t. " Monti} oiffif‘fiic 2 ‘lth union of Intel—fin union of Ilndls ‘ 13h. Union of States 'nono I 01” never; Tho union 0! hearts—tho union of hands- Ind 1110 Flag of our Union forever! “ n%*:.; 7.7 .—:';T:_ 2- :1: ”11"?“ I. :. luau, lbn‘ol no nonui‘ol GBTTYOIIJBG. PA! HONDAY‘MORNING, MAR. 2‘l, [863 W‘fCuxa 10 nu: CONIeTL'TION, ‘3 Tu: Inn-uncut» mama cums I'o an: um ‘ rum; wuzx man: up w: nun-air cwsz noun nl!.":——Daniel Ilium. ‘ " Never befin-e did Stubesmiyf httér 9 stronger injunction to his fellow country meq. in such' few nnd eloquent words. 'lt in no inegerencp to my tbwt, like ‘tbe varn bies of We Great. T‘eacher, Phil brief sen tence furnishes n'text on -hicb volumes might be written. ' ‘ , ' [Q'We invite aftr‘ntion . ,tho able let,- ,‘(H from Si‘papor Buckalcw to the Demo crat: ofvPbilwdclphin, wb'ich ~-e publish on the first pape. In a calm‘, c] m- and logical ‘ manner he dembnstratos ho - the adminis: nation has failéd to appreciqte the real ne'L ceuities'pf the natiomin ittfi‘orts to supf V. given rebelliun, departed fro its declared . poficy' at the outset. and s+bstituted the: z'nnulical and extreme meqsures of Sumner, ‘Qreeley and Phillips, whiciizi+re violative of tfié Constitution. and su‘b'uenivo of the tundnmentnl prinqiples upon. which on? Guveynmqnt mu; j ' ~ ‘ ” flOur nnighbor of the Sentinel set: up 11 novel“ test of “ lpyalty "—thq‘ queerést, de cidedly; that has yet fallen fender out no ”!ice. In aliuding to our publication of ninetioxi returns from New Ybrk and bther points,‘ (announcing, ofcourse, what. is now? 91: almost univemnl result_—tho sweeping gnccéss of VDemocx-ncy.) o'm' ‘neighbor re- .‘ “parka: 5 ’ ‘ v. 1 ; “I: look: very mipiajow. to any the least .. _ ~. of’it. to find mep burning up md encourag ing rebellion lo the pom-rs that. befiin ‘this: ' ‘ {Time of'our counu'y’s peril.” ‘ ‘ I ' ‘ '-_» . 119.5 ivcome to this, that Democratic edi- , ‘ ‘ tony-630 be regarded as '{suapicirms ” forg' publishing the expression of rnl'rnoru's'l 'waL n- qu mum- noxl If the)l are dis-‘l ‘ loyil under lho test thus inxemed, what is . 4 to bejhofight of the people themselves, who, by‘ gheir votes, actually condemn “the I fewer: that he!" Are they' "su:pi:imu,”‘ “d‘ak‘yul.” too? Let our neighbor follow! ' nphxs " logic," and see where it will lend” hzm to? There can be but one result-:- ’.hngmrfirnl The people; ‘whb under, the k Gunillmtiqn are the soufée of all power,i ~ .‘ mculd be 'ignored. find the “po‘wers that -~ be” sr-‘t up as dictators find tyrants. Does l ~ ' our no‘ghlxor‘desire such achahgo in our ~heretofore free and enlightened systmm of G‘avefnment? ‘ 1 < 3,3811) the House at Harrisburg. on the ' .7 ‘ Gzh- inst... Mr. Musselmnn. a Republican, ‘. ‘ funds a “highfulutin” speech, in which ‘ whe mid that although he did not "value . , ‘ ‘he Hark inititution n farthing,” he would ~, ,' ‘ field his pérsnnal conviéiions on the ques -3 titan to (I higher pmver—to Congresa,—aud ~ . closed by quoting (in bad taste. the “power" , i. now ruling -consxdered.) the scriptural . , AL . . , ; manage that “ whosoever resmteth the ~ ‘ wer rnsmteth théflrflinance of God." We I'. Myfls, of Adams, thereupon pro ‘ ' . .as n sequel'to the discussion. that the ' Kloule now have sung the “ grqnd nafional .1 :7 ‘ ‘apthem. John quwn’s‘ soul is marching cal." .'lth'is cabiml hif \yaq refeived with shouts of laughter in all‘qunrters 9f thevllouse, my Mr.~Myers was colnplimented for it. ‘ :Th\dS:ntiilclindulgesiu nvery final! “fling" M Mr. Myers for this piece of plenum-y, >3l trying to convey the impression that he ihtpnded if for n "speefih.” Nothing could be more fur-fetched ; find {we can at tribute this unauthorized attempt at ridi cule on tha pm of our neighbo; only £9 his utter inqbilily widojuu'tice :6 a political opponent. " _ ‘ ‘ ' ”In the State! Senate, on Friday We'ek. Big-.'McShcn-y presented a bill to charter file “ Inland Telegraph Company." which was referréd to tha propex‘ committee, who lmve- since mhde {favorable report. The line, {a belicye, is to extend from the 2 Hanover Juncfion, "through this place, to , I'itfiburg. on the Ohio rivér. with power to ‘ connect with other lines. It is hoped that the billwfll meet will: no obstacle in either Hon-e. .' ~ J‘ . K i In 'the £511», on Thursday, nume'rousf pcfitiofia‘ 'pvere presented, amojfg which k “la-re lhb llama nu/mber having référence lo tho immigration bf aegroea, fbr compelling ' ppnom cpntemplating'marrldgb to take ’ out llccnsés. that thefines collected from ,' non—resin?“ be paid into tlle_lreasulry of y_the copnty in which the same is collected, ‘ for calling 3 national convéntion, etc. Mr. ' Myegi pruented one to allow thafinea col.- 2 , locted on doouht of conscientious scruples in Adgn'nn county to go into the county neg-my. . ~ , V . “{Democntic principles as compre hmivo enough to supply all thuja neéded in win (lax-k hour. Those principles would hue pruned the Union—73nd itagything in flo‘d’b’ providence can tutor: it; die same qldiprimiplu must. be applied in the work. I’mdhpodfiona—Hondernando Wood; .( vNe‘v . York; in: out m u tether to the grating l’ost, over his own aigna'ture, Iziging'thit, on (he 12th of December last, pmbodfiqm for an umiatiée were submitted to put Government, the circumstances at unding which he says no not made public. gay" Becaung “65% of the'principal omen oi the Gum'mnen'f,‘z has made a request to ’ 1114955501.. Mt. Wood says he is confident um, " had these propositions been nocept. 