Il U i a? Our political Oppnm'nil hon uni A. WPUBIJGAK EDITOR‘TURNED; i 30 ligcr an .Ilrgnment tosluml upon. ' Every} Thulrlow “'eed. of New Yorkpi'or thirty. .prop hm been knocked trout under them yarn bpposed to the Democratic bur-moon bv the insane doings of their leaders Ii declares that He cannot go with the Aboli ,Washinmm, . i :l tionislis any further. He quotes halogen ! When the Republican party was'starteda dell Phillips and comments as follow”, Democrats predicted that it would tori: Mr.tPhillips says: “The ‘Unio’ hunches 'out to be an Abolition “machine.” ’ Bepuh- on is ow channel. She endow-likes to say ‘llican editors and speakers indignanlly re‘otlhf“ L ‘9 system ‘fr “HWY "4 l"d°’PP“lhl" ipulsed the cccusntiun. But time proved Eng)! 6 :perpetuttyho: él'ftr?pul’l'c"rgl's ithe ‘prediction to have been well'foundedn-i O: hefflzmwflmk'f "no; :3): KW}, :hle Republicanism became Abolitionism. y'i: uppito of the American citizeniifllberty to 1 When the first rumblings of the present ‘8’“)! \‘f’ Ofllfiath lOlhe Union?! . [storm were heard, Democrats were for (“will 7“" s‘“ suihciently cxpltcnt... gThe 39“! vP‘"~‘ing of the trouble. as our fatherj’lml whoa ‘knliywauthority for thei Abolition . . , . . ‘ I‘, press )I henceforth the war is not to be 1 always disposed at: the-ire, by "sittin‘grlmfll: Carrie lon “to punish lrea.ron."lmtlihat we are ,nnd 'rennoning together,” and :iLlopting 5' "lan hing fnlo a’ntw channtl." a 1 that the Icompnomiao, The "Crittenden ’Compro‘f'mo‘ is, “liberty to (1.: clove “rim”! to the saline" wns loo'ked upon as intr, and sure to Um" .’ . . tweet the desired purpose-M preserve the my}: ‘3l;bfmfl'jimfhi’iifflfliddi‘eh if» lpt‘ace. bfirmony and' prosperity of He unde tend us, that. our ." lagic’flvis sound: lcountry—to prwrve it from 69mm "1 The War is not to " punish treiuon," but ya [and blood. ' Tho ltepublican leaders saidh :tl‘ibdrgl‘n: 21:29:}, ingcdlhketdnt‘lidd 1&2?!" firWepnhlish on our first page, a‘capt-l'“ No! «We mlthavs no compromise! Ho; A"? at this .. turningfiorner »we part . tnl Speech, delivered in~Congres§, by Mr. who talks of compromise is a traitor! ill-compdny with Abolition. ;‘ l ‘ Raiding, of Kentucky. it shows up the ' the South rebels. l“ h" 80; or, if wgl Gooi'l for Tlrurlow Weed! 11. errors of the "radios! policy” now.control- inhosse, we can whip. her back in sixtjlths satisfaction of knowing that ling.“ Washington; and makes astir‘ring ldsys l" DemOcrats' combatted these bold,“ and wins of thousands are partin upped for f‘theConstituthn as itgis and the lbad men—those bigoted sectional partizanst' disuni‘pn company With him. I . Union as it was." We trust. the) all men, i—with every argument and every appeal.l —> Va commend Mr. Weed’i patriotic of Al partiesfinto whose hands thispnper - But all in vain. They~ had the numerical ex’nm letothe “.admiration nndihntution ” may (all, will give it a careful perusal. ,!_strength in Congress, and voted down every, of our neighbor of the Sentinel. ,l ‘ ° Mr. ‘llaiding‘ was an old line Whig, and ‘ proposition for a peaceable and sensible adé' "“"T‘"‘°°°’ ‘ ‘ —‘——‘l'- . was electe‘d‘on the Union iss‘he. The sen-{justmcnt of oura'iificulties. ; " ' ,AN THEE REHAB-“3113i CON timents 11% announced in the canv ' w”, as Was feared by the liemocrixts} .VERSION l ‘ l 'gwhich‘result’ed in M 5 919950”, he Idhem resulted-rand since that we huh llnd.onlf,l TI'EIEV“ of)!“ ‘3.” Being OPM ' 310- DOW—fo? the. Union then and the U'fi' debt, destruction and death. Hundreds of 1 Mb?" Barnes, 0f Phllfidell’lll< on mow-"PPM“! ‘0 Aliolitionism then»! thousands of lives, and thousands of mild, know thl’Oug'hOlli: the éouhtr « and opposed to it now, seeing in it all the ' lions of money, have been spent, and yeti: trome nnti-slavery mun, at one fine even {,flbil" only fanaticism and ruin. . . . the “sixty days! war” {and our, No,- i, igning ‘o for as to nvow the —pri iple that . i llr. Harding ‘ the patriotismto use this all. The struggle, which wig entere "“ if th Bible defends slavery ittzannot be 535°" “party “Wang—l“ W" widely dim?" upon ostensibly for the» Constitution In ’receiv d nsn Divine revelation."z Growing ing from our‘ neighbor 0“ “19 ‘Wn‘l--‘ the Union. is now by ninny of the Republi l‘older, mil more sensible, howevhr, he has ‘Vghilst the former, himself earnestly 0“ ctin leaders nnnouncodtobeflor“theUnionl now a ' uthtter and safercoinclusions. Lllf side of the Constitution, and therefore wilkautflavcfy, or no Union at all!” ann iscourée ‘dclii'ered by hiiin on last (”film Unions freely accords to'the portY’ The predictuins‘of Demoorltts have been Thanksgiving day, he declared that the which he has always opposed, the credit verified—more ihnn verified. {l‘lie pictures" wnr should be proscyttted solch/ g maintain _ of being now the only political organiza- they drew of the future were hu‘t faint out-i! thq Union ; that,“ dily'mearurglb ed on the tion to which the country can look for wise lines of the present terriblereal'ixy. . Thereii lnti‘insiic wrong; of slavery,” “whuld be a counsels and patriotic action—the latter are Republicans who See this, but “uglwio utihnoftheCoustitutidn;wouldproper-1 yields up all his old line Whig sentiments. {66mg will not allow them to acknowledgeii 1y lubjgn ma l‘fxccu’twe to hope hment-J'. and, win. “partizan hopes]: tumbles, neci: it. They .l-nowdhat their party is responsi-R lIQLCO ldenses into one geiitcnce is views»; and heels. ‘into the dark whirlpool 0f A 1101? bio for all the troubles and horrors of the l “11;" [Em solemnly declares: 1 ‘ lion dltiunionifim- . country, 11nd feel that something must be: “,A !sixth principle, founded Our neighbor should read this Speech.