The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 06, 1863, Image 3

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    Lglut War‘ Ruins-The Sun dr‘b‘durday”
mysz‘ A skirmish occurrod on Wednmdy
hm. near DrainejvillcnuVlrginin~ hptu'p '
Federal and Confederate cavalry. 1‘?
Federal troops made {he attack. but m“
ropnlsad with a loss of nixty killfll. wm“,l'
ed and missing. The (meederale 19“”
mg reported’
On 'l‘hurcdny n my nf guerillns am'Fk'
N 1 3 (rain an thh innisville any Ngzwlle
RJilWfl)‘ and threw it ofi'tho (rack. ,nd‘de-
Ilrny¢d the tom! for Ron)" distance T
‘ The leerxfl tronps- In“. to ,0c M 1h“
, town‘bl Pen-media. Flori(la,,ht‘9e/é"m)’fd'
n renter art 0 the lace. \r I" '‘ "3
Qiba‘lgldinzq, P P y I" l
'— The Confederate steamer Any/s"“a i? re}
ported to have destroyed 1W “Mm?“
‘ , morclmntmon. ‘ ’ . 6
Genem! UK in anote'to th l‘torofthe
Newjiork Times (-nnlrmlic'lu .e slutexuenKl
lhnt he had rewivod ’inforn, tion ”1M ”“34
‘s‘onfederates intended ‘efvacuate RiCh',
, mond. - P A, l '5
Special N¢tioe-.
Important Dmvery.
R 2143- ”: Tn flue-res."
nknx‘s mimrfixm nan-mag m unfit“-
—l}g in the pure of (,‘nlghs, Cold.-, Asthma,
Ironchih'w Sore 'l‘hrmu. llanseness,‘hnflicult
Breathing, Inmpiunt (‘omuhvuliom and his
eues of‘lhe,Luugs. 'lhcy hinge no write of
'mcdicine, and um" (Inld Will take them.—
Thoufindn have htt'cn tenured to lgeafill that
had before deépnirg-(i Tonimony given in
_hundredl ut c. 1505. A single done relieves-ix;
—;Tcn Mmuteu. “
‘ Ask for Ihynn‘s I‘llmqnic Wufv'r=—ch origi
nal and only gcvuulll‘ i! smmpml "Bryan."—
Spuriou! kihds hrc nifvrcd for «“10. Twenty
fne cent: a “o‘. Sold by dvnlers generully.
- ' I JUI: Monks, Sole Prupricmr,
‘ ’ ' Rothcnrr. N. Y.
Eqr lnlo‘ by A. I): Dczmxnfiien) “lurinnd
dllDruzgiiu. ’ [Feb. 16, 1863; ‘ly
, The Great English Remedy.
a .‘S‘m JANEi ('mnxz‘a .2 1
CELEBRATE“ l-‘l‘l.\l.\ L E PILLS.
- Hus ipvqlnnble medirine is uqfnllnng iu the
turn: of all llmsu- uniulul und thngrruus dls
-7 (:JJIel invlde'nl m [lu- l'enmll'couslmniml. A
I} ’l’lUd‘TJlt'w' all ”has, n-mmes nll ollgtruc
linn‘u from wlm ever cnqse. uml‘bring‘s on the
munthly l:('llu~#“ll|l rugnlarily. '
’ ’l'l'mu- I'xl‘q xlumll nu! he Lula-n ‘.’_\' th llci
1111“. an [.rvgnnn} ulunug ”194‘“st 'ruui'v.
umnm. as they nro sure In luring nu .\lismr
flung-c; hut. n 1 |\.(r.\ (I'lllr timo‘mul in cwry
ulhcrmat- Lhry nrq- lu-rl'oilly sure. (
lunllcnh-laut\'(-I\mH and Spinal A fll't'll-HIF,
pain in the link null Limbs. {lv-mines». Fn;
‘ “put. (in slight l'Xl‘lllUll. l'alluil-limn 01 the
Heart. Lrnuiys: a!" Spirit}, :“yrlvlll'i, .\it'k
“earl-u he, “REALM, null nll [lu- pin-[3.1 dismscx
:mcasium-q l-_\' n (11"(Irtll‘rlll r) ’.u m. 111' 50'1"”!
will ull'eEL a cnro when ull other Ink-nus lu‘c‘
Fulfil dirrrlifum in pamphlet. nmu'ul mvh
pnrk'lgr. ulurh ahuuhl Lu: C'Arl'lllll:l lll’i‘hl'rTU L.
. - 'l'huy run he ‘1'”! In :'| 1:91 lc..'<~-:vxluim'lg 50
p':llx,‘pual [rt-o, b" curl-using 31 um] (3 [lnch
u-nL Max-um lu nm “‘3' n'. - ~ ‘
« Fur afiln- by .\. 11. lilmem. (il‘tlmeu. «ml
"lvll Imam“. . [n 1;. 1m Iv. :. I;
' ' ‘J
:_ ‘CI‘I'K'TX Slil' “U—SAYL IH)A\ l. \q'
ch F|(iu_r.....
White WIH‘, IL
“IN! “‘hchlun
"min ......”-
(MIA :‘J..‘.....
Timomr Sn-ex 1...”
klnx‘ Med.............,‘....
. \
l'lnmq u! I'nrr-I ...E....
‘ lurr‘r grumnt, pl-r lm
Parka... ........'............
)h :2...
rhn'l'i' Sv‘rd...
Tlhu‘nrhy Sun-. 1
Her-l “.Hllv. ,v-‘r hungluan
NHL-5,1": 'x-nml .
h 3» "1...... ..
\\ hukrf. ......., '..............
“le116," r”: n '1"! Mn
H v.\H\ rll—Jllzucsn-Mj :.‘u_-.r’
le-nrflrmh “smm.”
in... [h ”.1 Jerry.
“Im- II ... ..‘....;....
)2” ...k...:..... ...‘.
{A u1‘n..L..... ...-........
‘n .u...‘........
("and Saw-Jun
Tpl‘tlely-Sou d.
1w...v»;r....:.:. .
- ‘ i MAnnxzr. _
d Tm ”w 34th "In. M '1!» “AW: ‘H Y.-Hnmmrl-
Junglh Mr. PENNY. .\ hi'lhri'l“ u! 'l‘nmn
-Infi.mll|ip. in Him J‘.\,\l". H I'A\X'l'U\‘.ut' Head.
In) '(lfi'v-JlI-ll‘ .\A! vnz— hwm}.
" In ('nrliJv . '.l \h'w-rC H r! l. mx_!‘.-r~ ‘Jiz‘l-Em .
‘%_\-1:‘-\;.s‘u..ud l‘uihthr In u '..E-‘J‘LHH
~ 1? \ii #2l li:)\H-3,\'HIIIZTS, mm] m l'fih-r-l-ur-y.
,‘iLIH‘S mumzy. ' .
mu lill‘ '_.-"h ur'n.‘ (”n‘lor ‘3‘”.l“ R \} F H,
-‘flu"Tll("iu<. ’So'gW lUH\ (2 F‘H‘3‘-. uf 'n. [l,
ftm'h l!r;_'f.. I'. \',. In um, LI'VY 1'... HH. 1';
L MAN. it! Six-Inn tnnwhip. ' ’ I"
In" {hr L'tih uh , by “W. .‘L J. 'Hh‘ Inn: \“r.
"55'“? .\IULISHS'MM' .I.lvhu|l-tunx..'m .\liss
l.ul’ls.\ mm mm. m 31.... Hm, ‘
I I ‘1 . _ .
1;:Y2 - M Sa .
'ggfii'lfi‘ril-mry nuticv‘ Tum!“ [in line [hr :11}!
out four “nee—Lush It) m-cV-mpuny notice. ,
LL'On Wrrlhrsdny her. :u the’ resiulrm‘e of hi;
PM,» Mr. J-cnh Swim-r. Jrl. in Cumberland
‘m-vnsljip,.‘.\h\. “my: sWrsmm, Sr. , ngcd°s7
' ears. - i , -
I'D" the zmh “IL, SARAH JA‘XE .\H'NTURF,
of Upyer’ ,I)i_( kmr-on to“ uship§Cumbeflnnd
I count)", ngmL [6 years and ’i moniliz.
0n the 7th ult., DORA. aged 3 years and 20
day]; and on the llth niL, ALICE, age] 5
months: “(L 3 duh—children nl Din-M and
Mary Looka'h'uugh, of Hannihonhnn township.
'On Satugday morning week, Mr. MATTHEW
‘TIMMKNS, ofprord township, aged about. 89
years. _ - '
AOn the'lst iflltx, in this place. Mr. HENRY
BUGHES,M:cd 41.3’eurs 7 momln and 9 day's.
’ ‘ 130nmumicnh-d.
Died, on the 24th nf March. in Diilsburg, of
some: fever. CHAIM-250E, son ofJnmes 11. and
Sophin Hume, aged 3 years 3 months and 5
dnya. », ~
» His.eyu~uo closed forever,
Theiupnrkiing light has fled, . ,
,‘ Their lighlléss prbs are limping
f: In fihe mansions of the dead; ‘
' But; nigel hands have borne him, - If ' i
‘ On [the Wines 0! light and love, _
, ._To dweil with Christ in heaven, ' '
in that bles‘ home nhore’. ‘
_‘ Farmers’ 8: Mechanics’f
E S hn‘v lg iuqrewsed its cnp‘gnfl, hiss enlarged
in buai'n‘lé‘s; :an extended its notommod‘uigns.
Loin dag, WeQnesduy. [7lpm 6, 1863:; tf
' Notes Lost—Cannon. -
. A Eli public are hereby cautioned néfinsc
purchasing three Notes. or either of hem,
given by Lydia Loister and John Slydet to Hon
fy Biflop; Sn, etch dated April 1,9361; two
tor the payment. of $lOO efich, one alfing due
April I, 1863,- Ind ouc‘Apxil I, 1864, and the
third Note for Sloc, falling due April 1, 15.55,
and now! have been lost. {mutant in. been
“opp“, . awn BISHOP, SR.
Gavan-g, Apnle, 1863. 3: _ ~
.1..1'a.k_9 Notice. . ~~
. I ”REE-EH my daughter. Snrsh’EXiznbeth
“WVW a pimp yum: my_ .d‘omicil
withqut‘w consegg. fisolfsggrzcxxtmm um
‘ ‘ an e ,
4 mm» p” ’ UAfi'IEL 2i. Ksousga.
“116163863. 3r» “ .
m.— ‘A-Probhm '
'l' fi ADIES.-'-°Sent free of char re _,
Mdfifili‘“?Bolsbfl\lz" 30! $l3 VF: 10.
odadciybi), PA}. ' [lg-rt} 6,'u3.' 31 ’
~ . . l <
nghly, Important.
