The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 09, 1863, Image 3
r. 7.! 1121 IjitniaT Wilt NEWS. It mu Won Thursday that mmé federatee weie évacuating Vicksburg-butt the report is not confirmed. 1 A Nashville dispatch reports that mm»; ing was going on alldny Thursday ”Spring-J ville. between three Federal regimanm and . the Confederates under General Van Dorm! and that the former. having exhausted thein’ ammumtion, and bcin I opposed by superior ' numbers. were exlher tilled or cnpgured.-l A detachment. of cavalry and one battery! of artillery escnped. ‘ A second dispflch confirms the abqve and namea four regiments ascaptured, wn'h} most of lheu- commanding officers. «Thq au' :xllery and cavalry wei-e successfully With-z drawn. The Confederates after tbeflpume fell back. Their forces consisted 9f influ try and nrtillery, the latter heawer than that of use Federals. Advices from Memphil represent that the capture of the lndiunola was unavoida ble. Both the I ndianola and-Queen of the we“ were discovered under the guns of Warrentown on Friday last, in I. condition for effective service. ~ , ’ L {Another skirmish occurred on the Black wnwr river. Virginia. on Tuesday night. last. A body of Confederates, supposed to have corhe for the mrppse of obtaining forage, were dispersedx with a loss of a-nugnber of their men taken prisoners. CAPTURE OF THE INDIANOLA.‘ CAIRO. March 2,—The report of the cap ture ofthe "Indianola" creates much dis. appnintmenb anal gloa’m lag-re. She was one of the nB7 lronclnda from which such good reaults were exlmtegl. ' We have no particular: of the nfl’air, ex cept tumors from Memphis, which state that the “Indinnolw” was attackegilby the rams “Queen nfthe West," “Webb.” and is. number of other vesaels, when 'the shore batteries opened on .her. Elie gnu boarded ’ finally, and taken t 9 Port. Iludxon.’ ' It in mid that. the who] will soon be put in service agninstlus. Rebel deuerters, ar riving It Memphis, insist that this'iiefi' rebel fleet’of' iron-clad»: will proceed down the river at once. had take part in an attack upon BlltOn Rouge and New Orleans. The rebels hnd crews really, and n. demonstra tion may he looked for at, any moment. ~ Our loss is comirlered most humiliating, especially in View of the firm that the {11052. explicit orders of Admiral Porter have been Vjsobeyed. - ' ~Pox-{or is (lelnrmined to recapture these‘ iron-clads at all lmznrds, and at. once, 1111- l _tit‘ipntjng brders to that effect from the} Nnuy Department. We have nothing nn“ the MinsiJslppi'tn cope with the “lndianol’u.” except the "Neosho," and. she is not quitol ready yet‘. ‘ ! ANIW Ybnx. Mnrclr'3.~—.‘§ specialMer‘nplnls . dispatCh to the Tunes an '3 the Indiunnln‘ was attacked 'bv three 139MH- .mrJl‘uvfirlnyJ the 24th ult. The fight w'ns obatinnleJa‘lb‘ fly: several hours, and she was only surren dered when in u Milking éomlillon. She ram nslmfie and the oflicors and crew are Anow‘in \Eicknbgrg. ‘ > i - " QC..- ‘ , 4- [ éfl‘h‘e Whonling Inf/”IZ/rutc‘r gives the‘ ’ following pnrtiéulm‘x~ of nn unfortunate mil itary afl'nir whsch Wex hun- elsewhere allud-' £ll to. The ufi'uir took place on the 2:3th.-—‘ ”A rebel cpvalry sco‘ut, eighty strong, camel inside oui- pickets on the .\‘muburg road.—§} After a’skirmiah wthinfantry pickets. in] which there wuumh-d on ou'ch side, they I rI-lited, chpturing a cavszlry picket oftWelve»; men. Five huermL o the linh l’onnsylgt vunia and New Turk vfnvnlrv. sent 1n pur- ,_ suit. recgpturrad, hpymyl Strusburg. mosti nfthp prisnnm“. 'l'lneicnmmundor ofour‘ detachment: tzumcrnfigl his ordH-s and I punued beyond anMnck.‘ Afteul'riving; "l the rebvl weaken- he slbod parloying inl (ht; read without, guzmlmg :lgninst'surprise.y The enemy returned m force. chargpd’upon. 1‘ and threw them into (:onflxwonfikil‘lingand“; capturing 200 m 3; fight at twenty nules.—, Uar men| unulb nu ntaunl, thongh outnum-’ bgnug the enemy.‘ ' ' A VAIN EFFORT The Ahnlilinnists of.Pitt~burg held! a darkoy mm‘tinz a fi-w evening! smce wigh the yieiv'bl' gnuing up a negro regiment.— Cupmin Lore, 6f thé 1.35 m, made a epen'eh nfterthemumwrnf“our army in Flanders.” He was follmred by n’colored brother who (Ivvlurt-d lhnt Lhe “colored man was consti~ tut‘u‘uuhy (lhqnulifiud hagm serving in the army.”- A h‘hxm'man then moved a com~ mittee of: the suhifbt of organizing Si negro u-gimenfi; whereupon the durkies became no'uyund(liaonh-riv. This brought J. Her rm) l-‘gstor, of the [pru/c/l. to his fOCt.‘ He mgdo 3' speech to ‘the dunky browad warri~ ‘or: antiqeventunlly quit-fed them. But. it. was evident. from the feeling exhibited that they had ‘moslomuch for (he fight”—'-aud so (he meet/inf ery‘l? m h fiLzle. It. is nbt likely that. the v we negroes of l‘ittzburg will succeed in raising a Muck regiment there any better than thicirfihretlncn did here. Brother Beecher and Lireely ought’ to come? alpnr: and stir them up.—llu.rriz~ burg Piuriol (1" Union. a I=3 The Inmate Bunml.'—The Confederabe steamer Nashville in coming up the Ogee ghee river. on the nightof ghe 27th, grohnd ed on the sand bur lleforg Fort McAllister, aqd wasfiiscgvered by the Federal fleet.— An iron-clad opened across the marsh m the N’mhvillq. and after firing 2; hours, an incendiary she” slnu‘ck her and set. her‘ on; firerrendering: her a total wreck. 3“th was Eva created for? D’ye giveitqp? Eor Adam’s exv wpuuy, 813901 me No . \ ylmportnnt Discovery. , 1 J Rams? IN Tu .\[n‘unsfl ' ' ‘BBYAN'S PULMONIU WAFHRh' are unfail. lag in the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, smell—mg, Sore Throat, Honrsenms, Diflicnl: Anything, Incipient Consumption, and Dig pic-I df‘the Lungs. They huYeJlO mite of ,modiqin'h.’ and any child will take them... fléhouaan‘ds have been rqsujred to health that find 'befére dcspaired. Teaiimouy agiven in ' 'nndredg of cases.” _ A single dose Jelieves in $01: link». 7 Ankle} Bryan’s Pulmouic Wafers—the origi ml the only gonline in numpad ”Brynn."— Bpurimu kinds nre ou‘ererl for sale. Twenty fivo cents IbOX. Sold by dealers, geneqslly. A JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, 4 . ¥ ‘ Rochester, N. Y. d’br Isyle by A. D. Bulnun, Gettysburgand pl! Wits. € [Feb. 16, 1863. 1y ‘ ”infill-eat nngwih {Remedm - n » ' Sm huts Cuaxx'a mspn‘n‘nng‘nb FEMALE PILLS. This n‘nunabh glancing is unfailing iu the cure of d: .thuej’ggilnt‘ul 121nd dangerous d1:- 'ua ‘l‘ '_ gm ' ‘ ems constitution. °_ ‘l‘mmqupeu egecss, remores All obstrnc. ganglion: whatayer‘cause, and brings on thn m 1; period with regularity. ' "they Pills should not {re taken by females an: m pregnant. durxng the nut man “lanai, "they Ire‘ .sure to bring—on “Miscar ”s‘s9“ at. every other time 9nd in every other cue they are perfectly safe.‘ , In!“ tuna ofNervons and Spinal Anections, Pd“. he Back and Limbs,l Hem’lness, Fa tifiuc ‘oh slight exertion, I’alpimtion of the Hurt, 13.9%: of fipix'us, Hysterics, Sick Had-yobs; mes! an all the painful diseases occuionpd by a disordered st‘lEm, these Pills will elect I. cure xhen all 041;“ means have filled. ~ . x nu firemen; in| d gamphlert ”(round mph 2”” Which s on [e are u y preserved} I's” é“ be ten: in a. llaoma, containing 50 >§mg, you} free, by enclosmg $1 and 6 three -em-'ian-p- to any agent- For Ida by A. D. Banana. Gemyaburg, “d ‘ll W [Feb. 16, 1863. 1y cam: Commptiom—Snamm lend plum to Dr; D'Uflaiaobglltium.ld., and b wan' 1 19:111. 03. fill 535 mm exams Emu; nanny-mm. coxrouxo. 4. bu p... I‘x Inch! _ (In. so, 1363. -. (in a 0m- young friend, Aaron Ammon, of so; this village, a. member of Capt. Crorgérl’s‘ ill. company. arrived home on furlough a four T 1"- days ago. He speaks highly of Capt; Crot-ll on the zer, and like every priv'ste from the army , DY'Pel" mth whom we have convened. he is hos-l Poss! tile to the negro policy of the administrar iodide: tion.—Lewisburg Argus. * ‘ compoi Mir. Ammon was a strong Republican on; consort entering the army. 3 Q PHI??? . ~———~m.—_‘———— - 11 r! EA disphtch from New York, lundc'r‘ promot date of February 23d, is as follows : ‘ 3 ~ ‘ l't P9l “The films.- (Republican) 'says :-—-We. P‘mfiH have private advices confirming to min?exl; 1" F‘ tent the rumorb of trouble in General ““19““ Banks! command. growingout of thq‘ intro”: fienhw auction of negro troops. Four or five oili-‘ ‘K.’ 9" cera of the 183 d 13.13 volunteers have ran. 5 [dist] ' H . signed. i _.l langum ‘ 1i strong "“1 l delicate ;’ It put 7 ‘ 3 function g , It re; :- terits l ’ . Ohl’ODlL g perform : use mr' 8 j it is 6 .} cir'curnt. 2 fisyitem. . a ; eing distilledfrom ..._ ~ ,___- . , E thilt Jamaica spirits are distilled mint sugar 0 ; case, it leaves no prostration or at er bad con sequeneel_after its use has been if continued; ? 3 while thedhases of all,other todiu are the ‘ stimulating but poisonous properties of corn whisky or alcohol. , ‘ - to know the utilityof this medi ml read the l s following certificates, selected fr it: different .1 sections of the country, so that cover may ' rdad of it mnyisee evidences of its good efl'ects heir byzr- ‘ i L ‘ ‘ Klvv'T KORE, Sept 15,1862. Dal Scnrxcn‘ z—Dcsr‘Sir—This is to certify tliat your HAXDRAKE PILLS an SEAWEED TONIC havev‘completely cured in wife of a congested liverLot' long standing, ring which timé she was visited almost daily y our fami ly: physician hnd the only thi he would prescribe for her were powerful ‘ etics until her system was completely worn {out by con titiunl vomiting! Everything we gwonldhear otvwe tried, but a lto no purpose: and finally \my wife saw you advertisement in tho paper, tinncouclndesto o and 3% yon,dlthough she ‘ hot! little ifany confidence in any‘doctors, after ‘ the experience‘she went through. i : Sh ’lan tnkcin about four bottle“: of TOXIC fluid tellree lxoxds or PILLh, and ndw: can boost oflas ’od hedlth as she ever enjoyied in her i me. fiothink this one or the most remarkable lain-s on record, and if publishing hcse lines lwill benefit the sick or unlit-ted! toll are at Ji erly to do so. .CIIARLL‘S’S ‘um, I No. 190 ill: svenue,cor. ofTwcih y-thim st. , l 1 . Lu», Mass; Jun 6, 1862., ,‘ {DmiScurscn—Qear Sin—ti mail to call on ‘y u when yJu ‘were in Boston, to . its an ac ‘lilipwledgmeut to you for the great! all [halve ldeirived trom the use of your Sedn ed Tonic mid Maudrakel’ills. I called 0111 cu in-Llay lost. I thought I~ bad consumptn ,but you 'said it was liver complaint and dys opsin. and v recommendcdthe Scnwbed Tonic Mandrake il’ills. lsuppose you liareiorgottf me; but}, lwiillatry to explain the case, andl think you ‘will'recollcct me. I [l2ld to Wall ome time llur my turn. Your mom: sure in?! I got to sleep on the sofa. lfelt so dull t at when I lfi'ould sit down in theiday time, 'ould fall agee‘p, but could not sleep at nigli . I think” ll had not come to you I would luv can in my 'grave by this time. i ‘ :Now l will try and relate ho land how i ism-now, and ifit can “In ,you, you may hublish it. .For three l tore 1 came ‘lO, you i had a pain ii i side and shoulder-blades, low spi it icostn‘e, sk‘it’t iyellowntongne coll bad, and apt-e its all gone. I t i go a week nitl out‘cnting, and no and ill did do}, it should fill me {'3l 1 would often get nervous [spells it‘i think 1 COM? uloit him until‘ morni g little cough. at" hafte spit it quarh a time, and clt'sure. until you eha ‘that l hudc ndumption. i I have Mk n in all seven bottled c weed Tonic, ml three boxes of Main] AntLlhe)‘ M d cured me. I l'co man}; but a“?! nojt’ouder I felt sic . took'right hold of my liver, and h stomach. Flor nine days I think'l {onererythinq appeared alive in e sure-I was lfull of worms; but i thiny‘zs startdd,' and no one would « quantities 0 black bile, slime an passed my owels, but l_ saw u wish the w rldjnew of the et’l‘ec t ‘s’vued Tonic it is a good nicdiciu bring up th appetite if’anything n will. - ldo ot believe you will it a am so chan ed; hutl a’rn‘bound t : next time 3' u‘~' come to Boston. . s fore, l mun ‘w a well man. My: 'll aud‘tpngue its clean as yours; I l seventeen p un‘ds in flesh, and so it o'nn eat ns‘ uch it‘s any one mnni 1 in the shoe usiness, and everybody here, and l in well known in Bo; 0 York: '1 u always talking ah u your medic no, and suppose h \‘l means of in log many dollnra' w t You'rs,resp ctthlly,_ _ JAMES . ' PuILADELPnIA,-A g‘ sax—Dear Sin—l tak g onyx: apertillcstei y \‘e eady received l l _ . can scarcely find i u ficiently sti’ ngto express my ho rt cation of t e wonderful Cures y Fill: and S weed Tonic hare e e ‘ entire cure f ‘ne of the most st 1 dfthe «dent on the liver. For h unlit-red be on desrription. ,Al‘l j as well as ritys f, came to the go c ‘ my time in his life was short. ‘. %u iterriblp con ition to which i was r , life to me had become a burden ‘system was in state-oi inflammasi. not ear; I c at not sleep ; mytw‘h l filled with s‘ ; swellings would): wrists and oh 5, rendering the I “loss. Oh so er 1 occusionslwas t 1 In rush of hon to the head, whi h me to the g on d, and I would be a ‘ for dead. a plied to several e i Wine of our ty, who adminis e 1 ' medicines they thought would r t but at no arni . One of thin: si do no more for me, and advised l resort, to drin cod liver oil. 'o' i th’e horrible "slam declined to kl dent put your hdrertisement in j ieallet} on you,l on examined In What was the ugl‘ure 0! my dise e. ordered me yohr Pills and Tonic servnhce of diet, pledging yonrlw one week I would find myselfant [followed your advice, and, asfy 11 ion astonishing Icure was ell'ected.l ,your Pills and Tonic for some titn ' than): God for his goodness and ya lmedzcine, I ant once more restore ' health. I most earnestly recom I those who are sufi‘ering from an all ,lirer to give your Pills and Tonic and a cure Willhe ellccted. I has {pczsons so you, and they have all I Any information my fellow citizens! i require will be freely given by the lat his residence, No. 912 Federal‘ Itween Eighth street and l’assaynn ! CHARLES aousso . Formerly Printing Ink Man Dr. J. H. Schenck can be was princi 31 office No. 39 North Si Philndlflphia, every Saturday; an Bond street, New York, every Tue tears for advicejshould always be , Philadelphia, Pa. _ ‘ Sold by Drnggists and- Starch erally. 1 ‘ ~~ =4 L , B , '''d 7" GETTYSBURG—Suvunn usr. F10at............................;..........6 25 to 6 Rye F10ur................................. 4 White \\'heut........... .........;.......1 50 to 1 Rod Wheat................................l 50 m 1 Corn . Rye...... (mtg ........................................ . 1‘ 8uckwhea1................)._.............. i ‘ Clover Seed 2............................ ‘ 61 Timomy 5eed...._.......‘............ Flax Seed. Plnser of Paris Humor ground, per bag......... Pork"... I , BALTIMORE—Fawn u". » ‘ ‘v Hour. 7 25 .10 7 ‘ Wheat 1 70 pa 1 1 Ryan"... .. 1 03 ‘m 1' ' C0rn.......... . 87 {to ‘ Uflls 42 k 0 xGlovcr 5éed.......... . 7 00 w .7 Timothy 5eed........................ '2 87 to 3 ‘Becf Cattle, pe’r hund............. . B 00 tolO ,Hogs,l-er huud..........’.. 6 25de 7 , Hay........................................20~ 00 1022 1 Whiskey ..............i..............'.... 5010 { Guano, Peruvian, per t0n........; 1 r 32 Q .HANOEER—Tauuson LAST. [I l Flour, from‘fi‘ngons...“ .._..0 ' | D 6. from stores": ‘ When . I Rye 1C0m.......:.............. I 0m: lClover 5ecd..........|.‘ ETlmoLhy Minimum} f Plaster ' _ MArgnan. ‘ 1 1 “ On the sth inst, by Rev. 'l‘. PgßucLer, “:4. DAVID \V. l-‘INI’I‘sUUK to Miss RACHEL [l. mmux, ome vicinity orgenysbur‘. «, ‘. ()n the 3d inst., M. the house of ME Philip Myers, in Pinptmrn, by Rev. E. H. Iqufh'cin., .\i_r. JOHN SIIETR‘ON to Bliss ELIZHBETE! GILLJLAND, both ot'Tyronc township; ‘Admn: county. ' . i 1’ . Un~lhe 24th ult., at the residencq‘ of thh bride's fillht'l, by the Rrv. A. Finfru‘ck. .\hf. S.\.\ll'HL ALBERT, bf Lntimore toknshig‘, Adams county, to Miss SARAH ANN Mill-IRS. , of'l-‘rgmtiliu township, )‘ork (-oumy'. ‘. At. the uridt-‘s residence, Feb. 28th, y lien W. I. Croalhwnito, Rev. J. BENSON ‘KE KS, A. )1. either East Baltimore )1. E. Can prance. to Miss HENRIETTA-GALLAGHER, of New Oxford, Adams county. I. ‘ w‘Obituary notices-3 cents per linétfor at] over four lines—cash to accompany mit‘ice.‘ T . ‘ ' f— : ‘ ‘ On .tbe 6th inst, 6f cousumptibn, MrkLlNA'K‘g- CY POLE, wife of Slr.,,G'em‘ge (301;ij Bul chnngm \'nlley,nged 39‘3‘bars. 3 " Un tfie 15m uh... in New Freedom 10% Bin. HARRIET AquUI.LUCGH‘, Wifei ‘Willinm McCullough, aged about 410.3%} Nexu- York Sp‘rings; Adams couut'yfi therm, on theUZIJd offzd‘ month, IQUB,GI A., son of .\lr. .\‘uLha Smith, aged 5 )1 months and 9 duys. '3‘ ()n the mm of l-‘eb‘r, at Briddock's Fi BrnnLhinl Consumption, _ Mrs. MAM, BELL, Wife 0: George Bell, acct-M6ll. 2 of this county, aged 52 years 4 months§ dnvs. ‘ ' 3 On the 15L inst., SARAH ‘JANE, (my! Mrs. .\lulnnwrt, of‘Tyroue township, ‘3‘ years R I plhs nnd‘lidnj‘é. ‘ 0n W?” of been} 154.2, in Monroe] mum], L )io,.\{rs. HANNAH L. LUXUJ John Long. Qurmerly of this county, ‘ years 3 momhs and W days. ‘1 In Mt. Pleasant, “am; con 13', 10mg! month 20H), 1563, JOEL U§RRSTSH mcrlly of Latimore township; Adams q Puffin the Slstyenr of his age. .‘1 9n the 2m. ult., of scarlet fever, ‘ VIRGQ'IA WATSON, daughter 01 .ylr. 1 Watson. ' .Uu the 3d inst, in this plsce,-TH‘E|; NORRIS, son of John Lfinud El‘mira . aged U mouthsand 28 days. .' On. Tuesday morning,. 241.1: m, ‘ LYDIAN, oldest daug‘hter ofJessc .\.;n '1 (I. Seubrooks, aged 2 years and 7 ‘ .. Suffer little children to come unco [lx-l} Un Lbe‘ 15th uh", in \\'nsh_ingt9u cit an illness of some two months, from a. o: typhoid lever, WILLIAM of Dj'sert, of Johnslown,-l‘n., in his 24th y On the 24“: ML, at New Oxford, (‘l s't-cnml son of‘ Martin am; "lsubelln l aged 17 years and 3 months. ' Pubhc‘ Sale. { Tll3 subscriber will offer at Public gale, h - ‘ entire stock 01- ' ‘5 L ~ HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNETUR at his residence, in Gettysburg, near tiltLG‘ ‘ Works, on THURSDAY, MAIu‘II 20m, [B6 Th; furniturc'is 1:?fiy all new and fiillflbeso -‘ without rcscrve‘t the highest bidder; ,5 {gym-l}: lo commence at. 10 0 Cluck; A. . .Irhen terms “I.“ be made known by ‘3‘; g , I". A. BUEUNERJ A. W. Ficmming, Auctioneer. ’4 ’ March 9‘, 16.63. ts 3 I RISTIANJ’. CASHMAN'S ESTATR—Lex hers of administration on the estate of C. d. Casbmin, lute of biraban lwp., Adams co., deceasedg‘hnring been granted to theiundef signed, residing in Geitysburg, he Eihereliy gives notice town“ persons indebted ,10 ‘said estate to make immediate payment, an tboke having claims again“ the same no ill-cunt them properly authenticated for settledentr _ JACOB BENNER,;\:hm’r. Mal-J), 1863.74“ ~ : I' * ‘ Notlce. .: F 1:0ch - rumours ESTATE—,‘Leue‘n testamentaryJ‘on the estate of George 33er caw, late of Moumjoy township, Adam: gonn ty, deceased, having been granted to lhe un dersigned, (he first named residingin the some township and the lust. nuned in Stratum town ship, they hereby‘ give notice to All persons indebted We said estate to make immedidte payment, and thou ‘hnving chime against the same to present then: properly nuthenucgud for settlement. PEJER BERCAW, , ‘lO N G. BRUIKERHOFF, Mar. 9, 1863. 6t* Executors. ND; SILYER-WARE.—T_h‘ undersigned A would {espectfnlly invite )our aftention to his well select’od stock of Fine Gold and Sllm WATCHES; Fin. Gold JEWELRY, of duty kiul gnd Vll'iety at style—comprising all of the néwest. and most bountiful dislgns. Also,SObID SILVER WARE, equal 10 Coin l—‘nd um but make of SILVER PLATED .WARE. Each article is manned to be u represese¢ 13' nhcbu sad Jewelry curefullyßepaired and. satisfaction gnannteed. * JACOB HAng‘, ‘ (Successor Lo Stan‘ffer 5 Harley,) ‘ No. 813 Lurk“ street. Phihd't..; “Ar. 9, 1863. 3m&3nsep.l » . Wanted; ‘ HE highest price id for RAMS SEOUL- T DEBS‘nd 311 mg: n ' Max. 9, 1863. GODORX & GILLESPIE‘S. JUST received tprimeht of SUGARoCURBD RAMS, new, at. A CODORI I: GILLESPIE'S. ‘ OKESTICS, Prinu, Ginghlms, Brilliant! , in“ n ° 1. SCOTT & SON’S.‘ laktboh,“ Plum Medicine: n be had A we now Fulfil Drug 91%; cri lion mof I Dr. Hgfmfii. 2 M1192} 2 i s 7 m Notice. wat'ches. Jeweer. \ s') Je, .00 ["6 r, 2 .1' . ship, pf 31;? '{dipr | Hui}: > rs XVII dsfdi may nmly lud 2i er 6f d 14; Butle‘ \ife ‘ f _ e5l f: etonii j l {0‘1" oumy‘, [ALICE l-‘eurg‘h p Deni: ween mm 3 Mary omm. . itftér mltack . Wm. =EI AS. J‘L, elma fire in sénai ’i many you b humanity's | j PRICES. 1 Pulmonic Syrup, 3! per bottle,ss Se; Weed Toific, $1 per homo, $5 Mandmka Pills, :13 gent: per box Mu. 9, 1863.} 1m 11‘ o'r'rON atoms, {of Sign .11» ~ be Ind cheap at. 2 IS '— E have just receiv'ed I né of Queepsware, to which ‘w. attention of buyers. A. 8001' R‘ TOBXAS’ celebrgted Dub, Powders. for Horse's and Q: a Dr. HORNE-R’s Drug Store. ‘ LL kind- or srmw Goons A Men’s and, Boyl’ Hus, light ren’n Han, Shaker Ends, lc.. :& "'Apr‘fln - z. I. fly .sPllbll¢ ='~= e. ‘ , BE snhaeriber, infludinfio 'remore from Gettyibfirg. win- q’trer n 123.1??? sue, q. 1115 residence,}on Baiting}: street, WEDNES DAY. the lilh day of ARCH next, the fol. lowing personal properlyl viz: Rosswouo MARBIZE-TOP TABLE, Dining and Kitchen Tables, What. Nét, Parlor, Chum her,,Diniug-room and Kitchen Chairs, chking Chair's. Lounge. springbolwmed, Blinds, with fixtures, Carpetings, ’quking Glasses, Bureaus, Wash Stand; (Marble-gum) Beasleads. Clock, Book Que, Oil Cloth. S_Lair nnd Entry Gurpets, Stove‘s,: Drum end Slq've Pipe, Queens-Wine, Glass-ware, Crockerfi-wnre, Sehoolrroom Desks, Homeland Bug , Hirnus And Saddle, etc. All the furniture? very little worn And of the latest Philadelpliln style. A gay-THE ocsu Agm LOT occupied by -the anhscrib 1' will be pfl'bud for sale in the above time a d place, find if not. sold will he torrent after April 1, 1863. , ‘. fiSule t commelice MlO o’clock, A. M._ ‘5 WM. “CELW'EE- r; A). W. Fle Fab. 23, 1 Valuab T PUBL A‘mh M ed will sell 11' Reading tow ten. the foil viz: RREL HOME, 1 fine Bay More, 1‘ Colt, und‘fl one-yearling Colt, 10 item, Sheep, Fourzhorseflrond , One.ho&se Wagon, Lime‘ Bed; 9, Horse ears, half interest it} a lime nna 3 Grain Drill, monghs , Short-i fl’loughs, Corn Forks. Log Chitin, Halter Chains, Cow la and Double-tn: s, S‘prende’rs, , kc. A [urge l‘ot._ (31 Hay by Line ‘l’ostq nunguiiS: Also a. Cooking Fixtures, H‘arrels, B nches, and 3 ”nor articles. , o c'ommen'ce at. 1011 u hen mteddnnce wil uown by 3 l - jSUSAN'NJ 63. - ts" 3 ' i . . _- *fiA ..V 7 ‘__,‘ Pubiié Sale.‘ x WED. ESDAY, {he 13th J O inst.. t e subscgber, inter: fuming, wil sell at ‘ublic Sn] deuce, in S rnban togn’ship, A within a Ital mile of mnite S lowing Per: nal Propel-tyht'iz : 5 HEAD OF HORSESJ (one fnnl,) 3 .\iilcil Cows. a head of Y Sheep,‘l"our3horsc Wnfinn and B Sled, Hny C. rriage, Pl ughs, Hui Plougha, Cr) n Forks, G'ornCovg Machine, Gr in Drill, \y‘iunowiné Box, Single nd Doubl -trees. 51,1 and Commo Shovelsj’ilch Fork Rakes, lloe., Mutt/ock‘h, Horse Saddle, Holt r 3 nnd Hither Chili Clover Crud es, Wheelparrow, l of Huge, wit many othr farm nl Also, "0 =chold and Kltch such as Red and Beclsteads, 1% (‘usc of Dn War“, (‘org‘ r o"pr Slands, Stov and Pipe; éiglit-dai ty—lxour (‘lO k, Copper-mettle, Ire fels, Spinni g Wheel, WOOl “111 riety of othe articles tdo numero ‘ @Sule o commen’ge at l 0 4' on said 11*), when ntgentfliuce and terms to do known by ’ i JACO March 2, 863. ta‘ ; ' ‘ l *7.— ~ ~ P ofesstinal Cord. - * ‘ AWN previousléy announced our asso- H cintio together, as prufitictioners of medicine, w now stntd tlmt, on d ufter thin date, we wil enter intoinn equal mid permn‘uent partner-shiml We will give our} nnited and combined attention to our profeqsiomtl duties,‘ and cudeay r, faithfully and satisfactorily, to discharge t€etm ‘ E. G. KIXZER, M. 0.,. '. G. KEIRLE, u. D. n, March E, 1863. . j ‘ . - ng desiro s of closing up my old as knowi‘ g ‘them'sclr'ea indebted pectfully rFqueated t make proinpt ither by n‘me or pity M. {B. G. KLIZER, M. Di l FISE S two-yearling Cow: and H tread Wago' Hay Curl-in“.i Threshing M and Murrow Culling Bo J Clmins, Sin Rakes, Fork tom—n lot_ 0 Steve and i] variety cf 0! , WSnle ! on said day, I term: made ! Feb. 10, 1 was then .» of use to years be~ iuy right (1, bowels q, ~brenth ‘k [could hungry; nfwind.- fight, and E lbsd a f blood at ..ined me, E the Sea- II akc Pills, ike n nrw r The pills tonic ply 01!. worse, and I gran ‘ few dkyi ieve what orrupcion arms. I the Sea nd it. ‘will the\world ‘ me, for I c‘yom‘ me mime. is as clear . - Ye gained at. that; I ynn. Am knows me and New you and been the already. JONES. 4,1861. ‘ eat pleas- 'dldition to finfl‘ering unge suf elt gratifi- Littlest!) N. B. Be business, th to me are re‘ settlement, 'i r.» Mandrake [mi in the uorn cases ee years I -y friends, union that t. was the. ‘- I need that March 2 lid rcspecéfully infome our custb ' that‘ ’we‘? have appdinted Majfir 'rmick Lgefitlor the Salt: of Trevor - ll urdErs agent to him, win geceite nuou at. mgr rcgfilx’r prices. | MMVI’ON & co., ‘ I Lessee: Treyorton goal Minn“ ‘N IE «0 mer David Md" tun (70le my whole In; I could ' body was rise in mv prompt :me billy usc cked with - would fell tried away i um: physi: ed all the u the cue, - he‘could . , as ,3 1m -t relishing hceived mg agenc'y foil- the Isle of pal, I mkemlensnre in: recommend ‘my cultofiien Ia . first clus, {me lflree from all ihnpuiitiea, and doc: For domeitlc And Imm‘ purpoa'el mot be exéelled. 1 - DAVID MCCORMICK“ Harrisburg, Feb.23,¢ 1863. 3 x Having r! Trevonbn 0“ ing inc all] burning con not clmker. ‘ thin coal ca- it. Acci hands. I _ .Natromi Goal 011. | ARRANTED ON - EXELOSIVB .nd 'Sqnnl to my KEROSENE. I 1 _ WHY buy an explosive Oil, when slew «at; more per gnllon will finish you with I perfect Oil? Mnde only by PA. SALT ‘MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, 80.127 Whnxcr Sun: PHILADELPHIA. ‘ [Feb. 2!, 1862. 1y iui told me t You then I it]: an ob~ ‘ord that. in er man. I { prédicted, 1 continued 3 and. now :- valuable to perfect end to all tion of the fair trial, Saponlfler! Sapomfler! HE FAMILY SOAP MAKER—AII Kitchen Grouse can be nude into 390 d SOAP, by using SAPONIFIERI » ‘ DIRECTIONS ACCOMPANF‘ING EACH BOX! SOAP is u euily made with it at making a cup of cofl'eo. MannfaJctux-ed only by the Patentecs. PA. SALT 3(ANFFACTERING COMPANY, No. 127 Wuajur 811., PHI AD'A, Feb. 24, 1862. 1y ‘ ‘ . sent many ecu cured ay further subscriber street, he road. , SIL, fncturer. lted u bin ‘l3 street, . at. No. 32 day. Let irecml to Change of Time. ETTYSBURG RAILROAD.;—On and alto! Monday, January 19, 1863,, the Morning Train will have Gettysburg at B} A. 31., with pauc'ngtn for 11l the connections. North and South, on the Northern Central Rnilvmyfind return nbont 2 P. M. The afternoon Train will leave Gettysburg It 3}, P. E; with connections North and south. Returning will reach Gettysburg about 9 P. )L‘ with pliun gen from Harrisburg, Philn., Balk. kc. By this mnngament persons from th. country, nctr the line of the Railroad, having busineu to transact in Gettysburg, can take the noon Tnin up and have Ii hour: in Getty-- burg, And return in the Evening Tum. R. McCUBDI’, Prelident. pan gen- ‘halfdozen - alf dozen 8011. can HICK'S. Jun. 19, 1863 apartment invite the & SUN. 0R Gentl'emen we hue piothlflnuiménn, Cusinotu, Tweedn, Jesus, to" n cheap u‘cun be found ehewhcre. A. SCOTT t SON. ‘ _ .__... UFFALO ROBm—A lplendid lot just. re. ceived at 5 PICKING'S. “ Conduion .e, fax- all: LYCERIXE Ind CAIPHOB SOAP [m G: preventing snd curing thé‘ bites of illu quitou and other iue'cu, It } - DR. IL HORNER’S‘ Drug Story; embncing ' Ind Chil- HEKY'S. Real Estate uflpcriben offer at pri nte, known u ‘- WEI xmiltouhnn township, 1n one mile of Flirfieldu .rds of 500 ACRES, of t farm land, and. the me! mub‘er. The 11nd ‘ uanllly yield: a sure ‘lnmmcr grnin. Be which the Hill; In the tract, the farm bu v‘ field.— A'irowltory iE, Stone try LOG Bank Barn,ol f Ame, 'enien‘ces‘Wagon 3hed, ‘ is three stories high, I of burn, qhop‘ping org“; Sav Mill,‘Mil 1a ; two excellent or th I Inge Amount of My. The Gettysburg ‘. Railrpnd is located I estate ofien induce m not alien found.— Jr viewing the proper nll upon our Attamiu, in Gettysburg. MARY MYERS. MARY V. MYERS- KC . uni—x ‘. , thd» ‘v of MARCH next, the undegsign-l‘ Public Sale, at her residence, in ship, Adaims county, near Kipp-z wing valuable Peg-591ml Property, 'clock. A. M., lbe giyen and - MILLER I yofIIARCH ding to quit ‘, at his resi mnu counly, Itjon, the to“ l'a. Mare with ung Cattle, 3 d, Sleigh and hows, Shovel er, Threshing g 31m, Cultin‘g Lenders, Grain , Man'ure do., Mars, Wagon I g, Grain and In of Iron, 10!. I ticlca. [‘l Furniture, Imm, Chairs; mud, Chests, y (Tm-k, Thir- Qn Kettle, Bar ick, with a v - 9 t_o mention. Jclbck, A. M., $2111,“ given MECCHER. 863. 3m; Coal- Noticei Poor-Home Account. V ACOB SHEADS; Eag.,'l'rrunrer,33 Icconnt .' J With the Director: of the Pofi and the 3 Home of Employment ohhe Countyzof Adflml,: . being from th: in: dny of January, 4‘, D , 1862, {to the 511: day ofJlnulry, A. D., 1863 : ‘ ‘ . 1' ' DR. :I ' I Cash received from Joel B,‘ Dunner. , . I%qu former Treasurer, ‘ $5O 28. ordgr on Cqunly Trnlurer, -' ' 100 mi Cub of Samuel DurhammCoinnmog of Aby Sample, ‘ u 50 WI j‘Noté And, pm inure“ from “In” - § ' Henry Shin, , I’l 15 75‘ Order on County Treunrer, ‘ 800 00 . Diehl, Brinkcrhofl'k 00.; f 40 HI 1 Order on County Traumr, 1‘ AOO 00) u u u 600 00 1 33 50 00 , I” on i 100 00 - 7 00 g 000 59 1,600 00! 5g ‘ £OO on: i -29 50‘ $313500 00’ s‘l 600 00; {i .20 oo‘ 3: 800 oof a; 116 GM Luz Chroniuer, Eu... fine; Samuel Ddrbonv. Conan-mm, Order on County Timur", uh . a John 11. Wolf, Elm, fine, . Samuel Brown, ‘} Order on County Trfuuur, ll , II I Note of James H. Shilt, Order on County Tremor", H ' u '_u 1 Punch Lee, shingle!" Order on County Trensurcr, Balance due Treuurex, ' CR. ' By cash pnld out n toflowl : Out-doormnnpen’ Inpport, - $B5O 50 Mgrchaudize and grdceriel, ' 2,356 91 Pérk, beef, hogs, ta, 4,032 34 Beef csuleflheep, to" 30} 08 Flour, rain And grinding, ' 346 97 Mechn ics’workfimfluding cofinl,&c:, 444 98 Stone on], lime and pluur, 619 2.5 Wood hopping gamut-alias mih, no 59 Stew: ’3 continfient oxpeuu, 190 00 Male itelings, _ ’ " ‘' ‘ 222 00 Female “ 7 fl . 221 00 Physician's inlnry, <1 -.-..“ I" " Counsel fees, { ‘ 35 00‘ Smwnrd's salary, E _ '350 00 Directors' extra aervjicu, ' 65 00 Clerk'l salary, : 40 00 Funenl expenses, ‘; ' T 412 00 Real calm-e and cryihg ule, , 302' 00 Fnrming implemenlq, 1 ‘.3 90 Lumber, _ " , ’ 662 Vegeubleq, ~ 7 50 Hon-ye, “ 125 00 Clothing. &c.. of Abeamplc, ‘ 10 00 Drugs and‘medicineq, 36.05 Printing, , ' 1 ‘ 65 35 Tran-arch salary, , 1 4‘o 00 Wefthq underlig‘ed. Auditor! to settle and adjust. vthe Public gecounts, do hereby certify that we have examined the items which cum pose the account, find that. they u 2 correct, being,ftgm the 7th day ofJnnusry, 4.1)., 1662, lo the btpfixiy of January, x. D., l‘Sb‘3—iup elusive. L g H, DYSERTS ‘ , ' ‘ ’ PETER DXC " _ J. H. SUI I'AN, ’ l'dixoxs. flung w” ACOB GULF, Esq” in accoung Iwith the J Dimmers o! the Poor Ind tbflflouae o'f Employment'lof the County of Adfl‘ns, being from the 7th'dny of Januuy. A. Di; 1862, to the 53:!) day of Januhi’j‘, A. D., 1863: ‘ $5O 00 4 . ‘ _ , 50 oo .lntercst, 7 ‘ ‘ ‘ 997 Cnsh of Samuel Durbonw,’ , 36 28 Cash of Henry Rupp, ‘ ;' , ' , 180 Bush of George )lchnapp, bonrdihg,_ ‘ 100 Cash of Thom” Nolan, “ ’ l 100 Cash for poultry sold, ’ ' 194 Cash far bed. . ‘ , 4 30 Cash for (allow, ‘ ' i 27 76 Cash furlm'd, ’ ‘ - . é. 16 95 Cash for hay n'ud ntnw, * . 61 60 Cash for cows. ’ l , bl 00 Cash for timothy need, ‘1 650 Club for wood. ‘ i 2 75 To Mlunce due Steward, } 690 (ix-den on Treasurer, u ‘ u CR. By bllnnce due Steward It settlerfnen Labor, harvesting. tdr, ! , Relief and removing pauperl, y Fruit, " - Flour and meal, ‘ Morthundizo and lumber, ‘Me'chnnirs’ wosk,. ‘ Moat, - . Pomt'qes and cabbage, Sundry expenlcl, A "We, the subscribers, Auditor! tigetfle and adjust. the Public Accounts, do gtify, tbsp we hlve examined the items which composd the above pccouut, And'do report lhugthe same is Correct—the inme embracipg theui‘qccounv. of Jacob Culp, the present Stewnrd, him-the 7th day of January, A. 1)., 1862, to the 5311 day of January, A. 1)., 18633—th dnyl incmsive. 3 H. “8331*, ‘ . t . ‘ . PETER. PICK, ‘_ £ll.BB Mimi A. , A “,LIST OF .PAUPERS remaining at _ . House of Adams canny, on'the Janun‘ry, 1803: ' - ‘ Males, ‘ . i . Females, 2 . I I ' Chilrh'en, \ ‘ ‘ ,"~ 4 qupred, ‘ ‘ Total. ’ ‘ 1w Trnusio-nt paupen, 13M - PRODUCE us me pm! roni 1862. : Wheat, ‘bnshell, Z. - \ »‘ 848 0:33, ‘l‘ _ ' 554‘ Eye, “ ' ‘ ‘ Corn, “ Timothy need, " Onions, “ Beets, '5 ‘x Potatoes, “ Cornfodder. londl, Tons of buy, ‘ Pound: of pork, Pound! of beef, ‘ . ' JACOB GULF, March 2, was. u The Grocery Store N THE HILL—Th 9 undersigned would ‘ respectfully inform the citizen: Dl'Getlyl burg Ind vicinity, thnt he ha: taken the old ltnnd “‘on the Hill.{' in Bultimore street, Get tysburg, where he inlendl w keep constantly on bond all kind: of GRUCERIES—Sugnn, Coleen, Say-mp- of ell kinda, Tobacco. Fish, Salt, kc., ,Ennhenware of all kinds, Fruits, Oils, and in {ncz everything usually found in 9. Grocery. Also, FLOUR a FEED of all kmds; all of which he intends $0 sell low as the low est. Country produce taken in exch-nge for goods-andfihe highelt price given. He flame" himself that, by Igrict ntenlion 3nd an honeit desire to please, to merit I share of public pn. tronnge. TRY: HUI. J. 31.‘ ROWE. Feb. 23, 186?. t! Old Gold and Silver ASTER—The highest price in club V E» paid for old Gofd Ind Silver; the preuanv. in n fnvonble time to no”, the premium on it. being lugs. A||o,Gold and Siker Coin urchaud and the hi hen pficq ‘ren, b p ’ ‘ JOSEPH ‘fi’avn’, Witchnuker t Juveller, in tho Dinmond. Feb. 23, 1863. 7 1863.} 3:23:23“ {1863. Howell & Bourke. OR. FOURTH t lABKET STS., PEEL, hue now in flock, o line (may ofWALL PAPERS, got up expreuly for , their Spring Trsde. WINDOW PAPER of ovcrygndo, to which they invite ‘he “mention of Swrekeepern. fi‘ln their Kenn Deputmenv. will be loud the choice"- nyles of the union. ~ Feb. 23, 1863. ,am ‘ Gettysburg Marble Yard. EALS t 3110., W EAST YORK STREET M GETTYSBURG, PA.——Where they are pn-pnrerl to furnish 11l kind. of work in lheiz line, such an NONUMBNTS,’ TOMBS, BEAD STUNES, lANTLES, am, n the sham". no tine, Ind a chap u the chap“. Give 1;. . dill. FIR-ohm ukon in “chug. for work. ‘ oufsbu‘, Jan 1, 1303. u , A iBmall Farm T PRIVATE SA Lit—{Tho whwribn ofh-rs A M Prnnte Sale, the SMALL FAR)! he uuw occupies, liluntc in Mounljoy township. Adlml county, adjoining_ land: of Stephen Gamer, Frederick Fun-hey and others, gunnin ing 23 Acres, mare or Less. improved with a. ”"7 two-awry Fume HOUSE, new Buik Bum, Wagon Shed nnd Cogn Crib. I well 0 never failing Inter at the dwelling, (the writer from ‘bJCh is conveyed lmo the bani-3131,) two 0:- hard: of choice fruit, to. The Innd 1| un der’ good cultiv‘ntinn, huing been well lined, Ind under good fincing. The lad is :qullw limestone. ‘ Poucuion will b¢ gi‘ren on lhofint thy of April next. Terms euy. Apply n the premises. ‘ ‘ JOSEPH A. onxnogu‘r. Fab. 2, 1863.; 2111‘ . l ' . Fr h Groceries, nw XOTIONS, FINE LIQUDRSJ to.— The undefligned ha: jun rqmrndd from the city with thy: largest flock of lien- gvods be has yet laid in. which, hulng boughl {Qt cash, he in prepued r 4 sell In low as anybody-here or flannel-c. le will enumerate a pottionpf hil‘ awrk: (NH-TEES, SUGARS. Holmes, Chgeae, Bacon, Potatoes, Salt, \'in-gsr;Bpices. Candles, Soaps,, Brooms, Bl‘lllhcs. “and”, Bed Cordl. Cedar mid Willow Wnrc, .\SEG ARS and TOBACUUS, llrge lots of but and ofommon brand); with all sorts of SUTIUNS. ‘ $7,596 14 He has I finei slack of LIQUORS ib i: ul unlly found outtidc onhc cities, viz : Timpan ed and Domeni Brnudiua, tour. kinfls, film best. for medicinnl nabs; Old Bye, very supenjor, for the lame punmse; Imported Wines, u‘tso Do mutiq Wine; Schiedam Schnapps, ;] Rums, Whiskies, kc. ‘Every article is warranted to be what. iv. is wild for. ' _ 3 yßec‘eHect, thisn‘s the pine: to huxl cramp.— Let. such In doubt it ,cullrnnd they ‘will be convinced“ 1‘ GEO. F. KALBFLEESCH. Jan. 19, 1863. . ' . Good News for Everybody! ,3- To GOALDMAN'S, ‘ K ' AT susox’s ULD sum ; ‘ ALL NEW Gobosx l _ . CHEARI CHEAP! CHEAP l» 9 » ~ ”' 'Goldmnn, just from Baltimore, has 0 ed I~Clolhjlng and Variety Store I! Sum so '3 (IN Camp, on the Diamond, in Gettys bu ,wherq he offers as Luge slolk of Goods in in line. and which he will sell at grit-es so 10;“ to astonish all bu) era. lliamsqnment, w ich will be fbund made ofthe lreht Materials in th. best, mlnner, compriles' everythinghu the line of Men’s 5: lloys’ Wear, \‘ir: _ . Over Qphtsyn large yariely; , Dress Cuts, a Inrge variety ; ‘ l l «Suck Coats, 1} Luge ml‘iply; Ai ,' _ Panmlo¢us, a large variety; 3! '1 ‘ ‘ Nests, ailurge variety; ' , f : Shirts, lHul:dkcrch§uls, Neck Tie}; _ Glovés, Sugpeudeys, Carpet Bags; , Knives, Port .\lonnaics, ” iGentlcnien's Dressing Gambit, kt. ( Yfim‘y [ to be bent ;‘ ‘ . chnrs. ‘sTnbaccn, ‘ f Fine ussiortment of Pipes, km, kc. Give Him a dull. ‘.\'o trouble :0 show Goods. By selling good (Monk. m. modorme‘pqofits, he hopes to pump-H nll purchasers. Dum'L forget “me Spot"—snmson's om Earner, 1 ; Gen‘ysbgrg, ‘Dec. 15, 18162. - 1 ‘ , —__._l _,_' _, 7 ._. .... ..-—‘4»;— $7.696 H . Savings Instltutxon; HE FARMERS' k .\IECHANICS' SAVINGS T INfiTITI'TIUN of Adam: county, receives maney on Depésitc duily,_from 9 o'clcc’k, n. m., untila ‘o'clork, p. m. [uh-rust on [)cpoiilgs turn 2m :3 pei cent. Spefiia} I)L'['osi_tcn 'pnid .agrcenbly to notice, and transient Depositcs on demand, mith interest. ~ 7 Gettysburgfifgb. 9, 1863. c: g‘_ Ametxoneering. S HE undersigned. having obtained} License _ under theH’niled States Excise-L \r, begs lease to inform his friends and the pufilic gen erally. dun "‘1 conginuus the business: of Auc tioneeriug und;Snlc Crg'mg, 9nd xi'ill b glut] lo réceiveu liheml share of [helpubllc'a pstronngm He promise: sluisfnction to all nho "my em ploy: hill. Chnrues mudcrnte‘. Residence, in )lountpleamufl township, hnlf a mile on!!! of Hnnn’s Station} Post. office addresstranite P. 0., Adams minty, Pm. ‘ f 1011): STAcstu'm. Feb; 9, 1863 L 2111:" > ’ r , ..__m4,.q ~._____l__..__ ' $320 69 ===== ,‘556 97 1:93.25 H 47 $8 1 1034 i n l .38 4 24 2 £23 r 7 ‘ ‘9 18 5,23 , , ~‘ 1 Notice: ’ I OBERT SLEMMUNS’S ESTATEA-Lellm‘ R tesmméntnry on the estate 01? Robert hlemmons, 1919 of linmiitonbnn twp; Adams co.,decmised, hpu‘ing been gauged lo}he and", aigned,residin in the same tornsliiy, lie hereby ghefl notice 3) all persons indebted to said 'eslale to make immediate pnyuhnt, and those having claim! against {helium (oi-present them properlyhuth‘enticnted (or sefllerzent. ‘ " IS-A‘M} ROBIXSUX, Exqcuiot. Feb. 16, 1863. 6!." 1 $320 09 ‘=== AMES A. BRADY'S ESTATE—Letterstta- J ‘umenturyfou the enmle ofJlmes ; . Brady, late of Mount 133 mm. township, AdZuns co., deceased, havrng been gtnnled to lb under signed, residing in Oxford township, he hereby gives notice to all persons imiebtcd to said estate to make imzigedinte paymbnt, and those hunng clluigns against. the lame :6 present them properly .nulhemicnted‘for seltlelmcnt. . rJUHN S. BRA'DY, Exdcutor. Feb, 23, 1863. w j x 7 ditora the Alms' ’1! day of If‘IIOLAS summa- ESTATE.—f-Letten ‘ ‘wfu 'nistratfon on the estate ofNicholnl Burner. lflfi Franklin twin, Adumscofimtyfle ceased; hnnng been granted to the‘nmdcrsign ed. residing inllhé same township, the? ‘hereby give’nolice to all persons indebted. to said estate to make immediate pnymcnt, and those having C|aim9' against ”the lame to} prucnl them properly untlu‘nticntqd fur sculeingnt. CA’I‘IIAHXNE STAKEER, Adm'x. 11mm: Running, Adm'r. , Feb. 2, 1863. 6'. . y -9AI } . 30. 1 ‘l5 g 130 ~ ‘ 15 New Tafloring ‘1 , TABLrsnMExr...Gmo.r.Ecxawnonn, FASHIUNABLE lAILUR‘, ndoptfthis method of informing his friends Ind~ the publk: generallyrthnt he has opened 1; Tnilorlng csublifihment‘in Baltimore street, Getlyaburg,\(lnte Post. Oflice,) near the Die mond, where‘\he is prepared to do all work’ in his line in the best manner, and to the‘satin faction of culmmere. He employ: none but first clan hands,‘end recalling ‘ . THE “531ng REGULARLY, '_ . he censure-at In] jannble file and nut Ind substantial léwing. He ash e Ihure of the public's patronage, proglsing to spare no ef fort to deserve it. Hi: {urges will shiny: be found as moderate IS we‘lmes will allow: Cutting and Repairing done at the 'lhortut notice. [Gettysburg"zl‘pri.l 7,1862. 80 4118 3318 ad. ‘ New Goodéx ; 9mm GOODS I—CHOICE GOODS! , S rAxisEsrocxkxcnflEßs have jun. received and are now npenlngalnrgg and choice Assortment of SPRING GUUDS, to which they invite we attention of thc‘public. Having‘been purchased with cure at. rcdgced prices, we are prepared to give our customer: burgtina. Our stock has been largely increugd by the addition of; choice nrjet'y of the lam: style! of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, material‘ .for MENS' WEAR. CARPE'I‘ING. QUEENS— WARE. MILLINERY GOODS, kc., comprising a complete usorlment of everything uluully wanted. Call early and select bargain! for yonrselvu. FAHXESTOCK uno's. April 7, 1862. The Cheapest LOTHS, Cmimeru, Cnlsineu, Costing, Jpn", Cord, Funnels, 81-nkm; Glayu, Hosiery, Ind I l-rge lot of CARPETINQ, to be Ind at the chap cuh “are of ‘ ‘ NOV. 3, 1862. USO. ARNOLD. F PARTXERSHIP.—The partnenllip here -0 wrote exuting between. £llO undersigned, in the practice or Medicine, has this day ban diuolved. The book! ct the firm will be lound in the possession of Dr. Cbnrlel Homar, who will rominne the yractice. > gig-omn- ono door above the Drug Store 0! Dr, H. Homer. CHARLES HUKNER, RUBEN? BURNER. April 1, 1862. , ‘ Cubuugna‘mgm‘ss, is ham lol’juT «in fro- oeity. n no order n ‘ , . “brand's. Notice. Notice. Dissolution New Firth. ROGERIES, PROVISIONS. FHCITS,COI- Q FECTIONS, NOTIONS, ac. ’ he underlighed have “me into partnership in Hue Grocrry nnd Prm'uion bnineu, at Ibo nld stand of W. Gillespie, In York meet. on. door cut of Will's Hole]. Guvysbuyq, when they will qomumlly keep or: had for me, a punt! variety 9! goodl in “mi! lune, \"u: CUFFEES, : swans, . ~ . NULASSES. SYRUPS, ‘ ‘ TEAS, , ‘ SALT, 4 BANS, wounmms, SIDES, ‘ Fl3ll. . POTATOES. , » BEANS In, rnoun AND rfizru. With guy quantity at - CONFECTIONB, / . FRUITS, ,' . NUTIONS, help .1. kc. ‘ They upecl Also to deal largely In,GOAL OIL and COALOIL LAMPS—promisinkagoad allele of the former and 9. 8m uuflment o! Nae Inner. ’ lining enllrgred thc‘Slore and Want R 000". they are prepared to keep a large stock, I'll'of Which will be disposed of u the 10'“! run. They ofl‘er any“ bargain: n have never hemlo fore been bind in this place. Uivc‘ul I trial. No eflurt waved to plans. ' CEO. A. C‘UDURL ‘ ~ * JUaEPU S. GILLESPflL April 25, 1862. of, _ Something New. THE undersigned respectful ly‘informs (lie resihnts& ofGenygLnrgud vicinitynhn: he has opened a WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE, in the room immediately ifllhe rear of Mr. J; L. Schick‘s Store, and fronting llLs Square, where he intends keeping an numb menl of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SHIVHR and SILVER PLATED WARE, SI'KUTACLES, CLOCKS, c., &c. *‘ ( Having been converted with, s lint-clan.- Watch nnd’Jewelry. Store in Baltimore, for several years past, he is prepared in turnip): every arjicle in the line, in lhe lnwym~ gigyl prides, and all purchases will be gutimmicil nu represented. ' Froin a long cxperiencein “mum-remixing, especially affine \i‘nlchea. he is prepared to do all kinds ol'll‘atchownrk promplly, in Hue b 6“ nimn‘er, and gunmmy the performance ofit. He will kéep nlwnyn on hand n. large (snort ment'of SBEC'I‘ACLI-IS. um} Spoc tucle ‘Glaues; and hinting much“ experience in adapting them to the Ilglntjk preimred to fit. nil who need tin-in” . HAIR JEWELRY mmle to onlér in the but! 'styh‘. mud n grmn. vanx-L.) of pattern: on [mint . JEWELRY ro'inred in the names! Innhnp'g. ‘ JOSEPH BEV'AN.‘ " Gettysburg, Dev. 2:, 1501. If New Store !, . ‘ EW GOODS AND GREAT BARGAIN‘SI N —-The undersigned wouldl vaucu'ully ’nnnmmce to_ the citizen: of Gettysburg a‘ud lsurrmmding country. that he has opened‘ a NEW STORE in (km Mun-min the runmjmicly art-tuned By J. C. Huinnv 11r0.,.0n the Non}: West. corner at the Dim n‘nd, where he will keep nlnrge und up” Irele ied flock of QBY GOODS, GHOH-11111-SS, QUEENSWABK, “ CARL'ETIXG, Mt, ‘ - of every defirription, among wliich will '59 found the latest styles of Spring Hands. The Ludil-s pnniul‘nrly nre rcqneucd to ml] and examine my stock. as 1 [col :nti-lioddl luu never been sun-paused in this place for buy!" and c'henpness. Genucmen, nlso. nre 'rcqueu ed to call. as thorc “Is no Article in the line of G ESTLEMHNib’ WEA R that they cannot be no commodfled with, at prices that Lwill‘nlonilh them, ' ‘ ‘ f I will also keep o'n hand It large inpply of GROCERIES, which will he sold very chp‘ap.‘ My sldck ol QUEENSWARE, ha, :Will also. be found ‘hnndsnme, dumble and chejsp, whilst. my CARI'ETING 4 nnnot be iurpassed. . o It is my inn-union to keep all"; chug Slbn‘ —-kc‘eping on hand nothing but good gond‘l—a and ltscll cheap—having adopted the mong— “Ql’lCK *S'ALES AND SMALL PROFITS." . Iwouhl respectfully solicit. suhare or the public pnlronugv, as llmpc by strict nltcnlion lo,busiucs:, am] by rivaling honestly with 'l3:} customers, to give Intistnclicn to nll. ' ‘ MICHAEL smxonkm Agra-14,1862. » ' Making Room QR NEW GUODH.——PICKI.\'G in aen‘ang‘ F ofl‘ an his old stock of Fall and “Lifter Clothing, M greatly reduced priccl, m mhke room’for his Spring aupply. ‘ Nor}: th'e “me to buy chenp ' § ‘ . all s can to moan bargdnt. Feb. 2,1863. , d _ Cannon 2“ Adam’s T, ' V‘sw MARBLE \mnxs, cm" of aim-3 ‘L more and Ens: Middle sirens, appoint} “be Court Home. Gettysburg, I’m—We fun, piepsred to tarnish lanumenu,-Tombs, Hud- , stonet, )klrblc Mnntles, Sinh- lor Clhinet Makers, and all other work afipertlyining to par business. We will gusranlee lathfnclion b‘oth ns’w‘exccun‘ou and price. (In)! an‘dn’qe our desigul and specimen: of work. "V ‘ Feb. 2, 1863. u ’ > » ‘ The Great Dlscovery F THE AGEF-Xnflnm‘matury und Chrénlc Q Rheumatism can be mrcd hy using 11. L. M LIAEWSCHILEBRATED lllll'lDllATlC MIX. TURE. ‘Mnny prominent citizens of thin, um] the .ndjnining cuhmiu. lune unified to‘ it: great minty. lu success in Rheumatic antico— -110.115,)!” been hixhcrm unparalleled by buy specific, inll’ndllCCll to the public. l'ricq'bo cams per bottle. For mle by all druggius uni Morckccpen. Prrlnucd muly by H. 11. MILLER, Whol-usllle and ILcLuil Druggisl, Ens! Berlin,- Adams county, l‘u., dealer in Drugs, Chemicfals, Oils,Y4ruiilx,’Spirlta, l’uincsLDyo-stnmt, ”09¢ tied ins, Essences nnd Tin'cmru, Wimluw Glass, Perfumery, l’ute’nt flediciney, &c., u. gay-A. 1:. Imm" 1,. III? Agent in Gag-o burg lor “ 11. L. Miller's Celebrated Kiwanis. Mixture." ' [June a, 1864. pt ‘ fish Remforcemonts. TRENGTHENISG OUR PO3!TION.—-Wo S are constantly adding new luppliu lordur alreadyxhrge and faqhionable stock of . HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. . We have évery style of Spring and Sump" Huh, which in qwhty Ind price cannot {nil '0 please. Boy's mud Mani: Hun and Cnlnfo! ev‘ery dcscriytion, And of the Intel: Ilflu. Our neck of , ' \ - _ , BOOTS, 4 ' ‘ SHOES, ' u GAMERS. to, 30.. mu never more complete. Lidia. Gentlemen And Obildreg cap he ucomnodued with en]. thug in thin “no, u we no better prepered now to give fiu and gram-e bargain: than 'ever ‘before. If you win! humming, good In Ind fashionable goods, call n we sign of the BIG BOOT, in Chnmhenburg street. ‘- JUHN CULP, ALEX. COBEAI‘q June 9, 1862. Coal! C 081! Coal. 3 . . HEADS h BUEIILEH nre'now prepmd to S supply COAL, of supetior quality, MW qulnmy united. Terms, Cub. ‘ \ \ ConeOuel Come Al“ 5 ‘1 - ‘ '1 \‘fi-Tbey a'lo toque“ thong inhhtal to than to call and pl: up. u funds urn Inch: In: G. Who will be tho first to ed” 05. Open um IID 1. . 2 Feb. 4,1862. , ~ m \John W. Tlpton, ‘ ASHIOKABLR mm“, I%an m 1 ner of we Diamond, [next door to II:- lelhn'l Rot ,) Gettysburg, Pm, when he can It all timxne found ready to Attend 2'» d] bminen in his my. Er. bu 2110 Clement u lh‘umcc and wilfumure “ti-fiction. Gin him a call. - \ [Deg 3, 1880. nch Railroad. -.—On And utter Mm:- ", Runny: Train: um - \ have Junction HanOVer Br RANGE of HUD day, Jan. sth, 186 run II follow“ , Leave Hanan: 13!. Train at 10, A. I. lst Train at. ll,~‘. I ‘ 2d do. 1114.30, r. n.‘ 2-! do. st 8.30, r. I. The 10 A. a. train aunnvcts It Jaucgou for, massacre, Harrisburg, (lokumhiua gnd Hm burg. The 4.30 P. 1. Rain mtkll con-e . for lithium, York, swam: ,nd a» mu D. 3. mac", (‘99.; fluent, In. 19, 1.53. t , . ri“