The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 17, 1862, Image 4
16mm 2'33 Ne'w Mercantile Firm i_____. . ‘ - x [W Maw—M L‘— - -—» ‘f‘k': .IN EMMITSBXTBQ. ‘ 'l'} uh? ,1." ~' Hardware 7‘ MW 600”ng Parr? ;, ~ HD.GBO'TER£RS.—— ~ ' ‘ i ' , ‘ ‘ ’ " " A- ‘ . . -- sV‘Mfimrinv‘ra h m 'y I" WWW“, 'mrn 'LTuTEThflrrfiifgflfifl tlgenxlfllgigfigpa‘lfiy I u p! 1 -‘ ‘ t . j ‘- V " £l33fl§l§'é'élfll'EEWSWE’iNßYf'l’;3“W ”my ~"”“°" ""me'l “w“ u“ ”m“ 9%" max slim old mad 1}; Barum‘m firm, 1 " "h ’3 35“!“ “”"mn‘ M 9““ “’“Y”:* .nwmmnimm-fiun. Uni-noel cu'nsistg ’ "mm D": Eli. 'B‘ GOO ll ‘ . f I . .r ‘ ' , ‘ ‘ 4 ..%:S&WIATMHR§.R. .. , ‘sucb a 1 Puma, De Bug": Chum . , ‘4-CAIPFV'I’RWSHXWEW ,1 . ,igumhcs, jimmy»! nlLkm‘ls. A '’ “ ~‘lrnmt‘R‘lM’l‘f'i'ys‘ I‘oo7s'!‘ 4"!1'539 {grand Check 31141.03: . n. . 4 .. . V ~ 4 ..‘.“ ,m .1.- ‘ ”concu nxmmm,[lt‘b'm'n‘m‘ ‘ “0°“ “f"?"flx .‘ SHOE rmm‘u‘q Lullard, Luhcoos Ind Mudms. a: . ‘ . ‘ "' . ‘ - ULo'ms a; 1 018153? MAKER'S TOOLS, ’ an , . .u ; : Housrmmpmwflxrvnm o“”‘s‘mm‘; ALL'MNus on [RUN 52C . ' 2 . ‘ N G‘ROCEIHKS 03} ALL Runs. ' " 15““"“§gjbfi’“ffg£ 3531'“: failqu'nu. tr.,&c. hero I: no article in- ‘ BOOTS SHOE-é cinded‘in the 'sovernl fiepnrtmepti mentioned] ' “ DATE 1 thou hut that on b had at this B¢me.—' . ' ' ' ' sn!) Hnubf Euthanid can bencommbdued Illiuggggvtxfiggood “Mk ”I but with tools and findings. turd Housckeop- , ,' r ‘ _ . ~ . . ‘ Qt LENFWARE. ”you! find every nrtodlc in dmrhmn (hm _ . I”.ch and us Agatha: In» Me [rrf‘fiilfml to so“ m- Vow {sl 1, - ’ N can!) u any other bdmd cm of flu: ._hy. I . . _,‘ mm. B. mxxnn, 1‘3““ {Wk ”Jlngrfmafi to ..rr,' 4 . ,l . - Jon e9' 1362‘.-~‘_W DA: ”’ifil‘mflfgt‘; innd A“ kind: of goods, such as . \ ' - . P , . iffiuud in a gouutry store. [lnvi » r . New Store! ' - [(‘zwjj. we can affurd to sell at I. E'W GOODS AND GREAT BARCATXS! [wig-e5. ‘ Uur tyne ithui " ~Tm- r‘u‘nrriqnel \\uul" redpcrtfully I Suinll Proms.” _ { '«nnuomfi'e m l'hr- :Mm-ns n! lir-t'yslmrg and; @Thcio goods are really v turfnn .1311: t-mmiry. that he hm npcrwd n. land we want illliatincll‘v. under “RE“! $17319: in lir-itfibgrrpjn Lhe mom lately. gflgqefflu-p Yuri-heap (or‘mfi ’«cg‘hlfied hy J. ('. (Egfin‘ri‘ k “rm, on th'b .\‘uwf : Ime : u-t um-H M. six months. I ‘l\',o\'t corner of flu" Dihmnnd. “born he WHIREXMMM b'dure purclmsiug.r cl '«kei-p "jury :ml #O2l 911-9:an <tm-k‘nf ‘wouH respectfully return our mu' GOODS szrnaz'hzs (L'l-li-LX>W.\RE “WI"? {wh’ “W4l PWOIMC ‘ - 2'“ ‘vvfi‘x-V 32' - ' t‘lu hr and rrpecttuflv Mk 1 .'. ‘ ‘-(l'|‘,vpt‘..'l ‘j‘r 5 . V :or .cviry aw ”Wm. "among Jim-h «m be “"3925. _S9T‘T‘IL found 15(- l'zLy-L ugh-s of Spring (lauds. Tho‘ l;"”“"“b"rgv31iy AW” a“: 15 ' Tmmc'i fr'rfzv"l':l.=l_x‘nre [Upward tocnll and >V- _ ‘7 V ‘ V ~‘_~' 'T, cuinlliue‘my Mack. 111 I “\‘l sntisfivd it lin, Cannon 8‘ Ada S 'mvcr bah) :urpum din this vim-c 1m- bunny '. VEW MARBLE WORK?!» co er of: B: ' an}! chcupnn:<. Gr nth-men, al~o. .ro-ruqup’st- i ' more n'ncl HuakMiddle slrcc sfdirer-ux ed yum“, as 12m in is no u‘ntu 1e in the line of P 04!" me nI-w L‘qurt House. ‘ertyghu ”F'J'I‘QEMIZK'S \\'IZAI: that Ihr) cum”: be ne— ”'l‘ 111;: Wren”) arrived from Ph .dclph’m, ...rnmmodntcd ui'thuL priws‘that willnslonish ffii‘lli‘fl ‘3‘”) ‘I‘m‘IEBW‘W ‘0 exam: 9 all “'0? them. .1 ‘ u- [inv-l =t3 e ofthe an, we w) id name . I “in nko Loop on hand a Idrye supply of < If invite the "uranium o! the pub 5c wishin GROCERH'CS. “hm-h u i?! he mid wry clump; : pruvurc anything in ourline, to “war us I; My 5901:}: M QUEHSaWVAPd-Z, fiu'ujvill Man I»; 3mm gm} examine apemmens of‘ofir wnrk. found ’hnm‘suznc. dumhlr :m'} (Eu-up, “mm " 1"" prepared to firrnisfln MUSUMP NTS. TU. my lmurmm: I.:nn'lHn-surpnlsvd. « .\NI) IHZADM‘UNI-IS. .\uflm. .\IAX’I‘I _* It ~is‘ “.1.” inn-“tion mt!" “pg first {‘Lua Stem SLAMS for (‘nbiuct—nmkers,‘and ll other I Fleet-pin: on ham! nmhin;r but good gands~ M‘Peflnining'm on: husmess, at 1 1(- lowest and to hell chi:Lp—h.n'inlgnutloptml the manor. g slMP‘priN‘s‘. (\}'e do not lwsimlq m gluru ' “QUICK SALES ASK) SMALL FRUFW'SC“; xhnt'rmr work shall In: put up in ‘imzlnlfl'f . ,1 Iwohld resprllmlly suliL-i’z n share'nl flue 'slunll'u] ““d lzrs'teml ”in“ to ”L “P” ‘ plih‘ic inuroh-xgr. us I hope ‘ny atrirl mtnuiinn 50“? 'm llaeficmes, ‘\flgerc. e) "3' "WW?” no business, and by (‘.cfifinfihqneg'lv Wm, B“. whgclr exl'ncncnce has sqggcsxed mmlm customErs, [u gfu: -:ni~f.m'.iz nto ML: ‘ ' ““‘1 “PM“‘HY d” “'0 filamlliw tHI 0|” C 9 . ' ' MUM 12L fiI’AXHLEIL Id Grave‘J’al-d Work ahall'q ’so cute! >April 11 “£2. . \ol Ll? he :nferted by frust,U Him“ In ‘ ’ ' - yrgr; Hug cream-:5 uf‘ Hosifion g mnpletiyn Ufa juh. mu! 5 ne‘ esqur Jed gruecfulnes: and aymunuy: h’nv.28,1839. ti 4 “w 9 r v# • • t , A Bargains M's. ups. mum‘s AND snows. H TRI'NKxj .\.VD mun-mum; BAGS.— Hiving‘finfl‘roroivre‘fl :1 \‘nry huge supply of the nhoye 200th. we are gun-pared In eo]! than: lower than flier an“ in this I.lmm. .\l\ stock in moat mer-yembrncipg cvfiry style 0! Shoes and Hats made. . ‘ ‘ » HATS'ANr‘ cars, _ canfisfing n!" all the 1.: eat. 513 k: for Sitting apd Sufimnr‘ ‘ } ' BOOTS .\S’D SIIOE‘Sy, lor Gentlemen, Trudi” nfi-l Children. ' pity-maul» 'nn'd Emerh work from :5 cents up. TRESKS‘ of g‘werv dewfiptioh and kind. - mull! nnnlv~\‘\m‘n.l\lswlurgnine at Ipm 1:1, 186:. R} F. mumxv's. Dr. Robert Homer's my Runny mm: .\\n =_, - . PREscrm'TuN STORE, CUAXIEFRHBCTIG STXHII‘T, CETTYFIICRI | Hayfingyrcfirnxl {mm the naive practice of my prvfpuinn, I nuke-pinueure in gnnnuncing Ito Me titizonqnchUyslmrg nnd \uiuity, Um: I have ope’xir-II n ‘ ‘ _ f ‘ NEW mm: S'mm-t. ' in the room furmvvly ocnnpiml hr Dru. R, MP, lions”, «é an OmN‘, where hull mnsmmly hep m; band :1 Lung!) sufipfy ofull kinds of FRESILDRI'GS, ‘ ~ momma, » - CHEMICALS, ‘ ‘- - PERFUMERT. TOOTH POWDERS. ‘ DYE STUFFS, DRY PAIXTS. and ‘ PAINTS ground {h Oil . OILS, "massed nnrl disfillefl, l STA rm‘lam’ Oran kinds, _H. 7 _ . -._. ._.... ‘ Inks, P'efis‘, Panrflml’nmg. Combs}. Brusheg, kc. Howard Association, ‘ “T” r "‘1 W“ In.” ' ' IIILAD’ELI’IIIA.—For the Relivf of All the poptflllr Purerqt .\lt‘dwmcfi. together: gick and Distrea‘ed afflicted with V with «selection of purerNES, RRAXDIES ‘ . 