QALE I’USTI’ONEIIu-Uu ncvmmlo‘lhn late
k snmu nnv‘l mnrh nnlavornblc weqlher igl
‘n-rl'nring. we find tlml we‘will lune ‘tu chm
mcnce our sale of Fmit Tree! at A later perm-j
llmn Illni Announced in bills Ind ndvcniue
meat. The sale will be cm'hvnencad‘ivn the Tf‘h
‘or ml: and fill hé cominued until lhé l’nhvor
lath of April—or until' the 15mm an- all dc~
ln'ercd nndquld. . u. I-‘Jot. 'mzmus.
W‘See large advertisement in second col
umn on’ our first png'e. ‘ '[Apr. 0. 1:13.]!
A J. C._ Neely, ‘
- TTORN’EY AT I.AW.—-fi':rticulnr atm-
A tion paid (0 collection ‘of yonnilms,
Bounty, nnd- Buck-pay. Olfice in the S. E.
cog-"er 01'th Diamond. ‘
Uefixsburg, April 6, 1863. t!
V 7. __-_~. -____‘,__..__.,‘ a Public Salt
3; 7 Removal. g ngnbe lold'fiquhlie 's
n. omm. mu rcmo‘t'ed his office frhm «bs9o,igcgfigggflflfijg‘y,
D Willa' building to the corner .of' BnLll- 11 h KAI TRACT UP" LKVD o
nmfeJln'l High urn-h, opposite the Prei y'lor lgl'lituntedon I)!“ ‘Erdm
uric" {Tum-14:; ll;-sndenqe udjulnmg the olfice. I Adam: 'q‘ountyfifive mi!” from
I‘9“ ”1 18 “ K ~ .... ”u __' ___<_“ “joining 'ihtx'lunrgp nfl “fntfqn;
- Drs. Cress&~Tay’lor' . I darn} “31“?” Kuhn: and Hen
lIAVE removed their naive to the one for- I Effiggmffinggéesgjfix
- mtrlyncrnpied by Dr. Donny. anoéflonr' Bum Imagd othz‘r ung-HIIIIiIng
huulh ufllw “Enmpflc " oflivv, When: \lehh in-_ Thor; “v a, ‘good "f” .ht‘nl‘
crcus‘t-d fmiHLiL-s, and Mm“: pvt fawn”, (house mid‘n "min I l 0 '1
Hwy nr» prnpnrcd to nmnd lo the'dntics ohThe land in if n hIQIFIJEMeanI’
thanprnfc-nun. [Apt 6., NM. .1: ilimed lhfiroughlyj Thp prope
-. . ” “ '.' ' " 5"" ”VT—“I 3 one year and poisezsibn can
't At It Age-. 111! ' Lfirst. pf {Apnl neu,‘ {flue pu
“‘3 undyrsxgncd “mild Inform. the pump: L our-ham"! u". (‘m‘m (film: y ‘
T-llml h-m‘ing l]!’~[|()§k‘d uflsmm- (If his I "11. 'wilLbé ifiade kuu'wulon u". d“.
In- '\\'.H horo‘nfwr’thc hie whole time lo “iii 3 ‘, ‘ ' .‘I UNA}?
l>u~inesu, nun qt nuor .\ND SH(H~I-.\MK!.\'(:. .\pi’i} I). 1802. M
Ilc i: prr-purcd to, unn out work as pmlnluiyg ~i LI ,; I." _
n= c‘uuld I'Cflfolxnbl 'be (-xpr-Ltcd, and Wu rzmt‘s‘ ._ ', _ ' ‘ -
good Wnrk—nih: lnu’kt‘“ pone other. ”is lock-I ”Perlamatl “
Hon?" in (‘mulurlnnd lofvnchip, nn the mm“ H in‘fAS ”I? ”on. R ,
TrAqnc mil] rmwl. [mlfn mil" rmm the MIL—H : , "“T"“‘”"’ h“.s""°"‘“
“e “ill endeavor to (”fl-.3“. my; hopes to I,“ ‘ mpg]. [P s m lhefl mnei raft:
crhc :1 thml share of I m'vhc mnronuzn. I . |}’*“',"",l‘"‘J"§JP of “”10"
_ CORNELIUS DAL'GUrERTY. M’grmmnr and hen ml Jml I
Arm 6 1963. Gw {1 ‘ .Il ‘ trml (JAIN cupiufllfnd othcr
’ ' ‘ _ H“ Van“ disliict and 1) «'lO 215 ml
Turnpike Elqcfion, . I WISH"; Wm. JII:l 2'3): nf‘thc '
HT. Stnvklmmvrrnr [hr Yuri; nnd ”Mays-. 1110“; I; .i‘? “'l'l J 31?“ 0‘1“?”
T bur}: Turnpike Hum] ('ump'my. :Iro,h(!rg~ cl"): 9"?” {Ffrunn ' suit“! i."
lay Julixml that .nu [2h anon ml! be held :11. )he U 1; ham: :raglll‘Jfll‘ch'
public hunw uf l-'. J, “Than. in Ahhnlhlpll’n', cr‘nt ”MI"? "’d‘nlhltl “ "mh i“
.\dnnu meLy. nuJ‘lllgllSDA-Y. tin-fwd 11.1}: of tht‘ I““"rr'fi ‘l “l” it) (n,
Arum, .\. n. 1361,.Iwni'kr-If'tluehonr§ m] u 4.ler $433.": 1‘"- "'”l 'o'"
.\. H. um! ] (I'm-kn a, I', )L, fur the [uni'posn‘ nf . ‘ "'I ‘.H hi gm 10"“
e‘o'rlinw' u. inl'mt :11“le );,:fr-rs-»1".~I:\Igl ‘lg‘oldgng .lj,t’l!rz u} _ ammon'l ll
Cuminfnv, 1|) 5| rx'r' iurt|_.u~l-u~uiuq‘_\'l-nr. I ,}II;$‘:iF””lOH;( ’3 I‘le‘rl “"‘r‘
' um. swmucg Amm. mu}. ‘5 “‘ 4“ ”J “‘l‘ fil'“ “ “3“
-\ .m c 13w- :n in x H": "'?."3'F'“”gv ‘l'! > ”WWW/x ’
‘ K . " “' . Lu k p _ aApné‘ms/{ml— [ilk
_ n l .' ; NU'l‘H‘d') IS H‘ ,EISY CIV
. ‘AI'CIVIV ‘Stlieet ”,ca'rpvt - Justices ofthc l'qu’». the L‘urpn
“T.\M~.lml >l4“ \0 {”2 Arch 1.. wo‘ 1,103 wiu‘un the RM Comm: «
1 dm rs below Ninth, somh side, I” .\‘— thrv 1”. ”lon unll “Wren “1;“:
l)‘.iH’lH.\.—le Slrhu-riherhalx jug! necei "ed .\vit.ll their “ong Refund; “qu
l‘ur .‘prim; T’rmlr' lu'woll Ct lull-:1 5100}? .nt“ innhdnnunrl all,“-:7l{vnwmbr.nn
s')”in .'1 MM .\mont'nn ('A [11’1“ INNS, (-lui: .nc; "filings.“‘hirll tn lill'ih uflh‘t's an",
in: n”. xlw now slyloe of the host Influx—4 "mung" fl. iw 41min “hi “155'
hunch-l WM mm to ”w Lur- :\A<l\:xnl'l-‘iur( . all, prnigicrrjn again“ Hm I,“ ma
““d ‘-‘ ‘H "" "" I M 10“ PrV‘N- . . lhl‘n Shall be 11: qu- Jail/oft -
. \vlfma. 12““: L. 'I hrgcil‘ly. rngrn" Adan“, "1:010 bu’thrn and the
'.‘:;:;~'=¢::I;2 :1 {we v" A» am; mm d
.h. l‘t-rmm: WI.“ m‘e :x'hrgut furuhhxyg. me Shhrifl"; th'l"(icttvsb:n:g,
lllllllhlvd11].!”lira-Hr]l'XIII‘J‘Hll'iOHul lhnnhové ‘3' April 4.5, 1,5,3. KC ‘
grand:- 51ru30‘1:t0 m fining {Lu-1r wlcrlioni.)ns ‘
Mn 11 imhl: . nwnls “ill I)» held on! n; cannot
full in [Gm-n. '
1; 12106 .'0
‘ 4 75
ms. IH..\(.'K\Y(l§)h, :
F 32 Arr ll Sheri: Pail uhlyhifi‘
Apnl G, 12;?‘11. .lm ' ‘ z .
l s'! 10>! fin
l (H In I 4'.
Drs. Cross 8: Taylor, 1
10L Et‘T I (I l’ H YR l (‘1 .\ .\"Sw—The ah
ID munch] g‘vzxxlcznon. lining Idem-n"
Humuln-s in; the pmilirp of .\lvdu'um l
Surpry; «.G’pr Ihrir prufrs~imnl ~§crvivlcs
the Uzi/nu; ut“h~tt;~luurguml \iuiuiry. ll
2 00 2 2',
vfl m
‘3 it u“
mg; nml l\r;_v(- -|)l,_'h:._ll «\ru-rivncr‘ in [He L‘
.\lel}, :uul (“leihhl‘ luv-pin! pnu‘lil‘l'. 1
rmw-I‘IILH} ~nln AI ‘\ nuv‘ p nnmnav. ‘ lick-c
Hun-.uu n. .lEHHAI'JH' sn-lm-t. “Jaw we‘sc
xlu- laud, pairrl mu! [mun nimble remo
Fux'ux i.,.<1
!n ir!
{mm all m‘ln'r M'I'LU'LHI, media! m'hu'
“ML-Ix haw: ln-a-n‘nuummHuh-rj Im'n Hm
pn-Hr-m'r :und mnclimunl by pruclive ‘uf
cl :1! ;u 2 (m
In: '.n‘! 1’
mlunc 114-1 P. HL‘ l'mt'TlTldMK-L and 315:
Hi In 7-”
~ . -~ ..
\hnw mun: Hummus, surh as :lntim
" (M :n Tiff-(‘2
:Irv-vn-‘F. mph 11.) . Muu- pvll. Mum! L PHI:
2 1. ic• S in
(“3| 0 in Hullmmze Alla-«t, in the one {firm
n m) will“ I)
ul't u. ml In Mr, “own: one dunr ~uulh of
~37 .:n;.in-.'." ufi‘u-c. SJMu-‘ra' fmnlu-s alu-
H in n a 1:)
21 ’m t..'_“.‘ 3’)
4s .., ‘4‘.)
mam c m ‘ hun-
Uni! \‘»lE‘ Cars-2
J to. a
' \'(‘(ll'ZlA\£::.D_l:'\ ,nun"[rn~nth.4T,nn'nr my-‘
Eu“: ‘5 .x l .nuh‘Llh- :ur >11”!le ,1: the.