— done in order to blin‘d their.par'ty friends views ilk-have now been preset it might have the effect of-‘fshowing him and prevent many of them from jnfitngjn r 3“"??25“ “i 0"? 3).“)9'1 “'"h ex" "“31 "’o’“. his "379-” ltfflmi’lly WOUld if with the Democrats. No argunient‘is left: 7:“: 1.36402: 12,211 {513223}; he be not”? “deeply committed” 1° Kb‘ them—and what are they to do? Nathingl to he left to the Stai'gi; as sme‘hfl .olitionism, but, to slicutfl‘traitor! tmitorg" at evorfv'SPOF/‘tiéklbwmteli' “"d exclusivebl Democrat. With this despicable device all _ ll“ .V‘b (“Mien “l hove reac argument is met; and moan and cowardly: U” Oflme Who" I have little to l as it :is, it is resorted to even by men who ll“ ff ”l myifellow (“win .3“ clnim to be patriotic and'intelligent. mo m ul. “”15“?“ 19- 1:839“ all Upon this theory alone can we account 5“ ’ ‘1 e voice 0f bra“? imd' SWI i'o'rnsneoking and characteristicattalck'up- 51‘)’_= “I" believe that “hf" hi on us in the lhst .SmlineL The editor is evtisl’eéch shall be when “WAY- UIU i idently ni'midlol‘ the eti'ect of nrtidles which 2101" 910 alien—the 131“ remnant l appear in the (homily upon’honé'st men‘in ' -—“i‘;ll E gone." ' I his party. and hence makes our “loyalty 31% We 7 0R? ”1050 views or Mr. 13.311 subject of doubt.” The occasion fortheitm°§t nuninkubl‘e index Grille i'l‘f' ‘nttack is, our renmrk upon-the unjust sen-‘i’rmil'en “0'“ “0‘! mm; on. M"- tence by a one-sided court martial upon r“ ’9l" sentfitire man. No 19"“ Gen; Fitz John Porters—n. commander “moi-1m" 91" il°°l.°f‘“'°ml”"l“ij i" I“ has done more fighting than all the Gene-QM" 1' views lef‘d ”3‘5 ‘0 fl‘k 1" rnls who condemned him put togetherr—ijOS 111le find s‘ome 001111110" :11? That the Ileople will take care ofj‘i’n‘. {hbgih‘v‘Q n l [E extreme Northem and“ Sentinel may as well believe now as here-Ikoul‘hetn View of" thesluvery Illlt'T after. And the day may come when su'chfp’high; l-goml men Nortlihmd Sir party-bigoted and flirty-blinded (E‘flltlil‘s _.'\s l iunite firhl save this oouuté‘y‘l‘rhmi he oi‘ the Serttinc’, who now, in cold blood, Entoiwl ich it-is mpidly itidiinx" denounce “ traitor 1" upon the head you jibe ‘l;qu an”. on the buds o of the gallant Porter, will seek to hidegféondesfion. If Mr. Barnes, :1 lm‘ their own from “the hissing and the scorn” Filisti'jn, ished anti-slavery mun, t of an outraged people, who trusted Aboli- ‘ yde almost everything, mni tionism, and found it only a-lie and a cheat; hatthere is in the country; leading the nation to ruin hnd death. in, Christian farbenrana'c, As to our “loyaltyflf we acknowledge but one standard—drug Cossrxrcriox. T/mr is the foundation of the Government—indeed it is the Government itself—and the Pres ident is but the agent, the servant, chosen by the people to carry out their will "its written in the bond” of Union~ We hold that Abraham Lincoln has n 8 moreright‘ to‘ seb'aside the Constitutfi, than “any other man,” and whoever, North or South; violates it, does a “disloyal” act. We are for_“the Constitqtion as it is and the Union ‘asj’c Wis," without its or ands, and there fore feel‘ita ddtydue our common country to “cry aloud» and spare not" against. all who would DESTROY BOTH in order to gratify political and sectional hate, and it. that than fail in their negro crusade would ‘see the noble old Ship _of State plunge headlong over the breakers into the‘now yawning gulf of anarchy anddespotistn.- We are for the Constitution with all its compromise; and guarantees to the States and the people, as our fathers framed them— the white man to be free,‘ and “the negro where he is." Can our neighbor of the Sentinel with truth say as much for himselfa» can any Abolitionist say as much? We doubt. it. (Em (finmpilrr. , oun rue: fhe nnlan of Mme—die union of land:— Tho Union of slate: none would sever; 'l‘he‘union o 4 henna—the union of hands ' And we Flag 0! ou_r L'uion forever! c'J.‘;-."'.;':' . :FIV'V. “.3 T 2» 1 ‘l'" ...". 2‘ '7l: n.l, Inna, :uuox 4ND Pnrwnluon ...‘z'fi: __ _ _.’._. ”L"— : ‘; GI‘I'TI'DBIJIIG, PA: - HONDA-Y fifixlkéfisifm, 1863, ‘U KION LEAGUES. A We observe that. the Abolition pgpers are ‘ busily engdped inefforls to get up what they call Union Leagues. This is apiece (lfgrou dcception. There is ho Unionism in the Avomkm party. The Union Le-n‘gue js In ‘orgnnizapion to pfevent n restoration the Unio‘n. Phillips has truly declared mat. the A‘flitionists “hopnl for and plan neddalm'nion,” and Thhdetevens has dey clued in Géngress that “ with his consent, the‘ Union' shall never be restored.”— Thoma, therefore, whojo'm these Leagues, ‘do it to dandy the Union. The Path'bt (£- Unio'n says :—,-The Telegraph A“ ”Is growing indent in its advocacy of the‘ ‘ fmmfitiou of what ‘are falsely styled “ Uzion " Len ' . The organizations are intended Wun'ion, not to raglan: it. ‘Wemnkc ébe assertion, knowing it. to be tfiue.