e 'm C‘ .T 4 The Con-Mn is published every Monday morning, by Hunt J. Sauna. at $1 75 per animal}! paid strictly IN unset—s 2 00 per tnnum if not‘paid in udiance. No nubsaiption disoontijnugd, unless st the option of the publisher, dntil all mange: are paid. , ‘ " Anitangunrs imerted at theusnul rates. “Joli menxa done with neatneu and dispatch. ' OFFICE in South Baltimore strqet,‘directly opposite Wamplers,’ Tinning Establishment -"Couru.n. Pmsnsu Omcr." on the sign. New Goods g—Large Stock lg ERCHANT TAILORING. ‘ ._ BI JACOBS @330. :2 Inn e 111 at. rcprived fromL-de cities a large stock of gotdn for’ Gentlemen's‘wunr, embracing a. vanely of . GLUTHS, - 1 , CASSIV‘ERES, ‘ ‘ VESTTNGS, ('nreinets. Jeans, km, with mgny othtr goods {or spring and summer wear. ~ They are yrepnfi‘d to make up gnrmenfn at the shortest ranting, and in the VPry best man ner. \The Fadinonngre regularly received, and Nothing made in uny desired style. Thvy n.l - mmkoa neat fiti, whilsttbeir sewing is sure 0 he‘snhstnnzia! Thty ask :1 cqntinnnnr‘e of the public'n [139 tronsge, TChOIVEd by goodwork’ and‘ modern-e chm-germ earn it. d Gettysburg, April 7, 1862 i Rgstaurant. ‘ '~ IKE thnhlmrsburg Street. l‘nntauragt, (re- T rently Eckenrmlu‘s,) is 119 w ctmdncged by the undersigned. (DYSTERS are done upin nll u'yles; mum) cmuxss. BEEF TONGUE, TRIPE, BUILEB HUGS, and L nice glass of ALE. can a: ulhimes he had. . l (‘ALLgINX Thu Saloon hub been re-pninlcd and fitted up in fim- stlvln. - ‘ - .' ‘ , BULLIXUER J; DAUGHSR. thtysburg, Nun’s, law. I ‘ ‘ Lancaster Book Bindery. EORGE WHNT, ‘ . [may BINDER AND‘ 3mm 3230:; \um 'nrtrm-n, '1 ‘ ‘ I..\.\'(‘A.s'l‘x-;n, P 3. ”Mn and Omnmrnml Binding of every ,de scriptiou,cxm-uwdl_n we most substantinl and approved styles. ‘ "I ' J ; RH‘HIPSL‘RS. ‘ “ E.W%. Brown, fi‘q.Y Ihrmr-rn Hank nannmmcr. 1 \V. L. PQIpL-rflLCI . Immuslr-r County Bgnk Hmnpel Sho¢~k,(}‘l-t;.. (‘ulnmlpiJ‘liauk Snmhtl Wagner. Hugu'Yof‘k Hunk. I William Waiywr, lll—q . York County Bank. 7‘. l). (‘n'rgunl E~q.. H.lnk nf (icuys'hurg. 2 Peter Martin. E~q.}l’rnllx'y nflmlnczster 00.. Pa.‘ Gun (3. Huwghoru, l‘lqu, Register " “ 1 Gen: Whitsn‘n. Hamiliuurdvr “. ” April 15, wn.‘ = . intended tn muster into the service a th grand nrnly lny conscription, We give it 7 full as it tin-ml lmlli hounds 0f Congrcssu ”""R;€rg'figégfign —7—_ received the Pus’itlontial sanction? XPECTEI) Iv(il‘lTTYSlll"lttizsfireryhmly “ . A) 501‘ ‘ _ 1 E be "plop mul. 'l‘lw nmli-raigm-xl 'u'nnlil 1'0? enrolling and calling out the 54th .mnsl town-[fully imiu“ tln- attention. of the l. , ‘ WWW“ and for 0‘1"” Purim-‘3‘: ‘i-iliu'n: nt' tl:-it)}~ilnxrg and its \it inily tn Mll “313 m“, Thorn now exists‘in Ih}; ['nii null H ”Hi"? In” 5"“ "'1““"-d 5’0""; "r gmmh.‘ Shilf‘fi‘l‘lll in~ni'r(-ctinn'untl rebellion n-lui in [la lmi just rr-tnrntal t'rnvn'lhe’ tity With as ll"? ""1110,in thereof. and.it in” unllor I “win." “Tmrtmflu‘l “’ gum!" '" '1" 1”” “5 3'o" Constitution ot‘l‘he ,Uniti-(l State's. the (h Willlind in (Within-31in} .ntiu-r ton—n. , “fa”, govmnnwnt to suppress imnrreclj % “mm" Ml”— "—-‘l”' “m" t” ,"“H “"f’ with"? and rebi‘lli.,ii, to guarantee to each Mutt no vtvooll‘n m urf‘f. .f'lirnnnl >tiirt~,!vtii: Lninm- llepuhllcun form '“f t-ovrl'nmont. “my let-7“ Duh-n l ll'lhl-‘lt‘l \bi“ nnil'nll lllofil‘ nll'P ‘ ' l 41.53! ' . 'l'i _ . 1“ little: fixth-s fur lllt‘ tui‘i-t 'in‘ thr- an ruf-x menn “[5 I)" l.“ “ml“! ‘3 ' ..‘ 7 . . -‘ . - . Ir .1 For tl on l-wh nur macs" :1 mxln llrubhcs. t‘nmbt and l'erfnnu-HN. all Qi’ulurh 1“ rm ' . l ‘ ‘ l .1. ‘ , i mm lli'e‘lmvl M ,\«., 11 L rtilht oppmite lliellunl.. fo‘rcc IS inilixli(.ii<:ihle, to rm.“- npsgl sup” ~l.’mul~nu-n.. fl “um h, ,2.,,,_ H (Li M”; is Iwuwh all porsunumght \ulllngl ',to cull llié ill". 1' to 135-147”: l 94min] t'llt’:|:l(‘>’ nn'lfir- l butt): AN" 'F/‘t‘rfls, .\0 $9OllOO 0‘ ‘l b 0 “1 i-lrtlliiig 34, [1... 3mg ~ .1, Mlln'u = ; Hvorwhlrk', prnisewm'tliyund lion nahlotlian that \v‘h l‘indnr-sliirb, lll"l“’l‘l~ oft“L kinds. lung and, h rrnflorfnl for tht: mmntennnrw nl sli'ort‘ Stoplxlngi trunk: in we inf. tn 7:. u-nh it Notwtilntlnnntirl I'nmn.nml tlmmmequ Il"lll.. .\‘lylllii-re. :i’ rt“ runny-k: 10 you: 11. (l. prewrvntion oft'rt-e government; lht‘l'Pll 1 .erlM is [lll- plm-e tn got thus:- gum! limb" [‘Bl‘(flat/r4l(lVMt‘Ah‘t'llflh'all/[IIINIiu’OI’Ia’t fikln'flnuntlms. .\rmv_ .\“m‘lt-i. nll liimls of Army .m'ulallt'i‘s (3/: (In: l'm'ed' Slit/e3 «y’- .lmnrmli Kniv s nnul. lit-.u'j linivm : aim knitr. fork and (,‘zmyrcssluxnnb’ifl, That. all able-b ili. (1m! 'spno. ~nll in our: the rcgnlnr zirmv slllrl~ :tn'l ('itizoni of Hip l'nitPrl Statm, millpprwi l'l’M‘lers- “WM": "JPN “'l"ll‘""§“"’l-‘ “f "11 ol’lineign lllllllJVl’lO klmll Lave doclal-wlil Linn? : SanM-I'M 11-E‘u I‘nrr lms a: line an "my, ”n. 1,. intention (U hegume oil|24ln< l maxilltinnnt ut Sniwkin": Tn‘mu-cn and Pine! are (1“. and m yut‘sunncenf we law: ”Wang )I'llllllll .t'llfi'NP In.» an: lplnL‘é. rill-"Al”; 'l‘uhnr- between thi- “ti-vs uf UNS‘IUY 9“,; l‘hrty <o Mild I irnr~ ul'nll “mils and prrcm. . ‘ your". ““12““ 3‘ hereinafter “(69"qu ‘ qr ‘l‘rlllfy’ ,11“r'1tl“"“.{imf'mw ',r.",', “H lz‘3—f‘3 ('f In rehy dwinrcdtlo commute tlm natm ‘1” II": ("m-elm“ l'f‘t'l'm‘ ‘ ”fraud. ”a 11... for 9:, and shall he lltlllle to norf'orm n V’lne r~ir. nll ltllllt’l‘ Ul "‘l‘H'j; rung». .11l kll‘tl4 of -j , l ‘7 ,3 .l'l 1 r 1 "4' [not] H. rmm .\zmm ..m, tam on nnil .“'. "”3 '" .‘ ”fr”? ° ‘“ ”l " ‘~" ' , t - , \rn n callcll .out uy the Prestdent lUl‘ t Lamina, bit-l n \ul) linivuwlnc ns~ortniont oi [Ul‘pnfiv‘ _ ' .i ‘ l’cil'v n:tr?c:. Now 1’: tr: txnw. - (‘umt- nub, ' ‘ ' ~ . , t (I°.an nll. unvl 2,”. ”,4 1 m“. llnn‘t l'urzt‘t lhu , .\EC.- 2. -/lm( In it furl/Hr Tunnel, That ri'lmiri. \o. 111:, ill rl‘fl. Yul-k mm, omumte (””0“““5' persons he, ““1 they nre mi“: (”flank u. 1,; (.‘Altlt,.AgLnt. ‘oxcr-pted and exempt lrom the; [-lovtsl 310'“ 1;_ Iw}. - ~ ' 3 _ -ol' this net, and shall not be liable in n , a - ’ + "-‘ ‘ " :tnry duty under tlm same, to~wit : Suvl 1 Town PI'ODGI'JY A i are react-tad a 4 pliysicnily'oi' mentally 11 KT PRTVA" it 5 XML—'l":unninrsiuned ofd ViZH'A‘LlI.‘ service: nléo. first. the Nice I’i' , let's nt funnto .