The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 17, 1862, Image 3

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    m mm comm: or 1352 x
The Old Keynona Sum, Ohio and Indian-{
"(the example in October. New Yolk, Keir;
Jersey, Delaware And Illinois gloriously row
upo-d in November. Behold the slot-ion}!
column 0f Democratic triumphs in ”62:
1:. 1.124013.
D 1: L A w A a a,
mm a Mean-Tho Aihnny my... c 0...
cludlel In srticle on the man of the 1m
elections as follows: 4 ’
“WhaH‘a the meaning 0! this great revo
lution! It meant xhat the people believe
'l}th the afl'u'rs of the country are phced in
[ ,he hands of men incapable of conducting
\wnr against, the seceding States or adminis
tering government among the loyal Sate:
ethat their counsels have tended only to
led our armies t 1) defeat. our treasury to‘
bankruplcy, and our country to disruption
and rum. And they demand achange of m
ien!" ‘
Singular Prophecv.—According in a trans
lation from Michael Nostradamus’ “Sev'en
Centuries of Prophecy.” it appears that he
not only pro hesied the death ofCharlee I.
or England. theestnblirhmentofthe French
Republic. the deaths of Henry IV. and
Louis XVI. of TFrance, giving the dlte of
each. but that a; war should arise in I. coun
try beyond the lens, that many would per
ish. that there would he the most intense
hatred manifested, that the war would last
{our years, when both parties would be ut
ter-l)" prosth and almost ruined, and
then wbuld embrace each other ‘with grey}!
joy and love. Nostradamus died in 1565.
So fern known he appears to have been a
true Prophet.
S'The Skate Bluulional Convemion
which we! at Harrisburg last August adop
ted I resolution—H‘Tlmt ministers of the
Gospel throughoumhe Smu- be requested
to preach, on the first. Sunday ih Dgéem
hen. 1862, a sgrmon on ficpular. educa
tion.” ~ . g .
GETTYSBURG—SAg-uuon 1.4".
- .....6 25 0.06 50
..,.. 4 25
.....1 30 to l 4:;
I 25 I 0 1 30
Bye l-‘10ur.......
White Wheat...
er Wiu‘ut......
Outs :........-..-.~
Gloverfleed ....
Tlmomy seed...w
Flu 5eed.‘.....’..4.‘
Plller of Pnris ..............
Hum ground, peg. Img...
BA!.Tl.\!oRE_—‘—Fmon' Mfg-I'.
a. fi 87 lo 7 00
1 i; :n I 93
9:: I 0 l 03
‘ 6') so 73
.' 3!: m ' m
1 6 20 m c 31
..’/2 00 m 2 12
J; -b 0'» in s rm
.. ‘6 no u 6 no
...,J..18 nu mzl I 0
41 m 4':
'75 00
R) 0....
(hm .\..
Timmb‘y fiend
lh-H f‘nttlo. per hnud....l
Hugs, per 1mnn1............
Ugmno, I’vrminn, put {on
.••• ......... .•• .....
H .\NUVER—Tuunmn’ us!
Flour. from wngms..‘.;
Do. [mm stun-n
(“our Sea-L.
'fr‘lnolhy Seed
acacia]. Notices.
AV‘GT’S Pint—Arr you “sick. fi‘rhle and
onumlniningr? Are yo'n out nforder with your
swim'n vieruhqwi nnzi your twiings uuvnmfnrtu-
He? i'nl‘lu-sr- Hnnntomfi arr (men the prelude.“
[o' writ-u! iiinl’ifi. Same fit ni‘ Sik‘knt‘ifl is
rrm-ping upon you. find ehnului be M‘rrled h}- n
livm-l}; u-o of the right rpmiuh. Tnko Ayor‘s
Piiln; Mud ”Pin'fl' ”on! the niianrdl'rmi hummin—
~purih“ the hlmi 3. and let the fluid: mow an un
ohil‘truvimi in ht-uith "I: uiu. 'l'th slimulnrte
Ilu- functin‘nu uf'tln- bully into \‘ignmua no'hitv,
purifi vim systrul from the nhstmvtiun: which
make diJende. A mid FPlliP-l somv‘whore In the
h'uly.‘an«l nh=trmuts its nnturnl funninnm—
Thgu. if not. raliéveri. react upnn tin-rwolvps
and the nurrnunllmz orgmu‘ producing: finnerul
nugmrntinn, suffering: nn-i di-vuse. While in
this cnn-iitinn. npnre'se i by the drmnfir-mentn,
(Alu- Ayer‘z- I‘ills. and We how diremly
(tore the Miami action of :hc’systv‘m. nu'i
with it the buoyant-fooling of lu-ulth again -
“‘hnt hump and _sm nppurent in this trivial
anulmnmmnn rniu-piniu‘. ia nlzo true in many of
fin deep—smith! and «inng'crnufi di‘ltlllpérs.—
The A»: me‘purgmii‘e effect I-x,peln them. t'nused
hy‘nimiinr ohttruetinns Ind ‘dernugemcnts ni'
Ihe natural functions of thefhndy, théy are
hpidliy mtd mnhy of them Fundy, cureni by the
same ‘menns. None whn lawn- the virtue: of
there Pills will negiect to employ them win-n
suffering from the «lisorrivrs thigy cure; such as
Hendnvhe, Foul Stoninch. Dyéenh‘ry, Biiiuus
Compinints. Indigestion, Derdngcment of‘the
Liwrft‘mliveness or Constipufinn. A< n Din
ner Pill Ihcy Are both agreeable mind qfl'ectuni.
Vfl'Pren‘nrel by Dr. J. (Y. AYER & (‘O.,
Lowell, Mn“. Paw: 25 Gary FEB Box.—
Flvl ““233 Pm: $l. -
'mqld by A. D. mum“, and‘denlers
everywhérc. " [.\‘uv. 3. “:2. 2m
On the 12th insL, by Rev. J. R. Warner, M
sistod by Rev. H. G. Finnev. Hon. EDWARD
"CPHERSUNflO Miss ANNIE D., daughter of
John 82 Crawford. Esq., of Getushurg.
On the 13th inst.,;by Rev. B. Y. Hummel
hulzh., MIL ADAM G.‘ HENRY to Miss ANNIE
11. SETTLE, both of Franklin township; Adams
county, Pa. ‘ . ‘
fiObitnnry notices exceeding six line;
'ill’ [gm-utter be changed It half dur usual ad-
Ben'ning up: for nu over that number of
new!“ . ‘ -
0n Frida; morning last. at the residence‘of
h’er non. Col. Jlme! D. Paxton, in this place,
lin. JANE D. PAXTON, wife of Rev. Wm.
Punch, D. D., deceased, aged 90 years and 9
months. '
In Bucks county, Pm, at the residence of bin
mn-in-lnw Rev. A. O. Halsey, on Sunday,
Dim-19th, in. JOHN ADAIK, {unruly of um
_ place, in the 902.11 you of bin age. > “Gathered!
into the garner of his Lord, like a shock/at
corn fully ripe." ,
0:: ‘he “is of‘Oct., in Auburn, Michig-n,
In. SARAH HUSSLER, wife of Mr. George
Hauler, formerly ofthi: county, Aged than: 65
years. ‘ o ‘
0n the 9th inn, FELIX W. ORNER, offic
nnllen township, Aged 28 yetrs 8 month- And
‘ 24 days. . '
0n the 9th inst” in Hennllen township,
' JEREIIAH Wl, so. of William Yentts, aged
17 ,em 5 month! Ind 30 day“ This is the
. fifth child of Mr. Yuua’ family by diptherin.
On the 6th inst, ELHIBA, daughter of Solo
mon Beemer, of Kennllen township, aged 7
gem 8 months and 14 days.
. - _ ’ . ‘ Communicated.
