The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 09, 1863, Image 2

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The "him of lakes—the unhn of lamb
n- Union of Stun-1 nunc mmM uvcrf
Thy-ion or hearts—4h. union of Fund.—
And the flux 0! our L'niun foun‘cr I,
......U‘:; r“ . ' - —‘:--“.-
1.). inn“, some: up norms-ran.
Guru's-um, lA.
noxnjififnnxma. FEB. 0, was
”1‘1!“st Stevens' negro soldier bill
Md the flange or Mnndny, nflvr nn ani
bnted ditcussiou‘ the Democrat': and Bar.
«for Sub men llrvnumlsly oppOl-ingit, and
Bmvohn Lowjoy. Dunn. nud othv'r Aboli
tionifls, Warmly supporting it. The jail
Vere 8-1. and the hay: 54. All the Repub
lican! “(ad {for it but ‘Meurs. Kellogg,
(hanger, ‘Hnle. Eflortun and Woodbury,
whomro cqnsefimtive. The bill provjdus
thus]. the Presidélni may arm such nuniher
as La mn'y: doelg‘wnecennary for a term not,
exceeding give yearn, thei'r mtionsjclothing.
&c.. to ho the mmé If; for other soldieu and
pay nut ti) exceed present rates. They are
10 be officered by white or Muck persons,
and ggverhed by_ the articles 0g war, but no
Llnck officer can exvrciue authority over
:~;hite officers and men. ['l‘hnt's' an insult
' the dnrke‘ysz] Noaluves ol‘lnyul owners
at e to bqqillisledi nor shall rem uiting ofliccs
're 1'" cued in méy of the Sum-u exempted
‘. ["1- Presidedt’l proclamation, without
a ‘ .: 2m. “uVFrnm‘s thereof.
19. on the bill to raise
Jubin'U Df'g.’ Jeni, Thaddeus Stevens
,“M‘owed the nffecessity of getting more
(nope frnm~somé quarter, :Lq’the terms of»
llllgv'l'Afi7folof bnlisted men Were übout
" if _ 7 t• t
(us‘x‘; Tl‘uL’ ' - u‘ 3
Wuy. whey-c are the “ 000,000" Aboli
t’ mint"; Imm w’cr‘b to spring t'o arms immo
djateiy I!an khé Issuiniof- the Enmncipn
him Proclamuizwn by Abraham Linvoln 1’
Why don't théy lgo and fight? They Can
nol now shfithut; the “ policy " of the War
does not suit them. ' .
,lfl'Grecly pfofmses “three months more
Offnmestlflflghtiug,” and if. at Hae'ond of
that time, 2'50 “‘serioUs impression" shall
have hem. madman the rebels. to “bow to
our destiny. . and malts (Ila but attainable
pace." , I
If any Democratic paper hm! made such
a propoéilion; the editor would have been
‘declqrédga Manor, Mixed by a prams:
gum-cit, abducted from his Home and im-
Jnrinonéd in n government Lastile. But
Greely, being an Apolitionist, mukés it,
'hnd is sustained by tha loading men of the
party in power. The plan is. to'frittej‘nwny
threq ‘mow monthsin waflike demonstrae
lions; fiqtinhdérn few more hundrqulhmil:
h'o'ns of dolinrs. and thcfi, with the decla
ration that they are unable to~ sulyjugate
the South” invite the mediution of some
foreign pom: (o fiyopoae such: (ex-ms of set
filament n 3 t!my'desire. JL 5-5 a most brise
and tnetcheious scheme, but it is theirs’,
«and they sd" alien-pl, at. least, to carry it
out; .
jfififl is' hov‘v said that Gen. Franklin
has bém relieyed 'hpcnuio he is one of, the.
so—ca‘llgH L‘McClellnnGefieruls." A contin
’mmce bf this‘contmcted and inanne policy
will ”relieve” the army of aimnst every:
good General it has. But what are we not
(01001: for {item the madness that. comréla
gt-Wnahingtofi? ‘
’ éSenaor W§de. whnhns just been re-
eléclct} fiom Oliin'. is beslavervd hy the Ab
‘hlition pre‘sg as“glnriuns old Bun," and is.
sesfifiby them-as the lender in the Senate.
Now, to aliéw what sort of patriotism they
j-equh'e in I. lcnder,‘we annex. an extract
from :1 speech made by Wade. at. n Repub
lican State mass maeling in Maine, in 1855.
Ila snid': , v i
, “There was really to Usmx sow 312 mm:
.. . .
7n: Nam! AND 1'!!! born! ; and he believ
ed no two nations upon the earth enter
!lined feelings of more (Jim-r mneo'r towards
y such other than thg two sections of the re
public‘ The only nalvntion of the Union,
gharelbrefiku to hefound in divesting it
nntirely Mm all lniht of slavery. Thpra
mw’xo Ux‘io‘x wilh (hp South, Let. us have
53- Union, or LET US SWEEP AWAY
UNION x". _ _
‘ A pretty “laden.” indeed. for a party
Mhich how inofesfes utlachmém to the
Union] - ¢ 1
.—_—.———4F . p———‘——
REz-qu. Morgan has been elected U.
S. Senator from New York. Although the
Demand: «fried the State hundsomely
In! M), enohgh Rapublicans held over in
the Behatfe tb elect Mot-gab. Popular sen
timent "denuded the election of a Demo‘-
lcrnt,‘ but ‘ ng-t cue the fanatical dmtruc
fives lb: the‘volce of the people! ‘ ‘
_ -ga-Citi2ensur in; Catholic mmmioh.
in New York, are (Simulating afiaper call
ing upon Hon. Caleb B. Smith. Judge of
(the United States District‘Ccm-c, to resign,
in viefiv of an singed insult "to their reli
gion, utan‘Abolition ineeting at Masonic
Img bh XBnday n‘ighc week. _
' fi'The Emancipation Proplnmttion' was
3» mm the nu instaiiter. But has i 5 had
.Nui efleot) " Not by a long shot." The
17:!“qu as, large in its proportions now
“ever, and podcc as far 03‘. Will the peo
;ple further trust Abolition promises!
WA darkley in this place has asked, the
Ether day, whether he didn’t intend to en
list inane of the negro regiments. “Na,”
replied be, “if Stevens want: any fighting
done for the Megan, he him do it. hisseli.”
gimme dWeiling'of H. C. Pool, hear Ti
‘tueville, N."Y., was bur‘nt on Saturday
"night week, and his. wife, daughter, and a
_. Gamble: perished in the flames.
fifefifibm for an nr'mfstx‘ce, and 5001:.
#:1113513 ‘0! the States, are being signed, by
11l putiet, in Diupbin county.
E‘R‘aol‘utiom “voting a reduction cf
the tariff on yam‘hne been passed by
the Legiauture.
‘ fil‘h‘e fifty, ceht po'st'nge 'cikrfen‘cy ha
been counterfeited. The pipe: is thinner
mad the 3,999 Wfim the genuin‘v.
é m-Anms‘mumu—Anmunr 4
I In fihe Senate. on Tuesday, Mr. Clymrr,
lo! Bel-kn. presented the memorinl of cm
{nm of this Commonwealth, letting forth
lthoir grieunoe- “hing from the Arbitnry,
~ Illegal und uncon-titutionul ‘fl‘efll of their
[fellow whiter”. by on‘len of the Federal
GuVrmml-nl, and praying the Generlal As
.lt‘mbl) to ulnpt auch rheasum: as may be
'requisilo In «scum to the people (He rights
' Mu] prirflvgps guaranteed them by‘ the
(‘onstilnliun ol the L'mtml Sty-“Cl ML! of
the State. ‘ l
On the «spin day. in the Home"?