‘ Will the Tdrgrapfi, whirl; urges thenrgqnization. «so! that“. is in favor of it realorqlion offlie Union} We think not. How ban tbOSe « who have “planned :lEsunion,” who have V “ spat upon the Constitution ” and pronoun xpéd it “ a covenant wifi death and a. league ‘ with hell," favor a restoration oft/w Union ? ‘ They cannot mnEib'tontly, neither do they. : A‘Rr’gldeous. I'erdicl.—The suit brought by i “’illiam 11. Hodgsop, editor and pro‘prietm; " ‘of’ the Wes} Chester Jqfl'qsonian, against Wflliam H. Human}, U. s. Marshm, for the illegal seizui‘e and suppression of that pa pg‘flm the»23d of August; 1861, has result «ed in a verdkt’offi‘ll damages for Hodgson. it. V 35 trird before Chief Justice Lowrie of ‘ {be Bupreme ,Court, sigting at nil-tip'rius.-‘ _ Although die analount of damages gendered . i_a.zlotanythihgnear-the loss sugtained by the closing of thp est'ablishment, yet we rejoicé [.O know that. theAPennsylvnnia. Courts are open to_our,;citizens when‘theii rights and pgperty are (undying-wed by: the despotic gigs of Abolition oflicers. . . .——.¢ - .———- \ Medallion Prbposed and .RejectedJ—lt turns 2 ml trfrom official correipondence published, ; thntthe French Government, on the 9th ’__ of .Jnnuarymroposed friendly mediation be t: tween the North and South. The French 39mm .0! State says in his letter; , “gouging, theyefm'e. would bindentho government ofitho United Stgtes with re nouncing the advantage which it believes it ~ can obtain by the continuation of the war, ’* from entering upon informal conferences withfiie Confedeiiates of the South, in case they should showt nemselves disposed there to. :Repgesentatives or commissioners of the two y grfiké could. assemble at such point as it should he deemed proper to designate, “and which could for thin pug-pose be de clared neutrni.” , _ . ‘7' ~ ‘ Secretary Seyard, however, declinesztaho ; omen. i k, ‘ - “Maid: the Brigadiers wha Satan the court magi-rial that convicted and sen ténced to dismissal Gén. Fitz John Porter, buve'since been nominated by the Presi- Ldant as Major Generals. Wnat wonder that we‘mkb no pgggsg- . FYIII3 grcuaat apathy exists among the free ‘Amatim citizens of African de; scent in fine District of Columbia on the‘ subjact of enlisting in tha lecls regiments. The’y almost uhiversally declare that if the white soldiers can’t. whip ‘ghe rebeh, it is of .330 936 for thé niggets to try. . 7 #6Bll. Keq‘ Dow, of Mninghw noto rietyrhu bp'en citpd to appear before the Sixth 11th Doug-f; 1;! Nu? Orleans, to {indulges-n clyu‘ge prefe’rrefi against himrof scaling silver‘woie t 9 the nlu‘o of one ' hundred an hixyy "ounces. ~ ‘ new. Boileau, the' recently incarcera te'cj qjipoy, I»: retired froni the‘ Philadel hil Journal. Th 9 disgust of his patrons at ii! nniln course was the moving cause. gggugrh. pawn mm" (Republic-n) M 3»? it. is not expected that s full regi :mm of gm‘wmierl cm waited in _th; _‘ - 9____ . W‘Petitions are pouring into our Legis- ' lam paying for law: to exclude negroes _._ [tom the gun, to prevent illegal arrests, ‘ud {on 33830331 Coniention ofnu the it an \ e v 36-71:; Illinois House bu passed Pace Ii Anion; W 52 yea: 0025 my!» lIIE A UNITED NORTH. The Albany Evening Journal asks for an 4 t 1 United North. Let the Admi'nistration at ‘3’ Washington answer’ that demand. It is} too much to ask of the people that they} shenld be senile and acéépt s despotisml Liberty of speech and of person, at ”19.3 North ; the superiority of constitutionul‘l right over the insolence of mere oflice; the’ «right of the people to know the truthzof th war; the place of power to brave men, not to the sycophant and the partisan ;-——when the Administration shill rise to its place, ‘ and give the people these, there may be‘ one lhintiment. Butthe‘ people have shown 1 in t 9 elections of November, thst they willl not accept a despotism in plsce‘of a Consti-l tut'mnsl Bepublic.—Nm~§’qu Argus. m 1! mm on Tum‘nmfifium The Pennsylvania 167th, drafted men, were no? the_ only soldiers who showad> an indispoeitionWo fight in Corcoran’e recent engagement with Pryor on the Blackwater, says the Patriot & Union. A letter froth the field to the Tribune says: “the 6th Mw mhgaetts would not move: thohgh it. was a. mile in the rent of Folleu's battery. The New York regiments orderegi. to charge up the narrow pausewgy, éxcepi the 19th, would not move.” The- Pennsylvania. drafts be haved better than many other regiments—r they did snufi‘ the bmle, having their 001- onel and some ether oflicers wounded} which is more than the Massachusetts 6th and the N. Y. regiments can any. Three chgmafar Three Mug—The'fiartr ford Times is inlormed by a reliable gentle man, who recently visited Edmoush, that annmberE of Union soldiers. a foil dstysl ‘ .7«-—-‘-«9»_._, since, took three ‘comrtbands' across thelmfifinfher humbug‘is gin groansition . - - u: overnmen ra r Bappahannock mto the rebel hugs, Ind lWashifigtcfngndNew York,lato:cosiotl";igfi mded them «5 to the rebel ”Men for 000,000.13 which the ken onnocher ”grep sheep. - lymph of mm will be E 2201. 