ifififfl”‘&’:®tncral. ME A REHINISCENCE Thnrfollowing least-:29?” written by Sen ator Chandler, of Michigan, to Gov. Blnir, of the saints State. AK its date the momer able Pugs Convenuon war: in h’bsion at Wuhington. To this (knvemian {he Ra publicau Logislnturg of Michigan hnd ro fuoed to send delegates. It was dunn'g its lining, and at A moment when it seemed thfl it might adapt uwmurt-s mmdtd to "atom the Uninn and prp‘vent war, th at Salim, Cnmdler wrntp to Governor Blair. urging tbs: the Lrjp'ldnture of Mmhigm ahould monsidPr Hmir formm‘ action. and tend dolegntn tn the Conwmirm, far (he cpreu and sole purpose rgfpn-venzing 1/4: adap tion of asymmrea of conci/latir-n .- ' ',“WAsana-rds. Feb. 11. 19:“. "MY Dun Govtnsonz~flovornor Bmg bun Ella—myself telegmphvd you on Satur day, a the request. of Massachusetts and NemYork, to send delcgnlr-s to (he Felice Convmtlonor Comprnmi-tp Con gross. 'l'lley Idlnit that We nre- right. mul they are-v wrong; that D 0 Republican St 49 should have sent delegates; but thoy urn horn and can't et away. Ohio, ludmuu and Rhode Islamfarc cuvmg in, n'nd there is danger of Illinois. and now they beg us. for Gml's ”"0. to Minot/1 Wir remit. unnl SA VE TH E REPUBLICAN PAR I'Y FIIUM RUP 'I‘URE. I hopn you will so. (1 slifllbucl-ed men or none. The whole- [lung mm got up uninsumy judgment and mlvmo, and WM end ixi thicksmoke. Sull L lmphfas a mat ter of courtesy to our en'ing breLlu-eu, {hilt yowwill ”ml the delegates" ' “Italy, you'r friend, ‘ “Z CHANDLER. "His Excellency. Auxlin Blair. “I’. S.—Sou:e of the‘ nnmufaoturing Blues th'iuk that a/igm Would b 9 AWFUL.— Wdhoul a little BLOOD-LETTING. (hi: (Lara, will not, in my tatimaziou, be worth a Tll3 'l' A: . N g It is Well. in the progsss of events, that lu‘chfiaocuments as the forngoing.ahould not be ‘permin'ed to sink imo forgetffil mess. , ' ‘ @f'flm Rzpublican Legisinture of Micki can bumitlnin- thalast few weeks, re-elcct ed (his} man Chandler t 9 the United States Senate'! 15 it lovq‘of onr,once great, and glorious Country, (Sr is it par/y, that control; with such men? The true patriot ail! hpve no difficulty in ans'v'vering the questiqn. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 -:——-———«.OO —————-—- ;OBSTACLES T 0 PEACE. . ’ r ‘The hhief obstacle to run early peace, and the restoration of the Unioq, either, by .force of arms.or honorable compromise, arises; Pay: the Pitisburg Post, from a fact not often referred to—the multitude of p9rmn§ dependent upon the war for sub liitenc‘ , as well as the thousands whf) are accumiflnting colossal fortunes, in various ways. hot entirely apparent to the people. it is plerfegtiy clear that. our thousands of officer‘s} of flit-ions grades, from Major Gen erals dbwm are not rlispmed to curtail their own iniporlnnce and income, if they couhl. by bringing hostilities to a close. Then we hueo members of-Cnngresfi. who, by their phsjtion‘ili the party in power". hiwe secured. for vvorthless sons and relatives‘ snug-abpointnieuta_ in the servicetwhich mikes '0 much burden off their paternal ohouldirs. Other men in ”Congress are up to [bait eyes in contracts. by which they are “li ihg their sleeves” with the finest ninterhil. Then. come the hordes of sub} \lers. contractors, pnymnstérs, assessors, and tax-gatherers, who, when added to the' hostn‘nlludea‘g to, comprige a multitudinous " ‘armyiof “war patriots," eating out. the substance of the Union, and far more terri- l hie to our peopfe than several rebel armies with floating banners. T 'l‘hese are the pro milieu}.l "patriots" of the country who pro claim rho peace with the South as long as we have adollar or a men; no peace with the South until every slave is basking in the am; of freedom. These persons have ‘ many ppwerful reasons for their glowing hate against everything and everybody not 3 absolugeiy sanguinnry hgninst the entire Southexfn, people. It is their vocation. and ‘ th, BOMBAZINEF, 'ALI’ACCAS. ' “ LAWNS, CAchoés, of n‘] qmflifiec and choices! styles. which ml! be sold at PRICES TO DEFY CUMPETITIUN. FURNISHING GOODS : of i 1" kiniis, including Silk, Linen and Cotlfn Handkerchiefs. Gloves. Stockings, kc. Also a splendid assortment of RIIBBONS, Laces and Eilginrza, Umbrellas nnd Parnsnlsl- , .\iy stock of‘ WHITE GOODS will be found iii” and complete, and customers may rely upon always getting good goods at the lowest pussi ble prices. , , . chillemen will find it to their advantage Ito call and examine my stockoof . ,- CLOTHS, - P“ CASSIMERES and i = ‘ vnsnxcs, ll of all Qil'illiio§ nml choicest étylcs. ll April 21, 18432. - J. L. SCHICK.I Vinegar-«Vmegar. l HE undersignmd~ has commenced the mam:- T fnclure offing-gar, on Washington streEt. a. few doors north of West Middle street, Géti tyslmrg. Helms been manufacturing this Vi e gnr for neatly out: year, and it his given geneix‘ll satisf‘avtion. The superiority of.lhis Vine 1' over all other manufactured Vinegar, consiq‘ls In it being inade entirely of grain. no acid {of any him] being used in is compopition, 89d free from everything injurious. ‘lt is strong, mid at the same time pleasantto the taste, and has all the presermlire'qualities found in pugro (‘idor Vinegar. He is prepnred to wholesale this Vinegar in any quantity. _ Call and exam. ina for yourselves. ADAM DlElll’...