’ 01: “he 22d “September, PHILIP ANDREW,
Son of {nob A. end In, A. March, eged 3
you: {IL-oath: end 28 dnyu.
~ He is gone from our circle,
And gone from this nerd: ;
He's dud-4m! in dying,
H. ‘i. ind s new birth.
ada‘gmfrpll our circle,
* ,H'IQ goal" with hi! God-
But. the {on of our (lei-ling
‘ ,‘Lleg 'nenh the cold nod.
. man'- (one fro- our'cixele—
’Both we go too;
” no a“! lbut in dying , ~
~ TB. glad qufe In. ,
:- 9. veal, Fume, _ . .
_ :‘M ”I“ lih’nu. .
Oprah. one I , , , -
'Omvmum-r'h', ~
Desirable Propertyi
T PRIVATE SALE—The Inhlcnljer oxen
It private sale. hi: Property, Ii mm in
yrone township, Adam: county. on {he road
leading from York Spring. to Oxford, four
mllca trom the former and m from this latter,
Idjoining lands of George Mummert,iBlmuel
Chroninter. Levi Rafl‘emperger, and ‘ o‘hers,
conulnlng nbuul 48 urn—about 10 ‘m-res or
good timber, and n due proporticn of meadow.
A put 01 the land bu been llmed.
The imyrovementl are a Two-
Ilor) Frhmc HOUSE, Frame Bnrn,
“of Pen, and other out-buildings.
Tho buildinm are all new, having bee put up
within the last five *0! six yours. Till-Ipc is a
well of water convenierl to [he houael with a
pump ln‘lt: - aver-Inning sprmg on the pro
perty; gum ngood Ipple orchnrd of] choice
fruit. with other fruit nee-,lnch as pésch,
pear, upricot, cherry. kc. I
”Herman wishing to View thgpl
Ire requhud to all on the lublcl'ib-
iug thereon. SAMUEL THO v 5.
NOV. 17, 1862. 3! . ‘
'Eefl Estate 8818.
HE undersigned um ofler n! Pub 1: Sale,
on the premises, on SATURDAY, the 29:}.
a] of SQVEIBER innk, lhu ulunble TRACT
OF LAND, lMely occupied by S. W. H ii'msn,
deceased, ligunle in Scrub”: wwnehipx Adnms
county, About one nflofrom the Pine: hurch,‘
containing 243 Acres, we" improve 180‘
Acres will be sold with the improvem all, or
the whole "set,“ denited by'purcbue 3. Ag
the property‘ie well known, I further ‘elcrip
tionvisdeemed unnecnur . ,
H'Sele to commencenfi 1 o'clock,
said day, when nteudn'nce will on 3‘
terms made known by > _ _ _- .»
Nov. I}, 1862. ta I A-i
Ahother Proclamatixnl
mafia STILL IN ,comnn.
permanently'estnblllhed my heath,l
in Baltimore street, I hue the Pleasur
nouncing to thin departmeht.an_d all
llmt‘l nm still selling cheap and good
of every ltyle and description. I have
ceired from the cities I largcnnd lpleu
which] am offering to the public It 33‘
ingly low rates, considering the times :I
greet ndvnnce (in all articles of clotl-in
lupply of (Herc-outs, Fi\ne Cloth Contal
neu Confis, Vesta and Pant: for Fall an
ter weur, is large and. vnrled. _lnlatyle, ‘
nnd prire they cannot, be bent. Fur
Goods of every description, such is I
Comm, ‘L'nder-shirta, Hondkudxiefml
Ties, (lldveq. Hosiery. etc., all select
:lle greatest clue and sold at the love
prim-u. F. B._l’ICK
Mn. 17, 1862. l
General McClellan
Ebe prepared. The undersigned
moit'tespectl‘ully invite the Attention
cltizous of Gettysburg and its vicinity
and examine his well selected stack of
RF he has j‘ngt returned from flu; city
fine nn "sent-Imam! of goods in his line
wull (in? in this or any min-r town.
Lndl 5, now is the time to 1:41] and e 1
flnmwmleu Scnrl’s,‘Shonenl Scarfafinei
letw, woolen i‘nder-slecvea, and all th
little fixtures for the toilet in the
Brushes, Combs and Perfumerles, 11l 0
‘enn he had at No. 113, right opposite th
Gentlemen,it word to you. ll G. C
the place to get the best and cheapest '
rlrthing in tin-Imin as follows: Over :
Under-shifts. Dram-rs of all kinds, in
short Stockings from )3 cents up to 75
pair. Suldiers, a few remark: to you:
(‘nrr‘s is the place to get. those good
Ehin (innntlets, Armv Socks, nil kinds 0
Knives nnd heavy _Knives : his!) knife, ('0
rpnon all in one: the regular army Slti
Draw er's. Sleeping Caps, woolen Scarf!
k‘indv. Smokers, H. G. Cnrr has IS
nsgm-tmem 01 Smoking Tobncco nnd Pi
)on can chase up any place. (.‘héwing
co and (‘icars of all kinds and prices.
Also, Hardware, Queensw‘nrw nli ki
Spices. (iroreries, first-mic Cider and
Vinegar, all kinds of Flint-y Simps, I“ k
Essences, Patent Medicines, Coal 0i
Lamps, and n wiry handsome nséort
Pcrfum‘erics. Now is the lime.. Com
come all, and give us a cnll. Donllfin
place, No. ”3, in East. York street, 9
[he "rink. . U. G. CAKjl,‘ Am
‘ 5!!)
175 m: M
‘5 00
l 75
6 25‘
- Notlce.
administration on the estate, 0! Fa
Urner, late of .\lemillcn tuwnshim Ada
decmsed, having been granted to the
Figueth-siding in the same towmhip,.h
by gin-l native to all persons indebted.
astute to mh‘ke immediate puyment, and
having cluims again“; the same to presen
properly authenticated Vlor settlement. '
Nov. 17, 1862. (it _
» . ' Notice.’ |
G Ininislfnlion on the estate ofGeork'
Into of llamilmn township, Adams conn 1
tensed. lnn'mg been granted to the unde
ed, residing m Bcrmck township, he l
gives native to all persons indubtodi ti
estule t 9 make immediate payment, I‘m‘
bmin’g claims against the same to p
them pryopcrly nulluenticqted .for éeltlem .I
. S.UIL‘BI. BROWN, 4 ‘
N0v.17,y1862. 6:
HE undersigned hereby w rns 311 p;
ngninst huntingorgunniugEn his pr ‘
in Hamilton township. Adam “county.
lnw'will b'c put in {orce against all new).
regarding this notice. , MARTIN G -
Nov. 17, 1862. w ‘ _
- A Watch
Aanund in "Camp Gefiyaburg,"
days ago, which has heen left. ‘
Compiler ofiice. The owner gnu have
proving propeny 3nd paying ronjhis '
tisement. [Nov; .17, {862.
——-————_—A -_.—L“
v Notice. ;
(uncanny on the estate 011 Abraham:
lute of Union township, fldama
deceased, having beén grante to (he?
signed, residing in the tune wnship
hereby give notice to 11.11 per nu ind:
mid estate to make immedia pnylnen
those hevmg claims Again“ the ‘nme to p
them properly authenticated {o leulem
Kim, H), xéez. 6v
Minus & BUIHLIB’S Store is we!
thy'nvinitjust av. this time. We doubt wh
even in our largest cities. so fine a disp
Stoves can be found. Their 'lnrge to
full of Stoves of every pattern; ulso. eve
(flay of Hollow Ware, Sheet~iron War
Ware, Punished Ware, Japan Ware—em
ing, indeed, everything in the house fnmi
line. deso, Sausage Cutters, Sausage St
Lard Presses, 80., kc. They are prepa
sell wholenle and retail, Tin Ware and
iron Wnrre of their own manufacture—k
n suflicien, number of hands to supply a.
mud. Their assortmeht of Lumber i 1
huge; Also Goal 0! every kind. I
UFFALO ROSES—A splendid lotj'
ceived n: PICKIN‘
M got-deans, Fifen, to", for sale at
RUNKS, Umbrellas, Cnpet Sacks, tc‘ ..
