The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 24, 1862, Image 3

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    ,2L - A
Wi‘fl'fi— —-.—-> ~....-_...._..... y'fl‘ ‘ ,' “‘j—‘ ' '
' ' j For m Conpiler. 1 I‘ ‘ _ Communip
'rn so-cmzn URIONDEKOCBATB.’ Mm Emu—h i- Pmrids- sum“
MmSunut—Now that the eiectioua are 5:” ‘3‘”! “cording “ "“71 ""5 "’9" i’
pter. ins eminently proper that. we for the 3:1");IulFed h; ‘V’! ‘0‘?” :1! “all?"
last'fithu rémiqd these unfortunch .indiu A” nfhoring nun—muculdehlin I“
viduuls of the unpleasant 31d hopeless -, a e 9‘“ ’ 1172::er fi' ““- \
, x . . . . for lnformnuon. 5 hlllt the gum: luv :
sxtunuon Into winch the people. have land- . . ‘
. . , . any one to hum. between themdnthl of 8‘
ed them. I behave wxlhouc a single excep- . . . ‘ \
r , ’ ~ ' l h re ex ed‘ her and January, It probxbmi them
.lon mt '9 entire State ‘my nve ‘43 v ' game tul‘unign markets. Some‘lnzy amdi
xhp‘same fate. . >' in our commUuily who mighlbe more 1
from 1'0"“? down thry hue been re- bly employed, have acquired a profit-'39
pudialed in such an "mmsmkablq mlnnflf marksmen, stroll over ourfields day afl
as to render their dcfentone of thg deepest dgsuoying the” innocent little cregturel
modification to thf‘mwh'es and disgraceful out 'mercy, for Ih. purpose of .911 in ;l
in "0 small Qegrve. ‘ ' 6 market men, in prder to gnakc t few ccnl
{w .11!“ W“ as much ‘9‘ he expected “9 it: Létfihe law be enlorcéd uppn all sue
'wn}; a merited punishment. Democracy sons. We are opposed to {u mislung th
stands alone. eroct upim its own founda- more market viith our own game.
gnu" It? seeks no o'utside principlflto
I . . . . .
I ’{lfflpgthen It, neither vull It. lend m good.
.5446 for he purpose of escorting unscrupu-j
‘\ 'ls pol. mums into thje ranks of its ene-g
1.408., ‘ ." g Flour
. J . 3 i " .....
'lts true ' ndq wfll nnt permxt this to {V;rl:il[el(\)\|‘li:eaz
take place more (Ban Mum, and WK»: he to Ated Wheat-..
that mrm politigally who tries the experi- Corn
men: the Eccond time. '- :3)»;
, Like all traitor? to their party.;the senlv ”uck“,h..fllm; ......m
of condemnaEmn In upon them. They nra f ('lorenSet d _...........
me}. out, repudiate?! by the peip‘le, em: '3'qu? :een1.........4
, w . _ . . . '\X n ON ..............1
})lnnElcul}y. Vucfiuaflh tornhly, p <_lllvely,_l,LWr U, Pmis W.
ulormu'lyz F-mmefully. weely andzughtful- Emu: gromm, 1'" bar
-1y defeated. , ~ A ' i l
_“e have them thus, in rr-floct gpnn the rim”, _
hutnry of lhmr past. ('ontlur‘t in !poli 3031! When:
affairs. and if" “my can mustanup a'smgln Rye...“
' - ‘ ‘ - - ‘ 5 Corn...
crumb of comolatmn we are sutlfihgd,‘but (nus.
{orgny part Ido “'o'. envy their sit'uution: , (-.h,H:r"L~'N,d
, Let the fate of ting-He Democqats wnhlv’l'immhy Secdr.
‘ ha'r’idles to their mnnes Le a wfiming to l£e(-H'nmp,pcrhand
others. Let it lu- renu-mbered [my the old. “"55! P“ [‘und”"“"
| . ll
Democracy mnnnt be crubhed out; :It nmy wmqkfl,
b 9 ovvrwfielmml for n. tlmn,lnutL if nnly Guano: Peruvian, pcrton
. " ‘. . . . J r, .. . .-...-
1 gives wuytohrv-nk {onthagam wnkgn ”“TNS‘I HASHVBR—Tncusmv'LAS':
’ ed powr-r. that us doctrines may convmce E 1:10,”, from “My,“
mnlcunvict. i i Du. from Flores”
* It has the pmvm tn ‘rownrd ité devoted" Em“
- - . ‘. ‘ , ' \e..
{rli-lids, us It has to [numb m, unr¥mu~a $1'bm........
* DENIM Raft. :Unh'..."
W l("|)\'vr f:;‘f‘d.........'.
‘5 ‘ v l ‘ ' "S ‘.i........:
_. . Eli-MAYOR w 00D. . 11:13:? at ,
In a wow-h in .\\-w ank. on the‘niuht of ”___—___"
thyelaolinn, ”rm. I’cnmnrlo Wood, mbml-f “ ‘MARRIED- \
‘<"‘o”«'nn:r9~<vl~’§l. ‘HH: . 4’ . l (M the mm in=t.. by Rev. I‘. P_. nui
I , Sinr‘e tho vim-Ikm ”I'll‘o2. _“hr-n 'l‘hnmas ({rnushurg. Mr. I’F'I‘ICR HART In K‘.‘
’ ‘Jn-ffi‘y-nn Wm 01: NM] l’rr‘sul-‘nt of tho L'nl- IBIIH‘A JAKE \\'EA\ ER, l-mlh (JAM-1'
~II‘IISUKHW, lhorv hnw- Luvu nu such impur—i ()u 2.110 cm iIHL, My Dent. J. 1:. (111
' I'n'ltcurmiqm-m.m m “2H rl-sult from Hm (:X-IQIICE LEIHESGER, oi leuih'n‘wl
( h-cfinn. It 391(qu 'llm p out qurv‘sunn .\‘ifis “ARGARLT H. .\chLAU-li
- whr‘flwr Unix onumry i$ In l-e left in [Mr ‘\‘Umf‘ 00""‘3'; ‘ ‘P 1
hand; of Loanl um kin-101x or whmhnr, “I‘l llw I’HII “wt-y I“"“lR‘g‘3'lr‘ ”‘s‘
tlxrnngh‘ Hu' nttmwrul'thu- lh-rmmallc party. 0311””;1” ""|“}”.‘"v “‘1" ‘\"‘l" 11%;],1e
: [ht-.Un‘mn “ml lanpinr-w (nf'lnur h-Imwl ‘ ‘F'U’u "1..? TQM“ to “1"; “' '
lnnlnl Ix 1.. h- {mt-m 'l. I' nit-ans NIJLL thi< “U“F ‘l' "r X ”r‘ ' ”1"!" . '
l' h ~ In} - I'LCIT'I'r-xl (I:I' 3x w: \M‘V’ . Uu H”. Nth M ”VI ’"L [hp rnsxdcncn
nml . R. .V ‘ ,1" I);‘ ( "h " hndl-‘s mmher. ‘ny H. (‘. lhrnnnlswl
““]I°""“t"“" 'l‘“ ‘-"“‘~“?- It f'f‘f'“, ‘0 Jmm‘ .\ir. u. .\x. mum“. r~r~.m.ny..r
mm (mm I‘min: ymmlmu n m :xu runi “MW—‘l); I‘m. L..! .‘x‘.i.~s .\L’UITHA 3.1. .
{mm 1!”: t nn~l2.l}ln n. . h m.:~m~. that tho furnlcrlv of Luke mum.“ ml’mun, “11
. ['HH!’ 1n pawn-r I.x {.II|'IYH.H‘L lm‘lwv-Ja mul colmlgvxr'hmskn Tcrritbry.
‘ cnrrupl. ~ hlm s}!" Hm! ‘1 “P 7"“ tn) prrr-P- ‘ . Un the 13th in s! . at {he hrvme th
‘ ”“3” Hniw mu, we xm‘ mfnrrv tlw (mvn hv Rev. S “PM?" “|.. ‘11,”.5 \\'!‘ZUHIIZ'
4 """"”'."‘ “"“ "““d- “”10 ““1“""VNW EMMA .HVE anifimxzzn, Imm of
. "|an m tlu- 5.4.. r. -'l‘horotnn» ll I~lhntl ,fimmy. .\‘hL ‘ - .
. s-nv (Ln! rm via 11‘ “fizncv 1:11P.) luh lumen 53 0,. lbs 191bin=zu by flu- sump, Mr S
inipnrlunt in 'h n-ullh IN (hid. . 'Tlil).\”lLl‘l, ct York mung, to Mrs
lu w-m'hyinn. 1": mid luc- uus not xiii-05 m 1.141%“. ui'lhls mum;
’ SN! In hrm-t m'l-r hi~ mllvn hm. 'l‘vm youns;
.‘ «run the lu-oplv {-h-c'u-xl Mr. Lincoln P1114}:
('1 mm n (vm‘ulhminnul m'mnnr. 'l‘lw nu
lu-Hinn imnwde-‘y followed. ‘\VO hurl
~ " xu-w fought lin} } " furmghlvvn Innu'thfi.l
‘ \ “Id )yH'UM-(l-n Uur URL )1“) 111 ln‘riph Ly the,
V ( Hminfl «rush. «Wm; ~o'ill'p3‘nv9r. We» haul
- (hmu'ml 10 d :3" that Hwy =lnul "bu-ml t'im‘
‘ ~ 11mg, A- [w hm] knit] ins: hung‘ruw-och,
“o mun. n r-h'nmz'c ohm-“mum “i :v, vhangc
a! mm), A“? “3].! hun- slh‘h a r-quxur‘ of
puh‘ y, n_r_u6 will follow up thi~ rI-vu‘nlmn.‘
( umnm nwd 10-duy. ‘ y Lin-HM r llmt u :H {nu-l
flu-u. Irrm Ihr pkn-w th. y In no [wuil-Hl.
“n Ilmnphl luv r-nulll «hymn: n lmjutr, he
41>"!!le a yofivv, u uld my u rulum of
“mar Snutht‘rn Hm. ~ m w : I'l'. \‘u d .'lyflihjt
_ . ll‘, bnuEd we that [he .\mnix “mm! In); dmvn
ILHr nuns, m lent long ('H'dluh 101- n rm)-
\‘- mix n tnflm ljtvltl. \\‘hmh sin-UM anmngo
(Int-1‘ “h ni'y in u ~2i!i~‘|‘h(‘tnr_v munnvr. guar
. ar‘ulymg r5l p\'(\l_\‘,sortinn nf llw 1'1: (~11 fin-2r
. (--x.~t.m'.l.nul :uul JIM lights. . “'.thu-u Is
' ).u\[,¢|rgml yin-n- wuuld ho hu Imam: but. on
L “-0 mmgrmy. tbrre ‘\‘nu‘d be ”full further
wlatu'ng I.}: M the NaumuNfiw dinghnul
. guim: l-y l-wrwlf. New \‘urk by horm‘lf,
‘ and the )VwH-xu .\‘mh-s l-v themfulwa &r:.
