The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 02, 1863, Image 3
31390151 ”moo-u. New Jersey Land. for 331., um, Gun“ o'- kam' PM“. suitable for Grnpen, l’elcllN.‘ Penn, Rmubcrrics. Srrnnherrics, ‘ “lm'klwn’ieu, Dumam kO,, of l. 2), 5. 10 or 20 mm enuhnnl the followimz price! for Ike )frPu-nt, vim 29 acres for $3OO, l 0 acres {or VSHY. 5 acres {pr $BO, 2} ncrcs (MSW. 1 Here for >26. Payndhk h) one dollar n week. Also. good (‘zmnhorry lnndn, Indtfillnge lcls ing'aersvouh, 25 by 100 feet, At $lO each, l'“.""hl!‘ by one dollar n week. The llmv binds and ram” «re shunted at Chelwomfi‘ \\ nahinglon‘mwmhip. Burlington county. New Jewry“ For fl'rflher Informtuion npply;wilh a . s‘. 0. Manny, fur a circular. to I ‘ B. FRANKLIN CLARK, ls'n. 90 Ctdur Street. New York, N. Y. l /' Jan. LN}, 18M). ‘ ' ‘ l \K‘R.—¢coo>-——- Conghs‘! Cpnsnmptlon.—Sufi'erers ! send ON: “on.” mmr. HUNGER, Baltimore. Md.' «ml rem-He, by; remrummil,n box of his WU)"- IHAIRFCLLY 'HEEIHXG CERTAIN CI'RE ("INSIHII’THfF COMI’UCSD. A box lusts six’M cukxl ; [Jam 26, 1863. in: 4““, —.. A oath to the Buffering. 3 The Rev. “’ll‘J-lAI (.‘osuuovs,fihfie laboring mm Mhsionurfi ianpnn, fink-lured of Con unmpliun, when all Luther umfih‘ had failed, by u rmipo ohtninéd from a learned physician rc ’, aiding in the grunt. ('in o! Jeddo. This recipe ’11:“. mm! grant numbers who war; suflering _ Irmn .l‘uninmplinn, llronclutis. Sore 'l‘hrunl, (‘nuglm null Colds. and tlfc dcblllly unnl nervous depression cnusml la) th-fe xlisnrdvr=l ' . Duh-«u at hencfllting’ others, I will sud this run-lye. which I lave brought home with me. In nll \» ho well it. frée of charge. . Addrcas licv. WM. CUSHHUVH, ' ’ 4-50 Fulton Avenue, ' Brooklyn, N.‘ Y. - Imus, 13m. ly : THE MARKETS: HE'I‘TYSUL’ 116—531 unnn' mu-r K'1rn1r........... Ehr F10ur...“ \\ into When. 11« \1 Wheat... (’I-x:{....~...... $13.0 U..l—‘ .....‘....... liuukwa-m "‘o\t-:.\'u(ul Timumv 5g‘c‘1.............. H4l find Play-r of I‘m“: ‘- Lu-Wr ground, pvr bug 1 Pork”... ... 11A l.’l‘i.\lUliE——Fu|m\' [mg-1' F1nur....;................r. “‘lloul . 1:30 ....... . . ............z "nrn....;..... "unit... (lnH "m 5...“ .I'lnver 5rn!.....§.... .. 'l'imthy 5eed.......... I‘u-q-t (Mule, per him/l lln‘zfi‘wé hund.:...... ll \v-....<.1.............,... \\":i5k0\'......... (hmn‘u, I'rrmian‘ ln-‘r‘lnn A . H.\\'|\Vl-Ifl-—Tnltusnu' LAST ‘ l’lnllfi. gram wngnzw ‘Uo. tram stun-s “‘M‘nt R\ o: .... 1 Porn... “ASL. t"-.\'or.Se-(HI.. Timtiflly Sg‘éd ‘" him-......” Notiee. 7 WW H. \s‘ STA {Milt} PZSl‘.\T|‘l.el.Pttor€ A- ;< f”lllllil|.~ll‘.-(;UH uh tho whitv of \'\l-lmlu~l A‘l-lIIII'FJI'I'III:FI‘.HII\HIII\\[Iuu‘d-lnhl()lll'l).l](‘- (I EM, Inning bl'(‘ll“_’rulllu11 lo the ll}llit'l’~i|_'ll ~r-L rn‘rling in ”w a nun tnn'nsllip, they hemby :iU- llfi':l'(’ m ull~ lfvrmnq hlvlcl-tml tn mid («lute lu Illilkl‘ imvnv-linh' payment, :Innl (how Inning I'luingi a: hm 1h:- smuc In; prv=enl ll'cm llr(llb(‘rl{ :InlenicJu-n! fu’r with-maul. , ('A'I‘UMCH Iv: STALKER, Add.“ ‘ [EI-Z'l‘l-ln Kl-l’l"rl«:.\l.\.\‘, Adm‘r. l‘uh. 2, 1.861}. at '. A Small .Farm T PRIVATE S.\.l.H.—'Thc <uh~erihcr QH‘Frs A in Prix-um's.l.. the SMALL mm! Le m-w: orrupioc, Nilun‘ler in MouuljnyVlnu'hshjp’. .Mlzuns_ cuuwh‘. mljniuiug lllllllp of >u-phrn 7' math cl. l-‘n Ih r 3! k Fulm-y um! whi-R. romain- X in g 25‘ Anru ~. mngo ur. lcu.‘ impruw-I 'witlr (I up“ lvo'n—‘tyrv Fr "me HUI'SE. new Hunk'Rurn, “"JéImJHmII umL ('urin ('rih, z\ we” 0! "Mer . tnilihg walu'r‘ul llu- d\\'rllin;:. {the “mm from \ “luii‘h'ie vummu! Sum lho "Ilru-ynrdll {no Uri-hardy; “[vhniw fluil. kc. The [and i.‘ unv ulx-r ‘goml lulmxuiun.lmvinghen-u \n-ll lime-l, mu! mnlnr udnd. 1- uriug. Thu lzu‘d is equal to I ‘ limnlune. ; V ‘ ifinu-flsiou'gfill be given on the (in! day of Apr“ ‘ mug. T- r—ms ‘omy. Apply. on lhe l‘rvmi-rj. JHNEI’II A. l)l{f\l)UlU’F. 1-3111.- 2, 1353., um , : : . . Prospectus bf .QCTIIID I(‘l‘F 99 1‘ , J ‘ l o ‘ ARATHQHL “H.“(NUL‘TIF‘_\'H\\ISP.\PER{ A ‘l. To be publierdJlafly am! Wit/:Iu m Illa ' u ‘ (in of ['JIImIrIp/uu, _ ) In" .\. J GLUSSBRHNNER k (‘O. A. I. GLOKSBHKXVER; ‘ FH‘SVI“ J. UIIUVD. WILI KAI. 11. “'HLP-H "11‘“ Ann" \vili :ulv’umtc the [lriuripies and pn‘irynt the lh-Inuqrntiu pin-132mm] \\ “Libera- I’m-é: n’eveseurfl) favor (lie ri slor It'lon 'of :hr l'ninn Its “in“, nnnl defend the i‘nnstitulioqu that lixiilcd,"smtes, mud that 10l this Commoti— ufrflllk. " . ‘ ['l .will "fieiy and fairly discuégnll legitimate subject; of new spam-r comment, 'including, of emirae, my] pro-eminently at. this time. nu questibns cmmvcu-d with the exisling unhappy candilionofnur country. : - It. will fearlessly criticise th_e pilhlic «its of public servants, and defend th'e legal and con. ati‘utionul rights of indwiduul.citizens and of Iwvereign States, against assaults from any qunfler. It will seek to awaken the mind; of the people to . proper some of the actual qondilion of the flambllc—to present to they), truthfully, the fearful perils in which we stan-l‘ns a nation— téiexltibit the magnitude of tlw msk than. is be {d're them, ifthey would chepk our downward Piggteas—nnd w ilispirc them with patriotic Aelerminntiun to .npply nu: “In“ for our nu. {ion-l ills. A i 'lnhriefiitwlll, in all minimum to be the hithhll exponent of Democrntic principles. and m render itself worthy to by an organ of h“ D'qmocmfic p‘nrty; mnder wlwse auspices our gojnnu-y prospefld nq‘ long and so well. The rel-tonlion of that party-Aha puny of the Cdntnrnog and.the Gums—lo power, in the lréfiflatlve and executive governmen taftmmche. o the State: and of the Union. we béliere m be necessary to Here anarchy. and the utter ruin of the Re'p'ublic. To contribute to that ream. ration {ill be our highest aim. . lee ‘ews, I.}lemry,_Commereial. ind other . dag-Imm", vnll recewe due nttenfiod’, and will be so conducted as to make " Tn: Au: " worthy of the support of the general reader. ”The mluy difficulties now surrounding an enterprise‘ofthe pagnttnde of that in which _the undersigned are engagrd, require them to 'nppehl to \the public for u. genital.“ support pad to nek for “ Ta: Au: ” a libenl pagan“; and extended circulation. " The present state ol the preparetory arrange. menti InrrenteJhe expectation, that the 5m pumber of the 1?:in WI“ nppur before the close 'pf‘the' coming month, (February; 1883.) Th; Wfl’! will be issued noon thcmfler. TERM S : r >, nun: _ P£nnynhunuuuu"...-......u‘uu an...“ S 6 00 «- < 15a10n1h5ruuuu...................:..... 3 00 “f . 11mg .Mouth-,............................. 1 50 who delivered Is the counur, and t 1 - 2 AM” 3nd Cumn,..............2 Cents ench. . ‘ WIEKLY = . . .. Pk‘unumpuu... ~:.....