T cheap It PICKINQ
I BE SOLDIERS will find I. good ”pp 3' of
' Under-shirts. anerl, Over-shoes, ‘um
unkets,A:-my Blmkehgnd other miql a in
this line, intended for their lpéci‘l comfodt, at
I!:E mention of the Ladies is respe‘ ‘
invited to I lag: and splendid use;
a in’ in Kid Ind Morocco BOOT?
BLIP?! Lu“ Gaiters «he. kc. a.
CAéwrrs, CARPETS.—A splendid
Inning—food Ind she: jun 0
mm New am. of a. sane“
OLLOCK‘S mum—m pmnl
but baking powder ii ‘ur—n I
I“ Batman |
To Trespasses
. ‘ following Inner! loldien are r-ported
' .- DIIIITIII, from their respective con
Capt. SHELL"! ‘Compuy
John Waller, Littlesmrn,
Samuel Evin, McSherrystoun,
Henry aner, Lizlkuatownl
Jonph Spots-lor, “
David Sell, Hnuover.
John Reese, Getlyabnrg, (=uha!ituu,)
Jacob Bange, substitute for Henry Binge.
Cxpt. Punk's Company.
John Hauler, Grafl‘enburg,
Andrew Heinlzelmnn, Cnsbtown,
Joseph Lives, Gmffenburg,
John Eyler, Getty-burg,
John E. Thoma, Arendtsvillo.
Capt. Bnoccxvn‘a Company
Charla. Shilling, Oxford townlhip,
Alex.Bhnder, “ . “
Capt. Glmuxb's Compuy.
chob Comfori, Hummuhurx, (unbolitnte.)
(‘apthr-on's Qompauy.
; overt:
i relid-
John 3. min, Phundelp‘hiu;(.u'bamuu,-)
yichselémbrole, “ “
’ George Shut, “ ‘ "
The nbovcdesertcrl will be "rented. whom
" found, and sent to this camp. Five Doll-rs
rewud'vmbo plid {or mix mun.
. By order of Col: LEWIS, ‘
Commanding Cnmp.
15m. 11, 1562
No Cure No Pay.
For'tbe cnrl of every species of Rheu
matism, u it dilsolveu the: congulnted lymph
which—fixes itselr nbout the joints, (causing
them to become still and painful) nnd thereby
remorrtthe primary cause of this disease.
For Coughs. lnflnmmmions, or Tightness of
the Cheat Ind Lump, it gives a sure sud speedy
relief. Also for Group and Soré Throat, And
uhould always be used about the Throat and
Lung: in cues of Scarlet Feverand Whooping
Cough For I" located pains, such an Tooth
ache, Cramp Ind Crick in the Back, or where
Mercury ha: been used‘nnd heroines fixed in
the joints. It also gives immediate relief for
Chollc Pain! in Adults and Children. For
Burns and fluids, it exlmcti: the fire almost
instantly. It lufnllibly cuul Felons, Bruises,
Sprain, nod all Flesh Wounds: also. Mumps,
'Agne in the Breast, Chappqd Hoods 9nd Lips,
Coml,»Chilblnins or Frosted Limbs,ivemor
rhoidel’ Files, or l'lcertted Sores, med
Eyes, to, to. ,
i It, on
en ' Ind
Of Jul-
I olhing
all ten
‘I id as-
nd the
Also warranted to cure the mpst nbslinate
Contracted ot Fevered Hoo’s,\\'ounds,Scmlches,
Wind Gulls and Sprain: upon Horses,-of Foul
in the feel. a! Cutie.
1 My
. Win
.. bins.
d with
t can
flhe public up requestrd to try it—if; it does
not answer the recommendation. return It to the
Agency,- (bottle hllf uned,)‘und receive your
monengflln. ' , ;.
Directionsfor use (fin-losing each bottle.
HENRY S. BI‘TTS, Sole Proprnor,
' ‘ M'averly, Tiogn 90., N. Y.
Where ll“ ordrrs§by,maii. or onherwise, will
be promptly amended to. Price 25 Cents per
bottle. l '
‘ ybédy
of the
to cull
Id: as
a: you
Sold in Gettysburg by H. G. CARR. ‘
'ov. 17, 1952.
HEREBY cnution all persons against buy-
I ing an obligation which I held against
Francis Kim: and John Kline. for two hundred
dollars, puynbla in six monthly payments, the
firsl payment to be made on the 3d‘of February,
1863—11“! one hundred dollars to be paid only
under certain conditions—dated the 3d day of
Now, l 862; nsl have lost the said obligation,
and never received value for the same. i here
by caution said Francis and John Eline no: to
pay said obligation if‘presomcd for payment,
excefn‘by myself or m’v authorized agent, In
case I should reenter the S'llni‘. ,
l-‘l‘..-\.\'L'ls A. ORENDORFF.
Nov. 10,1862. 3L*
.t thou:
e nice
ay of
‘Ofilce of Jay ICooke,
A 144 soui'u nunn smut.
‘ \ . Philndelphin, Nnv. 1, 1862.
file unassigned, hming been appointed
SUBSCRIPTIXUN AGENT? -by the Seéremry of
the Trenwrx, in now prepared. to furnish, M
oncc‘tbe ; ' .
of .the [lnizqd Slims, designated as u Five-
Twen’ties,” nydeemnble at. the plenum of the
Governmenqnfler five years. and nuthnrized by
Act 0! Congrgsa, aphroved February 25, 1862.
The COI'PDN‘ BONDS are issued in sums at
$3O, $lOO. $OO. $100”. ’ »
‘ The REGISTER. uoxns in sums of $5O,
$10!). $5OO, $lOOO, and $5000; '
‘ .Inlerest tar-bi: per cent. fier nnnum_will com
mence from due nfpurchnse, and is ' -
Semi-Anuuflly, which if! equal, a! the [rt-sent
premium on gold, to about‘ElGHT PER CENT.
PER ANNUM. , ‘ '
It} ‘nf
-s 00.,
: heré
.. laid
Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics. Capitalists,
agd all wholhme’any money to invest. should
know and remember tlmv. these Bonds are, in
“feet, a FIILST MORTGAGE.upon «ll Rail
roads; Canal, , Bank Stocks and Seuuriues,
and the immense products of all the Manufac
tures, ta, ta, in the country: and that the
In!!! and ample p ision msule fur the plyment
all the imam-st an liquidntiou of‘princlpal, by
Customs Duties, xrisc Stamps and Internal
Revenue, nerves 1 make 'theae Bonds the.
Bat, Host {twilable and .lloxl Popular Inc-nt-
fm -
. 53%
ese t.
m. l?
men/ s n Me Market
Snbscriptiéus 'fecaived M. PAR in Legal
Tender Nous. or notes and checks of banks at
par in Philadelphia. Subscribers by mail will
receive prompt attention, Ind every facility Ind
expllnation will be afforded on application at
this oflice. l
A fqll supply of Bonds will be kept on hand
fat imin' ‘ delivery. ‘
j , JAY CUOKE, Snbscriplion Agent.
9'ol. 10', 1962. Elm
o isea,
T 'a
L dig-
,1 .Just Received. .
Mm 10,1862. AT mcmm's.
