The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 23, 1863, Image 4

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$351116; @mnjtl;
The Fort Wayne (lnd.)‘ Seutmz! mlm‘uu'ncrl
the following ctcelknlarebnke lo Abolition rm:-
n-r when: who. from their ramps. nsnume to
leclgre and scold (be great mnjurily oflhe p.O
- Representative in Indiana. It says'
“rouncs xx mt AIIY "
'“A int ot' indium military officers in Rosen
ernns' "my, It the inuigntlon “Gov. .\lorton,
have heldnmeettng at \lurfreeahoro’,_lntl adopt
ed malntion: denouncing the Democnts "u: the
Legitlnpreoflndinn‘ and lhe‘Buttet-nuta' in the
Sula genenlly, for their opposition to Littculnlo
Abolition projects. and pledging the Indium
toldlm to de\ ate their lives Ind meens to thn
iupport of the Administntion. This in np
doubt a cunning trick nu the part ofthe chit-erg,
vhb leek promotion, and expect that ‘thrijt
may follow rawniug;"Fut with the soldiers it.
will be dtfl'erent. putt if Governq: Morton thinks
to “my them ngninht their» lrlluw-cltizenl, or
that he can ute them in may scheme to over
thrav the onutitution of the Stine or destroy
the liberties at our citizens, he will find him
nclfiwofully mistaken. ;
"This movement of our ofiicers In an omitt
orH figment] dewrves the severe-t. reprehen
nyq. The intfodugtion of politics into the
"VF"! bodes evil to the republic, and“ army
uzicers ‘nre to be allowed to denbnnce and
'ht't-Iteu their fellow-citizens who my differ
with them, we any surely look for the downfall
of the republic or a bloody nnd unnatural'civll
“tar. ’l‘hele Indiana officers have degrndell
themselves nndflisgrnced the State by their
Officiant qbsequiousnesu and tendy compliance
with Governor Morton's schemes. They ought
to be drummed ou'tol the service; but as thqt
cannot b't done while the present party remains
ia‘power, they Should pt least be made to feel
the ’acorn and contempt. they have atr richly
“It is the ancient and undoubted prerogative
ofthiu people to canvass publicmensures and
the merit: of public men. It is n ‘honfe b‘réd
right,’ it fireside privilege. 't hath ever been
enjoyed in every houpc, quttmc and cabin in
the nation. It is not to he drnwn into contro
vdrly. It in nu undoubted us the right of breath
ing the air or wnlking on the earth. Belong
ing to pnvme Me or a right, it belongs
to: ‘uhlic lift- ~a: n duty. and it is the lust
‘duty which those whose teprcsentnt've l
m shall find me to abandon. Aiming sh uni
tibia-{Pic be ctlilrtrous and tempcrnte in its
Int. except when the right it'self is questioned,
l gilnll plaice myself nu the extremehoundnry of
my right, and hid dbliiiiiee to any arm than.
would move me fromuny ground.
‘{‘The high Lonstitlhtionnl privilege lshnll de
fend and exercise, within this houne. and in all
placeszin time ivfi’fpencemnd M all time};—
Lixinyz I =hnll neseri it; and :hould 1: lane no
other inheritance l 0 i’ny children, by the bless
in}; of God I will leave them the inheritance of
free principles, and the exnmple of a. manly, in- 1
depenrlcntnnd constitutional defence of them.“ }
—E.l)mml Ill'ehafcr. " _ ‘ll i
A Pubic-rim: or Dniev Wrasrnn.—-The
lion. Dng’ieLWebster, of .\Lnschiuu-tts. in K
apical! deiivercdvin “'nshinqton,jusl thirteen
year: "go, guve it In his opinion that “if the in]-
feinnl {Motion and Ahflilllnnkli ever get the
poker ‘into their hunds, they will m'ei'ride th‘
(‘rirrstitutiom set the Supreme Court at defiance,
clr‘nuge nml make laws to suit thexnselres’, ‘luy
violent hnnda on those who difll-r with th'em
in itheir opinions or dare question their-infalli
hilily. an‘d finally. bankrupt the country and
deluge it with blood." ,
Inflge Curtis mys: “Whenéo than do those
edit 5 of- th‘e President spring? Th’ey spring
frdni the assumed power to extend.mnrtiul law
bvér the whole United States ; n power {or the
exercise of which there is no w‘nrmnt‘whatever
inflthc constitution. a power which no people
coixld confer upon an cxccutivc'xfilicer and re
mein a free people. For it would [mike him
flhghlule master of their lift“, theiglibertics,
and their property. “ * * Let us beware
ho‘w we borrow weapons from the armory o
arhltmr power. They cannot be wielded by
theshnngs of n free people. Their blows will
finhllly full upon themselves. Distmcted couh
cm; divided strength, are the fiery earliest ef
feets of on attempt to use them. What lies be
_yo‘n‘d no patriot is now willing to look upon."
Under orders of the Secretary of War, and
by request of its Governor, )lnsmcliusetts is
pdrmiu’ed to enlist .\‘cgrbe; and “all persons of
.Africxm descent” to fiil unher share of Volun
tcérsl ~ln honest Pennsylvania people were
jailed and forced into the army ngninst their
will—in Abolition )lnssa'chusetls, which fur
nished but little over lmlfl her quota. no draft
wgsjexecuted, and slip now slavishly begs and
obtain; permission to fill up her regiments with
“demons of Africnn descent,” and such are to
be the yompnnions in arms of our patriotic
Pennsylvanian! _. i
“by is it th‘at Pennsvlmnim was compelled
w; drnft while the_ New England States were
no“ Let the hongst, toiling freemen of Penn
sylvania ask this question, and keep it ringing
In‘xthe (fits of the authors of suéh an outrgge.
why is there no arm in Abolition States 7
Cl‘c'nlon Democrat. ‘ ‘ ' A
[Q‘While the edministrntion is thus despot
ic to Democrats, such notorious disunioniste
nslllhilips,oheever, Greely, Sumner, Lovejoy,
\Vfide'b 00., have not .only been given free
ecope by the adminihtretiun, but have been in
vited nnd potted by black republican Seuatoge
and oficiels. Let Demoérnts epeek: their prin
ciples. Let them expose this reckless ndmin~
”tuition, and if worst comes to worst, let them
defend their rights. The doctrine that conser
vetive men unnot advocate the constitutiofl
and laws of the oouutry with the name fréedom
thlnt Abolition fanatics and dimnionieu use in
its deuuncintion, is the most insulting form at
political despotism. When open Abolition dis—
neionifle are permitted to room the country
lwith r‘old Abe’s' blessing unon their heads, let
no Democruh‘clole his mouth. Our principles
m the true principle: of loyalty. let them be
adv/outed end defended at every llflllld.—
This in no time for men of honest principle! to
knuckle and give ,nnder. It in not the tinie;tbr
men of noble purposes to enliven—Allentown
‘D‘Wfll. n :
‘1 Runs» on SPOL‘IGYs—The Albany Argus,
noticing Epiln a rflean from- fort. Effie”:
on mlkgng n pitd‘lfl apology remarks: ‘ .
.' “But 'cnn an offence which calls for the in
térposition of the military, the suspension of
the Constitution, the denial of the authority of
the courts, uni the secret and viclent abdnci
tian of a citisewgom a State, be wiped out by
#9: apology? e venture to say that no gov
ernment in the world ever resorted to such
meansto reach an offence Qus easily expinted."
. . , _ ......_..__
1 Wm taped to imbhc nfl'airs, the faction‘
now in authority may be fairly reduced to,
fibre: chases. Politically spenkiug some are
,Imaves, some art-Jock. and the rest. are_ both
knives and fools. Let no one say this “judg
men! is harsh. It is thejudgment of the pub
lie opinion of this country ; it is the judgment
of the public opinion of the world: And Wlll be
the judgment of posterity—Exchange.