; "'l‘hvrn-im'n. ho \\‘nulrlb n 1) thzft H‘w‘h‘nmw‘!
two srym Ih‘nf‘lhn. M-mm-mtxc [:u I.) 34.0qu
. l}- resmn-«l 10 [.mm' ‘
Snooial Notiqow.
‘ Aver‘a Pllls.—\r" 3'ol .slv‘c, I‘lele (In-l
('rnnn,.i.\ininz_"' L\n- .\uu 0:11! urnr-Ev {“415 \nur
r) ermn (11-Lang A! an" 513-71?" lurliz g 5 gm” nt'orlw
-1.15?‘ Them» umplmns- nre ouczl 12m .prrl‘ldc
lu_ séripna‘ illmss. dour fit of :irkmke IS
..."; ping npzm ’\'u'n. R'Nl “mum he an ril‘tl'h'j a
thinly urc- of Hm right rwnmh. 1.le? Aynr's
Pin:' and clc-m‘n- (mtjhe.llikurJt-‘l-LMl~llumnrsL
purify thrb!oorl.nnd’lecl|:ctluid~ moTo on un
ulmL-nnml in lH‘nllh again. Tlu-y sllmnllxte
the "mwrinns ofllw hodydnto rigorous uc-ivlt)’.
irlll‘lrj'llle <ystvm from vhe‘o'htru «inns whit-l 1
make ‘lisousr. A mid Sx‘ttles sofiu'whdre in the
body. and. ulwtrurlq it: natural fl:xxMion<.-,—-
These. if not ”lien-‘l. reuct-uprn tlwmselves
mm] the surrounding organs, producing gonornl‘
‘nggmvntiodl, suffering. and di<ca=m While 'in
illis condition. opprewell by tlie dvrnngemcnls,
‘tnke Ayn-'5 Pills, and see how direc'ly'they re
store; we natur‘ul action of: the system, and
with'lt’ the buoyant: feeliugof heallhl‘again —-r
What is true Ind sq appurcnuin this vtrivinl
mld c'ofnmon complaint, is ul~o true in many of
the deep-‘seatrd and dangerouu' Mummers.—
The 'lmmP pnrfgmgve effect expels tlrmn. Caused
.b! ’ifizilnr olw‘lrnclinns and dornngemenls of
~cl‘l'e naumll funerions of the body, they 'nre
2:9ij and many Qf them surely, cured by the
same gimp. None who know the virtufi af
aces rlla will neglect to employ them wlzm
'pufi’erifix from thy diso‘rders thvy cure, such as
lleadhchg. Foul _Stonmch. lnsentery, Biliom
l‘mnph'm' Indigestion, Derangemenbol’ the
Liver. C9sliveness or Consupmion. An 21 Dmx
ner Pill they are both ngrecable and “factual.
@9er“ by Dr.‘ J. 90. .\\'ER 5: 00:,
Lowell,‘ Mass. Pam: 25 CENTS PIB Bax:—
Fm Bun you $l. ' A
fi-Sold ‘by A. Kikuyu”, and dealers
everywhere. ' ‘ [Nov. 3. ’62. 2:1:
Large Sale.
‘ ’X FRIDAY and SATURDAY. the sth’nnd
- ' 0 6th days of DECEMBER next, the sub
, , umber, Administrator of fieorge Null,‘d as
; i'ed. will sell I! Public Sale, at the late resififnce
~ of said decedent, in Hamilton township, Adams
‘countk, on the York and Gettysburg Turnpike,
. lislfn milceast of Gin’s old tavern stand, the
. {ollpwing valuable personal property, viz: '
3hend of WORK HORSES, ahead of Horn
ed cattle, 9 head of Hogs, 2 Fourdzorse Wa
gougiwithl bed and ladders, Carriage and Ear
ness, ‘Plonzhs and Hex-rows. Shovel Plough.
Cpm Pgneer; Horse Gears, Sigglo and‘Donble.
3 (.ml tretcher. Log Chain, Grind-stone,
3" (thheelohnrrow; lin; by the (onuStraw by the
\fi .4 ton. corpiodder ; Wheat, Rye and Corn by the
‘fiuhel, the enfire crop; the Grain» in the
_ ground; Geese and Chickens, a large lot of
Bug], OnkShingles and Posts, kc.
Also. Household and Kitchen Furniture, viz:
5 Bed; end Bedstends, 3 Int 9 Chests. Bureau,
' Kitchen Cupboard, Kitchen gink, ChairsJElight
- dey Clock.) Ten-plate Stores and Pipe, Cop
; 'per Kettle, Iron Kettle, Tnb’lesfimndi, Bench
el, Potg, Pens and Buckets, Land, Apple Bul-
Jer, Dried Fruit. 3. quantity of Salt; with s n
riety of other-articles too numerous to mention.
.5!“ m'camrnence at 10 o’clock. A. M., on
' eoch do” when attendance will be given sud
term nude known by
~ ' ' ; SAIUEL BROWN, Adm’r.
. fi‘Atthe same time and place, the Form of
midfieceslgqt willbe Rented for one)?” u
publication. - '25.-
Nov. 2;, new. a
|..... ...u-n.u.--~uo-. - .'.-04.. I 6 23
.... ....... l 35
fifuhnunri notjccs (acceding, s 3
\\'.ll hereunerhé rhzuuod-nt hull mil Un
V(‘l'tl<ill2 rules for all ow; 1.15 M uu ‘
11 es .'".6itla
Yn this borough. on Hominy ovon'i
Mr Jih.\.'.\>j Z. LI X‘TLE, ng‘od 45 ymr
and '1 days. '
("1 3‘12: 24111 n" ni‘t..9t the rvsirlenc
."I‘lr‘dl n.» m-n'r ank Springs, 511:: .M
_SHHaLfm'. in lwi- 2 uh “*ur. '
()1) me IM.iusr.‘.\x;s;TllEßEs.\.l.
daughter 01‘ Mr.. George J.w_~nhs, Sn,
NM e. ugh) 3| \Amr: 7111 mm»: nynl 221
U') the 20m: (IHH L, LA \’}\ [.\.‘agl-Il
6'n.nm_h~xunvl7 d.'_\'<: on Nut 41h. I’s
agg‘d 2~l§ours 8 nmznlls and In I! _\‘~:
10:11. l>.\!.\H, a,vd )7 yrars‘: mu' 1h
day: ; and un .\'u\'.lsl!y,>l‘.f.\}{lili‘fi,‘
Mr. J.u~uph Rifiugmctl 21 )e-rs' ‘1 muu
‘.‘4 dun—Ml ('h‘ldrcu of (Yedrg-r MT
l'nywnh. nf Frankllu township: Thé
\{ns dipthori‘n. .:
(Lu 11.0 11th first. TDEI‘ORA (‘.XTH
duughter'qf \\'m. nub-r, a; Bulk-r 101'
agml Hymns 3 months m «L!!! (In.\§. I
(In 'l‘uQ'sdny week, ofdipzhrrm, h\l\l"
dzu g'mrr (-t'Jnlln and .hilinn “Her, of (I
to“ whip, aged 1 —3lw\r_\.’lmonlhs Ltd 1'
Al Frucpnn:Arm~u-unz conmy. 1%.!
3m nf—(Lolnbcr. .\m: BETTIE 112;“; l
or l’|.i'li|- Hrngy, lisq..fumwrly of ibis
ugcd'H years 3 monthsli 1311.1)5.‘ ‘
(In (hp 2151!: ul_t.. ELIZAB‘E'I Ham)“.
Swen: and 10 1].!)1'1. . | ‘
'01) the 215§h o.x" Uctbhcr. EDWARI
“MIT”, 5003” William l!uflm:m,_ag(
and Il day. 1 ‘ |
On the 3th inst, RABY, s'on ofJu-(fl
of lk-iflemhnrg, "god 5 mnnths and 10
On lhb 71h 111.31., MARY JANE. dill!
John qull, ugcd 15‘) ear! 2 month 1
unis. ‘ > '_ i
, ‘ _For Sale.
A condition. Enquilc at tlxi§ Uflxc
her. 24, 2.56.). '
Demrable Town Prope
T PRIVATE SALR—‘Will be oi
A Pr mte .\‘aic, “hill the Isl of Ap
the HUI'SE AND LOT on Baiximorc st
joining Ihe“Cumpiler" Qifice, audit-cc
cupicd by Dr. A. W. Duracv. The 1
large. containing 14 rooms, gene: a
dry cellar. and in good repuir. The. 1
full one, (30 feet from 2 running bfltk
depth, pivingu largo,.x\ neve
well of good water at the dm-r, a 11m
Stable, wiih an alic‘v from High stre
way of acccs_s. Upon the Whole this i
the most plEasnm locationnmil the
one of the most desirable» in Getty:
Possession given on 156 of April next
session of part of the propuri’y iu-iy be
once. For terms kc, 'upply on. the pr
Nov. 24, 1862. fif
‘ ‘Notlcen
‘dministration 'on the estate 01
Walkgr, late of Reading township, Ad!
deceased, having been granted to the
signed,residing in the shine township, 1
by gives notice to all persons indebted
estate mmnke immediate yayment, at
having claims against the same' to
them properly authenticated Tor seltie
D. M. 0. WHITE“?
Xov. 24, 1862. c:
A ’- New Goods \
A SPANGLER have just. returned‘
any with a splendid assortmgnt of
Satiuetta, Jeans, Tweeds, Vestings
Coating and Ready-made ~Clotbing,
Cobnrga, Dtlnines, Dress Silks, Prim
hum, Muslim, demon Flupnels, w.‘
nels, Checks, Notions, Hardware, ‘Qfie !
Tin-ware, Earthen-ware; final-S mnl
UlngS, Paints, Dye-stuffs, Flags, ’l‘
Schook Books, Blunfc Bohks- Milliner'
Shawls and Blnnkets, Hats gm! Cups
N. 0. Molasses, Sugars,.£qfi’ees, an
stock of Grocerie‘e. with s‘s!le stock ,
goflemfly keptin a first. chls; couuml
which they bought for cash and ma)
cum. Credit is dead—bad ay kifleq
sauna, Bails, Posts aux Fence 8-
hand. ' . I
Nov. 24, 1862. 6!: [L ‘
”mum of our} vii-ins,“
. , 2' CK
' mu; OIL—M ‘ 1
na. 1:. 30mm
l . ‘ .
irmportaqt Decision of Co
1 manor Boutwed.