-......... um)..." . 235“: ”0nmg1........»...nn.minu5"... 3? :3 finerH0nch1,.........................Z... 50 7” 9,1,1“ m on nddn55,.................. 17 50 11...“, “ " " 32 00 A Thiay' ‘4 ‘ " "nu-...:UJ... 45 00 . fifgygent required humbly in minute , Whfififuzssssnwnn c co., .' ‘ V an treat Pb ’ fig“: 213863; in I “flaw“. i-f’gbhfiumt ,- ' » WW .‘ on. B. EORXER’S Drug Sum. r Receipts and Expenditures ; F ADAMS COL'XTY FOR 1862. ‘ 3 0 Commissioners” Office, Admin co., PA, ‘ Agreenhly 10 m 1 Acf uf Aucmhly. enlidtd “ An Act to raise Conn'y Rates and Levies," , requiring the Commission": of me repeat!" ‘connfies to publish a St.|lume’n£ of me “Main” and Expenditures yoarly, “’I, the Gamma: sioucr.» of Tnxel of mid Count-t. Report a Jol ‘lmu, to wit: frum the 811 i thy of, Jnugnrx. 1562, to the lmh day 01 ‘Jnnury, ”Ga—both day! inclun'nc: , ' 1 H. B. DANNER, 8311., Trcnzurer, Ind ll: Commissioners, in account with the Count; of Adsma,lu folio we: , ‘ DR. To Huh in hind: of former Tron. urer n: 159! settlemem. Ouummding County Tux" and Quit Rents in hands of Collevtors, 13,339 3‘ Faun/y Rum .s’me‘u aucuedfo‘r 1361!:- ' Bar. “Gettysburg, . $1,322 H . « ‘ u “ Quit Rents, ”5 0i 1 Cumberinnd township, '. 1,213 81 l Germany i “‘ 98! 44 Ox'ord , " ‘ 1.054 84 Huntington “ 1,:49 25 Initimore *. “ 776 03 . Humiltonbnn “ 1,104 8C _ Liberty “ 883 85 I Franklin “ 1.3 M 15 : Slrubanl “ 1.483 06 . 5 Mennllen “ I 906 42 ' Mountpleamni “ 1,290 .01 , \lounljny “ 945 88 v Reading -' " LIBS El ‘ Hamilton “ ‘ 945 I 7 -} L‘é'nnwngo ' ‘l‘ _ 996 7.3 > i Buffer ‘ “ 860 30 - I; l'hion “ 14199 82‘ i I Hot-dun! ~ “ 881 95 Tyrone . “ ~ 740 94 _ 1 H¢rwiik “ . 398 08 . 3 Herwick ban, . 222 44~ I: ‘; ‘ ‘LZlmzsfH Linn: from Bunk and snndryperwm, 5,980 in: Ahutmncnl 0" Hate Quota, 788 ‘8 (,‘*:h from S. “'0”, Sherilfd'ury fees for 1862,. ' ‘ ‘5l: Imm H. J. .‘Uyl‘r‘z~ E-q., donn “(ion of Witness ion in t'u.»contcst- ‘ I‘m] cleution ofJohu Bushay, J - 197121 (‘llle from Michnel Dellone. a :1 . :(ilherq, a. donation tonnrQs .‘hc {ere-i liar. ol‘ 1% rlin bridge, 5' P‘lih from If: Zloglvr. 15112. Adminis ! itrnmr of :“Vnflwiglfl Ziegler, in fpnrt an :u-(‘QImL ' (fffih fr'om V. k 3. \\'nrner,in full on mid Court ”nude, ‘ I \(‘MIL from H. G. Curr, in part on Undgment, . . ('.i.h from Anion Hunk, Aani'r of inilldlumnecr's eamto, I {'gish from sundry punch: for costs ; ’ '_ } ‘nmi finh, 1033“ l Alelixiundl tuxE from sundry persons ‘ . H'ur )suz, ' , I 1136 liiguuemu'd m, ’ . .' 6,11! qgun R 0915 nmiucd in formlE’focount, 1M 64 45 0010 6 >59 4 I.) 1 4” to} 5:) X 3510.] 4” OM .....I 50 m ‘2 00 IMM Ma 6: 7.“. m 7 (m wJ-m l 60 "H 2 ()1). ........ :m “H 001: 8:) £0 1;!» ......... 4'2 ‘9 75 7 no :u? nu ‘2 J: (n 21.1 G “H. 211“ 01." 5 .'>l' u- n' 2| ‘JI 'nImZJ U ‘ . ._~ ...- i . I ' $52.1m ‘44 i V . 5 ( ==::i.“:: T‘u- Outsmntling (‘muflfi‘ Tu! (and Quit ”(EQIFH Lawn-m- m be in the kinds oi the loliowiug jL‘qdlm-lma:vnz. ~ 1 00 30 'o' Kenn", Collecldrl. Burnt Twpm mi, Jnhn H. ”9.1 m: Huytmélun, H533}, >2l“qu Sauuvh Tynuc‘ Mid. H, G. t'nrrY (Pelt) .‘hurg. . n- -‘ 7.. t- Quit Rum, 1:.4’ ' “ \l‘Jucoh 1". I‘illcnturf, Tyrone, ' ‘ [5; 1.95:]. E. W. Subtle} Franklin. 1323' u 13,].wuh I‘2~llmun.,_\lountplens!_mt, 34:4: ”55!. hmmuo! Ziwglor, Gr‘lluhurg. - 411} 5- -~ “ Quh “en“. ‘73: “ Phinen.‘ \larsdrn, Mountylcusanl, 2d 4‘ Wm. Shier, l'niun, U ELr 1550. ILIL Armor, Gottyshure, ‘ 21d n u H -‘ ‘ wit Rants, 7] u 3 Juhn G. Byers, Germq‘ny. . 18d -‘ Wm. ()wnlou, Menunenb " 2Nl} 12E3 ME 1121 . 1 30 to 1 4U q no :1 I”, H Snumvl Del-AL», Tymuey'; ' l .1311 -- l‘hnnnucl Se"illiL‘lj, Reading, U), -- Alli-nu \\'i~ler, Butler, ‘ ls] nun. Julm L. llul!2“0rlll:+ Hmfi‘bure, 23“.? n. -- 1 -" Quit Rem-3 17.1 “ ’llajmillun Myers} Huntington. 20.1 " J. 11. lizmlugardncrfillmuilmnbnn,lBs .H E. llrm‘gh. filemllen. ' 7:) ‘- I‘nnicl (‘mhtuunxl- Sir-nlgfin, , 31g “ Ju'sopln Robrrt, Franklin, . 1 I}; “ DJMJ llermlmj Tyronv. ‘ ’ 1'1: “ ~.l:u:nes 11. (bums, )louu'jny, l 1: “ (‘n-n. lhker. llemliug, I l'l’.‘ f‘ Snfinwl lluniefi Bullet“ “ I? “ Joseph Kmmr‘r, Berwivk hon,» , ‘ mm. H. v. \thlcs, (-‘cll_v.~|:urg, 5 22, H u“ H H 'Qm‘t Re‘nts,’ 75 ‘- llnnry (‘lmz.-}-I‘umherhnd, l 67; “ (:00. Shl-clypi- llo‘l‘nmny, " . 6.3 ‘- Julm unineq 0‘12”le . 1,1; ,“ David W. Millers}- llumjnglon‘ l 836 -‘ Jacuh'SLiuoll. lmfimure. 0, ml -- Ruben )h-Cleal‘.f Humillonbnn, IHM “ 1-2. It. .‘\. Mount. Liberty. ‘ ,m; . “ Wrslcy R. LulLf Franklin, _ “ ‘ 76b ll Geo. ’l‘homntf Slrulmn. 5x3 “ Tb'onms lllogller‘ \lonnllen, , ' 2‘51 “ Henry J.llvm|er,f Muumpleasnnt, 555 " Henry Bé'ille‘rfi )loumjuy, - - 1:3) “' 'l‘hunms Ksyiykyfi Rea ling, all) ,“ Albert W. ~urm.+ llxu‘uillou, l 4:“; “ Nalhuniel Glttfl' Cunuwugo, ‘ l 37;; “ .l.u~ob B.'[.euse, Butler, ‘ 4n “ JEBH.‘ R. Wait-23* Union, ,l 42!! ‘- s‘ulomon Baker,* Freedom, ‘ , 9,7 “ Jofms Sinners}- Tyrnne, ' l #505 “ Samuel Brown,l- Benvick tp_, 1m ' Thnsé marked * [mid‘i-n full. 3 7T J: 1 Thou: marked f paid in puff. 1 1 E cu. , Bv Order: pail! anti aafollmn .' L ; Auditing and sol tli‘ug public accounts, S 2 J. l'. Net-Iy, Esq., Auditor appointed # hfithe Court to nuditpublic accounts, 1;!) Printiujz. blanks, km, i‘ 699 Sherifi‘: bills of Court costs, ! 37} lilerkjs pay, , i 206 Abatement mCollectnrq ofli per cent., LON Fox anti Wild Cut Sculps, ’ 20 Generul Jury and Tip Stuves' pay? 1,294 Assessers’ pay, * ’ 6-19. Jailors! fees for keeping prisoners and lurn‘key, Wood, stdne .coal, hauling, km, for public buildings, Repairs at public buildings. , . Grand flow and. Tip Staves' pay; ‘ . _ Prothqnotary, Register and Clerk of, 3‘. ' Sessionl’ feel, i 110 Tax refundtd to sundry per Sons, 15 Court Cryer’s pay, ‘ 113 Certificates of Constables' returns, 7 $5 Counsel fees', : so Treasurer of Aims House, 7,300 Postage and stationery for ofices, 191 Notes and interest paid Bank andeu‘u- 3 ' dry persons, 1 2,268 Quit. Rents paid .\lu.rcus_Bnmson, 5 1 Wm. B. McClellan,‘Esq., District 51- z ‘ toruey's fees, ' " _ ‘ $5 Wm. -A. Duncan, £311., District 'At- 1 ‘ torney’a fees, ' _ e 202 J. H. Marshall. Esq., Commissioner'l ply, 193! Wm.'B. Gardner, Each “ ‘ “ 193 i Ephraim Myera‘, Esq., “ ' “ 193 Keeping prisoners at E. penitentiary, Mi Snmuel Wolf, Sherifl', conveying pri- , i sonere lo the House of Refuge, J 113; Justicea’ and Constables’ fees for cm- , g mitfing vagranta, Jn-tires’ fees for \nquisitionl, Rain-ind Co. for freight, Bulking for public buildings. Jami: McSherry for painting Conn- vqgo bridge. , 25‘ 00 Bedding and clbghing for prison, 45‘ 96 ”edits! attendance on [SI-inane", ‘ 17‘ 50 Talegrnph Company. ' i 29, 00 Gal getaway, 4 v - 25‘ 60 Ad” 3 Couhty Agricultural Society, zooL 00 J. D, Bou, Sherifl'of Dauphin uouuty, ‘; ‘ conve‘yigg prisoner frowflatrilburg in Ge tyshurg, A ,17} u She‘d: 8 Bridal”, z “on: ad pipe 1 | for court. room, . ‘43' 59 Plunging two can: In 5:“, including 4 V' ; mnwrisls and work, . 