'ed; the war would have been terminated or] me Is} of April, on a basis satisfactory” the fiégxde, both North and South.” fiThetapppintment of so many outgo ing Congressmen 90 In ofiw named by them in the hue? pan cl 1110 1m union 1" (bum occasion! muck comment. “mm 19*." ilh’ngpw term» «. I= GEN, COOPER REBUKESi THE MOB: apmrr. ‘ 1 Gun. J 4!” Cow". for a lohg time is our; inn, and a. prominent one. 95 tl‘is SmuiJ" and n resident. of this place, is{ now in coma mum at. Coiumbua. Ohio. He had bccuion recently to issue the followingtensibloorderJ to which we invite public attention, and: Bspecially of those of his old pd‘ljtical friend-‘ who are no’w so desperately ginnover to the “party spirit" of hbolifioniam .38 to lead them to the counselling of mob violence upon shchiu may dzfi'er from their wicked and ruinoun views. Let them read and h:- rue-r l ‘ , ‘_ ' {who custom was for coli) Uzwecnrns Umnn Sump Foncu, ( perfmita to bring ootmn’ . Cowlm’s, ,Ohio, Marci: 8, 1863. ; cqmmnnd'élis to receivn . General Order No. 16.- ‘ , ; . l ‘ .' Having been informed, n‘nld partly wit-l permxu and Protection‘ massed. that the publication oflir-e'be-loning’ ‘thuom bid, £1 to the Orin}. and the rinlinf office belong- the army." ing‘ In; $llB ohm iguana? neWSpayiei-s :31,‘ Chandler; on mg,“ pu Jis i. in IHS city. [era in night bro- ‘ . ken imo by a mob of disorderly persons. ‘3” Senate had deliberatt) composed :partly of citizens and partly of “hue; ““3 present. demo‘ soldiers, who unlawfully and wantonly des- army, and '0 who“ the M 619 lroyed'furniture, papers, book-z and news- fauna in 1]“ “mic, 1 pa?“ files of liief forme‘: office. ‘andweré °1 .__.._.L,_.... ‘ 10“ y n‘eventet row 1 e o mmianinn of ls‘ J himilai- outrages at, the Slulegman olfice bv; ‘HAv-E YOU HE- _ the fear of being detpcled and arrested. ll‘ The town elections I" } desire to ofl'er a. word of advice to the‘cili- _ iefiveml weeks pgo, in m ‘y lzons, and to w_arn the soldiers ofthe penal- ‘ suited most. gloriousl f 0 - Him they incur by such outrageous violations I \As - “ - y lot “It. law. , ‘ I . spcclnlen's we nonun- To such citizens as can so far‘forget their Manda“: “Heb was 5501' 1 obligations to tibciely mfd themsyfi-t due to Whole Democratic ticket i ‘:EeErlnwsyhich:rezsgnuchl‘lgesnr?3mdof£49 majority. In Harpwefl, ‘ elr own permit an to m! as 0 1e yer- , 1 - - loans and propmty of thelir neighbor-I, ithe - lear, Hie ~)emocra'tlc txcke just condemnation and disapproval of theirl 6Q maJpnty. ‘V estbroo conduct by the intelligent and law-respect- { year. now’ gives 140 Dem r‘ ing portiox; 01f commulnity._ ofall parlllies,l Windham, which usually gil convey aw 10 esome m monmon as»we m 3 ‘ - f a merited rebuke; hut mh tum! should] lighwas‘nmv carne¢by dnlfs ' recollect that the condmlxrzatim and disapproval ofil°W ~ V 1“ Gotham tho D their conduct by the wise andghmrl 91' all pallies z: 0W" 25 “'O3" the ““9 or ‘4“ not (he worst punishment to which thcy expose L 105) from last. spring. Lim n thkmstlmz The inob vialcnce which (hey into/{c i (mitotic from 100 to 200. .h} lo—rluy «gaunt their neighbors, 1m 3/ he. by [hr-i7 ,D‘ . t W (11 ‘ - neighbors, Ira-marrow invoked against‘thcnn} Re- rm?” 8 8 cap 2 sign?! taluuion is the law qt the lawless. , ‘ 3 Afohlxon 135‘ year Rand m‘ , To file soldiers who participated in last, results appear. In Lhasa night’s outrage}! ond violence, ,1 halve ‘Offuil vote was thrown. say: your conduct 13‘ slmngélyl moonsifstent! “ _.; - with your ‘dutyflmd the liolm_purrpo:§g for which your country put arms in yourhtnds. Your mission i 340 uphold. the laws. not to violate them. "A'nd it fun; ‘ roudly l pre sumed‘ that, however unrefisoning the armies of despots, the Amencgn soldiers who rushed by hundreds ‘of th usandsto the field. to uphold thé’ cause of popular government, and the integrity ofthe Union, 3 imperiled ‘by a. foul and wicked rebellion, ‘ ‘vgere intelligentenough to‘cémpreheud and; nppreciatei the character of the issue—nu, tissue invollving the rights and security of. individualist“ well as the integrity of they Républic. How little' in consonanw With‘ the character of the duties you hgve as sumed. and the mission you ‘have taken 1 upon you to fulfil, was' your ponductlasti night. in lending yourselves to thaicoward-l 4y attack and felonious outrage committed on the property". of private lndlYldlllllSfi-l Forgetting your duties as soldiers, you have . become meters and burglars; .nnd instead} of being, as you ought to Us. the protectorsl 10f the rights of the citizeys, you have“be—. come their assailants. ''l l ~ I 1 But I desire'you to recollect that it in not‘ in admonitious that the rules find reguhv tion: of the sax-vice deal with rioters and ‘ \lumlerers. It wxll be seen by paragraph l, 1 ~‘ ‘9‘ ‘ ”"-‘-’! l 5? éf the Regulations, (hut thepfl‘ence of,WKAT GEN. HARRISO¥ valxluh you‘ have bfll‘l) guilty is.‘ in thv 1311-} “4 appears from a letter yr 1 ‘guuge of the. Regulations I have quqtenlc, “of. HAIiRhOY to Mr Moxiwé i 1 such enormity 11: _lo ndmlt ‘of ll? remisaid‘n '. j he _‘ ' ' l ‘of the awful punishment whichrlLemilitnry ‘; duhxxot lxeve slavery would, Jaw awards againsgolfences of tln nfiturej’ , des my the Union. hutdnd Rel l Aguin‘sl‘lhe pérpbtrafion of such od‘cfices, l 1n; n interferencewithjt Wop] ‘in future, I now warn you. T/u: persons (Ur/Ila“ ‘0 q“ Webster and ‘la ‘ propcrty Qfl/m cilxzans are sacred in (hezryes (mfg; '. t “ fA.. i ‘ ‘0! civil and military law, and any nun-age or us« 5"? statesmen 0‘ me! Ic. “and! upon t/Lém, ml! be visiltrl by injficling upon {to P 5 Monroe. (19.“- H- “£5: the perpetrators, (In: momml thr‘y arcclclcctqd. l’hci “‘1 .am and have been (0 'cxlrmu'slpumlly uuMorized by law. ' . mu h opposed to slavery t m Bycomma'nd of Brig. Gen. Lbhper. r hr in n‘slave State. But I “in. Vos Dams, A. A. G. llxe Constlgution has girgn a ' “ ' Ge er'al Uovernment to him ma'ter; and that to‘ hav slmes depends upon the 9 Sta e bloue. But bezidos th " olxjdcnion, lam persuade-(1‘ hn, ten ency of éuch intz-‘rlbrn m‘ 01 he Male; whxch‘ have no the} lr‘operty of their fellox c othflri, IS to produr‘e a sin . mid jealousy‘that will, in th e iltal lo 'the Union.” 1 l * —-—-———<—~o - ¢—— ... 