um II A NATIONAL MENTION. In the Houé M Banishing.“ Thrush)”. renting offered the following petition: Wherena‘ The unhappy condition of the country at this tune ,is due to Cnusel whirl] in the opinion of pnirimic men require {or ‘hl‘if vormtlon certain amendments to the exnting Constitution of the United Suites, for the eiYect “‘B of Which. when dcemvd proper, the Gun- Stxlition itself mnkes amph- and legal profil lous: And infirm". Sl-vernl such amendment! _hnve Men rugulnrly propoard before ihe Con- Rreu of the l'nitod States by an eminent Natumnu, wiumui ic‘flfllng io any definite oc lion on the part of that honorable body, there. fore. we eurnemlv desire and requeu tbnt‘in the inter-cu. of petite and harmony, the beginn lurt of Pennsylmnm do now enact a Uonllitu; tinnnl cull tor the holding ofu national con vention ofilm people of the United Sutee. w tuniider and efiecl such measure: of pacific» lion and re-umou as may arrelt. Ind hen] the poliliml wounds which now diridfi and are rapidly running our country. Gnu“. Pan.——Genrnl Fremont, In u re cent letter to the N. Y. Emmy Put, in offs}: pro‘nouncen Gen. Pope 3 HM. Gen. :igel hu done no pininly und without. refine, the Pres- Idem, n i. and, kuim's Ehim to be . habitnnl mxfinpcenand yd, Upon-M: charger, and Innin ly. ifnol eniirely‘ upon his thtimony. General Punter, as galluula soldier as ever draw sword or (and a for, and whose whole liié, almost, hulbeep devoted to the bervice‘of his coumry In the mm, mm convicted and discharged from the nrrny Comment onjlcu’like these is un. nec‘lssnrv. 2 ‘ ‘ - . r_——‘-00-———— WThnsc wicked men—prophgu of Dual— wiro undertook m tell us what God would do {orhhe union if the President. wou’ld iasuqn proélnundon of emancipation, um cow can; founded by 1b: unpropitioul sign: that Ira visible iin all djurtiuns. Th; proclamation Wu issued—the bull against. the comet has gone fill'lhT-nlnd lu! as hr at human discern ment m pgnetntc, ~ Henna has not Imiled up on their counsels. ‘ ’ “”7159 Hon. Jahn Conqcsl Pans just been elected I}. S. Senator from ‘Cuiforniu. for six yen" frbm‘ the 41h of March next, in place of Milbon S. Lalhnni (Helm) Ht- hu for ten years been an naive polllkinn ih thn State of the Dough! Bumocrutic or Broderick acme], and‘ W 9: le candidate for Lieut.-Govcrnur on the Brbderick 6cm in 185:). A ”General Pounr'i oxpodniou to Charles (cnpSavnnunh, othoth, or somewhere e}.~c, has mum to n stand still in ronsequence of some difficulty betw'ccu him and General "qu vh Conn-11F. has come North to consult With the l’residenlund War Oflice on the sub jrct, aluid uo motemeut’will be .made until his r'efiurn‘. - V ' fi'REV.Tlr.‘ncllo-ws, lira recent political sormnnJAL'n-ulu the startling nvérmont that “ at this prfisent lmur the President of the United States yould not lenve the District, of Columbia Without being liable to arrest. imd imprisonment. in 11 common jail.” Gen. Fit: Julm fawn—:4 veryzdisgraceful thin‘g lim been done in Wnsl’xinglon, by the (-nemies of lheguilunt Porter. A pamphlet containing only the evidence against him. and mine of that. in his fuvor,'h_as beef: pghliahed and “s:ler circulated under the {funk of mémber,‘ of Cungress. W'Bufnrd, Prentiss and Cuey, three of" the Judges on Portvr‘s triui, wen: promoted to Mnjur Geno-rulshilw inunedmtely on the rendhion of fine Vin-dict of guilty.’ I’mntiss was the Llumlelvr ol‘Shiloh and Casey was 4qunllffl'wtingniihml M Fair 04km Truly, m A. Wary buys, “virtue is her own rc-' Wax-(1."? ‘ \ ;—-—~-—' r—v-r «1... ~ »- ' R‘Me‘vn. Mtgherry and Myer: have our thanks for tin-i? continued attentions. Special Notices. The Great English Remedy. ”~ ' Sm Jinn“ (‘Luixx's ‘CELB-BIIA‘TED‘FICflALE PILLS Tlna ‘m‘nllmhle medicine is unfailing in the cure 0f all those puiulul and (lmgcmixs, dls dues incident to the frumle constitutinn.’ I! modqrnlvs nll excots. removes all obstruc tinm. from whatever mute,“ mul brin~gs'on the mnnth'ly fwriod “ith'regnlarlly. ‘ JTllPse‘Pil'R should hut be 'mken by fqnmleg that. prd 'prrgnhnt. during I‘he FlnflT rim“ xoxrusfns tlmy are sure to bring on .\liscar ringe; hu' at every other time And in every "than-anc- llu-y me lworfectly sgll‘e. , ‘ In all gym-s offiqfl‘ouc nnd Spinnlfiflertions, pain in [I 6 link mnl. Limb-I, llmviimlxs. Fu— tioue un sligln exoninfi, l'lllpix-Itiun -of the "euro. Lamina“ of Spirits". llyagerlcs‘ Sick lloml-u-hrx “‘hilci. nnd All the [lrllll‘flll diseases uremiuflglJ‘y a di-sorden d x) «em, th: Be l‘ills «ill oil'eét a cure when all other means hnve failed. , ~ ' Full directinns in pamphlet around much puckngrbwhirh should be i-urcfullf'préserwll. They can he sent; in n bottle. containing 50‘ pills, past two. by enclosing sL,and 6 three «um. stamps m'zfiw nun“. . For ulc h} A. D. Bonn“. G‘ptlyslmrg, and All Druggiata. [Feh._\lt§, 1.863. ‘ly .- ‘ _‘lmportant Discovery. , E Rzuxr ni Tits Bin-”urns. .‘ - A BRYAIN'S-PULXIQNIQ WAFERS m unfiil high: the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Thront, Heal-«mus, Difia‘cult chsthing. Incipient. Consumption, a“ @is gues Qf lhc'LungL They him;. no are of medicine. And any child will take them.— -—’Phousnnd| have been restored to health that had before drspaired. Testimony given in hundred; oi? cases. A single dose xeliev‘es in Ten Hindus. _, Ask for.Br’fln's Pulmonic Wafena—tbe origi ‘mi and poly genu‘js lumped.“‘Bryun.”:—— 'Bpurious kindl are cred for sale. Twenty. five «in I hot. Sold by dealers generally, JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, ' Rochester, N. Y. for”): by A. D. Barnum, Gettyapurgmnd pl] Drucgists. [lv‘cb. 16, 1863. I; A Card to the Sufl‘ering. 'll. Rev. quul Common, while laboring as} linionnry in Japan, was cured of Con ;umption, when all other means had fniled, by g mipg obtained frown learned physician re aiding in the gates". City of Jeddo. This recipe lml cured great. numbers whh were suffering from Conqumplion, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Cough. nnfl Calds. and the debility and nervous demessiau’cnnled by these disorders. Denirous of banefillmg others, I will send this receipt, which I have brought, home with no, to nll Vbo need it, free (if charge. : Address Rev. WM. COSGROVE, 439 Fulton Avenue, ‘Bmokiyn, N. Y. 715:6. 15, 1862. 