The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 08, 1862, Image 3
Ebt QEnmpilrr. OGR— ri-‘LAC x The union of Inkel~the union of lands—K The Union of States none Would sever; The union of henna—mu union of hmds— And the Flag of our Udiogstorevcr! ‘ ADAMS COUNTY MOLASSESn—“LJHM ;' Rnunnzahn, of Benderaville, presgnted us. nst ’ wcek, with s jpr of moms“ 1n“! ; 1101111 [sugar sane grown bylhin}. Thr mailman: is n 1 Ivery inc Article, light in color, clear, an 01“ Idclifiaus flavor. ' Mr. afiuunnznbn'a succei ‘We‘ ~conaider decided; and call attentipn to it. fill: I ‘lhe hope’ that it will had to more general cfihrls ‘ I in the production oFan Article mteriirig indiepi HIGH PRICE OF PAPER. Elnrge consumptiun. He nus CBok‘s Hmpén-g The newspaper“ are lwginmng to I‘9“}, Imr. nmde 41 Mansfield, Ohio, :1 machine quill With torrible tovprily' .the Pnnr‘’i has bgen well‘tesled, tnd has pronen all thl‘ cream: in the price of prmiimz paymr. “12h- : could be dgsirad. Mr. B.‘ manufactured slime I‘ i; dthehlsfit {lewf Swiss lThe‘ {til-.1811?!“ I 400 gallons of<lllus molasses Iduringlthe final I «Rigging; tu}pt;p(;t:;r;§nrqfi:?r;}kp c 2. itinson, s'elhng s:th h? had to sell rlt-ndzlx‘ m. i Trinting materialc. Hie cost of paw-r nlone ”can“ Pf" gallon. . lie "9““ 1° ‘l9 a myth l] imving ‘advancexl from sixfy tolpiglny pm‘ 145:" DUMDCSS next year. _ i ,‘ {i cent. we will be olili la in Whirl our: , "- f '. ‘—_“““"—“ . lamina“ to thaw "loaf-o who [my uq fori CULRT.—'.l:hc SpecialCo~ln,girthctrm_lolfl What they receive. ‘ We will tlmrelora com- ‘ the “s" ”f l "”3 P' F'M‘ "5- 'l'” b l “1.“, i‘i-l monoe to rutofi' from ohr list a pumbor of,Tn.“lor “Dd P-liwnnl Collins, mummies-l: on! lllblfll'ihl‘l'fl who are in urrearu. {,‘nnd hnntl [ Monday. \Tlle case grew out of the lilxildinig oi l ovenJWlsqcofinls to a. mam-state f 0! 0“" l a caustuv-‘ny through IIIP mill-dumof l’lniiiuu‘ lagtioh. This Q‘Ul'“! Wl” 3’" an (mplomnnt lby Dcft-nrhn's, Snyc-nisors. I i VJ"? to all pnrtws concelrned, but We have. 'Th . . . .I l " n 6 slim-native." » . i . e ugurmes are malnng Ilu-irv spit-calm”) , _ (Zhu'r Pnzzqtqwné‘nntnmpornry ié not alone I tthury tlu’x (Saturduyr-lnornl'ng.. ‘~ I I: I s l . ‘ou trv :1 en «W W new» . ‘ "' - ‘ 2m; (I'2“:th snmo tnhirigg.l nlllqnil lfi“ivio:q.l _ W 0” .\l‘nmlny M 5." lhc- (inf-“MW {Wm I .W( shall have to tnlw n «imilnr murke nr ”‘ “(lamp Gettysburg ' P 700090” 101“!” “Nb. taupe-m 1 npomtinna. As we do not will tb Ition an Regimental ofiirerz, which rPlfllfliOd in vdopl the lanr "Harlntive. We shnil.frnm the cbnice (if )lnj. li‘uohln, of lhcl 3711 i, as 7‘“! afm- IhrifirflgfJumqflw Int-"lily. xig'riurnd‘? A Polnnel; (‘an. Stem-n. oflhe, 151 1’». [leser‘vesil i I Is mm mm WI nn HP a ulr n: . ’ . . V . M . llxsllrli"::llxlol;mt tnwardfi u“ adopt the plan ' 1.131114 (‘olunelmnd antjxnsh (1..CHIIII!|,.“:",OP. ‘of tlm Lr/lurr. and lnh nil tho ‘mmine of ‘11:”? n ’l'ursdny, "WW" ""9 'B5 ldemr LIND‘ ‘.n‘nri-[m'vihg mil-«clihcrs. nwl emlmmm In tenant. Colonel, when Dr. E. G. li-‘ilhnbsluck :l'nllvrl the smmjmtly rlnn u< frgm thrx'mlby I was chum-n. ’ I i ‘I ‘ 017 - mowing than lese nf‘simple rimming-f Mmgun “:ii‘rrl'n. 0f ‘ilrisl‘ plrve, was, on- U‘” .(‘lr-lmqm-nt Slllvfi(‘i‘illfl‘f.:fl“ “"rur‘m‘ anivlny. finanimonsly Flex-hid ('npniin of lhe‘ flman mclalnlml fur, nglwrhnn‘: nntl Jnh, \iomllvn “ml l’mlrri‘ ~ . . ‘. _ \l ‘ ‘ iinrk.‘(mmn of wlw-h normunle, ‘lmw- law-n , ’ ‘ ""1”“an 1' “(F °f‘ 3"“ ‘ Islanding on our lmnk+ fur svvpml yl-nh.) “- L'iunp. elven 11 Major of the Rl‘ghnéqt. H Vi" (lo F 0“ tn "9‘“ this in mind. i” ’s’. '1”. fij".\=.we writuH'Sl‘tm-dtw nmrriin'v) (he i an m 6" eunmsl. nnxl wh «hull (‘nn'v nu! our 1 -f l ’ .‘ ‘- - .h 'l )vurpnw no! from olmivn. hut‘frum .s/ucmw- ' 'j‘ t“ "'c'} ”“ '3“ "I"; 'W ..‘ cinity.—Lnnmalrr [um/im'nrrr. : “1': IN” ‘L..L.“ b "WWI L..__...lf“fl {0“ “I?.me ! I. ”FAIR .\‘nru‘r. ~—Wn inuéri ilm “have: ““59 ‘1‘“003- ‘ i {a in nrvlorfio show our 100410“ wh'" mum-3' . £93.01! Thursday lust. haul: “gall; draftedii )iululinhnrsmre rump/Wm do in \‘an ”MIA" mm from ltntiinurr- wwnshih, died in‘ ”lei alarming price ofpu‘per. an'l iL: Fox-min nil-I llospilnl hero. of [3 plmid i'crer. Bireryihing " vant‘e" wan nn' prNPnt fiu‘”'"‘i§- We lmll lunt mnlirnl skill cunld do'wns dané fur him, ’ fixed the hi nl' Dcémnl-gf n~lhnjimrlwlmn but .211 $0 rm |l‘.lr~])‘)§o." He sank rapidlyllfrum ll wewnu‘d slink? i'rqm (nui'fli~t :11l Ijinii-p-Iym'i. tho lnginning. nmcr'rllli ing. ‘l‘lié remains ‘i hm flinnu- crin'vlmliul In°n\' L- ml the ucratakcn lolLnlimure’ nn FEW-"Y- i i} ix .1. ITAflLI, IDITOI AND'PROHRHZTOI csrrwsncrlm. PA} 1' MONDAY MORNING, rum 9.1 m. ‘ j 1H3!“ to the ht of Jununrv. WIHI Hm hopp‘ .Ih: louvre;- \\ill- and soxerul ('1 'Umt lhmo oen-‘nrnwl would ‘in ‘thn MN I- “ "'11“ “”3 \nf'c “=l5 “‘fl’t'h'n‘lg by his (i‘m‘o Pi? ”x Art»!- “I“ Jute: “.0 I“qu :1 Raw huurs before his-lounge?V the 5 {”0“} (he; (:nlll'fl‘ “Numb.” hv h“, lawm- gvnc‘e of the death of pm: of the c] «hirer "how. If will he an Implohmut urk. "‘"““- “1“ C"“‘""‘“““‘""‘ h hpr- 9‘ i-ut the frightful pr'oo of :»:|vmr,izn:nl nttmr 1'” ""‘Nr‘u'i’ d”""’"“mmi““: » = mater-ink, leave-'5 us no other ulhhvxulzwx— ml‘hc Smflmn (‘xnmpmny reqn at?“ 19 P 181 illnht ohr chnim-—" the law (if self-pm“ rémrn tlu ir lh'mkx to Messrs. PlhTi Benine‘n sfn‘a‘tion ” forcm‘it npwn u~'. : _Uohn \\'erlz, Jonas Rem-rt, Joq-ph‘l‘Tl‘ounm, 4 ‘ ‘V" " *“"’ {Sn'nm-l A. (lillnlulni,:md the Misses NorilzJor 11. m PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE- Hhvir generous pn-suvn; of hirihu: eililnlcg, all . " ‘ Thi~ulncumPnL iuhntbrr'll94mil now tho" : much enjoyed, and duly appreciatch ‘I q'umtion is What-«hall wr- s‘ny of it? DZ<- ' mused to trout it fuz'r‘q. wo‘must', nm'r-rl‘ne ' hum qbak of" hit hfirjmhy, W 0 ('znnnnt my w» are (liwnmmmml, bmnw \Vf did not fizzy-{milk manage [n'_co,xlw fufll'y. nr evnn I‘xonrly. up tn‘ou‘r fi'Wll \‘it‘\‘-'\‘ of what the sox'lgfmcien pf the times domwnni. We 0:11 'f-ertéfl, if not the 01d 01‘!”th at? on) "winn fiion hy prochl'mahnn. Int. Imm qnn ("NJ”); nhdunl—‘nndhur (applaud-nu [have [men dun)- rpalizod. P I ‘Thé “Image h devoted {\fihw‘nnny-Qn ,fivd suhjocss—ffinzmra nnr} omnfixm’put‘nn— Nth! m: we}?! that tho I’v'z'<:«}oél has {.1304} (p mgyinop m that ho h Y'lflht in legSll'V‘ to ”either. Thmfinunce: nfthn mhngrg. (ha-min , Q 9816 foolish e3phrimon's of Mr.