Restaurant. •
. stggg
‘ : ‘
HE Chamber-shun: Street“ Restaurant, (re
cently Eckenrofie’s,) is ngw conducted by
l e undersigned. OYSTERS are done up in
TRIPE, BOILED EGGS, and 3 nice glass of
ALE, can u all ti es‘be had. ‘
CALL [I3L Thqsmoon his been rfi-pnintedi
and lined up in fine style.
Gettysburg, Nov. 8, 1562. ~
I les-
I. def
l they
' d to
1 an}!
Gettysburg Female Institute.
HE Wiuler Session of this Institution will
commence on run Fauna 3(0on: or flu
nun Mon-m, (November 24th.) In addi
liun to the collegiate And primary d( partmenta,
1 Juvenile Department. will be attached 10, the
lnltimte. Price of tuition. correiponding to
the age and ltminmenu of pupils. For further
psrticulnrs inquire'af the principal. .
Mn. R. M. B. EYBI‘ER, Principal.
Gettysburg, Nov. 10, 1862. *
“ Dividend.
1 y of
Bu: or Glfi7ofl¢,.
' Nov; 4, 1862. }
Aiper cents on the Capital Stock of {his
Ban 4MP paying the Government Duty—
hu 'been fleeing-ed, payable on and utter Mou
dn} nut, lath’inn. , .
~ 'l'. D. OARSOX, Cuhier.
Nov. 10, 1861. a: .
HR President and Managers of the York
T and Gettysburg Turnpike Road Company
have declared a dividend of One Dollar per
share on the capital Mock, to be paid on de
mapd to the stockholders or ‘he'u- legal repre
lenutiveg, in Gettysburg by George Swape,
and in Yonk by PHILIP BMYSEB, Trul.
N0v.10,11862. 3t
Now is the Tune
0 BUY .
of every doocription, for Men und Boys, very
low, at PICKING'S.
TYSONS’ fifty cent picluen no locum],
lulled. ,
Tywns' fifty can! pxctures m Inter proof.
Tygou' fifty cent picmm we emirely dgnbl
Tyions" fifty cent Matures no aunt-panned.
Tywu’ fifty can! picture: Aretwnmnu-d.
Tyiom' fifty cent picluno ; u in l:
0," "|qu on”. ”(511 21', 1831:”
t of
‘4 ; ‘
R. scmzxdn rcuoxxc SYRUP,
'10) nu “h or comm, cow: nu col-
coxmrmxs or run ITOIACH.
For. Dunn: on YII “VII. on to AC? u A
A“ of these lfiu medicines us on“ mail
ed in caring Coupmptlon, though we Pulmonlc
Syrup‘llone bu éured m-ny desperate cue;—
The Sea Weed Tbnic and Mandate Pill: min
in regulating the swmnch Ind ‘liver, Ind help
_the Pulmonw Syxup to digest Ind search thro‘
the blood vessels, by which mean! I cure il
loou efl'ected. ‘ -
These medicines are conscientiously ofl'ered
to the public an the only sure, cert-in end re
linble remedies {or Pulmonary Conenmption,
nndfor all those :horbid conditions of the body
which lead to thl. fetal dieeue. Liver Gom
pinint and Dye ' in are mum forerunner: of
Consumption, math"! they mnnifeat them
ulru they requine the most prompt nttention.
The PnlmouicsSyrup is 1 medicine which
he Ind I long mbntion before the public.—
lte value he been proved by the tbousnnda of
cure: it he: made through u. period of more
than twenty yard, in‘ all ofwhich time its rep
utalion bu constqntly increased and the most
obstinate skepticism can no longer doubt tbet
it is a remedy wliich may be used with confi
dence in 11l casu‘which ndmit of n cure.
ii the patient trill perseteriugly follow the
directions whie‘h-‘Mcompany each bottle, he
will certainly be cfuredflt his l‘ungs fire not too
much wasted to make a cure possible. Even
in cnses supposedito be incurnhjefirhen friends
and physicmns hoh'e dcspnircd, the use of this
meditiue has suvdd the life of the pntieut end
restored him to pirf'ect henith.
Dr. Schenck hi self was cured in precisely
such circumstances, and many others have been
equally fortunate hyjudiciou‘sl} making n time
ly use of Dr. Schepck's remedies.
Dr. Schenck doles not any thet all cues of
Pulmonary Consuinption are within the rench
of medicine, but he emphatically assert! tlut
often; when patieiits have the' most alarming
symptoms, such.“ n violentcough, creeping
chills, night sweats and genernl debility, even i
to such a degree that they are obliged to lie in ‘
bed, and when their nre given up by their phy
sicians, they 11::th ml! be cured. No medical]
treatment can create new lungs, but when the
lungs are very sadly diseased, and to some ex
tent destroyed, a; cure mny he efl'ected by
Scheuck's medicini‘a. ‘ -‘
Also, in Scroi‘ulous disenses these medicines
are equally elficieht. Dr. Schenck hnis photo-,
graphs of a numbhr 01 persons who here been
nearly covered with running mm, and now all
healed up. This‘thows its hauling preheirties,
which must be doneto henl cavities in the lungs.
In the tréutme‘nloi Consumption it is at the
utmost importance to give vigor end ‘9 healthy
tone to the system. Hence, it is necessary to
strengthen the up'etite of the patient. End to
improve the digettioh. Proper nout'is ment
is required, together with such men‘ns no will
make the food ens 1y digestible. Thai articles
most suitable for he diet of c'onsumptive pa
tients are design d in Dr. Schenck’q pamph
lets, which are strihuted- gmtnito “sly. In
general, the most igh‘ly nutritious urltiigles Ire
to he preferred, bx t the digestive orgn‘nsmust
be strengthened i order to make either food
or medicines servi eabie. This réqwqementin
met by the Sen W‘eed Tonic, and tor this pur
pose it was design d. l ,
When the dige§ire powers ere pnt‘ in good
order, the food hit Lita proper etlect, the system
of the patient is pngoruted, and the lungs
begin to exercise their functions‘tn 9 normal
and heulthx manner. Then the henlihg pow
ers of the l’ulmolfc Syrup will complete the
cure. . _ - l ’
Pulmonary Coréaumption is almost: always
complleated with gDyspepsia mid Liner‘Gom
pluim. Schenck'g Mandrake Pills and intend
ed to remove obstructions from the liver Ind
to restore its healihy notion. They In!“ “H
the efficiency wliidh is ascribed to eelomel ,or
“blue use.” and tire wnrrnnted not toicontnin
n paitJiEle of anythinerul poison. These pills
cure the meet obstjunte costireuess, sit-k head
nche, piles. biliou; infections, find all other
diseases which stifle from u torpidqr obstruct
ed condition of t e liver. One box. bf these
pills, Valued at 25 cuts, will prove the eflicncy
of the medicine. I
In Consumptio the Sen Weed Tonic Ind
Mandrake Pills nr‘ iumlnnhle auxiliary medi
cines. They relie e the sufl'erings‘nf the pa-,
tient, and assist th: Pulmouic Syrup in cll'ect
ing ecure. They ave been found useful in
advanced stages (if, Consumption, [where the
lungs were almos "entirely destroyed, and I"
symptoms, awarding to the judgmentrof the
physicians,.indicat d speedyvlenth. ”the livers
of patients {vho weft-e actually in a dying con
dition have been pine-served for months by the
use of Dr. Schaueki‘s three great remedies.
Dr. Scheuck plellges himself to,etfcet A cure
ifthe patient “ill pply to ‘him before his cxse
is altogether desp rate; that is to any, before
the vital orguns n 0 too far gone to admit of"
ANY cure, except b_ a miracle. ‘ ’
Dr. J. 11. Selim}: is the mr‘entor of that
celebrated instrun nt culled “Schenck’s Re-
Ipirometer," with 'hich he makes examina
tions of the lungs with the certainty of die
covering their truq condition. The charge for
en enminntion v‘rith the Respirometer is three
dollers.. i . i .
