The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 02, 1863, Image 1

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    Te wins.
‘ The Cairn.“ In publL-hcd every Mondny
morning, hy {{ium‘ J. Sun“. at $1 75 pot
annuni if paid agrictiy Iv Anv.\srn+32 00
per annum if not paid in ndvnnce: Nb-
Illlwcl‘ip-tion discontinued, unlnss It the
option of the publisher, until All Irreqrgu‘
um paid.
Anvznnmwmrs inserted at theununl ram.
’JW .Plumw done with amines: and
dispatch. - ;
()rrxvn in {\‘nuth ihitimor» street. directly
oppmiitp WamplurJ 'l‘inning Entablishment
~“Uull'um Pius-rim; Orrlcs” on the sign.
Town Property
T PRIVATE S.\Ll~l.~—The undersigned of-
A fer-z :12 Primn- Falo thv- I’ruptrlyiu which
he ndw rosidw. hi‘llflll' in Ezht Middle 'tren‘,
Um} xhurg. mijuinin-r: $.ll. Tiptun nu thv west
mu! Mrs. .\h ”my on IhP end. W 5”! M 1 .» <l}
allay in I|.» mar -TIIE “OVER in 5%“:
two-story Frame. Wenllwrhourdml, with
Hack-hulhling; a sl4lnl‘wifit-rwrkhn’ppxnpin
it. :1! lllc'duor; un-i'n \alriv‘ty nffnlit, nuch M
a].pl(l:,lu-..u. HAMLlN,,lpl’ivols, cherriesrnud
grnpvfi, ull me mo‘t (In-ice.
Nuv; 12, Iro:0._ (f " _ x
‘ Piano Tumng. ‘
HOP. BUWER. of [lilu'v‘lowm 1i Przll‘lirhl
P l’nlnu T‘unt-r', inhurms hie friends and the
Inuiivnl public in gum-ml, t!|.|t~' he gnu-n lxi~
linw. no: ollic-mist- (u'rulvil-d, In Tuning nnd
Urpnifing l’innm, nt nmdrr'utr- prim-s. Hr
“mmnHl-il-mirr ‘ml‘xsfw tion, or no my. 0H1?”
. rw‘eiwflnl lhis umw. [Sum 16. ”“31. ‘ ‘
Lancasterßdok 'Bindery.
Bonus, wux r. ’ . .
‘ I:nnl( BINDER
L.\.\‘('\STEH, PA. ~
Plain anl,-omamruln/ ”unlrny, nf u-ra-rv do
llrripliouL vurmtul in the most. sulfsuntiul and
approved nylus.‘ * V
.; nnrnru'ns. . »
‘E. W. nrnwn,-l-f<q ,l’unm-ru Bank of Lnnruhter
I". L. l'qhmr. I'l~v|',‘l..lnl u-(t-r l‘nuntv Hank
Sumnol slum-k. lluh ("uluulhin Hunk.
Sgllmwl‘ “Eight-r. H-qu \'l»' k Hunk.
“'illinm {\Y‘lgnnr. F.~q.. Yurk (‘uuntr B Ink.
'l‘. 11. (‘ur-un. lIuI. Hunk'n-l Gollydulrfi- ,
I'er ‘Eirtin. l'l-rl.‘l’rnlh'} "fluuu-uun-r (0.. PR.
Gen. P. Hunlhfn‘rn. H-q . "I'L’i‘h’r ~- "I
up... Whihuu. i-;...., Iwu‘u-m-r u “
Ami: 15. [MIL .
.V qum: m'T'rw: vs ESTATE—louvra‘
(I U-slhnu-nlnw un‘tlu- Mm“: u! Hem-gt Hul
-Irm. lan‘- 09' Tniz-n lpwmllip. :‘lelus‘ K’flllll‘}.
(levenledj.._ luuiyg MW” granted to Klu- uu'lio-r
-signpf], [Psi‘lillg Din ‘:l'TllI-ll!\ lmunhip. In‘
hvrthlfi “fives Holice (u yl‘in’T-t-ifnr'nn illllI“l[.("l m
bum qu‘e .m Inukt- ngogvliwu- puymm'. and
thowflm‘hng I‘LIiHH :I;_"~llIL-l Ihe mm: to pn-u-nt
lelflllnfilmll)‘ IIIII|u-'IHI"Il1--! fur i?‘l]l‘llll'<l|f.
\ ‘ .‘ ' "Jt,|H\ IHV'FI‘HIU. [iv-vulnF.
{JUL 9.731155. ‘ m" e , ____‘_____ __:_.
um fl. HULLI-‘IHI'IE'I‘S I:~‘T\'T.': mm.
9" lorkul'nulmim-Ir mnu an H c- v-I xiv I-t Ju'm
'l, llnllalhnugh I;H.-..1'1h-H_\\l.l|lg \-! |m~ a'uun
-I}.(lecel‘§cul. hum; ioi-‘u grum'd In Hm un
drr‘ignrd. rv~ixlingr in lhv sumo pl 11'". ln- hl-rrh}~
ghffi unhin- lu :vH pmknn'x ill-bum“! In mu!
u-MH- lg» [n vkl- mm v-th- pn_\m_:-I§l and H me
hufing I'Llims' :quilhl llu- va- iu ground
\Htm propell_\~uul|u~ulh :uwl inr ~l~Hh mom.
’1 . .\\ \l. H. Cl'lJ’. ,Hm'r.
. 'l4: :u ’~
Inc. "K Im __ I!
- * '1 Coooermg. ,
' "PK ('HRISHEH H u Any-II": un Hu-(‘uoymr-
OI in: V‘mrim-le m .111 3‘: ‘ll'nl'l'hfi'm "m \‘urk
Huel'f.|iufll_\‘~h'xrg, HAWK HAIHH‘ILS. in un_\'
«iv-irwl vliunhfi'). "Luh- m MIL-ten elm.” nu
-liu‘, nlulllul In“ prnlih‘. RHI'JHHVL nf nll
k'nllh. «nit-n luv! 'O. prumlmy null .11 Milly—-
Hr‘rnvmlfint \xiH 19 IH-ldt' Lu rend: 13'_~:ui~l.u~-
Fun to rush-nl4 H. ~ 5"
Im. 29, mm, m M , ,
New Fall and‘ Winter
W (u)ps._‘g.~wwlTT 1: SUN hnn- in-‘gtnro
(] .md: arr mm ..«H m; m 'rhmup vi: the
(hwy-h" 3.lmm] .r~~:ul"l!l m of I’m (hunk. (-nn
'ri-[iug a} l,.|«li«: Urea Humh, uh I» u~
Morinuea.‘ h'i-hl-r;¢, VII: “inks. TIMI ”ml; Mi‘-
turevfiMnM r‘h. kn. .-\l2‘ri-—('lmli-2,(‘u.-_
" ain‘nnx .".n'ruc'h (hvr-é-mvinga.
. I“Yfi:‘i*.~‘l"\l“. I'Llunvls‘ km,
{h'thJl w» ignin- flu- :It‘mmun ..l Jun-on.—
A“ I" . nNki nu “x «mi'mfinn 'u-fnn- ,uurh'hing
ch-“hr-rt'. A. .‘('Ul' 1‘ .‘x HIV.
\‘l v 11 l‘”-.‘ 3 ‘
-' 1‘ ' - . -:
. Jéeadv-mlde Clothing.
(2‘ EH‘NH“. \HM‘H‘ \méng“ 9‘” n]. L'h N 1
I 1n! \\ Hlel' -lul'l-\ u! l‘l- min-1 r .u-i ling n!
(lflr (3mm hf gn- 11 urn-I; .‘h, \ w'u-up, ‘
l’r(‘~l~ "v H. ‘ . . '2
Bub .. i'„, c
A! ”NV-v. Jut‘Lntt
‘2 ‘—
. 0
Huh-1.. hr nu rs. ken .h‘.
A‘."nflz~-\:¢nwn nmuu! wun'v MWL 'o‘.- up in
thuApry tin-4 mw. u-u. muj nil; we inill\t".'-
mum. (Pi-u: ma c 1:. , .
I Gettysburg. N w. .:. Hut. "
. ‘Os Yes-0 Yes—j—O Yes. _ -
‘H'. Ilnrkrzignml would inmt rr-u on-H‘nllv
T nnméum‘r‘m the people. «Il'fivvlbhum and
EL \irhifiy. that lu- 'lllt"ll|l~"tll tnuiinlyszhli
(‘RYI.\'G, 'in In \‘anull=‘lr-.xm'm:.h niughkon
out Lit-orifi- lnr "I'll purgmun, H nuh ‘ nk‘ non
mmmiuéiun Ml'l sola 2.1 a: inunlvr \lu' vhan'v'C I“
can he 'fxlpm'lP-l. A H. H CARR.
