0 m: (Empiltr. OUR FLAG X 'f'he unhm of lube—the union of hand»- JPN Tile Union of States none would n.l- ; ‘ , The union of hams—the union of han’dl— “ And the Flag of our Union {brevarr 12:7.“ II- ). ITAIILI, IDI‘I’OK AND J‘BOI‘KII‘I‘OR. GETTYIBIJIIG, PA; ’nox-mf 3:€fl€§5O opininnz. they: th i=9 than theyl ere ntto duty'and; on. . Thfy vqtedl m 9 Hail to Argon-1 Hz gents. nftheEad-f j N n ways to prefimh ; 18 I. no governméut. : I:tn d the Cnngéess‘ m murm. nntl im’-: 11 ith snntimmtsf tn republimn lily! I‘m ht in our oh‘ild-I ‘1 \ cling to in our: iunv luablé than ‘lifi‘f .' nr condemnmlj hv 'et it, is the. vt‘ry': hni integrity, chm: in! heir motivoqn—i, I I 0y wou'd hiwo: [on PIN“. and lott" we of these whme‘ ['ll] fl to thnm thnh‘ 1p fulifn ohn'onnl .‘ l- at ur~e‘ ha: shown ‘tr ment oi‘xufliun-E mm»: m mire ‘ u ‘m Una not, he itirm prcr‘ ! evideno‘g hr [and the p I it not don-1 t: I 1y Fruitifiél‘ tl ‘1“, will con (1 I ion is nf'ml ml the hypncr‘ltir‘. vll by. its v. "lm! o the plin it i 1 [union and {tyr Johnmn- n ‘4 “3‘o high-1 in. 'n they nnv w .n'hPl'GJJru' n‘ It] lyrants.‘ in (imieq of t} e I urrcction‘ In“ rreng—nor “: terin‘g: for‘lap s _lhat' we 9 hem whilé‘th true and oy. J: oph A. \Vright ml honorable. pn rn, Hwy would not a, «(minted with » 10's otho Confli ni n. inztigatnmnf .h hichtheir souls 11d they be found 131 ‘e fr'om a. pngty nsirtorl in tlwir y‘ ere hi the line 1 n on. . ‘ I I \ e tru=t thatpq mi himself in be i t mseltmwniil}: inn 'Lhinz that. the ‘ o thém. \Zl'hé‘y ‘mg'. hkv Sunmk‘r I, «1111 the virnfigof litrny, wn lyvlinko th y (‘ontlofiln tljug ' my nnd «lmtmrc ' V x \' rfiasnn t-hLy 3 Int tho finmo Lffnn. v reach all the: la the Eckmk midi y. dqsvcraling ids, ~ sackingjusii-j 10. nrracm'fy. In~‘ low nstignting and; 'l‘]. bortynnd 14min} '0 our View an' ncmt‘ will , 139’} I-yfinythin (h : niaysny, in Mi ‘ pros: mny' sn > nrlmpg, ilu ull 1% nm! (in-o lo) imp-ion th'l co 's!‘ bonicio I 0:1 ”er rovohl but for I lie iéspivnble nd veroli<:"fur {h the party uu e 91‘ Dem era , pn‘ofane‘o‘fri flu:s lyrnh s lfLinrly, t; e)’ ’UI nnity—primg-s wrl , make nation: » a yothcr‘ Inna. les imbuéd with I , I s: acoustomo‘d Io . would brim;y I“ ck. T’uetwoeh L t! ere can be‘no ll a‘cnrintion‘ that Ity s to dincnuntfi ['a'i at: their prin . r guke them 0111 ! th on- every Imi : ftheir succeés l'd fearlessly pet‘- |* ' . “(1i Johmqri. is tra elling col ft'ru , Ligl'nt befnrp ; w mt pernliciouts {a b a man may. e 51.11 instant the. limit a. neivspnpei‘ Q muel Medary. go ed byfi patty ro CnmfiChnsd. Iv rs. and almost. er gnot what wa‘h n 1 wful, violenq, he ; and, then;- th outrage bani )e a had beenfi o e of the mob u ctions of conga th propriety nf t ese repentin? Ir hey Imagidouq 11 ed interroga’r Eh son (all 11.! to do ‘1 V t c} we have «1m;- it ‘ of the Ohib vol mbm. aver}? épe ,and we sham I a thorny, until pf: n—the advd [d of Executive ‘ d advocate a! thejodmnl v has the a . üblishod ‘ conservativ ~ on military Gov d speech in thp 0 Friday