‘g usa
‘ parc
rs en-
Section 94 of the E‘xcx-v l m- requiYes “ Thu -
on and after the first dry of Dumber," cert-in
“smmp duties" slmll bewolim-U—d on all instru
mama, miner: and filings, M 3 dchcnbvd -
schedule marked "ll.” ‘ , ‘
| Made
'in; of
l idllfllb
Sec-Lion 9:: Provides {hub if my person 0
persons Ilull make, sign or inn: or canau tc
Le my“, signed or issued, any instrument
docqment or [mper'ol‘ any kind or dk‘st'riplib
whufsnexermnlmu‘ thelsnme hem: duly stamp
Ed lor denoting the dugy imposed ihtr‘eon, 0
without baung lhereupun an Ml)c=il‘e slum.
{alienate said duty, such person or persom
slmll incu} a penalty 01,611; dollars. fad sun'-
instrument, document n‘r piper shall 1.: dceln
ed invalid and 6! no efiéct. » . l
ro ti ti-
cm to
I I: seem: to me perfeuly clear, that Ly 1h
prm‘iaions of section 935 lhp person who makes
‘.igns nnd_'issucs the instrument is the onl.
lpe‘rson MlO isnutL-orizn‘d t 6 xrfi‘ix ’.he slump re
iqyired p; the km", and Um person who make;
951 mm ulnd iswes. ezc, wilhuul affixing flu
bump, ‘incura the penalty M! nfulesnid, and $6
Hi_b!e to pros‘erution therefor, and [he iuuru
{nu-nt‘ or dqcumenl is [afflict in conscquencc 0|
‘such nggln'tL ' ‘ 1 . ‘ '
\ Serum: 99 11.-avid“ that the pawn fésuin
at “fixing the stamp slmll write lhcreup‘rvn '.h
,initizih of his nameydnqe, &c. Other puninn
Yof the huv impose penalties upan ‘pvrs'ons wh
, rdceireducuurenlg ohm-licks: suhlwct m ttum‘;
‘.duty‘ from «hypergon \Hm “Likei', signs am
Ramos them “’utlmu! hem; d‘uly bumped. Me
I Inm mererm: urmchmrm mm a mum
’rovnpfin‘nve with tlx‘e' réquircmeux: at the pru
‘\isions o‘Jhe'lixmse I. 1w demands—l
i FinL—JThuLJlI )mpeia sulfijcv! tu ('.:mzp'tn .
i§!:nkfl'lq:e the Binmp mixed lht'uh: flay —..'u~: 2
inllt-d.‘ . 3 g I
t '.O
o‘l 35
Q 1 25
‘5 L 0
1 40
7 (no
Swohd.—Thnt tlxe‘"l“‘lp soalfixrd must I»
will v'led m the n‘u‘un cl‘ I‘m-r} :ihex! by the par
ty m..kin{l, signing or iituln: .‘.. other \\'glrnlq
(’Mrulibg.) the inalrumx-nr, «Wt-mmu‘t or paper
‘ House the revviving oflan:unsmmpeddrape:
is, n \‘iolutinn _ut‘ the law. The mulching um
(ant-vllingyT ausmmp, n‘r .'ulucmpenl so rcceiv
e4l,’is also unlénl 11. mid [hogéuucellnliuu of .
slnlnp on «I» (utlxmwistf lawfully i=~ued
IT}- btlxer than 9hr J- xrxhox-c'atiur xhg [vupohh
mllil'h ‘l'm: slump in: MI u-lnvl ‘4 cqlmlly in)
prayer. , (lunuul‘ s'. Bnmwun.
1 ‘ ’ (_‘nllettnr‘ut' l'lltl’nnl Ran-nut,
W‘Tlm alul'. c‘n-xtrM'ls from the EM ls‘q- La
malnr it We dulv l' ef‘ery [oi-rum urn mg (I
signixfg u Flam-k qudrpj’L Infill". n M'Nmn um
M the s‘nlnw tiuw IO "Incl-l ithy \x mi! ;: (In-mm
1h» initial} at his 'tlll': mul :lwua Tu» [lnn
of Uprliyaburthlnrrémfivl', vn-vn'vl r' K ciw 01' p v)
any‘chuck “7 draft (nml ‘1“ >¥':Y mumm- uu
led pram-Hy itmnped 1:11.13 :mu-llml by Yll’
pf-rsnn sign: Igft’m nu“. r. .( pr'uupt ('uxnpli
uncq- will. the law (viii I.lm 11l pm [in lllll‘i‘l'~l
8d trumllnronyrmonw‘und phi-. 11).: lO‘a‘. Th
Humps mm be olllnint-d’uL tnlw Bluk.
‘ 1 T. rl. (r \ka‘ux, emu".
jfimyumrg, Nov. :4, ‘13,"2.‘ “
47.37;, ..1' , - 11“., .H A_‘.___..‘
. A A Valualile—Farm
v T Pl'llL’U SHEA—~OI Sill “DAY. I‘,
var-(ll llxy ..r.\‘<‘)‘.':~:|\lm;n ixx=t.. mo “ink-r
Sigurd. llwl-4'lxt§-:~ lo: ”40an ml! null (mu-mm.
ufh‘,\u: m. link. fwvHL-11. \\ ill mlvr .Il i‘uMn
.\l‘llli’, ll” lllL‘})li'llill~('\:, l l': llLal l:~l.z'.v 0! \un
LEGf‘fl‘l'U'. riz: . ,
. 6' 20
1 9.;5
5 sf,
6 m‘)
il7 00
41 4:)
... I :,,O
“ . 5.93
w ' ‘uo
‘ l'
L 5 00]
VI 75.
‘_ o; 25
"ii-r. ‘in
E3}; 1:5.
‘ rO.
3}. Mr.
Sty lo
‘I‘ZN, Y of
F‘. .\lv
A' I‘Ali}l,- aitxfiml-i Franklin Mm'vvs‘x‘y
Adams (*; l unl: m‘J Hm‘: \lu-k
105,“!n6rgc Hlé~c-'ur,und utiu-n, nun: maiu‘
Hut Aivrtw, mum-or lo»; with f-ur {-rup) h m.
()I’delh‘nd .Lnd \lc :dmv. Thl- I'vrm id in .
high Ankle of c‘nllnngm . having hem: llt‘ul‘ll
.111 lin’aeil. hhd under g’Eovl fuming. '1 me in:
pmvomm‘t: (',(lliFiFl of u T". o-{h'fi'y
“fiweflbonrdvd Du'vtliuglfl)".\ll: fin.)
Hmm gflnrnflv‘ugcu Shed :Ind('u_ux £4; ‘ SQ!
(‘up, {Swing Home with never-:kgfid
f iii!);i"§pling Mul .1 pump luan Hui; (1.4 m u
the d~\'°l!in-,;. unvl .2xl_ “1.1. 'l ..1 .1 Mama» ml
ritzy {nr fruit. TI)" {.4 m. 5 \\ ‘H \\stvxwl. Imm
Mix}! #bl‘rcau‘x ruuuinfi: Uhvugin ix Ihh i~ ‘
n‘llil Ellfalrr‘nhlr prnpuly, .11.:1 lnmh-d in :
pknnurt m‘iflz‘uu fur-‘l. 5
&?l’ewr-I-= whhin: 'lO vii-w flunprnymrl“
nrc xcgumvrl H) La}! on Abl‘nhnlll Bu-r. rl‘ild
ing (up ILL“ Farul‘ ur on {he n‘lxuuumr, re:;dlun
Ln'u uni/Is ‘frqmvit. ‘ ‘
. WSJIC m mmmr-nr‘ent l‘ojvlmk,‘ P. 3.1.4):
53“ day. win-11 :1zm:1d~1'mo wleM gncn .n..
mnnsimudc’known lIV .
, 1 ' f HEULIIHFK DI'I‘IXZL, Xlxurulnrl
Nmf.’2l,*lb‘622. rts ’ ' ‘
(if “I?
MI 1‘”.
of 11111
| - .
(I! Miss
)1 U lIL
. lines
mi 33-
. Her 01
E hm
'J mm:
0" Dr.
ON TI‘FSI) \\'.‘thq 16th dew-f DT'EURER
New, My \‘i‘rmouf‘nn urduru! HmUn 1.221:
(‘uuninh’ A-Imn‘~ . 0.. the whi‘ifl «r. '.deiuia
trmtormf B.lmnel “dun-Alma dm‘e he I. u in‘ mlv-r
m PIHHZL- the pl'cuxisN. [hc [15.19“ .'.g
Ilenl Hunt» of mi I qudcm. ‘iz: "
Eli-\F‘lq simutn in Strulum tmvv
um: c'uuMy, mjjoim 11111113 (A Hon
1). 0.: Hrinkerlxpfl'. 3‘th Majors, u
(cumming? .104 {MINES and 54 per
meabu‘ru. \pfld‘urV‘guod Fencing and
cultivatioh—i—xxixlt 'fnikrt prupor-
Jioli: ofIWOIJ-ilmhl and .‘vfimiuw.
Tim imfu'pvemems cough: of u
{urge Two-story Brick HOFSE
a. Two-stqry Brad: Huck-building
3qu Burn, Wagon Shed and Cum (I
uge Maxims, Hog Pen, am! oth‘m- mil-y
a walk ut‘wiiicruq the dqor. End‘fll .4
I’ezxvl'b Uruhnrd on the 'dremlses'
Elm] 3
“Hit u!
hs : n l
My 1111:,
1 days.
‘ (in the
:N‘ idmi‘
‘ '\luntj,
i 1
l‘érwnsgvishin: In Hew’ the prn'
robin-studio cull ‘on.nhe ‘uuderclgm
themm}. x ‘ ' '1 . . ‘
Sale to rommvnre It l}o'¢10?:k, P. .\
(inf, when altendnqoewall be,given :
Lng‘vu by‘ ‘ '1
I‘l 3eur '
{MA . ‘
hie: of
and 10
1 ‘ PETER“.\L\(‘KLE\:
By the Gonrt—Juh’n Eiuholtz. (.‘lu~
Nov. 24,1513. ls ‘ ‘ -,
, ~ A Sale Crymg.
. .. W. FLEMHIXG continues the
A. of SALE unwell. and solicit
uuuud patronage of the uJ-lic. IL L
slam. endeavor to give'sati~thutinn. ‘
moulmnté. AReaide‘nue iu Bregk‘urid
Gettyshl‘xrg. _ = |
o good
fired at
i: hut,
(1“, ud
onse is
11 large
of. is n
3 he tull
‘ mee
t, as a
‘ ‘one of
‘ or pos
i had at
P. S.—Heja a lirenscd‘finmjoneer,
Tux Law of‘ the United States.