1y : New Jersey Land: for Bale. ”.10, gm" on hunt in“, nimble for Grapes, Puck”: Penn, Raspberries, Strawberries ' Bush-Men, Cnrrtn¢s,&c.,ofl, 2}, 5, 10 o 10 lift” $ll, at the following pricea‘for the 'man. f2O sue! for 3200,10 acre: for $ll9. 5.6?” for $6O, 2§ acres for $4O, 1 new {or ”a, ysynble by one do)!" 1. week. Ala. poodOnnberry buds, and filing. 101 l :- minimal). 25 by 100 rm, an $lO each, In by on 430““ 3 Week. The above Lid: “d rugs are situated at. Chetwood, WW m'mhip! Burlxngton county, New 1.3”- :l‘or {mm Information apply, wi‘h ~ 1’- 0. Bump. for s areal", ‘0 - B. FRANKLIN CLARK/ ‘lO. 9010243333351, New York, N. Y. In. 26, 1363- ‘ ‘ ‘ om mffiOm—vswmn 1 send ‘ ' a. By, B’ NGEB, BAlfimoro, Id., “4 "’3'?” mm n. 3,: box of his WON. 3.”, 033mm} [clams cum: _ momma, A box lut- V m 1 7 [Minuet- a: CONBGBIPI'ION IN m NORTH. Senator Wilton. Rep. hM introduced I Can scription Bill In the United States Sunny-,1.) force all I'll“! mule citizenn, with npecified ex ceptions, into the army‘ The scheme it is sand meets the approval of the Republicans and ml] be supported hy_tlncm. The cmnncipstiou ne gro policy of the Admininrutlon has hm! a disastrous efl'ect upon the border States, and strengthened the rebellion, And now proposed conicription in the rcpult. Thus we go. h'l‘he people will yet get enough of this negro busi neu; if they hnve not had enough “ready.— We hwy think God thnt this miserable Aboli tion,negro Congrein m. Wuhmgton, will end on the 4th oflMarch by limitationx Ind would to Heaven, that the whole Abolition Admlms tntion ended with it. to be tollowed by: white man’s Ad‘minintrntiopand n whitednnu'u con- Ititutionnl p01icy—8141:6375; Damocrat. “chnou P’nvnun.Z'—Tbe House 01 Con gress recently‘mnde an appropriation “$52,000 for medical nttendnnca And medicnies for the contraband: now in the hand] of the Govern ment. How happy many a poor white man and woman in the North would be ”their doc~ tors and medicines could be providcdsby Uncli Sum. ' ‘ [Q'Whi don’t. the government sénd a. pro von guard after the. quota, of Abolition, trai tors, who“ should be mmini under a draft from Mnuuchnaeth.‘ The drafted men from Penn sylrnnin are hunted down and lorced Into ser vice while Mamchusetu and otherfibnlition Slates, subject to the same draft: an nut. srndg jug n Emu. anulo the honest Republican of Pennsylvania think of this ?-—.4l[m(au'n [Jenn ocrat. , ' Tu: Pmc: or I'nm Asp nu .\‘zérsnrtns. —Tho New York llcmld snys: I‘th as (lung grass persistent]; fn'ors tlfe paper mdnapolislé, and refuse to lower the tariff on foraigu paper fromgiéa present prohibitory rate, gin] as the hub ofmurc paper money will misenbepricss of all kinds of articles, it is more than pzolm-g ble tlmt the dnily papers will be obliged t ndd‘ another cent 'or two lo their pres-cut prit'PE.—: Thus the people are taxed for the hencfitofu fey nibnopoliamg manufacturersjofpnper. A rrX33ll 21ELAL11.2MMICIES. - - _ GETTYSUURG—Snuuuu LAST. | Hours 87 to 8 75’ Rye E10ur..,............................. , 4 75 White Whe:|t‘.......... 1 50 to I‘6o Rod Whent............z...................l 45 101 l 50 Corn .‘ . , 75 Rye” , 8:, 0m 3 , ‘ co 1eckw1xent,......... } 60 CloverSct d .x ; G 62 Timomy 5ued..2.....................m2 00 to 2 25 Flax Seéd .... } g 2 25 Pluser «a Paris ............... i 8 00 ‘luslu ground, per {$.W... ‘ '. 00 P0rk..... s i 6 50' nahkfionrfirfiEQEH Flour.. Wheat. Rye,..'.. Corn... Onts Clover Seed Timothy. 5ecd................ Beef Cattle, per hund...... Hogs, per hund............ . [1n_v.............................. Whiskey .. Guano, Peruvinn, per ton H AXU VER—Tucnson‘ uni! Flour, from wngons.... Do. tram stores...... Wheat [he C0rn........ ............... Outs Clover Sud." Timothy Sec-51. Plus‘ter...... - A MARRIED. ? »‘ I ‘ Coal Nance On Thursday morning Inst, in SL.‘ Jam»: I I‘VTE woulglrispeglfflll: “If: Lutheran Church, by RM’. A. E‘iick, “65$:le _ \rlu'ors * Eek w f {the}. hy'Rev. Dr. Sewn”, Im. mus 1x; 11mm, WNW“! A “mm" d“""‘ ‘1” h of Imliunu. [’.l.. (Intv at the Thenlngirnl .\‘Hui- .tnn “AWL It“) or frsusrer: in!“ nary.) m Mfm 01501919. .\. NICODEML‘S, ofl WT!" “mm“ “ ° “3&1“ this Alnr'c. 3 . ‘ . » Onlthe 19:11 inst" at the Lutheran Phraonngefl ‘ -i pessees Trm anon Arendtsville, by [(H'. J. K. .\li.lcr, Mr. Juli)" A. SCUULL to Miss MARY A., dahghier of Andrew Hartman. lamb of Franklin township. . Uu Eh: lffih inst“ \n the Rev. E, H. ”05-. hrins, Mr. JOHN A. RCMHEL, of Hampton, to Miss ANNA MARIA b‘llflH’Eß, of Pu'zer'sburg. {Mums county], ['ll. \ ‘ 1 Un 'the'b‘d “1:15. by Rev. D. Ebfrlg’, Mr.“ EPHRA [.\l HQW Id“), of York county, toMjss] CATHAHINE E‘ALBERT. df Adams cofinty. ‘ On the sth insh. by Rev. H. Y. Hummer- Imugh, Mr. REUBEN RTFRUM to Miss CARL)- LIX}; R. LITTLE, bagh‘of .\lenullen t‘ownshi‘p, Afdums ‘county ‘ ' DIED. 7 A L‘ @mfimnry notices S‘ce‘nts per lidc for all over {our lines—cash to nccompnny notice: on the mh inst, ‘Mrs. sanm Hofrnux, aged 52 years 1 mouth nnd‘ 18 days. , Un the 12m insL, of scnrle: fever,‘ll.EMUEL JACOB, son of Jacob L. and Aninndakfiror, of Humilmnbnn townahip, aged 14 years 3 months and 2E days. ‘ ¢ 1 4m the 7th inst., SEORGE, int-m; son of George Fickle, of Lnlimure top‘nsbi ,agefll month and 7 days. - ‘ $ On the 9111 init., of diplhexis, ANNAiEL’IZA BETH, dnu r ofJacob B. Miller, near Hun lcrstowu, 3El] ynm-sj months and‘ 6 days. 0n the mu um, ANDREW JACOE, son of John Spangler, at Tyrone township; aged 5 months and 19 days. 1 , ‘ Near .\‘éw Oxford, nt‘xhe “resident of his uncle, John Lunch, Esq.. mm: Imm? no"- MAX, aged 14 yenrg 19 month! and 2:! dnys. lint the 10m insL,’LUC.Y 3., dan’ her of Chriuopber and Elizabeth Crum, of fiellfillén township, aged layeals l l months and 6 days. On the 41hinst., MELVIN 3., son nfMos‘es and Elin Smith, of Manila: township, aged 8 months and 16 dnys. , . I - Av. Shipppnsbnrg, on {the 81!: inn, Mn. JANE FULLER», widow of John L. Fuller, Esq, tormerly ofiGeuysbul-g, aged 56 years, Killed in me battle 0f Mufireesboro’, Mr. J. W. McILVAIe native of this county, sud son of James H. Ind Lavina J. Mth'ain, aged 24 years and 8 dlys. When killed he was Sergeant and Color-bearer in the 64th Regt. of Ohio Volunteers} to which Swe he had gone before the broakinz out. of the rebellion. 