‘l Certificate. 1 ‘ g ‘ E, the undersigned, hereby certify th‘ t we have used in our families, for mtg ous purposes, the Vinegar manufactured and sold by .\nu Dan, and find it to be an thht he represents it to be. We have ‘fairly test d it and believe it to be superior in every respe t, to any other manufactured Vim-gm we ha u ever used, and would reéommend it to 411 persons.“ . _ 1 Wm. Boyer & Son. Gettysburg, I incob Norbeck & 00., “ Codori h Gillespie, 5‘ John Chamber-Im, Franklin t p., Levi Pitzer, ‘f ‘1 A. F: Gitf, Oxferd. May 12, 1862. 1}"!t , Trees! Trees 2 Trees! HE hudersigned invite attentiofi co maln lnrge and well grown stock of, i FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL’TR-EES, 1' Shrubs, &c., embracmga lmge and comrlepe assortment of APPLES, PEARS,‘ PEACHES, PLUMS, CHERRIES, APRICOTS, and NBC;- TA‘RINES, Standard for the Orchard, and Dwarf for the Garden. ENGLISH WALNUTS, SPANISH CHESNUTS; HAZLENUTS, km, RASPBERRIES. STRAWBERIHES, CUR RANCI'S and GOOSEBERRIES, in greatvariet . GRAPES of choicest kinds, ASPARAGU ‘, RHUBAKB,&c., &0. Also. a finestock of w 1‘ formed, bushy EVERGREENS, suitable i r the Cemetery and Lawn. 5‘ DECIDUOUS TREES, for street plantin',‘ and a general assortment of a ‘ Oaxwxxnn TREES no FLOWEBIXG'%IRUB . , ROSES, of choice varieties, CAM LIA , BEDDING PLANTS, kc. Our stock is remarkatly thrifty and finé; and we offer-it at pric'es to suit the times. ‘ WCaznlogues mailed _to all applicants. } Address EDWARD J. EVANS, A: 00., 1 ' Central Nurseries, York, Pa. ‘ March 24, 1861. Lf 5 i . , , ATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGES, LOCATED IN ' PHILADELPHIA, , S. E. coi. 7711 AND Cazsxm‘ 51's. New York City,Brooklyn,Albnny,Troy,Bufi'alo, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago and Sr. Louis. Book-keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Forms, Corres pondence. &c.. practically mught. These Colleges being under the some general and local management, and uniting in each the advantages of all, offer greater facilities for imparfiing instruction than any other similar institutionsin the country. A Sbolrship issue-d b, any one is good in all for an unlimited time. The miladclphin College has been recently enlarged and refurmsbcd in Bsuperior manner, and is now the largest and most prosperou's Commercial Instituziop in me State. Bryant A; Stmlton’s series of Text Books, embracing Bock-keeping, Commercial Arith metic, and Commercial Law, for 53,16, and sent by mail. @For full particulars send for a cixcular. Oct. 20, 1862. 1y “Carte de Visite” HOTOGR‘iPHS !—We havejnst introduced a spiendid massive column in our Gallery and are now prepared to furnish the new style “ Carve (19 Wake” Photographs+four for a dollar. TYSON BROTHER; Excelsior Sky-light Gallery, Gettysburg March 10, 1862. - Notlce. 'v. WE desire 81f persofis indebted to us to call and make settlement, having auntie n chgnge in our manner of doing business. Oct. 28, 1861. FAHNESTOCK BBO’S. $219 13 ARPETS, CARPETS.—A splendid lot of Carpeting—good and cheap-dust opened at the New Store of M. SPANGLER. L. SCHICK has just received a lot. o.‘ J. cheap Looking Glasses. IRE attention of the Ladies is respectfully invited to a large And splendid) “summer. I 1 o sdies’ fine Kid and Moroccq 3001‘s and' BLlPyEßS—Lasting Others, to" he“ at April 21. . B. F. McIL‘EENY’S. RUNKS And Carpet Buoy cheaé n . \ P!" KING’S 2 ~- E Bummmxmm warsm ‘foi‘ Emedicimfl purposez' 2mg. an; flew tin; Bmm .1} ‘ ‘ r. R. ORNER. . SECOND ARRIVAL! 8300333191“; . New Firm. ‘ l _’ - ROGERIES, PROVISIONS. FRUITs,COx-l I New Momma m 'G‘ rscrmxs, NOTIONS, .lzc. r l N EKMITSBURG. ! he undersigned have gone into pnrtncrsbip 11 NEW GOODS and lin the Grucc-ry and Prmi~inn huiint“, ut the LOW PRICES!—‘ old stand of\\’. Gillrcpie, in York street, one The new firm of SMITH .t SHORE respectfully door east of Will': Haul! Gettysburg, where inform their friends and lhe puhlic genernily. they will constantly keep on hand for sale, a tthnt they have just. returned from the cine: 1 general variety ol good: in their line, viz: lwlth A splendid assortment of Goods, consist- , CUFFEES, ing of Lmlies’ ’ SCGARS. r ‘ DRESS GOODS, l HOLABSES. much it! Prints, Dc Baal-s. (Huskies. Lawns, Or- SYRUPS, lgmdicfl, Robes of all kinds, Alpnccu. Silks, TEAS, Swish! Juconet Check and CAmbric Muslim, ‘ SALT, Ribbons. and a good msoflment of Ladies’ ‘ Collars. l‘nlicver and Muslim, at old prices. .’ CLUTHS, _ C ASSDI‘E RES Jeans, &c., 813., for men's wear; 1 . READY-MADE CLOTHING; BOOTS, SHOES, _ ‘ g“ : V HATS .’L"\'D CAPS, all prices. A good stock of Cotton Yum, HARDWARE, 3 ‘ QL'EESSWARE, 3 , DRUGS and ‘ 51301015125; :1 good stock of prima 3 ‘ GROCERIES, &c ,l and all kinds of gnods. Bitch as hue generally tound in at country store. Having bought for Cash, we can nfl'urd to sell at the vrrv lowest pxices. Our motto is—” Quick Sale: and Small Profits." * WThcsc goods are really wry beautiful, Mid we want it didinctly undei tood that. we will sell them very cheap for CHSE, or tolpuuc. tuul onstomeri at six months. P case call and examine bc'fore purchasing clslewhere. We would respcctlully return our thanks to our friends far thn liberal patronage extended to us thus far, nnd respectlully ask 3' continuance thereof. ‘- SMITH is: SIIURB. . Emmigsburg,.\id., April 2!, 18112. 1y 1862. ‘ 1862. Bargmns! . Bargains! 1 ‘ / xxx ‘ ATS. (ups, BOOTS ANDXSHOES. ' TRUNKS AND TRAVELLING BAGS.— n’vlnk just received a very I|:ng supply of the above goods, we are prepared to sell them lower than ere? sold in this pIACE. My Tatark 15 most compltte, embmcing any; style bf Shoes and Hats made. ~ i w HATS AND CAPS. censisling of all the latest sqlds for Spring and summer. 1 “ 3001‘s AND SHOES, [or Gehtler‘nm, Ludies and Childqen. Cityamude and Baggern work from 25 cenll up. TRUXKS ot‘every descriptiQH "and kfind. Q’Cxlll and cgzlmine the blr xiné at. ' " April 21, 1562. I; B. F. bIeiILHENfiS. Hardware ND Guam-nuns.— \ L f‘ The'wbscriners hue just rbturned from the cities with an immense suppl’b' of HARD WARE AND. GROCERIES, wh ch they are offeringlu their old hand In Balzimore street, :[prices to suit thetimes. Our stock consists in pnrt of 1 5 ‘, nqume mmnum, ! , CARPENTERS TOOLSJ ‘ BLA'cxsm'ru's TOOLS, COACH] FINDINGS, SHOE] I’L‘IDIX‘CS,Q 1 ” ‘ QABISET MAKER'S TOOLS. f HOUSEKEEPER'S FIXTURES. * 1 ALL KINDS CFJRUN, &C., ‘Gnocsmrzs or ALL Kflsns, Oils, I‘nin‘ts, kc.;kc. There il_n§o article in c!u-led in the several dcpnr'tmenb mentioned above ‘but wlmt can be had at *bis Store—- Every Haas of Mechanics can be unicornmodazed here with tools and findings, and) Housekeep ers can find every article in ‘llle line. Give us n c 4“, as we are prepared to 541! ns low-for c. 1311 up any other house out arm? oily. ‘ JOEL. B. ‘DANXER, June 9,-1862. DAVJD AIEGLER. ' x New Store! 1 'EW GOODS AND GREAT’BARGQINS! N -Tho undersigned would :respectfnlly announce to the clthens of Gettysburg end surrounding country. that, he hljs opened a NEW STORE in Gettysburg,in 1h ‘ roomlalely occupied by-J. C. Gulnn 8: Bro., %n the North' Wear. {dormer ol the Diamond, w ere he will keep a large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES; QUEiENSWARE, i v , CARPEIIXG, 820., i of every description. among wif‘ch will be E‘ound the latest styles of Spring #0066. The adies panicuiarly are requested, to call and examine my stock, us feel sat :fit‘d it. has never been surpassed in this piac for beauty (and cheapness. Gentlemen,‘aiso, .re request ¥d to call, as there is n ‘articie i the line of UENTLEMEN’S WEAR amt they‘cinnot be no ‘ commodaled with, at priices that ill nstonish them. . W , 1 < I will also keep on hind a large supply of GROCERIES, which will he somtvcry cheap. My stock of QUEEXSWARE, sun, will also be found baudsnmc, durable and clionp, whilst my C.\RI’ETING cannot be surpasdcd! . ' It is my intention to keep nfirsfi class Store -—kcepinp; on hand nothing but gdod goods and to sell clienp—hnvin'gndoptcd the motto— “QUICK SALES AND'SMALL EPROFI’I‘S.” lwauld respectfully solicit a spare 01: the public patronage, as I he ie by stri :t attention to business, and by denling honeslly with my customers, to‘ give satisfaction to 8.“. ‘ MICHAEL splxaLEß. April 14,1862. ‘: Removal—Tin Ware. HE undersigned has remqved his Tinning I estnblis‘lment. nearer the Diamond, in hnmbersbnrg street, adjoining A‘. D. Bueh ler‘s mug Store—a very perm-n 1 loeation. fie cunfin‘uésto manufacture, nnd keegs constant 13' on hand, every variety of ; ‘ TIE-WARP), J ' : PRESSED ANT) . ‘: JAI’ANED WARE. and will always be ready to do REPAIRING. ' . ROOFING and SPOUTIXG also gone in the bcst manner. Prices fihder ahe’. find no efi‘ort spared to render full antis fnction. The publip‘s continued patronage is solicited. . A: P. BAUGUER. Gettysburg, April 7, 1862. , . Howard Association, HILADELPHIA.—For the Rdiief of the Sick mgd Dish-awed. nflllctcdrwith Viru lent and Chropic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Di‘sensos of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE gh‘cx} gratis, by the Act ing Surgeon. ‘ VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermntorrhcna or Seminal Weakness, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REME DIES employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afilicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN BOUGHTOY, Act ing Surgeon, Howard Aisocl:\lion,.\‘o. 2 South Nmth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. June 16, 1862. 1y 1~ Come to the Fair! ND DON’T FORGET TO VISIT PLEASANT A RIDGE NURSEBIES.