KaiuP. nf Fa“) ettP. mind in place the fol.
ihg hi’ll, intgmled to protect citizens a
State from illegal arrmt
Tn nrevont will piihjfih' illegal Arrest
Sir-run 1. IA: [nun-[4:l, (PL. Tint the
moral at" any pe’rmn beyond thelimil
thi; Sum, wannwer any chug-9,0? he
committed here any offence against the
of this State or of the United State!
hereby (let-hired n mistlemepnor; uud ‘ v
pprmn who shall seize or attempt to stiize,‘
fir who shall in any manner aid or proctrei‘
or attempt to procure other: to_ seize ny
person howsoever. witgutant eitherlqe
‘cretly 0 otherwise 'to fine him liere
contrary to the law of the landror to |re.-j
move him out (if the State ; and any ’pejnn‘
whn shall imauy way whatever remov rot
attempt to rem mm or who shall procur 'ot
attempt to procure others to remove ny
persona beyond the limits of this State, on
any charge on having committrd‘ here 113?
ofi'énm against the hum of thisSt ta 0 of
the United States. shall be guilty Eta h gl't
misdemeanor. and on conviction. therlanti
shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exce‘ed
in; one thousand _dollnrs. and undergo .nn
imprisonment, hy ’N-purnu'OY wliury cbn
finemnnt, for any oriod not exceeliing ten
years. or both. or Eitherfut the ditcrrt an
of the murt: and Itapnn the trial of any] 1"-
son for havmgaommxtmt either oithe ‘ (-
l'enceq iiformuid. the fact that such seizu e,
mnfinement or removal mu by order of LEI“;
Prewlentnf the United States or of n y
member at his Cabinet. or o'thrr officer‘lot‘
the generalgovernment, shall not. constitute
a. legal (letenve. _ l
At the same time, Mr. Rex read in .1)! e
a hill to secure to the people of this St: te
the freedom of speech to which they aim
entitled by the Coxistitution. It proviales
that any civil or military officer of L e
State, or flu: United Stiles. who shall r--
ztn citiién of the State, with intent o
carry him out. of its jurisdiction, wilhoutl a
legal gearing, shall be deemed guilty of‘ a
high crime. punishable with a fine of 35,1
000 and five years’ imprisonment. A fine
of $lOOO and one year’s imprisonment is
provided for any military oflicer who may
attem t to suppress a newspnper.‘ l
Theiloilowing memorial iii befinglnrgel}
signed throughout the Commonwealthmil
sent. to members ‘of the~ Legislature, f r
presentation to their respective Ilouu—s.+
We would suggest. that it be cutout and oi -
culntcd for ‘ignaturesin this county. N
fair-mimleiflmnn, having regard for th
Constitution and the rights of—White me ,
can refuse to sign it. Let the Logislatur ,
and thE' Bxe’cutive, be implorced to ac
promptly. Should arbitrary and illegal in -
rest“ Imt cease, resistance may follow—ant
if the flame bepnce kindléd, God shield u:
from civil warnth‘onfi». I ‘ , ‘
'Ta (It? [lonorublc (he Smut? amt' ”nun/of Ra
pracmlalfms Qf rim Ounmnmo'ralt/z (3/ Panel/[1
main in General AssemHy met: ‘ ' 1
The mem‘m'inl of thcundérsigned citiznn ‘
of mid Commonwenhb respectfully repre
spnk: ' ‘
That. since thegcommencenwnt‘of (I:
present war many acts of gross outrage am
‘wrong have been inflicted upon citizens 0'
this Slate by person: holding office or ark
finhtment under the United fitntesfnqdl
y virtue (as alleged) of authority from the‘
Execufive department then-of. which, in’
the opinion of your memorialism, require
thoroughrxposure and condemnation, and
the, establishment of adequate safeguards
against thq recurrence of. similar acts in
future. ,
Your inemorinlists particularly allude to
the arrests made of citizens in civil life,
without due process of law. byamnralmls or
profilost marshals of the United'SLates. d?
by the military governor of the District of
Columbia. and (in ‘mnny cases) their con
veyglnce beyond the State limits to foreign
fortresses and prisons, followed by their
confinement therein for uncertain periods,
mezmirod by the mere discretion or pleasure
ol‘ntficinl power. '~ . I '
These arrests. made in mast daring con
tempt of the Constitution of the United
States, of tho Constitution of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvimia, and in utter dero
gation -of ”thosé‘ principles 50f liberty
which were brought to the new world by
our ancestors and left tons by them a: in.
most sacred legacy, challenge most thorough
investigation and outs _ken rebuke; and
their occurrence. exhifiting the fact that
our citizensqare not recure against Being
kidnapped and carried beyond thejurisdio
tien of our tribunals and talks}: proves that.
'some steps should be taken by the State
Government to prevent like outrages in fu
ture. Your m'emorialists therefore pray:
That the facts in the several cases of ille.
gel arrest in this State. under p’retence or
color of antherity from the Federal Execu
tive, may be inVestigated and put in official
form for the contemplation of the people.
That the Governor of thermmonWenith,
upon whom is charged the official duty of
taking care that the laws be faithful'y exe
cuted; be called upon. in due and respect
ful faint, to oommunicateto the two Houses
any informatiqn within his power in relation
to the Bald u'nlawful arrests, and also to
state what steps he has taken, if any. to de
fend our citizens against them.
That if, upon daeinquiry. it shall appear
that our Statehws are deficient in not pro-i
vidlng our citizens prompt and efficient
protection against arbitrary arrests or kid-l
napping; the necessary statutes securing
such protection may beiforthiyith enacted.
And lastly, that a formal protest by the
Generfil Assembly on behalf of the people
of this Commonwealth against the arrests
aforesaid, and an explicit, firm, dignified
declaration by. the said General Assembly
on the same behalf; that future arrests of a ‘
1 similar character. involving contempt oi ‘
1 constitutional law and of the [1103! sacred ‘
rights of pergonai liberty, will not be sub
mitted to by this State, may be placed upon
the Jourr'n'als of the two Houses and copies
thereof be transmitted to the President of
the United States and to both Home: of
Congress, to the end that it may be known
to all that this State is devoted with unfai
tering zeal to the plinciples of freedom,and
will consent to no precedents which can be
cited hereafter in deienceof arbitrary power.
All of which is respectfully submitted by
*your memorialists.
Dcmocrdh‘c Victory in ImhmstM—At the mu
nicipal election held in Lancaster on Tues~
day last, Mnyor Sandexson was reelected
by A majority of two hundred and sixty-five,
carrying eyery ward in ‘tha city I
fizA darkei was (aid, the mher day,
that; the negro soldier bill had passed, and
he was now expected to go and fight. The
unnounoemrnt frightened hxm, butpresent
-Iy, taking 1,-. long breath, he exclaimEd:
“Well. if I must. fight, I must vote we 1"
And the Republican leaders may yet try to
hue it so. Butbefore they accomplish the
flog-Ming scheme, we hope the Democracy
“win be there to nee.” . x
13 mm: rid;
The Hon. Ro'bért J. Wnlker, in 3 recent
publication on Finance and Currencynys:
“Our national finnncM are invohm! in ox
heme periL Uur debt exvpeds $73).0()0.-
000. and in nsfimated by le Socrrlarv of
Hm Treuurv. on the m of Judy m-xs. at
SLTHfiflifififi. When we reflect Hut‘lhis
is _qe.rly rrnpvhalf the dab: of England,
‘nnd [hmnring nlmmt (Iqull9 the n!“ of in—
tprmfi, it in clear man We nru Approaching u
futnl‘ mmMropLe.”
Again 1 ‘
1 Mr.
| the
“That ulw danger in immlnnnl, la a truth,
‘whic‘h mus! not. be dk'guisml. lit-re liet
ma gum: peril of ,lhe Goqumeut. It is
not lhe Reba] nrmiEs flute-m N‘Prm'er
fume: the Union. It i. the; alumingin
crew hf clue public dohl and expanditurn's,
and We still more nppnlling dflu-ociotinn of
, the npfinnul curra-ncy." :
. Agjnim :
l "liylpml, should the WM (bulimia. and
“hem be mother ullernative tkan adaman
ni lremsury nnu-q, ilwywill, be, re tlne.¢lnao
of thq next fi—czu ymf. fail to eornmaml {any
centslon lhé dollar in gold. amlmnr debt ex
ceed hoverul billion; of dollnni”
-And agaln: - 1 ° ‘
" “{6an upon the vergeof riln. We are
, hanging over the gfilf of an. " redeemable
pnpon system, and- its spectra? shade, Re
fipudiatlhn, is seen dimly in :h } dark nbyts.
"'l‘lne tut-054m1. Conga-03* may 3 ve uvz: but.
what of the next} Would Jwy. il" they
cfiulrll? “We can anqw’erl Cu!) they. if
ll!” {mum x 0: :0! Imm tlngn be too:
Exile.” ‘l ’ _‘ Y ‘
I 19 spend] of Mr. Spauldifég, n promi
{ nent epubliuan member ol‘Congrcss, made
‘5l: few layq ago. he said: ' I ‘4
i "\\ e_ could not shut. nlxrfiyeé to the vast
ness 1” the volume of DE} ”l“ was open
5 hel‘ur M. 11. “is very soon mq‘dé npmrenb
i lhm r natinnul (lnln wnuld. a! an null/Jay.
reach 'l‘W’) THOUSAND MI‘kLIOXS ()F
1 DOll AlS—equal to hull the y I» of Grant
Br'itui - ." _ -.
