The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 09, 1863, Image 4
E gums; «fitnnal. xo3] TAXATION—KOBE BURDENB ' 4m: uppmrs. from the ”element of Com— § minioncr Boutwell, that. the internal revenue} will roll hr short ‘of the original alumna—V like momentum; is, that new article: of “.an tionmto be hupted up. It is proposed to, gag? whidcq 51,00 per gullon and tobacco, 31,00 per pound. This would be taxing with . vengunce;but if the public debt is ever paw-nor even the luterut upon it, there mun Mama,” which "um make an peeple ”gun. It doefi’not stand to reason that we 91:;qu on e mu- wilh en Army of a million pl men, and buy all the negro“ in the uni verse, hesidevbuilding: (allronda' “(digging lhip “huh, to my nothing 0! the Immense Imin owlen by connector! nnd’pnny favorites, riflhout rolling up n debt fearful in its muggi turle. "We will deuce, they noun)” the fiddler. If the present genemtinu could be {urged to pay all the debt, it would be no more Itluq‘n oven handed justice. ' 11. scold be I. necr itetl parrinhmet for allowing a let ol’lunnticl )u Bestroy "the best government that ever ex isted," ‘un‘dier the ridiculous plea. 'uf lr'ying‘m preserve“, r _ - 1* A PATRIOTIC CLEBGW. -_ flßev. John F. Meredith, Chaplain of the 50th R: iment of P. }'., prenc‘hcd two ‘lermons‘lt Hi Hume on Sri'ndny Inst,in which he:took ion to giyu his nlldianc his views oh the In one: in which the \sm‘hns been conducted. 1! Hen-duh hus‘had amide opportunity of 9 Thing the euil éfl'ecte of the policy adopted by the Abolition niministmtioh, and does not inflate to Speak his mind fully and freely on th lubjects qonnected with_ the war. Tb» re ‘ 12%;“ of Gen’. McClellan haregards a: one"af most fiicidul llcls that could have been ‘1: _ mitten). 3h. 51. wcnt to the war a thor nu' h-going ‘Republicnn, nnd we are glud‘to‘ H‘kntav me he has detected the hypbcrisy of th Abcflitionistl, jivho 'lmve nrrogated to them ‘ 'm- vgs virtues which they do not pussy“.— I'o Luau: 51mm; _ 1 ———3. ——¢.. o—-————-——- .” [ounce m 1",: PULP” Mann—Thu Bed [. d (Pm) fluent, in referring‘ ti) tha farewell u- mun of the Ru. S: Kepler, pastor 9! I 114: Ht‘hodist Episcopal Dfiurcb in that tbwn, I"? nrks: - ‘ ‘ liq lful" christian énursc in refusing to drug‘ poitir's into thc‘ pulpit has made him many 9i nae, uud notwithstanding the persecution nf ulots and the stddied. opposition of some fro whum better things were expected,‘,he leases his .clmige with Ina aniuay overpaid to m amount of fifty dollars, a. vzerg: gopd‘ eri- 1 de ce that no mnn can be put, dowu in this coca»; mu. ity for opinion’a “he. II ‘ . 1 noruror I!.ll§Ms.——Aletter Imm Spring. h, 11%,, mm refer; (othe resolutionsndopzed h? Legislnture offimv. Slult‘, in reference I r. Lincoln‘s emancipation scheme: 'r. Green’s julnv. rcs'olutions protesting I'm: compensation to such Slate-s as may llush slavery, were ndop'led by the House ,z-rdny and their Adoption has been report- I” the Senate, which has already acted upon 1:. .‘Thesq important resolutions have now r. ndnpled by the Legislugure, and have i to the world :1; the npiuirm of the people Illlinois on ’the' subjert. of (Fompeusarcd uncipntion. \hlr. Linwlu's own State is the f to repudlnhhis new hen-sy. '(nher Smtes l follow. nnd he will find that Li; ficheme l be one oflhc most unpopular ever eriscd :- n; adnuuismuion. Am 714 ‘l.“ w by ‘ I>3; Conse-rvmive Men of every name should u] shouidor to shmlder. The times are l g. The .ruJiénls make no Jiennctiofl be _ - aconaermave Republican and a. conscr flv ihnxodrncrbut brnnd nll nlx_ke as traitors. g {-nliam frbw; ‘dnily more Idlupany and ELI-I The IhFcats of personal \‘iciencd which lpccnqiomllly {made‘in \heir_papcrs are but I? They storm with word. but ih_ey— do‘ Fwing; in deeds. The} have hung back from ar, have uevcx: fuklfilled their promises of Lm’ent. nnlthey are now secretly plotting phonfnlhle end of the war and a ‘dissolu i of the Union. Stand together, all tyne -, to oppose their-plots. ’ . étu‘l 130 : Il gin a d uh I " ~ - ~L». . o ———~~—- » I declare that 1. have no purpose, direct ly badirzclly, to interfere with the instizufion nf‘ "cry in the Suites whnre it, existsfihat I helve I: have no luwlul right to do so,and X hnvle no inclimuion to do sq—[Mrn Lincoln's 'l‘ gut-AL] ' ' g ‘ _ > friend aéked u.- Zm Monday if MflLiflcoln not. made this declaration in his inaugu ‘ We smiedlfiwhe had, and for the infor -31‘!) at like public we by this declaration re them. ‘ 'will be seen that nothimg could be more nixe. Hq‘ not only declares that hehns {lo‘ Idirectly- or indirectly to iu‘mrfcre with institution of shvery in the Stan-sf— g t is this proélamatififi but a direct and in ci interferencn with h? It is direct in its am, It i; indirect by claiming the an i ity under millmy‘lnw. ‘ I » inc fact. is before the public, and'we leave verdict. with h.—Louim’lle Durward. ~~ ‘n to Wugxxanss—A compaéy of thirty nets 3nd recusaut dmfled men, boupled therwiti: iron band-tnfl's,marched through Itreetaxlnst evening to the depot, where took .the'cus for Washing. They : - nccompnnied by n. sqnnd of. the provoat rdwt this city. The appearance of th‘ese . £1293 mmcled'like so manf galley slaves, " general indignation and elicited com} [I tn more emphatic fimn polite upon the de diné lpecuclm—Palriat 4' Union. mgcxrrmNrcfioss.;This State is overrin '1 menu from Massachusens seeking negro r nit! for her unfilled quota of the arms.