The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 02, 1863, Image 2

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    ‘3 ‘
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l A
@b‘r Glnmhilrr.
313,;- \ ‘
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\Li-F‘" ‘\ ~
“k ~27
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_ -‘ .
‘ $1
Tho union of lake-«the nninn of lnnds—
tin Union of .‘L-ws Bum: would Ann-r;
Tiltnn‘on 0| lu-nnv—thc Iminn ul' h undi—
Aid ah. Flag oifiur L‘niuu lmncr!
:;*_: '. , . ‘ '
Iv]. UTAH”, SDIT‘HI l 5” I'Wl’fllifl'ul’l.
noxnfiimaxjih, wars. 2. 1503
’ nmsmE mama .
The command of (he army of tho Poto~
‘QM flu agwin hnon clmhged. It nppgam
\‘ that when‘GéD. Burniille-‘wah in “Unhing
. J to'n on Ratfirdny wank, Inn was, at Ll. nwn
‘ I‘Jfiuut, relieved of the com‘m‘nnd, and Gen.
Hooker Ippoimed w moaned him. Thu
. wtiring General insued a parting whim“
__ lo {he army on Momlav. nml 'tmk 10mm 01‘
'_= _" iihc supcrior oflicurs and turned ovgr Hm
command lb hjs surfiwsor. Gen. Burnside
has boon at the lwud pf tlm army aim-’l‘ the
~,_ ‘ Nh or Ndk-embvr," “hm Uvn. McCXLHnn
5.; h- .mu reliewfl. ‘ -
\;»_ V
x .t
a "
(5.391.. Sfimm‘r and Franklin harp aha
.‘l_ . 5 .
lmen relivvml t-f'fimlr u‘nm'nmuh of the
tsghtnh¢fl§fl wings of tho urlxl3—~L-f'\\lmt
‘ 1
trawl: is npl stun-d
i - ------,
- (7m: nyn‘niq'r am! min. 11 til» -—'l'!m Km
Yul k Hun-{d has llm fallen mg “Rubingmn
3- ‘ ’
a J; ,
7‘ ”I,
Amnhp (hr- nn’dim nflnnt fifth} rm‘ w‘th
B regain! to Um 0117111310 in Ihr" mlnmml of
l Hm army of the t'ntnumc iu'nno lhnl Hon,
‘ Bulmide imisged nn lwin: Tv-lievml lrnm'
~ Ins anmmnml on IGC- gmun-l of n nhflirulty
houvorn Gounrnl Hank"; and himo'ell'.-
ll nfifnrs'flmt when Genvrnl lhlrntill4§(lis-
T covnmtl his artillery. 1&0. Slur}: fast in [he
a" -
T» 32-»
a .
mudflie proposed, in :m nhomhlod munci‘.
mt" war. lo'lenve the artillery «ml mnken
"4 hold attack with his infnmyy. on the
‘ ‘rrouml that the rcbolq wnnlnl not be more“
. 1 nhle .10 mom their gum llmn 111mm”.—
. “PIMP!“ Hooker nppmsml thi‘s’, nml said he
woulrl'not ‘go willmut Ihr- artillvry. Thia
.3; mafia! the cipcditibn‘ to by nhnntlnm-«l
and glue nymy ordurod back; Gomornl
Burnnide then came to Washington and re
i‘xgned. ‘ ;
' --e.--».. ,4...
'44. J. Glosflnonnor J: Cn.
“5 4|
.. 77.: 419 w."
‘1 Who issued nprmpectm fnr ghe pulxlicmion
,‘nfn Democratic morning paper" in Philadel
_]:lsin. to be entitled "The Age.” The bros-
: rooms appears in bur ndvex'lis'mg cnlurfins.
. The limoclmcy of I'e'nnuylvnnia lxnvo lohg
:3» Iblt’the w:uilt‘of~n first clnss dally paper in
‘3' ourmmmercial metropolis, npd map this:
. '- mm! will rlnw‘ be supplied to the fulch
'7 and most desirable extent, we do not for .3
‘ I. moment dnnlfl. l/ndcecl, our cmxfimlon'be’n‘?
. ' (hegtern Democracy,soumljud‘gment, and
slxperior ability, of the publiehws, lepds u:
' lulpredict that " The Age ” will at oncoleni)
" . [in the from} nmk of newspa'pors in the
‘3. _l'nitod SIM?" n’rd will. ifi storm antljun-
Jllllu‘, contihue tn-lmld imposition. ‘We
Indy have more to say on tlxe appmrmLce of
‘ «he firxt’ number, whjclr will doulrtléfis be ‘
: lwfure the. expiration nfflze proscntmonth. .
IK‘ :v\\ I
1-} €-
‘EQ'A swbrd was presonfed to th’n Co
; slo69,at.Washingtonthcothel day. A num
l‘erpf pi-ominént Republicans were present.
Drihknbles \rore‘diefmcetl of, and speeches
‘xmndé. Senhtnr Sherman declared thzit.
“tlw Admiiuislrution mu~t depend upon
‘ .the Rtpub/imn-purly for succes~,” and the
_ olh'er Speakers unbbsomed thon'nclves in
much the sn'me strain- Secrétury Usher. in
épcaking of {he _Domocrntic party. invoked
5"”.1e fiutgng of the knife {0 the grout of
’ treason." 1 V _ x
And yet. Republicflnt. or Abélitionista,
hero- and eisewhere, have the bare-faced
hérdifiood Ni) any to I).:n'l:om\ai<. “ let, us :11}
be united, and have ‘no parties now!"’-i
.leugh‘! I - § '
~* ~ filn the llou~e at Washington. on
, Tueédny, Mn Conway, Republican, of Kan
’ mmnde a llpoech. in which he. stated that.
.1 he was foi- the Union as it exi~xte¢l to-dny—
‘ notmthe Union as it. Ems—not. the Union 0
“ the Fathers. “ Ile thoughtlhe true object
h» ~ l of the, war “its to revolutionize the national
.5 government by resolving the Ndrth into a
A nation, and the South into a distinct pub
-6 lie body." ' ‘ = ~
3 _' -.Greely, ofrthe ,Xew York Tribune, says
‘2: 'that if the South in not conquered by‘ the
fiQt of April,] he id for the beat. attainable
W , peace. méaning separation. ' '
? . Thus one q‘ftér another of the RepublEc n
- \: leaflet-37 are lieginning to nvow. what an?"
‘3‘. >113“: lon‘g entertained, slinmian sentiments.
3: " “'6 pregict that/before six mogthlt they will
all he fdr sebaration; and the‘ Democrats
_ ~ ohm {or the?i Union. Mark it.
'3l;in mouse at. Harrisburg, on Thufs
dpy,’pa§sed nbfll au bhoiizing the cqnti-ollen
nfid commissioners of Allegheny cQunty to
; compromise {with the hqlders of bonds of
*, said‘cqgntya ued ir. pnitflqnt of subscrifi
(ion to the miulstock Of certain ralltoad
”foompmiles’. 1, x
- ‘ ' ‘Mr. Twitcfiell‘ofi‘ex-ed a‘ resolution, which
> was laid over, caning or) the Adjuturt Gen
! call to fumfib infoymation as to the num
- “er of persbrés in -emh county (gaming ex~
eruption from military duty an, er the late
‘, daft on acequnt. of conscientious acmples,‘
7. and 5150 the humber in county subject
~‘* to draft. 1 7 , 4
On the same day, both Houses passed it
‘1!- bill lb pay “35 February and August. inter—
: cutbn the State debt in, coin, the banks-go
’hdnnoo it,n;t 2} per cent. . ‘ "
+ 3 '30.” tom: Brawl—The Common Council
! bf’lh'ow' York onl Monday. adgpted n reso
i lotion requgsting the 60¢:an bf Genéfnl
Fill John Porter to fumigh thém with ma
f.“ QWBB in the lam trial by court nur
‘ “‘l. and ufidgfiflg General Porter the hos
: nit-lilies ofgthe city, and arepeption in the
Governbr’s #0011!-
- fi'l'he bemocmts of tha Illinois legis
lature haveE Adopted .a resolution denoun~
oing the emancipation proclamtjon “as d
.gipnfic usurpatién" md‘tending to a revo
lutioh the bonseqfixences of which “ my“
be mtemplnteq without fox‘ebodifigs-of
terror xin‘d cliismn‘bn” ' '
' ’ fink vioient ahli-proclamatién meeting
. ‘ w‘aa held a. few dayi ago in Ptenident Lin
‘ k' with town. Sprjngfield. 111. » T 56 unti
t' _ menu. uptemd‘ Wm Ipooiallr lemu
rim www’: ~ - ‘
= F
5‘ 'i—w' “""“ «i i
‘ mm, MT ‘ VIE REP : .i‘ I" “M W" L" ' ‘
' A little after 12 o'clock on W.ednesd-y w :3 or A ÜBLIOM EXCITEHENT m FULTON CO. . GEN. NTZ' JOHN PORTER.
