The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 06, 1863, Image 4
:5 =IEMEII {gm} & 621nm}, ,ggdvclrtifixcmmtsg. LOYAL LEAGUES. We hora received through 1h» inzlil rrnm'n lending Abolition sheet, the N. Y. l'au, n couple ohllpu of printed matter. The one con ninl whet in dulgnoted as “An Appeal lrom the Emworth Regiment." signed by quite a lint of‘oommluloned officers, and purporting ‘to bl" been signed f'hy every non-commiul‘hn- ‘ ed ofider and prtyote prttmlin that regiment." i The lutoleuse in slightly nmhhtn‘ous y and, n: . we. no It liberty under the circumstances to? pot whet interpretation we please upon‘ it. We ; conclude thnt not mnny of the non-Commissiun- ; .cd oxide" end privntes wereprnenl. nnd so did i ' notioin the shoulder-strapped officinh in their' eloquent denuncintion, of who}: they style! a “thou, worse than traitors, at the North, who ' cry peace." ' - ‘ ’ 2 ' 'l'he othe? slip contains a‘pledge for n 50-, '- ulled' .“Loyel National League," which reads '1 1: follows: _ ‘ ‘ ‘4; "We; the under-ignerl. citizens of the. .3" United Satan. hereby mocinte ourwlvesl - underlthe name and title of the LOYAL: NATIONAL ; EAGUE‘. ‘ i ~ "W 6 pledge ourselves to an uncopdition- ' ll loyalty to the government of the 'Umted States, to‘Ann unwavaringv support of it-x etl, Torts to suppress the rebellion. and to spare i no endeavor to maintain unimpaired the. ' national unity. hoth’in principles and terri- , torial boundary. ' t \‘N: “Title primary object ofthi-x Lr-ngue i! and : shall ho‘to hind together all loyal men, of; .11 trndw‘pnd professionfi. in a common; - union to maintain tho- power, glory and in- l - tegfity of‘the nntion.” . Now. at first "glance, to one who did not I tecnn it closely, that uiipht seem to-be nil; 3 right, and unol'jpdtianuhly pntriotic; but. a! slight onelynis ul'it will show it in quite nn-l - other light. -. a, . , In the first Nadine are u'nslterahly bp -5 ’ posed to. everything that pnrtukes of the; ‘ nnturo‘ .of binding men together under ‘ {Hedges to purrue any certain lino of politi ctil conduct. .his the pledging thotlwe (fis _‘ like. It has the'smell of the ,‘jdork lfin-., tqnf" about it and is calculutodlto makel . ovary-honest Dnr‘noorat turn up his nose.—] In a l' e government wa‘ neithor won't nor; - peed I{mythjrisz of theq-ort. The old'medi plan 0, thr‘d’kmocmcy Is the mfg-st. ‘- Liat.l us have nfrce and open discussion of still the questions agitating thonntinn‘. Let the I people read nnd hmr,'nnd then let them! veteran unph‘dgynl 'frz-emen should. A ‘ » rouso right‘in its?” will nrwer sec-k tofnmp.‘ _ litselfup byi'such appliances as this“ inyj . u sizikiqg political organization wouere-'t , son to such monnsto preserve itself from * . ,woll moi-ital defeats i .r _The second clause of the plmlge lmsn: A Vl'ry patriotic 160 k, hut is in‘rooiit‘il likon‘ Ivhltmerpuß‘hqr. ’i‘holoynlty pledged is| , not the old-fashioned loyalty nfour latheuu’ -. it ié not loyalty to the Comtitution as it wnsl \ framed by them; it i< indeed quiteunother. and different kind oiloyalty. The luyitlt‘y; » finite detna'nded' is .lnynltyyto the Abolition : adminiuiution now in power. 'i‘hutls what; ‘ in here mount by the “ government of the| United ‘Stntcs"—nnt tho grhn'l and benutig .fully proportioned political structure roar-‘ .ed lgy ourifalhers upon the hrondfountln-i _.tion stone of the Con'stitution. The gun-1 “Havering support" denlnnclul m unwavebi ing tupport of Mr. Lincoln and his (Inhin'ctl , and his Abolition genemlu in their policy ofl - - conducting this War. We are asked to’ pledgeourselvcs not :5 oppose any of thel txrntl.é<:lternésl of tho funntics‘whh have! plunged‘qhenntiop intoruin. and who seem : determined to submergm it completely in the vortex of political destructiori.—Fulton ~ Democrat. - . , =I s _ PATRIOTIC AND TRUE. Vflon. Amos Kendall clogs-s n lettin- to‘ {citi zqn of chnngo county} “ hp "pitrhgll into" Mr. Kenflnll‘s"‘llllalc Yxew of Slut-r 3". with the followng trulhlill and patriotic remarl‘fi': ‘ A 3 surely- as the r'nrronzfvrnxr untold: its scasnns, so surely will the power "2‘ the .\"oflh before 1864 [um inm‘tho hum]? M'- llm Demo cratic party‘, If thatfl‘party be moderntelund vise. Thenrnnd not fill l'ln‘n, um the gov x‘rnmer‘n be compelled, throngh peaceful means. to revert t 9 «he; Con‘tiUltiun. as well in‘ the prosecution of the wnr us in all other mensu‘r'es. Then and not till Ihcn can [he Democracy of 1119 North oflyr lo llu‘ people of thefioullr the Constitutign unimpaired as. u substitute fiur a, deliverance from glue miseriea they endure, and a shield against. thémnlnmilios they have reh aon to fear. Then and not. till then, Lun'any respon;c be expectvd in the South to a [Mellie demonstxpuion in thefiurlh, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ [Phat p'rudence, firmness.; m‘mleraizion find success jn snving’ our Liberties and our l'nion ‘uin-y diélinguislx nnd inlmormlizt Lhé Demo :trnlic partyvof $863, is the earnest. hopeAnnd pynyer ofa’Dcmocx-qt of more than-three score‘ . years and mu. . a ENROLLINQ A JACKASS Hhrpcr's ”Drawn" contains this “eniollfng anecdole :”‘ _ ‘f'l‘ho c‘nrulling officer’ of Salisbury Distric‘t, Maryland, was Vary nclivc nndjhomugh in (he perfurmnuct‘ nfhis duty. One day hé wen}. to the house or I; younlr) man, and finding nonei of-thc male members of the‘ {nmily M homo,| , mndu inquiry of an bld woman. «bum. the; numbel and age of thF “males" of the fafnily. am; naming several the old lady BtQflpfd. ~ - "Is dietc'noloue clap ?" 6.5de the oflicer. , "No,” repdiéd the 03d woman, “none «new. Billy Bray.” , ‘ ‘ “Billy Bray} where is he?" ‘ 2' Hie ya: at the barn a momeni’ngo,"uii the ‘ 'difi‘dy.’ ' . . j ‘ Out wen: we officer. but cob d not find the man. Cdming buck, the won-mgr; officer ques ‘lioned the old lady as to the niz‘e of Billy sud went away, afier ‘eprolling his name among lhose'rkto be drafted.” The time ct‘ iii-mixing pnme.‘nnd among those on whom the 10!. (all! 16,“ Bill-y Bray. kifew him. Where ’did he lire? The officer who cnroucd him was called on to .produce bixh ;nnd lo and behold, Billy Bray was n‘Jackasslandfitands now on " W 9 list 0! drafted gmen us {ox-firing one of ghe inch of Maryland." ' A ‘ . - 8‘13“ Péria correspondent of 111;! L'ondon News, writing on the gm of‘flarch, says: “The nswu‘ o! tugissue of letter: of mnrqqe by Mr. meoln 1135' caused a gun impr'easion here.— Itis Also noticed M eighth-ant. that the Mom", par ling copied sin article from M: English pa er lavoesnng' the prompt recogmtion of the £ol?th ~' ' ' ————————<o.o.._— ‘ ' Marten (Ind fAb:enleu.—The War Depart .mgm. has received the rolls of nll'the regi men‘la comprising the Army of the Uni. :‘ed Suites. wit;- the number of absence” .’ol diesert‘ersfiom the army. which show ~ ‘ that’thele are upward of one hundred and 3wgyty-five thousand pf this class. must of_| ‘ gimp, it is expected, will be bgough't in by 7 3 the ’xecent proclamation cf the President. ’ ~‘ Thefinstructions of the Wax- department. toJ ’ m 9 ‘pfificen who have the charge of this x fins! are: of the most. stringent character . .pl lthuse wh Mtempt resistance or “9"» ‘ ‘l‘lpn'wifl-be an max-Hy dealt. mlh.—-N. I'. TM. - I ationL—A whitemnnnnd acohred k _ ”matte récemly “reared in New'Hm Eugen [on trumgtewng the law. The Pal/a -? ‘l‘ “ya 111 M. Mr. Samuel C.‘¢kmnn ' .‘.-mt wag as well as I good lawyer, by gho . y.) “deo a noble defence of the es, going elaborately into‘the diverse 131 i“ ry opinions of the day, nqdappenling -OoJ tics Hollister, as I. military man, to ' deoide'that cojor should have nothing to - .69 Ilith :ocial opinions." . ‘ ARI-”It appears that Hon. Fen Wade. of " the War Committee of Cnngrean, mil goon 'brjng out big yeport'ngainst Gen. McClel inn. and a lppcinl dxtfusion mmuaineegof' ’ “aim-I4: jockéys in New York are said Lp he; - 19 mm! qpop a. killing by‘ochure' against} W ‘.__._..._.... ,‘é. f ‘ . . _ A tigzr got out of his Magma t’pok‘ \E 5 ‘ . I, walk in Cincinnati latglyJ'ri‘phg m ._ mini] w trying (6 get im'go' 3.12 ' l ‘. ' i, _ Jurors for April Court.z ¥ - (hum Jun. i Bprfllick hon—Wm. Biningcr. Poremhn.‘ Hnmiluin-—-lleury Wolf. 690. Jacob:. '1 Humilloublnr’doorge Herring.~ ‘; Mounlplmlnht-g—‘Jos.sheely, Siam-l Wolf. Cniou—Dlniel Buehpre. ‘Funklln—John luflbmpergor. Cumberland -Ju,hn F: Cmreu‘. Menallen,—Clintnu Srope. L Germany—David Weikert. " ' Fneeniom—Juhn .\[cClemryu _ Berwick tp.—-Jobn Eldcr. : (Ecuylburg—Geo.‘ E'. Eckenflydt Intimate—Warner Towmend‘ ’lyrone Jacob Fidler. ‘ lldnlinglon—«John Dl3. 1 Conowugo—John Lil t... Oxford—Johi (Jump. - fur ; Wading—Solomon Miner: Slmbnn—Wm. Snllumitb. Huvlcr—Snmuel Leuu. ) Mouuvjoy—Peerulhey. , Liberty—Juha Nunemnke’r. ’1 GEx ttAt JOiT. } Cumberland—Charles Pohe’, Jcpob Benin”. 1 llnmilton—lbaniel Ehrohart, George Baker. ; Slmban—Johu I"..Felty,‘fsnc F. Brinktlbofl. Uxfurd—thn Lough; ‘_’ . , ' lGettysburg-David.Zie'alef, Alex. Blugber. ‘ jMountplensapt—Jolm Felix, Anthony Smilh. 'llumiltpnbnn—Renben Stem, Wm. Walt-en. . Mennllen—Georze Adams, George Fob}. 1 : Liberty—James Taylor. ’ , Illuntingron—Jacnb P. Ashgr, Benj. Gardner: ‘Conowugo—Simon Hnrnig'h. " ‘ ‘ , ‘ Germany—s.lmm! \\'eiken,3lichaél Fink: ‘ JJYouxnlju3 —h'.llnuL-X Durbatuw, Ballzer Snider. l Latimorc—‘lsnnc’flyers. ‘ :Tyrune—John Fees", Geo. W. Harman. - ‘2’ f Franklin—Benjamin Deurdorfl’, John Brunt . 1 Reading—Andrew Brough', Jr., Wm. SJ! iide- brand. - ~ " Union—Enoch Leferer, Daniel Geiselmnm Berwick‘ fill—lsaac Wu”. ‘ ‘ 1 Butler—John Ilunes. Freedom—Andrew Reed. Berwick ban—Jesse Buchen ‘ Mar. 23, 1863. New Tailoring STABLISH M ENT.—-GBO. F. ECKENRODE, E FASHIUNABLE' TAILOR, ' adopts this me‘hod of informing his friend? and the public! genenflly, that 11» has opened a Tailoring establishment in Baltimore qreez, Géuysburg, (lute Posg Office.) ncar‘themia mond, where he is prepared to do all Honk. in his fine in the best. manner; 4nd to the isms fartinn‘ of customena. He employs uoaq but first class handsfimd receiving h 1 ’ ; THE FA§IIIONS REfiULAELY, lificnn warrant Inshlonablojlits ‘nnd neat‘and substantial sewing. l-le nslgs a— share oi the p-ililic's Ipalronnge, promising to spufre tilt) of i‘orLto deserve it. His charges will alwajs he found :lli moderate :15 'the times mllnllmf. . Cutting and Repairing done an. the shortest notice. [Gettysburgv April 7,194,;2. ,_ L ' ~ Removal.—-Tm Ware.- F HE undersigned has remove?! his 'Tinfiuing T establishment nearer the Dinmon , in Clmmbrrshurg street, nl'djoin:'ng A. D.. 8 ch ler‘s [mm Store—u vet’y central.) locafiionqr He continua to mznlffucturg, and kc'éps,consgu.ct 13' 01) hand, 91‘ y variety of- ‘ Q . - ‘ TIN-WARE, ‘ ‘ .__ _ PRESSED AND. 1 1 - ~« , JAPASBD‘ WA R 3,: and‘will always be remiyjo do REPAIRENG. ROOFING and‘SPOI’TING f I also done in the best-manner. Pricemmoider- ME. and no effort épfired to render fall sftis‘ fiction. The pnblic’s continued patronage ‘il soliwited. ‘ A. P. BACGUEK. thtysfi‘urg, April‘ 7, 1862. I \ - ."‘ T—' ‘l' I ~ Howard Assocxatlon, [IILADELPHhL—‘Fur the Roliaf o the P Sick and Disirossed. afflicted with iru-' lrnt and Chronic Diseases; and cspeciullfi 2'01" the Cure of Disegsea of the Sevuml Organs} f MEDICAL ADVICE gin-"gratis, by the ficta‘ in}: Snrzcnn. ‘ ' l ‘ V.\Ll'.\B|.E REPORTS on Sprrmnlor (r 9. or Semmnf’kanfia and other Disease of: the Sexual Organ», mi-l on the NEW RmIE-f DIES employed in the Dispensary, sent. tos the. nfiiictcd in sealed .