\nlt' lllc‘ l‘rl‘nl‘r‘):lll“'h'¢hll(li‘nt of (he Ulllied States, the juiflgf‘s Ol lip méwrrsiui-Tl sizzintc in l.::_~t, \lulnlu- strlet, Various courts of the_UnltPtl 51mm, ‘wttrbmu- A" ""“”‘~' ‘T p“ '1 Wm“ nn H” “"I‘sl Z 11-‘zllln ofitlie van-mus executive (l .partm "f“? ”ft “30“”? "‘3‘”? ”"‘l",l"‘i", "“ 4» tofthc governmont, and the vamvnnr a”? ”l 3'3" ””1, ””11““ "l‘ ‘s‘“ ii’! ‘tho snvpml States: Second, thé only r“ «tel-y KNIT“ “full”! .mfn‘l'ml. m'h' , .iablp to military dutyot’u u‘illnw dellf'nll Pm‘k‘lfmmmgj fl “9 0' ELEM" :“ ”1:" pump m upon hil labor for support: Tllll'll,'llié a It, in tile dz-nr, and '1 mm”) 01 fwm such in - . . . _ nmtlcq. ponrx‘. [mu-haw, nprico'ts. clit~rrie=, and son or ugt‘d or lrihrm plug": or parchh grdpbs,nll the ma“ ““13”,. ‘ .t-cntlcnt uponrlnslnboriorsupport:. l‘nii : . , ZAL'llAlllAll MYERS. l“here they are two or moms ns all“ ‘ ' tt‘ A gar influx) parents L-ul-ject to jdr‘nitl ~s___.__ )jlgthm'xm- ii‘lic- be (lead, the n other ;9 not 'hioh son shall be exempt: Fl ,thc only brother of children not tn. 'yvurs old, having neither father no‘rmml :(lci-emlent upon his- labor to sum (Sixth: the fullirr of motherless (:jilldron (l 9? twelve years ol age dope «lent n l his' labor lor support: Seventh, wl Jthere mesa father and soins in the s l Lunily aml household. andltho hf them {in the military service of t. (2 United St 1 us non-conunifiionod officers, nirsicians ' privntes, the residue of such unlily Incuselwld, not exceeding two” shall he 'empt: And no persons but such as l herein excepted shall be exempt: Provi ' ham-cw, il'hnt ho peuon who has been :victed of any felony shall be enrolle permitted to serve in acid forces. l Sac. 3. And be it furl/m enacted, That. Inational lorces of the‘ United‘Statc-s i now inthe military service. enrlzlled up i this act, shall be divided into tlwo clzu the first ol which shallcomprise;all per lsubject to do military duty btelweon ages of twenty and thirty-five‘yéars, all unmarried person‘s subject to no mili duty übove the age of thirty-fivélaud' uh the age of forty-five “the secomtclass s comprise all other persons su ject to military duty: and they shall hot, in district. be called into~ the service of United States until those of the first. c shall have been called. l SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, Thnt greatér convenience in enrolling, cal but. and organizing the national tomes, for the tin-est of deserters and spies of enemy, the United States shall: be divi into districts, of which the ‘l)istric Columbia shall constitute one, each 1 tory of tho United States Shall consti one oimore, as.the President shall dir and each wugmional district of the spective Stem, bi fixed by alaw of theS next precedin v the enrollment, shall stitute one: firovidzd, That in States wl have not. by their laws been divxdé‘d " two or more congressional districts, , President 01 the United States shall di the same into so many enrollment dial. as he may deem fit and convenient. 48:035. And be it furthcr enacted, That each of said distric there shall be appo edty the Preside; provost marshal, the rank, pay, an emoluments at a. cap of cavalry, or an officer of said rank s be detailed by the President, who shall under the direction and subject to the ders ofu. provost marshal general, appo ed or detailed by the Presulent of United’States, whose office shall'be at seat of government. forming a separate mu of the War Department, whose r pay and emoluments' shall be those colonel of cavalry. 2 SEC. 6. And be it further cnacttd; Th shall be the duty of the provost ma general, with the approval ol‘ the Secre of War, to make rules and regulation the government of his subordinates; to nish him with the'nmes and residenc all deserterg from the army, or any 0 had forces in; the get-13006! the U dev. 12,1950 - .7‘Ready-made Clothmg. - \‘l ENHGE .\RV‘HAD hm: now ;n[ up his in]! (I and wim 1 Mock uf(‘!ol|:in~:. cons'hfing uf lUv‘er'Ccth.‘ m grant variety, xexy L‘heukn; ’ Dre-5| (in L 2,- . ~ ‘ Burnew Cmna. ‘ a , : Silunkvy J's-c hat}, ' l’uulnllmns, Vecu, . Shim, Drawers, km, kc A 1176? our own rnnnutlu Lurc. and done up in the {cry 19:1 mammr, and will be sold very cheap. {five- uk a CM], Gettysburg. Nov: 3, 1862. ‘ i: I i «Piano Tuning. > ‘ ROI-X BOWER, of Lillleslown. {Practical PTiano Tuner, informs his fricuia and the ‘musical puhllc ‘in gene'ml, th.". he gives hii aimeynot. otherwise Occupier], m Tuning and i’le'pnixing Pianos, 1!! “moderate prices. Ha promises entire antisfal‘lmn} or nu pay. Orders received gt this qmcé. l,[Sepp 16, 1861. Oers—O Yes—~O Yes. HE undersigned would mm: respectfn])v T announce to lhekpeople of t‘wm'qburz nm'l ils‘vicinity. that he intends to continue b 12E CRYING, in its various brainches,,lln\'in‘g t on (In: License for that; purpnfc. Goods I..an u commission and sold at asthdorMo—qhnrgos as canJe expected. H. G. ‘I‘ARR. "1' :1; at, Gettysburg. Dec 29, '62. .1711: _ Coopering. OHQN CHRISMER is carrying on the Cooper; 9} ing businrss, in all its branches, in York subtrGeClysburg. FLOUR BARRELS, in any dean-pd quantity, made to order, at short. no 'fice, and at low profits. REPAIRING, of all Alnqutendgd to. promptly and dummy.— EVer'y efl‘arc will be made to render nusfue fion to customers. poems. 1362» Gin‘ New Fall and Winter u OOBSL—A. SCOTT & SON h": injure Gfi nd no now selling as cheap $l5 the ofienpest afg'ood usog‘llpcnt of Dry Goods, con,- sisling of Lsdies’ Dmss Goods. such ns‘ /‘ lorinoes, Cuber-gs, Delnines, Travelling Mix uinmi, Alpaca“. to: Also—.ClOths, Cas .. , "uimetes, Satineus, Over-comings, . ‘ " ' ' .Tyreeds, Jeau3,Flanuels,&c., u‘flfl'qhw’we invitg the attenfihn of buyers.— ways]: is an examination beforg purchasing cm as USIOA}. IN§TRUMENTS.—VioIim, ‘Ac- Meéor‘déofll, Fires, 5:6,, for file at ‘ .» ‘:. l , PICKING'S. Arron? Rom, Com Starch, Rice-flour ___-.Gelstin, for sale at Dr. HORNER'S {WSPRING GOODS—jun opened a: the N.,m..smn of I: SPANGLER. . WlDE—cc ‘ . G 4,, 1 mn. HORNER’S Drug Sum. :FWINSLOW'S SOOTHKNG SYRUP, for mom” It 9:. R. HOMER’S Drug L: Ln~ A 0 'a" [luv] I'.“ style! *I Hm Ind a; . “W 9!- lonr th- must when .‘ L 123; ‘1: ' ‘ B. filelLsEm. ‘73: ,J (I Br 11. J. STAHLE. KM 4Stl Year_ W .