5’ ' .. and mm m mdwnu w 3222:: Eé‘Blfgfiaßf2m:’s‘L‘;§‘mT’Z£°,;2L‘3' always on hand. In n—wdrd, my stock embraces \l F;DH‘ U {DVICE iven ralis b _ the‘! ever‘y‘jhiug nsngxlly found in a. first-class 510:6 in'; “‘\lrfigon‘ ‘1 g g ’ 5 ”if": d°::::}:t‘]:“")rf e‘h Dr! _Mabe n ” R’ALUABLE REPORTS on Spermforr ' 5 01g ‘ 'v‘ rK- - ”b 1 E r,- or emipal WMkneS: and other Diseaue oeujod, nml omen-ago mjnrmg, \\'hk‘h lln of- thige‘uml Oman: “:1" on the VFW RE ““93 m ““3 mm?” n" can: M'vommormingJ' DIES elmy‘dovea‘in {he Bispenmrv: gent t‘o l ‘3’“ My Mrdicmgghm 9. 8" hem “"31“”; nfllit‘led in ‘senled letter: cuvelopey, flip nude!" my personal! Inspeptlon nnul.supor\nfon ‘ chm- 9 Two or 'hree “ram )3 for )osmwe from the most rellnhlelmusen. loan theretum 1 l g't‘ bl ‘ “ I 1 ° nnt only recommend them as pure and fresh, 1 ”$5335; D”; J 91‘.”1e HOUC‘HTOV': but‘can srl'l lhom (‘hl'nrM ~ .‘ , “‘ ' " ‘ ‘ . . ' ‘l ‘ N. B.—P.\RTIC'L'L.~\R .\.TTENTION given to 1:51 $24133; firfi’ml‘ffigcg‘“! 5832 5 ill 5 tljommem of all chrome llléefl‘CS. J ‘l‘. lé‘" I " ' l . gen». nx ICE u RATIS.‘Q| __l’3. ’- 9:13; -,A M -‘. ‘ M 3." ‘3‘ 3:17 7“» ‘43 ; - ,A - __-__ V THE HOUSEKEEPER'S ‘ \ ~-. Important to the Ladies. _New Emmi.“ P 0151121 , ABOR S \VIN’G ‘ REPARED from an Improved Rvnp‘ I; .“I x s‘; ll T\vG‘ls‘(‘ H j V p the proprietor orthe “ .lrothér Jonml ~: . A. ... ._,,.'. . The gmmsigm-dg i 4 nmv‘ building and nfi'oringri {:ll}:“fix“;g‘sfiefiegifilszolfgg‘fregafi $O.! «*0: (l. W" “IUIFRST s “‘PROVED i are: {who mix host in the world for Rem! ‘Vfi'hu’g‘J ‘;'“""""”-“* ”may”? t-‘g 913‘ much“ \lnrks ‘and Dirt n‘nd {morin py lem n't Mo prrsona roux: an t c ‘. ‘ “ ‘. . ‘ ‘ Mnmy who (lake 3 l-uhnr-snviug machine. Effigy: Iggg'gg’g’ll‘fint; altkl‘ngthiyl‘mJ ' Zi‘hi'umuhiw‘e i“ gotlnn‘ “p (an m emu-My new Eheh or hnd better man Va rnlm‘ drip; himl prmcnple. and re mn<inlwrc~l by those who have, dial??? and is easily Imin} ‘\‘.’"h nAywiec -z.,_ , . . . mgt'gpjg fifp‘l’xgfirfh“ 1'“ m been um?“ Flanngl and .. bottleor twoof m. l Animus lhe :{mm— Mmmnsou of fixis machine {Pymmhrerehil‘ “ ll;":‘k°el‘;;§in':v9:l§i owr all other: may he mcnzinncd me follniving: g 1: 11:13: :1 :rmNg-‘e' 25:11:33” to fishihe‘o' ‘lsi.’ Its simplicity of'conslrumion,makingit it)?” tablecs. chairs desks fiianos PM almoshmposqble to get onl. of lmler. _ frames carrying“ et ’ Ind nymke meta-1001‘ 2d: 155’ agced, which ustouhhes alike the per can’t better ”1‘13; is! tma econmin- A L l V ‘ ‘ . OPéngTm’ ”a.” 1w?" on.“ - - . sale by Furniture Dealers Ind Storekcel ‘ . no {ncxhtyr mlh winch 1t adapts flqplf; V - l'l "‘P’We‘" 1 ‘5O >1“: :1 hollle 19 the bulk or qugntily of clmhea desired tote! gig; {3 quulge igfxlé‘ N 3 Ydtk' QPhC wash-ea. » -.1 fi- -‘ r , w W}. 4 with. T: wnshes Equally well the finest and i (lam; 3hr“. A 9935“! Do; "’7'! lfihtest fabric. or the coarsest and heaviest“ ‘3“: £1 .186” sues as bed-quilts, comforts; blankets. he. I u 3 a " Mb. 10351 e muaged by a child fiom 1010 11125:: of an. ‘ ‘ 6th. {Jonsumcsl less soap than any other muss of wmhlng; ~' . ‘ at. ‘Will hut in long as any 0111 at ml; with same care. ' - ' ‘ 81h. 'Sm‘o: 1151.qu labor: M 1712, was: ' .' {.., ‘ x .'.. Certificate. DLUIS7 CQUNTY, I‘A.-—We, the unaer— signed, hen-”by certify that we have used, and are using mg“) C. W. Tolhurst's Inipvoved' Wishing Machine. and are {any satisfied thatit is just the Tnb Mr. S. Shel-{y represent! it lo he, gmd supersedes napkin of the kind we have évcrfie’efi as yet: won‘fixining, as it doey, great. speea with‘littie ilaborknnq perfur'mirg‘ its work in the .most 521‘ isfactory muhner. ‘ ‘ We; therefore, recommend it to every funny in the county with—grey piensnre. 1 Ge rge Geyer. ‘l‘ Maria Gexer. ~Cafihnrine Meals, ‘ Sarah Shot-b, iUp‘ton T. Forrest, ' Sarah E. Forrest, X Ch;iatian.)lussclmun, Cnthn'e C. .\lusselman, Johp Chamberl'm, Martha Chambefliu. Amy. 1863- . y. 1 “National Hotel, ‘ Lnnssmwx, fl?“ _‘ ' ‘ Adams County. Pa. ._r, :2 tubsctiber having taken me above ‘,ff’orfimdious Hotel, is prepared m receive a ‘gn’tertdlu the traveling public. in the most " r mid sfy'lc. Ills charges will be moderate an 3‘)! attention unremitting to an whO' may 1 him’ with Qhelr patronage. _ . ”gimme will at all times he supplied with the delicacies o! the sensnn, and his bu: be tnrnighcd with the choices: liquors. ' ‘ ’fle-muing is extensive and of tho best Mtg, and competent and attentive 11on I". wnggnny in nueudance. . . Maul”; u‘ . M. H. CROUSE. \ . ~ My. -_...‘.__.-_————._.___4. ~..- ”fishnind I uric ot'Pnu 8m ngfwvn .;. -'Lflcg'flitm.’ 0.)! ZOE _ i !MEE E! ME Bargains ! :New Goods. < C EORGE ARNOLD ’ I ; I Ihs jnst received from Pllkjlufielph Lurgo stack of I? . . CLUTIJS. CASSIMERE Huck, phi" turd fancy: Silk \\furp, Er Cloths. far Summer. Dress Pants} (n beau article )Tn’ordz, Italian Cimlns,-le}ms.nriiii Merino (Jnssimeros. Veh’et Con“. (iambr and Vestiuqsmll very handsome. i In than stork‘of (.louds’lhm'e are many nhw 3nd‘b ‘ iful styles. I, 1‘ .\lm a large stock of CARPETS, THUS CARPET BAGS‘ and Dnmcsfich ' Also alurgestock of READY-MADE CLO INC. nf'otlr own mnnuhu-turiug, in meat Va 132:1? sizes. prices and cheap. CM! “ngllo .\er w. 'l‘. King is in comm-don with Mtnblishment as mm} to cut and Inuk (‘luleinu in short order: ‘ ' Arr-[l2B, 1362.‘ Elm - ’ Removal.--Tm are." r HE lllde'P‘iL’nfld hum .rcmave! his Tin P establishment nearer the {Diumund (‘humlwrahurg street, adjoining A‘. I). B ‘ ler‘s Drug Store—~l \‘ory fenlmletwation. cominm-sto munufartnrg, and k ps cons: lypn hund. every variety‘of 1 ‘ -T[.\’-\\'.LIU-‘.. fl . i ' PRESSED AND 1 _ ‘ - _ . JAI'ANED WARE. | and wiil‘nlwnys be rendi-jo do REPAIR] 4 RODFING and SPOUTIXG ‘ also done in the‘bcst manner. Prices mo ate, and no effort spared to render full 5. 1 fiction. The public's continued pnlrnnné solicited. ’ A; P. BAUGHE Gettysburg, April T. ‘86:? Cheap Groceries. ‘ FRESH arrival of Groceries at red‘ » pricey—(plenum SUGAR?! at 8,9 an ceuLs‘per pound—best COFFEE at 22 cc and nther thing; in proportion. fall .nnd‘ and judge for yourself. ' ' , ‘ lamb, '622’. , :' ',‘FAEXESTOCK BRO': F. Srrgart _ , Removals. " mundqsigned.belng the author? zed £on “to make removals into Ever Green C 1 tovymopeuhnt such as gobtemplnte \ht rem ohm-remains of deceased relatives or frid will nvai‘lthemselves of this seuéoa 09'!th have it done. Removals made with prompt ~l9th 36w, Aim no efiortipmed to we.» ‘ ' - PETER THURS” Khruh i 2, '6O. " Keeper of the Cement :' ‘ YSON BROTHERSImve constantly o'n : r a, huge assortment of plum and {‘ cases, gilded frames, gold and plated lo breastpins Ma, km, which they are sum 'uwnishlazlylow prices. " , I A 315 :‘-mxss—A hrge lor or p! Hakms, just received and for safe ch J June 9, 1862. comm a: GILLESE’JE‘ QOMETHIXG NEW !