,In- \1 (In-"bun. whim! m t‘u‘ ulw ‘.{vhm [of they
Juan-Mnm- (f .uuly ('nnveniinn. Should I he:
numiuuxwl‘nnd:rlt-HML l pmmien to perform:
('n ‘ dufivs 01' “I" unit‘t' “i"! fi'H-lhymlnd‘jm—
part .1111} . 3" t .h'HN .\l-'\l.\ ‘TER.
.\luuuiplcamqt 111., April 6, 1542:}. tr“ ‘
l .31“! 5.3
I“!‘."ol'R.U?liD,by :t'numhrr of f icndfi‘l
I} Min-r inyu-h’ an a (-muli-lmto for l e umre
ul >lll2i2ll~‘l'_ Anhjvcl to the dulsim 0! [hi--
[u-umrmliu- (‘mmly Cumcnxiun. Sllnuhl‘l In“
nanullrd uml el'culch pledge min-If to dis-‘
tillugt‘flzi‘ duties or the office faithfully. - .
~ ‘ ‘ HENRY BHI‘LER. ‘
“Mluzjny tp.. .\pril C, 1863. tc* ~
Sherifi‘alty. ‘
KT the solivimvinn 9f nunfornue friends. I
I I be!“ r In} H line a (-auujli-hne= lnr the oflire
v 1 SHERIFF, at tho enming rlrt‘Lion't :uhjrct
to the tiwsi<ion nf llu- Dcmucmtié L‘nu Py Con.
\rnlmn. Should I M so fortutinto :Is to he
i h Inf-nulmi and clot-ML l [Amigo mysrlffr) dis:
a I."|.\r!v the dutmi of the offire to lhe hem of
my .U ihty. “EU. I". Ef‘KENRUDE. ‘
} (1.1 L!) .'uur'g, March 36, 18KB. gt: ‘ ‘
‘ . Sherifi‘alty. ,
WSCOKTRAGHDbynumorhus friends! ngain
It, offer myw-H' 11553 vanllidme forthcn'lico of
Mil-2RI H", SllhjECt_lo.“lb‘dfl‘iflion‘ of‘thv D9lll
- (‘ounh' Convention. Should Hienom
innxéd mu] elected, I pledge mxselffo filselmrgu
thp dutins of the oflive’ wnh 'promplnvu and
impnrtiulitr. ‘ GEORGE Ruskin”.
'pumberlnn'd tp., glnrgh 30, 1863. ‘ ‘ “ “
.‘-- . .-..—V._ U‘. ---. ..__.....
‘ ‘ Clerk of the Courts. 1—
‘ NCOURAGED by a nuinhér of my frie (is,
E I offer mvselt as nlcandidwtc'mdthc ofiice
ol CLERK OF THE (‘UURTSL M 2 ecmnfing
election, suhject to’ the hiaéésiou of l 19 Dex)“;-
crntic fl'nunly Convention. Should I 1.3.50
mrtunn'te as'lo be nominated and
plulgé myseif to discharge the du
oflica faithfullv. =
.' ‘NN‘HOLAS B. Sn
Straban (1)., April 6, 1863. to f
“7.“ . .. ¥_._, ---. —T‘T‘
Clerk of the Court . 4
[ Fellow-citizens:—Being encon ged ‘hy
numé‘u-x friends, I offer xßyaeif :0} Hr con—
sideration as a randiunle for the office‘of
CLERK UP THE COURTS, at the n xt Q‘lér
tion. suhjoct to the decision of the I) mocmtic
County ('onvemioy. Should I reuéim ghe
nomination and be elected, I shall. duly appre
ciate your confidence,and promise to dachnrge
the 'duties ofthe office promptly and I‘d: fid‘el
it}. a . ‘ ADAM M "FER;
Franklin tp., April 6, 1863. u: '._ ‘
. ‘ Clerk of the- Courts. 1
ENCOURAGED by a number or my‘ frien'ds,
I Agagiu offer mynelfn: a candidqte forfihe
office of CLERK T)? THE COURTS, at “IQ
cqmingMecLion, subject to he decis'upn of the
Dempcmtic County convention. Should lahe“
naTortunafle as to be elected, I pledge mygelf
to discharge the duties of the office f ithhlly.
¢ ' JACOB sgfinms.
Mountplcnnmtp., Mar. 23. 1863. f ‘ ' ‘
I Register & Recorder.
I T 3h“: solicitation of numerous frie’n‘l.
. ag‘nin offal-myself as a. candidntis for 1}
'0 cc at REG]STER& RECORDERmt be en:
’iug electio’uhmbjoctto the decision oft 'e Dem
cmtic Gotmty Convention. Should I bef
fortunate as to be nominated Ml3l flute ,
Madge myself to discharge the duties of
omce to the but cf'my ability. l
' € A. W. FLEMMTK .
30. 1863. 318'
mm "Pi. Mar-r
rsr was :1 “infim orstzrnic
“ASKS, new, at. ‘
s canon a cu.l.asrm
or• - • - •
0 during their ulvermc. h"
J A Ln. Wu. Tax-Lo:
Sh eriflu 13y.
' ND 91038 any!) n I
A —-’l'fle suhcriher,:de.liri
the West. mm“ at Private .t!
'lilulllt‘ 'in Mountplcasmt tn
county. on I)“ and Hue ml
burg to Ilnnorer. Ahoy! 5 mil i
flue, mljnining ladds of Pt'
anbnngli.und olhkrs. ennui
moré or’less. of rxcofillrul hrm
The improvements ah njflfgt- ' i
inury Fr'umeHUL'b'HJ‘Hh Kit .
mum-he I pan. frame and pull
' Barn, “7 apron Shei "rd a lung
’a never Hing well at water‘ I
‘goud yn ng Apple Orchard, w
i own" fréil trees on me premii-l
I ‘fi-Wersons wishing 10‘ \1
will call on the lubsclnbcr, livi
‘ ; ‘ JAG
April‘p}, 1863. 3m \
. j——¢-——-——- » —.—, *‘l
ulna 3'ol?ng
1 fur" 19111 untl 1y
cut t‘pmmhips 011‘“
no‘tifird itlml HIP-V}
kw] theiran
[C .3 rlnya‘ol ‘A
find: "‘i*‘"'"‘3",
1.0“ nm Hsu 1)!
kW- tors do u!
I S Hunts ably
sm: gh‘t‘uv‘l‘
’10:, f‘oflwoli‘t
j- Th. 0
Incl. (j |
1931”” .‘P
'l3.} lhat‘ ‘3l.
oh] I
the} 1“ g
lfrnl, 1’ I i
3; ~ « “my
TIM 323:?
the“ ‘ U
“I": -\. L 1":
.. , . w I”
I “51.0?
)llgzntus up;
I‘m]. “TX
'5 “in m'rc!
1' (‘xrmern‘u
j‘t nmu- 1!
~12 nuL'uh‘m
« “HID-Nit)!
llccuns ‘ n
1L! :1. "
Ibe Crfiilu l
‘ .'vl
1. ’1
. Jit
. .\l.”\\'A' .
'. 1:143. <
umnro '1
[out of w
Lfl’s 331
:x writ of
o (Tunr: m“
imam! In I
jlll‘l' SIM‘. (
_‘ "wukmg
El. next. (l 6,1,) M 1
\im: duq‘rEilu-(l Rm] ‘5
‘ of Gun}- ‘hlirg, Adm
and 110:4 r hul :xs foil
>m- nn \fijc Y( rk sue
‘ we“ 30 opn‘jo n h
“hem‘o “for: 11w sniuo
‘ley, tm‘m‘ .nfimg
Jul 01' DH llqrnor. ll
u!” .\«ann‘
he :fipnfi‘
in (#lth
of Mm“
“f 8 I’ol]
_ A “q
at n ‘cmi‘
‘ mung-i,
J to I’l
huru‘. n‘ll
the gam
l Grnql’c.
' [d an H
I feet go A
‘ lat apmh
of my?
«or! H i
:L‘hin i 7
n 1811201'fikpwgct\'nrk
:‘rJng—Jnuprnved with
iI R 'IN (~11 ng'HUl'Sl‘.
'l' find; hut k-luuhldfig.
fdv‘r the h "”1 brické.‘
‘uuu some rim. trees.
u-xvculiun 115‘ the pr
‘ I}: WM} notic lu Nan
1 Mar w‘prufn. dr'c' \
. mmmr. \(
'3 office. (gt-IL ~burg, l
m p‘(~r vent. f~ Klu- I
ls‘xlcc‘ kgfl‘u- . n-rxfl m
lfx nm-r flu; :rnrcn‘
‘1 Hum to (“0m _\' ‘lhor.
e agnin pm 31 {Mr €3l
anlilnlo ‘
ecmrix !
“pull a!
or uqu:
13: “gm
l - P 701130 Sal
vhnmufja mm. A}
R‘prmmy—m \vmn‘
APRI'I. urn. ll): under
eg‘tale anolin DicM. [at
enlin. Allan‘s: uoyuty. w
day 0
o? [llO
mi lhl‘ yurem§§o3.§lnt- fol!
oh‘ 0F (:knmil), in t
Liven}: a lungwoo's
”my. a Kitchép mm
Buttes, “'nnd Shed, n 5:
had a varifiy of phoice f
.4 T
Hi KU.‘
trees lhq‘ Silill 1M; e#el|cnt
kitchen ,dan. The f ncea n
A CORNER LOT. éon lining
'less, u’djuinimg‘Mir.‘ B hn's, h
nrecc mr lh‘e nu, an um Cm
u'ren—h'k-menced and a an“!
liuildir'ag nu. Q Shn I of G
Sloqk. 7
”A large lot of Ho‘une old an
itnru: Diningrud‘h’il hcn'l'a
Chute, Bumms, Sin , ('hni
Stands, large loLof (‘ rpetinz
ding. Cow-riots, Com rl5. Qu
sen-ml Stoves and Pi )e; Iro
er tea, I
e_s ofhhc
1' NBA: ‘
Queen‘sivureuJ Ilusswa
Veesal'. ‘Harrelg, Beu
artjclea.. ‘ . .
mshlo to comma
on gum day, when um-
P. R-bsny one dr-
Real Frapm-ty,bcfore
by Mr. A‘. K. Srouer, r;
.‘lnchéaoflsw. t 5
. 2 Auditor : Not
. HE undersigned, A ”mot - 1
T Orphnn'n Courtn Aanms !
distrihmion 0'! the film 5 in th‘
’Busheyflflxecutor of ‘.I e um i
ner, decgnsod‘, to and our! I
1y entitléd thereto, but by gt?»
,wilf «wand 40 Ihr duurs of h
‘nn TEESDAY, Ihe 1 lg dny .