\lrs. Barry Cornénll Wilson's “F” well to Winter and Welqome to. Sufnmur" benumul and nppropriuté n: this uehson of ‘ year. Who does not say with the 'poet :-. ' \Go! Winter, 20! . 4' Th)- frou-n locks nnd lressel white, And looks that. kindle not delight—y And nrcuths 11ml chills the young hearts 31 And {gowns that make the tear-drép start, So bliss, uo pleainrc, can impnm; v . ‘ Go 2 Winter, go! I “ (‘omel Summer, comé!‘ ,« With genial skies and budding flown-rs, ' And bulmy guies,und frngmnt showers, .\nd smiles uuit ciuthe the earth in flowers, (‘umcl with thy bright and fairy Bum), .\nd Scatter gludnoy‘ o'er the lqndi Came! Summer, rome! fl: 1. ‘ ‘l. . As ”luv pun, woman and clfld m erd Commonwmlth, and in qvery S: uhdur the th-ml' Governmenb, is dw interr-«ted in thiukct of Cnngrnsfi, xyhic A. SCOTT 6c SON 4 3.: 34/ a ”4* 3‘4. ,3. - 4 , . ,j/ 6%: A? 3 ~/ i 3 3.37 4 € @434 . , - ~ 1‘- 34‘ §~ ‘~ (é, ~(3 )1) /i, J //[; ‘l/W/ /// , .‘ 1 i. , l :. . L», : 1:: . A: , f 3: W ~~ ‘ ' a y: i (3' ! Il @ll2 3mm fiimllmm. mi: coNscRI'PTIbiJ ACT A ©EWLI© States. including the militiaJ (-d to him by_ the commandim commnnicate to them all (are Preanlout in reference tolca‘ll‘ national forces: to furnish lp and instructions for enrolling a to file and preserve copier of” l liats; to requn'e stated I; proccelliqgn‘on the part of 111‘ s‘ ,to ahdiLa-11, ncgqums conn cl service under his (lige’étioni n sqch other duties as_ thou prescribe in carrying out lb 1) .lbis ac}. , - « w J SEC. 7. And be it furlher :1 shall he the duty of flu} [m ,to arrest all deseltei‘a. “whe lvnlunteers, militiamén.-‘ ‘into thg service under th hf Congrefis, wherever z jand to send ghem mth commanded" or; mxlnfftry Mme End confine all s who shal‘rithout unre ME .‘iverc to I. to cum mmmnnding the depart; may he arreitéd. to be t lt-xi tencies of the SPIViC! all filwful orders and reg ‘ mat. mgxxl al general. an l’prescriberil by law, cone ' mont and calling into i ‘_ tionnl forcest. 1‘ 'SEC. 1"; Am] be ftfflrtllf e ' each of skid districts the e s p: enrollmen L3O he compose murslml. as president. I: d w «nns, to be appointed -b tn Che ‘Unitod Stat». 0116 fw m) ‘liconeetj practicing phys cin 2 SEC. 9. And be i: furlh "shall he the duly oflhes ' ”I“ xli~lrict into sub-dist 411-1. if xhn'ywhall dPPI n ‘r‘nPdlng two, Without ll: 'rix'm'njtury (4'.me and‘ t‘ fora llm tenth day of 13 0110]] alternate yvnr (her nfilcer for end: Huh-distill ‘lnim with prnpor Illfll)k\s| :rwl lip ulmll unmellmtel) nll rersom suL-iepl tn mr‘ N ‘ “In!" ..gy All \ “ Juiy thrl‘fllhkfl' bclWeen , five‘yoms. I Nut. 11. .4me it fury" perwns thn» t-nmilul slI twfii yams alter Hm fii_l rroaglmg the enruliim-m tlifi‘ nnlitury bvrvire oi ' ml to énntinup in sex-v. fitlurin 21hr- wnr : ‘ani wrvn a 5514:“ he plaé‘gd in all \nmprrh. as vol 111-Men! rulmllion ; not, u Mm u-fm of three Venn, [my :lan bounty, u“ now: gSi-‘C. 12. AM be it I] wing-nWPIr it may hq me: did nminnul threes for I'll Presidrnt. 15 liereh‘j' nut I gash diqi-ict tlié nu’ml hirni~bed luy 'suid dlslr; Llie enrolling bonrcl “sliu llinlLof the President. nI zquuirfd number. and i addition, mul slmll nil complete roll of the mI so drawn, and of the DI wore drawnfiso that kl stand first. upon the said I hwy stand second, u.n perccms so drawn Shh“ same ‘within ten days I I Lemonprimed noticert ally or by leaving a copl (If residence, requiring I a designated rendezvou I I In assigning to the dist ‘ ' men to be furnished Lb dent 31119.11 take into conl ber of volunteers and n I and-from the several 5“ disnicts am situated, nnl Igorvice aince thé com I present rebellion, and I‘ assignment as ,to equ. among the districts ofl ‘ considering pnd allqwin already furnished as {‘f'l of their servicé. » II F :33} ”-3 re: IEI all do “Y ha SEC. 13. And {as itfum pergcn drafted and no aforesaid, may, on or for his: appearances, fur substituté to take his. pl he may pay to such pe of War may authorize sum.'not excoeding_tbr as the Secretary may procumtion of such- an shall be fixed at n uhifo order made at. the fun ‘ for any State or Terri! such pErson so furnishi paying the money, shrill lurther liability under person failing to report , notice. as herein prescri ‘ ing a substitute, or payi therefor, shall be deemll shall be arrested by t: and sent to the near trial by court martial, 3 showng that. be is n duty. the board of enrol.__ him lifom the draft. i I ‘ SEC. 14. And be it furtler waded, That all drafted persons shall, gm arriving at, the rendezvous, be carelull inSpected by the' surgenn of the boaid, wflo shallkuly report ‘to the. board the physncfil condition of each one: and all persons drafted and claiming exemption from military duty on account. of disability. or any othuler cause, slmll pre~ sent their claims to bi eXem ted to the board, whose decision 8 all be final. SEC. 15. And be a fur! j enactcd, That any surgeon charged Wllll t ‘e duly of such in speclion who shall recei 'e “'0 any person wlxomsoever any "momlb' or oillier Valuable fixing, or agree, directly or indirectly, do receive the same to‘his own r mother’s use for making an impcrfect Ii speciion or a false or incorrect r pom. r who ‘shall willfully neglect to in e mfni hl‘ul impec tion cad mo report. wind by a l .‘1 - V ' l i l for ’ng ml he !ed mu ary ‘ for I ur- RATH'Q AND TYSBURG, 13A,, ‘ -i ‘1 on repoit officers; to ers‘of the ng out. the )per blank: 1 d drafting; ‘enrolime‘nt urts' of u.“ " box-climates: [-d with the court martial. surf, om‘con I be punisth by fine not exc dred dollarsmor his than and be imprisoned at. the d-i court, and be cachieted and ‘ the service. ' I $20.16. And Lei! [mm ! soon M the required numbe men liable to do military (I tninetl from the list, of tho remainder shall lie aisclm drafted persons r‘eporting ‘ rendezvous shall be mllowm I from their places ¢f residen gone di~chnrged at; the plac shall he allowed traveling 'l. of residence; and-all dipe with the enrollment aixd 1 ‘subsistenée while at [film r 9. he paid from the nppr’nprinth and ‘dmfnng, undér'suc‘h re President of the ,HYnimd S «tribe ; and all pkpen'es u therarresc and [Minn of (10' rPgiments, or st'xclx’ other rlul vmt marshals/shill: be calle form; shall he {mi from th-l for arresting (Jeni-Mrs, unrl - .tinns M the President of !h shall luneicribe: l Prnwdel. mat-shah shall in rinfcnso; rm tion {qr transpnrlnlidn or fn l terfi, but only for fpmge, Whl etl lily the gnvernmmlit. togcli éxpense: of mst:l-_:§-, I-tution = i authorized IIV the‘péovnst nl . SEC. 17. Am! In! {lfurl/m (nu. person (-nrnllml will drnll the provision: of {his act-w! ‘ im ncceptnhln >ui§~hituté, s n-veivn from the. libzufinflen lilioato of «liming? (I'Omfll .