157’ ‘5 Michel Rupp. court house keeper, 3 €35 0° B. D. Armor. messenger, . 3‘ 50 Special Court, ' 288 82 Geo. W. LllcClelhn, Esq., bolirding . jury 2 days, . . 2‘ 00 S. Wolf, Sherifi, for numqmngnron, 57 90 Geo. Winn for MIMI". book, 29 55 Bounty to Clpz. Joya lc'Cmry'l 09., 5,059 no “ Ctpl. James Walter’l 00., 3,8 00 -“‘ Clpt. I, R. Shipley'i 00., 1,05 60 .“ Anderson Body Guud, a 1,4 90 John Bub”, Sn, wiineus {cu in con; -: gum! auction, - 1 ,9 ‘J. C'. Nerly, Esq., Commiuiondr'l fixes in cqnu-‘uod election, j H. J, Myers. Esq.. witness feuiiu con» true-i election, ‘ Jurq‘h Tron-I, Esq..formc Trénurer. co‘mniisgion on State taxes, J J. M', Pimnmrr, mull-rt in run for ~,V tlfinowago bridge,” illy’u ill, 1,193 00 Smnhel Swufi‘cr. contract in u" for Geinowngo bridge,“ Bar's f rding, 2.3 n 00 Direfimn of the Poor, my, ‘3l 00 Ofice‘rs‘ pay lg. Spring Electioh 390 00 j~ “ . _ Fall ~ H x 5.32 NS Road d: ups and damage rim, 2::4 on Rrpnirtggzridges, 49:: s'! Ember-ti ‘ I to Cullen-ton, - 3H 54 (‘olléctoru’ Men, J 1,140 47 Uutgmndingwu and Quit P hnhdl of Cotleclon, ' Trenturer’s cpmmiuion, unlujnro in hands of Tyeunro: ‘ \ $234 5‘ ' 1' . ._._L.-.__,_..;.. Imam); r Acc . Bi BANNER, linqlflrensur 'mihsibnal, in ucountvwil Adunfil: ‘ - . ; DR. 0 c ah in had: of former Tr small} settlement, ‘ lu‘ylmudlngmelicf Tu in h Cdlleétdrs for 1861, mo'untof Rfilief'l‘u unned f ; ‘- Military fines uses ‘ uglier fund‘s, . a» - I l : “ ‘ 3 » CR. my fugnnt ‘of outstanding I , my” fvr n- ieffunds, ‘ Amq‘unfi ofo [standing Relief t‘ 1-210 mrntinn; to Collectors, (amt-“ms! {4:5, ‘ { Di<Hnr2einenM on relief-orders Trenu‘rcr'd iommission, 9 per " 1m net in h ludxz ofTrensurer, -I ('«sfimo 3: that the foryg-f I chei LI and Expendilu [ 111:: pairs: of the Trcamnr I) ty, is #1 correct. and true mid cmppgred with the n in 311211001“ of this ‘olfic sdl ourlhands and affixed ‘ ,xifi. Gétbsburg, che 10le ; f... t!.\ ‘ Iron ing I 1111'! nmc 135:} 500 w B 7 00 g i. WEI. n? GAR g ‘IL EI'HRAIM an 197340 11 As a ‘ new; mug»: i ‘(Jlémmisslonera ol . “Hi—J. ML} WALTER, Clerk. ‘ E Audltox’s Re - Elbe “bum-able flle‘Jutlv I 0:: Comhou Pleas of Add ‘9. nine undersigned, duly Itll' mull adjgm. the Public Him: uiul (‘omminnnurs mg hemi swam or nflirm «In rapbrl the following enlgntafisgrjd m-cuums, frn may), 1303:, m 1111‘ Lmh ‘ ;;—Hmtl| Jduys inclusive: Tre lun' law 315 'J an 18!; Inn. C}: ' :5 in tin} ;. “WEN. E:.,.. Tread" frnioner's, 'm uu-oum “11l du’lus: 1 _ ~ ‘ \ . DR. as?! in hand: offurmcr T lmsl‘geltlunem, :txlinding cuuuly nuns an -uls in hjuul; of ,(fulk-czur! mm: or {oumy tux und q: ! 503;st I'm- 18~:3, , ns frm’n ‘Bnuk and sundry 1 ls Elan! on Sum.- quum. h [rum Sum. Wu“, Sheriff. “3‘ H. J. Myers, I'lsq,, I f Vivimgs recs in the c (-ction ufJohu lhhbuy. Eh from \‘ileL-l Dcildn‘tjgm opalinn unkunls the ark crlin bx‘dgc, ‘ 1) (mm: ”on. I). Zh glcr. Sr W.-Zi(glpr, nu uccouut. h from ’. 5k J. Warm-fir, in d court! home, ' .h Arum: H. G. Curr, in 14lgxxlchfl, h from Bums Plank. Adu shy“; at “Hd(jlt‘ll|o§|'f,y ‘ .h 2”an [blindly pengns f: mummy. ‘ ‘ - nlomxl ktnx from sundry p mo’rauedhnx; - , ' 'iL firm; ommed in fonuér 1 -_ CR. ontsgndding taxes for l I H: u ’ IMI ‘l ‘ f u /111111 M: on cogniyord commissmu‘, , ‘ bursem I '4 eadurer have in! binds of Trmsure I= 3 j~ RELIEF TA: -, € , DR. I - ciah‘l ‘ hands of former '1“ I. thingtdement, ' l Mandinch-lief Tnx in ‘ ‘onectfz‘fur 1861, l ofimtb IRolief’l‘axnsscssed J "1‘ ' [Military fines assq relief Mnds, 1862, ‘ 3&9 34 1 1‘ ca. 1| tstandi g militnry fines f 0 1 “ teliet‘Taxiol-ISGL ésallow‘edCollccto-rs for“ ‘ onehg‘tiénn allowed Cola,“ ennui-ell? commission, 2 pei Ignoei hpnds uf’l‘réasure We, thefit‘ ersigncd, Audition of the Count? 0 A'dams, Pa sylvatniu, elmfted and sworn i I p mutant: or Inn db report. that we met, at n‘ dit, sett’le'and ‘31:“ necdr‘ding to law, t arcopnt of the Tr'ens rer and L‘Qmm'msioncn df‘ a4id' county; commencing 9111 the Bth day éf hungry, way-sud ending 0 the mt. day ¢r Jhnugry, IBGBLboth‘ days indlusi've—that snip Itcaunt, M lettlgd above 3nd ientered or. recorsl iii settlement book, in lb ' Commissionerh' oflice nf Adams county, is mart-ct, Ind that «{e fipdnhglnnce due Cuunty bnyreuurer of lii teen hundred and ninety-twotdqllers and thr 4! cents, ($1,692 03,)“.150 6nd .5 bulance in hnn I of Treasurer of Belief, five hupdred and eight, - six dollars and sixteen cent), ($586 16,) due the County by Treasurer, nn‘d in Outstnndi g Tues, thirteen thonnud eihht hundred l d lixty-nevan dolhrs :nd ninety-three ceu , (813.367 933.1...) four thoufund m hundrit: Ind leventy-niuo dollun 3“. sixty-four cen Belief Tu,(54,679‘64.) i i r - HENRY DYSEBT, 1 PETER DIbK. ; , J. 1!. small”, » 5‘ Feb. 2, 1863. 4t 3 “anon; 90 68 28 09 Cannon 8: Adair’s EW MARBLE WORKS,‘CoI-ner of Bulfi mor‘c Ind East Middle} nrteu, opposi'le 0 Court House, Genysbn‘rg, Pa —We are prepared‘lo furnish Monuments, Tombs, Hey]- itones, liarbla Handel. Slabs for Cabin“ Makers, and’nll other work appertaining to our business. We will guarantee ntisfnczion bath a: to execution and price. Call nud see our design and specimens of wotk. Feb. 2, 1863. u Making Room OB NEW GOODS.——PIDKINU is selling 08"“ his old stock of‘ Full and Want" Clothing, It, greatly _ reduced prices, to may. roam {on his Spring supply., . ‘ g ‘ XD' 3| “1'! time to vbuy chm. " ; l , . Cull soon to team bug-inn; ! "hv .1 1.63- g j ’ ‘1 l \ ‘ . 2CO 00 1,7 22 165 40 IEIEI 13,86: 93 5 433 35‘ 1,092 on $7,2.t 58 44: 7 C N T , Ind the (‘om lhe County 0! r ‘ nsulfer L $2,133 52‘ ads of ' , 1,753 6? r1862,5,H3 0‘: ed for 3 1,2,1 50 $l4» s‘ll 7:; ilithy ,2 $2.16; ‘l5 x, g 3,514 9:. .3 4s 8: i ml 17 4.947 00 out}, ' ('8 1H ‘ sm; 16 ;• ; :ifi.:,2l. 73 3 Summer“. of vs, exhibited «L r of said ('uun-f copy, as taken igluul. remnln , “u have here: (hr ac.” hf sun! “y of Junum; , \‘Kl‘fi, Mus. 1 “AN, dnms’ county BI! H 01 the Chart m ('ouuj)‘: (‘L'lwl Audimrs .\&'l'()|llltt of the H. snul ( uuuly. ll flu rt-l-‘nhly lo 9 be In general flu: Sill day of I) 0} January. r. and tho (“mn ’11": (.uuul) ul' _ ' 4, 2 14 SD MU 14,,59 :t 7 TEE 2mm 30 honi,‘ 5,9310 lull ‘ ‘ :ss 3: 'ury_ {ct-s, '23 H Illdlinn . l ull‘h'l'd I , 1. 7 2'2 othnfi. nun uf' '50.01 M!!E 500 riq full fur IMM mm on , 107 00 i- [ 'I r l' ”4..1 ' m 3 01 nuns, 1:: 3|} 0; 2‘ ct-uunt, H 5 0 -| I, .