. i‘
l: "y
If (.nyn the N. Y. ‘WorltO Mr} Spnulding‘
‘ had cncr-ived the full significdnne of this
‘cnmp the.enormous pdblic debt of
Great Britaini—‘h debt which has so longi
‘ been" e fininncinl wonder of the-world—ho I
tyronh luiveindded that, in thei presure of'
ithe b rdt-nqonr debtwo‘uld he nhthayequul;
i bui‘flli’ll/ rqual to thatof'England, inasmuch i
' us (In: interest on aim: {sat trip: as] high a mic. .
3 And t iis staggering result wilti he reached.
'by the end of the fiscal year for: which It is i
l the «i ‘ty of Congresiut this sealslon to pro- 1
videfthnt is to say. on the 30th ofJune,lB64.‘
‘ The ‘following brief paragrnp from Mr.
Spauh ing’s speech embodies stiltementh on l
iwhich very reflecting, man iui the nation
will «1 . well to'ponder :3 i i
l “Til time has arrived when‘Lour finnn-I
cew'mt 't engage the'eurnest an united nt
tentimii~ of all loyal representatives. -We
were i great peril last year. b t our dnn
ggrs ar’ now two-fold what theyiwere thrn.
It. was 'ery difiicnltilust year toxovidethe
imam-3'l to meet, the large up opriatmnsl
madef r the support of the nrmtnnul nnvy.
It will he~still more difficult t‘ meet the}
enlargid requirements of the c Irront \and
the nnht fiscal year. The nrm% hill alone:
,npprnp utter over 3731.000.000, \ lnch. :uitl- ‘
ed to tI? Pfitimntes of all nthe orpenrli-i
tut-ost r the fiicnl>ymr entlin' June 30.]
1864, n mount to the enormous§um ntSlu'
095,431 133 .36, to which must be milled th
Inmannjstill required t'nrnppi-Oprintinnennfi
dt-ficie r'_v of the year emling.lut?o3o.lBl‘23.,
and wlt'ch. according to the re tort ofthei
Srcretn yot‘ the Treasury. nmomltmlinr the
Ist of cemhentn the =um 0f5541.2‘21.131.- {
.59, nniidng thewhole’aggrogate rcquiwd’
to mee nppropriatiom during the next
eightee mouths, $1,640,634.31“ 15."
i Dividing this‘ enormous sumdwhich the
‘ Govern lenfmttst raise within ttie ensuihui
i, eightee months. by the twenty millions oi"i
l inhnhihtns on whom the hurderi will fall, '
t given so tething more than eighty-two (101—:
i tars for tinch‘ individual of the p puhitionj
? The rsig ificanke of this result Hill not he!
ndequnt lyy perceived unless wet consider?
that only a fraction of the Impulason either;
own property or‘_earn wages. \ e will as-i
i sumo thht the avemgotype of o rpnpula-E
tion is 5 Emily made up of the t 0 parents;
and time children ; that. is. of one .person ;
who earls: money to every five cdnmmers. E
This eati ‘ ate of the mgio of non-hrcducers;
is doubtli’ss too low: _every tomn hm nlarge .
number of aged and decrepit people; spin-J
ste;s¢ confirmed invnlids, studdnts. and l
young professional men who have not nc
‘ quired a‘fuslness sufficient for thfeir main- i
tennme, ,0 say nothing of pauperii, the in
mates of hsylums and qther public institu
‘ tions, tm'psipnt. foreigners in ourlarge cities,
and the goldieus that milks up dur brave
aruiier. at taking thtlow estimate ’we
hive adofiiedqvhich ma‘k s the siveimge type
of‘ our pulntion .‘ family of five-persons,
of wlticxlirionly the IIVKI"OW* prilspet-ty‘o‘r
earns motley, ,the‘share‘ot'eéch such indi
vidual in i the expenses‘ of tho tit-xi: eigh
teen moriths (is $4lO. If every' sdch head
of a smhlli family whele notified tot-marrow
‘ that he ‘ust give to the Government. with
l in thitt. pe iod thesum 0(5410. theirs would
’ be‘sad fa sat tHeJrugal family (humane
l To‘fur‘nist such asum would be {tilt to be
1 en tirely l ‘ possilile, If it fell only on one
i “191,1 fumifiy in ten, or one such family in'five,
by dint o scraping together and twin-owing,
fthe regnitiition might be met. B+t whenl
eviery frugal family in the land is under an
leqnalr necessity of borrowing, sellirig super- i
kittens articles, or appe‘iTihg to-the enity of ‘
ghr‘e‘ditors, a man cannot dependK on his i
,‘peighhorsto help him throngh. as he would 3
i then emergency which fell‘on himhlonea—
Itlmay be said that the Government does
not ask him topay that much. onlyt to lend
it; but it really amounts to the 811th thing.
Pay it he ultimntely must, together with
the interest on it, unless the nation dis
gncee itself by repudiation; and{_ if pro
cured as admin. somebody; must‘ 151’.” it.—
Those who neither pay nor lend one in the
Condition of a man who has given his note,
which is a mortgage on his income 0!: his
iearnings until it is paid, the-obligation of
, which he can no more evade than he can
I that ofa note of hand. _Such. then. is the
‘ share of each man in average circumstances
‘ of the public expenses of the next eighteen
months, with a great/debt already “cumu
‘lated, ands depres‘ing future. certain to
\ bring its own burdens, stretching beyond.
Such immense sums as these exhibited in
l the authentic figures oer. Spnulding mere
ly Awaken a vague feeling ofnstonishment.
until they ere separated into frngmentsnml
‘each man’s part ofthe burden brought home
sud laid at his own door.
‘ ”Hon. W. McSherry. of the State Sen
ate, and Col. Hopkins and 11. J. Myers.
Esq, of the House, have our thanks for
Legislati‘ve ‘documenls. ‘
1 Mr. Myers was absent frog: Hmisburg
apvéri] days last week, hnv‘ing gpno to
Willing]: :- one of u committee 80 ten
don-no vernment Leiguo lsh‘nd for
thajeraefioafoof a. Navy Yard. ?
Boat-m. Feb. '3‘t—The delegation lrmn
Portland hudnu intrrrtenwithGen. .‘(tClel
lnn tut evening. inviting him to visit that
city. Gen. McClollln exprm.e<l iiisthenks
tor tho flattering horror“ and alluded with
utisflrh'on to the mnsnrratire tecling he
saw in New Eugh‘iml. He remarked that,
he saw in thia rail-t-rvatiwm the how and
strength at the nation. He promised 1
written reply to the invitation. '
The committee from Conmrd aim called
on the Geneml. 110 lefipfifiiltfll to their nd~
dress. and Said ha 9th highly honored. hut
expreflrzd his grant rpgrouth-ii ho was unn
ble to ucrnpt thoir invitation. lmvin: alrmt
dv excemlr-d the time devoted to his whit
Etst. Ile rltrtlmt“ said he was preparing
a history of the Peninsula-campaign; hut
at some fu‘uro time he hon-over hoped to
moot his fi-llnw ('ltllt‘ns otCom-onl. A tlel
ogntinn from Lowell also visited him and
tenderwl the hmpitalities of. tho city. but
he mu likewise coinpelled to decline their
invitation. . ‘
Boga-ox. Frh. 3.—Gpnernl McClellan, no
compnniml by his with and leversil friends,
visited lmwrmt‘G-tb-d’ny in it special train.
Ilia rrrnminn was the mmt hearty ot'hny
demonstration in the history of that city.
'l‘honuimtls tit citizrns greeted him. amid
the firing olconnfnljand ringing of bells.
After passing t trough the various open»
ting rooms of theiPééifir- Milli. he was con
ducted to the hall of the company, wlt‘ere
three thousand sohhol children, who wem
mummblml, greens}; him with hearty nhrery
andsangseverul odn’gs‘l—“Mtirchin: Along" ¢ h._._..-. ... _ v
and the “Star Spurtngled Banner :” with' j SALE _<POSTPONED.—The mli or Town
which theßUr-nomli and hi‘l compnniom Lots udrertist-d by Hon. )loses‘M’gt‘lmn. Ex
seemed much l’lm'iwd' . Afterwards the . ecutpr of George fillrvock, dt-ct‘usua, tar l-‘ritlny
irony pnrtnok ot'a rollntton "I one of the~ 7k d"! 'tt l. I. _ . I} f“ l .
stcific. buildings; Euriy in the eveninguw“ ’ ‘ n“ “ el‘“""’”““°‘°“ 3° “’2‘?“
the party returned w Boston. , ; clemency of the mother—end his therefore
fi‘Vonder if "28 “military “Maw“ been postponed lo “'ednead‘xy. we llth at
Washington. who htve been. so mrneat. ‘in ‘ *‘Ebmi’fy maL, "‘tg‘J'd‘Wki P- 3'- ~.
their attempts tu’ crlgih thP gallant McClyhl VAHEXTINHSEFPM ente‘rptiairif; neighbor.