56v. 24, 1862, ‘
' ‘ETTYSSL’RG RAILROAD—I):: and afle
G Munday. N-JYklmbEi‘ 17, XEAIQJII- Mornin
Train will lean: (it.-Itysl)ur,;“n S Al. 31.. Hull:
passengers for all the ronneunions. Sarah and
South, $3 the Northprn Central Railway, In
return about. 141: M. The anemqon Trail
willfleava Geuysburg ‘at 45. P. K; mlh
pliaaengrrs for Bulluu'nore. Returning will
reach Gettysburg allout 9 P. 11., wuh pliil‘n
gora frqpn Harrisburg, Philru. Bah.w kc. By
this nrmngement‘ pn-ysons from thm country,
near-(he linc of the Railroad, lnuing‘l business
to transsct in Gettysburg, can take the noon
Tmin up and tune three hours hr Gettys
burg, and remxn‘ln the Eken‘ng Truq‘. ‘
.- . *. R.McUL'RDY,Prasident.
tters of
Nov. 24, 1862. ‘
-ms m.,
; under-
F‘e here
'ité said
-~ Ltbose
Basx‘or GET-:quno,
' ‘ I - 1 Nov. 4,1523. }
A per cent. on the Qapiml Stock of this
Bank—after paying the‘Guvernmeut‘ Dub};—
lma been decln‘red, payable on and alter Mou
duy next, lbfih‘in‘yt. . ‘
, 7 .1 T. D. LOAF-SON, Cashier.
Kev. 10,1862. 3:. ‘ , ' ’1
g. xx a:
Irom the
HE Presidenq' andfianagers of the York
and Gettysblirg Tunnpike Road ‘o'mpnny
hnye declared a [dividend of One Dollar pef
share on the _capi‘ml slopk, to be pant! on de
mhnd to the stncldhold‘er or their legit! repre
sentatives, in Gfityaburtg‘ by‘ Georg §wopé,
and in York by 114 nm? sm'smz, ms.
Nov. 10, 1862. :3: ‘ . ‘
I pVefs
:‘ Ging-
5 Shoes,
r Gooda,
2": full
f goods
a sell {qr
Pocket-Back Lost.
N the sth in“. tbc_undei'signed
O Pocket-bookL—conuimng a Note}
one for $23, and motherfur $l5, wit
and other papers, um! $3 3'! in no
ween Bonughtdkf‘axid Gusnmn‘s
The payment. oflhe Nous has been at
Any person re‘stbring ihe Pocketalfi
contents will receive a réward of $5: ‘
‘ Mouprplnunl to
'fiov. 24,1862. 173 vi ; f
. \ _... -.T-_-._.
OMESTIGS, {Prinug Gin buns, 1
“..‘“ & d; 850']?! tl‘
Imr cons éhup at: i- -
(I . ‘3 Tm
' 4 is on
- •+,-~-
Farm ‘»for Sale.
Changé of Time.
- r
Real Estate Sale.
THE undersirffwd will ofl'er at. Public Sale,
on the pre .isos. 'cm SATL'RUA Y, the 291 e
day ofSIH M“ hilmsl..\lmt valunhlr TRACT
OF LAND, Luci ' uu'upu-d by S. '\V. Hofi'lnln,
deceased, hiluup in Slrnbun township. Adunl
county‘; shout 0'!“- mile from the Pines Church,
conuinmz 243 Ann, I'I“ improved. 180
Acres will bu llld with the improvements, or
the whole "any!“ desired by purcbuers. ,Al
the property is kc". known, a further delcrip
tion is deemed dmm egury.
”“5314. lo ( mmeuwat 1 o’clock. P. X..nn
Enid day, “111‘- attendance will bo‘g’u‘en and
terms mud: L 111“ 1) by ‘ ' 1 ‘
w. T. nuri‘mx, |
i .P. s. ÜbClllZliT,
:! ts .v, Adm'rg.
“able Properéy »
' Nov. 17, 1662
i Des
T van
4* n: privau
Tyrant: townsh
“Lu“! Imm \
mug/5;)»: llm
(. 'n‘ug/lnndi
' I'oni.~l r, ‘h-i
N‘mminfilxg who
gnu-J timl-er, m
A pm. of the In
“no imprm c-m
slcr; mee H
Hug: Pqn, and 0'!
The buildings :,
\filhin (in: 1.5!
*u all of water n
pump in it: n n‘
prrty; 211 m 1! .
tru‘i‘. with 01111
‘ 1’26" I'ermné I
up Icquulud] l
in}; Hmrvun.
Not . . 17.
'(‘KIXG s'l
in Ihxl'hnuw .='
uoum‘ng lo 1h!
that I tun s'ill ‘
0T «wry. slflo u
U‘lH'll fi'l‘m int)
:nrlmvui ”1"
1' .\LL I.’ WI.)
whith] am nl’r‘l'
llrflv I-xu’ run a‘
gnaw ‘ndvzmvo ‘
su‘uph' M (h'vr
w‘ ' (“'.us. \1 ‘
In \\("r.ta~l|"
I"]‘l_ plit'c l’uy
‘:UUI1~ uf (‘\rr'
(nil.\r~, l‘ndc
vll“~. (Jaw-NV]
:iu- xxmtul m
. 1.
. vq
f Gen
4, KPHL'HI!)
E I): 1"" 1
Inn-i nah”:
I‘ll/L"I~l hf Hul
:xn ! I) unim- Lu
‘ Iv has i'.—l
A"l‘ .m :Iwudhx
\\x'J fi'njflu mix
721'?” . nx-u'i
112‘: \‘.'-1‘ :j‘ 'l .\\ .
l~t ,_\:.\ Hm I l .
‘ll :16 :n: In \
111'..“‘"»T l' :i' 1:
(am he h‘ulnl .\'
11‘0leme 1:. t
«1‘ 0.121;: In Inc I
F“ Irr-“.'x'l~. I}
41.11 M. nga
p Air" ‘> m". .~.
('nn'r E E 1n
>Lin (i..u.lllflx.
Kuw- 5 and um
qumn‘all m um
1):.m ch. Slvrpi
kind». h'u'lo'm
”>‘UIUHE'IX 0! S
\le 1;:111 chase M
£0 :uul( many
.\LH, HAN.“
Fp'mty 11m q-Ii
Vimogrn‘, :i‘l kx‘
k: v-ureu. Putt
l.uuns,‘un-l .L
I'n'tm' 'l2. ~. .‘
«mum-I'll. .1211 1,1
plan-v, \~r. H‘t.
.\m. n, 153::
"ELIX .\V- ‘3
{4 mil-humhfi
Uzunr. IN" MY \1
du n-Awu. hum
.4}:ch residing;
Ly'gina n W 4 .
(«mm- In m thy
Inn 'l. r 1 ! um « y
pmyul) uuzln n
4.2:» Ad
v \\'A‘Tll
d oti.en
first ruu‘
Nov. IT,
Altmhu I.
luv (‘nrrim
ppiu uu-l‘
I.‘.‘VL‘ETA'l‘lL—LLntmrs armi
fu an lhi- chxlW oprin-ge Null,
Lll)\\Xl\‘A-Ip. .\d’uns ctgunty, dol‘
m-n gmntudJu the lm‘iehigu
-1:} mm}: idxi’lfahip. he lle‘léhy
M 1! pursons indL-l'zlwl to mind
‘inunexlialv payment, and lbnse
lqmiust 'lho saime to. nrcseut
Ililcqt‘rhuul fur wrth-m‘fnl.
. .\.U {ILL BROWN, Jim".
" N0\'.17.1‘3’32.! GL‘ ; '
”mum: N?
(J m nmr-ni
hu- ul ”Jr-nil“)
cg =x-vi. h u mg
(--l. rcw‘lmg ,m
gives India: I.
'I-rVy Mp
; remhug
.. on Silill
: ml [n.ldu‘
while to m |lxl‘
: hnviyg «lninu
; Hum prom-1:5-
‘ To
IE underd:
Fxguinkt huu
1n llnmlum h
law will I»: pull
It“: Mali-12th” n
NOV; 17,1?!)3
{he wru
hie cun-
‘0 street,‘
❑der th
TAS‘ found
"V day: n_
Cor/zptlrr office.‘
proxing proyer
U‘l‘uik‘lll. ‘
A tamenlury
Lm- (‘f l‘am
decenwd, lth
signed, rcsidim
hen-by give no
salid bulutc to '
those 11 n‘mg clll
them properly:
Nov. 10, :862
Bcunnn': Stq’re i 5 Gall wor-
thynvisitjustu this Qme. Wndoubt whether,
even in our luaest Cities, so fine a displny'ot'
Stu-:83 can bc'found. Their-“large room is
full of vaes ‘oflevery pattern; _aléq. ”cry va
riny ot Hallo Warlé, Sheep-hon” Wm. Tin
Wnl-e, l‘lnnisbo Wat-'9, Japah Ware—embrnc
ing, indeedmve thing in thehouaefnrnishiug
line. d 930, Sanage Gutters, Sumsage Sgnifers,
Lard Presses, w ~ kc. ~Tlu-y are prepared to
sell wholesale ud:émil,Tin Ware amusmu
iron Wan-e of I 3: dwn manufacture—keeping
a sufl‘lcien, nun: en: of hands to supplyany de
rfiand. Their a sortmem. of Lumber .is very
large; also Coul ofevery kind. ' ‘
UFFALO RpBES.—A splendid 1m umel
B ceit‘ed at ‘ ‘ PIOKiNiKi'S.
D 1 cordeons, it'es, km, for sale at V
, - x . ' mouse-s.
TRUNKS. Um . rgliu, Carpet. Sacks.&o.. yer:
cheap at ~ L PJUKING‘S.
r Inn-sow; - ‘ m‘and a good "my of
l Undur-shir a. Drawerd, Over-shoe” Gnm
Blukets,Army 'lankeu,nhd «beta-ables in
‘ lost his
kor $4.00,
oak and
this line, inqudw lor theizs in] comfort 'u
‘ j pfoPICKING’§~ ,
, HE ammo of the Ladies 1. respectfully
invited to , lago Ind Iplendid‘ assortment
of Ladies’ fine . 'd and Momco ‘ 001‘s and
SLIPBERS— = 115 g Qniuzn, tc., a,“ ~ ;
_Apn‘l‘ 21. a. If) m: mars,
fiABPETS,-dr§RPETS.a—A splendid lot or
(J Carpeting-Igoud nu cheap—jun o . aid
at the New Star. of , x H. SPANGLEGR.I
DLLOCK' ' LEVAIN—the Imin; 3an
test. baki. pander 1:. u._ g. IL
33'! Dru 31m. _ ‘ '
1‘ SA LE.-Tho subscriber ofl’er:
E sale, his onperty, ail-mm: in
p. .\dmn county, on the_mmi
urk Spring: to_()xfnrvi, four
urmN' and nix {Mm the humor.
of George .\iuinmert, Samuel
L i‘mfl'enqurger. mud others,
[l4! arms—about 10 acres of
«1;: due proportion 0t mun-10w.
m hhs been limed. -
ms Mix a 'lwo
l’sE, Frxu’ne Bizrn,
ALr out-huildinn.
I 0 all new, having bun put up
five or six ymrs.‘ Tlik'N‘ is u
munipri to the house with n
‘ 'Pr-lailim: epring' on the pro.
0041 simm- orchard of choice
‘1 fruit trcca,such us peak-h,
i ~rrr. .52»: i
\IX4I'II'HLV'J \‘lvw Hm propl-rly
cu“ m Ilu- suiiscxih'r, rowi-
SAle'i-Zh THOMAS. -
‘cr Proclamation. ' ~ ,
ILL ].\' ('o.\l\l.s.\[lL—Having
_v estnhhihed mx lu-hdqunrn-rs
("FL I hut‘ the plnasurc of An
-15 drip-.lrtmL-ht, and all own-rs,
~ liihz rhea}: und‘good rlmh‘x‘ug
d descrigflTon. l have just re
fairs.“ ”sz um! ‘splondld’ns-
I .
rm: .\H:.\' MD BOYS. V
in: 11) {IN p'uhfiz- nl ristonish—
vomivh wing: Illn’tim“: and flu:
11 HI! :miv'm gut-’o'] ing. MY
«mu. Pim- (‘Z My (MAN, Busi
< :11“! Puts fur-T3ll .11.”le
-;m i “ax-mi. 'lnét3‘!n,qu~|
('mmu? M- 1M '.l.‘ furnishing
d«-~Lr2pj.ion. suvh :Is Shirt‘z.
>lni'h, Hgndyerchiefs, Xrok
uziL‘r-yfmtn; all'seLchf-d \\'ilh
r .md 50M nt‘thc lmvt-st (‘\su
‘ l“. B. I'IQKIVNU.
rnl' McClnllein
Hm; ;~;..l'mL—Evoryboly
l. 'I. - u. 'l4-: Lsm‘l \loulJ'
?“\l_'.~« NM 1);: mm” M, ”H"
‘1" Ir¢‘\}v~'.ul'.|lu(-' H
II v'h-L :M' k 01' goods.
‘lrr-u d fi-vm I’m» «an \\ .Ih a<'
1.: u! gut-t inmi: I.lm :.~ you
n" .:!:v n‘hcr Ida-In. , ‘
ML ‘lm-c Inc-1,1“ uhdfgnt (“1050
A“. .‘lhhlcz‘l‘k .\\ “(uninj- (3 um}-
:--I I\‘,' . 9.1:,an thu=o Lll‘viz
nr ILI- Imm} ’in Jthe “my bf
and Port xrncrivmp‘l of'whi: l 1
. 3H. {fight oppmht- {he}! ”5! ,
\mjl th yum. H l}. Curr": '
t|.( Mu! ”nil (Au-Mum! unde
Hugw‘ {mln‘mfiz U\cr-=nir‘=.
| u‘rra u!" all Ki‘hlS, 10m: Mal
[rum L 1 r "H: upto :aL(("ll’~ :1
:Ih;g-rvnl.rl;~‘lo _mn: H. H.
.u- in p: limp- gulp] “lh'k
\rwv .\‘ml, 4. A!) kin-14 of Army
v ilnfi'm : nlsu Rnih-,lurl< um]
:Jlu- ricgqiur xq‘x'un' Slums nn’d
. ('upa, woolen 501'“? of all
~A, H. G. ('nrr lms us tine'un
whim; Tubmicn and Pipe: as
I 'my :plnct‘. (Ihcniug Tubnc
n“ Mink uufimrhca.
it, QIII‘I‘H‘P’» -n-, all Lind: of
i. fibrin“ (Fuirr nnrk ‘(ir'pw
L «.f r'mw-y Slum-x. ull'kimh of
1‘ .\III! vim-l, l‘uu‘l 0:1 and
’ux'v .mml um!- :x~.~l)rtmrut uf
m §~ 1 (' lzxum. ('umc one.
a us rt I‘IHU ,Dnn't Ruhr-t thr‘
:1 El: Yurk Istrvm, oypusit’e
1!. H. ‘Ckliii, Agent.
V”: S ,I‘ZSTATEm—lii‘tlér: rvf
an on the («flue ut .l'rlix‘W.
«1 Illcn‘lm'l nslup, ‘.\dnm= co,
lu-eu ngnE-l m the under-
HM- 041110 tuwmhipwhe here—
u an urfbus huh-bled tu mid
immediate ]>.L_Vmem, muL thnse
.mtftm- .5441» Lo I’m-32m. (ELL-Lu
n‘ 'lrdl Mr ith-l'N-nt.
.\\ \l. Uighfl, .11., -\nlm’r
U ” “f""ww‘fi
Notice, _ :-
{fed-hereby “urns all por=om
ingbrguhmlngon his uremisu,
\vnship‘, Adams: (‘odutyu "l'he
[u fume ugui‘mst nll [\ersu lam:
nlig'c. ulnurlx GEIZ.
E 3” 1, U ‘
A Watch ' H
in " Cump‘flvttysbu’gzfi a fmf
-, which lgzl‘s been! L mt. 51-8
The owm-q enn’ halveé it by
; nnd'pmying for thia adver
[.\y’av.‘l7,ldu‘2., 3L
Notidé'.‘ .( " ‘
n ‘ae estate'of'Abl-ahmm Sell,
township, Adams county,
lg been- granted to {be under
‘ in the mine township, the
ice to n’ll persona‘i‘ndcbted ’
1» .Lke immediate pjlyment. an
‘ms against the same to presen
5 thenlimted for settle-men}.
? 61* Jz'uculora.
Office of Jay Opdke,
1‘ JAY won; 00.. gum-21m,
H 4 son 71mm. sings". ,
thuelpma,;xov. 1, 1862.
The undfirsigned. having §been appointeJ
SUBSCRIPTION AGENT by fine Secreuu'y of
the Trans-31, is now-prepared“. to furnish, :2
name. the ,
PW 7mm" YEAR 6 P 1?! 01. 80x93.
f‘fln Blind. Slates. design: led us “Fivg-
Twenties," ‘ redeemable n lbefiplensure ol‘_ the
Government. after five years. nfid aluthorited in
Am. of Cong-m", ap~mved F:- nary ‘.‘s. 1862'.
The curmx 80le m iguei in 8511113 4.:
$3O. $lOO. $51)”. 51mm.
The Rl-IGINI‘BB. BONDS ii sums of $59,
slum, $5OO, $l9OO. and smool ‘ - :
Intern-,1 :1, six per cent. per qnnum will com—
memo from data ofpurchnse, and is '
Semi-.\nmmlly. which is equal. at the [resent
~preminm on‘vold, wnbout EIGHT PER (525?.
mm ”M's“. . . I
1 l‘nnm-ss'. furl-hunts. Mechanics, Capitalisth.
and u“ v. ho‘hnc §fiy money to in\'e=l, about»)
erw um] rc‘momlmr lh u lhesg Bonds are; [n
l-fi'mt,‘ 5' FIRST MURTGAUE upon all: Buil
muda‘. ('nnuls, Bunk Stork} uni! :‘eruriuvs,
pnd the immen§e prodhcls 0! I“ the Mahufglc
[‘u'm, 12¢, &c., in I‘he’ country: and let (be
full and xtmpie proriiion mndefur the payment
01 the intern-h and Liquidafim'ofminupnl, by
Cusmms Duh“, Ext-m» Stumps and Internal
Ram-um:v name‘s to make these Bonds the‘ "v
Bal, .le jJuqulé and Mull I'upular Inca}-
"bent in. (In. Mar/cu
Sphscrimibns received at. PAR in Legfl
Tender Notch. or notys and chat-kept" banks at
par “1 l'llil-Idrlphhl. Subscribers by mail Wl3l
n-cciu: prumpl :uteumon. and every fzkihty mil
cxphnntiqn ‘will be ttfl‘undml on uppfiuliun. l
.Ihl-‘v. oml-e. ‘ . "
A full « of Bonds wit! 0 kL-p't on hand
for imxuciiule drhVe-ry. ‘ ‘ V
‘r JAY (IMJKIT, Subs‘c ipliun Agent“?
km- in, um; 3m 11. ‘ J
‘ Np Cure N o ray. . 3
T For lhn Hire of cv'ery species of [l].»
n ut'l'cm. as it dls~ohos (hr Crmgululsn} [_‘rm;
which "\L-S im-I:_uh\ut lhé jumli, (u‘uum'i
tho‘m m, 1m ome stifl and painfu") xmvl lhvncb‘
rmuovh 1h" primary 6 why of Lhi< danu.
' ‘l-‘ur. (‘l'!llk'lt. [.lfihunumiws, or Tiglm.«-.~s o
lhquhL-«l .nm‘l Luzign, it gives u surcnud silt-cg
rehfim‘. Alw fur CnJup‘x‘uul‘Furc Thmul, u:
should m'uus'be used ahnpt the Thrmt u:
Lungs in c l'éCS‘UrSL'flrlet FmorntulM'houpil
(‘ouglh For all located pains, sud; us Tout
m hv, Cxuuup‘ nnJ Cuck iu lhgiimk, or when:
'Blv‘rc'ury has inn-muted :unl bucgnuus fixed in
[ha johns. It uisd pivv: immmliulu reliuf f‘r
('huliv l’uius in Adults and Children. 17%
lsurus and Scahls, it extracts (Lo tin- uhnq L
indlmrtly. H. iuhdllbiy cum: l‘ctuls,'lirui;ci~',
‘u‘l-r'nius. and Hl] I‘losh_\\'ouudsz ul-o, \l'nngfs,
.‘.;nx- in [M- UhmhL Cblnlpt‘d Jhn‘ds uud Link,
Guru's. L‘bilhlnins or) Fruaul Limbs; llcxu’u‘fu
rlmlgs nr Plies, or Hamlet} Suicsr luflJumd
)5)".V k 0 . kc. , _ ,
‘.\!:u wmruntod to cure Ihr. mnsi (b=!in:x!e
(‘nmmrli-d’or Fvu‘tfrc-l Houfiz,\‘vluuu.u~,m “Mun.
\‘y'md‘xiufls m‘rd Sprmus upup Uursci, ul‘k'uul
iu the fécl OFC:I'III‘.' ' '
The puhiic; :ch r(-q.n-~XI--l h: u}: i(—-if it (10¢:
no! um“ L'l'llfl'l(‘CJiHlilClU]-hi()c, ruin” it to [he
‘\gc'ny, (Imule half hunk) And naive 30hr
mum v :lL‘lhl. ' ~ - i ‘ 5"
'Un'w'tir-ni Mr us;l t-nvhmingmch lmulo. ~ ,2
HENRY s. M‘T'x's;.<.w- l'x‘uprvrun. ‘ I w
_' ,r“ \\';wnrly‘ 'l‘ 0g“. 50., .\'. )1;
When- n}! m‘Jvrs by m ml. or urlliorwiac. “ I”
héer-unvpliy gultL-mz‘rd m. 1' cc 2(l.CcuLs I!qu
[walla 1 ' ‘ L 5
Lfi‘SuH in (gutt3sburg by I]. G. CARR. ‘
, . .\‘m. 1?, ' '
{I UERIZBY onptiun u‘l pvrsons n: im‘ Lny-‘
Luz 1m nhligMiuu which I, hvfld ugmnfi
l‘mm 1;, l-I‘unc any} John Him. for Hm hundtedl
dollar-1. pwanle in sii'mumhly pzlynu-nls.‘lpey
first p lymchi to be made on the .'id of Februnnyfl
ISM—“(HI imel hnm'lnd dullnrs to be mid ’mfly
undpr rhldin condiliuns—dmed Hm .'(I d 1; uf
Nov. 1‘62; “S k luxu- Inst the a lid «.hlxg‘xrwn, 4
null numb Pcrr_i\'x-.'. \‘nluu hr the SAM-y. I hpru.