As atnt'ed abort; Dr. Schenck himself was;
cured ol'Consump flu. in one ofits moatvhope-l
less stages, by the'uee ot the Pulmonip Syrup. .
Experienced physiéieus declared that he could i
not 'live 'l} weckflyet now, after u lnpze 01"
twenty-five years, he. is in perfect health, and
weighs more than two hundred pounds.
Satisfectory evidence of nli these statements
is—exhibixed at Dni Schenck'e (mice, in Phila
delphia, No. 39 North Sigth street. For .par
tieulnrs, see the ‘mplilet, which is snpplicd‘fl;
without, chargefto all applicnnu, n Dr. f
Schenek's office. } 3 _ I
Dr. J. H. Schenpk can be'conluhed wt his,
principal oflice N 9. 39 North Sixth “teen,
Philadelphia, eve ' Saturday; end ht No. 32
Bond street, New rfork, efery Monday ; ’At No. I
444 Eighth street. Washington; D. (3., erery
other Wednesday :‘nt No. 108 Bnl'imore ltreet, ;
Baltimore, Md., every other thundny, ‘ and;
once I month, in Huston, Mass. 5
Dr. Schenck’l rinci‘pnl office is No. 29?
North Sixth slree, Philadelphia, 1.., where
letters for advice e_ ould annyl_he directed“ l
wauLEéALE Adams.
‘, New York cit), Conrad Fax, No. 81 Barclay
street. 1 t
Boston, Hum, Geo. C. Goodwin t 00., No.
I] Marshall atreet.‘ ’
Portlnnid, Ma, 4’. FaPhillipa, No. 149 Mid-.
dle street. 1 ‘ ‘ ‘
Pittsbué, PM, $l2 Geo. H. Keyier, No. 140
Wood street. ' 1
Martin Koch, Unity, Columbinna 'OO.. Ohio.
St. bouil, Mm, Hénryßlakaley, corner Second
Ind Vine streeu. l ‘
Baltimore, It, 30th 8. lines, No. 108 Bol
timore street. * ‘, - ‘
Wilmington, D. c., Sunnel B. Wane, corner
Seventh street Ind Loam-n: Avenue.
Chicago, 111., Lord & Smith, No. 23 Ink: :0.
And sold by Drn'ggiau genotally.
‘ PRICES» ‘ ,
Pulmonic Syrup,}sl per beams hnlfdoun
Sea Weed Tonia?) per bottle, {6 hulf dozen
Mandrake Pill:y 5 eenu per 1:03.
Nov. I'l, 1362. 1m 1
Thisolution '
1r PARTNER§HIP.—The pnrtnsnhip hm-
O toforc existing between an nndcrllgud,
in she practice of Jedicine, has this duy Ips
dinolved. The bmks o! the firm will botonnd
in the possession df Dr. Chm-In Horn", who
will continue the plyct‘ice.
“‘O5” one door above the Drug Store of
April 1,1862. 3 1 .
EORGE EPLEX respectfully inform! tht
G public that 11d continues the Auctionear
in: business. His charges are uiwnya moderate,
and he never spares :n “for: to please. He
hopes to merit and receive I continunnceo
public patronage. He regm to [sue Robinson
3.11., of Fairfield, and Robert Martin, of Get
tysbnrg. who are authorized to make engage
ments for him. Hi: post office nddrul i-
Gmnmonnt, Adam; county, PL.
Oct. 20, 1362.4»
T signed bu Euencel And Perfumeriel cl
nu kinds, at wholeule and um}, All which in
il telling very chegp [of cab. ,Cull sad .1-
nwind them and link. your Icloctiona. j
Jul, ’O, 1.0!. H. H. ME, A“
apex" ‘t‘rxr" ’l5 449+»
Public Sula
ÜBDAY, an 13th a, of December "qt,
; the lubncelhor will our n 1 Public sue, on the
l prelim. hfollowing property, Vil:
l A SHALL Péfilmn which he residel, Illu
and on the ventem limit of the borough or
Getgpbug, containing 21 ACRES and tome
patina, and ndJoining D. ficllllnn, J. H. Mc-
Clelln and otherkinproud rich n BRICK
HOUSI and Buck anldlng, Brick Wall: and
Bnk. Henge, n Ham, 1; never-failing well 01
m at UM door, nnd a young Hrchnrd 0!
choice npple lull peach trees. ”all n'ot suH ‘
the'pmpefly will be ofered for rent on mid
1150, at the lame Lime and place, will be
sold, 1 WORK HORSE. l Young Cow, nearly
ire-h, 2 Wagons, 2 sets of Hind Gears, nearly
new, And other Gena. Plough, Double and Kim
[lie-trees. Saddle and Bridle-,3 tons of Boy. and
Fodder. 200 bundles of Sunw, Grain in the
ground, and Inn, other "titles too numerous
lo mention.
”Sula to commence n: 1 o'clock, P. 11..
on aid day, when utendlnce will be given Ind
terms undo known by‘ _ _ >
Novembc}: 3, 1862. ‘(i
‘ Professional Card. . :
AVlh‘G “loclnted wlth mylel! Dr. N. G.
H,- KEIRLE, of Baltimore. I Im now pre
pared to attend to all all; n my. hour, that
may be made upon me. Dr. Kelrle hn't been
lor one year Clinical Aullhnl. in the Bullimore
Infirmary, and for three yarn I ledlcnl Reli
dent in the Bnltlmoro City Ind County Alms
house. not! "eel freon recommend him to the
confidence oflhe public. l hope, by strict nt-,
tuition to bailout, to merit for myaelf and
psnner I continuum. of the nme patronage
which’lul no long been accorded to the old
olfice. 8., G. KINZER, I. D.
bmleltown, Oct. 17,1802.‘ 2m .
New Fall and Winter >
ODDS.——A. SCOTT «8 SUN hue in‘atore
G nnd are now selling an chenp as the
cheapeu I 360 d “summon: of Dry Goodn, cun
sisting of Lndi'u' Dreu Goodl. such an
Metinocl, Cohergs. Delnines, Tmnlllng‘lix
~tures, Alpu'nas. kc. Also—Cloths, Cu-
Ilmerea, Satinetts. Over-comings, j
Tweeds, Jeans, Flaunt-11, Bm, ‘
to which we invite the attention ofbnynn.—a
All we ask is an examination before pnxchnsing
elsewhere. A. SCOTT & 3m.
Nov. 3,-136‘2.
Bandy-made Clothing.
EORGE ARKOLD bu; now‘ go! up his fall
G and winlet stock ofClolhing, consisting of
UVer Coats. in great variety! very cue-p, [
Dress Corns, - i
; Buuiness Conn, . ‘
Monkey Jackets,“ _ ‘ 5
Punmloons, Vestl,
. Shiru,<Drnw"ers, km, to.
‘ All of our own mnnufncture, nnd‘doue up in
the‘very best manner, and will be sold very
cheap. Give usacnfl. ‘ ' .
fGeuyshnrg, Nov. 3, 1862. “
—-—-‘—‘-—r-- , _. T__.__.___._._
,Notioe. . , j
J mmeumgy on the astute DC Jacob
Sheely. Inc of Union twp, Adnml county, den
ceased, havin been granted :‘9 the undersign
ed, residing fn (_foonl tawnfhip, he hereby
gives notice to all persor‘w indphted tO'llid
estate to make immediate payment, and thou
havingclnims against the game to prelen
them properiy authenticated (or sculémcnt. f
Nov. 3L 1862.. Gr“ g - .
A Robert Earthy:
AILQR.—-Shop in the comer of th? Square,
T at $2 old place. Cure «m be mken £0
have all work ‘done right. Particular auénuuli
paid to cbttipg and .repuiring. ’ , ?
on. 6, 1862. St I
Teachers Wanted.