twent th wur. In his lit :1 and defended e administration lmself an Abo. 93! mp. Johnson, é nverta to nig— “th ng pay. He is lg] nd- States, we aior hat benighced hq v . n t better return 35% ago the rebels wh ee whole regi l at ghnt very hour G 0 nor, was ub- Ipder ’ .ec es to'the Aho me that. Johnson Ha he does of mg be President . within thp THE usz' CARD 1 mom The Abolition leach-rs are just‘now en gaged in onfi of the grdfismt attempts at, do-‘ caption which has yet isgraccdtthat minera ble party. hey soot -. Demoon'wy, united in defenw 0.? the unit of the country and .the liberties»! the ”film-marrying «very election which is; he! I, sweeping like an avalanche eiery thihg before them. They see that,th_e copie, w- -ry otAholitinfi rule. disgusted with section] strife and despair ing of the fate of the nountry. are tqrn'mg to the Demokratic pal-y, and 13‘ fast. as an opportunity §is ofier_ I are restot'ing it to power. Theiy see in t. I: future nothing but defeat. and disaster to t _Pi!‘ dangeroun pix? and feel that -the day .r their insolept d deutrhotive rule ié, at, 3 end. , Convincedi of this] " rule or ruip.” they every means?“ their a the people E'of the C! ‘another, to :Prra‘y frie neighbor against neig portions of op:- land y thé desolatin‘g efi'ects' 0 which are yet comparnt peaceful. ac nes of bloodshedf gl'hé vilest' flammatory lippeals, bl nunc{ntion3,3a§‘e¢ every theirjo-urnali ngninst ‘ ing istleft unions to in tho pe‘ople 4nd. light. di=cord. ‘1 , ‘ To more éfireljr ofi‘eo marks the Kori- Gang! tempting to hrray the citizen. by laßorfnq [bf upo‘n the mirida of the on the part ohhe Dem \s new in a. lane pmjnriy a hostility to the right: soldiers—and" that» on' t =Qldier§ entezrmin host winds flue find: of “ t and the Cons‘tilutiou 11‘ Ever; ham initmprosm put (he Dr'niocmcy in‘: Abolition leaders. But‘ to be deceivéd. A ver them urn Derbm‘mtq an our party h:f.~i? nlwnya‘b' trne‘ Union party of tho it: momlwri inn; HIP country's Maya deft-131 «be through Ifhn mum" thP Ahrlilinnmnrus wh nf Um cr‘nnni‘y in ‘hoir ncrntic party” 'l‘hvy r this way by Hinir wont Aver it may béattomf'f em imprmdnfi. Hwy h tore in the main nijvt m “'9 only rßfivr tn tlii~z base and criminal mum n‘xpnnbnt-uviu dowel)" _» onlk. thu~ inmltinfi no! the- }:enplo. ‘ 'fhmg‘ mun (ween llnlh, td inq‘m- m connf'ry, and {IF i 4 I‘m \\ r‘nuntry who ésrjvm 20 ‘ tween Umm. gWhn mni‘ people? thL “fir up A! Who are ph‘fina mi-vhi the grmicst .\(ifltrd'd‘s-t - firm. to tho rlnyi-inyznt nf‘ nf tho cmmtry‘? “'im the Abolition far!) 3’ I 1 . --- 7 1 Filril tli llO'W VOTES .\R‘C‘ Oll' , l 5 ..mm'. Tho C'Jncinn‘pn [Lil/1n"? writtvn lw a sélcljor, oxl {ulnplvd tnnhtnin tlm \n \‘oluntet-re uiih (ham-hi). of tln- rheolminns reqeu I.r-;:i=lulure of Muir. .