'm Ilni AlbertD Bo'l h hl' h ° 1"“ “h “I?" "I "he!“ "We" '9‘ .V 4" ’lfl'm' NW.- 011 “'rdncsdny wink, VWe have‘ nlreulv xmh‘ou’nced ll"; ’nct
+ ° "5‘ ‘ “”“v‘ °P“ u “‘flectl thewhcr sud unturo vieiys of Thur- lieu: f \' F d , ' . ‘ - _ ‘
and editor of the Philadelphia ,Egafigi‘ . , 4.-.- - or , Ofitho Provo-4 (mind, that. the court martial maven-HI far the
_ _ . low Weed, the bosom Mend and: confident whilst, imam .u to 1 l l ‘ . ' " ' ' I
J was arrested t. h d . _ I“F finest. -0 In for”), purpme ot‘ Inmg qur (xenon! Fitz John
, ’ mn" once "I of Wfllilm H. Seward. The hop“! 11 nthifi my] ~9! . _ ' I . - '. -
. ""41. n can .I worm l~u hucmnm. was shot Porter. on (‘hn e- ro o~ - \ OI'UFD‘
{that the provost guard. Ind «fried plrtii the State of ‘9' Y k . - i l i. - , WT' {9" H." ‘l'”
if in posed to B 1 . Wh' \ ‘t ‘ 0' i o'9 mm“ by ““1 1‘0””. ”I? but! onu-rmethephoul- "fl PM“. ha“- found him guilty nudlsen
0. -" P 3 “more 0" :- mgton.‘ to him than to am athei- man my livihn da'r nnd‘msfit vluwliiflnnlu The 1 “‘"M' h" t l. ‘ lt' h I“
'lhcre I.” no ."mmt, for big. arrest; not ‘ The'mdicalfmrtimiofit wetoolu “but ll 3- as 00 i... l‘ l ~ .. waum 1 Im at ifuum mint o‘, sen,” .
:wnu the more nmile knnwn to him: ’minht l“ v. ‘ed th Q( l‘ h “V,” nu «m ‘I-Ihi germ" one. but at. .and {but "I" Prmulqnt Irvin npimvm! the
i The order for Mr. Boileuu'a strut; it. is P - i‘.‘ cam c. a. e: . . cheM/lant. “chunk l'ord ”'5 iml-fiwing, ind finding and ""an ‘m‘d him (leperul
[linen “M. was issued by Gen. Schenck Injection}, ifthpy had follovrod MP Illness-7' hora: of his mom.”y hum! (.mprmined.‘ l'nrwr's name to bestricken frohuhe umy‘
«hose ilf‘ntl'cillnrlors a” in Bxltiuimer; [.ut thtly upro,‘anr'l are st;ll,cra::y. If Mr. The Clmmlwrnlmrg Nplm ,5. T‘m“ has u". lid. ‘ ‘. . . ‘
i'l‘hr- Mn“; is antic-d by; the National [uh-'lli- 1‘? 9M" apt] (ht? mader'at‘e men 91' his {fit}; i following nrcnunt of the unhappy "mgr, g , ”I" I'IMHIL m. vaJy Ilniodk°df°f by
.Vnmrr M‘Pe the I'uhliontion of an editnrial f‘i‘mi.‘ qnlyflrift OV.” Into the “Tn-”Cfallc‘. It "Wm" ”'M 'l”,'“ ram“! m" ropulnrly ”Imam". ’mfldnwli fuum‘fll ihgtmnmrxny,
on the mmwiue of President Illvia con. Aparly, 9i” would ‘00“ be “KM Hm". fln'l.fnr“!le'l "V “w.h"l'"l’ “I'"th and till"! "ml “My “l'l’r"h“"“F‘l by a few Miguclous‘
.;. . ‘ ‘ ‘ ', ’ pour he} trad Union would he estnrml to m ["5 "“9"” 4" )""“‘!'.~ “OVll'f'PTWflrdq np- minds that had mmmle manual the do;
”7““th ll‘Wllll (he, nlmuagf' of Iromdont Q}, I": ‘. Ilb 1 1 'd ,‘ fippnrmllmt‘nro the hm“ (‘nmmiuioner and" ... l' l y'; . , 21'
Lincpln. to (ho prejudice oftlze latter. If" 1fl . ‘ wu prim ° e a” ”‘s‘ "““mgmmlo mull that ho mm nor 4!» w...” “(lumen-10:1; r. (legllrtqnymortwqlmm;l“q
the 1,1,,.1;:,¢,,,c,. is rightmit ‘3 Mloundiug :(a $3101”: mi E . - n £lll2l] the (,nmml‘ul'nlmli drnw the rod line ‘1‘??? fins (hut mall: in «the course o 1:16
Bmm mm Iv mif W "g: ”'3
midi-eighty nml luws‘ bf ‘l’cumylubil (Ora; ‘. 1‘ LIV-(1‘: ‘ i . - :"wvll iindontmul the fliitfnii'qawm "m" gn "SJO cor, "has” ”“9?" P‘ni‘mng Ig
_ ‘ . . i‘ , v‘ ‘ ‘ - 5 :‘ ' ‘ . “‘5“ ““T “*0” _nnmmynpon all vancrnnll 1n tHP infgmnu!
suf‘h a ”11km" 1:? I“ ‘3 :0. “PM" only (“3"“): m' ”mint" ”r any h" nmmhthnfu) 1“ -. "m exmnptdd." [IIOI M dimmer! :li‘lll destrn ' ‘him I The
l Tho! Imst h" Creator! much oxr‘ixemcnt :rohollinf)wprdlwnrlhwmsfire‘am ngt‘lm few llu-nnzum- was put immtlu-wln-uI-Inncldpfnn ‘ln .- .e' l I 13. - f
M mnédeipm». Hurrinhurg, and. indeed, i 533” :"il;"‘-F;'”m°”‘?“~0"- ’"m’fim-V {11:32:11,393 :fg'fingggfg‘j‘u' 3'3”“ “f“"g‘i’vgl ,7” ”it?“ 35'3”?" "; "I?!“ ”J
3, < g . . . . 1 ur nm 1w :0. iqmmgusg .. I'ompre- ‘. , , . N , Ic- recort . I}: nn‘Mi as n.. us new mu rug.-
,‘l'r?!’fl'”“‘ (he Lita. 11. 15 n.” that. m the §he_ndml hm}: “4 magnnw’lé 51m tq lmrrm-a. nrtho (faultiiammnnr. Mr, For-prytthon ftp-i pd guhnn‘inatp: but we nrdmnch mique‘n
mlntriry not by which Mr. Bullenu was kld- {lt n nli nyq an offense; in an im ivitlnnl. tn ”my“ "gm" MM.” the L‘“"”"'*"‘”""" ‘Yi‘l' A it'it do not rocoil will I i f l ntf t:
imppml- and curried dint of the Slate, every :iforesee Vila; mill esgicinlly Rh I) attempt “"“_“r 'f'“.““'l-'MW"‘. Q?" mmln null: 11:"!th “ A f h l I .0”. :1. ec . upon
‘citizen uniform The [flow «melt uncomi- it? am cr‘even t 0 [mi-pared for thorn. ."“‘.“""‘? ’I""""l' "I"“t‘..“'4ss'°imvnf m: Pm" ’T’ ‘ me" '° ."“““" ‘t' A. .. ~ ‘
lu‘KmaliY de rivbsd him of lihert was iin 'ih" nn ~Bl’tll‘lc_¢.hen Written. ‘king tlw r)””nmhw-l ”W (mur‘él‘f‘n'fpr'l",““““‘""ll Romnrkmg "P 0" 'l’" “‘3‘ "fl" ‘ Imm"
ed“ . P" . _ r Y n‘ ' '3Pero :1. Congrp“, and our mull'rw. {n ‘1'""- mi" EMP‘XV “’l‘! it" 4-) 3'9an nftmn, l tire to n‘hmve nnil‘ moritoniom ptficer, the
0 ”0“" Tm; ' {mld ‘5 ”:9" now finding Wk“ "‘ -ir 9"” “73d ”Iquuhts uh \‘o thv hm my ‘l'“ll{"'.‘j“hl't" (3:11: "i llilrcw ?i lino vir i Jmmm/ «ff'nmmerrc min: i z
" s‘: " ' . v , ' . . 1 - - 'll'l a v A ‘ u . . _ .
ur I? I u .on) to miner-led my the 71.71)“. 0 “figqud contgnpliflu g- n on?" ".lmfiwl.” mev‘lll ”1.12:” 'thli‘iiiri‘ii'l "The Work nfrii'rn tlmt. if: swim: or. is but
mmt tlMormmml it-ction. by mailing nnr~ km“? "“14h13 “‘9 “N‘WIMVM
who! of all our ‘constitutihmtl rights and In". 0“ thn “I""flh nf .flilll‘ ‘l'
b . ..‘ w,” ‘ to l hIFI‘ ‘l yotngu mLthn(ll-nnnrmtmns n‘
“"J-"lr‘ ” "‘_ "‘3" "I‘m‘ lef" ‘m the frtt‘ ull)’ censure of most of
government mthm farm which pqlmllgom- ,flicnn jn rnnln, : -
pclit m lihfmto thé victim it hurt home in)l .Sulgv turntlyt when rolwllir-n
ita clutt-hp‘ and duh-r it from seizing others. pant”: S{:J;§:'¥:LEE'FII???2
. ~ , l“ t I :1 nlt
I" ‘”m Fh'lmli‘ll‘h‘" Ab‘mt «va Qnmtor 208100 ~ mtihlxrv‘mhin m the lluinl
Shdionwmn Thur-«lrv mnrninantlgo I.nd- firm a \<¢_ ,\\'v nll rr‘tnr‘mhor
Liw atIIIi‘l‘!"‘1I tln‘ Grand .Inrv, directing id'f“ 5"“ ' l‘mpnkltir-n." lll“‘"‘{”'
111-it llH‘\' In)‘ all lutxnmn axinlo until the :{Vtvj‘m‘ ' .21" l‘{mit‘l‘tt;k‘.‘l_'t'lh"llll;;tl
. " . ‘ ‘ '- . h ‘5 l“l“l ll‘l 1‘ lt‘ .‘ I‘ll It'. \‘o ll
l.m~ ol llu \tatnilmm I:(‘lt|\lll(ll‘\.\l(‘d.- Imunrlu-l 3‘). um muthnrn ""1“!
