. a“? “fi \ 'l'.7:“,'°" ( = ' _, ..‘ _ - , 1: . r _ ~./ : II «i ~+ ~~ V A.” l w 5| ‘ anhtfpl Baiiroad Accident. Removal-" Tin Ware. mcumus escape 0? THE I’ASFENGERS‘THE ""‘i’fm‘m'l 1’" ”mm“ ’3” “PM"! -..... 0*: a ....“ X {l'he' pufisenger trnin due at Hmriwhurg It'r'r Drug: Stare—u \‘lry ccuxml lucntiun. lie on Saturday m min; on the l'cnn-ylmnia ('ummueq m nmuufmiure. and keeps COiilSlutl- W did not arriu: until evening about I" °‘3l.?:\‘.".l‘l°:fisy "m“, °t ’ vi.‘ i I” o'clock. It. Mt. l’iusbugg un ina—ay .‘ " A “BILESSEh AYD 1 uMnoou naily an hour after its usual A" , 4 “rim-:1) w ”W. pinning time. owing to some detention on antifwm alum): he-rc.:uy to do REPAIRING. Pb. connecting rnzlrouds, but everything I‘. Rom-W3l; 1m! fii'UCTlxn y nomad right um“ Hwy, arrived "an. my: also done in the htrk manner. PM: vs rnodt-r- Minn; some eight miles from Creesou, r 929“ n", o".“'.",;:‘f3'r‘:d ‘9 ”Tiermh “m” where the triin was brnnght to :1 stop by F;‘.§L‘§§,i,L Tue [mom 3 w lilnliempzbzzfiwu the lnnounce'ment that a iretght mm. “as (.‘.vtiyshurg April 7, 18(52'. ' ‘7' on the track some twin mii‘cs ahead. The —'4 -,.; ..- - ———-—~—’—— —~ (”angel-mm?" em drawn ovor‘the moan-l Howard Association, v binarby twolnrge locomotives, and in front “'.L \DEH’HLL-AH» we Imm "» of {he paigengef tmifl.WBB ‘ VCry [urge I) Sit‘k em! [)ii’l'ibfil‘d. :‘Hiil’tlfid “'l'! 'h‘ei‘nbt train standing on the had: on a ",1” ’."fd ("‘r‘f‘m D‘"-"“"v f'“d“-"!”"2i* . . . . Ln: ' HH- 0! [)1-1' ..,.. n,“ xhu Sdkunl Urén. high grade. It mu. urawurby n wry Inge “um.- \L “NU-x,- m. “H,“ ~ x "‘.‘g Jooomotive in from. and math?! 91 the-same in; .\Hr'ji'nn.‘ V I‘°' k .‘.“ 1., if clu- was punhingil in the rear. - : YALi'wm annrs oh Spurn-u" The‘lront locomutjrc hud Hen deathbed “3‘ =1!” “x'l “Mk!“fi‘p 5”!" ”Mi" “WE Iron: the train‘ in order to and the freight “few” ‘ "" ”"1'" ,‘m‘l ””2”" 5”“. train ahead on the ”Mk: 3nd *hc In“; 1000‘~‘ig;.{“::1~n>{inu,\$1331.11:1‘). [Will‘mj‘v‘ sent; motive was also detached and taken down hint-fl 'i'lwio .‘.: :z}.c..-'.\:li~.m'fil‘£4393s. the gradein urderto rluft It on‘.‘ the other he :’::~r»pmi.'e. . . . l ' Imck. ,Wl’e’i’ie this prncosé am}: going on ',‘ -\'}'llb“. “h J~ 5731314” HOUGHTO ’ahd- whcnithe roar‘ incmnmivc Was ucuriy '\’.‘: ‘\'“ih'ow' ““3“": "“"Cim‘m. XO -3 . .. . xnlh .\zre't. i’h.‘ d-‘l uh: . I’d down the grade (mg In front of the two‘ JUN 15 1;, , 1v 1 ’t ' . locomotives d'rnwing the passenger train, 1 ——..———Z.. " 3-7 ' . -._ _, the engineer pm the buckzu: lim‘muuiiVP,» TH‘E HOUSI‘ZK‘EHPER'S Mr.l'UWcllS}_l:_n_rp,di=covcrrdxhit 'hewhuie‘ . Né‘W Furuiiclie POP? traih “as in 3.13151 131011..” nemizL Gum: ~liq: fill!’.\l;€l)‘ {mm m insprn'fl-Il 51:. sleep hrmlu uu bl.‘ «ununmc mad (he curs P 1!.» pmprivtur of 12m .. .irolhtr .1. filled wirh ‘FQSSL.~:.Z(I¢. He rivw‘wd his 157134.: I~' ('lr'ih «1 by ni!‘ I")? lazuli @flgine‘in ad imam": 113:! rmhmi 4'9 CL: Fwd: YMI‘ I‘mniluro I" 2.1.” "'“l Plum-Yuri in o'rder t 1) “Ile the mum (up :m'i no}. 1 1:74“: “git“ ”1 1!” “firm {“r‘ “‘ll ,7. ‘ ._. , r _ , ..., ‘. 3. . ..uzm nut. Jun. and nut: their damn: u pawl)» In N... no van 1.._:. ”I“! g ~..“4, x.) ..’H kn.“ ‘.- \— purliniiy éur‘ccwf'ni, but ill.“ I' a Sii‘ INC C‘i‘k'i; l- i~ \‘. \I" , I'.) .131 xnui'u'n ln li.p..ili’|i'r. ' oftlzeirgig‘ht Him the mimic train unnc- Him?” and IMM- ll' n': Yurn'z‘i'. .h-i»: down on ,lhe passenger train, dcnn‘EC'hm: {3} ‘f‘i.‘“"}_‘q‘l i‘ l"-'*"" “Why-1- : “.1111" 1 the incomnliw wiih which Mr. Sharp had iiiilx‘iiiii. If" .-. .. n 1572'...- ..5- m o ..H ‘ ~ . . ‘ . 2 . _ 01M) 'lii'lli’oixolfln‘r('3‘“ ".'. checked the promos» on the mun and also m ;,. .1... m..,:..,..- ..M hou‘u‘and Muir» the two incumvuzcs “hid: were drawing‘inghki‘ i.:-'.'.'.. 3. 1.. ...» vinie mini!" “I; panting r cu.» . I {3‘o” “hr" ““0”. ‘l‘" .7 Tlll“ ('i‘lllll‘l’t'd ulmaf le'l‘V‘ 0‘"lh"‘li 00 l lrn‘AHV‘Q7'lbl‘ll up ’23.. n.“ l n: "m LEI-l Fr'd I. ll! i" ..’“ l' :1 . ‘ l""~l (“mu t 4 ln< 14-1' 1:: m. 1'“ Ln r. In: 1~ !L:.':.‘,t't‘tvmu.l ' 33"“0 f: ‘ "““' ' “‘7 ": lJ ””4th h l'mnihxrn'lmllv-r: niftT Stun or mxllcr _z vllucrnvw. :x‘ml the. arena ’91:: gnu-1 ”17., I’m.- :7nn.l‘sr)c(blsum lie 98MCX‘1H).1,}1|X‘JJ tln ll ‘dt‘Ll‘llH‘il. lhe put N.)- 1 514-”. Q n‘lrm'l, Nb“: Yorkf pugsmzcu iu mtr in. mnytly {blue-p in‘ “j """HF-D- Alumni: W“ H the (land lwnr 01. the night, lavuc :11“) NHL ‘.H‘Ll‘l‘l l; 111-180’ l . . 1 ' _' . ‘.. Y dcnly arming-u aml tlumvn from Llucm‘roa'ls. _;‘\__ _ ___“ 7 : violexllly, and yet wopdt'l‘lul to FFIUIIS, a ICWZSECUND .\llfllVAL! >fl‘alND .\P. Ohthcm Wu‘u only allullpy #crutuhcu ::lr ul: ._. [ ‘ thytacc}: Micah: llll.dl:L‘:‘\\"l<.'l‘c muntly sun-l NOW BIOI‘C.IDtiIS Fir: tnmcd‘trox‘u (m: was \\lllc‘l :d‘c phccd on x L".l.\El'l'.:‘l2l m. l the Luck of t‘ e cent; ‘on which the pussuu-l I .\r‘“ ('t‘nuxlsl‘afiq ger rcslsllls laud. , ' l ' ‘ ' ' liow I‘m . - l . - ‘ ~ ' ; .l , The three .lmg‘nmtues were almost c‘om- T“? “r“,film “f Mm” 3‘ 5" mm. “P lc‘Cl ‘d A” ”“4“” Th ‘ L.VT. (m Ixulm‘m [.IE'H' lrxmul. null the llex" p P y. " 1k“. ''l ‘ P‘l“"“F-L,:5 lll‘l‘ilm.’ ll Y 1 ilhl n-(urne‘l lrvnu ll the 11am. t-g, up 1} co] N‘mu yluch r‘racll- mm :1‘ ;.l'.nl 1 ..-..uumuua ut‘ Uuud‘, ed five 01‘ s.tl:vn:'lr-_~u «Sullaru, tq pun-l 1: ‘1: in; u. 1.4 m. .' . E g 1 a testlmcuiullbr .‘m. :lllni'. tlm engineer ' , '. 1) HE S S G(l" 0 S. for his Ixcrulc conduct __ 7dr" r 1: ”.'. ‘ 'E'UJJ n: 1;] rm. IN- “"1503. (‘.lm that, Lu“ ‘ . , . '/ I _— l'l‘dllvllL‘ . 12V!» or. ull‘gmla. \lp. ct.» . —— V‘m-“fi'” ' ' ‘ 7 -, Till“ J.l<:un:-t._k'lumk :3an (.Fumllric J ' GREAT lfiml‘n—lhalrm/mn 1'" {w l‘flr- fixh'nmf, and :1 good lh-nl‘lrnl‘nt of and Lad/I‘s! Sum ~JIIH I'm- !lu I"()I'(tl and l Lulu; " “film‘s all|dl~lix..llns,—la-.t “m- l” , . ’ l L‘Lu’xm 1 l ' about I'mu.‘ Hum/NJ 7Lmlmwl [all n_/' " “’ C ‘ S’l'l'V'T‘l ‘ . .. ‘., r .1.:.4h1.4. Jumbw.—;fibuut haul; of tuclxc r) (u'v LL ,- - l\'l“""“! on Sunfififiy night llu- mun-mu :»u“»llllll ul Jams, &r .. mg: for mm': \vn‘lgl; * “ Lamgdm, Ulvlu it £30., ::'. the won. (ml of I R: .\!.»\'-\x.\l)L£ CLUIIIIIING, this L‘uoug’h. (mnmunly kwwn as tlxu‘ 13901“: ”“0155: L - _ "‘Bianlcr 2.11”," \':l.s Jigccvcrcd'w been w pr.“ ~ \ A 0 -1 4 JlQT‘ff L“: (‘1 ~ , ; ‘ . . I ~. ‘ (J: _t - ' fire, acd bclore the flames coum Le clzcckcdi HARUWA “L 1“ ‘. i ”L 0 It was burned totlm wutvr’~ edge, tngelhcr‘ ' Q:;,;;_\:s'.\',\yjq‘ l , With 2!):qu l‘uuv hundred L'uuwan". loch of!l - DlLL'Lislxlul _ . anwcd‘lzmbcr. 'l‘ls: night “as excerslvcljl I_.‘ fl ‘ INIZDIC’]: ouldruu‘l it. was 02sz l‘) {Lu umzm: uS-lf‘gnm “0"“ (1" {Slllopro g; t . ‘ 4.1"}. ..., ~.