$3 5 :45“, ,r 5. '.~57.- 2:.7 ,2. ms, 611': n 5.71:. and .5 20.0, 1.198 0 'sm, ~2,18'- s': mm, ’ 8,879 9- 5.16, as 3:1 858, A as 24 mu, 10:. :0 560, 340 33' 36), ~ 535 31’ 33:5, , so u: 835, 11 3.1 35.9! 35 9'; 560. ' ' as I: am, 12'» 2 r~, 34.707 61 4:5 3 , 1,692 03 EMI 41.32.1584} easurer E _ $2,123 5? Hands of , . 1.753 6 nr1862,5,413 o ined‘for ‘ 1,231 5 $10,521 7 ‘m l \ 1362, $1,164 6; nd1862,3,514 u, ME i u 48 a} cent, 98 9‘ 5861; 310.521 7 F 1 AVJ w»- ....~ . 11 .T uhble rm~-~ ~. _ ~ _-. ATE 9“? ' ; ..., ’ "I h‘ \'‘ . ’ ‘l—Th . "‘ ‘ ‘1'“:‘1 . ‘p‘riute 5, mg 1? 'Fcyuhm: fin .e '“b'cnbng Grand J o . 1 4, "31”., ‘O6 .\ ole, lug fin» hlpm "mm. um." ‘ 01hr ”Unm- 1 .I 1 ~ ~ ...-“ . -.' ‘ . I v .1 ‘ rv« _ “lemurs"? nfurg ”11".. “it? lull I’.”an M I Uul'lg (,1 «\dzfn‘h" Judgcf oflhe ... , M”m Ih' A ‘‘ ’ ti ’ ""1" huh‘n ”“l'l'un-m. 1“E Grand “wuntr;.' ‘ ”"11. Im. ~ f 9! 21 '“‘ "91.4. Incl, and and" - X Men 111 m” (Inn Junufirvs. . human,”- ('1: 11 ll- Tn (:Ul.ll\|\\‘:q' My! 71F - mz,‘ 1:17.?“ firing omg,” or 53:? Jinch’flu iixhsz‘?“ hm" r'ey‘otrma'i 0." 115541.33. §:""'~“1r°r “T SANlSUV's‘df'" '1 ‘1 heack’ ma; - ° Illprove c ruin- 11:2 Hm; ’ 111% II o~ -‘ ““ Mpm.‘ ‘' 1 “Thu ‘ " VI-‘d't: “ Two no mentg k‘on-igg u ‘nd Jail "1 "filled 1.1, - AL] \- ‘F , ‘ «TABLE Sl’li ‘ ‘ '3' B'ivk- of 3 (Oman lh °' the (‘ou 1 E Jim; _‘' h“ (:UUD‘v 1 (Nu-‘l‘ . 371 l'l‘h ‘ . (lied HOE—I ‘ F i e, found C. , "‘3’: ”1.1 I“ CHE '>- 5. ALI, ... IK\D A PF: odmhdfiofhbm-k Knlchen 3032:: s::::‘": bandinfl‘zgu‘alng ‘Femuml fur $3 1 AP! CHE/w! CHEAP! 1"”? LIKE; “E"; “x” fill 1”!»de enswc'm" out- . . 1!: "Mendel“.e 00d 1’- nhd 11,. . "HIM: G 1 1 .“'"' I'm; {v—To "l‘lll‘ln ll .‘1 Burn \\ - "Ulld; e huua' .g - .\l [l,. g - general 011 mm P”w “1, d 4 -‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' .n.,. n 1 1:171:13‘I12 acres 2? 3:2o“ng the lmrul.‘:|'r:c" 'ould inlurel:1::::?rs:° mflke uch'iingml-PJ [Mug 2:; win”- 0“ the 1.33:"; 53°F! A! Sun: 31‘4" "*1 Ike lira: :fIhIPI‘F-lk: ‘l‘ . «11ml, 1. 1' ‘)\'e a, ,- ~-i- (‘I- eepiu lan-3;," 1.1.1 Pl 2 my,“ I! .in den ..1 1 1 ' ‘_y n ”My” nOl. sold M5llll 1 e “1““) 1 “ infill qulerfi but“. it? graflmonm. lowly: ’11::‘5Iml which ‘l‘xelnégifi :tfick‘fi 095;, ““313“ {um-32:11:: "lUMAN l 1" Public 1‘“ e 11112- 1 ‘ .1 u ' 11111 All ‘ “'“1111- wb’ .1 10111111 ..n x. B«1 wk 1‘ or! n 1 IWllcllwill I‘A'i" 0“ Sn]: 1,; 1M _ 11 W.“ 1,, n 4 olb 1,. Sh um “Ole “:1. “-111 b “yen. 11- 1‘ C: so ..[mpulnr m 1d” . ‘ ‘ ‘ “It! 1 2611, tiny ~ ~ Job nth. Ja - r 2 ' .'3 rOund m ”Fflssuflm. mm 1U! . ‘ Iczne 111.1 ”H”; “d arm‘ i pf. mil ‘Ol “31ml " “u'lieh Fob lunk 1'" the buy, . “do ofthel - ,lm,F , .mfl'i'umli ‘ 1 - . . , . I no I', . "all ‘H u. I "h . “Linn“. . )fl‘ Ell"- .IT B l . .Hg. FTel’nl's ,0n the qul “I I“ fnm Emnulq" 1 ”Mn”. killer" .. . omm" “In: 01 11, . , Cong Tue: (1‘ . “"114. _ , 11" IS an I' . nude known dry-3,“. o%:‘liiburg, l)n,_F_-' 1 1:035; ”finner, ' genra 'xcs'g '‘l F oer (fififflqu‘f a’tarll-i‘zfitnhmg "I 3:: ': “Ind Almorlxfilr‘d 1;" 1 . Inl -u. ..' , - g . . . ”-lnn. 261 1863. “F 111-.5“)- n-‘NV JR I ' 'nméglnglelin; . Jficuh flimnmh ' 2:? Loan}, 3:35:33?” ‘ , F’k'FTi-c IFFy:-;:::,YE1 ""‘F Mel "‘2'“ ~- --1. 1' '1 ' ' 1111;. “.1 1,1111 1 . 11....131151 111111 - 13.111111111111111151‘111‘12511111 _ —-____- .1 1-1- 1 . ..I -11 v .n ....- .1. ‘s - '1 Fl *O’ncg T 0 £3l tion. “'7 ‘F 3 1135;113:1551?“ ' 11111133723 1 :1?“ 1‘ lnr'ze 3;;lLls’l'll'F. i°riHFncroFe:::.:il"s‘“'°dv In Fai RE PPR 1' a“ 30 I ‘-- ’ \Vnsh‘ con, 1 F "F" Hindke -''‘. , F - 7' H"? l‘nm I~‘ ““KHDM fined h.l 1 1 HRS _ l 863. ”V'IOH u. 11 Glow. "he“. Rock! 1‘- 1 F‘ M}: Il hu ‘ ”Thy ‘ The u_¢ 11 B 'Flll. y_. S. S“. . 11""; u [l, n‘ ‘1 1 1’” "Imm Funny!"z °'.‘"FllrWise 3:"! a”. ”rm“! 2: 'm'm ' Fr ’1 - F 1 ‘ ' "m'fl. l’nrtp‘FFldm‘t ”Pm-"“5111 Funt nqu’i: ”V" "' ”(111431 ‘1 1| ~lsm . ' .-—._ ,c - -e= .1 n "”1"!" “0 lapa 'S 8 grams: ash G ~ pn” v oan. .1 a 11.orpu TV If Fh‘“ “Icm suFFmTFEh'P‘ “an-1:: '5l" "”"fi‘ TE “mow Emcel‘lem '' ‘ new??? “ 1”"‘1'1avom1F: k {.llll "W111i: "in: 5° “11°” ““‘dlemie' ere a much. 0 nu». ne ne'u ‘. 11,“: In r- 11“ "Anon -.c, 1 10“ 1h"... 11 no _l, . nu m .In [hi-a .' ’ 1 . . ndfl‘aumcd .‘ J URS 151" 1 Sega” T obe bum: . Fen .—5“ ‘lO lung, 1 . ”Bar ”’4 of - ““115,” Hit .1 -.1 lms 1»1 - « 1 film-c 1, ,"JM ... mu ,1“, dmgllui “9111.“ng litfll‘Avlll ”9,101., 101"”... 1' 11113311311191: “llllluz’regllllvrne.l 11",,“ 01:3“: "m“mmoérmm. ‘ 1 . “Muffllxt-‘FFFFIFFLFL 1:1,... ‘ I’ll. 11.11111111211111111111111‘1111.1131211: 111111 112.111. 11 1 12:11:. 11 .1 1:11:11 3" _ ~.,_' ~— I I - . . . L “I‘. H-_ wAs Ravi ~ - 101.95101 . 0 s'l", Elm] '1 100111 . {ln 11. 1:11“! . X 1 1 “'——.'.‘_ ‘, hls 5 k 1“ 1 357111 enum _ . way here‘ ““1 . Flllllcnse all . 28!.“ I,“,me “N-Ffllid if I Mum 'flkn 1‘ 1 ' . N'fic‘ "‘ "* ~~ .. Cheese, 31°30th ”3'55. 5118?}.21111119111011 nr, 155118341 .'-1511m50.¥:r5:;‘5(3 3- {hm-1 furgi-Z‘he 101,101,135” "9 not Ell-p. FELIZA FRIED? 61- 1 . (Fl‘n'dles Sn. l’ommeFlSlllt -‘_ln . ”(liaise-9.1 _7_ Farm-[s' Dec. 15 16 .., “mu", : : ‘.F“W.I 1“ k . tea web”! d 1 Fl Inlniumfim as {STATE—‘LHMr 1 Cami (flatnw. Brmm'swnrus’he; "m‘nsl’ith The {—7—l“ it", 1 -. lsm‘omh 0r sllllllosuil‘ll. ,0 c c?" 0‘ Hn-nnun u." “efflueorizntnsgfl’d: 1‘03.“:(105r "11'“ Willow mm. ' Film“: W 1 "1: F aglc Time 65 FE ‘ - F”°111.«.11195131’5‘7“ “11.111111 «an-:11! Fl-minfl ‘K‘enjF‘Zlllltp’rlA'dun'“"lllxlll;le(?e" brilnds; “'"FI :11ng Full" of [mafi‘d’té‘i’flnd F T it'lfntF-FECTIOX 0F MFG“ 5} war, 1 “31:?de For lh‘iml‘onunl u .1 in mg in “a . 'l' t" the u’l F’. " 'lO has ,1 11 ‘rs 05 $01111“ V 1111110111 (1 ‘ "L 1! and O ‘-\ 'l5“ 1), 1 H,. =1 'r-Imn__ 15"“: "mice 1, ”We" 10mm,” n‘c'filzn- “911' ”KT Nod; 11' ,1 . ‘‘ 1 "mlt‘lnnn's “1 PM! Fury ' “"‘H‘ ‘l' RHIL’IAR , - Ihel. 1 .l fOund - ° LIQLO .. 1 0 I|“:th 1' 1 ”11' harm rnro c ‘ UH.» State to mnk '3 MI “Nonqfimll’. W'lw c. 1111” m"fildc ofuw - - 111M131“, 1 He _ol‘ we . 11' Med. 1 1- ’o' .- ’l'” “Insanupun “Hug Lls' 9"an 11“" pa. ”Sled to “tilt ' 1 «DOWN-she B 3 ‘v‘lllesnfi 1: In 1 -lde'~'i‘le(fiv tl preu'clihmosy, I.' (“"F'Vtinugh Ined' .n. T .~ . . "lent. ‘ “"nN‘lli-' _ mndlesfiuu k' . npnn. . . 191...." th . “Mement "1,1111 . 10ngV ,1 l 1 ‘l'em’pl’o ”n“ “Erwin 11 y.l nm! "10% 1 “Hal 11,135. b r 1 ‘l5 tl -b IRenemlud . (beams! . . ynml mln one Turin Fm" "lithe .1 '-° F‘"""~‘ 1n 't" “"111 n— ‘ 1‘17““ van-1 1' 3‘ 1 "1“ Will - ”mm“ nu- ‘ “'F‘c'l'lo'e'r Mug-$ll,lll "" ""“he . 1 , cam! 11‘", I I’lT‘fm 1 mp“. .! “£1059; lm 10'1" ' "I’WIOrF {ml 'nn H 11m} Cm .‘ ' 9‘" Offered or 1-. .. '1 1 "l‘ ”I 0 Fin-1- ' ‘J: 5.111 1 - fun-n.l, t. IICI “up: 131 .l‘ r 01l\) . l . UWn ‘.