1“.“ feet ”ll" indirectt. bl“ cruxhini; rebuke illr. E. H, Minnigli. informs m {that he is
of their Sfllfisll and” ruinous schemes .‘— ‘just opening a wry large stuck-‘2‘ of comic
llalleck, Stanton Jréo. ought to take the'and sentimental :"ylll‘lllln?! for {he flt‘cmn
tact. to heart. that, ‘iLlulc Mnc'; is in the modation of the public, who nlnwéys \Qish to
llpmu‘ofnu ptcpllfi.évprywl,en_ . ‘ thtl'Ve' something 90 the kind notify tor St.
“Time makeq all {thingy even": as file" ‘.l|lénll"l.'ll d“),'- And those 'WQO happen
"board" will yet digcoverhto‘ .tlieir utter not to lmro their thoughts run ltéthint way.
discomfiluro. , . ‘ (will find (very 9”"115 kind of "giggdfithings"
, ‘__- ~—.—«s"—-- 5 *— ' ,rcaJy for their tttstt-s. Give liimr'a rall.’
W‘Thc remnants ofthn Eighth. Twrll‘tlt’ . i ' ,' . . 3 '
and Eighteenth lowh intimtnu-thnr hurt-l x Wle following i: :1 list of tilwg'kxchungod
‘(lrml and eighty men; all told —~‘lmvt= nrrivl‘, prisoner: of Capt. ‘lluntrt’q t‘ompattf: Lieut.
ed at Dnvenpm't. It. is Muted that they \\'.llorner,‘ M. J'. Qohlt-, M. ii. l'lottiimn,‘Snm.
are to be re-orgnnizedfie tpr Trill“ .servicei‘ituet nuisticlr. Jan. A. Scott, O'iver “'ii'ishvnniu
‘u‘ae regimr‘nts we, . oar u y rut ll} n,' .. . 5 . '. . ' .
tho lmttle of Shiloluiaml lmve'tzinoe liecni “"93“" MC¢“’”"“s"' J‘EWI’ 12.23%“? 3""
further docimnted hytlfiouse and the Curb ‘ mm“?! “The” A'VE‘IUI‘Y- . . E .-
un‘t‘i“thnttl9--L‘rcfian.oe. 1 ‘ i LITTLESTOWN3II£§S3En ’rr Limos!
‘ Where (Ira the remnant-t ot' the‘PennsyL. ‘ ,1” ll ll" ‘ h ‘ "‘i h‘.
vanin Reserve Carpet—HlP regiments of. "m" ‘.' "0 ”guy“ on‘ ' ".l "ISM”
which have hot-n more ter‘rihly out up than determine whether that town,_~lmlt In: mrnr
those of Imm? Why me thvy not Split. porated 35‘“ Bor‘ml-‘l‘ 0' “0L Tl'e‘ijo‘l" “"5
home to he reorganized? those have mean appointed Hon. Wm.V )lcSht-rry nut] ler. ‘R. S.
‘r‘l’ho fought. 3" DmitM‘illP, in everx bil‘ne , Seiss', Jmlgt-s ; and Dr. Etltuzind F, filt‘o‘rb and
of the Pemmuia. at South Mountain. An- Josvph Bunker, lnspei-mrs own“ l‘ll Luv".
tum-m, l-rmlrrtrkshutig and other plm‘PS. ; ~ is" 1
anti ulwuyu with the most, unilmchihk valanl [s‘ Tli9‘-‘i~‘muklin Literary .\s‘ cizttion "
“’hy' are they. "0‘ solitwhnme? “l” “‘0 w‘ill ce’lehmte its sot-ond Annii‘o‘rszii iiirthe
§rpftthloj 300N431"); blutttnn answer 2": 1 Church at .llumnnmhhrgmu buturtlzti «yelling.
l(;;§:.';-\lrien\rvxfngl; : n pnt l‘ 9: {1 =t j Febrmiry 2:51, lt'63,jtwitlt npwoprhrle lile’rnry
~ ' ‘ p 1"“:- m‘ . n 1" Letcrvis’es. They renpértt‘ully inritr flic- pnhhc.
been forced to “game: 4 wn” n little—to \ ._ , i t‘s
“PM to aipt'nper kiml pf “Presnttre ” t'nr‘ VFFIH- Crß‘Vh'P-l' “X"lof Jim" "7' 1"“ ford,
(mt-o. Though the R-‘servos will'nnt, he al- ‘of this putty. and hrlithnr-in-lnw of ‘llou. E.
lnwml to come homuq—n priviloge whit-h 31;.pt,pr.~0n“g].ns hm, appuimpd s'ls“]..g—m
it Is. It ser‘mé. boon pxtn-ntled tn throt- “=0“ l’ozntl- "L, '“Qn, “in. {he ‘tmleimn
luwa rngimt-ntC—tht y will ht'lll‘tlwn from T 3 . ‘‘ | ~ J. “, ..~l ‘ ‘ ' *
tho tit-1.1. and mm-tt on thin; inltlm fortifi-. "’“P "‘“f. 3“” ‘fl - “""f" “I” ““j‘ ‘1“
(’lelflllS around thhinutun. u Ila‘lf'tt loaf. luau-ed rrmhthl-l). on. the own-Mon, it? sat-l.
ls better 11'?" “.0 ”333'." _. 1W- 4i i ‘ fi'l‘he “ Amorimj‘s ,ot' Afrit‘nl‘n gloat-mt."
wart; mm,” as ,7, "my h"; outraged rnnnrctctt trill: the .31. 1-2. Chm-3h in this
the oommnn Rois" n! the country loin: pltt-e,.ititriitl holding? Featirnl tot tilt-{ncnetit
enough. +1.9 Imion us it was, is hnriml in i “(theirlt‘hurch m. ,|u._(,,g or ”hug“ inst"
n srm’oi‘rnmwhinh the-reisnn-rt-sttrreutinn. . l ' “. l‘ n .
N 0 l'nin’m is now pooihleulxt‘opt oflrec‘m .1 “T“ ”foul on ”Him” on in?" Em"
St:tle~:.~—-Lincoln'.r Organ. at ll‘tubt'nglnn. I i ”'9 m:'!""h- h “’1“ #uuhlless he . p ‘trumzed
The author of «itch il'SC‘Dllmt'nh ii an in~ by “m" "0“”- __‘ 1 . v ‘ “
t'inzous disttniunixt n‘u‘l tt’hitnr to his ooun-‘l 3233‘?” "NH or!"'l'"'* Call" wilgbe held
tri', hnd he who endorses it in no belting—.l“ on Tuesday, the ‘.~|th uf Fch_ru.lr_v iusz‘j ‘
The node will touch the Union tlE‘HirhV-l ’" ‘, , V _ . qL“ -
m (it this nrlminintrniion whnt it, in tlthtll “5““? 53‘ "."*“""“-‘f""‘ ”‘0", “ "mm"
ohm outrngt‘d the rovumon 891159 0f tl,B£.'iiuhlt‘hciittt l'lnlndttphittby umémq i“in“.
country'hns first as time can give them theii ormt'nnil print-e ottlmi' r fellow. "in Thom-
Ol'DUl‘lumiL .“ as B. Flori-mt», i: to b}: removed to \ “shing
‘ ' .' king city, where i": lgfi‘lc “ill be rcizu ctl‘ uu-.