M bin olfice, in the rough
where I" cogcerhed m y be h
‘ ‘ W. 1?. DUN
March 30. 1863. 3t. J
i ‘ Notice. 1
Emma ALBnn-rsissm'r
S‘xgnmentnr! on the.;esmte .‘
lute o'f hatim’ore township, Ad ‘
huffing been grate-i no the '1
first. named residing in Rendin
the'lafl named in H" lin’gton ‘
barb)- gimno'ice to ll‘pfil'éon“
ofiéte to make immediate pay
having qlz‘imfi ngninstvflxe-aamp
pro‘pe’rly, nuthemi'cntedzfor :21!
A , x'- 1' :. mmu
» " ‘.-‘ ‘ HML‘I)
Mar.3§0,1§63. an; ‘
.5; lo rcmmg In
10, ms PHI“,
nuhip, Adlms
d from Getty--
- frnm the lulu-r
r Smith, Petrr
ning' 4g Acrw',
Jig laud—About
10: _. L
. new ”0}; Pen;
nr the door; 5
iv th I; Varicq‘ol
w the property
q then-on.
‘ le. hy the lub
'Holel, in the
th of MAY, at
75 Acre-,more
tsbnrg road, in
illleltnwn, ad
rr, Jacob Orn-
F- min, Fewer.—
rd on the land.
cultivation and
{y is Icurd tnr
‘- had from the
‘ baarr wxll gel
ar. Tue terms
‘of sale. ‘
55 Km”;
"Ml J. Inning
using the 151 th
rh of (Dyer nnd
‘livery, for the
. enders in the
‘ I'M lsuc E.
2mm: of Com
;L‘nuru of Oyor
‘! Delivery, for
’(r om-nden in
.nutl thvir pre
l m'January, in
I‘m] right hun
|e din-Mod, for
u. and (hm-Ml
, Mn] Genuml
c ‘JUIIL dug: of
IN to all the
-r and (‘unbm—
f .\dan. 11m!
rnpcr [ICI‘HH‘ISu
aiUUHS. Enxm
m, tu do thaw
in that hr-haill.
they who “ill
9 that are or
an] (‘nnnly of
(u prom-cum
“ Slmra'fi'.
7 i),
1 n
\ t
u .I
V I.
‘V I,
z ‘_
. ectors
13m! (‘ollc
tovihét yrn
duma mun
ill be n-qui
;nr before ll)
. 01') Much
t ulblheér 0
ms, ku—M‘
mlmnkc 5:
ml, their ‘l‘
[mo ”.6: hm
-tnrs of 'X'nxo}
s, in (h? duh-r
-3'. are ’lH‘l'l'hy
M m settle up
- '.‘Olh and Illst
nys the Com
c9lo giro (he
«I iftm- Cullec—
”vine"! mi xlm
nounh ml] he.
.15 01 n pruper
[lav required to f
n-r all mansi
|-nlL‘u-Itl. a
’ 13:12 “ill
Inmy Trcusx
m] [N IIM-rA
! ‘HR, 3
us. i
Al \‘x', 4 ' T
...m; cimuty. 'miie
X 6 \‘
; I:.'(‘..\l:D
lUD] M‘fl
on um'm
much nl .\.
d ‘
lnvnri 17mins,
'ummnn l'lc-Is
9 Ilirw'lml. “ii“
Lilo yrcmisvfi,
. HIE lSlllfnlzly
I‘clOCk, I" 3].,
Lite, \ i 7. 2"}
lsiumte i the
P s collnt_v,fl‘fi.,
ws: lioginn'inr:
.t. ‘thmco “long
Jr lot of John
liomh 1801'":
’1 lIHI‘V my. 30
carp along said
trert, the place
:1 Two- A
“ith n.
Iydrxmt, "
‘uhlo. with (‘rnr—
l‘. Seizrd-nn-l
perly ( 1 \V.. W.
3v Wei+ém Ex
.. lrrro tennm.
‘ULF. Slmrifl'.‘
M. Im, '62.
I llrchdfit" money
last hr paid over
. i 4 “wt-k down
mlh t'ht- proper;
2:4 {flu-15H;
1911.131, Ewcnxor
- of the town of
H NIH at Public
wvng: '
2 (mm of East
[or ’. ;
fw = , ‘
'O." “film
am not? the
0 good. Also,
‘ Acre, more 0'
Inmk-d by York
311- road on the
xesimlflo lot for
ttysburg Bunk
Kin-hen Furn
, Desk, Wash
‘ Beds and Bed-
In and Linen:
1 Kettlel,_Pou,
} a. Tun-{Mean
3 es, and other
I o'clock, A. 31.,
[ill be given mild
e at 10
[dance -
IN, Exvcutor. -‘
I viewing mid
‘. will be shonn
I")!!! 0
idingl ‘
CO. 0
l. ninld hr thn‘: HE nndersigm‘d Would infurm thr pnhlic!
loamy, to huh IT thin. he is now rnnninga line anRI-lIGHT j
- handl of Elini fCARS from Gettyshhi-g to Baltimore every 1
lot“ hunt Gard- week. He‘is premied to c'n'nvey' Fmigmi
' . parties legfl- icither Way, in my qmnmy. He will attend, ,;
!! nélice. that he _ if‘ desired, to the muktng of purchase: in the 4:
It appointment,LCily, and delivering be good} prompt!” a”
(APRIL, “n. 3, Gekysburg. Hi: cnrq run to the Warehouse!l
lor Gettysburg, ‘ or .1. H. Honey, :03 North mm, _Balzimore{.—— ;
"L ;He invites the “motion of the public to hisu
l AN, 'Auditor.» «line. Mmriig “mm minim win ware no gt ‘5
I x .to accommodate all who may patronize hi ’ ”
. ‘ 3 2 SAIUEL HERBS . j
[l*me “"2 ‘ ’Selechohool. ‘‘ ii
I. “$333! 1‘ [35 may woman.” will commence.
_. 33;; Bed ”1:1 I he: Select Bebop! in the school banding;
t‘ownghi yind formerly occupied by; her jn High: “flat, on;
I-Wmm {he unwary»: 6th dsyofAPßlL nexL.‘ Purenu‘
indeh‘tedgo"ii;deshing.m rend lbeig' children should mum--
entmnrl mcjfpplicflu‘sdon. - [finammoa 2‘ [I
o [vrosnflhem flE Indira will find a good u'ssmlmqnl ‘
ome-m. - .T Qma Goodn,‘~ohpup us {mud—ca” an]
L “YERS, ‘ gm: 150': It n 1. : ~sme .g an" 1
Mil-INT; , ONESTIHS, Prim”. Ginzimm’xznril «an I
Executing. II) sm, 4 4‘ 1.. 81‘0" & FQX’S.
- 1
~\ Dr. Schenct *L . ‘
qhi‘izn m- Lll‘l-La-I. Jwfi (1. (Jun. or
k the filing", of Timmy" in the cit} nnd
count-fin! Philadelphia, d.) hmhy certify to thn
followinx tutu—Tho; enrly Ill! full I (molt a
violent whit. which nestled on my lunu, Ind“ I
hnd chill) ‘ltomntcl'y‘with lever, pnm in/my
right rich, I: mug and; should" blades. Ith o
dirtreuinz c ugh, grid no‘ expectorngzn, I
Irv-pt. getting worse uitil I took my yed. My
ill-petite Ir“ gone, my horas very/Irregnlnr.
frv-r and night awe-ms. Intended firith a dih
twssing cough. wlfifizwu very tight: my 11th
lmd nearly all gone, nd I Info weak that. I
could u-rcely raise y head rbm the pillow.‘
and l was truly no olePDllpity to‘beholdn-v
My lriendr bud been a nt 10: to see the die. tnd 1
my Sid?) bed was utrronndetl by kind hull
sympnt. ixing highly? ‘/ ih‘o had come to'
when my depntturefi om this world: .
_ When all rays )r NZ; find of my recovery.
Dr. (lonnd proposed to try SCHENCK’S BL'L
MONIC SYRUP, wi . view of loosenin; my
cough, and relier' g be of the tough phlegm.
uni on a mean: f nll'hfiling temporary relief.
remnrkingnt t.l sameltiuir, “that Iw“ :60 {or
gone (or the 'y‘rup to hoof any permanent
brnefll.” M iife, anxiouq for the nliol’ol‘my
intense snfl‘ rings, brohurcd some of the PI'L- .
MUSIC SY ('l‘. I found it afforded the relief,-
nnd'conti' nndnsintz it! . I could feel its‘hcnlingh
inflncnr ,_npon my lungs. l
Dr. Schom-k was sent for. lle mmt‘ and ex- ,
Mnined my lungd with 'hil‘ reapimml-tvr. He
found one lung nearly gone, but. the other this,
sound. He said he copl‘l ucnernlly‘cnre when,‘
onc lung wns-dxscnwfl. I do lionr-etly think
that ill had not. usetl Dr. SI‘III‘JXIIK'S .\le«li-‘
rings I could not hm"? lllnd number “colt.—
Sometimcs my lnrclthz'nmmtrml nlm‘nst gohc.
I continued to vimprnt‘aundpr it; u=e,nnd man):
of my nt-ighhors cmxé tolluuk at. me :ls mug,
rnifiml from the dead. 5 ‘ . , :
My cough now. Itepnme‘ loosc, And I felt I‘
anrtlllttg hrenk whoxge I had the min in my
breast, and l. discharged large qwmi‘uiti‘cs ofl‘
ytllow matter. I hmh- fnr notks din-lnrzcd
and raised I. spit-box full cfmntter Hwy d-a;v.~
with hard lumps liLel grains of something—i
.\ly hon'cls~ now lice-nine r’r'gnhfr and mum], "
and my appotiu- “as 0 far imhrovefl that I'
could scarcely refrain From fitting too much.—-—'
My strength improvetl, and l regained my'
strength? , -
I feel now as 'wcll PS I over did in my “ft“:
null can ,do as mnch work. lcnnnat run or go 31
up stairs as fast as I juscd to, fnr‘mte lung is 1
pnrliJ-Ily zone and consult-ted ;‘ hnt'il. uecms m ‘
mc. like n man that hit: lntt nn hwy, the other
is the stronger. I feel! now as though. “him I .
50:: a. person with n . hul cough. or look he]
though they h :d (‘nnshmptinm thin l~ln|l-l I!“
tn tlu-m. nnnl perdnndc thom‘to gn‘nt once to
Dr. Sclmm knnd go: cyunincd.V Fur {Cni- tintscl
that. rcml thi: may Illl’lk n's Illid, that. all ch-J
tlfirntt-t “Tr“ mntlo up to don-1w thé llflul‘ :lf-l
lln‘jlr-I. I sill-join the .’cthliratl‘ nt'my pit) sii'ij'n,
and Mac n mnni‘tr offn‘cll—lzmiwn lullabllfldli"
ot' "I‘m-nu}- who muv ml“ at vtntl‘l-rn-nt inn» thir
ing‘ my rim-. 150, «ml nfvcr bylaw t‘m‘l‘ to [st-a they
nulliroi. I nl~o nmwinl tho «'(xztlficnte oi the
brothers of Mystic Lodge. No. 270, L)” of 0.;
I’..‘\\lm kindly watt-hell m‘cr mv, :ui'nl fullv hp;
licwd théfivwonldgnortsign my renrtins to tho
10ml); lvltl, lh‘lnki If)?l l’l'. S(‘lll‘..\.l“K fur ltte
im‘nlualplc I'L'l:.\lo.\ll.' Sl'lllil" my- life his}
hevn =l3url'd. and I am; permitted to mttkc the |
{ongoing sltttcincntfol‘ tln: hem-fit bi snll'rrmg
mnhkind. - . g ‘. ‘
I reside M Tacnnrfimd am well known by
moct‘oflhc people their, and Wm lufig'mufied
10 have My pefiun OMI upnn mo (Ind, leaf"
mnxo pnrl'uulars of the grmt \‘irlnva of ‘lhis
Int-dicino. .. ’ JOHN C. GREEN.»
'l'le subscriht‘rs. numbers "ON the .\XvsJic‘
Lodge. 311110,]. 0. r‘)!‘ 0. 13., 0f Hulmysbllrg,
‘33,, do hereby rrrliry that we kl'men'hn l',_
'on. (who isé xxxenyvcr in [mm] .stzmding in
P No. 260.1. (L e 0.“ F”) Mug dung mug;
'itlx_n 10w lvnlninnnry cnnulmplinh. Intl.
' ) that they zine him up p «hr: [11:31
Km"): Nun-r 1! ‘ perlcctt ht :Ihh. Mn! V
' hié negro 3’ was jmdnicpd .hy
"L.“(h‘sgfl‘ 'YHI'I'. .
v‘ : ordxfirnte ic m rot [in every
minim MJrFJnu.
AL IRE]! HUI:I.\_’.~I:.\',P:G.
.\miAHA“ .\ll lEHI'R, P. G.
J. .\I u.~)1.-\‘..\'.u\ln. ‘.
, J \1 n:\\'_\'rl:s:,\l,.\.\',.lu.
J \.‘ :-:< (x (‘.uwm. ‘
lt'. uu'lortiznod. rv fill-WIN nf 'mi‘nng'. eight
L :Iv.\q'X"nll-uh~lf\ nix, being wfll ‘acqqnim.
'ith Jam; l'. ”Ix-nu. pnn‘l Lhr- ringumsmm'es
I ot,
lc 111
he ii nmv .
the" l-oliufi
S('l!l-.,\(‘K H t
“'0 Mime u).
puniuulur, _
unlmg hi“ 03:“, ft-‘l impelled will} Itwleepl
.éeuée (If impermiw l zrly to make {univermllyl
known tn the pu‘nlir- tis ('nlll‘l’ racpval} I'rumi
the Ivery lust stgugea ((l‘ Plllwflllllrjs'rcuilfillmfl-I
lion: Soentirel; ltelfnleas w“ hi; muvlilmn,
——hnvh-g fun-n hn't u l rirf pdr‘uul qinm- 111 ll) tt‘
rlpfllly «inking nud’emat-iute-l [slate—“filo!
nt'tmly‘pretlurle. in L e (miniun hr? hi 4 plusl-i
«lans :Hl'l l‘r'enrk: will \mu‘hed hy‘lfishnkille,’
all hopes. 01‘ even 11 cmpnmry reem‘ery‘riml
rettorntinn tnhispre= nl robust he'quh. 'l‘hus'
the ca reflrl Me of van; invaluable Sl-l‘filfil‘, the
l’l'l‘\lo\‘](‘ SYlll'P.;nlnkes it. in our belief;
under the (-lreumduuk-es uffl- pin-yriuu; pro-z-"
true, not to say tl_vi g: condilivmxmr nl' lhel
mmt sun-Him: reeults'ihat the whole nnnnli of!
merlicnl skill or sejv- :e enn‘prmlnl-e. 11. de-]
soru-st to he llnlll‘l’lfi'lflhlx recur-led to your
credit. and secures to guts—the greatest (“34.
coverer of tin intullih c cure‘lor this hitltertirl
remmlilesa IllwaC—fl nsting monument. unit 1'
world-wide rt-[mtntio in the lieulin’z an,'tlx:nl
no time may either di lhish or destroy. “fir-l
lug “'zllllr’§:ell .\lr. Green’s dxfll‘cssing‘sirngglc
an-l mll'ering trnm uikontimml cough, super,
nrltled to the other :3" ptoms consequent upon
or attending the lust . tngc ora pulmonary dia
eaw '. nml..mnreri\'er,‘?t being. so gunemlly lic
lleu-dhy hie numeral friends thut thunmn
power cnultl relieve of prolrm't his life. mueh
leu restore him ha k ngnin tn his furlfncr
health. we feel it thufi our duty tn giu- bur
unqualified tgstimnn} of Mr. Greenjfi perfeel
recovery. by mean! of be excluei're '3'“ ul ”n.l
- Syrup; an we should mlleetl lre
jnirn if we cfinld be in“ the humble in~llru~
ments at relic! and c eto othermrho my be
so unfortunate In tn ' similarly .anuru‘d. ' ‘
, DAY“) (‘1 .\‘RAD, M. l); l _
JESSE DC tlt‘ll-ILD, ’
. ‘ I Jmtlce oftthe lleaee‘.
, 3 ‘Cnpuin ‘ r Stepmboat Trqntou'.
« AXDREW?IE.\TH,.II:,; ‘ ..
. > (‘aptz (ii-Shambom \\'u§hingluq. ‘
JUSEPI IIE.\D,-lz.r 3 l;"
MATTHEW mums ~.
‘ nuns 'l‘( mm, ,1 } 1 1
of Wash ngt‘on llnuae, Ttlcony. 5
- Jonx BLmuamv. ‘ A l ‘
' bf Huckn'cnunty. Pm!
Dr. J. H. Schenck érun be eonsulmh at. his
principal office No. £ North Sixth '.rtr
Philadelphia, evdty . tnrdayg. incl at Sn.
Bond aireet, New Ya , e\jery Tuésdny.
tern for ndvxce shoul?nlwugl he directed
Philadelphia, Pn.‘ ‘ ‘
Sold by Draggisu‘zand Storekeeper: gl
orally. 3 -
Pnlmonic Syrup, 3] :per hollle,ss‘hnlNozem
BM Weed Tonic, 51 im battle. $5 hklfdmgn.‘
Mandrake Pills, 25 gent: per box. ' 1
Apr. 6, 1303. _lm. ft. ‘ _,
, 7 )1; M
v ‘ 4'
1' Fa ---.. _.\'va"\‘*"~.
.‘.~,:(gr.h. i".’="-’§-.’»Z}:"“’»:,.fi m
- "'-'l“‘4‘ '-u (y-..-) -00—L100
Herbs ’3 Line.
March 16, 1863. adv
Dissolution of Partnershlp.
THE partflership herc’nfore txialinflhrnvn-n
Diem, llriukgrhofl' I: ('o.. in Hurll'uin.
I'rqducr, Grocer)" nnd Commisa‘nn hu-n’nea.
bu this dly been dumbed. The books 0! the
Jinn wiil he found will: Jun-oh S. lloll'ingx-Ir. fur
the presrxbt, at the ole! stand. The ram-Ipm nf
emu-r nf xhe umjt-ysigued “In In: good fur
munit-a‘llur llre lau- firm. A“ pnsoux: having
claim: Again“ the firm ivilrpre'unt the nme
{or Imymvnt and nll penonn indehlmlr‘to un
hnn ,uill ‘pfease nun“! to the hqu‘uJM‘lt-d of
theirac‘conutn. . "
\ ,JAC—UB mexrtkunn‘
‘ . ~ “con amounting:
ApriH,lB63. an; \ I ‘
central Nfirse ribs;
Yonx,P;ENNA. :
The u’ndexsignch iurhe attention? to; their
nuperiof ansortmofit ‘Ol FRUIT k ORNAMEN
-1:“. mass, SH Nuns, km, for the :nnug of
1863. The Fruit flepumm-nl embnwe'u
in [nest variety mad of superior growth. M
an ‘aJnrge collection of GRAPES nnd our»?
ulna" fruits. - ‘ RHKJHARB, ASPARAGUS, EC-
The Ornamenml' gpnrtmem, m nddiljon‘ to
_our large stock or xcmsu mm, NORWAY
MAPLE m‘bSI’LVER MAPLEwspL-cinlly luited
'for‘street planting, and NORWAY SPKUGE.
HI'SSIAN and SCOTCH FINES, of extra size,
JUNIHERS, MAH‘UNIAS. kc" pni-liculnrly
suited for Cemetery and anu phluntiug', em
braces in large and Completemssurum-ut of
hardy Deciduous and Evergrcrn Truck, P hurt-r-
Eng smzvus. RGSES, ha, L-c.,.u-hic m offer
at. very wuwnnblc rules. ,
Culalogucs (m niu'mcation.
‘ Y: I‘. ".l.
Mal-. 16, lacs
9 Notlce. g. .
V HE first and film] mommy.“ J.m Krng.
r Assignov of Isnm‘ Bxfc, his“ bug'filL-d in
(he Conn of Common Pleas of Ad“: rounty,
and _w 11. 110' confirénod by the said Hurt, on
the 201 i: day of PHIL ncmrunlcb ‘cuuse'be
Show: to thumutnry. .r' ‘
H mm; ngsnm’, gratify“
March 16. 1'863.: 4t* 1 'f ‘
,' . Nonde. \ 5;
HF. m-cnunt of! James Ttm'n=(-nd,,";»\=:igneq
T of ernv‘r 'l‘uwnluud, .hns bu-fn' film] in
Klu- “mn‘l of Common Firm, of .\vfaluf comfy,
and Will hocnnfirmexl h} tlu‘ snidCon the
20th 4:l3:ol.\l’Rlli‘ulcnmulcss can§e3;e'shofi'n
wthe unnlryy. ! . V'~ “ ‘
I' ‘ ' , LU‘IIB BUSHEY, firmh'pm
Man-11M. 1863'.l 41* . . ' \ '
Y ‘llEskrnnd and‘ final norauntof‘thn Burk
! l homer .{nd 561011101) Bender. Asug} an: M“
Jove s|. lhmnn, h!” horn filml in Nug‘mm
”or (‘mnnion PM”; of Adams county. :md Will
be «:hnfirmed by flfd mud (.‘uun, on thé :mh
idny 0!" APRIL next, u‘nless cause ’bc.slm=\\n
to “16 contrnry. ‘ 2’ ;
\ JAPOB IH'SHEY, Prufil’j‘
March 16, 19032 41* ' ' '
‘lfl'lfirs: nnfl final :Irrmlnl of John Hchoni’y,
r 1 ‘(iumminw of .\lzll'llli Loqmr, Hun'zllit.)