‘{‘h;\<?. are in n.l’uost 'delnruh’m «nullitinn. nnd vibe schmfif propmed nn-l mlvm- Med by thvfi ,Pmsidexrt‘xvill. if adopted, nln‘»y make bu] \\o‘so. | ‘ln regard to his mnmmipatinn phm ’- ghoyrj pi-hpbnpd. it difl‘nrq‘ {rim J(hr: former. .phm oniy:—in ”liiL-it. is grmln-ul in ih‘ opt-m -_ )imi. while the nlhor i-x immodi'nn. Both ’ (1m ahéurd nnll imprawhéulilé. “'0 cannot, \jmrruade nur~elvo< that Mr. JlXnmEn Imlly 7 hlievm thsit either 5? them can he 0 irriml 'f'mt. lfhe dolm: he is \\'on‘km- than “'0 stip lmad him to he, and‘PhiHilis and Béocher ! fixer? not far Wrong wheh tht-y pronounced him “iml‘mcile.” ‘ ”Cong-es“; awmnbled on MmJny'. a quorum in_both Homes appearing. The Emillent’s Mes=nge was read and thquwujml humber of copies ordered to be printed. ? In the House, Mr. Vallimdiglmm offmu god a resolution. whiéh WM adapted, than} itlie‘aommitvtee on thejudicinry beinstruci and m’inquire and rgport to the House at an ’ bear-1y day. by whatkuthnriiy of the cnmli» Ituition ahdfiinws, if any. ihe Posimqstei-‘Gen / bra]. undei-takee to decide what newspapers imny, and what. shall not be transmitted ’. through the mm'ls of the Unite}! States. ‘ Mr. Cori offered a. rosblution condemning ' 'itho unwarranted arrests of‘ciligens by this shaministration'. The Regabiicans tabled it. of course —BO yeas to 40 nayé. “ / Mr. Richardson nfl‘eréd arespiution cali , Ling upon the President for information in iregud to citizens_ ef Illinois vcdniined in Bov‘ernmént forts. Tabled—74 to 40. ‘ i Therelms been nothing of special interest . done dating the Week. . . WAn‘mma ‘ j from Gen.Bigel,'s corps we W report lot a brilliantvcavalry exploit. op Sunday.— tßfigxdior-Generd Suhhttacked the enemy :nQSniker’s Ferry, nnd followgd thgm with ttl):'ml}lun<il-e(l cavalry into théir camps on thq other side of the river and nesr Perry ‘yille. White’amnlry were scum-ed in all directions, nearly all of the oficers beii-lg . \MM.. and ten colors taken. The ‘Third, seventh, and Twelfth Yirginis Cu ‘flry were 1180 routed. Forty of their. men win Taken. tad fifty killed and wounded. 'l‘” colors were captured from them—« Arms. smmunitiou. horses, and came, fell into‘ our hands. Our 1053 was six killed, and fifteen wounded. ‘ 791: Friday a. large body of Confederate: 3'3l?an the river from their left wihgabora ‘ . orichcburg and saweeded in captuy. in; union tfioentire companies of Federal ‘uvnlry. ‘ Gen. Burnside left the army on Friday 0n ayjfit to Washington, where he had a con. mltau’ou‘wlth the President. anQGen. Hal. .leek.;mtnming to headquarters on Sunday mnms- , A It! is now reported tint the Confedente Gog; lichen has lefl: several regimentsfor ’lpboin! tint, in_ the Shenandoah “Ham-and known mun body of his 1571111 beyond tho pshnnnook on jthe my to Freder ickaborg. ‘ ] chAL “turnout? f .WE WANT? ,w00,n.," ! ”The" bf our puma: :Iho intend plying ‘their lubacriptiona h: WOOD, will plea-glor wnrd it once, l‘l the cold futon hum nth-ad. -4 ,_ . -~,/—~ '4‘-’ _'__.- ...+- 1 POOR-HOUSE AJ’PIeTKENTS.—At their ‘ meeting 0:: Honda} .Ilit. thi Director! ofrthe {Poor nude thle following excellent'lppéint -0 menu: , , . r ; Steward, Jarob Culp. ‘ ! Physician, Dr. J. A Swope. y Counsel, Wm. Marlena, Esq. f Clerk. 8. “you, £34]. 3» Tre-aurer, Jncyb Shesds. , 327-szl) A. Guam, 3qu an :having hm‘n duly nulhorizt‘dib)‘ m:- ,recei\'ml fmm the. Count; (hymns ‘buuMy .I:GC to Capt. Sh’lplex’sf Com, our-h, twingnine months’ volunteers. , ”The firm Regiment,of Yo »Drnflod Militia; having been organ}. form, Capt. Andrew J, Fultmi, oi, town, at presem commandipg n. c. ; the Shh Regiment, P. E, hgs.bc. iColnml. I . ¥ ”We lvnrn [7mm 01ft .\llanday' nT one of ILc I’yblic'flchool llmzses in township- wan: destroyed ‘by re. If work of nn inbcndinrf. REVENUE ST.\.\IPS.~The Depntl far this county, 00]. Tatahns 1‘- cei‘ ply of Stumps 9f seven»! kinds. fir furnish to npplir‘uulmher‘efor., bo in n" kinds of Bank cperntion§,ba from‘Mr. Cars nn, Cash'u r. I i Bey-Another column ofonr Imper Jnmicn of S’tmlton. Brmflt‘k Co’s. 0 Collego. To all Mimdesirc u that? nus educfliou, we say} send for 05‘ cirrnlnrs before going else-“berg, mt SPCCti qdvamagus of their Collegi’ compofitbrs. We are informgd am}: will he nJecifivcd at 25 per cent. dis‘é the nominal ruggs mm] Jan. lat. kg‘Thormllidnys are rapidly “planing—.l “ml .‘m we have no gulntller. i 2 { bgolli-ngor & B.lngher's Oysters are mag nificentf—ngeir equal 'luvewi-‘arely, if Wet be fore, béen introduced in this market. I E-Twojncbea of snow fall here on Friday Suurday .. crning very cold. ‘ Secratary of War {in_ his reparti tbs total numbei of qflicew QThe slates thn [es in .the field at the pl‘resenti |,OOO. ‘When‘the quotas are fill-i - total will be increased to ,onel Under the calls ‘for troops in Ju-g arid ,priva is over 8| I‘ ed up 111 million. 1 Iy 9nd A» gust four hundred and thirtty~twoé thousand were Enli‘stod Cd:- th‘xzee ””5"; Within a fraction of fifty thouéand recruits; have ben added to the old regiméutsu—f The nu her in the gefieml military hosJ‘, pitals at, the date of the Surgeqn General’ ‘ report "as fifty eight thousand, but th: whole umber of soldigrs u‘nder medical: treatmsnt, including hosbitals-in this field+ mus not less than ninty thousand. - . a ‘ 4—n—«uw ~-——~—— } ~ w'l‘he report of the Sécretary of the Na} '1 KW I gmeml history of the operation of ‘the ’avy during the pun. In M‘arch; 1861. thre were [any vessels in comnbissioq in the united Stqleg Navy, and in 311 but ousand iix hundred men. Iwa hundre¢ nqd seven only of whom yore or; the At! ntic coast. Aé present‘s, {flare 11rd afloat d progressing to ispid completion: four hdnmed and “anti-seven ’v'e‘uels; canyiqd"threa thousand two hundred and ‘ht gum,‘ :san of the: mpgcity of thnee- 'ndred and foi'ty‘ thousand and thirlf ty‘six ugns. The seanién and other em-I ployees’ ow on board the vessels number twenty-fight thousand, while at the Navy Yards. dStntions twelve thousand me; chanicsfand laborers are daily emploiod. 