‘lckter envelopes, Ira; of; charge. Two or three Stumps fox-pas: Lge‘wiH: be acceptable. ‘ . 'a. Addrew, Dr. J. SKILLXN HOI'GHTHN, H ingu:gcon,How.lrd Association, .\O. 2 S ulh smm Street. Philadelphia, Pa. ‘~. I I JuuBl6,lBb‘2. 1y . 5 .A Ready Market.’ 9 ‘ g 0‘ BUSHELS mm Immin— -10 .000 ED.-—We have takgm the house lately occupied by Klinefelter, [sol.l3;ch : 6; Co., with n dcmrminution to pny'té hiéfies‘t, market prices for a” kinds of Grrlu. Youiwill find us supplied thh I’LASTER, GUAXQ ot‘ nXl‘kinde, GROCERIES, W'Amlbsnle ind Rdtml ! LUMBER, COAL. in”! fiery other article iq' ourl line of businvss sold at the lowest posgible: rates for Cn'sL. Call and examine an? stockand ‘- pricu Ldorc purchnfsing elsewhere. [I . . DIEHL,BRINKERUOFF A; co. 1 Ayn-“ 23,1861. w . f ‘ . } Removals. HE undorsiknedmeing the authorized person [ to make rémovnls intGJ-h'er Green Cfime- | tery, h‘opes’lhat‘such n 5 contemplate the ‘rcnwml ofthc remains of deceased relatives orifr'nnds I willnvnil rhemselves ohhis season ofthhyLnr to’ have it, done. Removals final: with pro’mythess‘ —-tcn’ns low, and no effort. spared to plénsé'. PETER mom“ , Marc): 12,’60. Keeper of the Cémez'ery. ' ‘ ~_ —4 - _, -- 7- —‘ 3‘ l . ,Change of Tlme. g; ‘ ETTYSBURG RMLROIRD.—On nncl gnu. . Monday, January 19, 1863, the Mowing' Trnin will leave Gettysburg nt 8} A. 31.. wk 1 passengers‘v for all the connectionshfiorlh; an South, on tthNortlrern Cmtral Railway'éan‘ neturn about 2 P. M. The afternoon Train will leave GeQWburg, at 3}; P. ‘11.; with connections North and South. Returning‘yvill reach Gettysburg about 9 P. M..'with pungen— gers from Harrisburg, Philn., Bylhqjtc. By this‘arrnngement persons from th. pountry, near the line of theßnilrond, havin business to transact in Gettysburg, can tnkEthe noon Train up nnq have 1} hours it: 'Gettyp burg, find return in the Evening Tmn: ‘, . ' ,R. iIcCURD‘x’, Praident. . t Jan. 19, 1863. ~ f Gettysburg Marble Yard; EALS & 330., IN EAST YORK STREET M GETTYSBUEG. P4.——Whgre they“ Are pfepnred to furnish all kinds pf work in dheix line, such as MONUMENTS, Toms, HEAD STONES, MASJSTLES, Jim, at We started no tice, and u c cap I»: Lb; :hoapcst. Gm lln I call. - ’ : [Q’Produce taken in exchange for war ' Getlygbuyg, June 2, 1862, t! 1‘ ; LL the best gaunt Medicines cgn be.‘ bad :3 the now anally Drug and Ptescriétiou ‘lore of Dr. R. HORN R. I HEAmericnnEcior Cafes and Brtma, for sale at. Dr: R. HORNER'S Qrug Sl ore. 13mnmm‘nxcarsxo‘n'bénREE-$6“ is Java and chenp ts rye, for sale :13 CODORI t GILLBSPIBW . ‘HE nttentidn pf the Ladigl in mapecd‘ufly '1 innted to a. large 3nd lplen id salon.- ment. of Esdies' fine Kid Boots, L sting Gai ters, Gun; Overahoea, tc., just race red at Oct. ts. . R. t._u;lL ENY“S. ‘Q lb 1 LOT ofimh GUM mops, chéanmmr A cfl'ered in this magnet, to ,be {and at Dr. URNER'SDrng Sung.— .' ; USICAL msrnuxax‘rsilfioun-JAE tun-dean“~ Fires, kc., for “It 4. g . . h. PKJNGB. RS. WINSLOW’S soormm ’ ch'ildron, u Dr. 1:. H 033 Litt2 OUNG Men‘s Full strips 0; Han find Y Cup: 20 per cent. lower than u nnl pf can at j R. F. McILfEXYI“ PURE GROUND SHOES. lelértgd find ' ground expressly fa; Dr. 3085'!“ WE NEWS Hamlin-u; Sun-e. - _ 1 ‘~’ 'onnocx's mum—4s. =9"... 5:.“ but. baking povder in 1.9.3,; "’fi- 1‘: EU 5935 Drag Shirk ' «_ moms-pm '5 Wm. A. l 0 "quay AT “w. A icucorner (“Cum-e? a. =' i 1 ~ A. HORNEY AT A In 'Cauections mnuLw him. 0x 3nd Dian-t l Ziegll'r Getty: urg, Pa. = 'r”: - n ‘ ~ - ‘ » j . E). H Conn. L TIDE EY AT AW, (0 Vcé one door wen gf quhler'l 6' ug and oak uore,Clu\ln DBMUI'E smug.) Aron" ID Soucrron vol. 1‘4""! APO Fun on. f! unty Land Wu -sant‘s, Back-pay uufipcnded Cluiml, and 11l other qluiq‘u ngninst the Go erument “Wuh lng'bn. D. 0.; also-American idiml in Englohd. ‘lnnd‘Warmnulocn ed and a Id,orboughl,lnd Ihighblnl prifcel give Agen engogod In lo omingi wnfrnu 'in; lon, linoin‘ And other qeaténnStglel #Apply 0 him pemufly or by lendr. . ‘ Gellyshglrg,’Xov.j“)l, '53. . -. 3 war B. B ehler. . ITOR 'EY 1‘ AW, 1] {nilhfolly find A progruy alto dto all usiueuelitrnued to him. e speak the Ge mgm language.— Ofliee it t o some 31300, in South Baltimore uh“, no r Form: a drug lore, Ind nearly oppome Dunner & Ziegler‘s lore. iGeuysb rg,Mnrctlo. (ofesx A\‘l.\G prévio} cioti n tlogeuj mvdicine, -e now 5 due, \i'e \v 11 Mini p-nrtuershifi. We combined] lenzion .n‘nd endeavor, foilh‘ disc-huge; u‘hem. ‘ Litileno n, Morel "N. B. eing desi‘ bHBInESE, t use knn} to me'arekéapectfullj unlémen , qilher b'y lil FM I ME March 2,; 1863. 3‘ 13%. Cr: ‘CLECRTIC PE ’nnmed, gent) mgmaelves‘ irg the Surgery; 0 e; thei the citizexi oEGeny !‘ ; 0 mg had lar easurglc Armx, an agilensi respectfulL solicity means to home or the best, from ‘l‘” which av peri‘cuub a nhlest Ecn those ' mo nfienic‘, m Oifice ii: B Sndlcriho of aha; a “a. M _ ’ Jan; 9, afest a' n: I-ther se i been'le rd I sanct' ICTI'C P 1: Tc ijuri l"my, bl I m:ore 5‘ 1.. \Dlun' Engn‘ng th Lass: 863. I |:Wrl office vest of burch rg stre [I those= erlormg qsxcas: ‘ «I.— I AS hi door: Lutheran Chambersb' store; whe I Operation 1‘ Mn. marl Krnuth, D. Prof. 3!. Jul {Geflysbul L, Rev. ‘: obs, Pro 5:, April} . tres h‘igbest { J i AY m] gm ! Wnrcho ‘ y on 11:11 S, ut' w‘ DA G" [1885.1 If n; the Brit ‘Cnnsmm GhoUEM‘ Lvumm, "I Apulias, I: ”:1? I ', mm “1110! Adam ‘1 FIRE I. lr’Orated I El’rmifk'm ‘1 V 0» l'rm ‘Swrfl‘ully neor^e [MU—S. I). A. H! ' Darn] ‘ , ummilm w Ilcint I George tcob Kin 'Trrazurtr Fir/"fin Kixm, Nndr - Jlaua‘yrnl .\lfUuydy, J thary, S. Dgrbon‘tw, 1 H: A. Pickil ford, R, G Wrightyh‘ Ja'mes H. .‘ - {thlisi lipns ta‘lh ‘sq'ccessfdl . and in that] fanscs, gait}: 'l sqrplus ca puny emplu 'done by th a cd by the an Insurau named Maul ‘ :fi-fl‘h‘ ’ gfice off} image? . ‘ ‘Sep -27'~i L Rms . Gr Fall 2‘ Wm I .