwith- which no military commupdor
may interfere without becoming g'l‘i‘Y’Of.‘
treason. The peopiex are the wurcc of all
.power. A“ the oflicon. civil nnd mum-’3.
are but public servanw. and rebdswbon’t ,1
lay their sucriliginuq handmon tho'nght.
ipnd wriviieges gunmnllPd to the cmzmn hy
‘the (Eons‘titution. This war may be‘confin.
'ued beyond the Administration of Mr. Lin
,colnL A new munivni-tration mny comely».
to power in 1865, and if General Halleck’a
lofficial career has not terminated befnrn
Ithat. time. he will certainly not‘be afforded
i u opportunity of trying the htrength of his
‘hécls and the solidity of his boots on it:
necks of a people, who may not only diti
from him in political o'pi’nion, but who at,-
iterly contemn and despise his throat».—
‘Age. ‘ .
“tr 321,141 Muck-
givsu» in refqtjnn
c State for {fuck-
i BG‘Phiii‘p Huber, Gabriei Filbert, Au
lgustus F. liiig and Usrrison’annridef} I"
;reated by the pohce on Wednesday wed
Jin Berks county, as “ Kfii ha of the Golden
Circle,“ were taken to Piiiiileiphia, and,
iafwr an examination. held to bail for a)
further hearing on the 4th of May—Huifer
ientering bmi in $4OOO. and the others en
tering their own recognizance: in $3OOO
‘ench. Our opinion of all secret political
6rganizntions (including this and the
“Loyal Leagues") is that they are unno
cessary undern governmentof constitution
[and laws, like cum: that they are Contrary
to the spirit. of republican in‘titutions; and
that they lead to no good end that cannot
‘be better attained by open and pr’o
‘ menus.—Allentown Democrat. ‘ ,
‘ ——~—r—>v——-’—<C.'%—- ——’v———‘ ' l
I-. . ‘ "
fi-Tbe IV. Y. Etpiese tlnnks that 5!”:
:the conscription we shall seq m'e’nfiqglp,
,3: on the continent of Em-quphwm
hoeing, digging. fishing, wqqérchogp ;.
mining, ate. . .
.g-The Republican “spawn ”'est
Greepvilla, Meteor county, P“ suspended.
H. W. NALL‘ECK, Geneml-in-chief