-——A’n-ew style ofW k KEY—an article pronopuced “hqr bum—am‘ be had n 8.6. cwa‘ June 2, 1862, . ‘ ‘ ‘A‘RGE Moro—GRAPES for $l, ntthx: celsior Sky-light Gallery, York smear, oppos’ite tlmrlrinuk. . BB anwtion of “’1! Ladies is raspcct any T invxted to 1 large and Byrlendid 3. Mt. men: of Ladies’ fine Kid Boots; lashing ni tors, Gum OVershoes, km, in it nceired n 1 Oct. 28: ‘ R. F. MeILHENY S. " “‘"H‘Jr—u --.,. ”-4-“ » S'l‘ PREHIUM awarded to Tyne; Bro he" lhy the Menallen Agricultural Society, epz 1 wind by use Adaml‘munty Apical 1:! Seek”; Sepia, .1861; for best Amp“ Photbkrapha. WWmOl‘m A f‘s 3"?!" " ‘ I v [ml mks; J Mm [EM . ’“dy’s B°°k ‘me mow E‘ h Mob bu. .Fllm m 31mm UTF ' SO Ildv mutiny-03am ‘ TORIAL Him _lTlmm A-NDPIC‘ mm“) ' .minglNew- PUrL’gr EIPHIJIu: (vodl'f’d lmdr’g Bud)? H ,1" lanh‘t’fi'. of " 1: 2 }rslgl‘e(‘lCSDCCtrlll- Imd munnrnc. \shlch In: '34. _' ‘mkfnl m that Min 3 .nfurmn We “5“" mrer 01 and ~ f v mmlvd burn to lull' I“ p (lynx-Cm r .'- n” all k' d dnnlrrm urthehm rhim-mrnp , l ’3'“ “Yunnan/inc l'o ' ' ”“Whmm‘y'mfl Hills)“; [of FANCY lmion than am.- 1.1 \wly‘rffirnnf n lurgr‘r ufiu- ‘TOA'll‘l: 'o‘”.le I WATCH AND ”W” "Y lr. 4:. . , -—A':l~,. ,; , lU" ' V'l A H‘ bhi r 1 '5 Idle. .uul r\§‘£l£nnent with the-most .2; ,I {l'll ’0 M 1 :I'r— \lr. J. L.” if: T m}? {in nrdmtuly lathe re ”of “we I‘9 wen-t. ,1 49 um mnnm_stmlm nxu‘xum “"hmm'" gmm MW” more, and (”mm m .o M; to” - of uu,"l ‘ . . LAND ntr A re. “My” he imsnd k I u .meAds ofAd In! ‘, ‘ me_ l-Hidhen P 1 ~ nu .orou ment of W\ ‘ B eepnnx an assort . . can find ”Manna” ..“ ha ”370:5 s’“ '‘' " I N ”RS'JEWEWY I P theéurmunq' , s, "' “36.“ .\{mnmf’ “'5 " 'W‘ 3”“ I“: I‘L ”T V l' ’ 5 ME“ and 1 5:53:03 ,sz “law-g mo, 3332932323; ' W ma“ “‘3' “mm L; so,“le 0H1“, in ,1 “lonn‘v’mfz :1?“ yyxlnchglxe lmdu‘s 120:; xvil‘:\;ing :ncjn connected wlth s first elm: stmn monbMu mhvrma f7i‘ ‘ ‘ew nr allow; 1' “ H "n, v ewvlr’ St ' I ‘ .7V .. Ir.n9. . lhornn’ 11. v 3 01’9"} LA“ I £3II§S2§ETYE§9P3§ ”r “n hm“ “M mum,“ of (ulnar pnhlicluinn 31331:". mfln’nd miles for. n?) :C-‘rrr:‘ll“;"°“lrc‘ I“? he] is Prepnred: £322.:ng l . . D ur‘L d‘.’ ~. ‘. “'1 all (onl. ‘ ‘ ‘I I M'W'lle Writ .h ‘ s': m m ine M”I {I ' “I“qu ‘’ . ILS multlnldrvnl“ 1 I mm: tolurmsh n:l L‘ era lvnn-pn, um! ll . v, ? Qwesk. (‘1!) ' x F‘lr‘flwzxnp:‘i;l:gnz tibia rd“ and Winn? “fil‘nt‘r'npq’r II; n-Lluthruu’ghuut er‘rouwnu-d’f punhases “111 be Elmmutied as lot 3.‘ 'r Vita in inn) e. '.3 ‘ A“ Y’S ‘.PI ‘ ’ no I . “.e Adam‘s: “lawman 'nm Tm: s.?“fiif’éx‘lii‘ci’22eé” H- . an In) Orted ' - , .RATL‘ E' '' , ‘nll k' d: ''' , a” PFCPM'C'J (0 d 0 . hr; {gatuzu'h v P llnco {Mic fcfldnloudin the z‘xmllsyocrlglt‘ klgdlllmt (um mnnrer :rfd“z%ntxllx“torfh promfgtly, in Lhe best .so|¢n n Immense nu 1"" he clan ' 3 ny e per rmnuc . ll ”Mm" . m"? Who"! "fl ”Hi: °“ ”“ “ blc‘ urerfiget Clfiivfltgnhn‘ 3"”! b, impassigl' «It? (3ch :5 MI érlmiml. and would can zv I'M" dms’é‘i 2‘“d{‘asv'?n:: rsnllxtc‘llw I' r R . n .'vnnfa I. Price nl' (h ' I, H eri- ' I I ‘ (:13; [l3" y and 'i‘ll their at the ‘c :reri‘ny. Morns.hut mos! ol‘llis (‘OO 30:1?) m the ,music I’TEI-artelgfolgl 3;];‘Ptml-5 the!" '0 11“ Sight, 1‘ lg thu unsetdcd‘ suL- [ I“ vP_ Cu.‘ not be uhtalned - . llyx rlzhled, am} can- * ll ' ‘' fl Wbu need them. I the. uumn-, .‘- 0 [Le Smut! uf‘ Oanwel anexchm m “Godev;" ‘ 'V St lA-th“ ELRY "mile to order in the 1 t ._ _ 7'. l. , . rm‘n 9.—l "' ' ’ ‘e.nn ' = I”r 1101 mm?“ the name, number nnrl street ' 1‘: téy'slmwe ““591e Em! “glitggrutto Email “A! lJEWELf£lsligtflll232ty3lfpatter” on ham; 1 - .1‘ H; ", l ,JOflN FA’RE ‘1 _f'"l'“nmflit. "‘ ‘ lan a one’ “- enemeumnnn". Slyp’ I” 18$.) 7:5 Aral sued, “$35" ”a: Igflnltcly betteslc’tggaflnysggmnny more r Gettysbqrg Dev 2‘! 18395135“ ”EVAN. ‘ . ‘l’ .. am . ‘ e manv other‘wnflk' a n “reimb- ‘ r‘.y ’ ' ‘ ~_ ‘_ _ A- A \ J l Godev's ilnm r_. .- k, x ~_..._ , en. ' ‘ I? Fonward Movement ”empmms, wagging: SnfiEET FASH ‘ EXEC}; GONG 0X ‘ ‘ '\ ' u engfh Colored ‘l5 " m "c to seven ‘ . ~ ’ A ' 0m" " .1 flFthnS on Mel l ~ . Pl ~ . ,l l mdxamles 7 > i p “m— -“ “nu "more“ ‘3‘”? 1“ 00)}\¥A)D_ any Fnshlons b. 3313; onlv um. Fur alien-1 of ”L ling Empbrilnm .;.e lendqunrturq‘wi my' la the only work :0 Mpe or Ambrim. Caddy: m “9,,1e mm fl," my. old st, ‘l’ in smm,“ Mutt-s Ana It? World (hug gives these V ours “or”. of 1)‘ “n ‘Bgltl‘mnrevalr .‘. fl neitvdllxe wontlernlf ”agate =u6h us to lmve "in“: in “mom". I: er fo‘eluy a, I Re The Publication [l PH llslwri nnqllho publl'c :11: Renal-All} “l": 'l'” my lru-nds and _t c "‘0"? than Ffl‘hiotl “11'1“? [ll-IN'3'CoHl'sloflOé u we, 10 ”(All)"? 3 gun hotter WWW"? ”nothing but our w-% M” of the old style. and I in n“ “W “VOA“? ”mm “'m] ml").- \ennbles 115 m givo (if-Hull,» 1.1:,L’0, circulation ’ ndsbmelvkn é .399"; mm 11““ Mime?! “mm Mlurd it é lam. mhcr mugnz‘vnes plemndfipnnfi::t ‘6?” Elle relenl arrival , ‘ P 115“? (“‘ll lle l‘é‘g‘m’dflspnc money When smx V . . ”PM“ W ' ‘ t' ' lET::?\:I;:MME.R Ie‘THIXG Lnnfk e mxlllehtlnflor ’er be ”hm: on. Dresuvs ,9 it emnhnil-alltjl‘sfi‘lyfi Fm: 1862 not su ll‘c! hemlf ugmz and ”mnwlur” \\‘ill , Uionnblc r‘;(,9§;"f‘e ond y‘ash- ‘ one if. e visited (l c lllfi'rlll‘.“ ”F “‘01!” he me ! rl!’ k or 3 ‘lhc stylo Ith . ~ _:,;c «:mel (rpm-dune I the llml'sollc‘l‘u‘xlll‘lrglhr'i'~ll 'l, f ll'flllt‘d Tm. 'nnemp-Il‘v: lug-1:” 1n some of'our a; lmm 11999 Is: ‘‘ n e ”“ndJl (‘ur Wu F‘ F'M\ ‘ ‘ : lCLllTll (‘,‘UKEIEE‘CH'f 01" 1‘; hvlcc- nrthrc tillnjfi EDIKR (if [Mn-Ch we give FUSIXESS COATS ‘5 ‘ . . ‘ ;fl¢lno,firp one nxijkalktflrr? nsnny (filler-mag -1 vpsTS Ax!) 1"“qu m- . . lwlfslr"'l“‘“~r‘ ""l'm‘wr'fuufl. Hwy m [ SPRlxv .- .. M' ' ’ {TATIOVR ‘‘.. ~- - ‘ lr des’ Dejmrti 'o‘? [_TPUerJ‘. WEXR ”ml the LMV‘S ”no s“qu uflhfi‘mi Remember ‘or 56105. 120va " (htmflnsca every m. findthm'hc‘l’P‘Y l? Illanrirm‘jlp'lhlit'nlion l 0 Ibl)l'willx'<l.-‘C:lu e mmmnd mnfrorr ".0 other m:\vr~v}l‘ ’I On “ILO";MML Sh“ \‘nnt 1' ll X I S “llsfltémgldfie null (‘hf’lln_ ~ tor ornamenfill inno; ‘\{rytlH-Ig that i? useful 1 ‘ “uh. a; 0 O’D s , fGodt-y.