' dqr the surge gnnn tgemhnt, on the '22 'ot'J-‘eh-
Rurrum. Va“ Fed: 2, 1863,. » rlmry. A Daily, “willy, and Monih ~ paper"
FRIES!) .qnnu: :—on the evening afithe‘; will no nilhlishml. Thé wire or find lfiqily will ‘
's9”!Jllnzliy'yifirdlgfileflmf i?rf:ogp;tp;nies be $8 iii-r nnum :‘luf tl 6 weekly $2 :' aid of the?
o repnr o B 0 one 0 n _ use" . . \ ‘ - _
with three duys‘ rationsnnd fifty roumlt of; MumblySt‘. The mi." N" l"- “3 ”Imm
ammunition. Everybody, of course, hum” pamphlet oi :19 [rt-gem, To rluhn megprne of
there was something up. “Antither trip the week-3y “i“ he “mi “In“! ‘0 Orin dare-s,
towards the Bluékwnlcfi" [nosed from 5 $150: ten topic-c, $1,150; twenty o .p‘E.’ $3O, '
' mouth to nlmulth-k 'Ci‘PtW Flimk 9"" Imm; A generous SIIJIIHH'II ofthi-z ptlrt'r is [i'cromml‘fl-i
‘lnml were the ur- _) ones mg. were 0!" pm dt-d'by all [he cnnmnin‘tire members .0! the
to report With .thelr compn 'l9:. An expe— , .- t . ‘ i_. - ,
ditinn, consisting of about “Wen regiments present I ongrt-si; nuludmg the wm-rnhle .\lr..
land two batteries, started ili‘fllt‘ direction . Cnnenden, of heulucliy. » in onlerJo pint-cl
‘of Biackwnter in search of the rebels. Tho' the ,a-ntrrpriseiv'in lhe‘biltset on a solid basis.‘
column {10" in motion "‘le 1 o’clock, 5-1 Mr. Florence invites. nil persona tnro’gnbic to
t M.. 0“ the 9m“- A” ”W‘s? WWW“ 1“ the establishment lof'n first-class mnyivonui.
too “what they could see. nnd marched . y . l W . t - ‘ i
l hither faster than, was comforta‘ lo tn thoir, tu‘tiona “fw’iupn M : nrhmgtcnmolbrcome
feet. After marching eight or ten miles. E personally interested j" the enterpriseiby sub.
‘ very suddenly and, as it. seem‘a, unexpected- Srrihink to the fund snirh 'aums as th’gy ahnll
‘ ly, they came on a force of the enemy .vthink‘ proper. ' There some will be credited to
:litntionedogg :3 913:9" 33393:! theiidgzcof “i them an Ltork‘jn the eoncein, and “id’s-ill be
ensew . mum res region u t 7- ‘ .~
‘ mo~t Of the ground, a tremendous volley?i‘~ entitlnd to recent therefor newspapers or ed.
lhell poured into the woods, Gees falling: “Hum“ “bench-r “NF-Ed" M the “5""! rnler.
‘ and limbs flying in all direcr'ons. The} This is n gr¢ut as well an commendiible en
‘ boys‘ thouglht it was the "elepliunt" .aurm terpriie, and £3Ol. Florehce is just the; man to
I enough. ‘l‘" mad w” “"0“ 01°“"""- The: put it through. Mn) ha hate the Dwight hind
[ men werel ordeiied‘ to hit" .rightéigd lgft hail); of lucces-l, m!» m. . ‘ , .
the woman in own. mi em 9 ‘ \f, ' '_l_ ,_, _-
i confusion occurred on ncgountot' the d-Il’k'f §ITBSt‘RI§ERS SHOULD PAY i'gc-LThe
affix;Eggnoggdlafiifiii‘t‘fifddad mgr;fintertown Reformer thus conclud‘afln well
‘DL.-. l, A . l
i lost themselves. Antioon, bani", M thij‘“““'“ artrclemp “Money, Produce; ben
[locality of the enemy could be found out; F'll’el'9"—Hd F 0 \‘ofllmend the Write tiul} i!
‘ nnd a. good petition was obtained our nrtil-5 embodies to the carotid i-nmidenttion ll cer
i lery WM broughtinto PI‘W- “In“ 3 view ‘0: lain clan of on! mine-rib": : “Thej'e in one
‘ “"5' a! well 8° to ‘5“? our men "o'.“ that thing the people‘ elm do while priht arr
great danger to whicn they {were exposed. teitin lh . NH 1‘ h -. 1,
'we retreated about halt a. mule. A brisk; , '3 ”H‘. '7 to out i" ' e ”F": " ""1
i fire was kept up on both sides till daylight. Cl‘h'" " '0 P".Y- WWW”! "“1 cbfll’fnlh ”Ni"
when reinforcements were sent. out. MidiK subscriptions. There in abundant M In
the rebels retreated towards the Bluekwn—' the country 110* roi- «told: this, and if done; it
ter. 2 Th," ”,‘nfume'P€"“ only "3‘oth “'3 i would go for toprervn‘t the necoisity of 'gdvnn
ground in time to Jom the chase! Capiti . th ‘ f , ' .13 ;
Plank’s and Warren's companies had that ““5" e"3 " ° ,"N‘W‘Vcn' 'f' " imM'k
privilege ofnharzd in it. They were attach-4, 01"“ at mid-thy '9 .“0‘ more “"0!” l 0 "'0
ed to the 13th Indiana, which is a crack are, than that Publish"! 0' countrnnvvrpn
regiment in these regions.‘ There was no: per: cannot endure thcpreaent disproportion
turtther lenfflgifimenfts 3“"; iii” enemy 6": between outgoel {or flock and income for sub-
Eii’wé'ti 1h: 15?? 3,9332% $343,133.3f0 "“P"°,“" "“1" "'2“! ".m‘” n +28%
0. detachment, of mounted riflcmen; who degree of nobleuesl in-fpaying promptly at
were perhaps left behind as a rear guard to} We“!!! rates" ’ ‘ i
the enemy. Our boys describe the bulleta‘
cs falling around them as thick as hail.—
The rebels retrested to their old position
on the other side of the Blackwater, and
our forces returned home. They reached~
camp about midnight the same dny. Our
boys. it being the first time they were un
der fire. did well, and were complimented
by the Col. of the 13th Ind. lam satisfied
‘ that under our own oilicers Adams county
‘will never have cause to be ashamed of the
l 165th. ‘ We had four slightly wounded—-
_thr_ee of Capt. Funk’s company and one of
[Ca t. Gillil'ind's. '
i The whole loss on our side in killed,
Bwounded and missing Will be a trifle over
a. hundred. About thirty were killed,
iamong whom were several otficers. The
lOOL of the 167th, it is iupposed. is mortally
iwounded. The loss of the enemy I have
. no means of ascertaining to any degree of
Icertainty‘, but it is generally thought that
1 their loss will not be as great as ours’, be
:‘ccnuse they had the advantage of ground.
; and their force was not as great as ours.—
iWe took but. low prisoners. The rebels are
‘ reported to be back At the some place _:
lugnin, so [expect we will soon hove another? BG9“ is now commanding a premjum
Itramp, when you mil probably hear from offliy-jwcper cent. in Philndelphia andib'ew
u: again. . Brass. 1 York. In other words, it takes one Auadrzd
‘ wit is reported that the Contederatea have and jiffy/five doll." in paper to buy $lOO in
again around the Blackwater river, havini‘zure- ! gold] What glorious times we hovel j ‘
weir d reinforcements. en. Peek at the ad, _‘“ ‘ “M“ ' ' “"‘“ 3 ‘ .-
ot' th‘e Peder-l forces, ii... (one hut to the!“ “Main“! ".9!" “RIM 0' Fcbngny.
them—lieu. 's-n ”Sum-day. ; , ml is. Valentmo’; day. . j“;
‘ wCommon Dq-edn,Adminiutnl‘or'. Dada,
f‘munun Bands. Judgmeat Hung}. Judgment
News, Promluory Sow, Notes my in: Men]:-
“on, Animhlg Aflulllld.Subpwfléfiumulnllstl.
Enculionn, helical Suttmenlfii Slnumliznlion
Pdpfl’l, to, £l2. printed o- 3003 pupor, fur
lake at the Com-lull umcnu I}:
I LAST Su'l‘lCE.—-We lure equal a my
, .
u-mu, but shall pmthe mikiutnfi' the most
or our delinquent subsuiben for a couple of
treks mnrc. in the Hope that within {bin that
they will my in whole or in park-fish“ is hon
only out due. A numb" Inn's: {gireud‘r lipid
and many other: are nrobnhly whiting an op
:.' . n
pol-wait}! to, do #o.} “2 hope mat all who
wish to continue the Coup-'lO wiif‘; lee the ne
ceuity of qomuiyinz with our WIFE, at ‘lonst
no long u we AN covnpellvd 20 pa“ (he présent
\ enormoun price for pupor. } g
new Germ-n Ral'u‘rmed Chain. Ircfienfly erm-t
-ed in Piuemwn.’will he drdivntéfifl, the 'Lord
wining. on me am Samson. in min-n. (March
lat.) ‘Divlne let-vices will begin on Frid-y
evening previoua Ind he cméiuumfjorer S42ur
day IndSnndly. A nunibrrorclupmnn Irom
mdialancg n‘re expected to'be pngfnnt. The
communiiy generffly in reqpeclfinlfl' Invited to
a’lwqd. . E. llzalonnmu, Pustpr.