I»; i-uxmuu'snid lz‘mm is and .luhn‘lJino mix Q 10»
may slud onlvlvgntimg if pruscntcd fur pugmvm,
cum»! hyinymlf or my uu-‘hhnzud ugenl, m
can: I should run-Yer the smuv. ‘
FHAXPLS A. wwxnonm.‘ !
» NIH". X 0,1862. 3L” ‘_ , ’
Just Received,
L “can srrmx 0? FALL Lb \\'IXJ‘ER‘
. U'L‘U 1' 111 x 1;, i
hov. 11», 1652. .~_ 1‘ I’ICIKWU’S. 1
. Restauray. ~ ' I
I”: f‘hnmlwrsburg Stre_ Restaurant, {re-i,
T wully Eckcmodc's.) is {tow-rmnlmuo-i by
12:“ xly\drl‘~‘iullr-I!: OYSTI-Iflz: .nn done upju
'muwz. BOILE.) 12003,, [3l n'uixe'ghaa of
ALE. run :I! ull timfi: b 9 hm « .’
WALL I.\'. ThuSu) )on lx'_s bot-n ro-p‘ninw'l
and fitted up in fine suit ' '
Gettysuqrg, NuV.’B, mu.) >\ 1
‘ ‘ ‘ ' . .‘ : The Mtention of michnnc‘r! and o
Gettysburg Fpmgle Instztutg. mum to 1m c.\.u.n unluiqug 01 {11? above
VIE Winter Sewio‘h of [his Inslituliqn will lxuy :m-l Bull («L-hunch f 9? ‘l‘flfih “9
'1 commence ox THEFUC|:TILMOXI'AX or in: purwl w Hl‘“ a: sum! prnfi'ti, “mi 1
PRESENT ”my!!!" (November 21:12 ) In alddi- “runglndu-.;olxxc11:~lm ‘.m'u BUYER .
tion In [ht-rollvgilwand prjmnry d( pnrunculs. Uu. 10, 1:14;. Jm L ‘
:1 Juvenile Department will be attached In til!“ ~~ » v ‘ +__:r_ ,
Inslixutc. Price 0! Lumen. correspondingfloL H The eapest
thongeund lumimucma of pupih. quj‘uqu-r LOTHS, (33.5 mm _ Gulg’npts’ o
P'"“““11"3 i‘nqlurl- ”Uh” Pri"'~'il’l‘l-.. i‘ C Jl'llna. Curd, Hungel‘. Binnkels,
4“"54 k- M- R. E‘YQTER, Principals {lla-den , nhd n. largo lutnt CARPETJX
Gettysburg, Nov. 1": “55'3- . § '; hm! M, the cheap “3:. +10”: u! ‘
~- ""' -« j. _ “3“"? ! .\ov. 3, 1552. \ (:FIO: AR.
DISSOIutIOII ' i ”""'"'""‘ ‘.‘“"""9"“".[ " "“
F PARTNERSHIP.—The partnership 116 at ngno Tuntsig:
‘ |nt‘o,r'e Mailing b-twevn the'umityrsign d, ‘ PRUPI‘BU'“ M‘vf’r 1-I“‘“€'9“fl".\B '
in the pmclice‘ of Medicine, hm 1M: any hgon - _ VIM“) 19min ”if" ,mfikhls‘lneu-Is
dissoLwd-. The books 01 thc’firm will he iou‘nd THUS-“‘4“ 1’03““: “:1 Se" “"Ix‘ ”“1 he ’
in the possessiQn of Dru—Charles Homer; film “med-Wt OWFTWXS" 0 ,‘lll‘Wdy '0 Tl")
Wm .‘.),jnnu'ew'e pmcma ~ 1 ‘ Ih-pmrmg {inmost atg'mudente pru
(aroma one door above the sDrug Store of I','>'°'":”s‘~‘s,‘~'“'-1W 5??
Dr. R. Homer. CHARLES mmvm, ~ incewed‘utlhza‘plm
April 1,1862. - . 2
. ' ‘ ; ’“""*"""+
.‘ Auctgoneenng. ' ;
moxwaammfl respectfully i‘uforrns q‘he
G.pnblic‘ that he continues the Auction? :-
ing business. His charges ate always modee,
and, be never.spnrca an effort to pleg'ge. Ie
hopes lo meril._nnd. re‘ccive a. continuance of
pubh‘c p Itl‘hnngt. rll'e rele‘ls-to [swu- Rubin: n,
qu . oszlirfield. and Robert thtiu. u! G In
tys'uurg. who are guthoyized to ynnke ruga e
mcnts for Him“ :His) \post. nflico Address is
G‘reonmnunt. Adams county, l'a.’ &
Oct. 20, 1861* _. ‘ ‘
fxnxlfw 'rmmmws ESTATE—Jane“
A fies meum-y on :11. «mm of Au
drew Trimmer, late of Reading twp_, Adams
county; deceased. having Egon trained to the
undersigned, residing in eI my twp.. sl9
hereby gives noticeto all persons indemed 0
mid estate to main iummmmg payment, a u!
flame having claims against. phu-me so pmsdnt
them properly authenticated for u-ulemem lb
V » “LYDIA TRIMMER, Ezmuriz,‘ ~
Or to her Agont,Levi Chroniikr,3_lq., Humpwn.
Oct. 20. 1362. 6! ‘ ‘
Fourth Street Camel: Store,
0. 47 abbvo Chunut street. Philadflpbifl.
N llsolici: In gamination‘ Q! Nu- pricea qu
quality of myduge and wall Irlegtcd STOCK'
UP cmrsrxxas, .n or m a mu llylu mu
manufactured of the but matefisls. Brussels,
3-ply—lngmin Ind Venetian Carpefingll_
Draggeu,l“goor UiL Cloths, in ever: width. 3 -
Rag, Listlnd Cottage Cupetings—together
with a lsrg'e flock of WINDOW SHADES, of
the newsat and handsome“ pnkrna, whufih
will be 101 l low. ' J. T DELACROIX, :5
' Sept. 8, IBM. 813 47 South 4th St;
pURE GROUND SPIGES. tainted an}
‘ » ground expressly far Dr. ROBERT Hon.
RER'S $011)ng Stun. - i
1 7
HE attention of the Lndiet in ”spectra";
TJnnted to 3 large and Ipleudid unort
meut of 'leiel' an. KM Boots,aLuting Gui
tel-s, Gum Ovenhoel, to, jun received an
Oct. 28. > R. F. HcILHEKY’S.
ST PBEHIUX awarded to Tyton Brother:
1 bythe Mennllcn Agriculturnl Society, Sept
1360“”;“1 by the'Adnma County Agricultural
56cm], Sept.“ 1861, for but Ambrotypes Ind
Photoguphs, over :11 «km on ambition. ;
TYSEL" BRO I‘HEBS Ire making Iheir Pym;
'rum pi hug: .'. ; ru'cnl» 1...» ’2 Act.
4 I ’ ‘1 - ~.... ~ . ,
i Puma-Bald
0 URDAY, the 13“) 1|; of "H‘mel'
,tlw subscriber will olTer M. Public Sale,
premisea. the following properwhviz: '1
z A SMALL I’ARNLon which he residcg. aim-
IN‘d on the vesurn liniil of the bar ‘gh, of
Gellyshurg.~ conl‘iiningfil ACRES mi? sn'me
{pen-hep, wd adjoining D. McMillan, J.” l. Mc-
L‘lellno and camera—improved with A QEICK
HUL'SE n‘pd Back Buihling, Bxick Waph and/
'Buke House, 3. Burn, n nevcm‘niling V'rell
watci m lhe dnor, and; n young (irchV/
choice apffile and peach urns. w]! Ii
the propetty will be un'éred for; why
day. v i .
! Also, an: the snme tithe and 1"
Jold, 1 WORK llUllSE,!1 Yo.
i inn-h, 2 Wagon, 2 setséof I}
juew. nnd dther chrs. I’le
‘ file-traginddld and W
Fodder. 00 lnndlfib,
' ground, I‘ld miny oil
’lo mentiufi. ‘ / ‘ ;
I half-Silo to «{mmcngl.‘ a! 1 n’i-lock.
on said ddv,wlieli uzlent‘hnue “iii be giv
,tcrms maria known by: V . ,
5 f : ’ gmgntnmu. {um
i Xuremb‘cr 3,1562. u., ‘g _
' l ‘ I S) ___A
, Profesmonal Card.
' HAVING associnod Ewixh m 3 :1?” Dr
. KEEIRLE, or I! ltl'nuro‘ 1; din no
‘p’hrcd to “""ll‘l. to all mils, at xlny :hqu
' may he m'nlu‘ upon {no.3 Dr" Kizflle ii
lrlor one year Clmiul Auistnnt‘iq [he Bn ‘
3 Infinn.u,\'_,'.uml fer thrve‘gmrs in‘ Medina
1 dent in the llnljimmc City und k‘tmmy
» hohse. und [fl-cl five to recommend him
icunfidence'o’fthepublic.‘ I hour, h! at i
.lgutiou to business, to lmrrju’firr mfgl
’ pnrtper u. ceminuanve M :1 p sun-e pa}
, Whilh has Bu long been accqn all m 1‘
office. I_‘ 3 .S. (LKILZER,
l LittleatownfiQL-L ‘l7, 11862. ‘Zflu ‘
,~-——-. —-"~ —:-4—~‘~fi~ .
2 New Fall _ahd int}?
.' onus—A. Show .1: gamma-ell
5G rind are mm; sclllng Micheal];
1 chi-upon :1 good usmrmvln!mfi ryfiood
aiming at lindiqs‘ [gums Wfiuoflsgsucluu
Merin‘ues, (‘obL-rgs. Dulmyiw-s. ' ruv.«»ifiy
i . 'lu’res, Alwc'czu, kr. r;\i4o—-—(l‘ltha, L:
l giuwrcz, Salim-{lsl Uzi-r: outings
'l‘“ (Ac-1%. Juana fl mule}. km, g
.10 wlnl- h we invite Lhi-mun-m An ol‘huj
All \w- :hk Lauvcxumiml‘itiun Inf-{orejaun
,el:m\‘ln-m.- H _l-\. CC 'l'l' .8
. Nov. 3 1335.2. ‘
Ready-made CL),
Eonm: Auxum has in.“
G nud u'jnwrblm k of‘t‘LJhi:
Uwr (‘n.x}s. in grout. unmet), w
UrL~< Cu .lj‘, n 7‘
Busmvis Coats; ‘
‘ . Mbjnlu .\' Jacki",
‘ } l'antnlftmna V
' ' j ‘ Slyxguh
AM of om- own mnnuflulurc,
thou-1y hc l manner, mud n
L'lu-np. (:irvlucn cxil. [ ‘
UdUL-byvg, Sun 3‘ lit}. ‘
. Notice.