TIE Schogl Direclnri of Stubnn tqwnship‘t
will meet at the house of Jacob L. Grass.
in Hunterstown, on SATURDAY, .\‘UV. ”J, n‘
12 o'clock, ML, for the purpose of orriploylng
Tcncllers tn niLe charge of Llhc' Schools. The
Cou’ntyh‘uperlntendemis expected to be present
to examine applicants. By order of the llourd‘
. ‘ ' JOHN WERTZ, Secretary.
‘ Nov. 3, 1861. , td . ' ‘
Hmtary Goods. . ‘
S pared to furnish, n: {he lowest possible
hues. Staff and Line Officers wixh fir“ dresl
HATS, indicqting rank, SWORDS, SASHES'
Ind other equipments; Oflicers are especially
inviteito call. R; l". McILHENY. .
Nov. 3, 1862. - ‘ . . ;
, Qflcers and ‘Prlvates 3
WILL find a apl'endid nrsortmem ofArm,
BLANKETS, Gum Blunke's, Woolen
Under-shirts,i Dr-werl, hoary Water-proof
BOOTS, Husynnd Caps, Ind every mhoruliclo
that. n soldier-going into camp win need. at ‘
Nay. 3,1862. \ .R. PRICILBENY'S.
, ‘ Arch Street Carpet f
f KO. 832 Arch Street, 2 dqon beloy
Ninth, PHILADELPHIA, nre now receiving
their FALL STUCK of Engfish am) American
CARPETISGS, compriling gr" the new styled
of Velvet, Brands, Tnpeslry, Bmssela, Three
‘ply: lugmlm .nd Venimm, with t uplandid
snortment of ' ~
- , DRUGGETS, 7 r
_ ‘ ‘ HATS. to. i
The attention of pnrchnsenlcnnl otherl in
called to In enlixinntion of the above. As wd
buy and sell exclusively for cub’ we. are pre
pared to selli anull profits, nndflwld onl
strpng Induoemenu to CASH, BUYERS. ’
Oct. 10, 1862.‘ 3m . ’ 1 .
. - The Cheappst a
CLOTES, Cusimerel. Culineu. Coating);
Jeans, Cord, Funnels, Blankets. Gloves.
Hosiery, and alarm: 19! of CARPETWG, to log
W 1 n m chhp cull mm of . j
No_\'.'3, 1562. GEOI ARNOLD. g
. Piano Timur. ', ;
30F. BOWER, of Littlest sun, I Pnctiufl
Piano Tuner, informs his ‘friends smj th
mudcul public in general. tlm'l. he givoi hi ‘
time, no‘ othsrwiss occubied.‘co Tuning sna‘
Repairing Pianos, nl moder‘su - prices. qu
pmmuegentiro utisfaction, or no pay. ordsrd
received at this office. -\ [SspL le, lgGl. 1‘
; Frames. ; i!
have jun received lrom l’husdslphin snd'
now ofler to the public the largest and best]
assortment of Gilded ansl cur brou M to
Gettysburg,“ utonishingly low pricss. Ficus
csll And amino ihsm. Excelsior Skylight
Gallsry, York nmt, opposise the Bank, Go!-
tfibnrg, P 5. [mien 10, 1862.
“ Carte de Visits ”
, HOTOGBAPUS !-—Wu ha" jut introduced
. aplondid muive column in our G-lkry
Ind Innow prop-red \o lnrn'ub the now nyl
“Cnno do Vilho" Phomgnpbs—four fox 3
Excelsior Sky-113M 6-11.17, Gutsy-lung.
Inch 10, 186').
3 desire All pox-'on- ind-bud to u to
W all nnd nuke null-mom. hlving and.
I change in an: mum:- of doing bulinul.
0ct.28, 1861. FAHNESTOCK 3W3.
unortment of Full and Winn Good: n
chetp u the chapel: n A. SCOTT b SON‘S.
BE Lidia will find 3 good unorumnt of
Dre“ Goodo, ebony ai maul—ell and
see them et
OR Gentlemen we hue Clmhlflnuimeru,
Cuainetu, Tweadl, Janna, tc., .4 cheap
IS cm be found elsewhen. A. SCOTT & SON.
E have jun: received I new summon
W of Queenllu-u, to which we inviu ch-
Mumion of buyen. A. SCOTT t SON.
TATIONEBY, of .11 kindl, It Dr. R. 30L
S NEB‘S Now Pun, Eric at Prescription
L. SCHICK ha a lpkndid lot of Foul-rd
1 Sim, vary chap-37f to 81} eonu pot
G. CARR bu jut mum! A very In
. m: of ant”: Conn lub
ib in MI ‘m.
‘ “REA! the Hon. Ron“ 1. 11m",
‘ President of the mnl‘poum oH‘om
mon Elul In tho Countle- componing the 19th
Diflrlct, and {union of we Courts 0! Oyer and
Terminer and Generol Jail Dolivery, for the‘
trinlofall capitol And other ofienden in the
sold (11-Met nod Dmo luau: Ind hue E.
Will-11,391. Judgu of the omm: of Com
mon Plus, and Justlcen of the Courts of Oyer
and Termincr cud Genenl Jail Delivery, for
the trial of all cmplm and other ofl'enderl in
the (‘nnuty o! Adana—have ismed their pre- 1
rcpt. bearing date the 200: day of August in
the year ofour LoID on! thousand eight hun
dred and sixty-mo, and to me directed, for
holding a Court of Common Pleu, and Gencml
Qlurter Sensuous of the Peace, and General
Jml Dellrery And Court onyar and Terminer,‘
nv. Gegryaburg, on 10714431,“: 17113 day ofNa.
«miller mt—
Justice! of the Peace. theL‘oroner nnd Consta
ble: within the said County of Adam; 11m
Ihey be then and there in Iheir proper pernons,
with their Rolls, Recordl, Inquisition. Exam
in-giong, And other Romembragces, to do those
things which to their ofilcen and in um. behllt
nppertuin m be done, and llln, they who will
Pmucute Ig-lnn the pl‘llonlerl that In or
then Ihull be in the hit a! the laid (‘ounty of
Adams, Ire to be then and there to prosecute
Iglinll them filh-ll be jun.
Shel-id”. once, Genysburm} ‘
0é¢.20,1962. u
Jurors for November Term.
Runmtm—lutin Gen, (Fem-n» Daniel
"Mon—Hum: Grove
Tyrone—George Guise. I .
Gettysburg—Nichol“ Coqori. Br.
Mounlpleulnt—Daniol derencg.‘
Xonntjoy—anch Allison, Jung D. Ncmn
Franklin—John Colo, Alben Vandyh.
Hennllen~finmud lie-ls. ' ; ‘
Germany—Abraham flank-:6. :
Oxford—ioneph A. Smith; 1
Libnny—Poter Cndy. ’ ;
Huntington—Ephraim Luca. }
Connwago—Petnr Neidere‘ . ‘
Racing—hm) Trestle. 1 ‘;
Cumberland—Joseph Smiley. ' “
Slnbun—Jluc ljller, Hu‘gh nerjheny.
Hamiltonhnn—Willilm Culp. ‘;
Butln—John Bruno. 4‘ v 3 ,
Freedom—Annual Hanna". 3
Burwick ups—Samuel Brown. i
Gunu. kny.‘ A
Ihmilton-Uohn Dellone. Michnrlfifiohn.
Gettysburg—George}. Kuibfleish‘, Dnvid Ken
; dlghnn. chob Tron]. ‘.‘ ' ~
antler—Ahnhm Myers; William, :1. Hamlfl'ogx.
Eliu Gardner. s ‘ * . .
\lnumjny—Peter Bnphey, John HmmnnJr.
Sttgnbnn—Dnniel Ludhcmé'mupn Thomas, John
Wu“. 0”]. ‘ i J‘ ‘.
Mennllen—John Harlnm * 'i \
Franklin—June: Linn, “hm Egbert} Philip
‘ Gumball. V i 3.
(‘onowngo—Joseph Klnnh‘ ‘ 3' J
Cumberland—Clinicsflierglt‘ an’id Shrivefi,
Huntingtnu—Amos Little, ohn “flap.
Free¢om-\Vi_ um Bighmfi, Jacob Althofl.
Union—Jacob ‘terner, John l‘ruinrine. '
Oxford—Phi" Hemloy,GEorg§ s‘l“anch
Single. ' - 4'
lonntplensnnt-l'rnnciu I. Buddy, John Al-
hm. ‘ ' 1 v '
Lnimon—Jouph S'nyder, ”ichnd Sinmhnngh.
Gem-nynlohn Ichting,‘vWillilm‘ Hull, John‘
L. Fisher. . ‘ ‘ ,
Beading—William s. andébmdpohn Hitch-
mnn. , é ‘ .
Liberty—Jacob Erin, Samuel Beard.
Hamiltonian—B. J. Reed, dohu H. Bnmgnrd
ner, Dn‘niel King. - i . ‘ ’
Tyrone—Jesse Stetner. Andrew Frame, ’
Betwick twp—George Brdwn. 1 . ‘ .
Ben-wick hora—Chas. Don‘thlichnel Strnhinger
Oct. 20, 1862. 1 . 1 '
valuable Real Estate.
’l' PRIVATE SALE—4 ' i '
A No. l. GREEN-MOUNT FIARH, adjoin
ing the Borough of Gettysburg,conlnlning 124
acted. Land good and hui ings luv,
30. I. CUMBERLANDJIFARH, four .miles
louth of Gettysburg, on t e Tungytown‘ ro'rld,
eonmining 138 acrol. Luid red Iloil Ind the
building: gnbd. ‘ 1 j
No. a. A 0000 ems-r mm, mm as me:
of Landin Gunniny township. U'milel frum
unknown. All in good} urderyna will be
lolfl Che-p. ' ' F
No. 4. A cowomons fBRICK DWELLING
HOUSE, 'in tho Boroughi of‘ Gcttyiburg, in
eompleu order, 1 E
All ofwhich will be soldgon scoot-modding
“film. - ‘,GEO.‘ ARNOLD.
Guttyl‘burg. Sept. 1, 1862. ,
Dr. James fCresfi,
CLECTIC PHYSICIAIf, offers his profes
sional services to the icitizmtl of Getty,-
burg and vicinity. Hat-iii; been enunciated
with Prof. Paine two yearn, and (I‘grndunte of
the Eclectic Medical (Jaimie of Pbiladelphii, I
I‘m prepare! to practice th reformed ”stem of
medicine. “Eclectic ” me' new choose or sr:
IH-t. Hence we ulect the tent, safest ind m‘blt
reliable remedies from fill 'otbor rectarin n’
medical schools, which have been le‘t‘ommend
0d Iran: the experience} ndlsmctlbned by prac- l
tice of the nbleut Ecucnc iPt'AG‘Tl‘flDllu, end
discard those more injurio 'I. lucli u antimony,
arsenic, mercury, blue pin, blood letting, he. ‘
Oflice in Bultimnro unset, Qppositc )h-Creary'l ‘
SndlerShop. Volunteou‘ {emilies nttended free ;
of charge. ~ i [on 27, 1882. i
Colloctgrs, 1' \ ~
AXE No'l'lCE.—Tho lpllecmn of Tnxu
for 1861 sud previouiyun, fin thy difl‘cr
en! lownlhipl of Adams Iconnty, are hereby
notified that they 'in be rpquired to settle up
their Duplicnel on or before llw I'llh day 0!
NOVEMBER ne’xt, on whidh day the Commis
liom-n will meet“ their Mice to give an RC}
canary uonenliona. he. ' ‘ >
The Coileclon of th'? preleM yur‘will ben
quircd to pt! over to the dnuuty Trauma I“
moniu um my!» collocud by flu Novambu
‘Com . A- 1-
Communion-u bl Ads-"a county. .
Amen-4. 11. Wan-3,0013. ‘ .
Ucl. 27, 1562. u : , V v ‘
Sale Notes.
HB No." [inn {hi hndonignod, for prop
)“, pu.chnud n his Ille,‘ in Fobmary
Inn. will con. duo on the 12th of Sovomber
nut. It which time payment will b 6 expecnd.
If not. paid promptly. interest from m due of
the Note. will b. churgedJ The Note: an In
the land. of hue Reunion. 3041., hit-601d,
w whom phylum in to bo made. 1
Oct. :7, 1801. so
‘ 1362. Pan lfillinery. 1862.
[SS IcCREABY bu jut rommod from
N 1 the city and is now opening a Luge and
benutiful umum-nt of KILLINERY t FANCY
GOODS, of m. mm: mm, which uh. m.
use- thu ladies to can and cumin, confident
Ihu they will be plmod whh bur window.
Oct. 20, 1882. )m
A nlhuenlary on the cum: of An
dr‘w Trimmu. late of Reading "71),, Adgms
county. docnud, hnving been gnnled to the
undenigned, raiding in who name up“ uhe
hmby gives notice :9 all penan- indebud to
aid “um w nuke immediue plymem, And
thou huing claims against the um. to preunl
thou: proporly nuthomiéau-d for lettlement to
Or w her Agent,Levi Chroniuer,Esq., Hampton.
0ct.20,1862. m
Fourth Street Carpet Store,
0. 4'! Own Chesnut street, Philadelphln.
N I colici: nu exammnion ofthe prices und
qua it, of my large Ind well lelected STOCK
0F CABPETING , 11l of the nave“ style: Ind
msnul’actund of lbe be" muerinll. Brunell,
3-ply—lngnin Ind Veuellan Carpetinkt.— ‘
Drummmoor Oil Clolha, in any width.‘
353, Lint sad Gotugo Catpetlngl—togecber
with a lugs flock of WINDOW SHADES, of
the nwm‘nd handsome“ pawn". which
will b. sold low. J. T DELAGROIX,
Bopt. 8, 1881. an 4? South 4th St.
asucs Prim, own man
Dani-x ' ’ chofifia 305%.
nun.“ «.'.-pm It 5
flfmmfl“§gi‘iyl ‘r‘:
.7 ~ . , , ‘
6mm 10 331.1. LLOYD a saw arm
A mum: COUNTY Gowns» an at
complflcd Aug. 10, 1862; an $20,000 to cm
gnve it and one year's time. 3 A
7 Superior to any 310 map on! made by Obi-i
ton or Mitchel). and Id}: ll the kw who'd!
fifty cents; 370,000 nun I" «mud on “'94
map. ‘ é
hin not on] n (‘omny lap, but it [I I!” .1
COUNTY ”I%“me MAP 01th. Unllvdi
Sum And Cnuldu combined in one, ("I'm
between. < ‘
Gnnnntee any womln or man 3.1 to .5 pk!
day, and will take back All maps thu (“not
be sold and refund the money.
Send {or 3! worth to try. ‘
Printed instruction: how no can-u wt",
furnished 'l3] our agents. ' '
Wan'ed—Wholesnle Agents for our Mtpc In
every State, Culil‘umm, Cunndl, Bull-d,
France and Cuba A formne any b- Md.
win) a tow hundred dollnu capital. No Cato
mm. J. T. ILOYD, ~
No. 164 Broadway, New York. ‘-
Tha War Department use our Map of Vir
ginia, laryland, Ind Pennsylnnil, coat 8100,-
000, on which is marked Amietnm Creok,
Shnrpshurg, Maryland Heights, Wuhan-upon
Ferry, llhoremillc, Nollnd'! Ford, sud all
other: on the Potomac, And every onwr plan
in Maqllnd, Virginia, Ind Pennlylnnil, a
many refunded. \
the only authority for Gen. Buell Ind Ibo War
Department. Money refunde to any on.
finding An error in it. Price 50 can".