1A A‘ESPOTISM TO‘BE Eé" V Oulmgair‘vpon J'ncqzaperL—Within n feiv‘ weeks figm' or five newspnper ofiices in "l his Western' Stgtes have been flfatroyed by Rgpubfican nipbs. The Repuß‘umlpdpers‘ lr‘epresent theée‘o'utrages to h‘ulve’b‘een vom mittmey soldiers; but ifflm'g is true. they were instigated and led on My Republican ,denzmgogues. These outrages grejustifloif ‘anu gloried i_n by the ,Repuhlicény papers‘, Ijust, as they justify and glory in‘ every aqt‘ 'of mob violence and violation“ 1' persomfl jrigbts in other cases whemthefir party in tercéts are to be promoted an ‘ persona} “malignity to be gratified. Foptunate will 3it be for them ifs any ofretxibutfion in kind; 'does' not, comé. But if“ does, lei their) re-: ‘member that. they hagevdelibernteiy inning ,luratefi a reign often-qr, n disregard of aw 1 {and personal rights.—Lanc. Intel. ‘ Frauds. Never, in- the history of our own or nnlother natidn, has there been de— yeloped such a systematic series of stupen' dons peculations 3 mi we have e‘een under‘ the present Admlmlstratlon. ' And yet‘vfrith all the startling and undeniable proofs of public robberylwhnt single step has begn taken by Congress to arrest the evil.— WhEre is the evidence of the trial, .much less of _the"convictjqn of one of these lhievee! Congress has been so pleeply in terested in legislating for the negro, that its members have failed wfind {line to~look ‘ after the pecuniary interestspf, the nation. How long rshall ’trheae thi‘ng't’lie permit; ted? . j -———-—-“»—-—,‘-—-—.—r The Hayfian .Vinislzr.—The my mytiem Minister has arrived at. Washingt’on. andd‘ fiery much cancssed by the adpiinisuntibt?‘ k leading Abolition-Republicans genernlLy.l The Washington corrpspondent of t e; Philadelphia-Inquirer writes as follows: { , ~ "At Secretary Seward'a dinner’ party. to ' given on next Thursday, the Hnytien inister will be invited the same as other 899%" < ‘ ‘ s . The Haytien Migim-rfie it re embered, is I négro, but flotwitbahnding thia' beds to be/sested u Sound’s tableiivith the whitejghesté‘. 'Equnlity of 15cc: in nbw the c‘hief objgcf of‘Requlican negr'rq worship EH‘Gen. McClellan pays pairticulai nt t‘ention to the- soldiers of the Army of the Panama: whenever‘ he meet- then‘x. « Wlll hf placed through Springfield, Mum, . ogmly. he was invited)» dinner-lamina Massachusettl Home, and it wiu'iammged that he should sit beside the mayor of the city; but. u be. entered the dining room he espied one of his'oldmoldiég :nnd sag beside him during the meal; greedy 4 to the disappointment. of 35110:“ Alann-' def. ‘ > ‘ A,, , e \ ' ”Do 3791} knqw ”1L“ ‘ “lone! June: _B. Fry. Assistant Ad- out thing! If you do, get : boxfj “HM 09M?“ 3-" 3- Aw h“ pew damned _‘ nlmonic Wafers, put .\{ew v ‘uzpmvou mmhal genenl finder the not. :fibmhv and cure your m r: w enrolling and calling on)» mama mamas“, a, in afew hodn. forces: All appointmenwhefiewforq nude 25 cents a box. ofprovou mmhal; are revokéd; ' ‘ * _ _ . I: -77det710—fi¢ldqu{nl§etum.—}It fiThe chirmring of transport: forth a revolting 3 90M 6 ‘9 9°" PP Ink-khan." than the gold spoéulution. Ono Pb” baglle-fiefi’d of Antietam; : . ‘I n 1133111113 away from the ahnilo (Inmates. but the other. acogdxqg to Mr. I used I" graves, and home. 6! Grfimea’ re rt, yieldq ghoul 539} per cent. ‘ wldien no gfpeuing on flip WM fmfigfl is. 8111331050.; | {variouq put: 0 uh“ van yuTy: :2j , _ _ NEM uniamon ' MILITARY P 141"? 31:. cmmn'pr. of man mid in pigs same reeen . f ofiicers’h-‘ave been guilty! the rebels, and dividing ‘t themselves. Luge “11:; seized; held and divid grab.” . l . My. Lana. of Kabul, 'h‘oknaw of .3 Brigndior 4 ing received a number Have) within his camp, F the owher in maideration; ‘eiglu baluaf cotton! Mn} ‘ REJQICING OVER OU} i ”18‘ X. Y. ‘Trzbune, co . coinmunicqtion in referen ediCompromise’ measures 0 :cannot print the above w I ex'pressipn of on feyvent x Efon‘ the ‘defeat of that. Cri 1 L tion.” Thia is 'of a chm-age a “$4915 remark, that hp u flosf; the fist bagtle of Bull l ‘ brought, us— finally to th ‘Proclamation, band Beech r Heaven that wé had so mat omg; up ghex'r liv'es” at Fred) :- doubt the radicnl‘leudgrs a 'e the condition :(hey 'and i l-ekbels, have bfiought the < theiilmve lined? their poo e ivar'; buf the pqor people—lU them, sistérshnjd wifes. wh . devar onosf-und the soldie'Ts, suffer ’whil’e these scoundfekl fortuneshthink omen-{visaj-E‘ ‘lAnot’her principle, inu t emhndied in our reorganiz 'enzment. The men who :1 u; tign; of this counn-y,_when h 113‘! iomemiier thuh'whnt e or aim] strength. The pm“ u bin: ‘ihe foam ofa RQlub/ican .G the fawn: Q" a flIo/uu'clcical f ' I’lu' arizlp/n'u J’rrss. , ‘f'this’ war has 'alremly sh [3/ (If. a govt/71mm! wit/1 Izmile: shown (In)! the plugs? rtf every. to (,4 .2124 112th be *L'xulm'sn. Amqric‘an. ' , Who would have supposi exphn'nge. two yearn} ago,” . ¢ A such as are contained In the} would have become the {“1 trin¢s of any portion of the pie, {and be echoed a'nd reje‘ pre ofthe party in powe # mhefi‘ct, and the drift. of win ten I“ toward the accomplis object herg foreshadowed. “COPPERHEADS” vs. NIGG ~'. 111: nuocunc nocl‘nfl I am for getting back {.l Stnlqs by fair and honora'hle v a thing pe pomble; and I w 11 best; :1. ’ The Union I desire ‘ and bflmnds. such as \ Nathihg less will son whol‘e Sbutbem State-g. . Tno: m: urcnmm I will not etultify In; that we have any wgm-t tion for this prqceedin; This talk of 3’: atom was, under the Conatitv of the absurdities whig grated until I have beco) II! ‘ Union can never be 1 There ug msny things an event. impossible. 1 will: my. consult, be rum: tion €l3 a I'l. will; “avail to ' ‘nl the Administration 1 3"th London New: tamed ihol sanding fifty new mt steamers England, forthe rebel Ship builders claim 31:: Emperor of China. 2" mm mm 1.3 m m maven Loc‘AL “plummet". : POEGET. , __...__, —, ~— 7 ‘ -. :Whnt the opposition pa'rzy w" horn “N‘, FIRST OF APRIL CHAh‘éGl-ZS.—Thp‘- of will 1‘ die. -It tame into the world “ fooh Md ‘ our auhtctihersrwh? intend to clung‘ the“ it vill go antic: n . fool. end" whatnver‘iphcf‘ ”‘ ’°“de“°°4°“ °§ 'l5”. “‘°.””_°' home it :91,qu u.” "e legiop+ii i. ‘Apnl, ore requelted to gruff: timely lOHCQ stray- the name. It “v. 7, lenrhl, it never loy- ”we, mdmid" “:1“ timin- ”p 23,?“ be “u‘ Elvin o e ‘ l‘lllt‘. no rinei-i ‘ Ir_ eor eivere totygllllu H’ new Pi": no "“54" it. im’”.P:-. 3"“ :“me.,§.wid‘“c°s." They‘ should ”ethyl he curent to nfon deceit, dpon trickery. It believes in input the place from, a? vein” the place to blotter and be”, in "0;" and “Music“. lt , whit-h thefnrcmou.t Lab?! ;;t;nt;::: ‘11:: lopkl uon the? co Ie on aim I tons. it treats "m er w are rou e'-, . l _ [them nspsueh, 45d fever discofiéers its mistake Emmi” Teceipt oftheyépnper h? anhaeribers, “f luntil they tnrh upon it ohd einns!) it. Koh to" or gentry—”L— _,;_A‘ ._.,_ {‘“m'fng "°" 3° “'9 “m“ “*5 if. "itb i= Vic-i sonouhn summon—Eye election in tory ll defeat ntd nuccru destruction. What] this 50mm, on Fridny m’ resulted as M, they gsiu by Vnmcriey nod litntogem; “Vila-3‘: i, _ , g > . _ lone b’,i“°"n?7 and Imaging. ‘l’hey eoure‘E Demon,“ Burgess. i 4 Rephblicnnn. the people whrn out of jpoweri end oppress: Jexcmnhufum, mlno it Until, in: them whey in power. They act r yqt‘hod rope! ‘ ' Tow‘n Coune I , « ’ ‘enough that th 1 did not hangt emsequ. At‘; PM“? Dmrsom, “5 lA~ ‘ Buehler, ”6 heretofot’e, so fine, they} hove ntrupped, ‘o'? Jacob‘ Benher, 1:8 Henry Rnpp, 180 {honghn . (ow 1905“,!" “33m D, mocrocy into} Honryi Cult), MR, lzgdlgjerelliinh Chip, 182 thetr make, on fooltnhln umgt e that, tlurler‘g . | I‘ Inspectors y,“ ' their inltr‘ncti‘n and lenders ip, they up : fish-e; D-‘lettlel, 124 iC. in; Geiselmln, 179 pierce the Dedocntic ph‘rlanx, rout the hosts! I ‘ Allenor, ii of freeman whi haye rallied nn er the burner; G. F. Eckehrode, 120 I ninth Vmeu, lag oftho Constitu 'on and Union,‘ln'd retain pom; q l ,Ii Spur-15mg“; g]; m ”‘9‘ erlong enoug to'hrelk both duwrt and es-‘ ‘ " 0"”"1 30"‘3: :l - ' “9 "v . 'tablish their’lt‘iorite form of government—oi Robert Mkfumy’cifilflms, 23‘9“" 1“ Centrnl Despotsm, surrounded and supported 1 Jacob Renfimel, 12° Hui"? C. “00",, ”9 by an Abolitioré nristoel'nok. ‘The very rnult ‘ . i . Johr;»_Bnrrett, 187 of Heaven reso‘nds with heir abouts of‘wel- These ulnjorities for thel‘Repuhliuln (or :c'o‘ne to Andyl gohnson, th two Wrights, Von Abolition)‘ cnndidatea are nhfiput the same as ißuren, -Brady, éßrewgter nd the few other those teeelved by the condidiites of that puny Irenegades whoélmve recently gone over to, last fall. tCochrnn, for Augitor General, (a them—forgetful f'the fact b?“ they have tried " tnir party tiest at that time,)§ad 60 majority; the same grime ‘ me and - tignin without _suc- l whilst the Republican lumen?" (the lnspextur cess, and that t e acquisition to the" "wk“ 33-!!!” u uni] test at a spring , lection,) on Fri oi such disorg: izers he he Democracy is ldny, mined 55.mnjor'ity, M "oritiea ranged a willing to epnre em is a int-cc «of weakness I trifle 3})qu and below these 6 tires in October, rather than su- ugth, De ocracy,depending aswns he ase onFridny. ’l3: under ordinary for success ufw principlesi nlone, never’ lose: Icircnmsimtfges, the result weigh! hive been tar by the defection of men. 'ljhc places of those more {nor hle to the Democrfiitsws tßir-mind who leave are ore, than eupplied by those‘ .ed flepubliéana readily see. ' {flout -5 substi who come, and, a long IS the principles of the : tote: from the borough big of at Sutl'olk. in party hre strictl adhered tio'nnd honestly: eta-i the 165th liegiment; of theses)" are told that forccdiin the ad in‘islra‘tiori of government, so? rpu‘urdsofyvo are Democrats. fifurther—avhilet long “Tl” our It ength finctense. It ’is‘ only i n crunsiderttble numberofciti us did not come when the puny cserte its nrinciples, or frilsi-,,L'nour the pa'lls because they ‘ not happen to fie‘s\irs prMcsslois, that hlie oople lounge it hug flmt'e the T'llettwilllal to p 1 their borough the dypolition s ,cceeds.‘ “iris not nq‘w that l tax—thrce-founhs ohthem I)“[‘lOC:fllE,r—qllit(" “'t‘ “TQM“ dang: r—not no 7 “111'“ we hove? n|numhrr of students “the co lepc and semi gmvpltd‘w our rineiples :1 d fastened to the, nary vexed—[probably nlLthel publimn mm Constitutitht-it a vice, Ii ‘0 £“SF,~ "[l9l we ‘ ——w|thout h vingpaida cent 0 ‘ uch tnxt When need apprehend defeat. O 111' mission ‘is .to the proper timers were interrégnled in regard 53"” "to c”""“‘-‘. 3W“? “‘9 F 1”? of hespoti‘ m to this mhn'fest injustice to ihbulur residents. on the ione.h:mtl, sol the rel n ol‘ anarchy n :the rhplf 5 mode that no ‘ rough tax had “I“! other—llnd “Ind? H' ,H m " hnlyjlm 51.; been names: :1 against these Xioud'ents! Now , ”of“ id WhiCh t c “”3 're , With “5—7“ 8 this {manna 'c “ omission," or. Jeommmjon.” on: m-xlhen ”3‘: “K“ a, f “Fu'i not ”"1 WW" "r; tlxiz part of Itur nutherities, i 811“ wrohg‘; and the Abhlilion n nu, 's"le _\ “med by, two ' i‘in the mimq of the regular sidents of the tun-. 3 nnd PM?“ H "‘1 “- "ZN,” Ch" ”FY.” ‘ borough, esiteeihlly the poor hen, we protestl against us: “e we the stnr ot Victory shimug' , . , , . , _ l .l . .'. l. 7‘ l _. t , :ngmust it. [Ti our own cmzenS’Jnre not permit—i now m‘the polm l ilxyn‘s piainly astn‘i‘shop- , ted to have‘ v 'cei tl eel u fti 3,: _ 4 herds sin? the st; ro’ Bethl hmn; ond,: “Time !ffi a h 2’ t'hn‘ 1:) "I n o I” 0“" we follow its r spl miehit fight, our Mutts i? ear}, 2 “.1: he". oron ) tax. may ".0": shilling;r Wllh tl. co mintyL ftriurnph, we'ml-i true men flu ’ t ere '5, no ”pm." m permit-g nionishlthe Aholi '0 isls an their fellow uonkiyng ":0“ “I’lo are only t-empilhlnly here, and; spiratoés, the YDIIEXR es, thn their hour .m'm - j d?.""' P"? SPF“ ‘3‘» ‘0 do It fofthit‘m' 1 eth nigh, and soll ml .V wur them lb “flee the: "5“ they? hrcunislonces conga-‘9‘“: Mlle-”‘91" .wrath Lb come" 'hil yet 11l .