élmll exempt hing frnm mil ring’tbe time fonwhich hl and ruch suthitut’o shall he 1 9mm: my and alhfiwflncl‘s 1" 11’; if ho had bean; migumll the wrvice nl' tlw lhiitetl rll A to perform etideut may ovisious of [ld- ed, That it ‘ufu st. marghnls lbr regulars, ‘p -ons called a :y otht—r act 11 y be found. 'll est mi|jmry ‘ ; ’to detect, If the enemy. hl- delay, be He genorui ‘ whicbthey as soon as the r 1;: to obey In. of lepro »c as may be ; the 6117011- to of the na- Or so RY ~ n m to or], That in I be ti board Hhe provost r when: per ?resitlpnlv of n shall be a nd surgeonj. lt‘d‘ That, it rd to dllide coma-mum 5 My, yin! o.x" ‘tingx' of the t. ,On m: b»- »xunnd in x enmllin: I; ,m furni~h i xlnmxinn»: : Id to onrnll 4 uty, noting :' le-O. ngpq ". and thmr L‘ we the tin-<t the board “3d into one 'erc lid 1 'up m we I ultlr. ' SEC. 18. Alafln‘rqlin'l/mr cm of the‘ vnhmlm rd aml nnh service of (he lfnilml stall“: in serve on:l year, 3111192: um alter the expirntabn of thei pf service. shall he entitled filly dollars, oncvh'tli'nt‘ wh Lulu" <u<~h rv—enl'trllnmzt, .‘l -:lt the (-xpirutinn ql‘ th.» tr nn‘nt. .\nll luch n: mnv n for tiny yeah, 11 pick snm alter the present §ernipl e. receive. upon sum re~mli~ livc dullnw ol' the one h 1 lmunty lor enlmfiment .prr 'lilth section of HIP not a” \geeond ul'ilulv. eighteen ll tron-x a-nmlell “Ar: nvt g t-rnpim’nwn‘t of vqlunfevrs ( ingt'rnl “VS and )vth c'ingi. ‘ SK. I’. ll ml 1m s‘ fart/u whenever u irgiiiwm‘ol' \'l mun- :irm. l'rum the’snme Stv In nin- hall' 0! tin mnx.i'_nu :vrlhml Irv Vlzm'. [Tm l’resnll‘ _tlw own-mlitlntiim ul' thencm r. yup-31>: l'uzulnl. 'l‘huct hmnml >i.ull erode-«l the nm‘ ”-10“ riiuml by law. \Yllvn ‘ ‘11..n i: made. Kim regiment auxix-«luoetl in proportion t ' l" the numlu-r nipmn‘mniv l 5:“. 2'). ‘lml bl “flirt/w "n he 'nm'wr n regimi-nt i,» rmli ‘ minimum nutn|llenalluwwl h ' .~h 11l l)€‘_.1]‘.p(yllll(‘ll in a-uchi ftlmsv necvrsnry tor the cox irwluced uumlmr. ' l Srr. ‘ll. Am! 6: 1'! fui-(lwr m .muuh nl llll' lll'lh s9otimt'ul‘ ’etl seventccnili Jilly, eighte : lstkly-twu. en‘litk-ll “An act |nct culling l'or‘th {he nuiili 'Juws ol' the Uni-51);” and mi 'tlie approval ol'lljn l’r§~idv ,exccut :on the sentence ol‘th lhe, and the sflrucii: herehy in: relates to carryingaintn ,scntenco of any hourt marl :pnr=on convirtml as 3‘2:ny or mutiny or murder; null her 2 ’in punishment. Oéllmsfi 01f cnrrietl into execution upon .the commanding general in l SEC. 22. And 1:5 it 'filrtb courts-martial shall have [)0 [Olficl‘ls who shall; absent (ll I,their commnnds 3111 mm. lea ted-to the ranks I. serve th ring the war. . , | SEC. 23. And Legilfurihere clolhes. urma. rmlfitary‘ontfit .‘menla furnishediby the U lany soldier, shall not hermit changed, pledged. loaned, ,‘and no person not 1: soldier. irized officer of thy United . I possession of any (such clot ‘ lazy oulfits. or accoutremen lal'presnid, which have been 1 l any such sale. harm. exc 'loan, or gift, shall have any lintcrest therein. hut‘the an i and tnkenvwhereyer found 1 the linited States, civil o sh'nll thereupon be delivere master, or qthcrofiicer autho the same ; and the possessi clothes. arms, military out. ments by any perhon not a lbf the United States, shall b ‘idence of such-i sale, bar pledge, loan, or glftnn afar Ste. 24. And is it furl/l every person not’ subject 5 articles of war who shall pr lorattempt to procure or e l in the service ofth’e United S lor who shall harbor, conce ployment to a des'erter, or lot aid in carrying him away {to be such; or who shall pu l soldier his arms, equipmen iunifnrm. clothing. or and pa :any captain or oommwdin ship or vessel, or any en ‘1 conducto of any railroad. - public eofiveyance. carrying lsoldier as one of his cre 3 knowing him to have deser ‘ fuse to‘deliver him up to t commanding ofiieer, shall. i viction, be fined-lat the dis I court having cogrlfiannce of t {sum not exceeding five h and shall be imprfiaonod not. years nor less than six mon’ . I SEC. 25. And I»: Itfurtlur acted, That if any person shall resist‘any d [I of men en rolled under this 2"“ into tl service of the United States. 0: shall cou sel or aid any person to resist any such dr ft; or shall as-' sank. or obstruct. tny officer In making such draft, or in the wrformancé of any service in relation thereto; or sh l counsel any person to assault 'or obstru any such offi oer, or shall counsel any d fted men not ’ happen atthe place of ram ezvons, or will fully dissuade Hagan from 6 performance .vyr, F t ”0‘ or “Immittnd In ( n or “-11:11? . he snmv m lOlFledalHl I: lllLu Ham; 1 unherinl on y currbednig 'r /:.v‘4'x‘.s. That 7 ‘(Nl‘l‘lhnl' L" 10- w 1'! ho 'U‘ nod \uzhm me 41;:me ~ Hun-lumhle. ’ 41, 7'11"“. lim ‘1 be m ule xlv vmbmvo u 'l|‘~[‘llln_\' M l' and 11-11)!- DEE c (I]. That :1” 5 sulujoct. for I AM} m?- (‘u In] mm )iI'I-t Stan”, r Ihr 9 yeah. 1] cu 10d intu :- nwfuonn-z, ';r c a 'll“ N l I}. \' ‘5 timing lim ‘? ,(chdd): J n 2 migmgcc I-E d by law [IL ( awful, Thu! mm ry tn) cull‘npt. Il|i_t my serviqe. the lon ed to nssxgn to Er of men to be It; 111 theneupnn 11, u dt {Una three- Ink n irnftvol'xhe lty :e cen um in Ike an em t and l as of the crsons iler in which they Ie st 4 mwn may I 01), I): the second . so 0 . And the v fled of the . by 3‘fl'l‘l-fr be: It ed person '- last. place 'IE 1 m 4 no appear at A?” for duty. h: ‘nu'mber of x . the Presi xt-i n the num ‘ f rnished by uteg which said ’ cts F redo .ide a .I* mi- F iod oftheir~ flank of the ~ make said 6 numbers , eral stator, ne numbers -. d~the lime 1I , That any ‘- ' appear as ‘- day fixed ac . acceptable e draft ; or ’6 figment-y Lo eonve it, such ‘9 eri red dollars) ‘ In no. for the . which sum -y a general -ring a draft .: thereupon rpbstitutemr :ischarged {rqm ,mft. And any ,- dqe service of without furni=h~ l 5 rg‘quired sum‘ desener, and | ~ statue, :11 rate of 9rde y ; 2am I: “29 81 I ‘ ( E _"ovos¢ marshsl militury post. for 1115;. upon proper liable‘ to military mam. shall relieve fl- “TEETH Is xlcnn‘n'n Wl' mmu‘w mgjmmu‘ _ ; L Pizvau." l 1 ONDAY, MAR- 16, Lag}. “'7“. ““1"?