Mm;____ z ;'
fijxfiq {More}, flocking pinyin lug been
' ‘ v .cl‘h . by
committed in Columbig county, PL. u‘gémnn
having mannered her thrpe ltcp-childreu,uged
seven, nine and Nut-teen years. 3 i
fi-The programme of‘the administration is
laid to be:;A vigornul prosecution of the
war ; Maj. General Hooker to attack Richmond:
(he had better get there (inn) Rarencrnns to
be henvily reinforced; Vitksburg and Port
Hudson to be ntucked by overwhelming forces;
the Mississippi to he clenred of the‘enemy;
these plans failing, the Administration “ill itc
cept the mediation oanpoleon and rhrognize
the Independence oflhe Southern Confederacy,
they agreeing to gradual emancipation. This
is what Bennett lays.
a?“ is reported in Wanhingtqn that
this committee of way! and would have
agreed to recommend a huge incfpase in
the m: upon whiskey and tobacco; in the
case of Ilm former at least 50 cents per gul
ion. It is also reported tlut Mr. chasewill
afik the committee to reeommmend an in
cream upon each article sufficient. t 9 make
the duly $1 per gallon and $1 per poubd.
fl _ V . ._ Tarmvr , wwwm__,_., , ... -w...wwv,.rmy.
’nn-t 1651'" t.\ A BATTLE—The rein-1T _ WAR nws or Tm; WEEK. ‘
Gvnertl l'flol‘ croswd‘the Black‘nter on the. _ “"f l , :
night ot_ tlu- 23m. will: thrw regiuieirgn ut- in-' 3““ "WI Puts? ngi 0’ ”'6 ”(infalcrazr i
fnutry and fire (lulu-had h..ttuhulh ol' lxtthnlr)‘.' _ J” If" Aviator}. ‘ 1
nine hundred “Hm." null-fuurteen piecel 0t orgl’r‘ftlp;gnn(ti.l.n:‘::'3nflV3-flflnunh l
. . , n. a r '
.uillery. On the ”‘9“ mghthc-nerult orcornn; tho Fetlethg blncltxuliuu VNHSinfi‘Sfiéofiafi
under orders at (.mornl Pt‘vk. anced to bar. It i 4 stnted that a Cvmfederatu “and
meet them, with six regimen” ol intuutr}. one furor, consisting of two iron-01ml gnnh'nau, “
9‘ cunlr)‘, find two bun-tics pix guns each] accompanied by thret‘ itgnmeri. ntnwulom ‘
r m ...m. v21:22:.t;':.,::;?:;“:::;a“ :g‘l*;'::;&'";" m: ;
_. , .. . L ’ . l at an. 1
ml" from iuffl‘ms 031:"? 3 MFA forum?" ' sunk two of the bl!)ckaulinz fleet mu] «at. y‘
“'9 hundrt‘ - "I [e ""m‘” when 'd , tour ofhen on Hrsl and drove the rest «war. ‘
bang-icy, when they waned. Ind hula; p'er- The Gmt'mlumtm wnrd under mmntnn'll ;'
f,“ command of mo upp’ruuch. anhme‘n sum-r. '0! {lnmmmhn‘e Ingrnlmml l 4‘ _. 2
ed much ; lmthy changing p‘ositiomund ndunh- ' ‘l’" Pngngnnentcnmmonoel ‘l‘ o'clock. ‘
. _ . . _ » . The Pulnwlto State, Will) Commodore in
mz PM?“ "3 "'9 may”): {1“ "3h?" ”'9 ' graham m) hnnrnl. upenedfire upon the Funk u
”ck, annthnr pnutmn. gnu-h Ihcymml gunlxmt Mqrcmlimfl carrvim; eleven ‘
m tort-ed to fave. Tho,- lwe" than ‘ gum and one hundred nn‘d fifty-eight. men,
Fross the river. when it wnh dimmed “MC“ “'5“ ”"9" hunt: in” fiVé fathom‘ hf ,
um our mn'ahould' returfi to rmfip’. “ xii“; ‘11:; “m'xfia‘ht :‘fillan “fulfill?!“ {i
..~ ad .Pnnwmtnmur
'P‘“‘9“"f ”'9 “’s'" 'R'K‘ZP‘ “- “:"':' remit-ml. 01.9 ulmt [Jet-gm! hor boiler. 1:11.: ;*
fight. (,upt. Funk": and (um. Gilli-ting ole-Er thrnuuh. >oth Stellwngen u".
7ampalniri were ntmchrl t 9 tlm 6th crew were paroled by C mmodore Ingm
..J|etts. and Capt. Plnnk'n find ('anL m"?- _ , . ‘4 '
Warren‘s to the 13th lndimm. Kane were 1 , (fil'pmmmlt'l‘tztpi‘yenfo“'l‘
. ' a ‘ ‘v I .
killed. we are happy to state—4lndh buchre Raal‘»'l'i::'dftlne “mm?“
wounded, and they only sliglrtlg. n 1: (Jnl'ni'l'h'e hm" "I“, ,fl on‘ fin
Uulders, Adam Spindle M" Wilson hron‘n. 0!; and lmuled down her flag
Comp. .\., (Curt. Funk’u,» and [tunic] Form-y afle'rwnrd-I rnnnugml tn 31
and “'nihingtou llnukey, or ('nmp. R, ”Tupi. o"""h‘f9L 5"“ "“3"”? “1
‘Gillilnnd'M It wac‘thunght all wouhl he ilylev' . IThet ?:'n‘:{e:e°r;'l'f M 7:
‘tu resume their duties in a day 6r It‘wo. Uur :Etfifi‘vnlgrkltlfd“: {1,2239}
troops helnp’rd with grenr’eour-uge. ll'he ltfith nu and .Cunmulugnn. l
Reg. P. M. retused Wlmu urdércd to go intu [fir " Upon the {Warn of the
“3m! “73‘ "l'""°}t . . ‘ lt‘nuh lathe} lnulgilnn wh:
.\ «mm» m gm xew mt new gin”: f::fi":‘;]:‘_f‘:):‘:;""‘I‘l“;,f;"'~‘f‘
the total I u on the F—-I_lol'l|l aide at! :4 kill”: “I". blgpkmhhy: amok. :1
Mid 3') “WM“‘L‘N‘M‘ 'Ol "0! dated, ‘lllfinflhem. pronnuncwl tho
‘suplinafld to be heagvyu . 'I . ‘in tiwir np'ln'tnn. (‘vunm
It 'Thr llomld up, the fight, nccinrrml by: and “”L ”y‘lllll‘t‘flilld..flol
“Gunfight. curly (in the nmrninuJ Culnnel "[l. "I"! 13"“, {"0“ "I 3
Kno-llter, ol ‘lho 167th Pennsylvania R 033. ”'9", mm”! “ prut‘htnmti
'wus dunxerunsly wounded in the lyip hf u chuing tlm hlnrkn'h' by th
.p'n-cc of she-11. Cnnluiu Tartar. of ‘u- llilrh snicl (-ily «yl' UlmrthOn, NZ
New York, was killed, and (lemon-l Turtnrnu 'hv the «ulterior lurco a!"
n 1 ~dc A narrow cm-upo. (‘wptain lllimlgutt ur'Statm. from and alter the
his stun irns sl-gl Il\ “numb l. l - SA, D, L“ H,"
l :(‘an Kt-llyot'lhr mm. .\'l-\v York wushvnnmlcd 'l'lu- ('nnl‘ovlprtfl a: claim
in the urn], nml nnlpntntiuu is thnnght to ho ‘lnm n mun —tln-xr haul"
necesmrfi'. Anmug the «Itli‘u-ers wuttnnlml la Hg,l,pk¢“',hfi..' llmy flute
.fimt. Load at the llilth New Yurk,;sliplul;: “(mp “hm“;
[Adjutant .ljrlllnn. ~nnu- rvgirn‘nl. slight!) ; . Onlfilm-hn’ [\vnntv fifth
: Liam. B tilt". ll‘lh t'rnueflmniu v t'nlrir, flight? ,M‘ , wart-«l. ('uniflnpr.“
I": “WM" A‘lH‘v “' "I" "'3’ ,l-s-z:\‘k‘hu,<v'lt:-. (‘lnl‘l‘mlnn in ll"L ”M that." \
L'rtrntt-Inmla “‘uml find \‘lnnl nl ut *le sumo . ' I '
. . . a . r . : farm-‘4 .‘lt-nr-m. At Um
aregunvnt. Jul-Ht: Harm-Ho, «l the bth .\,l{:m-..- “m nvn'm tlmrnutrhlv lllm'k
(-hu-elts. was lulled llrlu-l unugn‘l-a hf Intnr- .’1 ~‘ -. ."
.nmlinn stnte llmt l‘ul. Pulp. uftltc sth Yirgin- ml ”I‘m-dud" lytu‘.’ m-ulv
'in‘n-ghn: Ill.\\’.ul kill-d. .‘lnnflu my “1,“ "uri- VWWl‘.' An uttnck upon 1
Jm‘onts engaged m-ro the .ch. cum]. in h. and “““m‘r'ly “31“““,“"'.. R"
22llh'v\"lr;_'itll.'l n-gxmcnu. Thenbclakuriwd "'“W‘H'”! ”."f """"']“"f“
zruinl‘nrvcinmls. ‘ i . I Mutt-hull nrrllhml tlw lmvxuv
fi’h‘ince \vrfiing Hm nfidvp, we hair-g «Mn 51
letter from Cnpl. (‘v “Hand In his h.‘ulllrr.lrnul
. ’ r v
which we are permitted lu make Ihr fpllmvmg
in‘léreslm‘g extral'h: . ’ ‘
V “The allrlk c mu- nri-r -lm| Mnnngel fin: lhu‘uk,
.0111! last: the mud purl 1 IF! uln-u- uuir'hmvfiy,
"bun! um {rt-L u hon m- mrv flzuf «n 1|)"
fgrmxud. Unt- ~|n-ll killwl mu! \\ twink-'1! Ilu’i-P
men about ten fer! frum um". I hm] find mm:
fuliglnfy Wunmlt-nI—AIL-under,\l.urt nu
‘ tho nose, [-rt‘ll) lit-ll) —u|:d Jaw-MI Kunming, in
film bmk—n limb or ”VI 01' (nymph-11p! pin-l.
fell on him. 111- is much Lcucr. Svucfiuffhrm
[many-mud)" hum. Un .mr sidn- '“r Im‘id "hum
,75 or am klliml null Kimmie-11:35 fur tlpmnlnr
.4116, Hu- munc- funmuso. , ‘ 2 4
g "I lune aim'e burn-<1 Hm! Ilmre‘ my"; N 4
Rifle-l nnd mmu-lul—L’T killed. thu- ’IJ'IIIII'I‘
'wocluwlvul. l mu 2.: hurem Ina! ‘M-ri- HIM!
‘rloso‘hy wln-ro we Im. . ‘ 1‘
“Sunt- u! uur Iteuigm-ut were killed: four r'r
five wrro sliglngmuuullu-L ll i~ x 21w?! nun
d| r that lmlt M th-Iu “rim 1: [ kzlll-uH h-r m
uéré in the (thLtNI [nll‘l utvlhcc'ugx-gc liu-nli'
. _ "-.. 3 ,
sum-s 0x l-npuwsmn‘ .\‘n-rl-.’S~\a
the sonsnu iur 5::le at p r-uw} pron-"y is
rapidly nppmacHng, Mun-n, I ~rgt~ numl‘y rs nf
:urolni.sor_v"lm!es am.- cxguun-ul. it ‘ll‘ay he
halt-rrsi'xng to flu- pnl-Lv En know Hu- Is‘hule’uf
Hump «huh-a which Ike 1.” "Lilia." iénpusna
upun sum-Pr nun-n. 'l' is M fol ow~z 1 _ 1.-
qul 520 t). 311!“ ' 3§ 0"
, ‘ “ mom 20f) = ‘ ' 1 '1"
" 200 "x 33m _ "\: » ‘ i 'l'-
" 331! {H s'o V ‘1 .20
H 300!" 7!.” - . I- :20
n 75» m Lnuu - ' i an
A 1,011" m ern ' I
‘l' L5OO m 2.30:; ’
“ 2.500 [0 smm
The penalty fnr \‘iUIHHIIEHII‘ bur in finer .rul
lzlrs. and the in~trumrnl it n-mh-rrd imnlul
And anoaruil. Tin-m- umnpu rnmhmxrnq‘wlrw].
we believe, fEnm (‘Ol. Joh‘fi L. Tnl'c. Folk-«lhr
tor this (lislrict. , e
. The qunuiu: urn prm‘LiuDl‘nf:uxmmlinmn!
t 0 the Ken-mu- Act: ‘ ’ ' . L -
" SEC.‘ 1. Empower; HH- aareunrq. fiis‘vynn‘
anon-‘0". (‘Ulu run. and dvpnn 0"!ll‘"'flr1“.:l"-
pnin!ed In admiui-n-r unlhn nr :IlfirvnnlicJ‘nlMfl
nllcmm-s ,wlu ro Ihr smm- "re rrquin-11. Movi
drd that om in: shall he charged or 10‘1““er
ed therofm‘. ‘ -{
S6O. '2. ‘nu-u-w m the cullm‘tiun of III! TM“
in (‘nlif‘druin mud Urcgm., gnu] is of no inn] M'-
L'lm-e hPre. ‘ g
Sul‘. 3. Prln'ialt-fi 'llml nnvitulrumom. I}!)l’ll-‘
rnrm, \\ tiling nr wtficr ul'tm‘y dncripttoh. ro
qitirrd by law in he'slt-ml-cdglmll l-r dry-um!
or hrl‘l invalid and of no rflort for the wdynt of
lhé pztrtit-ulnr kin-l («description of damp de
fiignnlml lnrdllld lleltnliltu the duty chm-pll] on
any tint-h imtrntnt-nt. don-umem. uritimly I‘pt
per, :rm‘idrrl u log-vi slnlltll. or Human. 34-ho
tjng: duty oi equal Cutout“, shall hn Lhern'
duly nflixud and used thump: l’rm-id ,‘ n:
the provisions of this scutinn .rlmll nut gin-h
to any stump npprnpriuml to tit-nut: the “my
cltntgml on l-rupribury Mliclu. :,
SIC. 4. Profit!” that all otlicinl instrnmpnlr,
.dhrnmeuts, émd papers. issued nr used by the
ofiicers otht- l‘nilx-d anlcs government filial!
bi- nnd hart-h; nrp exunpt lrmu duty. ‘
Sn. 5. Provides that no instrument. dhcn
lm-nt or writing. madr, signed nr issm-d, firior
to the lit at linrch. 1863, 'withoat heing nulyt
stamped, shall for Hunt ream" lu- dt-cnml innit-t
lid find of no effect. l‘rotided, that um knelt:
innrnmwt or dovument, rrquirml by; law {a be :
alntnyml, issued prior In the day "tint-said, qli-ll t
be lldlllllh'd, or list-{i m evidence in any (:01th
until a legal stamp shall be fixed theretufluud
pramrly cancelled with lhe'initinls of name,
«ml the date. And the persons dcsirinrr to me
any such inairumpnt. or his ngrut (u nttorfnoy,
is-nmlnorizvd in the presence of, NI: tour} to
sutmp \he sxune. 1
a'ln the Stntn Senatc‘ 0) Thursday,
Mr. Clymer presented u'petitinn from Bérka
county for the passage of a hm preventing
Hacks and InulMtot-n from enming into‘the
Slate. Thrw petitiom of the same charac
ter were presented in the Home.
Mr. Patton, of Greene county, preten‘lod
A preamble and remiutions meaning that
the present. civil war might hnvo been pre
vented by the adoption of the C‘rittenden
compromise, and tor the defmt m which
the dominant party is roqmnsihle ; that the
mu- has been conducted as a nimu. the in~
stituiion of siavery nhmv, am? not. for the
restoration of the i'niun; thnt'unless the
Administration recedex from its inflnmml—
tory proclamation of emancipation and re
turns to the prosecution oi the war under
the Conctitution, ii. mm hsvrno further
claims nlwu the loyulb‘mte of Pennsylvania
for men or for menus to carry on the war.
Laid over for a any. '
”Resolutions have been introduced in
the Indians Leghluture declaring that the
people of that State shall never be taxed to
pay for the emancipation of uegroes. Put
them through 3 .
fiThe New York Tribune thinks the
blockade of Charleston hm been eflvctunlly
broken. and that our Government must
give sixty days’ notice to the world before
It can be resumed. The New Y'ork Herald.
0n the other hnnd. does not sup 3 thzt
me Contain-mes can establish leyrgounds
for their claim. ‘
”Don’t. {nil to md Chugdler’s lousy.
oathroarthpagy." - ‘3'
vilthal nflivi‘nl infimnuliAl
win-d nf'tlw'opr-mnu of!
(Ilmrh’wxnn. II nMm army
“as uliqmrlw-l frnm ('lnn-l.‘
‘rnnvvying m thu l'll’ili~ll an
the pumv nnnnum'r'mr-nl.