ALILLu-mu W:nnr§a.—The marriage of
Genenl Tom Thumb (.\lr. Charles S. Straitun)
to Miss Lavinia Warren, was aolemnized in
Grace Church, New York, on Tnesdsy inst, the
loft inst. The gentleman is twenty-five years
ofagt; thirty-one inches high, and weighs twen
sy-nine pounds;thc lady is twenty-one years
old gad thirty-two inches in height. Thcre
wu great. excitement in New York on the occa
lion, and the rapers devote a large space to
plrticulm. Bliss Minnie Warren, we bride's
lister, acted urbridesmnid, end liuie Commo:
don Nun. as groomsman. Miss Minnie is six
teen years of age, twenty—five inches high and
weigh! nineteen pounds. The Commodore is
itenzy-one years of age, twemy-nine inches in
heigmjsnd‘ weighs twenty pounds. A small
Ilair o Innkeiso much fuss about.
gimme: Cook, of Chicago, bu commencgd
“in against Horace Greely {on libel. Poor
Gm!!!“ Bennettsayl. If he were sued for
cvexj‘libel he utter: the courts rould have a.
buy; time of it. 38’: what may be culled l
commuflm! llbdcl'. up his nature to tra
duco. ’ ~
. Wm. B. McClellan, ‘
TTORNEY AT LAW.-—omre in WeatNid-_
die street, one door won ol‘ tlu new;
'our! House. L ‘ _
Gettysburg. Nov. 14, 18M). -‘ > .
Wm. A. Dunc”. , ‘ ‘_
TTORSPIY AT LAW.—vofice' 1n the North-7
weal corner of Centre Square, Gettysßurg,j
Pa." 7 7 , V [Uc1.3,185?. If _‘
.A: J. Cover' , ' 1
TTORNEY AT LAW, mu gammy attend}
A to Collections and all other buainel end
tru‘stgdjo him.‘ Office Bét‘teen Fahncstlckl’
Ind Dunner A: Ziegle’r’s Stores. Baltimqre sheet
Gettysburg, Pa. , [Sch 5, 1859.
D. McConaughy, A, f
TTORN'EY AT LAW, (officeone door new
A of Ruehlvr's drug nnd‘botfl: storc,Chnm3
bersbu'g strut.) Arron" Axu‘Soucr-ron raq
Pun-rs nu szsxosa. Bounty Land War-V‘
rants, Back-pay suspended Claimn, | and all
qlher claim; ngninst the Governpent M. WpshJ
fngton. D. 6.; nlaoAmericanClnims in England.
Land Warrants located and sold,” bogghl,nnd
highest prices given. Agents engaged in 101
eating warrants in lowa, Illinois and othe:
wedcrpsulea fiApply to him personally
or by letter: ' ’ §
Gettysbuig, Nov. 21', 953. ‘ *
Edvmrd B. Enabler,
,TTOBNEY AT LAW, williahhfglly And
A promptly attend to all business entrusted
to him. He speaks the German laugunge.-—‘
Office M the mme place, in South Baltimore
unet, nenr Frlrl-cy‘lrdrup: note, and nearly?
opp’oslte Dunnorx Zieglcr's More. g ‘ ‘
Gmtyfiburg, March 20. ‘
J. C. Neely,
. TTORNEY AT LAW, will attend to canoe-g
A tiona and all other husivfl'ss intxusted to
hsi care with promptness. Offiée in the S._E.‘
corner of the'Diamond, (formerly occupied by
“Wm. B. McClellan, Esq.) v _
Gettysburg. April 11, i 859. .tf
Medical Card.
OCTORS‘ O'NEAL 8: SWOPE have asso
vinml themselves foi- the PRACTICE OF
MEDICINE in Gcztylbmg andfim vicinity.—
Offiqe in Wills' Building, oppo§ite th‘e Bunk.
Night calls will, for the present; be made at thé
residence of Dy. Swope, in Bush-York alreetl: .
Duc. 22,1862. 3m L L .
Drs. Cress 8: Taylor, ‘
CLEGTIC mn'szAxs.—The€bm~n
E named gentlemen, bnvidg Inssociate-l
lhcmselves in the practice oflbledicine and
Surgery, offer their professionbl services" to
the citizen! of Gettysburg'nnd v‘lcinily. Hav
ing had large snrgienl experience in the. U. S.
Army, and extensive hospital [put-tire, they
respeltlullysolicityourpatronage. “Eclectic"
"learn to choose or select. "agree we select
the best, safest and most reliable remedies
from all other sectarian {iiegicail schools,
which have been rewmmended; from ’lhe ex
periéncc and sanctioned by ‘ptncliec ot-the
nblest Ecmzcnc‘Pncflnoxaas; and discard~
those more injurious, such'";ns' Bfilimqny.‘
arsenic, me'rcu'ry,’blne pill, b 10913 letting,§t§:c.j
Olliee in lhtltimnre ‘treetfoppnslle McCre‘ar’y'h,
S dlerSliop. ,Volunteers'fu‘milidfi nttendedfree]
cleaner-2e during their ébsence.: » ‘
Du. hall-150nm. ‘ DB. WK. TAYLon. 1
Jan. 1971863. . < ’
J. Lawrence H 111,“ M. D. 1
AS his (Effice one
I I door was: ofthe'm‘
Lutheran church in »
Chambersburg street, nnd oppmite Pit-king’s;
More, where those wishing to have an; Dental]
Operation‘perfcrmed nre respectfully invitethdl
cull. Rnrznwxcas: DH. Hornet, Rev. (i 133
Kmuth, 0.1)., Rev. B. L. Bunghér, D. 1)., BV4
Prof. M. Jacohg; Prof. M. L. Siufl‘er. j
Gettysburg, fipril 11, ’53. '
‘ Bastress 8: Peters —4 _. J
A“ the highest cush prices for all Efn‘d’s o ‘
GRAIN, ~ Q '1
' FLOUR, . . B r
SEEDS, km, I
ntthe Brick Warehouse in New Qxfotdu ‘ é
Consuntly on hand a large :nssorlmont n
GRUPEIUES, at wholesale and rcmil—a‘lso,
April 2R, 1862.‘ Iy* . L
Adams County : j {
Incorporated March 18, 1351. ‘
Preaident—George Swope. ‘ . 1
Vice Iraidth—S. Bullpen". l ‘
Srcrrtary—D. A. linemen _ ~ . I
Treaaurcr—Dnvid .\l’Crearj'. 1 e 1
Executive (fawning—Robert )Ichrdy, Jhcoll‘
King, Andrew lleintzelman. I ‘
Malaya—George Swope, D. A. Buchler, 81.
M’Curdy, Jacob King, A. Heintielmnn, DJ“:
Creary, S. R. Russell. J. R. ‘dersh, Sumne
Dnrhorner. G. Fahnesto‘ck. Wm. B. Wilson .
H. A. Picking, Wm. B. .\lcClelhtn, John Wok
ford, R. G. .\[cCrcm-y. John Picking, Abel'l“r
Wright, John Cunninghn’m, Abdiel F. Gitt,
James H. Marshall, M. Eichelbe‘rger. - ‘
fi‘This Company js limited in its opera:-
lion_s to the county of Adams. .th has been in
suétesafnl operation for more than six years;
and in that period has paid all flosses and ex.
pen‘ses,without any document, having also a large
surplus capital in .the Treaanr . The Corn.
puny employs no Agents—all. gnsinessheing
done by the Mnnngere, who are nfnnnrdly elect.
ed by the Stockholders‘. Any prerson desirinf:
an Insurance can apply to any'of the above
named Managers for further information. " ;
mhe Executive Committee meets at the
office ofthe Companypn the list Wednesday
in every month, at 2, P. M. j ‘
Sept. 27, 1858. ' ~
Something New
r \GE-TTYSBURGm-The undersigned informs
“he citizens of the town and county, that be
his commenced‘the BAKING business, on I.‘
large scale, in York street, Gettysburg, nearly
ogyositc Wattles’s Hotel, where .he will} try to
deserve, and hopes to receive a liberal patron
PRETZELS, to, km, baked every day, (Snu—
days excepted) all of the best qmli’tz, and sold
at the lowest. living‘profits. Cracker-baking in
all its branches is largely cmiedion, and order-3‘
to any amount, from this and adjoining conn
ties, supplied at. the shortest notice. ‘Hnwinp:
erected a large and .mmodious bake-house and
secured the best workman my! the most. up
pgoved machinery, he is prepared to do 3
heavy business.
July 25,1859
‘ A. Mathlot &: Son’s
S 25 and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore, (near
Fayette’st.,) extending from Gay to Frederick
n,—-¢he,largest eltablisliment ofthe kind in the
Union. Always on hand a large nssortment oi
bracing Bureaus, Bedstends, Washsmnds, Ward
robes, Mmtresses. of Husk, Cotton and Hair
spring‘ Beds, Sofas, Teteoe-Tetes, ‘Arm Chairs,
Rocking Chairs, Etageres, Marble ’l‘nbles, Set,—
lees, Reception and Upholstered Chairs, AS.
Wood Chairs. Office Chairs, Barber Chairs,
Cribs and Cradles, Hat Rack“, Ball Furniture,
Gilt and Walnut Frame Booking Glasses, Sidep
boards, Extension Tables, ofevery length.
Persons disposed to purchase are invited {0
call and give our stock an exnmination, which
for variety and quality of workmanship is not
equalled by any establishment in the :ounlrj.
A. MATHIOT 5; SO.\',
Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street.
Aug. 6. 1866.
[Q‘Sanns & Btansß’a Store ls well wor
thy avisitj-ust at, this time. We doubt whether,
even in our largest cities, so fine a display of
Stoves can be found. Their lnrge room is
full of Stoves oféevery patté‘rnnlso. every va
riety of Hollow Wnre. Sheet-iron Ware, Tin
Ware, Planished Ware, Japan Ware—embmc- ‘
iug, indeed, ever) thing in the house furnishing 3
line. deso, S.lusagc Cutters. Snusage‘Stufl'ers, 1
Lard Presses; km. kc. They are prepared to
sail wholesale and retail. 'l‘in Ware and Sheet- ‘
iron Wane of their own munufncinrc—Reeplng‘
a sufficieu. number of hands to supply any de-:
mand. Their assortment. of Lumber is very
large; also Coal otevery kind. 1
NGLYSH. French and Amflrik‘nn Mustard
E for n 1: .2 Dr. R. HORNER'S Drug Scorn.
Fresh ReinfOrcements. !
k nrv constantly adding new supplies to our
already large and fashionable slm-k of
We hme every slyl! of Spring and Summer
Han, which in thty And price cannot fail to
piggy. Boy’s and .\len‘l Hut; and Cup: of
«9n description, and of the lan-nut) In. Our
flock of ‘ x
~ ' SHOES.
‘ ‘ GMTERS. ta, ta,
was never more complete} Ladies. Gentlemen
and Children can pe accobnmodnted with Iny
thlng in thiglme; as wcmre boner prepared
nov to give Ella and gunner barguins than ever
befnre. . If you ‘nnt hnégnius, good fit: tnd
huhionnhle gnoda, cm“ a} the sign of the BIG
BOOT, in Clumbcnllurg meet.
you}: CULP, ,
June 9,1862
.. ,M‘ < —'—. ‘7— .....
i New Goods. /
have just received and Ire now openipgalarge
and choice esmrtment of}SPRING $lOOOB, to
which they invite the attention of” the public.
Having been purchased ‘tyith core at reduced
pricesflve are prepared tp give/our customers
bargains. Our Stork has lieen largely increased
by the addition ofn choice vdi'iety of the latest.
styles of LAQIES’ DRESS’CODDS, material
WARE. MILILINEEY G 005, km, comprising
a complete assortment dt' everything usnally
minted. Call early andl select bargains for
yourselves. 'FAHI‘JESTOCK BRO’S.
April ’I, 1862. l
‘ , » New Tailoring
adopt?! this method of lnfurming his friends and
the public generally, thht he has opened a
Tailoring establishment tin Baltimore street,
Gettysburg, (late Post. Office,) near the Dia
mond. where he is prepated to do all world 7 in
his line in the best manner, and to the satia
faction of customers.’ we employs none but
first class hands, and rec ‘iving 3
he on warrant fashionL le fits and neat. dnd
substantial se'wing. llc'ainska a share of Rho
pnblic's patronage, prom ing to spare noief
t’o‘rt to denrve it.,« His clfitrges will nlwny ‘ be
found as moderate as the times will allow?
Cutting and defliring
ngtice. [Getty-3
’ , New"
chrmxs. .
The undersigned have ,1
in the Grocery and Ptori
old stand of W. Gillespie
”dom- out of Will's Hote
they will consmully keg)
general variety or goods I‘
commas, i
l ‘ SYRL
runs. ’
F L O,U R A‘ N
With any quantity of
:They ewpect also to d"
nrticle of the former and
the Inher; ‘ ‘ .
HM ing enlarged thefitd
they are prepped to heel
which will be disposed 0’
They offer such burghih:
fore been hm! in this plnc
Give lis a trial. X 0 em
- =(Hit).
’ JUSE '
April 28, 1802. ‘
Somethifi =New.
HEuhdt-hig'nod rr‘sper' ful-
T )y informs the rofidemsfi
ofGeuysburgand \icinitylthnt _
he has opened 0. “'l”an .-\.\'D JEWELRY
STORE, in tho room imm-iintcly in the rear of
\‘lrnJ. L. Schick's Star. and fronting tho
Sqnnre,whero h:- intend. keeping an 8.530”-
mam. of \VATCHF, JEW .1.1’.Y, SILVER and
CLOCKS, kn, &c. _
filming been connector! with a first-clues
Watch find Jewelry Stu e in Baltimore, fur
several years punheiajpreparml to furnish
every article in the line, at the lowest city
prices, and all purchases in be guarantied he
represented. L»
From a inn: experiencrlim Watch-repairing,
esp3ciuliy offine Watches, ;e is prepared to do
'all kinds of“'atcli-work‘£romptiy, in the best
manner. and guaranty the performance ofit.
1 He will k'erp always on‘hnnd n large assort
ment oi'SPECTACLESmnidSpec
rtncle Glasses; and linvin much%
experience in adapting tgiem mi the sight, is
prepared to fit all who need'them.
HA!!! JEWELRY made' to order in the best
style, and a great varietyiof pnlterns on hnnd
JEWELRY repaired in he nentest mariner.
Gettysburg, Dec. 23, 1861. tl‘
Important to {the Ladies.
The undersigned is now uilding and offering
for sale, G. -W. TOLH RST'S IMPROVED
WASHER, nt Gettysbyrgflnnd intends to sup
.ply7 them to those pal-Sims throughout the.
county who desire a inbo savinzmnchine.
. This machine is gotten up on an entirely new
principle, and is considered by those who huh
seen it in use; the best. Phet hes ever been
bronght before the publi , '
Among the many edvnn ages of this machine
over 11l other. may be me tioned the following:
Ist. Its simplicity ofco struction, mskinglt
almost impossible to get or! of order.
2d.'lts speed, which stonislies elike the
operator and the locker o .
36. The {Mility with w ich itadspts itself
to the bulk or quantity 0 idothes desired to be
wnslied. .
'4th. It washes eqnelly' well the finest and
lightest fabric. or the coarsest and heaviest,
such as lied-quilts, comfofts, blankets, to.
51h. Cenrbe managed by a child from 10 to
13 yous of age. 1 h
Gth.‘ Consumes § less 409 p then any other
process of washing. ‘ '
A’lth. Will in: as long 4 Lay other tub with
same mire, \ . '
am. Saves hit the leboi‘.
1 s. SHERFY.
May 12, 1868
DAMS COUNTY, mil—We, the under
signed, hereby certify that we have used,
end are using nbw, G. W._§Tolhurst's Improved
Washing .\lnchine, and sré’fuily satisfied thntit
is just the Tub Mr. S. Sherfy represent: it. to
he, and supersedes anything of the kind we
have. ever seen as yet; combining, u it does,
great speed with little labor, and performing
its: work in the most rutisfactory manner.
We, therefore. recommend it to every family
in the county with great pleasure.
George Geyer. Marin Geyel'.
CaLhu-ine Meals, Sarah Sh'orb, .
Upton 'l'. Forrest, Sarah E. Forrest,
Christian Musselman, Catha‘e C. Mus-elm“,
John Chamberlin, Martha Chamberlin.
Coal! Coal! Coal.
SHEADS & BUEHLER are now prepned to
supply COAL, of superior quality, in my
quantity desired. Terms, Cash.
~Cona One ! Come All! I
WThey Mm request those indebted to
them to can and pay up. u funds are much
needed. Who will be tho-first to call ? Ofioe
open from 7 to 7., ,
Feb. 24, 1862. 1
John W. Tipton,
ASHIONABLE BARBER, North-east cor-
F uer of the Diamond; (nut door to lic-
Clensn's 80121,) Gettysburg. Pa" where he
can at all firms be found ready to amend to all
business in his line. He bu 1110 excellent”-
sismnce and will name ntixfucdon. Give
him 5,0191. Dec. 3. 1860.
RUNKS, Umbrellu, Cupet SICKIJU‘.‘ very
cheap as ' PICKING'R
: CHAIIIIIHUIG nun. Gun-sumo:
-; fining retired from the naive practice of
‘my pmfulion, I take pleasure in announcing
:0 the citizenspf Geuyaburg and vicinity, thu
I have opened 1
In the room forpeny occupied by ‘Dru. R. k C.
Honul, as an ofice, where I will conluntly
keep on hand sin-go supply ofnll kinda of
’ PAINTSIgt-ound in Oil.
OILS, expressed Ind distilled,
g 81'“qu or." kinds,
inks, Pens, Pencils. Paper. Combs, Brnahu, kc.
, “raw MEDICINES. , ‘
All the popular Pnent Medicines, “mother
with n selection oi pure WINES, BRANDIES
Ind WHISKE! {or medicinal purposes 'only,
always on hand n In a word,my Mock embr‘cel
every'hing In lly loufnd in I. lintrclm store
of this descript on.
A large “my of fresh Drug: has been .re
ceived, and other: He arriving, which I in: of
fering lo the phblic on very accommodating
terms. My whines have all been purchased
under my pe lnnl inspection and sup rvision
from the most -liahle houses. [can tgerefore
not. only recoqme‘nd them nu pure und'frelh,
but. can sell {hum cheap.
the trentment (1! all chronic diseases.
May 12, 1502, u
would respectmlly any to the citizens of Get
tysburg and viéinity, than he is now receiving
at. his store a sfilendid ‘ '
The stock ,dmsists in pfu‘t. of Fancy add 1
Eggs; DRY GQODS, of every description; 1
v ' l
‘ MOZAMBIQUE, , , - .- ‘
i 'D LAINES, ‘ 2 ‘
! Bonwrxns.’ ‘
. l , ALPAf‘CAS. ‘
; LAWNS: .
of all qualities lung] choicest ’styles. which will.
of all kinds, in luding Silk, Linen and Cotton
Handkerchiefiz," 4 dates, Stockings, kc.
‘ Also, a npl¢tdiul assortment of RIBBOXS,
\ Laces and Elln'l gs. Umbrelln‘s nnd l’arnsols.- -
‘My stock of WHITE GOODS will be found full!
nnd complete, nd. customers mny‘rely 'upon
'alwgy getting ood goods at the lowest poaai- f
’hle "prices. .
Gentlemen wlll fiml it to their nduptage to
call and exami e my stack of .
of all qualities n4l choicest styles. '
April 21, ml. _J. L. scmcx. '
-..__._ “L” 7,______:.__.._-.__.._
Vlll gar-9Vlnegar..{
THE undrrsi nod lnw (-nmm‘t-nved the mannw
facture of 'incmlr, on‘Wnsh‘inglon Streak.
a few doors rm th of Wm). .\llilall'e street, Gel-l
t 3 sh . lle haihren in.mnfim~turing xhis VlnC-'
gar finally om» your. and it ha: given g'eneral I
Sullsfnotmn. The superin‘rily of [Mg Vinegar}
over all other l nnnl‘ncturod Vinegar. consists l
mit being mm entirely of";, no nrid ol'l
any kind bring wed in its cnmposition,.md
froh from Mary hing injurlbn=. It is slrong,l
nml at the sum 'time plu:l=.t‘lll tothc tnste,nnd
has all the pre4rvnlim- qnnlllio:_luund in pure 1‘
Pillar Vim-gar. lle isiprl-pgred in wholnsnlel
this “neg“ in Elly qmlntit)‘. Call rind (*xgun-|
iue for yourself a. ADAM VIJIEIIL. ,
dons at the shortest
urg, April 7,186 i.
I u. .
(ms. mums,ch-
Tlo.\'S,&c. . y
one into partnership
ion business, nd the
in York street“; one
, Gettysburg, where
on hund’ for sale, 3
their line, viz z,»
D F E E‘D,
Troxs, &c.,~\: m
:\1 large?! in C‘OAL
S—promhfiag a good
[a fine assortment. of
re and ‘Vnro'llooma,
1 a large stock, all of
n: the lowest rate;
15 hTw never hereto-
rL shred tn please
A. mnom.
WE, the undersigncdéihorehv certify that
' we haveinsod in on'r fitmihoaffor \‘nri
om purpp=es,,the \‘inomfi‘ nmnut‘uctured and
sold hy Arum “lEHL,:ImI find.“ m be nu that
he ropn-aeuta him hp. We lmro h‘rly tested
it and believe it to be‘ zupvfiibr in every respect,
to any other rJnnulm-turo‘d Vinegar we have
ever used, nnrfi would rd.omnu-nd it to tall
pcrionc. - L ' - ‘v .
Wm._flbyer It Sufi, Gettysburg, ' '
Jacob b’orheokfi (50., “ a '
Codoi'i & Gillewpig. —~“ ‘
John (ihnmherhn, Franklin twp.,
Levi I’ltzer, “
A. F. itt. Oxford.
Mtg-12,1861! 134‘ . ‘
Trees! Trees! Trees!
Hil} undersigned inrite‘nucnlion to their
‘1: rge and fire" grown stock of '
Shrubs, &c(, e lhracing a huge and congriete
assortment of APPLES, YEARS, PEACHES,
TAmes, SmMard, for the Orchard, and
Dwni for the Garden. ENGLISH WALNUTS,
RANTS and GODSEBEIIRIES, in grant \‘nriply.
GRAPES of choicest kinds, ASPARAGUS,
RIIUBARB.&c.j kc. Also. :1 fine stdck of well
formed, bushy iEYERGRI-lENS, suitalile [or
the Cemetery arid Lawn. ' 1,
DECIDUOCS‘ TREES, for street phint‘mg,
and a geneml a¥sorlmenl of‘ .
o“szan T us AND memixa Smiuss.
ROSES, of hoich’nrieties, CAMELIAS,
BEDDING PL. 'TS, Are. A , ‘ ‘ A
Our stock is: remarknl‘ly thrifty ind fine,
and we ofl‘er it 3;: prices to suit tbc‘times. _
3.05211101111 e mailed to all applicants.
Address EDWARD J. EVANS, & 00., -
Central Nurseries, York, I‘.
More]: 24, 18(11. t‘f
._ g .
E 7
W ..
«S. E. con' 7TH AND Caxsxn’r 81:.
New York City, limoklyn. Albnny, Troy, Bnfl'alo,
Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago and s‘. Louis.
Book-keeping, Penanuship. Commercial
Arithmetic. Commercial Law, Fermi, Corres
pondence. km, practically taught.
These Colleges being under the same general
Ind local management, and unltingin each the
advantages of all, offer greater facilities for
implrting instruction tbnn any other similar
institutions in the country.
Scholarship Issued b} any one in good in all
for an unlimited lime.
The Philadelphia College hla been recently
enlarged an?! refurmshed in a superior manner,
and is now the largest. and wait proupérons
Commerciallnatitution in :he State.
Blyant k" Stq‘ton'a series of Text Books,
embracigg Bookkeeping, Corpmercill Arith--
metic, and Commercial Law, for ads, and lent
by mail. ‘ ,
WFor full particular! lend {or A circnlnr.
Oct. 20, 1862., 1y
“Carte de Vialte”
HOTOGRAPHS l—We have justintroducod
P s splendid massive column in our Gsllery
uni are now pre ured to furnish the new style
“ Cane do “life” Photographs—four for I
dollar. TYSON BROTHERS, -‘
Excelsior Sky-light Gallery, Gettytburg.
larch 10, 1882.
E desire a!) persons indoMed to as to
call and bake settlement, haying mode
I chmge in 7am- hnnnor ofdoing busineu.
0ct.28, 1861. FAHNESTOCK 330’s.
.-....—...”- -__‘_, .... m... __
ARPETS, CARPETS.—A ‘ Iplendiq jot. of
Cowling-100d and chap—just ogened
It the New Store of H. SPANGL R.
L. SCHICK has just teceived o lot of
. chen‘p Looking Glasses.
HE attention of the Ladies is relpecifully
invited to a large and splendid aslortmen‘.
o dies‘ fine Kid and Morocco BOOTS and
SLIPPERS—Lasting GniLen, kt”, &c., at
April 21. ' ' a. F. murmurs. '
medicinannrposu only, “the New Drug
. mg. or Dr. R. HOENER.
RUNKS snd‘Gnrpet Such then} at
Dr. Robert Homer’s
The 61d and Reliablé.
s :
Schenck’s Mandrake mus.
THE LIVER—To explain how than pills pro
dncr the wonderlul efl'octa which are attested
by thousands of reliable Witnesses. we wil
give, in the fin: place, a brief description 0
end its functions.wlnch wilrmnketheefliciency
of this popular med e perceptible to every
man's understandiny V
The liver is supp led with blood vessels,
nerves and absorbents. One of its obvious
uses is to secrete and prepare the bile. lt
likewise filters and purifies the blood. If this
.work is imperfectly performed, the blood, of
course, becomes vitimed, and there 1! the true
origikof several dsogerous diseases. such as
lifir omplitint. pulmonary consumption, to.
en the liver is torpid or ohslrurted, it can
)3 strain or purify the blood properly and the
Vital current is sent back, in u‘ morbid condi
ttm, through the lungs, brnin nnd o'her pnrts,
c flying jaundice, bilious ufl'ections, obstrnc
tions of the khlneys, headaches, gravel, or some
other disorder of n more, fatal nature. The
blood in it: circulation lakes in many impuri
ties, and if these are not separated bythelinr
the consequences we lmve described must fol
low. It is impossible to cure consumption,
scrofuls or scnrcely any other‘klud of ulcers
tions, whilé that important—grgsn, the liver, is
diseased. For this reason I
rarely cure Consumption. hey usually begin
with cough medicines, a basis of which is
opium in one form. or «noun 1’" and such medi
cines lock up the liver. inst ad of relaxing the
secretions, giving I tone (dime stomach and
producing nhenlthy flow aisle. Dr. Schenck's
will positively cure Consu ' ption‘. The Man
drnke Pills cit-nose the hodyof morbid matter,
the Sea-weed Tonic stredgthens the appetite
and promotes digestion; the Hulmonic Syrup
soothes the irritation of disease Ind heals the
ulceration of_internal orga. s, and these three
medicines opeiating ‘toge'iher, improve the
quality of the blood, invl omte the’s‘ystem aud
enable the patient to digfist the most nourish
ing food; and this in the ”an cunt. For all
that medicine can do is lo resto‘rc the organ,
<stomach, liver, 836., to its petigral and—healthy
action. In an advanced stage of Consumption,
if the appetite cannot it: restored, ii i good,
nonriahing‘food cannot b made digestible, a
cure cannot be expected. ’ _
Schenck’a Mandrake Pills unlock the gall
bladder and relax the secretions as well as the
blue moss or any preparation 61‘ calamel‘; in
fact, their remedial opi-rn ion is so remhrknble
that some physicians hm asserted tlint calo
mel must be one of; the ngredients’ in t eir
composition. This charge has been deuicgby
the oath otdlr. Schenck. nde before an Alder
man of Philadelphia. B sides, it. must be al
leged that these pills nev r douse collection or
any other ill etl'ect which follows the use of
mineral poisons. Thonsnfndp are using these
pills in Philadelphia andi i all parts .0! the
country, and in no circumstgnces or condition
oftlic patient have they eke} been found inju
rious: but, on the contrsry, their effects are
certified to be'be'neficial in be highest degree.
They are as harmless as br’ead, and yet more
powerful in their curntive’pi'opervies than any
ofthednng‘erqus remedicsdsed in the allopathic
practice. Certificatesfromwell-kuown‘person‘s
oi the highest), respectability may be seen at Dr.
Scheuck’s shim. showing that these pills huh-c
made wonderful cures, in cages where the dii
ease not.only baffled the sliill of physicians,but
was sexually lbeyond the reach of their com
prehension, as they were constrained :: :dmit.
A lady, for' example. wholse, disease 117:1. mp
posed by the doctors to he Liver-Complaint
took some of these pills H‘hich brour'ht away
several worms. each abou ten inches i 2 lqntfl’h,
after which she was restor’ed to henlth. Many
other cases similar to this are well attested ihy
evidence in' Dr. Srhcnck's possession, though ‘
some of his patients object to harm; their
names brought before the public, and for this ‘
reason some ofthe most reliable evidence can
not appear in the newspapers. “ i
Schenck's Mandrake Pills are useful in [all
cases wherein urgntire medicines are requir- ‘
ed. ‘As said «gore. they remove all disorders 3
and obstrnclious of the liver nnd purify the
blood. Ther tire also the llvest anthelmiutiq or i
worm medicine that has ever been offered to j
the public, for they expel an the different kinds
of wori'ns that infest the human body, from he i
tape worm which is often several yard; in l
length, to the asearides, which are less than 1
half an inch, but are so numerous that one in-‘
dividual hna asscd thousand: nfter using a lbw i
dose; of the {laudrake I’ills. : l
The commfm symptoms of Liver Campldint
are snllow Pkg“, coated tongue, costiveness, ot
fensive breath. drowsiness! headache, kc. Lil]
persons thusinffccted mayibe speedily reiiet'ed
by the Mandrake Pills. The symptoms of
worms nre alien mistaken" forOthose 0T Liver
Complaint‘ b'ut as the pills are npplicnblc to
.either case, the mistake 0‘ ‘une disease for the
other will cause no inconvenience ifthese pills
are used ks the remedy. ' . ‘
Among the Certificates which may be seen at
Dr. Scheuck’é are the folln‘wing: -
A lady of Boston certified that she was fdr a
long time nfiijcted with severe pnins and a sen
sation as if omething was moving inside of
her. The physicimis thonlght she had a tape
worm, and the remedies used "ta such cases
were prescribed. ‘As these brought no relief,
she applied #0 Dr. Scheut‘k,-nt his rooms in
the. Mnrlbprdugh Hotel, Boston, and, having
taken some bf the Mundrpke Pills and Sea.-
Weed Tonicginccording tot his direetions, the
passed if large liznrd“ she had previously
been reduced almost to a. shadow, and her
friends hoduhnndoned all Ewe ofhei- recovery,
but after the expulsion of a lizard, her heAlth
was soon rte-(established. .
A gentlemen of Camden, N.>J., eertlfies flint.
he had allythe most distressing Bympthmg of
liver complaint nadyapegsia. He applied to
Dr. Schenck, an , ner tqking the Sen-Weed
Tonic and . Mandrake Pill; for several weeks,
he passed a surprising number of wormslsome
of which were from three to five inches in
length. Thercnuse of his disuse having been
removed, he ‘speedily flowered. his health.—
His appetite is now remarkably good, and his
digestion excellent. This gentleman’s name
may be seen M. Dr. Schenck’s ofiice, and all
who ‘mny wish to have a polljirlnntion of the
fnctsdrom his on lips will be directed to his
place" of residence. 2
Dr} J. H. Schenck can 15% consulted at his
principal office No. 39 Nogth Sixth‘streot.
Philadelphia. every Saturday; and at No. 32
Bond siren, New York, every Mood" ; o! No.
444 Eighth sweet, Washington, D. 0., every
other Wednesday; at. No. 150$ Baltimore street,
Baltimore, 31:1,, every otiei- Thursdny, god
once A month, in Bosion, Man.
Dr. Schenck’s Principal ofice in N 2; as
North Sixth street. Philndelphim, Pl", hen
letter: for advice should always be directed.
New York city, Conrad Fox, No.‘Bl Bucky
“feet. , ’
Boston, Mum, Geo. C. Goodwin & 00., No
l] Kimball-urea. 4
Portland, Ma, W. F. Phillipa. No. 149 Mid.
die skeet. ,
Pugsbnrg, PLLDr. Geo. H. Koyser, No. 140
ood street. , .
lhrtir. Kgfih, Unity, Columbim co., Ohio.
St. Louis, 0., Henry Blakeley. corner Second
nmfi'ine streets. I
Bdtimorp, ld., Seth S. flanceflfo. 108 81-l
timéro “not. '
Wuhingtou, D. C., Samuel B. Waite, corn:
Seventh street. and Loni-inn avenue.
Chic-go. 111., Lord 8 Smith, No. 23 Luke IL.
And will by Draggisu generally.
Pulmonic Syrup; $1 per botue,Ss hslfdozen
Sea. Weed Tonic, $1 per boétle, S 5 hllfdonn
Imdnke Pills, 25 cenu pier box. a
J1n.26,1363. \m - 3
ADIES' DRESS TR“!!! c'GS. in grout vs
riety. It 5 SCHICK'S.
OUNG Men's Full aty‘es of Hats and
One] 20 per cent. lowei! than usutl price:
“ n. g. MgrLHmY's.
usmcu Exansxouf COFFEE—Good
A as Java and cheap as r 36, for sale at
LL the best Patent Medécinea can be had
A n the new Family Dru and Prescription
tore of 15:. B. BURNER.
LL kind: of STRAW GOODS, embracing
A Men’s Add 8031' Hats,.~)lisses’ and Chil
dren'l Hfifl, Sinker Hmds, in, km, an
April 21 ' R. F, MeILHENY’S.
LYCEBINE And cufiaoa SOAP, .fm
preventing and curing '11:. mm of Mul
quilou aild othr 'nsec, At
DR- 3- HOMBRE Drug $0”
Receipts and Expendituxes
0 Commissioner»! Offiu.Adnm~ co,. Pa.
Agrel‘nm“ to an Act of .\nemhly. entitled
“An _\(;y I.) misc County Rule: and Lents,”
requxrvng the Commissioneru of the respective
counlm: to publish a Statement of the Receipts
and Expenditures yearly, We, the Commit
giant-ray! Taxes of snid‘Connly, Report u fol
lowa, to wit: from the Rth duy o! Jnnulry,
1362, to the 10th day 0: Jannuy, 1863—both
days incluive:
H'CB. QAFNER’ 'l7qu Tmuuree. Ind the
ommlsuoners, In account wil‘fi :11
of Adam, s. {0110" : 9 County
To cub in hind: of former Tren
urer Iv. tut settlement, « $234 59
Outstanding County Tun Ind Quit.
Rent: in bands of Collector“ {8,339 37.
County Ramg'Lm'umucdfanlßGZ: 7 ~
Bar. of Gettysburg. $1,322 ”.17
ul/ - H Quitßenu, £75=Q4
Cmnberhnd township, 1, ”182
Germany “ 981 '44
Oxnard “ - 1,055 84 i
Huntington “ 1,149 25 ;
Latimore ‘.‘ 776 03 ' ,
Humilzonbn “ ),|o4 ac ‘
Liberty “ £63185 i
Franklin _ “ = 1,354 15 \
Smban “ 1,483 06
Menailen’ , “ 906 42 "
Mountplemnt “ 1,290 0) i
Mountjoy ‘ “ p 45 88 '
Bending “ -l,“l‘68 91 ‘
Hamilton " 915 ’77‘ i
Conowago‘ “ i 996 ’l3
Butler ' u, , 860,30
Union ‘ I‘ > 1399 82.
Frée'dmn “ 581 95
Tyrone . “ ‘ $740 94 '
Benfiick ' . “ 398 08 ‘
Berwick POL, ’ 222 44 ~.
21,836 so
Loans fl-om Bank and mndryperms, 8,980 on
Abmement on State Quota, 1 788'81
ICash from S. Wolf, Sherilfhiury feel ‘
for 1862. = , 29 49
Cash from: H. J. Myers, Esq., fionz- +-
lion ofwnl’uess fees m the contut- ‘
ed election of John Busbey, J , 197 22
Cash from Michel Deflono; and = ‘
Others, rat, dohntion tow-rd: th ‘
erection‘ of Berlin bridge, ‘ Q‘./250 00
Cuih from‘ D. Ziegler, Sn. Adrhinis- ‘
trator of Wnybright. Ziegl‘r, in _ :
part on momma. i . 500 (:0
Cnsh from‘ V. h J. Warner, in fun on 1
old Court Hobie, 3 V 87 0!!
Cash from’H. G. Cnxjr, in' pa}! on . I
judgment, * 107 00
Cash from Amos Plank, Adm’r of *
Riddlemose’r's estate, ‘ u 88‘
Cash from sundry person: for posts r 1
and fines, E ' 103 00'
Additional tax from sundry pagans " -
for 1862, u 12 36;
Exonoraled tax, ‘] " 6 22'
Quiz-Rentsomittedl former icéount, I'ls 04
The Ofitstnnding County Tu'hnd Quit Renta‘
nppmr to be in the hands df‘the lollowing
Collecmrs, viz . ,_
Yuri. Collector-I. . Doe, I: 'lvrpu. Dom. cu.
”35,4. John E. Heikos. Huntingfion, ' 8 In!
1855. Samuel Smllo-r.’l‘yrnne, ‘1 6 83
1857'. H. G. Carr, (lettyslnrrg,- ‘ A 87 75
“ f‘ ‘- 'Quit Rents, 154 12
‘! Jacob P. l’lttenturjf. Tvrorie, 15 52
1858‘ E. W. Smhlcfi l-‘mnklin,: 328 66
“' Jacobfiasllmup, .\lonnlplénsnnl, 351:! 33
1859, Emanuel Ziegler, Gettyahprg. 4n 18
u « H h . Quit: Rem-pm: 5o
“ Phineas .\lnrsdon, Mountpluaang,’ 26 70
“ Winffilifer, Unmn, ‘ 91 SS
18!}0. R. l). Aruwr,Getlylhurg, 240 25
" “ “ “ Quit Bent'o, id 50
“ John G. Byers, Germany,‘ ISO 53
!‘ Wm. chrdeu.‘ )lenallen,‘ 280 0.1
“ Samuel De‘lqp, Tyrone. 199 33
‘_‘ EmnnnclNeidicll, Reading,- 31 22
“ Aaron Wish-r, Butler. :' ' 183 l 7
1861. John L. Holtzwonhd' Celfyshnrg, 275 68
“ “ If ’ Qnit‘Ronu, 173 04
- “ Hamilton Myors,l~ Huntinmoh. 2m 0:;
'“ J.H.Bnumgnrdnerrl'llamillonhnn, H 3 78
“ E; Brongh‘. .\lt-nnllan, _79 00‘
“ Daniel Cnthmand’ Srrnbnn,« 32! 2|:
"‘ Joseph Roben. Frnuklin, ‘ 9 G 7 .71.'
“ David ngmansf Tyrone. 207-, 87
“ Jame‘s H. Collins, .\loun'jéy, 40 2.3
“ Geouflnker, Reading. . 1 132 14‘
“ Samuel Harlin-f Butler. ? 474 44
N Joseph Kelnner, Berwick bor.. . 7 74
1862. H. D. Wmtles, (.h-ltpzhnrg¥ ' 2'22 l 7
” V “v ” “~ Quinlan". 75 04
“ ‘Henry (‘lmm’ Cumbefimd, o'l2 40
~ f‘ Gyeo. Shoelygf Germany, ‘ 656 66
“ thn Hninesd' Oxford, - 117 84
“ Daria “KMillerd‘ Huntington, 856 50‘
“ Jncob Stitzoll, lml'imore. 10l 03
“ Rbhert McClenfif Humikonlmn, 804 so]
“ E. R. A. Moore, Liberty. 96 85!
“ Wesley 11. Lotti- Frnnklin‘, 765 101
“ Gro.Thomas.l-_Slruban. 5 87 l
y“' Thomas lllocher. fienallen. ‘ 23: 42!
“ 1 Henry J.,llemler,f Moxgnlnleasaags , 82'
" Henry Beillernl' .\lountjny,‘ 33;? 9'!
“ ‘ Thomas N. Dickscf llenfiing.‘ 3m '9l 3
“ Albert W. Sturmlf‘llnmilton, 436 77 I
“ Nntluniel Gith Conowafioy ‘ 378 73‘
“ Jacoli B. Lcuse, Butler," ‘ 431 46*
, “ Jessell'l. Wentzfi l'nion, ‘ 421 69:;
“ Solomon Bukcr,* Freedom, 97 77"
“ Jonas Sterner: Tyrone, 505 94
“ Samuel BIUWBJ' Barwick tp , 11l 08‘
Those msrked * paid. in full.
Those marked 1' plid in pay. .
‘ on. ‘
By Order: paid off (in/allow”
Auditing and settling public Accounts,- $42 00
J. C. Neely, Esq., Auditor appointed
hytheCourttoauditpnblicuccodnu, 15 00
Ptinting, hlnhks, km. , 609 81
Sherifl’s Bills of pout/costs, ‘ 371 60
Clerk’s pay, ' y ‘ 200 00,‘
Abatementto Collectorx off: pen cent, 1,074 88
Fox andAWild CM ucnlpn 20 25
Geqeral Jury and Tip Surel’ pLy, . 1.204 23
Assessors' pay, I » 849 60
Jailors' fees {6: keeping prisoner! And
turnkey, \ ' , ' 349 97
Wood, stone 60-1, hunting; lc., for ‘
public buildings,
napai‘n Mpublic buildingl,_ J ' 47 67
Grand Jury and Tip Sum’ pay, 309 ‘6O
Prothouotary, Register and Clerk of
Sessions' fees,
Tu "funded to sundry persons,
Court Cryer's pay, . H 3 00
Certificates ofConltahlel’ rvtnl, 86 99
Counsel fees, ' .‘5O 00
Treasurer at Aims Home, ’ 7 7,300 00
Postage end stationery ‘for 05¢“, 10) 88
Notes and interest paid Bank and Inn
dry persons, ' .3368 70
Quit. Rents paid Mucus Samson, ‘ ‘ 100
Wm. B. McClellan, an., Dlsuict At.-
. torney's feel, ’ 75 00
Wm. A. Duncan, Esq., Diurict At-
mrney’s lees. 102 00
J. H. Nutshell. 3:11., Commiuianer'l pay, 193 60
Wm. B. Gardner. Esq., “"' ‘ “ 193 60
prrnim .\lyers, Esq., “ u 193 50
Keeping prisoners at E. penitentin 24. on
Sornuel Wolf, Sheriff, conveying p
loner: to the Houlo of Beluga, “a a:
Justices‘ and Consublee’fe. for com- ‘
mining “grants, 24 90
Jn-tires’ fees for mqniaflionr; 122 53
Railroad Co. for freight, 18 88
Hardware for public buildingl, 101 09
James McSherry for painting Gono
‘ wago bridge, ' 25 00
Bedding nnd clothing for prilon. 45 95
Hedicnl attendance on prisonen, 11 so
Telegraph Company, , ‘ 10 on
Gas Compuny, 25 60
Adams County Agricultural Society, 200 00
J. l). Boas, Sherifi'of Dauphin mum],
conveying prisoner from Harrisburg.
to Gettyshurg, ' 17 £4
Sheads k Buehler, 3 ”are! Ind pipe ‘
for court room,- . ’ 43 b 9
Planking two cell! at. Jam including
materials and work, )5! ‘5
Michael Rupp. court. house keeper, 25 :00
R. D. Armor, messenger, 34 so
Special Court, , 286 82
Geo. W. McClellan, Esq., boarding
jury 2 duyl. 2B 00
S. Woll, Sherifi, for summoningjuron,. 57 00
Geo. Win: for menment booh. 29 55
Bountyw Guptlohn lc'crury'n 00., 5,059 00
w Gem. Jamel Walter“. 00., 1,800 00
“ Capt. I. B. Shipley'l 00., 1,060 00
H Anderson Body Guard. 1,400 90
John Busboy, Sr.,vit.neu feel in un- - V,.
tuned election, n 09
J. Ci Neely, Esq., Committiour'l feel
in contested election,
H. J. Myers, Enq., witnen fee» in con
tested election,
Jacob Trnxel, Elq., former Trunm,
commission on State taxes,
J. M. Pittonturf, contract in full for
Conowsgo bridge,nti.illy'lmill, 1,193 00
Samuel Stoufi'er. contract in full for
Conowuo bridyemt lieu-'5 fording, 2,343 00
Directors of the Poor, pay, 50 0.
Oflicerl‘ pny'nt Spring Election, 390 99
“ Fall “ 632 88
Road damnges nnd dunngo vlun, 234 00
Repairs M. bridges, 486 N
Exonerationu to Collectors, ' 3“ 5,4
Collectnn’ lees, 1,1403}?
Ouutanding Tax Ind Quit Bum lh
bond: of Collectorl, I 13,867 93
Tnnlurer'u commiuion, ‘ ‘435 8b
Blllnce in [nude of Tram", : 1,692 03
B. B. 'DANXEB, an.,Tnamor, nd the Com
njslionerg, in Account. with tho County a!
Adnma : '
To end: hi band: of former 'l‘nunrer'
It lut. Implement, $2,"; 59
Ouutanding‘Rblief Tnxiln htndl of
- Collectors for 1861, 1,753‘09
Amountof Relief’l‘nnueuedforlBB2,s,4l§ oz
u Hilitury fine: nuued for
Relief fundb, 1,231 to
, CR.
py amount. of outstanding inimary
' fines for relieffunds, $1,164 85
Amount ofouglnnding Relief In, 3,514 99
Exonantiona o Collectoxl, 48 82
Collectors? fees, ‘ ‘ ml 1'!
Diobursementl on relief ordeu, 4,94] 00
Treasurer's commiuion, 2 par cent, 98 94
Balanceiu‘ hands otTrenuror, . 588 16
{N (alimony that {he foregoing Gunmen: of
M. Reccipu Ind Expenditure-.uhihmd "
in]. 1 the office of UT:- Tx‘znsuruvof uid Cunn
syd ’ 1;, in I correct. ahd true copy. an “it.
from and compand will: theorizinll. relinin.
ing in the book: of this oflice, we have glun
umo set our bud! and «fixed the seal nfluid
office, at Gm, Iburg, the 10”: day nN-nuny,
1363; V
Commisuioncrs of Adnuu county.
Mien—J. M. WAu-n, Clerk. ‘
, Audltox’u Report. ‘ H
o ihe Honor-Mg the ‘Judgu or the dam
‘ T of Common Pleas of Adams county ’J‘
* We, the undersigned, duly elected Aud torn
[to selue and Adjust. the Pulllié Acconnu oath.
'Treasurer and Commisiinncrs of mid (loumy.
[having been sworn or “firmed ngrecublk to
:lnw. do report the following to be u. “err-ml
slalcmenlofseliduwufinu, from llu- B|." (hp 0!
:Januury, 1862. to th 10th duy ol Jnnufury,
‘ 1863—hnlh days inclusive: i
H. B. DANNEK. Esq” Treasurer. and the Com
missimwrs, in amount will: the Cuuntb‘ of
$52,158 44‘
‘ DR. ,
[To (:an in ha'nds of former TrcMurer' ‘ f .
qt hm soulmnem. 82:“ 59
l Outstanding ,munty tnxrl and qnlt *‘
you“ in hands or Collectors, [8,839 31
‘Amount oft-minty tux anldfiuit renls ' . A 1
assessed for 18:.2, ’ ’ 21mg so
Loan: from H Ink qud ulndrj perwm, 3.9% no
lAbntnncnl on Smtc quutn. - 78 s it
ICnsh from‘Snm. Wall. Sherifl'. jgury fr”, 29 4:
I " H. J. “\yv'rs. Hui" douutiun
of witness Ice: in the coutcs‘ed
1 election ofJo'ln Bufihry. '
Cash frumllichuvl IM-Hnnemn-l others.
donation towards, the eru-limi 0!
Berlin blidgc, ‘
Cash {rum Hon. D. Zirglrr. BL, Adm'r
I of \V. Zieglc-r. on uccvyfiul,
,Cnsh from V. k».l. “'nruur, in full for
on «our! hm‘sc, ‘
‘ Cnih hum H. U. Carr, in 'pan on‘
‘ judguu‘nl,
(‘ush from Amos Plank, Adm'r ofthe
can“! 0! llilet-mosc-h ; ,
i‘nsh Irom sundry penonl for coal;
nn-I fines.
‘Additionni in from sundry personn,
Exam-nun] mxr .
Quizn-utsmfnillcéin former account.
; ‘ ' . rll
By ,onv:t+ding nuts for IBM, $8 $4
in h lBs‘-, G 3;
1:57, 25; .
luau, «3‘ 9
1559, -' 69$ 36 ,
1950, 1.1% 7
um, 2.18:. no
1361, 8,827 a: ‘
1856, an 2:6
”as, as '4
1359, 10:. it.
Haw 3w :{s
1246), - 635 3a
was, bu .49
1353, 1| 5.5
”59, 35,97
" ' [as], us a}
‘Dixbumménfi on cnn'nty ordgh, 34,70; 62
Treasurer's commission, ~ 43 a 5
Blanca in lungs of'l‘nnunr, has: 0:3
$13,067 S 3 '
To cash in hand: M farmer Treuuror ‘
‘ at Inst settlement, $2,123 55
Onumpding Relief Tax in! hands of j
Colléclors for 181:“, ‘ e 1,753 GB
Amountofßelil-f'l‘nx unesud f0r1862,5,413 M
“ Military fine! uses-ed (or ‘r
rclier fund5,1862,‘ 1.23: ab
1‘ , . __/__ _
4" ‘ - 310.521 7;.
Ontluudiug milillry “P" {or 1882, $1,164 65
” Rolief‘l‘nx for 1881 cudlfiez, 3,5” 99 .
Foeulloweonllecton for " “ ml 7
Exonentiounllowed 001.," " :48 82
Treasurer’s commission; 2«e‘rc¢nl., , 98 N
Biluncoln h-udl of'rre r' 586 18 .
344 19
120 55
6 26
We, the underlined, Auditor! of the County
of Adm, “Pennlyivenin, elected Ind worn in
pununnce of law, do report thet we met, did
nudit. nettle and edjnu according to law, the
account of the Treaurer nod Commialionen or
uld county, commencing on the Bth‘dey oi
Junuery, 1861, and ending on the 10th day of
“bony, 1863—both days inclusive-that nid
eccoun}, u nettled above and entered on record
in settiement book, in the Commissionen'
"omen of Adam! county, in correct, and that we
findn. balance due County by Trenrurer of six.
teen hundred and ninety-two dollars and three
cenu, ($1,692 03,) also find n balance in bend.
of Treasurer of Belief, five hundred and eighty
eix dollus end sixteen cents, ($586 16,) due
the County by Treasurer, and in Outamnding
Texee, thirteen thousand eight hundred And
sixty-lever: dollars and ninety-three cen‘tl,
($13,867 93,) 1110 four thousand six hundred
and leventy-nine dollars and sixty-{our cenu
Belief Tex,(se,679 64.)
Feb. 2, 1863. n ,
Caniion & Adair's
NEW HARBLE WORKS, Count of Balti
more sad But. liddle urceu, upped"
the Court Home. Gettysburg, PL—WO no
red to Inmilh Monumenu, Tombs, Head
" 3:“, Muble “uncles, Slabs for Gibb“
Inken, md :11 other work appertaining to on:
bufinen. Wewill gnu-ates Initiation both
uto auction and price. Call and sec on
designs Ind Ipecimens o! wotk.
Feb. 2, 1863. u
Making Room
F on all his old nacho! m: an influx
touring, t: greguy minced piano, to w
foam for bisfipnn; apply. A ,
, flow in dunno to bu chop. , ,
, ( , CantomAmmth
‘hb. 2, 1803. . . z
180 00
165 40
;52,158 44
$10,521 73
810.521 73
191 22
re 0 ,
in: 1?.
1,43: ‘7O
x} 113
$52."; A;
$10.521 77