35A: letter from Washington ‘iuciden‘ tally shows up some of the amusements of the city "I: this way: ’ g ‘ “A cerßain contractor whose name is_—- ‘ is said t‘p have visited a gambling house where he played 3! firm. and lost: two hun dred and seventy-five thousand bushels of cuts, valued at seventy—five cents per bush; cl, mourning to $206,250. Mr. Contractor ‘ left for Baltimore, in '3 state of mind both glaring on'insanity. Tho mourning m 500? herd audit is thought that. the Govemmen ‘ will not loose anything by the humion', 3 , , ' 7 W, 7777 7,7 W ' _g—rrrfiv— i: ”en-’3 Pm— e you sick, feeble udi comma“ Nona; ' complaining? Are ya out oforder with your - ‘ ,‘ - frymm derangr-dnml yo feeling: nntomfortu-l Thin" Of 'Hu-tford, Conn., held "'5 m.. Thesé tympmmg a “me" u]. prelude muntctpnl o-lectmn on the 24th ult. The 'to rious illness. Snmtflfi; of sickneu is Democrats carried it by 154 clear tanortty l ""l’lng “P 0“ yum “‘1 "m" be "9"“ b 5 ‘ on the first seleclman and 400 mq'ority on timely nut- crl’the right r‘emedfl Take Ayer’u' ll l ;'D .. k , Pills, Ind Henna:- out the (“3'”thle humnrs— 'co 6cm" T‘9 em"? “31°0an "0 ai. purify the blood, and lot the fiuids‘triove an un- 019012 d tor the fiht tune In the fl“ form grufmrte'd in (hint: dag-in_ .Thowtimnl’nhe l twenty years. i : e unctlonso t c 0 y tutu Vignrou acltt'tty, . :0 __ t _4 purify the system from the wbrtnwtiottg which . NOI'H‘K' 30'? ‘4‘. A‘ a" daft" ‘elec make tiisensc. A cold settles aommher inthc tion today the fun-"’9 Democratic “Ck“ bmly, and obstructs its natural {llltt'll¢%\q.‘.— was elected by a large majority. Thistleigurlzt "22:11:03“? “l“;n Ehg'fi‘m‘”: At New Ilavén the Demo‘crhls carrica 111 l l (”Hill .\ ,lll’n urm gene . . A - . ‘ nugntmtion, suffering and rli-ease. While i the” “Ck” by filve humbled mum-”y! _ i this rrmrlition. opprmwd l-y the dot-.tngv-monls. . Thus one after mnothbr. the States speak :keeA{;t-i. Pitlls. innit-:91”: ‘,il‘fecllftlhq '0; i t e doompl‘ Aholition.difiunionistn."whole—,‘ or e mum I 0 0 1 c.sys (tn an , , . i ‘. ‘i with it the buoyant feeling 5r health again ——3' “1 ‘Mbbfly' nnfl ““19",”! “rs"“fi'én-‘i tht in true and no apparent in this trn-inlj, Arm 9“ year “'4‘ ”1980,01! qld principles} and cmumoil compliint, in also true in many of' of De ‘ocracy. fihich have given‘llfe ttnd‘ .thn deep-geated and dunge‘rouu distompers.— d - ' ' * ’ ‘ The name purgntiveeflect uncle them. Cuusedl‘ prospert an plhlsluonfq a greahcotgntry, hy bimilnr lobsb'ncfions and derangement: of: ‘7'” carry erorylbjlle inithe Umon. (Let: the natural tuncnona of llm body, they are“, patriots an lojc-rs oftljeir country take: 1‘3!"le “"4 mflfi)’ OHM” s‘"er “”94 b." ll!e heart and re) tch, God lb“ surely‘ nuin-‘ same means. .\"one who knotttbe virtues of! bored 1‘ d h '. . . '. ‘r thcae Pills will neglect to employ tbcm‘ wh‘eni‘ . L 'e' ays t e llthtlhtous “'8“ ° ‘ miferlng from the disorders tbry cure, such as . the party m firm? —i§unf;yvy Derrtncral. I Headache. Poul Snomncb. Dyrrnter)‘, Biliousii -—_ ’“T f” '_—- v A l Complaints. Indigestion, Dcrunggtutaut of thei; Tbelt 1" ‘ the ‘Ol .—-IDurmg the W“ L'iveltiuilostiiehess or‘Cojnatiputltun. dAs n Din-‘9‘ week, we have hil'l all one nfrumnr’s from ner the) are both agreenbbfin t-ti‘ectualn~ v - , \5 ~_ - ‘ ml’rogiarel by. Dr. J:‘L‘. AYER & (50.. j W nglnngton rel Iltng to tli‘fi’nuniea leti‘veenn Limp”, 31.5.4. Pmcg 2:, C 55” p“ Box.-—-‘ I those in high :luthomy \n command ofi, Fen: Urns ran 51.; ' lthe army in the fi‘bltl anti (how in commandi‘ -,/~~,i. l . ~ . ‘ a ‘gai’hold b! A-iD' Saturn, “"9. “do" athshtngtnn. lFu-st. weilmvhar‘eport oral! erervwhorp. ; [.\ov. 3. li’.’. Zm‘ . . I . . ~ \ , | ' ' ‘ vmtt from; the Presidium to Gen\ Burnside; I!.th wiezbnve Gel). urnsi‘tlein Wt‘xsjlibgt'on‘l ‘ ‘ (demanding the te oval 6f Qttartei‘ntnster-} , Toothache “130 '1“ it cureinsmntlyu .l,'t‘ . , . . , EGrimm-a1 M 8135: {Er notdpromptily .i'lurti‘hilnngti For Ne om Dbbtlity and Gs‘neml Lns it e ‘ army W“ nee 9d] sufipllt‘s. Then/I sitnde ariain frmimprudenre ur ucrslifihis ‘ comes the rumorl that Mei‘gs is removed am!" Linimnnt is n,most happy and unfailing reyietli’. ‘Col. A. 11. Bowrrlnn. appointml in his plat-9‘. ' iActing directly upti'n .the-nermus ti=sucs,t it land last, that yarnside _ihas fesignegl antmlmnzibens linilf‘fl'mfi?! She Efflfm; 3M '9‘ General Hooker} appointptl it, his lilting—i, stores "v ‘0 6.303119”? PM “Ki"- - ‘ ,‘We are not in [lgfillloh toiknqw how much‘i ‘~. ~ ' t ,' truth there in n these srepdrts, but one; 303" ans;—'-‘\s “n-'°"“(""1 ”mad’fv “"9 thing; wi- 11) It).I w, and-I llmt‘ in', thin: the.l ”1“”mu‘“ it ‘5 the 00' known, ““d We_°h“l‘ grand army of {he Potninno it: still lying: lfngc “13“?!” ‘_° prmluce “n “‘l‘lf‘l- EVE? quietlv 9n the R‘H‘l’illlfllfllfickfln lhe‘vwinifl \itlln} 0( th‘ts Cla.lrt'=.s'lng coztiplntnt Bhr: d v“. of Freileriokqburg. Nothing has been , L'll'olll at. nil, tor ii: “iii nfit fail to afford tin. (lone by it. Fincé McClellan é.“ removetllrntlhme re! I'. and in l limJUl'll)’ oi cnseg Will .frnm its commngnl. except in march tromilh‘f'“ 3 "fact fare. ‘. \ani-enton to it present oncem'pmontm-dvl Q i '~ ~ - r . ~, . . ‘1 min ‘ nd ore Thro tum sometimes i_“ he"|““’“3”“‘l “”3 ht‘tnimeal d“; 9hom'oni i ot'lremegy‘tgaliggmt mid dangernni. 1m! :3 lit-’23: that! 'erl’l: 2::sl3“tlinlt‘hrlgllle'g lllfiely applicntion “this Lin‘iiucut ‘mll ‘neier , lL'u.-.'\ '< : ihnye pusedghnliwa dgm‘t‘we lt )‘ot,or heart" “i OeF: I \ , r» LOf ll.‘ “'.er XS [0: blall‘lfi TLOW? asks, the haul Epmins are mmemfig; fox-y ()ltcfim‘fr, and ‘ton Sentinel. i' i ienlnrgctnent ol' the joints‘ls liatlrle to occur if 1. A . i 7. ‘ . ~.- -.\t. ,7 linokzlecu-d. . The worst'cnsefinay be conquered 1 . P .blip Sale, 1 by; this Linitucut in two or t iris: days. ': l x TUESDAY“ the mi. 1m ornmisv'mm ‘ Z ' s , O in<t.. the tilifiwrtlbt’r.‘ Adminislmtnr of“. Bruges. cutiswounda’}§or,e%tlur Felix W. (lrnt-r, tlet'etztu-rl. Lwtll Fell M l’ulilio‘.‘ cers’ urns an .calda. 