W'Tlm r-‘portpnl Io~< 4:“
Imm Julm I’. Swim. nn tho
(-nllfilmM. Ahnmuighlmil
Inn. Limit. C". Yum pl:
mnnr n. in n ~u~nfi-c-ir«-lu_ u”
«uh». urtlw rim-r; urmmul (h
1:. Smith. and M. l'nnr OW-Im
nun" (If Friday \\’|“l'k‘ npx-n
ml Jiro- "hull lu-r. SM.- rum
swim. ‘ Thu énutmnmrm In
win-n Hu- glm'lum!‘m|
:m-l ulr‘x'ull ‘lvrml finvnndil‘in
)vl’iqllfi‘l“. 'l'un- !‘o-‘u-k 1m”
\vuumlml. nntl llu- Fr-lvr-II 1'
[ml :uIII fi'lPt-n “'tumvlml.
Sv'nilh'hnd mm I‘urM‘l uml.
gum. and nm- 1!) rh-lmu‘,
rcln la :u-o gc-llin% lu-r runul)
Mf'.‘ {Numb-h tn :I Riv
dnlv- that :l"””l“l‘ nllm-k w)
.‘ll‘.\“i~h'l.llll ”I" ”:M‘vhl'r‘
vmmuh. nn Hunting by 1;..-
itnr “4 nlnuk. 2u~~inwl by
and "mu nmrtnr lm 1!. Thu -u
mun-HI in (1m nmrnx’ng :m
Wu; L 51): n . n'flil ‘unm lwh
amvrnomh, \vh-m My? {"mhtr.
:lr- w. .
(hurrah-Mm whit-M frmn
purl tlmtlinuprd \Vlulnlut-f.‘
id a “‘0! Hf‘vhwmv 5w Full
un (hr-J‘unflu-rlnn'l riw-r, :I‘
lirv. nil. VI i-luy wwflz. I'l'ludi.
pun'n-llhy nvn minim-nu m;
frum .thvrllv. on Sui-m
“'lu-I-lvl'fi (-'u\'.llry ‘clu-drnyml
mnl fin: mm m anflrfln‘hum
yu ml 01' (WV-urn turn.
H- n l‘rynr. (‘I-lllnlulialvy nf
nuns in ”w rum-n 1 annui-
Nzu'kwaivr. ("u'llh Hull it~w4|
tlh- s'9”!th furn-:1. nn'l Hull
Ins-v filly 'm killml .- nd wmm'l
'Hu- "\an lrum-|':ulm-.\h
Fur] I! uwlmn mu "Hm-km! --
day morning. and 1m: 1)»- I
gnimv rm nt i’nwu‘u-lm-k l’. .‘I
mmm m-w arriving. ‘
'l‘lp- nfmfing of Mir mun] n 6
i< puny-whine. but Hm- l'unfl
[-lnntml n hath-1y nppn~i_t9 it
wlm-h mmmumis it. Gun. (5
rwl thorn- (h-n. Ltmgqu-v't i
gone tn 'l'rnnp-«en with thirt
Gn—n. Ro-onrrnns lmn i9~uml v
dim the iv’ue of passes to civ ‘
9| south of LnuisviHP, and that
as imliclutivn nfnn intention o
r: mow untim‘. opt-mtiam at. an)
Large reint‘nrcvmynts are 'mn
'Villfl at. Luuisville and twin
South. ‘ ‘
A dkpnk'h from XthjllP-l
camp of (anfmlvrulm at Midrll}
milrs mm: of Muri’mwlmm'. -
and captured on the 'Zml‘in-tv.
comma’mlmg and all his office
yrimnerfi. I
The Alabama k roymrlml t
mu 0“ the mouth or’tlm Misal
bt‘fnrv but. l
The Confederate "Hm-k on Fl
prov? to have been a failure.
dee 3‘ lmflerien was cupmr
nßei-wurdn retake". The Con:
‘ia reported at. one hundred am
killed and wounded and fifty
The Federnl loss is auppoaed to
formy and filly. The Uonfedc
Pest was among the wounded.
lt‘is stated tlmt Gengral Gra Huts ordrfl
rd Grn3rni Mt-Clernand to [euro Arknn-m. \
became that Scale belongs to bother Dev
partmo-nl. In consequenm 0 thin, there ‘
run he no furtlior‘mpturo» mud on thcAr
knnsas and White livers. by tbel forces tlmb
Io dbtingulalieil themselves “i” Arknnms ,
Post, St. Charles. Duvul’s qufl' and Des
Are. It turm out to be wholly out of 0!"
(ler to achieve all lhese vict ‘rim. The
fort: were destroyed. the guns Jere captur“
ed and six or seven thousand prisoner.
Were taken in violation of re Nations.—
General McClei-nanrl, in goingtieyoml the
red-laps boundt, has been guilt‘ ofinsub
ordination‘ and he must get bani MI fut an
posfiible. All this looks very nblmrdl Are
geographical line: to control the hammer!“
ol‘aur armies? 19 n corp- belohfging to one
military department forbidden to operate
against. a hmlile force a few mil 9 over the f‘ ‘
boundary of another departmenffi If such
is the peremptory and positive regulation $
in our army, the sooner it is modified the
better. A military force ought to be at lib
erty wfight an enemy what-ever it can find ‘
him. As it happens. the only important
successes we have lmd for nearly a year, in .
the Southwest, have been obtained by vio
lating regulations. Let us haves few more ¢
such 'viplgtions. and the country will be
bemtr Misfied.——quml¢r Intdligplur. ' ~
*——— -—-- -«o»——————«« . '
‘ flit in states! that. Burnnldo ruenuouso
ly and persistently mainland-{tho rainy . k
stntement of Gen. HcGlellul qMCom-n . j
nimder-m-Chiel‘ of the army - tie PO9 ~ i
lobar. ".' = - ‘ ‘V "véfitfi‘v‘hfl ‘
«u. l . P
‘luimrn, reports:
"boat and the!
Quaker City,—
.hy the Chicnm.
to surrender-I‘m
capo. mingnnlx
rinnsly dum‘nym I.
mling fleet nu!-
wk wM thirteen.
-,‘ the Susquehan
Jnnferlerale mm
rvm. the Britiuh,
< were taken out
:11 anchorage of
If having "film"!
‘hlnckmln raiiml
I low Iliumhmn
mundmg the nu
lmt «lvlmrmynm.
n. “formullyduw
A I'. State: nfllw
(17.. M 'lO min»!
the L'nnfiulvmm‘
#l,! of .Lmuuly.
In! “my Iliol not
0! )v'n'in: In-v-u
Im. l-‘mlcnfl lms
Mm-kmlnr- hm!
nllvim-d fruul
nrt- rvm‘in" at
tun“ Um nun
11-Wl. tho Fwd-~-
flf Ih‘t‘ “(huh-n
m cilv WM mn-
Innnml pup-r 4
-. Sut'r-flmy uf'
I hurl hucn rm
)0 Hm-kzull‘ at
mu In .\' mm
hm'ilio-s llwm
m th-rll gun- W
Sh-nn river. is- *1
<frnm¢7|nwluu ‘‘,
ml twenty-um» ' ‘:
ih-liinunn 'l4) 1- 1f
‘ 211 mm.” .Inlng,
lin th'n- qu-r- E
I] n cmuwnlm- r Z
'eal “nth ’-rm~|- §
ll’ll hlh- Judi". :
alnwn ht-r ll . r '
lily, nil'l I i I
My ln~< :It mm
41”.”;1!” I‘ll- <
T :9} J Jun l’. ‘ _
t-n mzhl IMP.“ ,
luumlm. Tum
Invui-l pm ‘l‘
”HIL- nn 1’ wt.
Iw-r. "Mr *-
«Ln-dud mun
uur glulhuwt
“Jilw H «mm
.lh-- fiflnlmfl
p'n'lrn-k in ”I“
V t•1-si,11
ii'vpnmwo rm
ml trunufim
l tluvlT-hv'l
g wn- "rm .5;
nm'nw rlmén
m’.‘ Hvlwrul
n Innnmuliru
mpturwl Hm
Hm Pnn'mln—
will on H..-
’ n unnmuu nt'
Hwy dill nnL
Kn. it that;
-Hv nu Tm“-
i’l' ““u 4:".
i r Vivkuhnr:
L‘rulm hm!)
: lmn-r null,
am hm :Irrl—
i "Ilill In lmvn
'lpll hrigulml,
v r'lvr'i Mrhi~ '-
inm in {.m-
Lmt i* tn '9"
w his part In
mrlv day:—
‘inually ari-i
hm.- Hm! n
tbwn, fiWJ-Hl
n. surprimnl
The Minn»!
» were made
; have hem
ssippi mack
r; Donal-1m
1 One of the
i l. but. mu.
edergm Imn
_ 363:). For-