1 lo cqfncc 'Lelidve 1 ban-{Otis ffiénse, l 1 fboth sigl‘ 1:391:33 even 1935' canoes slfor the sakeofbvinging days of fraprnallumon an Cé? ' ’ i x‘ " lialeyo FFERENCE OF opmfi rencq i 0 'l‘hurlow Weed’s Abolition party,‘ Forqu ly the organ offhe admin I ' f In re‘f {min :11 4onfesse CM phone that Iqu dosm'lion ‘ I lhe‘purty is folly, iinc more sure than dxat its ecured b his timely sec brnoy. alt-Enough he may :I all) and the Wnsliingtonl > ~ not speak for {be con 9“ the pm)" represente ‘ ftlmt gentleman has reti] Eing Journal, had Jvithdra ”litical‘ life, ther are 0 arm his mantle has fallen, ‘ H without a prophet ’§ I "To 141 a split .i twthfn'g mgr?! ‘ at F Hr. 12in theej d . portion Weed. the‘ Em 4ctiv .qpon 15 .lu'g k as aw ich may reasonably be ' the sentiments of the E 1k better than the Preside l 0 >l}: .er 6 il are at lgmt 100,000 Re hate who have agreed, : h Mr. Weedfs position b Albany Journal. If M d}: he‘s. Republican,’ 1 d thousands in them med for Mr. Lincoin." ‘ inclined to put moye faiq 'thnn in lFox-ney'sf off-h; insion, {nd‘we expect knee it “a; he resufl of the next and‘mcceed! ,ions in he Empire State as welf bfvn.—:P riotd: Uniml. - 1 Q . -W-—~ ; as W) urth in » x: ‘ceas gusano td who We at I- 'J Ewe ainr Wilson’s new mili -ry bill int-oil! nl ablebodied male citizens alween. 1 “M 45 "ears ofage, as militia lin 1a to be i ‘ lied‘i'n oserviceby the Preside t. Ex— i‘a ipts nr thoee related as physically. men -1 ta‘ily, or morally unfit. for the service; uchas a a necessary for the sup ért ora i i or infirm parents, orphans, or helplcsg‘i [c ildre‘n nd paupers, pro‘rided‘ ey‘are nimble to rendgr an equivalent for mom] incl-vice; him Vice President of th United .Statpsnhp only son of aged or in my pa ‘nenls deprndent on him; the hea of ex lécutiva departments; the only br ther of‘ ‘children’ fact 12 years" old, having neither ‘, 'fxitherno 'mother ; the father of m therieu ' children fixss than 12 years of age ; when a‘ i father an son are in tli‘ei service as rivntel, l ‘the other eons .not .exceeding 2; father ‘ having w or more children under 4yearai ioi‘, age siding on a farm 0“ n I more; ‘l than fifty acres. upon which-hei depen-l . dam. for tineir support. l . 1 ‘ Segtion‘third divides this minim tom . into classas, the first comprising alllpersons l isuibject to military duty between {he agesl I ofi 18 and 80. and all unmnrried person: ‘be ll meen 30 and 45 -, the second embracing all ‘iotreers, are; not. liable to be called into let-\' {Viv until ‘the first. classis exhal’iptfif. ‘ «.~——-—- ; Wiihers & Wright, ahéavy manufac tqmfiru") at Cincinnati, have di harged {all their 11mm laborers and egnpl yed ne grow in t eir stead. ‘ This is theiway it i 50?: under Republican rule. i THE TWO PLATFORHS g The Democratic poaxtion in fully and .clearly defined in u {ew‘vordm They go I for the “Wayne: or tnmCoxa'n'rr'nox A! I n )5 ASD nu 11:70:11va or fill Uxxox n 11- um» . The Republican position is directly the opposite of this. 'l‘hfey repudiate the Con §titution u the F:lth?l‘b made and adminis tered it, and they déclue ibeirutter hos tility in (he Union I“: it formprly inflated.— Here is their position defined by one who is entitl’ed to speak for his‘party, viz: Mr. Stevenspf ImucasleréChnirmud of $ll9 Home Committee of Ways ‘gud Means. the most important post ng-xt}to the Speaker. In a speech a few weeks iince hepaiil: , “Tu: nu 6r nuiomsa 'ml Umox a: i! wax, umlrr nu: rnxwx’icnuv a: it is, Is on or 1H: Auu'nmflas wkiirh I have heard repeated until I have become ahmtaick of it. The Union can never be restored as is was. There are many things which irender Inch an event. impoxs‘xble. Tu: UNION SHALL xzvn mu! "1' cosnzs-r m: REH'FOKIZD menu 'rnl: Cox-Hug ‘ 'nox AS 11 is. mm sunny To an Paonc‘rw imy 11-." ! » ’ ! can have : bonsands g Abolition ‘ Patriotic men of :Adar‘ns i heie ore Vthe i “to platforms. Which do yon.prefe}'—whiéh ‘ will you tnke your sthnq upon? 'Which of these creeds will yon embrace! No patri- ‘ 'ot'ic man can liesitnt’g for a moment. , What does theiSenlinzl think of ‘old Th‘adk patriotismfl I: not langnage liké thnLquoled above from one of his speeches calculated to make ‘lhis loyalty a subjectof doubt. ‘3" We hope lour neighbor will 1111-, swer—and then slltiw us, if he can, where any prominent. Den‘ioc it his announced. such infamous sentimgnls. it might: not. bo‘ unprofitable, at ith'isf 'uncture in our. nafiionfil affairs, to poblishifite declarmiona of leading men in both panties, in order to give‘tbe people a chair idea of the positions ‘ of the parties. We afre ready to “pitch in” ‘ whenever lie may s_n3i so. ' ~*" “P“ ‘“ _fl.__ STEVENS’ NEGRQBILL. ‘ -i —Rev is well 83 an ex- We subjnin the vofic on the negrobill on its final ”usage by tlife in_wer House of Con-i gress, on Monday. As this bill, ovidqing for the arming and équipping otyorne bun. dred and fifty rogjmelléts of'x'wgmes, is spet \moasure ofthe Admiyietm‘tion n‘nd the Ab-‘ important, and Ty referred 'to '9 Republicans :gnirnst, the bill, (12:19:, Kellogg; on guch Led, and t justice 0 iii FON ting iz.'is In all re 7, ed a. po ‘bpe or to ‘ with n qempts 30 line-n, ho - («lam of < ‘ 11;»! 1:61;»: bf libel :y _,» Luq‘rmu. unomifi Low,» Jay. an. ‘M'huloe, Ql’l{nn)\,}ch{’Knighxt. .M'x'mznsnx. .\mqqn, Mm-I I|.Morrit,i \‘z.-. Xixun. NONLUHHLPhd}\:.\j\ul.:'l‘ik J Pumm-uy, Purim: Rwy. “Pa—Rh} [9; Rnl-j lin~. X. H : Sn‘r-xMM Scfizwh‘k. . um'ks,‘ Shi-fliphl. SIM-liflmrgér, Slwrmdn. Conq,‘ Spamming. Shvmw. 'l‘lmin.» 'l‘rimhln. "l“ w-{ "H4lO, Van :l.u|i_‘\\';}l_kg4r. \VM”, “Villa [,l “'n‘lkLnuw. “'hrrlvl'.