il WW @mml. The Anderson Troop. ‘, them C-vnlry me mwe Inaiblcfigbt u wareeaboro'. Md nufl’ered Vet} Bull. The} were dnwu into on em- M. Ind the tvo Majors, Marten Ind Word, tore fined, 39 aka Sergeant XII-bat, Alcnodcr Duke, F. Herring, A W. Rodrick, cad A. W. Chen The" I. dime mm a yet given. Who clue "tuned, :ud who wounded, we hive not ,0! burned. Great interest is felt here, u. - about twenty 'or thirty young men from , thbm ind county were in the hoop: "Captl IRWIN, o! the firm of Irwin 8 Tyler, has bcrn ducted Presfden‘ 6f the Western Maryland Railroad, and General ‘Buperintendcnt of the Band for tho ensu lng mt. His son, P. Henry Irvin, has been 'gppointcd Assiuunt ‘ Superintendent. ’Tho’mud 35110303 ‘0 good businefi, and n corp. 6f engigégrs will soon survey the yonte from Union Budge ,mwards lingers -3013, with 1 vietjtn'its extension. ? ————-—v~—v~' -v—""—‘- ’ '9! the President of the United Staten. i ' r 4 PMCLAMATION. mum-,1 0n the 22d day of Septem ber in they” oLour Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty two, a proclamation was issued by tho President 01 the United Stung, containing, among other things, the following, to wit: “That on the first day or January, in the‘ycnr of our Lord. 1863, f‘ all won: held as slaves within any State _'_ or fiignategfl part of a State, the people . thereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shill be then, thence- forward and forever free; and the Excee tive Government. of the United States. in - aludifig the military nnd‘nnvnl authority theme will recognize and mninmin the (made of such persons, and will do no set or acts to repress such persons or any Q of them, in nny‘efl'oristhcy may make {or ~ their actual freedom. ; That the Executive will, on the first day of January aforesaid, by proclgmation, des ignsto the States or parts of bums, ifnny, . in which the People thereof, respectively, shall then be In rebellion against the Uni tad States; and the hint that any State, or the ple thereof, shall on that day be, in 7/ x(::m) 1 Guammm. } ‘ ’ PERFINEIW. ‘ - fl . ‘ 'ruo'ru Pnkmtns, J , ‘Dxu sTUH‘s, DRY mums, and - ‘ 1 ‘; PAINTS ground in Oil, 1 . 1 ~ ‘ OILS, exprnssod Eng! dlsfillo-l,’ \ STATIONERY ojrnn kinds; Inké, Pensxl’oncila. Paper, f‘omhs. Brushes, «kc. PATENT MEDICINES. 1 ‘ , Ail the popular Pat‘ent \lvdicinoq, tnzother with a selvilion of pure WINES, BRANDIES and \VHISKEY, for mpllirinal filnpnses only, alwilys on hnnd. In :1 word, mystock embraces everything usnnlly found in a first-glass store of this desoriptinn. I A? large supply or frpfih Drugs ha: been rm' ceived, nnd othore nrenrrhinghwhich I am of ferhigto the public np verr accommodating te ‘ . My Modir-ineshnvo hll been purchased mm m 3: porsnnnl insprption and supervision from the most reliable houses. ‘lcnn thnreflirc not bnly recommend them as pure and fresh, but *nn soll them rhon'p. ‘ ‘ ‘ Rifle-PARTICULAR ATTESTION given to the ailment of nil chroriic iliscnsea. é—AD V 1 C E ‘G.RA“TIS.‘Q Mi; 12. 1862. u '3 J c&lr7v l WY,vg* NIATIOXAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGES, ‘ urcnxn m 1 ‘ x " r . l’lllLA DELL’HIA,‘ l S. E. cos. 7m no Cnxsxm S'rs. « New York City, Brooklyh..-\lbnnj, Troy. Bull'nlo, Dell-oil, Cleveland, Chicago and Sn Lopis. Hook-keeping, l'anm’anship,‘ Columercinl Aritllmetip‘ Commerciul Law, Forms, Corres pundfncc. 8c“ pruclicitlly taught. ‘ Thgse Colleges bbing under the same general and local management, nnd’unit’lugi ‘ each the advarlmges of all, oll‘er grelter facailiea for infimniuz instruction than any olhér slmilu instiuuionsin the (lounH-y. : 1 A Scholarship issurd by any ode is good in all for my unlimityd time. » . ‘ Thé‘Pllilndclphin College huibeenf recently enlargied and refurnilhed [n a. superior manner, and i'p now the largest. and naps: prosperous Commerrinl Institution in the Sum. Bryant. & Stratton’a series of Ten Books, embrqdrq Bookkeeping, Commercia‘ Arith metic; and Commercial Law, forlsnle, and sent by mil. 5 ‘ . ‘ ” wi‘or full particulars send for mc'uculnr‘. Oct;10,l862. 1y ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 Trees! ’Trees! Trees! HE undersigned invite nttemion‘ to their lnrge and we}! g'owu stock of ‘ FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs, keg, embracing a huge and cumflete assortment of APPLES. PEARS,’ PEACHES; PLUMS, CHERRIES, APRU‘OTS, mid NEC TABINES,»Smndard 'or the Orchard. and Dwarf for the Garden. ENGLISH “'ALNUTS, SPANISH CHESNUTS, HAZLENL'TS, km, RASPBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, CUR RANTS and GOOSEBERRIES, in great var‘xe‘y. GRAPES of choices: kinds, ASPARAGUS, RHUBARB, Arc}, kc. Mac, A fine stock of well formed, bushy EVERGREENS, suitable for the Cemetery and Lawn. DECIDUOL‘S TREES, for street planting, and a general assortment of Oaxuwnn Tums Axn FLowgmxu Sxmcas. ROSES, of choice varieties, CAMELIAS; BEDDING PLANTS, kc. Our stock is remurkatly thrifty Ind fine, and we ofi‘ei' it at prices to suit the times. * @Camlognes mniled to all npplignnts. Address EDWARD J. EVANS, a 2 00., ,9. ’ Central Nurseries, York, P7l. March 24, 1861. tf "‘ “Carte de the” HOTOGRAPHS !—-We buvcjnst introduced P a splendid massive columnln our Gallery and are nowgvrepared to furnish the new style “ Cute do isite"LPhotogmphs—lour for a dolnr. ' ‘T—YSON BROTHERS, . 5 Excelsior Sky-light Gullery, Gettysburg March 10, 1862. Notice. WE desire all persons indobted to us to ' call and nuke settlement, taming made a chxnge in our manner ofdoing business. . Oct. 28, 1861. FAHNESTOCK BRO'S, . ARPETS, CARPETS.——A splendid lot of C Carpeting—good and cher—jusl opened at the New Store of ' M. SPANGLER. TRUNKS and Carpet Sacks then; a! . PICKING‘S [THE BRANDY,WINEAND \YHISKEY, for‘ P medxcluul purposes oul),ntlheNew Drug Store of Dr. R. HORNER. ‘ I..,SCIHCK has just received & lot of J. cheap Looking Glasses E attention of the Ladies in respectfully I ihvimd to a large Ind splendid uwnmm: of Lngiea’ fine Kid 3nd MOl 3001's “.4 SLIP ERS—hsu'ng Gain”, to" he. nt April :1. n. r. mummy, Wat corner 0! the Diamond, where he will keep a huge and well selectod_stoek ol' DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE. (lAIIPETING, Bth, of every description, Among “hith will ~be found the bum slylvs of Spring: Goods. The Ladies pnriinlnrly Im.- requesu-rl to call and examine my stock. M I feel sntisfii‘d it has never lmn surpzwscd in this place for henuly nml clienpncn. Gentlemen. also. are request ed to mill. as tlmre is no article in the llne of UEXTLEMEN'S WEAR thatthey cannot be no -commodatcd with, at prices that will astonish them. -. I will also keep on hand it large supply of GROCERIES. which will he. sold very chenp )ly Hook 0! QCEENSWARE, ((0., will also be found handsome, dumble nnd cheap, whilst my CARPETING cannot be surpnsscd. ’ v It il my intention to keep a first class Store wkceping on hand nothing but good goods— nnd to tie“ champ—having adoyted. the m‘otto— “QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS.” ltould respectfully solicit a share of the public pulronage, as l hOpe by strict attention to business, and by dealing honestly with my customers, to give satisfaction to nll. MICHAEL SPASGLER. April 14, 1362. HE undersigned hp removed his Tinning T establishment nearer tln Diamond, in .Chnmberiburg ureet, adjoluin A. D. Bueh -ler's Drug Store—n very cenlm locatign.l He continues to mnupfaclure, and caps cnnstncl ly onlmud, every variety of 5 . ' I'm-WARE. L ‘ . _ , ms rm wot) , l . JAI'ASE WARE, and will alw‘nys be ready to‘ do REPAIRING. ROUFING and SPOUTING also done in the belt. manner. Prices moder- Al5B. and nn gfl'ort spared ,lo rt-ridof full, satis faction. The public's continued'pntrnnnge is solicited. ’ f A. P. “mum. Gtttyiburg, April 7, .1862. ‘ ' EMI Hardware . : ND GROCERIES.—- ' A Thosuhscriuera h-Ie jun returned from the cities with In immense’ supply of HARD WARE AND GROCERIBS, which they' are ofl'erjng at their old stand m Baltiinore street, 5:. ptices to squ Mid times. Ourfiock aunaists in part of ‘ BUILDING MATERIALS. - CARPENTERS [001.9, < ‘ , A . BLACKSMTH'S TOOLS. ‘ COACH FINDINGS, SHOE FINDIYGS.,~ ' ' ‘ CABINET MAKER‘S TOOLS. HOUSEKEEPER‘S FIXTURES, ~ ALL mxns or may, kc” GROCBRIBS OF ALL KINDS, Oils, Puints, $O.. kc. There in no ynrticle in cluded in the several ‘depnrtmx-nts ‘mvntioncd above but what can he had at thks Store.— Every class of Mechanics can he hecammodnted here with tools and findings, nnd Housekr-ep ers can find every tarticle in (hairline. Give us a unit, as “Qnre'prepared to soll‘ns low for cash as any other h‘ouse‘ont of the city. - n. Géttysburg, 00., “ iB. ‘ (I I, I"annuns.l . ,_ I:- Axn ‘ CRYPTHIN STORE, I', nx'r'rvs'ncnn. 0 active practice of sure in announcing -rg_ and vifinith'lhut STORE, ‘ ‘ piedvhy [+sl R. k C. re [will constantly lfofall kinds of June 9, 1862 SECOND ARRIVAL! SECOND ARRIVAL! _ New Mercantile Firm .\' mumsnmni' A 1 NHWGOODaund J Low WINES!— The new firm of s“ng kgfll)Rß rqnpt-Mfull)‘ inform ‘heir friendS'nnd the pn‘luliu generally, that. they h Ircjnsl.‘ returned From the cities with a