From the Tfiknne, Aug. 2.
“LLOYD'S MA? or vmomu. Imm
very large; It: can ll but 2‘5 cull-Judi: mu
but Wet 6m: 6e pur'ckaud." '
Sll’Pl RlVER—tron: Actual Survey: by Cam.
"an and Wu. Bowen, Mlnluippl River Pilou.
nf StJmnls, Mm, Ihpn every Inn's plmuuon
and ovmer’a name from St. Louis to Gulf of
Mexico—Lab!) mllt-I—every laud-bar, lulu-d.
town, landing, and all place! 20 mile! but
from the river—colored in rountlel and Stan.
l’nce. $1 in Iheeu. $2, pockot fonn, am!
32 50 on linen, "Jh rollers. Ready Sept. 10,
' ' Wuhinmon, Septr 17, 1362. }
J. T. LLotD—Snr: Send the your lap of 111.
Mluiuippl River, with price per huldnd
mph-I. Rear-Admiral Charles H. Dnvll,coni
manding the Mlguiuippl lqundrm], u antic?“-
ed to [Nimbue u mnny n no required for mi
of that sénndron; ' y 3
mum»: WELLES, s‘ec'y of many,
on. I", 1861. '
. mzxwu. n. mmn‘s ' ‘\
ms ram up A§SWEET BRIATN‘
Do youwrhh to be Mule-1 with and all-in‘
for Pnnn’ anz and Sound Teeth T, I?”
Dr. meß. Hurd’l Unfinllod Tooth
Powder, wnrmnled free from acid, slit“, in
nny. injurious unbalance. Price 25 cent. pct
box: . ' ,
aim-ware of the ordinary cheap Tooth
Rowdcn. which whiten but destroy.
» Do you wish u: be cenain Ihn your BRIAN
in pure, sweet, and Agree-bio ‘o hulbnnd 0'
wife‘, lover or friend! [lnc Dr. Bax-tr. m.
ebntegi mouth ,Wuh. Prim 37 cgnu pp!
bottle. \ ‘
This nslringen: wnsh i‘s aim the but refined}
in the world for Canker. Bud Brenth, Bleeding
Gums,~Sm-o Mouth, etc. it bu curcdhqmlrcdl.
, Do you or yqurchiltjrm wfl'er {min 7001‘“-
ACME? Get Dr. Hurd’u Magic Toad»
aloha Drops. Price 15 cents per home. ‘ .
,Axe you afflicted with NEURALGM ? Gd
Dr. W. B. Hurd’l Near-ulna Pluto".
The men effective and delightful remedy
Known. .. . ,
‘Tney do not ndherc nor blluer, but I oth.
and clmnn puin nwiy. Try them; PI'ILG l’
and,“' crnts. lulled on receipt‘of prlco. g';
Do you fish a 10mph“ not of DENTAL
REMEDIES nnd n Treatlce ‘on Prenrvm
Teeth? Get Dr. W. B. Hurd’l Don ‘
Treasury,‘ the nentelt and most "In-mp
present that one friend up make to moth";
l‘riceSL Sent by Expréu on receipt of pride.
, For sale It the but Iwrol throughout the
country." ' ‘ ‘
CAUTIOwa-Al there are deeleru who the ul—
vantage of q)" advertisements to Impose upon
their customeri inferior prepll’lliona, it in ne‘-
ceaaury to insist upon luring what you coll.
for, and you will on nu nu. thoroughly
tenet}, and prepared by an experienced out!
scientific Dentist, Truuu'rer of the New York
State Dcntist'fl Aesociulion, and Vice Pro-idem
of the New York City Dental Socloty. , ‘
Addrera ~ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ l ;
, fl ml. n. than k 00., New mu ; -
July 21,1362. Dec. 2. ly'
NATIONAL cqnusncm. comm
flew York City, Brooklyn. Albanyflroyfiuflllb,
"Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago Ind 81.. Loch.)
Bhok-keepmz,’ Penmanshlp. Commcrcig-l
Arithmetic, Commexchl but. Forms, Conn
pondence. ML, practically taught. 4 7)
These Colleges being under the same gene”!
Ind local munngetnent, and milling lu nah an
advantage: of 111, ofl'er greater flellhlu M’
impnrfinz lnflructlon than my othcr ninth:
inuituliomin the couulry.
§ A Scholarship tuned by may one In gopd 111 111
for an unlimikd tima. ~ ‘ , ‘
The Phllndulphlo College hu born ‘nflnqu
e‘nlaljged an‘l'nfurnllhed in nluperlor mun".
nknd is now thallrgm And no» pgoqpcnul
Uummerrinl l Illiluuun in the Saw. ;\ , -
‘Bryunt l Slutton'n uric: of Text Babb,
elnb‘ncing Bock-keeping, Commerciul Milli:-
I'nctlc, and Commercial Luv, for ulo, and in“
lay-mull. ‘
“'F'or full particulars "ad for a ciuuhr.
‘Oct. 20, 1862. ly ,
Grain 3: Grocery Warehouse.
RASXTR. STATIUN.-—The underlignod m
G leased King's Wurhouse, “Granite 83:-
tiozn, on the Gettysburg Railroad, whore In it
now engaged in the GRAIN, PRODUCE ‘B‘
GROCERY business on n 111-go loath. 11.
pnys the hlglnleu market prirc'l for WheuLßn,
Corn, Outs, Glover 5606, Timothy 8094!, Ith.
and sells Groceries of all kindl, 11. the 1"“!
living proiu.‘ . ,
Give ‘him a call. No el‘an mated to roudfi
ntisfnflion. , ‘ ‘ PHILIP HANN.‘
Sept. 1, 1362. am 1
Latest from New Orleans. 1,
:75? naked and for sale at 00008] t
J (”LLRSPIE'S Mug-go and excellem supply
at Orlenns Sugai and Mala-sea, with n gr: 1
quantity and variety of Sugars, which '0 Irv
,pollinglow—“ither wholesaleorruail. 83‘!qu
’ of all kind: from 35 to o‘s acute per gallon. ' ‘
1 Sept. 1, Iw. -
J admini‘strntiun on the estate ome ob garb
net, late of Huntingtnn township, A’dnm am,
deer-used, Inning been granted to the under-1
lignedmcsxdingin Lhanmemwnship,lhey hot.-
by give notice to a" persons indchtoq m "M
estate to make immediate paymen‘, an.» lhm
having claErhs.ngainsl the name m progeny
tbom properly authenticated {Or malt-melt.
Oct. 20,1862. 6: Adv-Mum's. "
’ Bull or arms-no,
Ucmbor 18, 1983.. 2"
OTICEiI hereby given my the Stockhol '
N of mg Bank of Gettysburg, (Int :n‘llflm
non for Thirteen Director-c, to Dem ago t.[
will be bald n the Bankin Home, on 15“.:
DAY, tbg 17th day of SUVLFMBEB. 1862. ' ‘
36-3 gabral meeting of the alwkwm‘
will uh place ntthe um. “111. 1
Oct. 33,1861. 1d , . 4,
ground expresslv for Dr ROBERT ”IL
"3’B New Drug Stare. ' 4* -.
YSON momma m making «my»;
Inn pictures .21 prices ,lo mil. mg W 1
ans we Cups: Sub am a 1 u
D o’. “
€OO,OOO Male or Female
Stratton,‘ Byant & COLE,
18:8. can. 71:: up Canivr Sn