—Persons wishing to Plant ,TreeLwill find the stock inghe ground remarkably fine, and offered at reduced prices. The Apple numbers 100 vnrie‘ies, embracing all the approved sorts. N. 8.--See the index board near Flora Dale Post office. 'l‘. E. COOK a: SONS, Sept. 2, 1861. Proprlelon. :‘Fzrames. ILDED FRAMES I—TYSON‘ BROTHERS G have just received from Philadelphia and now offer to the public the largest and best assortment of Gilded Frames ever brought. to Gettysburg, It astonishingly low prices. Please call and enmine them. Excelsiog Sky-light. Gnllery,.York street, opposite the Bank, Get }tysburg; Pa. _ [March 10, 1862. Removals. HE nnderaigned.beingthe nuthogindperson T to nuke removed: into EVer Green Ceme tery, hope'a Hut such an contemplate the removal énhe remains of deceased relativew or friends drill Avail thsmaelves of this season oftheyeu to have itdone. Removals made with promptueu e—tenn: low, and no efl'ox-L spared ta please. ' PETER THORN, ; Inch :3, ’6O. Keeper of the Quandary. ERSQNSjn mm affine—zap M mum]. dble‘ EAT: or CAP «in be accommoduod by culling n B. F. IcILBENY'B. ' RAMS, SHUI’U‘IERH, SIDES, - ’ FISH, ' POTATOES. ' ~ BEANS. kn, FLOUR AVND FEED, With any qvnntity of . ‘ COKFECTIUNS, , ‘ , , l FRUITS, ‘ " «NOTIONS, Jun,- m to. They expect also to rlcal lnrzsly in GOAL 0". Ind ('OAL OIL LAllPS—promisingagood article of the former and A fine assortment of the latter. ‘ - ‘ Having enlarged the Store and Ware Roomw. they are prepared to keep a lnrge stock, all of which will be disposer! of L}: the lowest rates. They ofl'er snrh bargains.“ have never hereto fore been had in'thin pinch 3‘ ‘ Give us a {fl-Ll. No efibrc spared to please. GEO. A. CODORI, ‘ ' JOSEPH S. GILLESPIE. vmnxes, April 23,1862. 5 Something New. THEundersignedrespectful- .. .tk ly informs the residents‘ offlettysbnrgnnd vicinity,tlmt --: ix ' :3" - he has opened a \VATNI AND JEWELRY STORE, in the room immediately in the rear of Mr. J. L. Schkk's Store, ‘nnd fronting the Square. where he intrhdu keeping an argon ment of WATCHES,JE\\‘ELRY. SILVER nnd SILVER PLATED WARE, SI’EUTACLES, CLOCKS, km, kc. . Having been connectcfl with a first-class Watch and Jewelry Store in Baltimore, for several years past, he'is ,pr‘cpnred to furnish‘ every article in the line: at the lowest city prices, and nll purchases will be gunrantied as 1 re resented. . _ , ‘E‘rom a long experiehce in Watch-repairing, especiallyoffino Wutchps, he i‘! prepared to dp all kinds of “'nk'h-Wol‘k promptly, in the best manner. and guaranty the performance ofitt’ He will kcr'p :Llwnys ‘nn lmnd n hinge assort ment of'Sl’EC'l'.\CLES,:uid Spec tacle Glasses; and hzlfing muclrm experience in ndapting them lo the sight, is prepared to fit all who‘nt‘ed them. ' HAIR JEWELRY made to order in the best style, und n went variety of patterns op hnnd JEWELRY repaired in the nemeht mnnnrr. ' , JOSEPH BEV’AN. GettySbnrg, Dec. 23,}861. tl‘ Important to tho Ladles. ‘ ABOR SAVING : \ . ‘J WASHING MACHINE.— The undenignod is now building and offering for 5419. G.. W. TOLHURST'S IMPRQVED WASHER, at Gettysburg, and intends to sup ply them to thOSc .persons' throughout the county who desire it labor-saving muchine. This machine is gottén up on an entirely new principle, and is considered by thuse who have seen it in “:0, the best that .has ever been brought. before the public. Among the many ndfiantnges nl‘ this macli‘ine‘ over all othprs may be mentioned the following: Lt. Its simplicity ofconszruction, makingit u‘nimt vmpossiblc to get out of order. ‘ 1!. Its speed. which nstonishes aiike tHe opq‘ritnr and flu.- looks: on. lid. The fumiity uixh which it adapts its?" lo nhe bulk or qimntityxof clothes desired to be whéhedu ‘. ilh. It washes eqnnhy won the finest and lightest‘fllbric. or lhe'conrsesland heaviest, 'Such as bed-quilts. comforts, blankets, kc. _.sth. Can be managed by a child from 10 to I'.’ ymrs of age. : . ’ . 6th. Consumesfi less’ soap than my other pro‘cess of washing. ' » 711:. Will last as long as any other tub with same care. a Bth. Saves half the labor May 12, 1362. A ' ADAMS COUNTY, PA.—-fl\f,e. the under signed, hereby certify that we have used, and are using now, G. W. Tolhurst’s improved Washing Machine, and are fully satisfied that it is just the Tub Mr. S. Sherfy represents it to bevnnd supersedes nuy’thing of the kind we have ever seen as yet ;‘comhining, as it does, grant spéed with little Ilalgor, and ptrfiurming its work in the most. satisfactory manner. We. therefore, recommend it. to evegy family in the county with great pleasure. ‘ Georgé Ge; er. Maria Ge) er, (Juthnrjine .\ienls, ,lemh Shorb. Upton ‘T. Fdrrest, (Sarah E. Forrest, Christian .\lusselmnn, Cnthn’eC. .\luss‘elmnn, John Ohumherlin, Martha Chumberliu. ’Apn! 12,1862. . _ “ ‘ ‘Coau Coal! Coal. HEADS 8: BUEHLEB are now prepiired to S supply COAL, of superior, quality, in any quantity desired. T\erms, Cash. I Cone One! Come All! ”They Mso requést tboée indch'ted to them to call and pay up. as funds are! much needed. Who will be the first. to call 2 f omce open from 7 to 7. ‘ Feb._24, 186?. ’ ‘ I. ST.