3”,. ”L" ’ y o lH‘llt‘: at the late th‘=illt"nrc of Fllld dt-cetlt-nt, in i EWFEggoR]; \Illeli‘lllllgl“: ”L‘l’chr‘fifl-Tnf i)“ i ‘a .. ... _‘~¢ .-_ ‘_.. .~ chn ‘glr'nllil‘lll: v??? "“4“" the following pumm‘ll ttstd nct‘pnllug '0 directions. Also; Clillu" \3 wmnt minim. 3 \lilch an'w, “”110“ifhi‘fnii'sotififl m.l,_.t.§D ”‘\‘.‘”Ti Young Cattle, l 3 can! 0f lldgi, l Sow nnil l‘ips‘| ‘ ‘.- ‘ ‘ . \ Vl Thrne-hnrae t irrde-lreiul Wagon. \\'agml ‘ Bod. Ben—s and ‘over. Lime lladJ‘onl Bud} llnv I‘ldllQrS, 4 u-t: of “firm (it-“rs. Wage Smhllo. Riding St tllllt‘ and illridlt‘. llnltt‘rs‘nns Ch tint-V Thrrshi .3 Machine, (i‘lnlvt'r ”tiller“ Winnnwing .\lill, 'litting' Blnftlrztin Cradles“ Forks and Ruitce Shawls mml llocs, Chaim, Plough: and 11. l tows, can. Planter, vSlmlsJ Sing!» and Doubl't‘ Trees, Flu Hollie, and :q‘ mrwty of othcrtlnttning ltnplt-tntm‘ts. Aim“; (‘nrringé and HA man, I! Sit-uh}. Grtnihton‘o" u lot, of ('ht-snt! H.inglvs,it Int of Pnplnrl llnnrnls : all kind ni‘timin Ly tlm bushel, libtyil by tho ton. (‘orn ultlcr lgfdl‘wlshmk', (lrnitl in: the ground. l'Uhll n-s, ‘.‘inx in :Ith bundle. (null, 3‘ variety of llrnr hill and lii'tfitt-n.l’.ttritititroq“ 3 Berlin-ads .flnll i-«hlinz. Tflliil‘l. Flights, Tim-vi ncr ("Hid-mid. li>-I_k-tttst-. 2.,L‘lnrkls. '2 ' -n-‘, lee Stun-i: :md inc 8 rrnv'kF wit" lnplehult qr,f Bags. Lt‘uthon. I:l(‘onpr‘r livttile. Vinegttr‘li. -,l reh, Tuhs, Spinning Wlu-cl nnd‘ lit-t-l, find a variety oi other abides too numerous to men-t tion ‘ neter.wtxr.wrals. GETTYSBI'"Cw-Sn'cumun LAST IrFlrmr.‘ 1H:- l‘lnur ‘\’tf'mu \\'heut Rh] \Vbcut...‘ (Inrn' ........... [1i'e.........‘..... Outs .'..,....,-... Buckwheat." ClovérSeed . Timotnv .\\-ed Flax SémlL...‘ ’ l’lnszr of;l‘:\r:i ...J Hunter ground, poxJ hag P0rk..... ..‘ A . {aALTmulLE—quu' Luvr. . E10fir......;......r...‘..‘.......;'. 6 :3 m 6 81‘ Wheat.....,’..............‘j.......... ....... l 40 to I 80 Hyman... ~ .‘. ‘M m 1 M ‘.1‘prn.......‘..; . ......., 61) m 76 (1\t5.......,.... .. , 38 '.o 66 Chnwr SI-cd..........j............~...L.. 6 12 To 6 31' TEmM‘ny- 5P0d.......p........... ".‘.. I 90 to 2 01) Bm! Caut]‘o,por hhnd.............‘. 5 00 to 9 s'o ”WEE, par1hund.....i..1... 5 ‘25 kc 6 25 nnyt.......,f...........4.................,1‘3 pu 1020 (0 'hi;skey.;.;...... 1 ?1 lo ‘ 43 ( uugno, l'vuvi'm‘ pier t0u.......z,. 75 00 ‘ ”J 4-- -‘-4‘ w~f . 1’ . -I{:AXUVEN+TnunsDAv LAST. - Elnur, frn'un wm. :15...-.. ............ 1 ‘6 {:0 ’Do.‘ frmln ‘51cnfimtnu.,......u...” .[ 7(m V‘hlém .. ,1 30 1o 1 4n Rve.. , M) omu.. _ 60 Qut5.........r.5..........‘...... .. .......... s|? (vofl’r fifmd“ imothy hit-ed ' luster...‘.'.... iMreh.- fwd-ink, -d ‘impm ildrefi M d conif‘orl. _3“ ‘ ‘ “MALERIED- ‘ 7‘ 1 1 0n Thhrwhy mining \vm-k. in St. Jamesfz dhnrch. Gonmhurfi. hj' Rev. A. Ruiv‘k. Insist-J OR] by Rev. 'l‘. P. Buchvr, I‘m-V. J. W LOVE, nf‘ (huntinmlnn countfi'r l’u.. to‘ Mass SUPHUKAf q. dlelgl-tlr of Wm” Howard, of‘Stmlmm tbwnsh'p, Adams cjnunty. ' f ‘1 (In (Math uh _ )n' RL-v. Jm-o'h Ziay'll-r. ‘Jr 1 Autumn! KEVKIHCR. ‘Ol. Humor tqm’nchip. m :. Mics j' ELIZA V. ALLISON, 0! Culuborhud; l‘ownfllip. ’ ‘ . 1 On‘the 25th uIL. by Rev. B. A. Shorb, Mm; [‘.xynxrox I). HEWLER. of .\luunlplmsmgli tnw‘nehip, no Miss .\HRY JAM: DELLOINE, off Bust Berlin. ' V' .‘ etersb'urg, -l men, has loner; the , any-9,325 Qn g 9 '17”) \flL. by the Rev E, H. Hofl‘heins‘. Mr."l( N MILLER m Miss ELIZABETH KING. } A the smueximc‘andmlm‘c,b) tho snmeAlr. LEVI .\IAI'L In M 133 SL'SAN YUIH'}, all‘of Adams cough: 4L _ ' : (Ego :Huh ult. 4 by we same. Mr. ROYAX: Dl' ' :‘CHAFFER. M Dover xmvnshin m .\li‘é‘i AWANIIA SPAXGK‘BRVC“ Paradise lonusilip, Yil'k CGpmy. 4-‘ 4‘ ; In the 27”] ML! at dm bousn nfthc bridg‘n inther. by new mum": Gulmrdt. .\lr. mm. ERICK S‘H‘LLEY, “f ‘Mamihnnbcm hrwnship. to AM'NS L\l(‘i(s“.'l‘l\ YHH‘S‘XIA “‘.LEY, of L’th-fty tmrnslyp, .\linmfi mummy. On the 27m nf Lut Anuxhl. by Rw. An Essick. .\lr ,JUHV' A. NYE!“ l 0 Miss HELEN S. MCIELRK‘LY. all of l‘uis pi: cc. NE k ornixnty' (Ad in due ‘Steij'nrts npajly in n elected Tghtfvcek, Gc-I‘mnny 1!. was the wobimary u'utfcl‘s «weanling six lines wm )aere‘n!§crhe chum-d at half our usnnl n5l - fines {or all‘over that. number of lines;‘w ! (‘ofilrcmr "en! #an ch lie‘ wiH ereqflired u be‘ had ‘- On the? In offimnmher, at Frénkfnrt, Ky" cm mus mount. of; Montpelier, liinckiutd n; mu, Indiana, (‘son ‘ancholns Moritz, bf th icqumy.) urn-e 113!) mars ll months nni 19 da . Heg’bluutebredion the 61h or‘Aug’uat, in the 75111 Rog, luditnn \‘oiuntrerfi. and wet". with the Regiment [0 Frankfort. where he wins taken sick. hnd died in lthe ‘Hospiml on the 1.5‘ of NM. He lenvesa wife and four small chil dren to mourn his early; death. : ; 0n the 23.1 uh., ‘in the Military Hmpitnl. in Camp Relayhiue fluids below Bnhimore, bf inflammation of thc‘lun‘gs. JOHN, son of Levi Usbornl'nged 20‘yenrs 11 months and 23? dnyq. The deccaScd belongcd'to Capt. .\icCrenry's company, 1381.11 Regiment of Pennsylvania Voiuntedrfi. ' lcontains R . ‘ ommercinl ugh bud: e of their note the over all stlDlent4 onat fr9m 0n ,Ihq 2d inat.‘ Mrs.‘ CATHARINE, wife of Jnhn Hefner, of Frecdom township, in we 78th year of her age. > ' ‘ n the 20th nlt., Mrs. CATHARINE MIL- L R, of Conowago township, aged nbo n‘z 30 e ; ‘ . ? dnfixe 15th 11“., ALBER‘LWSCEXT, non of Levimnd Amanda Chi-animator, of Hambton, aged 2 years 5 months find ,3 days. On the 19th ult.,in Butler toquhip. SARAH MARGARET, aged 18 1593” 6 months Ind 4 days; find on the 26th { nlt., JOHN ANDREW, aged 16 years 7 mqnths‘ “41.17 days-_cbildreri of andrew and May Carey. 01: the 26m m., LOUISA ALICE, med 3 years l 0 months ufid 154 days, daughtcrprohu And Louisni Keefapver} of Cumberland town ship, ,May she rest. in peace! . On file 28:]: nit.Y iq Agendtwille, JACOB FRANKLIN, sop of Moses Rsfi'ensperger, aged 2 fangs and 8 days; { ' 0n {the} 29111 um. in': Mennllen township, JOSEPH ALVEN,‘ son [of Peter :01 Elizabeth Taylor, had lyealQ'l months and ll days. . 