- . lneuedw” .I 2 11: Img. 1“”‘90115, . .lngtc "a": 3‘3. “.61 6tIII-.1, “1(0sz All3l, FlllWmlkng C 3 11:11:11.?“1” Sci}; ELFFISSQDWF ”relv‘FrndrFi-lfom‘whmcm' 22;: 11111-11111"): in lprmhmng “EFI‘oFIIFFfi.)RII‘one to . ‘-——__.,._l__ _ . . “'Whltu‘ - . article .~1 ,I‘ms. nr : ”nth Th ' ‘l'lug sk“. 1’ .~. ‘ ‘ “Wol‘bi 1 -—_~______ 1 F l‘ 801111" n “urrnm 0 ° ‘v’llnpoui 11: fasas « . Qn- Uhlbup q. . .. 1 4-4;” 1 Recon 1 - ..“r- 1' e 1011 Z“ Orlwom .011}le w. ,r - 113111-135“ . P”? L-‘WRVEggt-lge. 1— 1 Let Sucfi‘l‘-ull3;“1§ttl1e I)]ch to I’. ch 1: $13513“? fawnyulrl,cmll:1IIlIIF;¢111111-1101133:.) l will F 110,“. I-“ANDRAEF-‘l F}! ’ n minihlrnxlilA F 5 'STATE -l ' ' FCU'HFH‘T'L F. n W“. an [‘l . FFP’_ an nI .u "H "lOVclu <He im'll'or d I¢lrlll ; I”). ””9 Cm: runch . . I)" '1“ 11, 0s .» 1 action of, J. (1.11:0. _ ."" “.1“ b Mum” L' _ . c"'l"ndin 1’ (1 ‘. .\ 11.1111; “I . Luln C(nunt‘v.l:F:-u-T (‘Fnon‘flgren [FF‘xxlflf’lfvplusFLflß‘-‘ In, 191 1&3" 1F- h“ [ll' LEFSL'“, :- EEH'eJI P“? l-nFSJeolpzqi‘ 'F’liw, F..;f;:l:.u-lhl ‘h” 59F-\\'eodu¥‘:r:ixt:hn fwd." ""‘F‘T‘aned Ifcd. l 1», qr”; hN-n all”). Jdnmsv -F F 0 F . . 1 ”minute WatcheSl in‘n 1“]: 110 mm 530411.10“.F:HIFFF'mm""9 “Fluoslizlrwz' :ihill ho her;l;y[.l‘.ll"'-ill Momma???” to (he ’rnl" 3111 1; Sale or R nt Af—l M 1 fxpmpl‘sing In huv‘nl: Tomcéu hm“; IEFuFFI-FFFF"? [he inim'h‘“ 'lFFdi‘h - . L'H- '. nll ' ' “(L’ 1 f A. 1 _. l - ~ \v I_l~ r; ' . I=6 1. .1 .111 .11.. 1. I‘ll I‘ll ’ n IhUSf 1 ‘.~ " "mm-«n "' ”3 ‘enninlla\‘ ‘ S 11in ' F‘" fuunut . ”- DRUM-m 1 "' "'¢ty.—— qufl‘ ‘- 1 I "“"2 lower Funm '0 Pl’fse I‘l;an Claim {lt}: In.“ The b ‘ - M 11“. I'll _ 'IFIF"‘F"“’O m Lultem {mm 1.. In “(h-“u“ , 1111 "HF-c Illund~ _." 1 ml} ‘*l "gm - . 11:111.”: -_ .' ._1 1 0m; nl.. 1‘ 4 “use lflxl ,flpne Mame 11 . . dung”, roasctxlpmcnh éth-r‘fileruy "ml-mills:- H" 1“.““111 11111c..1;:e:{' h" ’5 f““1 §\Fu‘—XFHm"FL—i a ”VB” \RAIWP‘KS I‘m Arm)" ' Fin: land-I.“ pnm-m ‘0 Ilium-z "I" 36- 1363 (“H- LM’ 51101111, \d:,§.:ml‘F9m'3“r\ budge. F FF!" d” "‘ In a (I'o9. “"‘F' I. ‘ll “131108.11. (‘0 <ll} I‘l ' .tlI-1F llu ‘l'fl‘pd "”5 is ”u: '1”- " 'v-«A ' ' ‘I . -‘ ‘ 133‘s .Jr 1 ‘l .. ‘ ~.. ~; ‘ 'lu- . . .‘ ‘ VNL" l F‘Kmff‘““.“mwe<llnu.hrf,;"" “I: 01 1111;631:331 “1111-6. 1:153 5‘13?“ 1' John sFl~"‘\F‘lT’"§."- 191011111111n1 1:171:32?“ k m 11 ti :- 1‘ -1‘ .. can 1.1 . 1 on. :-1 3; ~» 1 .'__; ; 11 01k. 111-1111.". 1... "1 1111 n (Frill; “F"“Tilerl Ig‘lfe-I i F “taxi-53:1. 1 11.1.1. Bum ‘I'PFFC::FS:SI:F Office, Of Erfiflvaik ,__, ~ .” 111,101 “DIIQ:I"II;"J(II:II:1c¢11.1M "1111111ij (153111511"“1‘Fu1nvfonmfil.“P11111111. hvF6llllllll9l!FFfir‘FlFlr‘cFFc‘llse Pth} l: rFF F F ' “1'15”, Cookef " '.F'=F:lrFm“i"”““‘d 1:111:33, 8:1 - 11 - “'l3 -» '1 ‘ . n ' 1 . 1 5": , . ‘l‘ cu ... ' {:hrnhlnm “70111:?“ \lec 1191-56“ nm::g?:lt:m:1 JzuL 11-_yy lfilifiunrl.‘ JUIIN: U:"€[‘;€F\ex-1 AT .JA‘ COOK]? k (‘O. II: TL“) AGEST F 5111111111132}‘f‘gww‘L wn- nip ‘\d nv : "‘ch nf nlfnl - 1 ‘1 ..1, _ [H ‘o' '- .. F-‘NKI'IP v ”“111 -nn “kc: plll to i] .1. an»; ‘K‘ln‘l- -'I . 11mm,“ I Ix, _ ”I _. )1 [11." TRIM) .'. . :9, '1 111- and 21.11: l “311' .1 ”9"““5 11:1rin.‘:'.h.’-m’-"““08 njtFF-nfi H H 01! for N‘ 'll " "1111 ~ F The ' . P!‘l!=l.le111l ”Mn“ _ FMF‘L‘ "”43 nr fl'u‘ 1". “"“l ...” IFI fl3llld Ihumrhiu 1- .‘F-Ums or ‘tlemun(l9l LET nrrivéd nt( SW 6313' F Fs"l‘“r‘l“‘l';:¥lnlmlvd‘ Ixntirghlx‘m' I, 186'! 1""‘F- 'lFH‘ir rcmH‘L'prrpmM' "1"“ mr. M 11” '“Wnl rho. ‘“' 9 .nj .1 1 1 'Ulmm k“ .1 1' 1 ' 1 U.\' Mll- 10m a-" Jllul 5., '2' operlltic thmhl! m ' ”'ll I 1 mil flfl'm‘ {0311191 .~ FUNHDIII of - . I"F.LE§P ~1~ file TY‘EXIS‘ ~- ‘ 'I"\T 71“ F ~ lelnlod ‘m“ Phys-”flu .1 '"F "I! 1. .‘ ‘U\vn,l” ankllllls 11 y FREQ" G 1 . ‘ ”31‘- . ”J: 18 n 1)- - w'F N‘t'rfl.‘ . . “H'l “In-l 1.~ "5 blue moan“. Imm .F'F""~lml¢-1,1,.d 1111013,“, Gem 1 Iu 1:031 and nip Ilbflmgp m. Oman“. 1, llrt‘pnrcr] no 1." 01 ”"1. n: -c one of the i lan w- - 111111- ‘Fm; 1 3""11kv im-‘l -= mm. AQ .1 - “T‘ “Vei- 41m. , ' “‘l‘“ 'l‘\\3i,\' ,‘ , '- -1 ““1131. m 1119111”... Tlm . ” 1 - ->. 151.1 . 1 -F.(.\p . . 1 “Ind_ -1 F and” m» ' ”JP! 10 »,-T\ 3E , . llmhm” Lluugo at: 1 . .1151.“ . Inlgn 3“, Y . no] 111:” .1, 01 (he I' . _ AR 3PF .. . 1 1 1.111),. 31h FF ' I‘l Fs“l'l'l'lor \‘u wk “17”“?! ‘ ' ,H'm' T - mite“ Slut ~ - 'RF(T- NW 1 "‘1'”! df pll " L "”L‘k-nm 1 v,. . - ..11 31‘“ _‘~. I EAT .‘H‘J . . “"“llxe: I . es, dofi‘flmn 's‘ h‘. ‘ "IWIIIIIPIIII . F“’-‘”-("l‘lw¢ 1t ' “M‘F‘lL‘ l‘l '-~ “’ll (”a " “1"‘111111111de M 11> 1‘ lli- let-'ldllmtxl '- " ”'l‘ 11m ”1-H“ 51.“ ‘flrze m. 1 {LIIS Imm ' ‘l'fllmcnl,tlflorfi. “1 the New“, ‘9; ”m. 1. 1-1 . 'esc mu; m...” 1 ''-1 I' and wll . "'l)’ nil 119.1 ... :‘l‘l 01111, 3°~."¢"‘rs.nnd eOf 1110 ,1 11-11, I“ 9111.“ . “mum.“ .111 .1 0“ “Ml,. brew, Tl . "arc-se, “W‘m .1 , F‘l'lhnriu‘“ I171mm” pO. “Inch 11.,” "rllnl ’ .I‘ 11:1](111 Inn ’“ [MSG un fine ._ ‘9 (Ul‘l’OV [l .‘ ‘d fem-. 11- "5 ' '3' IpillL ' , 1150"” Thousan ' . ‘1: “Na, 1“. ‘ "I'S- “uh “ "-‘DJO. €lOO g. ‘ (F-‘DS ute': 3,” 11963. I 1 \Il Il’l‘hldpl h' In “1.1,. 11n a 411. “1.- 1”.” 11 okm; T.. ““‘OOl5lOOO . 1.31 ch In sum from," and‘ P 111 mm hand I“ ”firm I.“ u: ",FP'U propm-M .“0 REGls'r .'. ' F s 0‘10“ .. ‘: ~"1 “0 tin-um 1 and(:FFFIFFKIFF;'IFF""'FS nffi‘igFlKF'ijm'll‘j (“F-F Un alxw' $5” 31051]; .FFFLFWS F" Emil: or are Fr'OFII: F 133;“! Fm" ”10112:. . . I. u 1 ... a ..“ Ith' >1 1.. ”lore 1, ~_ ‘ 33W“). F “’ 1 f,‘ ' -nn.thc . ~ ‘:""““,l‘llll2néral'zl}."’ . Ln“? 1,; n I.:‘fi“l"l'{g men“: “50:" é“ pal Cent. porn 1 . ‘_ 1 2""FllAl-d lo be Iwncf.‘:f”l‘-|lhr .‘Ou mll linq ”I "‘MFI 0111.1” ’1 - '1“ 9 P ld-Itu ul put-chA "Pl-nu WI“ cum- 1 TM." flu- ng 11m. 11' “‘1 ”1 Inn firs) c 1“, final??? tlmlflis 'IIIIFFI'FIFfiLE s°lni-Annt..F.." BI I, E 16%an 3.: D 11:13.0ré‘ul in 'Flviplvgim eh: ' F : ' ”Mr-V- F 'F I lll't‘m'i 'v' “F Ii“Fl in e: ‘‘ v FF w -‘|lL!Cr(u '. I F “It! 1 (“DOM A; '1" . 1 Ft - . "'s‘.” HUN 1 1 {"3111”, Ilm lernchi 1| Jfrenlc'llcsus hhurg. D'r‘r. 315‘ FSGZ. (-iI’JJ-fsp' I. l "llF~A_\)|_l3ll v 0 lbolll “QUIT Plilllgiff-T.‘ ‘nl 'FN'3341;119:216”ch from. ~ “"1111“. “mm 1 '“ ' Schenzw 5‘ ~'°’|l°ll-Ihum FF?“l “” “I" lnixc'.:?')'°“‘llnié= (‘nliml' 1 an‘tlé I}":E'fllg'lllshowingd‘ mow llnd “I" x _ Mum-1- (0111’ . 1 1: g' .M 1b 11 er "1 ""EH i ' , 1.3“,“ :1 FUN: mlwr ”'11tll'1(-:..Fn“°"1 511mm] 1 -F\ not “111:. bullied I. n (11 r 1 ' WT 310 R 1 «111115 nr ..1.1 WM "(‘llnl _ “can “flrglii‘eficnfllsy Bunk gafifin 1:111"; 111]{1.11:}P\rlflnm~1‘:nlyfl15b:fi::’—' the {1 “men; 11"1S '- - . 1.1.1. ' . “‘Ol-? cu 111”“ kc t Cpl-311"“; (11 ill Plunllc; .' 31""? l‘xnmplp ‘ ‘ ~l . - _I 1 . 