“ "”' of military duh as requiredb Yaw, such person shall bw subject to sum‘mry nrre'a‘t by the provosfi muraha}, and sbail~be forth with delivered to‘ the civil nutiiioritea, 'and. upon ,convictiiyn thereof, be punizhml by a fine pot .oxc‘eeding five hundred doll‘rm, or by imprisonment 'npt; P’xizeedin‘; two years, nr‘by both of said punishments. SEC. 26. And be it furl/zer enacted. That, immédiately uifter the passigei of this act, the President ishnll iskue his pgoclnmzuion declaring thatmil soldiers now fbsenhfi'om their regim_en'ts without leave ,may return within a time specifiéd lo subh place or plaées a: he. n‘iny indicate in hit proclama tion, and be restored to thei ’ respective regiments without punishment ‘except the forteimre of their pay and nllo ances dur ing their ahaénce; and ail do erters who «hall not returini iivithin the tim so specified by the President shall; upon being arrested, be punished :1; the law provide“ 3! c: 27. AMI [)8 it furl/Er mac! po‘iitioiu of wiitnekps raiding}; liln'itn of Stutof 'l‘vrritn'ry or dim military courts shall be nvrlerw to Sit, may be taken in cases not capital by: ghm- party, and read in evidence; providu the sumo 'iction thnreof, ! ding fivo huns‘ {we hundred, § retion of the l ismxssed from :v arlrrl. That §§ of able-bodied lty shgll be db :e drafted. the‘ get}. And all ‘t. the place of traveling pay’ :9 : and all per- I= of rondnzvous iy to the plnées (‘9‘ connorted nrnft, including I dozvout, shall ln forenmlling lulnziom as the late: shall pre unnecmd with erters to tlwir ice as the pro~ I‘V upon in per - appropriation I-r smell regula- Umted States I The pmvmt 5 five comtfium 'fuol and mum'- 11 not furnish ger with actual ; y, & clerk hire I-rslm‘l general. lota]. Thn’t any I acmrrl‘nngto’ n slgnll lurni~h mll thereupon ollment :1 car ll: draft. whit‘h snury duty «lu: was drnhml '. quillml to the nvidwl by In“) 1 drafted into shall be taken upon reasonable I‘OUCG to the opposiro party, and dulv autlm floated: SEC." 28. Ar:§(6ei(r'urrlmr mach. That'the judge advocate shull have powo to appoint a. reporter, ~whose duly it plmll $0 to record the proceudinms' ofnnd toslimon ’ taken be fore lmlumy f’murts, instead ~ thejudge advocate: zynrlisuch roportr-rma takedown such prnccddiixgs and testimon in thofirea instance in ‘shnrlhnnd. The reporter shall be sworn or affirmed faithfullygito perform his duty before muoring upon' at. SEC. ‘29:}11144 ’l5 it fun/IN mac; ’l,‘ That the court sh’nll, fir. reazonqble on. so, grant ln conti‘nuarmo r, either for quell ime and :1: often as shall appear to he ju 2 I’ravid/vl. 'l'lii'ut'if them-inner he in close nfinemvnt thctxiul shall nnt be delayed : r a'pexiod longer than sixty (luvs. ~ Stu. 30. Am! I». Itfurtlmr «hm If], Thntin fluid. of war, in=urrectinn or tel) “inn. mur- ‘ dPr: a snult. and battery with. I" intent. to‘ kill. lJzin-shughtor. m-thmn. \ minding It)" s'lmoti 1;; onstahlnuu with ainjn‘ nt £ol:an mit, rape, and larceny. shull~ b puai-zlmblo‘g by [lic- m-nfmtoe of a genpml c "tr-martial. nr lillilital-y clmmix~iom when committed‘ 1m =p§wr=mi~z w 10 movin‘tlre mil any M-rviqe of tho L'nLtml States, and mlnju‘ t to tho ar lirlefi of war: 'nntl the punisllmiln'hf'm such nlfi‘urw Kha'll hover he‘lasq ‘tli n thake in-, flmturl by the laws 01 the Sung, Territory” nr'diatrict inmhich they mu' :lmve been. pnmmittml. I ‘ . . , Sm. Ill.',»l J I"; itfilrlhnnbrl ‘ Tlmtnny olfiom- nlmmtlt‘rnm duty with l vO. excopt‘l l‘nr SICkIIQ~i r. \vnumle, shall, during dd‘i absence, receive hulkol'the pa nnLlull‘oiv-l {mum y-rosdri God-by law, min more: and any why-:1; a 350 m. without lug (1 shall.‘ in l mltliti/m to ll 9 ]ienullied prmc I had bv law ‘ or n—rnurr r‘nn tin], forfeit till 3* y or allawn am‘d durin‘g .«hch ahsenm. A I 3 .SEC. 32. ,z‘lull Ls lll‘wrlfivr marl . Thai the I .cqm 11-A:.ll(‘i\ of ,t'vgimontc. :mtl mum-it“! in 1 «the #elgl :n-‘e‘lmrphyauthori/md ‘ ml empnw-. vrcclLlo gin-ml: fut-laughs for n [)q'iorl not ex c'eeuémg thirty thy: at) Any m‘ngé ime in five par centmu «3f the nonmommig iimctl otli; cu'ispiml prlvltes,for gnml co ’luct, in {he lme bf:ln*yu&y..‘nnd subject to ie approval. rrf the mmmnnvlflmf tlw for a of whir'h Siicanr>n-cnnlmissioned ojliéers'f ud privates tom) :1 part. ‘ ' Mic, 3",..,Ar.vi Le a”! furl/m mm id. Tint the Wraith-m of the L'nitqd Stat " is hemhy uutltori/etl nnll empoiverovl. luring the ' piefient rébr‘llmn. to call forth Ellie national tum-(1:. _b,_v draft, in the munnergflovided for in [his nut. ' , H .‘Snt'. 34. A mite it furl/151' ma ' r’, Thnt gill permm drafted under the Ti: oviwinns of this 'acl. ~hnll he nesignrd bv ‘tl Prvsident to military ditty in such “Willi regiments. or other but '(‘hos of the service as the exi genaios nf’th} service may ruq like. L SéC. '3'». n 4 1m ‘l'! further ‘ aclm'. Thnlt hereafter demils to'speciul s”ch shall on ly he madc‘with the onnsentfof the com fymyling olliger of force: in ll}? fiplnl ;‘ and ‘enllhvd men‘ now or herenf't .. (letnxlml to ‘ special sorvitie. shall not‘ unveil-’lO any oxtn I pay; for stichl cervicvs Beyond l’lhut allowed i td'other entitled men. I:4_ ' 9 ml, Tlmtsur‘ll 'iu now in. the '3‘ may xxx-enlist wr dlbclmrgod, prefimt' [Prm to n llélmty of (‘ll tn llm paid Mel [lu‘llulnfil‘o n nl'xlo-rnlixt ( nlla! tn \l‘rVC or Illaglmrmnl. lhtnleht, slmll nwnt. ‘lwranly nhlrmlj dollars vitl‘efl my 'tbe rhvpgl h‘only mlrml ; ml :ix gunlmt‘i/P (he pvl ‘in ,mlf‘orp—l "11A(‘€lrnlle”v.n‘ ‘ yluzmd, Tililt‘! luntéérs of 'tlw' mu i 4 rr-xlucgrl IL minflgrr prm‘ ‘11! {pay «liner. .19 :.n lesjof such In company so ‘imum Immhcr: 1101; ‘c mmiivlm II hihcurl‘ >hn'l . 111 w reduction ‘ malarial, That‘ “Bod b low the i 'lu\\';‘nF)nt‘fi.