‘. lul')‘+“lt}hu.~c 1 \nlfr‘tne extraordinary efi‘orls ' Mic by smernl‘ ir-whu withstand 11. nlpynmcl 2m: \vliitlttiml‘ohgf the Rep“ \henn kniflf’ whfieerfihple ”“13: Popular indignuti~ n. who res >tlilC:nl’:l§S('ll nml _ “"3 “"3?” lengrossed "‘l‘ 'h‘e “WWI” 0“ mightylpéwer of .he new,“ oil] tie't'ruslwd I ".pmis. , t e Democratsémnu congratulntel and ground he h \\ (en the “Nip-r null: under Q‘Nn‘clws t :-=lt\th‘~:3'_!er‘ not Karmic“ “'°rse":'i mill:luile.-—lu’ri' ‘5. ”mu. } y > é'lhc Ltll'olfc ion xii/lllsho:.a refiiuced ltepuhhi; A 7 .. ,vre t’e cerntn. V . .u-lis we hnvchllu§d to as opt-rn-l ’horough, did not igkpemte in the} int lrom the-mate ll§\'o results tln- ‘ hing. Those liturgy, trout are tru-I =I n, (Republicin) - that ‘fmilitdry f pmag‘mg from ‘ e apoil- ungng In 0 thus been blood-in Gu- epubfim) said nap! whb'rhiv: slaves-(18 I I» ve them unto f receiving {org 1. also said that. a under: to give y‘ d {or military roenhgefoéthe ‘bus afi'orfle’d.— [fly demoral‘iz‘od L a occasion, Laid | voted to 15011- liution in has :, plundmw ‘prgd 0M MAINE?” nine tookgplnce i towns, and re he Demoéracy. 'following:' in In last yéarflhe u ow elected by l Aboliiion lust n eva'rlsnbyébout I. be] itibnl’luz ltic majori‘ty._— {23.200 against lme or two ma- ! -xhocxats_ gain fall, and over (on goes Dem- H Buhh‘vin the where all was wr townslike I- ction’s a ‘very TROUBLES. . .’ent'ngg on a - o the propos :' 0,8:15'5: “We ut adding an itude ti) God, 'den p'x‘oposi- I with‘ Senator glad we had n, because it mancipntion : “than ks to ‘aruve mien l 0 ksburg. .Xo II rejoiced at r allies, the ? ntry to, for t well by tlhe h fathers, mo- we lost. their I! who lmve‘ to Are making Le Obqerver. l HOUGHTI tten byGené I 820. that. he tif lofuthe, We that Abo !.Sothougllt~ I and all the I? n his loner ‘ £OO TRU 1: The ,“Fnrmor; :1: Miller: "All hrmy rm mum-s, u muster-I; :1“ thin Hg comm? chrulnfing pom vers, nil‘lhcm‘ily )1 thousnnjda of plum tar: 'nf‘i.nxl-s rec? 'ngy years so '- l'wlll "even: believe tlmll I nwer to tho‘ {era in this! hives or” no} )1(: in elxch l I n—p———7——— i mnlswne nmcmozt , . The “ Copfahmda” Macaw—MA“ Mm {pg thlre Ju ilanl Armameyw—il‘hc municipal election yesterday was one of [th mos; fiercely contestea,;on the gut of tue Aboli tioniste. thgt‘h'asxevor ta en place in this city, and notwithstanfiing the strenhous'el forts and corrupt. means resorted torthe in- Zd‘omimble Democzacy came gm. of the con test vxctoriofig, e 1 ting their candidate. for Mayor, City An‘difgr, pommon Council, and the whole ticket, except iii the Filth ward, by handsome mnjérities.‘ When the result was announced the jubilant Democncy u aembled infrontpl' the Patrioub Union ofiice and. gave vent to their enthusiasm in repeatr ed cheers for Ronmlort and the Constitu tion. ‘ , f hearts gave us. um the .tietuL poung nsfitu- 1T313 Is one mrd ro :k of it. vat.— uer such var shall, Constitu— Hundred: of the Democracy subsequent.~ 1y repaired to the Buehler House, where calls were made for the Democranc Mayor elect, who appeared upon the balcony in response to the cell and delivered . brief and stirring address, congratulating his friends upon the victory they had achieved, 1 which eljclted frequent and enthusiasm: ap ‘ plume. Able and eloquent speeches were ‘ also made by Hon. Wuhan) H. Miller, Mr. Ward, ofßradlord, a. gentleman from Lu zerne county, whose name wedld not. learn, md others. The meetmg was kept up for nearly two hours, when the triumphant De mocncy Mijourned mm three tunes three cheers tor‘lioumfort. “the Constitution and the Union."--Ilurruburg I'alriol d: ,Uuion a] Saturday. I I York Borough 0. KJ—The Democrats of : York. on Friday, elected deid Smfl’l, Esq" ‘ Chiet Burgess, by about lUU‘mqjox-lty. three ol the five Counciltnen. had the high Con stable. The Den: rate now have control of the Council for £9 first time In thalliu tory of the town.‘ l‘he struggle ems the must nnimnted ever had there. and the victory one of the but brilliant. ' , 7=3 ta cou- It that lilt in . ‘ The (at the [anger of Bi-yan’c ’n in your t. cough, Sold for E: said that on i he earth i trenches he buried Inrfnce in _ d. I=Ml uxrg,‘ OHO, says: I gambiinfi gm}- surivc. nll imam hum] shfl' offi raiscrs and their "fit-5. nll Milk-c -‘ flms 11ml having (nu-Kn and opera ‘n'y hum! ll i: . gm? should he 'an Tx.{-_v n is, y «L, union id tax al) e i'r il« ingkhcnu Lmlg rclfl :0 pant-e on r(- ”than 1|: ‘ 5 us passi :0 dwmunv“ pnexh(-nd'~, Ving xiv-Er .ing it. “'h : accumul. ng Demimrnb us ‘ Swami; and i arms in“) flu: ”h- thrqmuple are lung Purzben'of vmd yr! Sumner, Jul: “Pluh onllhu I|, slayelml-iws ;" §nnd' gondcgl' mfg Sp mm. continuum 1* Death, and fur szmcuin‘k on the we debt-xiddi'n, :ounlry.—.fl;fcr- , can m njnnil The dra ting in 1!".- mwnshiw; ' ndunliy grnt; 13 glorious. |aio stubborn Rep titan diatrict Ind'clecls gnorojhhu lmlr Dumb .lering the bird 1’ OI'K\‘(.!OI.IU to l'nship in the Al OH on 111-aces, this ‘ly astonishing. D; [id finhriver, The lwrct'.‘ of (‘nmherlzl aergvs! Fun.- ‘koop this to“ result is lrul Um ‘-beH-‘-T V‘Lhef,” is'ulectcd 2111de by but oue‘ majority] , . 3 ~ . lintlv‘ri hefetoforc. Rebuhlimfl, “does her. tin? and elc ta nll Democratsl'fi «5M Suabn sfill maintains h_ nnr-ient title. .'Alumngh our; of 57 men drafted! as! 'fu!) 46am: Dcnmcrut‘fir tl‘pe whoie Democnfiir tick N_ was elected m'x Efldny by the bundscfinq umjnrily of nbau; so! ’ i E A lgqmnhy lgwuship also did Pp wpik well, (-Yt‘gliug‘llle u'fhole Democrmic Plus! bg'unus. uuily Jarge uiujoriliei—some 4g“: 50. Iva are ’mld, , I 'l 1: ‘ anklin athnds proudly ere-egg The whox'o Democmtic tjckél is chimed l 3; big figures, sdme of the innj'orilies running fizbdvo 80! ' J Frefidnm to “whip (Republic. ‘lust fall h.)