3" York st‘.‘ fienysbnrg. Dre 29. '62. am
~ The Cheapest; ~
' '.OT!{§, (Lusimeres. l‘uuinfitc. f‘nnfinzul
C Jmn‘.'(‘urrl. F 1 tum-h. mum”. (Hana.
"mien, and A large lmuf L'ARX’ETVIING, to ho
bid at llhe clump (‘Mll store at ‘
, For. 3,: 1502. »' GEO. ARNOLD.
' New; Goods !-Large Stock!
"we just row-inn! from the pitie: n large stock
of goéds‘for Gentleman's wear. embracing a
variety 01 ‘ .
0110,1115, ./ ~
. 1 C.\SSI.\!ERES, ,
. j vnsrrxns,
Casainets‘,.Jenm, (ha, wizh many other goods
{9r pprins and summer went.
”they Ire prepared to make up garments at
the shortest notice, and in tlpe vo’ry best man
ner. iThF Fashions arl‘ regulhrlylrccehed. and
rltnhiag made in any deiirml’ style. Thoy al
- punkexneat’fils, whilst their scwingis mre
to be suhstnmiah ' .
They ask a continuance of Lhe finhlic's pn
ngM-hygoodwotk' and modem!»
dun-gas toenya it. . ~ I
Gett):shu+'g, April 7, 1962. A
' - 3 - : Queensware. «
Fyomvint :nythin‘g in the QUEENSWARE
I line call at A. SCOTT & SON’Q, where you
will aniline best assortment in tuwn. - ‘
flag-ch34. 1362. -
’lde 47%? REES); 'sfifiifhic'iriéifi
_nnd Gelatin, for an: at Dr. HORNERS
DgngSton. . »
_ _’___m___-__.-__,__, ~_ have already said is true ; newspapers seem Ito
03%.”. ISSTRUMEXTS.—VioIins;'A¢.I be designed almost exclusively for the poor
M cordeons, Fil‘u, kc”, for sale at mun to take, because they are the. cheapest
... x.‘ , PIC-KING’S. , thing he can have." ',
,L _V;~"'*—"’_—"“' "". W ‘ . —_',,_.-..m.—. ~--; 5 '
, r“ ..t Scmcx 1m nsplendid lotofFonlm-d cannon (.ost 0, £0" .o, G“
" Silks, Very chew—37! to 62} cent! 9" Gum's 'Pnoors.—The army correspbndent‘ot'
yfirfi. I, ' ~ , the New York World; writing from La Grange,
E alumina of the Ladies is_ respectfully Team, 4th nlt.. 5333! _ _
l Invited to It lu'rgf am! 5919 mm! W 0?“ As 'soon as Gen. Grant‘s army commenced
I!!!“ ofJAI-dibl' fine kid 1.30““: Lustlanni- falling back from Cofi'eeville and Oxford every
m Gull Overehocs, "a, lgélfiTfigfi?s house in! guarded was burned or an attempt;
' £OOl.lO. - - c n ’ - undeto burn it especially in Holly Springs
L‘IIONE’BY, of All kinds, at Dr. 11. EUR- and the city waepuly sued from tot-l destrucl 1
Sills“ New Emily Drug‘uud” Prescription ' tionxby placing an entire regiment on petrpl
I t ’ duty The explosion of ammunition in the
Sgfimza murmurs um see we immenie public and"? W“ 5° W“ ”I“ hardly {win-
S “‘5 of EATS .na'UAps that he hm, dow inlthe city but what was blown to pieces.
‘ . atzas‘ ed host! nothing'to luck. .’ The EpisCOpul Church, a very neat edifice near
1... .. , IKE . 'd‘ CAMPBOR ‘0“, f the court house, wss perfectly wrecked, the
YKB . ‘n . th h't f’n or pews were thrown fit of place, the organ aid
21e§n§hf§3§ggg¥t ° ‘" ° “T chancel demolished. run all this fell short 0:
f 1‘!“ on o . ' ' the-descentiontc churches in that city and La
‘ to he; an.) 93' 3180831333 ,3“! Store. l Grunge by Union soldiers. From the church
» 0011335038. ”‘ ‘£§§C’3T¥g‘gg‘§éum iii question they curried of? the pipe; from th:
r ”fluid; . ; Hit. . ' '. org“: sud putfcd them ltke children, throng
‘ lei villlird.‘ good‘asqomnogt of ’4": gt’n-ets. A group cntr'ed the chmcel and
$601141.) ehfltpju usual-ml: “3‘ pflledyerds 6n the con‘secrntcd tables, snd hi.
-M d 'A: 5801"! gt SIS. : bin end prayer book: were trodden undo: (dot,
45th Year-
@ll3 @1152;
Lonk on u: kinrlly. friends, .
. MN. lu're m-dny, _ J
Heu- frum‘hll worldlyjoys . .
Turn we mmy. . . I E
“'0 :uk um. wealth or‘ fame, ‘ {
- This huun \vt- prnyl: 3
Teach usthe Savior a love ’
Exu'h thhulh dur. ' ' ‘
Six days ofloil nnd work‘
Our portion; are; ’ 2
Ohm unr heart; must knqaw
Smuclhing m cure; "5 ¥
Hm lrum our surrnws ulh
“"4: turn away, '
T 01- an the Sm inn-‘5 love
lint-h Sabbath day. ‘
FuHim how-E o'nr pnth,
l) Ingérs ~urmund;
(mu-n our l'n chum! [lewd
llm-hnnl‘ul gruuud;
I)": Imm :11l Vanni ‘ '
Turn Wr mm}.
Tu h-nrn llw SM'int'i lm‘c,
Hnrh Sdhb‘llh (In).
l_.nuk on us kind!) . l'rivnrls;
Wult-h us" with fling;
Aid us with vullnsoli gum], "
”01p us If} pray-r. .
(iuidlc hack uur‘wnfioring fe‘ét,
\thu- H \u- arm 1 .
Tcm'h h“ the Sm‘iur'h Jon:
HM'II Salhl'd'h flair.
(818 ifirel’l'nnrmm. E
.Thc l'ollmnn': cxlrzu-b trnru the dehmefiin.
Ih‘l nntimml Hnuw of lluprl-senuniuw‘ Sm“
'l‘hm ~.1.1_\ \H'L‘h. Ln tho: l-111 before EEC ('ulnmsl-I
[(0 nf u,”- i‘lyll“ lu ”‘pfmido nufi‘w' mnl'nleéns‘
for tlu- .upithol Lhc. gun rnmcnl»,".mn.\ beyond
tho-mil) Ln'nl’ L’lnill growing null grn/inngl‘r
hum u! the mumr}. In unmun‘y iv Fl}n|l~‘
uhnu- iIIN‘IL-il it L, and “host: it i-‘nur. y)
prolong the uni; ‘ ‘ _ . ‘ 1
Mr. ('m (Mm... Uhin,‘)'mm‘r-|l to nmonul‘hy
linking: the run-nut- payuhlv in Inga] .tl'llllfi‘.‘
:u 1-1 will pm furmu, m (gym-3:5 hk fx-sr nflht'
(‘m-cl n! incH-nsing paper mam-3 npun “Inuit“;
in]- n~~l~. I“: had .nlu ,1}: ”Hum-din iscuné——¢
H 0 nl|\\' npposul it, hoL-nucv eféry dullnr :of
no“ mm: bunk-nod the Wed by i,nrrm|<in;: the:
l.x~ul(v‘hnn tn \‘x-w I-Z::-,:l.|1n:llnnnulm-lurva. The ,
unlums ”bl-in: paid {n ruin. the mine u’ftéin
guru up as ynpor mum) inch-men nnd the
pun-'nl‘rmn on‘rrs into the price 0‘ the: :lrlif‘le
upon “huh lhvnf'b n mom-3 tau. 3‘ w (‘lill‘il‘
Inc-r_p‘|3< it.’ Fur inqum-c, Illunlnfu§wr [nir
vh .5. : ulll‘ 'lulhlr's w rth nl‘prmts 11l inglnu'd.
When ha 0mm"; thnn ‘4: vqnunnptioélm [Llivi ‘
30 [)l‘!‘ emu. dug. 'l h ho mm; in lhffigfigiuzn!
y-un hare. nmkin: -$l v.lO. “(- alauiiuhTs tile
(liUcm-llct‘ inwu hun‘gv, 4:” pa-r m-nL, milking}:-
“11h lh’» fir~l 00¢! and duty—sl 00; Du (lii;
mm hv éhnrm-s szrxprmh of 1" per (-9111,, urflzl
cum “hirh mnkm $2 t-fl.‘ 0n thii ~um L)”-
ruinill-r §ultl~ his [unfih nl‘t‘l rrr Tent. or :42
rank. mhking the 06¢! to the cnnsunn-l 5'2 51.
Thus umh-r [he pr:-~¢-nt larifl‘uml pupi-r-umn‘e}:
sy-xu-m. the mnnuf.u~turcr gm nulu’mual p —‘
t- nmm m 15:! pvr run. In» you \rundur I! n!
lhl- m:um£ulm-v;r< of Nassau! use": wiirifi!‘
Nu ir ru-guhu: In per «mph, and firm); ‘1“) w ill;
per cunt. exlrn‘un x" e kg m Jnnhjw) .’ Tlll9
ll u'nlu-hg “Magi Edcni nihi-l‘l'd 1,; lvr com.
mum, am my l'n‘ppr-ill mu: m mddvrofid.
Rhine. :EfA Mml 50 pl! ‘ cut. rum. 1
3km} him? mill: (lnLh-vl L‘lrge awn-u: m the
Mm» 22.1 w. Do you \rrmdjr Llnu :svrtnin lur
wns in ‘h~<3|-'hn~‘nni want the “arm I unnn c
fur 591mb. [nlrpmt-S? Two and nun-r in ls~
<hmv.huw Ihv .lgrlcnlturnfl xmere~m nro imp \l—
cmhml, .u‘d how the hYLI blood is .41thth
ll:c.~1-nmnulaltlllrinf: vampire: fruxn {he veihs
o! labor Ihr-nlgh a: high lurifl‘, and in incom‘ér
tihlo Imp" muney. Agriculguw grts no3»?
!N‘tmn. , 3 ‘ _ ‘ ‘
' h: ~urpfu< alum (- dfllnuatiCJ'QnSW-fififieqkfi
n furl-ig'l “Lilli! r, M’ri-Téjves nu hand: from
prnhilmim or prulc-Miwjm'ifi's ur‘lrom 301 i 3h
linu-d t~:m|‘ell"~y. Hrnreangrivxlllhrnl pmdnfls
up no! ring. 1.01 this pruucss go nn a few 3 cats.
inml the m-uhh ol‘thu wcsfwtll hi; lrnnsfcrljiad
i ly‘lht‘ 'pnvkflts of New. Eng'nnJ nonopolifl!
mud-capitalists. This i: n pom-Am)" Io :nslqin
‘ the L‘r-l‘dil (If :1 L’mmnnmm which depends (an
tz'xes. ('onfidcnée. and union. 1: is‘ :1 poor xie
lnrn for the pnlrioti’i' devotion ofthc wes ho
Itlw Repuhlh'. lfsnc! a polivy prevail, it. viii“
‘ inc-reuse and nm'lni&gnm the fr-eling in In:
West against New England. lspenk thifilin
warning and onrnt-st devotion to the while
‘ ['nion. _. _ "
-—~»— ”440.» 1..-... l l
PLEASE S'rnr Mr l’APrn.——“_l um gojngltq
flop my paper," said a n'xiserl)‘ subscriber I’to
onel of his neiglxborv. '3l cannot afford do
take it.” I V '
“How much. does it cost you 3 fear?"
nskéd the neighbor. _ ’ . l l—
“Tu‘o dollarsff “ms the reply. " ' r l
“And can't you nfi‘nrd two dollars a yen}?
Think ol‘it, only two dollars u year. A year
ism. long time) Perlmps ya“ luv; only a féw
such to spend here on eurlh. A year Lu. whclle
year! And who: do you got for your money?
A large, closely printed. useful sheet+givipg
you ‘thc news of the week and a large timouint
of miscellnneons feuding—philosophical, izm‘re
:md humorous—mu] mu't you «30rd foul-cents
a \\ eek. or twodo‘llurs for such a paper a whole
year?" ' . ‘ 1
“ Well, I do declnrc, neighgg', Sou. talk like_
an experienced man. I new W
just that light betore ; i: is only two dollar; :3"
yen, and yet. the paper comes to me every week,
and i lovq to read it; i always see something 1
that is interesting to me. Ant} moreover, on
second thouzhg, l‘perroive alter all thin. a good ‘
newspaper is about. the cheapest. thing it mhn
bns. Hp gets more reading for his money thpn
in any other may.” ‘ i ’
“True, neighbor, and this shows who; I
[nub the pews were used for p
I to gncnlion; A handsome mar
”Educ the memory of Rev. D
Q'uulhnr of some note in Am.-
S‘mdwn: 1M walls of [Maxim
lit Was only Wi'll llm granted
I Imm dI-s‘tructinn by the undisc
5 In La Granite all thfl chum-he.
(union for some military purpo
i thi necessity asidg, {he’sohiic
I :u « destroyed in the furnimr
urr mints. I
‘ I whatevér form the \vil‘llf the people
! fin x'ex'pressinn. whethér Ihr ugh the voice
go'r 150pninr ele<-tion=,l»y [lie . mit't‘ of Sonn
i this. or in the messages of {1:1}? Hnw-rnmw,
ywe nd the same un‘nw-rul Vontk-mnntion
i of £l6, excesses committeddr} the last Tow
! mo ths_un4er the unnctinn u ' Federal law.
I Tillft. any provocfitinnq shm id have been
} piv n' to develnpe such ami t is deeply to
I-Le egretted. not wholly‘ofi . w-nunt ot the
1 Qatar By Which perso‘nalrliM-x ly is monuced,
'. but beynuse therg‘by we lunatic-«h cruute a
fdiv't 64 North. -'Fhe dulhm]. of [MR uni-‘1
{phi r nlren'fiy ‘(lkcovnr um mm are um:
I: “m" fiikfi‘CLfii bf {hoir own ruin,}’ own thoughl
i curlinstijutions sur’vlive‘. ‘ ;
1I I will bgrfuund extrévh from (he!
! or the Governors, nt']ll!jnni<. Kun
)elawnrn, New Yo 4:4 nnvl Now
which (he pnpuhuzdiwont fx-nm
~9f tkr‘ nvlln"ni<(l-:lt‘nn is uxprew.
N‘too plain tnlw m ulmlnrfloudi‘
~\,,_.c9jtlno cpninh-nconiuuti 0]! Unix civil
wn‘i-i thqro Ila-t rllllLll uh' lav-““1. hp 1‘ I].: my
onlsfido of rind :11 mun tlu- Mullingtiun, and
1; n \vdm‘trinP has Lean in lmlm‘ml inYn
pm rival exhibition—that m ifm't/ max-"m
i< ’n t to bomle’aeupml by mid u/wnu’ limils.
but num lug'tlmjmluo'aftho -\-:z-nt~ nf in
pa“ -r§. -A~l‘:m xnfi'shont' h-nm lhw‘ )mlit'u-nl‘
llor éy. (harp have ny-pf'flrwl 'mnng u: not
onl_ :Int!—<]:ivmy])ropn ::nuli~l+.h:tnwn who
'm‘thully pl‘r‘Mnnr'lLl m 0v: widg- "urn“ u
- [HMS mul tum ijim uh. 11-nuuht
mton‘sihly for mu;- pr-
: pf refuge for ”Hiawa-
nil It‘xlenfl llns' .thi< In {ln ‘cm'lil I]. Hull.
onls'_'lnl\'e our v.t'sz~ ‘Mun (him-n
,ltlm camp: “'hm‘o [ht-y. hm'c- tuynlwl
‘ [-x~4)ltog't}' intn the pn~~lo~3innnf ml:
frn ‘
', bui the; civil (flit-mu h
vofi ad from svrq‘nrz' :Inv lnrr
rev ”my“ Thishigh-hurdmlz
mum .is‘ (Ipilv nml hum-13"“
=‘e m the I‘xfinn and par:
to «unfit-vs: (In: lrlarllihxf
n 46 “‘l‘ Hui<. it I‘\ [mum
infxln. pouil. ll 1. .jhkill
mzr-n [0 export him [a
limlsuln‘muinn “In-n h
n frpm him in hi: wry
‘ hxdely thru‘s‘t. ufirlé :ut
ll’m‘yhnd when he unemg
§Ymir SIM? laws m«4 nln ‘
Pm 0f Ofi'vht‘fixlugnilwl H
cilizon.,_:i= the quun 1m
I); committed : Lu! ‘1 ‘4:qu
)riely nfi otlmr {lnd mm-v.
m 1: tlm‘imzmmm prnmiv
n‘rs in tlli~ pnrlirulnr: n
many thr-rv ihnuM ho a
‘fimnn ofthc- gu-nl‘ trulhdl
{runny/.9 //..- ”(Effigy-1; is um] ml
"5717 HUI/{firi/l :mrl. I‘.".‘l""'“l!
: itn prim-Pen] nwnmgvgzr
Its nmintenanccm a” 1:174
‘ real
- the
1 mm
! proy
‘ 93m
> V
* fir 1
n ‘
MY 1,
“0‘", Bl’nTflV, OE DELA
El 9 sxihject fir=t in knpm-u
“Hymn: ypur nth-"lion
EM the interest}. riclne, x
‘litisf of tho, pf‘Oph“ of 12
qt lér Iverlmlw which ow
ninn and dolxh‘emtivms‘ (1
ml-ly «If thi~ Stale binf‘P
e Govarnment: and th
[a of (he Govm‘nmonx in
‘lvod in ‘The itlu-e—n m
me of the mililnrj pnwnro
Govbmmom. wlm h. if ,tnlor‘
\_l <1)
I afl'e
j. libe
I I}“3’
l Mte
I Ass
V Of 1 I
~ (kn
ried' out in ‘prat-tioé, will? m
We: , t. in, tlup'porvexwion 6i 1
nnd~ power of tho Govern men
mat and loyal desnm‘unn.
I Hude to the unwnrmnta
stitdtionnl tinrosts of our pm?
“-iienx 3' ' A ' 'ire
éiti ns.’ whereby they {ln
that [iderty {mikmuk- i_n_r]l:
som- forts and commnn‘iinils
eha ge‘ preferred against, a}
f 0 n being mdde kliown to I;
[Jule firivilege of being
fronjting {héir aEcusers, ".9“
edwho they Mn and of!
chaiacter of the-charges, i
the .1 - l , ‘
This grievances are of no trifling char
a‘ote‘rpand such as the ‘cilizixs of‘n. loyal
Smile ough not. to he snhj Med 10, afid
whiéh ane Itimnte power ufider this Gov
ern’ ent nt‘ bonxteddiherty Ind freedom
qanTconptituLinnally and ti htfully inflict
upop them. - _
'; dov. sm‘nmtn. or xnw roux. ‘
I the“ not inquire what ri ht: States: in
relnTlhon have tort‘eited. bu I deny thatl
thisqehellion can tunipend n ingle right of
thelcitizens of ‘loyal State: I denounce
.theldoctrine. that ciriLwa 'nJh‘: 3911!!!w
mrmtmj :2 , *‘e-fi‘. ,_:
fits of One principle of civil liberty.
11' in a. high crime to nbrlu t a citizen of
‘this State.” It is madrni duty by the
(‘lonetitution to see that th law: are en‘
forchd, I shall inuectigato everynlloged
violation of our statutes, nn see that. of
fenders are brought to ju ice. Sheritl'e
andldistrict attorney: are ml mnished that l
it is: their duty to take care t- int no persons 1
wit in their respectiva cou ties are im-
Fris ued. nor carried by for beyond their ‘
im ts, without due procese or legal au
tho my, 4
r not. PnnKER, or NEW fins".
Personal liberty is one o the absolute
rights ot‘lmgn. Its protectio is one om":
prin'mry objects of government. Under
our System. courts of law areiesteblishetl to
try briminal ofi'ences of every grade. The
Federal and State Courts, heving their de
fineli and properjurisdiction, have contin
‘ ually been accessible. The law points out
‘ the mode of proceeding agaimt the alleged
1 offender, and, whatever mav be the nature
1 of the crime, the courts in New Jersey wiH
j fairly investigate :the charge, and punish
the‘criminnl if legally conficted. If any
citizen of New Jerrsey be guilty of the high
crime of treason, re}. him be punished ; but
his guilt should he‘ established by the same
judicial mean: that‘the lawjawardu to the
meanest culprit. r
Whatever legal and. constiqutinnal powers
are vested in the Executive of Saw Jew-h
for ‘hio protection of the‘h‘l‘ul rights or
*_h‘_,‘!‘_”_f‘J—“ _ r _~_"—*“>—““"T~_""_ ' ""7"”
’ the citizens of th State. will be excréism}
during my mlmin trntion. .
it cannot lip thyit UIPM‘ arbitrary arrests
of vitizvn-x, “'it'hrrt-dm- lprank“. and im'-
primnmnnts hey “(I tlm jurinlict'um. are
I lvcnlizod by viriu nfnutle-élv oinanfiin:
rfrmn any oivii nugistrntv. ‘ Neither can
3 Ihr-y hf‘liUbtlfivll } (nuisnofuny pqwer flmv
ling from q unlit ry yummantler; inr [htl
{persons anew-«l irm‘o not In the military
/ service. and. therciore. not subject. to Mint
is "Armed militnr law; and Ith nelear
principlfi. that ‘ul at is called martini law
cannot rightly (‘anll lwynnd the field of
v active operatiom -f the N-nunmuitr. '
rposes (on base
le tablet. erect-
K. Ingralmm, nn
'icnu lilv-rmure,
lied edifice. and
I ”Emily (axed
[:Ullt‘ll Suhh‘.‘
E h:l\'l' hem: m -
e. hut setting
1 hme Ill'ukt'n
l', windows and
anv. n 7
Even (inv. Wat
his Ilisnppro’hntinn
It is cause (tr-gm
nrc disposnd m soul
of personal libe 1
jehlnusly, M than 1
(action to permnnl
«hiding charm‘turi
r 2109. fro'nl} the pe -‘
from hen thifih hr
a“ the «axes nf
form of gnvvrnmp
full light of civil :1
[lt-nom- I think
made only in oxll7
mm be nodqnht
Imomhily therefdr:
fire pfiven (o the p immnr um] the phhllr',
’unlr-Ij: plainiy to t no injuly nf the puhjic
<orvlm‘: mud in :1] once-s. ilWJ‘mnM umwur
thumimlividml um ivn m; rhrly runmm hm!
nm l‘n'tnngm-ul tin Mm. Whip-I havfl_nnl
examined Hm quvhidh. in nrdvr to (LU-lo
hmvn'ur Ihr' I‘m-winnt mnygq in making
m'mfitc in :1 Sum n
mnrqia] 1.. w. y! it
1101:ij for prnchum‘
5n nhy mm 1w 21‘:-
thn nixeroisn- of thi
“'QuHi «mm mm»
milil‘fzyy luvmq' [nu
Lul~ it” :xfilu'vl rev]:
\\l|l'rP”lO.v:ll‘ (‘l'.l~
:huuM ho vlmrly (I
Thlew nxprnuiuu
onmipuall)‘ ‘omnn l
hnw jy‘ahn’h an" t he
A lgLn'ridrnrgw.
any-wk. writing 11'
J'hin!" h) Um I'u
\‘n [won me
"IL. ":H'Q
“Hm-w “'l‘ ma v?
tinn: hunthwh h‘
fl’l‘f‘ IHII‘ PlUtIH‘“ h
I “k fnr their,
mkmnnu 1110‘
37.5”: flu: or.‘
Ami 1n nrlw
A :tln' SHIP to
-' [on murh of
h-H 1m nrrm‘
e lupimrly i 4
u‘rkénm‘. and
the pnin' of
tgtn .rr‘vluim
.ly ammlu Eur
[zrnp‘erty nf
r- Leuh nit”-
lut to you the
itl;,im.n-nt lzuws
1 (if Almlitmn
' .
«I to do this
~n mun ro—uf
lrlmt m :17! frce
.lusf I,» cit/7}»! [1)
Lo] k-uisluliun
>l5 prondin‘g
“or (In Wv art nw
'l‘hnm that have :1
huv lllmnvm'vuzu'i
tnry'vl llllh‘i‘ (hr-y
“'c- :5 Him.r nllv
qumwp of nm Ina-vii
rum-«him! :mv [my 1‘ ‘
and not nniy are w:1
Hm at home are «In
'l‘lm wife of n}! A‘
(led and in thelhos
lmmlnn 11191.3(]: 0
"I have had Lu S 3” to live .Ime {wait
your. pm! \\:1<:II 11. mn'rovofour neighhmt;
I mu now {mt (.t I) mlstufl'a. Oui- m-Ii has
blown um. and l lave nnfi as lmuclj nwnhs.
n: “’l“ n-ml lhifi 19 IN‘ to yon—and fivnlit-V
tle r‘lnHlen to se- Mm. two wry sick (if.
«hum-thy 1 nm u \\‘ell——lmvé lm-u finita‘
iH,‘:md mhnnt pnss‘hlyfifitund traveling; thy
doc-1m- say“ lam h llelicatu‘to lluVeL hp
mm“ homo." ~ 1
A ~mldiar in R 0
from ‘Murfrpealmro
n e tn which
E 11 mo mull}!
ri xkges and
9!. mum thuln
i (2 gngetl the
‘ Our rntmns for
(/1 rr» (am If mm mm
Von'l know “‘lmt‘i
H I? General
1: formation
communimtinnn ar
r‘hnnca In gut sumo!
- utm-e exh
-I{' is not lesa
w and navy]
The army mrr
York Tame, n ze.
I the Fodoml
lntéd and car
etg inevitably
[We principlm
, and in ulti-
saw: '
"It i: no zncrot t
mnny between the
and the army. T
wit h dintrust upon! e Army of the I’olnmnr.
“might he aililedJ ie Army of Hip [Limmac
look with distrust n tho‘Ailminiizrntinnf
hut if that niin'n. Gen. ‘li'ullock thinks it:
(lisafiioclml, (ImmerolH—reimrt mlds annlhhr
'wdrgi which I hop he did' no!- use, dis/fwd.
‘Ar 3/ of the ‘Pnltiman?’ .kaid: he lately to
u (ii-hem} who use_ the phrase. ‘The drmy
a] I’leLPolomuc li/w crfmi (I: am.’ ” f '-
“T ie animosity at Washington lgm‘ni-Il
the n‘i‘my is amply repaid by the bitteriioks
of (hf army lmmrdfihe Cabinet. I make
no a'llempt. to g to the 'rnot of the.
mattfr—no tittemp inflecide on the juztice
or iniustice ol‘the f eling. ,I murely record
its existence,. in . prion. 'palpahlo fuel.
which every one blue know. And.“ pgr
wadeii Ihe whole at y. Commanding Gem
emla jimd' high ofiicE-n have their own gri‘e‘v
nnces against the ritual military niit‘hnri
[y nL'WashingMn : land the privn'te soldier.
‘thoggh he may kiwi! none of the 56un
hndercmrenta, kn m 1" at least, that. for
months‘imd monfliafifive, six. some'ewen
nimhhe has not be ‘ paid: and tliat,«wliile
the Washingmn ‘thorilies undertake gto
manage military :1 irs, they are badly man
«wéngl . f . ‘
v 11111 and loyal:
‘ deprivéd of
tub of loath
' wilhout any
.m in a legal
new, and; de-
L 4 rd and con
-n obeeing in
-9 nature and
i any, against
Y AND “"114. szr.ul.."
‘fnir‘ran llcfl
s, or lll.l.\'OlS. .
u (Abolition) expresées
m- ronoevg; ,
ulntinn. that; fiho pe'ny-IP
(‘lum‘ly (-w'ry inh-nctidn
y: “'s‘- sluyuld guard
pie nf our eye. (lml pro
right: “hid! lure blit‘n a
tic nf the Anglo Saxon
ml at, which’it omergml
rluu-isnl,.dmvn, thrnugh.
'rngrow, uu. undnr our
t. it vulrninatwl in the
d rvligiuuw l_rlmrt_\l. I
”#3:. nrre~t~ SIHIIVII Lo
mm mu. in which thoro‘
z m‘tho- proprit-ty. and
yhul th'n 11:me <|mu|¢lf
It vim-Luau] m be umlc-r
{\wuld :«wm that, as (hr‘
1: ‘mnr‘tizd law coulul lmt
It, it ought. [n prlwwlm
I.pnwt-r In urn-st: This
:u‘)’. frum the £qu that
ix'h who're film nie‘xl I:va
11‘s. :11va the «llstinptinn
w and 1.110. other bogilgs
_ wit h other Gyms which
dur ‘ nb-nrvntinn. hlmw
mcriczm pmplcoi their
i ' ‘wg
3) lb» Ponmyivr’min Re—
m “lg‘nmp ‘nom' Bt-Ile
I A- (man, on. the 13m
2 in n ‘miwrnlslo Ming“-
1’ nm .1] <|lOF tn thdjr‘
cover tlli‘ir nukorfnossv
‘ 9, than”. lmWrntimr-i—‘E
lillln 1131 mm? left mn‘l.~
‘ nfilile HQIIH‘ (‘nlilrmis-l‘
«our shunlnler <unps.—-;
j- with vormin, in (mush
l 2 shirts. “H haw 119343
i npu‘n’rnls MIG: mnnl’lfie'v '
: suflvring bu uni-'faqli7_
r\'lng."‘ _ , H i
Ilpgheny soldier. wouni
pilnl.’writeq to her fiusi
enorans’ nrmy. writi‘n'g
, on 'the 4th 11".. fiays‘!
vim-g: days cqnfictnd nf
a llnyfi'nr n. man. I toll;
is to be hungry. Dug
‘ out ofiLnnd thnre isnlo
es’lrum Lnuisvillp."
pundcnt ‘of’ the 'Xow
lous Abolition jou'rnal,
a} th'ore xsgv’mnt'of hnr-
Vas'hington nulhorities.
- ‘Arlmimstmtion looks
. Agni??? . ‘
“ With such a coijdition as this; with {ln
Administration wiLich distrusts the Army
and an army whic: dish-nets the Adminis
tration; with an 31mm- lack of central
knowledge and power; with men in [Sim-rs
plotting for the sqécesiinn; with disk-5:1!
Generals in nburdi’pm; with a dispiritl-d
and unpaid army—[that are we no expect?"
——————k--z w
‘ The Luann: Unfinmys that an itinerant
Abolitionist isitet! 'Ross mwnuhip‘, flint
county. a few days ince, and undermnk'm
instruct the peoplg upon the beauties ofl
Old Abe's Emancip'egion Proclamation. tr. l
He called a. meetitgutm‘Marsh school ‘
hov.+e. and in the chum: of: harnngne’ was i
very abusive of D’vnTocrats. using the slang
peculiar to that. cl ‘3 of worlhies, when one
vnlmnt. young Demhcr'at eontrovertcd some
of his statements, and asceue ensued which
resulted in the hasty retreat. ofthe speaker.
He then “skedaddled” to 'Fnirmounlfi
where, upon a repetition of his ofl‘unsive
thing, he met with sum’mnry punishment.
at the hands of a Fairmount woman, who
broom~snéked him into the told-since
which he has not. teen heard of. The at.-
moephere is not 00 genial to the health of
the men who saved the wind. As the
whirlwind comes (lit-y uhnuld not. complain.
fi‘AUuntederntq' full uni Link- rim-r, Nurui
(‘m-olinnqvu surprised and capturml up the
lgm ultimo. Th:- anrrimn escaped.l V 1
7?? "f .tl ,m
fi’ ”7
‘ Th‘e A-boli‘inn precs has shown it! Irm
t‘n‘lnr: In M mendacious championship of
the mo~t momtrnm srhemM of brihnry and
' corruption ever prnr'ticqed in a christian
I country. Let the thst man of-Pe'nnsyl
vnnia tome-"dyer. that the Abojition press
wall: the dofl'fl! of bribery athlm upn'n our
Suite. _ They tnlk about the recon; attempt
‘to purclmse tDIV/c'monq/ a ‘mujnri'ty‘ inlthe
P9nnsylvnnin Lngiulaturo. at; thnggh it wns
! an inestimahle right. of thoirs, injthe exor~
ohr Ufwlnch ”Soy-should nnt lm «lismrlwlY!
I-1 it no] mm! monatrnus? And to put the
‘ climax to their audacity, they We?! cvnflnre
nnd slantlvr hone~t mnn for lulm‘r'ihg to de
‘fipnt this \muat "shameful scheme of bribery
inntl fraud! ‘ '
Frm-nmn of antlnimberlanvl cfiuntw-ZJ—
inoncst“ men of whatever parry-l Could
\‘nn haw- bu-liovod thntlm'pn. N‘ll/ut souls are
‘Huclvnml 107}! Mr- ruin mul ~p/mlv/v’r If linur
:cnuulrtg, would luujc- gnirml cut-h ‘hnldneen
was to claim the right 10 ln‘ibn 3:013” roll)":-
snntntivex. and In annual-00' :v~.;’4“blo‘pd
-Imfis" :lml .“.~!xnuldor hittnrs " “u’ith/hlfigned.
4mm" and “ villainmn rnunt’aimnvdc,"
‘thme’ who by thei'r'vnicc-s and their plosepce
demanded hnnpsty hnd’intfigrity'un the
par]! 0"”!th who rvprosnpt 5'06? Yet.
>llolhli‘lull‘ :mfinnof the Ilnrrix'ufirg 711(-
ym!’ /:, 'nml‘mhpr .Hnnhfinn Ethos-ta We vdi
u-m-t our readers to tho amtomont: of :1 men»
31;”, ih another (-uhlmn, mu] lru'at that ‘5l”
‘hnnmt mun. pu‘llln: their trust "m Gnd n'nvl'
"the intofirlty of the oiling mane-<3 will
‘nnlll-‘tn ova-throw nnh fnrovm‘ crinh thisz
‘Mnfi~lrml< nwl-loity {rum ‘tbe honu‘rcnl soil
,nf our native Shun. _ , ;
~ s:ooan of I’vnmylvanin! .Slmn hrihéry
nntl irnu‘tl; n‘flor Jun'mjz thtvnr‘fl to giant
I.ll'o‘pnrlimu )upnn Llu- plunder of'n‘troasury
n-plgnhhml \ly’yom‘ xm-M and hfiLJH't‘ih
Lynlm Imm} and ln'mv haul vi] mo :Innnlonor
{rthm your pal-Nance? “'1- put tin-question
tuiyuu,‘nnvl nkk yun tn nnuvm‘i it"! tlw hal
lo} box in October nvxtfi—LS'l/rzfmm Immoral.
L u-«rrm ~«-g~————:—~ —-". r: l
’ "l'lm agqltinsot-née of (h? pr’qplv {if Penn
filvnnjn In. the «lom'tntk of tluofll-‘r-doml
Guvm'n‘monhfflw support in (-nrrvling on the >
war. hm been fully atteflwl. ii) yurié‘u: imp, E
but in no ih~tnn_r- an ~i2nnlly a~ in‘ than vi
the popular snhmisdnn tn the vxm‘htionj 0f
thv draft. -\\'hil~t n mqinrity bf the voters
of the Stiltn, as wne proved at l‘hp lnto elm»;
tinn. urn ommiml tn the pnlit‘ ' nt‘urthe Atl
miniitrntinn at fil'nslvinztnn. Mid nlnilct the
glent In'lifik of the pennte dis-'1 IFOVP of MI? 1
war an" if; hm lwén 'mmlur‘te , the limit A
nuiule u'pn'n the State militia ' the Ih‘mi- 5
tl'vnt, him been: quihtly submit ml to. with» ,
out, nny attempt-at rosistance, nay, witlmtxt
even 9. mnrmutuol' Ili~snti~xfimtqinm When"
the hnurl'ol' th‘i‘ bittor trinl came. we he~
thought ua_ that. our Commonwealth is the
Keystqp? nl' t‘lmt Art‘h. \vlmst; ornmhling
spnn‘ wax. to lm'rwco'mented with blood".—
Our 9_\'9<‘ “‘ere‘jrlimmwl mth tours", at: we
took the pnrtirf; hand of friends mu] rela
tives. tom {mm ”113 ‘dunr cin‘ln: if hmu'e
hy tlnq r‘hances of the cons ription. but
evvn‘ lvlinlllng shfi-mmcauhl not, shut from
[our sight the prosperity and glory, which
surround? I. like a lmld. the Union ol'dur
fathom. ,"We (Vere willing to make than
more sacrifice to text the policy. adopted
ngninct nnhwilljhy which we were muutfetl
‘the (‘umtitution ’wm to ho vindicated smrl
Athe Unhm restored. Hence. we Penmlyb
‘ vnninm-sufi'o’rr-il‘nnrwlvfs to lg!- mmm'ipt‘wl
anrl mmpvllc-d into therlrmy. in menk com
-4 pltunce with the mandate of fthé‘Fedoml
lfxncut'vé. ' . ‘ u
: . Ilut Fol nnt Congress and the Atlmistrm.
‘ tinn hnilcl fal‘q lhnpbs npnn thispntriqtic
l snluniqinn. [int it not he oxp‘r-ctorl that
ll‘t‘nmylvnnia will ngnin uncntnpluiningly
erontl tn :1 <intllnr éull for consgriptfi—
l Since thp‘prnnlamntih‘n i-=uetl by the Prési
‘ dpnt nn thgl first instant. the [object of the
war has; hean-ntirnly changed. qu armies
'nre no long-w fighting rm the re-os-mblish
. mr‘nt nft'he authority nf the ConS’titution
1 nml the refitnratinn‘nf the brnkPn nntl sim
; dnred Union. but for the liberation ot‘negro
' slaw“; held by Jrebel mneterc, and for the
l purpr'tsql of retluving unvareign States to the
l t-nnthtinnint golomm m- tnrnitm-inl dam-n
-ldt-nciea.“ Thar enple of this State hnvo
‘ given their lafit gnu to this blnody. thmifih
; l7topiun (rut-ado. land until the Presidl‘znt
,‘nudiCnngrexx‘ tellvoke their Abolition pro~
‘ gmmmp, u (lamina from tlwm for mbre
1‘ troops from this‘State Mll be worse (Item.
male“. , 2
_‘ Bésidos, we hive seen how other Singtes 1
hnvn boon permuted to 19!. Hour of the!
draft. We? have learned how Cu'mecticul, ‘
nut bf smua fiv thmlmnrl mm drafted, I
has but about 6119 hundred nr'ul fifty omi- ‘
scripts ini Hm so'Tvica: hnw MSSinPhupattq
has enhnni'etl U a splenilon‘of’hor Puritan
virtue by the desorhnn of her dml‘bed he;~
men ; and how the great. Empire Slate, New
York Mailed “:9 draft altogether. A'nd
now Ponn=ylv'<m a nsks fnr'exninptirm (him
the limp/1y bug-(lion which New"Engln_nd
Aholitinni‘xm would placeiupon her shqull
dér. I’énnsylvapin demnnlh and will have
justicn. ,Smndirig ready to ounlrilmte her
all to thg maturation of the Union under
the (lanstitupionl—willing 10 ppm out her
hlbod uhd her tr‘reasure lor the good of'the
republic—she wm give not. nnleier nigh.
nqr unhlben dollhr. to carry out the purpo-g
ses of Abolition “haunt—Baryon! Guam,
‘ Jlrma: {NEGRO TAX. , ,
"'l'helegitimnteevxpensosofthewgérehnvy ‘
enough. without adding to thin‘ millions 1
upon millions for the purpoxe of omnnnipm— j
time and éupporting the negro slnvgm of the ‘
South. . W'e protest against the payment of l
l any tax that mgly be levied to pay principnl
or interest on any loan that may bet-mimic.
tell by government for smih 1 purpose—
and- we urgmupon the Logislntnw the duty
and policy, of posing st once a joint. resolu
tion doclnmtory of the intr-ntion‘ of lhe
Gt-neml A-sembly and peopln oflihe State
to réqkt that payment, of any tax laviod for
the pmpovxl nt‘. negm'emnnrimtinfid. or for
any other unconstitutional purpd'he. The
following resolution.” adopted at a recent\
Democratic meeting atSpringfiéJd, Illinois,
embodies tlie idéa:
Raolved,’ That the general government
has no power under the Constitution to tax
the proplolof the Staté of lllinoix for the
jsurp'ose of raising money with which to
buy the slaves of Southérn Stucco, and we
now declare, in ndvance,that all debtp con
tracted, or boudx‘s which mag be insued, for
the purpose of'paying for n y “inch slaw“,
wq hold to be utterly (void, for want ofmh.
thorny 10' issue the same; and the Stat? of
lllinnis will never consent, that her popple
shall be tnxeyl for any such purpose.
Q‘Tha Democracy of NW: Humpshiré
qrr c«.;.u[lnclvng u vigorous campaign against
hm nulicalmuna :mliczpltimm are put-r.
mined Al‘lmt lh'e.’ qur wnl awing mtu he
Demon-nut fresh! in the pprmgfih ;-
Mia Mil
; - THE WAR. , '
The l’roviilence Post prlnti extracts from
severalLllotters written by ‘Eflldlel‘fl now'jn“
the Ar yof the Potomac. which are very:l
signifieiant. One writer. who hm been com
nected‘ with them-my almostrfrom'its organ
ization and who has never united a. word}
of com luint until now. writesm‘ ‘ ' ’
”Dent 0—: [am sick Qitliigi'rar—sb sick i
that I do not care upon ’wlmt terms it in ‘
‘settletl .l have been thousnnitu of men lv- :
in: nnlingletl on fifteen or ‘ixteen haul? :
Vlieldq ‘ll for nothing. . Wivefi.’ sisters. '
’mothejf. and childrenu’losinnl their lius-i
bands”: mothers, Bons.- nn‘tl fatherss—nll for !
lnothirfil For here‘we have bt-ou finhti'ng i
‘ l‘ur ov .‘ y a year and a half. and we have not i
‘gninedl no point. We have lii'etl and fire I
now lin ng on nine or ten cruokfers, a piece l
of rhw lm'k. and some mitemliln copperas- j
tvntnr‘ lllod coll‘eo. portlny. all} to ~till the .
pocket ot'a lot of thievcn wh me trying !
to mak all they con out ol'tlmrixwople and-t
the (internment. Tint ,m/Jwrsflurc all dis
onurayetil and will not fight mi tin-y wouldi
oni-o min thy Poni'nsuln. All we} tienr from
Washinhton is the niggor, the nigger, the i
black, fir thy nigger. Uno n‘iggorfis thonght‘i
more 0 than-twenty white meni who have 4
lr-l‘t hon eand all that it i- worth living for, i
to come; nntlJny down'thoir livomil' need be. i
to save their country, whilefthe loaders 'nre i
doing their utmost to ruin it. It is'not'he- I
cnum nth can't beat the rehelu, tllat thewnr
i: not (Her 19' thi+ tinwyfor'w can heat .
them. lgliut it in h‘ecnuse the G vernment
is too l‘hiy thinking of the nigger. to sn’e.
that the men are where they ou‘zht to he ‘
when they aro‘wnntrd. You "n+3" not'set in
me down as n growler. I have mod reafion‘u
for my lgrowling. Almost (wry {mgr in 1/49 E}
army/tin xiii us I do. li'Job had he'rved in I
the Arniy of the Potomac. he wbuhl have i.
tinned, nuil mOst ietirlully‘too. i , ‘
The fiillowing extract is lrori}! 5t letter i
\grittomfhn the 23d of December“ nepr'lfnl- ,1
nlouth.ihy n member ofone of thei'egimrntx 'l
ruisetl i 1 1862. The writer has huh!) k‘nown‘ii
for sev£al year; in the village inf \Vhon—i
socket h an ari'i'i'e Brpul’i‘can Imiiiin'arz. imd {‘
wns a vliite distzibulor at the poi]; 9t. the 5
last toni -mceting which henttendedn ~
? llutl ‘2 known M much of thel mnnzvzo- Ii
moot ofithmgs six months ago :‘ta I know i
now, filltp' yokns oi" nxon (jouhlinot’ have
drawn nO. out here. it in all :1 di—d politi
cnl humimc. and gotten un‘to make office.- i
for lazyi‘ofl‘icc-seekers.‘ l wi=h the leaders 1
were an liar the other aide ot' {ini’gatory as i
tlwy are:l this sille. I/ [we lru'm‘fl f»!!! [0 [Mali i
(I’m/Jinn“! er, and Nilif’l/-""lr4‘ salt/mm out of mm '1
lntmlrcrl It], ”till {ff/.e übn’rbnnuls (ire/10mg to 1
ran?! old. Mr imr, Mr}; will lrtv'e tnggd a wimp l
army. 'llheysiyithcy-muuc out here tolight (
for the L'tiinin.nnd notfor a pack ol'niggers. '
Theie niggors are hizy and dirty ;; they will
liesnrl steal; and they :u-a snuy'y whore
they dare to Do. It" a mldi'er touches an .
oflicer's nigger. he will get court-hmrtialpd I
and lose nmonth's pay. A nigger isthought l
more of by the Government that the sol- .
diors are. They get a: much or more toeat, '
.get as much pity, and don't hhvo- to fight
any. A‘ curse on, such things}; 'I hope
something will turn up before tic-marrow.
night that. will settle this war.; We got
‘ whipped at Fredgliokshurn. and «in: slid/l yrt’
[whipped wry limrwr/lE/Min Virgmiw.’ Illnr.’ti
gt‘hink (fie North is right, any more thun’i
lvthe Sou h. r j,‘
, The following is extracted from a letter
it‘rom n Buckstcounty man. a member of
; th'e Soc ety of 14-“: me hull of the Repair/Evan '
\ party. %t is_dnted omfiouite Fredei-icksburg, i
. Dec. 16 h : , l
! The battle is ovsr, thefeverhnssuhfiiderl,
and we are now resting ’ourselvemjnnd try.
I in: to look the disaster calmly in! the face.
'nntl prepare with as much courltge its tire
i can for; a new trial of arms. Strange that
iwith alnl! the courage, almost dnhprration.
lofour en. and the skill of our oflicerm, we
litre almost uniformlv henteri byi‘a foe dily
I proparqd for the conflict. and wh‘o' must be
‘fcwer in numbers. I hnv'i- vainly nttempterl
ito account for it. but my theor'ée (if) ,not
:mtisfy tne. Satidied as l halve always
!been tli t. we cannot conquer ti 0 South, I
‘still tliiinght we could whip tliem. The
Smuch it untotl Northern intellentseems no
1 match or its Southern opponont,, and
{Northe‘ courage hut covers the ground
1 with th bodies of our friend« null rnlatives.
iThe Gr nil Army of the South «liillham the l
2 way to .. iohmontl aeifirmly and air! iecurely 1
ins when; the .lnlv sun ro<e upon?!he blood-g
istainedif‘ield of Bull Run, eightben months 3
'ago. 'l‘ reenrmies haveheen hurled against ‘
in in r’nin, and their lxisloryfcaq belead mil
ides‘olnte and mourning households in every
. township in the Nolth. Leanietiimes think i
ithnt Europe must be right—that we nrei
' waging an unholy and unnnturnl‘whr, and 1
that tho god of battles is against guts. l
A Chester county soldier write: the fol-‘
lowing from near Falmouth, January‘Sth: i
.10. appears to m- that we hnve‘not nlead- l
or admired ma a leader should; be. The}
arnfy ii unanimoualy clamorouq l'or Gem}
McClellhn to take command nndagfiin lead i
them on to ‘victory or death, jinstemt of}
. slaught 'r, such as Burnside lust lmtd them .
' to. 'Alf appear to think McClellan is the
best m h, except thosp who hail] the owéri
to him 9 him, and they lmoia he 14.151! he i
Ween al owed to continue in commilnd, and i
[@ooch ‘ the support. he desired, things i
wouldi ow look .very ditterent‘, But in-‘
stead oFa bright future. all looks dark—.l
The solirliers. as far as lihziw set-n. ‘nre de- ‘
cidedlfiimhgnnnt at the President on no
riount in.» recent Abolition proclamation,
ind m F y of them declare their: unwilling-
I nests toffight any more. They say they did
loot V"l: nteer to fight for the nigger. suit
my the won't do it. What is our country
«laminate! We no longer have 'lhé Consti
tution .four father: to rule us. but are rule'cl
hy despots of the deepest dye: Pre‘iident
\ Lincoln isassuming more powernmlnuthor l
ity than any monarch has attempted to use!
since the despotic rule of Charles H. He‘
has torn to storm the Constitution ofnnr
country. and in now trampling upon the
lltleareifi' rights of its people. Nht content
with the amount ofenemien henliendy him.
he. i 6 tricking thouimmls more by the issu
ing of his infernal Abolition proclamations.
”the. abolition ol slavery would be of any
benefit. to eitherthe country or the negroes,
. it would be quite ditferent. Butyjt will be
' tn the goontmry. There are lurge planta
tiom here. and from fifty to two humhed
«hives on them. who all admit. that they
are much better of! here an filat‘ah than they
li'nuldihfl an freeinen. or than they could
; i make themselves up North. 1 have heard
- ' numbers of thorn say that. if Mm Linkum
I ,N-t th in Irvr. they “fulfill not leak their
l" writ mister», wuu have always used them
. . l t .. i.“
VIE“. But at the rgnfiyfimo'. "Tn...
q‘t'thnm are alt-w mjvin pool: a"
will lw swnx'lblng fulfil"! ltherkd a h.§qd
wild banal... hemnue Huffy Ire pot mu? h
(yr: and as for Lincoln‘; talking "hon Kai;
ipg them to fight, why onelSduthmu,
apah gm we fight Mainfl will put. a [hom
and of them to flight; It i 1 certain they
' 3er not. mrule tn fight, and will nO4 do it.
E I wish the thing m - Betllmt n “in!“
tfrho an Almhtinn waif. l h I that not
uke part. in it. Andi? nt cnrledlveryloon
3m- muntry ls il‘rl-co ”ably lodt. If In
an hold out another your the 'gond old
911+rwmtic party wil rv‘tjue okr early
on )tgmldon country. 'l'lu-Infor nlxboli-
HODFHA are uying to «, all the Harm the!
dam while in power. In: me they 'co it. Hi I
'othelong. The mu ms not , nuntil
alt-y got. into power. :1 rl will not. end“
until they get. out of power. Ve malt
live-in hope for the t at. evpnv boughiil
“he qud We should die n (Impala ' l
Fsimoy's suagmtinn | M to tl‘,
. mud:- of mating liniiionrnt: who‘
ihow the knoo‘ to Bull—that is.
tho infamous mensuM oftho nu
‘ miniflrntinn«cm-nu tnihuva ndl'
Hill? the White lluueefi “32 had
rv-ipy us he sin-ms to bcijtltnt enin
ilfinmhi would henitntd to make
\the Democracy—“ 39 (11391 e real
l cannon. musketry. sword; hnyo
‘ the‘ dread implpmonts hf (it‘Bih
’we can believe Fornvyj to v‘be ‘h'
piece. and other Aholi ion or I)
truly his sentiments. We "Nag:
lbloody timrs; for Chore is noth
cerium thnn that the I) mocrntic
hold the position it has ohosen.
‘ wli'uzt may. In confirmation ofth
hilt-y ‘pnrpose of the Ab 'litionists
: two quotations, one “0% I! paper
'jli‘this city—the Tclqorlpng—and
(Tron) :1 spoeclrmmle at ‘un Aholiv.
! ing hinhicago by {I rnm unit with _
lG‘noxlwin. Other pnpor. and imli
'[the some party hnve‘rqc ntly give
lsibn to similar sontinwkits, but I
lilo tor the presmit. ns inirly indie
[IPI'IDOSG‘OI‘ tho gang of thieves mu
H‘c who have FOSICSQiOYX ofthe Go
and tine fattening on tl ev blood
bfiilr'tee‘iof‘thc beanie. e
l’l'htl‘l ’l'c/rgmph‘ of the filst says:
‘ ”The man who qlreumi that. t
M ii purity of thin (ioverhment cu
so}~i‘od without an opom conflicL
I) Amocralic leaders of tié North
fury "ml denrlliness with that. whi
mug-«l ivith the slaw-h Ming Do
leiders of the South, hi. 5 himselfl
bé‘ on thin verge of n. precipice, ovi
he! is likely to be precipiinted any!
{one uttr‘rly and hOpeIQSs y dosh-ow
Mr.l Unoilw'in. in mid Forncyt
mfirked to hiq audiencg :
“All tho~e \rrho' Mali 0 see‘pc
more ostnlwlishkeditand lvise qp
Terence for t‘hé purpose. are cithe
orit ~born traitors or New Hugh:
gajivsfl ‘
This was spoken in r ference t 1
emits who prefer peace to 11: war fori
ration at the price of the‘Union. E
tinuml: , f ' ,
f'Seotch tho snake whilk it is you
out the fire while it in ‘ye appark.
benecesmtry l'oryon toorfimiizé con
of initial)". Let us ivith aims in on
toll, thew mnn': ‘ You liuifc gone a.“
will [rt you i’ ’ " . ‘
To all this we have it short r 9213
tlemeu‘ oi" the Aholjtion arty, r 1
Wia nro'réndy to meet y£u with ch
nr‘i‘jlmyonft, which you (Thoma-1
Edith] i .
The Abolitinnists «110 i
sod‘rcely ‘ppasihlo tn .the "-
rewalry uphn (he rights 0
“whim, of the-Nation is
Silk months ago they \
nm’hhing. carrying ropes
and preying upon the I
But. things look u_hu(ldun
an?) November; a chang
toned flux mobs and r 0
spies and rimpq of this]
mifnisti‘xnion. lfn Choc «
[stander haul been demo"
:1 greater ruin hav'c folio
try? [ln sthe name of
Afiieriban citizens, let th '—
reflect. Will they ever a!
ruin? We think not. :
stqtesmon. who lire guide
cous’titutionnl minciplea
To! think of rweie‘ctying :
‘ ruied thié jlalnvn for the
Ifipnslrous in the .extre
‘ -- _.i -_... I
,‘Repicbla'can Layla—Th
dirlposgs of the Ropnbl
slavery was the cause of!
,“If there m‘re no'hegr
thgre certainly would h
any! therefore slavery w
usl apply this lngic.
dwelling house. than; w l
ryl; ego, the dwelling lm
tlxpft.‘ Hall there not. b
this bothered jackass wo
ofghungor; air/n, tha hil‘
call-m lot‘ the Jack-132' de
had not’- invented the
rnlcin‘g would not have I
slavery powerful, and ivi
had been no rebgllion;
the cause of the rebellio
1 ' a:
mA sold 9r from the Afmy of
11891500. remn ked to us. he other
I.le paliiioians‘iu the Eat don't. I
ariny alone. and cease tr ing to ma
dqntial capital. we will o‘to stic
we? kpnw it!” This hnaa strum
yd; it is full oftruth and we may
tolrezdize it. when it. is late.‘
pigtuxe! The President istues a p
firm to be um! by Abo itior. Unit
"W" m: an incendiary do ment, 9
n ‘ murderi To enmr‘ ‘
fimingo manacro! To
c‘hnsetm in her Abolitim
Ugh South! To disgouu
armyfand the loyal peep:
a ”'ler nercm'ly." and ‘
mtun lheirpro mmmn
mile}. and the Rgpublic:
hiweJrnm pet! the Consti
any] sn)’, “those who pr:
slituhiun are traitors!”
fundamental .hm‘s of the
tlwn we Hope there will
but :11 traitors: and then\
prinper. an it. always has
ohey the Consiitulion.-
L 4 ‘Qunlion.—The Re;
”gen is an Abolition
them _m, most {if them
lhry are not Abolitioni.
filly"! to point us out the
Man}; Rvpnblican paper
Abolition, or that now ‘
J ammry Abolition Procla
not to a man sustain the
nigger policy, either by 0
by significant. silence!
and ‘they only expose t
alterhpting to conceal itq
3WB hear a good anpcdote concerning
a soldier on one ofiour gunbonu. The vea
n-Lwan just going into Aq‘tion and our 591-‘wus upon his knee?) when an ofloer’
sneeringly naked him if Ihe was hfraidl~'
‘jNo." was thé respon‘se. “Well. when.
fierukyou praying for 2'” #ontinued/tbo afl
cur. “Praying that oh? enemy‘q bang!
may be distributed the'sume way ugbe
pnw money is, principally‘ among [ln Mr”
mm the quick and readywatort. ‘ ‘ ' '5
sa 0 id ’ ’
33" man amoron pou n't..| “ '
waggle” biwelt’ into the United gig”
Samoa this tune. His 1d did hush"?
to nail him muoh. sin the peg" 0%
decreed um measures at man 'l'fird
.lonuuans. The counLr has fiofiji'
of [fig "style” of doing thinglfiinl'fi'b
migrants ha loomed xL—ncarbm m
I’hard. I:
4 that lh
! freeman
Irawiqg 3.
9m “pr I
I m then‘ I
reusnry‘ n
v which a.
as and - I
iJohn Br»
tm'v or J
.: Preside
“ed to o ‘:
u that is!
m'now p.
:un votc -
llonest 3
> by nati-1
must be ‘
uch men
I last two 1
tar—Sunll ‘
: Boston
‘cnn ‘docl
-ve been
- the on
If there
uld be 11
se is the.
hen two h
Id not b
*slacks w
ch. If ‘
anon» giri
n pmfi '
:hout no
rgo, Whi
'39. We wizard wk
order. p rugruph
but ever!oppo~eul
ntlomns'flle'lutofl '
zion ? ID.) they ;
President in but
n declaration‘rt
‘sure ey x,
leir hyprg‘ricy iv,
nS’e/imgrave Tuna.
!- wow?
refuse to
o lush“!
iond‘ ‘
ales on '
var upon
at, wigh
it. and I‘ll
!but if we
. month‘r
w to 201:;
he eve ,
ng men
Art-y will
i ma OH},
; sanguinf
we m ‘kvn
he amt?
on meeti
_ I name“
iidunls at
i t-xpreué
lmse WIH
ting mg
I nlurtlefi‘
lxnd sub-i
‘ie honorf 1
I i ‘
1 .be pro<§ \
‘ Ith thy:
,equal inf
ih is nog'w',
r ocmticl ‘
'in slunH
|~r whiclu“\
amend”! J
-d.'.’ ‘1 ‘
.tyls, "ii/“l
oe ogcq. I
on cm!» ‘
- aou‘hi. '
d rend-AI
: Demny‘
[a con-"
p-91“ ‘
It mny
; hands. 3
ar a: :04:
‘ Gen‘
~ hunch
um'at £3
i shems“
ir high‘
we the“
h. clasp,
\ o ketl,‘
in scam-l
_wn Adf,
{ :1: SM
’l' counr‘
l dear M);
use ungl'
'- or such
'ven and
ma] and
as law's:
years i!
{r Dum._
'O3! thus
ine that
hey my. ~
no war.
-e. Let
I'ere no
burglnl- ‘
ause 0h
‘ : yltackn
Mg the. _
# comm ,
1’ la and 7
pr them "
lney Wu ‘
ha 'rénl
ny' ." Ir
avr- )m
Q Pg!“-
3 lwfm' -
n unuu L
aka up
What a:
oclmn L»
In split?
encour- ,