-J.. ,_. u 'X‘.nl..x.l“’.' $311005 ”Id-l- r’xur mufllh “Nd L‘ll'LVl-f “’3‘“- :m-l fill k ml~ nl ulw‘l». :.1~l1;:n are I!!! Prevent, Ll”! .{ .EUXC‘S hum CK:"I)*.IHL’ lurtfincr {mm-l |n :\ Qlll'Hr-(‘V "urn. ”Jill: 'oer Intorfihc nullums of luct of boards piled (Hg-11, we '.lu :Lll‘nrd to w-ll :1; ttix: \" r\' upon {li\c gems adjacent The fumes 1’4”“? 1’ 0"" ’“W‘W li—“th'd'n PJ-w I . x . ~ . l . I “2: :,= . V ‘ spread DYE? the null Pu! mmu‘ncd x: in “ 3‘,‘ 'I‘IIOLW‘ M. “E "11.; \ 1 l V I. a , ~. 1‘ . (“L t" 7“ J U"! "0’ S 1 . ' 'L '3' >5l .f’iP'dli lb?" an atthpt l“ N“ ”L .V Pd“ 0‘ 1 nnd “o'want 11. rli tug-11y tnl’“ r lmd l ‘l‘ Or ILS'COPM’RYFJNEW “0!, ‘0 be IhOUUh: of. will full‘ll cl!) \cz'v ' l (um I .L (THE; 17"" ' \ . 5 l _ . . ‘ . . Thecflun Img made. to 333.0 the :‘A‘Yed lum~ . l=l Al «u‘mmm M :w: x-mn“:-.1 ['lka ' be! on hand, and ,it wus rcmnrkablv sxxe-|"““i"l“" l“ “W" WW ‘(=\l‘1‘1"1“l"‘“l““‘ _ . .‘1u1v,..1.l .w....|~ lessln'l. So area: was the ll"lIL canned bv : “.9,“ ‘ {Minn 9“? l "“m "”1 ’l“"‘“ 2 . I 7 h, - C . fl fin m 1» lurllw 11w rul mtmu Igp m‘wm 1.. . _ _ thinonflngrnnon that ~thc signals of the} mm m., and :‘c'pcvllullv =|=k a “by: town werelllximluzuclxl m Igvcry pnrt,_and thereof: . At'lll'l‘ll’ & SH at Sunbury—iorty rink-. 5 (llama—the lxghti anxtsburg, .\x'd., April 22,2156”. ll warplainlv visfbl‘rupou the clllud x The‘ _" “‘- "w"— ’ _ . ‘ T, gnaw null ‘extoudul from lbu nzvt'm l.{:u.. of thel _W “m lECFEIIQCO ,‘7' mgr/Lo an lbl:.l"j,:1';xl' couluiq’od :_-.Lnutoue G”;', ”'1 {992"} f. Ll Pb‘l a hundked;and 1m; 2.1 m. ‘rx .«iz‘e— it. was I‘l:§y..\v;‘:l lflf‘m‘f“ ”l g l “‘0 J ua. ‘. 'V: ' . -‘ . ‘ x. J \ ‘ .‘ ll pru‘bfmlj {L3 1'1"}: .kvxw-a.‘..!l m 131:, wmlu,§ ( L 0 T H S. C A S S{l .\\l’ E R gnd ltd number of 5:13.: the wouullagcw. M -k, phi" nu»; 11:11"): >1”; \\'ur'y, ln'zthe world. The ,ln: {is L‘slfiinzutctl :lt.er’.“‘“"'\,§:"‘ S"""“",". ll” f: (3.5“? -, (“lb 300,000., The pnmextv dash-913d was "‘l"if};-‘"l‘l“’l‘v’-\‘.‘lV‘ turf-1‘; n;,l‘i _ A— . , . an; .hrxl rm. r-.\ ‘1 ‘-1 ~ 7. : partly Ins-grad. All panic: prcbontegrmrl ~: ,1,; \j 4;» ,__..u My 1. 5.1 3“,. ‘l‘; ,l‘ flat“ the fife mm thr. véorl; o! ay‘iucvudim'y. ' rim 1‘ 0i LUUJ: dun: azc'mmjl no“ mi ‘—L'ycmnmy Cumt’iuf ~ , . SIIIM ~\_\'c=. .‘ \ l' . . ,d____ - , »a'Mmawe wk of (txn'lms, TI :CARI’I-{r }: ws. mu! lhl'nluji'kq; , _._\‘lso 3131",:0 smck 01' ilEAlerllAl‘l-T (‘ l.\(u,,"ofu-n- uxvn “mun! Jamil”: in svrln Kyuml all“, m we ‘n'uldmufrll'lxllanlfi x .\Lr,_\'»'. 'l‘. I(3ng is in m..nfu{-nun 3r :lena‘hl‘hhmont as Inlldl to cdtfind 1n L'lothgn: in slmri m‘ulcr. } .\.; rli 2a, 1"”; 3m 1; DEATH OF ADMIRAL LAVALI HTML—- on‘Tn_csday cvcuinfz. at £59 rl‘slxlvucl‘ of his snu-l-a-luw, iu l’lulddclphis, died Roar Admiral Elie A. F. Lamlicttc, U. S. 15;. in \thq sorbmy tlzird year‘of his ago. 'Hi‘; ac tual senicc amuuntod to more llmnliizy scm siqce he cutercd the nary‘as a sailing master, Jung 2"), 1812. Ewing: ugvpuiutcd fmm l’cnnsflxdnln,though a ulsllvc of Vir ginil. Un llc-bru ITYI 23m 1844), he was éomm‘lssinncd as captain, and dmlng ~tllc Meiilrnn war. in 1547. he cununuhdcd 'tlm fi'lgaie Congress, and, \\‘llll the l'urlgmrmnh likewise under his; command, caymrcd the town of (Sunymas, near Lhe head at Califor. nia Gals. 1n the. c'upture of Mazatlan. late it} the same year. he also tasslsted, and beé‘amerGovcmor ol'the tum). Is the year 1859 he was last at sea, and in the new; _organimfion a? the army was made a real admiral on the retired list. His death Will be much'lumrnud by Loth his flvil and . profwaiqnul bruhxen. ‘1 @331 the steambr Persia, ~arrived- n: Neonrk,’we have thxec dags later advices 36m.Eumpe. Sh‘os left. Lix qrpool on the Bth'instnnt and Quocnstown} on the 91):. Some of the papi‘rs were again ‘giviug cur rency to mediaiion rumorsf The Parfs éorrcspobden; of the Loude -'limcs gives one fo the_ effect: that overturys have been or are to be ~mule, by France via the Russian Government, with a View to taking into se rfpfig"'€on‘§idcrzztiou the state (if affairs in Kfii’e‘fim’z ;' the disaauous efi'cct's' ofthe cinl war on Lurlrpe gene-mil; ; and whether the time ‘ has not now come igr {he Power; to liiaE'e a mate toward mcdiacion cr recogni fioulof the (.'«mmliemte "States.” '.[he‘ Londun Herald aim) _Lircs— currency to a. similar rumor. '{l‘he lin-predation: of the firme'Alabamn ficre Engaging the attevkq: Qfflfe‘fihjcrpool Chamber of Commerce ' ”1:11 , ' i (an. ’ I» gene {allowing decision has boon m by me Commissioner of Interns} We; in regard to harness and upper .-,., ‘ wry—lsL The tax on harness lpathcr ' seven millsmper poqud, and i 349 be, < "up” once, whether tbelcatheris tanned :‘ ‘ .A ’ “finished byfthe same parties, in lie! I" ‘ Rgmpvalsfi . _ “I,or‘by'differem parties,- in differ-1 (1‘1: .nxldfralileilsu‘flelnifigeEn‘lztlhanzed [32:11: " .’ “' ' v ‘ uum't'r‘ 0"5 _ 'l' [Cell ’ quince- 2511 tnftu‘slhc‘l or, curuco “PW-VJ, lex‘y'bopos I.IIM sughns éontqmplme Elle refioval; lamr, except 63 ‘5 ")5 made from mufl) ; urthe remains of deceased relatives or friends ‘ lather, .hemloekJan‘ned. or lrom roggh‘willm‘ui)lhcmschesofthisscason‘oftheyénrtq “their, tuned in whole or in PM: with : hhvi» itdone. Removals mndn wilfi promppwss“ flijoil‘WhiCh rough leather ”18,qu of s—lhezms low, and no efl'or;;y;;ti;l Eififiég. (L. A . 4 v.“ Amms’ 01" one com per myd’u til-(3‘ larch 12,’60. Keeper ol'lhe Cemeteb'. ' WM} he,'hu slmdy been paid, and m ‘ . ”—7 Huh, 7'h ‘ ; miwmtloanaddifionfl In: in (muse ' LICKRKNKM" CAMPHOR SOARI L 9? r . ‘ - ' ' ~ , . :1 prcventing and cunng the bites-f 1“ '1 33mm nick finmhmg or enzyme, “Ami “we?” “flow" mm‘“ . _.J_ , ; I:st mgr-ha??? e: a? «r 7‘ T; » D”- "mum" DWB+ 2‘: fiugmflx' 3.3 “ A‘ ‘s'" ‘1’“? 5 ‘l'“. ‘,‘ ' ' 4 * -4'.: " 1 ,-- .VINI. • -,.. At - 1 "arta c -.:' tiV • mm ffil ‘‘ . x 5 v Important to the Lad; ’ ‘ mun swrxn : , \{f wxsmxc mwnr '1 LP uanr‘ignv 11 j: nmv anHirig nmL :1»: ,5 a», n. W. "YULIIL‘RLH'Q‘S HH‘I \‘.'.\\ 51-213, m ligttjshux‘g. ‘lx:d!i'rl:2ll.l= ‘1 NV 1' . 'r‘. h Haw: par“), 5 (I‘m; l 1‘15! umnfr \\ho dczirl- H. f’Lor-smingm whil . 'l‘h‘x: mmjinn 'i; L‘nncn up'on‘ {m x-min tprinciphu MM is rnnsidvred by those wl’ i"(‘ll it in “Jo. thr‘ Lest that; hus' gvc bronchi. before H2O public. - ! Amomz’thc nmny :uhnntugns oflh‘i over .1“ other: may hemenliuned the 1(le } lat. Its simplicily ot'conntruclinn. m.. - tilmustn)lpo=_~il-lc to pet out of ochr. 1 P 2!. Its greed, which astonishcs ali ; olvnmu r unvl the locker ’on. ‘ Jd. T! e Lu-xlity “hh which it ndglpt to the bu”; or quantity of clothes dcsirc mulled. 