0m 1m i’EMELINE ALICE; dungh-c ter of'Lustns; . Mickley, of ankii'n town ship, aged 17 years 1 month nnd~2o days. On the 9th inst, at. Abbomtown, ARIELIA, daughter of John and Harriet Ann Blotter, aged 3 years 3 month: and 6 days. ' The mother of this chiid having occasion to | visit a near neighbor on business, left her chiL' dren at home for a short time. During her nbgl seneeLit is anpfosed the deceased, whiist play-t ing, not fire t her clothing, and before aid 5 could be rendered wu‘lhockingly burnedn—Hl Notwithstanding grery ‘efl'ort which was calm . pioyed b the physician and friends to relierei the lig‘nfierer, death speedily terminated her en ce. Notice. AXES A. BRADY’S ESTATE—Letter: tu- Aiumenmry on the eltate ofhmes A 4 Brady, Me of Mountplenslnt township, Adams co., deceased, having been granted to the under signed, residing in Oxford township, he herqhy gives notice to 111 penonl indebted to Inidlcstate to make immediate payment, and than hunng claim: against ‘be same to present Hunt properly authenticated for settlement. ‘ JOHX S. BRADY, Executor. Fab. 23, 1863. m" RAKE‘S PLASTATION BITTERS, or Old Homutoad Tonic, u Dr. R. HORNER’S Drug Starr . . "" a. s’wurvs‘ INFALLBLE memr for sale 3:21-13. 30mins Drug Store. ELOT of fresh GUM DROPS. the finest aver ‘ cfi'qred in this market, to be had an Dr, 0 NER'S Drug mm- offend in lbls h NER'S Drug Store. ‘5l OBERT SLEuMoxs's ESTATE—Letters . , . 1R tummenury on the estate of Robert’ oto Dr. R. HORNEP-‘S Drug Store and get W’ “ z blemmons, late of Hamillonban twp.. Adam: Gm. Hmong» coma CAME? E Horse for Sale. , co.,decensed,hnvingbeen grantedhlo wand"- ‘ ’——_‘“_'—“" “” ‘._‘ HE undersi ned ofi'ers for ml;- . fiue‘ai ned residin in theskme towns sp. e creh DB'TOBIAS’ "1")”th D'fby Condmonl T FAMILY 8203513, Re lg of very kind g‘E'es 'notice: 5) All persons indebted to m 5 Fwdmv {o' Hm“ "'1 0““, “”3““ ' dilposition, can be driven by n child, .na mu cum to make immedim payment, Ind thus: “0" flmfiséPr'Eii‘PT ° ‘l'an wherever hiked. Pemn‘p dam-g u. luring claim: qua“ ‘hc game to preum‘ UCUIBER PICKLES, I. 111-go laxt ro- good hail; Bone uld all. then properly Authentipmd to: ummont. . 1 C mind from the civ, in time oa: 1 \ JOHN H PEAK, 1 ISAAC EQBINSON, Steam. ‘ > - danmsod'a. m 1 1:, now u Iyaburg. m. n, ma. an 3 .» l N rcxsnavime lOth day‘orxmcu next. the subscrihcrt‘ Administrator: of the estate of Andrew White, deceased, will "ll u Public Sale, n: the lau: residence of snid de cedent, in Frerdom township, Adi-ms county, the following personal property, U“ 5 HEAD OF WORK NURSES, l Yearling Coll. 7 Cows, 4 bond of Young Cattle, 2 Brood Saws, 10 Shaun] Broad-tread annu. 1 Str rowan-ad Ind 1 One-horse Wagon. 1 CA”, 1 pair Wood Ladders. 2 at] Lndderl, Stun: Bed, English Bed, Horse .rs, Lines, Collars and Bridles, Halters. Riding Saddles and Bri dles, Side Saddle, ’1 (‘ulting Boxes, Bar-shear Ploughs. Single and Double‘ Shuvel Ploughs, linrrowa, Corn Forks, Single I. id Dauble-lreea, 2 Spreaders, Roller. Threshing ‘inchinc, Reaper nud Muwcr. (McCormick’a Paidnlfi Grninl)rlll, Carriage, Buggy, 2 Winnnowing Mills,‘ay Fork; Forks, Rakes, Cow Chairis. 3 Log Chains, Jachrter, Axes, Maul nnd tacks, Sledge, 2 Crow Barn, Angers, Post. Auger, Scythe; a Cradles, Grind-alone, lot of yurds, u. lot of Lumber, Inch I Boards, Sled Runners, one ' Poplar, lat ofSrantling. Ash Pl 'l‘ Me. Copper Kettle, Count 3:6 Pipe; Corn Ind Oats, by' by tpe ton, Rye Slmw by the Eggs, and a great vxiriety ofo ‘W’Snle to commence n " on said day, when attendant: nfid'gfiumn made known by - j '9 ) WM. 120:. 1’ Q «‘ . ‘ J. HAQVE Gicmge Eplny. Anct. , A 1Feb.23,1863. u A ‘ Pubhc. Sal ' THE suhscriber, intending‘ v‘. Gettysburg, will .ofier 11. l his residence. on Baltimore “rel D‘AY, the mh day, of MARCII lowing Iparsonnl prnperly, viz : I ‘ROSI‘IWOOD MAflBLE-TOP mid Kiufhen Tables, WhnLNotl h‘r. Dining-room and Kitcfien | ('hairs. Lopnge, spring bouom.] fixturezu Carflelings, Looking ‘ Wash Stand. (Murhlt-top,] 8+ Book Case, 011 (‘lo!h. Smirnm Slbves, Drum and Stove Plpl Glass-ware, Crockery-\nre,l l) ska, Harse and Buggy, llnrn Hi. All the fumilire is very of the latest Philadelphia style. new-THE HOUSE AND LO the subacriber'will he ofi'ered ‘ above lime and. plnre, nnrl if in fair irent after April l, 1863. ‘ . Efi'Sule to- commence at 1: i W l‘ ‘Fcb. 23.‘ 1863. ts ~ 3~' The Grocery : X 'PHE H!LI..—-The find _, respectfully inform th¢ cit ,burg and vicinity, that helhns .lsz‘mrd “mi the mu." iwmim 1y burg, where he inleané to ~ '0 hand a“ kind: of mine ’ C frees, Syruprgf allrkindé, \ ‘ S‘ 1!, km, Earthenware of nl| ‘ “its, mud in fuel. c-velything usnl (qucery. ‘Also, FLOUR B‘. FEB mu arm-men he intends to so" i 3 est. Copalry produce taken 1. mo ds and the highest pricegiv ; Ixixfiselr mm, by strict allefilio I I desire to please, to merit a shu tronage. TRY‘HIM. Feb. 23,1863. If . 7 I‘2 lo 7 25 .. 1 75 :o 2|02 .. 1 OOIOAHUS .. d 6 :0 p 5 42 K 0 ‘ 74 'I 00 to I 25 3 00 Io;3 25 5 50 cow-or. 7 00 It _7 75- 21 00 to2B'oo 6'9 so . 6! I 82 00 Ear . Old Gold and ‘ {WANTED—The highest é paid [or old GoldV n preg’ent is 15 favorable gime to se ,on if being large. ,Alsd, Guld * ‘pqulluseg'; and the highest pric " :w JOSE? I A WdfphmpkerkJeweller, iu ‘ J Feb. 23" 1863. ‘ ‘ ; ._4.__;_—___..7~_.-_. L. ) 6 50 .. ; 'l 00 .. 1,5010 I 70 ..» » ian ‘ 6‘ 75 ' 2 m - 7 no II ‘ ' '—'- . / V H‘riving received nn’ ngeficy Trofinrtun Cool, I Inké‘pleusin'c jng at to all my cusiomers nisfi lg'ur ing coal, free ffom all im'pu no! 3M». . Far damn-321g and i dlis‘boal cannot, be aim-Hedi ‘ l - ' ' DIU'ID. Hurrisb‘utg; Feb. 23, ”63, 3 1303.} I, HOWell & Ben I COR. FOURTH x MARKET i 'hhre now in stock. A fine \‘a PA FERS, got up expresslyl fo I Trade. WINDUW PAPER of 2‘ Wbiéh they invi‘e the attention a @ln their Retail Deparupeu‘ the édmiccst styles of the fienSon.i Feb. 23, 1863.1 3111 r .-I Electmn. ETTYSBU‘RG‘ GAS C 03"? 1 funnl meeting of the Stock Geuj'sbnrg Gas Company. for t electfng a. President and Six Mn. Company, Ito serve {or the ens be held on MONDAY, the 2d d: next,:at 7 o'clock, P. XL, bf an Arbitration Room In the Court . M. JAC D; :MchuCG m‘, S‘ec'y. Feh. 23, 1863.. ‘ ‘ ..k 1‘ v t , ...}- A. , ”V, ,__._ __.__.__ , Valuable Reftate QR‘SALE.