‘_"u > I 1 life _Cnu uh found in DS . J . l a, I.nwn=.|or~ ”we“. Si ks, lmu Mnsgns. at of [Adnei’ old pnuel TINOS, ND CAP. 'otlou Y DICIS'I' dre gone ‘l‘ - bought. I 9. very 10 1k Sales ' y beam 1004 find ‘ 05:10 in one culll 03M"- 1 I‘am’tks to I ' lendf‘d ‘ canlmu. [k sum: ‘0 131 nee-1‘ f. ,3 “2‘ 63+ #1 , n 1 . 1:11 LEI-3| 1963' mnk mnfiitl FIN-y ‘ 61 fiery] ‘heum S YRTF, ‘ . ‘ '._ ;7,C‘I)LLARS. ‘ ' ’ - W . HANDKERFHIEFF, v l I .xraCK'nEs, \ - ' ‘ - GLOVES, ‘ ;\ HOSIERY. 810, AH shooter! wfih th grnnvest care and sold at the‘vasycnih,pricc‘n We deem it unneées‘snry to mak‘o'nny extra newspaper flounsh, being config‘iuut that n ‘cnll \\'ill gutisfy all that our goods are _ilm what ive recommend them tobe —w(-H mum“. of good mukrinl, and «hours! tlmn the a -me qualify of goods C(ln be bought in Atlanta cfinmy. Thismnch I will sny,-that l wiil guarantee to alljvho may favor me with their'p:\lrnnnzé,cntire satisfactinn‘ M tn (1M1!-,n}ld price. F. B. PIGKING. April‘2B, 1862. - ll 3'l; in NewFlrm. ‘- ‘ROCERIES I’HOVISHPNS. FRI'YTS,C()N- G ‘ FEf‘TIUNS. NOTIUNS, kc. The nndr‘r‘tigncd have g‘nnc into partnership in file Grocerv and Prmhinu hu-liuess, M. thq 0M “and M W. Gillemuie, in ,ank street. one door end of Win‘: Hmvl, Gehyshuvg, where {hey will cunsmfilly I‘m-p ohflh-md for Suli’, a. g’eugml vzlrigy (ft—goods in their line, \‘il: ‘ Cusp-2w; : ; - 1 - SL'UARE. A b , . LIOL.AR§ESL ' ‘ _ ' .. ~ K ‘ SYRL‘PS. ‘, - TEAS, ‘ _ . ' SALT, ' “HA.“S, ' ' .‘ V siIIpULDERS, ‘SIDES, ~ : ~ , . FISH, . 5 ‘ ‘ ‘ POTATOES. ' .115..\5<. 3m, ‘. F‘LVOUR AND:FEED_, Willy any qu ntity of. A . CONFECTIUN , ‘ l “ FRUXTS, , ‘- ‘ - NOTTOXS. kmfi‘ .I-«t‘v. _ le‘y expect also to deal largz-ly in COAL OIL and COAL OIL LAMPS—bromisinzngoéd Mfitle of the form r and a fme assortment of the bitter. " J - Having enlarged he Store and Ware Room», they nm prepared to ‘l‘eep‘u large stock, nll of m “high will he fiisposwl ofax,\lle lowest rates. u- ’lflxc‘y olfef‘ mph hnfga'ius as have never hereto 'or fuge‘Lbeen had iu'thls :place. - ‘ l_. ; Give us a trial: No error: spared to please. ch ‘ GEO. .5. comm. ‘ I JOSEPH s. GILLESPIE, (113 Al 111 >ril23, 139:. ' j , The Rebels D feated 'l‘ RICHMOND.-—GENI-IRAL McCIJ‘ZLL \\' _ AHEAD—THREE IIUUh'IXGflIIEERfi T'l'xe undersigned mulls tlle attention of the pub le of Gogyzbmg and its virinlty to his wel selected stock ol‘mwda. consisting of the lull wing named articles in. pm}: T the Lud'ycs: You' wilLfiml that the un der igued has ulmosll evoxyflxllng llul. ygu can Ask for, exceptpry Goods, Bonnets—and 'hocs. Ile 1215 all lhe fancy lixinrs which are made use 0! now; d-ygv in the June of I'crl'nmprie-x, Soars, Gauriucta, Gloves, Sloglcings. Bend Cul lum Belts Copbs. and n'muy 0,1119! amides in Llu-i line,llou' uunfimus m mentiou, \iz : lluup Ski ts, 24 sprlhgs improved Style, lor Sl, nml Ree Hoops from 2[q 3 cents u place, the hue st'ylp oF-Pnlm Lcuf Fans, Chifwsc make, for 13 could, Lndics’ ind .\l'lssca‘ tine Bluqk Silk Mitts; llarlgison's llouseholdrSn.ap,thc greatest wmll ing isonp ever fliscovelfe'd in Ayn-rim. 119 hits the genuine, bought direct from the mnnufmc turer, 10 can; per lb. Come and get a. pmce free of cllnrgc and try it. ‘ Gltntlemgn, ;the undersigned has almost evérythiug in your like \\'h'lEh is kepfin afirst class Variety‘Storc. A ‘ ; . T'or flu: l-‘n'riuers I? Has Fork: for flay and Manure, Shovels an Hoes, Fork“nnd Shovel Kiddies, and n fineé asadflment of Grace?!“ and Liquors, of all klnda. and all which he will sell low for ‘ciah of country produce. Give M a call. Place 0| huslnées, 50. H 3 E 35! $9 areét, right upbonih: the Bank. . ' 1 . 'v ~ff ', - ‘ H. (i. CARR, Agent. June 30, 18M. ‘ . .gl---.._ . ,: , ‘2‘- . ~... ‘__ ...-.‘... mar; Hie-ii Ht! ; FREEDLE-Y 3c 00., r. Tribune Buildings, New York. Pianog,_—Personl§ who wish to burn Pia n 6 of the best makers. {ill be shown how they can save a lundspme a m in the purchase if they address Puma, care. 0?. Cu: & 60., Pnbliahers‘ Age'ntn, New Ybrk . 0. July 21, 1883. . _LL the best P at Mddicines “who had A at the new I’3l}:in Drug and Prescription Stars of ’ ' 5 Dr'.B.. HUBER. I ' AGO, Arrow Ro , Gorn Starch, Rlce~fl6ur S and Gelatin, f sale at Dr. HORNER’S Drug Store. ‘ ' A - U)! COATS ch up at 1 ‘G’ ' “ 'PICKING‘S. ‘nkmcu EX ELSIOR‘GQOd COFFEE;— A as Java and c cap as rye,L for snle M . ' , r C DORI & GILLESPIEI’S. ’ EW SPRIXG DlE—{Hg opened 3’: the New Store 0 ,1 r M. PAXGLE‘B. OURNING (‘.(lpDSr—The finest snark M ment. of Slamming Goods ever offered, cam now be leen “‘3‘! bought at lower prim than “my luvs eve (been lo'ld heron. Call 94. once 9'. the sign 01 “be Red From. April 21. q FAHNESTOCK BROS” URE’BRANDY, WINE AND WEISKE’Y, for l) medlcinnl pufijoaoa only, at the New Drug tore of ‘ Dr. RMHORNEB. LTJ’colors of Zebhyr Worsted and Shetland A‘: Wool cnn be bid at A SCHICK’S. r“- V " "“ ‘éa’i _ ALICOES, a! gdod as ever, 9: from a} go , 0 0171118- ' » 1:11 Pm! “’l7 Cu; ctr. per yam, can b 9: bud“ SCHICK’S. W. “41$!an continues the business Come to 0 1 TT q GLO s f u n of SALE CRYING, and sulic‘hs the co'n . O O. V ,or guldßoys.cnn» 0 - - - ND DON’TP‘ORGET'I‘OVPSH‘ PLEASANTI' Cbe had. cheap at 304310va tluued pntronnkefl the nubile. , It. n his con- A MDGE .\TRSERIE‘E—Penons wiship I OU‘IG “e ,3 Fall at l f H ' lum". endeamv‘ro—give safitfactiotr. Charge; to th TNHW“ 5““ “R “Wk“ ““3 Email Y Ca; 120 2, coin 10,331“: M ”1' ."d l moderate. Resideqce in Breckmridge atieefi numrkably fine,snd olferod s'creduced pri ‘ ..'“. p p ,' R F “ClLngingcu; Gettysburg. ‘ ‘ [June W, 1862. ~ Ihe rAm‘b numbursum yfnetlu, embrlclng' LYCEBISE and GAMPHOR SUAP, {or sasoss'ifi-EE ofa cheap and fashion nltghe approved 59 ~ 60 d [nu-Elam ”J G preventingwd can the bites of bins- P able HATI or CAP can be accommodated pufiggcf‘“ “1° 931% 'GBU'K ,1 50“.. lquuoei and calligrii‘n‘sggaigfk D .by calling u 1 R. r. MdLIIENY’S. 5 . . . » ~-..Ag . ..‘ .'J‘S rn Ste . ‘ Mir-"r“ ~ "4' “§_ept.-§ylBs}-v y. , 129,149". J L. SCHYCK his just recoivedg. lo? df‘l FIRSTF'RAT‘E‘ Eight—d”, Thirty-honr_ond mamas 0951 mm montagembmn; (J. cheap Loaki? Giana: I it Alum 09"“, chm n - PICKING 8. Q Men’l find Boyl’ Han, Misses' 71nd Chil- gs, WINS‘LO ’SSUOTHING SYR p“ 3 cm ”Wraflitéq W7l ”chm‘mn' “l ,Dr. R. HORNElngflitgf“ @333 Winn" '‘" 3o"-=W”Y-S coma; ‘. i 9 " I. V' 7 m J 33“? “is .‘.. I 4 g...” ;-L¢~ .-- ‘~ 7 . ‘ 25..." . (- .... Dec. 2 Coal !‘ Goal! ~ Coal. I ced t 10‘ ‘3. see ‘ HEADS & BI'EHLER mHompre‘pm-ed‘ to supply COAL} oran'perior quulit], in inf (yummy desired. Terms, Gish. Cone One! Coge A"! K ‘ ' ‘fihTh-y ":me requo‘sj; those indebted} to them to cull“md my up. us funds are "much math-. 1: Wham“ be the first to call '.’ Uflice [6r open From 7 :91. ' E ' meg Feh.‘l¥,lB6'.'. , ‘-... -_ ).-_'.:—- . -.....“ 4n.‘-———~—.——— 'l3. ~- Townsley Ahead. r. 4 : rid ‘BF. undorsigncd respectfully informs 111‘ E 53 '1 - public thnl he continues ‘he CARRIAGE .‘.:me {\ND REPAIRING‘bMfinc-sl infill its diflencnc forms. cheaper-what: any shop in :the county; - Alivoxlvw-rmnted to give mime tion moustom Ira. (‘onntry produce “ken in éxchnngemrwm'rm mnrket-pricps. 12$. TUWXSLEY. Gettytbnlg,luné 24, “$61.. ' A A k? .7 far: In 3" Max 1 AL; 41' SGUtCK‘S.-'-l have just opened' the 1% mqst complete tssprtpeut of VSPRIN G DDS eve; rpcleived 1;: (41135 place. In Style, qudityfind price they mud! be surpassed.—‘ Without stofipiug to p'nrficahrize, I say limp all, come a'ndaec. J. L: SCflICK. Aprif 14,1862. . ’ ifue‘ l ‘E'x : 90‘ S.‘ Great lAttradtion TERMS. (‘A One ropy one .\- ycnvr, 35. Thu-p or popibs one your 57. an extra cop}: to th Sh) ‘ Eight mph-e to the person Fem“ copies one your, rim >son sendingthe ch: And the on]}'mng:- intd the nhore 0111 Book is Arthur‘s Ht SPECIAL Mfume} (Zodey's Lady's : )[wnzinp Imlh 0m L-«dy'fi Bnnk n‘ld H )mr far 34 50. (‘j “I“ all three be ac $6 00. " Treasury Notes n 9 taken at par. 1 Be cn'rrful and p 3. Addre“ ‘ ' 32:: (‘hesnut , Nov. 3,186.}. . ‘ H '.\' ADVANCE. qr, $3, Two ‘cup‘cs one {pit-s one year. Sir. flour ‘ Fiw'vupfi-7‘olm_umvyand pvrSOn ‘snnufing the dub. ncgeu'. nyn nu] exrrn yup}- f: llll‘ club 531"» Eluwn "_n cum c pf'lto the per l,3§i’n. i " u .iue that cad bciintrnrhxced i in plan)l of Kho Lady‘s mo chqzfinb ‘ lwl'rn m‘nmzi \1 U‘. \zn'sc. nu}: and .\jrxhnr's Home year far 31! 50. Code)“: riubr‘s \hgrzim: hmh on}. day, Hun-w. and ‘Ar'hur it one yuan uu‘rccpipv. of ‘ \ Notcs‘ofull‘ sdlvent banks thcpqstnzfl‘nn )‘nur mm L A ‘ HUDEY, treat, Philhfidvlphia, I'u. mt IN rum g Incidehts ‘ - Mummy ; GREAT _- PA ' Thrilli- OF THE CUBA g on. ‘ ‘ ; m‘l’. SULDII‘.]:S AND JIaURS. ~ “mum: ifl-zn. x-nwzx 9X 2". publ-c are rial‘n in ‘pro anrvmu, in gmphin‘ Hurra t. and I‘Vlmhfi c pop-x! tri é ofth w.” for the ['n_inn. fé |xl‘-rnic ~ dnrrnq. :pwtient “Hid”! e=c pré ofour Sn]- :1 italiuchleun will {mm Minn :xl innumerable lin-- umc.‘ It “11l vuumiu. in (“El-”1““!!-{fixiln‘fmphig‘vxl ~05 of' the “Mr, hv .lnux “It. Author of “The Rim ( ," 910.. the «INN of")! Nm‘ :m 'the Jnhn Brown MM. :1 ranked amount of the 11x engravinqc. , THE lIEROIS‘J 0 S mcsmnrn.‘ Imm The critic: my!“ 'dirtin: Ih ut this \\ I‘. five. (writing intnrn IV2 nl] other hi~turic Us thmnc \fiNH be t" «ulrering. and lmir- I diers .xnd sailors. m the thmnc ofcourer sides {or yenxs to E :lddi:iuntu itsstin'il. Annly<is uf the (‘.xl Corumw .\lurmzx‘, L or the Dunh Rep-lb} impormnt events fr and 2m anunte af principal b altlcs, ‘5" Ont- third Lhe pin sent direct, to us will Dicahlcd Sal-Hers, a. eupv of the work, a duets, should sum] 11 once. Aha, nny of in any spam“ of thv 1‘ ufn hur‘uic net or at us byscndmg us an : Booksellers, Pun Agents will be {um Prospochw. on nppli - fiifl'flk libcml co desimg to act: .Is'ng was or 11]! snvm-ri'mions be given for the Rg-Jivfuf d‘ all pcx‘song who Whh a -i also to benefit Mr 501- vir mun" nug] :anw‘s :11 ':‘(-r or mirntu. m" pvrsnu mtmry. lltH Eng knowledgn rliing invidelit. \\‘ill obfige ('(‘uuut of iL « asters. nnd‘ ('nnmininz hvd \\hh n Suhsmnfilipu ”tion to (he i’uhlfdu-m.“ mission qive‘nrro soldiJJ-s ts in mknu; :übscripfi'uhs n. ' , MIEMCANHMNL’FAC 31‘ mos To 18420. “ THE HISTORY OF ~ TUBES. FR By Dr. J. Lxgxns 1- '\'QL‘H. nearly many. “ h!- larzoslgnml mac! im the A mericmypress. “1!: L now réndy. This .iJ probhbly ‘ porhnt work unjw ‘ “'e‘ixm‘unlaoj \I j the funnwinz uthul' THE BUSINESS MA UOW tu‘S He 3 (up accqrdmg [0 ltww‘ and Lnlesl Ayn. Price. Sl. ;' ‘ nghlishud mgw editions of and pnpujur hanks: ‘. "2% LEGAL ADVISE“: or, y. by Conducting Busiqvés as expound“! by the Best rilics. ‘i‘luu pp.,.e‘ueep.7— OR INEUS‘I‘RY; ma. _l\ 'CES '1" MAKE .\lule'EY. has been rewbliahed in OI‘i’DIH‘UNITIBQ ‘ THOUSASO UH Moth, $l. This , Egg-I.lm]. \ ' ‘ Every business 111‘ these books. They} dred fold. Every ; theirsons. All these bookam ceiptofprice. We 1 mailing bpoks, wm will prnture and‘ anywhere, on recoil six stumps. Addne 'u and clerk’ shoqld lmvo \\ in pf? tlm.hu_vur a bun reut s ould got. them for ié mailed, postpnid, on re my particular nttentiun to ping.them cnrefuny. and -nd, postpnfa, any buck ‘ll. ufpubliahers' price and a Fresh Ewinmms q’rRENGTHI-IVLVG 017 R. RDSITION.-We k are (_nnntnntly miding newrlupplies lo_our alreadv Lugwalid'fuhionuble flock of ‘'l \ HATS, CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES.” ‘ We h we every style of Spring and Summer Hats, wh‘l-h in quality and p‘riue cannot fail to plunac, Bay’s. 1111:] Mon‘s :nflts Bnd' Cups of (s9er (Inscription, and of the latest at; les.‘ ,Our Huck of . 5 : BUO'IIS, t ,‘ ‘ SHOES, : . j ' GAITERS. &c., ml, . wan rum—or mare cpmmutp. Ln‘dics, Gguflcmgn . mid Chinvp can be accommodated with guy ’th‘wg in thi; line. ”3‘ we are better prophqu an ' to give fitk nnd greater bargains than cur he nre. If yrp “any bargains, good fits and fit himm‘ulp goods, will ag the sign of the 11st B UT, in.('l.nxuhcr:bm-g_street. , i K f JOHN CFLP, . i unc 9, 150‘! ALEX. COBEAN. . ;' ‘ ew Go ds !-—Large Stock !‘ .: EBCHAX TAILORING. ‘ RI ; ”Cum 1: BROJ P thc jmt rocv’i‘ed from the mugs a large stack 0! unwh,fur fivntlcmcu‘sa wear, embracing a ‘ "flril'l\'l|' _ _ ’l ' g wiu'rus, , 5 . - ‘ l ‘ W‘ CASSIHERES, a ’ . 3 ‘ . ‘ .\ VESTINGS, Cn‘sinf". Jlmns. kw. with many other goods for sprung gull 'summm‘ wear. '~ . 1 They arr pr‘clmrml to make up ’gnrmenm‘at t‘w shnrw-J "Mice; and in the Von-heat mu'n m-r; 7 ‘u- Fm‘Hnns are rt‘cuhtrlyrecciwd,‘anl duthin; mud» in' :\n\' decirt-Il itylo. They ml wnys nuke nt'ut tits, whilst their sewing is sure to ‘.u-I“.~m»tnm‘:.'l. ' . ‘.-‘ ‘ They :l§-k :1 continuance of the puhjie‘s 15n ( Irnmze, hsulv’e'l by good wot}: and modem“: ‘ (‘l)lech in our» it. - Hellgafiurg, April-7, 1862. g , r { [Restaurant as (‘h mmmsntm STREET RESTAU; ‘T R \ST. (r'l-l-ontly Eckenrode‘s,) ixi the‘ Ju cohs'BuiMing,l (‘hamhorehurg street, is new comm-rm! hv 11w nndersiqne‘d‘ i OYS'FFIRQ' nro up in all styles: ‘ t" ‘ mm D mummy, BEEP niomvn, TRH’H. BUILED fins. and ‘ .1 NICE GLISS 0F ALE, gm} Mann's he luv]. Callin.‘ The Saloon lms been g'y-xnlinted and fitted nn il} fine style. _" L GEORGE ‘Jauoiss Geigdmrg. 4pm 7, 15452. , A ‘,- ‘ 4 I ; M _ aA_ 7 -_ I ‘ ; . ‘ ’New Goods. i ‘qmnxc (man's !_nn«HCE,GOODS! :1 . . f 1-‘2mxr-tsmcx BRHTHRRS h-u‘i just rm-ohfidnnd fire nuw {omnhl‘rn lhrL'P I and viuiive afiémunr-nt of f-‘PILING GUODS, to ‘v- nir'y 11qu ”with the nnmniou of the pubfic. ' Maxim; I‘m-v: purl h 140:! with cure M reduced ' prwu:.-\\ (- uro lpvep 'red in give} our \uytomeri lava-“inf. (Mu-WWI; has been largely Tn‘crousod . In i'u- nddiflm‘ h"); churl E—r \‘nrit‘ttv of NH: hut“! "shim m‘ moms" M 5255 ndnh’Squterinl for was" \\‘HMI. (‘.\I:PE'TI_,\‘G.4QUEE.\’S ‘WAIHL .‘HHJNFRY GOUDS. km. vrymprising n lumniflo‘ y\~s.‘|\rnnonl of (’\‘vry‘hinfi uglinny wzxnh-vl (‘ull 921er mu! whim Imrfinihi fur ynurwhw. ‘ FAHNESTUCK .BRU’S. . April 7, 1862. g \ . ‘. New Tailoring ‘ ‘l?>‘T.\BLlSl}\ll‘._\"l‘.--(‘-I’IO.FEL‘KEXRODL‘, J - I‘.\§IHUX.\BLE TAILOR. ‘ um ph 1113: mdlmdnf infurming his flit-mic and HH- ym‘dEr :--;vr.fll_\'.‘ ht- ims oflfmed n '!'.|Elu:~mg udwbflifinmfnt in Baltimore smm, (:onyshuw.‘ (Htv I‘mt 01511,) near the Dia nu‘mu. “hem by is prepared to do pll Work in hi< lino‘in lhl’"bl‘~‘ manner. mu) m the autis \ {Fiction of Pur¢()nlci‘s.' He employs none but . fin! clam hands, um] receiving THE FASHIONS REGI'LAELY, he run wwrrnut fashionable fits, nud neat and 'suhstnmi‘nr sev‘vinfi. He asks {t share of‘ the pnhiir's‘patronage. ‘prfimising to spare no ef .,t‘m‘t m «lescrvv it; ‘His’ charges will always be i fimml :1; mode ate In the timns -m «Now. l‘unkng add ELL-pairing done 3;: the shortest. :nulh c. ‘ . [Getty‘ysburngpril 7,1862. 2 \'nl~l_. fivn I” ”C" "l" ’ \ ' 'J""~ ‘ Tnequ! Trpes! Trees! . HE unllerjsignod invite M'temion m their T large nndevH grown stock of .1 FflL’lT AX!) ORNAMEXTAL TREES, " Shrubs, an, emhrncin‘gn huge and mmrlotc :Hn‘um‘mnnt of APPLES, FEARS, PEACHES, , PLUMS, CHERRIES,“APRICUTS, and .\"EF— :'I‘ARIXF.S, SmndprdHnr the Orvhlyd, and ; Dwarf for the Garden.) ENGLISH WALNL'TS, SPANISH CHESNUTS. HAZLENUTS, &1-., ”.\N‘BI'IRRH'IS. STE‘X‘YHERRIES. CYR- R;\X'l‘Suunl GOOSEB ‘ RRIESfm grvxuynr‘rmy. -GIHPES of choicest kinds, ASPARAGUS, 3 RIIL'B.\RB,&CL, kc. EAL“). aifiue 5103:}: of We” ,-fur‘mpd, bushy EVERGREE‘S, tunable for the (femeterv gmd ”me. . - ' i lH:C[Dl’Ut‘s mugs, for street planning, and a geuemlgssortmuent of Unuum'uy Tina: AND FLownn'o‘ Srmcu. ~ ROSES, of xho‘ce varieties, ‘GAMELIAS, .Banmm yuims, kc. ‘ " Our stock if remarkgbly tfilrifly.nnd fine, And we offer mm prices to suit [he times. i 32$“Cnéulog \es mailed to all npplignms. I - AJdress Ei’WAHD J. EVANS, & 00., _;' _ {Central Nurseries, York, 1311. ; March 'l4t 145:. tf , . Nabona..¢qal. 01L. . : , gummy?!) RON —moszvs and equal z ‘ {any KEROSENE. : HY {my anfgxpiosive Oil, when a few cents more per gallonwi‘J furnish you WM: 3 peffect on? Made only by PA. SALT ”“ch- TURTNG COMPANY, No. 127 \VA'LSY'I' Swan-r, PHILADELPHP. [Feb. 24, 192. 13‘ Dec. 2. U Saponifler! Sapomfler! , HE FAMLTY SOAP MAKER—AII Kitchen T Grease can be mdde into good SOAP, by using SAPomnlm ' ' g DIRECTIONS ‘ ACCOMPANYING EACH BOX'L SO‘APIia as easily made with it as making a cup orcoffee. Manuflctured only the Patenkel. 1 PA. SALT MANUFACTURIg COMPANY, N. 121 Wunwr St, PmLAZD A. Feb. 24,186 . 1y ‘ , . Spec" lea, Spectacles, ‘ - OSEPH BE ‘AN, qign ofithe ”Witch nudi Spectacles ill; the diamond, has now on hand a large sudden at" Gold, Silver and Steel Specmle and is prepared tot suit all will {um-him rim” cm. §~ ' “I? N. B. Caahlyaid for old gold and lilyer. Juno 2, 1862}. II E roampflzop 9mg: t,’ e _tejdgcq ,rma, n . gfi'ggl‘e'fiv. A, .‘v . ‘ ‘ . . ‘ g_ y , u. I 7, .. ‘ :Vmegan-«Ninegar. ‘. . inflame? 336 k 35:33er 7 HR uncivrfiigch has commenced tho nymn- - HUBER WMNT, ' F fm-(ure of Vinegar. on \\’u-xhinmon firm‘t.- I} 0 0 K B[NI) N R A four doors norm‘of Weir. Mlddlr 'val. Gui-g piggy”: Saul “Mu"crv»fiu t_\ xhurg. Ha hm been mnnnfiu lurirw lhia Vined ‘ , L \VTASTHR ’p L 'K‘” a” "VMU' 0““ IN" Md if "1" Kim! L'cmmfl ‘ I'M'h' am! Drrmmmml 'lilmh'ha. or ev’eryfl den suiafu man. The snperiurilv of ”hi: Vinegar; aruipfién, ext-clued 'll»th mum fidb'lflflnl sud OH-r nil other manufactured Vini'qflr, coalists Eunmoved styles. ‘ mit home [mule eutiruly of ‘grmu. no kcid of! ‘ any kind bcmg used in its campusitionp um] Jfret‘ from everything injurious. I! is strong, M’nd “'th omne time pleasant. to the Mimnud hair all the preservative quuities (pundinpnre pider Vim-gflr. He is.prepnred (.0 wholesale 1M; Vinegar in any quantity. Call and e am in: fur yoursclycs. ADA” DIE L. I _ 1' L Certificate. E, the undersigned, hereby; certify‘thnt , C; we hue new! in our familpei, for \‘nri ous purpmm‘, the Vinemn manufactured} and sold by Ann Dmnnharid find it 'tg‘: be mum he represents it to btw We hue" marry tested "\i and believe it. to be superior in enery;res' eel, to any other mnnufnctumfl Vine‘garye Esme ever used, and, would Wanß'r it! to all: persons. .3 ‘ '2’ ,1 55"}; . i ' . Wm. Boyer k Son, Geuybburg, 'l'; ‘ Jncob NQrberk a 00.} . '5“ 71’ Codori hGille-spic, ‘ g“ 1 , John (‘b’mberhonnlnkllin twp.,‘ Levi Fitter, ; “E 1 . A. F. Gin..OxfordL .1 ; ‘ 3 t May 13,1862. ly’ ' i ‘ ‘l' ' The Old and amiable: raw SPRING GOODS. : N SMALL PROFIT :QL'H‘K SAL - Jr. 12.,SC‘H’ICLK would respectfully sny ‘to ihe citizens of tyshurg and vicinity, that bank vnow race at his smre fl splendid .«: ; swoon or SPRING-Goons. 1 The atmk courting in ‘,Tuu-l of ancyl Staph ng GOODS, of c “I ddjcriptxo BILKS,‘. .1 4- I. ‘ 1 ' MOZAMBIQUE, n 1 ' _ GHALLIES, { l _ ' .- D‘ELAIN’ES, I . . 3 ' BOMBAZIXESV . ‘ , , ALMCCAS, . ( - : ». g LAWNs, ’ ‘ . ‘ L ' L tohlllC nf n‘l qualities and theistic Myles. whlr be sold at PRICES TO DE Y COMI’ETI | Fl'nxxsmxa mums , “ of all kinds, including Silk. Mum and C‘ Handkerchiefs. Gloves, Stockings; kc. I Also, a Fplendid assortment of RlBB Laces and Edging”. Umbrellas null l’ums My stock of \\'nn‘nuooqs w‘ilE‘be roun' and complete, and I-uswu ”Lay-{v rely always getting-good goods t. the lowest! ble pricec. ‘ l {- Hemlpmen‘ wifl find it 1 their advance cl3ll mu! examine my stock of ‘ f ' CLUT’HS. - 3 ' CASSHIERIJS uni ‘ f~ > | VESTIXGSE, sof all qunhtim: nntl choicegt at} less. I '_ April at; 1863. ‘ ‘l J. L. 5011 ch 1 I ..‘ 34:1-§._/- V, —V ‘33:, g ~-' 9".» 1 #53 £35. 35;- .§“ . ~ v‘"“ v 1‘7"» 1 SomethingJNew! l BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATED MAP ON TV”? PRESERVATION" AND. (‘I'LTITRE ‘ 0F FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES OPIES «re being published, which co _ many mggmficpuf. Engrnfiuzs, sue Trees mid various kinds of fine Fruit and Tn-va, some of the finesi spz-cimens'that ever been put on paper. The Frgnt Tn‘v 11 set with abundant. burdens of l‘riiit,.siinil 'lhnt. which nature presents in propnr‘ at . The trees are represented 45 having their , 'running thtoiluh‘thc soil it} a natural pna tion uud the Eugmvinzs 9f Traci: are beautitn rmd 'gf mil. It. nlsu contains aii 9 Enfir-H’ing“ hit'h iroprewnty the innutnemh e thread-like, nuts 'ot‘ :1 \‘igorou: tree ruuni‘p thruugzh nnfl over . the Soil. The, Root. Em. m-‘nuz' rovers ten invite: in diameter on pay r, nml also for s :1 ,nugnifimznt engraving, uhl ~h‘onnnot \hulf hut wrovc gratifying tn div 0)? Mn“ \\‘honm. he ‘lmlii it. Such 3m Ptlfl‘dn I: ha: nuv'er.~ ban 'primed bu paper blillltu The engmrin of roots riot onlv prm’os mlmi able to the six. n. of ‘,tho eye. but‘is tic-.éigno‘l to prove of grm; im-‘ I’portnnce to all \\‘hn I.IM n intcrqstin thqrul- . lthntton of fruits and hurt to trwu‘frujt trees ipmperly. '"' ‘ ' A ‘CUPY contain: Twentv: VP difl'c‘rontEngmva i ‘ :ings of Trees. Fr its, mm, compuswl‘ I hf Eu‘rgrecnfi.‘ P re“. .\pplr, l’gm-h. Dwarf?) rgimitl Ptzu‘ and l‘hi-rryTrces, &c.‘ ThP l-‘rmt migrating. [-..mpnso Rnapln-rriei.‘ Gl3O ‘i‘hori’qu. lllitclghcr l . r 599, (‘urrnnm G p 94. L’lluns. ;\[xri; ‘ cots, Pears, l'cAcl cs, .\pples,etc..nnll i are all colnrml h ~ [mud ‘to repn-sont’ tlu‘ nntnrul fruit. 11nd nrv un-oxnpnnied with printed mm rr 0! great impor-i ' _tnn'ce. and {arms hi mm in File 3'.’ by 40 inches, on map pvrper, with unalin hack and face varnished: k ‘l ‘ A COPY. with its numerolns engraving"; will i be gratifying tongue e 3 9. aml mm; an 1 1 admirable ornnmdlnt lur the wall of the ‘ i parlor, nnd “ill :rivhly tin-runny nny 1 ‘ apartment with ltornmiltnrwl matter I? ‘ ofmuch importnn‘t-nnglftpht'y: ’l‘lu-ze i ‘ copies are published at a very hour; 1 expense. Tn‘engwfiu- dolhxrslmve been - i paid to a scientific artist foi- formiigg ‘ ’ the ‘ulntos of single engravings 6t - “I’o3. rootli. etc.‘ ; _ ~' 'A COPY contains printed‘lmntler'of much im ' pox'muce and greillmluel. It will tell bo’w to (you all ‘nds of Fruit Wrens ’ tu r'cndcr (hem \‘e‘y vigalfnus and [ ro ducfiwLew-n in I¥nfnwrfible leAsms. ' It will tell how lo plepure the sml wilhnut invonvvnt:we Mfurnplnntmx the trees in: to El oleth trees munli ‘ in vigor, and to grove (hf: proddmive— ness of abnndnnticrops, \‘cn i}: unfa— vornhle ‘ seasons pr 1m: Itious, twill] proper and easy filler trc trm-m. . A COPY willdell how to “tepure nndllm§llnll kinds of Fruit add Eve‘green Trees, . - so as to prove suchcssl‘ull with source - 1y ever providg a hilurle in}: lot of mgny trees wlnen;pro‘crly'_lreutud:no =directed. It. will tel? 110 w, to uni: - and .plnnt Dwarf Pear Tmes. It fcoi). " ‘cnina the most eéccrssfiiltreaun‘ents ‘ for the vulture of the Plum. I} will tell how to uni? and cultivate the . Grape. l l A COPY will tell how tolbultivqle and in t Stmwbenijes, Currhnls, IRMphcn-l; Blnckherries, Godseberries, etc. ‘ -‘ A COPY will tell how to {rem ranch trees, to ‘ restore their rook healthy from the l . ‘ dlflflslfiflll afiectspf worrh insects. 11. will tell how to make mid of an a pli cntion ovgr the spil snrqoundanthe tree to protect glut-'Pentgh‘nnd qlbcr . tender fruits haul the effects of h’elng ~ winter-killed in I.llm bud; The same application nlso' tenures; Peach lrees ‘ from taking the yellows.l The aim“- cation has the beneficial elk-ell to . .present the foliage ohbe lreea heullhy pad the tree vigqrous, and proves to the pro-lucliveness of luscious (mitt, ‘ The application to be applied im not expensive. All hue wfficient nu terials on their plantations. . A COPY will tell how to Preserve all kinds 0 3 Fruits will: little or no sugar. It will I tell how to. keep Apple: with’ muchl auchcua. II will wll how to treat. and! madage Pears to Mute berfectly,’ and to main to the highs". flavor. A COPY present» in numqrons pictures all at a glanufi and forms Inch an ornament ' for the wall as will be admired by all . lovers of umdruwn from nature's pm; ' ducts. ' ‘ ‘- , Then comes In. published by . ‘ ,- > H. F. M; PETERS, . - Keg: Bendcrsvine, Adams ro., Pa. fine)!“ is finished with mailers Ind will be forwarded by ”Express to any'plscq on; dered,'oh rgcefpt of necessary amount. ‘ , Mr?” :2 per copy. Adnesa 11.13. 11. Pmaa. Nursery, Flor-«dale P. 0., near Ben‘- dersvifle, Adams c 9., Pa. July 21,1862. [Nov.ll.’6’.’. Iy] ‘ TEP into McILHEfNY'S andseethe Imm S quantity of HATS and CAPS thit he, 1?: just. received. Costs nothing ‘tq look. , USLINS 3 low mt”, from 8 cent! up, can ho had at. the cheap non: of ‘ " FAMESTOCK vBROS. fidirfifififiz—Y bfiEESE, 39?? fine: lfitlembw 16 He hMAdtH. v .0” Bats. 1 ”was; buss mums“: 7' i L flat], n. 1‘ ~'-' 3 508153313 -‘ “Francis. ‘ ‘ E. W. Brown, E=q., Fnrm‘eu Bank of Lune-nor, W. L. Peipcr, Esq , L‘mcastcr County Bank 4 Samuel Shack, 33¢, (Yuhnnhin'Bnnk. Snmuel Wagner, Huh York Hank. Willinm Wagner, Esq.. York County Bank, T: D. Carson, Huh Bunk of Gmysburg. Peter Martin, E 39,, Pgoth’y oflqnnm'swr 604,1"- GeoflC. Huw‘thom, Er ~ Register “ “ Geo. Whiuon, Esqngecorder “ " __April,ls,, 1861. ,- - - ‘ ' Town Property ~ . , .T PRIVATE S.\LE.—The undersigned of- A fers nt Private Sal? the Pro orlyin which he now rbsides, situate in Eng: 3mm nun, Gettysburg, adjoining's. R. Tipto‘n on the w. ' Ind Mrs. Mummy oh the can, with In W, alley in the rear. .1118 HOUSE in gm“; - ho~smry Frame, \Vebtherbonrded, wixh Bu-ck-b‘n‘xldjng; agwell of water, with a pump in it, a: the claw; Md a variety offruit, such nn nbplosfpennz, pegches, npricots, cherfloe, um} ghpos, all the most choice. ‘ ‘ ' ZAUHARIAII MYERS. NOV. 12. 1800. H ’ ' ' Gettysburg Marble Yard. EALS & BRO., [)1 EAST YORK STRI-an'n M GETTYSBURW, I’m—Where they. are prepared to furnish n" kirds‘of work if: Ilwil line, ’in-h n 3 MONUMFINTS, TUNNS, HEAD STONES, MAXTLES, am, nt the shortest nu mb, and an cheap as the'chenpeat. Giw us ‘3 ca". ‘ 4 V all Get wing :‘nfi‘Produce taken in exchange for-work. i G ttysburg, him: 2, “£62. 1! l -'h f _." ‘U' “a -' " _Ti H"“"“—7 ~ % The Great place-very. ‘ F (THE AGl‘L—lnfiammulory and (‘hrnnlo O Rheumatism can lie cum] by using H L. .\IIIgLER'SEELEBRA'I‘E’D RHEUMATN‘, MIX~ TURE. Illumi- prominent ritiu-us'ai Slain, arid the adjoining coumies, have unarmed to i“? gre‘at utility. 'in success in Rheumatic nth-w lions. has been liltlierm‘unpnrnllelul by any specific, inlrmluccd to the public. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by 411'! (lruggislsaml storekeepera. Prepared only lflr H. 11. BULLPIR, Wholesale and llcluil [)rumzist, Em: Berlin, Adams munly', l'n.. ‘lmarin Drugs, l‘llomirul‘u, Ulla, Varnish, Spirits, aims. Dye-stuffy, huh llc‘l Oils, ls‘ssenécs imd Tinctures, Windpw Glus’s, I’crfqmory. l‘ntoul .\lenliciny-I, km. .tc. WA. l). Buchlvt '\llic Am-ntin,(ll-lly9~ burg for “H. L. 51“!qu Cn-lvhrutwl lllu-mano Mixture." ‘ [June 3, 1861. If _. IRS, will UN. ‘0 .\‘S, ‘ Is.— 1- full tipon usgi- A Ready Market. ‘ m‘suusmurv WANT ]()0.0()() HUl—“’6 have taken thy . house lay-I}- m'rnp‘od by Krinofelror, lhnl'l‘r.gc! ’& ('o., with pflctcrminutiun In [mph high-. 4 ‘lnnrkct prices fun!!! kinds M 61112“. ,Yuu M}! lfinfi us supplied wnh I’L.\>"lrlß,'(:‘l':\\'H 9! all kjn<l=., GNUCERIH“. W..olu=ulo and Ila-{.\il‘ ‘LUMBICH. ()(HLJIW' everyntln-rnylivh- inour jline of huflim-u “Hill"? the I(sl\‘(‘~t p‘neqihle lnm-s fur Cutl: (‘.ull unll emmilw our stuck um] :lmw-s *Luorc purclufiwihg gheu‘hvw, ‘ , ‘ [HI-11”.. BHINKI‘IRHUFF & CL). ‘ .‘ ‘April 22,, I_sul_:r -‘- ‘ ' > l . #11:; Change of .Tlme. . "ruit (VIETTYSTH'RG RAILROAD—I)" and aft" have I Wétlnpsxl‘ly, May 5, 1345?, the Murmum ‘ ilre Train “ill Imu- (icnphurg 1117.15 A. .\L! with, u' to- passl'ngcn {or nlhlm Funni‘l'limm._ s'oth null son. South, on tho Nmtlwrn Urnlml lhxihmy. mud“ oofs'relurninlnmt I P. .\I. The :xltvrnuun Train " ““111 lum‘p lh-H_\\l_uu'g "41': .3. I'. M.; hut p‘tssgngcw by {his Trzm‘. mu gu no flrlimrthnn Hunm‘ér the sums owning. ”Returning ‘u'Ell rem-J; (Fetlyhurg nhuuL I' s'. .\l. with [mm-H'- gerg l'rbm'hilmlelphju.9&o. l‘uy this‘nfimmmmvnt prrxjius Iran: the iuumry, m'ur (hp line of tho lbflruud, Inning lithium-ls M lmnfnqt in (ivyxsbufg, calu lnkc Ule mum Train up n'ml lime maul? two Inmrs in “unfa burg, u‘pd rctmnfin the .\fn-r’nngu Trun. , [I.McCL'RUY, President. ' .\My {l2, 191:2 ‘ ”_ -..—-. ,-. -’.: ‘31., Hanov‘er Brand) Railroad. "‘ INTI-IR ARRANGE“HNTS.—I’ussengcr V Trains run us f'uilgwu Lenny Hummer nt 93W]. 31.. and lit?!) r. u. :Lozno Junctiuu m linl) A. u . um] I"!!! r. u‘. *Tho 9..“) A 7 u._ [min niukvs Emma-nun n: lino Junction fur the Nurlh and Hmuh. The Him fi‘uin n‘yukos umnvrnun lnr‘the .\fiunh “Mfg, >Thrnngh Tivkmn are i-~uetl to l’h)l:3-irlphi.1', Columpin, "nrliSth’L’. \\'lllidmsporl, llmvnlmgr, Bullilnpre, York. \\'righhvllr‘. nnd gull prim-|- pnl nay pnhfls on UN: liucol thchultlu-rn Urn ‘,ml Ruhluny. ‘ ‘ i D. E. TRONE, Tickgl .\genL, Jun.‘2o, 18,82. , -: V ; rFme L'quors; _‘ ' 30. mm: ImmmMu-l m" ms Crm'nrv 91.21] H; .\"utinn Slurp a niopurluwnlflnr the mu: 0‘ Liqunre, and [Luinglnisl'm“Lu-11¢ \nll “no nadarlrfiwnq. In- invilu Ch“ :IHNH'mn o" )nlyrm) tllurv-tui. n mnl.m~z-s, I:l:,\.\fnm.~'. \\ [\Hs,‘ (HE'S, I\‘(lllh‘k’llfih‘fl £l3, of (lill't-rI-m kind: mud ptices, :ozuv nmnug ‘Ge hc.~( m be (nul‘m Hm. uiflit-i. ‘ An hid molm ia, “ qfqickuulm uni] ~m:rll‘ pmfiu,” he ml) sell dump.rcryllu-.lp,forllm (‘zlshm To be (‘ontiuro 1, it. is onl) m-rcs-lury lo: gh-g» him your h'\l§'n'.\t\!t'. . ' Heuyshurg Juli lhlsnl.‘ - T’o Disabled Soldiers, ' qmmax .\NP “Arum-2‘s, ARI) ’wnqu, k (111 ”THE! lII'IIIIS III" THOSE WHO. HAVE DIED (111 lII'IIQI‘ KIIJJ’II) IV THE Sl‘lliv‘ ”CHl—Cum. (I. Tum-m. AlWrm-v for I'lmm nauguonnly Land. and I’msimn .\gt-nl.‘\\'n~h inglon Clty, D. U.——l'L‘nniuns‘procurcd lor Sol diersfenmen and Marines of? the pmsom wars who re dike-Med by rcuwn offbumla rm-cned' ut dx'sense cuntrficied while in son-hem“! Pen: sinus, Bounty Mono) and Arrears nl‘ I’ny oh-r Mined $Ol widows or other heirs of than who have (“NI or been killed whg‘le in‘ service, . Bounty Land procurod‘forlgcrvicm in any of the other wars. CHASJ n. TUCKER, V t“ Q ‘ m Wfisllington, I). C. .I. C: Nlnnv, Agent, Gettysburg. Non, 13, 1861 Notice. ‘ HE undersignedfhnvinfi a huge amount , _ standing on his 800““th n tonsidemhlp‘ {length of time, principally made up of mu" 3 ac’ctmnta. takes this method of notifying chosp‘ ! indebted to him, that he needs money, and if; 1 big Manda yin call and some their ac _ unu,‘ héwill feel 11 uler manyohflmniuns (a the . ‘ ‘ \ Sept. 23.] 61. ' ' J. L. SCIHCK.‘ ___ .~_,-__ ,_ -fl.__;_\ John W. Ttpton, ‘; ; ASI’HONABLE BARBER, North-ens: cog-1 nexuof the Diamond, (next dqor to Me? Ulelbm's 1111191,) {ietljsbung Pm, ,wherc he can at dl times be found reu‘dy to attend to all, buaines‘s in his line. He hu also eucllent d—l nuance and will ensure hatisfuction. ()Ifo him a call. ’ [Dec. 3, 1860.4; [ New Restaurant.“ ‘ m: undersigned hm) opened a Rubunngs‘ at the corner of York and Liberty streets. euysb‘urg, where he will keep everythingjn‘. the.enting Line in season—also Ale;Luger, ind Cid'ér, Segue, Tobacco, ac. He is likewilox fitting up n Saloon for Ice Cream at the ma place. He hopes, by attention to busineu 9; a desire to please, to receive a liberal 111-roof; cudtom. HENRY W. CHBISMBXL ‘»~ May 5, 1332. 'l'l Albums. EW and exqui’siwly beautiful style; of Album,.for “Cme de Visite” Photo grtpha, just received and. for "NB 3: pricu lo suilthe Hugh. TYSON BROTHERS, 1 York at, :opposite the Bank, Gouyshurgfllyy March 10, 1882. ~ 5 _' ’ g Fruit Cans, I" all .aizes, wholnah and vet-11, gt SHEADS l BUEHLER’S Slave .16 Till‘ Establishment, corner oanrlinla ”round tho Bajlnond. ’ [Sen 8, 13.62.; - CRNETT’S cocoaryshpoq‘i. H 4: 8» B storulive} Shiniir‘g‘ HM? .’fltfi‘e,‘npd,olhc preparsgiom, for sale “yr, 13.30”“; Drug Store. . -" _'> . . ‘ ADIES, énll Ind. I“? Shrew-t 1 lot 0 L SILKS enn- Mimi‘s/Smurf, hug}; ue now open and gamut?“ ‘ ‘ § April 21. “‘“’F‘AHNISTOCI’B ‘ c