0n the ‘9l}: um. in 3Bu2ler township. Miss MATI'LDA BREAK, daughter of Wm. Brena, aged lB‘years 4 months and 27 days. ‘ :On the 30th nip, in ,Arendtsville, GEORGE NICHOLAS. son of Geqrge Ben, aged 6 ydars 11. months and 18 days. On the 25th ult., Mrs. POLLY BRICKER, wife ol'lsrael Bridger, of Butler township, aged 23 yum 9 mouthalnnd l 9 days. On the Ith ulL,near Xork Springs, FLETCH ER BAiLES, infant son of Robert "and Lydia Livingston, aged 1 yen 3 months and 27 dhys ‘ , Communicated. Insowwloxa or-r‘m'. sum]: cuss or run. , annzu, It hath seemEd good to an allmse Providence, to removefrom our midst our es-t teemed classmate, E. 8:31:11!“ ; therefore Resolved, That [e no clqu, whilst humbly submitting to Ihis'deqree ovaivine Wisdom, sincerely deplore the early demise of our be loved friehd. Resolved, That in his consistent Valli during life, his resignation in sickness‘ and his com posure in death, we have assuring evidence of his preparation for the eternal world. ’ Resolved, That .we sincerely sympathize with his bereaved parent-s and friends, in the loss of one so worthy of their highest nfl'ections. Resolved, That as a token of our respect; we wear the usual badge of mourning thirty days. - Resolved, That these resolutions he publish ed in the “Lutheran and Missionary." “Ob server," the “Reading Gazette," “Eagle.}’ and “Democrat," the “Montgomery Ledger," and the papers of Gettysburg, and that A copy be Sent to the parent! of the deceased. R. E. Cow. ‘ _ -I§. G. Wou, ‘ - * , r. A. Fm, '- i “., 1515?. 13an ~ .32; '1 Fatah-13M g ‘ Commit“. =MI ......6 23 to 6 50 4 75 ......l 23 m 1 4n .....1 ‘.‘W l 0 L 25 9.. . ~.. .. ’ 5 :30 1 75 Lo 2 00 7 ()0 3 N 1 5 00 5.0” 1 75 fi' 23 DIED. 1121= 4 4,0 - WSulc to c on said dny, “-Iqu terms made knm \IIL mmcnce at .9 o'cleck, A. 11., nttquddnce wxll be given anq ‘n ‘o‘ ‘ I ' ( LIAM ORXER', JR, Adm'r. ‘} s . ‘ ‘ Dee. g, TSS•t dies’ ‘-Fair 2.- n‘rEHm-la's HALL, GET]. L—Thc Ladies of St. Fruncifi l(:('ll\\bhrg, nnnoume a Fnir h r's [I ll}. fpr the |iqqidutiofi \d Chunk, m commence on I day byefore'Chrix-imlfi.) and .k. A'n alnfost'cmllc<s uric; I st‘ful articles, uud refresh. Is .cd for sale. ~ ‘ T SUEADS [A TYSBFHG. .\‘nvier's (.‘hurn‘h. rt Show: & Buel uhlm debt. on :- chnesday (the continue one we. ty of fancy and ments, will he o‘s: ' The object 0H one, apd no efl'or anemia worthy ‘ confidenH)‘ hopes ii a generous H 1 WArrmlgzom passengers for t , kullroufi at low I \ Gettysburg D. e Fair is purely n rhnritabie will he spared to make it a. it)! that object. The Ladies sllmm public will extend to ourngement. . ‘ fl tats “'in be made to go we: re Fair'orer the Gettysgurg Mes. ‘ " ' ' (:38, 1862 Lost. ON Thur-=dny‘eveninz, on the‘flurrisburg Slate Rom , coming from Camp Genys— burg, n fine bin} Saddle—cloth, Rimmed with red. belonging t the Artiflury service. This finder will cook a. finer, and receive uremr‘d of two dollars, tay leaving it at Mt'é‘vlrllau‘p Hotel. I A. E. _LEWIH, - (‘nmmanding Camp Gettysburg. , [Q‘Stnr copy'} 1 Doc. 8,1862. 3 _ ‘ ' ,‘ imblic Sale. X FRIDAYJDEC. 12,3! 2 P. .\1...wi1l he 0 sold, at Cnmp Gettysburg: the FRAME BUILDINGS lardly erected far the use bf‘the Quartermaster, ’Ugelher, with a~ Stove. some Bo:es.‘n Desk, nd a hazamity of ancooke‘d ntions. The bcquings! ‘will be sold. to the highest bidder,a.h hey sknd. Te‘nm cash. ‘. iB ordrr of CouglJ-IWIS, ’ ' I ,Commnnfling Camp. fifSentineljn Stair copy. ' Dec. 8, 1862. 3 f T ' . W—l—‘Wfi— u otice. iMILLEB'S‘tESTATR—Leuera :1 on the slgteiof Catharine [Conowago township, Adams Q. hnving been granted to the iding in the same township, lie {its to all persons indebted go 33kg immediate payment, and ups against the same to menu thenticated for settlement JOSEPH KILU'NK, Emmo'r. Dec. 8. 1862. 6: ‘ , ATHARINE C teammeula. Miller, late of county, decease undersigned. r- :- hereby gives no uid estate to - those havingcla them properly 3- . . . , t ‘ A noneermg. ,EORGE [2' BY respectfully informs the G public that he continues the Auctioneer ing business. Big charges nrealwnys moderatb, and Minor spares in efl'ort‘to please. He hopesto merit , d receive 3 continuance of] public patronngtn He refers to {sue Robina, Esq. ot‘Fsirfielrnt Ind' Robert Martin, 0! G .4 tyabnrg. who a nuthoriied Io nuke “gags monn for him 'Hil fia‘st office nddrou II Gteenmount, Asnms county. Po. 1 fiGeorge prley is I. Licensed Auchonm; Oct. 20, 1862. ‘ Poe ,et-Book Lost. .‘1 N the 6th full. the undersigned lost hill Pocket-b ‘k-rcontn'mmg a Note for $4OO, one for $23, at): another l'dr $l5, with nqeipta and other papal-l. and $3 37 in money—be tween Bonanghtown and Guamnn'; Storm—‘— The payment ofithe Notes has been stopped.— ‘ Any. person rcaloriug the Pocket-book’and contents wxll rcéci|ve a reward of $5. ! I ‘ J OHN MOWER, . lloumpléuant wwosbip. Nov. 24, xscz.‘ 31' ' Dividend. ‘ I But or Gunning} ‘ Nov. 4, 1862. SEMI-ANQUAL DIVIDEND of YOUR A per cent‘.fon the Ctpiml Stock of this flak—after paying the Governgnent Duty— hu been declned, pnylble on and nflcr Hon day next, 10th ‘11“. , ‘ ~ , T. D. CARSON, Cashier.’ Nov. 10, t 8“; 3t ; ,rFOI‘ 8319. as“? WOJIOHSB wmon. In [o9o' A «mum Enquiro n uncle..- 07. 26,288}. , _ ‘ ‘ ono —T~ um< -~——- T—~.—;—--...f..—._ -_‘_...- .6—~ ..r—... s . “‘. -,M‘q ~,‘ / , ' ' ‘ 3’ northern Centrist Way; A j RANGE OF SCHEDULE—OII’ and the: { .~_ Sundly.'the 16th of November, the time 9! . 1' the arrival and departure or the pnuengrr “ ruins on the Northern Central Rnilmu, will be no follow; : HAIL TRAIN FRO“ B¢LTIMOBB TO SUN; BUR . Lena Baltimore nt 8 20. J.. m., arrive at York 11 02. p. m., lenve York It 1237, p. m 4, lat-rife It. finrrilburg 1 ((1), p. m.; returning 1 legre Harrisburg 5 07. p. m.. arrive at York a: 6 52, p. m., lure York for Baltimore Ml 6 51, ‘p. m., nrrive at Baltimore it l 0 H, p. m: , “EXPRESS TRAIN FRI“! BALTIIMOBE TQ » SUNRURY. _ r ' " 4 Late Baltimore 8 30, pl 1.., arrive AE'Yorl‘r‘ :12 05. a. m.; leave York 1?. m. n, m..errive {lt Harrisburg rt 1 44. n; m.; "turning, lQan‘ Harrisburg at 2 36, n. m.. nrlirc at ank 4 13,‘ a. m.; leave York 4 17,15. iii; and nrrire a: Bal-l timore nth? 261 m. ‘ f , ACCOMMODAH‘IOV TERRY PRO.“ BALTT MORE TO "All ISBURG, Lem-e Baltimore :12 59;! p. m.,nrrivr at York at 6 10‘ p. m.; leave York Int 6 15.p.m unfri nt Harrisburg at T 52, p.!m.:returning. Rem: Hurrilburg at 9 03. a. mi nrrire n: anlrnt lo 40, n. to flame York I K 44, a. m., nrrive at Bnltimore nt 2 07. p. mi - _ - : YORK’AND mu ‘HTSVILLE. v : Pusenger Train! lenv: York for Wright“ rilleflptfi 40 and 12 00. m‘.. and.“ 5 00, (km. Returning lam-c \\‘rizlmritlet‘ar )‘ork at 8 oq, n.m.andlaoand7oo.f,m.4 ‘ M' The Express Train ip the only train rum ‘ ning n Sundays. ‘ Th ough to Nahum and Pt eengers for Pittsbm nut, ”t. Louise and otlu-r the est std North nnd Si cert “tion at 8 20, n. m; Sundh‘y‘ DR. SWEET’S ‘ xumnnz , MIMI: a a; r, GREAT “HEDY FOR uranium, con, NEURALGIA‘, \ Lcuuc’o, snrr xrch AND JOIN s, / BPBAINS. Bamsns. crrs AN <: . wouxns, Hm. HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND FERVOUS DISUBDERS. For ull of which it is I s‘peedy And 1- ‘min flmedy, Add utter (mils. Thin Liuimenti pre pared from the recipe or Dr. Stephen Sn t, of Connectic t, the famous hone when an ha been used n his practice for more than! enty jets" withgthe most utonishiug succesm As :11 Allevintor of Pain, it is unriLaled by any preparation before‘the public, 0! hich the most skeptical may be cominced bf xii gle trilL ' This Linfiment rm cure rupialy an}! n im ly. Rheumatic Disorders of every Ikind, aqd in thopaancla of cases when It has heVer, been known to [Hi]. 1’ Z For Nam-513m, it 'in afl‘ord immédxlte_ relief in every use, howevgr diltreuing. It will relieve the worst cases of Headnéhe in tlnce minutes Ind 55 warfanted to do Ib.. . DE. STEPHEN SWEET, of o'oan the Great Sutunu Bane Setter. ' Hr. Sle‘phen Swt'eL‘ofConnectiéul, is known all over the Unxted Slugs. 1 ' Dr.’ St hen Swvet. of Cuvmerlicut, ii the nuth9r o :f Dr. Sweet‘s lnfallihlt- Llninienl." Dr. Swan's lnfulliblc Ligimenl cures Rheu mmism (will never fails. ' f X . ‘ Dr. Sweet's Jnfallifile Liuim‘cn! is n éérmin erudy fl}; Neygia. ‘ .’. Dr. Swéel'a fullil‘lc- Bitumen! c'm'cs :Burns and Scalfigjflmedintely. 4 Dr. s 9:93 lnfallible Liniugem is the best known r medy for Sprains and BruLecs.j- Dr. S net's infallible Liniment cures Hend nchc imc od‘mteLv— and was never kndwn 10135]. Dr. S ret'a Lnflxllible Liuimem. “(full 5 im mediluc vl‘leftorl’llesmn l seldo’m £11!le chrc. Dr. 5 81's Infallible Liuxmcnz c'um To’oth ncheid 0 .° minute. ‘ f , Dr. S‘ “gr: lnfnllihle Linimm enrol Cuts ‘le Would 5 immedialely and leaves mt scnr. Dr. S ‘eet's lnfnlllhle Linimem is th heal. rgmexly f r Sores in the known Wurld. 1 .‘Dr. Sig-cf: lnfullihle Linimrml has been usm by limp. than a million people, nhd all pgaisaigd‘? . V ! \br. S'vfect‘s‘lnfnlli’lle Liniment taken in'-f fiernally icgrcs Uholuz, Chuleg'm Nathan and“ Cholic : ‘ , \ v . l Dr. Swj'eet's Infanihle Linimentin truly ' “friend in need," ainl every family lhoul hinge, it M hand. r.\Sw-;eet‘s Infnllihle Linizflem is for fiale b 311 Druggisu. Price 25 and .50 cents. :W ‘ I \ , 5A FRIEND IN NEED.» _ J TRY ‘ IT.—DR. swnm's ISPALTJBLn LINIME§T, as an external remedy, is without a rival, {ml will nllevine win more eyeedily than any other prepn'rmlou. For all ‘th-ui 'mnllqnnd Nervous Disdrden it is truly infalli. ble,‘ and as n curative for Sores, Wounds, Sfignins,>Bruises,,&c., its soothing, healing mad powerful strengthening properties, excite the jim wondgr and astonishment of all wh‘o hnv ever- given it a. trial. ‘ Over one thnusnnd cer tificutes‘ol‘ remarkable cures, performed by i ‘within'tlllellaat two yqara, must the fact. f TO HORSE ownmks. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBHE LINIHEN FOR‘HORSES is unrivaledby any, and in 31 cases of aneness, arming from Tmin Bruises or Wrenching. “reflect is magi nl uni certdin. Hmness or Saddle‘Galls. Scfinlche Mange. ta, it will aiso cure upcpdily. ,Spnv'm and -Ringb6ne may be easily preventfd nna cured in their incipient stages, but ('9 firmed rnses are beyond the possibility pfn radical ome.‘ No case of the kind,’ howeret, is s desperate 6r hopeless but it may be nlleviaveE by this Linings“, and it: fa'; hful npplicatio will always remove the Lam ess.'nm!."enabll: the homes to travel with com nntive ease. ‘EVERY nonsn ohm ' ‘ should have thi! remedy at nd, forjgs time lymse at the first appearance {Lamencu ml! effectually prevent those for idahle d' eases. to which all horses are lialfle a'nd vhf}: ren der ‘3O many otherwiae ulna 1e hqrse neatly worlhlens. ‘ ‘ " ' ‘ DRSWEETS S INF‘ALLIBLE “mung-r, XI Till ) s'omlms FRIEND, I Add thousands have found it may . . s A-FBIEND 1N _Nnxp: I CAUTION. ‘To "om imposition, obsme’cho Signature and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on -every Inbel, and also “Stephen Sweet’l‘ Infullihlo Linimentf’ hinwn irihe glut of each bolus; wixhont which none In genuine. a RICHARDSON & 00., Sole Proprietorq, Norvich, Conn MORGAN l ALLEN, Genera Agents. “ ' ' 48 CHE Strut, New York. #3013 by .11 dealers everywhen Dec. 3, 1862. 1y ' ‘ ‘ 88.19 Crying. : W. FLBIKING continual the husineu A. or SALE ORYING. Ind lolieiu thecon finned pnnnnge of the ’pnblic. It in bi! con mat endahor to give satisfaction. Chime: modal-nu. maid-ace in Breckinridge ”pet, may-burg. _' ‘ P. S.—He is Niven-ed Auctioneer, Hilde? the Tu In. of flu. United Sum. ’ SM. M, Im. , A ~ . CZIONCTTZ2I ”All Trxinsslnp MR Fare t0'E1mira......‘.......... Fnre lo Niugnm Fu115....... Fureto 8ui11i1n.......m..... ‘ Baggage chrckcd/lbroi points West nqdfig’rth; . Pnssengera have the op ovcr at any' point, or any rqute,and'n'sumc-their 59 ‘By the completion of 1h pdrt, we refer phe mu'c cqmpnrison ofdismncos: l) ' N. (‘entral Railway. T 255 E1mirn.....:... . ‘29; Own-:0......... ' 314 ll nghnmpgon ; (3.; (,‘nntlnnlaignn_ ; 153 Roche-«tor I 374 . Bntu\'iu..‘...... ' 394. Symcuse...:.n 421 Xingu” Falls‘ 4‘29 5t0z0......... 404‘ 8an110......... 44'; Dunkirk-........ For THROUGH Tll‘Kr-J root and reliable inform; Ticket 015143. Culver! SMJ Calvert. any! Franklin stre , ‘ _ - Jol‘ Dec. 1,1862. Assiszl ' -7 nnzwn. n. ; DENTAL R: ‘ RE THE BEST IN’ \ , ‘ Isscm '\FINE TEETH AND A ‘L ' AV! CNfHNG TOOTHACHE \.\‘D xmv_n§mi,g. Dégou wish to be})less i with {lnd mimircii for PI. nu' Winn: and ,nnnd Teeth? Use Dr. “£111.13. Hurd’s qm‘ivmledmoc‘th Powder; wapfinted [reeLfrrml avid, gi‘knif, or any uijunmgs subsuncc.[ l’ndt- Q 5 cents per box. , i . ' @Bewnré of the orilimry cheap Tooth Powders. which whiten hi L diistroy. N Doyou wish to b 6 cermi that your BREATH is pure, sweet. and ngroc ble _td hnsimnd or wife,lm-eror'frieud ? Fa 'DX'. Hurd’s Col lebx-gzted Mouth was , Price 31' ccmspe‘r mu 9. ' This nsti-ingcnt wash is 'palsn the beer yémrdy in the world for Canker, findfiremh, Bleeding Gums,Sore Bjuuthgko. 1' bus curediuuhireih. Do you or yourchildreln sum-y from TOUT”- ACIIE? Got Dr.,Hurd"s Magic Tookh ache Drops; Price 15 Pnts pt-rhoflle. Are you ufliicted with EUHALGIAK! Get Dr. W; B. Hurd’s Nauralgia Plastera. The most cmclive and; delightful rcrucdy known. } ‘ V , , IJney do not adhere nojr hliaiar, but soothe and charm pain nwny. Try iiicm. Price 18 and 37 cnnts. Mariied on receipt of price. Do you wish a 'cmpihlc set of DENTAL REMEDIES and A 'l‘retitice on Proserving Teeth?’ GetVDr. W. B, Hurd’g Den-ta! Treasury‘ . the neutesg; nhd most vulu‘mble prescni thntoone {tit-ml can mnke to an flier. Price $l.. Sent by Expreqs on receipt ofiricf. For sale at Hie best ”ores throughout the country. - , . i ~ ' Gwnox'.-—-As there modealcrs who take m!- vantage of o|]?‘fld?€l‘lisB!#6nls to impose upon their customers inferior nrepuu‘utium, il’ is M cessury to insist upon hfving wlmt 31m CNN for, and-yon w‘ill- mu- 1- n: wsr. thoroughly tested, and prepnfi'ml l-yinn experimcvd and agiemiflc Deuljhl, Trcnsuilcr of the ch York Stat‘Denlist‘a Asso'viiuin‘i, tinulfi'ice Prgsidcnt of m New York (my Den‘mi sway. Addl’csq ‘ W“. B. ,anD L: C 0; New Ydfku July 21,1352. -‘ i ‘ Dec. 2. 1y ‘ 1 ~ Notme. ‘ munm sun's 3"“ TE.—-L.émn m- Agumenmry on the en nlc of Abraham Sr", late”. of Union townsh p. Adam's‘ lrounly, diccise‘d, having Leon ranted to flie under signed, residing in (hegtmmc ttowmzhip, the): hereby give notice to n2l person’s .'rnd'chtud to said estate tommke iancdinlg paymfin, and [how hmmg clnims again‘ 1, flag sum 30 pram-m ‘hcm properly authenticqled fdr settlement. , REFER SELL, ANDX‘EW sl‘ll.L, Nov. 10, 1862. m*_ i ' Eran/on. . \ . ‘ Notlbel I’. . ' ELIX W. ORNER’S .STATE.—~Lefler~_ ‘nr ndministrntion on t e astute 0! Felix W 2 Orner, late of Mennllen tpw nshlp, Adam; co‘, deceased, hnving been sinned Inkt‘he anger pigned,resi_ding in the an e townnlnp, be here'- by gives notire to all pcl‘isqu in'd Med to mid estate to make immedint? paymjt, and chase having claims against the-smut- to pras'lcnt them properly authenticated toi' cattle cut. . ‘ _ wn. mm, in; Adm'r. Kov. n, 1,862. m a y - ~ Notx‘a 1’ . EORGEfiCLL'S EST}. TEL—Letters of ad. G niinistrntionon the beam of‘George .\‘uli, late of Hamilton townlhip, Adm“ counxy, de ceased, having been gmnped to the undersign ed, residing in Bérwnck itm‘vnship, be hereby gives noticg to all per-ab” indehud to said estate to make immediaiefinyment, 3nd those having claims against, ’ sgme‘ in present them pruperly luthamic ed tor settlement. ' SAMU L BROWN, Adair. Nov. 17, 1862. ’ac g ' To Tresratisers. E undersigned heréby‘ warm! 3“ pix-gong“ Igainu hungingorgnfinipg on his premises, .in Humilmn township, Admin colinly. The law will be put in force spins! all persons glib, regudinfzthil nolice. I )[AH’I'IX GETZ. Nov. 17,1862. at,“ x i ‘ _ Fourth Street Carpet Storey 0. 47 above Chegnnt Iti’ett, Philadelphia. I lolicit In exarbinnuon om» prices And qullity of my large and well selected STOCK UP CARPETINGS, all of tha ncren style: and munufnctured of the beatmnturiuls. Brunch, 3-ply—lngrain and Venetian Carpeting.— Druggeu,Floor oi] Cloths, in fiery width. Rflg, Liu and Cottage Carpeting—together with a large stock of WINDOW SHADES, of the' newest. and handlomclt punt-ml. winch will be lON low. J. T— DELACROIX, Sept. 8, 1862. 311: 47 South 4a: 3:. A Watch AS'found in “Camp Gettxnburg," a few W any: ago, which has been left no. the C'ontpikr cake. The owner can hue it by proving prope‘ny and pnying for this when filament. [va.11,1882. 3! ' UFF’ALO ROBES.—A spleqdid lotjlm M- B ceived It , . TPICKJNG’S. i USICAL mBTBBMENTS.—VioIins, Ac- M :ordeonl,‘Fi[u, tics, m: uh- u ' . _. ' ; ; PICKING’S. , INKS, flubnfln, Cup» Sucks. 3:" my] vht‘l pl| ‘ MCKING'S. "x 1 NFIEM w 'y‘ « W" ..,"; ~.‘ :7 y We m.,,wm T PRIVATE SALE.—-Will he offered at A Inn-mm». nnul an mof April next. 1 0 [1917812 AND LIIT an “ultimate strum ud joming the “Cumpfler” office, And newt-l; oc lcupied by Dr. A. \\'. Dnrur. The Hum-o in large, containing 14 rooms, gnmc nnd'lugo dry tellnr. and in good repair. Thl- Lot LI A ‘ full one. 60 feet fronf. running lulu-k the {all depth? plfing 3 large gnrden, a never-{amt}: (en of good water at the duct. 3 new Fram- Stahlc. whh an alley from High fired. M a way of uccéas. L'pon the whole this is one U thy moat plenum [nations and the prowl} one at ‘thg mmt (desirable in Gunman-g».— Poueuion given on In 01 April'uen, or 3305' "Hum bfpnrl of the yropgrr'y may be. but] yw once. For low km, nmuly us We promisoa‘. ‘ uuxvn‘ MCUDEMCS. .\‘pv. 24, 18:22. If ‘ . ‘ General McClellan ‘ f XPECTED H GETTYSBV RG.—-E’wryhodfi be 'pmpnrotl. The findersigned wou‘ ‘ mod. Icspecll’ully inrile the uueminn ol Linn citizens nl‘ Golljshurg and in: rloinicy tom," and examine hi} «all lokflcdkslm‘k of gal-Mil. as he has just relxn-nrtl from Ihr oily vvlb M firm an nc‘surzmun: of goods in his line “you will find in min or my miner town: I , Lvdies, now in thv- \lmo tad-all {and furl “my. fino \mnlen‘ Scar“. Shgnmll Scurfnfiue Gum“- lrt». woolen Under-499"” find all then um linle fixlnru [my 1:; lnilvt in the way of Brush“. ('nmh‘a mu} Perfumerim, nll of which can be hm! nt'No. 1.3, rlzlxtapx)nsjle th’e Bank. . Gentlemen, 11 wm‘d to you. I! ‘G. Onrr‘o in J the Made to 3d. the be.“ and cheapo” nndqr ’,clrlhing in the to“ :1 us follows: Over—shit", [‘nder-:l:iru. D 4 .lon of all kinds, lung Mad lslmrt qukmga from 13 cent»! uptn 't'v sepma» {pain \th‘licrs. a row remnrks to 30m H. G lg‘arr's is tlw plan: to get :hnscmool Buck ;«kin (‘.,m'ltlvh. Army Suckegall kinda of Army . Kuhn-s and heavy lin'rca : also knife;furk nml hymen nil in one; [be regular nrnn- Shirls Ind ‘TDrmnrc. Slvépiug Cups, \vnolcn Sen-f 1 of all ikimts. Sump-m, H. h. 11.