‘—The subst or ofi'er at pri ‘V‘ate sale their e'stnte. kn 1: us “VIR-‘ emit MILLS." iu Hamiltonazn 'zowusnip, Adams county, Pm, within one male o’l‘l-‘nirfield. The tract eontains upwards of 5 0 ACRES, of which 300 are excellent farm and, sud the‘ residue cbvered with good tim r. The land is of the belt quality and nuns“ ‘ yields ’sure crop 101 both winner and summit grain. Be sides; the‘ stream upon which he Hills are built; running through the tractlthe farm has valet" in almost every— field, There are on‘ the tract a Two-slog; Stone Dwelling HOUSE. Sto Back-building, Two-story LO? HOUSE uttacheq, large Bank Rhino: fame, with (All the modern conveniencesgfi'agon Shed, Corn‘Cr‘ih, he. 'lhe Mill is threel stories high, of stone, with two pair of‘bnrrs, chopping stones, all in complete order; Saw Mill, Mil ler’s House. Tennut Home ; twoie‘xcellent or ch-rds on the place, with a lute amount of "yard fruit, of every variety. The Gettysburg extension of the Peuut. luilrogd is located through the farm. This estate infers. induce ments for safe investments not dften hand.— The title in indisputable. . 1 . H-Personl desirous of viewing the proper ty, or purchasing, will call upon but Atwrnies, M. «it W. McClm, Eeqs., iu Gettyhburg. MARY MYERS, ' MARY‘Y. MYERS. Feb. 16, 1863. tf l Gettysburg Marblei Yard. HALS t BRO., IN EAST YORK STREET }GETTYSBURG, PA.—Whscre they are prepared'to furnish all kinds of 'lwork in Mix linB, Such as RIONUMENTS, TQMBS, HEAD STON‘ES, MANTLE‘S, km, at the shortest no. Licfi, and a: cheap 35 the cheapest. Give us a c 5 . E Whoduce taken in exchang‘ for work. Gettysburg, Jane 2, 1862. u 4.. -.__..__. I’ROMENADE CONCERT. HE QUAVER CLUB OF GETTYSBURG T will give a GRAND PROMENADE CON CERT, at Shenda & Buehler‘s Hall,on MON— DAY EVENING, the 23d inst. 1 Tickets. 25 cents each, may be obtained at my of the prin cipal “ores. o; of either mmbenof the Club. Doors open it"l—commence at 7} o‘clock. Mr. E. H. Minnigh will occupy the lower saloon will] In ample supply of Ice Cream, Cakes, kc. [Pet 16, 1863. Public, Salo. \'edge!, 2 'llnt- Crosa-cu: Saw, ‘ d Snatha,Grnin {-ld lron, Steclg 3k and Fencing | d a half inch Ink ; quk Case, I Map, 2 Stoves he bushel,flny wundLe, a lot of luenlfticles. ‘ o’clockyA. 3L, will’j; given 6 WHI : , WHITE, mininmtori. rcmove from üblic 3319. at .onWE‘DNES next, (110 fol- i ABLE, Dining ‘ Pan-10:. Cham- I hairs, Rocking d, Blinds. with Ensues, Bureaus, dsteads, Clock, I Entry Carpets, .. Queens-ware, School-room as and Saddle, iule worn and occupied By or sale It the . sold will be o'clock. A. M McELWEE. tore - raigned would zens ox Gettys taken the old l-re streqt, Get ,rOP constantly {RYEsf-Suxnri, lobacco, Fishy kinds, Fruits, Hy lound in n 3 ' Pu 11c _Sa.le ' - | F VALUABLE ERSONAL PROPERTY. 0 —on WEDSE 'DAY‘.‘ the 25th duy of .FI'IBRL'ARY inst, tl ,subscribers. Administra trlx nud Administrufiw ol'lhe estate of Nicholns ‘ Smrner, deceased, 'i,” sell at Public Sallg', m the late residence of paid decedgnt, in Frlufiilin' ' township, Adam: cafinty, thefbllowing valua ble personal property. viz: - l 3 HEAD OF WORE HORSES, 1 Colt...\lilch‘ lCows, You'll: ’Cottl . 'lO Sheep, Brood‘fiw, 1 Three-horse Narrowitrend Plantation Wnfiglon, Wood Ladders, Hay I adders, nenrly new,Wngoq lßovly, llorse Gears. utting Box, Ploughls and i Ilurrows, Single Sh cl Ploughs, (.‘oru forkiu,‘ ESingle and Double Trees. Spreudcrs: a lot of 360 m in the cur, a. l of Rye, ”any h" the ton, Him-in in the grouud Sleds, Bonrds,(lruln Fun, nearly new,‘lhkeg u d Forks, Spring Wagon, luegnly new, Feed Trb Igh, 1 set Harness. rnrly , mew, Ilqnd Halters, ow Chnins, Log C' wing} {Au-s, )lnul uud'Weddcs, Bee! nnd Hues. 1 Household and Kitchen Furniturhluuch aa‘ Bureau, Tables, Chaits, Beddingnnd Bahtemls,’ Desks, llanlmvuiny (‘puk Simi- umL fixtures, Ten-plane Stove and Pipe, n néw Sidllle. Wool | , \\'heel.n Luke-lent of. ppleb‘tler. Cider-Barrels, ' LTubs, BIL-Sn. Vessel, I t. of Potatoes, a first-hm: I‘ll)! of Bugs. Grinds n 9, Wheellurruw: a lot of ‘ QlCoopcr Tools, :1 5n?!“ lot of Carfienler Toolsfl or the sale of ‘and a gynunuuy 0 her nrticlcs, too numerous‘ n rccoimuend- ‘m nlelmon. , H . x of u“ kinda ;‘ ow as the low exrl'nuze for n. He flutters ~and fin hem-St e of pnlflic p.\. . M. ROWE. EB ' tries. in cash Il .Silrcr; the t the premium nd Siher Coin given, h" | 81-IVAN, he Diamqud. rm our Custo: 3 oiau-d Major lgule offl‘revor- n ml] receive nrices s a; co., Coal Mums. E TS! this. free @5512 to aonimxince MlO o‘clock, A. .\L, ities. nngi due: on said dvf, when fiendnnce will be given eam purposes and terms mad» kno 7by \ . l : 2' "CANan 1-: bTARNER‘ Adm'x., l CORMICK. i ‘ ‘ PETER beh‘TEMAS, Amu'r. . I. Feb. 16. 1863.5 ts ' . I *—'l ' ' ' ", _'—“ .4 —"*V‘—‘""—'—" I l. 11863. ' Pub* 0 Sale ' . . l F VALUABLE ERSONAL PROPERTY. } - —-o.n THURSD Y, the bill of MARCH, 1863. the subacriber, mending to quill ming, will sell at: Public ale, at his‘ resid‘excey in Bmler township, Ad ms county, half a. mile south of .\liddlctow ‘lhe lollowmg valuable personal property. xi 1 , . 6 HEAD OF HOR E STOCK, one ofwhich is a Family Mare, wit foal, oneis a Three-year old Stallion. (Tnmerflanen one is a four-year old .\lare, one is a go d 4 Work Horse, one'two year and one one-yea: (1 Colts; $1 Milch Cowsl‘, 4 head of Young Cn l ,14 hand of Hogs, two of which arefillroorl S ,henvy with pig; lwo— hurseang‘on and L 111‘ Bed, good Hastr nage,a good thretyhoise Plough, (Witherow’s,) Harrow, Corn Fork, Single and Double Shovel Ploughs, good Corn floater, Double and Sin gle-trt’es, 2 sets Bree hbnuds, at good as new, 8 sets l-‘ront Gem's, ufw, a good Wheat Fan, nenrly new, Log and other Gluing, also Cow ('hnine, a lot of Hay? by the tan, a ten-lee Stove, together With (A great many other arti cles. too numerous to'mention. A . $BlllO to comm not: an 10‘0'clock, A. “BL, on said day, when nu ndancc will be givcn‘lnd terr made know-q by; . - _ « eb. 10, 1863. ts l SAMUEL‘LEXTZ. John Planes, Auctiopeer » all .TS., PHILAA‘, iety of WALL their Spring ery grade, 10 Slurekcopers. will be found \‘Y.——The an olders of the e purpose of tigers of said ing year, will by of MA¥CH {(1 day, at the ouse. MEI Public Sale. .\‘ FRIDAY. the 13th day of MARCH next, 0 ‘lbe subscriber. intending to quit farming, will yell at Public Snle. at his residence, in Cumberland towmhip. Adams county. on me Tnneytown rond, four miles from Gettysburg, the following personal property, Vin: 2 HORSES, Cows and Young Cdttleflfitgon, Plough; and Horrowu, Double nnd Single Shovel Plonglis,Corn Cm'erer, Rewiring Hny Rake, n finl-rull new Triple-geared Threshing Mncbine. Grnin Drill, nn exLellent Carriage, with llardess, Horn; Geurq. Hridlel, Collars, Ilnlterannd Halter ('hnins, Patent Cutting Box, Wagon Bed. Hay Carriage, Spreaders, Double and Single-ire", Cow Chains and other Chains, Fork», Raken, Shovels, Hoes, Dung Hook, to. A lot 0! Pine Bonndn. Also, Household nrti clel, s'urlz as Bedstends nnd Brddfng, Kitchen Table, Ten-plate 8'0“ nnd Pipe, Spinning Wheel, lent Weasel, Tubs, Cider Barrels, Dry ers, nnd 3 grant miiny other nrticlex, too nu merous to mention. 4 _' #531: to confluence A! LO o'clock, A. 1., on Mid dny, wh‘un ntcndunce will be givhn and term-anode kneljn y s , ILLIA! KEEFAUVER. Geo. Epiey, Ape ioneu. Feb. 15, 1863. ‘ “ ‘i J__.~ *s. N MONDAY, ale! 2:! day of MARCH néxt, the subscriberl will sell at Public-Sale, It his residence, at “ll’irgini‘a Hills.” in Humil touban township, A am: cpunty, the following personal property, v z. I ‘ ' 2L HEAD 09‘ BO ‘BB, (one is Brood Mare,) :1 Steers, 3of them t, 6 Shouts, 1 Brood Sow. ong Narrows-(read Wagon; Hay Ladders; Ed'rne Gears, Double Shoqel, Plough, Siygle Shovel Plough, Filth Chni ,nnd other farmnrticlel. Also a Two-horse Mrringe and Harness; I 101. of Lumber, with u -ariely otother mucles. wanna com once It 10 n'clock, A. )1., on said day, who}; tehdance will bcgiven Ind terms made known‘ 0‘ . ' Feb. 16, 1863. l ‘ i,T,_.____.._ ..‘w, ~. Valuable P onal Property 'l' PUBLIC SA! :.—on WEDNESDAY, the A lllh day of M RC" men, the undersign efl will s‘ell M Puhli Sale, at. her nsidence, in [leading township, . dams county, néar [lump lon, the following v llmble Persgnnl Prqperly, Hz: 1 3 , 1 Fm: SORREL lORSE, 1 sub Bay Max-9,1 two-yearling Colt, nd 1 one-yearling Cdlx, lo Cows and Hellers, ‘heep, Four-lnérse Broad tread 'Wugon, Oneiors'g Wagon; Lima Bed, Ilay Carriages, Hor. Gap“, half intercit'in u Threshing .\Lichme nd 1 Grain Drill, Plough: and jinx-rows, Sho l Ploughs, Corn Forks; Cutting Box, Log hfiin, Halter Chains, COW Chains, Single and Double-trees“ Spreaders; Rakes, Forks, kc. large lot 0! Hzly by the ton—a lot of lfosts d Rails. Also a Cooking Stuve and Fixtures Barrels, Bencheb, and 3a. variety of other nrtfilel. ,v @Sale to com enca at 10 o'qléck, A; 91., on said day, n hen attendance WI” be given and terms mudc known FY . ‘ _ ' SUSAN’NA MILLER, Feb. 16, 15163. u+ _~-_ 3 H Pub Sale._ / _ .v wnnxssnu,§m 11m day of I:sch next; the snblcfiber. intendfng t 6 quit farming, will sell at Public Sale, at flu's'res't deuce, half 1 miie loullh of Middletoy’n, Butler township, ‘Adnms couguy, Pa’ nll (his farming implements, with I fill] a; 09 Blsrksmith l Tools, viz: l f ‘ e ‘ ‘ HORSES ,AND Cv'cTTLEP/I [heavy buy draught Horse, 1 hen ~ hrowu’draught Horse, . 1 extra black Here, 4 flilch gown, two of them , will be fresh by the time ofAnlo. * ' : FariniugUtensilL—‘lFour-horseßrond-ujead Wagon, as good u new/with Bed and Bowl; 1. 1 Narrow-trend do., new; 1 Carriage, for one , and mo hones,u go?!” new; lextu'l‘hreeh ing Muchine, with d, üble shaker and power, rextrn Clover Huller,’ lanny'a Reaper, in good order, Spring Hay/Ant! Grain Rake, Wheat Fun, ‘ Reynold’s‘Pmeut/ ned‘, enrn Cutting Box, set , Hay Carriages, set Wood Laotian, Grain Cradle, Clover Cradle. [Swing Mill, Flax Brake, Wilhe ‘ row Plough, Hull Plough, Three-horas Harrow, l Rakes and Forks, Roller, not of Dung Boards, ' Sled, Double Shovel Plough. Corn Fork, Three | horse-tree, Double~trde Ind bingle-treve, Filth Chain, with Spreaders, Log Chain. 14 fecllouz, {Feed Trough, 3 Pitch Forks, 3 Manure 60., i Grainshorel, Common Shovel. = Horse Gears, (HI good as new.)—-—2 m !Breethbnnds, 2 set: Front Gears. Bel. Buggy Him-nets, new, Collnrt, 4 pair Homes, 3 pmr ' bong Truss, 2 gm Butt Chains, 4 Housings, ,A Blind Bridlea, Agon Line, Plough Line,peir theck Liner, Wegom Whip, Riding Saddle, 3 Leather Hilton, with Chaim, 4 Leather Fly 1 Nels, A lot of Cow Chlins, Sleigh Bells, he. I Blochmuh Tooll.-Bello\rs, Anvil, Vice, | Box Mould, Skenn Mould, 2 Sledgé Hammere, l Tongr, Screw-plea, Eye Wedges, Punches Ind ‘ Chiaiels, kc. ‘ Also, Hay by the ton. A large Copper Kev f tle, holding 37 gnllonlg new, Mall and Wedges, and I greet loony Articles not here mentioned. ‘ 8-8310 to commence “'9 o'clock, A. 1, lon laid day, when nttendnncn will be given ‘end tejms nude known by , , Feb. 16, 1863. u TOBIAS BOYER. I John Hence, Auctioneer. Notice. F REAL ESTATE. The undersigned, Alsigpees of Du'id (‘vondycnr and Wife, Will Fall M. I’nblic Sula. on WEDNESDAY. the Hub day aTMAR('H. 1803, on the premises, the foiluwing Real E‘Nltt, situate on [he Turnpike rum] about half-way bcuveen Gflxysburg and (.‘hnmbersbunz. ii) Franklin towmbip, Adam: county—HMACRES OF LAND. divided into lrncts. u follows: v No. 1: THE MANSION TRACT.~contrining‘ 150 Acres, nearly 50 acres of which are im 'proved lend, well limcd and in a good state nl‘ cultivation; the balance of the tract in well. Esct with chesnut, pine and other timber. Thev GII_EFFE;N'BEIIG HOTEL AND ‘1 SPRINGS, one pfthe most hunky and pleasant Summer Resorts in the country, and with but luge expensehan be made equal to an? in the State“ are upon this tract. The ma 1: building is. brick, 62 feet by 30, with I trio-story brick‘ back-building, 40 leet by Zoqlaid off into rooms to accommodue Visitor! 3r bonrdcrs.-—-‘; Connected with it in a Store Ilqom and Post. Ofice, also ‘ A Inn and coutenienl Bath‘ House, with 20 bed rooms ottgched thereto,. extenuiye Stabliug, Ten-pin Alley, Smith Shup, ' Revolving Swing, Ice Home, and all oth€r lie-E celuryhuildinga. Allo Zgood Tenant Ilouses,g with young Orchard 0! ch ice fruit, and: othergmall fruit of various king. ’ ' LUT No. 2, adjoining the ab 'l'. contain: 92‘ Acres, and it well covered with WOUNG TI!- pBER.’ ‘ 3 V ‘ LUT No. 3‘ contain: .244 Acre: and 94 ferches, early )0 ocm of which are cleared and in good order f. the balance is well cover ed with chcmnt, pine and other‘timhcr. The improvements are a. Two-story \Veatherboarded‘Tenant HOUSE, Suble,.nnd a new SAW mung : ': good running order, on which‘ , from ten to twelve hundred feet oflumber can ‘ be sawed daily. ' LOTS NM. 4, 5,3 and 7, cont n from fifteen ,to ‘wcnty-four were: each, and it well set With ‘ chestnut, oak and other timber. ‘ LOT N 9. 8 contains 61 ,A rs, and 100 Perches, ’nd iI,TI.\IBERED th mine on lots ,NOI. 4, 5,'6 and- 7. r ’9 7 I LO’LNO. 9 contpinu 17 Acres aid 52 Perphes. part or which it meadow, the bulhnce in wood. The improvements are 2 HOUSE ‘3'- and Stable, and I SHINGLE and 79.45- [LATII MILL, in good. repair 31$} f 3," la‘rder. l , :3 .. :3 .- LOT No. 10 contains 201 Aer”, and Ewell feel {with young chcxnut and roekfonk JOKE! BENNETT Also FIVE LOTS, Adjoining lfinds of Jacob Dc'ardorfl', T. Stuvcns and Dnuigl Kuhn. four or which lols contuin 20 Ana pnch, and -lut N 0.5 containing 76 Acre-a. ’l‘liesé lou are well timbered, will: chesnut, oak uud‘otlwr umber. Also,ghe undivided one-lmlfl'ol 98 Acres. situate on “Wall ' Hill," adjoining lands of T. Stevens and Joseph Smlil's hein’q.’ This tmct is well seq with young timber. 5 z[Shh-mom! wishirfg to vie ‘the premises Wl“ bo sh'own tbq same by e‘tli r of the As signees, the first-named residing in l-‘uyclle ville, Prnuklin county, and me other in .\lumv masburg,'.&dnms county. . 36-25 - to comuwnce aLthe Hold proper ty‘ at W o'clock, ,AJSL', on snulfiny, vc’heu m tenduucc will bre‘given and [mat ma‘d‘c knqwn by _ ' ‘ JOHY nowxm’. ‘ _ Juux HABTMA‘N', Feb; “5,1863. ls ‘ Assignees. Collateral Inhenta . - Tax. ll \HF whole‘amoun! of the Col teral Inheri , tnnee‘T-u, méeig'ed by th Register and Recorder of Adams county.~¥ur ta: “unending 3:3: Decemver: 1,862, 51,4655 32. ‘The amount: received area» folio s. and from the eqmtenp‘l tl‘o f; lowing named dccedefla: Nicholas chter, 1 '1 3 Marin Boyer Marin McClehan, Jacob lit-lac], Anna Mcfllinly, (‘thnflne Hartman, B;rrllnrn Spmghr, , Willinm Gardner, 'Mnry Tolandv. Christina \Vond'e'rlich, Bullzrr Snyder, l‘ I Abmhnm Sample, anlurine Humming ‘Cigorge Shryock,‘ ' Dcduct 5 per cent.x Ifor collection, V Balance ,Ing Conimgonvrealth, , ‘ I‘ herpbycgrtify that. the :bove isZEEC, ‘ x J. C. NEELY, Auditor. Feb. 9,13 oz. “L , . . . , AVID lIEAGV, residing 2 mlles nquh ‘of Gettysburg, will offer at Pabfiic Salr, his entire stock. of persbnal property, consisting of Stock. Farming Ulq‘nsils, and inéllgding all his Household Furniture, exc'ept Bedding. together With a lot of Cnrpemer Tools, on the 2m (lay of FEBRUARY inst. For further" parliculnfirs see harrdlfllls. [Fcp.‘9, 1_863. u r l . '1 Auctioneermg. _ HE undersigneq. liming obuiinéxl License T under the Uniqd SlalemEVcisg haw. begs leave Cd iul'urm his filriends and l1:e".ul:lic gen erally, that he cduuiuues the busingsrol' Ania“ tioneetingl and SuleJCrying, and will be glhd t? receiveq liberal shake ofthe public's patronage. Hewpromises satilfdction to all .h'bo may em ploy him. Charges modembe.’ (Residence, in Mountpleasnm township, hirlr. i mllesouth of Hunu’l Station'. Post olllce udiluss, Granite P, 0., Adams county, Pn. ' ' ‘1 . JOHN STALLSMI'EH. Fe .9, ”1863. um» _.- _ _ _. ._.- ‘_.__..__...._.._.__ ‘ Savings Insntntlpn. ' H FARMERS k MECHAXIES'SAVIXGS INSTITUTION of Adams county. receive: money on Deposit: daily, from 9 o‘clcck, a. m., until 3 o'clock, p. ‘3l. Interest on Deposit.“ lrgm 290 spc: cent. Special Deposites paid agreeably to nolicefignd transient. Dopomel on demand, with interést. ‘ . Gettysburg, FQBJJ, 1863. GM ' . 1" THE AGE—inflammatorg and Chmulc Rheumatism can be cured y using fl. L. HILLER’S CELEBRATED RHEI-JMATIC MIX TUBE. Many proujineut cilizedl of this, and the ndjéining counties, have testified to its great utility. its success in Rheumatic :fl'ec ohs. bu been hitherto unparalleled by k2)- spccific, imrnduizedi ‘to the public. Price 1: c‘ent‘s per bottle. For nle by all‘tlruggi-u and awrekeepers. Prepjred only by H. L. MILLER, Wholesale and Retail Druggial. Ea" Berlin, Adena county, P 3,, dealer in Drugs, Clxemlcnla, Oils, Varnish, Spiritb, Paints, Dye-ptutl‘u, bot tled Oils,‘ Essence: and Tinctureg, Window Glass, Perfumery,?ateut llediciueq 5:12., 5:3. RA. D. Bnehldr is the Agentin Gettys burg for “ H. L. Miller's Celebratecfißheumatic Mixture." _ [June 3, 861; 1.! u . New. Store I‘ 2: EW GOODS AND GREAT BisRGAINSI N —Tha unde‘rsigned would ppspectfully announce to the either); of Gen; )burg And surrounding country, that he hn‘opened s NEW STORE in Oeuylhnran thefioom infaly occupied by J. 0. Gwinn & Bro., onglhc North West. corner of the Diamond, whwe he will keep I lugs and well selected stock pf DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, CARPETING, #O., _ of very ducription, among which will be found ‘he men styles of Spring Goods. The Ladies purticularly are reqneou-d lo call and enmine my flock, u I feel satisfied it bu never bun surpassed in this plate for beamy and cheapnens. Gentlemen. also, are request ed to call. as there is no article in the line of GENTLEMEN’S WEAR the: they cnnuot be ac commodated with, at prices {but will “toninh them. I will also keep on bud a large supply of GROCERIES. which will be [old very cheap. My stock at QCEESSWARE, to, will «he be found handsome, durable and cheap, whilst my CARPETIe cannot be surpassed. It in my intention to keep a fin! ulna! Ston -I—keeping on hnnd Ming but good goods— , , may. nelrchenp—hningudopmd xhe mfim— FOR Gentlemen we hue Clolhuflutlmenn, u QUICK SALES ASD SMALL PROF!TS."' Clyilnrnl, Tweedl, Jenni, th la' cheap I wonld respeqfl'ully solicit. a 'share of the “i’ ‘3‘“ be found eluwhen. A“ SCOTT ‘ hUN' public'pflronage, M 1 hope by .stl'ict atlemion I UFFALO gognspfi lplondid lot in" re ” fizzzazfiyr’mixarxriw w>Bm .. . mom can , I . » ......_._.... ,V _ .- mount. 81? am‘ loonwwfi, and . mint $11.». 8m: ‘ n . . chum. . at. “We: April :4, m 2 Great Sale; gs? - 5: w ‘ . zr'no, ‘ ' A 35 001 { mom 1 moo ‘ ~ 38 100 \ 39 26' g " 498.25. Public Sale. Hrhe Great Discoyery' T PRIVATE SALE—The anhuriber sift-rs A at Prirlte Sale, the SMALL FARM he now occupies, lilulte in llounljoy lowuhip, Adnml cuuntv. Adjoining lands of btephen h‘etlior. Frederick Fume) Ind others, contain ing 28 Acres, mare or less. improved with I new two—awry Frame HUI'SE. neir Bunk Burn, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, a well of never failing Waller n the dwelling, (the Valet from which in connyed into the harms-3rd,) two Orchards of choice fruit, kc. The [lnd in un der good cullinlian,hninz been well limed, and under good fencing. The land is eqnnlw limestone. , Possession w‘iJl be given on the (in! any or April next. Terml euy'. Apply on the premises. JOSEPH A. ORNDORFP. _ Feb. 2, ms. 2mi\ J . ’ , ~ A Valuable Farm ' T PRH'ATE SALB.\-The hubicriber, A wishing to decline fagning,‘ ole" at purnle sale, his fine ”I“! .YED FARM, of mi} Act", more or less, wiih improvement) thereon, besidrl having been fined ueverai ‘times; and unde’r good fencing, with I fine young Orclprd of choice iruiL.- , '. q' The imptuvc’glenu con-in of I —' ‘ Two-story B ck-cnsed HOUSE, ’1’!" with 1 good brick Kitchen nttnch- _;,_.‘ ‘ «I,an nil tlui necelsnry out-l-uihlings—Spr ng Home, Barn, Wagon Sheds, Corn Cribs, am, with water running through the barn-”rd.— About 12 'ncres oi the above are valuable Wood Land. W‘lf not field at priylgte sale itlwill be of fered at public mle on ‘llxe 281 h day at FEBRU ARY, on the Inrm, 3 of: agile from Emmlls burg. 5111;, on the rand to Gellywnrg, Pa.— Terms ungdeknowg oi: do); ofisale. ; . HENRY lI‘XNN, JR. Jan. 26, 1863. ts ' 1 i‘ Fresh Groceriesi - Q‘NTEW NOTIUXS, FINE. LIQUORS. ko. {L The undersigned has just returned from .xhe Pity u ith the large=t stock of new goods he_ lhns ye! land in, which, hn’vn'ng bought fort-lash, 9M )5 prepared to sell as low as anybody (here i or: elsewhere. He will enumerate d‘portion of his stock: CUFFEES. SUGAI S.‘ .Moluslel, “Cheek, Bacon, Potatoes, sin, linegnrfipices. (Candles, Soups, Brooms, ““Ile Halli-rs, Bed . Cnrdu, Cedar nnd Willow Ware, SEGARS nud LTUBACCOS, large lots of best nnd common ’Braudi,’ \Vllh nll sorts of .\‘UTIUNS. I‘ He has :1 floor stock of LXQUORS‘ than in un '{unlly found uutsitle ofthc- ci‘tiu. vim Import 'e.l and Domestic Brandil-s, four kinés, the best .for medicinal uses : (lid Rye, \‘t-ry superior, for the same purpose; [nulorteul Wmehi also Do nu-stie Wine; Srhicdnm, Schnupfpu, Rumi. \Vhiskies, kc. Ewry article in w rrnntgd to .‘he‘whnt it is sold fur. ' r l Rerollcct,‘this IS the place to buy cheap,— 3Let such as doubt it cull, nnd they 'will be in-vnflnnod. . GEO. F. KALBFLFJSCH. ; Jun. 19, 1863: - ‘L ‘ Good News for—Everybody} . 05”“. TO GULIHIA‘S'S. i iC AI‘»SAMSUS’.~" ULD sum 1 « * '3' i , ’ ALL NEWJJOUDSI . ~---- \ ICHEAP! CHEAP! CHM?! v l" _ , -- ' 1 1- Isaac G‘nldmnn. jun from Hull more, lms ! oprncd a (‘lnlhing and Vnrioty 51.0 e at Sam !'son'a Old Corner, on. thy Dinfiwqd, in Gettys ' burg, where ,he offers n large stock of Goods In. his line. and which he will sgll all. pr'r‘ces so low as to nslonish all buyers“ His nssorlmen}, Iwhich will he fmmd made uflhc besl materials in nhe best malmer, comprises eve ytb'mg in the line of Mrn'a & Boys' Wear. viz ._ Umr Coats, 1 large variety; » Dress Coats, :1 large vurit-ty ; _ t, Saék Cons, a Luge variety; - l Pnntnlaons, 11 large variety; ‘ l Vesta, A large nriety; ‘- ~ : , Shjrts. Hundkrrchfiels. Neck Ties, l I Gloves, Suspenders. Carpal [3435, I ‘ Knives, l’on Monnaies. j ‘ , ; Gentleman‘s Draining Comhl, Le. ; \llcxu'y Boots. not lo he beat; b : Segars, Tobacco, ) Fing assortmem of Pipu..kc.,‘.&c. $45 00 12 64 84 15 1!. oo . 15990 65 39 , 54 66 110,11 Give hixh u. call, .\‘o trouble mslmw Good-u By sailing good Goods; at moderate firnlixs. he hex-es to please all .pnrchasers. Don't. forget f the Sp)l"—;Samsou's 01d Cornerl‘ 4} 1 Gettysburg, Dec. 15, 1862.. A 1 r' ‘32 ‘ SW; flaunt. is smuxan's ESTATE..-—Letters '5 ofndministrutiouvorrliw (Mate ufiNichulns burner. luze of Franklimwp., Adurpscqunty. dc- I‘e used. havingbeen granted fo the undersign ied. residing in the snme‘u’uvnahipflthé; hereby Igh‘e native: to at! persons indebted to‘uid mutate to make immediate pnymen , Ind those having claims against the same: tq present "Lbcm properly authenticated flu- aettlem’ent. ' - CATHAIHNE STALRNEKAIe'x.‘ ! PETER Kansans, [AL-s'l. .1 Feb. 2. 1863. ,cn ' 3 _ 51.392 53 f LIZA FRIEDT‘S ESTATE—Lowers 01' nd‘. E ministration on the estate of Eliza Fricdt, Lime or Hhmilton township, Adamscéunty. de lcensed, having bo‘cn granted to the untiersign lad,.residiug in Benvick township, hé hervby givéa nolice to all persons indebted to said . (-slnte ,to innke immvdinu: pigment, nijd~thuse having cluiml against the same loipreseut them properly suiliemicnled for refillbment._ | , ‘.SAMUEL BROWN, Adm'r. 1 Han. 20,1361: 6: u , v . - ' , -Notlce. \ \ iUS LAWRENCE'S ESTAfng—Leneu of P administration on the «mate otPins Law rerlg,‘ inte of Conowago township, Adams co 1;, deceased, having been granted lo the undersigned, residing in Mounlpleunnl town ship, be hereby gives notice to all persons in debied‘to mid estate to make ‘immediam ‘pny men%nd than having cinima Again“ the s‘nme' “presenk them properly Imhomicau‘d for sank-mum. SAMUEL SHORB, Agm‘rl flu. 26, 1863. 6!." - . . - ,___.____~____.___4_____ .: . Notice. . ‘ HE subscriber, having 'been Appointed by 'lhe Court of Common Pius ofAd-ms cpnnty, Committee of the person Ind estate of brglnnm Brough, a: lunatic, of Hndtington fiwnship. Adams county, heneby given notice all persons having claims or demands main“ said Brough to present the ”die to the subscriber. residing in mid township, ‘for set tlement, and oil person. indebted to mhke im mediue payment. WI. B. GARDNER. iJ-n. 26, 1863. (6t WILLLMI F. ASPER'S ESTATE—Ln ters of ldministrafion on the cuts“ of William F. Aspen lute oi Latimore (ownsbip, Adnm! county, deceased, hnving bun gnaw-d \ to the undelmgnea, ruidin‘g i 1; York bounty.” be hereby gives notice to all persons indeb‘cd 1 to mid estate to make immediate paymbnt, and ‘ thoae hfiving claim: again" the sums to pre- } gem. [he‘m properly authentic-ted fur: nettle- ; ment. ; JACOB BRENNEMAN, Adm'r., ‘ 1 Mount ’l‘op P. 0., York county. 1 Jan. 28, 1863. Gt‘ - _ l BALTZER BECflEB’S ESTATE-91.21”" . of-dmmiurntiun on theeuate o”. Balu er Keenerl late of Butler towmhip, ‘ Adum county, deemed, lining been granted to the undersigned, raiding in the same town-hip, Ibo hereby give: notice to all person: indebted to laid estate tn make immediate payment. nrd thone h-ving claims Agninlt the urn. to preheat them properly authenticated for "idem-m. ‘ MARIA BECHER, A Im'x. J3n.19,1863. 6:5 - 3AAC HESS’S ESTATE—Letter: 01" Id miniuration' on the estate of [use Hen, hue of Lnumore township, Adunn county, deéensed, basing been granted to the under ligned,residing in the same township, hp here by gives notice to All persona indebted In mid estate to make, imedi-te payment, and than having claims against. the lame to preset“ them properly authentic-Md for lelfilement. . JOHN LUNG, Adni’i'. Jan. 12, 1863. an A Small Farm Notice. Notice, Notice. Notice. m *4* DR. SWEET’S {madam ' ILIAVIHL'NI'. GREAT REMEDY V ‘FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT. NECRALOIA,‘ ‘LI’MBAGfi. STIFF‘ .\‘ECK AND JOINTS. SI’RMNS, BIKCKSES. CI'TS. AND WUUNDS. FILES. HEADACHE, , AND ALL BHEUMATIC AND ‘ fiERVUCS DISORDERS. ~ Fork“ of which it h a npcedy‘ "am remedy, and never mm This Linimmlilm pind from the recipe 0! Dr. Stephen Swan, 01 Connm-licut, the famous bone leuar, ant h’u been used in his [mu-mica for more than "long you: with the moat nwniuhing yucca". All an Alleviate: of Pain, n Is “Hr-Ire by any preparation before the yubllc,of which the most. nkuptical my no convincgd by [til gle uml. _ ~ This Linimrnt will cur- mpidlyrnnd runes!- ly. Rheumatic Disorders of "ery'klnd. and in thousands of canal when It Inuunfl peenknown to fail. For Nam-$.13“, It will «Rom immedulu r,lie‘f\in awry cafe, however dinreuing. It wi\fl\rcliavb the worst cues of Handgun. in three Minutes and ia‘wnrmnled to do n. Toothache nho win it cut: mmnuy. __ For Nanofiibebility and Gen m? Lu sitpde "hing fro I imprudent: nr exceu,thil Liliimenl is a Most Happy nnd‘unfxfiling remedy. Achng directly uan the nervo'us Liuuel, it syrenmhens nnd ro-Viv: 'M the :yslcm, and. re-, stores it. to elaslicity nn rigor. For Pilea.—._\= nu charm! remedy, we claim Hm. im “Iqu kuofin, av- ‘ we chol lenge thv: world lo prhduro "\ Evil-y victim of this distressing ‘ Ih'uuld giv‘e in a trial. iofl it will not (ord in medizue‘ relief, and In a n-njm Iu will é’lfect n~ladttul cure. Quinay and Sam Thl‘oat Hawking extreme!) malignant p‘nu dnugrr‘oul. b t 5 timely apphcuwu 0;.(1111 Lluunenl will uk tail to cure. ’ ~ Spraing 9;; aomcfimu very obstinate, Ind‘ enlarngcn-(ul the joints is liable lo occur if noglccteflf Thr- u'orsl case may he ronquerld by ‘tly’a Lihiment iu two.or Khruc days. . . Bruises. Cuts, Wounds, Sore... U 1; cers, Burns and Soalda. yield redid? l 0 Hm \mn‘aderful healing inroperlies of DR. §\\'EET‘S INFALLIBMS LINIMEXT, w'hllL ‘uqed nccorflinz Io direcllonl. Also, CHlL mmxs, Inmsmn FEET, AND msuor HITES AND STINGS. - DR. STEPHEN SWEET; of Conm.‘ lhwGrcnt Autumn “one Setter. ‘ Dr. Stephen Sweet. oi'Conneclicnl‘ll known all over the United States. . _ Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, is the amino! 0? “ l)r. Sweet’s Infalliblo Liqimcm." Ur. Sweet's infallible Linimenl curbs ghup mati'sm and never fnjla. “ ' *3 llr. Sw.:gt’§ hrfullijile Linlmcnt h 1 undo turned; for .\‘enrnlgin. ‘ ‘ Dr. Sweel’s himllible Liniment cum Buyu nnrl‘Sculds immediately: _ f Dr. Sin-era lnfullible Linlniem. II the -bofl kna‘wn remedy fnr Sprain and 3min“. . “‘l'. Sweet's Infillllble Liulm'em cures Heali- Ichl immediately nnd was never Known to (all. Ur. Sweet's Infallihle Linimcm nfl'onll Im umliMe relicflor FUN, and seldom full: to (Sure. D‘r. Swnei's infallible Linimcnz curel Tooth uhcinfione minute. ‘ _ ’ Dr. Smart} Inlnllible Linlmnnt run. Cult andiWeuuds immediately and leaves no lcnr. Dr. Swpul’s lufnllihle Linimenl I: tho but 5‘ remedy for Sores in the known world. , ~ Ur. Swtv's Infullible Liuimem Ills been: urged by more than a million people, nnd all prniplc i _ ‘ .. Dr. Qweet’xjnfajlihle LinimenLlnken in lern‘n'nly, cures ChGlic, Chalet: .\lor'bus lu'i Chnii-n Dr. vaeet‘s' Infaliibla Llnlment ll trniy n 2 “lrié‘nd in‘need,” and nor, family shout-l have it at hand. 2 Dr. Sweet'- lcfnmhlc Lhimcnmfut In]: by all Drugginu. Price 25 had 50 cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY PIX—DR. SWEET'S INI-‘ALLIBLB‘ ”Nail-INT, M an external remedy; in w. heal a rival, und- will alleviate pain more ffiedily than any other preparation. For all Rhon mntic find NervonsDiaorders it is ugly mini-li ble,'vnnd a: a" curative for Sores, Wow-Ila Sprains, Bruises. to. it: soothing, healing "J’d pqwi-rful strengthening propertlu. exci'e a a just wonder undoumnishmenf of all who Inn 0 evbr given it I trial. Ungune thouund u- < tiflcgtes of remlrknble suffix. performed In; & within tho Int two ynrl,'lttdt the (act. ' ‘ T 0 HORSE OWNERS DR. SWEET'S IXFMLIBLE “Kim-NT? inPOn. HORSES it unrivaled by any, and it |. .cnse: of Immune", arising from Spun l'Brulbes or Wronching. it! «meet. is magic .I 1‘ ,- ‘rertnin. Harueu or Saddle Gnlln, Saran-2n . Vilang¢.rtc., it willallo pure specdfly. Spun m and *Rifighnne may be eMHy prevenhzd .u I_ ‘cnrrd in their incipient sttgeo, but confirm. . case; are beyond the possibility ofu nail; unflre.‘ Na case'of the kind, bowu'er. l- - - grim-tau or hapeleu but it. mav be IHI'\'IJII J ‘ by this Mniment. and its faithful applinnlyu. ‘ will mu)! umove the Lameneu, and en 0. n i the horses :3 Intel with compnntivo raw. EVERY Honss wa’m should have tliis famedy It hln’. fly in fig... 1; ads at the first nppnnnce of Lune“.- .. I‘. eflectdully prevent thou formidable mg»:- . to whip!) Ml bur-u (n “shit, and which” .- der IO mlny own-ho vflusblo hone: mini-q worzhun. . ‘ ' DLSWEET’B i xxrALmaLn Luigi‘s“, HP TB■ ‘ sonmms mung, And thohuaadnn found It truly A FHIKD 1N HEIDI mm {to you! imposition, observe the Blgnnun Ind bunny! Dr. Staph“: 851".” o ‘ry label, and tho. “Stephen Sweet’n lnl‘zdl. ‘ Linimrm" Mail: in the 31."! of “cl: Isl-Im. without 'vhich non. m genuine. . RICHARDSON «k 60., ' 80!: Ptoptietorl, No‘rwicln, Conn HURGAS kl ALLEN. General Agent. 46 Ulilf smm, New York [at-Sold by all desk" cnqwhetc Du. a, 1382. I, ) ' Sale Crying, a ‘ ,W. I'LBIIIHNG continue: (In him A. _of SALE CRYING, 3nd solicits Urge..- 3‘ zinupdjpntmnnge of the public. IL : a. qun enduvor to givq Inmfu ' 445 nm. in moderate. Residence in Broc g‘ghgng; chyeburg. ‘ ‘ > :fix‘w I‘. S.—H'c is n licensed Auctioneer, Mm Tux Law of the United Sun". ""1? New“, 1862. ’ 1 ÜBX’ETT'S COGOANE, Wooé's “.37 i B twmtive, Shilling Hsir Tania, Ind. t; « nonunion, for uk at Dr. I; 5035“ Bug ‘Storo. ' .~ , .5: 111