1 ”1"" I|le 1 L.,ln ,1“, Cflllnl-~ F llu, “MIMIC- 11.705131 hy (he zlocl‘ 11l um FM 1110 I "mI’FC proviginn .'3 1F “ml [hm [1 1100 i: FOmc 1 "“1! to b mum. .1 m-‘dr fnru . 1 ‘9 m: 0 ”195011.15 .1 I (‘llllo’ ."I‘l‘l “l Hid: y . ."3 p'l‘ml-nt' 3"” wfirm. “ 1 “9:01;“; ”when, [‘lxclise :10" “F N'"l‘sp:\l. Viv i ul'fl‘r which “hutch bm‘” LB“! FF“ Forvep lo make-” 11111123 nnd Internal frilly, ms” sin ll‘lVns [e . . vsllJuarlnblr and ,;“:c VINHIK 11". . "‘iFlphrc in DIIII if to this If Sn} -’ .1 mm! "n M! In”; ’F‘FPF‘I'U'. [Muhiénme i". hi: ‘n'F'thanFS ‘’l‘ende'sxr'lp‘“ms ”Thu-l m (1‘ F ."lnh bmuyzhltl butt.” ‘oth :1 "r ' l3‘0"" or “Olvq A} ”A.“ in Low '1 {WV-{nu sum ‘- Ore “1"! :1 rln “”h‘dt‘lphiq hlquul flu-011“ «.1 Nll. All 1 “01 "MlO €°Tlhc ml," rcl "C(‘lre Pl'mn '- ”Hun-1'1,“ ,"I3 ~ .111 .1, 1. "I' In ”1“ n , .I“ nu ernllw I 5.1 '1 _ . “\811}: 1 “plum,“"m Will bpnmm’mndfivdrs‘ fluff.” 3"“ mI: I m k “I Mnndmke Pg] this ofin‘e F, e “FF-ordeal ”11‘1“?!“- “9'1““? (.1131 S:""‘"" purmmw n n.l full 5"” . u“”101! al, '4’ S fluid "bar: ' 1 . ,l'Ply of g , 1‘ . " Rnd’ M). . . -Ilhry .- fur uumt-Ifhate ‘leliH-‘ltdq mll '~¢,~kem bn‘lu ml F MnmL ‘Elrl':::‘:;‘~ ‘Ol Elle 1 -V . ' 1 ‘ :1 , . E 1 F S 1110‘}?\ (00KB, Sllbsu-‘F . , “(111m medicine “its!“ the ‘- ~ if: 11m ““"11 +1111: 1111.? 1-1111. 1.11.1...1011111 F Gene; Tim—'cfifl'! ( F F 319”?“ "mt and“ (£2th . ~ .' a , ’0 *"-*.-.. .l‘ 1- Form \Yl'l . r 1 EXPEuTlil)xv(l.l.;TTY¢lß(i}[fnan . . “”hzimm um 2:211:51 “f“ Enm‘se P'PPMfd. Thbkl .Q'._E¥‘r\',bodv in” “"1 inch' but are ei’ ‘ cillzp 'esl’Cleully 11nd“ ”mdcrilfl'ncll IQ'nrith2lw'dum hill Patsy-(11:0 nu I.lm “3 of Gcltysbufz “ 1'“. nun-min" 01 1110.1 I’s” ofuhe .\l,.ndmk”"’.”' .15 hé‘xtilmme his well , REF: I": Vicinity 11, 131111 1 n :Flc common “'mpiopl” ‘. f“ 111:: ‘ ‘Fe‘ Ftoek '( 1 1' mm)" 1" ’.- ml mm...“ m "turnndfmm ,1 ». 0 EllollF,F’{..n.-, 5 "I. Mateo] to lFWill f‘ {Sortmrnt or 111 m 1~ 1 to, ("WWW”) :11}F “‘0 bl’Eulll draw ' n F M" in this ( h‘" hli lin ‘ P“"50111sum ' "”1"“. Lame: n. . ’l‘ nnv 0.1”.“ eas yo" l. .1 4 “3101.1“! m ~I 0W1! lb -. OWQ, ,j 1 lhe Mu .Iy F 1115???“ 11111-1 El;‘:::.1‘1.1111 and m m... 1 111111: 313537.151":- ll’ll, ' 0"" Viviana .' ":‘Tf‘finc (‘. qmpluim 1, “c“ . 110 n“ (Wu-a, T, . mum—Fe. 1, 11“tM m. -1 I.l3“quan Ere; f“? ”19 mile? gl‘ll zingse "melmi‘f'F’fW. the migtgkeplo: 1“" ht- hmfiTQ‘ ““11 Porfiunm: ”m “'“V OfF 1.1.3” "in ”“58 no incom .l fl .'o.l. 113 mm -_ ' ”lawns” , Fu.""‘"""‘“°"1 11 «03.31325 9vnnsicc 1.23132“? F? F“"‘°“§zlhplccu:F-IF~W?L wF Folretlh-lnce to 110'! the he I‘o'l' FL U. ('anr‘unV ‘ ["F- SibelN'k'i 111:; 111-M“ ('mlumz F-n lhe '"“'" aqflgnd ‘Fhmm’t limit-1:1 F" hdy of ”mm! if! fO.“ sluo ”slum. mem of “”"8; Ll+elr.3l.lrl.'FF°F“l-' limufili§xednfimlfi llalrt . tanking, from ,3. all 11.1.11. [mg 11ml ; mum us if Remus-”h se CHE Ismldam. . 1-... “3:3: 11111 :0 531.1,," “11111;. 1n... 11hvsic1J§.';“..f" .‘3 he lln ‘ S‘tuyou. F“ rmfianq 1' o “”1 01mm 11 °° ‘° "ct “(F ‘ “LG-11w "‘1 remed' . . 131,1 . 1‘- ‘“E 1100.1 ~1 I’o “rm-“h '5" ’"llvu Ind e 1 ’ml Surk . 11uc1... n ed. ,1! ll - hell“. 1- - 51"” kind. 01- A .538 "Ppllcd Jes s . ,\n.\- . ,~ rm.’ . toDI. 1.511113" mow: the reef FIMMF knife. fork "an 1 ll 9 .“nrlborouv'h l'll bah"! 11' en, 5191.111“ (, L'lnrn 1' Shin l“‘{ken same of'. Mel, . ‘mds- Smokers” H “155, “‘O9) n Sen-{3 :rllnd F “Feed‘Thnic a the ”null! ‘ssortmem. ol Sm'ok'. "'Cm" 11m: ‘95 5 n" ' Passed n Knew-"h": t 1 5“"1'“ chn "‘3 T°b=tcco‘ M ““lbéon ' ‘ ‘1” "lard! fun i . soup “I“. l'Fflc _ _ Mu! mm“! as redncm “m . 1 “"1 Cum ofnll kind} “”5”"; Tolmc ,‘l'FPllll‘shnduhu.lo:" '" —— S i 5?, llzgrdwnrpl Qm- ‘ ""d Prion. 'I M" After the Nml 1:1; 11l y \'?nce3' Gl'm‘eriegw lira: funk!“ all kind! an “FF“ "“1“ I‘o-09'1F1l l'fion of :11 at Euggflr, all “9115 of 11.5”2911!» mul‘ ““‘WF F“ 211 nm mun 0|: Slaw]. “um I.a>m?i:.!;n {"ltqm \ludirfiigg'mp} All kind, 0!; lhi: had all lhe musingfi ‘1 'a. ' Hon 1- 1 (Ich - 22:11 5211111111111»“- 5.1111111211131111 11111 -1 m .I c - - . 1. n t F ......“ 1111.. .1 . 1 11:11:11.1“ ”2:“ "Him“ 1“1 EJStlank' ”are?“ phe F o‘f whiff,l :zurfjis'mgnu 1‘ .‘ , _ll‘ . . osiLe re e la” “(”1 ‘80:. ,_‘ l (’1 (I'ARR, A 2511. ““g'h- The c.,u::‘:r‘:'_' tiling ' 1 Fan - .1 _I“ I' mmfledfihé Speed I! nIII: Imme, Jony Hm; CY (Furs: ’ V ammo .. "W "m: .1’“ flF No. 713 ‘FR ‘ g 5““ .“C’W‘nt Im, ne'o he) . Archs “F be “eon n ' 1F 0" 311 ml" M “r- Sch peflylside Ph’ '- 80L I'o may “1511 to l 1 "'2- Part." “adexphim ’F'c" rmm his own Ir.” 1 l’POs., {lifter o‘ntidmanufi [FIRES of ""F‘Wnn-I 1" Vi Fud M) all kinds gl‘dpflh‘.’ r'! r’."' H Sch-"ck c ‘ $593. FFL'RS f 0 1 FAN g‘f‘ml‘l‘l Office No a“ 1]; Child, Ir duller, Fuladelpm, er ' .9. Fliro '12"“""- L 1 ‘l‘”“4 Wen km"; 1“ _1 . lay I F 141191,, “ M B F, friends of Adm”: ' .olImF. {‘Thih Inn-M. W 115! 1'!" "'"ollnllinacnfl 1 ”11:1me ““1“! ; «1 so, 9‘“ “I'.“ [ Inn: I 101 m “ ”'1" “Very d In no” one”! a 1 I)? “Imm 11. m ”Mlon lurqesmn'd mnwgoyfe‘ FMrlrl‘l Emma‘s Princfl’l l' 11 nI: . ETF-gfirflfimem- or all k- d Feller; 161- ud.':(|:"" Phil 11,,“ will? “31 for (”113.3331an (221‘ qunmiu 51 ~ . “""JEEZOEIM. ”y c e Worn during \hi; F ”(h-9,1317%“ 1 Saw York an U ' IE to the I?" .wefe Pnrchued in Kim and Winn".- Tum. H A ”MI 1. “3 “LSI. ‘ “m (- 1- ' [20.1, ' Dug "1m E . p illl‘eumg 0n 3!,“ . flutyo‘ltnfggd on gllgF“::Ih:;§:hflnltl the SCI“, 1,“ PNMéInFIH “:evchco. C. 1 In. 1 ‘1 9' “rice 1 1 Orllnnd '. ‘ ln-zmnflfil'} .1... .1.“ ,1. lan , he “1;"“H., 1... “.11.; Wt: ' °l"it u - 3"’ my nae ‘ 1 ittsbur Elena?! good; 6"" 33221.1: "’.P°"!iouue I: °°d “refit: P.” Pr. 09‘ more rum?! to 'mPofl and “filllbe h"'l'mfi- F “In“ Koclh Unlt o'ing tor't'lltnd nll (hon. M nirtflflnre my. fil- Louis.]°_ "an? E 4 11.. Conn” 101 mm“ mafia. tax; I1:11;“. Familia‘mif“ i 1 ' ’ : 1 us . ore filtelnenber 1h; “Ame “3th ’ 5." Fm?! "We,“ «L. Seth S g .er and so 1 hthin 7! ' F 041"? F-‘kmzuu'nfl' 39mm; “0"‘0'0'18'1 sew-15 last 5"“ Sires: P- " 1C 1 we“ "'ll Lou“ ' 2' 5m . F ‘ ’ ““1143. i £33110. 111.. Lord 3': F n sold ”bugging '- F Pulmomcs ’ IC' 1 . 3"" 1 gamed 1.1.1321 p 4 Jalndnl|m Pillsy'zg (Xe 11- 21., 1863. m IE ‘ H.l.‘| \\l F. .f rmm 351* m; .40.- ‘V trr; of :uhni i lrntiun an the rslntt" M William I". :\~pt~r. lu- of quimoro Io\\'n‘~‘.hip. Adam: comm, drm' < ~1l haxiug men ‘ngllled m llh- undmygnmifir~idin‘: in Yurk ebullly,‘ Lu hl-rvhy gin-d nuuf- Io nll {YL‘l’aUfl-fi I‘mflyhu‘ll m and ”mu- n. umléu ‘ xunudxulcpn) mom. {and thmu Inning claims} gain-l tho mum: in pre ‘mll Ihcm [‘rupbll)’{lllnhl'll'iwtlh'd lur Mulc- J.\mn IiIIngVNMXA-N. mum. . Mnunt 90p I'. U.‘ \ urk Lunxpt)’. Im. 25.18%. mg ' I ‘ ' ‘ IMES .’V . ~ Animation ! r ”B (‘IHCH'ES’ Jl-I\\'F.l'.R\' HHI'SIZ I.