~\BLISH.\iENT.--GEO. F. ECKENRODE, FASHIONABLE TAILOR. adopts this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that ‘he has opened a Tailoring establishment in Baltimore street, Gettysburg, (late Post 'Ofiice,) near the Dia mond. where he is prepared to do all work in his line in the best. manner, and to the satis faction of customers. He employs‘none but first class hands, and receiving . ‘ THE FASHIONS REGULARLY, he can wan-nut, fashionable fits and neat and 'subslantinl sewing. He asks a shnre ofihe public’s patronage, promising to spare no ef fort‘to deserve it. His charges will always be found as moderate as the times will allow. Cutting and Repairing done at the shortest notice. [Gettysburg April 7,1862. Fresh Reinforcements. TRENGTHENING OUR POSITIONS—We S are constantly adding new SuppliPs to our already large and fashionable stock of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A-ND SHOES. We have every style of Spring and Summer Hats, which in quality and price cannot fail to lease. Boy’s and Men's Hats and« Caps of every description, and of the late-3‘. 51312:. Our stock of * GAI’I‘ERS, Jun, &c., WM never more complete. Ladies, Gentlemen and. Children can be mommadued with any. thing in this line,” we are better prepared now to give fit: and greater bargains than e\ at before. If you \unt bargains, good fits and fashionable goods, cull at the sign of the BIG BOOT, in Chambersburg street. ' JOHN CULP, June 9, 1862. ALEX. COBEAN. PRING GOODS I—CHOICE GOODSI S FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS have just received and are now openingnlnrge and choice assortment of SPRING GOODS, to which they invite the attention of the public. Having been purchased with care at reduced prices, we are prepared to give our customers bargains. OurJtock has been largely increased by the addition ofa choice variety of the latest styles of LADIES‘ DRESS GOODS, material for 1 HENS’ WEAR, CARPETING, QUEENS WARE. MILLINERY GOODS, &C., comprising a. complete tssortmem of everything u nally wanted. Call cafly and select. bargai a for yourselves. FAHXEsTOCK BB ’B. April 'l, 1562. I ’ Cheap Groceries. , K FRESH arrive! of Groceries It raéuced A prices—splendid. SUGABS M. 8, 9 and-19 cenu'per pound—best. COFFEE at 22 cents; Ind other things In proportion. Cell and no end judge for yourself; ‘ ' my 5, ’32. umsroox 330's. UNKS, Umbrella, cup“ 83¢:ch var; chap M ' PICKING’B. S. SHERFY Certificate. New Tailoring BOOTS, SHOES, New Goods. PRE?ESS§DNAZ @afififlfia Medical Card. DOCTORS U‘NEAL R SWUI’E hH'C "s‘o‘ cth-d Lhcmseh’ca for the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE in Geuyflmrg und ils riduixym— Oflh-e in Willa’ Building. opposite me Bunk nght calls will, iur Lhe pn-wnt, he mid: M the residence of Dr. S\\o[w, 111 E 45: Yorkshire“. ' Dec. 22,186; 3111 N ' Drs. Cress 8: Tayldr, CLEUTIC l’llYSl(,‘l.\.\'S.——The above nnmetl ga'ntlc-mun. liming xpszocinted themselves in the practice of Medicine and Surgery, utfvr thciLl:rut‘o-~.~‘ion.tl ier‘ftct‘s to the citizens of Gettysburg and \it‘imty. Unv ing had large Sllrrfltlfil experience in the [74 S. Army, and extensive hospital prim-me, they respectiullysolicityourpatronage; hl'vhslectic’ means to choose or select. Hence we select the best, snfesl‘ and moct reltziple remedies frnm all other sectarinn mcdi’cnl schools. which have been recomtm-'x«lcd ‘lrom the (-x -perieucc and sumtiunud b“ practice ‘ot the nblest Ectm‘rlc l’uAcnnmEtH. nud iiiamrd those _more injurinus, such as antimony. arsenié, mercury, blue pl“, blood letting. kc. Ofilce in Baltimore strut-t. uppugtu MvCroury‘s Sadlerhop. Volunlccrs’ fumihe‘s nttcnded free clan-go during their absence. . JAMES CRESS. Du. Wu. TAYLOR. Jun. 19,1863. ‘ J. Lawrence Hill, M. D. I I AS his oflir-e one ' door west oflhe Q ‘ “Mir‘u Lutheran church in j Chmmbcrsburfz street. nnd~ oppofite‘ Pickiug’s store. where those wishing: to hme any Dentul Operation performed are warm-{fully}mixed to cull. Run-murky, :‘ Drs. I orner, Rev. (‘. P. Kmuth, I). 1)., Rev. N. L. Bnnghrr, D. 0., Rev. Prof. M. Juc®s,l’rnf‘..\[. L. Simv‘gef. ’ Gettysburg, April 1!, ’53. L Edward B. Buehiler, , TTORNEY AT LAW, will mimruny and A promptly attend to all business entrusted whim. He speaks the German language.— Ofiice at” the same place, in South Baltimore slnet, nenr Foruey's drug store, nnd nearly opposite Dnnner & Zieglcr's store. 4 Getwsbu'r'g, March 20. . ‘ J. C. Neely,‘ TTORNEY AT LAW, will attend to collec- A tiona and all other businpu intrusted to h.i ‘cure with prompzuefis. Ulliue in the S. E. corner of the Diamond, (formerly occupied by Wm. B. MQClcllan, Esq.) . ‘ ‘ Gettysburg, April 11, 1859. t? ' Wm. B. McClellan, TTORNEYjAT LAW.—Ofilce in ‘VEItMid; A die street; age door west. of the' new Court House. * ’ , g A Gettysburg, Kong-l, 1859.. Wm. A. Duncan,{ ‘ TTORXEYAT L.