-m's pinwml bvxrmll mzm‘d; of auch mHefl. ‘lThu sq he gut uppov ujmuglrml . ml tn‘nl‘nén an ‘ *to ext-ome he 'th. ‘és requ‘xos l tqpmry ipfo. - (mug-r max-uh", or-ehél'od, gm far exeb’utioq the :11 Against any eiquer; nrof nftersentem-N: 'n‘aeé, mny b 9. he hppmvul or baffle-.16. ,1 tfifpltd, Thu; er 0 sentt‘nct‘ 1 m elven from c. p' be reduc éy' rsordur- Illa}. That the .gn‘daccoutre— ilo3} States to E barter-ed, ex «r gfa'on away ; ‘or (luly autho m‘teb; who hm; i es, hrmi, mili s. filirniched as thelsuhjocte of :mhge, Madge, rig t. title, or e m’lybe-eiz'ed y arty officer of military, and Son jaunt-ter ’ ize :6 receive 1:1 qf tiny such '. s. qr q‘ccoutre idigar br oficer .. primaglacie 8%. ' e’r, ¢ exohange, uid‘, ? ‘ , enhclcd, That, th¢ rules and - mg or entice, tied}. a soldier L wet to deqert; l. qr‘givo em :rry =hi'm avuy. ' kn’owing him . base from any , ammuuifiou. 1. thereof; and" officer of any Tintendedl ‘or or 'any other way any such or otherwise, , Of shall re- Sec. 3'3. .Xyzrl be itl'urtlicr cnacfiglri, That. genl ‘eral‘eidcrs nt‘ the war departm’ t. number ed (tie lnundi‘ed and éixly-twn,‘ n‘reicrence toe listments from the volun are into the re vula‘r sel vitae, be. and the s to are here: I: rescimledrp and berenlter o'such en li Inents sluill be allowed. :3 sc. ‘37. A")! bail/unher- ena ‘ d.‘ That the gr'a-lps created in the cavalry ‘_ orces of the United: States by- section elev oftlie'nct. approved seventeenth Jul.e~ hteen lum dred and sixty-two. and for w? ich no rate of comfiensntion has been p vided.simll be paid as 'follows. to wit : ‘ Regimental commimu‘y the same as regi ental qunr ter‘master: chief trii ‘peter {lB same‘ as chief: bugler; the sangdler a!“ rgcnut the shine as regimental commiss {y sergeant; compfiny 'commis‘snry sergennfitlie flame no companyqunrltermnster’sserg ‘ t: Provide/1‘ Thin the grade of supernurfgil-ary second lieutenant, and two tmmstggs for each company. and one chief f'nn-ig? and blaeE smith fore-sch re vixflent. as allilwed by said section of that nfi, e. and thé; are hereby abolished: and each cav'flry cfimpany may have two trumpetermto be {Wit} as buglers; and each regiment shall have 4 rue veterina ry surgeon, with the rank of 19-, regimental sergeant-major, whose compe' tion shall be seventy-five dollars per mom. ‘ Sm. 38. And be ilfurl/Mr ena. £11.: That all persons who. in time of war a of rebellion against the supreme authority 20th: United Statesgahall be found lurkin r-actirig as spies in or about. any of the itifications, postsV qmrters, or encampqu 2.5 of any of the armies ,of the United S tea, or else where, shulL lye triable by a Eneral court martial or military g‘omtr‘nissiog, and shall, u nconvictiion, an ur eath - P° ..-. -* .3;— GEN. CAMERON IN DA? LUCK. The tide of fortune. upon vfixich for ma nyqenrs General Cameron wagiborne along to political honors and financfil successes, seems :9 have turned against ’iim with his late return from iris-sin. Heflreturnetl lo make sure of unotlner election,“ to the Uni ted fiestas Somme, [and failed. .A'ext he lo aes‘ his mission to’St. Pelersb v, and Gen eral Cassius 11. Clay is restart-axe it. Next if are told thut General Uu’meron is to had a negro brigade; but. thfi negroa do not appear to be lortli-comzng'a’l Lastly. we are inlormed‘. from “'ashmgwfn, mat “the «ax-Secretary of War. Simun (finial-on, was robbed at his hotel iillg‘mornfhg (Tuesday 135!) of eVerything in his roomy,” and that. “all the private papers he in“ wig.” {um were taken by the thief.” {Q ' '"m time, with these warninggfoi Gen :11 to go home, turn philoqdpha! ml phila , thro isncultiv'ue hi . . md’pre “5 tutti. kingdomofmrg’. Y. : A: r. orddn ofhiq 1 pon legal con } retina 9! any ‘ a same, In any ndred dolhrs, [exceeding two 5. 1 Two DOLLARS .M mu. I=l9 MEETING OF COLORED CITIZENS. An enthu-in-tic meeting of our colored citizens wns hold. :1 fpw evenings since. in the cellar of G. \‘u'nshmgzton Jefferson, 'North' qtréet. They were czflfed ingether bythesummons ofnninfluentititcommittee, For the purpme of con‘sidering‘ the. pmposi tion of mismg acolored regime/in in Massa chusetts‘. ‘ ‘1 ~ 1 Cmsari Augustus Crow. Esq" was invilefi “’0 the‘ chair, and Julius EEnminondas 1’ Toney via; réquestcd to hm. afi;'ecretary'.— ‘ liipon taking flue chair, Mr. Crow opened 1‘ he mefting wnh‘ the following eloquent rbmark ‘. ‘ - .‘ ‘ “Fellhh Citizens ,tmd Cullcr'd~ Bred‘ren : 3 “'9 is ’sembled In (1950 yore'spnciuq balls I 051 a most mnmonternus ’cnsion. ’Boliion '7 has played hoh wid die vere dumtry. 90 «inc , white folks is allfikqerudandhmw dey m“: {on m in «we «In na’tinn. lirodrr‘n. ii \Jje f élml to (lo it? [Vuimx—‘Wo inm !' and v - iclforong clme!!.] Yea.’ fellnh»citizcm., Ea: .lkc-nty-five tmwm’ niggvl‘s inm'e’n thrée ' hund’d ‘tnusnn' white’ men ? dat’s de‘ quen tion! fl \'uice-—' Dry - I.x 3' mill rencw‘ed Hump: on tho cellnr finch] Dam bpin’ yer ‘Jsgnpme‘pts. Mr. Tonoy'll Néasn rend {he frevolulipns what's been draw-hi up.” 3 ‘. Mr. (iii-aw 3‘“ down upon a lynxrcflmidst 'a stormiof checxs'pcculmrly Africhn. I. That de oyond the fit in whwh ; Thp socx-etm-y then rgugl {he‘follpwing resolutiqznnz ’ . 1A ‘ 1. “’llerenshowJookin' hack troude vista , of disw r, we don’t seg‘nmhm’oncoumgin’. :and lodskin' throu’.de retrospeck ahead. ' things 10ka wun’n ever; resolved: Hum: think an! to he dpno! : L ‘ l 322 Rsséhed, whitq folks: haint done nblhin’g ~ ‘ . ‘ ‘3. Rajsoived, iLtnkos cnflgred fulks to do slh‘nlhitfl'. . ' [4. Kw‘solvofl, how‘s it gwihe M be done? I's. liqsfflv» I. dat's do questibn!‘ ‘ ,The Ye‘solutipns having beam rpad, ,thore 1m" .1. rent rmh‘fnrjlm floaty. p d gentle rqen handing upon the elongatefi hulls nf’ e ch 01 nor, thm‘e Wm no li-ule cnnl'nrinn air] nuncry. Order being at length restor e , Porppvy Cole, Esq” was qccugniwd ‘by Hie—b reh . i ' _f)fr. $Ol9 rnmnrked : ,“Jl'gr. Chem-mart}, Ildon'ti‘ know ’bout dis ‘yete Img. Fus placo,‘ fnre ‘w.e licks de Stuff. I wants (6 know 'what u'c's got to (16‘) ’bout. it? I némi a ftmy in de Corn'rr todgdor (lay ’lmut. srfimeAvfime felluh nskin’ n dullcrud Igcm ngnn if. he didn't mean to, “lift, Says 415 caller-ed gomman, says In», ‘ Lipnk ‘you here, white manudul ynh ever 90¢; two dogwa fiumin’ over a. bone ‘3" WugL'while may ’lgwedju’: had’. , ' Berry we“, says de cul leied gémmnn. ‘dirl do bone fight ?’ Nowyfden, Mi:s'r Clwerm'nn on dé barrel ydnder; any mils us dis‘s a war for lxberty —-for td get dam niggcrs our. Sauf free.