4'll. It washes equally well 'the (in‘: lighicst'f. brie, or flu; coarsest and he such as lwd-qqilts. comforts. blankets, -: sth. Cm be‘mdna’qu by a child fro -12 your: ofuge. ' I Urh. Consumes§ less scm; thym an ‘process of washing: | ‘ 7th. Will Lat as lung as-nny other tu 51‘ me 9:318. . am ‘5 {m min the labor. May :2, 1802. .~ Certlficate. . . DAMS COL'.\TY, -PA.—-We,‘ the sigma}, bomb) acuity that we hat and me vsiug now, C. W. lehhrrt's‘ In: t Washing Machine, and are hilly sathfied is juat lhe Tub Mr. S. Sheny representl be, and supcrudes nugthmg of the ki have ever seen as yet: combining, as lti great spcvd with muc labor, and path its work in the 11:63! satisfactory mum": We, Lhcrul’orc, recommend“ to fiery in the county with great. ylwsure. z ' George Geyer, _ Maria Ge) er, Catharine Meals, Sarah Shorl’t ‘ Upton T. Forrest, Sam]: E. i-‘o res] Christian .\iusscim \n,»(‘:itlm'e Cfiiuséd John (haunt-rli“, Martha ChamLcl April 12. irtj'l. *' -' cyW " ‘ OHN ~FAREIRA, ' (1.50. 718 Arch SL, A below Eighth. south side,Phllmieh»bin,im~ porivr Pml’ mluul K tutor «.2 wind umh-ri nll kinds (4! —l"‘\\(‘, FURN‘. fur Ladim' mu Children's wear. ‘I JI sirr to any :0 m; iriends of Adams 351 ilwsurruun‘liugmm ‘.ic: tlmt ‘} lunc‘no‘ MI More. mm cf t‘. lurgeri “ml mm! hum lilnl I-zorvvncubs of n]! kinda nn-l qnaiities o! FAMIT 1' UPS, for L nliL-~' un'l (‘klll.!r¢.-n" Wear. that will be warn during this I" ll] and Winter. My Vur: werv purchnqm] in I}.lrope.pn’~\mus tofilc ride in S‘efling Exchange nnd the New Mil) “turned on all furs, imported since the (its! rif (A Lulu-L ‘ dl would also since, that as long MI my stock site. I \\‘le ofl‘vrflt at pricm pruxmrlinnme to \\ hat (:.L‘ 'llva .- ‘n K mn; but it n ill bc‘impoui hk' ‘fur m;- m I wort and .\lmulhctura any min-e Yuri. uni! .rrll them “11er same pm-‘os. uwin': m the nu guled state or tLe atflurs of llfitfl‘utmry. _ w = SAE Ell »of {Le . Vir_u "y‘ hf =I , ‘ . . wiicmtmbc Vgrhn'n.‘ 35. x.» ..t' {EB-Il '* to the i » ‘ 550;». 15, 1°52 ‘x‘m‘ of _V _ ‘ ‘gjg +2ll '_‘ 1‘ ‘ ; ‘ A noecmszs «.m- G mm: 59m!) :The undersigngh V int-iv}? Grocery :1 ‘ 01 3mm] of W. { ‘74" dim- (H 4 ME Wlll ; Hwy \\'-.1! (fondant! . peynor'xl \‘Jr'wty o {I ‘UUI‘I‘I‘II‘H. .1 SL’UAHR, ‘{ mufl ‘i'lm by ulyha'n g V: w . '1 k- IUHII: ‘ Inns. ‘1 51mm 'J SH) mug :H rlllwh-I all N“ immcl - IMB of :15 nrw “k mn- Hunky N? 'm“ 1!;iI‘Ll;Tn NI. 0 r n ihfith am; vu-‘n CHLVFEC'L‘IUXS. MEE Fur (Jep‘ms 0. “('— z'rm u. .\va (Jimmy t-vv'wme 1111!, urni 411.1131 11141114: (1 the for 1111- ] 11'11- >1 ' JP. Vin . 'onlJrzo tN-y nre‘prnp'uml “hithxmll hc 111 'l‘lzr-y (I'll~ 1' 511: h In 134 w M 1" 11.1.1411 fire as a 11511}. . nec• UM ME “..1513‘” —4 JES!—-,. . mum“ T T T 1“.” ‘ “[1111“ f) Ullalol- 3' H T l f‘. :1 600.0003 _ GYYRTSJDI 4 L‘ PLATE (‘0 ;; :‘Ni'flih >2 \r muss)“, <*n§:.;-'¢h-l .\u;‘. 1* grin'l‘ if HA! U'H‘j tun-r} n to ..ny‘ M or .\h’u'! rli ?] fifty L'l'mS‘ 31-10 Jl‘ my». ‘ , ' l 3‘ i: um f)[;'m' n‘ (”(#qu mun; NI: "-u.ln-i'(".:-:.'I! I VIZL‘n" {LHLELW Lv'lwmr. ‘ %, 0r- Silk-e, mlius, Julio! cL-s. 1 Hu‘anmtnn my I‘. :3'. xlmi l'l Mk Igc'sti‘d Ii u fur ‘ SM 2‘ r 5! \VO ’ ‘X’rir m] iiltrm é‘lurnix. ‘J «M our 5 :VVJI’. l-d-—-‘.‘.'l n! 'u-w‘y Sum. (.'.. % I’rund‘o and fi'nh with ‘l few hzmlr ‘l'l‘!.'.’{:42l‘. . ‘ ' I at: I fi'mn, lI h ES 5 lug-r3ll} rat [or ~11) .v. ' 9 i,‘ .\‘Q T’x'o “Ln qug Kim.” Mn'xhn !, It“), pll uh? I! Hlnrl'sh'zrr, ‘.IJ. MEE Izztltlf'zl. Mn" u c )Ifiuuv -5‘12 mnl l‘nunjj. l!‘w_.'m Uifiu'lr (h: “I" Ira ‘hl‘mm' ..1. \'l mm 13' rrhuulwl. LL! n‘n‘s TUL’ NICKY, 021 m, Ih‘c 01113 nu‘lliu'i‘ hg‘lnrlmrut“ .\l filming m error i 1;) our zillions 1m 1:.( (. um. “ULOYUS .\1 ‘LAw AW 1’ mm Lzr‘ Irr 61 r r |- iluw‘mn‘ (.3. Srl'z?l¢l:l\'.{i:—‘ “Ar? unvl'Wm. ”0 (MN. Um:J Mm. I rum 1. infilfnl- Jails, USEINI :.n1 umJ“ n m. T-ia~.la~n—l..liu n :- SEM mm H, 11ml ix: =MIME E- Pram. :-‘1 Ya >ll S! In) 011 ham, .\ £Ol3l. vgrir: 511 W“. - ' [XVWHI' ‘J. m..].nni'n—SL. Miu‘nissippi, lIiVP , mpl '5. lbw-A5l: nr.m:}i:ny: the M :A‘i “Mmpnrrlms‘l :I:ng bfztlvz}! Mllm‘vh‘lm. {'l ‘the '59 “P ‘ 111 mm»; \5 pd. Xo} [B63* I E Nth: WW ‘0 mp. it. {he -[w Stratton, NATIONAL ¢ ‘ ‘ ' ‘l'. j S. E. cox. 7 Newfi'ork Ci ty, Bro‘ Pftyoirt, VClQVchm lvncw (Shave "Féxen I;m,k. kc". 1w: 1. Anllnhctic. Comm pnluirgur v, .\‘-'.. pm lidlinc t inq: 211 g it Thefie (‘oilogw h and local mumgcnl nfl’nntagea of “IL! ivipnr‘iin: infirm-:1 institutimxsin the. ‘ ME itse f to 'A Schoh‘rsh’ip is_ fur nn unhmitrr} ti Thfil’hiludulphi enlarged 11ml remr' and is ‘lgow -the In Commen Ell Institu‘ Bryhm & Slrxul ombmnixg Bock'k melic, and Cmn‘merl by mail. ' I :t an?! riest, Ck 10 lo dthcr EMI WFM full pm (m. flu; mm. L 515 m: , ;, ' Towni ‘ “1E undersizn' 1 public that h; S KING AND RE: diflerqut forms, ch count}. All “ ork! ‘Lion_tqcustom‘rs. ‘ exc‘uupge for work? uder: i used, fared .113! it . it 10 "d we. ‘50,“. mmg {it-(sthxirg, Jun Gchaq Attractmn , AT SGHICK'§.—’—I hwe just ppenrd the most complefie usprtment. 9f SPRING GOODS ever received in this place. In stylé, quality and price they cannot be surpassed:— Withqnt stopping {.O pnniculnrize, I my limo ECM 1. man, 1111). all, cq'me 3nd Ree. ‘ 7 April 14,1861, 5 ND‘DOX’T FOEGET‘EO VISIT PLEASANT A RIDGE NUR.‘ERIE€~T-Persons wishing to Plant, Tlcos willvfind the shock in the ground remarkably fine, and offered at reduced prices. The Apple numbers 100 (aunties, embracing"; all the uppm‘ed’so‘ns. . ~ . N. 3..—See the iprlex board near Flora Ddei Pos! office. ‘ 'l'. E. COU‘Kwk SUNS, Sept. 2, 1861. K Propritlon. . 11; kinds of'STRAW’ GOODS, embracing A “en's “. 111 Boys’ Hm, Misul‘ and Chil dzen': Han, Bmm Eoods,~&c., m., a: ‘ A3lll 3). ‘ i . RathlclhfllNY’lw PlO ~nmnounum‘rr and street. ; ‘ JUHV I’AHI‘IHIL ‘ )713 Arc-u Shem, l’hiluJ'u. . I 5211‘ , t 'env Firm. nm'lsmxx rnr'lTS,Co.\'- 5W3". NOTIUNS, m. I] have gum: intu purine-whip Al l’rmi inn Mailman. at th‘e iHespio, in York slrnet. one s Howl, (:omychurg. where 13‘ Lvep oxrh m}! {..1- min, 'a h ' . ' - n . $0045 11) the Ir lune, uz . .\ssns. ' SYRI‘PS, TEAS, HRS": : 5“ “K ’l5”. POT \TO'IQ, 312 A)“, km, A N D F' E E D, v (if ’ “ATP“. 1 . .\‘HTIC'NF, kf'..in .. kn. 0 t 3! Ilonl Jurylv in (‘HAL . [..‘l \i PS—g-prumizinq :1 good or and u fine msortmcm off ‘ “.8 Store yLn'l Wfiro Thoma, E") In kt-vp u Llrge dock. all of“ own; 01" :u jha ulmuut run-s. rm in: u: huh: never hereto -li4 1” mo. No‘ofi'urt. :nnred to 1.10350. Gun. A. 'mmnm, JUHJI‘U S. UILLESPIE. 153313 or Female 713.1.20‘1'9 9 NE\\' STERL‘ '.‘(TY lIUU‘IHL‘E) “HP HI" TATE“. <‘.\‘l\'.\lL\H, .\ND wK ermn n- 4-nt sunms. | Wimp-mt Suguuu to cn-; 011‘: Univ. ‘l‘ ‘ i 317,1 an (Vt-unrwlv: Lv (‘Ol - :zllgnl the lov. [rrlx'L' l-f 0 I1.12XI\‘2111‘(: L-ngnuud an ”11>: mm‘w \l m. Img it h {21:0 a ..'?” \i‘ M H‘ ml the 1'11}! :1 «‘l-xubim‘tl m an". Lghi'm' ) STATION and distums Azomnn or than 31 m 5“) per lmUx' I'll Imps t‘unt unmot | the mnnvy. t": L) try. m, h'uu' tq canvass Wt“, .llg- “.rjr‘nlc {«‘r our “ups in urn \. (‘mmln Raglan l, A "oft 'n" h: v;.' ht murk- A‘Lollus cnpi' A]. 33 ('-.~- .I. 'l‘. LLHYI‘. 2 llrnnv'mu" .\'- \\' York- "-13 um (Ill‘ .\l'n hf Vir- H’vm‘r; 1x mu. 1'4“". #101), mvrkvl .‘Vlti Inn l'r-uL‘ “1:1 ”(thu. \\le.:m-pmr " .\\l‘mmif l‘urd, .unl all :1r',,:1.ul 1‘ 'ry uthvr plum lid. and L'(*n;.~_\‘l\‘:mi.l, on KIRKPIHPAL “.\I’OF KEN f‘sl)l_‘x\.\.,.lu.l ILLIXUIS. is “fur U ml. Ln ll :ml '.‘zc \\‘ tr July rot’uu-h-J to any one iii. I’m-e :H)l‘onli. t Tnhunn, .\.lzg. 'l. ‘ W 1H” ‘.lillHXl \, “ARV !x' \\'lz\'~.\\l.\‘.—.'l‘!:o .\Lp i< 1: b x! ’.‘s cunts, and x 1 wJ/u' .'sz u]. . ' I‘ '.‘.l \P 0? THE MISSIS n .\czml Sl'rri'vs by ('ast. i“ .‘viil-ai-fipyl Inn-1: Inluh, u“: tau-1y nun} phnlMion ‘50:“ St. La .E~ up, (21:: u! ~——e\or_v San l-h tr. bl Im]. all _n] 1.01 '1) mun Inn 1‘ troll In t:()ll|~li.'-< 1m! Stan-s. >3: Vlwthvl' :4 IF'I. uml H'v‘. If few. 20. l’rnm g’c: .b‘ 1. I: ~, M I 1 ruins. MY [3129 VLL§Y4B~I|L 1i,1~..3. .. : Sifi|lll‘n"'yoHr .\E: [E df‘lhe \\'hh Ill‘il r: per hu‘udrud :ml (_‘haxivi H. l).l‘i~,l‘om ipr‘gqumdrbvr, 15 nmlmriz any as me required iorvuac LLEF‘ Sec‘j' of the Navy ‘ Byant 8: Co.’s, I)L\ZER"I.\C COLLEGES, CH'EDD' ‘. MB \Dzzu’uu, :1 As» (‘nnwrg 31's. a H} n. A 13).: my, Troy, Bufl'alo, H, Chin :lgu unalSl. Louis. ’cmn.m»!np. ('ommcrcizfl rrClJl Law. Forms, Coxrcs imlly laugh; ‘ ’ ting un‘ley thé same gencnil um. and unjmxgin each the lam-r gruiuv'r {mimics for or) than any (ft/tor similar ounrry. ‘ , . 1““! 1)} fly one is good in all 18. 1' iCollege Igas barn rereufly xshod in a superior manner, facst and 'x’rios‘ prmperous ion in the Sum. ”'l‘: series of Text Books, topirrg; (Tnmxaerciul Arith i.|l Law, for Sale, and sent icuhlrs send for a cbcalur . | . . Oley -Ahea d. . ‘d respectfully informs the ! continues the CARRIAGE I‘AIRING hugiucsg in “Wits aper than an: shop in the firm-ranted to give sutisfncJ ‘ Country produ‘he taken in in mhrkehprices. f ‘A. .\1: TUWXSLEY n 24. 181:1. \ J. L. SCHICK __ -_rflfim. r Come jto the Fair! a ’ '.e‘ " finsze- ; , .- .v‘e ~.e . 4 " » i ' ‘ z 1.7% not“ mars 1866]: l New ‘.Goods li-‘Large Stock! I The Old and Reliable. . FO3 1863.4-59REAT LITERARY AXD PIC- ERPHANT TAILORING. l EW SPRING GOODS. , TORIAL YEAR -—Tln: pultlirher of RI JACOBS ‘& BRO. 'N SMALL PROFITS k QUICK SALES.‘ butler“ Lndy's‘ Book, thankful to ‘tlmt public hme just receiven from the cities it large stock J . l. ’. S(lit,l G' K ' whicn’hiis enabled him to publish a magazine ol'gooda for Gentleman’s wear, embracing a would rerpt-t-fiully any to the citizens of Get fur the last thirl} -\hree years ol'n larger circu. 'ariel’: of , ‘ , 1 tyahurg and \ieinity, that. he is now receiving htionl than any in .\merlcq, has made an ar- ’ CLOTHS, , at his store it apleudid ' ‘ Moment with the most popul \r author-en in! . CASSIHERES, STUCK. 0? SPRING 0001'“. ’ this country—MAßlON HARLAND. antlzoreu - , VESTXNGS, The stat-k conrlsts in_ port of Fancy 9nd 0! “ Alone." “'Hiddvn Pll'h," “Mun Side," Cnuinets, Jenna, he. with 1!”! other good“ Staple DRYQOODS, of every ducrigtio’n. “ Nem‘his," and “ Miriam," ‘who will furnish I {for epring and lummer wear, ' . . - ‘BILKS, ' story lor every number of the Lndy'n Book for l ' They aretprepared to make up garments It MOZAMBIQUE,‘ e 1863. This nlone thl plnce the Lady’l Book the shortest notice, and in the voryhOet mon- GHALLIES, __ ’ l m I litemry POinl 0" How far "hand of any her. The Fashions tire rcguLlrly-receivcd,and ' DELAINES, _ ; other magazine. Mnrionllnrlnnd writes for no clothing mkde in any desired style. Tbcy ol- BOMBAZINES 1 other pulrlicuthn. Our other tmorite writers waynnake neat fits, whilattheir sewing is sure ‘ ALPACOAS, “ ’ w ill all continue to lurniah articles throughout to be substantial. . . LAWNS, v‘ ‘ the yeiir. f : . I They n‘sk I continuance of the , ..ltlic's pn-l . ' 4 CALICOES, Tlll BEST .LADY‘S MAGAZINE IN THE ,tronsge, resolved by good'work and niudernte tat 3‘l qualities and .ehoiccst Myles. which will \"(IR D. .\.\D .'I‘IIE ClfEAl’lidT. lcharges town it. y be sold at PRICES TU DEFY COMPEI‘ITION. THE LITEIIhTL‘RI-l is of that kind that can, Gettysburg, April 7, 1862. ‘ FI'RXISIIIXG GOODS ' 1 be read aloud inithe Inmilx circle,and the clergy I -—-A ..e.. 'j‘ " “ ”—“,of 3“ kindg, including Silk,'Linen and Cotton in immense nutubers are subscribers for the l - Fresh Reinforcements. - Handkerchlcts, Gloves, Stockings, he. .‘ ‘ “Wk-l I t ‘ I I TREVGTIIENING om Posn‘tox.—Wa‘l M3O. I splendid *‘ssvrenent of RIBBOXS, Thcillusic is all original; and would cost 25 S arehona‘tantly adding new s"l‘Pn"s to all, _Laees and E-lgitigs, Ymhrofl’ng and Patrhsols.—¢. cents {(the priie of the Book) in the music nlready large and fashir‘nahlc -tnek o'f My stock of WHITE GOUDS‘wilZ'be‘found full stort-F'hutmoi of'i'is copywrightod, nnflcan- HATS CAPS BOUTH‘ .\\‘9 5114);}; land complete, Elnd cugomers may rely upon not he nhhxincthexcept in “(lodeyif ' l 'we have, qwerty ‘atvle ot‘ Spring and Summer” nhnlyegotttng good goods at the lpweet possig . Our-Steel Engr""i'lg*_“‘l efforts to ti"! '" Elma which in quality and price etmnot'fuil to , ble prices. . . , . t , ‘in thi have celfiued, and we now stand alone P 19“- Bo"! and m,“ Hats and Cup: of? Gentlemen‘wlll finfl it to their adrnntage to ii” I‘M“ “Wm" ut, Emu" as '¢ “"3“", more every description and of the latest st) les. our call “d ”“3""? “‘3' “Wk 01' ' ' t ' land in nittly h tter engravings than are I’ub'wstock of ’ ‘ CLUTUb, , a ‘ _ .lisluediin un'y 0 her work. - _ BOOTS ' t CASSDIERES and ‘ . l coat-y) itu n 59 Doonu; SHEET msrt. ’ SHOES . r . VESTths, IItJN-I’iLATRS, ontnining from fire to seven ‘ ‘ r ‘ GMTERS, 51,.“ km, of all qualities and choicest‘atyles. fig ' l tilll lengdr Colored Foiliiona on mach p11119.,—‘ wasflne‘." u-tere complete. Ladies. Gentlemen . April 21, 1862. 1 J, L, SCHICK. ' ‘ Uther ““FAQE'fcf gitze Only two: ,F‘” ahead 0‘ and Children can be accommodated with any- "“ Hwy F‘ hruns ”Europe or “ménca'. bodey‘s i'thlng in this line, as we tire hottertprepnred ‘3 “‘s‘ “I!" “'0‘"; m the world‘rnat 3““ we" now to give fits and greater Imrghins than ever “"5”" V“ l““"* and they era'such “awwhmlfbefore. If in want I-urgo'ir:. izood (its and 'n.\'.’;te< the woiitlerofpublishers 41nd the phblic. fashionable good: cnll at I e siltn of the BIG The p lilicntioh ol theeeplutea cost $lO,OOO BOOT m Ch‘amhersburg str t. a . more him Position-1 lntcs'ofthe old style, and ' '. t ‘ ’ J“N C(‘LP, ‘ tnothing but on ufiondert'ully’lnrge circulation June 9 1862- ALEX. CUBEAN. leonhlqs us to kite them. Other magazinesl flyw’ . .7 _ - . .r .- ._- l cttnnoiuflord it“ We never spore modey when Spmething flew_ the public can lie benefited. , . ~ llEvundersigned respettfih- t 1 The e fushio a may be relied on.‘ Dresqes‘ Tr] , frm the reciden‘ze , ' may h to do a ter them, and the wearer wulll {Get}; 3 ° aid vieinitv “I“ not. so ijt-et ltcr t-lf to ridicule. us Would be the ‘:0 hasysoggged a. \VATde AVD. JEWEER'Y use ithe \isui d the large cities dres‘a‘ed utter } STORE, in the room immediately in lberenrjof the style ut the platee pawn in sortie at our so Mr. J, L. Schick‘s Store, Kn-l fronting the c‘lng‘lF‘WDlon ’“Ki‘z'f‘es' .. . ’Square where he Intends keeping nu (resort: 0““ “ ”04 “g“"ugsv o.’ ""‘°h w" 3'" mento' wwcntas vatth-zr, SILVER, nnrl twicé (5r three t mes as many runny other‘rmng- ISI V‘l i’LATED’ WARE SPECTAGLES luzine, [lure often mis’lnlreln for anal. They are #01360,“ he Ihe *’ 1 ' “0 fur MPH“?!- 0 nnyi 0“"8'. ‘ ' ani'nq been connected with R firstscl =5 i Illi'gA'lltlhbi-Bewure ofthern. Rentemher Watch End Jewelry Store in llnltimore; 2m that the Lull)‘ 5 {look IS llle‘hrtglllttl [lllblll‘lllop lsevernl veers a=t he H lIH‘PMM m furnish gm'du'tdwlw‘” “youtyitlxcllhdeyd'ou wallt'ever article 3131'“: line or the low)!“ citv I“" uth'-r “”g‘a'ffm l"‘"“"i"g “'1” is useful ; riceys and all purchases will be wuumntied “.5 or ornamental lin a house elm be tound In, yeprcscn‘tcd , °. ’ . Goa”; . y 1 ‘v V , ~. r ‘ Frotnh. lon ex cricnce in \\'utt‘llz-Ffp‘firinflr 1 “HRH"! (““5” l:\_ AP.‘ “‘\f’h' . ' [especially offi‘fte “can lies, hei: prcpurcll tp do [ U'lo‘ljopy 0'" {”93 b" 1“” t,<-»li:e‘s‘.‘one ‘ all kimlg ofthlt-h-work promptly. in the best We“? "I - Thl“ ‘___‘°|‘.‘f‘"°”“ 5" "" ~?"' I'm” manner. and guaranty the pt-rl'ormunce ofit.‘ l dim“, “mm.“ a‘ U eupufilpne your bi, {Am- twins; one .\enr, und‘l He Will keep “hull“ ,0" h 'ntl " latrr't: 31:01- _’ (‘I dr' i. (”HAW ‘ .1 “ i on chlti copy t .tlm person :ruxlm}; t/he clob, 1 ment of SPFUT-kCLIZH “fill Sm-c— a P‘ I , ‘ not”? Lt}. ‘l., H, . .\‘lO. )llipht cu] its nneie tr, and no e.\trn copy 1 talcle Glassefi; hurl “filing niut-lij-W ’ l 1" thebperfion S udmg the clul», rli” llleven :eipcrienec in adapting Ihmn m the sight, is ‘ "1"” 0”.“ “w" and ’l” “s‘!“ “0"" to the per- Prepared to fit all who net-II tllem. . : s‘!“ sd‘"‘"‘~’"‘° “MVP-’0" - . J HAIRJEWHLRY mmle‘to order in the Ingt . L.~eonly ugazmetlint cnn he introduced ‘ stvle. and fl «rent “We“, m.,], “(_“H‘W [Mm irto the above. clubs ‘in. place ot the Lady 9* 'JEWELRX? repaired.in me ”Hm“ "mmwn Book I? Arthur Home .\l_ug.‘r7.|nc. i ' | - - JUnl-ll'll ”EVAN, seat Lu. ctr". m. mm brutal: tun” \‘i-za. _ ' . (lm‘FF’s Lad) 5 Book :ind Arthur's Home Gettysburg, Dec.. 23, mill. ll Ilium/.119 both me year lur $3 50. Godey's L uiy" liuok an H. rper‘s .\longioe 'thh on: _Hnir‘l')!‘ $4 51)., Guile-t. Harper and Arthur “:11 ill three i) sent one tear, on receipt of srz-mu l - 1 Tu ttll“; .‘Zott aml Notes oflull solvent banks Liluru l 1 par. ll: t ttrl-lul nut .\tlvlrtss SALT, ~ {5.2; CH" X\l\'l3,Xd‘i.:. GREAT I~ Thrii 0pm”: (11.? _i__._.__.. HE} “3335'“. \ li.v.">‘il:.‘.T:‘.n. 1 ”I..:LHH 'rif'm. l‘l‘.l(‘l~2, 1.27:. 'l‘. ‘icrmvs :\1..-‘. the PhlVlii' .\rl‘ right i\ fix-«'- ‘lit‘:illg¥’"hit:llis“'ll)‘ill=;l|\3.in'glflllhic :lrm li\x‘,vss'ilillllll r‘rp-t. :lml‘ V:---i~i\'e‘po thri iv. ull 'ollnu hi 4 riv: uflll“ Wm (..r Linerlltnion. 111 iln- no will the in r-iic ‘fill‘lllfl. pmicnt =ull- ll 2. and h ir-hrcmztli e~c pork 9! mir ml ilifl's :zlml : i.lnr.', 'and its incidents [\vil' {mm the ilnlmc of cu: \‘crs man :u innumerth fire; .540: for you: ld Quint. It .will c nhin. in :i.llliiiiin in its all ling dei:\il<.tlid [thirtiqlililit‘nl ‘\:..~lylis u“ the‘G‘mso: nl' tln: \\‘Lirl by JOHN l.n'rl:'zb:' .\lu‘rilafii ”.11.. Author of TTh Rise L»? tin-“pun 1: lie} ihliv,"i-tc.. 'lIL' lizllufllof: ll the ”uranium event if“!!! (he John Bilnw raid, 2111?] m 1 m-curit and n-viwx] Mccouliil. f the pripviyldl h:ltllc< wi"|i (‘llghu’lnfl‘ith ‘ Um'hli'r-l the prnvecvl: 0‘ all tha‘ri ilions 50m (lin-H, HI us '\Giil be given for the Re ielpf l).s:\l.l ‘ll Saldierli. and all portons who‘ isli a oan olxlm wurld. and also In libncfit-th sol- I!im,~. Elinnlil .-(‘l Ll llivir n um.- uvnd mdlréss zit num‘. ;;\l~n, nn_ (lliircl‘ 0r primiv. ‘or [lemon in any». ting: of lw nmmry. ll‘|\ inglqaqwl’ledgg “fa liqmir act {lf stirring in'-'iilonl, uil‘l pblige ué b} sending 11“”!!! M'vu'lut of il.‘ ‘ ‘ liu Hist-Hers, lliwlmuqrrfi. Mid: Clim‘fl .\':enN will L:- llrni<hgnl \\'ll‘l u Sulfiqi“ I’ri)~yi(»c:ii~‘. nu Ihulir-ninn n; the liuhlp‘hi WA hlmxgllmunnisdnn givvfi lo so 4%.: .ug to act ushgcuh in mkmgfiiubwri Tma ms‘TdnY Trams, -RV Dr. J. 111-‘3l Vol. I. now ro Thif is pruhal port mt “uni: no We hue nlmj. tho fiullmving II: THE lll’h‘lXEh‘S How to Sufe \I according no.l and [Afl't‘rt‘Al ' l‘rico. .\L A OPI'UI'JL‘XITIE‘ THOUSAND v] Cloth. $l. 'l‘ l‘lxjnglaxn'l. ‘ Eye” bqsin‘eu lllesfz books. 'l'- dred} fold. Ever} thciqsons. \ these book .of price. \ ng boukw, w procure um ‘\l' ceip mail “ill .um I ere, on‘ro Lujm. Ad ME Pianos—Per of my best. mnke 3.173 a handgun: address Puxo, ca Agents, New Yul- July 21, 1861. Cann NEW .\IARBI. moré and E. pnsite the new fining recently a feeliqg fully com ‘ the finest. style of 1y invite the nttc procure anything call and exdmine are prepared £0 {u AS I) HE A DbTU SLABS for Cabin -umkers, and all other work appertaining to mgr business, at the lowest. pos sible pl'ices. We xdo not hesitate to guarantee um our work 51m}! be put up in a manner sub stantial and taste ul equal (0 the best to be seen in the dick where every improvement which experie re; :13 suggested ls availed of, and especially do teryund Grave Y set as not to beat min for years £11: It the completion continued grace“: Nov. 23, 1839. , \ Now g 1: the Tlme ‘ O BUY: ‘ ' - . T COATS, {YR-181‘s, PANTS, #O., of every descripqonhfdr Men and Boyshvery low, at ' PICKING'S. LL the beat Eaten! "Medicine: end. he had at the new Funny Drug and Prescription, tore of E . Dr. R. HORNER. Ago; Anow B' 0g Corn Styrch, Rico-flu: and Gelatin, t‘or sale‘u: Dr. HORNEB'S. rug Store. » ‘ , ‘ - aflonnns, Id use 'fa Pam 3&7:- m-pm. 3 L,50311.¢m p’ay thepnsta‘ge on your letter LJA GUDHY, | ut Surat, l’hxlddulphidhk’a. ImpOKs IN TREES "mg Incidents}- iuu RJEELLIUN; ‘ (v I. y m: UV’R SULDIERS 51m Mam AND sstng ption diets tion: IF \\I‘IRICAV .\UXI‘, mml HMS :{ir m-so.’ M'lvßmxur. ' 2 mm. B'ro. If. Yul. 11. nmrly rm'wy y Ihr lan-wt .md most im in tho Amy-”man prl‘ss. :t puhlirhrul nnwwlifions of 'll] um! I‘vnpummlmoks: !.\.\".\' LITHALADYISER; or,‘ un-y. hy (“mum-ting Businessr Iw. 1% vxpuumh‘d by the Best huriucs. «10.0 pp.,'shaep.—- i- ‘ FOP. ~INDITSTRY; on, A" f\.\'(‘ilS‘TO MAKE MNNBY. is has ln-dn republished in {man and dark should have lay “in pny llxeibuyer m‘hnn | ercym alnouldlgct then for are mailed. postpgid, -n xe e [my purucular ultent on to upping them carefully and send, po'stpnid, any ‘book ipt ot publishers’ pfic¢ and ess~ ‘ ' < V FREEDLEy .t co}, : une Buil«lin}gs.:New Ydrk. - oris who wish :9 buya Piun'o . will beshqwn‘how they can bum in the purchase if they oJov. Col: & ngl’ubliihers' T. 0‘ Dec. 2. 1y i int & Adfkir's ) \\'(HlKS,’cornor of Balti <t Middle .su-ects, dir‘ecmy op-‘ gar! Hd'use. (inquiring.— rived from Philadeiphid,nd Item to execute all wotk hr» l he art, we would respefitful- a 'on of the public wishing to} in ourline, to favo‘r n 3 Vcha; pemmens of our work.l We 4 nisll MUNUMENTS, TdMBS ES, MARBLE MANTLES, , e guarantee that our Ceme d work shall be so carefully T ct'ed by frost,but shnll main erectness of positiqu given -f a job, aqd no neceunry to noskaud symmetry. : I ~ New Goods ‘ 9mm counszm'umr‘n Goons: S FAENESTOCK Itfgn'l‘HTZflS lm've‘jusj receiv‘od and are nnw o'p'miugn Lurqc and choice assorlmnnt 0! SPRING (MODS, to which they invite the :memion of :he public. Having been purrhasod with 1::er at rrducwl prices, 'we are prepared to give mgr cuflmuors bargains. qu Stork has ber-njarg‘plv iucr't-wsmj by the alldition nl‘n choice vm‘ivlv of the hurt styles of LADIES' Dill-:38 GOODS, mnuriul for MEN'S” WEAR. CARPHTITCH, QUIZZES— 'WARE. MILLIXERY GOODS, km, cmfipri 721;: a cbmplete nssorlment of ovcrylfin: uquy wanted" CAll early and ‘snlm-L hu‘guim for yourselves. FAHALS [OCR BHU'S; April 7, 1862.. 4 - ‘ » , New Taxloring " ESTABLISHNEXT-4H“). I’.I'.L‘KEXRODE, , .I“ASHIH.\'.\BI,I'J 'I‘AILUH. _ .9" mgopts this mrflmd‘nf'informing hi: hinmh t‘nt the puhlic.gem-rul[v. I‘M}! In- Ims npeheu I ’l‘kilorin'g gamblishmcnt in Hullimom street,- Ge‘ityshurg‘;y(llw Pmt Uflll'fi.) "our the Din monvi, where he i: prepared to do all work_ in his fine in the lw<t manner. and to the Salk-q fiIICIion of customers: 11:: (‘.npll‘QS none snt first class hands, and roceivjnz ‘ THE FASHIONS Ill”. {I’LAPJAK ‘ he qnn \ynrrnm les'hio'nnh] [us and nut and €llb=tuntinl sewing. He ll\ 4 3.414er m the puhl‘q'a patronage. promisix‘ v to ware nag-I‘- furt deserve it. “is ch.” {-5 will alwnjs'be foum .ng r'muiornte u: the ”.5” u ii! :Illuw. , Cu ting and Ropnirin: du :2 MW» 'ilmrtht notic‘t‘. [Gottpbur . .\yvi‘l I. 186:. .1 » ‘ lTrees! Treesfi Trccs‘L HE nvnflcrshznsd invi'hi w 1.1 to thrir Luge and‘m-ll grown {)mh u't' " FRl'lT AND ORNAMEFTAL TREES" ‘ Shrubs, kc“ embracing a Ifiu‘ and rmnrlete asmrtmout'qf APPLES. FEARS. I‘liM'lHiS, PLI'MS. (.'IHZRRIS'ZS.x .\l'!!U‘Ul‘& nnd NEU TARIXES. Smm‘mulc‘or Il‘w (Irvhnrd, mill Dwnrl f 9? the GAnh-n. +2.\"?!r,l’>‘ll_\\'.HA’VT. , SPANISH CIH-ISXTTS. HAZLEXI'TS, 1.3.. RASI’BERRiES, STRAYm-Illlm-IS. CUR RA‘STS um! GODSEBERH HS, in we \gmr‘uqy. GRAPES o! choicest. kinds, ASI’ARAG! S, RIH'BARR Jun, &v. Also. “Tune :UK'R'Of “4:“ formed, bushy li\‘Eß(‘-lil-Irl.\‘a‘, suitable for the Cometvrv and‘lmwn. ‘ . DECIDLZUI'S TREES. for stract planui g, and g genemlusmmnent n! _ ‘ ‘ OI‘IVAIBSTALanmjs Ax'n rimwnmxa Smy‘ s. ROSES, 6f choic€ “mimics, CAMELI , BEDDING PLANTS, .’uz ‘ - . ; Onrlatock is re’markfiHy thrifly nmd fine, and we 033-: it :1“ pricvs to suit the timcs. ,' ' WCntnlogucs muilyd to ull nppfi‘c-nnlsl ‘ ‘Adnreas LDWARD J. EVANS, [z 00., g > Central Nurwries, York, Pa. ‘Mych 24,1861. tf’ ‘ ‘ e 1 Natrona Coal O’il. ARRANTED NOV - EXPLOSIVE' an is equal :9 any KEROSENE. ‘ WHY buy an explosive Oil, when a few can more‘per gallon will furnish you with a perfv Oil? Made only by PA. SALT IIANL‘I-‘A TURING C(HIPANY, N 0.12? \VALNL'T S'rnz: , PHILADELPHIA. [Fcb. 24, 1862. I‘7l, l . 1 l . Sapomfler! Saponifierl ;! ‘ THE FAMILY SOAP MAKER—AII Kitchoil Grease can be made inzo good SOAP, b ‘nsing SAPUNIFIER! Z f ' DIRECTIONS A’CCOHPANYING EACH "BOX! 'SOAP is’ns easily made will: It m'akingncup of cofl'ee. Manufactured onlv b . the Patenteea. PAI SALT MANUEAL'TURKN (Rummage. 127 Wuxur Sn, IfllllelD‘Al. Feb. 24, 1362. ly ‘ _ . _ / 1 , Bpectaclem Spectac‘ies. " OSEPIi BEVAN, sign‘ of the' Mel: and J Spectacles, in the diamond, bits ndw 0: hand a large assortment of Gold,‘|Bilver an Steel Spectacles, and is prepared to suit all who will favor him with a call. -' ‘ i K. B. (‘wsh Raid for old gold and silver. Jupe 2, 1862. . . ‘ '.0031! Coal! Goal. ' ; HEADS a: BUEHLER are nowr prepared to S supply GOAL, of superior quplity, in tny quantity desired. Terms, Gish. ‘ Cone One! Come All! ‘ ,‘ a fi-They also request thugs indebted It them to call "and pay up. as funds are mne needed‘. Who will be the first mall? och ppm: from 710 7. ‘ ‘ . ‘ Feb. 24, 1862. ’3 . ,~ . u Fruit Gang, 1'" I‘ll ' sizes, wholmle and retail; It BHEADS t BUEBLER’S9Stove nu‘d Tin. Establishment, Corner of Carlis‘le street and th Raihond. [_Bept. 8, 1862. YSONS’ flfly cent picture" as secureii hea‘cd. ‘ ‘ ; Tysonl’ fifty cent pictures cre water proof. Tysons' fifty cent pictu’res are entirely giunbl Tysong' my cent picture: are Imaurptulsed.V ; Tywm' fifty cent pictures Ire unnamed. ' Tymns’ fifty cent pictures are ’ut up in largi or mull can". [3a. 21, 1861. 3 ~._*___.. {pk ,c A . _H ERSONSin wunt of a cheap and fuhionc able HAT or GAP can be accommodated by calling at R. F. McILHENY’S. ARGE PHOTOGRAPHS made {ram Small ‘ iotureru [may reduced mics, M. t“ «Sky-light Gallery. ' i Vinegar-l-Vinegar. HE undersigned inns commenced whipimnnnfl fumnre ofV'i'negnn, nn Washington streew t few doors north of West Middle six-cot, Geti- ‘ tyshurg. Helms been- manufacturing line Vine- ‘ par for netu 13' one your, and it has given zgneml sntisfii‘etlon. The superiority pf this,\’iuégar over all other manufactured Vinngar, ‘conSis'ts in it. being made entirely of grain, nq acid of any kinll being mm! in its .composhion, and free from everything injurious.- it is; strong, and at the same timé [flcalsnnmo the taste-mud has all the preacrvaiive qunl‘ities fuum; in pure Cider Vinegar. lie is' prr-pnred to wimlvsnlg this Vinegar in nny quimtitg. Ca." midrxnm ina for yourselves. ; TADABi‘DiiIiIL. . : _L‘ . , " .. , Certlficate. ‘ - = E. the undrg‘sigllt‘tlt horabv certify tlngv. “e have u~ywl ixi our fiuuillus. lur vari ous purposefi-lhc ‘Vin ‘gur ‘munul‘uctx rod and sold by ADAM Dunn], 1211:! Hill.“ to Del all ,t'hut he represt-nts It lu'hP. ; We lmve {.\‘r \' [filed it find believe it tr} he slum-Hm; in m crx‘n-qu-ct, to zipy other nhmulm-{nrwl Vizi‘gu ‘wc have ever “31:11, and 9mm” recommend L‘lo all persons. 5 Wm. anor k Eon. Gettyshufirr, 'Jncuh \'n>9vf“k 5; ('u., “ r ‘ (‘utlm'i .‘.: (hlléwu', “ 1 John (‘ll mild-121m, Franklin‘twp , Levi Pit/me, ‘ fi- » A. mum. ()xf'orvl,‘ . 1 May 12,1862. |_\* ‘ , -: y 53‘” i ‘3?" ““11 W “A 4' mfi fr}??? “‘1 93"; lags-u: 0.4. a. $3” fl Somethingr New! ~ BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATED ,MAP ;O.\' THE I’lll?\'"ll‘.i'.\TlltN .\.‘\“ (‘lflfljl'llE l OF Flil'l'l‘ .\.\'ll (lß‘N\\ii£X’x‘.\ir Till-Iris” ; COMES “1'? living [>|l|7i:~llf*ll, \i'lt’it lij 0011 mm ‘, many magni'wonq l~l.ij;r.wing:, lam-l 1 "5 Trees and Yallplli himlsmt fibul'riutand Fruit. Trees, some of the= finrst ,-ll('l,'lllll'll5 that. have J ever been [mi on 1121110". The Fruit Trees are ‘set will) nimml int hurSlen: of iruit, similar to 'tlmi iihisli- llilii:1\‘lll"_“illi<‘ in plot-cu The trees Lure ri-pu «until :14 inning till ' running through the 572;] in n'ntnural l‘ mud the Engrrnin-fi of'flw-b uru Lit-Inn; igr'md' h ulsq‘t (nii~tir.'<.:i line litigmwiii lrcpr'csenis the inunmviuhle thetaivlLli/l 'ofa Vigoroni tree rnu'ti-ig through 1} ‘in“! sail. Tsile [loot !3ll:Y.l\'i!l2 t-m‘i linv‘be‘l in «Hf-meter i-n 11:;39r,,nnd tllF'Ji‘ magnificent eitlrrln'in‘z. li'liiultLi'nnnnt ll prove gruliiymg to iill‘ viii-u ()rllil who) ',liold it. Such an 0 Igtiiviug it”: nevi ipriuted bn paper I: (nib. .'l'l:e .enzm'v Hoots not only p'(l\'l" n-anhle to tlw [the eye. ‘Jtil i: df‘riu‘fl'q to were ul‘; {parlance w ull who ta'vsl- Au lllltlusl in ‘ u‘vutmn oft/truits uut'l lluu‘ to lie-ii l 1 pzo-perly. ' j A CI 'i’)’ can‘nins Tu onlv—fire Alil‘rrrnt ‘ iugsiol ITrees. Fruit», cum. v ’-, of llvorgrw-us‘, FHH'al, App! 7 ”\\'an l’) rzinitnl; Pt-lirnngl (‘licr . “ kc 'The Fruit] l-higrsx'ing: (. Rus‘plwnrivi. Uim—vberriru ll ‘ rlt”, (‘urmnhu Grapes, l’lu‘m ‘ cats. Pmra. l‘rridum‘Apples‘, A ' are all r ilnrr-tl ln- ll -n-l tel the natural mitt, mid til‘.‘ M'i-o: with piiut-jtl "latter oi grim , tuncmztnnl forni: :1 copy i:i-3i ‘ . 4|: int-hm, on nix}: purer. int" i hack and liner :lfl‘li~'il(‘:i. .‘A COPY. with it: mim runs cuyuvimw. will a lie ',tl‘lli"il"€! it the me, am! liil‘uiwnh I . admirable t-runn: ut tar the \\‘.lll of the i ‘ pnrlnr, "ml \\ ill richly-ho ruin; my . apartment with} illpl‘ilt ulluruh math 1- l j of“)uclrilnporlziln"infilll-lgl"'.t ‘TI i-Bir l copies are pubiislml n 3 :vt vurr‘v lit-wry i - expense.Tin-iitjitive‘dulldt~Lift-h»:n i pun] to met-trutrhc flyihl torlfiirm'i g the pinto! of #ihgle (engravings or f trees. roots, (lii. , y l 9,. i A COTY counting print 1 mutter 0f much im ' ,portnncq- mid grit-m. rith‘e ll Iwiil tell a how to treat nll‘ninds of Fruit Trees . ‘ io-n-uder them tax-y rigorous rind [ru -3 ducth‘e, even iul unfin'oruble Stu-mans. I it will tell bu ' to prelure the 50“. , ' ‘ wilhoutjm'onv uicnt-elmfrrefilanting [ tl.e trees~ in: to Vstrengthen trees much , in rinor, and Ldprnre the productive } A nose ofnlmudmlt ci’ops, even-in unfa l - rot-“Me suumml gr lot-«tinny, with -_ , ; _ ~ r proper mu! entry 0 brilrcutmem. - l - , A COPY will tell haw mi prepare and ppm! alli, 1 ”1:01“! W' Tlpt9n9 _~ .‘ ' kinds of Fruit hud Evergreen Tree-3,; .\SHIOXABLE- BARBER, North-exist for so as to plow puccessful, wiihlsm‘ree- nor, of the Diamond, (“Wl door to .llc‘ 1;, ever proving a Milure in}. lot of' blellau's‘ llolcl.) Gettysburg, Pm, “lime hf mnny [foes wbq‘n properly treated as ennui. :v‘ll timqs he found reudx to attend to ill. . glitcctt-d. I]. Will tell :how‘ to uni“ .busmess in hi»: line. lie but also excellent as , and plum lhmr‘ Pear Tree!» ,lt con~li~istunce find-WI“ ensure VJutiufuL-lion. ~6qu wins the mod tuccessful treyiunents: Ml“ ll call, 4 . flux. 3, law. for the culture fthe Pluin.‘ It Will ’ i ‘ - - -—-l » ww . ' tell how to :nlin and‘ cyliivinte thel «L ’ New Besmurant ' Grape. ‘ i (f. ; ‘ 1 HE hauler-signed lan Qpnned a Restaurant A COPY wrll tell how tn cull-fruit dud treat, at the corner onork and Liberty streets , Strawberries, ‘(furmulg Rniplzerries, 'etlysburg, where he will keep evorytliiugi In Blackberries, Gboseberries, etc. i the eating line in semen-also Ale, Luger, and A COPYAviH tell how to tren! I’th trees, to, Cider, Segara, Tobacco, kc: [Heels likems restore their rqols healzhy from th'e , titling up u Saloon for Ice Cream at. the ram ' disrisu'ous eflects of wqrux insects. lt; place} llle bums, by attention 10 business”: will tell how whinke moiofan appli- , 'a desire to pledge, to receive a liberal rlmre o cation om tut-{soil iuiruuuding‘the, custum. 113 an w. cumsmm. tree to prou‘ctithefeulrh "in: other} 315115, 1382. - > . ‘ tender fruit: fr the effects 0 being ' . .' “ " 'fi‘ f ”""* 7‘ . , . 'wiuier-lullr-d amine lmd. The nutrie{, Gram & Grocery Warehouse. l alewfion “mi ”"0"" 116th trees ‘, RANITE STA'l‘lU.\'.>The undersigned IM‘ {'o'." taking the yellows, Th“ ”99'" G leased'Kll'lg‘é Warehbus’e, at. Grimm " canon has ‘l'.“ benctwiak Elli-cu to t'wn,on the Gettysburg Railroad, where hel ~p4reaontt‘he fuliuge ofthe greeehmlthyx uow €lll,2llqu 1,, the GRAIN, 930;)ch 9n and the tree‘hgomus,‘anrl “9““ I"’iGROCERI’ ‘business on at large scale. TB ”‘5 Pro‘luF“Y°"9E° °f luscioueruits, . pays the highest. market: iriccs for Wheat, Eye The “Pl’ncmmn to 'be'lapnl‘sdli‘ “mi Corn, Oats, Clover Secdf. Timothy Seed, gc" , ”l'en’ive’ A“ have sulficieu: m 1 and sells Gréceries of all kinds, at film layout wrials on their yluntationl. ; | living pmfim ‘ A COPY will tell how to Preserve all kinds 0 l (Eire him 3 call a' 3 Fruits withlittle or no sugar. in will i satisfaction. . tell how to keep Apples with, inuch- Sept. 1 1862. , success} It will tell how to tram Indi ’ , ‘ manage Penratomaturc perfectlymud ‘ to attain to the highestflaror. 