— ‘Wfrhu‘e our inform-tion from o colored nun within city; who is promised thirteen dollars a month Ihdjen acres ofland. He tells us fint lobe an m: gweuty will be taken from Harris flrg. Host-shunts may. how all the negro“ ”if“ mile (ram this gulch—Fowl»: g- Us #ll A »< “HH— , ”The old Wilmebago Chief, Simon Came op. hag religned his ‘position of Hinister ,to $llBBll, Ind the great. negroJover, Gen.Cm_iul I. may, ha been‘ nppointed his successor. . Fem. flours} Bnn'x A‘l' Guam—A friend iy match a! five games of chess was pby‘ed re fliufly in Pnris, between Paul Morphy and M. Q‘Qigiege, The latter came of the Victor, W funny three 01 file five games. I ‘ ...—.....-» .__.——.-—— jfi‘he Nawbnry (Mum)- Budd give: an 'cqun; of tha xqmm of two brother: from the t}! H) thn city, ench with 5 leg ampuutod. ————‘—m—————— ‘ " ' “0!. John 'Adnir McDonfl, of thy “Ith '‘l Va, has resigned. He in s brother of Gen. £1 . 1: ”above“. . ~ “Fanntel-feit s’: on the Harrisburg Bath, :3)" inflation: orthe genuine, are in circula . h. ‘ ‘ ,j3gflvmifiemmtfi. ‘ AGO, Arrow Root; ComJi‘Stm-ch, Rice-flout 'r‘iléd’ Gphfin, {or sale, at Dr. HURNER’S . p ‘ Hyman. INSTEDME§TS.—I-Violins, 4;, ‘ doo Fit to. or us e ug- ' w u' on. ’ ' nurse's. ‘ Great Sale i OP‘REAL ESTATE. The; undersigned. Alumni-u 091 ll» idl , ' Hood} our and Wife, u 11l sell at Public Shiejim' A’ J‘ cove WEDNESDAY, the 11m tiny ornaucu. nos, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ml on the :prt‘miuts,’ the l'ollovt’ini.v \Renl Pistol". i ‘0 (NHWHOM “‘1 I“ 1}“ situate on the Turnpike road about hill-w”- . trusted to him. Office be"! between Gettysburg and Chnmhershu‘yg, sn'ud DunnertltZibgler’nb‘t/fiw. Franklintownsliip,Adnms county—LndAC-RES i Gel-tithing, Pa. - OF LAND, diVided into tmcts. as follow: ’ I ““_"—'T ’ ' —”" No. 1: THE MANSION TRACT. contrining; D. MCCL , 150 Acres, negrly 50 acre! of which are im-l TTOBtii-ZY AT LA'W,(bi. proved land, well limed Ind in I good mate of: A of Buehler's drug ..4 b cultivation i lb; bfllance of “W UM! is well ‘ hersbn'g otrcetydflrronszvl A net with chunut, pine and other ;imhcr, Tbe' pun-r: no l’xxswn. no Gil-EFFEXBERG HOTEL AX! frants, Hack-pd] wspendei! SPRINGS, 0“? ofthe m 0" healthj- other claims against the Gov ““1 “"3“,“ Summer R 950?“ “1 lngton.D.L’».:nisoAmcricariC “l. 90"“le and Will-l bnt‘ “"19 Lnrid Wurrantslocnted nndbo expense can be mode equal to hny‘in the Sonic, highest prices given. Agar: no upon this tract. The main building is outing warrants in lowcflll jbrick, 62 leet by 30, with a two-story brick westezh States fifppli t jbnck-hnilding, 40 led by 20—lnid oil into? or lsjlettcr. , i worn: to accommodate visitors or hoarders.——: Gettysburg, Nov. 21, ’532 IConnected with it is nStorc Room and Post; -,a--‘~ » ~ ‘ Ollice, also a: large and convenient lintli l / , Edward B. ”louse, with 20 bed rooms attached thereto,;‘- 11-03 mm AT LAW, i lextenm't'e étahliug,’l"bn-pin Alli-y, Smith sinus/:1 A promptly attend to .1 b ;Revolving Swtng, Ice House, nndfhll other It ml to him. He spm“ the ( e :ceunry buildings. Alan zgood Tenant-“onus, iDtfiee .t the “me place‘i ‘1 lwith at ynudg Orchard of choice fruit/lurid!”net:V nenr 1:0,.“va drir 1, 91.1196 small {rutt‘ilnflvnrlonl kinda. I," ‘ opposiie Dunner & Ziegler’ 5 L‘T So. 2, a ‘ ihing the Ibovfe. conning 92 e t r , _ Acres, and is wellgcioi'cred wi%YDUyG TIM. (ii—....— tysbn g, “3:11.20 ‘, am . .- ~ 10.1331 . LOT No. 3 canning?! Acres and 94 i new,“ AT LAW ~ Perches, nearly 2 acres 0 which are cleared A tions‘ and all otherfiils and ingood order; the bnlnnceiis well cover- hsi core with item tness l ed with chesnut, pine and other. timber. The corner ol'the Dliamoeni. ”-64,“, im rovemcntz are n Two-story . . . ‘ a“ .- . chnme'rbonrded Tenant novsn; “353,133,???"fif f} “is. Stable, and at new sxiw 31”.qu i': _4___B;_B~__’ good running order, on which Wm_ B. M 361 from ten to twelve hundred feet of lumber can TTORNJ’Y AT LAW 0 be sawed daily. , i‘ A ‘ —‘ ' g LOTS Nos. 4, b, 6 and 7, contain from‘fil‘teen Camila-20:35“, one dooiw o twent -four ocrra enoo, and are wellset With ‘ ‘ ' r r‘ chesnurfonk and other timber. , ‘ i Gettysburg. MW' 14’ 18"? LUT No. 8 contains 61 Acres and l iOOi Perches. and is TIMBERED the some in lots Nos. ‘4, 5, 6 and 7.- . , ,‘v _\ LOT.No. 9 contains 11 Acres and 52 Perch'és, part of which is meadow, the balance in wood. The improvement; are a HOUSE {3. . and Stable, and a. SHINGLE and “345" 4 LATE MILL, in good repair and 3"}, [m( order. , .. , ,4: ‘4 LOT No. 10 contnlns 201 Acres, and is well set with young cherinut and rock oak. ‘ Also,Fll’E LOTS,,ndjoining,lamls of Jacob Denrdortf, T. Stgvchs and Daniel Kuhn, four which lots contain 20 mm, each, and lot N 0.5 cdnminingl'lfi Acres. These lots are well {timbdred with chesnut, onk and other'timb,cr. [ Also, thérundiri‘drd one-half- of 981 Acres. ‘situnte on “Wolf Hill,” ndjoining land}; of T. Stevens and Joseph .btnhl's heirs. This tract ‘is well set with young: timber. ,v ‘ wi’ersons wishingJo viedv the priemiscs will be shown the' some by either‘of‘t e As signees, the first‘named residing in F yette ville, Franklin county, and the'other, i Mum mnshurg, Adams county‘. . i gig-Sale to commence'ntihn' Hotel , ty nt 10 o’clock, A. M., on smd any, wl tendnnce will be given nnd term: umde‘ by JOHN monster, JOHN lléit’l‘llAh Assigi Feb. 16, 1863. _ts \ Public Sale: ; N TUESDAY, the 1m day ofM, O the subscribers, Adminisuq‘ estateof Andrew White. decousédl Public Sale, at. the line residencéi cedcnt, in Freedom fownsblp, Ad the 'lollowing personal propertyn’ ' 5 IIEAD'OF WORK HORSES“ Colt, 7 Cows, 4 headpf Young G'J Sows, 10.5honts, l Broad-trend W row-[rem and 1 One-horse “'nszo pair Wogd Ladders, '3 sets Hay Ln Bed, English lied, llurse Genny,” and Bridles, Hake“, Riding Sadr] dlns, Side Saddle, 2 Putting 80x91 Plnllglis. Single and Double Slim- Harrows, Corn Forke. Single antibt 2 Spreaders, R‘oller, Threshing “Ml-t innd Mower, ()IcConuic-k’s Pntenl,)i Carriage; Buggy. 2 )Yinunowingl Fprk, Forks. Rakes, Cow Chains "it jack-Amer, Axes, Skull and “aid“; tacks, Sledge. 2 Crow Bars, Cm? Angers, l’ost .\uger, Scythes ands Cradles, Grind-stonerlot ,0! old yards, u lot of Lumberhlneh 0:116 1 ‘Boards, Sled Runnerw‘one an ‘ Poplin-{lnt.omeutling, Ash Pl2l ,k; 7Table.. Copper Kettle. County -| and Pipe; Corn and Oats, by the by the ton, Rye Straw by thelmn Bags, and n great mriety of omen-. 1 r WSnle to commence 319.03 cl on said day. when attendance ivi and terms madeknmvn by . WM. ROSS \‘l’ J. HARVEY 3W Adnii l _Gcmge Epley, Auct. ‘ Feb. 23, 1:563. ts * I’ubhc Sale. ;_' N_WED.\'ESDAY, the llfli dp -0 next, the subscriber, inlen‘d farming, will sell git. Public Snip, deuce, halfn mile bomb of “iddtet _township, Adams county, Pm, uh. implementshwim a full set. of Tools, viz: . , HORSES AND CATTLE—I eav; draught Horsefl heavy brown dra :ght‘ 1 extra black Mare, 4 Mile-h down, two 0 will be fresh by the time of sale. Farming Utensils.—i-Four~horse Brand Wagon, no good as new, with Bed and l l Narrow-trend dc», new; 1 erin’fo and two horses,“ good as new’; lex HI «I ing Machine, with double shaker and ' . extra Clover Iluller, Manny's Reaper, in order, Springfia‘y and Grain Rake, When Reynold’s Patent, new. extra -Cntting B . gay qutingegsetWood Ladders, Grain C} lover Cradle, Swing Mill, Fink Brake, ll row Plough, .\‘uli Plough, Three-horse l]. Rakes and Forkm'Roller, set of Dung Bi Sled, Double Shovel Plou h, Corn Fork, horse-tree, Double-tree aid Single-trees, Chain, with Spreaders, Log Chain, 14 fee- Feed, Trough, 3’ Pitch Forks, 3 planar Grain Shovel, Chminon Shovel. ' Horse Gears, i (as good as new.)- Breechbnnds, 2 ‘rets Front Gears, set 5 Harness, new, Collars, 4 pair Barnes: Long Traces, 2 pair Butt Chains, 4 Hon , 4 Blind Bridles, ,Wagon Line, Plough Lin Check Lineg, 'Wagon Whip, Riding S: »3 Leather Halters, with Chain, 4 Lent}: Nets, a lot of cow Chains, Sleigh Bells, .. Blacksmith Took—Bellows, ,Anvil, l Box Mould, Skenfn Mould, 2 Sledge Ha Tongs, Screw-plate, Eye Wedges, Punch Chissela, kc. , Also, Bay by’ the ton. A. large Coppe tle, holding 37 gallons, new, Malllnnd W and a great many article: not here ment , 3-511! to commence at S-chock, | on said day, when attendance will be and §rms made known by ‘ . | 'Fe .g, 1863.' ts = Tomas BOY : ‘ John anal. Auctioneer. ' l , .al’nbhc Sale. f 1 N FRIDAY, he 13th day of MAR : O the subset-£3, intending to’qnit {3 VIII all u Pu ic Sale, It his residen Cumberland township, Adams county. . Tsneywwn road, four miles (You: Getty tho {allowing peg-sonnl property; ‘viz: 2 HORSES, Cows and Young Cattle. Plough: nnd Barrows, Double and Shovel Plougha, Corn Coverer, Rgvolvin Rake, l first-rate new Triple-geared Thr Machine,.Gnin Drill, an excellent. Ca with Harness, Horse Gears, Bridles. C- Hnlters and Halter Chains, Pmnt Cumin -‘ Wagon Bed, HI, Carriage, Spreaders, I, and Single—tree“ Cow C nins and other 0 you“, mes, sl3“, Eoes, Dung Hon A~lot at Pine onrds. Also, Householu cles, 13ml: 3 edsteads and Bedding, I\. Table, Ten- to Shove and Pipe, Spi Wheel, Slant Vessel, Tuba, Cider Barrels ers, and a. gran; many omg: articlei, to merona to memion. $5319 to commence at 10 o’clock, on said day, when attendance win he giv terms made known by _ > > WILLIAM KEEFA'UV Geo. Epley, Auctioneu. feb. 16, {as} ’ “LOT 3f (€52: cm mumsl the fines ctfered «in [his niarL‘et, to b 3 had OKNER’Sz figure. 77 , ‘ ‘ _ " msnu’u 102,13 7’ Dfigm Tobi: u. mgnfiod Muzzsfin. ‘ g . U I" ._z> .3 §§§w R If >‘ Wm. A. Dk TTORXEY AT LAW..LOI weitcouwr ofCenu-e ~ qv u. ‘ ' U 1 Medlcal %: OCTQRS O’NHAL .k “ ginl‘ed themsrlves for fl: .\1 .DICISH ln‘Geuysburg In (“five in 'ills’ Budding. 1)]: Night calls wil},turtheprel£n residence ofJ)r. Swope, in Dec, 222186;. 3m (i Drs. Cress 85'- 4CLECTIC PHYSLCL named gentlemen. “unsolved in “the prnclic Squery, ofi'ex-I their‘ profs s the uiuzens 9f Gettysburg n ing had {urge durgxcnl ‘exp 1' Army, and extensive hos 1 respcctfullysolicityour pan-P menus to choose or select.| the best, safest and most]: from all _othér sectarian] “hit-)1 hwre been recomme < pef-ience End mnc'tioncd ' nblcst Ecmcric Pucnno ‘1 those more injurious,‘s c arsenic, mercury. blue piUJ Ollice in Baltimore street, 0 )1: Sadlchhop.‘ Volugleers'fal 1 0! charge during their nbsc L 1m; JunanEss. V £1 ‘ reper gcn at- uown AB :5 133 I ‘will I of sn ,mc; 3 next, -f'the all at d de nunt‘ rnfit 3 Jun. 13,1363. , | J. Lawrence H AS his office one ‘ x . doorwesc onhe" J [.l Y ! I la, 2 1‘ gnu. [ . 1 Cl ders,l Ines, 1 es an ‘ rOOll Ninj ‘u‘t, 1 Stone uHars v Bri- Shea} buthemn’ church in Chambersburg street. And store. where those wishing\ Operation pglfiormed nre 69> , cal}. Rnrnnnxcsaz~ Drs. l Khlll’fll, D. D., Rev. B. L. B: 11 Prof. M. Jan-01‘s, Prof. M. L. ‘ ) Gettysburg, April 1.1, {534 , mu -1 Pl üble ughsJ treeQ, due, 1 enper iGrain DriTl, 1 MI“: Hay Log C wins” I 05 2 .\inld {Fa-ch: Sufi-d Mhs,lir;fih ' ron, ‘tcul- ‘ 1141 F ncjuul ha! inch Book Case, t )2": loves mshe , [1.1; ‘ at. of i Bastress 8: ' = ‘AY the highest mush pr cc GRAIN, ‘ 1 " , .EEUS. to, , atthe Brick Warehnuw in . m Uxfmd. ‘ Cdnammly on hand a l. I! assortment of GRUCERH'IS, M 'wlmlesul Al retail—also, LUMBER, COAL, GUANU, L'XSTER, kc. ‘ A1:ri128,1862. 13* - , wAdams Co'v' 'L’TUAL mexsmu 1 M'lucorporatcd March 1 . A orrlczna I’rw‘denl—George Swope. Vita I‘rexidenlA-S. R. Russ Secretary-D. A. Buehlcr. Timmy—David M'(‘renr -, 1 Hamlin-r Corinthian—Robe King, Andrew Heintzchnan. Jlamyerx—Geurge Swope, la, a Ir-ticle '1 Ck, 1 .1 he I V I," ,‘ ITE, [TE 'su-nt .l afoul-axy Jacob King, A. H i. . eér ,S. R. Russell,J. . ‘55:: fitnboxraw, E. G. Fahnestoi- , ‘reai- ,H; A. Picking, Wm. B. M: 1. muer't‘drd, R. G. .