\‘ml ntwapupore hinge; «M luv vote of the solt iére in HI “'9 may we “flint is the t 13' the I'ollcm'iilg‘cxtmct letter: ' ‘ “ A largo majerily of t l silent and reigned to W" prt-Inoml llm pl:e~9n_tutim with n \l'r-w rmnm ks. iru hp (haired nll m’lm wort” adoplion to step four 9 < that thny might. ntthe no in the lrrmt. tanks and 01 iithey RIH‘ViV (l. With l l min? mil-chm tp the fron or twenty 0H 6‘ rnqimem olutmns. and llpreupnn t unanimously dopted.” These are t lei prlut‘eorli ocmtig victm-i gut, the I“? they tend to mapire gum and patriotism In the ‘fiek be fools m well lit knnves by such bme cohtrivnnt‘es conLli'iet they 0315 cru~h_ the brave soldiers, and mean tools of tlleir villain . \ mThe Hartford YYmlé )owing extrart from a li member of the’Connecti» “ FAonv'm, Fe-h. 24. ‘ in your letter of Governor by the New York Ham/J. inabed for Govqrnor. Th Thor: isn’t a may in {he 14 fat as I can learn’, that «:01 ocratic ticket—find there ar were the mom. rnbul Rep saw. ' ‘ “There was a nice tim - regiment the other day. Republican. and he cg" ment to see which way if they were at. home. wad ‘l)emocmlic; and I.}: mad as . M‘arch hm think ‘ he would go -- hardly speak to: any of days afterwardq, he was made it. ‘worse fer him. ha born to his voting—friend to see him thumdny and cited by telling {them tbs showjhem thumll his m. way he wanigd themfiofl ' RA correspondent. bi writing from Beverly, Va’. The other night. we h est political failures ‘thal: some tinny. Our oifieers there would be t me ting the purpose of passing rel ing the Democrats of ab and favoring the procla lick of the Administratin great (in! of. talk and i regiment all day. Who long strings of men eon! way to the matting. wh there was going }0 beg ge and whatever resolupions the regiment would not b 4 After the church was 1 'l‘rnxal moved that Capt: chairmen of the meeting. clined. After a short} lp( the Chaplain was chosen E: sl and the President. now spell. after which Truxal lose what oourue to pursn few oflicen present; he heard] the responsibility,n 'lwrt that the oflcers did pram-in. 'to do so; he nine-t and nit. some pm: Here the President pr: =we .... _b_.u_.. .w, v,_._,._.- W .77 nmm___- _3A , l , trmtlc speech from Cnpfi, Truxal wouldbe PLAYING WITH FIRE. ailvnntnanuml i 3 .1 ad #ll,. firming I'm: of this rity iy drlilu-mtvly Lap .' ruxn nnw m- um mmmenc t'nl , J .‘- -.l .2 his third speed]. by «with: that the! ohiwty mm noon I '12," up Rm”: ’o‘ ”)1?“ ““1 oTthe mveting wna tn lotc'fthe peoplant home provokmg nun 3' 'j‘ ‘ "“3 ' 0"" mm ‘he know the sentiment-I oil; the army. as m» liconae ut the 10mm? 1! “0" PM”! 0" ‘0 invite ihgd been nhtix; 0:; grogdthe ballot hortund the liceue at the ‘lotch ‘auq the word, It Jat We “00' " “W‘S‘ m: 1 “'7; ‘l] the Vernnient f‘~thv‘ L’ 't l ‘ '3' , . . ‘c 5 upon (b i o mc( meetings. He would not. inmlt our Intolhn . , gene;- by telling us that. this thinghnd been 3 8“” ‘9 uflopt “5"”? thg dtltcnn of a” free brewing for thirty yemg he would not. in-; 51ft" “Elihu" Wm." pursued 5! “h“ndvfl‘ sult our'intelligpnce by glling who ,struck ed stretches at the extrgme South against 'thefinzt blow. HM then unit forth I volley nhose who tepidinte sece‘pslon and cling to :of ivmth on the Demogfitn of thf North; the Union. It pnints a‘lhrid and pusiunnte ,denouncmg them u tradorn ""d cowards" picture of outnges committed‘iu Alabama up :and worse than rebels H] e field. who ere H n 5, fl. S , {manly enough to come t and men ure' “F 1°!