1 A COPY presents its numerous rpitzturesraall at a glance, and forms such en augment for the wall as Wilhbe namired y rill lovers ofnrgdrmwn from murals pro ~ ducts. . , ; Those copies are published by 3 H. F. MWPETEM. Neat'Bendersville, Adams co.,jl’n. ”Thump is fini§lted with Rollers Ind will be forwarded by Express to my pinpe or dered, on receipt of necessary amount fil’rice $2 per copy. Adm-ass ELF. M. Puma, Nursery. Floradnle P. 0., near, Beu denvillelAdems ce., Pa. _ f July 21, 1862. [Non 11,’62. Iy] STEP into McXLHENY'S and see the immense quantity or HATS and 0.5198 that he has just received. Costs nothinrpo look. ‘ ‘ DIUSLINS at low runes, iron: 6 cent: up, can be had at we cheap'itore of FAHNESTOCK BROS. ENGLISH mm? (31112333,: véry finezu'. flclemow to be bid 4“ H. G. CABR’S. ADIES’ DRESS TBIIIINGB, “Ingram. n riot], .8 i 50 084's“; \ ' _ " ,' ’\7. I ’ isncasterßoßk Bindérifi GEORGE “'IAVV‘T, \ll o 0 K E IN D E R AID nun nuox nnuucwnn, Q } . LANCASTER, PA . Plain Md Omammlal Bmding, of every 0- l uription, executed in the mos}. substantial d ‘upproved styles. , ‘ ‘ annuals. ‘ IE. W. Frown, Esq., Fnrmera [Link of LnnculLl. ‘ W. L. Pelper, Esq., Lancaster County Bunk Samuel Shock, Esq., Columbia Bunk. Samuel Wagner, Esq., York Bunk. Wil‘liam Wagner, Esq" York County Bank. I‘. D Carson, Esq., ngkof Gettysburg. l ‘ Petgr Martin, Esq., Proth'y oanncuster 00., I. Geo. 0. Hawthorn, Esq., Register “ '5 Geo. Whimon, Esq, Recorder 3 April 15, 1861. Town Property A l T PRIVATE SALEr-The undersigned 1 fez-s at Private S-{e the Property in whi e new resides, situate in, East Middle 511'! Gettysburg, adjoining S. R. Tipton on the m and Mrs. Mcßlroy on the out, wh‘}: an alloy in the "rear. THE: HOUSE is a two-story Frame, Wentherboardcd, with [m‘ Back-b‘uilding; a well of water, with a path; it, at the door; and a variety of fruit, lam?o apples, pears, peaches, «prints, chem-id;- grnpaa,nll the most. choice. , ZAOHARIAH MYERS Nov. 12. 1860. If Gettysburg Marble Yard. EALS J: BRO., IN EAST YORK STREEI M GETTYSBURG, I’A.-—~Wlxero they a prepared to furnish nll kinds of work in th=l line nucl‘us MONURH‘INTS, TOMBS, BEA] srdmss, murmur, ac...“ thenhoneu n lice, and as che‘ap up the cheapest. Gin 115‘ Cu“. 7 v. [Lg-Produce inken in exchange for wart. . Gettysburg. June}, 1862. 1.! ‘ - - The Great Discovery ' ; F THE AGE—lnflammatory and Chron " O Rheumatism mu he curbd hy us’ing‘ H. . MILLER’S CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC ll! " ITURE. Many prominentrcitizcn! of this, a (he adjnining ('oumiN, _hm'e tentified to ‘ grmat" utility. =lts sun-Ms in Hhvumulic aff tion-3.1“” bot-n hillu'rlu unpnrullclod-hy n: apeuitié. inh‘odnvml m‘me pmmu. Price ‘eems‘fior bottle. For szilc by ull «hugging n‘ . Storekeepexs, Prawn-«l only by H. 1.. MILLE \\Nliolcsnle and Retail I‘lrugqiat, linsrllcrli Adams county, Pm. dun!” ixjx Drugs, (ihvmira Uiis, VnrniH:V .\‘pilitj. l’uiufls, liytuqmfl‘s‘, h .llcd Ulla H—‘l mm: and Tihrtun-S, \\'imlr ULus, l’crfulm-ry, Pawn .\[jfl'dll'illf‘zfl t§(".,‘.§c. , [gym I). I:.whlvr is 111$ -A;:4-nt'in (iruy :burz lor " HAL. Miller's Uv‘lehmlml “ht-um It HliALuro." ‘ alum: 3, 1861.. t! ‘>—-Av w—r‘rr ~ ‘., —- } .A. Ready market. . . ~ : - m'smcgl‘s mum W.\.\" |_] ()(]:1 ){)‘) lift—“H lune mLM Hi iimuw Luv-'v owinn ml luv K‘im‘lullcr. BUI‘ZL-g & (‘O,. with :1 Ilel min «Linn Lu Im} 1!} high llnzlrlu'Lprit-o:luruliLizuiw;‘>f(3l-Iz.. Tuu \\l Ifiml us supplied “11': PL “1171?, CPA“) 1,:Ill hunk" GRUK‘HUUI“. \\'.mlnjzllf nml Hutu ILIUIHM! C(Hme’ rivf‘yit timrmtu'lu x‘um Hiuo ‘0! 4:11.41er :uhl lIK [he lux\c-L_;p.;,:~<;h i, T4I‘L".I(II:C'I:IL‘.." 1'91! nun] Mumim- ounsffic‘k m ‘pr'm-s Lllorc pun-4 hum}: dgl-“lwy... '»‘ C [’Hiz‘lh. [hilXKl-‘lhlul‘l’ & CU. ' April‘22,lBlil. I.‘ > Hanover Branch Railroad. TL‘I’NIR .\ “RANGE“ I‘IN l'S.—l‘ns;edg ‘V' Trims mu :13 follows: ‘ Lonvé H quru :u _D: m AMM.‘ and’ 12:30 P. L’v-uve J'uucuun M ll: :0 A. “..‘:Inll 1:40 a. ‘ The 9HI) t. .\l. Ir.-in um'nm: ('ullfit'Llnux "1 I'm .Y‘lnx'liun h-r Ilm North and Son-Ih. The £2.. 11mm Infilmi‘rnnnw lmu lorlxhq-Sumh only. 1 Through 'l'i: le~ mo iwlml to Philznlulphi 1 Cdlumhid, Hurri‘lun'g. “'xlli vuhphrl, Hut-. 1.“ Bulkimohf, Ymk, \\ lighh‘fi]! *. and NH prim} "pnl\\':l}'J‘polul:‘ull t'm: “at: 01 tincNuruh‘Tu (.'u . :ml lLanuy.‘ , , 1 ; ' D. [l7. THOSE, Ticket. Ann-“L ' Jun. 2‘s 13412. a +2l 113th Inrlllulh "Minn-1 {gr \\ hith kc nuns m ! over 'K-ra. ten ”oth n 117}: but .mn) hr. in M5O“ King of, ~‘.L;1.l {if mt inla théuul- ix Ircis Fine‘ Liqf ors. (L f'.\ M: h.” I‘LL-J 0 hiv’ (haw-ruin! “YE. f‘iulmn‘ :uw" 114"} rum-m ". ' [lw NI. 0! lmluup. .\u'l ‘.l.qu:l-M in u llrjgc 'lnll fin avnrllunnl,‘ Ire iuull 4 t‘u- MU-nzmn ufJunu-x .nn-w m. n [-:.uwm IHi \Nlllifi, “181-25 |(;i.\>,.‘.'u"lHs’\'lllh'. Rim, of “BMW” L‘m’L—‘uu; p.lru~, :(mw nmiuug HI" hrs m- In- lrul in MI LIMIN. 'l‘“ hr: munnv'h. "Illqu'2ss'l'n‘3llllil.jl'l‘l pIhIiL-z,"'ho»\\zll pcl‘l dimly}. '\uxy cheapltni‘ Lm (2:311. ’lpu‘laeacmiviurr I, it in mil; 1:: tzflal‘) ‘L gh‘e [|in your |w.lrnw\;_u:. ' I UL‘LU'SIUUI’K July I,loil. - 1 ‘ 1 ‘ ' ‘ V i To Dimbleti Soldiewa, ‘ MEE inpusou l’cu c h, y Traps, nmpri ie MEE . A 9217 lc.~, nml prr sent rip-u Him! 'QE-WHV Tm; “.\rtvx'zss‘. \\‘!) \\‘muwk L "’3: ' (Y! [H H .HHH“ UP" THOH‘T. \\ Ht HAVE HIE” UR JN'IIIN KHLHID IV THE HE” . Vil‘l‘, ——'(‘ll|:l. I‘. TH 33'". .\nnrnuy fur (‘htim innts, Hnjml)‘ Lam] and Pl-nsinn .\gl m. Vin-h ingum (my, I). (“.g—l’cmhmb pmrun‘.‘ hr‘h‘ol ldiers, SLl‘uun-n and .\hlrthwfif Ihe Inn-Mint m-v \\ Im nreHiaflvhJ'hy l'r Mm of u (mud: h-m- {ln or Jim .ISP i-nx:t.r..« ted \\ hile in -u r\ in rw} l’t-u sun. 4, Mount“ Nun") mu] .\lrxmra hf I"; (.l“ ‘ tz-mr-(l .‘iir “MAM dr ()VIII‘I‘ Infi'r: u£llm<c‘.\\.l hun- dirt) lul‘ hm-n killvd while in sonit'u.‘ impor -9 3.’ by muslin 13mm; Lund ..rocflrn-d fm‘ 31'r\ im‘ in my 0 the other Wars. CHAS. (‘. 'l ['l Khll, ‘ {I ‘ « » \\' xs'lvn,,lqn, I). G. l :J. (‘. .‘l'E' I‘V, .\gon’g, Geltjfglpug. V : hov. 19', 15m. p FIE m‘dndcnod, h'n'iuk 1‘ large nnmpn ‘ stun-Img on lu-x mmks 10!" u umsiz‘u-mbl Elenglh of lime. prilwipnlly made up of anti! ‘3 accounis', takes this‘mcthmhuf nuti’ying :hm ‘ indehfid‘m him, 0.11 n he Wlll mnucy, mid i ibis friend; will ml] and sr-tlle Fglleir u‘rl'mmli 1 he will fécl undcfi many obligdions to lhem’. Sem. 23. 1801. J. L. SCIIICK. Latest from New Orleans. DST received ‘Snd for’aale at CODORI J GILLESPIB’S Marge and excellent, supp! of Orleans Sngnr and Molasses, with 3 gm quantity and Vin-icky of Sugars, which we ‘ sellinglow—eibher wholesaleorreuil. Syrup of all kinds‘from 35 to 66 cents per gallon.: Sept. 1, 1862. “ Albums. EW 3nd exquisitely beautiful ltylu" Albums, for “Cane dc Vinita” Pho - ‘ graphs, just. received and for sale I: pricel‘to suit the times. TYSON BROTHERS, '.w York IL, opposite the Built, (Menuhin-3,? Much 1.0, 1862. ' ' URNE’I‘T’S COCOAINE, Wood'i Enh storative, Shilling Hair Tonic, Ind 03 preparations, for sale at Dr. 11. 50mm 'Drug Store. < J I ADIES, can and see the cheapen 10?? SILKS evar ofiered in Genylbhrflwhk are now open and re“: “flaunt ' " k; Ang 21. ',LHNES'I‘OOK’B} Txiiiiixs undOudeuhchufiflw ' .3 5M,“ 32:: If MIENEI n 11 El _‘ ¢ rf- Ich I‘ It Notice. No efl'drt spared td'ren'de PHILIP HANK.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers