11:72 E;- if“ in“. I to dMum pr‘mm in dlwr Sine ar Tflfl‘hqfigl, is an outnge M the name cbnmazer-upoa «Very principle of right uul justice." @bt (impart; OUR FLAC I The union of‘llk‘cwtho union 0% lamb- Thu Union a! sum none would never,- Tho union or bum—tho union of hand..— £ll3l4th 0! our Union forever! a. l. "mu, unto: up "onus-on GETTY-. 030, PA: MONDAY MORNING, FEB. 23, 1863 \ LOBB 02' HORSES BY STUAKT’S RAID. In’ 1.115 Stage Senate, on Thursday, Mr. ' Mcherry introduced ajoint resolution i'," .ntructing our Senators and requesting our} Representatives in Congren lo prell guchl 1in!" 33 would indemnify the citizens ofi fawn, Franklin and Fuin c‘numieq for A lanes in horseé, to“ imrréd by Stuart’s ‘ rebel raid in October last. . ! ' It wu promptly passed, ind upon being uni. mum House, was at opce cniied up ‘59 Mr. Hyen. and passed that. body like» win. . , i , 1 ‘ Mr. Myers also présented a petition from 317 oitiiexu (,1! Franklin and Adams coun- ‘ tie-{prying the Legislaturg to pass a. law compensating them‘ for lnssei sustained by «lid. mid. Speaker Cessna presented I. pe tition from about ’3O citizens ’of Adams . gounty of like import—dent. him by ‘1). ‘ fleConaughy, Esq. [our “ Wide Awake” fl tovmsman must Huppose Mr. Mcb'herry or Mr. Myers not competent, to prgsent n. peti tioull " ~ ‘ The petition: wére referred ton delect pmmittu. of which our Representative, Mr. Myers, has the haunt to be chuirman.' *’ Abiil will be presented in a few'dnys m eovei all the claims—with what. proapecj. of “was: We are. not able to say. ; $7llOll. E; McPherson writes a lgtmrlo , RJ‘G. Harper} of this place, in wb‘fich he lo'tncel‘thut he hag! presented to the Hotfie the petifions from Adams and Emigklin isoimties, praying for reimbursement, for 1003 pt‘ horses, &c.. by STuart’s rebel raid through those counties lent. {till ; that they have been referred to the Military‘Commitp éeysnd tlmtfjllon. Wm. Allen. otZOhio, ha been charged with the investigation of > gho’case. He mysti'urtber: . . {l4 1 The petitions arrived only last week, and there is new scarcely time to put through ‘bpi'h Hana. any («introverted bill upon which a Committee has reported—so con otnnt Ind flowerl'ul is the pressure of the lx'npomm usinass yet undispoaed of, such . an an Amendment to me Ta-x law. the par ‘ inge of the Revenue bill. the Militia bill. the Appm'primion bills, &c., 8:0. Besides; the firin'ciple involved in these petitions is very important. as. if it. be established that vaernment is liable for (inmages done by (the public enemx. there will be claims pre " {erred forf" “7" the" “heme” by any {“‘h “0"“ wings we take pur refuge; O Gonvaz cs a promise. The 119“ Governor Ot‘Bennsyl- Pun." ‘3 [minis must he a my: who holditfut to the reserved rights of the States, and who'will ; maintain at any post the r'ghta midlibertiesr ot‘individunllcitilens. i j ' A —~-~-~’-—— m—HH’ "Time will put oil these matters right.” -—Sena'nd. \ ,»' ' fiThnt’s no! The "pdtt‘ing right" was started at the October find November elections, of run norm, on} they will not stand): the good work untilJ Abolitionigm. hatched in treason and infltfility, be utter ly wiped from the land-d find whieh but for it- sectionol and fanaticaghale‘would to day be in the enjoyment of its old “peace and plenty.” Then will tllj'who have fed and fostered the infernal 13min driven into deserved obscurity. to repentin “sackcloth Ind ashes" the injury they :jnflicted‘ upon the most benefieent Governthent the world ever now. How will our ngighbor escape his heavy share of the odiuxé? , .. - ,_ , W AN EXTRAOfiDINARY STATEMENT. Senator Rice,§Be-publican, of Minneadu, who is a member of the Military Committee of the United States Senate, made the 9b!- lowing extraordinary statement. in debits last week: i " I do not behave there is «mania thi government, in gone of the departments to day, that can-tell us whether we have five hundred thousand or a million men in the field-not one ‘who can come wnhin‘fihy per cent. of the number of sick and wound ed in the hospitals, or with theirreglments. One department makes its estimate booed on the supposition thet we have one mil lion two hundred thousand men in our army; another, on the supposition that we hue one million five hundred- thousand men in our army. The simple truth is that they do not know whether we have that number or half that number. You they take the pay department, the commissary department, the medical department, the' quertermuster'e department, and you may toke the commanding general and the Sec retary of War, and you cannot, from all of them, oome wilhm three hundred thousand or probably five hundred thousand of the number of men in the service; at least we cannot get the information.” Is it any wonder that endless confusion, extrnvngunce and‘wnsu prevail in our armies and the national finances, when such wnc~ knowledged want of system. management and competency is exhibited by those inan uging. or, more properly speaking, misund ging the war? - fiCounterfeit Fivea on film Hmbnrg Bank were in circdlation in Philndglphin last fieek. . fi‘f Kinkyhaads " is tpe now titre gzsed {or Abdifionim; 51" Mandi-fined“; to “ Copperheadm’fl : rgfri I ‘ - -- i i 1 Anomrxorgsx i LOCAL DEPARTMENT. ' .t. "quire-i more in mil than 11 .——~—~’—-.__:.___~,_ -’ ' nailed by ordinary :org. mymmempm. Wanna D'ed’yAdminim-mr'aiihedr. ”he prawnt condition of éur ill-fatml coun- “WWW" W" Judxm'?‘ BOWL Judgment hry. without indignllioug‘ind nge aguiml ‘\_”“'S' Pi°mlmry 3"“‘90‘5 Whine unzip. ‘the reckless and unpiinkipled luthou of non.AinxclbleActlonn.bubpmuu,gamma”... our fearful calamitiex. éno may sufl'er in » Execuxiuufifchool autumn" Nuur‘li‘m" ‘hil rsn d t “Ethane ( Papers, th‘kcq pruned on 300 d ”P"; {or A P 0 n Mi, proper y i n o°"um—l.ll3 u the Colin-ll omen. have. He can bury his dun-at friend, and .1. » »~ ~- , ‘ ....._ j Texcuim. “Thy will be fine." But when; 16"?“ Dedication of the new German its. : added to these every-day.afllictions. comes ' formed Church M M?" ““3"" “In.“ Nice the teri‘ible truth, that our ever-glorious,i“°‘: Subh'uh “f°““Wr_“"l‘Ch Ht. Divvlne icwer-pracious country, the foundation of“ "rm.” "u,b°g‘" °“ Fm!" "Hi“! PNV‘é‘" nu our hopes and the basis of our individu- “d b° °.°“"“"‘d °"‘" “mm! “" 3"“!- ‘ ‘ ' A number offllergymen from I din-nee in: iexpected (0 be present. The community EW enlly i. respectfully invited 4.0 “with: fi-Tbe President has ndminated‘ Gen. Phelp- as major general, his commission to bear date from December 4, 1861, thus ouc runking In other volunteer major generals, including Burnside, Hooker and Heimzef mm. Phelpl issued the first proclamation on religion and slavery from Ship Ishnd, which accounu for “ the milkl in the cocoa." wheat. Ford._of the PMostßattalion, died at McConnellsbprg, onéFridny week, from the wound rgceived ghee or four weeks since, near that. p)ace,irhile attempt.- ing to arrest John Forney. ,5 , fi'l'he N. Y. Tribum informs us that ‘he entire conservative puny“ men Ind newspapers. would be arrested and sup pressed-none but Gmgleylm «thou the noo‘ofvth'cc'uth.‘ 5‘ - r ' m 5. "and" a! tin Adana Conny Teuchen’ Athenintion, which Wu [0 be held in Bendersvillt the lunar I‘Mrt of the pm cut month, bu 128 m ponponqd by order uf‘the Executive Committee, owing to m; condition of the mud. uni other caujfs; $.11): Promenade Coficgrt by the Qufier C:uh,to come off this evening, prdmlses t 6 b; a pad may. Ste card. ‘ . _ , EXCURSIQN T 0 HANOVERx-Excunfim tickets will be issued on the Gettysburg Raj]. road, to Hanover Ind fitnni, to-monow (Tuesday) evening, to all w‘iho may will: to at: tend tho Eadies' Fair now in progu’u therei— The train will leave nt BQ‘lo'clock and rezdrn abouts. Fire for the 1-005 in trim“ centur— \)‘e hope that n goodly humhgr will nvnil themselves ofthis opportunity to pay; plenum vine to our (hi-hing nelg’lfll’mmnd in lhe nine time contribute to the fund lot the “11pr all-k and wounded soldiers. f ' ‘ THE HOSPITALS—Anotheé appeal is: been made to the Ladies‘ ReliefAnocintiou‘of ‘his place from Wushingtofn, for contribution for the sick and" wounded 'poldiers. We h'abe 'it may' be mei with n promél, nnd gonewus re spbnse. All kinds of drug-me; suitable for Hospital use w‘lebe “came-(d, I V ‘ FATAL ACCIDENT—Gin Flidn)"evening hut, about 8 o'clock, when“ the train art-inst), at Hanover, from the Jum‘ftion, a. cilizvn‘rof that place. .\II. .\l. Sum, bummer, started acruss the truck, and in the dhrk,auppmed hima‘elf clear of the Income!“ e. He‘wag struck. ho'WJ ever, n‘nd the engine pngsrd mar hath )egn, culling one 0“" cm'rrcl), andléraxjéh‘xng the oth er. lie-nation never took plnfl', nnd he died, on Saturday. He was A single man, about 85 or 40 yen :s' of “gas—Sentméliuf theulay. fifllessrs. "mien .Ic Bourkrhcurnor Fouj'th 6: Market sum-ms, Ifhil‘ndcl'ph‘d'vaiug will be set-n by referring to our xldx'crlislné cranium—rub,- nounce they have In more nfifim- variety of “‘X‘l“ Papers; c'lc.. ‘m winch the ”(Mention of Store keepers is invited. ' ;l . ‘ ' WEN. T. P. Buchcr will‘mlcnié ficrrm our thanks for‘ n (‘npy nf’the Act; and? 'ordings ofthe Synod ofthe Gormnmkelornumfhurch, in the United States. which the: nu. C-hnuiberg burg, in thuhel‘ last. 1‘ ' * Wauljr’uizendia Richmhnd lmvr hen-n r:- \mm'é‘} from the Linn,- .rxiami to wane Light ‘ Hing, a short dicmlivc from film Libby; lgqing withm my: ch]. ’l‘hey~ any liyotldng abqu! u‘n 't-nhnnge soon. 1 , f . WJohn .\Xcfi'lcfiry has Int-tin hppuinto-i mm Master at {autumn}, vice Unfur) .\l‘icklrx, re- signed I’otcrU'Xeil hm hgoinpfinin‘md I'. iv. 4‘: Squnrl- Corner, \zicol .\. \\'. Stiuh, rexignvd. ‘ yg-Anmzinn is, din-outed to RM'. .\lr. 31¢- Elwce's MW of perm" lmzpurtx, (nn me 18:11 0: Martin.) ndvudisqd iu’nuulhrr rolafn'n. 1' ‘ ‘ . , . , Q‘Adjutnm "when! TlmtinM hm just h}- Slltd un.or_drr notilyiug mint- LinNy-fiu- arm,- ofliccrs (ulcsigvlrnln-d Ly nnnm) 31ml, huviug bow, n-mmed nt’lhl-med \“lurlrl’fi 1‘); 419‘ mm; Mr ofi'qncEs spucifivd. ,llwy u Illiswml dismisq-d {mm the service ufit're l'umfl Snaps, nah-As \Thhin mu days fmm this dzurfifiry uppear hé fure Nu: ('mmnissinn in sessio'p in “Meningmh rity; of Much Brigadier Hoyt-ml Rivkcu is ‘l'residrnz, nntl mukc utisfuc‘lury d'ereuw 1b the t-ergm ngnimt :hrm‘: TM-nlpoiulu ntl'i'f (H's arr mulled to alggm-r for wing _in the “ii!" of “mm ”non without pmlu-r pus-res. and failingsn r'opmt la the herjqunrlcre 4-! Ihr l’ruvml .\lnhlml, 1111dcr’nrrc:l,}ns urdrred ; um} twenty-:1 n: [ol:3s)!ng m lv-purLSM L'u‘nvulwn n} \Zump, \ irg'mizl. n‘t'ilr .UequQrin; gs ,omcrml by Ucnern: .\lunind‘nh’. ; j Win the abort-ILI. we .oh‘serm xhe nnmé ofCupL Imum’ 0.33“”. lfnh I'. s. Inmmry‘, for having raftivcdj $5O M up inducemgnl Id mus!" in nisulxskildt'u in l‘rulkkliu» Luvmshim .\kik‘“!~ ummyJ‘n. :- k, ._ . ‘ What an mink-ding hqok the §“{inficnlifics of the Drgft" mnndJnnkc 2” Simné gone should set about uriligkr it. The nml‘erfnié nru uua'ily' to Mind. ‘ ‘ ‘ ;- :1 Prion Moran-51'; m lLLiNlll‘i;l—Th¢ move-I maul to mule our prcnent ditfiénlfics by neon. {'cnlion ufroprescumtu‘ra from‘tbe tree Slum; ‘is progre’suing in the West. The minqil Leg islature‘ has appointed n cnmn'liltr'e to center with flmsebf Indiana: K‘enfutf'ky and 01h” Sun-s, n. Lnuisvmt', in we mPul'l) of March, the foremost man in that coxnmitlec being :1 strong adherent at Mr. Lit‘wolug‘ ind vbureWm-e n. allnunch Repnblicn'n.‘ Mr. Lofin, the gentle—V min: in queuing“ appe-rn, tndlk I prominent. part in the November clec‘tion,] hy‘ urging nll his friends to vote Ibe..Dem9c|‘,axic ticket, in order to an: the cdunu—y. 'Mi‘my pthkr emi nent politicians ofßepuhhcnn ptoclirifiea have been appointed on the same committee. The manure wu apposed, huh in min. by the Ab olitionisu in the Legislature. 4: is expected 1 mm the States or Ghio, Néw Jersey, Pennayl- ‘ vnnia and .\‘ew York will combine in this ‘ movement. ' ' ‘ ‘ ml.» Legislature ’of mums lug sun; Idjourned. The Peace Rcaohtiouu which pdued the Houiae were prevengad from pusing the Senlle by the withdrawal ofenough Abo. mion member: to prevents quonfuln. \ , ~M~u w "““W‘ -——-‘ . Puc: Ploy-outlaw m waAgg—Thuc in two yrupgsitions for the holding Inf pence cog. nations before the Legisluure‘mfjndiuhm— One in {or 3 meeting of the Legislhyuruoflndi gum, Kentucky, Ohio und Illinois”: Frankfort, Kentucky, on the 22nd of Febrndry, Ind (he bther is, the if Congreu nun {nil 'to an n m. tiom] contootion, the State of Indiana' shall mvhq ever] Bate in the Federll Union, inclu ding me m-cdled ConleQenw States, to meet delegate: from the sum of Indi-im in chem tion a: Nuhrme, Tennessge, on the am. Main. duly in June, 1863. finch of aid Sum to send 5. mm; delay!" to aid cannntiun u shall uqnl tho number ofSenqurs Lad Repre scanning to which Inch State is cmicledin the Contra}: of the United sum. , Nxoau Bullflu.-—The Euwrn pnponvtn beginning L 9 eulngiso the nlor and Inuit: at the new nigger regiments orgwixing in the Smith. A idler to Governor Andrey, of In. luhulefll, Ipcniing china “6er Squib Cuoll rib Colored Regiment,” says “there In: few more valuable regimen}: in the unite." Tbcwhne soldiers will be passed over, very noon, by “IR“ Eat-cm patriots, in pertect silence, fi-A .\‘ufYorli paper gays um Abolition Congra- I: “ping to per‘éifimx." "311“,?! is bud on “perdhion.” ‘ ' ‘ '. , A 00mm rum. , It ends impo-ible. up the New Hump: ] , Ihire Patriot, for the National Bowman“. . ito ovoid o Serious} conflict with these“. ‘ isotherm” of various States, except by ; yielding obvdiautotfic (Emulation, which it. in . sogrouly amusing in these arbitrary or: ‘ rests. In Wit-cousin, the Supreme Conn, ‘ composed entirely of Rep'ubiicnm, hm ido— tcidod thgt the President has no power to suspend the writ lot' lmbeaa corpus, and. ‘ have ordered the rpieue of fifteen pennnp ‘ arbitrarily united by order of the Govern ‘menta The lajme édecision, will doubtim - (be male in nearly every State when the“ in . me is madmand if the Government premix“; ' ‘in arresting andjniprisoning pet-nous with ’ {out wernnt and ii: open violation of thafi (Constitution, it. iill find itself forciblyjregi~ mm by Author-“f of State Governmeintn‘} in the hands ofjtq Eown political Mandi—(3 The question of pehmml freedom and chm ‘ atitutionll rights isitoo vitally importani mi cverycititen to Idlilitoi‘ it- being givengupi without a should} It. oven-ide- all mire 3 why queetions and feelings, and wig“: home to ewery one the momentous iuu ‘pf ; liberty or despotism, for himself andgln'sE posterity. uis impouible that inteili m3‘ and patriotic menl can be do blinded by 5 party prejudice anti so swayed by polit' E feeling as to iustit‘yl or submit toauch lg pahla and repeated violations of pelican} :1 liberty an demonsti’nte the determination , lot: the Gnvemmenti to sweep away all ndfe-‘i guards of the Constitution and all gut-ins 3' tees of the commod law and our own ‘imiti- _ tutions, and gstab ah itselfsdospotismin [_ nrbitmry and note ling as ever existed Ein | the world‘s history 4 V— 5 1, ~ \ _ ~..,._._ _ , 3 01.1) mm. wigs ONE-Tammi «'4 ltiuéldomindeeilthnt nltl Thndfitovot’il. } ' member of Gongri‘ss Trom thd L‘rmomtfer, 1‘ 3 idiutrint, this State. gpmka the truth, lgut. E he did utter nna bath on Saturday. :lnn speaking orthe m'n ‘ memble appropriations i Lmnrlc h' (inngresuéie said-J‘WVe have In.» g come no ucclutume to give away money?! ( Imllliom, that non pmpriation-ia consid r~ i vod too lnrgn to be iptufiedi’” This to till:- a [Hem—r. 'i‘ho presefilt administration, lmq - { ‘lwl up mlt has boo by mmcltless Qingrcrn. K has squnnvlnrml h ndrednv of nullmm {are {dollar-s. maruly tho? it not of Abolitten—rffi lent»; might mnke {Eyrluuom It is trnv. l!» 'Stevvna nflye. that mun-m Fund been In UlO 1 Ill:|l»it,pl‘Writ-3m: away money by tnilliotii." : uml we put. it (olmnefimen hoist-y who”: r Y .it Wmlltl not be ri 'lltin tho motile-onto 3 Suites to prote»! ngjirmt the conduct mm x irnhht‘r“. and my 1’ llwm in plain it'rmd§—‘ 1 1“We: wlll pay ourutnonq' loamy Ollrltllfi . ‘wa’; for the mutant. ion of' 11m lv'ninn mitt . thy!“ Constitution :‘bitt we will uni pay ”with 3 oy fnr thr- purt‘imsfl nt‘ nogroon and Lin» A: 1- ’ rit‘hing ofo «'9; nl‘ wiluins tt'ltme iut‘t'rufl it. » n to proiung the wlttr.”—(hrli.g(c l'olmuufr. ‘ —-—--~»- - demu‘»~—«—— ~.. i ”The Crietend n Conupnnniw maul!!! have passed if Um cepuhlicun lrmlvru lulu! not opposed it. I ll: it been adopted. tlu (lei-l, no dmn; no lzgmi'ng, no mums». i, would have follom'oll';~ our citiznnn nowjn Hm finld, pvrllangtlwirlives. waulll be It hnmo will: their funlilirs, pniuying all Illa comforu‘ n‘ml lnlaslingfi of ’n prnqumrls lmace.‘ ‘ Bill 11W quxlnliwnlvndnrl. in thelr puny unl,willml if mhnrwise.‘ ley haltl the majority in Can rev. and are ”nu-"ml“ responsible for-n” t m cnuntry in nnw nu‘h tering.’ 'l‘]mpeuplc:§lnould "cur forget thin grmt fiat. ~ \ l ' ' l n. "prehum" is Min“; 11!, fur :f cnnwrvufiij‘a The game hm hoflx oldie-{s Wege wanted. Eur: a cheat ultor {lnc-3y He hnve‘ his). all sin“,- zL‘ that he. " 58"“ in said 'th'lt mmle nu the Prwitq pulley. Too late. tried beforo. whun' J nntl nlw: 'S‘lm‘nml d “‘("e hm . The p90)1 deuce in thy “powm D .7 ... ‘fifThq Mum! offl is’nuw in Session M. Ii 'l‘u-nmrt'rfinon. 11ng1 All th'mofliceru elm-t Donmcmlsf ; l. . ' ovenuoCumnm-noner‘p . ‘ I 1 F I { hamburg. Hrs) Mule I 3; I). Monro, preddm‘, ’d by the Board m 6 has 'ia‘ned a?! orJvr ‘llntion of nemfmporu pruwnt. He might M | . ‘ 'mllmru 0{ Heaven 0;- A General Whn in In not fit to mmmnnd rm: [gxly may heiqng l ia ccmuricg behind nus-Gm. "mm-r 1 pruhibifinu the Pin in hiw army for‘ the] well lrx tn shut the énmmnnd the lid nfnnd af_ m—wapnliors un tinny of freeman. to this age, bul his :«K the (imea. “ clnmntinn with rem- Hou with luynnets." LLCriuondcn. ’ 38’“ Fight the pr lulionv- and the rebvi is the advice ofJohn! ID. Fore arrived u ninanving in clmruo . uurrondhred whim , Washington op {he i» Curtin.—Fumm pm. RthlrnflL—Sherifl' 1 homeon Thui‘iday evd John Form-g; who w . hy the'auflmrixies M? requisixion ono'vm-no‘ ocml. I La quuutc I’mlw. , ‘7li reports from | Hilton ilvnd report the dinzlfl'eclinn nmnng 1 the New York regime :1 (Le; Enlnnt» Pet -1 nlus) as being even 3 elm-r than reymn ted in letter» publislie {rum there. it u not improlnible that by th ‘sllm’e the whole reg iment lms hegnlpl , under arrest. for in- g subordination. Diulike of Gen. Hunter~ nnll ofuerving with his negro regiments is said to be at the bottom of it.—-I’iul. Brut ‘ .—— ~~» «onto-‘w— "L“‘T‘ (Janina M. Clay‘3oing (a lamina—lt. in * l ted that Cassius M. Clay has finally d aft mined to abandon his mnjor genml' com: mission and to return to Russia. 6 Wilt. . sum in a short time and will at onoe_ro-. lieve Bayard Taylor. who has bep’u acting -' ‘mininter‘ since Mr. Cameron’s qurlura-a Mr. Taylor will not mmain “Secretary or ' Leyation after Mr. Clay’s arri/al. - -v V~~~‘—-~. - o———» /a—- ~cr “‘A special from Membhimfluod lbs 17th, my; the new M‘onito’r gunbout, India noln ran the blockade av Vicksburg on Fri. duy‘night, in spite of tag firemutions ukcn‘ The rebels dim 0 '0 Indinnolu and {he various batteriea’vied with each oth 5 in the efl‘ort to link her. She Woverplga led down safely. - ‘ ”A Washington dispatch my! the President is determined that ull bissubordi mu? generals, hhull “ thoroughly humonlu with the policy of freedom.” We suppoan that munq’that the President will dismiss every ofllc/er who does not favor harem-o emancipaeion 'policy. Will be the private: 3 like nor, by disarming from the service all who “cuss" the proclamation} - ”A formidable insurrection bu brain)! out in Poland. At inst ueoounta, quiet had been renter-ed at Warsaw, and conscrigtion had been effected in some of the neig bor- ‘ ing provinces, but the rebellion. ”my from the cepital, however, does not, seem to but been by any means ‘hoconghly aubdued.—— Collisions had taken piece near Hominyin the woods of Flock, and near Piolakownho insurgents being warned in the fires two engagemel‘efiut triumphing in the latter. They were said to be receiving considereblo reinforcemenu from the better classes 0“ society, including‘nnny from Wars“. Y flGen. Kennel-am slam; in n lgtter lo I relative that. the rebel'l it! buihiing among fortifications u film‘nwt Ballard. He think! “lanai! to an, 3 dawns sum Mo. :9 W , whys. ThoGonor-lilnnmm ‘-r a" g.