\lcCre:l hn'Cnn' ar'shill, l Conum caunty ( lperatiou‘ period hi utany an I-ital in 1 us no A; ! Manage: tockholdi e can . ears for Ext-emf ‘ e Comm 4mm at 2 ilB5B. ‘. 4‘ 800va- ng ew ,"fG TT SBUl’N‘v The udersignedinfoml ' ,tlle‘citi ens of tl town a d county, that he 11:le comm Med: the BAKIN‘ business, ,on a. large Effie in‘ York street, feltysburg, nearly ppn‘osi ; \V ules’l ritel, wh e be wlll try to deservé,}rnd hopes tn receiv a. liberal patron «gel BREAD. non s, CA s, cmcxsns, PRETZEQS, to, k ~ baked 5 very day, 38ml: days excepqedfi) all 0 the best quality, tn sold at. the lowefit living roll“. 0 “kn-baking in all it! brnnfll‘es isln -Ely curri d on, and ord to my nmnhnt, fro-r this and _adjoining (:02: tiesguppliéd at. the: shortest notice. Wag erected a llrge and cammodiou 'bn a-houae Ind seem-edit“ best. w rkmnn it! the most Ip pro‘vgd mdchinery, he is pared to "P s hen business. a . , . ,l ALEXT \‘E SAUPEE. J‘ .y 25," 1859. . _ :l ‘Ffia ‘u at spun’s OIFAIA DFUR. URI-2W REBOO"S,NOI. S 25 duh}?! N. G y street, 'nlumore, (neu Fay+tte all ) extendi g from lay to Roderick uh-Tthe lqggelt esta lishment -fthe kind in the Upi n. Always on and ala ve unortmont o! HoasEHOLDAND‘fFFICE F IRNITURE, em bmding Elfin-cans, Be stends,W shstnndnflhrd rolhds, Mattresses o Husk, Cctlon and Hill" Spring Beds,.SofM, ete-e-Te as, A “Chairfi Rpcking Chairs, El. eras,” M} blo Tn lea} Se , lees, Raccéthn an Unholste d C in, AS; SORTEDCDLORS CUTTAIEFURNITURE, qud Chairs. Offi Chairs, Barber Chsirl, Cribs nnd Cradles, at Rack: Ilall Furniture, Gilt. and Walnut Fr ‘ me Looking Clones, Side boards, Extension 'l‘ bles, of «very leug‘h. Persons disposud 0 pure]: 9 are invind tn ulllxmi- give our It ck an ax instion, Which for variety and qua Ty of we kmsnship is not flqujlled by any eslflalishmen in the country. , , . MATH ’l' t SON, :5 wt! 27 . Guy strut. , i Nos 56 use. {s.B3 « "on t Bu‘ un'a S-rc in well um-~ th‘ynfisitjigst M. 3m time. ' . doubt. whether, ev‘en ill our lung s'. Imimic-s. so -ne l dinphy of S yet can‘ be fouhd. Thei large room is fu lof Stovles of evefy pattern also. every n ri ty off] How Wq‘re, Sh _iron Were. Tin \ , Pla lubed Were, Jep‘n Wuo—embnc. in , indee cverythigzz in’ ti ouu {uni-hing H 0. 31¢: SausngiCntterl, ‘ usage Smffcrl, Lq'rd Pres es, la, ‘c. They re prepared to sell whol 1e Ind retail, Tiq 'nre Ind She”. iron Wan-q of their wn mum ‘- gate—‘kecping a anflicion,}nnzmher 2f bend: - supply my dc, mpnd. Their assorfinent of umber in ve’ry large; “130110031 eleven kind . ,for rug YRU— R'S y infle— jJuTieéQifid} of uecnlrwn e, to‘whil matron f buyers. A. S stnxfina cup I pu'nhtin; and curing . no» unfi othcin‘ n, It " i DR. R. HOBNIR I.:2‘.?trA 0 can, nice in the Nimb } nu, Geuylburg, | cl. 3, 1859. t! '. Co- AW,'I Ind I“ . «on be: , ’1 Store :1 promptly gttedd that bulimu en ‘een Fnhneuocks' , Bnltimore street [Sept,”s,lfis9.. \/ ~.__)_.__V 1:21 m 10118.1 3 sly nu ‘ 'ler Q! iv'e that, mm: eq 11] gfi'e w our p ully an I‘ s. G. ‘ N. G. 1 h 1, 1945 1 ans aft 1 ing lb ‘ request 'nole or 1. S.G.| l- unced our ll'lO pncvictioners‘ of on and After this All and pennnn'ent our united and Jenionul duties. H Intisfnulorily. to [ mznu, M. p., ‘EIRLE, M: D cling up my old maelvcs indebted . 10 make prompt nymeut. xxxzm; M. D aylor, L; & vsxm i- A's—The above ving nuoeiatml of Medicine and on] services to Id vicinity. HM ence in the U. S. lIJ practice, they age. “Eclectic” Hence ,we select liixhle remedies lmedical schools, en, 12. ractice ' profess burg a! {ll exper ie haspi ‘ rpuiro select. ‘ ; most. ; MIMI d from the ex- ! ommcn ned b I cnnos ' practice of the Ins, and discard h as antimony, nlood letting, kc. osite Ml'Cl'eury’s anlics attended free e. us, ,su 1e pill, feet, op MEd r nbsen' _ , M. D. ce H ~~T.I~ ‘i 'ppaaite Picking’a l- have any Dental tactfully invixed to : mar, Rey. C,‘P. ghor, D. 1)., Rev. maven ' t. and - liihing‘t nu rh | Drs..» u 43 . L. Ba . .\L L. ' 11. ’53. -tBl'B es for all kind! of ash pti ‘LOUR, SEEDS, km, ‘ w Uxfcrd. e assortment of und‘ rnml-also, ASTER, «kc. st: in N d n ln. ‘olesnle [‘l‘3‘o, ' ‘3 CO" swan lurch 12‘ mums. ‘ lI W _ E nmIPANY.—- , 185 L ‘ ‘wope. . Hus: ehlcr. ’ 5! '(‘renlfi RlcCurdancob Rubcr elmnn. I" A. Buehlen n. nlzulmnn, D. \lr- I rlcrsh, S-unuel .Wm. B. Wilson, llnn,Jolln Wol l’icking, Abt-VIT. "Abdiel F. Gilt, lberger. r [ted iu‘ita opera- w 0 p 9 , A. ”1‘ XL .1; H nestuck 1:. .\M: ' y, John nglmm, Eich isf lim 1 Ailgm for mo .3 mid ‘ curry, n he Tre - ems—z us, who :1 rs. ‘An . ,It. has been in e than six years, 1! losses and ex nvipgnlgo alnrgo a 1:37. The Coin ‘l'busixiess being a annually elect \' person desiring ny of the‘flzove aformntion. nee men's at :he ‘ - 155% Wednesday luply CO I urther it Comm ‘y on :11 t p. u. new lawman: h we invite the ‘- 01“! t SON. IR. SOAP; for a bite. of lu- Dreg Store Iyxportant to the Ladies. A 08 SAVING ’WASHING NACHIHR.— 'e undersigned I: not: building and oflering {or sale. 0. W. TOLHUBST'S IMPROVED WASHER, It Getty-burg, and intrndl to sup ply them to ‘hou persons thtonghont flu county who duire u hboranving mchine. Thin lii-chine in 3mm: up on In rntirely new principle. Ind ii considered by thou who hue new it in use, me but that. has out he“ brought. before the public. 1 . Among the buy advantage! of thin mulling over all other: may 9): mentioned the following: In. It: simplicity ofconstrucuon, Ila-hing h nlmou nmpouible to scion: of order. 2d. lu speed. which umnilhu Ilik’p flu operator and the 106 k" on. ‘ l ' 3d. The {utility fit]: whirl: it Idnpujiudf lo the bulk or qn-ngi‘, of clothes desired‘to I” wuhed. 