- 35) clgcts half the Demgcrulic 13m. This is good news. ‘L ‘3 S ’. Mounljby el‘ cts the whole Dg' cmtic ISCKEE. We havé not lEurncd lhq nlipjori} If. The Dymocrnts makeén clean. weep in both Ifqmiltonhnn Md Liberiy. “Bu for that !” [snap Robinso‘p, Es§.;Dem., for .i slice, Has 56 majorily! “ the relaclion IS gram-z forward 2" LATII.—-T]Pb . hunch)" llepnhlica“l she“ I" Dom ocr-u but ono.lj_olrord'x- Domocralie g, to majority; Derrick :ova ‘lflo It‘lnocmtim h y. In llam ilmn Ll» Rug». In“. I] o oppoultkm. ‘ out "run. In: mountmfimfym. \ 'i‘; Ben-id bar. 31+. tb- ehulmx- . vnry!‘ ‘mu mm”. Seven win-h: 10 hour {nun—mm I {out of thin Dcmo'cntic. T Xu‘or him. did. gha- Apdu‘ alumnus: Aduu county manning-1y Dammit. ‘ i} GRAND' CéNCERT.—See ’tha tmnoa nce menu, in anothrgr column, of a g d vocnlnnd instrumenul Gonccn, in come (Tim Chris-I's Church; on lejluradny "ediirg ne ' The bést music-l 1216111 0!? this place, 'afisisted H3lll shroud, will b englged on the oéguion. Th 3 high repuudorl of the performeriin _§u_fliciehl g-mrmtoe thu‘ it. will be c grund- affair. The prngnmme in L most Ayn-active he, showing l that A rare mnt'lcll treat. any hi expected.— Tbe Concert 17 I be similar tom}! bne given ’by Nadamo .lpurt,‘ in. the lam. phce a lev we”: igo, nndjwhich in yet fresh in the menu» 1 riea of all w'holwe‘re present. 3n! aside from‘ ‘ this the objgct'il s most commprlnble one, ‘ sud will meet till: th’e approbdioé‘i of I“ who with to do m hing for our lick, nd wound } a! wldien‘, for‘ivrhonp benefimhe fgfiwort in lo ‘be glgen. l ' fl 1 Arrow'rum'rs. The Eng ,Buumm Conference of Ito M. 3. Church I: ‘ hdjoumcd. Among the Ippbiubme‘nu Innouol‘lj'e notice the following: ‘{ . ~ :7 ' “ Pudding Emir" m. dimicg, J. B.lk- NnmyflGeorgJ .‘ rketneser IndWP. A. hen berg come to Gléttilburg ; John Bf: Dixon And 1. G. Moore 8“? to York Springs} Jonathon Monroe end G, ,W. Morgen to Ellynfllburg ; J. B. Aken mClod‘npringlnd Bbuplf‘bnrg; Wm.‘ Gnynn to Kiahecoquillufl. F. Pofiur to She motin; 113. 01‘ Dosh to Dnnviuega. G. nm to Epeytown; George Warren to Pii’p'l Volley; L. )1. Gerdner to Kinnunifle ; 11. .Drum to New Wuhlngxoh; Wm. A“ Dill Menu- in Willil‘lnlpon Difkinfion 8.3:.qu ;, , m, mm thaw Chlpkin i 3 U. 8. Amt; G. K. Sum well And 1. E. ”Moll left. withoflt nppo'mt menu. Next Conference to be hild M A]- tool“. Po. E ; ' 'fi‘We hue receiv'ed more ue’w .hbscriban (zh'i cab Accowpnying) in th.: Int two months, than during nay two puvjqu winter, month-him wq W upon the Emmy». of the Cow, nmrly eightoon yang up. , A E‘EuALE IMPOST'ERp-‘Mndnme Smmknfih 1 the female Doctor who has been upending Ihe, wing" in thin plnce, bns hzld her dmmbger' {more (my deukwpvd nunfly. “391-1!!! \haL she ‘wu unending A few \yu-ka in Pittsfield,‘ Mast, entry In! full, prugndmg to pmclice mediicine, undu- \bo Mme um. )I. S. Dem brogky, and called on Mr. :Duniel Cbnpm’an, lwhq keep: I Hun ltnlle, for the use of g I horye Ind hm}. for n fewlhonn, to ride an: 'to Ijsit some patients. Nd). returning in the uingnflr. Chapman began to make inquir‘y 1. her and started in punull. ' Fimuly He t tnce of her, Ind foljoyred hr to Hobm' {and there lust ill trite?! of her. He mi. ted his horse and buggy, and d'escxibefl ully, nndJent ghe bills; to. I” the town: , ughou: Southern'l’énn'sylranin 3nd New‘ rerf bu. thr- Jersl :."‘. 1 . , 3 "Yuma that aha plédg‘hd the horse mid gy thus gtoicn, in thih pine; to miae some a, to go: away from here, nndk‘ent to srsburg, PL, wheré Inert apyeinnce led to ' iry, and it was asclertaihedfl froui hbr tlmt d lan 3 boncnnd buggy here; and them let! t 9 Ilispicion that she In: the person ihed in'the bills oer. phnpman. Mr. C. , Icgraphed‘for, gnd (‘ll+le on, and recog-ll 3 her, had her arrestfdfinhd, upon the I: requilitionhtaken \TJ’itufieh], where I; now {edged in jail. Waiting her triafil ,I ‘ sling this horse and liupgy. .\ir. Chap .nme on here_nnd idc'ptified' his shxlon‘ my, nnfi hns taken monfuies to, reclaim in; I value of it. This is h! shaft history of, : lebrnted Sludnm Smillkofl‘ «(in Domino's r short sojourn in our ‘lncc, usfurnishcd 'end.—Sentmel. ‘ I _ . l , l nsrs LINE—W: a; ’m‘ the attention‘ : public to the ndvertisghnent 01 Mr. Sam'- " i chi. Everyhody hi this commu‘nitiy‘ ' the promptnel's “ilhlwbich Mr. H. at; s [0 business. Aay frcgght for tnin‘spoi-J betwetn IMS phfce phi] Bniiimure ell.“ . to him will be caret“ Hy attended to. 1 . Surgeom thn E. qub?!, U. S. V., ' :1; of this plug-E‘hnfi‘ been kppoilitci 'n-in~Chit-f' at 2:1 Drviaiqu, ht tum-p re, nrmy oi the Potomaf, John “Kilt-My; I cn..comxunndihg. E- I , A can 'JilmL‘S _R. Ilailcg',ifnrmérl_\" of Get— ,has been trnust‘crrcilifrum the 127111? | a. Volunteers. in the} 123111.. Cnptaiwf Sh/ipley, of Adums tofinly, of the Panic; e'sigued Oct. 6, 13122. t I 1 t. Theodore Tate, of ihé nth Pn. (‘mml- “ regignrd the hiénxonaingy'of his com-1‘ take th'e position of jssiatnnt Surgeonl cgimpnt, to which b has been trim»: The ri’gimcnt is now biljg in Front (or? ickgburg. . I f‘ ‘ 2: bum mania. Mill mq i the fun :I dug i wail 1‘ . L I mz PYJPI she xv , I for i. ma ' FIJI!) : or gh theitl kl!” " by a ‘ A press dispatch reports that the Yam efltedition received a check at the conflu >9 aOl the Tullulmtchie and the Ynllnbunit rivers by {I Confederate buttery of fiveguna. The fight. occurred on Friday luxt. - und‘ lxfit'ed all (lay, the gunhonl Chillidothe. the lan-gent of. the fleet. receivin" ~~ixty-l’uur shots and had mont of her nmifiunilion ex— panded. ()n this :mcnunt the notion wan not resumed on Sutnrthw. The flu-enact)".- sista ol'ilm Cnillit'utlu', lluKullx. five: Rmnll gunbouts of the mqsquitu fleet and «eighteen transports. The tl'upt in. last ut‘cOll'ltm mt; llu‘eo iu‘iltwmtuvvjlln-jinn-[inn nl'lln‘ 'l'ul lnhatchimuul Ynlhtlmsz: rivers, twuhundrml miles I'm-m lle‘leuu. an“ one hundred and fifty from Ynno city. ' Southern pnpér-t ro}.nl"t thnt Helena, Ar knnsus, \\':i~ ultatckml'an Mumlny.~tlw ‘Jth inst. Atliqmtch from Chattanooga; Mitten that a lmttlc i< imminent in the vioitnw ul’ Tullnhomn. Theyritlum on the East. 