“ 9""9’“ 9 ‘ "Wk outrages ‘awbrds with us. He they; went ,on in the V“ barbarous u than of th Sepoys," and hnr-V Juana] strain of knockin the props from in; :hns‘ wrought upon the leélingror in iundér the rebellion by king the ne =4 render: it es'on to us the; follsnln 'l-n- Eha was no Abolitionist a novér wagfizh We: 139 A 1 ‘3 ,4 Z , E“ for taking “ll: dm'hnfllm flaws; : ‘We hnn'nnfiheré of technical“: hero. who 6 “'B5 "eh“ 9h W a g“? yr’ oAfl dofnot conceal their sympathy with the reh‘els [the-negro W en t {W73 Provf‘dnb ‘9' -—-why doe: uotthe goréfnment uize upon whimpermz and tYlfllln he sat t ewnr mgflpmnd retaliate uponltheir persons and was not over; (a tome—w Know ”Mv 5.“ * prbperfi' the wrongs sum-id by tho .lovnl men . if, as you say, we take th pmpu nnll_thel:er of the South? no}, have [59”, men “a "om", bellion. {5119- then‘ th“ 07“ (WP-““0" “"- I shot and hunted by blooglhounds; and file gov ' what Will you do mth th legro?) T 3113!!! f emmeut‘nhonld seize upon llr. S. L. M. Barlow. did not ansvger. but said «- wnsjust Inim._.lames Brooks, Luke Conan: and others, to element to-mght; he coulf runhlump o:43?th then up hoatugzs for the {New Ind‘mmd any thing. and a thousari' such quest-inn *trehtment of loyhl men ‘in the math-infant]. would got put him off hi _ track. He then ‘ huh Divis’ that these frienpspf his will sure bléw o ta good-deal oft 'msonce of Ahou ly e gazed at the first prolo'tlot'n new outrngé litionjsm‘and took his sengnohamid cheers, ': commxtted Ikainat a. lo'ynl Alabaminn. . butin lilent contempt. " t For months'pnst the Pool and organs of (he ‘ d'lguxalimqgeii *o] ”(i-Wu?“ WES}! was TM", party which it. renrcsehtsfin pm‘ly whose loy ‘6 town nmxfl 0'" c" fro i 0‘ . any, to the government is mensuréd cxncflf b - The Chaplain now 51ml few won-(la, «I 51— - . . ; . .. 3 ‘ring the boys. to adjourn,” which thy {m the‘pontmcts whlclx nreJM‘rusted to its magn— ‘lthrough tespectforhim. but dimppninte ntl bars. and by the lub‘serviency of the ndminis not‘having the prh'llege'ibf recording “Titration to the passions‘oi‘ their followers— you". Th? Democmta “.3 home may 9'lch been permittéd to deinounce us “Hec‘cs pend that ifa vote bud,th tnkon H: \m M; si “is" ~ “traitor: .. d,i 7 th’ . h {have been ten to one. The nfliovri. fin! ng, 0 ' ,Y’ "n lamp“ ”"3 “1‘ [this out. w’ere very eager-to mljohrn w th-l JE'PKWON DAN-“‘1 “1L the file" who dilnd-to lout denouncing the Dem crut: :u trait rs.‘ expose their dishbncsty find to denounce If Th'f’ cries of. ‘r‘dqwnm t: therroclitya-i the;mndness or their. menqures. For months 1 l 0“. wqrc ,ea mun" m a m'n. ln- _‘ th‘. - - - . ldo'ws and: doors wet-91w" g opt-q 1n nll‘di- :3: no:£::;:z:n:;l:lehln‘p:lfinuek 211% ”"3? 'roctinnq. the citizom not owinuwhnt ns'_ ‘3 ‘‘. "i “w e or m t ‘the mattpr. The officers re— down in he .in rhe pnhhc vstreets ngnlt’nstfreol and loyal gmouth about it. and I 111‘ 1k their”) hot : utitens ofthe .\grthcrn States. Tlie4mnn who ‘wnnt to feel the Secnml \‘firgi‘nin giment I should venturo in his own 'pcrson to utter wry icon again, ospecmlu' on the profla- ‘suc libels woiilzl have thefin thin-n down his matiou. , - H 0““ lthr ut;b'lt the cpmrmpt 011 m hmro nnd hop-t H t' .gehasl ht .‘- mmxow mm To moh- 21:: th.. 4:; :3: 52:32:??? r . 5 = ‘1 ' I ‘ .i O ")0!“ v ’ LIZ]? THE A? f ' » . !who have printed what they dare not. my] “ :nro FOmetlmes [on]? ”“"¥‘.”'-'!t 1t “, But} to all lorhun'rnncc .tlu-r‘je comes. M lmt I; the avowod purpose of th Abnhllonl‘l‘i to _d3 Whe th I’ t dt' [,l 1k l d'rn'otlm people to docpfl'ri'tmnmml oompel Ln " ' n "e 0’ an “is _ 25"“ m ff t‘lu-m tn mini» not nflly who but armjn ..de- l “ cm’pflhcws' “d K 59"“S§§°"”W “1“] "ml" f‘mpqnf their rigfite, lrkuhq are , hpnpéd tors," they mmn ‘the three ,lrnndnud ”Inufilllit‘ upon those who day.- (lffl'ei with them. and voters of New Yin-k who lime (lured-Kn the the)" mo untu'ilng mltheif effort" [0 cqn- polls to nssnt their rightilm a mién in the nncatho Plt‘fill 9. am th.}:mluhc-h in the contmltlt the WM“. M. their-coming] Thov arm" m pmtu-ulnr. that t n Dunner-uh~ an; . ' i . . ; not "mi oppmi'ngthn gm inmentflmt "1)“ mean the {lll' Mr “hum the ruin of (hotl mgnwlvi‘vm mmmng Wit and nitlimz Hm nion im‘o 'ci “1‘ 'morv thah it-doo: in? the :‘E-lvfln m tlwn‘ attomnts #lO separate the contimctor: nnnl politician:nndfflmalirs who l‘n‘mn. - ' _ b, . . h thus rr-vilo thr-m. ‘nnd 'Wil:o rm- «lciorluiuotl [how “"7 Domort‘atfi rm Impulflwnnwm tl Profiirc to Mon tII:\-‘.,ruin Iln‘ the unlrnmmull. tlmnrinyuhoth hm‘xng gm -tlwrr‘*\\‘itll.l‘\'o. 1 ‘ f _ ‘l 5 ’ ,3" ~, ‘ ‘ ' ‘ A .L.. _.' , ‘ ‘ 4‘l '\ " I,” ‘ OF THE ABOLI—L TS. ' nd determingd to m now striving by mmnnd to enibitter untry against. one (1 against' friend; bor, Sand make'the t happily free from . nctualconflictmnd vely prosperous (mid nternal strife ‘and bum—the m_o Stu-Emu 31161323 mnmcnt. «mil-so «me n“ Vnrouullwlm Lit-art] ‘hrr. Tl-‘px man-omi- bfll her iv‘udign.ztion, .\he suddenly alupped th spccuhttor. first on one't'he‘ok, then pu 1h; \ other. and lmtore ling fL-Ilow ('YHIIII say 51 won the finssengers inning nenr, who had witness-J 1} edthe \vholo affair. stcd him and pushed him hurripdly out of the “runs on: nnt fill ‘: ’ iride with deoenfjmoplo.—lz'rmlny I'm-f. - /-‘ f, LOCAL Murmur. “rm-2 spaxxu ammo“ m; plm on Friday next. Let nll consent-five m‘bn turn out, and defeat the Abolition tickeu," no ulnar; whether they becnlled “ Union " or Republic-ml. bee-ale both Are in the “mo boat, and pledgga , to name". all Abolitioq (loingsmhnber in ugh mismhnngement of, the flu. or in 3110 lie-link of the people’s money. All who no bpp‘oied :5 {be present deplomble p‘mle‘of thing: lhmfli ' volg'lhe Depocmtic rlie «mind “,qu rebuk? the lecglonlfwnfics w o Inn‘s hrpughl. par once hnpfny and‘ prospe curl country to 111‘, very verge or ruln. Leii thd people—ill thy people—think we" ,nnd lact' Vim. ' The my hopoofthecountry now Minute}: odninorvnla , and they mny‘ express it!“ elfectqtlly n tn“; . ell-:cxion us “any other. Tilrn éutl . fi-We understand that n gund You] In; instruféenml Cigncert wlill ahqttly bé given II? this place. in aid\ of the fund? for the relief of sick and wounded acidic?» LProgrammo 11l particulars next week. 4} “ E Q‘Henry A. Picking, FAQA,KReveh;e Conn} min-“loner, has favored nu ill: ll copy of d Comparative Statemen: of :11? property taxabl ' far State purposes thyolighon the Common wenhh.‘ The nmofint fixed d? Adan}: (s'oan by the Revenue Board in 1785*, At 3 milkiwa $4,394.331; in 1960, né 2} mills, $5,122,433. ¢ The aggregate of the Sum- id 185'! was $568, 519,284: in 1860, $343,577,295. m $01}: gourd DemoErnfip friend, AQQ Sewers, of Hamilton townshifi, preseqtéd ui o Thyursdny with a basket of 2tinlcndid Apples Hie Pike ofwhirh frvr get ‘sigll of‘now-n-dnys A.number of them We supppso would bar measured t‘éclve inches in circumftre‘nce enoh' “(films our heurt’y llmnks for Flll3 kind (Shah! .er‘ntion. xa ' J SherifTWolf, who was nlsn thq recipient oft: basket “ of (11%: smne sung" requeats us to ratuml to Air. S. his thunks fol-iii”; wélcomc grzescnt.‘ @3OO new "11‘ urtisomeni of thé ft-ntrjpall Nunez-Ms. Yorkfl‘n" in nnu‘HlrLL mlumfi. Those, are Mnung me mm“ enrnéfiw Nursorées in lhc‘ Str’ur, and enjoy a lnrfi trx‘gde. TTm (gem, slxéxlhhcr3-, 'plunl’:-‘, *o}. Sold lhcrcrmgy be relied upon. WHIIIHI. they ,M’c always {finished in th host. chudilion. NoVefl'ort is {buried k)‘ rvlulorqa’lisfuclmn 10 n“ pu‘rqlmsers. ilk. H. C. Ilmld. Univ-oiling "gout fdr that: Nur now in this VLHHIAII’CIH‘J' 0,01 (CL-rive or [Q‘We direct atu-nlio'nfto {Le greu' Fruit mud‘ Urn menml Tro‘l-s‘ mh‘crtisc’ l". .\i. PHI-N in :unmhcrm‘umn, [u co Gettysburg from llln- 2nd ’l_u.‘ rlu- Blh ‘, next. Thme .interostegl in Hue mutu rrnd they ndvcrliseuu-xgt and «fiend \an wllblu-n Bell, :13 Aka“! for ]‘ Tunrouc, h.l“ ..on the Fargi hue uf l’o!h Inn, deceased—l 39 mums-fin Slrnlm. ship. 10 Jnlui 110 ho nlgd .\. 1!. Buehlcr pm 'xcro. cnsh. ' £ ‘ 4 ‘n’é'S‘HiKS Maria M. _ I‘liuhl‘Hu-rgt-r, I‘, yuan; “11-1 found dwell)?! [whim-.1 an un ing hflhu 2d iu~l..‘uv. the re‘xi‘gluncéxf 1' r 3. Rudifill, mar “anon-13, A 130‘“ mu: :‘minnlion. mmh- by D 157. Erk’erl nnll I shv-ucd npup!exy.lu;he lhc‘ciusc ur'hc --”IIHGIH‘ ('ollzm. ' ’ ~ 1 } m“J. (‘uhin {‘m‘cr, Esq. for! .quMip township. in mi; louum) elected High Shmiflul‘fiuox cnuuly, ' 'fifif’l‘hc unusm’l fungi};i «if so em (which .wc coulll‘ no! cu will} in II cum'pcls us tu‘on‘lil‘suwllémhun for it. " v' ,V I, l neg-Minimu- “ham-. 3 {a M,- yin“ ‘ 3%“. “'urcl'a smg». l’luil‘ldcl bl.i7(. lu , WThc Lmh‘q‘ of [mud l/I_\'~lmr) .\.:surinlinn ” u wbek or “ng2o em: .\ntivtum Huq-iml. “hich‘ _lu tflnnk ceivod «ml :u-kluunlmly( [HHU-v's‘: , r , .\V'n/uu ”lawman, \l /.