-m- hns n 3 fine an . namnment of Saning' Toblcco and Ping. M f you run ’chaae up any place. Cpewiug Tobac -3 no find Cinema of a“ kind: and prices. Also, Hardy-we. 'Quecmwure..ull kinds of iSpices. Grm-érirs, first-rule Cider and “mp- Vinegar, all kinds of Funny Soups. nII‘ kind! of I Essences. ,I‘shlent .\ledicmrr, 99h! Oil in'! ‘anf'mf and a wry hmldnamc'quurtment of i Perfumerin. .Nou“ is Mug Hum. Come one. ¢ come alignnd give us a an“. Don’t forges-ch!) , place. No. 113, in East York ulruel. rppslile 7 the Bank. 11. (‘l. CARR, Agent: ’ ‘ _lNo\'.l7;}Bo2,‘ ‘ ‘ “ \Bul‘do ’m ”haying-l 1:, (Hugo, CincinL Inin an»! tourm- if; '. uttwfltflmro Cal‘- agd 3, p. m., except mm Wnymnlfnnd. [.51 on ~..................10-00 lo '01) 31: to nll_prinoipn‘l 'nrmn‘xly of stnpping f the citiys/ron: thc “3 M. plcnsure. ' '5 mm! to Wiliiams— ~. to [be following By New Yvrkj. .:..-..i..597 ...............47’l ML) ~.....Amrv ......hfinfi 4.9 42‘ ......,,......1....-U)l .... ..........'....'.:-u5B .......:......i..JHI) HE l“!’l’.lll.\L UZX‘TMENT.— ‘ T For th‘e rura orcvery Speak: of Rhu mgizism, us it dl“k01\03 the umgulaml lymph Wllll‘h fixes inn-ll .Iluul. the joints, (chasing thonuo hecumostill and puinl’ul)nnd therapy ri-moves the :primnry mulst- ofithirdiai-jsq. ‘ For Coughs. Inflnmnnhions, or Tighmesslof the Chen and Lump", itglvt-a It sure and weakly rollol‘.‘ Also for Group and Sore Throat, uyud ,ahouldvnlwnys Ive used about the Thy-(mt and Lungs in c was omerleL Fever n'ld W‘houplng‘ Cough.» for all Incu'md palm. such n 5 Tooth— m-he, Urnmp nnd‘ ank in the Buck, or whofn Mercury has begb‘usrd nml becomes flxod‘} in (he quntfi., itgrlso gives immediate n-lief for (‘holic Pnins in Adults and Cllil-iren.3 Bur [turns and Sgnldgl it extracts 'ch fire almbst instantly. It iulnllihly rurcs Fclpné, amides, Sprains, and all Flush \\'uunds . also, Mumps, figure in the Breast, clumped Hands and Lipl, Corns, Chilblalins m Froatcd {._uuha, Hemor rhoids or l’ilcs, or~ Ulceruted Sdiea, luflunlud Eyes, &c..&c.' k , , A 152) wmrunlod tocure the most ohrflfihto (Conlmclcdar 13: v 1 red IloofsflVuumlsfic rnlt'lles, \\'iudlllnlls and Spmins upon Hurles, of Fogl in Nl4 feat oantlld. ’, POSITIVE WARRANTY" ‘ ‘S and fu‘rthvr {-nr ninn. M 31"! nt ”10 innv N. E.('nl11(‘l" qf fa, Baltimuro. } x 'r. mums". i nt Surerinu-ndrnfi Immrs i MEDIES, , f m: WORLD, z 0 > _\ '\vmz‘r mum-rm The pumic are reflueth-d to try h—if‘il aces hot answer the recommendatio’n, return It to Um Agcmy, (holtle half used” and receive yqur .lnonoy 35min. ' Dirrrtimm fornsc enclozingom-h homo. ‘ HENRY S. HUTTS,’ SOlP.Pl’O]vfflo7‘, - . ~ aneriy, Tiognmy, N. W. ‘ Where an order: by mail, or nrlhnr’wise, will be promptly amended to. Pride 25 Gems pu bank. ‘ ' ' f ' WSnld in Gettysburg by H. G. CARE Nov. 17, 1862. 3 ' , Another Proclamation. r ICKISG STILL IN COMMAMYE—llavlng P permanently cslnbliahcd my headqnnrltn in Baltimnre slreet, l have the plenan’re 0! an nounring to this departmcht. and all other" that. l mu mill selling chénp and [mod clothing of every Elfin and description. 1 luu‘ejuil‘re cehecl frqm the cities 3 large and splendid n'h sortmcntof ' l “ ~ , run. a: WINTER'CLOTHTNG; “ ‘ ‘ FOR MEN AX!) BOYS; _whirh I am offering m the p‘ublic nt astonish ineiy iow rates, considering the timm and 159 great. ndvnnr-e on x-ll guides of clothing: Hy suppty of (Wen-coats, Fine Cloth L‘onu, Bui noss Cay“, Vgatx and Pants for Full Ind Win trr Uri-"r, is ha’rgc and variéd. In qule, qunliry nnd pr'ire ihey rnnunt be bent. Furninhing Bohr]: of every description, such an Shirlu, Collars. Alfndcr-shiru, Handkerchief“ £ng ”Tic-s, (limits, Hosiery, eta, nil selccwd ilh aha greatest. care and sold at Hie law”? “In prim-x. “ ‘ I". B. I‘XCKISGt , Nov. 17, 1662. j l HE President and Mnnnm-n of the York and Getty-burg Turnpike “out Cumpnny have declared I: dividend of One Dallas-11911 slum: on the capital stock, to be puxd'ug; dc. mnnd to the muckholderu or their laguk roprn. “tea, in Gettysburg' by George Shape, York by I‘IHLH’ SMYSEIL, Troai. 10,1862. 3?. New Goods. ‘ 1 T ARENDTSVILLB,. PA.—-PLA.VK l ;A SPANGIJER have just re‘mrned {tom llml cizy with 4 splendid assortment of ‘ CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Sninem, Jcnns. Tweedl, Ventings, Over“ Coming and Ready-made Gl'othiug. Alpncuui.‘ Coburgs, denu, vac” Silks, l’riyts, 0,1071% hum, .\luslins, Uotton Fl'mneb, Wool Finn? ncln, Chrcks. Notions, Hurdwye. Qanuukw.m~,‘ Tin-wire, Earthen-ware; “not: and. Shpei,‘ Drugs, Paints, {be-3mm. (3115 M, Tainan-«, 1 School Books, Blnnbupo‘na, Millinery Gumfm Shawls and Blankets, Hut: and Cups, mtupufi N. 0. MalaszeshSugnrs, Cofl'res, and :, fnlk‘ stack of Groceriéa. with I full stuck of gum“ genérnlly Imm in a first. clans coumr nor»- which We; bought. for {ash and MK ”Iqu:- cun. Credit is dead—had {my killed it. ' $3.120, Rails, Posts and Fuxcc Board: nn hand. ' e Nov. 25,1862. 6t ANCY WALKER’S EST.\TE.—Ynnors 04 N administration on the amt» of Emmy; \\nlker, mo of Reading lowqt-hip. Miami ”:1 decanted, lining been grantod w the alder nignedflegldihg in the lame toiaship, be here by given notice to s“ persons indubwl In Mi “gate tomnko immediate payment, and .321“ having dain- agaiuu the sum: to pruent' themproperly authenticmcd for mummy. ‘ . D. )1. C. WHITE, Adm’r. Nov. 24, 1862. a: t 7 : Just Received, - I LARGE SUPPLY OF FALL It. WINTER C L 0 T [I I ’.V (i , 1807.10, 1862. AT PICKIKG'S. * Restaurann , 3 H 3 ChambersL-urg Szne! Running, (".1 candy Eekenrode’rig is now Londn ‘ ”I the nnderiignfid. OYS HRS flfl.‘ datum in' an Myles; FRIED CHICKEN. BEEF toxavz, TRIPP}, BOILEU EGGS, and IL aka yids of: ALE, an at u)! Simes be lmd.’ ' CALI. IN. The Saloon has been typified! tnn Sued up in tine style. 7 ‘ { BOLLISGER & BAUGBER. Gettysburg, Nov. 8, Ibb'll. ‘ . _ F PA BTXEBSHIP.—The panqership hero wfore ousting between the nude-my“, In the practice of Mcdkino, lms (his dnyrpeen (ruched. .The books of the firmwin hatoud in the possession of Dr. Charles Harlin, Vino will routinue the practice. D ~ ‘ Rosier. one door above the n sum“, Dr. [L Hana. GHABLB M. j N . . . BORE!!! HQW ; April 1,1882. No Cure No Pay. Dividend. PLANK & SI’ANGLEIL Notice. Dismlution =cm