5 , w , uh. Igmhu ehnllly well the Inn! a: "glue“ flbric. or Ith: come" um! hedfl ,’ Inch u bedqnilu. bomforu, bknkeu. Em ‘ sth. Cum be mugged by l child from “Ho 11 yelri Mine. .3 ' 6th. Conuunuweu soup an my bthér proceu of washing; ‘ 1 ‘ 7 th. Win In: to ion; a any other tub? with lame cue. ? 4 - em. Sm. hunu‘wbor. .1 buy/12,1862. i s. span” 9~ i 4 Certificate. . ‘ ' DAMS COUNIY, PA.-—We, the under ligned, hereb! certify thll we hnve inlet Ind :11 Ming now‘; (E. W. Toihunt'e Improved Washing Machine. find are fully lull-fled (but it in just ther'l‘ub Mus. Bherfy repreuntfi it no he, Ind lupersedelgnnything of the kind. we hue—ever seen in yet; combinin , n it Idoel, great speed with new: labo’r, nu: performing its work in the moist sntinf-ctory mnnnerl We, therefore. reepmmend if. to eyery flamily in the county with fret“ pleasure. I George Geyer. , Mnrii Geyer. ‘ Catharine Meals, f Sarah Shorb, l Upton ’l‘. Format; Sarah E. Forrest; Christian Musselq‘nn, Cnthe'e O. Mussclmnn, John Chnmberlin,; Martha Chamber in. ' Apri!12,1862. } . ; t To Disabled SOldiers, » BABIES AND MARINES. AXD WTDbWS, S on OTHER Hams OF THOSE WHO HAVE DIED‘OR B N KILLED IN THE EB VICE.-—Caaa. C. In nu, Attorney for, lain:- qnts, Bounty Llnd nd Pension Ag‘ent, nah ingtou City. D. C.—Pensions progured to So!- diers, Sexunen and Mbfines'of the presen anr, who are disabled by {canon of woundl re aired _ur disease contracted while in aervice,an- Pen sions, Bounty “one; Ind Arreanl 'of Pa ob uim-d for widows or: other, hemp! thus - “the hue died 9r been killed while in: sonic ‘ Bounty Land procfired for service: in = the other wars. CHAS. C. TUCKE ‘ Wash iggton, D J. C. Nun, Agcn , Gettysburg. ' Nov. 13, 1861. " ; U , SECOND'ARRIMLE sncoxr?.a}lm ( g a New, Mergantfle. Futm x mmx’rsm'm‘... _ . 1 mawi GOODS and » ‘ LOW PRIC ‘ The um firm or swim & snunn 1:03pm: ‘ inform their friends nd thé public gen ‘that they hmvejust returned from the with a splendid usao‘zmem of Goods, co ing 01" Ladies’ 3 , j DEESSEGOODS, 3 {uch as Printp. De Raises, Challiea, Lawn: lgandies, Regal)! at kinds, Alpnccns, l ‘S'i'l'ss Jaco UChec um! Cumbric M‘u‘ Ribbons, an}! 3 306,1 nssonme‘nt- of Li 3 Céunri, Caliéocs nudgMualius, an old prii CLOTHS, s . ' J ' 3 CASSIMERE3. < 11i 1 L Mfumfic" to” for méu's wear; , . READY-MAIDE CLOTHING, -’ BOOTS, SIIOES,.‘ A ' l J l l HATS AM) A all river. A goodéslock of Cotto ”.\RDWA RE, i . 1 QUEENswAnE, ‘ x l QRUGS und ‘ L l g . 513 mg! ' 3.; a good stocklof prlmg > , ' ‘ 1» mum ‘lill-ZS, m, , and all kind? of goo s, such as‘ are gen rally found in a cqnnlrkst rc. HflVl‘ng buug l for Cash, we cmr‘ afford Qd‘sell m the fury 1 west prices. Oun mono gis—“Quick Sales and Small Prolltfi‘." { - [Q‘Theselgooda 4T2 really very ham and we want it distinctly undrrslood lh will sell them very ch up for Canals, or to tunl customers at six tnonths. Please cu examine bcfpre pur Imslng glsewlnere. would respectfully rzturn our thanks! friends for tho liberal'mtronagc cxténded thus for, andfrespecf’ully ask a contim thereof. , l sumx a; SEQ Emmitsburg, Mi, > pril 21, 1362. 1y Dr. Robe Homer’s _ EW FAMILY DRUG AND‘ ' N ‘ ansscnlr‘rlox ST . cmxsu‘nuna sins“, Gunman; Having retired "(Nil the Active pnlcli my profession, I Mug pleasure in annual to the citizens “Gettysburg Ind vicinity I have apenol‘l a} E ' NEW DR“, G STORE, ‘ in the room formellytgmcufaied by DH. R. Hanan. u up oflicefl’where I will count keep on lmnd,‘ large .upply ofsll kind: c FRESH DRUGS. i MEDICINES, ; CHEMICALS, 1 ( PQIPUMERY, l s TOOTH POWDE 4 DYE srt DRY ”11:15,.“ ! PAINTS groqntl In Oil, - ‘ . OILS, e pressed and dillillm ’ S ATIONERY of.“ k Inks, Pens, Pencils. 1‘ per. Combs. Brushel PATENT EDICINES. x All the popular Patent Medicines, tom with‘ a selection of p re WJNES. ERAS] and WHISKEY, for edicin-l purposes always on hand. In a. word, my flock erph‘ everything usually [0 ad in n first-class of this description. . I A lnrge supply of {tech Drug! 1151' been re ceived, nnd others M'qlrriving, which I I M'- !‘nrlngto the public :31: var, nccommo ting terms. _ My Medicinesfihnve All been pnrch aed under my pemnll lutpeotion And Inparvipion horn the most relinblu ho‘naen. 'I mn‘therqfore not only recommend them I: pure and flash, but m «11 thorn chefip. - j, N. B.—PARTIQULAB ATTENTION given to the treatment of :11 chronic dluuel. : ' fiADVlOEVann'rls.-? May 12. 1861. (t: 1 y A The Old and Reliable. . EW SPRING GOODS. ' SMALL PROF ITS t QUICK SALE . 'J. L.;scnxcx , would respectfully an ‘ lo the citizens of bet cysburg end vicinigy, he: he is earned 1:; at hi: "on I lplendi . .» STOCK OF S RING GOODS. The stock conning, in pert of tune: ud Staple DRY GOODS, pf every dueripfio SILKS: ; ' \ nonunion, g I i CHALLIES. 3' - _ mu , 1 ’ ‘ so “sz3, ‘ ~ EALPAGCAS, j ' Z LAWNS. - ; CALI 38, of I“ quelltlen and choice“ n In. which ill be lold u PRICES T 0 DEFY éoupnm N. runmsmxa GOODS ; I: of All kinda. including Silk, Linen dud WI Endkerchlefe, Gloves; Stocking, to. l ‘ 'Allo. I splendid mammal of “DBMS, We: end Edgingl, Uu‘lbrellu Ind Punolr- - My flock of WHITE GQOQS will be found full sud complete, and cmtomen any rely ,upon div-ye getting good géods u the lowest papal ble pricec. - . 1 Gentlemen will fiudflt to lheiradvnhge to cull qnd examine my flock of ‘ ’ CLOTHS, I 2 cAssrmll m 1 . « I ', VESTINGS, , l of All quellfin nud 4:1le ltylel. 1 April 21, Im. 7 J. L. scmc ) 'l 31! I I a LL kludl of STBAW GOODS, eubm len'p I'ud Boyf’fhu, Mingl' Ind 0‘ ; a" flux, Shah-r Hinds, kc. gen 1‘ April 2; an r. liamnr' DB. TOBIAB' celelinted Derby 00ng Ponders, for Born: “a Gnu, f 9: M‘Dr. HOBNBE'S Dnfi Bm. um Bargains u: ; ATS. CAPS. at un‘s Axn nuns. TRUNKS AND TRAVEL” 0 BAGS.— \ln just received I very laméuppiy or the AMI. goods, we are prrpsred lo sg'tl than lower thin ever wldin thin pine. My Hock in non. complete, embracing every uylc v Sheet Ind Hull mule. ‘ ‘ .. HATS AND cuss, —. éonlisting of ‘ll th. luau nylon; [or Spring udSummor.‘ ' r! - 300.13 AND sad‘Es, . for Gentlemén, L-diu Ind Childlfin. City-nude Ind [intern work ’9'“ 25 cent! up. .TRUNKS of every descriplich and kind. wean nnd examine the bargain 12‘ April 21, 1862; "B. F. McEHxNY‘S. , HE nnd’ereixned bee commencg'fl the menu i future of Vinextr, on ruhhgton ltreet. ‘e‘ ew door: north of West lddl Itreet, Get ; tyebnrg. ‘Hehee been mennfuctura'githisvme- ‘ 7 yr for null] nine year, end it he éivengeneml 1 ntiel'nctlon. The unperiority of gihie Vinegar, | over All other mennmured Vine r,‘ coneietl vln it being mede entirely of grei no ecid of .en] kind bung med in in comfieifion, and .l'ree from everything injurious. ._ is strong, em} u the eenie tune pleeeent to e tute,end hu ell the preservetive quelities ml in pure Cider Vinegar. He is prepared wh‘olelale thia Vinegar in any quentity. Cat-41 end exem lne {or lourselvea. ADA? DIEIIh. Certificate. , i 1 I‘W‘E, the nude-reigned, hereb Jcertify that ’ we have used in our funny?“ for rnri ouu purpoeee, the Vinegar menu ectnred and sold by Ann: Dunn, end and it ta hi all that Ihe r‘cpresents‘it to be. We have. Haiti, tested 'it and believe it to be superior in éiéery respect, to any other innuulnctnred Vin rwe have . ever used, and would ”comm d it. to all person. ; . 4 Wm. Boyer t Son, Gettysburg, ' i , Jacob‘Norbock & 00., £3 a ‘ Codori & Gillespie, 3 John Chamberhn, Freaky}: twp.l Levi: Pitzer, ~ 3 “ ,-, ‘ .A. F. Gitt, Oxford, {5 ' Meyll,lB62s ly" . (vi ‘ “ , . , :1" an ATIONAL. COMMERCIAL OLLEGss, _ ' Locum m rg . , ' WILLADELPHIA, E: ' - S. E. cod. 7r" sun Cessna ‘Bl5. , ‘ New York City, Bronklyu.Albany, 5 0338515310, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago on t. Louis. . Book-keeping, Penmanship, ,ommercinl Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Fergus; Cdgres pondence. to. fraciicnlly taughtq: ' These Colleg a being undler'thc ' me genernl snd locnl nntnngement, and nniti in each the advantages of ‘all, otfer greater cilities‘ for’ imparting lnstfluotion than any diher similar institutions in the countny. i A Schohirship issued by any one good in all for an unlimited time. i . . v. ‘ , The l‘hilndelphin College has It recently enlarged and ‘refurnished in a sup nor manner, and is now the largest and was :prosperous Commerrinl Institution in the Sta . ‘ Bryant lg Strnlton’s series of ext Books, cmhmcixg Bookkeeping, Comm inl Arith mi-tic, nnd Commercial Law, for s efond sent by mail”. . 1 . 38’1“" full particulars send f s circulsr. Um. 20, laszfi 1y ‘ Mai. , s w- —._——_...—_s—‘L_.——‘__, ‘ [ 'vl I ». General McCls I - ‘KRECTED mGETTYSBURG. Etergbody E! he prepared“ The undersi ned Would mast ic'spéctful y invite the stte ‘tiop of the citizhnsaof Getti‘sburg and its Vi nity to call and *ex-nmine hm‘vell selected stoitk of goods, as he has just returned from the .zin With as (in nu nsnortmént of goods in his’line as you n'illifind in or any other town,l - 3~ Ladies, row is", the lime to cnll-nv‘d get those linewoolenvn‘cnrfs, Shenenl Scarf: line Giulnt lbtwwonlen Under-sleeves, and alizthosd nice little fixtures for the toilet in {he Wily of Brushes, Cnidbsjsnd Perfumeries, 111 of \l'hich can be had at..\'o(. HS. right opposige the Rank. Gentlemen, a Word “Lyon. 11. 6. Carr‘s is the playe to get the best and oheipcst uhder ck thing in the town‘ as follows : ah'er-shir's. I‘nder-shirts, Drawers of all kin s,long and short Stodkings from 13 cents no E 75 cents a pair. Soldiers, n'few remarks “Lion: H. G. Carr's is the .place to get those and Bubk skin Gauntlets, Army Socks. nll ki ds‘of Army Knii'rs and heir; Knives ; nlso k to; fork and spoon'all in one; the. regiilar army: Shirts and Drawerz, Sleeping Caps, woolen Pctrfs of all kinds. Smokers, H. G. Curr ha in‘s fine an assortment of Smoking Tobhcco mid Pip‘es ss you ('nnklinse up any place. Cheiiug Tobac co and Cignrs ofilll kinds and prig‘oss _ Also, Hardware, Queenswnre, *ll‘kinds of Spices, Groueries', first-note Gide: and Grape Vinegar, all kinds of l-‘lnvy Sonps‘ 15 kinds of Essentesy Pntont Medicines, C l Oil and Lamps, end A -very hands-omens rtment of Perfumeries. ' Now is the time. xlome‘one.‘ come all, and giv‘e’ us I call. Donfit forgot the place, No. 113, in East York stress, opposite the‘liauk, ‘ 1!. G. CARR, Agent. Nov. 17, 1862. . a} 219 MI '.sz— fully rally, ities sist- Or ' ilk*, MS VESTXNG AID, tiful, u my ‘ HDCI iand ‘ We I our ’ to us IMice SORE, . , cc of I dug I that \ Hardware 3 . - . ND GROCEMES.— ,1 _ « A The subscriber: hae jun. rognrhed from the cities with an immense supply) of HA‘CD WARE Am enact-nuns, whiq. my m ofl‘unng at their 1d stand m .Bnlti‘more street, .1 priced to suit 3mm... Our neck cojnisu in part of v i BUILDING MATERIALS, .‘ cmrnnxa's room, s ‘ ‘ ’BLAGKSRHTH’S‘ TOOLS, , , - \comu Wmmsas, SHOE FLVDINGS, A ‘ k C. at), iZEA CABINET MAKER'S TOOqu‘ ‘ HOUSEKEEPER‘S Fl TYRES, . ' ALL KINDS OF IRON, t 0" Gnocamas OF ALL R 1 Dg. 01y, Ptints, kc" kc. There is ,1: article in cluded in fire seven] départmeutfi menlfqned thou but win: an br Ind 11. Every clan of lechnuics can be It mquntcd here with tools Ind indium, “a ousokeep on can incl every micla in ‘thei ine. ‘Give In I cs", .1 ,we no prep-red to I _ at low 1R; Will. my other hdun out of a: any. r ' JOEL 3. ANNER, \ Jun 9, men. ‘ DAVIDKWGLER. ‘ ; New Firm. L: ‘ 3003M8, PROVISIONS. FRVI'I'S, CON FEOTIONS, NOTDNS,‘,kc. A be undersigned have gone into partnenhip 19 the Grocery mid Provision bu neu, It the tildju'nd of W. Gilleepler in Yor street, one (Zoo! out o! Will's Hotel, Gettyl urg. where any will coneuntly keep on ban for ule, e mean-u "titty offload! in their 1i 9, Vin ‘ OOFFIES . ' . 