\ “TH—Ol72OO in the North- A \rcslcorncrprenue Square, Gettysburg, If}. ‘ ' ‘ [oa. 3, 1859. if ' A. J. Covers TTORNEY‘IAT LAW, will promptlymtend A 10 Collections and all other business eu trusted to him. ()flicc between' I-‘ubnedtocks’ and Dunner & Zieglor's Stores, Baltimore ~lreet Gettysburg, Pg. . [Sch 5, 1859. f D. McConaughy, TTORNEY AT LAW, (office one door we: A of [{uehler’s rfl'ng andtbook Burmchnm bgrsbprg strum) A‘rronxsv as» SPmcnun run. Puss-rs no I’sxsmxs. Bounty. Lnnd WHE rnnts, Buck-pay suspended Claims, and nl] other claims lagainsl the Governmknt at Wash ing‘o'n. D. 0.; nlqumcricanClnim‘pin England.’ Land Wurrnntslocnted and whim: boughrgmd highestprices given. Agents enénged in lo cating warrants m lawn, lllinozls and other 'weatem States WApply to hiqrpeuonally or by leneg. ‘v . a i'Geuysburg, Nov. 21, ’53. I _' c ‘ Bastress 85 Peteys . AY the highest cu’sb prices for all kinds of GRAIN, ‘ FLOUR, ! SEEDS; kc" ‘ at the Brick Warehouse 'u‘u‘lew UaéTLE. Constantly on hand a. lnrge ss vtment‘of GRUCERIES. at whnlessnc and‘ret‘pi‘l—nlso, LUMBER, COAL, GUANO, PLASTER, Sc. Aplil 28, 1862. Ely" . ‘ ’ Adams County i. UTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COXIiPANY,‘_ M‘Jncorpornted March 18, 13.51. ! 4 onions. ‘. 3 J President—George Swope. ' - Vice Preax'dcnl—S. R. Russell. , Scrrelury—‘D. A. Buchler. : . Treawr‘er—Dau’id M’Crcnty. J. Executiv: Cnmma'lteoi—Robert Mchrfll, Jacob King, Andréw Heintzelmau. ’ é 4 .‘lanayera—Goorge Swope, D. A. Bnéhier. R. 3,.\l'Curdy, Jacob King, A. Heintznimnn, D. Mo'- ‘Crenry, S. R. iluasell. J. R. flush. Samuel ianrborxw, E. G. F4hnestock, Wm, B. Wiieonn, ‘ ‘H. .\. Picking, Wm. B. MLClellnn, thn Wol for-i, R. G. .\icCrenry,John Picking, Abel-T. {Wright, John Cunningham, Abdiel‘ F. Gin, ‘ 'James "B. Marshall, )1. Eichcibergen ' ‘ BQ-This Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. It.has been in s‘uccessful operation for more tlmin six yenrs, find in mm: period has paid‘nli losses and ex- ‘ pensesmitlmut any alignment, having «159 a large» surplus capital in the Treasury. The Com puny employs no Agcnts—all business being i done by the Managers, who are annually elect ed by the Stockholders. Any person, desiring: man Insurance can apply to any of the‘abon' vnamed Managers for further information. [@The Executive Committee merfi's at the oflic'e of fife Company on the last W)dnesdny_ in every rnqnth, at 2, P. M. .. é Sept. 27,}353. ' 3'} l Something New E? NGETTYSBE’RG.—Tbe undersigneaiurorma the citizens of the town and county, that he has commenced the BAKING busine§s, on :1 large scalvfliu York street, Gen.) sburjlz, nearly oppbsite Wattles‘s Hotel, where he «vi 1 try to deserve, and hopce to receive, a liberal patron age. BREAD. ROLLS, CAKES, CRACKERS, PRETZELS. &c., &c.. baked every day, (Sun ddys excepted.) all of the best qualitywnd sold at the lowest living profits. Crzlrker-lfilxking in all us branches is largely carried on, aid orders to any amount, from thi: and adjoinigg conn ties, supplied at the :llortcst notice.§ Having erected a huge and commodioufi bake-Muse and secured the best workman and the i 105: ap proved machinery, he is prepared an do a heavy business. " l VALENTINE SAUPEE July 25,1859 ‘ A. Mathiot 8: Son’s: OFA AND FURNITURE WAREROO’MSJM. S 25‘and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimoxfe, (near Fayette st.,) extending from Gay to Roderick BL—tlxe largest establishment ofthe kifid in the Union. Always on hand a huge assop'tment of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, em bracing Bureaus, Bedsteads,Washstangs, Ward robes, Mattresses of Husk, Cotton and Hair- Spring Beds,Sofaa, Tete-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Etageres, Marble Targes, Set leea, Reception and Upholstered Ch rs, AS. SORTED COLORS OF COTTAGE FUR‘ngURE, Wood Chairs, Office Chairs, Barber, Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Hat Racks, Hall filmimm, Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking (11959:, Side boards, Extension Tables, of every leifgth. Persons disposed to purchase are invited to call and give our stock on examinatmn, which for variety and quality of workmanship is not equalled by any establishment in the gountry. A. MATHIOT & SON, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street.~ Aug. 6 1860. ‘ S‘Snnns & Bunnn’a Store in wife" vor thy a visitjuat at this time. We doubt yhethcr, even in our largest cities, so fine a dbplny o! Stoves can be found. Their Inge com in full of Stove! of every pattern; 51m. ‘ va riety of Hoflow Ware, Sheet-iron W 55", Tin Ware, Pluiabed Wag, anln Wuq—pmbruc. ing. indeed, everything in the house furnishing line. dew, Sun-age Cutters, Snuuge Butters, Lard Presser, kc., to. They are pre ’red‘to sell wholpnle Ind reuil, Tin Wnrg Liane”. Irpn. Wars of th-Ir’ovvn mannfuczure coping : infleiem number of hands wrunpply any dc. mud. Their unortqent o! Lumber I; very Inge; Ilso Goal 0! every kind. ~ , - 4 mum. rte-ad Ammn hm ' for nlO M Dr. R. HORNEB'S Dmé Store. *4* DR; SWEET’S INFALLIBLE L 1 N I 11 E .v 7", GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOVT, NEURALGIA LUMBAGO. STIFP NECK AND JUINTS, , SPRAINS. BRL’ISES, CL'TS AND WHI'NDS. PILIN. HEADACHE, ' AND ALL RHRL'MATIC .