{ACO}; SHEELX‘D' li\"l‘A'E!
J luau-“ Livy . on the 6:.“
Nu 01y. lu‘e uf [luiun NHL, AIM
ct ‘sml, lmvmg ”3“” gnpxed to'
M. l-r-zl-imp m UA'III‘IIHH‘VhL‘
gin: rum-L- tu“nH Inflr‘e-nra in;
«fine Iq‘urtin" im m-dlgde my."
lunh'; "Inims alpine! Hm: i=l
thuxu pmpcfly ruui.'on'il§uL-nl IZ-
K Avu:'.\ll.ul';.~flm¢
til“ T '
N.v. 3. 18 ;-.!
» Robert, Mart n, ;
MULOYLJ—SIiup in llgo‘c-uruqrnf the
'1 an. 11.1- UH Vpl uu. . U ”‘9' “:3” he'l
Imm- :ih \\ u' k do‘ne fight. l’urlicul.\i .n
lund to ("mingaml nimfirfug.‘ 1 ' ‘.‘
on. UNIS“). cs‘ ‘ . ,
Mihtary Gog
S pnrn] to furnish. 1t! {he I
ran-aft 1H” und Liné (‘Hiwlrs ’
H ”'5, imlivuinxg run“ 5““)
and '4:er L'qmpmeuu. ‘ Uflig'q‘rl
iuviw'j lu fin”.
Nm. 3, him”!
Ofllcers and Pr‘
WILL fin! :\ splendid 355:0
hnnmzrs, (tum 81.
I" Jar shins, llmwe'f, hym‘
ILtmTS. ”-:.:: .‘.‘Htl L' ups; and MI
1...“; 5x whim-r guiug imp (alum?)
‘\uv. ‘J, 1:122. i: ' {it 1".1
“._.. .
\ Arch‘treet C:
- TARUH»L':‘~H.-QLDL)I£.\’;I
\‘ .\0 8:1' .\rt h mrcul,
Ninth, Imm..\\_. um
nlu-ir‘l-‘ALL STUCK 01 I'2!)in mum
(‘.Hll'l‘l'l‘h'tjb} comprising HE]: the m- »‘
01 “an". lir'iw‘dp. 'l‘.-pc~try.,lirus=el:~
plv, Illngu: and Yeulliuns, \ i\l,h I ‘
uuunmvnl of - t . - ' ‘
UH. CM.) “15.. ' 1
G have jus‘l rel-rive lroln‘Philudell
now ofl‘er to the pubh the [qt-gen 2
niss‘onmenl. of Gilded mmqa eve; pr
Gettysburg, at 35101113311eg low prices
cull ind cxamlu‘e Tue _. Excelsior 5
Gallery, York urea, oyposite the I}:
tyg‘ourg, Pu. a ' [lurch 19,
. .-.“ ‘—-_..,.—- - ~z. m .
_ ‘ “Cane—d} vmte ”
)HOTO‘GIIAPHS l—-- \‘e havcjuslin
n‘upluudid massirfi column in an
a“! are now praparul fip tarnish the n
“Guru: do "mm" P ulugrnphs—n?
d’ollar. .' T UN ‘UBUTH I
Excelsior Sky-lighb mun-y, Gen-y“
~March 10,-18¢.~3. 3 f
. , Notice, 1
V 713 desire all po‘noul Indobud $0 an to
~ , call and make “annual, having msdg
a chnuga in our mluncq‘ofdbinz Maiden“
in. _23, 1853‘. Fiap’gsg‘ufi 318019.-
le FALL a wimn 6000314» good
assortment of Pal; and Winter ‘oodl as
cheap u the chapel: n; A. SCOTT sows.
f HE Ladies will findl I googi nubrt em. of
Dust Goods, chm-“p u usual-«43H uni
use chum n‘ A. SUOTT & SDN’S.
OR Gentlemen we have Gldthsfiaa:
Cnssim-tp. Tweeds, Jem:,-tc.. :-
‘us cnn be found cluwhe‘ge. A. SCQ'I‘TI
E'bun jun nested! new a -'
of Queouiruo, t which We in
intention or buyeri. ' ‘ A. SCOTT &
TATIOSERX, of All kinds} ALDr. :-
NER‘S New! Family run“! Pu:-l
State. 5 r }
L. SCHICK hu 3 sphhdid-lot of
. Silks, "r; ebony-$37; to 62} c
yard. ' ‘
G. CARR bu juh rcceind a
. assonmon: argon?! Cones
nu and cumin. lb. . < ‘-
0 0013 mm unchara—naL
T signed his Essences and Perfum
:1 kinds, at wholesale and retail, all Wl]
in telling very cheap for em. (‘all I
mine them and mnkoyaur selections. l
June 30, 18‘2. H. H. CARE, 4
L. SCIHCK has jpst rewind 1
J. cheap Looking thuu. ‘
ARGE PHOTQGRA as {at $l, -, 1
, pddur- Sky-huh!» war” You:
.‘pudwflvo l: .12.. j ' 3‘ " 1
---... “.7.
l .
mt: "I v I )r corcqs, com. All)”;
svuntox. 't , -1
rm. sr‘ .xrx‘s .sm \\‘EED roman
loan”? :2 or nun-span AND ALI: nutu‘t‘fdl J
cost-Inn“ or TIII amines. z .
v 0 DISEAMH n! 1": “VELOR I‘o A9l: mil
1 GE‘TLI rungnttx. 7/r 1‘ I
All of thew. zhrcc tut'vlitint's an- 0!)“ requ
3dd in curingUonsumption.thouth/brb Par] Ii
; Syrup almw‘ hu! ([lch _mnny dot-perm an 2.
fine Sen Weed Tunié mt stundrfie ring .1:
in regulating the nomnc'l nm' li\ormud I“!
the l’utmdnu; Syrup to digcsflmd bClfch thr‘
the,bluod rcsnls, by “hicymeans I cufi
soon t-ffctttd. ' , ' 1 I
These medicine; are nnsxientinnaiy 9 in
to the—public ml the Wink, certain an
liable rcmotiiea fur ‘ul u‘nwry Conant“ i
nntl tnr‘qu t'lmso {llO/be ‘couvtlti'o‘ns of Lhr M
which lead to thnt htnl disease. Live: , at
pining hull Dyspepsia uri- otten forerutine I
yConslllnpliuufilnd when, they Innnit‘cst t i
‘lselt 93 they require the mpn prompt attention
1 The Pulmmttc Syrup is a medicine Sic
i 1118 hm] n. lung prob‘ntion 'bef’ore the pub! o.
l Hunthm hug hog-u proved by the thouuuu o
.__ rcurcs 1!. has mutle thrmt‘gh a perjud of
'.than twenty yenrs. hm“ «(whit-h time in .or
.‘I. 6.] umtion has mustuptly imtuatscd nugl the on
r ["1" H‘flistiunt‘e skepticiflu can no hinge: dqubt tihn
; thin] )1. 15 n .l't'lltedy \\hwh‘mny he. used with c it
.I’bevn 5 dmxv n m H” on“ t \\‘llu h utimtt uf‘n-cnrc'. i
aiumn-I It t‘i: xuzticft Will [H hse\l;l‘lllfi.}" full-J1 h
‘ ltesi- direttmvzs “:th :tucu'tlhtn)‘ ('xll'h lutth, h
Axm‘_,;wlliqortmuly h‘.‘ curled} 1. his [lilltr‘ .trx' Mi u
tome muuh tmsuut to mm: .5 cur;- 1)‘ my». .'. 'et
ict. nt-s in culu's s_ttp;m:od [nirvana-Jr J,!t-,vt‘liota {H d
if “dam“! phym-iune h‘ne «tenured, tho ..r. i» TIL
imuge ilncdlt nw ha‘s mug! the lite 01 Mr 1 .ttu'u u
W ohr rtstdic'l him tn vm‘. 'I hrnithu .
_ I). i; Dr. .‘lchanuh himself “:1”; vnrrd‘in pun-Hog
'sugh c'n-umu :‘lvsl‘L_ uml many IIihNN hm‘t-{injl'
‘ . "Lquftil; lUHH'W'HI‘ tyjmlw t(HI-‘I\"1!lh1llglldl d
t ‘ 15’ use (if Dr. min-MILK rvmt-dns. ‘
{ T'r. SI ham}; mm m-t gay thul all an! o
,"""°;tPuimunttrv ('uxmrmptinn inc- withiu the w!
‘ lhe}utufimliriue, but he (‘lliltlLllille'V asserts Int
I“'°"':.ot'teh, when pittivnts hum the mutt. ul,xr inu
. . t-v! symptoms, su \h 115—“ nah-"lnt t-ufigh, or" in
”13*.”phina, m.,.ht «Hut; and gt uorul licbllily, \‘
“5' 3 EH; such it ("'ulfl‘ that htL} momma-371;” i h
: “EluulwnJ “ht" ”my are gnen up hyflhcit‘ lhy
1 wufiitinla, f'lt'l t .u Md. (:1 I‘ 111 I.‘ NO In" (‘8
f‘”""t"trr.«:}t..:t;tt‘. mu “..,H- u-u"hltvu_~. 1m: ‘B‘hu (h
'h-tsmgt Ittmr; ur tmv .~ ."JJ ‘13“‘3"!"1~"“' ‘ M 0“ "i
05‘ i‘tvnt 'lzl wl‘pi-m’. n g tile. ltttt‘, bu: Mt’wctt‘ * b
‘n the
‘ V 4”, ‘
.»_ g'Cow.
. ud Gears,
m , Dauble an
1r 1?. 3 thus of‘Hn
4 Smut} Grain
y er‘amdelgwo n‘ur
‘ in be
d Sin
y, and
in the
/3 d
_ :‘Sk'hl'lll‘k‘r.!l).("lH"l‘:CE'. ‘ ' ‘ ~
.. V ' Mm. in >rlmyn'u_l‘.3 dist-WM (Ltw- mud! in«
G“ " .'nT‘P L‘q‘nnll} ('5) ( mm: I in. .‘Khvnd; b“! 1:“ inl‘
”5‘ fly}! 1““th 01 .'. xmnvboz‘o‘. yxr-rwvm.whu'rhm'e (1m
Hug 01.nv~ur¥_vmnr-:!3mm xvunnifig: Ham. and m «I
‘9 ham-. 1 1.5;. This Hm‘vsggtd hmlin'g prgp- qm
"m up
P .
g. coxm
.\ uuen
. ':’ luthv H'M‘v: NAM l'wymfimmmn 1' i 4 n l
' H ntn'xcul i'umzl w: vln mm: \i 'M H-Id u lu- i!
filmm- M L‘Jn 'ln. “my I‘. [L-i :nrt'aln )3
tukf“ ‘ts‘runglha'l tho :-.p[-«;(}le ul llu- pal-('llLfiIl I‘
l”P “l Vimxmm'r- lm- dIAL’P-il‘VU'l. Punk-r nourish m
‘l ""3145 roiluirl-11. (x HAHN \\lth Kn. h lIII‘A'IIS u. k
’ '.‘ulukp the Mm] maul: dl;’:c.~tx|;le.. Tin- nr ii!
‘ most suimhlc fur Llu- div] 0! cunsmupm
”fl" . Hunts nru uhumnntfl In Mr. :‘Mn-gu-L'» 11?];
I “ A 161», \\lzmh nu du‘ui‘mN-d thzuilmer ,
i 5 "’"q gum-nil. [ht-1H0?! thl} nulqdmus :Irtiqi': J
l Jf‘C‘m to bu prriyr‘rcd, hut the digcshw 0 guns I
tyqle- , be rurnfithuum‘l’m nfik-r In nmkc either 11
l‘rSH-‘n‘i or melln in” Jervicentblc. This n'qurem r
'el'ulgy -‘ mm m- 12.? SH \\'ch Tunic, and for thisp
‘0 BF"! "wh'-1' VHF All'4igih'lL ‘ IJ'
;‘ ”ma-9. Who?! the diJM'wc pown’firv 1m! irr
mm“) ‘ m drr,‘ 11w rum] hn‘ixa wow-r cm" t, tho 5_
mm, mt' the pr-Lirvn 2s Invkmwwul, nnd [he 1
“(W-1 Hum?” 10 o.\L‘Hi~(‘ fllrir hlnt'liong in. ano
‘ {nudJn Milly. mmm r. Turn the healing
"“" 1"” 91—:le l‘uhzuuit' S) :u]: \\ill cumpleu
' icurn.
‘nwrs. ;
and (fun
11 be so
; ~Lt‘tt
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mus coun
'lhc und
flip, he}
\‘dyhled J
\m-t, 2n
'nm In
.\., L‘n‘
quart-,5 l'u'mnumy (‘nnmmp'i in i 4 nlmnst nl'
lull llf,(‘()n'llill(::llt1l \\i'h [Mala-pain nn-l LH'crhh
cunutt plaint. fivlwm ' '3' Jl \mlrllsc Pills mo in -'
‘ . ed‘tl) ru-mmo “filmntiu'li from llw live F
,‘ . intro-lulu. n, lu-ullhy ar'tion. 'l'l'u-y luv-.1
. Mf-I‘ltlu; L-flimrncy ulnivli is mu'rilwd to culom“
. -.;’-blm-Im|'-s," nnil :l'l'P wnrrznteil not to co
m ”(._anunu'll-‘of an) mineral poison. Those 1%
(,gsmlefl cure ll“.- "=0“:""l"i“'“" custivencsfl, nick ch
1 .]r[.,s“flr'lll‘,lvlll".‘lllll "5 nll‘ntihus,,n,rad nll ti!
SHE‘S, ,d‘lil‘flsfl'“ whirfv .Ptlar {mm ‘5 turgid ur o'l3] 1?
.e.~l“ny.éd ('thi‘llu'tpl- Hit-Juan, Uni- box of 'e
EN) ' pllls‘,\.lllltl 11l 'ls_co:,ul:, will prove the e 'c'x
' hol’tlm mm. ir‘-c.
_._...'.| lil ('nnfiump‘lunitlfl' Sm Wood Tonic l
' i .\l-InilvrulwJ’Ells~ are lllGilllLthL‘ nugilinry ~ (
l'Krmy i Clint". Thuyrv-l‘m‘a Hm Milli-ring? of- th l
““lan lieut, nndiusbvlstitlw l’ulmnmc .31er m 6 l
r-pmnl“ mg n (‘llt‘Q' .l‘lui‘s' l. \\'.» hvr-n it'IIIIIJ llnei
Mli‘lé'nlmnn-ul slaw-z (vl (nusllmp‘mn, “uer ll‘
J. ~.. ‘lunus \\a-:(~ alum-t i'yltrt*lylit‘ilt\lycd, xtn r
YJD" - Eqrgptlima ltllj)'dlngl9 tltejull‘gment «if I
~ 1!pllyglgl-xlli.“hilt-“I‘dh}l('CIl_“tlclel.' 'l|.el H
nl pulivnts \\lm V» II: :u'tlrallly in ii. dying; '
[mum luu‘e Mm [ll‘ttst'l'vt'hl tur months I: 'l:
n3O of Dr. SL-‘b'-uck'~Hlirr'l-.grgn¢ renwdlc” '
Dr. ficlmuck plcllgh' lmum ll' tn Elli-cl. ii
ifthe patient \\iil apply to lum balm-« 3 his ‘
is altogether Ilrupvmlv; that ip, tu my, b 2c
the yital omit-La are tn!) hr game 12: u t
Arlv I'H‘TL', except by u‘mimclcu . l
lIL .1. 11. .\rncnck is uni inrcntor ol‘ ;
l‘elt‘brltu‘ll imlrunu-nt cullcul"-Sulleuck's 3
spiroulctg-r," \\th which ht." makes exuui‘
tlons of; the lung, “ill! the certainty of '
covering the r true sonditim'i‘. Tho til mg}:
an exmngn Iliun milk the Ros‘pirmyetcr l; :
(olinrsf , l r .~ l
a; aLllul‘ “LUV”, Dr. Sclu-nck [Jinan-if ll
NIKKI m'U,u<‘umpf.}un. in one "fits mu'el lLlli
led-5.1g“. ii) the lin-m the l’ulmm’uix: S l
Exiibwrxhyaiqinns declared that hes;
not li\‘t' n'wook; yet n'ntv, nller 11 hp
twenty-li\ - .\‘vura, lw la in pi'l'rl'f'l health
“Figlis mm, llmn t'wo hundre-d pounds. I
Stxli‘sl'uctorg' ci'idt-ncu ofall‘these sum- g‘
is exhibit” n;\l)r. Fl'lnemm‘a office, in PI
dclphin, Sn, :1!) Norm Slvll strcrt. For [1:
ticulnr‘s. smithe .minphlct; “mull is sum ltl
without «hilrg', to all nmnlicunt!, m. F
Scli'cm'k‘s'ollivo. . " l
Dr. J. Hi Sclicnck N be consulted a
prlrlr-ipgl oflil-Is hp. 3’) fiortlllrfixth r r[
Pliludglpl‘h, ew-‘rj' Sur’m‘ y: and M .V'
lhmd strut-t, Sow York. ('\'ETXEIUH‘IHV; u
444‘EiphthJFYPL-g', \v,..smugl.,-x. I). 0., Fit
other V. A". MR3"; M, No. 105 Bul’imnre 5 *
Baltimore, Slut, every other ‘l'lmmlay, ll
once a man'lrl in Boston, Mass. l
Dr. Schenck‘a Pfinripal allies in No l
.\‘orth h'ht‘u ’F'l't’Cl, l'hilndclphil, PAL,‘ l
letters loru~l§zcv~ should nlwny) he direct ‘5
New York c 4123, UuurJJ F 0530: at Ba (11
'S.-—I .
.l).\', S
are cs
I lnwnt r
\lvnkL-(sg' ‘
.‘j AVHM
pxy who}
’wiH up
,5." R 1
2 door}
now rd
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sq lea.
vacuums, V
her! is
re p‘re
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and the
we: 'lnis
ng 9nd
‘esf' He
bin any]
ad best
ugh: to,
. Please
k, (id:
E oduced
' GlNery
;r for I
'mere ,
» cheap
& SON.
’- men:
it: 1119
[ ripuof:
nu per
.- ery fine
, uriu of
Lhic h” be
uni u-
lot of
thy in:
i F?"-
I' . .
' \\'Lm: mi: "1
‘h ‘r- to L (:11 v u :m _ I'. 1h
strer‘t. L ‘ ‘ I
Hinton, 3115: .Gco. C. Goodwin & Co.
1) ‘Jafih'xl’. 11m 2. . _ ‘ ' ‘ I
I’nnlw'nd, .\l.-., W. F.J’hillips, NO. 149 I
Mann-« 1. - .
Piu=hurg. PM, Dr. Geo. H, Kcyser, No
oud’etrwf. \ . I
Murfin Kath, Unity, (,‘olnmhiunn'co,; 0'
St. Louis; .‘xi 1., Hum)- Bl «Lek-3 . cornL'l'S
and Vine rtrkt-cté. . ‘ ‘ ‘
BHfium'c, 51-1., Seth 5. Hence, No. 108
rim/w;- strr‘nt. ‘ ’
\\'ml‘ingmv . I). ('.,ja'umnel B. Waite, '
Sfimalh :xrevvl'umi I,l)";stan .\\buue.. I
Chic ”gov!!!” Lord 8 Shaikh, No. 13 ‘1
And sold by Hwy; 3;: genemlly.
' . ‘ PRICES. ' l
Pnlmomc Syrup. $1 per.boulo,s3 h'ulfd‘
fies \\’m-d Tome, 3! pet home. $.l- half .14
mpdmm hila, 23 cum per box
So'v. 17, mm. In:-
as Java. and cheap arr-ye,
‘ ‘ CHDUKI & GA ,
EW'SPRLVG GOODS—v-jnn oponed‘
New Store 0% M. SPA‘GLI
OURNISG 00003.41“: Quest 1 ‘
' menz uf Mourning Goad; ever-o 1‘
‘tnu‘ nuw be seen mud hwghl at leave! I
than they I. ue ever been mid before. 0" a
once at the sign '0! the Ila-. 1 Franz. -
‘ April 11. FAHSESTOCK BR _
medimrd purguses only,nt the 39w I
[are q! , Dr. R. “GENE
‘LL colon of ZepherorsLLd and She l
'\\'o9l cw: be bad at ‘ SCHICK'S}
ALICUEE“, ..s goal! as ever, at from Le
12} kti: [our yard, can be Mr! m KQHIC ,
orros (moves, for Men and Emma:
be bad chi-. 43“; . sqzuolg’g,
ouxo Menu Pun sulfa of mm Had
Cups 20 percent. lower thug usual ‘
at ' ‘ ‘ R. F. McILUESY’ ‘
preventing um) curmg the bite: oz" ..‘
quisoel and oily: insects, at _ V "i
‘ . ml: K. HUBXEV.’SDm,g£ .
3s. wmamwna ‘.Q‘ :.\'~ 2"
Manama, at bfiéfi _ ‘