II“ alluded to (In: tormltlv nrnut at Mr. Fem“! North (‘u-nlinn. With
Ihilvau. nml tho «Yns-ng pf his uNlnhhh- gin" “h . ll th‘t‘ lhrtlt-t-Stuto réln- I
intuit. l‘)‘ the l'nitml Strum nullmritthnd I‘m"?! j:"“(d‘l‘il1‘.“"‘;;TI:"“‘;”“‘I fl‘
‘ , .‘ , “ \rm 1-: ,n: or I. u «n, u .
Ilgh‘t‘lt‘u 111-1‘ tltnhmml 'l‘") .xhuuhl "'n I't-rva lt-nounvod. In the " t
Imfrro tlwm hm. Montpmtvry Mill ”:6 hug," \lll‘l‘r‘ tl'm Imgislntnrn vlt
I‘t‘mmt an‘lmlmntl :Hk'them under what. with?) suit. )VII‘I‘K‘II~I\‘I‘ reigned '
authority his-\r‘rfit hml ln‘anlmmlm Vgtltx‘tm‘ uxsltotl “ml‘ml' the. h B
. ~ I' ' ‘r\ Nln was mam r ,
. I no math-r wits, nlsn'lirnn'ght to the “no“.1hi‘l‘I'llltl‘lll _\' Elm) Stufcifi :1 "Shirts;
lion of the Imgzslznturo on I‘hurstluy utnrns PIURH“ Fuarnml to l'mnnin in t
ing. In the' Senate, Mr. “'Mlnce ofleredjwere 10' t. With North girtilin;
the thlhnring jnint resolution: 3 31'0”“? ”‘ II“; lfl‘l'oniV\ llgmlnl I
. l.” )couox esmut
“ Erwin-J. {if ‘the‘lloune concur.) ffhnt .' “og‘ ._ 3 '
tlm Governor lw‘Llirncted tovinquim. and slll333:l‘iibyhgg(tiltitiéntllileTlérill‘st
forthwith robot-two the Leizinlature, forwrm’em i 'iVorth t‘m-ol‘im Vir
‘wlmt. (111-11103 and by virtue of what. law. : 0%“. “th‘xgnmfliw ha‘v‘e 15M
Aumt D. Boilenn, a citizen of Pennsvlfifiéofi'd” man'oiuiu'mo o'.th
vanin. ha: been arrested in the night and 1 lionrilt 1‘90““): flute: ‘
t‘m—oildyt-mnovml beyondth'ajurisdiction of“ 'l‘l‘leli' -billi __!;S wanton nml
thii State. and whether :1 Warrant, support- ‘ hnv “n :1 I)? the n M nf‘l K
ml hy oath nr ntfirluution, has béwn ixsuml ' , nah”; "“fixl‘SZO “.39": than “”1
hv muhpetent. authority for making said 5 ‘l. E I ' ‘ 4 ‘ ‘.
INN”! .. ; - ‘ ~ Ir—lms )‘en - nearly t~wo.years u
‘ r ' ‘ _ , limth w] at, uléfl‘llt‘t} oi success,
‘ I‘he resolution gvnc referred to the Com- "what pt-‘tmiwot‘n t‘erminatidn we
imi’ttre‘on Federal Relations. ”in"? Its 0“ mi nnothrr. Its los
I Mr. Donovan offered «resolution probes-f ESlll£lttthNgnwei all ”Isl-“TED?
. ‘ . . . wt nr wreerva re m
. _ \ ‘- ~ . I
‘ttng agiunrt the mutant. of LII'. 'Bmlenu‘ us hold th government. We luul,
Lunwnrmnted and_ .unJust, and instructing ‘mflwm, 9m >of the “-31-, n unite:
rthc (Invernnr to repair to \Vnshingtnn and Sl‘ho-t‘ul ningtion of treason. in
Idemnnd the return of Mr; Boilonu, to an- I?" $0” Sumter. kmt‘llll‘dt‘t 113er
, ‘ .- - ham pa rtottsm over )0 wmo ‘.
mm for any ofi'cnce mth which he may be null We L; 7A” merely partisan
charger}. _ - ’ ' It‘nvrgcul n ‘ higher and. nohlgr i
‘ The rnsolutmn mu roml n- secon'll time. I 1111 guot and true won, in imitnti
nml, m 1 motion of Mr. llio<tantL w 9 ro-‘¥f‘§“sm’7‘, "I Concord and I‘ll)“
. . ‘ . '_' , 4 I tri u
the C "I l ‘ _! u). rutmn t 9 army. nrmn
fitted to .o in ttee on ledeul Ruin V’l‘hen W “,0”, m“w hhg‘mgP
“0“" .0 ~ ‘ (fo'unmalll “ Republicans—Ml ’1)
I In tho llnnro, Mr. LIUIIOW offered the l for the first ynnr the war had. wi
following preamble and resoluticn: : IQPI’IWM' the'hearly =up‘lvort ofb
' Wnrnmu. it In: come to'the known-(lg. f ggimml ll'flgtfflaiflu: 29‘I'V‘0wcu‘
of the I u~O nl Itupresr-ntntives ot' the Lnfi- ''m‘”l m I U D “hoax-i
isl. re of Pennsvlvunin that one of lthr .hrjnrtth nheml—moreteulthan 1‘
mm citizons. Albert D. Builenn. rosidin-z'r 9.lllTlllufllnntldron'twl cotnmnn
in the city of Phihtdelphin. was without "I“? 'B‘ grpeldzls.l»rn.tte ”1 pll4
(ltu- warrant of huv. at .midnight, on 'l‘ues- “mum." Eli“) 0‘ m lifttertmonc
day Inst. taken from his home :ind convt-y- ‘ rite, 11‘ '9.) 5‘3““ of (3?? In”?
911 under nmilitary guard to some unknown I 1:13:11": tngmtmnce'. 0' “ “hi I]
rlnce ot‘confine n‘igntbeyoudthe borders ot “. m MEIR m ‘3" VIN“ enn Pf
thiz State: . ismu Io} em to, inst“ the svnmn
Anal wllrreak, The unusual time of arrest I(‘lottftrrnlosnnvmled ”Tm‘flw‘?
was acknowledged bv thou; Qhoaon for thisi “Hf”? ’ é." chqrm‘ter tot 1c nnr.
A. have béeri . , =.. order tr II he ewhlunqe hefiaro us—xn thv
m- eme to have béen mmlcjn order to pre- 3' “ " ' ‘l': """i" * _ ; .
Ebnfthe intervenzi‘on of tho remedies ’prn- {glztiledyfgzmi él‘:_:?:llrl“v‘;’t‘i;:fn‘f}
vided by law and guaranteed by the \Consti-L . l 1 “'7“ ' {‘11: t d}, a 1‘“ P ,
tuflon of the State of Pennsylvaniagmd of 1:113 8i21fi253721 Ragtggqéé “’2“
file-[lnked Statgs to every American citiJi b'nluelgss; Wm”. all! u‘nitml h
“"1- d 7.... > ‘ “t,“ ,1, ~‘ 1. “ed to} ndcomplish. the Abolit
:n m» M]; w (J .7 _ _
1,1 A «charms, The mid arrest is an invasion
of the soil ofthe State of Pennsylvania, and
an outrage upon the dignity and sovereign
ty nfn :11 eilt Gommonwealth; therefore, ‘
erfvérl, That the House of~Represontm
Lives ofthe Commonwealth of Peuniylvn
nin,jmlons of the rights and libertleyof
her ritizena, and appealing: to God for the
nectitude' of their intentiom, do solémnly
protest against the‘suid :irrest as unwarran
tnhle and unjust. and call upon the Gover
nor. ns the Chief Executive of the ()oan—
wealth, Hearing in his person the muj sty
of this State, to immediately l'repoir to'
Washington and demand of the general
~government the release of the said Albert
D. Boilenu, to be retu'rned to the State of
Whiéh he is a citizen, to answer any char
ges to be made against him. «
li'raolral, That a ‘committee of three be
appointed to transmit a copy of these resolu
tions to the Governor at this Common
wenlth. '
Resolved. That copibs of those resajxition:
be lorwurdeito the President. of the Hniteil
States. the S retary of War. and the~Senate
and House of Representatives of the Uni
ted States. ~
” After considerable discussion, the seas
‘nnd nayswerecalled on Friday. Agreed to.
The Grand Jury .in Philadelphia made
a. presentm‘ént on Friday in regard to the
arrest of Mr. Boileau, und'Judge,,L‘ualm'v
instructed the District Attorney- ta‘ bring/in
bills of indictment agalnst those concerned
in the arregt. The matter has also béen
brought up in the City Councils of Phila.
The people are determined that the dig
nity and lms of Pennsylvania shall be re
spected: ‘ , ‘ ‘
lips, Su V'ner; Gerrit Smith, etc.,
we truetixflo thrir judgment, or fol‘
land. or j'ote with them. then? 1
the same] men. with Mr. Greeley
veloped, us ndisciple, the Abolititi
nbw'.‘ Illive‘tliey grown wiser,
own intellect dwnrfed. or has your
sense collapsed? ‘ If the North
Abolition: as a merely poliiicnl to
be acc‘eptg‘adwlwn the lives of ourl
brothers and the preservation 0N
try are involved? lffive refused
“one-idei men ” when it only cost
shall we oommit all that is'sucrev;
cious to ‘heir leadership 1‘ ‘ ’ 1
We as thése questiom now i view of‘
the can rted ofl'ort'to narrow th s mighty;
struggle orxnational existence (1 wn to an
Abolition ‘crumde. We Ink the in the
hope of tit-resting nkpopulxgr delusi n which 1
is dmwin tens o thousands of patriotic
devoted on into a vortex “hi it bodes
inevitabl min and destruction to them
selves an their country. We k them.
at this mtment. in view of the studied at
tempt to lassify all who do notgwork up
to their 3 andard, as enemies. And finally,
we ask mostly whether the ehperience
“of the first year soda. half of the war. with
all partied engaged in it. justifies the hope
thin the rebellion can be crusho snd the
Union preserved with a united uth 53d
a dividedl Keith!