3 . ‘suémsg - .‘. \g , HOLASSBS. ; ‘ O 9' . \ SYRUPS, ' {s‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ T 313“! ‘ ' . . ‘ - {um lAIS, ' K ‘ SHOULDERU, . ‘ sums. ~\ ‘, 7 F 133, _ ‘ 1 ‘POTATORS, i - BEANS; In, FLOUR AKD‘FFBD, With ny quad!) D! A ‘1 CONFICTIOXS, a V ‘ ‘ _ _ FRUITS; ' 1 INO‘HONS, 3e,- v. R They was}: m deal lugsl in 06 OIL end Al. On) LAlPB—pmnfelng e need gfiele of the (ome: end 3 he dfieflfient o! e um. é Bering ma eh. Store end “gut Roche, they no prep-tea to keep 5 Inge geek, all of which will be diepoeed of n the lawn: nun. They ole: euch bargain! u 'heve‘ncve; hereto fore been bed in thin place. , '1 ' Give In Atria. No efon we to pleeee. 030. A. COD 111, . JOSEPH S. 01 ESPII. April 23, mt. , __.__l, J. ,4-_ _ r; -7-.. K Come to the ! ' ' ND DON'TFORGETTOVISIT LEASANT A mnesfiunssamsppm . e ‘wiumng to but Tm will find the flock ixgthe ironed with]: fine, end offered e: redqced prices. The Apple umber- 100 Yuletieeéembnelng I“ flu epproved lone. : P N. 3;" the index boaacgnxee‘réggge Dele on e , 'l‘. l. - 8, flop!» 2,1361. ' Mm. Bit4 . ,lPAns i : Vifiegar—Vinegfil‘. m *** . DB. SWEET’S . NFALLIBLS ‘. I ,1, lx (J a NAT, TH! . 7r, * 633 A? sunny ‘ FOR RHEUMATISM, 6001'. “WK-“.6”. ‘il heron] . LUMBAGO. STIFF’ NECK AND mums, ' SPRAINS. BRUISES, CUTS AND wounos. mugs. HEADACHE, ’ AND ALL mmuunwmo NERVOL'S [usurious For .11 of which It Is I tpeedy ”and certain tamed}, and never fnila. This Lingmentia pre pared from the recipe 0! Dr. Stephgn Sweet, 0‘ Coniccticut, the famous bone utter, nud hu Abeen" used in his pnctico for more thnn twenty ”In with the most intonisbing succegi. ‘ ‘ A; an Alleviate:- of Pain. it is' unrivaled flay any preparation before the public. of which fihe [pout .kepdcal may be cqnflncgd by a. n -31: um. ’ - ‘ ‘ A This Linimenz will cure npidli and .Adicll ly, {monastic Disorders 0'! «very kind, And 1n thousandl 01 cases where u’ '11.“ never ’been knownrto fail. ‘ ‘ fl; For wNam-algmt‘lit will moral humane" relief in every case, owever disgre'ping. It will relieve the worst Cases of ead I matinee minutes and is warranted. 0 do €5l” i Toothache also will 1} cm insqantly. ‘ , I For Nervous nobility and Glam! Ls:- itudc arising from imprudeuze 9r Lexce‘ss‘, this iniment is s most huppy {lnd unfailing remedy. cting diregtly‘ upon the nervous; tissues, it ttrongtbens and revivifies the systh, and re ptorel it to élssticity and vigor. '{ . ¢ ‘5 - 2 1'0;- pfleg.—As In uternnlqemedy, we claim glut, it. is the but knownhsnd we chal lengé the wdrld to prgdlyce an squid. Emry' victim of this distsed‘siag complains should giv‘e it s rial, for it willgnqt fail‘td nfiotd in)" m‘ediute {slit-f, and in a majority 05 cases will‘ efl'ectar dicul cure. 1‘ 1 ' "j . Quinn and Sore Throat are: cometimes extremely malignant and dungerq‘ms, but a. timely application of this Liuimcfittwi}! never; tail to cure. ’ . ‘ ~ ‘ ~ ‘ :3 Sprains are sometimes very bbskinnte‘find enlargemen; of the joints is Liablg {3 occur if neglected. The worst ca‘se may be ‘conq’ucred bygms Lluiment in two or thchdfi's. ; . Bmgeia. Cut: 'ngitingdsl 18101.98, ‘U’l-l , . ‘ s ’l ‘ u. v : . . u . . - fffshngmlggmfig beteinesmodrn’ng“ 3d. It I! not nifglc‘ed Injunousb- by been or b:\\'EET'S ISFALLIBLQ mummy? ‘whenémm used according 'o direqiions. Afio.l CHIL— BLAINS, FBOSTEDwFEJST, AND. INSECT [SITES AND sums, 1 I'F u ‘ DR. STEPHEN SWEET,'d£Conn., the Great Natural: Home Setter. 1* ‘ " Dr. St'o'phen S‘wret, of donnecticyt is khowy all ovet the United Stung. T ' Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Codmclicfitxtr js'the author'at “ Dr. chctls I‘lfflllible Linin’icnt." Dr.'Sw'eot'l lnfulhble Ifiniment Hires Rheu matism and neyer lmls.‘ j ‘ - Dr. Sweet's lnfnlhble #‘inimcpt i 1 3 'éermin rpmedy {qr Neurnlgin. 1 ‘ ' Dr. Swret's Infdllible yinimént' qurt-s, Burn: and Sculds'immedintcly. ‘ ' 1' i - Dr. Sw‘pez's Infnllible #Liniment $5 the bash known rémody for Spljni s and Bruises. 1b ’ I 1);. Sw'erl's Infallible Itinimenl‘cu‘ren Hemiv ache immediately and §ras ne'ver kn \vn lo me’ Dr. Sw'eet's Infnlllble Liuimeu: n unis im megliule rélieflorPiieanr sc-‘ldom {u lsxo cure. Dr. Swéu‘s Xm'nllxble LCniment c‘ res Taolha achciti ohe minute: { . “ . , Dr. SwL-t-t'a lumHible_ Linimént,c}uros Ciik: Ind Wouhds gmmedintcly‘ and lr‘kvep no smu.‘ _. Dr.‘ Sweet's lnfnllihle ILiuimM‘n ii: the best remedy fr, Sort-s in Hu- nqwn wadd. . ~ I Dr.‘S ecl's lnfullihle Liu'imenqlms hm‘h used I)? ore than 11 um ion pt-oplT, und all praisth.‘ 3' , 'Dr. \‘w‘eot's Infallibie Liniment :luken in: firming, cureé Cbolic; ¢holera , )lérbus and‘ Cholic. . ,3 ‘ ' W‘,’ , ‘ Dr.‘S\Joet'§ Inrnuibye HAnimoth mu~ a], “Mend: i'p neeg," and \dvcry fungily ghugd have it a: band. .; , J ' Dr. SW el's lnfidlihle'Linim'enl is far sale by All Druggflsts. Pnce 2511 M. 50 cn-uts. _7. l . ~ ’ ‘ 4. A FRIEND IjN NFVED, ‘ TRY T.-—DR. SWE 21"8‘ LVFALLJBLE Ll.\'[.\lEN -, as an extern l remedy, i: withuut n rival, a d will allevinl pain more’ speedily than nny‘ other prepnra ion. For {all Rheu matic anJ .\‘ervmx‘! Dlsnr an it k tr'wly infalli ble, and last :1 cumlive for Sorcs,‘ Wuun'di, Sprains, Bruises. kc.,~its s olhing, hq‘aling‘mnd powerfu‘l btrmgthcning roplzriies, umt the just wpndcr and astonish on! ofnli §who luue‘ eber given it a trial. U\‘Jur,onc thou Sand cer tificates uf remarkixble c 1 resupert‘ormed by it within the In! two year: aux-st the tnct.‘ . l I , . l \' TO HORSE iWNERS. . , DR. SWEET'S'INFAJJIKLE LIeVRNT FUR HORSES is unrival dby any, and in all cases of aneuess, mulling fmm ,Spmjun} Bruises or Wrcuching. i'ls gfierl i.‘ magic-Land certain. Harness or Sngle Galls, Scratch") Mungu, to., it. will nlao cure spoed‘iilyi Sparin Mid [lingbong may be atnsi'ly prevanted nnd curt-d in their incipienLuagca, hm confirm-q use: no beyond the pbisibimy 'qfil radical run; No case of the Rind, Angst—er, is so desperate 0r hopeleu butlit may be alleviated by thia Linimenc, and its‘ rnichruuppnunon will 31'”: remogre th. Humane”; Mid enlbll Illa horses to travel with tlompamlim‘ e 4". EVERY 110 ml own; should hgre thin remedy m. huntrforiiu time. 1y use at the first appunhreaf LII-Mines- will effectually prevent that: hrmidnb‘le discus“. iqwhich A“ bone! Ire lilblo, Kud‘ wiuich ran. do? mm, ach’erwiu nimble hone. neuly, wouhleu. . 1. \ _ - . -. ; \\ p 3. swam-’5 ‘ xnrAfi‘mpL: Lllxxuyéx?, \\ u'ui‘ ' ‘1 L sonnfitgs in’man " ' ‘ And th'ouunrdn I‘9qu found 14W] _ ‘‘x' 1 * \ A‘I'BIIND‘IEX xnmo: , .;\, 'i‘ .‘. q— 5 \ I ‘ , . \ i.‘ ‘ . , ' QA‘U‘I'ION. :\ J ‘ ‘ ' To (all Impumon. [chum thq\elnntun And Linnea or Dr. Sunken Sum dn ever, lube], 3nd, lho “Stephen Swut'q' luYQlliblo Lillian!" blown in the (Inn of «uh; uh, wiyhout wily): non m pnnino. ; \ \ mauuoaox a: co., x Bole Pmflpm Norwich, pugs. loamy a ALLEN. o‘enmn 1 u, ‘ 46 Clil Street, NOfim‘k '80” by All dulon anywhere Du. I, 1882. I, ‘, . W. FLEMING condlufl the ball“ A. of SALE CRYING, and solicit! th. can. nuod pnronago o! the publi’c. hil HI can- Imt. “donor to give utinfnctlan. Chrgu modern“. Benidonca in Breckinridgl mt, Gnu-burg. P. S.-—He I: u licensed Aucdoneor,‘under she Tu but of the United Sm’u. ‘ Nov. 24, 13412. .-.. ’3’.“ hwakrififiumu 4W D for nlo I! Dr. B. HOMKB'S Ding Sure. OH. 0n...“ , 0 DR. 3. 10:21:33 on: gun. Bale Crying, 1 READY ROOFING, ,an .MAIDES LANE, ‘ ‘ . NEW YORK. Th uncle in made of In ammo}, ‘ thick ' red expand, In! "I a]; annoy} ' In thicker "with lothn Ihul. urong woven fibrin, lnvumd lld manufs In; cemmonlfaeh in 11l 61h" communionE I'OVUfinl. nd qmequenfiy fur m 3" dunirle. Em“ “'6 lufifior thiclinou of thin cloth, it ' receives, "I “WNion, I m grenur mount of ‘h‘ "‘“NPTOO? cfipoxmon, Ind vb)! finish. ed win: ‘he fire-pron! cutting on fife anther, pro-emu We no» ampletdytn'niahed—nd, '° "° ““53"", mo: dunno—roofing View known. It used: #lO gm co“ ‘ppfiod on SI," roof, II 111 other kinds dn. 11: Is “READY” 70 mm. Down; r» It is ninnufacturod nag put up in roll- lbéul one hundred fee} long! pd chru feet: “W'i requiringonly \o be finned, And mil“ ‘B‘ "the roof. - ' - P L . . . .| 19 thin coyvenient Indjnjnhed 'qu, It‘ll especially worthy Ibé ntentio'n‘ol HARDWARE unxtmms, TINNERS, aUILbEks, and SlLwho buy :9 sell Iglin. We do nqt lufld out to such ‘he prospect of enormous profit. immedinely, but we 011'“ n. roll]: may-innin— ble, ntiqie, in demfind art-r; where, Ind ut- I'll times WE CALL .‘ATTENTION TO A NEW POl3lBl 151.,“ costs only about. half as Intel: is (in, and in twice as durable. '3 .2d.‘lt i 3 ndapte-l to 31! kinds of rosin, )vhetbér sleep or flu. = ‘ ~ ' 4th. Any ordinary workman can appty ll . J ‘L- ¥ ‘ § 511:. 11 Tina! the “('benpes!" ro'ufink. I , Gm. 11. is thé best r0451}; : . . ’ L This Roofing 11M been used i-n'cn-ry turf”! ‘ of ul‘lmnlP,-I'rqm Cunndn to ('nlll‘orni.|. um] rue Imu mos! pufllhely renommvud il 30 In.- enure ly pruof against the changes of hunt and (911;! “that are so destructive t 9 muqyfilher kinds of i Roofing. K ' A . 3n" inL'L xo'r 30mm: Axu aux xx ”in WEATHER ‘ ‘IT WILLLINOT CRACK IN L‘ULD WEATHER. It i 4 :1 pure; ghe-tnilipg ('in iyg' buildings: ’ It is so chem; l protecfion again.“ fir'e {rpm era nnd fruguuzun {rum burn fljuining lhifi Routing. 1c .md slroug mu the .\G UP HUUF-BUARDS HI INK do” :16: injqre [I Is panic Foundrigswug: buildings “lu gnu-s or main tm: inside, “11,; ‘lurlvk rulunhlg on Fat-tori“. r Ru‘finrries lllsn'.lelim,uugh-Zi 9: tin: nir irimprr'gumn‘. “ill: ro,uhidl rupxd.y rorrodc. him; In and mum} mafia 2' ;\'r DEFKS. ,’ unwraps, mums, FOR STEAM; pd {'M' walking on. 11m nn‘ulq h-r Hum nuy nl9[-||'r(lUl-<l|l it usage without. cracLiu.’ at .and‘all roofs u" "pure-vs. tigr and will bluu‘ suj. h brn-qking. I». i: mhlly‘ a; uLI-d mar 01-! SEIKO“; R, M n\r::.luv|x(: Tim :gmvzms WLTHOUT Alai) the fiI‘TTA‘ERS can be furmc'l ofthls mulehul. sluglua Hz,- gl - of METAL ”VHS. , ‘ ‘ The cost olKutnuhirgil in rr-ry H, h'. .Ihd sn] ordjuury ruof can be finished in thin unt day. ‘ <' 1 :‘ PR SERYEYOUJK'ROOFSI IF YOUR TIN ROOF LEAKS, fur Yorn m‘noor HAS‘ 3 ; ‘ ' , Lam“. llL’STaHOlfia‘ IN :n',’ _ 1 A . . . IF. YUL'BéTIN B 00!" NEEDS RE-PAINTINIG. § norm Guru—l'mwm 1 CEMENT iril! effeclunlly clone up all the smnller RUS’T» HOLES. and Yohn a huvy elauic body")! the whole suffice, that will prevent. BUST.- and In: nnnyljcau longer than ordinqr} pnint. . 1 ' ‘ V i I? Y an §alxans aoor nuns. , ‘ x VOW GUTTERQ'LEAK. ‘ ur my Joxxr ‘ anouxn voca cumxm LEAK, m'Yonaysuu-n no Lux's. ,' our 1 , . _ ». ‘ coupons ' GUTTA-PEBCHA Eunx‘r . J k ‘. . will completelyml up I]] ch novices in th. Ihlngln. cover an: ma brokcn joint: in!“ u. and line. form perm-nanny tdhelive, ohm. coming uoud chimney, sky-lights. et¢.,nd in 11l then Inn-tion: will outlut‘uny otter Article for this pnrpou now in nu. Thu u. tie]. in “hick, undo“: com and of ‘, GUTTA-PEBCIK, and handle)" and nut-irony in Bunpo‘h‘ the you“ of Kynuing or preserving wood: in nilrotd‘ltncluru exponedhb moisture {at deny. Thin‘very usefni prdpe ‘yundn dine:- ly to am»: Ila prevent doc-sll. the flinging uid will quell nu the necuoity {or uvmlk you: of putting- on I new roof. It I: m“ mutiny-o! n um. ‘ fl . ' gran" m am mrmofiurnxm‘ \giu M runs-nod m . 5 3 ‘-\\ gunman Al5O pushy“: -g ‘ 4 ,I“ § 1 . ' ‘1 ‘ ttsndnetionolli 1'! “my—nu nu cm. no: (up. REGULAR 3AI ; blunt. Annu'anxxra ~ HAD! mm usromnu wimp. 'fi-CIROULABS ma Burns me do. by WI: Adam- ‘ ‘i; 1, ‘ nun? 3007121040., ‘ i ‘ no. 1: uxongun. _ .29,|"1. .1' . nee A N ‘ T t ,i;