I) \s horn filed in the (.'mul uf (‘nmmnu 1‘10": 00'
Adm]:county'nml Mill ho roulirmg-al hi“ the
said Court, on the Z”!!! «lay of APRIL. 11081,.
unicss‘ cause he slinwu tn lm‘ «pnlrnrv. ,“ '
. JACOB LEMMA, Punh'y. 4
March it), ISIL‘Lj 4L* , ‘ '
‘ Notice. ’
HE .sovnad septum! of Smut, Buchcr.
T Cofll'lllilll‘f’ df‘Jnhn (‘vmiutn~ (Imumm)
has hoenAile-d in like l‘m‘zrt oft'umtn n Pfenspf
Admin cmnnl_v,' Hi"! \erl be. cuufirx. d ,hy lhe
said (hurl. .le Inc 20“] day 01‘ .‘\l l“. next,
'u'xflossu.m:c he s! nwu to Hm t‘ol‘lllzl \-.'
SAM”! m’Sm-LY, 'rom'y.
min-h la. 15%: W“ ‘.
~.‘. . - -..- r ‘ .-____ ;-_.-.- _
.2 LNotlce. ~., f
nms’rtuJ, Asrlmx'sESTAfift—L‘M-
C tors of ndministmtitm nn' l‘ué «{Lmtv- UPC;
J. (.‘.nslmnn, I:“(‘ZofNrnhnu J\\p., Xfiaupa m ,
docuw-d, hin’in'z ln-rn :runlmi to lTu- under
signqd, roenlu-g in ‘(icll'uh‘urm I‘o firre‘b
ghes n'n're £9,3“llH‘F‘HHSAll]'l(l;!"l tfi mi
ostnu- to make ilhlllo4li-Pfo m} nwuf. Hnnf Um;
lmvnpg ‘rlnims :rnsinLL “I“; sumo £ll firmer; t
them prhirqxly,nuhwntirguml lur <l~ll|¢§fltzfllf
‘ ‘ “mum IH-I\\‘r.£i§‘\d'm'r. '
Mar, 9, ISM}. CL ‘ . -
> 's' V .V., ‘ 7 "f’ T’TV‘"! 71--
‘ . I Notice. : :
(manor: nnmuuvs ESTATE—Loafers
\I .‘P""'""""‘T£s“" thcnttplcni'fivurno ”hf
r'm. Luv m, .\lnu rjny township. .\dnm mum‘- hm'ng: horn grantml tn the mi
lh-nigned. Ihi‘ “I‘LL 'nnmod ”Hiding in thi- -_nm,r‘
tnwmhip um! ”It'd“?! nzunml‘ in Slmlmu mwfl
ship. the)" hen-h" give nn'tice tn'nll Bermu‘q‘
{nth-Mod 10 MM mum to make ilnme‘lizltk'
p:x_\ménfi.nnxl-Uluiuc having clqiin'n u'guinst We
mum to I|ro§cntjlll9m properly nyflwntlcnldd
for sclflcmout. PETER BERCAIfiI 1
.\lnr. 1), 130-32 '6l? ’ Eufymfi.
.' * _ Come Ye‘ Weary ‘. ‘
' , xn lIEA\'&II.\DEV.—Tho undenigmfa
4A “~me reaper-Hull; inform hlsflnxmoyous
hit-Mu (h u 110 hp just rocciwr! n h" :h supply
nf Vllmt' vorhldmmwnwl "HASK ESh. qn
yrrnmsn chmL‘Jau \'l‘L\'G rum " impugn?
[ml (lira-11y {rum Turkey. This Cami: ipnazvssos
all the‘profu-rlivs, hut ii without tl, hunt-fill
PWL‘Pliflf opmm.’ [ls ofl'm'l upon tire hum‘nn{
system ii Such (In; it \hll rm-ivc' tghc wvnry,‘
u'nd four slurp film using (his cum” fiviu he
fun-M, MM ‘.vlnn‘ dr-‘umi «nvh'mlm'g. I‘qu‘i;
pm- ~lmuM uéwit. I‘riuj only 25: NpR a box.
K‘nt pnsz-[mid dn-nccii-t of tho priy}: by: ad'-
drctéing‘n. \V. ("\IiEY, [km 3N), L .nguz‘tcrfih.
‘ .\luxch M, 13:51. (it. g .
‘ Mxlhnory
' .\‘D STP. mluuans -\w 1m
A sure of infirmin; ym'flfim wl
prt-pnrml ll) ufil-r, at our Ulll 3'. m-l,
.103 & IH7, North snmw 39., Pl]
PHI}. a {VP}! sclm-lwl Stuck (if ll
AND STRAW GOODS, in m‘nry uni
hie»; impnrlglinls, and ofyllm newt
miliongble sun-l». ~ It. ‘
30m: STHAW barmntfixr “m «.mprjisc
M‘cry variety of llnmwts, llllls and Trilnmilnka
:0 be {build ll] thin liuv, ol' the lmqstf mulqlwst
apprpvcul sllnpeq‘ nnd’ stglos: Sryl‘lnlingHH
curly all” remain yours, respect ll 3'. ’
Munch 16, “3373!. In] ’l]. \"All .
.The Grocery Stor k
N THE ”NIL—TSO: unvlersignll-Il ould
O ‘respccllullhinformlhc cinzcnsfi}! Gzttys
burg and vicinity, thin be In: Mk I Elle uld
sl‘nnd “on the lllll‘" in ll.zltimnre n wt, Got
lyshurg, where by: intcnuls to kPep J‘ nslunlly
on lmnd all kin“! of GllllCl-111111i.1.-—Sugnrs.
Cnfi'ees, Syrupfi bf all kinds, Tolmqé-vr), 11-‘i'sh,
S'llt, kt, Ennhrnwnre “bf all kinl 3, Fruits,
()il<,r.n«llll fact cvcxything nlmally [‘Bqu in 5
Grocery. Also, FLUI’R k FEl‘lllol; ll kmdi ;‘
all ur- which‘lye'imcuds to sell low 23% the low~
est. Cdunlry produce Lulu-n in cxu'znixge fur
goods and the highest price :ixcn. - "le flutters.
‘bl'mulf that,'h_v szrict attention and‘anmuost
desire (0 please, lo [peril a slxnre ol "uhlin: pa
tronuge. TRY HUI.‘ J. 11. OWE.
PM». 23, 1363.. tl‘ .’
Chlldrgn’s Ayd Socifiy.
IIE agenl._ ol' the' Children's Aiig Society
of Baltimore, Wm. C. PMmerfiklnll be ‘in
Gettysburg on Mpndny. the 13m Q! gwilgexh: ' AllO ‘
and the following (lay,willl a comp‘ag of cln’l- l . , ,
drcn seeking ““1“ in Adamscounlyifl’ersqhs THE under“ "
desirouu ol aecunnz rhildren from t ’ SQcie}y.l undgr "'9 '
in Aid of its bene‘rolenl objr-cuu. will ledge th. leave ‘0 “'r“ "
tend. _ , 'n. 6. men RY, :e."lli,}lm '
Sflcrrtnry of Local Co mince: ‘ ‘ "'°“?°”.“ , "
March 30, 1363., 217 g ”9"“ _’
_ ._..._ A ~ ~ "“‘T’ ...t _‘._. Illcylr 1'
Anhgpprentlce V juicy/far
O the lull-bl ‘9 business wanted I! the sub? M "
T ‘lcriber. at ‘the Gettysburg Finn'dryl— } ’
Early npplicnfioh desired; A boy. from the. '
country, from Id to l 8 years n! Ago, referr J:
, , DAVID s'!" ENE .' 5
Hang 23. meal 3! ,
Queensware. , 7
F you want anything: in the QUEFF
I line Cull a:‘A.SCOI‘I‘ 8 SM" ,
vulHlnd the but mortmqnl in t
March 25,1862: '
‘ RENT-9.. l'mbréllu. Car};
T olrtp :u. {
‘1 0 In Dr. [1 "OWNER;
(Jlm- Armxcxrxu
,7 ' WITIIUI'T 1‘0!) ‘6!!! HUNG
TL: LIL/1111111 ILa/I .Vull‘z'l‘ in M! “Brill.
II in the ohm” 01 human In purrhninx I
Machine mbny the I)? and Mica-pen. Both
tpese objecll will be mined by taming Rm
lellfaSflew Poner. ‘1 A ‘
The grenl unno'ttn‘t of pow In last ifl OI'H'COSP
lag the friction of all Cog-gaunt] fillsrventort
is sun-d in the Screx Poi": by nléich we can
offer the lightest draft “our Ind Reaper in.
the world. This {set has been fully" demon
"piled by the variant tests by Dypomomelrr
nndiul‘hepvise. to which the machine In: been
sub’egted during the lat two uensoqls. Among
thep'arious pomls of auperiqrity ll} thin up.
chine nre the following: . 1 ‘ , ’
The uar ofapcn mulnhle iron gnudl‘; with I
urge] plate or face, ground to u cutting edge.—
This will: tl.e‘kniyos, give: a pet-fed sheer-91L
Doubl‘e Hinged Finger Bari—No ower can
do 'good work. on All kinds of men own, with
out a flexible bur. This bsrctn belmisod and
sbonrcly matched, while panning {rapt licld ta
field. ' 1 - .
I’ntent Atljuuafile Reel, performing its work
cqunlly as well n'pon rough grou’ndvu upon a
level field. . , . , .
Till-re is no side Dmfi, or weigl-t' upon the
hnrsus' net-km -i
New and pet-leinr form of Show, which win
not r 10; when mowing. with I lighthilny when
lhe Renpefis attached. ’ - > /
The subscriber who is Agentfpr this machine
hns‘fully tested it the hat seasonifin when,
grass, clover and 03's. and feels satisfied .thgil.
nil who see this machine work wiglhnve no
uLher. ‘ > f ‘
A speci‘ym-n machine Min he sevnEhy calling
on the ynhu-rxhorl near Gelgshunm on My:
unrnsl'qrg road, V - i
“'0.“l rflrfify that we went in lhp'fui’m‘ of \Vil
li'un \Vlblb‘JMt harvest. for {he purémné'ot rx
mpining the work dnm- by him wnh Ruler!”