“Vhih’. Ind.;}\'llsou i \\ inulmv and \‘v'by‘vv~t¢l‘.—3—§‘3. ' ' w xvyt—me-k. Auq‘. “hiné .\jlbn, my .\nco‘nu. Ruiiv.l%:chchth \ 3.: (‘lomenm (MM), Cux,(‘rn~cm,‘ I‘ri-fil-‘ul. (fr-Itlmnh-n,l DV-luplu‘m’. (hung-r. Mrirlt-r, ”nlO, Null,| Hu-dmg, Hunmm. ”Mum“. ILL: Harlan, Jnhnmn."K¢-l|o;u. “In; Kelrszn, Law. La~ 7.03:. L-x'ry. Nme-y. May. Muvnartl. Men‘ zips. Mums. thlc, Nd‘n-mn. ()«lvll, 1‘0!!!“va Inn. I’m-u, quxiumu;{R'vlliuxy Mal: Shiel,l Stile-s:T 'l‘lmm:l<. Mums ’[‘lu3nm'~‘, ILL: Vul- Imuligham. Vlblmrtl. \ymhwu‘n‘th, “'q-hster, “'Mdm'; ‘Vllilfi. “Witt”: “'lcklifl‘c. “700 d, \Vuudbuly, “Wight “ml Youmun.-’—5«L on as the t Nomi)- hrnes i 5 the mi (‘hurt-h. t is‘ not. . ml be- 1 ext rome 'tinn, on ”In .mny Hm l'uin I Ilion : rmulunl ling and ~ willing ' we not ufiicient ml good ions, on J-m'lg (he i 'pei‘ma- THE ENDORSEMENT OF THE EMAN ‘CIPA'PION PROCLAMATION . I-N MISQURI. ' - Am.— the'Slate eleciiuns Luna“, Presi dent Lincoln is repqrted to have skid that he was more than cnmiwnsntml in his feel ings at the resxiit ofl thq election i'n’Missou ri for thé Domovrntin victorieéjn fihe other. States. As the (03;: denim away that env‘el‘ oped'the scone ofaflibdl‘ for the time heing, we beginm getacl rpr insight into the manner in which threiectjon in Missouri was conducted. 13 would sgem that ,Feder nl lmyonets, and not the voice of the peo-‘ ple. gave tbq .Afibolitidpiats theirboasted majority. 2 . , ~ 9005510" WHO is stralion. ill cause L there Is muty is MS eak. for dbstruc- rvative by Mr. ad from The Daily SI. Jntmh iJohryangives some curious facts elicited from an abstract. of votos‘mndo; gut by ille:Secratury of State, in pursuance of a resohjltion of the House. In eight cdunlies the ngmb’er of votes chat for members elected toé the present Legis— lature, and the votes cast in 1860, aré as fol lows: : A x * ' n from E- l nd \lsm hfa flay E esumed : ty in‘ torhis Dent ‘coiznty—J. E. $128.1)“ receiqu 34 vgtes, elecged ; vote of ‘ 15 county in 1860, 626; persons not‘voting} 592. Barry county—J. }V.EBoon 'elected ; re ceived‘9l votes; the 7036 in 1860 was 738; persons not. voting, 647.? ‘ ' ‘ .Barton count?-—-R—:.S.'f Cartwell elected; received 27 votes; véte'gin 1860 was 272; not. véiing. 245. ‘ :f‘ . Bates county—T. IL?! Starnea elected; recéiyed 35 votes; vote fin 1860 in: 1,128; not vbting, 1,393. i ‘ | . übe 5‘ -nd ml us‘set , \Veed here are e‘boat, ‘ in this nd con ified by ng eleo~ as our New Madrid county—«T. J. O. >Morrlson elected; received 16 votes ; vote in 11860 was, 401 ; not voting. 385:, , ; Newton county—l'. OJWood received 13 votes, elected; in 1860 the vote was 1,314, not voting, 1,30%. ‘ ‘ a Pulaskiwoun y-ZJ. 3.1 Ellis elected; re ceived 90 votes ; in 1860:,the vote was 343 : not voting, 254. ? ‘ Scott county—N. C., Johnston elected; received 95 votes ;. the vqmin 18§0 wee 825; not voting, 730. , ‘1 ‘ Thus it will eppeer thpt lthtough fear of Federal beyone'te the 'm of the people were absolutély _disfh:zchisod, and yet Greely, the President's d 'g Foruey Ind oth er Abolition editors; Weidell Phillips and his whole pack of machine and stamp or- ‘ ators, cry hoennnn and claim this result as a full endorsement of the'Pteeident’s eman cipation policy. ~‘ . ' ‘ ‘ Is it any Wonder that sporty committing ‘ such outrages upon the riflhu of the, people and holdmg power by sue a tenure as this, should attempt to muzzle the press And abridge the liberty of apegfih. , 38-0111 Thad. ill afraid the Democrats are going to kidhap'the President. In his closing remarks on the negro bill he said he “ believed that. the Demognta st. the North were holding secret meetings under the lugue of Kn fights of the Golden'Circle, with the View of seizing centre} of the Govern ment and the person offthe President.”— What hymen”. ‘ ‘ _ - , :8-"MILLIONS FORJI‘HE CONSTIT U TION, NOT on: CENT FUR EMANCIPA TION.” ‘ 7 WAR NEWS or T“ “BK. THE LIFE OF THE NATION. i —. Fermi! is terribly exercised‘on‘two auti- An' arrival at Philarlel hia from Port . ..' - . ~. ‘ lßoynl brings the Federal ngcountfloftbo ro-d’m'l's'f the hie of, the' nation nnd‘ the 'cent attack of’ the rébeli on the block! "" hell'Sb rebfilhon- “0 cannot perceive :rling squadron ofl' Charleston. (1} awe-v“ that the former in in the least protected or gm“ {ham ““1“; (infill: [o3smm Fed?“ ‘the latter impeded by his inmne nvinga._ Ventral“ rem?” r 9. em (15' - - ’. thatch“. “m. I‘,“ the hlockade "med by the l indeed 1...“ a "1:!!er to us that. with such :withdmwnl .0,» 1“,, “09¢. ITb? limo-boat I menbi on its but: u Lincoln. Greeley, nnd . Marc-edits: WM :lhmaned. and the steamer I Forney—n client, It fanatic amt a fool ,(lix'eyatmlie State—not the ‘Qunklr git-y? l T 4,1“: nation should have any lil'ejleft, and : lsfllllet . but both had reached Port oya . __ It. is stated that utter the engngeh‘lent thel equally 3 gentle; that the‘goovernment [fleet concentrated at the point here the’confluctegl ywe a trio—the hellish ro. ‘Keystone State my: lying'. to «ace nin who“ belhon " ll” “0‘ l 9")! Blnqe culminated I damages she sustained, and . it" s needed ‘in an Independent South. .We are strange )Lhelp. Th" movement, it ‘3 'upposed. *‘ly favored bf! Providence, or the treatment .caused the rebel commanders behovel , .‘ ed la 1 . . u ' that the blockade had 'been raise 'and the i 1" h’“ receiv to" mve termunstted the l fleet withdrawn ; white. on the tri‘iry. it‘ life oilhenntlon longngo.—Pamotd- Union. Eis said, all of the vessels 'returne to their F“ ‘“" I anchorage the same evening. T v, "Federal loss in the fight was twenty-four killed and fifteen wounded. "I‘he rebels‘it ”ill be re ‘membered. report that there wer no CflSll' alties on their aids» Itlisbleliev‘ by the Federal naval “officers that the re 1 Obie-ct ofthe rebel attack was the rocaptlire of the British steamer Princess Royal, union :1 few days previously, while in the actdj rlinning the blockade“ Nothing is ‘saitciszgfihe ru mored movement against Char] my [Admiral DuponLin his report,s'ys: “The only munities were ’on the'Merc‘ lite and the Keystone State. ‘ 0n the . 'eystone State they, 'were very large—a ut one fourth other crew Were killed an wouml ed. and' among the former. th medionl officer-pf the ship. Assistant Surg nJac‘nh 11. Gothld. who was sealded to ddgtli'while rendering surgical aid to one ftt' wound ed men. Nine of those who 'dierfiwrishod from the escnpe’oi" steam when tax? boilers . and steam-chimney were penetza ed»; and ninong the wounded. theqtreatefi number received their injuries from thesartj‘e cause.” Surgeon Gntwald, we are informt 11.. want a ‘ brother of Mr. Gotwnld, now‘in e Theo; lpgicnl Seminnry at this lace.] ' ‘ Admiral Dupont has (lit-acted court of inquiry to exzun-ine- into the ‘circl manners; ofihe iaurrender of the Merceditnfihe only‘ ’ vessel that was surrendered to th ‘onfeden rates. . _ . ‘ On Monday. Ith the Patient] gimbontl Queen of the Wmt ran past the hot h:lt-‘ teriefl nt Vieksburg. ‘ The latest ll vices“:- port' thnt the Federal for’cos co inue’g to concentrate- opposite 'the city. ?A large} number ol'lmmls are employed ilg deepcnw in}: the? mum). .1 ‘ ’l'wo inane U. S. vowels havéjhonh raptur-i ed by 't he rebels. The Houston’. ('l‘uxns) Tclrgraph, oi‘Jannnrv ‘23. gives in ncrnunt of the czwtury. ofi'l‘hhine Puss. of he U. S. brig Morning Light, 8 3‘2. pounrler and one lhunfired and twenty men, and a .honnor. [name not givnn, ciu-rying four flltyrls.‘ 't‘Ln rehel vessele ongngod were tlie .l‘rm'uh Bell and Uncle-3m. the former arm?! with a. 671-pounrlerlnnd the latter with two 19- pounJm-a. the crews of both in xhermg three hundred men. 'l‘h'e expedi 'on wn» commanded by‘M'ijor O. M. \Vutlgins: who ltelegrnphs‘ to Acting Alliutnnt glimwrnl lCapt} Tul nor, thnt‘ho has cnpmretg the Yps usels, thir eon 2mm: one hundred. 3nd nine h-riaonorl and SLUtIiIJIOO Worth of] ope-rty. {The Federal vesfeis were twi-lve mics MY 1 the Pnas when discoyorrd'. and wot clphml i several miles lief-ire tlwy were bro ght into iaction,at'tt-rJvhich they were boom pturcd. v . , f .THE CITY ELECTION} ’i I . rm: rinsr (:rs IN Ins 01.1) herein?! .Iley. Arnold. non. Binglmm .: Buflingmn’: H), Clark, Cpl coe ‘Conklingi N. Dunn. El};- ntnn, S. 0. FO5l Fisher. Frank, ‘chins. 'Jqlial‘;, . The municipnlfilm-lion anTue ay last —the returns of whim-h \\ in In“: fnn I m our 100»! colpmn—rusuhed in 91 gin nus tri umnh innlhe Drnrncmcy. ‘Thtj. ' lujority for Mayor Ta 238 -|un'in;_v ronn'i ' every :u-dJK Tlrifi is Hymn {ox-flu: Mxyo 1:1901nf 1K0" .hin In |j witv nf‘ LN your. Tlie ré sub 'on Elm Mum-ally i~ Hm yx‘mr gl'htify jnm NT the‘rm-enn‘that tlm conte" by the \action‘ if tho Dp-uhlican mum‘s of. kin: rhy. was phhkd ulvm N.ltiofl.ll i'ifllh‘s—lJlOfl the questifm \Qfsuqnjnin: or mndcmilng th‘> Aholrtion phlmy of the Adlninistx‘uthh, and the vother lu-iedo.» which have ,vléa‘cyydlm largely. into evnrv pnlltl‘cal mnvns‘fiw the lust um ysm‘fi. 'l‘hefihmébmoy Of%lhdu~z {er aécnplod the islsuc; and the re? ‘ l. is as ibllmvnAKiz: , ' {‘- ,r A ll'nmm‘mlic Mayor. , ‘ ‘ i 1. A Damncwtic Ilnuh Constable, . ' , 1 Two of tho \Vard Constable.” S I ' Throe‘of‘the iour Assessors, g, ‘ ‘ Two gimme members elected (oithe qt:- lect Council, 4 ‘ . Twelve 0171110 fifteen members ofqimmon Council, ‘ ‘ . ’. Four Inapmtnn. .'gWE , ' . All the Jndgna‘, mu} Two ofthree Aldermen. ‘ , This, we take it, was a prptty gory?) day's woyk, and 1:00:10 show what. the ‘l)Unmcr:\- cy of old Lnncmtor can do when eyfiet the enemy to slmw'fight. ‘ Let our Dvmncmtic hrethren‘ thrqu‘glmut the 3mm whim the good example bt‘lmnn cmter city. nntl illl October next. thé Slum will be redeemed regenerated undid'uow tin-211ml from the 11bolitionincubus which hastened upon it‘ for the hut two yam.“ Luncastdr lulclhymc‘er, v 1' ‘ ANOTHER DRAFT PROPOSED; l A-bill to draft, soldiers has been introdum duced into the United States S9n‘ate by ‘ \Vil‘son,' f Mafisnchusetts. This ‘entertaim 1 ment will probably be got. up for the peo— ple‘hy t [o Abolition leaders in Congresn.— After th‘pl chllmg out 0’ milliOn and a quarter of men. and nfm the oxpeqditure‘ of two ‘tlxousnnd- millions of dollars, tlxey' want mote. THey prpfer this to un amis tice'nnd Ithe employment of other moans; than force to semenm national difficulties. Their plan oftnnfinf thepatl‘eu‘, who iu ‘ nlrejdy‘fenrfiullv llebi hated, is to flleednnd blister him. Wilson had better get; his‘ 'i‘ovin State, Magaziclmsetts. 'nnd the other Now England States and NemYo‘tlk to put. iyoroe the first dram. Are we [0 be mn-‘ ( ‘unllynvictimized by Abolition ‘New‘ En-i gltnd? Are we to begcontinually alumlertg ed by New England talrifili. amndloal by her paper monoy, our youpg men all g tered and our States loaded ,down with a hand our bri ht. prospects crushed out. an ruin :l- by afiew England Abolition wow-oxide»- rn Democrat. A ‘ l . f I . PRESIDENTIAL PBOFUNDI'I‘SX.‘ “Certainly, 1‘ ifs not so easy to pay me thim: as to pay nothing. _; “But. it i 5 easier to gay a large at! thin it is to pay a Larger oug- . « “And ‘ll. is euier to‘pny any ad when V“? are éble. than it is to pay it béf rd we Ire nble."~—Frmn the Annual Meagan Prai denl praoln, Dec. 1, 1862. ‘ t' é ,2 - ‘ ‘ -*- s ' . Esjahleichter icblb zu benhlei: $l. 2:. was: 1' fr , E: in leichter eine arose Summegu be ithlen ale vine gmessete.’ _ ' t V 3‘: iét leiphter irgeml eine Snmmelxu he nhlenwennhpmn 1m Sande: in, Myenn m'nn ea nicht im Stands int. 7 S ‘3' . -’—-—-—»———-~.» - , - "—— , “Kill-enny (mgr—The old story 6r the “Kilkenny can ’4 having eaten each other except. ghe galls, may alter this be told of “American cuts.” as much more appropriate. Cam fight well in Ireland, butane mete kil tens cognpned withpurs. We are eating 'e‘uch other u rapidly, and the tax man will take the’ tail). so that nothing will be left—- which must be very consoling to our citizens North and South, in their present temper.— Cmainnali Cal/Mic Talcgraplz. ‘ fi'l‘he battle of Fredricksburg is said to have raged foralong while in theummedi ate vicinity of the tomb of the pther of Wuhington, which is situated itfithe opt,- skirks of the city. \ 11 1* . ...». ~ ..7———_' ‘ na-The English Abolitionisu and Minister Adams have had an interesting pow-wbw over Lincoln’s emancipation proclamatiqn. They endorsed the President and Mr. ‘A dams endorsed them. The devil endorses the whole pile. , \ _ I=l= 36.1}: one breath Abolitionistd say thé Democrats are disunionists, and in‘lthenéxt they assgrt that: Democrats nrei‘anxious {on re-union to gain Southern votes‘. . They don't see the inconsistency of thése assor tioha. but. they show to the world that, they' areidisunionistss on 'the very grounds ‘l'lmt zhéy fear the Dumogralic 'pm-ty may be stréngthened by the restoration. The whble conduct of the war. ,nnd tlfp‘cours‘o of the Abolition press um} spoukefrs, have shtiwn that. they bare more to‘lnakeurefi un'fion impossiblé than oxbemiseq Demo crdtic votes are their hugabéo: i - yarn"; Abolitio‘nixts‘nre glorifyiné the Tloclnxgtion, but so frtr us the Portinnd Argus ¢ ghrs. they have nqt, shojuldcred their muskets to carry it‘out. T—hey should see to this insiamly. Tiie Presideyntgives as an excuse for violating an important provisigg of the Constitution that He “muft take cfivof his friends." ' Should: not. Ith “fl-fiends" reciprocate the frien‘tlship and take (sire of him and his proclamation 2 Opposihon to “"(INUMI/dfid” Imporlulinm.— 'l‘hé extrnmo Abolition policy [of 4119 .Lin-. col‘n. Adgfinislrzllion is prmluchig ltslegit imdte frafi‘in lilo Nortlmr'n States. l 1'“ MW ‘ornl of them. legislation‘ has nlxjemlly‘ been ‘ inifiated to exvlude all color'ml porsdn‘h from l their territorv. uhd i'n our ownStahfi. a mul-‘ Hulk]? of .pe/lilinns are going, np§_to the Ledisluture. ..yimyingfor a 1:1“: tn Frnlniblt negmes‘ find mulnttnes'l'rom commlu hora. Petition: to this «first nrn now in ‘ i‘ronlni tier: in {Bu-rkaf l\ nnlmmptqn’. Cumlfirlantl, I lek. and otlur counties, 'nnd rdcegving; nurp‘erous slgnaluros, not only of; Demo crats, but of Ilt‘pfihlimms :IISQ ’ ' WT] 7‘71: R. v 1“” 'lnd w gram"! hm, . ‘uu'llQ/I .\’,, v Is- ' rehlruhx ." alL"'lnv Prnmem 'l‘ A/Mum.,__\ ‘. At ‘1 “9”“ to his ho] s 3“ r"“‘""v- All pm,” ‘ \ rsiu~. _ 1 find . . c “3 1”": I',“ ‘ - not, ad , 1‘ (my. " “n 5 “'. ”aging fl nn‘Lßl p ”-3. (he Vexy \’ 1: Im- in it 'q/ I \ be: 0‘ .U) iv A 01-1; .. ' no' ‘. 51‘ V,_ , Ghvorn'nwnl;” ““‘nl’wrs "LOGAN-“AW I’uxl‘ "mm; l TH ICE,_“.c .1 Pan—n Win-r “gm - " ”‘” Shun ”He re ‘ 3 . Yllfin 1 . -* ‘- “fun: , ‘ [’o4 . . buck," tgl'mmgilfihnc L}! .L'l'ezm- Undo,“‘:"('k§,l"-l'"'l"dnt c”: “m. “Ii . . "a ‘ - I. - - <-‘ "Tud; equal 310:) in :Ilitenderj‘gme ""03. “I“ lirxl-l-nw'" "HIDE-”her" ..u‘ 0" ”Io “up” J; d- . x 'n. 0‘”) m; ‘~‘ " “Jlnlc l.""l ‘0 ‘nlk 0F 1,...nn0 cn ; , , nun] "11' 'len‘ iA 1 0r In I’ ' )(I .. . .'.l g ‘ ‘ mun: be set f 1 “LL Is ”“860” "le? mlio," I"‘llmlillg‘UH-L‘rs Art‘lllln-l' 1,“ mo’ "“3 nu, .- ' ~“t. -‘ “M .‘0 m. . I'rnu..l,, . FY and Im. . 7 "-lttor “I!“ » ”Why/m ((009. ' ll)l(-l‘lll.llll' ~(;. “.0 '_\ bl) “3“." of Q hto ”l" u-Lilr ‘ ”“3 cmlnf" so?” ”(‘lnmhlt‘nm ”WIN”?! ’ A its for \ ”mm-n Gl'm ha 7mm]? Sllc“ “In rural“ “‘0 “lam: “uh “Ilr , . '. . ._ ~ 4 - . Oux “us-'Uv . .\v MW", 8s: l A ll|o||_ “”001 ‘lm”l'*“ed ' USN 7-;1" Pme‘l mum I ' ('o' ‘"‘ w "' ”"wr ‘° - ur- 1 . .'«... _rv _ ' . ' has . pol,“ »~ ~ ‘ 1 , ’ Slua \ . “‘1 :Uu . ‘ . , M ~- "Il'n cmn‘rfl.’ (11:4), And (-4.12% I"ln“ilvra n tuft“? “MM“ $1111: ‘ ‘: Kg, “.‘ . ‘ g. ' 31.. .U" gum. - h ”’l‘ for hu'z g!»y ‘ ' nu, ‘2' '3‘ l' hue“, ”'“L’ hut. n I): “Plum” Um “‘kin ;"enu- m "m“, “I! g 'h" ”"r [‘2 enfaml my.“ . “‘nn llpfmnlpl ‘fh L 1 the. H [1514 km ”lUNI‘I. .\l ”[7s'l‘ oi the It {Him f, H’ '‘. ‘ I‘.» P __. ‘ HUI-11H”: ‘_ "Itu: p f . _ “san i _~‘ Alng “It: , "k. “slum, of Lev. , ‘-- h,‘ ”11,; le ' S SKI” " 'HIPHH I‘l U P TU]. Sch] ._ arc“ _ unlv u‘l.m 4 n ””3“” I fit, \"1 , . ermfl‘ f ' - ”an I law" I . 1 “H. M. ‘ ‘ “'“Hgtoh ‘ ' 0 "I'm" dxi‘ ' ” to m; C ”Wis 'll “IT-”W; ~_ ‘Z‘genscd (3,,1 u- L“ x “Ami", “r. J ’ - 7 i l'fir . "1" uh ' ‘ “him!“ ' ‘"m ‘11“ ~- Ht [7”. I" _ ‘ I“); ._; mhlk‘ ""I)‘ ‘ - M.” . "Wu 1, . “ . AMER“ {HM 0 “In: L , 1 ‘ “‘09." ""'l'- ' ... .- 7'lnU'sfln.—\\'e nrmafl pose givhig “grand Prmne Shend‘ nna Buckley's Hall 0‘ Plhe 23rd inn. 1 The simple a 1 [be sufiiciept ho draw ‘. ful musicdj treat {my be cxpec .23 cheats. ‘ - SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNJ Sunday Srhohl of the G Church will hold ‘its ‘A'nni Sulurdny night! mean: ins will be dificrent {tom ‘the p l lies, and prqmise to be inlet tii'c‘ :A committee will b 9: 0 GI person‘a'prumptly‘, with seats Library 1‘ ' H __-,_._.._~_ 1 PAUSE REPOmx—rx QB" equmr‘ry that Sir. George Ar 1 to redfim his Notes up to (h ‘nnd thin ufler thaf date [her ‘ ‘d'emption. This xidieuluus 1' am (My. Mr. Arnold m, that. he’lsaued his Nuten in go “whim there was In‘ unwary f ulwnys‘rcmly to redeem lheni. counter o'r M. the York (,‘ouuu lam is mid that the an A mlvrson ’l‘: map lms been set! relimcnf: has been rL-It-usud gum: on July. It is furtljer been 3110“ pd In elm-l 'Lhcir that Hwy hm“: bc‘cn dcl'uiled for (:cn.‘ Roscm'runs. mfihimnryllnnticc" 3, own] over {our ”Ms-arm}! lo _nccmn on Hm mt; inst. Mr. vnARL' nl Hm‘uihhurgf ',\ld., ugt‘vlfll )1- ]lié le'nilhlul univ plat-n7l 11l thw Lilthwhmn‘ on ‘\lmld.‘.}'. Ht' 1 let-med» fur hi; man} “not! qu nn OASHMAN, :gednfiboul 27 'yexu's. -‘ V r ~ . ' ‘ 00 Thursdag last, nut 31!. I. “my: Col lvg- , Mr. ‘WM. A 4, (PULL, and n you! 4.": )enrs. ()u .\lmuhiy mPrning, an [ion ing,‘ 159., Mrs. HENRIETTA, \H'e 0! Dr. DC . Ulrich. and sister—in-gnv} of ‘r. Linugher, of! is place, nggd about iZiyctrs. 1 . ‘ v‘ On the} 2d‘ instL, 10:»: w., ac and MM] 8: Kminger, of llumii ship, age" 231 an i month and 1 . At Sew thord, on the '2d i RISE, cohsort of Frederick Tie yenrs nnd 21 days. , . . Un them!) inst, in Oxford to nship,ahlip the Lu, FLYINA GLARISSA, dun}. ”cf 0! Dunk-L ,Ehrelmru agpdfi ‘yeun 9 mouths and 5 days. In FailfiL-ld, Ipm., on me 1 m u11..,‘ “19.. ll .UIGAIQHT A. MAGINLEY, rel ct of Amos Ay MAGISLEY, E 39,, turmerly ofjfm countyfim. the 40m yjenur her age. . '01: 1139 mm jam, ELIZABETH ALICE, aufigmmor :4;ch Bollinger, or finnkun town- A shi , aged {years 8 months and 323 duty. 1% Mechanicavillo, Adams coiuly, Pm, on the 3d irwt.‘E MAHALA LEBEW, daughter of “gm; 31¢} Rachel Len-cw, aged 24 {em 3» months and 11 days. I _ __ > Unfithe azm un. neu Idnville, Adamo couna cy, minim-r nésscm, infant dunghter of Adam nu ‘ Anna E. Bream, aged. 27' dny‘a. ,3 f 1 1 Comhunicitcd. Died,‘on llle m: lull", in Mendlen township. .SARAH ELIZABETH, daughter-Tot John ant )lury \Vcigle, aged 20 years I fiontbl and i dun} Fufnernl occasion was improved by Ben, S. Aurand, from Job 16: 22., ‘ Yes! Sarah now has left through gnu, ‘ She We left, no more on earth to meet, But gone to that Bright, brightiplnce, Where Christ and angel! live And be. 'Tin growing dark, dear friends, 1 hour 1 Sweet music that my soul doth Fbeer; t} Angels are hovering round me pow, And lifting up my drooping brow. How beautiful the soul that’s blen’d, To live and bloom forevermore} , Where saints eternally ehkll rest, 7 And sorrow's tears have left and gone. And now my loving Savior stands Waiting for me with ontatretchgd handy. Come now, denr Savior—doll in well— - _ 1 am almost home—dear on", farewell { Farewell, dear Sallie, than human In, y, 0! how very much tuy 105: we leel, , But ’tis God who both bereft ul.‘ . He will All our sorrows bus}. 1' l; Peaceful, sister, be your alumbarg , ‘1 Happy your eternity ; l ‘ And whene’cr our days are “mm We ll join the: in felicity. , ' ‘ 1n Mountjoy township, JOAVMQ ilk? daughter of H. L. and F. S. Haul , Iced month and 24 days. ‘ ‘ E 3‘ This little bad, so fair on club, ‘ Now rest: beyond the lkies; , And crowned with beauty for more bright, She bloonu in Pundits.” F Commiuioneu rnow. Mr. Pick. _ is place, In: been lon of applicant. Gettysbnfgdsm “dc Canei-v. in . the gutting of inanucemenz will house. A‘mm d. Tickets only 'ERSARY.—Tho rman‘ Reformed usury on non .' The exercises viquslnnivrran- sting and nume hand to furnish I Remember tho t has got. to the Id only inlendml [at of Fain-nary, was to he no ro- I' We (‘Ulllrfl- = ha y) 3mm Mr, M n time Ir thing's. nnd is lcixlu-r at In: own OM icully with (ha ml, rind that tho rmn‘nrrofl Lml Med lhrynhm u )vn‘ olfin~cr., Jun} I’B a bad) gunnl his flm‘mw rm, or the S‘Lll‘c of ‘1 the mehex' erased a tow in; (rff'he Inna". fur n couple nt‘ \illlill Hm: mim H. what! isdum j x- :Ilrumlg paid ; uniting nu up -0 (113% ‘nl' wlm‘ VI” see llltne. wrms, m 11-m-t. pu: the present. ICE l’u- rrnillunrcuf “milk-r. 0! Lu '.\‘ T. (”121453- “in; ELEM nu mckcr, of (m- ”IW‘]. Liullu- HIIN SUWHRS n. UJrrull l‘u. (-iiul L'nhvmn ‘ ‘1 mm. Mr, J_\- UCINDA PAL- fit , M [lnfusi [..‘luy the uum’, -b lU'IUBU‘J H. full-me of tho .\ichnry, \(r. , of Fay-111'- ‘..L. oHirccn '5 Church. Bo rn. .\lr. Jmlk‘ tpnnphlp‘ [,O buy township, 1:/X M 317. ]u-r line for all y-ny untim- .1 A. snmm, *1"; mu] 2!; .l:u_\ 1. |fi|mily.\'uuh nt \‘l: “Mel! 1-1. lllilu-s of bond lion, Kenny-Ly} ES SHEFN‘IYn, ll .\‘lrrlfcr. kw; ~ ihl'fl'cr, 1:" York (emu-d wan a ésuing it high m'anners, nhd :n of Ephraim mnbnn town: ’8 duyl. um, CATHA in an, :Ing 31 ISM