\’ r 'l‘lH-HYUlH.“23—4sl”;l’irc’n: pr .usnncd Jogyrlrx h)! s4‘.-x\sl'mup|ch- Ii»! of fine Gold. l’lnfcd mu] UnenirJinn sun I‘m-e. Addr‘ezs ' - .l. A; s \.Ll‘a‘l:|'!:\'.e \L'oul. ‘ Jam. 2'}. 1:11:11. lii v > "unidcnc'n'llt L ~The Daiily Paper‘s. ‘ IHREA FTIII‘. l fiwill‘mwn-l lo' the delivery uf the Unily (my prim-1"" 'lO snhwrxhuri n-yu-H‘. 'I'LA- plirvluf 11w I’hilndvlphixl " In quircf" un.l l'-:Illim$|(- "' Anu-lirlm" “‘yll iv 75 mm: per “'Wmv—S‘MJM“ in advance—mun Ihu fin! nl Fr-l-ru Ir} next. The Baltimore "Sun" alll X “(‘hppé" {vill he {ll-liu'rml tn sub, Svrlhor: It! In «muipvi‘mnnth, Pvt-must Jo‘— sning m ~‘uhwl‘iha- .r nn)’ M We dzuly ‘pnpuri will rull mum ”it“ ‘uulrrfignm! u: the Adams Eqmw~ Unlivc in Mir-ml" k liurhlrr'i Budding. ‘ Rafi-"All pormm‘ lulhsbribing by 1b!- monlh mud numb me ”‘oan bufurr Hw exuhntion m Ihu-ir'ti'nn-égylel r they imam! muliuuing (lit-il‘llax'lxex§.:brlfn ir mum-i “'iH 1m stricken frnm tiny-IL 4. usm‘n nuu.unn;,m, J.m. w. INJJ. 3 - . ‘ " ‘ Ifotlce. ‘ s “A LTZER BE .‘lll‘lll‘sliSTATEn—LOHMß J; ufiudmnngnntfion on llll'l'Shlle nHJiJllL cr [Sn-her. lute ofliullmi tnuuslnllu Adams cuunly, glen-med. hfuing bélcn gmnlml to She \umleulgnenl, reddiég in lhcsnme towmhip, she herahy gives pulled to all pl-rsous indebted, to sxud esmlo In ""‘H immediate payment, and 15059 hmingclnimshguinsl l ésnme to'préseut them prnpcrly hulhénliczncd Ntllemrnt. ‘ ~ ' EARL! "ECU .R, A lm‘x. ' Jan. 19,1863. 6*‘ J “ . ‘ i g‘ Pm ate Sale. . ‘ g I THREE-STU Y FIRST-CLASS RESI- A DESI‘H. silugc in East York street, tin; inn-d in the besl‘ tylc. 0n the same .lotgn goo-l nixed Smhle ind Cnn‘hge House, and all 'lhe neérajmry outgpufildiuga belonging tn a : first-class residencdl Thosubecrihcr'will whom I the "remises and vi ke known the term; to all who mh m purch’n}e.‘ .F. 0:51:50“.- Gellysburg, Jun: ‘9, 1863. L“- ' " .__—. ,A _ . _l-~ (a. . - l ..-74‘ 4- fl... Change of Time. . Errvsnun‘n :m\lLßo.\n.—n’n and alter Mnndny,Jan'.-rry‘l9. 1863, t eJlurniug Train will leave (fin) :burg M S} l. 31.. with pnsscngers, {or ulllthuconnectignu North and South' on the Norbert: Ce trul R ihyny. and return about. 2 I M. Thl afternoon ’Frnin will leave l‘rettysgurg'ht 3). P. 3L; with conncccidns Northknul South. Returning will reach Gettysburgznbout 9 [L .‘l., with maneu gers from llurrisliurg, Philn., Bult., kc. By this armngement ipnrsonl from tho country. near the line of tl'e Railroad, luring business to transact in GelLr-shur'g, can take the noon Trnin up, and Ire l) hourl- 'm Gettys burg, Ind return I?) the Eren‘ug Trnln. . ~ i R. McGURDY,.PmId¢nL Jan. 19, 1863. I . " . _ -. . W Hanover = ranch Rallroad. . ‘ HANGE 0F HDURS.—-0n and utter Mon -0 day, Jan. bib; 1863, Pnneyger Trains will run A: follow": i Leave Humour Lenvc Junuion lst. Trhin n 10,“. I. iln Train 1: H, A. x. 2-1 do. u 4.30, f. u” 261 do. at 8.30, r. u. The no A. u. l. in connect! It Junchon for Bnltimore, Harrizimrg, Columbia. and Harris burg. The ‘3O '. I. Ininlmnkel connection for Baltimore, Ybrk, Hurrinbnrz, uni theHWelt. 1L D. E. TRONE, Anni. Hum-er, Jan. ‘ , 1&33. ‘ —-- ._._. --T- ~,—-—~—-————-~: . New. Restaurant. HE undersignLd bu owned I Restaurant, ' u the comet} of fork nnd Liberty sly-ecu, ettysburg, wherg he will keep eferythingfln the axing fine in yawn—lbo Ale, Lager. and Cider. Scum, Tobacco, tc. He n likewis filfing up I 811011;: for Ice Organ: 11. the um. place. He hope-,lbyinention lo anineu End 3 demo to pleat, to rereivc a libeml mm of custom. HENRY W. CHRISMER. In, 5, Hm. : - Notice. LEXIUS ROBINSON'SiESTATE.—Leuen A usumenury on the estate on Alexia: obmlon, Inc 021 Oxford township, Adam co., deceased, hn'ing' been granted to the under signed,residing in the same town-hip, be here by given no'ice 19 11l person: indebted’to laid estate to make immediate paymene, um thou hm‘ing chums ngtinst the same to presentthcm properly uulhenticuted {or eettlemenh ‘ ' JAMES ROBINSON, Ex’r. Jun. 5, 1863. :6: ‘ OLLOCK'Sj LEVAIN—fin pure-t am; but baking powder in! nu—q: Dr. 1?. , lIUKXER'S Drufi Store. ”A . _.__.-._.,._..___._._________._ as. wxssrpw's sunjrnzxu smrpi fnr M childnn‘ I! Dr. R. lIURNEK'S Du; um. E . . ‘ EMI ‘~ Sgecbnd Arrlval. . my: “Ex (Plum Full 2 -3 mm .\ B’T‘iunmih 11:}: AND u‘ovs “an HHHCHI \I‘HLY4 ‘ : , Tnnl'uy lh‘ex‘conlh from Pickink . ' To buy Ova-renal: lromyl‘iu'king. ‘ To buy (Hr-rconts r{rim} l’ir _To,buy Dre-1: ('uMs trmu l‘icl‘inz‘. I To-huy Drip-a: ('ua‘ls ironi Pit-king, L. l , - Tokuy Drew (‘o-is '1 um Pin: L To hny Thumb: ('nnti from Tréiug, [ ' To blgv H‘ilkinms ('ontq ft n Picking , .2. Tnfuy H'usmo‘s Contaikom ['iL-kin To buy Pun ulunna lrum Picking: ' Tu bubwl’anmlouns froni l, ding, _ K ‘ To lmy f’nntnlr‘u‘u mm Hie Lug To bllf‘drflua ('dmmpn Vests! 0 I‘kain ~. Twhhy {lresi A :Lam'uon \‘cstJl m Fivk'ngfi 1:0 buy drms J commdn‘\'e;u;lruml’ic ihg. To hug [inmln find Gum Shoesdrom Picking. To buy (‘lm-kmnfnll kipds fr‘om fivk‘inz‘ Tu buy Violilna‘and Accyrdvn fi from Picking. Tn by}- (lluu-swlndflosierir (ramq’iykingi' To buy Hurts 11nd Dmlwers frmii’ickiu ‘ To huyTrnnkfim-l (‘nrpet Suck from Pi: 1' To buy ['lxnl)relf.|s mu} ‘(fizmés fro 1 PiL‘Kij To huy Valium, &x~...1§c.. f'rom Kicking. J Wanwilhstumiin: thx- hour) "(H.171 all articles of L'lmhing, I am i‘lillf ‘ellbng: at.nstpukhiuulykow prices. ('nl‘l Md see not 22. 1361.5 ‘ ‘ 1&1 l’lUKI.‘ —' ' 7' h "r. —l—"“"“_‘—' '“""" ‘Mummasbur; , UTI'AL FHIE PRUTHCTIgN SON bl —Stn(cmqut ol nil'uirs n to Swim the y'enr 1863, [041“: i‘lch d‘uy hiununry. inclusive: . ‘ A ' Amount of properly inmrcd,... "55::9, Amount of premium n0te‘5....... 40,; Number (if policies iénue-I, 47 , * ‘ ~ Im. - ' Cnsh in hand»: at Treasurer m. . [MI be111qmem,......'........... 438 Cash rec'd fun; legs and p‘dhcies, Igl- 75 I l " . ‘ > 11—.5 .\ ' j CR. _ By expense; ofCompnnx for lhl§yean l Bainnce in hnndq‘ of Trennurgr.. $1 A:tcst—.—JA('Uß H'rm‘x—sz-z Sec'v. ‘ g , Per.C. IX. fawn tn, [fepl Jan. 26. 1863. in ‘1 ‘ Deslrable Town Props « 'r PRIVATE S.\LB..-'wul bF om- A Priqu Snlg. mm“ she laq of Apri (he lIUI'SE AND LOT nn Bahirjuore stre joining Ihc“(?dmpiln:" office, mid racer! cupicd by DnA. W. DOI'F’V4 Him ”a! largr: conufining N roomn, Eagle!” and dry cellar: and in good relaxing The L 0 full onev 60 feet from, run‘nin back t-l dowh. yiving u [urge gnrden‘,% never-l we” of good water a: the dup a new ‘ Stable, wiih nn alley from Hi 3: stréet any ofncci‘u. Upon tlni’whblé‘ this is ‘tlle most pleasant locations at! the pri I one ‘0! Jim most: desirable l ’Gel’tysl) *l’oesossiou givenron In of A til next. ‘5 sesaiounf piflfiof the proper! may he once. ~ For terms &c., Apply the preni ' . Huxuufxlcopmr N0v.24,1862. tf , i‘ / 1 .Drs. Cress 8; s§%lor, CLECTIC PHYSICI: xgr—Thflebom“ E named gentlemen, huffing nu einteui‘ Ilu-uiwlveq in the‘ practice of liedicitie an ‘ Surgery, éfl'er’ their pmfessgmnl Mrriees to! the citizens of Gettyeburg an vicinity. I', "uni ing bud: lnrge turgicel experlgnce in the U. 8.; Army, and, extensive hospital precta‘ce; them ‘ respectfully aolieityonr patronage. “Eclectic’}§ menus to HIM!!! or select. Hence welniect“ the hen. ”felt and most reiiihle nine-lie” from all _other neuriun magical eéhools,j which hue been xecbmmenped from the en! perienee and sanctioned by, pfuctice ol the; nhleu Ecsmmc Pucflnoslu, Ind dincmlt “hose mfire‘ injurious, such 13‘ antimony! ; srsenic, mercury, blue pill. blood letting, he} 301300 in Balti ore street, opposite lerrrnry'eLl BI rShqp. golunte'ere'fnmillu ettcudeill'rel at ch rue durihg their Ibse‘n‘ce. ’ ‘ ‘ Da. “1" Cues. DI. WI. TAYLOB. , Jan 519,1863. ' i Notioe. sue 'rmss's EST.\TE.~Lcmra -of ad,’ I ministration on the £50.“: of land Heu‘l late of Intimate township, Adams «Emmy deceued, having been gnnted to the nder gignedJesidfng in the lame townlhip, hé hzre by gives. native to all persons indebted‘lo Mid ‘ostue 10' nuke immedine pnyment, until, thou having Hahn: Igninu the ume to present them prbperly Authentic-15d for settlement. ,~ ‘ JOHN LONG, Adm’r. 3L Jun. I'2, ”63. 3:! Gettysburg nirbiJYJfi-a BALLS t BRO..‘I§ EAST YORK STREET. GETTYSBURG. PA.—-“'hcre they are pre- pared to furnish all kind: of work in HM! line. mach z‘vllA M;)S|:'MHNTS' TOURS, 13M). , STONE“ .‘ .‘4' ‘3, kc. It the lholl t no- : ‘ . P ‘ . - V“ . ‘ - ’ . HI; America: Bxccluofl‘ofln Ind Bronx: flaw” " “W “mumpw. xG-ve "-5 T ‘for ...z. u mmJlvfl-Vku's “WKSIGN: whammy tn'lu-n in urhA-ngo {9: work. 1‘ ' -§}:i;§l:.anr‘l 1m! Ambit-tn Inna? “Ollylhnm, Juno 9’, 1316:. u . I] 3 ‘ Emu ssh M 02.3. amyn's 9:11: Slow! RUE TED i- 'e on 'ETY. y (or '1863. M 38 I 5 43 E- \- 1221111 BE Auctioneering. HE undersigned, having obtained Licenle undo: the United State. Exciue Law, beg» leavé to infotm his friend: and the puhhc gen enlly, that he continueLghe busineu of Am:- lioneering and Sade Crying, and will be glad to réceive n cominunnce of the liberal patronage extended to. hign. An experignce of i 0 year: wnmmls him in prgmhiug satisfaction in All. Charges moderate. Ruidence in 05min; township-pp“! office Addrt‘fl, Littler-town, Adams county, Pu. - JACOB KLL'XK. Jun. 19. 1863. an ‘ ADIES, énll tnd Ice ".9 cheapo“ lot of SILKS cur uneml in G‘fuyuburg, which :re now open and rgnd, In: sale at April 21. ‘ PAIINPLQTOUK'S q um lhe was for n « rc plins "In a m:- 5 moving inside of gh} she had 3 Lino usqd'in such can: [naught no tenet, ck, at his menu in - nstoh. and, tuning nkc Pills Ind Sly his directionl, III! ‘ 'he had preriquuj n. shanfow, andfher ope of borvrmotfli. . ‘ beliznrd, he: hill}: an 3 , N. 1., certifiel using nympumu at r vSi-|._ llu npplilyl lo I king the Sen-WON ‘ l l for ugmt'vcdu, ‘ 1 her of ioms,loie l ' e to flu iuhu In discs“ having be” I rend his luv-Itha— knbly good. and um}. gentlnmm'n mum uck’s owes, and $ll confirmation of lAN] u bedim-ted to hint -' hc'conluuéd M Ma l'orthySixth ill-gar, ‘ rdny; and “‘s' . 2.‘ | cry laid“ a Jfial inumn, D. 0., our; lws lsu'imore urges, , Lher -Thuudq. and } Illa“. . n 1 :3ch in Nomi!) adelphin, Pm. wh‘pn lulwnys to direct“. ; AGENTS. hflliplyflwui im- In "(Kazan NO; 1‘ vanish-u an Ohio". ‘ I that)", 50:81:18.1:de I 11:11:31,230. 10$ BIL Incl B. Waite, ~ I Inna “epic. ' l" with, No. 13 1335*“. E anomlly. fl3‘ j’, ‘ s. r g i boule,sshnrrao¥i ! ' mm. 35 tummy ! ll perpux. ~ " ’ 9 ever. at from‘flg 15L M 314 3% SCHIC '91.; 52519; of [Late ..An S we! thna um}! "10% It. F.‘AlclLHf-§NY:BM H . [on ,corrgmmb l: s ry:J for Illa I! ‘ 'l & (JIUAKSPIB’SW j Medicine. pin 5. M' " I'd! find? lctiption Dr. 351103333»! ' GOODS; élnbn'tinJ lats, lisus' m WIN I d 3, tarm- «3;. M ‘fl‘ I . a. mam .1.» ‘ 1038;: mmvwr ‘r 1):. ROB“? ”‘74 1 '1 ‘, ,fi“¥fiv‘.‘l:§u’\. 1 ' ALICOES, a! good 12! c-Ls. par yard, cu DUNK} Men‘s Fall _ Cup: 20 per ccul. \ i MERICAN EXCEL A as Jun and cheap ‘ ' CUDO LL flu: but Patent. A n the new Family not; of LI. kinds of STRA A Mcn'l and 8058’ I then"! Huts, Shula-r Ho . ' April 3! . 1 pl 7“ GROUND S I 'grmmd “pres-1v f, NEWS Kw Drugßm-o. !tr TM 0 {N Al! 4' ‘3! TL 'TRL’PTIUVS . V ' ' . | is: “- mesmnlla pro~ , Heb nr’e mum-'l‘ f‘ Uncut-m, we will , rief dugrlptloh‘hrm :3 mm ; ~,, m 1; nkuhuflkicncy ‘ , cepumci w our)“ ‘5 ' "-I‘ “I 1 th ”00‘ rough P? e or in ohvlohé " ‘ AT!- 1131 bile. - “I ~L It Mom . "1N I; u", the Mmcl, 0% y l thrre 1* the [run 1 diacnbfl, Inch" 4 cu’nqum‘nibn,‘ he. ‘ ‘1 erncl d, H Biz-‘1 1‘ 11:0,;er And ‘ [Xi a m'brfiitl codd‘pj.+..n} and 00 er Myth. 1, I.} L-éviunl uhntrur- ‘ Lgfluj‘, or mum'f " 1-11 nnlire. Tho‘: } in man} Impurid'34‘ 1! raved l.meliror, “é“ scribed ,n tul- . . we muhmpgon, 1 ~ r kind 41f ulcrm-.,, ‘ man, :1: [51:1, ll ,‘ " CMXSS' #- hey usu} 111 M il Hy begin {which n . ch quilt-m I ting Ipc ‘ .uch 16ml" -.' chenck'n ‘ 'IC AS!) ' . nnd ‘ d of're he aro e. lgr. .Rn T( LLS, )Ihm. )f mm )ms t he “an; I l mutter. uppcfi'n “ ic Syrup neala'lhu L and flit-Ye Ihr" : er, improve lbs ; i;- lhe a} sleni and I'ulmo an and |tlze mos}. nonrigh ucunx. For [H e‘smreJhe organ,~ ”um! and healthy . e oft‘oniumptiour [realm-rd, it good. |v :dc digestiblv. L s unlovk llle gull ions as well an Mn-1 on of cnlomcl; in; his so remarkablm ascrtcd {hut cnlo~l .redueuls. in. their uls [wen dcnlrd hy‘ . c bzfmo un Alder-l (it-3,“. must be alq cnnse aulmahql‘ or allow! the use of. 23 nre hsing (held In nll parts at the M 1625 or conditiow xr been found inju '.‘thgir 'etYL-cu Md he hffihut down-J end, nnd ye! morq ruprrties than any d in the allopathio 111-kuownpemn: mny be seen at Dr; :Ititbese pilll hath .les )vhére the dis l of bhysicinmflun ch of their coma «trained togndmil.‘ ' din-u win up: Liver Complain. ich brnu hum J ‘ll inches it: lengty,‘ to health. Man‘y‘ - 0 well mated by p ssennion, than“ t. IQ having their Inhlic. and ‘lor lhla ’uble evidence can-' q are useful {n I)! dicines are remake move all dimrderg ver and purify tho [cu nnlhelmintic 'o'? '6: been offered up :1 the dim-rent kindt ifmxn-bogly, from 1110 i several yard: ii hicb nre'leu that l eroua thakone in‘- d: after. ulip‘ n “35'. of Liver Qompluln‘t . us, equiven‘eu‘pfl-A headache, kc. MI. )0 speedily relieved‘ The 'symptomi of far those of Liver ~ are ‘lppliChble to one disease for tho‘ nience ll' thmpflll thich mny'ba «an it wing: . I Fox, 210. 81 and” Goodwin a: 00., km