Srl‘t‘w l’owrr Mower and Helper. y.\\'ol‘munl
Hr. WIMP cutting some.of 1!"; véry 'vmrst Mud
uflmigo-l grain, und frel snlisfiofl‘i'ficould not.
have been «lone lwuer ,hy :uly nthe‘f mac-Dunn
h. 15 the lightest. dmtt lum‘him‘ we‘ e‘re-r .Imw.
Pinup N
I \ -- Gunncw II
“'6 certify Ihnl m- snw .\lr. \\’jhlul
the nlmH-muchine holh in‘ltnmling :
gum. with but onejpnn olilmrs
cunbidcr it the bust mower Mr erm‘ .~
Grout”: [Emmi
. Gsoncal’uu
“Inn. 23, 1863. u » ,- , |
‘ For Sale. "
W 0 gEPOXU-HAND .\[:\\'.\'\' ,‘l
T “ith.\\'oml‘s lunprovuocm'. P.
Mar. 15.5, IN} i. ,‘Wlfl
Valuable Bgeal Estatq
10R S.H'.E‘#The su isnrilqu g'i o; M pr?-
14 . . . f - .. ‘
Lumsnle ll mr catntc‘. knnwn M ~“ \ IL
um \ MILLS." in n vnvihnul millqmm‘iyk
Allflm:lcnlll11y, Pm, “'lllllll unr lnill‘ (‘Fqurfil-id.’
‘ '1 116 true! voutuiuq upwnrilq nl :30!) ANN-. 5, of
whirl} 300 ‘nri' cxdcllcnf‘ fur": lnnf, quill flit
‘ rtwidrivlr-nn-rml u illi' good Innhrg. ;' The land,
[is' ul lhn lwsg qimllry nud “fillllny yi‘fhls a guru
l-r‘rnp-Ol both Wln‘,Gl'_flJlJ summit-r 4min. lio
‘ll‘es the strlfngn upon whi-"h tin-l Milli urc
'builr. running. Ilirough‘thc (mm, (hy- Cirnr luls
wnlvr in almoat ucry {MIL—Ii ,' J
lThere 1"“ gm thclrm-t n Twpzslury h"? '3: 5‘5 .
Su-‘nc Dwelling ”HUSH, Sum:- (a g“ ‘5:
“tuck-luulnliné, TWO—story ‘LllG‘flFFfig‘f,
illll‘l‘fi'li flung-lied, large Hunk Bang. of Ingum.
‘\\ Ith all [hr modern cgnvenlemm,\\'agqn .H‘luul,
kl'm‘u (‘ril),‘&c. Thu Mill is tin-cu smrie‘ high,
30f stone, With hm p'nir uf burrs; vlmppn‘g
swan, all. in complete .order; Saw; MIHH‘MII-
I lr‘r‘s House. Trfiant House'; two rxccl‘lrnl Uri
lclmrdst on the plnce. with a large humunt of
Hard fruit,'of errry \‘nrirly. ’l‘lm (iottyflmrg
,t-xh-ihinn of Ihr l‘ennn.'li:xflrund 1:4 luculcd
ltbmhgh the firm. This uglnle'ull s induct--
. mmm fur :mfu lnvcnmemi not ting}- mum).—
I’l‘lw till? is inditpumblc. " A
fifil'rrso‘ns «lu~imus nf,viewing Lgi
by, urpllrrli'xtsing,“'l”an upon curl
[BL k W. .\lcllleun, I%qu ,‘ in Houyaln;
i $51.11” V. 31
l, . i
Feb: invlaifi. tf ”4LI” -... 1‘
5 . , Llccnscs. l
‘ ll}? following‘nppliciliofi? to l 1
lT lmusc: at ( iileiuiqnn-nl, have b
lmy oflivc, with [he rnquisitc numllydl
lora, null “ill lw prim-" Incl nl :llui
[Quarter Sessions, un’ MUNUAY. lli
EAI’BH. um: i, _ g
I (I'mrlm “ill. ”growth of I‘d-My;
“co. ’\\'.4\l«‘k‘lcllnnV .. 1‘»;
. .Tuhn L. Tnlo‘, “ V' “1}
l~rwchillnt, ‘f "
l‘ l3n\iillllilo‘lnnlsh, “ > ,“E
l Jamh Slack, . “ _ »"'l
k 1’; l). .\‘mi‘li, Franklin lnwn'elll
.\Lirin (lill‘iitlmllz, “ ; -
(‘. B. Ham's, “ *
M. A‘. Miller, ‘
George 1.! Cnrwcll, “
' llcury .\lunsliower, “
George Bear, ' - “
.luliu .\lcCchi-y, ’ .” _
Bunjunin Sluivc”, ' “"' “
Lawrence Brandi, Germany “5
Jul." Hinze, . -- ”e . “l
Joseph Burl-mr, “ . “]
Pen-r Lingcufnlln,‘ " .“
l.o'\i Krebs, ' “ ‘ ..”
Mnrcolludl. f‘rourc, “. ' W
l Chr'n Rnfl’onspcrgerfl‘yronqj ."
l A. \l. Ponk, . n .
i Sn'm'llul Smllor, “3', - ‘ “‘
l Glmrlci Myers], Mrnnlh'u- “
. (LIP. House, _ ‘_‘. . ‘l'
i Jnlm D. [‘.cL'kt'r, Huntinglpn o “
l ”wit-l 11, .\larkloy, “ , Hi
| n. w. lliivlcbmnd, U, “I
l .lncnb .\lru‘li‘n. Oxford ' “l
(l-mrge'slmnr, -“ . “}
AnthonySlmm-bmnk. " “l
' l’rmmis Bream. Cumbrrlar‘lfil' “‘l
l “Porgy W. [iv-x, “Illlor ”i
' David [{M'klcr, u “4
| livnry llartzul, "‘ ' ‘ “
i l’v-tcr Shh’vly. llalnillonba'n “‘
. llnrnry Binzlmm, f‘ - “
" Jaruh L.-Gm~=. Slmhtm “I
‘ (‘nnrml \lnul. lmtimnre “l
1 “co. ('. Kitilut‘, .\luyntplcunfit ”l
l J, H. Fmitb. . “ , .“g
' Robert M. nick; chuling “l
l Dlmiel llécknr, llamllum townsn']
l l-‘ranvil J. \Vilion, Bur. of Burml
Henry Knhlr-r, “ ”;
Samuzl S. “with. Freedom loun,‘
‘ ,ni-uizr. ucexsm. ‘ 1
(290.1”. Hummer Bor. oral-u)»:
l .\‘Mlmnirl Emmi-s, Germany Imm .
Reily & SncenngorJionomxgn “I
' aunx manning
li ‘ , ' l'er S. U. rliuuul
,' Mar,23, 1P63. 1c
the l n
NUS. ””2.
.IJNIS 31'
IV, of tho
Milhnery "Goods:
. 1.9123.- ' SI’RLKG . 2‘; g, {B6l.
000 k’C.kllY,fNo. 12:. (‘nwsxm 1.,
\V PHILA.. have how in stnrw‘ntcom {etc
sum: or snuw AND .mLLxxmx G ups,
including , . '
Straw Hit-1 and Bonnet), < ‘ '7
Misses' and (‘hildron's s:rm‘¢.mds,
,l-“pucy and Crnpeßon cl‘i‘ '
‘ ‘ French Flower ilib‘mns, km,
tn_wl)ich Mm} respectfully in me lbejnuenifion
of Merrlxignu'mzd Milliuerl. - ' [
(‘uh Buyrfs will and ' )ecinl ndnm‘agl in
examining {his stock be e punhusipg.
Mitch 26,1863. 1' ‘_, i , '
fed. hn\'ln,: nbminci License
Jnited‘Smte: Excj'x'e.’ yaw, begw
(n his friends Img! the p Mic gag;
.zc tonfinuel the bush”; of Ant
and Sale Crying, and will le’ glad to
liberal share ofllle pubvlicfs p manage.
misc: satisfnctian tr; all who may cu!-
niln. Charges modemf. ‘ Reliant)“. in
mlplcnennt township, lu { I mileisoulh or
mix": Station. Pm: olfice uddress‘, Grariile
0., AJ-unl county, Pl. , '
Pm. 9, mam ZM" ! '
r Pay Up. -. - 1
LL persons knnwing lhcmgclves indebted
A tolhe 1M: firm of 1!. H. Rowé «bum.
M requested to mu: immud'miely“, as,l.lxe
with: must. I» cloned. ‘ f
Jar. m, 1853. n. n. ROWE 8 [l3O.
1 hen yuu
{wt} :1
gig-:1: 816., m 7)
’_ Drug S" u had 3v:
mu CAN .Y. .
.Wanteir“ '-% I '
flfihfighutpriu‘ 'ill; 321113 BOUL-
TpfiiwnquH)R§,- "’l/ ,’§ ,
in. 9, {303. Geno-1;} GILLESHR‘S. -
Russell’s Screw Poirer
WILw‘M mum-1, Agent
oneering. 1
Fresh Groceries, 1
EW .\‘n‘nnws. JINF. muons, “A
N 'lhe undrniruifl” has just "turn-d Itol'
t‘lu \ My \\ ill» Hm: :argx'u s"th of new goods ‘0
has 3N Inn] in. which, having would)! format;
ll’L']! prepared m sell at low a) Anybody he:-
or chunlmrr. He “3‘! ennmt'rlfle I pox-(jot: 0!
his Hock; L‘Hl FEES} #UGARS. "child.
Chm-ac. But on, l'otalbcs, Nah. Yin-gunfipiccp,
Canrllcs, Sump}, Brooms. "rushes, Hanan. Bod
Cnrdu. ('e-lur and \\ illuw Ware, SEGARS and
TOBACCOS. lnrge lbls of heat and common
brands; with all sort: 0? “111033.
He Lu; 1; “HP? “och of LIQUOKSJhnn In at
null: found outside a xhé rims, viz: Import
ed Ind Dumvellc Brmid'u-a. {our kinda, khv be“
1 for medicinal uses: old Rye, very superior, fat
Lthe nuns purpose; lynpuru-d Wm", tho I)!»
moslic Wine; V» Hollie-hm Schnapps; Rnnu.‘
“'.hiskiesfh'. Evrr’! article in wnmntodjt
be «m n in mm ror.l' AI
1 Recollee , mi: ip the place In buy chup.—,
Let Inch 3 donlt il'cnll.4\nd (ht-y will bo‘
unnamed." ‘5O. F. KARI-$99011. .
.~ Jan. 19, 196.1. ‘ ~
Fresh Reijnforceinents;
S If! constantly nudging uow luppHel to our
already hug» nml fnqhinnnhle stock of, _
We hnre every siyl'e' of Simian and Bum-in
Huts, "high in qu‘hm and price cannot {all ‘9
Christ. “03’s and Mcn': ‘ “nu' und Curl of
wry description, uudrof Lhu mm st) 103. Our
Huak of ‘3‘ '
g BOOTS, ‘ ’ , ,
‘ SHOE. , ‘ «1
n, . . i ‘ ENTERS. km, 19.,
,w'fis nrrerJnm-g compiele. Ladies. Grutkmen
:uhl Cinl lrou'wu bu qrrnmmudatod uith uny—
lbmg in this line.:\~l :we are better prcpnrgd
nqw to give fits and greaxer bargains than erm
hefnrél.‘ ll‘ .\ou wmu‘bnrgniua, good an Ami
fashionnble goods. call It ihu sign of the BIG
liUU'X‘, in Chumberablirg su‘ert.
mus CUM‘.
Juno 9, 18171}
.4 Good News for Everybody!
mu; 'm nnmnfln's; .
C . AT smxsoxrs um smxn :-
- ‘ . 1 ALL xrz-w 500031
y: A v m,
7“— .
I‘m)“; whh
nd ludgl‘d
5,1u1d we
. ’ , I__ _ ' . l
! I-Ju'qc‘ Crnldnmnfjust from Baltimora."hnm
nlu-nrj] 9, Clothing nil-l Yum-1y Store at film
[snul'svlll (‘mnr-r. Cm 3.1 m Dmmnnd‘. in Getlyu:
Hum-1:. \\ here he ufil‘q-r~l3\ large slock of (100-in
'ivr his line, and \rlm‘ll be‘ will snll nu prirei no
I lh\\’llslo-.‘l-lnlll"h nll lin’f’crs. llis nssoi‘lmeul.
;\\hiv[| uI“ he (mind Inn-1v oflllc lnfs lllllll‘f’illl’
vin x'm- Inn-‘3l mum”, grunuxrise: cvcjylhing in
”the in)? Q! .\lr n‘. (c Ill); 5' Wear. viL ‘
luér Pnub‘, :1 "true unis-13'; ‘
’. , ‘ [lrr-zl (‘ll'll~‘.. :\ {Twin-fin vnrl'vl} ; ‘
I. . ‘ Szu'k L‘on‘, 1| hugv v:\ru‘l§'; '
_ l‘immlqons, n. lluryr variety; A
4 \ rs’lc, n largo l'nricly; .
Shlrh. ll unlknlulm-lc‘. Neck 'l‘ch,
' . Glm'ut, Suwnlldvrr, ('arpet Bagl,
¢ ' Knltm. l'orl .\lnnnnit‘s.- ’.
- ‘ (hmtlvmrn’s Drawing l‘omhl. kc. " .
"<.nm lo be bent ;’. ‘ ‘
3 _ Sugars. ‘Tnbni‘rn,
Flm- numlnw tnf HM", kt. he. ~ ‘
I .
Iquim‘ Of
Giiu hnn‘n will. ~.\'.0 {ryuble lu'lhow Gandh;l
Hy H‘lling gum! (loads, nfinmlemxe profits. ho‘
hupcs w pneuse nll purrhuan'n. Duu': {emu}
“ Lin.- Sp :1 ‘—Snmson'u UN Corner. . r
(‘.cnyglmrth-c. 15, 1562.
Somethmg Now.
r I”F.unllurvignndVréspL-ctful
l ly_\infornm~(ln: Taxidems
1:! lh-u_\sl'.ur;(:uul \ivi’nilg .thnL:_ . .7,
130‘ has upum'd u \‘v ‘.\T(-"[ AX” JE‘VHL“
.\“I‘UIH-l, in the rumu immediately in the renr u:
.\h'. J. L. smffin‘a Him-e, nml fronting ml
Squaw. u nere‘ hv‘iu‘rnds hopping An nucrt'
Imm! of WATQ'IH‘ISJF.\\'RI.I‘.Y, SILVER ulna
sum-4:; l-Lvrlfn WAKE, Sl-rcmcwrv
(Jl.l)(‘l\'\'.&r.. .(r. . , ’ .'l
i ,glla‘xing lvm'u gunnfl‘llfll wiih. a. first-cling
l Wamh nud .hwc'lrySmru in llnllimurr, fu
tat-yum] mar: past, He is prvpnred to !urr.i:d
lover}? article in [ll9l‘ hue, M the lowru ell
:[Erive-J, unrl nll Inxxrchuscs \\ ill he gunruul'rud gfl
Err;mrc;eunlc~ul. ' l ‘ ‘ '
f Frnm u lung: cxporicnr‘c in \Vntvh-rcpflrinj
lespcl-iullygflim \Valchcq. he is pvt-pnrwlcw d:
‘nll kinds 0! “awn-work promptly, huh; hey
manner. antl guaranty tho pcrlnrumm‘c Mil. ‘-
Hg,“ 11l lzw-p nluuys on hand 11 large “guru
Incul.r-f<Sl‘l.'l."l‘l.\(‘l.HS.and Spoor ‘
Lil-l 1: (Hahn-q; uml hln'm‘y: mun! .
(itpvrimm iu :ul‘q-‘tiu; llmn to 1119 sigln:,i
pr: pnrml In "L ull u'lmneml thn.
1' “A!!! Jl-.\\2lCl.llY mmlr tin order in the ‘bcs
gslylu, .uul n great. who!) “1' [mumps un [mu-ll
. Jl‘l‘J ELJIY rvpmrcu In tho noun-st nmnnsr. '
‘» r . , JUSEI‘H BRYAN. [
l Geuyab‘zrp, Dec. 23, 1561. (T 4
l‘ , . New Goods. ‘ x
l rmxu Gnuusx:_r'nnlvt-: 90005! .l
'IS , : ‘ muxxasmux uranium.
| mhjjufl rr-reirp-l "I"! are nnw opening'nlnr;l
,(nud choir-c :issqruncut of SPRING GOODS.
j whuqh tin-y inul‘te the nucntiun of Ilro y-ulnlib
lllzyrilng been purchased with can M. reduced;
i {wit-en. w: an prapnrcd lo giv‘o our cumnnerl
; Unrg‘nim. Uur stack hulalhcvn largely incnznlod‘
.'hy Ill:- mhlitiun ul‘n. ch ice \"nriuly 01'th lnleu;
Irlylcs nf I,.\lm~:s' DRESS GUUUS, mum-in]
j \V.‘RE.“MALLJNPERYAHWDS, &c.. rumprinfimj
'u 041;}me manurmmn! of ncryzhing gummy
immlvd. (7w eurly'un-l 5610 c: bargains fdr
.yofilrjm-lru. Jl , FAIINI'JSTOUK umrg, ‘
‘« Albril 7, 1862. , , 3
- . The Great Dlscovery ,'1
‘ F 'l’x'll'l .\GE.-‘-hlfiammnmry and Chrnnlc'
‘ 0] llln-umntlsm mu hr: rurml hy uxing H. 1..“
ITUR‘H. “any prominent villxenl of th‘ll, {ml
[the Mjuiulng. coumlcs, lure tcltifird tn‘iuA
Ewen! utility;- In Success in -l(hcumnlic It'd-c 7
[.tlouasllns ‘bc-en hnhrrm nnpnrnlh-lad by nu);
injmrlfig, inlrnduccdi‘m the puhlir. Price ‘5O
[Ct-ms pnr lmLLlc. Fu‘r Fill-Lb): all drugginl and
{storak-cpers. Prnmdcd only hy‘ll. L. MILLERr
' “'holexizle and Reluil “aural“, Ens: Hrrl‘vh,
lAllums county, Pa.. dhlcrin Drugs, (‘hem‘u-nll',
Hula, Vnrnlsh, Spirits? Paints, Dye-nulls, huh
lzlerl July, Essences nnd Tinctures, “imln'l
a-Glmp. Perfumery, l’azcnt .\lcdirim-I, km, in '
WA. U. Ullcllll‘l‘ in the Agent in Gwyn:
I burglu'r " 11. L. Miller’s Cclohmlml Rheumuliq
4 Minute.” [June 3, 1501!. It! 1‘
pg. It.
"ALF, ‘
loin]: puhlk‘
'u-rr 11m in
r 0! ,Sjgu
(‘mlrl n!
c, -.ail of
\ Highly Importa‘nt ‘
Si'omlA'ru.L,\'.——A MM:~ , x
It ‘ .o”.:\.>'.th}‘9£lmm“:
RE“?! READ}! HEAD!!!
‘ Tu: Bantu Am L‘xm ABI'OCIATIVI 1m“
mm- frrude'or distribution to subscribers Kiwi:
henulihll t brunt! lilbol'rnph 0i . ‘ ‘
Mr": [.'rzxnyum or m: Smu'r nr rat'xontl,"
n ipk‘udfild‘n Itionul picture. liu 14x36. of‘lha‘
gin-all upnsinq M Ihr North, when Nu ldegrnph
bruu’ght the electric ‘news that For’t Sen-whi
‘hkd fullcn. Nu pmlor would he tuba-u this
pupeflfluzmring. Price nnly‘Tunl Dana“,
and Nut securpiy ugh-d; on rouzn‘ post-pd“
on' receipt. of the mice. Bury perwn who
purchase: one of these eng-nfing: in entitled
to u. prim varying in value from ouvduuar to
time. bundrcd data". Send In your uni."
egrly, to .A. W. .UAREY, ‘
, ~ A Box 370: Luucuier, Pn.
Mirth 2', 1363. m K .
7. Clerk.
“‘l, Dep'y
e _ Making Room ‘ ..-
0R law Gooqs.~Pchmu is selling
F 011' All hisold flock of‘Fnll ind Waiver
(,imh‘ing. ut greatly :rcducql pricu, to 139 k.
mom for his Ewing supply; “
$99 is the lime m buy they}; -
Cull loot; t 9 lecuu‘ banging.
Feb. 2, 1 8G.3
1863.} ‘ p§§sé{:*.?f§3§§z§s. {m
_ gowen .& Bourke, ‘
0“. F 069;“! 8: MARKET 31‘s., PEEL.
lmi e uow‘in I‘m-k, a fine. nricly a! WALL
PAPERS, got. up expressly for Ihair spring
Trade. WINDOW PAPER 01 bier] pads. 5.!
“Mel: they in» in: thc attention ufSlorukeepcrt,
LT!“ lhcir ll- tail Demrlmcnt will b.- bald
than non-en Axle. of the lemon.
Feb. :3, 1803. 3m .
Special Notice.
hm. adopted this mczlwd lo infnin thou
I indebted tonne that I nerd money. 1! ll
lmpcd they \nll c 1“ an early M pacnbf. un‘d
scald their accounts, many «which hue)!-
gunding for ygara. ”Thigh 11:: flu: m 1
hive‘bml ocmglml m m I on them'fot'ugué‘g‘
dud mu thmi‘ou a: at! I'pmm‘ (M "g '."L
. law “5113?". 4‘ P F. "an(
, a