\.‘(D NERVOUS DISORDERS. For all of which it is n speedy and certain remedy, nnd never fails. This Liniment isprc pun-d from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, 0! Connecticut. the famous hune gamer, and hxls been used in his practice for more than twemy years with the meat auoninhing success. As an Alleviator of Pain, it is unrivalod by nuy prrpnralion before the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by 1 I'm gle trial. ‘ Thh Liniment will our? rapidly and radical iy. Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of cases where 1: has never been known to fail. ‘ For Neuralgia, it will afford immedmte relict‘ in every case, howgver, distrquing. ‘ It will relieve the worst cue; of Headache in kkree minutes and is w'armmed to do it. Toothache also will it cure iinstantly For Nervous Debih‘ty hm Genera} La’n siqxdc arising from impr‘udenn nm-xccss. ihil Libiment is a most [mppy and unfailing ’rcmedy. Aqfing direcfly upun the nervous liganes, it stqengthens and reyivifieq the ayatem', and re stores it. to elasticity and vigor. ‘ For Piles—As an external remedy. we claim th‘lt is the (wt known, and‘we chal lenge the orld to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trlnl. lor’ it will not. fail to ntfird im mediate relief. and in u mnfnrity of cases will effotnmdicgl cure. , . ‘ ' Quinsy and Sore Throat nuougetimes ex emelv malignant um". dangerous. but 3 111:er mpplicmidu of‘lhis Linjmcnt will never fail to cure. ‘ prains are sometimgy wry obgtinnte‘nnfl en urgement ofthc jnintfi i»: liable to occur if ne‘leuted. The worst the may be'conqpercd hyxthis'Liuiment in two or three days. , . ‘ ‘Bruises, Cum—Wounds, Sax-cs, m. cers, Burns and Scalds. .vicM} readily to the wonderful lmlling properligs of DR. SWEET'S INFALHBM‘J"LISIMI-‘N'l‘, when used‘uccording ’Q directions. Air-0, CHIL BI.AL\‘S, trimaran MEET, AM) INSECT BITES AND sums. , . b 3. STEPHEN SWEET, of Com, the GTO“ Nutur.u.Bune Senna I Dr. 'Slcplwn Sweet. oft‘onuecticut, is known all m-fe‘: the Gym-d mama. i .7 Dr. Stephen Sweet. offlonmc'inut, it the umhor of "'Dr. Sweet's lnj‘nllihle liiniment." Pr. Sweet's quullihlq Linimenl (inn-5 Rhgu~ matism And never fnils. . . , Dr. Sw-‘et’s lgfntlible Linimunt i§ I cenuin remedy for Neumlgini Dr. Sweet’s Immune Lidiment cures Burns any] Scnlds immcv‘iutcly. 1‘ Dr. Sweet’s Infalllibe Linimeht is the best known remedy for Spruins :vnd Brujscs, . ‘ Dr. Sweet's Infilmble Linimout chros Umd aché immediately and was never km’m‘n to fail. Dr. Sm-et's Infullxble Linimeut nfl‘or is im mediate relieftm I’i!es,:md :cldum failslo cure. Dr. Sweet’s Infullible Liuimen: gums Tooth ache in one minute. ‘ ’ . Dr. Sweet's lumllihle Linimcnt c‘nres Cuts and annds iunncdiutcly and Imm: no sea}. Dr: Sweet's lnlnllihle Liuiment is the best. remedy for Sores in the known wumld. hr. SweeL's lnfullildv Liuimeng has been usqd by more than a million people, and all praise“. ‘ , _ - Dr. Sweet's Tnfullible. Linir‘nent taken in ternully, cures Chulic, Cholera. llurhus and Cbolic. ‘ Dr. Sweet‘s [nfnllible Liniment it: truly a “friend in need," and every family s’lauuld have it at: hand. ‘ ‘, Dn'Swéet‘s Infnnilrle Linimvnt is for snle by all Druggista. Price 25 and .30 ccnb’s. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT.—DR. SWEEPS INI’ALLIBLE MSIMENT, as nn external remerv. is \\ ilhmu fl rivnl, and will alleviate prtiu more vpnvdify ghmu any otlmr pre‘paralion. For all lllu-nl unlit: and .\‘qrvous DiSHrdLT“ it is truly infinllip’ Me, and “3,41 cumtive fnr Sores. Wounds, can he fm‘mtri .0, thin mnteri‘: SW": Bruifivs, km, its sqolhing, h‘ewling and “we of )11-Z'l‘ U 0““. '. powe l strengthening properties, excne \tlie ‘ p Th! cost. oEnzynlvilfizit is "_ jun. wonder and astonishment of all who liave ordinitr , on! “in!“ finished i‘ ever given it a trial. Ui’cr‘one tho‘usand cer-. ‘3 li ; ‘ tifil'nles of rcnmrkuble cures. perlormed by it} 1‘ 1 1 within the—lust mu )eurs, utLat 1.11:: [an t. 5 ' l TO HORSE OWNERS. DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LISIRIENT FOR HORSES is unrimled by any. and in all cnfiea of Lumencss, arising fmm Sprnim, Br‘u‘isea or Wrent-hing. its «(feet is magical and certain. Harness or Saddle Guild, Scratches, Mange, &c.. it will also cure speedily. Spm‘in and Ringbonc may be easily prevented and cured ill their incipient. stages, hm confirmed cases are— beyond the possibility ofn radical cure. No case of the kind, however. is so des erate or hopeless but it may be nllevintet} by {his Linimcntl nud its faithful application will- alwugs remove lhe Lumeness. and enable the horses to travel with comparative ease. _ EVERY HORSE om’m should have this. remedy M ban ', fouitstime ly use rt the first appearance oanmeness WI" eR'JCIuaHy prevent those {drinidahle djseuea, to which all horses nre liable, and. which ten dvr so many otherwise valuable hone: nearly worthless. ‘ ‘ DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT; 13 Tll3 ' . l SOLDIER’S FRI END. : And thonund‘a hue found Rm”. i; rn‘xnxn IN nun); k ‘ jg CAUTION. . To avoid imposition, observe the Signature and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Bmm on every label, and alab “Stephen Sweet’s Infmible Liniment” blown in the glaasl of each boule, without which none are genuine. RICHARDSON & CO.,' Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Co“, MORGAN h ALLEN, Genenl Agents, 46 Cliff Street, New York wSold by all dealers etetyvhen. Dec. 8, 1862. 