0» -—————._._.
fiThE organ hf Archbishop [Lughes is
severe upon the proclamation, It declares
that this i‘is no longer to be a warl between I“ l .
white wet); it is the _St. Doniingoimassacrel . 'f' ‘ 1“”, '_""
innugurnted on our own soil, tinder the . flit nut most smguhtr fact that theen.
sanctiou.'approul and enooura ‘ment of “'9 Republican press 01‘, ““5 State ”9 “-
imbue was gum , “menu” in {he the iGove nmenthfthF‘United Stxrtes.” ' tempufigtopfiwh up exqummd apologies
United States Senate on Tuesday. ‘Whllst ‘- ,l ' w h —.‘_+ : for‘cnmemn’s infamous '“Wlfllpt to bribe ‘
the Republicans were trying to forge . 31f or father: didn'tlntenq the Con-1 membet of the Houseto voté for him for
through the hillv to_indemnify tho Presi- stitt‘ltion lfor war times, why difn’t theyiSenator. They abuse Air. ‘Boyer without
glint a:fd 1312:: gowgg; acts. Er. anti-i “,ng 51,433, at Constitutions o ‘e for "a! '; stint, and sppear to think they can brook
citZi’, “d denounced theveE-esiiiznt in and theother for pence—as sagefPrentice. ’ the force of the expose‘hy duration and
round terms. He was called' to order, but “A“... v "—M l foul billingsgnte. No I: v tum“ “9PM,"
pan; no heed to the call. ‘The Sergenntrat- ’ d ”8"“ “w Ne“ .Y” ””3" “m“ i can editors. Th Mich: of Mr. Boyer?
Arms theujrresled him. when he drew a. “5" W” I' M" cfll" tt. (”fan-9835" Demd'i will prove true in ry phrticular.'nnd the‘
pistol. betxmmediutely 9“? it in hi? POCkF‘i mt.) tbdl-Repubh ..n candidate, iw‘“ elec- |Minister to Rustin 'll iyet sufl'er for hisi
again. hex! day a resolution mu mtrodu- tedibpeakier. / l ‘h' h‘h dad ’ - .
cod for the expulsion of Mr. Saulsbury—i ' ‘ +-—/——.«w7 A. v.__l _ |ls' an outng . But we deure thel
but on Thursday he made a sthtement. den W 35 lgl from Newhern.-\'o h Caroli- i 9°09“? to remember. "0‘! and on “'0 “FYI
clering that hedwbnes notin trh: h;bit of our. 1 n. 3,.” t tGovernor Stanley’s igmfion iof the next election, that all the Republi-i
rymg arms, on nn :1 on or any un- r - e ‘ . ‘
Bropriety olwhich‘hgt; 13.3 mm been guilty.‘ was; 3e :30 Washington; the ,2' mall, ‘ mill-neutbers 0f airmail: and “”138 Be?
ere we suppooe the mutter will drop. on ‘. :5 upon t a fashion q cman- ‘pu loan papers een . moron. they ‘
--VWT...“ / c: tron, _ mutton, which he caucus. con mbefdre the voters iwith this land to i
Q’szclisburgm to be again “tackled. lly’ opposet. J ‘ ~ i carry, iet thokm try it.-—-Qar(i:lo IWJWar.
.-~'/ri ‘ ~ I 1 : ‘
[S‘A New York despatch, January‘Qßth,
says:--General~ Burnside was waited on lay
General McClellan last night on his arrival
here. The greeting was most cordial—
Geneml Burnside vgill beserennded Def-night.
Generai‘ McCiellnn left for Boston this
morning. and i-eceived a spontaneous ova
tiOn at Springfield'nt noon. , .
A Boston despawh. 29th, layu-Genepl
McClellan~has accepted the invitation of a
committee of citizens to attend a levee in
Fannie! Hall. some day next week. The
General to-dny visited Cambridge, moon»
pim‘ied by Eflward Everett and other friends.
A resolution was offered in'the New Jer
sey Legislature on Thursday. declaring that
in the present discouraged and dishenreén
ed‘ condition of the country. Gen. )tcClelg
lamshould be restored ”Commander-in-
Chief. and that by this nee alone can the
éountry be saved from utter ruin. ;
"Ed jburhuls‘ insist. upon nude-1t:
1 rty.‘ f hey demand that the “1
”rowcut (1 under their nuspiée
their pu wows". Men’s opinion
slavovy sucstinn must. be_lpng_n
shortened. in accordance with t
cnhte‘nn Texnmple.‘ a
lel duos‘e of our old Whig fri nd=. nnw‘,
soimpafijent ivith. and differing, o widely
kom us. gum their minds a few v 'ars back-l
wards and remember what. they tin-h thought
of Abolition': and What it~= cnux-eedml action
Mus?‘ \Vus it nht nnrrowqwr‘ven nntl Ini<-‘i
chievous? ‘ Did it nohexvrt n vijious and]
malign pvliticnl influence? Did I not. for
twenty gears; at our electiom‘, gp‘tate antlcl
National eve’r play inm‘the hangs of pro- 3
shiver-y emocmts? \Vhile we w .re- larbnr- .
in]: fpr tl‘n right, dqingull we‘ cm d fnr'lhe}
Union‘a dahe ‘couutry. were w not em—i
boa-mes ahd Ithwnrtod by thin‘ fuelious, '
impracti able “ 'l‘hinl Barty?" \Ybo were
its leads} thonf' Messrs. Gnrnqon. Phil-
i, .aring 111..1 .
rl‘" “00“!“ ohm}, 0f mun-«o running-«I at hang?! and “I"
Ivornmont. nut li-[uwt for dutv. inu-n thn VFW-N!
m:lnv.uml (Emmi :nrwwl in l’uiiliin mnmv inr‘ilhfi
“0 ""1 “l" lmrlmqo ot‘nrrmting (lii-(«Hers and drain"!
into" who hn‘rl not re ‘lrt'ml. through [tho
“‘l' “n“ "(-gligr-nt‘t‘ nt’ (lan (in: mi>~ionnrp or sqmc
Shut": “ mhvrcmlto. the name annhn Form-yin!»
‘ and lvn~ m-nrml on the HM. fur li~hml thPm hythe
tor Ami?!” i‘unun‘hiitfll-T. 'l'hn U urtl. 0‘ (“0'1"“3 {'l'o’
1h“ .. ‘"‘ “nah-Ii ti) :u-n-‘t Porno '.,which thP)’ lhd fin
"""l"“‘" w n wi-vk..- w] brought, him to
train ”I“ 31.1 mm -Il~i-nr;_v, when it writ (film/"auror
"flv" l““'" ’p," m... [ink-on nut in hi}: hnhnlfmnl n how‘-
" T""',"“". In)! mu had before .imkl- (T'unl’i'i‘n' onf 01"
"'o"'*.“"“‘3 the .\~mr‘iuto Judges qu-‘uitgn t“)lln?1{-—t
-.~(-nh\ln'c~ H" Um lu-nrinl! [he abo'og‘ate of fifl‘lh runs
1”""l‘mm' presentml null prototfi upon 'whit‘h “Ii:
0 “Tr".w-i Hnnnr nuh-rml tho Eli ,hnrgonf For‘n’flfl—
moo ( nn- : ()u \Vt-nlnbmhu'fnftm- Firm-y was disvim’m
pnm'wl "a ed on tlu- phltlltt‘tly'CUr/IMA,‘ tiout. Fn‘ril and two
It fa\'?r or other mun wr-‘nL tn lill‘lhflll‘i‘ nf Forrioy M.
rd" M“mi re-arrml him; whvn thf unfortunate >htpnt-'
. “'l‘l4“o"'lin.r took althtom quit-y, the same day.
of 3'13”“; wcrnt to Mr(lonxwll~tlmiy_v nnd surtc-lldP‘rud
1e 1 til-0m ‘ himwlt' tie the: civil authorities mm] mm rcg- \
“ml [tn-i “lat-W committed .to hrienn to await. iliS‘,
ccultl ""t “gall.- )2 (Ln! or two nftearxvmh he wm‘f
”WWI-are"L-ukonirrim the J.|ii liy the military :tndi
o.‘ .Hmui‘l com. to Wiwhingmn in i me. This is nil-lain i
311.1105“ of] stuto'mmit of tihc fiH'tSii’lilC-CQSC :13 “we; hm'e i
mm, rm"reccivmt'tht-m. We v rt- pcrmittéil Inseel
'Vod ”‘O5" i the rpom-ll ot' the“ r‘aft Com"li-“ibupr-l
out 1-cbel- ' which show On itilfflol :ptato of {new pru—
’ . i ci<Piy ac we lmve relnlo’gl them. i‘ ‘I
mckm'l M We have no (‘mnmi‘rits to make mi. “101
("y—“mi fuch’hs thov relate to he Inn-lies immedhi
necewu‘y ;‘lol\-i-nnn¢:cte(i with the sad :tfiiliq, hutt‘;
progl-(fss. ' that} is ugmmrui n~pevti hithc case on which]
and. wuh w» -lo.~ire to submit. a i'oiw rmnarks.
nnJudgl‘, ‘ ’l‘hure Moms to have i 390“ a direct “fini'l
onfl ”Mil sion hem-van the civil and ”I? military;
‘pfa um- nutlmr‘itim in this 01159,] and :m nttnmpt on;
""d "P' uu- prll‘t nfthe mihtmgf to net at defiant-en
tthoconr thoriv'il law. This rule.“ ll questiqn in-;
"Kurthn— mlvini: the rights and; lilwrtim (If every!
Its Qtlflf‘k mfiqq‘hm citizi‘n. li’ the vivil hm- nnd the]
0f "Nil-g- {levi‘itnl‘ nt‘theCuurth are to-bc o\'or-ridilen.l
“1.1" E‘b’tA and the. mxhtarv hm’ mule supreme by}
oohngw» “'ilit‘il La viii/am Lharcm‘i with a crimn mn'.
‘}pill“"'."- be [niéi‘ll-h'nlll inning-'1"! ('ripn.l<_ and wit-,i
‘ ll nflljit‘l' "0.3911. and trimqmrtmg imvnnilfliléi iitnits‘
"mm“ m nt'thuNtntn. tn lm trim! ummlz =‘r="'#“‘""
V 2.1 mom-y, both?“ a [rilmnul not rehnwgttizotl hv the inws
‘3?!“ "vi; of the Cunmmnwuuiuy and Without. Um
mag-Hts. mmm nt‘ mnkin: n [lt-fencn, “1“" indeed
I' few ex- nr.‘ um- immteul hhcrtie u i'urcP. _
th qmlnili 'l‘hztt thu militm-V i< suwrim’tn the civil
(immpfii pnu‘mzh n'.~t.urliin;_v dnr‘t uw In in HM? (Tum;
“”1 “10““ “T. it this am- of" th imhmiliule (7:ltlt~€s
"°“']"ds='e" “'illl‘h 19.1 to the Ammicnn Rm’nlution.——‘
19“ [IV-1!" ‘ ’l‘lwifilmiiu-lui lh-clni-uu- n ol'lmh-p-WIPIH‘P:
mm. by i in it~c!|:u'}_'t‘\ nz'muvpm: n~ ofpmuwnuai‘m'l
' “L ““yi King “o”]ng 111. Vllldkt'; the followingspe
ifs ain't“: l citic charge: § >
5:. 2912;“. “Nine has :Ifiixf-ton tn
xnt'bt‘ the 2‘ mfioppgtlunt oi, :unl'istii
to impurt ’ I”“““"' ‘ i
I Here the issue mp 4
rivom nt‘ithp sigm‘m of that in:
”sum 93b)
and uni
‘e pt-ople.‘
VP, so far
1: chivik
King: of Gr‘ent Brimifi,
the principle that We
civil power was intliqpm"
'rity at the rights and lily
the blood of our rota]
was £119.11. and untold
ships mulured.- The 11
trust. are not, yet Willi";
sacred and inestimuhlet
ty which Imvehven thui
Every nth-mlnr :Igmns
be puni>hett by thiiluw4
has committed a crime
convicted and punished).
.Lut hel shqultl be tried‘ it?
ton. where thepth‘lice wil
his right talm. There t’
Me‘kn‘owh. and all the 1‘
could he afl‘quklogl every:
complete nfl’nmple justfi
We T 781131 that npplicnfl
to Governlor Curtin to rob
tn Fulton; county fur tri
onollen will m‘ke the3‘
(-nnsidemcivion. and so acti
to vindicate the dignity'
thé laws and Courts of I;
king :1: n 1
l r shall be;
and for“
E on Hue ,
inf-non] or:
lutir' Pro-T
tc. Did
ow thc-ir
Are not,
Tully (1%
n haulers
r is your
t. will it
sons}, and
.ur gaun
to follow
us votes,
ml pre-
The Hilton Head correspondent; of the
New York World, under date ofJanuary 10,
gives a very unpromismig account of Gen.
Sa’xton'a Negro Brigade. 5 Notwithstanding
the General t‘ensted the on the lat/of Jam"
luary, and made to th m in eloquent ad
dress on their liberation; from slnrery. ac
companied with fatherly advice as to their
future behavior, they dini't seem to come
up to the expectations, khich were enter
tained of them,'and sect-i disposed to en
joxtlicir new conditiofn in a yray not at all
sntisflietory to their white benefactors.—
The correspondent. says i: 1' ’
. The negro brigade is‘ ingain involved in
‘ trouble: the negroes are deserting. casting
aside the scarlet trouselfe. gaudy buttons.
‘ and glittering munkets: Massa Lincoln him
made them free. and their-interpretation of
freedom is no work 01’6"];r kin‘d ; hence they
do‘not desire to exert their muscles in the
common labor performed by white men.——'
A negro soldier was sh last. week for at
tempting to force the ant. A ‘brother’
in ‘color tired the fatal ball. This octvhas
put an end to all enlistment: in this en
lightened body of color' people. General
Saktonsorumor nekedm be trans
ferred to some other department; he has
i had enough negro for sdme time to come.‘
Gen. Hunter is daily exfiected here and the
‘ Gide-(mites are in great lee "at. the coming
lot the meat negro emaricipating general?
accumulating work‘ of rmtlnrulinn for tho
Imp rue-r. film are to vnmohnronl‘lnr. The
Plt-vntmn‘ to Positinn :Inl‘l rimgn nl' tho hwl.
tho nntrmtwni-lln".,;tho untl'nstovl. will I:9~
qhi'ro llv‘ir (liqiluvrmvnt when my :illnllt}!~‘-
trutmn (‘Hlnt‘r info [IOHCI'WIIIt‘II ioprmmits‘
the“ peolile of thiu grant «mum-v: and the
(lisplncmnunt uml nttvmptml dugrnm": nl'
lvrnvu, gnllnnt, loy4l nnd ‘hnnesf patriots.
will rpquire their lull": rmnmtlemom
willflmnor nml yurniw to fold greater fai
the ‘wm 3% “my emltmt‘.‘ l , .. .
“A h§wer 01‘ IL ,lielter man than l'ilz
Jr-lnil Pt ‘tpr. a word gull‘lnt mhlivr. u. more
’fmthl'nl patriot, wa «lo not lmlwve mm“ In
l the army nl tlm Union. Foremost in lint.-
l’lle. MlL'!‘ in mum-ii, fierr‘rmfi :1 lion In t‘hp
[hour (if “‘lt‘, the accomplished gentlc-mun
:flml n litithl’ulv frinml In thf: hour of pence,
file is h mach-l unlilivr uml a unlnlo mun.—
I'll‘ht‘ Unitl-tl States "win: him n‘rle-bt, of infi-‘
23in! urntilmlv for hi~ ln-nm (loode, his archi
ine lubnr. hi» mnflinrhiu: dm‘ntinn tn the
cimse of the Union. That, debt will be
.pnitl‘nne Ilny, il.he lives, nnrl we who (It-fond
‘the l'ninn llvptn een‘tlw Oltl glory re‘tnj‘etl.
IStiyling thud mm‘hhlu! 'IN [mu (in lo the
m-x‘t (iopjn the rn-M nf' ruin, Anlv warning
leach mm»: H‘) ~t:ui«l?l‘l rm hv tln- ftllln‘tl Ilmns.
Land he rvmlv fur Lin) (lnr nl‘ _rebul_hling
{when} .thvy wlm now tour (lawn “llflll‘ aft-[fir
isitlc and permit Lli‘to ~.u'e the fingmen'h."
l , v—o --- Il‘ , ‘
l I Cpnngs talkof‘nmrmpriutin}: $10,000,-
£OOO to frm tlm ’bla‘vos of Maryland. and
I'frnm 82.3.0011mx} tn: San,nm,mn TAN} to no.
(’omlflish the N'lfl'lt" Irm‘pme in '. [iaao'urit—
“Tllliflmst rum of mr‘mey Will have to come
lont Of' the pnokeu uf the w/li’el‘citiznm of
‘tlie Xsrth. This is only the Iwg‘nuing of
the entl. but it gram to,»how ‘vith what
‘ . .' A l .
'i‘ecklesfiiu-x‘s‘ the dominant; 11ml ' In (onf
él‘€§¢rsl[lllln(l('r thp people's mnmlv to carry
,chtt their dinholimliwhomm of 1] union.—
Fnrmerly, when a State. wishml t ~ot thv‘ir
slaveé’ l'roe, tlwy did it without h im! ruin):
bun-ml from the puhliv trm-ury In Lhii
M'ny <lali'er3'.x\3.i~ nhnli>hml in l‘fin flylmnin.
Xt-w ank, va .[t-rEIt-y and all :0 rest of
the now free State-i which were t on in ox,
istvnr-v. But WP have fallow] apn'h e\'il_
thunk: "l‘ho, fnnnt‘icixm of New? lfiiiglnml l
rulec tlmlmnr nt \V-whingtnn. unit we my“
wise the cmmfri' Iliad, mntinur)’ to ’fmll'er‘
m lmi'g n 6 it, influi‘m‘c‘s tlu‘ luuzi~lntiiln nfl
Congrmz. stilml spe‘ml the, (lily iu'lwn the]
Congrou ofitlu- L'nitwl Staten “hall again he!
'(‘nn prwml of mm) Mm will thilllfullyrt-flm't.
the Vill oft‘ho A’nvi'imn penple, mnhhi'ing
the lm’pmmont luck in what, it “w: in thP
pal 1y th’s {if the Rujmldib, We want, it
udn ll)l“tt‘l‘0d- for the lmnc-fitinl'wlifr mt-n—'
' l
f ‘
a i
I 1
Hi , , "“4
I not Pmflusivbly {Ur [hf Iwgrrl rnrn, as
i at the present “mm—{Lunrljlulch
‘. 2 ’ ‘O-O- ’~ ; .
In is 'sninl,(lmt (:t‘n. Butl r and his
bro: or lmve.mmle five milllmni of (Influx-s,
ntlvr the militnrv
cum to, the civxl
hiséinvfly made hv
fitrunwnt‘ with the
kind in (lofvncc-nf
jsupromm‘y' of flip
[liable fnr the sow
ortzosnflhe citizon,
‘utinnnry nncfmmrs
rivutionfiiand hprtl
[film-inn) jpenple.‘ we
it i!
in Vjtton nnd six-Jar cpvcuhltion . in Naivi
(Drinhm. and invetlé‘ol the [honey in Bruitishl
necli't'itiqs. It i< Mei} mid that he, hm sump-j
ta'tl rnrlic‘nl Em uwiputinn notißnaJo please;
Qt“ Ahe nml-nvnhl an investigation of hii'
Xew Grimm: nposratiops. 'Jhlt to tout-h the
éauylnent of ltepphliqanism or Ab‘hitiouism
is to become corrupted. ’ \
‘ ' -~ ' ’ on.» . . v»-
. @A 13:: of moré than eighty 'army offi
c¢r§> has been prepnfi-Hl who are to be Hfih- :
marily dismissed t't'hm service for the use?
oi impr‘qpor language in rql'erenqo'to theiry
itiperipr‘: and tho-mmgnnmlor-imchief (the:
President) in connection withth‘e removal ‘
hf ‘Gen. Fitz Jnhn ,I’orter.‘ Itiis to’ be
hoped. the Prosilh‘nt will go on [until the
army is rfchu-ml, rank and file. to nun-'l‘
dulcoréte'd, 'bloody Abohtionists.——Pa£rta£ (c. ‘
Uhién. 1 . "1 I
v to Slli‘l‘l’nllvl“ ilm
ights 'of civil ‘liher
dearly put-chum],
. the lnws ~hguj-l'
S. “John Fnrney
19 shouitl be tried.»
. according to law;
the couiny ofl’u'l-
IS committed, as is
:6 facts of the case
”mglips intcrhted
: facility :9 obtain
Inn hm been made
mnd Fnrney hack
al. “Fe ‘tu‘ht his
matteript ) serious
in the premiaes as
ml supremacy of
g a Commonwealth“
. A‘ *"~“.”""7‘ ... ; ‘
18“]: appears from the Presirl‘eril’a order.
No. 20, Hm! Genorals Burnside :ynd Sumner
‘wer‘e r'elioverl at their own regal-st. hx‘ul that
General Franklin was not. In his clnsing
farewell romnrkfi to hit Grand ‘Divl-inn,
Franklin mks Li? Olliql’k‘ and soldiers not
to believe that. He mil-ted from thém‘ volun—
(sll‘!in in the face of the enemy. ; Being n
éood oflicer, an’d therefoté. most [likely, s
Democrat‘h‘é has probably been selected
by the administration as the next victim.—
Patn'ol 6} (WM. ' ‘ \
9' fiEdmn B. Olglsuinst from Fort Lafay
ette, was escorted (:0 his seat in the Ohio
Legishture. at, .Columbu's, by a procpuion
two mila Tong} , ‘
W'l‘homua Hartley Crawford, (fdtmerly
of Franklin cpunty. Pennsylvania.) Judge
of thQCriminn! Court of the Diétrict ofCo
lumbi‘n for thqpnst 17 years, died n Wuh
ingwh City on Monday last, IM4}; ult;
fi'l‘he Judiciary Committdeg of the
House of Representatives, Wuhiggfion, Vu
ted on ‘Tuesday to {post-pone infiefinitely
the confirmation of the Pretident’nl, amancif
pition proclamation. - ‘
fiGenerfl Foster si‘iledftfbtn Hatters:
Inlet on‘ the 24th, with thrae‘gunboatn and
a number of transports} supposed for Wil
mihgton. Anotlrxer expedition was fining
out. with glut disfiflch and wou}d abon
leave. probably for the same destination.—
This expeditidn is Ilid b comprise the
whole cumming! of General Naglee. ‘
- harm: and the M’un—Besolutidns have
passed the IndiunaLegislatux-o defiqunoing
the President’l omanaipgtion ”Heme and
his war polici, demnnding an Anni-tine, Ind
calling for a national oonvenfion at lLouis.
ville, Ky. - ~ E §
That's Asa—James Brooks, M. EC. elect
from the city of] New York, says” “The
President is just am much the ermine bf
the Constitution and the luv: M Q Constw
bit; sad has nowmore‘right to inc,‘ Procra—
nation luv than : Coinhble hu'.” r ‘
. wfllenn. McSlfcrry And “SPH‘lu‘Ve our
'ghymlu for numerous Lugiilutive ilnurs. .
fiCummon DBMS.Adminislrnlor‘; Deeds,
Common 8934" J"dB'“‘¢'|‘ B'md‘. Judgmém
Solcn. l'ruml'uory Non-1, Sou-5 wnh ingqjxcmp.
Executions, School Statements, anuml‘ilulinn
Papers. {9th “>1 primed on guod mpg}; fur
sale in the ColrlLln orrwu. . i .
SALE POSTPUNEI).—The 34-31.: ,or‘f'ruwn
Lots ndvenisrd by Hun. Moses Muck-4n, Ex
eculor or. GeorgeShryoL-k, decund, torit‘ridny
last, dixf not take place. on account of, he in
clemcucfzof the “Huber—and lml (bk-afar!
been postponed to Wednesday. the Hll 0!
February inst», at 2 o‘c!ock, P. Hf 1! ...
' fi-Tlté Abolition papers at? trutpplng up
all sorts ofoxc'iwes fur the fitiiti’rc'of'Cst'lporun
t, to rench the L'. S. Senate. It might. hm‘tc be‘en
i secured in various \vnyzt. they tiny. .They, (l'illim‘
3 that they “fitrlouglu-d" two llcmdcrutic‘imom
-1 hertz of 11:: Home and fine or the Snnntp t’vlm/
‘ had been drnfletl, nud‘ preiamf to havé 'bL‘t-n
{quite mngnnniinoui in the pfrini'see. Hinld on
tlu-rc—tltis lying is u little too hare-fitted:—
Mhus. lit-Sherry 21ml \iycrs, of. 'tllit .cipttnty.
two of those alluded (P, were noli“fnrloukhed,"»
1 11m [-ch lll‘x‘ti Sg‘vrtitutrswns other [maple tltd,
i and M}- nmv repicsenm! in the nrmy by lilO~o
sulntixutvvx. 'l‘ltm \w-ro tan "sharp" m dept-". 1
ion “Int-laughs" “hen the xucofing time In»: the
i Legislature should mung nronnd, h=ri>ciuiiy
i when their vote: \tould Meet. a Dcmngnitir‘ l'.
g .‘5. Sonutor tuna“ State Trcmurer. They'would
E m-t'er lutt'c l:ch-:tllm\'cd urge! to Harrisburg
{in tune to gale lur 1 lthl‘. ’ i
h‘ thrflt‘nh-ym-n't uflhv rem-i 111: :1
fifflAdmn: toning fur ”filing n
«alum. it will be >l‘cll "gut Henry J.’
15.41.. donated lu.lhc munt'y aw ufimum
;\"itucs~ lAN-S in [1:0 round-sun] so‘ll‘cnae In
Julgggfiitshcy and hiwhoif. ”I“be llr
nnqueu-d EL—fim. ~huwivg the difl'l
,1 77m] Alb-Im] (’lnnnmx [Li/Ir
i“, i- o‘xy-(vmw mull:- l‘y-n nme
l ‘ A ‘ wlvguih LMannrp In rc-fl-w
["ch .. » -
. ; ogvd inhln-x) .null ('mrupnnn.
"I"«”'g§'.Clllu-I‘ull ix :lllvgml In In: :1
iffAhont tnt-Irc inches of mm“ fi-L grorr :Illltt"d:«!l,li:;0§u“KlortrlyrslIlllliflxriyql
oqfljW‘Efim-sdny;unjl “'odm-sxhy, njzbt. {'H M- ‘ all. '“m‘lflthl‘l I’F:l.;‘i...r‘_'l ”I"
rnfldmrsnmc sleuthing. hut. “Emmi” nurflungh- ‘x‘lrm'uuh ~ir m.“ mm‘ti‘nih ‘ \vguld s:\_\".il \3‘l‘4 rather “rough." 'z ' '1“)!an pf-the Prmitlc-n: m t
the [-‘lfi‘rlhnw of making an in
favlflpml iHllw. uln-tlufr I]
m) 'iul 3| lvrnlwr ”than In
“man”! of llu- United
'l' (St. I‘eh-rwlnrg. ”m
hmylvnnin. will pmhn
r in lIH‘ mtnminn of l
I¥u-.-idmt.—.\'_ I'. T...
brlh’nen’ the nivnv This xu-t of libem
highly (-renlitnhlc- ‘m “r. “yt‘h‘, mid it. , fl
. . ‘ . l
normed wnb )flcsrsme b 3 his uumcruus fl;
v. i i
k‘f'l'hc nlo“!‘l‘clit‘il)ll<'l'ith'r we hn‘volrnilmf
“this many a. dw} ," \\':i.Tp|:u‘cll 111-1 m «uni l'uh‘w
bn Suturuluy, fl-_\' “I‘. George Hmhlmim, of gum-n]
:f‘uqu-zhnd m\vn~'l|ip—:unl for \ul.ivh We hula (nurt';
‘purflmnks. “Hen-h n 5 qwi-t us rluuugh 1'“? firm (”r 1""
my prrss. “c hm no .suyvrliors In pullifg ‘39 mitt“?
lh: unit-Ir. - ‘‘ i 4 _ l
‘33,?“er ”Ann'uvw'x . n‘ rlhvi‘Ym Puma. MW.
, V... ...M 11m. ‘1 . _ _
airy, and Mill mifm'pJ'nl. I\'. \‘v'. HMHIIJI-nb, f"f"|" PE'I'MI“ "J." n“ ”I"
was “seriomly \‘VthJinL in 'he: L‘Hl‘ hylHi-I'ut gig'hngmlfwx‘xl‘f (2:;qu 1?
, _ ‘ , : ,w ‘1 2" n u-i :m- (:1.
mownwn} uud‘u (.ur.(.lr.t(mn find. If: m~- :1 r7“'\1”1”"""”"' having a .‘l
51-9.. B 051!!!“ MIN. we lwhmc [Ag-11;. ! 111. H: lll'l"3ll1lr.~ll(‘ P~Clllwl.‘:nnlw
has No other >=nu~ in [he s:-r\in'(-,-\\lml" h!“ u! wmirhuling M H mun. H
hilll=ét'is suéflring frbyn :I im‘vrn': umnl‘d ru- ”'9 "FIKIE‘HU" "1 'lf “M". "II
:(w-Irml II! the M’nxlcul'Antietam; -. , r‘fqu‘ 'l." OH .“H. “anm' 1
‘ 4 1 ‘ v Ammo ml {burn up ~lre._nnu
I ‘ [@LUUh (“if fur a-uuntm‘fi-it 31) 4-. u‘ réu-vk: 3-“: 11a. IHaul ‘3an (hr Halter.“
ofJ. l‘nrl on vhil Yvrh Hunk. .\u "Hum”! ILL-3' I":“"1|’1"""'" I 4""‘“3”r ”I"
I.‘H.-- . ‘ . l , '.
who hrcn ,nuulwlu cuuH-rl Mr. Arnold s fihn-s ‘1": ‘\ ""‘.—-'_ ‘n' h r I “t" I“
{in FiftyK' ' 1 ,3 ‘ 1 '1 plvkm up m n lunt. :m-«u
1 ‘ 1- " . _W 1 .: - its l, [u-nu-ulmvu \v'Vh hut, "4p!
1 W‘Wr nrr- rliquoeic-I mlsl to Hunt H l:,('(("- muughd lh'z- ,” awn“.
1 phrubnl burst: “110 mm," uwnm! h) \Vuli‘Y \l}. ‘v>"“
i‘qrx', will stun-l Hillinl! the cmuing'warlun 1n! ”15:11
ll’rlrllrltllrg. Lk” .iud Gct'j'ehurg. 1‘ ‘.,lnhe 11
: ,1 '* | A _ ', ‘1 -" E‘ 'rirmml:
1 anxivy’rz..lulrsu. JAn.ll;I, {sl3l. V “MT.“
Enrruu (Eng-v 11l In: (‘nm-u.»u: sqr-z—Y min-r 1“
1 uukice‘l nn A~\lr.lct hum \nlll‘ |'-‘l""'- rtnlzfitimyg ”1‘: ”‘1
Mun m‘rmmt of 211-"! nmrfulin' r'rnu} Uipf‘fmrin. :nlhncl.
“ . _ ' _ u-I. . n
I mu} )(m :1 “I'lwa “jun-h um. 11-I'll \\ “11 suc- 'll,}. ljn‘
TM: in lawn. l 1! In.l_\ be M l-cnulig to «’lqu of 01-unr
yunr readers: 9 A, 1 :1 nhEvh-s
', IM. “Illflhllli Of‘l’uhl‘ll. ‘ Il' If. I‘,"th ‘
J ifdrarhms Xi mu.- 0| Pond), - 1 .1 "n” .1
, V _- 1 H! In r p
I 02. (.upnruefu , .1 1‘ rI ‘1
1 _ . ._ . , ‘ I- .\.
Take about ii‘ol‘ n (fair-(mum! and 41I1so‘vn- light x“
it in _:| ledt'llllfll of warm \iju-r §\\l‘l'|'lfi\'lL—‘ 1' ‘
‘Thex: Luke 3U u pm'inlul t-vri-y If: tumult-1!. ‘ * $3.21.;
. I lil'
' (‘nmmou mu nu been Inn-d “ith grrluhmno- 1.1%”),
fit hqro. ~ Hui-11mg in on H)» insidv ll}"‘h§)ll|rLr(-r
lhrmlfl, null hiuiding: it \u-t. on llge oml~fohn~7 11"3'"
,l'ulnrnlelia gin-n tor thy fu-vcr :ILU. ll‘f-ptin’g: “"1":'\“1
' . ‘ :u. \ l
the-‘9 ‘snggcslion‘s may he 01' ‘Jum‘m. in yfium ' ‘
l mu, respesnull‘y. . - /
I L l ’ l ”w ' 7"
': .EiFT§l-m i “I \Ynshiumnn d ijflh h
g New "0 _""Tr‘l un‘v say: Ihzu (hm-nu Cm
"will s‘nnn rm'gn his m'néitm/lé lhp'~<izi.l
vq‘mme (jli¢i,i:!!(‘ll Igmuunccs t/lml (it-non] 4}
ton tchcfc—d his servings/Io the Wm M
went (m 'l‘uwd'uy to It)» :1 h‘rigmlt‘ 'nl‘an:
inm diff-art uf (ht ruin-Minn! We ha
lmay hgilv‘the :l/Hr/xcc to try the «Tpcrilf
lind suggxw't x! :nppninllnunf. on his, y
g‘olqneltJolhyJ. Patterson um] (Inpuinfi
What b 151.13% brigade ytlml ‘u'ouild buy—l
at Uniqni": . x , 3 ‘
,7‘77 <O.» —~7~A— '
_' Cogngfir m Gn‘nnsnu Svnrnun.
llpv’liu‘na I.(;gisl'tlre lm'n: [man-4 :I resul
félfllhzmks to Uorcruor Se) mung, 01" New
,“for “(cable um} patriotic damage of Ih4
‘atiluliun. the laws Mn] liberties aflhe’ A}
Ecnu‘ citizvn, contained iii his Inn: "1:33:11.
Tg'he Legisluiurc of that State,and punie'
for hi; jg“ and high appreciation: of the}
‘leulsipogxfiiun “\ud putriuli=m of fly.- grout.“
Test." f ‘ _ g
p ‘ -« -7." a... w ‘—-.-._.
‘ Gas, Fxfz Jam: I’uuT:n.—~Tlnis uificér
‘only 4isnyisecd lrom lhoarmy, but by
:o'f lhciiscfi‘tcncc, as approved by thql’res
,dcclurféfzo he “furei‘i-r disqualified from
Sing all; {mice 01 tru=t or pvrofil under the‘gov
‘anmeht‘ohhé Unit“! States.“ ‘Thc s'enL-nce
will yd! bcl‘Tpringed." ;
‘ ...” ,__.. ,V _-
‘l: A Pong-1J0“ TOAST.:-““iflionfl for lhoicon
istitutifipfiot one‘ceut for culmicipntiop."_
[This i 5 the m-ntimcnl ofl'fled by “911. A. G.
I‘Burr, it in immense pnbljc meeting lack in
FCllit‘ign hm Saturday. to take into cumulus:
‘tion the state of the country. _ . g ‘ «
1‘ I » —-——;«.-——'—'———-‘ fu .
‘ WA Xi-w Yorkjournnlm‘rhirh claims to be
posted; city: ill-3, General Butler is In be innin
suted {9 ‘his commund at New Orleans; and
flat as ;non as h; arrifis there Gillian! dunks
will pmcced with the great future of his Emig
rinnl expeditionfi—Lhe invgsion and posseipsion
,DCTens'4-,_.._. .- m 7?” *3 L ,
_Enxq‘nox A'l‘ “'nnuxc.—The charter [dec-
Lion p; Wheeling, \'n., tookaplnce on Mopday,
and ‘ cited in the menu of the dbnunfitive
tin-Renter ihnc,'ofthe Republicup {kept-me
den; .Qr. Baird. for mayor, has i majorityf!
481 over; W. W. Shrirer. , . ;
fiDeuilea account! ohhe Federil neceu
M Arkansaq Post lute tlnt 4hr: Confeder'lte
loss, in kind, wounded Ind mining, w" two
hundred, while that a! an “tucking fprcen
Wu lomewhnt heuier. The priwnen cnpmn
ed numbered four thonund eight hundted,
one-fourth o! whom were on the nick lilv.
mm tall lulemenu show u Pedal-:1 loss
a]; ten thousand two hundred and eighty-liven;
killed, wounded Ind prieonen,.nt the battle of
Murfreuboro’. c ,
“Pun" anon.—Pgdflonn m In cinn
lation in 2337er Ind oth" phcel in New: J'er
scy liking the legilhture to adopt the Hols.
mm resolutions or same equiv-lent.
I , -—~——‘-~-noov--...—_.~
fi’Abr-hun Bell, color“, bu heed un
tonced to be hung «Calida, FL, (or “4:90“
an of n soldier. . ‘ ‘
Army nfttie Shenanidmh. {
- A lat. Brigade, Milrny’a Division. 2
{ «Winchestur. Jam. 26. i 862,
- Dani Carving—We "Q Mill quietly
holding this place, nor do we expectr be
(Hum-bed for sometime to time. at; n "lii
writing there in no force of» y siren hin
the valley of Virginiq.
A few days ago a reconnoi nee in
mm made towards Frnnt Rdy l, for th
posetof rocuring inform mic .and to,
vture ‘ [:ova of rebel pavnlr said to!
the ndigittmrhnod of Squbll 3:. ‘ i
Unr togiment, with do: limfntu
.séveml ot' the othet-c. und r 'L‘igut.
‘Schnilqmm-chod. our} by on road.
the- ”£2om York m‘vniry t k n’di
directinn, with ‘ orders to f In n-jll
m-nr Front. qunl—aexpecti g to 39
§ rebels between our times an l the a
After m‘an-hing‘ very hard 0 er very
math. our ilPtncinment wn halted.
were somijuindtl by the'ot or force
Strnnhui-g. but. :5 Imm! the 9y back
left the‘ country. A übm‘l II at diahe
,91‘, the boys started on th hack
‘ mnkiiig“ omnp tint. nizzht. mpleti
. murcii of thirty-two milt-s ti e nnmh d
i 'l'n-iénprmw we commonc work o‘-
fnl'tifixi-utioms Part, at” the hi t'ort I;
'coneitivi-üble repairing, whil t new "
pivot-kwl can be erected that, ill mnk
plnceinimoet impregnubte. Liout.
iimrt “fin have charge of tlw orkmnd’t
"liiq “it‘ll-known cxpvricnc we hm]
tinnhtjlhm he wilt you form h s duty int
*n maritim- (u with rn-flm-t ml: itlonal 0.
upon 11?, already Well-earned fame. I
i 'l‘hiil ttwn nf our rngim‘on are in
Hmnitli, whim vonuidvz'uhle sit-knew?
'-\'uil~ inpnme of the nmv 0.33.11‘1 nizutioni
; Th}; 'l’nymflster hn~gnot be H urnuluj
tlmnngne is mixiinusiy Inn ml for. n
lhnpe tnhnv nr'xt lottt-r 1 .sh )1 lm id)‘
to“ ")‘ml "Hobo"! his nmnmu: m-t‘. 3:0. I
,' (JpHJ‘lnv comm-unis Lt. l: imutm, I
l'nl. $5113” cmnnmmhng re 'lmcnt. Ii
‘Nnrriii :tvting Adjutant
f his
A (win. murtlul is mm in‘
hm nb leN‘s 01 any unpunu
‘ \\ 2H:
a" his
`lr 'III -
‘ : 0....
I'll!) rq'wl privutm-r
m U. s hnn~purl ILu'
~lnn nu llw 17”!”an 'l l
(‘uufvlln nm- priL-lm-r I
nnrru :1: rt-lznlml "11- ll
|'-n'.|r “rhukbll. in (‘ull'
~9lva .-Iv nun-2'4. \\ er» 0
h.‘ “hru :I - hlllyeHNM-lx
“rm; Muller.“ gal "11“”!
Lain r
ll‘ p!
twp” I
nu . _:
‘ LIES-"mun"! junnml pu
ruin. Hem-rd] “rung -l.xxi|
~rul \lllrmlll'h (‘nmlry m
~lmru’ nu llw ‘.’l~l, nnh
;.' hpd (if!) priqnu-ra nun-W
’ urn-putt an)» I‘uo h_un
„ l's
hv‘nfli id rcpml ul lhc‘
Whin- riH-r. I'u .trkuu
”at In mmwhwl [0 "lull“V
lu- kprmirltiup“ llu-re.
M. l B’r'flfl
‘ u I 11103
i l ,
0 Ike flu- ”or
Cl'O’llx: [urea] t
1' The ‘ l'hul lhrihn- u) xlu- gum by" H:
l. re-n-lvnu' It dxnicult tor tin-m n
”H“? Hui-k. n‘nécl thr- Slum h nmr cui
p.m- ‘ plurl) ‘llnder Fedvrul cuntpnl.’
I; rllui! ‘ 1‘- "O'fi I
P“ he} write Federal gunhnhts on
L had .1511qu ungngunu-nt with ll<
"”"v ‘nn the Kiyon chhc. I.:L, on tho 1
.IT hf uhich plug-y cnplm‘cda number .
“hit, mun, In,“ 105! glue cm‘n‘umuder ul‘
Thumu .“l'Kt‘flll Bnrhnnun.
lhruugli uhv lmul fmm (he Confl-
i “any n- Tm: l’unruunin'
{misfit no one who i 4 not under t‘
_!'-umliriin'l". to hear of mniiny
l‘finsl:qll:fl[ll’l.‘ of the l‘retident‘s
i’rocianl’ntion. Une nflhe hm i I
ha‘e came to light 01' nprn rul
count is that u! an 'iiljuois Tu
,hzu been mustered nut or the re]
.exceptiqnnf one company, in l
.iis ref-Ird to fight fur the n';.
(Iowa) icmhl. l
1‘ -.— —— A a.» ’—» I
ml; is stmpge lhnt. with 5!
of Genus; Bullet iuwlhc [ndicnli
‘hern so fowl-v rcceirVd, even by ‘
isls. in H glue cities he has v‘
governn entomcen and contrnc u
xusembl to ‘BO him honor. In
city Lh- showed any enthusins ‘
menu ; s New Orlea'ds, bul‘thn
\lem—l rld. , i
101 -
fiflon. C. L. Vullandiglinm
to min In? Gore'gnor othio if no
Democratic convention. ’~
Unstrung—n is suue'd that.
gunizntiun of the Runs" reuim
voiunxeen owi- 400 lune due":
480 on duly. ’ ,
On thc 2711‘ of Jan., at Peter
tawnahin, to Mrs. UATHARINE
Petenburg, Adam: county.
< 0n )hr: 22d ult., by Rev.
SDI-112K, both} of Adams county.
. . Dun.
fiOhifin-ry notice: 3 cents .
05:: (our fines—cub to “comp
" 0n Prifluy, an." a long illnou
WANTZ,‘ ‘0! this Borough, tom
‘moreflfi/fd about 51 yenr’s.
In F nklin lownlhip, on L
flARY suns”, only danghte
Sinner, jdeceased,fged 13 yen-HI
2: dnys. I
In Mennllen township, on thb 24th fill.
ELIZA JANE, daughter of [leafy Ind Eliza
‘Eppleman, aged 7 years 9 month and 22 dun.
0n the 19th nit, RACHEL ALICE, thigh
:l" of Jacob Zinn, aged 1 yur 9 ponth: ad 3 '
nys. ‘ ‘ § ‘
0n the 32d uIL, AQUILLA, non of AbMIIOIn
Alper, aged 4 month. ; 1
On the 23d ult., infant child of Adam Brian
0n the 14th 1111., GEORGE GASMAX‘. in
the am: your arms age. z a g
In Mummnbnrg, on the ”lb 1112., r".
ELIZABETH HART, Aged 66 mi. ‘ ;
‘on the 28th um, JOHN 0., {aunt go of
Ephraim Ind flirting Batting-ct! ”-5111,; ’f
0:: the 41!: um, THOKAB Blink. In? of
Gnome Ind Molina Bonn,“ you . '
ship, minimum 011 l M 5",???
Hi: In now In over. } Q. 1,,“
; put.
Pa in
a ry.
‘ unh
. and
‘ hml
V ten"
5 yet.
:14 I
o to
(7e are}
i! 'llll'
:1 .l”
i l. nf
’/ (int.
'nf {ht-1‘
nm- to u
in \\ Inivh
uulv. is I
m tilt-1m
hw'n pr
all]!!! “I
mI Inzlltv
Inirv inu
‘ 1- NAN ('4'
:IleN a:
'unr W IF
ly luring
4- Solub-
n-tn NI"
arm”: U
Mar “Nari
(l I!“ ‘7
In)".- law-.-
1!) hut h
P 541 in
In l: mu,
ml 'it i<
n-vt 'Hu
)H'li uln
lath-r. 0-1
“II I. «x, I
uu'tul tn I
u [H.lkr'
1'r:l~ “7N
v~~vl ‘Ilp;
‘o': The I
Tm") \vi'l,
ppt-an-il l
“ {I3 '0 ‘
Wm :m- y
Iw-jXMVs 2
» the Hun
‘ “Huh-r,
lnfl “mi 1
l;". I'!‘('
:h' In!
md n
.xllo u .lxh
ruptured 3
hiny x'wg'n
T'cd lil’iiu‘l
My man
:|-‘ Hun-A
h is: 'u-II
du f‘ In}! I
lam Mama
'1 Mb nlvm
1' the I'm.
Ihe expvdi
hu w."
linu- rillc
. 11l
.—n \1 ill
[u- influru
'n the An
I Hm-Ilu'ill
figure.- -
ltfll 01!, [hi
- Inn-M.
rive, wi
i Inn-qua"
'r 0f
‘ iv!
V .11.
E: 'of'
. uqo
the ndu
impetuh. Inn
he Abolifiion
iilrd. A’fuzv
rs lte all that
lead me nly
at his m \e
t was whc be
ns mumbled
i' iuuunl hf 111°
since the: on
at. of cdlfurnl
, leaving {only
burg, by FER
{, of.\lcn llen
‘MUJH'Ea, of'
I. HusickJVr.
1- line hit“
n, no“:
lllr. in; BY
rrly of ti
«e mi: '5 u..
at!» In
'2 month llnd