\[cCreagyJoh .minngL-ight, John Cunnmghsm m‘lithames H. MarshallLM. Eic \ I, ‘B‘Thls Company is 1i 1 Ilioua to the county ot’Ada gtgccessful operation for m a and Q 1 th‘at périod has paid penses,willlozd an}; «augment, Hi surplus capital 1n the TN: 5‘ puny employs no Agents—'— ll done by the Managers, who qre ed by‘the Stockholders. Agy 3n Insurance can apply to I named Mnnngers for flu-the}- i 1 , ”The Executive Com ? oflice .of the Company on flf‘ It‘l‘every mouth, at. 2, P. M. 1 - Sept. 21, use. I ow. ng to um, :I ta fa lac buy orse, them trend ows ; 3 Somethmg. [N GETTYSBL'RG.—Tbe u --the citizens of the town 11 has commenced the BAR]. G large scale, in York street, ‘ opposite Wanles’s Hotel, w e} deserve, and hopes to rqceiv‘ , age. BREAD, ROLLS, CA3] ’PRETZELS, 420., am, baked‘ 1 days excepted.) all of the best ( at the lowest. living profits. 301 all Its.branches is largely carHe :0 any amount, from this 59% ties, supplied at the awn erected a large and com] diqgs secured the best wofitumn Im. ‘proved mafiineryd' he in “‘ heavy buslnass. ,’ sets “82,? p ur inn. ,pnir dale. 1' Fly NMI u ISIS, s and Ket dges, 0 ned. July 25,1259. 1 , , 'A, Mathiot 8t iion’s AAND FURNITUREWA ' EROOMS,NO!. _ 25 and 27,, N. Gay all-eel, ultimate, (near ‘ ayeue st.,) extending, from G 3' to- Fre'derick st.—the largeatestablishmexit o the kind in the Union. Always on hnnd 3 Lane assortment of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE F RNlTURE,em bmcingßureaua, Beds!cnds,“’a hslnnds,Wnrd lrobu, Mattresses of Hunk-“ Cum: and Hair : Spring Beds, Sofas, Tete-eJl'etq, Arm Chairs, l Rocking Chnira, Etagerea, Mai-1e Tables, Set :lces, Reception and Upholster d Chain, AS iSOItTED COLORS OF CUTTAG. FURNITURE, , on l Wood Chairs. Office Chairs, 'Arber Chnin, igleé f Cribs and Cradles, Hal. Racks, ”all Furniture, ”a -Gilt and Walnut Frame Lookin‘g Glasses, Sidé hiny‘ boards, Extension Tables, of evpryjength. “Keg: Persons disposed to purchase are invited to llnrs,:c&l]flnd give our stock an eknmination, which 'Box': for variety and quality" of rprkmunshlp il‘not üblé ‘ equalled by any establishment in the :onntr]. ainn 1 A. NATflIOT k SON,- kc’i Has. 15 and :7 X. Gay man. my Auz- or 183°- 4 ; .... it next, Hing, I e, in It "I? .urz, chen ninz Dry nu- ' menns a: Bumuu's Stq‘re is well wor ‘thy n viaitjust at this time. WeLdoubt whether, 2 event: in our largest cities, 50 (i e n. displny of ,Stoves can be found. Their large room in 1 full of Stoves of every pattern; ho, every va riety of Hollow Win-c, Sheet-’ on Ware, Tin ‘ Ware, Planished Ware, anan 'nrc—embrnc pi-ng, indeed, everything in the h use furnishing 1 line. due, Sausage Cutters, S usage Stufi‘ers, 'Lnrd Presses, ac“ kc. The; 9 prepared to -;ell wholenle and retail, Tin \ nre and Sheet iron Wane (if their own mannf mute—keeping I auflicien. numbw of handmto lupply any de mnd. Their tum-uncut of L guber in very large; also 00:] olerery kind. > 72E evpr‘ I. Dr. ' w I r 3%} ' _ GLISH. mm and “for salo It Dr. B. “010.3. 9mm promptly‘utte'ml . er bmineu en n Fullncum'kt' Baltimore street ‘ Sept. 5, 1859. "17 __._.______. . by. ‘ e on: door we: 'ok unre,Chaun n Soucn-on you My hand Wu ‘ laima, and .n .' mentntWMh aims in England. d.orbox:fht,nnd engage in 10- inch and other :- him peylonally her, l faithfully and sineuentrusted an language.— oath Baltimore he, md nearly ore. attend to collu ess intrusted to N cu in the S. E. rly occupied by coin‘WeltMid st of the new can, we in the North-t are, Gettysburg, t.'3, 1859. tf :I d; OPE have asso ‘ PRACTICE OF 'd its vicinity.— osite the Bunk. , he made a! the :t York street. aylor, §\S.—The abbvc ng associated if Medicine and ‘unl sci-vices to vicinity. HM ' ce in the U. S. I prglclicen they 22.: “Bali-mic" ence we select inble remedies uedirnl schools, ad from the ex‘ V Irnctice of the the,» add discard :h as antimony, b and lv‘uing, &c. p site .\hCrmry'; 1 ms unendbd free WM. TAYLOR , N. D. nal osite Picking’a . mve anyDL-ntul tfuny invited to wrpllev‘ C. P. 'ler, D. D.‘, Rév. ’ ver. ers _ tor all kinds of F LOT: R, 'W i (‘().\lPA‘.\'Y. : 851. ‘ cCunly, Jucob' A. Buehler, R znlmnn, D. 311:- Hersh, Samuel m. B. Wilson, lam—John Wol— 'ickinq, AbelT‘ bdiel F. Gin, erger. . d in its open:- It. [ms hub in thnn six years, losses and ex 'ing also It large ry. The Oom business being nnnunlly elect;- erson desiring y of Lthe above ormnlion. e meets at thg ut_Wednesd'py rai I signedinforms w county, that be business, on a tysburg, mug he will try/ libcml patron :, CRAQKFRS, cry My SS.”- ality, an sold Gar-baking in i on, and order: djoining coun otice. Having nuke-house and the most. up ebured ‘9 do a “an - SAIIPEE ricnn Mama '5 Bring Store. 9K l r °777 *"__* \ ATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGES, , LOCATKD xx . v‘ ~ . PHILADELPHIA, i S. E. con. 7m AND Guru" Sh. New York City, quoklyn. Albanyitmy, Bunk), Deficit, Clgvehnd, (Ihicngo an ‘3l. Louis. Bookkeeping, Penmanship, ‘Commercill Arithmefic‘ Commercial Law. Forml, Corm pondence. fl" ~ practically Laugh!”y These Octagon being under the some 'gene'nl and locll mndqgeynent, uni nnitingin curb the ndnntages of‘fii, ofi‘cr greater facilities for imganing instru‘tion Lhnu any other limiin ins itutians in lb;- tounlryl ' A Scholarship ssikjd by yny one in good hull for an unlimitedjli ‘ The Philadelphiu enlarged and refnrn} And is now lhe‘flm Commercial Inslhut Bryant & Strut!” embracing Book-kc metic, and Communal by mail. fil’or full gmi ‘7 ‘Oct. 20, 1862. ... 1, :—-—> —‘~ '— '7‘ - The Old yhableu EW SPRING . ’ N SMALL PROFITS 'QUIGK SALEL ’J. L. SCHI_CK ~‘ wpuld ré‘spectfuny any to he citizens of Ga} tysburg and vicinity, thnt’he is now receiving a: his storeuply-did . l ‘ ~ . STOCK of SPRING 'GOODS. Th: stock cqnins In \part of Fancy And Staple DRY GG‘O?s, of fiery delcription. SILKS. - ‘ MOZAMBIQUE, ‘ ' ‘ CHALIJES, ‘i , DELAINES, « -' BOMBA 1’ . ‘ CALICOES, of all qualitiel Ihd. choice! styles, which will be uolgl at. PRICBS'TO DE Y' GHMPETITION. ‘ FUR 'ISHING ‘6OOOB of all kinds, inc ding Silk, Linen dud Cotton Handkerchiefs, ‘loves‘, Stocking-a, kc. Also, a splendid alsollhenx-of BIBBONS, Laces’ and Edging;y Umbrellns and Pnrnar:l_s.- - My stock of WI“: E GOOHS will be l'o'nnii full and complete, mild custontrs may rely upon illw'nys getting gbod goods t. the lowest. possi ble prices. : W Gentlemen will find it. t tlieix: ndvantnge to call and exnminelmy atock f CLOTHS, { ‘ 1 CASSIMEREF And‘ "‘ § I VESTXNGS, of all qualities aimlchoicesl styles. . _. April 21, um; I ,J. L. SCEICK. - y , Dr. Robert EW FAMILY DRUG N ‘ . mum cmnmzmnrha nun Hflving'retiredlfr'om the my profossionhl nuke plan: to the citizens oflGeltysbux I have opengi n I ‘ _ NE“? DRUG STORE. in the room formefly oFcup‘iod by. rs.‘R. &C. Houxnn, as an ofiice, ,whefle I wil constantly lump on hand a large; suppl‘i'ofnllkinds of FRESH DRUG-K; ’ . MEDICINES, ‘ CH .\HC‘ALS . é Pmm DRY PAIVTR. mid PAIxTé ound in .lOJLS, upre . ' STAT Inks, Penn, Pcncilt'l’nper. PATENT MED All the ponulur Pqtént with n sok‘rlinn 30f pure \ and “‘IHSKEY, for‘ medic nhgnyson hand. 31m A wor ovumhiug “Sling-y found of [his degcriplinp. -.\ lurgé supply? of fresh I' ceivod, and other-la nrc nrri lnrim: tuthe p‘ulglic on v terms. .\ly Medi ines hurt! under my person"! inspectil from the most. reliable hon.l not only rccoml nd their] but. can ’sc-ll tlii-ngichenp. .\'. H].—l’:\RTl(.gULAß .\ I llu- trualmen! 0! all (‘hwnid WA l) V l C E G May 12. mm: : u ‘l’ ,_ . “W“? Vmegaru-‘V HE unllcrsigznp Img roll T fnrtnre om’iin gar. on a few doors north )f West tysburg. lle hns lis- ‘n mum] gar for neatly nne' ur. and satisfaction. Thilnporinl over all other main future’ in it being: madexeutircly 0‘ amy kind being fiscd in it free from everything injur‘ und at the same time plens has all the preser‘vativv qu l Cider-Vinegar. " he is prc: this Vinegar in gay qunnti-i ina for yourselvci. I Cgrtlfic WE; the uqdrrsigned; we have used in on ous purpo'aes, tha Vinegar sold by Ann; minimum! 6 he represents it‘ t 5 be. We t and believe it té‘bpsupc/r/ to any other manufactulzg ever used, and. “'oqu fc persons. _ E ,K ‘ Wm. 1:?61‘ & Son. Jacob Qrberk A: 1 - Cod ii Gillespiu J/oh/aa Clfimberhn’, ,Levi Pitfiir, ,’ / A. F. Gm, Oxford Mm, 1862. hp / ‘ Trees 11 :Trees HE ‘undersigimd invll large nnd wall grown FRUIT AND 3011 mm i Shrubs, kc., embgwing‘n E assortment of A PLES,PI PLUMS, CHERRIES, AP'I TARINES, Standard fo'r I Dwarf for the Gatden. EN 0' SPANISH CHESNUTS, I RASPBERRIES, 1 STRAW RANTS and GOOSEBEBRI i GRAPES of choicest kin- RHUBARB,&¢., Bp. Also,| formed, bushy EVERGRE the anetery and Lawn. 1 DE IDUOUS TREES, r‘ and a general assortment of! Onsunlnl. Tints no F‘ ROSES. of cho‘ce vari BEDDING PLANTE, kc. Our stock is remurkatl and we offer it at prices to wCatulggnesZmniled :- Address EDWARD J. U Cantu! Kur- March 24, 1861., t! | “ Carte de ' Paowogmms l—We h‘ l aplandid musive c9!l and are now prepared to {u “Cane do Vinita." Photo dollar. TYSO ‘ Excelsior Sky-light Gull March 10, 1862. Notmei . E desir a" persons kind-bud to u to can ”1% nuke “Mutant, having In“! I chnuge in our manner ofd‘ ing husi‘nels. Oct. 38, 1861. : I-‘AHNBSTOCK BRO’S. ABPE’I‘S, CARPETB.-—-A Iplendid lot of Carpeting—good and chemo—jut opened, ; Qt the New Store of M. SPANGLBR. : L. SCHICK has just Erechived-t lot of ‘ . cheap Looking Glnsse‘u. - _ HE attention of the Ladiieu in respectful I invited to 3 large And aplendid auortmon o ndiea’ fine Km sud Moéowco BOOTS uh SLIPPERS—Lnsting Gaiteg, ten 86., I; April 21. ‘ ‘ R. ‘ McILHENY'S. J URE BRANDY, WINE AND WHKSKEY, for ' medicinal pni’poaol on] ,n lhd New Drug 1 lb“ of r "r. R. HOWE. RUNKS and omm 8.0 ~ ch 3: ‘ .T ; mums stooxn ARRIVAL! sscoxn ARRIVAL! 1N IMMITSBURG. , ~ NEW GOODS end ' ‘ LOW PRICES ! The newfim of SMITH k SHORE reepectfully Inform their friend: nd the public genomlly, that they‘ll-re jut returned, from tho cit u with a splendid ussprtment DC Goodl, callin lng o! Ladiel’ ‘ I) R E 83% GOO D S , luph ”Prints, De ages. Chelliel. Laval, Or gnndiel,‘ Robe: of all kinds. LAlpucm. Silks, Swiss Jnconet Check IndEOlmbric Muslim, Ribbona, end I good “earthen! of Lsdieo' Collon‘ Celicoel nd‘flosliur It old prices. ' CLOTBS, ‘ ‘’x 3 _ CAssnmßEs. VESTINGS, Jun, genie. for men's "or; aufivan cwrraxm, - BOOTS, SHOES, 1, , ‘ ' BATS A'Nl) CAPS, oil prices. A .good etcck of Cotton Yul, HARDWARE. 5 \ QUEENSWARE,— 7‘ ’_ . ’ . DRUGS (pd . ‘JIEDICINES i I. good stock of prime 1r , gnocmms, m, . / , : and 11l kinds of goods. such has are genera‘gy' found in a country store. Egsing bought 1' Cash, we can nfl'ordfio sellig‘ the very lowest prices. . Our motto is—“ Qtdck Soles our! Small Profits." 3 s ' fiThese goods ere real] ’ réry beautiful, I' d we want it distinctly unéerstood that ye wi sell them very chenp for ash, onto punc tunl quawmersat six monthsJ Please call and exoimh before purchasing elsewhere. We would espe'ctlully return our thanks to our friend: f- the lib‘emlpatrounge extended talus thus far, a -d respectlully ask a continuance thereof. SlllTllmt SHOBB. _ Emmiubur- “(1., April 21.141862. 1y ’3 , been "ready pet-ion" mlnner, you pl‘olperquq ‘Ten Bo'oh, ercill Arith- Jq, Ind sent 'V‘ ‘ IxEs, moms, " ‘ LAWLS, _ Ramo- : -Tmi Ware. HE undersigneu has remnvea his Tinnidg "establishment carer the Diamond, in hambersburg street, adjoining A. D. Bueh let’s Drug Stone—n Yer cemrfll locatio'nl He continues to m'pnufacture, uucf kcbpi constant ly on hand, every variety 0 \ ‘ 7 TIN-WARE. ‘ . x gPRESSED AN ‘ i JAPAN . ' WARE. and will always be ready to do EPAIRISG. ROOFING and 590 mm also done in the btst manner. Eric moder ate, and no effort Spllrcd to r‘euder fu satis fiction. The publiiz's continged patron We is solicited. 'A. ~ BAUGII . Gettysburg, Apt-“1’, 1862‘.‘ Q 18:52.J ‘ Bai‘gams! ' » ' If , ATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. ! H TRUNKS AND TRAVELLING BAG-SJ Huving just received it very huge supplyof the above goods, W? the prepared to sell them lower than ever sold in this place. My stock is most complete, embracing every stile of Sho'es and Hats made. ’ \ , orner’s ‘RIPTION STORE, , a rrn'sn cum. .nclive practice of -ure in hnnouncing g and vicinity,‘tbat censisting of all tho" latest styles fdr Spring and Summer. ' ‘ ’ v-BOOTS AND SHOES, ' ior Gentlemen, Ladies nud Children. ‘ City-made and Eastern work fifum 2'5 cent up. TRUNKSmfcvery dcscnptio’n and kind. [Q‘Cnll and examine thh‘burga'ms M. April2l,, 12162. 1:. F. Mclume’s. > ‘mnv. f - . om mwmms. l I)de S'rprrs, ! , ND ,GROCERIESF- :, ' A “The subicn'oor; he just returned from the cities,wilh an immense su’mfly of HARD WA RE AND GROCI'IRIES, Whiqh they are olréulng M. their old stand m Bullimon- street, at liriiccs‘ to suit the times. Our stock consists in part; of j in il, 1« i a] find aim" at laxnm'prnllgmids, i 9mm. Erushés, kc. |('L\'ES.L . IT ‘WILL NOT‘ CRA, . «mum-in“. 1 It is a perfect pro/ion ugnihst fire In. the falling Cinders “1’: fragments iron‘u bum ing huijdingi W mg this Kodfing. 1 It, is do elasz' W}; strong Hm lhg ; - i / . ‘ SHOE FIXDINGS, ~ _' v/v ‘ ~' ‘ _‘/ CABIXRT MAKER‘STOOLS. sm: /’” W. S” EOUFTBWPW iiousmssi’izu's mmmas.‘ am” i m 5:." ,1 V .1 ‘ ~ 1‘ i. ‘A‘L‘l- R‘ISDS o}} VVIRSJXI kcq‘ lt/‘is| sir‘ticninriy Vaillfllflé 9!: F" 930501531153 Ol' éLlka‘lDb,‘ . Pynn {esfiugazßefinerii‘s.l_)ifil~i‘.lnitj Oilsrl’lgmtsyl k, -v kc. There 's‘ "Q article In— ,huil mks Winnie the uir is inmregn: chided in me several departments mentionm‘ljgn es mi moiiturbfifliich rnpi-lirmrro above but what, can be had M this Store.f— ' ‘s‘. insifle alltin and metal [00?]. Every class of Mecimuica can b’e accommodyed ‘~ ' , , here with tools and findingsfind Housgkeey FOR STEAMBOAT DEpKS ers céufiud efiery nrtivle in their line.” Gh'e - ‘ ‘7“ ' P 8 ii" us 1 call. as wgfire prepared'té seufls 10 fo} ‘ ‘l ; 0“ 'TQ ' cash as anyfiothcr hou§e out at [he city ‘ , , , .= . V. .- 1‘ JUHL :3" DA KER, and all .roofs‘nsed for walking nn.— th s nrhcie Jun‘e 9, 1862: A . DA V37] 2112 ‘L‘Eli. aqawern far better than n-ny metal ro (—u n. ‘ ‘ , ‘ ’ “4‘l" bear iuch usage Without. (Me mg or ibrf-akiug. , g ‘ It in easily applied over old‘ , . llodivifiéfie tnéetli'er lINKS. HANDIES nnl pur'poséq only, 1 my stock qmbmcqs in n firsfi-cluss store 1 , Ilrugs his Bren re liug, which I am of ry accommodating an beerf burehnsed «a and fupervision 1. [0 n therefore las pure?» and ‘t'resh, I TEXTION giveq to I discus-Ci. ‘ ‘ IK A T y S .161 ‘ BUILDING MfiTERIALS, ' ‘ CAR EXTEB'S room, negar. moncethhe manu- Wnshin ton strdet. Middle hive}, Clet noun-in? this Vine it him Kip-en gene‘ral h}- of this \‘in'ognr i Yinvgnr, consibts Howard 485601 on, HILADELII’IIIXF'VI-‘lor t e .Rolief of the P Sick and Ding/vied. ’ it-tod with Viru lent nnd Chroqic isensfgnnd especially for the Cure of Disgrs’es of} 0 Sexual Org-Ins. MEDICAL } VlCpgiven gmfis,by the Act ing Surgeozy ‘ / - L . VALUMLE WORTS on Spermntorrhms or Semjnnl ‘Wna’kness, :u-ul ntllprDi<eases of the Séxunl Oygénns, and on thc NEW REME DIES employed in {he l)is;»enbnry,lsent to the gfll’ictcd in’ ”and .leuer 'gnveloppg, free -ol' charge, Two or three Stamps for {lounge will be acpeptable. ' ‘ ' Marcia, Dr. J. SKILLIN- HOUGHTON, Act ingSnzgeon, Haward Association, N 0.4 South inch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Julie 16, 1863. 1y ‘ ’ ‘ grain. no acidi‘of i composition, mpd ‘ous. It. is strong, Em to the maze, apd llities found ih pnlje mated to wholes'nle 5:. Call nndexum | ADAM DI‘EHL4 ~ I’6. x /" uereby certify that; fumilwm/for Yuri» mangfiictured skid d 1:. to be all} gut, I hrive fairly les qed hr in every/respept, i Vinegar)“ hqre ommeml, h to all 1 came to the Fear! . ND DON'TFQRGETTOV'ISU PLEASAXT é RIDGE NURSERIES.—i—Yenons wishing Plant Trees will‘ find the stock in the’gronnd remarkably; flux: and ofl'ercda at reduced prices. The-Apple up ‘bers 100 vgnellesl, embracing .all the approved sorta. ‘ ‘ N. [ix—See the index~ board near Flo‘m Dale Post office. T. E. 000 K & SUNS, -ISept. 2,1861. , \ > Propridon. ; A Ready Market. - Heliysbnrg, ‘ u T a" - \ ll : ninklin “rpm, 1 u 1 ’ ‘ BUSHBLS GRAIN WAN?- OQ.OOO Ell—We have taken lbs one occupied by Klinefblter, Bollinger & Co., with); determination to pay the highest. moi-ht prices for all kinds of Grain. You will find as supplied with PLASTER, GUANO ol Illkinds, GROCERIES, Wholesale Ind Rafi- LUMBER, COAL.nPd everyothcr article iii our line of business cold at. the lowest' possible rates for Cu 223. Call and examine our stock and pricu Luci-a purchasing elsewhere. . DIEBL, BRINKERHOFF & CO. _ April 22, 1861. tf ‘ ' Trees! , } nttuxtiou to their tack of ' iI'TAL TREES, ‘ me and comrietg t ABS. PEACHES. 'ICUTS. and NEC- Ihe OrchnrdJ and t LISH WALNUTS, ’AZLENUTS; ‘th ‘ mumps, CUR ‘S, in grém variety. us, ASPARAGUS,» a fine stock or well {'NS, miuble for New Restamnt. ~ , HE undersigned has opengd a Remunnt, gr M the corner of York find-Liberty streets, eltyshur . where he will kec'p everything in the eatingfiine in season—o.lso Ale, Lager, nnd CiderrSegnnfi Tobacco, kc. He 1: likewise filling up n ‘Saloon for Ice Cretm M. the lame ~place. He hopes, by “(cation to busiueumid Idesire to_3lcq.n, to receive a liberal ab». 6 of cunwm. ' HENRY W. CHRISME?!” Ilsy 5, 1863. :- urea: plnnung, 017 nm Bmm". Lieu, CAMELMS, thrifty And fie, uit the timenJ all nppllvaauu.l ANS, a: 00., cries, York, Pl. ‘ - Frames. ' - ILDED‘ FRAMES !—TYSON BROTHERS G hue just. received from Phimdqipbin Ind now-03¢: to the public the lirgé's‘t and belt usortment of Gilded Frames ever brought to Gettysburg,“ sszonishinglylow prices. Please (all and examine them. Excelsior Sky-light. Gallery,'Y‘ork street, opposite the Bank, Get tylbnzg, Pa. "- [Mnrchflm 1862. . . Removals. ~ ' nmte ” ‘ ‘ vejnsfintroduced gum in our Ghllery ‘ ish the ndw style F nphs—four for ‘I » BROTHERS, : ‘ ry, Gettysburg. HEundersigned,beingtbe nuthorizedperson to make removal: into Eur Green Ceme tery,hopes that such as contemplatethe removal ofthe remains of deceued relatives or friends will mail thermal": or thin season of the yen- to hue it. done. ~Removuh made with Promptneu —ternu low, end no efi'orrspm-ed implense. I PETER THORN, Keeper of the Cemetery. Mnc‘h 12, '6O MBRELLAS of every varietyit U » r ‘ ' PICKING’S. OURNING GOODS.—T'be fiéest “son- M mom oflblonrning Goods ever offered, can now be seen and being!“ at lower price: thtn they have ever been sold bafore. Call It race It the sign of the Bed Front. April 21. FAHNESTOCK BROS. EW FALLk WINTER GOODSI—A good N usonmux-t‘of Fall md .Winm Good: on; 1: “Eu the Hie-pen at ASCOT! k SONS HIT-American Excglaiot Cofl'oo‘ .d Brbnn,l for ale M Dr. B: HOBNKB’B 'm;§fion. v 1 New Mercantile Firm \ i ‘1862. Bargains! HATS AND CAPS, liardware nLAoKsm'rH's TOOLS, COACH mesas, BEADYEROOPING, ‘ ‘ AIDEN : N 0' 7'3 .u ' saw max. Thin 'nnich h and. of pa extrema? thick mid anon: woren fibrin; hunted and mm‘urumud u’prndy for mi 01mins, mg! i. .5111 an“ may“: nun. tho ootton wed": in: gram“), med in .3 :1“)!ch coipo-ition rooflnlhilnd can‘e‘lnuu’fi’ m‘pn dunblo. 31-01;“. superior thickness 8! this doth, [g nceivu‘, In uturation, n firputer’nmount of N , , the wait-proof compo-mom uéd-whon Gallb- L ed with 3 the fire-proof coating in: the lurk“, progenzlldbe I 16" completely: finishedQ-nd, In In confident: molt ,dunblé—roofin; now known. It need: no final coat‘uppliod on we roof, in :11 other kigdl do. 11' is “READY? TO “it. 13wa It Is manufactured and plfl. up in ’rolla about one buqdred feet, long, mid tlgree feet widoi requiring only to be unrélledflnnd nn‘iled on i ‘’. the roof. In this cbnveuienl Ind finish?“ ”no, it in w - . \ , . 5 especially wonhythenmntion’bt . ' HARDWARE MERCHAXTS, . . A TINNERS, BUILDERS, n?! all who buy to sell main. We do not I.ol} ,r . out :9 qucb tho prospeét of eq'orr'nous“ profits immediately, but we» ofl’et n 'ronlly merchants. b~le nrtigla, in Hemand overy wflero, and a: all times ws CALL ATTENTION TO A FEW Pom‘rsr In. It. costs onl‘y nbout’hnlf hi much a: fin, and is twice as durable. _\ 2d. IR is adapted to It” kind; of 'roofn, 'w the: steep or flat. : ‘ , ‘’ p L 3d. tin no! nfl'ectcd injuriotuly by heat or cold. . . I - 4th. An rdinnry ‘i'orvlmm'n Ewan apply it. " 51b. It is no he “chesfiest.” r'oefiug.‘ 6111. It is xhepe Proofing. S ; ; I 'Nlis :Rnofing Ims b efi "null! En every variety of climate, from (‘unadu tn Culifnrnin, and we can most. pofitively rm 0! nu-nd‘ll an be qntir ' 1y proof ugninst Hie chnn es q’f heal and d that nrq so destructive (a m u; 012": ki} sof Roofing‘ . ‘ ' 7' ' v I ; ///r u} WILL NOT SOFTEN AX‘D ’' IN 1101' 'WEA'THER.’ ‘ / 3/ ‘ ‘39 IN C D SHISGLE HOOFS, , : WITHOUT REMQVING TX“: SH Allb 11h. ' “ .‘ G U 'l' T _B RfS ’ I ‘ can be‘formed of this m'nterinl, mvin pens: of» METAL ONES. ’ The cost ofnpplj-ingiz in very light ordinary roof can be finished in the M , ) - l f . PRESERVE noun “:0 tr TOUR 'n'x woman‘s: IF-YOUR m: ROOF ms ‘ . ’SMALL nusnaoucs m n, IF YOUR Tm n 00? “Evian-PAINTING, ' ‘ LIQI‘ID ' GUTTA-‘PERCHA CEMENT wil: effiaéctunllyploxe up} all the Imnner RUST HOLES‘ and form I henvy qlnnio body over the wile surface, that will~prevenl _X€UST. 3nd I ‘ many years longer; um: ordinu‘y paint. ; , ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘IF gYOUR SHINGLE ROOF LEAKS, :\ HF YOUR GUTTERS’LEAK, 1F randomrs AROUND YOUR cams“ : . LEAK, , 11", YOUR SLATE ROOF LEAKS, our g ‘ ~ A \L couropxn‘ FGUTTA-PEBCUA CEMENT l ‘ _ will coinplelgly fill up All th. crevice: in th. Ihinglen, cover over the broken joinuin the tin and glue, form permanently tdbuivc, elnflfc cotangltroud chimuey’a, elm-lights, etc.,nnd in su the” situation: will own“ Ln'y out" article for this. purpou now i.” nu. Thu tr ticle is 9 thick, mansions oompoymd of OUTTA-PE RQHA, and in'gredientl uled extensigely in Europe in the proceu of Kynnlxilg or ”coming wood 'in nilrbad "penne- expoud‘tonoiuun nd deny. . Thin vary uel'nl property and: dupe:- 1y to nnen Ind prevent decay in the Ihiuln, and will on» sue the nccouitylor mm! years of putting on I not tool. It. in, you wonbyfiof n aid. ~ ‘ fit“! the shove BOOPIXGJATEIIALB will brfurniahed to . ’ i Cannons AND (2th ~ usndnctinn 9f _ . L TWENTY-FIVE PER GENT; P 80! OUR REGULAR RATE. 1.13qu Aizmxoxm'rs up: wrm 338130205 an mugs. fiCIBGULARS ud BARBIE ant flu bx Mgil. Adam! ' ‘ . l-'xo.zhxuuifim M-M‘W,” . «Wm -1 ( -4-44 DB. SWEET’S manna L [.N 1 1! 1 N r, GREAT REMEDY FOB. annuuntsu, aoc'r, NEURALGIA, LUMBAOO, s'mr NECK AND 101 mg, sprums, BBUISES, CUTS AND wouxns. FILES. Humans, Ixo ALLRHEUMATIC AND ~ mmvocs DISORDERS. For All of which it in a lpeedy and comb: remedy, Ind never fnjln. ’l'qu Liniment in pre pared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Snot, of Conuecticu¢,~the famous hone letter, and’ ha been used in his pmctice :for more thlnjwnt’ yup with the most Astonishing succeu. As an Anevintor “Pun.“ iI “rial-d by In: prepnntipq before :he public, of which the melt Ikcpficbl may be donvjncod by n lin gle trial. 1 , . This Linimenn will cur. npldl, Ihd ridicul ly,‘Bheuma_tie Disorders of every kind, and in thousands ogcnlu who're It hu no": been known‘to ML? - ‘ P-l ‘ F \ For NeuralgigT, it. will “ford imam-din.~ reliefin every casewhowov? dim-suing. ‘ It. will relieve theeriorst cine! of Héadgoh. it} three minutes nn‘Fl is warranted to d 9 'iz. _ Todt’hache alaoiv'vill it. gun handy. For Nervous nobility and Gen and Lu, made arising frum'flmpruden 3e or excel-funk Linimeut is n most happy and unfa‘ling tame”. ‘Acling directly» upon the nervona‘tinucl, u strengthens and revivifies the syn”, um! to? stores it. to elasticity and yigor. For Piles—A! an ates-ml remedh w. *claim that. it is (he‘lml known, Inf] we chad. lenge the world to produce an eqmd. Every victim of this (‘isuessing complnfiut Ihould give it. :1 trial, tor it will not {Hi} to‘nfl‘ord imfi median;- relief, and In a majority organ" wn effect A radical cure. L. l ~ 2: ‘ , Quinsy and Sofre Throat Hollow-times» extremely, mulignrim and ‘dnnggroua, but a timely ItpplibuUOflpf this Lluimeht» will nevor Juilto cure. ' ; 1 ' Sprains mge son’q‘gfimel-very obsiinnge, Ind . enlargemeln 01' the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The wofs: caag may be :conquercd by this Llnlment inftwo umbrec ad“??- Brulses. Cuts; Wounds, 861-93, Ul. oers, Burns and: Scalds, yield :mdrly m [le wonderful healing p‘ropuJit-a of Al)“. SWEET‘S NFALMBLE El). luEN'l‘, When Med according to kulirrcliuns. Al's, t‘llll.-~ “LAWS, FIIUSTHD FEB“; Axu lNii-ICT IllTl-IS ASD S'l‘lNGS. ‘ :' - ‘ R. STEPHEN SWEET, 6f Gonn‘ :3 (iron: anurxu Bnnc Scltcr. ’ f: ‘,:T 1' Dr. Slepln n Swen-L or Uonncclicui, is inqwn allover the l'uitml Staten, V - ‘ Dr. Strplu-u Swecrt, of Conncclirni, n th. author of -‘ Dr. Swot-Va lufnllible Limmtgl.” Dr. Sweet‘sflnfnllihlc Linjmenl cure: Rim:- mnlism murnover "61w. . ‘1 ' ’ Dr. Swret’i lnl‘dlliblc Liuimenl is I o’er-lain romedyfor .\cuml'gi‘gt. - .> . Dr. Swoel’.~ In".llilJc‘Linhncnt cum Butu and Scnlds imnw-lifll‘mly. ‘ . ' . . I)!.Swre"a lnfullflble Libiffient in the but knuwu remedy for Tlrniua 3mm Hruisu. Dr. S\\cex's Infidl Me Lil’limumuirel Hudc achcjmmeduuvly an“ “"35 u‘m‘vr kudwn lolml. Ur. Swrcl‘s llit'dllihlc Lihimun'. uflordw im‘ cdiulc rulivt‘lux l‘iwwunl s‘pldnm figllum cure. )r. SWCCI'N !;.f.|lllblc LinimL-m. curuTaoth sch in one minute. , ‘. ‘ Dr. Swot-['B Imumlfle Linjimn-m. cure: Fun 11".! \\ "lulu imediulrl) uiHL ltm‘ud no scn'r. Dr. $ 14': luhxllxhlc Liuimrnl f! the but remedy fa Sun-a in lln- kndnn n’orld. W Dr. Swa- ‘s lnfallihlr L‘imm’vul bandit-tn mm] by more than :1 million people, gllld I" pruisc it. > “ Dr. .\‘wva's \ tummy, curcs L x Cholin. . ' ‘ Dr. chel'q lnfnll n “Jrirnd in [um-d," mu /\ hnw it n! hnml. I. Dr. Swocl's [quHi’E‘lr LI i) nHDruggisls. l'ricc'zfi und.‘\ ~ x. " . “‘o‘ A Maria; | ,M 4 ail ed with '2l:, from I A FRIEH‘D INI NE; TRY lT.——Dll. ,SWI-lelf's l.\'l"’. LlNl.\lE.\'T, [H m 1 external 11:: umly. is . n rival, and will nllcvinh-Jn‘nln more 3;? L thnn nny ulller prrpnrnliufin. Fur-lull mt manic And Nervous Disu llcrp it i; lrhly Inf: - bl , and as n cnmlivkgr Sgrr;.;“'ound S} ulna, Brniwa. kc>.il9 5 thing, henlmg and , painful strenmlmuing propurlios, emu the ‘ jun wonder and nhuuidxnzdnt of nll vi‘hu [me ~\ ever given it. a trial. Uvur one thousand cer- ' Llflcalu: of rmunrkalhle curds, peifurmed by it within tue last. magenta; nun-nine tact. G LES th• ex- '- l' e day. miE TO HORSE OWNERS. DR. SWHET'S INFALL‘JBLE‘ LINIMENT FUR HORSES in uutivpled by any, and in .1"- cnpel of anEness, unsifig from Spnim, Bruises or-Wrenching. its elfccl in ml’gicul and certain. llnrncsn or Snddla Gnlll, Scratches, Mange, km, it will nluq,‘cure‘speeilily.§ Spnvln and Rin’gboge may be 'eully prennted Ind cured in their incipient Stags, hm eunfirunotl cases are beyond the possi lily 'arn radical curp. So («so of the kind, hnwever, it it) desperne or hopeless but itlmy be alleviated by this fiiniment. and in fnifihl'ul Ipplicnlion will {this}: remove the Lupeneu, and ennblo the horses to Invel with compmalivo «he. EVERY HORSE OWNER. should have thin remedy “[11“ i, for in Huh I] use at the first appearance of anenen will effectually prevent those formidable diuuel. to which all homi‘ ire litble, and which ton. der so many otherkriu vyubla hone: nuflr worthleu. ‘. 1 , ‘ nn'sm-‘p’s INFALLLBLI Lxhunx'r. SOLDIEE’S FREE”: And thousand; bud fora“ n wily A rnxnx'n uni!” m ‘ To avoid Imam», oboe!" the St” 3nd Likenuj of Dr. Stephen Staten mu lube], Ind Illa “Stephen me‘l ”IMHO Linimnt" blown (n the glut of out bottle. without which none m teatime. _ RICHARDSON 8 00., Bole Proprieton, Norwich, Conn. HOBGAN E ALLEN, Omen] Ayah, 46 cm! Street, Now York. 'Sold by 1.11 duh" every-when. Doc. 8, 1862. 11 } l ‘ \ _, gala Crymg. * W. Panama continua the twp.- “ . 0.18;“: CRYING, Ind muon- mom. ‘., wed Immune of the public. m- M. m. It“! “delta: to give “ti-faction. Chap. modfl'fie- Bélidenoe in Btock'uu'ld‘e m, 6.1.:be ‘ ,P. S.—-He is a licensed Auctioneer, 3114"». Tax Luw of the United SMLEI. '. Int. 84, 1852. . a, ”Exits—rl7s coconuts, Woof-813: -- ‘mflu, Shim-c Halt misfit-d. ' for uk MIDI. )- . _ “siwr: ‘ "l muggy!!!) . . ‘ A- 3 V 1‘: 11 fallihle Linimunt 9km in ohc, Cholera. Morhua nml Ql" Linimonl 11 truly ;| [awry Jnmily 4h‘ould Ipun-m 'x: rimsnla by ‘0 cents. ‘ "HULK \itlwut \edily ! -—— 111 THIB a