1y . , Sale Grymg. ~ ‘ W. FLEMMING continual the bplim . of SALE Gimme, an wfieiu them. tnnued ”mugs of the public. It fig hi! can. nut. endeavor to give ntilflcfiolm glam" model-nu. Besidenoo in Bmkinfldge my”, Gettysburg. ’ P. S.—-na is a “rented Amtionm, ngdar the Tu Llw of tha United Stun. ; . « Nov. 34,1862. ‘. . .» . ÜBNETT’S COCMINE, Wendi-M gunfire, Shilling, E“! Tank, M ‘ u Ewan“, for uh u Db; K 30 rag Bun. , READY ROOFING; No. 23 “max LASB,‘ 1 NEW 103:. This urticlo 111 made of! In utremuly ‘hlch Ind Introlg woven fubrk, invented lud manufactured fixpreuly {or qur own umgml I‘s tavern! lime; thicker than the comm sheet- ing commonly med in all other compolitiou rooflng.’snd c‘inoeqnenfly furlmore durable From the sufaerior thicknu. of mi: cloth, it } 1 receives, in saturation, 5 far greaur Amount of the‘wnur-prook communion, pnd whon finish- .1 m - ed with the fid‘p-pronf coating on the lurflAce, presenll‘tha hon completely finiahod—‘Rd, i. . . we Ire confid nt, mos: durable—roofs now knows. It n eds no final cont appliod on the roof, as all oth- IT IS "R ADY” TO N 7 used and pit It is mrnt.fi one hundred : rgqniring on!y o be unrolls the roof. In this cony nient and Ho especially wor by the “tent HARDWARE ERCHANTS TINN 1‘ and nl] who bl to sell ngnin out to such fl prospect of immediately, M. wa offer 3 blc article, in emand every timed WE CALL AT ENTIO’N T 0 ht. It costs and is twice a lowly about ha i duruble. 2d.| it is m whetbrr s‘teop flp'el‘ 10 :4”! -r flat. ad. [I is no Céldv _ —: Emu-y workmn 40. Any or the “ch‘eapL-sl sth. ft is no 6th. h is 1.1: best roofing This l'loofin| oft-mm" .rm' mm mostiwsitl ly proof ngninl that nre so dos Ranting. I has been, 11561 : CnnndJ to!) vcly rel ammo z the rlmnge: ructirc to ma ITVWIL‘L N 0 SOFTEN n w Hum: R. .\‘ol' “MAP W BATH I‘LR ET WILL 4 h {l‘ a pcrfe the fulfing (-in ing I‘miltling- I [I is so elnsl 't pretty-Hun 111-rs nnd frnm djniuim! lhii it Ind strong” .\‘G 0F ROO SHRINK doas not i'njnre In is panic Fnumlriufiug: buildings whe‘ gum-:1 or moist v the iheide, allt hurly vnlunb Ir RvfinrriesJ lc {ht-\nir ii iI re,,whu'h rnpil u mu! metal r 3 FOR STEAMBOAT DECKS. ( \ : CAR-T M] Mr wulkhx lrr Hun any ll usage witho and MI rnnfc n nmwaurs far heQ will hear such} brmking. i “IL is emin a.” ‘pned over 01.1 smeLE noqrs. I mrnomj REMOVING 'q' Ale° the GUTTE PRESERVE YOU 1r your: fly noorhmnsr \ m mun 'rxx‘noor ms . ;1, SMALL nus 191 mm 11', IF vow Tm ROOF fiszDanEmAm-mu, ,tftqrm { ‘ Guru-Patten 0?:me wi]! erregtunny close up .11 th‘e Imnller nus-r. HOLES. and {mm : heavy e‘nstio bodv our the whole lurfice, that. will Cpru’em RUST, and In: manyjeuu longer' than ordinary paint. a ' IF YOUR smmnn new LEAKS, 1? mm; umrsnsanux, m m Jpx’x'rd norm man‘camms LEAK, [Emmi SLATE noofl Luxs, 13/E1 " COMPOUND} GUTTA-PERCBA caxzxr will ¢ompletely fill up 11l tbel‘crevicesrin tho’ shingles, cover over the broken joints la the Hi: Ind ulsteJos-n permanenuy Idhcslve, elutie caning around chimneys, sky-lights, etc.,nnd in all these situation: will outlast my other article for Chi! purpose now in‘ use. Thin ar ticle is u thick, tenacious compound of GUTTA~PERCHA, and ingredients used extensively in Europe in the procul of Kyanizing or preserving woof iu‘ railroad structure: exposed to moisture and deny. This very useful property tends direct. ly to arrest and prevent. decny in {he drink», and will often have the necessity for seven! years of putting on 5 new roof. I: in WI“ werthy of I trig}. an“! the above ROOFING MATERIALS will be furnished to cauacass AND cmn‘cnm at a reduction of. mamnrrvnjrm cm) nag: on . REGULAR 3415; ' ‘ LIBERAL Afiannm ,’ . ; gum: { Wham; 1; 3 {..v I" W, ‘2“; ’ ’ fi-CIBGULAE udSAWQQn: {no ”gnu. Adds-eig- a :1}; ‘ «if 'f . 39.1.91ng {.17 :52)" ZAIL DOWN. ' p in roll: about three feet wide; ,and nailed on shad stage, it in '- as, BUILDERS, We do not hold normbul prom; lea“: march-nu. here, and at all FEW POINTS! = kinds of mail, ously by heat or ran apply it roofing in every unit", lifnrnjn', nnd we «Ti! :9 be eniirr of hm! rund col-l ry other kinds of RUN VIN HUT IN COLD smin" firn- {ram out-4mm burn; nafiug. ‘ m: tho BO A R 05 i on Enctnriol. islllleriemnndfll pregnued will) Hiycnrrode, from 01‘s. I's, mums, on, [his nrlirln u-lnl rrmf—u in : cracking; or HE SHI‘SGLES =I _v lighl. Ind may the same day. l .‘ ROOFS!