— Wel], Who axed 'ém to do it? Nigger out Soufdié'lu't. He’s l\ettnrefi'zjfore dun he u now. k icken’. ’bout atwelen, twn armies IBM a kutclliu’ it all ’round'. Cullered gommen hale nude .\urf dxdn’t n'x ’dnx. (Pose we wnnL‘z ( em dxrw niggers' cirklntin’. round here :1 nken' business out n' our'lmndsf— Is we g vine to slmve for six Céhli nn’ black boots 1 r‘m‘o centafike (Icy can? No 531), nOl. B y sentiments is. dat if while folké 11ml wngtyd. liH culler’gl people and niggers imgl axed ’em to fight 'bqut ’qm, Ilem woul‘l’q't befn no fighting, no “my! Guv’- PM“ A mlrvw can't come it over (he Chile.— ‘Lt' he‘Waan admner. I'll givefiim one. like Mr. Hayden dill. ’Cuuac _l ain't; prom} ; but. he run"; a gwme to get. my shouldor hehmd a mqumz If he, kiss: it 1111 day long. No 51th an’ what’s rum-e]. w/nre m‘d‘gor: dun’lwaut m-‘no anz'n we team 01 5:)! Dis yere coun try‘ll he suler to let, (In while folk: fight it out, an’ to lut (le cullcr'd gdmmon stay tq hdmc nn’ min_d dvre own business I" 'l'he Lweecp'of Mr. Cole hid'éuch a con vincipjg'vm-ct upon the assemhly, ”fat the efl'ortspf Présidcnt Crow, who was the only darkey in the crowd wlm 'hnd received a five’ dqlflar bill from the Governor, \wre to tally inefiectual l'c‘u' ,thc pi'eserVation ,cf order.i The barrel upon which he had mouuc‘ed was kicked lrom'under hi’m, but as he fortunately ’alighteu upon His head, he sustained no persons}! injury..so that he was mm prwented from .ful'fxlfing his en gagemem to mko ten with his Excellgncy on the tolioning evening. . Hi 3 Import of the pro‘ceedmgfi of the meeting willljarcbn hly be published at. the q’xfiense oftha State. unless it may be deemed inc-xpedient. as not com'porting wjth the pubhc welfare. 1 -4- - r——-‘o-o—~wh——-- ' Bela Press. FIZZ Speech and Fm: cha in Ken: luckyg-L-Col. Gilbert. at, the head of a Regi ment of men. who were enlisted nn pre tense rfvindicnhng the law.” and enfoyc‘mg the rule of the Conslitution as noticed else wlhere, provente-i the assemblage ol’a Dem ncmlig Convention, at Frankllurt, Kentucky, Bl". this is not all. _l-Ie advised the persons who sbught to hold the meeiing. that. they would noc_be permitted tnjvote for their candidates if they nominatgd them ; and that {van if such candidates 'were elected, they wnultl not. be permitted to’exe‘rcise their oflim-a. A ' ‘ _l_Lhiuu come to this : Th t p chuckle-fiery 7(L‘kf‘tflonelu-fn‘r Colonelsl’are often, a car and contempliblechucklellea‘dn—diclutes to the Amnrimn people whom they shall 18- semble, who they shall who for and who shall hold ofl'lce. , , The name dgspotic mlejimeW maturing {gr enforcement: in Ohi'o. {Let every free< men bewnrnod in time; :u'ul let gavel-y pa triot raise his hand to anvien, and swear to consign thq State to desqblm’ion; father than ton doom so ignoble find so wretche’d. ‘ We'wi" havé the le‘gal dud Constitution al rights of freeman in tho, or V! will know the reason why. ’ "It may cost reas ure, and it may cost‘ blood.’;' Be it . Better this, than the stufior and de a non of degpotisrfi. Ardusefitéemen o eve ry namé. andof every belitf! Assemble in publicmeeting. peaceah’ly and in confor mity with lath, and AISBI'(.yOuf ancient privileges. The night of' Detpotism in elm sing darkly upbu you. “fluke L Amuse! or e forever fallen !”—'l/gai Gazettes. fi‘Tbe Wayne coupgy -(O.) Democrat gives the following extract from a. private letter rece-ived in Wooster,‘oflio: ‘ “Oh! that our friends at home would go to work and settle this unholy rebellion. $111014! CAN NEVER BE SETTLE!) BY ’B3. , ~ - ‘ ' Yours truly,‘ J. H. Dowxnm." Captaih wanmg. befone he went. into the.army, was In extrelbe‘radical. 3nd called 11l Democrats whuf entertained hi: present opinions “traitotafl Time .94 experience have opened his eyes. I ”The sentence of the cog". martial in -- case of Geri. McKJmu-y is dismissal ~ '11; the service; We are-not told why} ~ :4. 519110 with Mrs: Grim-Icy sud other; “‘9“de in‘tho spoil; r" ' "37;: m ABOLX'I'ION OM] : Thirty yarn o the Abolitionllu’pvd their cord-J's» anion .vith alst‘nloilm. —r For sixteen years, ray-1 Wendell him”. "I taught ngninat this Union, beennse it talented 11-very.” Garrison nnd Smith nnd Abbe, Kal ley and Fred Douglass all have fought openly ngninlt the Union with slitveholderl. One Itep often nnother. steadily, pcraevcringly, have ' there deutructives pursued their course. A! iisit they were despised and mobbed. But 6. nnlly the pulpit cnught up the cry—"no union with sluvoholden." (‘hurches "paroled—’— Self-conceited christian» teiused to sit It the name communion table to [mrtllie oftho emblem of the Hood of the Swim, with christian mem bers who owned slaves. The ‘religions unti. ‘ meut ofthe country Will divided. and Aboli tionism united. Their infernnl <work wu then bdf accomplished. Religion book. and tracts could not be printed in book house: own ed in comm'on by slave and non-clueholden—o the religious business transnctionl were Juno tiered. Thenn fiendish yell of triumphant ex ultntion went up from the Abolition clump.— The work, nlrendy hnlfdone, was steadily pinb— r-d into politic-id pnrtiu, nnd the Republican party was orgnniuii on the “one idea” doc trine. an "ifl'cillfhilbll‘ conflict" between tho North and South. The triumph ofthilkpcrjy Wu! hailed withfurther dnmonttntionl of joy by tho s.imc mud net. 3 “ho had so long defied the ( onstitution, runl worked it) break it down. “ it in it great step in ndvuncer" said Philip. I fought the Union 'with ‘ohtvcholders, said hi.‘ "I sustain the Union now, _b¢cause it WII’I upon slurcholdera—it will no lii‘itgcr hen Union with them.” He feels that he :1“ triumphed. Grccly, the lender of the innate: thov put ten year- or more,'it is quitn evident, now feolt~ that the Abolition card of thirty year: no hp n-un at lust—”no union with slavoboldcn." The words. printed In his no paper law no room to .do’uht that he in ready 1' a lapnntlon " ofithc free from the s|:ch State . ' Sad indeed it is for the Cain and the peo plr, that the warning! of the I cmocracythnvo not been heeded upon this sum Abolition cm. undo against the Uuiuu.—llurl_l%rd Tim". No_ 2.3. | _,...._y" z ‘W ‘0... V." How To Mum I'smu Mn. A genflenln who Mt n portion of our; mm ,just south of’ Lexington, a few days ago., snyi‘ that the Union troops'are lmvi‘fiz “A high oid time" in thin; re- - 94”": Tht-re is no fighting gqing on in that part. OFKemuvky, and the time is filled upju‘, making arrests oz'persans supported of being in sympathy with the rebels. Tthe‘ persona arc.» tried by military courts, nnd‘th‘e wuyjunticd H’ dispensed is a caution to Kubsns or Arknnul. , Those who furnished foruge r provilion to John Morgan—m ghosu whu hu not the power ‘ to‘ resist his taking mum—me v: usidergd‘nym- , fialhizera, 11nd punin'ed or im riéoned, II lb. mun shall dcndfi. :Thc mud~ s openndi .uf these drum-head courts in us t'ulilows: ‘__ ‘ A tumor in tho ncighlmlhoul is suspected'[ nfldialnyully, and is brought. up tnqdifi'g before =~ lh‘emlmury couft imd all his ni rats are cglled~ nswitncssesfio wenrugninst 1h ”muster! Th! following scoxm will explain all these grand ‘ dxrpcnamiuna ofjustim‘: ‘1 Colonel (acting'na judge)——Cl‘fl'ec,do you be» low: to thisumnu? (pointing to his mama) Cufl'ee—l docs, yer honor. ‘ * ' ‘ . Colonel—Did your master furplgh John Hal‘- zn'n forage for his hu'rsea and lubslnence for . his mm ? I ~ 1 Cuifce—flon't sposc X understand yon, Mu sa ('olpuot. , ,‘ ‘1 ‘(Trflnnvl—Did he furnish Jnhn‘ Morgan ’9!!!” {or hii harms and aomnthinglq 6:“. for hil man? :Cnfl‘ce—l understand dlu, yerfhonor. Mam. John Mm‘gnn he cum to de plannntion one day, rgnd he says‘ to Mnssa, “Look hére. old felloir, my horses and men n‘re hungnyfl must. If" something fordcm Ln rat. Dawn no uqe in foolin’~—shc-H out your'lmy nndporn, nntl your bread mu] bncun. I will. [my [on in ’fcdc‘mlo mpncy.” - j . - Colonel-Well, Cum-c, wlmt, did your m'nuer say In llxat'fi . .‘ quffeef‘Snyl Why golly,Mnssn Colonel, he ‘didn't \vnnt'no 'futiernte money—didn't tlnk It vms worth a damn, no how; and said he didn’s ha‘v mér’n enough to feed h‘is own hot-n and himself and. his njggerm: g Coloncl~Whut huppcfmd thch, Cufl'ee? Cufl'ce—Duu Maw: thn Morgan, he t'elh bl. sugers to get down .ofi' der miners ’and help ddrsclves, and dry did. , ‘ ‘ L'ulunrl—DM )nur mrstcr mnko any reflu mice to their m'L-ing the’se things farther-ulna Mid horses? , ' ‘ - , (Juana-#310,116 didn't fight 'gm. Dm mu :1. hnrnqu of stem gori‘lua, us we culldem, wid nlt sons 01 shoutinl fixins, nnfl ‘ Mona had but due old gun, and drphnd no lotk. ’Spec‘t old Mlyssn had boo mhch sense for dm. . ‘A 'Coloncl—isyuurmuste’t u [o3'qu citizenfiufo fee? ’ j ’ :1“ (‘ufl'ce—Spcc I don't unders‘ nd It C'olonL-11. s“ ’0“, I.“ ‘ Colonril—l men'n,’ was he a. Uniommln o: I. :L'cosfiouisl '! . . ‘ v E (‘uflee—Oh dal's‘. Well, dis chile doen" . Rpow tor saniu. When do goyinas was here, day rob him, and do]; do was I; Linkem'mlni and when (10 Linkem soggrs cum, day. ro’b him 100 r—den l'spcc lie is for rl4l ad‘pr aide. ' .Coloncl—Thrfimn is pililly.‘ Cnpulnppnt: him in the gum-« 1 house till he‘ c‘nu be taken in charge by the Proms! Marehnl.‘ Thin coon-ll ndjournéd for me present. “ L , ' This is the way vhg Union mqn or Kenmeky . n’re bxtdgered nhoutr—M the‘metcy of tro'u- x mm, and it iQ many bind fof‘thcni to know which one treat: me? yfinb We‘re-ten bmh uréi- ‘ ; 1 All ' ’11“! mim'of petty op-‘ l. . accounts say that a 53-51... ,1 petty op« pleasion bus been ma'ugumml ih their raid". 1 We hope a good .Lu-ount will {lg kept 0! than who employ negrn \x Hum-tea inl Ke‘lcky Ind elaowluwe. A duv of reckoning WI“ mrdy come'for these poluicul Coluuelß.—lndiampolil Smimcl. ' l ' ‘ ' “WHO ARE DISLOYAL" . ‘ Some Abolition gahblera m is flirpa'nt in the use of the terms loyia and dis oyAl, as if American citizfna were the subjects yet of some soveteiun King f‘by the grace of God.” or some Emperor or autocrat— I)o these men know whdt they talk 369 m? ~Nouh Webstei‘ in hit unabridged dictionary 5a s: ‘ i t )iMSLOYALTY,—thflt of fidelity loj' sover~ eign: violation of alli‘giance or duty 1.07 n prince or aovereignfiutbority. ' ‘ , ' Now“ the l'uunrlution rinciple of our system of government is tam. the lOVBI’Ei‘I authority nests in the motile—the poop 0 too' of each State. 155' this Union is 1 union' nt‘b‘nrss. The man‘eiected to the Preli dency, or to any other poaitigm, is the more agent of the people who are sovereign.— The Cdnstitution ix the chart laid down by the sovereign authority to guide the Prom“ dént and all others placed in office. If‘ those holding nflico ncsuine powers not. con ferred by the Constitution, and the People. the real sovereigns, refuse to sanction and approve—which are “disloyal 7"~Aro not the “dislbynl” thou who. prove false to their oaths, fuithlesr and peifldious M the sovereign. authority ‘And disloyal to tho Constitution of tlmixicountryf in short, to sum it all up, in our country the Government is nmde for the People, and not the People for the Governmenkgi- Allentown Democrat. ' , Gen. Neal Dow..——our readers are we“ no quainted with th‘ga name of Neal Dow, the author of the Mnihn liquo; law. No. 10! late has become ambhiuus of figuring in the “soger line,” nqd being oncoi‘Linmln's “fast" friends, Hm latter made him 0, Brig adier and sent hini to New Orlennx. where be distinguished himself As I ilferor of silver waro. 'l'ue hie new: gem that quarter represenm that. Gen. Dow hm heeu cited to appear helm-e the sixth Dim-i 0: Court Pf New Qi'lf’anfl, Judge Howell. in answer the chm-gel 0! Mailing siivermu-o to‘ the amount. of about $600; his nocufior beifig_Bmdiah Johnson, a native of How York. Dow. itis stated. admits the robbery mud (ties to juslliy N. on lhegrouud at“ h. auppo'sed’the victim Ins asecesaioniu. ‘ ~ ————-—-—-—0 . ”...-..-“ *‘7‘ ‘ Death: by Liylumng in the Army —A lam: from the army before mGsburg, my: my camp of who 76th Ohio was struck by light ning on Saumlny ni rm. and Sergeant Streeytman and Carports! Ros: werrkflkd. ‘T‘i‘va othéminjured. ' *‘ —— -—--—-- «lo>——-———o - k’l‘ho New York Expreu threaten that ifthe udminigtrafiou shall kidnnp In; Democrat. .t.om “bat city, Greasy Will [)0 kidn‘appedhy the people: mdhel u the. cage for ghe good gunmen: and my mum of the prisoner. ‘ , 2i ,A.Alw. .1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers