The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 26, 1863, Image 2

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    Ebt (Kamila;
Minion of )nkee—lhz unitm of lumb—
I‘h Uniun of Sums mm wuum ne‘er;
rhl’union OI henru—tbc uniun ulhAudg-q-
And :hrFlng at our Climax form-er!
A Ll. Inn LE. union n‘b PIOPIUITOI
nuwrvnnquc. I'An
- , BURG.
Simon Caninrnn [ml LnughtJfislmnn, M
he fondly supposed. Tho "th Wu fixed.
'protvctinn' gnarantped-all um arrange-
V‘fienu perfecteq. For details, see thp stato—
niont of Mr. 803 mm member ol the House,
printed in “iis issue. So rare 1: hit of se
“cret history the nowspupnr rmdor is snldom
ireatea'toL and w" nre smjo (hilt All? will fol
low upincidqnl after incitlx-ni in thin chap
-—4ar with n 6 little interert. 'll‘lie ntnh-nwnt
is plain and nnvm‘nislic-d, homing the unnrk
of truth iK‘waxy line. The grnvor phase
nhhe transaction is hardly svtn until the
~__Leuding is finished. Tin n the whole pic
ture fillu up, ami‘the lionoat mind rovnlh
_ {mm Um diirrncoful Mon“. Rem‘r and
pnnfleo, gmd‘pedplp ol Hm Cnmnmnm-nlth.
A comm'ith‘e 13431 lwan ruinml m (henna-1e
to mrwtignm the affixh.‘ Lot the: foul bud-
has: be probed to (he bottom, and it” the
' actors ozpowd, -
‘. The Unrris‘mrrg 721:1”qu and éflmr Cam
—m‘mfinu journals are amnling and 'wincing
_ n-rriMy tinder the «know-mom: . Bur. noth
.i|;lg will i‘wili) their mngs'tiun n.qw. burnt
handy won'lfsqrc him, ' '
r On Monday. hull) branches of 2le Lngia
h”ficl‘lre mot injiCr-mwnth’n nntl plot-ml Wk,
V. M¢Gnnn.l} Fug“ Sink 'l’: (mur‘rr, by one
' majority. 'l'l‘v‘ vnm «owl :
“Wrath (FEM-m.) 7- v - (5 mloa. '
, \M/oare (Alum) . - .~- - 64 “
,‘ ’l‘hcre werelfimruharntoos—tiofl‘om each
party—who hpul Ipain-(l “if. ' . ’
Notwithstanding tho reign of (error in
augurated by,‘ fanatical and over-bearing
Abolitionifim,‘ we have elected in Pennsyl
‘ynnia N‘DNIZmQ-ntic Anditnr General. a
Dé‘mgcmfic Shrvgygz Gen‘oml; n_ Democragic
Waited Slams Smmor, and n Democratic
Slate 'l‘ronpufer. 'Sow for a Democratic
b 6 orémor !
\— In the House, on 'l‘huisduy weok, Mr.
.I Hopkins, of} Wnuhingtnn. presented the
following resolution, which was twice read
/‘tmd adopted 1’
, “'HEKEAR. An not wna pas-2M, by lhpGen
oral Assembly ‘of tho Commonwealth, up
~juroved the 7th day oliMni'rh.L\4il. entitled
An Act [or the mmmutminr. of tonnage
duties, by whkh n. wry lnrfie nnd annually
increasing rowenue was taken from the
m{go-m-mry for the hon. fit. of a corporation;
,'.4 ndwhsrcua. The pzissnge of said not “'fln
procured by the use of improper means;
And wheruaay'l’ho restoration of said revenue
‘is deemed espentigl to meet. the demands
upon the (reagurfi; ‘theret’org‘ ~
Remind, That. the Committee on the Ju
diciary be irritructud‘ 10+>r¥ngjn 1“ hill. at,
on endy a day as practicuble‘, for the repeal
of and act. ' _
. Mr. Boyerofi‘ered the following resolution,
which was laid over under the rules: ‘
s Revolver], That the Governor of this State
- :heTreqm-gted to inform this Home what
number of citizens of this Shite have been
arrested nndiconfinmll in militmy prisons
and camps nfihe United States. within the
limits of the fimte. hnrl what. are the chnrg—l
as against thorn, and by whose order the ar
‘ restswere made. ‘ . ‘
On Tuesdnz, the Honse adopted a resolu
upn‘to inqizioe «umber bribery mm userlatl
theinte U. 8. Sen'ntorini election. Commit-I
flee. Messrs. Wakefield. Pershing, Brow’n,
“Teebe and Kaine.
In the House, on Thursdayf Mr. Kaine
" Offered 5 resolution that the Govern—o: of;
Pennsylvania demand- of the Secretary of '
_War, at. Washington, thnt the sick and“
wounded soldiers from. the State of Penn-’
eylvlnnin he returned to hospitals, in this
S‘até: Passed u'tmniu'iouslyl . |
Mr. Rex has introduced in the Home.
"amendments" to the Constitution prohibit— V
4111 the immigutionofn egroes and mulattoes
into the State, and providing for the golon
imtion of. those already here, "bl, gnny bel
milling toga, except fugitive El es froml
onsl Men, who are to be returned. ‘
fi'On Tuesday; Prening. after the re
ggption of the ,‘intelLigenco that Wm. VII
MeGraflz. Baht?“ been checked State|
,Tr'euum, the emocrétic drums were
brought out, and our‘town was treated to
seine first-ante martini music. There'were .
loud and earnest. eheers over the gratifying
result. It win {cit to be worth rejoicing
overnndw‘hen the tried and true‘Democrn
cj of these parts‘ make up their minds to
go iap a thing of this ion, they do it with .
a will. “ f - '
But. whilst {he rq‘foicing “ was fun ” for
our ride ‘of the house; it “ was death’Hb
the Abolitioniats, particular-if the more
thin-skinned ones—those who, 9 year or
twd ‘ngo, were so exceedingiy anxiousto
:30 Democrats gagged— and mobbed—who
:fioould have seen their houses burnt over
their heads "' with satisfaction—4nd would
have justified any and every outrugexuppu
the rights and property of their fiellow‘
citizens, for an other crime than that‘of
being Democrats! These precious “ patri
ots ” were quite “ pin out ” with the little
joliifiamn on Tuesday evenifig, ad in
”Juiged in very _ugly mouths and very hard
,So be it, followers of the 1131'an Union- ‘
_ sglilting'Abr‘aham. Democrats hnvearight
‘ tomem" over Democratic victories, and
we uhoulda'tbentsu utoniahed if they
jun in .few " extra touches ” upon the re
o'ofleofion ofyonr attempted “ tyranny over
tumimhéfmen" Lwelveor twenty mouths
ngo. Our advice, therefore. is. “ take it
guy—uni ifyou can‘t him it. Pasy. take it
.3 my usyna can." The boys ml! cmw
Ehegev-er-there is amnion—and occasion
win frequently oeom to do so over eon-apt,
x Minx. Mugal and disuuioni Abolition
m K 599054110 tuck than you heu
whifle—the Dementiqlooomotivo 1!
Tho triumphant election of Kr. Buch-l The Abolition party has always been in ' --~
”I to tho U. 8. Senate bone of the wt- | di’union l‘fly norm the w“ broke out LTTEIPT TO 33153 A MEMBER O?
.m politiccl triumphcovor achieved in P 0011" may hosti ity in the Union was unanguio-i Tn LEGEE‘ATURM
ilyl'flfifii‘flld i! “'0 dl'n “f I betth (1!! ed. Theylspoke in the most. contemptuotu‘
ling"? 800 d 0“ Common‘weclth. 1:00 ‘o'”- ? toms of it; ulvnntngec and benefltn. For
‘r'mflk‘ ”'9 mam” Ltt’l’ifl‘l‘m 1'9“”? N" n time their the cammoncenwnt of the war, 1
3 People “1' ””8“"? be“ Iyanz'ued 0'" l‘)’ however. t‘ 0y made loncl profouninna in in 3
lAbolitionilm-toolonghnvrtbuybuntiedto 10: of th Union. Thea, were ftnkcn at
,tliepomlemus car of this political Jugm- thalr rnal vuiua l-y the true friends of the]
“must. The Dvmocriioy can now stint! erect Union an Ginstitution. who fully underri
anvl point with pride to her pmnion in flood tbf‘ r motives and purposeq‘. Thrir
soundly conneruatlvn. They can lay, and {'uioniun was. merely msumed no onublc
say it with Pmphnxi‘. to the tymnnii‘fll‘them. mu ofeflually. to onrry ‘put their
lmnlomfAbolXtinniwm.whohnrebeen ruling fnnntiml I] unmmtitutlnrtnl hit-as about
the country wi ha. rod of iron for’ thn ln-t sllVny. ‘his they undertook tn Ho under
um years, “thus far Ahult than 50. but nol‘the guise fpatriotism. ' ;
further." The elections of Octobernnd 2101“ 'But. In torly, some n! the mhrn bold
v- mhér how ”cured us two Senator- in ln-,t nmnng th in have thrown off the think and
‘diuua, One in Pennsylvania. one in lilinois. «fumed heir former pmition ntl hostility
lone in New Jersey nnrl one in Drlawnrevltn the ‘U ion, whither the wholé party is
and in thecourse of two ov thrM years more ' drifting. 7
that branch of the National Legislature willl During
ibe thoroughly purged of the foul partyl Congress.
lwhose dominnncefin Congrpu has been so" betwvon
fatalllfo our lielorqd Union. And. not: only I iii-0‘ note
m, b Lave shall then lmve'the Executivfismle:
lulu). and peace, prospeiity and 'union w'm’ _Ml'- D"
oncé’more bless the land. _ T , I Spy! ""3;
Let tn learn ui wait. patiently for “ “19‘1",th | 1
better day coming," when Dnmocmtic PM Mr. Du!
lots shall be put. on board the old Ship ofl sion~ take 1
Rtale, and tho nob!» vessel released from; “'3 Stet
' . . ~ Invoke-(I by:
her “dang-mus position among‘ the shoals and m Tani
and breakers of,Aholitinnism. That dayl’mn or 11...:
will assuredly come, but. we must bitle our: Mr. but
1 11:9 still m}
’ Mr: Stet
('uulll l
- “We mmt grapple with the grant qua—
liona of the day. The truthsnfourfinunrinl mnlmnch.
iantl militnrynituatipnfimnet nol lurker“ hack. ' admits m“
OI" PUBLIC OPINION. ll maxilla l‘nomu n geceisml
am] lmvifl/ (0 enable 'qnqr'rnmrut to manuge pub- + The I'lgll
(in ”film uni]. sum-EM; There is n ynnrning oi" the Un
dosirenmong our [maple tn’lenrn their nc-l, t 1'
luul condition. T/uil/rlmnamlfree dLmiannu." i ros .' ms I
WW3 clip the above from Governor friend-x 0f
S“ylnour's Measage. nnd there is a volume; 'el‘ ‘9 bl
of truth nn’ilr philosophy in the burnout—3 governm:
The people do not. know their actuahcon-l 1,1"? u'
ditinn. They do not know the sentiments ; ganglia
ofmw anotlre}; thousands bf timid pen-file e tat
plO haw not dared to express their Opinion“. h" SLCPQSI
for fear that. some Abolition ‘Spy, or eaves
«lrnpporlnr malignant neighbor, might. be
rmuly to hm’P- them tmmported to a BM
tile. Guvo‘rnnr Seymour declare»: that this
state of things shall no longer be tolerntml.
The fetter: on public opinion must be taken
off. and “ free discussion “ {nuct henceforth
be the order of the day in thine United
States; We say amen to the nobln senti
ments uttered by that noble Chief Magis—
The Providence PM} publishes the folé
lowing exlrrfet from the letter of ‘n yqung
plergi'man who enlistel] in o e ofthe Rhode
Island Regiments um] fouglg anredericks
burg. The Pox! says he was remarkable for
his frankness. earneztnom mu] patriotirm’
nnd hurl unbounded faith in the policy of
the administration,’believing that by light
ing alonecmiltl the rebellion be 111“ down.
.Whnt be [low thinks willbe lumed from
1919“", ag follows: 7
I " Well, this war is n biginstituiinn. ‘My
private, ‘trcnmnuhle’ opinion is. that ifthe
taff-iir continues to be managedjn the anmo
} wavand by the some men who have charge
lof it mun-i; will take about eight hundred
‘ venrs to se'ttle it.‘ I left. home. with patri
otic inotive, and called upon my fr' dsnml
‘ nequuintaucee to go and fight ihreflr'nigm
I looked upon the subject very much M’al
most everyhm‘ly at home look'ed -upon it.—-
. But now the fence is down. and I csn sec.
The beam is ounnf my eye. and I helmhl
great, droves of government swindlers,
hordes of thieving contractors, and lenty
of ambitious officers, growing fat, whire men
full on the field in heaps like-winnnws.
bringing sadness i 0 tlmusnndfil' lovi‘hg
hearts. until from th§a lmttom of my heart
and with indignatioryl cry outagainst, wiek-'
FrlnPsß in high places; and call upon the
God ofAhralmm to interpose in belmlf~of
our common country. No mane: if it. be}
treason to say it. the majority of this iii-my ‘
believe that. fighting can never settle the
difficulties under which we are laboring.—
’llle army um: never so disheartined and dia
gqslcd as at przsent, lying editors and con-es:
pendent: w the contrary notwithstanding." ‘
__..___...... .__...
@Th'o non._ James w., Wall, United
States Senator. elect from New Jersey, en route
for Washington, arrived in Philadelphia on
Monday, and tohk his quarters Afg‘lthe Gimrd
House. In the evolving the Chain!l House wins
filled with his particular-kinda. Shortly ni
tcr eléven o‘clock a band arrived nhdsmtioned
themselves in front of the blinding End tim
dcred the Senator a serenade. The scene in
front of the building presentedn brilliant ns
pect. Inuumeraéhle Roman candles and sky
rockets were discharged, together with other
fireworks, during which cheers wogc given for
W3ll ahd_l[cClellan. On being called for, Mr.
Wnll nppenred on the balcony Ind spoke for
some fifteen minutes, Briefly reviewing nation
al affairs and taking strong Democratic ground
against the Administntion.
‘ WGenenl Fitz John Porter, recently (tied
by military conrg Inertial on charges fi’referredi
by Gen. Pop‘e, fondisobedienee of orders,&c.,!
has been found guilty mm the charge. and
specifications and sentenced to' be dismissed
from the sex-arise, The President Ins 3 ‘proved !
the findingfnnd ordered his name stricken from '
the call. An act ofgroeser injustice, saysaeo
temporary, in: nemrpetnted. He we! not
convicted on the Le on], but. to gratify ‘the
‘ envy and jealouey of the court. and the malig
‘ nit, of the adminifitration. There will come a
day of retribution, ‘hen Ibrnhem Lincoln nnd
nll Associated wi'h him in iniquity will pay
dearly for their transgressions.
Tn: an Yoqulout.—This is a first-class
Democratic «per, published in the city of
New York, nd edited bf Camstock b Cusidy,
assisted by uch irriterg u Horatio Seymour,
Chulea‘ O’Co nor, Sumnel J. Tilden, and many
other able wrileu: We coifimend lhn Argus to
all who desire I; reliable and nbly cOnducted
New York janml. ’Terms, $2 per annum; 3
copies one 5'17“, 3518 copies $10; 20 copien
$2O. Address Bannock z Cassia}, New York.
The» and Noun—But for the labors of Mr.
Seward, there would have been no Re übli
can party. And now, if’ the Repuglican
ty could have its way. there would be no
Kari—lm'ille Journal. ,
Yes. and if we had our Iny, there Would
be neither Republican party, (nor ofice—
holding Seward.
fi‘We return our thanks to His Excel
lenry; Governor Curlin. for I pamphlet copy
of his recent A\nnual Menage.
fiAn 8(1le in Minnesota is decennial:
ed to break up housekeeping Ind go board
ing with his delinquein submrihgn thou
uq'mder ofhis life. . 1
, recent debt": in theixuflonnl
hefallowing arlloqliy ‘ kqnlnca
Ir. Dunlap. of Kentmy” and
ions Thuddeu‘s Steven+ of this
lug—Ah; nét the socedl
r mbflhq Union? I
nus—My opipion ii I
lap—Did the ortlinnnc
hem out of the Union?
(Ins—'l'tfr‘orilinnnce of
armed power, did take :‘
nuwtlmt‘opcramd did ‘
Uhion., ‘
dam-My npinfnn is t 1
tubers ‘nflhe Union.
9113 They are not
eré be 21 more emphjntic
[m doct ine of secéAaio
n Llwnnluversol' Mr. Ste
Twining lhqg lbe'Soc
I-tl, nndlooxrs'bqpomly i‘
ist as J 3‘. Dfi/ja him};
h. of in; Smté‘ to take'
ion wifhfiout Hie cause ‘
: lvmyss Heed genial“ by
the Ur‘hon. The doct
: Esubv'ofi‘sive of all law
Inapds‘bitish. A
ry of thy Government
I ghis {gpgkle was, (In
les were: ml! in the L'
on ordifiances were an
npor. Upoh‘tliis then
i" called upon the cm
”I mute p 1
imiuwlmti {
1 nid to cru~
never our
in ‘ uthgfin .
ifi an {I
'gponded t-j
JIM. now ‘
jfivho is in l
| lion and o‘
i ihe domi
'S§:ltes are
I him .411
lbm‘s‘by m
Hhat M: C"
1 mm M 3
'of the ad U
r loving pan ‘
; gfincrously
i urn, to mgi
(UVK’IJ hav
I my, tfih monstmus at
nrious Union on fihe pal
ates, and upon this ml
the nrlministmlion- nl
by a loflml nnrkpatmotn
: are in'formed by Mr.
mconfiéience of the at!
e of the recogni‘pd 1:
'ant pail-(y. that: the
not niembers of the
t they pnvé cpnsfnl to |
-'xr own} nets. i In: othe
'on i: (lIJso/rcd.’ 4 3 '
C Sllevej‘w reprofidnt 11‘
inistmt on? Thm loyal
le of“ tlie country, wh
given (if their blbml l‘l
tnin‘ th‘p I‘ninn nhd lh
' a rightfio know-{'szril
i__ ‘ —4 1 - _,, J<o... --V
The ilnrrishurg Pntriot J: I'ninn
Rumors have reached this city that t
I nu; upon this Presidint has been too
ibis brain“ aim they he ocensiOany
I unmisinknliie symptoms of insonit
3 should be sorry to believe this. but “i“
he in the le tnstoniished should it. pr?
true. The arty killledeHJi-rison' now
with less tlnn halt“; the pressure th
brought to em- -on‘poor Lincoln, an iwe are
more nstonl hed thnzt he has thusjfan urvired
‘the freight t iey have forced npop him, than to
hear that it as driven h'm inanee.‘ I der the
eig-eunistanc s we thinkiu-ngre‘ss ;sho Id have
itrented him in. a mbre feeling: and rtpeetml
Emanner the they d the.other fday on the
reading of is spe‘ci l mcssnge npprp int: the
$100,000,00 bill— which the WI! hington
qorresponde tof the‘Tn’bnuc' givesjt'h follow;
ing account K i 4
A therea in; oftlte document pron-e de-I‘éng
rios 13' gave place to astonishment. he re
commendgti, n to Co geess to adopt S cretnry
Chnse's Soaking a teme provoked anghter
over most 0 ;the Hon e. .\lr. \‘v‘ushbu n's Ino
lion to rote the‘ to gauge to a erec'il com
‘mittee was peedfly hlid on the table I v a vote}
0f62 to 20. While thus placing the d cument l
where the case ‘tmuld handle it to- onbw, i
the ’expressi n ofirri‘tatinn at What w s eull'w‘l i
the interfere ce and dictation. ot“ the firesident;
was very ger‘eml. The message fell 0 a very
thin Sennte.‘ The prinhing ofit “main-fused
by the/Yew Idemhers present, and the djonru- |
ment took plhce in a greater and more‘genernl l
expnession t‘ resentment at whul a, dintin- i
guxshed Sen tor called the President's rowing
lmhit. of retn Ding bilis with his sign“ re. flC-‘
companietl wfith lectures to Congress fu hm‘iusr
passed them. ~ > . ‘ I
l 7" "“—“-""‘“““"‘,
‘ ng“\Vithjl"eMel our political difficulties
can all be e ttled. t‘But,” say the [ilepubii- !
9am, "do fiat: mean by Peace, disquiont"
Not'n'. nil. All the disunionists we) have,
or ever wou d hsye‘hnd, wrote-amt: by this
man: and w shall ‘ never get. the Union I
again until 'e'i'etmhi to our oonstitgutionnl‘
duties. _ Le the Sthtes'meet in National
Conhention and the‘oommon sense’of the
people will esters to us the old Uliion. est
it we, aim iy‘ bectuse it, is e 'wa t hothl
of the Sou and t 3 North. It; is only
those who t ink thé people are not pabie '
of self-gave ment, pr the lunatic: wro cure '
nothing for the wee, except as it tends to
equelilty 'an Vemaig‘amation of thé races,
wholare op ' to this simple, common
sense. hone ble mid Christian m: nor of
settling our difiiculties.—Shnlmy t.
I ~ - —~————oo.~—~———— l
‘The ichigan Legislature: his re-l
elected th: “blood-letting" Chandler to
theU.S.Se ate. Massachusetts send: back
the disuniohiat, Sumner. Wade is tetum‘
ed from Ohio, the Legislature. having been
eiegted in 1561. These men care ohly {or
thanegro. {l‘heConstitution and theUuion
are nothingiin the eyes of such deep—dyed
Abolitionisth. 7
fiThe Harrisburg Telegraph suggests
the application of " Tory ” to the Demo
crats. To is one of the favorite titles used
by the reberia, in regard to the Union men
of the South. The disunionists of both sec
tions agree ‘ precisely in‘ their use of terms.
S'Thena in Igrowing hmtility in the
gran West: to New England, whiuh may
some day b‘eeome formidable.
“Theme"! Euglunden are going to
by gray Hie Emancipation pen as scurios
fly. The President has presented the pen,
which signéd the reclamation. to George
Lirermore,l of Camgriuge. Massachusetts.—
'l-'hn stockings in which Mr. Lincoln stood
whpn he signed the document. wen prom
iwd to Charles Sumner. who is to preserve
them, unwhshed. in un air-light. glass case,
for tha Admit-“ion 0! future again—New Ha
ven Regular;
__ ti! oi!- =tnir~.-nnd. by I dismal light. we a-
Tn Us! 511'er OMr l’u'n‘ol m-ul 73.43"): , ‘ Fri.“ “lion "i" l’lice' 'i“ Conicron aston
' As many rut-{ion urn afloat in ”card *tol'l‘"I "I 'l'“ Mu"? between megon Md
certain tnnsiietion- which took plan Lr- ”Va: l” “”""“'“3 ‘0 WY "“1 “‘o,h 0-d
-twnen'flenernl Cameron and myw-ll‘nn cov- 35' of ,W'l'fl' 7‘5 3° be paid .m an“
oral MGIHPII“ previous 'lo,the hue elmtion TM"! muml deposit "l" Patterson Q ht!“
‘of UnitedlStatea Senator. I think it my in'lnyprmenfn u some futureintrryiewé
‘duly Io make a phi". unv'nm'vhed Milled “I. “a“ to my itin’pectron. Alcllnlgxe 11105981:
.mrnt of tho furtx. sotluit there niayhe‘here- l” “i ‘ ocrl-urred l iereA‘: "02h b "" I." {v 0
other no minmdontnndink or mini-oiirou-n- “*9 It?" ”‘q‘lm' ‘ ' 3'" :d "Em" h?“
tniinn. Illvlipving that there would he nt-‘ m"? "-09 .‘ ”non straighten. hudeH "
tempts to bribe memben in nrtlc-r todeo-nt -f"'“":i 'l'. mm" b“ logs-5 "I‘m his an" " nay
. the election of» Democrat I‘mnreivod tho mu. ’ “"1" that ends it“ Im“ bebenator
I . é ‘ - , -' and you vdiall never regretlt"-—(addressing
proje t ofqmtting‘mpelfin tlua way nl'thr l' lft “I 'll be th ‘ w”.
npe-rntors ind trying how far they were dis- "F”P- ." me)— "‘ e "I“ p 0
‘ - 4 - l'nl man in that. Senate - the entire data of
i'mod to no in the niattor. Oncr concmvpd. . t‘ l G ‘ ill be 1 0d _
l :lrterniiili-Il to not upon it, and mmiimiii- """":" n.t "3 overnrnent ' c inn: ‘
mtt‘d my intention to N‘Vt'nll rflf‘illl'. ‘l‘hr‘ "inn"? monorerertmn than that'the 50",”;
. lirfit opportunity lhiit oflbrud lembiaccd— “T” Em" ”er i‘ndexendence. ml" mum H
; ll _ i-, ' ‘ l _ ' fl ,llkt‘ tim~nn,l on then we Will hold the
tan: H r.- la 1:9 r: urt. . ( m’i'rol ol‘ the’C I! out ad I will be it
i I had horn to Philadelphia. and on my h' c . >-’ "gel-32”." 3 ‘ l
return, porhnps' it work or more bgfnrp the ’9 m “V 8 .ml' "on t an. '0 “’5 I‘M f“
eluctiun. I met Mr. \\ iii. 111-ohm. ol’ Imwiß-I "gain.“to dream of Southern Confedt-rut-itw
lliurg. Wllll whom I was amuainted. at. the 2'”: “ innelzilgos for Senator. PEt‘em“ “I'd
iPtlnn-‘ylraiiiu Home. in llnrrhhurg. for tho} tx‘" :Igrt‘ ‘ 5mg???" 9“ )Igon ay. ,-
llird. time this winter. and Inutim-d somol ,' [f "'T" at 0}; M’k- in f “n"m“ 9 lam"
runucuul nervoumebs on h‘h part. and trom‘ 'i) "n 1" Ti “1;,"3' '3 I‘ll-"gndlfl rte
,hiicmduct‘wn: soon led dumping-t thiithi! ’t“ rm" medi m? e had I 9,“ ’ . hand
huninefi int, llarriuluur’g “as not of n wry I m .iin look up in_a rafe down hlfllrs, but
} public cham‘otar. In theal'ternnon ltt’t‘ilnl“; wanted me to pee Simon 9'35" before [my
,to me and asked h, 5...“, ":“i ln'ivnft'h'. and mg it over to me. .1 meme on the hand
lwe procoet ed at once to lmv room. whore V‘D'm'T- Th'f‘ l deflyne‘l nocrssury to koep
lhe very upon mmmpnr. 4‘ lllklialtifzing‘ iii: the dflusion. VI e then parted to inuct
the sew-ml prominent. I'liniooratic o: ndi- "i ll'” fame place “9")“, the no"! rimming.
dates for United State-i fli-nator; and}on- Immediately utter brpnkfnsf on l'uouday.
eliidpd" hy: expressing ’hifi dm‘ided pr -l't-r- ‘ (the day of ”W 'olertion,) I met.- Patter
lenee lnr. Gen: Simon (‘amvrom Title. of ion. according to agree-mount" lm room.
.course’. lelt me no room to doubt tliénhiert Simon .hfmg Fremont, 13"", on ”'9 bml'
of hit visit to the State Capital and to ink. . romplmmug 0. n dhmfle of the howpk. l,‘
and Intonee ns-kod him whether that‘wnu: “'35 “I?“ desired ”'“t‘ I should ”be mme
lhe nhjrct pf his visit. llb’Aaid it wot. In ‘- Republican member orthe Senotfor [lon-11,
reply to "W‘Q'W‘N‘m- whalmrflmpmlcnm. llwho would he sent to toe, and intoiru hrm
pron wu'thttriz'r-d him to come to me in thii l M my w'nmgnms. to vote f 0” Cameron m
wnv, he 5a dhe \vasxauthoiirrd hv LLum-roii l, case he wns nnmv’Atod. To ”m i made‘
to .309 anv LDemm‘riit ot‘thd llou-éor Senatr. l mm" pretended "llVF'm" ”11d ‘lem'd‘i‘l
and éntrzrl into the pro-llminary arnmzo- i” know the "“39”"? {0" "'3 S""f’“ “I'd
lllt’nl.‘ln nécuren vote for (l'amvron. l tliP'n I ”.m” “'3“ tint “unlegs '1 (“d ””5 thoy
n~ketlihimlin what mutinérthry , exhorted . might think. he; Jud wanted thoir d—Ld
to secure the election ot'thmoron. 'lle un- nomination Mr “lam “me” was not "“9'
“wefpd' "‘l'l" ”mug ”n+B Imiiociniu to ; llefllonlared he .would not have tho norm.
til-«(Ant lllOll]~t‘th~ onthod: yotthnelpoiionfl’ """0" and 5‘ tlo’e’at f’" ”39 whole {l‘egl‘la’
[4]., n “.14..” um “lint ‘ilfl’ would ”...—l turr. So. of course, I consented, and tho
Ila zaid he “as authorized hv (‘amr‘mii to. voting Wm" .w’” V°l""l‘"'"y ”l's"‘lls"'mo'
otl‘er $5,005. I told llllnll-llli figures were P"!l"r~‘°“ 5“"l ”l“ gentl‘rnmn who ““"l‘l
um lniv, "ml ‘l‘ gin d 41m, to t: ll “H, Who’ \g'ait on me thorn wasn‘llr. Fuller, otth‘o,
the other nirnilwn wore. l'l'llm ho return-d S""’"‘" “h" would ll" l’résellt “.3 soon "5 I
to ('0 at. tho limp, hut wtiuld “T and uiit..“"'"'l""'ll' to Et‘l‘t‘lvfl him. [mud that was
permirsinn of hi-i principal to do so, Ilw “n l'lfllll. ‘llllt HIUSt TWIN he (-onvmm-d ”Nit
than loft, nnd i't-tiirndml in a. short tinw. the ""5“? “l” all "Hi" too. il‘lnw‘m‘.‘
mid said that liviiornl Cameron wanted to “‘9" hurriedly slfmred m 9 “ lurpe;hundle
“.9 me}. pprspnnily’ at. hifilrmidnnv» out nl‘ pl hank iiote<. which lir- reprrqvnted in: luv
me (~in thut «writing. I 1:01,! him I ""l'l'l mu tlw amount of the final payment“, Ila
not mm“. the ongngrment, but would nn~ ‘tIiVUI‘NI me the day bezt'ore'l should have
swpr him in one honr,‘mlil it‘l could get ”1P li‘nnd ~mnné‘y. flna‘flllfl'n on TUt‘j'lfll’
clear oftinnlllf‘l“Pllgnl—mnll‘llt I had lnade. morninuamd Irould 1m” ['2 I told him I
.I would go irith lii ll.‘ In: tho mHlllllmtt l fl‘l‘mN'd it. “0”” 0" "fl.“"m'h ““5 .‘0 have
mnsnltevl with Dr. ‘uuly. lot“ the "mug "r. it :ilmut rue. Ilnaanlglt as there rm ht he a,
ltelu-erentutivr“. my collduglio, to whom l ”Fl“. 13”” the elr-ctmn, and said would
“s],“sz tho fm-pgnirig “lit“. 11”,". m“. irukt it tolthem. (Pattm-sonand (.‘a eron.)
Bl'olnt ngnin and told him; I would :20. [lo k"““"':‘-’ Il'Pm' ‘0 b“- l"""‘"- 1" "“h‘h"
told me he “would have ii 'rniriage l't‘nllV in "Em" "‘°‘l,'""l me the lllalld mm 3'" "W 3
front. (5r llorr's ”mph” 7 n'cloék: that ho ' down in thl- Siil'o. and together with llie rm
“ink "away; 1,... Comm-(iii to gut; rhrriag’o ‘ ltlllPx-lilltlltl be forthcoming us soon (is the
at nny‘ 1, *9; “mph 1]”. :tin‘w ,I“.th .pr. (’ll't‘lllln wawovrr. (l may her» state it did
Enrlv MINI ' my-‘rlf Walked; down to Ill“l'l"i not "l‘nw-l .Cuumn then said his carriage
and Emir tho carringo nndflhohstlthrre. l “mu“ l’f" "t ”‘9 Sm” C"P“°l B‘llll‘ after
giuxn mode ammo exr‘use ug mood. and mitt , the elrlztwn. and_ I Would come rig!“ down
him itm‘nuhl he had not, iii gm. (I IIPI-‘nli‘ll ‘ ""‘l A!" GNP)" in“ house and I‘Pmni tliere
it prudent. {.g [hid mm. ”flit." _1,mm,1;.im..... lthnllt. Tim. of course,’ I agreed ’. to do,
not ttylllflhll‘t'NL too {mu-h leiigr-i-nwa, Ina}, [ ‘ (“"3 'lNl ""L) _ _ ,
lniulit (tr-font the find in l'i"“") 11mm.“ .\mv, ilmn,nll tluhgs being arranged. Dr.
day hel (llrohst) oallod turd “ml Cameron Fuller 3“?“ u~lwrml ”‘ l’l’ Patterson. Th"
wanted to NW) me at llioStii-totliyittil Hunk. 'I‘l" "lllmm" (mmplrted. l mid: “Dnt‘tnr,
I rolled. and WM iikhvrml IFIIO n I'm-k room I l‘"""_'r"' l {ln'l’T‘mnd the 0h)?“ or ”ll“
of!hohnnk.andtnundCuu‘tt-mntherealone.l 1m" '"““'""‘l"" Tie the" ”M: ”I am
lionddrrwed me n«‘ l'nlln'ir~:-—” Jim-pr; tit. rlmirman ""n «‘r-mmime armimé‘d by til9
you think you could hard rournge {-iimmh ! llopuhhcan "mm” to Wait‘ on you ‘0 5“"
i toynté for rm ‘3" I "moot-ed that it' wmi ii ' whethnr you “"“ll'l vote [o' C"“‘?"°"~" l
lvpry h‘usinrss-like quertifin. and that it “ii "Y”: l "“""" 3"“? film ifyou “"ml
\ ould dopond vary mud. (in citrunistnncm. i note. (i. "- C““““"" (pointing to “'9 0'"
Ila than said. ""“l‘l‘n-‘t‘ ”I“ r'rouiii‘tnncm‘ “'iiinohaun lying on tlie’bed) it. will he all
‘tll'l‘ ’all fright Z" 'l:a~ked hi how he’mgant ' right." llv {till : "iYoziJgivp me that flSsll:‘
_“‘nll flight.” lie annwerpdlu“ tho—financial l "”1"“ ‘3’”. l *"l'l. “Yon" Dr! I". then with:
cbnuiilflrntion: in than, the Ilnllniic jand' “\ on need hay.- on tours of perbo'nul dun-j
coins), lanm'ewd him. ‘tvoitn'nly.!' Hell-"7'3 or anything .Orlllllt sort. We have
then ”km; nie wllmt I Would ”kg, '1 lnl-l l tnmlf' err-rr ’lirnvlhlfln to meet all diingrrJ:
:liim I had not boon in this husinesn lung. 1 Til!“ ”‘0 lit“ *"PYW‘i". ‘hlh strange “"0
and did not know exnctlyi how to ninwm, lr‘nued. Simon mun-ml mo thr'it 'he would?
but \vi‘shod him to name} the Flint. Norwlfll’“ l-"r‘l‘oil‘h ""‘l 1 “OP“ he will. ‘ I
asked wlpt i uiougm nfiSltlJlll'l. ~ right‘ '3 1* rim-fir IWO tow that during this
down oftrr the \mik \vafifdune.” I: the-n» ”ml”"'l"""“""' “'l"'sz'll""”n'l hi“ ”2““‘5- .
ticked li‘iiu, \vliethei' he wantedii rain or on I "'Y' ("fll’t‘flum‘. [’l' ""1."- W- _A- “'ullnce,’
:diwnteo. [le lfllll-IVFI’INI, 1.. it Vote.',’ and ‘tl'm Séniitnr from Cliniitl’ielil, and Robert'
'tlmt. it ‘ would be very trot'ihlrsoin‘e to get, ‘ l “"ley ”j" l'f“l'|‘i|'lnrtil ”10 Pennsylvania?
tIIP mph away. and imfimesghe only “.3"an Ilt“l‘:l*, in thi~ city. \VOFI“ in the serrrtnnd
It'd the money paid as the first. instalment. r D=’- I'll-Illy. "‘l'fl'lnll)’. knew constantly What:
and that. he felt iiiduty lmlind to take. caref‘l“ Fn‘l'E'lM _ '_ . ‘,
ofthe liaison that made hién Senator 'iifter- - I“ 0", "I "W. .intorvtr‘ltv‘z W'u‘ 11?“??an
Wards. find. if he lmd so mniiv‘ to titké cure on ”W ic‘arn 130 ml! ‘0 lh-mling. 1‘9”“! in
of. it, would embarrass him. “but if 1m had cum ”"ir" ‘I‘““"l "hf I"”‘l'ilm'dml grow
but one he could do it‘iu-l'l and profitably 1 out of the tranfmttinn h - \anlltlt be the on
ns longing we lived: and mid besides. there ‘ [Y Y'""“?'* “'"l “W“ anything about ,it.n=ml'
would be no more (lungt-rih voting directly h“ "mu!“ ""“m' “'lle “n" l'“t 3‘ HINDI-4L
for him thnnin beinguhsent..t‘or-they would' .‘ 1" rel-“'s‘“ "' ”'9 datesgiven "1 the “13078-
make every provision for the protection of stotvnwnt. "“ 1 "Wk“ l“? “N'm'mlnd’t 8‘ the
the man that. would vote; for him. This timr. .1 """N'l l’" wrlam 0“" ”WY are 00"
ended the interview. and w‘rn'grgod to meet. ml, 1"“ l belle“ ”WY ‘W- '
again to fix 'the compensation. Tilt? noxt’ .T. JEFrnRsoV Born. '
day he sent 1311):.“ low min; I" declimxl go-' ' - ‘ ,u...; _ .
in to see him. ut agreot ’to sue liim m, xi
in? room. No. 15 Pennsylvania II(Ili‘40_-—-lHIA,MI.I‘TON. ON THI' :CONl’mQN‘.
Mr. me‘t. who w,” 5”“, hp ‘0 this iimtnl 'l he illuutrious'Alexantlor Hamilton, once
figuring for Simon, went aflér him, 1 ""‘d in entnring the presidential mansion. and see
lefs than twenty minutosl returnlridl'jvtith. ing it small book that. lay on the table, ob.
him. Cameron then smil, " Well. let‘s. ”we“. - ’
comr to an understanding." Imid.l"\Vhat‘ “ ' . .. .- . , ,
for?" He answered. “In reference to thel All. thin in "thorn. xtitution.’ "Low
Senatorial question." I tlit-n said, "Immi' hiark my "old" I") ”"l‘ll', .. "‘ .l”".” ”" “’5 a"
have‘ 315.000.” He said. “I will give h.” a_l/"""[I OW, vit'tiiomi [imp/it: {Ma ”Jinn-Int will
and wnhted to know who “would prefer ml 111/HI": road/Ia in mutant tl"fll’l’l.Vfllu’llfll ire!-
nrrnnge‘ further interviews rind (lo the finan- fart. and mulua’ lull pom", If"! what w- him:
cieringlof the business. I told him mylror’flp’. and‘nwii Ilixr'r'gunl-Jilfl moral [lnfill-th;
liinitcd‘ knowledge of his friends did not ' “"11 yum”? " «3.415.. ’m'."ll‘k° ll‘“ ”WW“ Ad‘
ennble Lll9 to name that. person. He tlirn’ ministration] H w"! Lind ya milouym‘." ‘
left, statingmnt he was going tothilndelH Such were-the prophetic words orAlex
phia. toliirrango another [nutter which hit tinder Hamilton. saye a writer. nth-red half
had in YIPW. 011 d rmuld return on Saturday a century iigo, and iifthe very dawn lot“ our
ovrniii . This was on Wednesday. . l . . . ,
« On 'l' iursduv I met John J. Putterson.-—l existrnoe at: anotion. Let Americans "H“.
II? desi‘ ed to g... 1139. and flaked me to chll them in their books and treasurr them in
at his room at. Herr’r Hotel. When I mac! their hear-tin. ‘Another half century, und
him‘. I asked him where B'urnn'wns! ne'nbey'may he regarded as, truths.
told melliemu sick. llethen said, “Bnyer,l \. ' '___‘______.-.;_ __"_’;_ ‘
the mnrley‘ will he cm righLi’ i asked hitn.‘ “ v , . ,
"Wlintimoney go He th‘eh said. “Oh, I fir 'l‘lm relwllion mpst beet-untied. '—,
know [l‘ll about. it; I saw Cameron.” (I ””901“ P‘Per'l l
must nott’orget to state here that, u'irirl Well. the people of.the free: Staten rom
to my meeting Patterson, Brobst told lure? menced the work hurt omm and it is still
P‘lttfl'flon wanted to see me on that busi-z going on. In due tlnle‘, “the rebellion
liens.) and, by Cameron’s arrangement, he. il' be or shed" ' ' -
would go down in the cars on the Lebanon 'w l u '
Valley road on Friday at 2 o'clock. and
that. we would go together and settle the
d Stater
of seces-
" . lon,
Iwm nut.
ke them
at they,
than is
: sion is“:
nu binck
tsélf out
5 of the
[all true
rme was
1‘ nd good
!t. the be
”. the so
!rion and
: orthloss
; the ud
nlry fur
omm. to
t_of the
-ory vms
ably ’re
n inisu-m
aders of
.e um-‘
:0 View:
.1 t reaF-
Ie press
: m h for
. We
{ould hot
kw Io he
‘1! Tan) 10?
y have
We met according to arrangement. and,
in the baggage ararlment ofthe New York
cur, cnnrluded t 29 bargain for $20,000 for n
vme for General Simon Cameron for the of-
flee of U. 5‘ Senator, with the agreement
that no other member should be bought.
and that this should end the matter—pro
vided Cameron wouid'agree to the terms,
and depmit the money in the hands of PM,
Lemon, (0 be paid to me immediately after
the election was over. and that. the two
members (with whom Patterson said Cum-
mernn was also in treaty) who were in the
cars on their wuy to Philadelphia. should
return on Saturday
Incl thxfl, If they “Tere sent ofl', the House
would {at go into an election. and our
agreement could not. beconsummgted.'—
This statement seemed to determine his
mind in favbrpl'the arrangement. Puma-son
went immediflely to Cameron, who Inns
in the car, and returned in a few minutes,
stating that although Cums-run rsgnrded
the price big. he would pay it. in order to
save lurlber trouble, and would, therefore.
no: say anything to the members then on
their way to Philadelphia, and they migbl
return. and thus prevent any disamngo-
ment of the plan that might arise from
unil- absence, Saturday evening nu than
agrcwl uxmn u Hm limo for the nu! inwr
vie w. 1 “01-Iva M limulung; mdid Patter
irr‘hn. whu n-turnwl um same everiin to
"arriuhug. ( nmernn went to Phill‘el
phin. I nrmn up on .‘kturday ovoninlmnd
found L'nmi‘rnn on the train. I: wall as at
I‘m-t nne r“ [lnn mm who vent to Phil-del
phin theglm’ IN'an. and I think both. A!
”'9 «Iv-pm n! Harri-burg I met Pntrfmn.
who fluid the inurview would be u. Don
(‘lmomn'm 1 According}, Patterson and
myself wont Ilimt to the house. and found
the General 'uu-ry ahead of us. He invited
- ~—-—-~— ~ «0077—.. L.
’11:»: They Sara (la Union—An Abolilinn
«fixer in the Bat-ton Lhmmwratlln says;
“Rather: then see that. institutionjre-np
year in our National Congress, I would re-
Joioe in seeing'not one’ stone leftfiupon
another of this proud ‘fnbrlc, which was
reared. like Dahomey’s throne. on lgumun
skulls." * E
Couxh'lull'opal AmemlmquL—A pefilian his
beenjn circulation in York. Pa. for Pigm
mrc-s, prapoving amendment: tome Euler
al commotion as “main for nreoonntr‘ctipn'
nfthe Vnioti. ‘ l
We considered the
DIRTR‘ZSI l.\' ln:uxn.—-We lnke the following
from n letter dated Dublin. Dec. 30: The wen;
V9ll in Balbi‘tneurret, Brlfut; the spar-Kiwi!
nud room hm" in the poorer dl-rfictn of
this motrnpu‘lic: ihe labor'erl driven into§Drog
bed: And Dundulk and other ton’ns ior want of
employment, and the multitude in the youth
neat and northwest that 1 late and inmificient
bnrveu Ind I. severe winter have rrdued to
ml-enblo destitution. are nil raising n almnlu.
noon: cry for fond. fuel and clothing iimt it
will tuck our ingenuity and our resourcen to
tho utter-molt to “11in "
‘ ‘ nry intlcbwd to Mum. McSherryiud My
! muxcs 0P1“'1"T--“v."" M! on Non- for coptu ofthe Auditor Genmmi neporet
I'd-y morninK It to u't‘lnt'k. Judge Wicrvmm , meg, (tom which we glean the} lollowl;
iphnrgpd thn Grind Jury. and they retired to Adm" county itgms: { 1‘
Met: room. In? 'hlcb the ('ourtlrnnucud r nouns mm TO rm: sum. 3
glnrge nmonnl pf Orphauv. Four! and otherlnnnk ofGeuylburgAitidenJ 1:3...1 $990l
, ' "._“d the‘ d d [-1 3 “ “ corp. not: .....1 5811
“"1"“ but]: u . journc -un ' Gettysb‘g & Petersh'g Turnpike Uo.J 4'."
q'clock. P: - ' . Work and Gettylhnrg Turnpike Co.,j 1'!
Al 3 P. M- tile Court in” “0' procfrded '0 Getty-burg 0" C0mpany............{ 20
‘cnll the civil Mid crimin-l liau; Thq fullov- 4 Gettysburg Water Carnpnny.........} H"
, .MM (1 - d ""10,“ [Tu on Hui Ind Personal fistula“! 13 84-5
.mg "I" "V m "”"l‘ " 'Spwinl Tu, Acl my to, 1301...... 2:199
I "U" "'f" t i T-wrn Ltctvnae.
‘ incur! EPPI'T“In V"- 30"“b 6- wf“"- Per H. B. Dunner, Trunurer.........
Debt on BookA tLollnl.—A!ter hearing‘nfl the ‘; ’Jucob Tloxcl, lslue “ ........
, ‘ ‘ dr _ d Rem m’ Lice-nu.
‘ ‘Plttmonly "" fin“. “my"! hull.n‘dn:iih”*?c J Per n. B. Dunner, Trennurer......
' “NJ“UW ”1° t“ "fi'"“m’“d°‘l ". 9" "’5O“ Jnculr Tron-1,131: ”I‘m-5.5....
“a mcjury adughlrgogi. ‘ V ‘i ‘ ‘J. B_. Dantwr.fnrmer'l‘rann....
; Dnvid Walla, llunrd rs.‘ Henry B‘eitlor.— i’ nn D Pediatrl' Iticenu.
. v_ , er . . nnner rcuurcr.........
; Action nfSlnnfl: r—\ erdlrt for [lktfend‘mh kin-“rues and strait Hanan-”mum.
l—r urn ant-om". :1. ‘ infitmen'nnd anors‘ License......
, Common" éill n. Valentino Wa‘rner.— ‘ Egan; Houses, Lo
'- , A ll ",1 Bull rv.-—Vrrdicl. ‘, Mililiut'l'tn.
; 'f‘mmfnfm to “lug"! “a. t. t a ' r t _o,EPcrli\B. Dunner, Treasurer.........
.1 but. bull”: .9enl:°’ 9" T m ’ J. B. Dunner. form" Treasurer
h, prosecution. L ‘‘ . 3 \ Tux on “'riti, Willx, kc.‘
1 ' Commonwe' h vs. Lndunky‘flhuuf—lndivt- PM I. F; flqikfiv, Prothonntnry......
’ u' y H t dv.——D'fmilnnt." ‘ I'. .\. )rmin, Regis-ter............
:: “m" '°’ {Kniiflifiztmlnifitlr 'w a”, Jam " cotmmt Inheritance Tax.
t,ivlwl 1'“ Y“ ' v-' P 5 "11" C. K. Martin, ihgin1er............
' maintenance 0‘1”"! “HM, h- _ ,- .tm. on public right. Bunk oruevb'
‘. Commonwexiith rn.(‘onrud Fox.-inglivtmenl Am-rucd interest; per J. B. [Dunneli
llfor sclling’lilpitbr without; ligenre.-'—lgnorrtitl 'l' , \\ s’ ‘
[V b‘ G at} Juri‘ Count to P'” costs.“ i 1- Din ...u “......u. ...,....n:..u..4...
3 rl , .‘ I - _ r . , . .
I common-with “5. 3mm (‘.‘,rl__lnmc,_' itqyt‘tas nutmtm most I']!
t _ [fen Weaver, muhng..\.......‘.........
,1 men: tor Mriei-nrz—lgnpred 1:: GMM'W-v » . u , ‘4' \
y County to puy‘tosu. ‘ ' 'Johu Gardner. sham .....\.v.......3,.
.' Commonwerflth n. J. Work; Johny—‘s3:: “my-“hurt; R-fi-i‘O-ytmn-pfitroo}:
-7 “it with int! Ho commit a rnpc. Verdict, John Gardner.Rhoea...r........
ii 5 _ r - . n i' 'd‘ } CupLHeur} l.‘hritzmnn,\rire
taunt.“ Senié‘ (e. 6“ do an I" "7H m- 1’cn5iunfi.(hummu5,k0..........>.....
’1 priaohment iti the Penitentiury at l'hlh'iel‘ll'nmhwn 8chqu15.....................>.,.
'l phi» fun nfteen lonllts, insolitury conineryont, Abatement on State tu.w5.............}.~
'5 t i More. Appraiser,l..\l. Wnlter.lBl-'l.
w‘l labor. . - - ' 1 u , u u n 1332‘
J, .Theve boin no more huainnss, [ht- Carin“
t ‘ diuclmrged tb 'Jury n! 6 p'clurk. on Wednes
‘ day Herring. ,’
The Grand Hwy visited hue,» Jail 911‘] {Unis
Hause. Theiglnymx wil! be found in uuupther
portion 01 Ollr‘hztpwf. _ 1 ' 'V
WON‘- Jn'mrs .\.‘Ln.~fiél'l. nf flu- Emir?-
usnn Tm‘bp, wrlioe In his futher lwrenhl gmme
of the Adam's; umy boys were in [hr fml‘ly
[hut refused- “3:50 into Ilm fight at ilxlrtfiz~uy
boro‘. 'He an}: llm! while ull fromthid (-dulny
behaved well. ‘ (-ummt help dying lhfll "‘Juhn
“qrihullmud 111.-l'ruw|‘nrd deu-rvn ‘ilw 9mm,
ctodfi. He full; her-remarks: ‘
“'ltnln not k‘im’ wlmt, Hwy will dn‘uitl‘n Hm
regilm-nl. “lint“ min-Ifdumnmtiwd. ‘01:].
Spun-or is ve ,’ ill um! but]! of our ‘hujnns um
killvd. so we I, .u- but fur officerernQ The
“ lum- houhleil‘m‘ in 1104 bring [fiaporLr-xfl‘in-ri
ed. hum-e lm {yin}: PM ns‘flmniu. {Qumran-r
(‘unin or soJ‘t‘bmb qlfe 'is u-ri f'nlu-il to
blame." in " ‘ ‘
-...-. ”I ‘ , 4‘ ‘
WW9 [mun 11ml :IjLnH' Han-~11”: {Yo-"y
prismwrs, int-living Hum- !rmn {antlflll'hir‘nw‘s
compunyfih‘n |i’lwmn mummy-d. and fire qgnin
ready tolwkcu e flclnl. ' 1 ’ x
I ‘ ‘ ‘ 1' ‘
'WThc fol owing .gonllvmrn hr‘vc‘ brm‘
'elx-‘cted oflicerfll of the 'Lilllusiown’ llhgllruml
l . , ' L
l ' ’ 7
i‘fllruim \ly-r'. ’.‘
11ml! l.efv‘\‘et. Edmund 15.5“"th
, “'xllium F. (‘rmmg ‘\\'ill’linm‘
'p' Kolxlt-r.'.“nmuel (i h, Jz‘l-nu‘:
Enjnmin Lnndia. . x. ,1
Jon-pl) Burke
Dunnar. Phi
W. Barr um! L
jay-Tile Mi
Clipney of the
iw‘ng we find in 411.0. Huhibx‘nro
-.. I ‘
4m Instant. mmlnmm-d-‘ly n
prominent gonv‘tnmn oi rim] vii} : ‘ ‘ "
‘9.. ’ ‘ ‘
Pnorcsmm ~ ..—Dr 0 My} nmmnncrv Hun
In- his dispusv of hi< ln~im~§= in iiiiili‘ifl.
and “'0 luniers imL'tlm: it is his unwillioh M
Ion"? himulf: u Ut'll\~l)l"",’. I’m, “1‘19”“ he
will ruminm- liiqprm-Iwc uf umdicinqu ”H“-
ing hen-n 0‘”: (“£llin Inyiii-hm [or ii ‘nl‘imiln‘ffi u!
yenrs past. “0 {lumen-1) l'L‘ult-i In 1031 in of; 11m
("htl'llllllnll'll rivlnarjllrr I-fliu- Dm'nm. .12" \w
hin‘o- ou-r fuupll him skili‘ul in hisprbln-ssiinn,
and mod. nth niiw- lo the duties Ilium-11W and n
“the of gratitude prun'pls u~ to rnimucudJnm
In the good priqilvm lii: m-w l‘umlioni‘ns dnl‘i- i
lied to their ~lnplmrl. ‘ ‘ ,
Dr. 0 Ken] is inlmut lnkix-g up his ri-dflpm‘o
iumnng us—uil) be here during'lhr; present
week, we underslnml. Ho ("mu-s Highly. Yl'r
commeniiud as n physirinn from xn'..u_\'lsources,
and it is but Nusnnn‘do to supposeiflmi‘hik
fine flbililit‘fi liml [pug Mprrieuce Will icon
bring him inm» n dc=inil-lc [mu livc‘. iifli- e
..’ . I
with Dr, Swupr,‘ In \‘nrk sin-rt, oppornci the
h ‘
Bank. 1 . , i
V , I ~ ' ._ , _ L i
[TALL ST()IKI'.—A fgimd mu‘lose: n'n: the
following: paragraph, dim-m} from n ,«- nth"-
pnper." The. If” is two “steep" 16 have,
origim-tml in ”by region—m mull t‘Vl‘fll! this is
the first we hay“? lu-urd of it. It must laun
started in tin "Ulndnms county" in some other
. o \
State}: . ‘ 1
A qur Swiny—Snnkgn fire nmpngl the
prodle tiona oft 1; soil of Penmylmnin. but a
remurlmhlr speflmrn ut’ the prmlul-Lii‘sfitt hv
on» m uur pwln‘ngv- w hm’n‘het n dist-aibrv-d
recently in Adnnw runnt). Thin mm It ufhit'e
snake, about six feet in length. and was Inching
northward. But what seems the mare ‘rcmhrkh-
Able, the make ‘3!“ in two Imus: not. Lt-ing vml
not-texl‘in‘ nny may. hut evident]; helnnping 1.6
much other, In girder to make his shah—Hy;
romplete. Thé, n‘e-hnlf mm ed nl'u-r Ihe other,
and they upprnred in fiery movement to I!“ m
SympathyL “ith each other. L
fi'flic Homtl'nteni Farm of John Millerl de
ceased, 'r’n Reading townshifi, 160 fire-gyms
sold by the Execflo-n to John Millgr. offlounta
pleasant township. for $5B 50 'ng “re—s9,-
3 0‘: andl Chesflht Lot, of mid decedent, in
HuntingtPn towhhhi; . 5 acroa' and 94 pcrclhen,
to Dtnielllum er’, to! 8-40 per here—s 223 :30.
fill . Snmuél [Lenlz has said his fnrn'i, in
Butler éwmhip, to Mr. Dtniel Kauai—B3
ucres,at§3.4oo. 1 A ‘ %
-g A_. *>——v—-<—L—.fi-.‘.—— _._.‘ ‘
'mr. sivxmf sonnet. 'rmmmm my
m'mraslnux ' Ax‘n 'ALIIANAC ma 1‘363.
-This canveniepl and beautiful little Animal
is sent frpe to «my Supennundeni or‘ Tcséber
in the United State! 05 British Pmfinees,l on
receipt 0 a sump ’0 prep-y the polllgf.‘ It
is aometiing neilnsefnl und nun-noting.“
n 0 tench? ahonld bemithoul it. Rent) for a
cnpy to J. C.Gnrrigues a: 00,, us a. m. s:.,
Philadelphia, P.“ ‘ . ,
fi-Aa oppofiupity whicli uldem ocm”, in
now Ifl'oijded tho I: desiring a good.Wntch, at
I low figure. Reid thelndveflisenen: of-tiie
“ Mngic Time Obderur," of which the Hubbard
Bros., 0! New qu. nre the sole importer-‘3.—
The “)hgic”'is'receiring the most flattering
communion: of the Pmn.
Lorri-u COII‘O Tum Yum—Joseph l‘lnrrls
writes la‘ mgr. Clairsville (Ohio) Chronicle
that .lhe locuui'fill he on hand this year, it
being the 17th lfilm: their last sppenrmca.
lle In} I : l
The Pharaoh lolcusu made their first Appear—
inan on the wing May l9lh, 1846: on the 23rd
commenced singgng: on the 315! commencrd
boring the treesjnml laying eggs. June 611:,
commenced Mini: the mules first. On the
23th all dead. (‘ul‘m from 9mm lake's at (In!
alloy! dd!" ) I
This year vhorewill he lorusn in Abundance.
Prepare )our small trees, by tying them up
‘th straw lot 2531”“, um! you are safe, if you
do it right.
mire Ikming guide“ in Western New
York, by which firiny person: ware reported
to have been drowned, turn: out to be I hoax.
3-1! is .«nid {but over seven hundred men
of two Ohio regimum haw, within I week put,
downed Imm Camp Chase, in that Stile.
Tnt.n1......... ................ .........,.
Vulnnnm. nfßeulannl l‘ur.~ouul Pru-
terty in Adnnncuumv. .............
Assessment of T: x.........
Hulfmillmx. [ll‘r ncl Mn) 16.1861.
Tf a1u1ee..........§........................
J - O 7
\Tho T’c-mncrntir party k nullel
the Abolition 1m“! m «11) mt thl
tuition, 0;] pain of being «Jennun'
“NHL /
‘ZWIIy' c-Ixould we "upon the I
firm ?, Thru-v :m- many n-mm
slrv’m‘lli ml~whv wv I'valfl—«flll'l l
m)! ‘sl)”er it. Is [here on
qjaum? |
~ ll (lmro iw, .nn Abolition jm) I
chm thu’ie‘d ha: \ml p|;m-l:linlm
Fnrnr‘y lIM euiuyml m do i
Bum-Mr. Phillips, Sumner am
lmulmy n” haw fuilml. nnul m
have. on We cnntlury. givrn, bu
whv we should "nt. ‘ I
‘ Thu-y hnve (‘nnl'uumh-d the, 1'
lion wifli the Gnvvnnnent. nn
ground ohximml qunorl. "Haul
ml' Hm cilizo~n., iru~~m~rgiw of
_cliv'rti9<, tn “Mum the mlminisl
A mm» ywmic-inuu vim-prim: m
(-mngoinlmi, ul‘ul ml l'P]lll¢li:|t(-‘it,|
Th? mhniniflmiiun is but a «in
nfths quvrnnwnl. am] when I
Mr,-’n ~unxlnuhtmlly hind
duly 0] the ponph' m wt it liglfl
:nul ullmlmilinn. if lh--V I‘nn: 1|
”input. th’m luau-nlu-n it lw op]
nwrllmvjv it in ”In h ullm human
ing~nuhvr than mhmil in min
"wilt-10 orn-h it by ru-vululinn.
JLie asking too mm‘h nl tlu-
T-i-oplt‘ lu'mlp-ymrt nn mlminifl
0M0! nliipot nf which. ifu-n mly I
ipulnvlriw-n mud :u-linmu. L In 4h~
nmn, mm the omnm')’. vhnnue
govvrnmvht nml nmlnr» mevml
And U|9~P mun why .-..~h m l
in’ tln-ir wuflhnf llu- tf-I'm. to “11'
lowl? I
If they :Incwor. "Tn tho mlmi l
we grant io—bm to what. in thu: ‘
,tinn lr-vu} ‘3 I
To tlmf‘nmtitutirm? No.l.
triumph-d upon mu] ‘Illllll'l':‘§(‘ l
l'uv-n’?‘ '3'». How can thaw \
thy t'filwlimtinn he l-‘wul tn the
The Thuinn m unr f-zthrn mm]
h ”‘l' only knnm‘n. mid prizml 5‘ I
it—iu rt-jactml Ivy tlm mlmimstl
thn 111-Indra hope is ht-l'l out
nnothvr Union. the rmtnrn of
know not; but whivh “a. urn to]
Union "as [I Dug/111p: Ina" will hr ‘l
on 111» rmfm nl’ Im- I’udnn “m itl
what‘thw-n in it lnynl? To the “W
to the: uwnnL tn mnnption. to]
mng-hinntinn that Iu cult-ulz'm-«l to ‘
t‘oxlentruy‘but not H shy-11b, ht
Mpirutinnvfnr thr- nnily [u-ylu-t-uu
nmunndOglm-y of rhol cmmlrv.
; To thin :ulnliniulmtion. whirl: hm trun
plt‘d under [not the rightn of St to: "HIE. of
’oitizens; {which hm nll termed, into Ii u“.
and created new Commonwmlt H in t 9fi~
.pnce of tho f-‘omtitution; whit: ha m “1-
fi‘od the dechfillln‘ of the Supr me Hurt.
refilwnly‘.squnmll-rml tlw mam-37 nml llw-s
ofphr poople. hunkmplod the'l‘r .muryinn
nihilntwl ~nne‘lmind army and iii-x LIME"!
destroying another—to this car ulit, In th
v lots. arbitrary and imbecile udmju‘strut on.
which has tarnished the honor ml thr :Il
eh‘ed the ivory life of the nuti 'n—wu are
”Ski-ll ,to he luvull t :1
“May God do so unto us, and are 11140."
if wean-e or ever can be. J
'l‘lmre rue-a fime when the ire of ho
loyal State}! was ununinumsinEzplmr 0i
. the administration. Whiln it. "(Incite-l
i‘the war for the sole purpose” rif restoring
lthe Union; before the «ewe-ml of Alleli
l tinnism crbpt into in councils {Hid dictalted
its policy; while it held the Comttltution in
'reverence. and showed a dixpmition to] be
;fnithful to the gratitrust mpdeed in It—
lthere who but one heal-tin the 1:050:10!
the people oflhe loyal States: hey ,r 8
gnawed. hymn inspiration and ‘poke with
'cne tome. . . t .| . l
I But tlinhtime has gone by. The serpent
has done it: work—the people hill yetldo
[unlit—Patriot d“ U '0». 3 i
l lumen/u. or rm: ovuxon or "hull".
—-Tnzxlov,i.lan 50. orerner PI eewnllinm
laugunted at noon to-dny. In hi Inangiral
‘ho lays: *‘ ' ‘ L
‘.'l‘oe sovereignty ore-ch State is In complete
13nd real in it; sphere as the so right; of
th; United States in its "there.”ifle "gill"
that it is the duty of the Slates to; aslert pod
mnntnin their sovereignty. He rdfers to little”
rebellion us a revolution sod-ea” there will
. not eufiicient pause for it, but sayelit was pro
;duced by fanaticism oi the North. Military
‘nrrcsts, suspension of the habeas corpus, W"
lpower, Ind military nereseity are ldenounged
{an inept] and dangerous. Emancipation; in
lchueed among illegal acts. Be say! our en‘ero
lgiee should he directed to saringflhe Union,
.lenring emancipation to State Legillwtnfel.
{He hopes for a speedy restoration of pace on
Ithe basis ol’the Union as it was. I . “1;.
, *7 « , 7 .0..- —-———~«-;- .. .1.
i Alums n HAGBIRTOW!.—On the Nth in!!!
‘reveral citizens of llugerstown, MIL. were or.
rented by the military. The rtier were Ar‘
drew G. Boyd, (editor of the Ree Press,)Wn.
inhodes, John Campbell, Mr. Valentine, Alex’r
{Gratin and J. C. Brewer. They were confihed
;in the guard-home until the next‘day, when
they were all released without examination bx:
Icept Messrs, Rhodes and Gmpbell‘ who Wcro‘
.taken under guard, to Wuhlngtoll, It it slap,
your}. ltappenrs the charge upon which ‘thi
arrests were made was disloyalty, but no one
'appmring to prosecute they were ‘dieehsrged.
(The “Press" alleges that “portim Hulk."
1 not “political necessity” led to the lrmtl. ‘ .t
Tn‘: Dnnnucm—The Democnicy new. {1- ,
vor of the government, but basin“ in cup!!-
the and legiahflve udministntiop.‘ . '
The Abolitionilu are in hvorfil‘fio M 1413: ‘
iltntion, but ngunn the savanna-‘1; ‘,'
This in the utterance In brie! mu {"9“
two pumice. 4 ‘ '
'fl'hwelen uhould rend J. A. Bali-buff!
Advertisement in another column. '
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