'l'oti- Vnems‘ve railroad, rt-cmtlly destroyed by 1,; Federal cm‘ulfy rind. lutyu hm-n rcllllllh' A : lluleigh dispatch J'vporia some sltn‘tntahing near Ne'vlicm. ‘ . ,4 Hilton llcmlifil’lm' of the 14th slnk‘xt that, u small putty of ‘(frnfwlerattes “Huh, :1 ruitl on Hilton lit-ad Haunt, :iml-tnkmg advantage of tho rOlH|s~lH':\ ullwtm-gu'nrdu, had captured nine th-ml trunpu, including several Ellhfl‘llt'tl to :l mgr-til lam-pa. A Feds-ml cavalry mill mu ' m/‘ule nt-ur Clllpepper. on,Momlnv. when u fixht m 2: curretl,.ii_i Which the leoratl In.“ i 1 ilillL‘tl nt I'm ty Killed and wmnulwl. ultilst tlmt‘nt' the Confwlmutted, is vurinnsly outinmtudiu: from one tn tum lllllltllell. . ‘ ; ln‘f'ornnuiun hm hen-n récaived that, an furmngnnu-nt‘lm lfl'PJ) tnmlt: fur a inw'ting‘ !t)f the privutct-h .\ldbutu. I’loritlx inn-I ‘ { Hum-wt Luna ut mine were“); «lcflkn-tli-l ,t‘; .. i . -7. 4’-‘ . . pmnt. with it view to a cmnlync'l atnck on to dwelling of .\lr.,Josnph Gelharh; ‘ustmm packet. from .\apinwail mtlrtlm‘ mile this. std (if l-‘uirfitild, 190:; the on Culffumip gI-H- K - A ~ ‘ _ . wock, whilst the 131.1 th lmrliou of the , 1"" 10““ “mi” ”tom to c'mhrm Um I urc and mks consider-“Mr rf’l‘utt ol‘tlu- (“YEW-0 "3 “l" ”"1”” MIMI" ere "‘ C' v .- ‘ ("in l“ l'lflllllll. lhms ”HHLVIN'IHHHUAI'IIIv t . The tit-go. iginmed flyan defective out 1,) (l “_ lluntor .0 III“) {M .I m.“ “I.“ ,- '.nd had (cued ityw; to the roof; “14:31.13' tannr to the lmdrtk‘ 0f the“ rt-lu-li. [‘r ”of which mu! lmrucd I) tore ILL-flames ‘N ”1" 931"”l1ll“” {‘llit'l' (”Why ”UlUY‘m-‘W manta by me‘ neighbors-E ‘ 7’ t‘minwnw‘lzum “WM "9L of t I: uelgll knob-l tends‘ mifs ME ifonhe 13‘1".ng 3d at v,‘ ; Brig. l i Sur Iy§bu Kept. In; R. Regg, 3 . Li‘p ry, bur pfiny’r, of we ferred m: wr ofß-u for r i We obsen’e that lhoehlgrprising cilizen’s? ersxille are about .hying ugly grui'gads" emetery, .mfd have {orifncd thwnwcl'res nssucintiou for Umtdpurposo. Tll_cy ndempplicntion'lo nib Courtiror'thc‘; g ofa (‘hurier of Yn‘gnfiipomtion. This well-Tor om" neighbors. We have no ;r e_\' wilenko a very akimclive ‘l‘emc ving a good location. :lpd'nnyqunhfiry ‘ ugat uéL-s lo be bad if}: the neighbmw into ‘ll hnva 131211 Ia duuh‘t l‘ RUG!!! m? ‘ EMI Sum! I In mil, dnmu ! -a‘ -m «me {I flu: n v Cumbin ngen‘t - - j - ._ , «a» - iLi - .l t . . ‘ ‘ . ‘ "-Ittcxmon ('lfb ergr‘s IS. tin-octet! to ’ THE COST OF LIVING. 'ertxsoment 0L Russell i’érn-w-pom-r 1(I I, in nur I' "In! 1‘ l' 1.3"". . _ . 2 ' . _. .. - i, 4 uQM U: ”4 4; (fly. -—‘ in)- ..dll.cr\perztntl.\lowg.—l—’-3:lx. “th “ilk- ‘l“;an NM 0! Mlllll 5. hN-nuung H “"‘.i""‘ , Thcntai-llineba§ uttnmpdn frnnl funk, (Wynn-ml pmmdmm m ,3“ PM" 0, ”M und is‘ laimed to poisus semi-Ell hammmgfl t-(nuntty. Priqu of ulmo‘t vvnrv'hiug uwnL 0\ cr “mothers. Ruzui {lit-Jim'e’iHSt-tnt-nt. 1‘" " “mm? I‘M? €"‘"'“""“ ‘3‘" “M “”‘l ”l' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ L .' ”Mun.- tfarw. 2"” pvr vent. 'Hpr- [lrlt'v nf'l.n~, W'i'ysun I: hro. hm'e pliccd npqn nur hut-3h.» um “‘hvn: “drum-ml 'n tln- serum lfl)!e :1 :ere rlr'v-mi: of the Lillihutinn roujg‘o, lvt‘u’xrmliun. "Thu ‘ mum «guvnm‘ h llmi. Tom 'l3! umb nnd his “He. 'l' c pirturcj'g a many myth-Ina nf t-mtl, mm- ('ulilln \u an H... : i-ngén‘i'rfinc. and shoutd grave v:r}'.al‘uum,— 3"!“ “1 {selfi’grwvm‘il 1“"""“”‘““'_‘"'l.!"“ _ . _ ._ 4' ' A V 'V . . il-(u‘nhc. h n anger w ptmztu‘t'l _nV hm“ I,“ 3 ‘9 had at ”WK-”:4” “if )9" 55"” ”‘_ ”h (-Inth’mg. (on. and that uf hi“ t'lnnjt'. ~5 ‘19“?‘1- ‘ 1 j. of [mhro-r ‘l‘Xiuil‘yvi‘lll‘ immmroly hiJht r we.” .\Knrflnhi} ('Maiwi has ’rtmpved" Hum it “-h butnivrly.‘ ‘LI‘H'H Ct!!|;-I'ilt|l’lll‘ ._ . . ' i . ' ' . fl . if, L'W‘at Sufltnnu flmntm llw‘lN-«q-iv, nml‘ from nirpcra l‘c‘r‘t'ylto hmrupjsrtlic fimuun m the prim-u runlnum 1:) mivnm-é, u will on the J’BL &0. lhulrnmt. and instituted u .pntrn} rmwh ”Ht "WIT” clmwu. A: 1er?) :.. “up“ ‘ and cum m~huusp t 9 Stop the rm‘ytmignml lmde \y‘it’h nnr prr-seltt youth-M pulwy {am-hang uhich [h a brain guillgdm :Llnrg’l lg: Shepherds-' I‘ll. thi~ mli'rvarh m- gjm-mrf‘iuhuluu- Jim». , town tin npikr. Harper’s Fen; ~is mitlrlkc’ir “m“ ““3”" of “Twit” ." 4mm“, "' 1"“- . > i t ‘ ‘ ‘ . . ' , r ,_ um! u‘dlreus. t‘npm'm Hu‘mer'S‘ compnnr is (lure "J t fl Lntnnht'mt) ' \' I “wi'm'flr' , h", ‘ , ‘ ‘ ' , grat’. Inf/:14]! am! iluum, \r-hnur ynhqv haq ' “I I- Is; “when. A ,‘ E .. 'thrnuuht Hus tH'rtUlo culnmllwhirm Human-i. i ."** *“*~"t~z‘ ‘ --_' .‘ .: ‘ WEN hienits of Mr. Dnv‘u .EJt-hris. 0t“ iiln‘ 13"" t. Hymn I‘m“; “.1" "L “limit” 3 1 _ n | '. ‘ is 1'! rmlucun tho, \w‘ulthy tn pnvrrth‘t-ng - Compnpi k, 1:! h. gt..l .R.( .l li] I eVph“ ,t‘li plungm ”IF ImOT in") unpr liP'llluitbl _ to learn hut he hag/got Lmk «whi; q-vnlt‘puny, 3.40". Hwy would liih-n “my”. and»!!!- "r ,1. after h ving been detained .ia \Vushingzon yum-c uunl cumin-nuke. th.-y [HP in. thuy' :1; severnih ceks on nccuunllof :onie irregularity “"“IH Fill’tlfii't‘ the hm .tlt-IT mun-l ”wit“ in his ', . - ‘ ' 111.111,:tlui lheyWnuhl bum: pawrtwuuitaufa ~ 19.». . ~ .. . . *v . ~ , t . "._,_ t A 7 ~ tformg mtn evvry vhwil‘i‘ng ‘m'thc- laid.»— ‘ 1e llnvnoi't-r papers do: bytbg report .\tht (10 thry rare it $117! luturul-wr-mnpr‘ii siglmtiun nf Hejuu'rrus Hlller, "1'41“, fifthy their roh-ntlcis firm! M‘m (ly [rulx‘y‘ to Reg!., .4: Hilton Hezldyls. 0.. on nc- “""’|’““"l”_""" ”"“‘""“2”""'“|”" "“'"" .1 l'l l H . 1.. - 'ivnn m-e mmf to the sum-mugs (hwy havmfl t 1 In). tI: . ts trientha rn that pl-‘uje. rl‘illly hi‘ipfi‘d m produvo. ’l'hrit- rye: are he“ "0 Inlunnuun 0‘ 51‘ "signing, blimlmi to the mischief thc?’ have wrought. this intention to do sin] . ; Whntto thmn althuugh the- pour 17:11:13th b' ‘ - .2‘ ' ‘ ivrii'vd of his custoumry food, clothing mu] c“Q n-qucsn d to “Ill?“l" 3§TVICN slmltvr, midis compelled to submit. £olsqu trmnn Reformed Cburclr uexz Suudngf‘mtions. if pot to sturvntion? Their politw ‘ ' , o‘al p¢xJicy is triumphant, and tn long mntha ‘ distress does not reach their own d‘our. thr‘y cry out hflurly for the (ad dollar. the [at man. the luv! 06w ot'the pjwr. nnd the 1m . - ..... . ...... iniilc of the widmv.—- (in. Ewan. , . c.Philudelphiu I’reu spgkseofJudge," 3 __._ - "74-” :4 ‘~"""' . LJerseyJu “hm-ing Lech tho slave of :NIGGERS V 3. WHITE SOLDIERS; ' ich-wf' This’ is. I'zeTcoulé-t p’eee' i A corrésimndent at» the Ohio Patriot.‘ {ence on record. if «yer James Hu- Daniel 11. Watt. flipfivulfi oflha 78th Ohio. ‘ nod I slave. a} car 'whp would lick “5'5, "om-n, aswe'hltw I"??? on the Witch ad "I“ and came qtlhia bidding, Iljmve soon poor sack .wd‘wy, Wllh their that t: .J li: W t Porn v, trips nnd knupsacks, trudging through thn cr, mt: a}, 't' e_, now, rfiing whi/art the wagon: werefil/ed will: mlqgen t whclp 1n Lgucolu s keptiel. , 414 M I§eir things lu It is n Mm”; privilegoitn F— “ " “'°‘ 'm3’ “ ' ;be an “American cimen ofAfrican deocent.‘ mnsou LCArutn'.—m§ out of the The “ma writer Bava rnlmirsioned ofliccrs in ‘the Anderson} {IL-is my opiyiion in“ our ameni- do no. we resigned. _ i ‘ {flint the war brought t'rmclcnen" "1°! "0, '- , ' ""H' 1' good t'ime of it. _'l'_th 3" M'O mgr-“r ul' mi- r' 76th Po count 04' hn’re rue or 0"?!“ ' W.“ in the 4} morning. I__ a» ...__ __ m, . -_ F WANT ““009! '11:; ['ruferrcd, hickory wilt answer“ a - » ~ but gruitt 378-11 Nan, Ne -‘ Jamel: fi of inipufi chnunn 0 hip feet; that slaw ‘. the dirtie Tax 'A' thirteen c- Cuulry h 1. "—m“ ““~—f- i having 5' 30m. ..ne , . The Aypmpfiazbng.—~3‘he‘ thirty-.seventh ' pica horses. 506 d tents, andfim best_ on“.- ,Congresalhns Appropriued in found numflmg' r{they bays arm chain 9» m. ”A, beta the following mm: J . {331056 m, and If they are short ofmony, ’ w . : ‘ ,‘ ‘ Maize lome cotton and make grime. _oJ 5" 3““ “9°"- J"*Yg 18f“- 18264,000,000' mph, you know=nothino :bout the way thin A: Long casnon, terminating July ‘ ‘ wur is carried on. ° ,w . A gill” ' . ‘ . .\l' :391310091900' This war is makingDemocnu‘fastlofll “36;"? essuon, ending. "“h ‘P " lany one can imagine. I have heard m '' V . f‘lleOfiOOfiOO 3 ofthe strongest kind of Abolitionigu-qul they would never vole another Republican ' ticket. They say the Democrsuic partyi the only party that. can save the country, and I think they are about right. The” is,” present argrent deAl of dissatisfaction among the troops in regard to the way thingc‘are conducted. ' Q~9 Per so}: rs. the receipts from revenue du ties on iniporu, direct taxes. sale of public lands, an i internal revenue frontfluch 4, 1851. to Jply l, 1864. are and will be three hundredfld twenty millio‘n dollars. #1.“...- .-.a._.,..._ H’Senntor Benton once said, with his usual féree of antenna“ '- Truly, the Abolitionista And the Nullifien wet-e" necpssary to ewh other—tho two halves of“: pair of shears, neither of which wouldcufi until joined together. Then she map of thc Union was in dmger; {or in their conjunction that. map was cloth between the edges 0! the sheans. ‘ ; ”A Wuhingion lama? nys the Presi dent omi? no opportunity to taunt those of his party‘who believe in the negrogs, for not mowing their hit}: by theiij worku.—- "Where nre the awn-mu,” he often asks the; ,fniflifui, 'fpromind by Gov. Andrew when the Proclamation Ihould be issued 1”-5 “Where up the thrice tin-co hunérodjhm and-b9 W by Gradyf'f i» y- . From our city endings; of Friday '5 extract the following itema: . , The report. of the attack on Portlludwn ; by the fleet under the command ofAdmiral ~ Farragut and its repulse is conflrmpd by F further dispatches copied f.m Richmond ! johmln. The bombardment commenced ; at an early hour in the afternoon 0! Sum. 1, dny last. but. the most denpernte fighting 5 took plnco at, night, when the gttnbontq at.- 1 tempted to 'pnsa the batteries, one only succeeding. The summer Mississippi “in. J burnt, and several of the other vessel. of. . the fleet. damaged. and all withdrlivu.— i Thirty-six men and one officer of the‘Mig. ‘ Blalippl were captured. The Confederates _ 'claim a complete success. The Mlniuippt; was a side-wheel war steamer constructed ; of wood, and built, in Philudelphia in 1811. i» Her register gave her rote as one thousand ;‘ six hundred and ninety-two tons burden.“ f. and when first. launched was intended to if carry tan Paixhnn guns, but during the l Vpreeem war her armament. was increased, ,1 and consisted of twelve heavy gum. ”at l crew consisted of three hundred nngl forty- l five men. The Mllfihslbpi was attached to l the famous Japan expedition. and i. 3139,; l known as thostmmer that brought. lie-tenth E; to the United States. ‘ - i The reportodihattlo oh the Blackvmtor" river was an attack of Federal cavalry and l artillery on the Confederate entrenchmenb; l opposite Franklin. The movement was rind; { successful ; two cavalry charges were made 'L but such-was the heavy fire ot’the. Cimteda. i rnte‘infanuf hehi'ndthe breitstworks that. ’r' the Federnlyforces were compelled to retire. ' The cnsualtihs on thel‘eilernl side were. seventeen wounded, among them two ofli- ' cots. Ten. Confederates 'Wefl'e‘tuken pm- { oncrs. ~ ' ' 9,277,000,000; fin is said that the new oonugiptién ' ‘ act mkes no discinc ’on between negro" and whites. Wm. Dleelly. in the Hon”. declared this was the first bill that mowi zed the manhood of the negro. Kelly, 9‘ course, considers himself quite as got—Xi “3“ ne'gro; but in other people's OPimm' 13°. ~. hardly reaches that Imndard. ~ , —---———~ -——— 7 ...—~— ' Q‘Genenl Erenkner and 00‘0“!“ 9?] (“assay and ‘De Forrest are, it is ““9““! to be tried. before a. general 00“ me g which is to assemble in New York shortlyl‘. 1 on ohm-gas impuling to them the In?” do“. pieablo conduct. 4 ,1 ‘ “““""‘ ' !-_‘ ,- M j _fi'Tbo coat o—llqorGenérd'iuoludi' ' " ‘ thaw“, in com uted u $24.000L8‘ ”if. %I .ugud.mggcfior “$16,009. ~ \{ ._ LATEST WAR NEWS