‘\|..F.4.yur1.,1.-:.g; L-uh‘n: nflho Kali .\nmi mm: ' ' Tho box ffrui' . Lnuamim . hum \pn u-i Mi-m china-. 511 fly (0 h mu]. W» «nun pn s~ lum' ,mwu \vv hu'limh-hhld my!"- I‘nan-i' kin Mus. 'lm- mi; in Hu-u \“ory lxjrc nd .~u Uu- m‘mus“, .\.: rpll llmnkq uf ll nur Sulfrrinl; Inuit-x in Hm ml. \Vr {uu’v teen um-c kindly ruuu-mh the! lml' s nfl'cnnaylvmni-n 1n Qur dism haw- l'ew filoulvlfiil (-3104 lwrc- yet—2ll Mgr win) in ull pro-fuming wnll T" ~zld 10 nm- xl vr. ... ‘ MA. Lilian”; - v'mu‘ni , wel‘k. -‘ ud d-w r fit is : rough ' . We ,l mm film“ warm 3] [ml > est in g {% Ear-f ”of- [he a. acrfiufiot 7 ...rer d sin": 30f the Nérth w'oulr; enrne~tly rumflm or and pita] {or the mm in our nrmy. I I ‘ Say to Wine l'ndie-s of your association tlm'. w. feel very guilt-fill frrr their dondlion. I . ‘ Very rcspectfullfiyonrs, 3 § , ‘ ‘ l. o. Snbnx. . .'_._ ‘I . _.-. - .-. ‘ ”Messrs. )ICShGny anh Myers, hnvo our tfiankn for théir continued fuel-s". i “'A serious riot, reeulting' in‘ the lourof' llife and destruction :of property, occ'prnd lin Detroit on the 6th. A negro wile bed violated the person‘of a little girl four-tern years old, was being taken from the po rt room to the jail under an escort of the miilo itnry, when an attempt was made to} take him out of their hands by an [excited vmqb. The crowd was fired upon, end one aim; & respectable citizen; and e mire spectator, Qwas instantly kilieil, and several [were wounded. The mob then assaulted a. heg‘ro 'quarter of the town, and before they could be checked, burned nimuc thirty homes. Home! the negroes were killedf‘but sever-l were wouhded. All the military ii: the Sate were sent for. and at but accounts huiet hid been restored. This lamentable affair should cause all good men to reflect. Whet has produced this state of things i Doee it not grow out of the negro agitation. and the insane efi'ortl 6f bad men to nuke him the equal of the white 1 ”We be: leave to go eat to some of the noiay‘an foul-mnuthgg office-seeker! Of thi‘ 89Ction. that patriotism is shown by action—not words. There is very 500 d reason to doubt the honesty of menjhp cry down every movement that 100! to ward: honorable Pence, who declare the: the war” shall not. be ended while there my 3 slave to be freed or a master to be with fished, and who call all traitors and symph thizers with treason who do not agree With them in opinion. yetinevet make spoke! to shoulder a gun themselves; Ind 17th { «nut the mice et all. only do no in‘ , kpuiflon u to emble them a» fill ,th_ gloat] pookeu out of the people's ‘ d-En'e 060 mm. , _ _ - t OEM azzl sale of j" hy'u. me on’ in gbf April. 1‘ shuuld ‘[ S'ulo. ME r Elam I LN n~ lur sss EZIE mun“ MEM (run-x- I .. lleumn, ‘ dulh. 5%; ~nf ‘ lu-en, i-wlg/ "F 511”; /{qu-‘ hymn-l MEM TIE IMIM I'm: to i lhzrr- ‘1 v ‘ _ If)“ Ihr 11mg: • in. ti [.,l_ 1r ‘ r 1 . , 1- LI Ili 1 1 (ll‘ 14 /{ Inf fLr } lunln . rod IV ,' “P i, ’3 hr 1 1‘ '.u-r. 4. 111.- rut ’rnl I at .V the in mm) ’pn-snl! H it 11 - lily! olinn', -! ln‘ 1: