inttiormtuto. ‘rffWGW Ell-m. .\ R , X’RUVISUWS FRT'ITS,CO.\'- Q _ EWIUH. NO’FIUXSJP. 13min“ h we gone imn wrtnerfllip in th I? and I’rmisinn husiyxess, st the ‘du‘ 'or w. (‘.ilh-epio. in York mm, am a” Aof Will's Hotel. Getty-burg. where ‘fih . fousmnljy kv-ep on hum) for sale. 5 a! good: in their Img viz: \u‘ “A SU 338, / ‘ ‘ MOLASRES. ‘ SYRL’PS, I :a; ~ TEAS, . t. - SALT, _ :. > BANS. , ~~ , - flHUCLDERS, 9m, ' SIDES, _ . FISH, ‘5 '~ * , ‘ v’ POTATOES, ' - ’- > ‘ BEANS. Im. IL-O'UT! AND FEED, -»‘ Wflh any q¢Mh¢i¢y of CO§FECTIONSI - ; g . ‘l‘ ..‘ “15115. ' NUTIOXS, be...» | .. in. _;..'flny expect tho to deal largely in COAL OIL {lnd COAL OIL LA “PS—promising A good guide of ma tonne: and 11 fine assortmcm‘of the Inter. . . Ilsvim; enkrged the Store and Win-o Ronmn. they eye prepared to keepfi' large 8104:1521] of which will be disposed of in‘the low-oat in! s. Thgy ofl‘ér .«u'ch bargains as have news: bong fore heel; had in this placer. ' Give us a trial. No ofi‘nrt spared to please. ‘ , mm. A. (mnmu, = JOSEPH S. GILLESPIE. . Apr}! 23, 1882., . Ready-made Clotiiing. ‘M SURGE ARNOLD ', Has now on Imnd much flu- largest stock . o Ready-made Clothing he has evlrhnd, cox;- nsting of, . . QOATS, n'll sizei. ‘ ~ PANTALOONS, (10., 7 ’ VESTS. do., DUSTERS, ' . ‘ , . ‘ SHIRTS. . ‘_ n w DB'AWERS. ’ ‘ A GLOVES, ‘ , -‘ ~HOSIERY, «to. _ ; Our Form, Puma and Yes“ run from n. nc‘nflle JP an anchor, Imth a- tn :jzt‘. price and qnnl-fty. If we cannot plmwe you in n garment. ready ' guide Mr. W. T. King, nho is in connection with ‘lim cstuhlishlncm, will’nt once take your mensureyn‘l nmkc you a suit in short unlike. Gn‘e us 41 cu”. [April 28., 1562. ‘ 3m Highly Imgortant 0‘ fiURCHASERS F DRY COOD& The best place to ‘huy your Dry Goods in . 1 - AT A. SCOTT & SOS'S7 pppoafle the Eagle Hotel, Cbnmbershurg street. WOW Price. Fair Dealing. and Everything " at the LUW'HST PRICE. iWe have just returned from ~Philmlclphiu. tnd‘Baltim‘mc, and are new opening a: large find attractive‘ assortment. of ‘ 4 rsmuxu Gowns, - to wlnqh in invite the—special attention of the Ladies nnd .Gcntlc-mou of town uml country.— .W'c will not pnrticulnriw, but invite nll to cull, éxaminc null judge for “must-Hos. , ‘v We take this method of returning our thanks for lllé libérul purunaQe thus {Ar extended to us, and would say it slip“ bg nur culistnnt on denvor to merit u wulinuimc of the sami', l); mm. fitteinion lo busim-ssswith a. desire to please, by selling the prunes; best, nnd most goods for the least money. ' ‘ r ' A. SCOTT fit SON. April H, 1862. . ' _»,.The Rebels Defeated . a 'r mcmmxn._nhxm: u. .\IcCLELLAV v {HEAD—TH Rllfl ROUSTXG’QHEERS. -e e_nndersizch callrthe attention of the Wald of thlj'sburg “ml its v'wlfiity toll}: well selected stock or‘goods. retraining of the following mu‘hou‘ articles in'pzm: 'To the Ladies: You will find that the' un der-[gum has_ almost. evuything, that fan can ask for, except Dry Goods, Bonnets and Shqes. Helms all the fancy fiXlll'JS‘N'llli'll hire nmde u‘se of now a days in thefh‘fie of Per umeries, Spnps.'Gauntlets. Ulm‘es. Stockings, Begul Col lars, Belts. Combs, and many other articles in their line, too numerous to gention, vi: : Hoop Skirts, 24 springs improved style, tor $l, and Reed Hoops from 2 w 3 cents a phi-e. the late _etyle of~ Palm Leaf Fans, Chineae njnke, for 15 com, Ladies’ and .\lla‘ses' fine Blucléb‘llk Mitts; Harrison’s Household Soup, the gre§mvst wash ing map ever discov’ered in Arm-rim. He has .the genuine, bought direct from 111:: manufac- A turer, 10 cents per lb. Come and get a piece free of cbnrge and try it. ‘ , Gentlemen, the undenigned has almost everything in your line which is keptin a first— clnu Variety Store. - .For the Farmers he,» has Forks for Flay and Hymn, Shovels ’aud Hoes. Fork and Shbvel , Handles, and a fine assortment of Gnoceries and Liquors, of all kinds, and all which he will ‘_ sell low for cash or 'couutry produce. Give * hint a call. Place qt business, So. 113 East York street, right oppnsite the Bank. _ 11. G. CARR, Agent. ‘June 30, 1862. , ’ ‘ Coal! Coal! Coal. HEADS & BUEHliiflhre now prepared to supply COAL, jg, uperior quality, in any (tummy desired. Term, Cash. ‘ Cone One! ‘ Qome All! ; . wl‘hey Mao request those indebted to them to call and [fay up. as funds are much nqeded, Who will be the first. to can? Otfice open from 7 m 7. 1 Feb. 24, 1&32. ' T... “__m -‘.? a... __ ~._.__ ; ' Townsley Ahead. ‘HE undersignui respectfully informs the publxcihnt he continue“; the CARRXAGE IngLVG AND REPAIRING business in all its difl‘erht forms, cheaper than any éhop in the wing. _All work warmn'fed to give satisfac tien tp cu 5 ‘lO Nutw nu hand. g ‘ 2669 57 Cual. in 11.. an uffl‘rcnstd Mmmpera, 1109 05 3 ‘ I —,--—:-|—-‘ - 5 I’ ' 5(859 96 ' Pninm'm NOTES. ‘\m’t ofPromiumiSoh 5.51-pt. 1, 'Gl‘, $90,827 91 H “ 5 “ received du- 1 ‘ ing the year, ,5 . v- 2.3.34? 90 ___... 114,175 81 Expired and surficndcrcd during the . year, A . _ 21,905 4* _ -. $92,210 37‘ . . ===b= PROPERTY IXSI’RED.' Amount of prupuh) insurcfi Sept. ’ , , 1,1361, , \ $1,2716n13‘2 76 Amnum ofpropeéty insured during the year, ' ‘ . , $536,531 300 Expired and suri‘endcrpd duriug‘; the you, i \ i , xmmjm or anoms. Policies outsmnqingJSept. 1._1861, ‘ 809 “ . issued during the year, 215 5 , - 1024 “ expired ind surrendered durin’g the _\‘e_ur, ‘ z . I‘2 Policies now in ’9'?! ‘ 7 882 AV.\iI..\BLE mums. 7'“ Note: bearing inierest, 52.669 '57 Cash in bands of Treats. and Managers. 1,l09“»65 €3,779 22 2,270 37 i’rcmium Notes is: force, The Execniive Committee again congratulate the Board upon ithe‘proweroua condition of the Company. .‘ilthon'gh it has been in opera tion over eleven fears, no>assessment has ever been mlldbn.“ posses and expenses having been ‘pmd from current receipts, leaving at this time on hand a dual: capitnl of $3J79 22, and an additional c‘apltnlof $92,370 37 in Premium Notes. The only: outstanding indebtedness of the .Com'pnny is 3285. balance due to Wm. H. )lcCreary, on nec'gnlloss of barn bv fire. . ‘ , A. HEINTZELMAN', : JACOB KIM}, ' i R. McCL‘RDY. ' . , ; Ezecutwe Cqmnu'ttee.’ Attest—D. A. Dc'xnum, Sec’y. , Gettysburg. Oct. 6, 1862. ' ‘ ' _. ‘ LL the 139‘“ i’atgfirfiedicinu can be baa at the new Family Drug and Prescriptiop Store of l x . Dr. R. BURNER. ' AGO, Arrow Boot, Corn Starch, Richflour and Gelatin; for sale 11: Dr. HORNER’S Drug Sgore.‘ = ‘ m COATS cheap at *‘ - ' i . _ PICKING'S. M RICAN BXCELSIOR GoodCOFFEE+ as Java and cheap as rye {or sale 3: A ‘CUDOR'I QGILLESPIE’S. , EW SPRYNG GOODS—just opened It the New Store 6! M. SPANGLER. OURXING GOODS.—The finest assort ment of “burning Goods ever ofl'ered, i can now be seen and bought at lower prices than they have ever been sold before. Call at" once at the sign of the Red Front. ‘ April 21. . FAHNESTOCK BROS. URE BRANDY, WINE AND WHISKEY, for P inedicinul purposes only, at the Newa-ug Store of Dr. R.’ HORNER. I LL colors of Zephyr Worsted and Shetland ,Wool can be had at SCHICK'S.‘ ALICOES, a! good I! ever, It Crom 6} to 12} as. per yard, can be bad 5!. SCHICK’S. OTTON GLOVES, for Men and Boys. can be had cheap at ~. SCHIUK’S. OUXG Men's Fall style? of Han and Cups 20 percent. lowe’r than usual price: at _ , R. F. McILHENY'S. LYCERTNB and CAMPHOR SOAP, {or G preventing and curing the bite: of Mul quitoes nnd otherinsects. a: . > DR. R. BORNER’S Drug Store. YSON BRO I‘HERS Ire making their prqm. T ium picture: at prices to suit thetimel. L. SCHICK 115$.th ”wind 3 1m 05 Q . chap Lookingfiltules‘. ; ‘ < ' .RS.-WINSLOW'B-SOOTH!NG SYRUP;for children. It Dr. B.’ 1108835138 n"; tore. -' ' , GREAT pooxs xx ‘PRFSS Thrilling Incidents SAILORS --~—--- 1% ‘ . 7...?» ‘: W— _ ~-' Somethmg Xena, ‘ THE unfit-him!!! relpeflfulu‘ ! L 1 infnrms ihe residenu} I .ofGetCysbnrgMnl \ irinih’Jhxg I rho has opened a WATCH ' FD‘ JEWELRY l STORE, in Ihr room immedistgly In [head-cur of Elk. J. L. Schivk's Store, " d fronting we 'Squorp.whcre he intends kgping ankssort meat of WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER and ySILVRR PLATED WARE; ; SPECTACLES, iGLOCRS, to" kc. ‘ i 5 7 1. Having been connected With I. lint-cine! Wncch and Jewelry 'Store lg luliimére. for nevernl years past. he is pré§lrade furnish every article in the hue, al‘the lowest Elly ‘ prices. and all purchlsél will 3w guim'nmied as represented. :; A v ' . I From a tong experience in flnui-repairing, ‘ especiallyof fine Watches. but; [:32 urml to dp E 111 kind: of ‘\'alch-work proh'sptlyJiu the belt manner, and guaranty the pe anhdnce ofit. He will keep alwayl on In d nildrge assort ment ofSI’ECTACLI‘IS,nnd Six-m ucle Glasses; and having mpch, , ‘experience in ndnptin: them willie sight, is 1 prepared to firnil who need i. em '» , HAIR JEWELRY made to, rd? n the be“ ‘-style, and a great variety of 1!. r 5 on [lan JEWELRY repaired in thé mic mnnner.‘ JOSEPH EVAN. , Gettysbnrg, Dec. 23, 1861.! I if 3 Fresh Remfo m\ TRENGTHEN‘ING OUR ! 031! are c‘onsunfly adding: n .51 sup a ready large and fmhionnbl Mock ' HATS, CAPS, BOOTS ‘. .\‘l-fl We have‘every style of S]; nzigti Hats, vyhirh in quality and; be uni please. Buys and .\ion'i H t: gum every descriptfbu) and of the ”steak sf stock of ' l ‘ Bopts, . ‘ SHOES ‘ Gjl'l'él was never mgre compleie. I dig and Children. can be accomm da 4‘ thingin thii‘line,“ we a be u now to give [its and greater 1' it befoie., If'you‘fi'amt burg , m fashionable goods, Mil at lb sigh BOOT, in Chambersburg sir“ :F " J in: :0! ‘ A ‘3; C‘ June 9, 1862 _ ~4.“ , New Goods 2.44;ng £ll2o3:qu TAILORINQ. M*, .. ._mmu, have-justfrecviw-d from the 33m: :1 olgoods for Gentlemcn’s W the! Variety of _ ‘ l ! CLOTHS, ‘ ' CASSH‘IERES ‘' ‘ ‘ VEST‘NGS, Cnssinets. Jeans, 4&0” with\: any oqher goods for spning and summo-r wcnfl‘. ' f The; are prbparod lo makgup garments it the shortgst n‘ptice, .nhd innit; vorybe~t mn - ner. The Fashions are rogu 'rly r’rcbived, adv] clothing made in nnv deain- style. ‘ They n - ways mnkc newt fizs, whilst ir qt: In; is su c to be substantial. « J; " ‘ They aski continunnre hthe p blic's pL irdnnge, resolved by good Imm model-.‘. a chm-gas to earn it. Y Gettysburg, A'pril 7, 1862 r , , ~q 1 . l X jßeqtauragt. . I! HE CHAMBERRBURG S REF}? RESTA - T RANT. (recently EL-ker‘ de's.) in the .l - cobs Building, (‘lmmhersbur ytreet, is no conducted .hv 1118 unrlersigné . \ ‘ ‘ OYSTERS are damn up i all stylsa: . ‘ FRIFD CHICKEN: Ell? THYGL’E,’ . 2 TRIPE. mum: .. EGGS. nnd, , l A NICE G ASS! l-‘ ALE, can always be hull. _Cnli in. The loan has been rte-painted and fitted I"! in fineltyle. i - 1 GE GE J (1033:; Gettysburg. April 7. 186* g ' . $4,819 96 A . New GOO, ,3. . : ‘, PRING Goonsgrnmg {.0031 , FAHNES. CK B : OTHERS have just recd’n‘od nnd are n open hvzn Luge and choice aSm‘erent qf SPI .'G( ‘IODS. to which ftlldy invite (he'lmen'fli wof t ir publi . Having been‘ purchased will: cure ' (Mince?! prices. we are prepared to g! e .our u'tomers bargains. "Our s-lork hasheon ":2er nlrensoll .hy the nrlditipn‘nl'n rhrilre vi ion 0 lhb latest styles of LADIES" DRESS GODS nmlvrin‘l for‘MEXS' WEAR. (‘.‘lllPHilNC, lUI-11-INS WARE. mLI-Axnm' Goons, be” c .mprising A complete tassel-[mom of ultj‘t‘h'lhiflg usit'nlly wanted. Calll early and #Ol I ha 'gnjns 'l‘or yonrselvrs. _ FAHNES _OCK, BRU’S. ~ April ’l, 1862. .zl ? l 2 ' ‘ —"‘-'-.—‘ ? New Taflo 119;; . ,» smnzisix\mxr..-n’rd. mmxnoon, E * msnwxxmni; Hum}. _ l ndopts thismelhodofinfiirmi hisi ierlds and the public manually. that I has opened a Tailoring Lastulnli=llmont in‘] llllll‘h .rc striwt. Gettysburgvllntc l’o=t Utliclo P nonr‘ the Din mond, wherb hr is prolmrvd 15 do .'n‘l work ill his lino in the, he in vigor. and tip prove the productive ~ nee: of nbundntnt crops, even in unfa- vomhle seasoris or lhcntions, with ' BESHEI S G proper and en‘fi nftertreatn‘wnt: - , ]()0.000 “n. 4,“; in‘” “km u“ A 'COPY vrill 1"" 3“”: igupr’ennn- ""d _[lulntnll I house httely Occup'vd bvi Klinel’elter iiul'lrnc ' kind“ of 'Fr“"2““d Evcrun-‘on TWWy‘l & (10., with u determinitiou to pay th‘. ltig‘hzs x 4 wM to Pro": {tucce-“imh with sum-e: market prices fur all kinds offlrrln. You 'wii 1 1;: ever ['H‘Ol'lng a failure in a lot of‘ final!” “WIMP" with [in_l‘sq'rmN “VAX“ U 1 ‘ ‘ “f““V'I'”: “he," ['F°""!." "NW“ "'3 1 'in MN“. GROCERH‘IS, ii'aoleanlc mu] iii'ltllli } directed: It» in” Mt how .m min , LUMBER. 00311. net! ..ler unmarucxu in ml 1 “"f‘ Ph‘“t Dwarf pe"rin"“s- ,h cnn<: line of businNa éuld utj .the [UWL‘aI pmmhl i .tmml the most succusiuktrcatmants mtofil‘ort’ztsL ()nllmul ermine our stut-k‘nuii ‘ ‘ for the culturel 0f the; Plum. It will p-icu, Lug“; Imrl-hhsiuu[plum-1”...“ i tell how to train and' cultivate the: ‘ ‘ DIEIIL. UIEINKEHUUIEF 8; CO i ' (‘mwev "3 . . I April 22, ism. tf i r ' AFOPY W!" tell how to cultivate and treat‘ ——~ _,_ —'m._v+ J.., 7-“ ,i 1 Strawberries, Currants. Ilncpherries, ‘ ‘ Change of Time; L j A ;COPX.BTJ."“"”r””“- ‘i°"-“’"e",“‘“ “'o‘ i mrrsm’na RAILROAD—(tn and rifle! _ l “I" tell how to lire-zit] ourh trees. tok \Vedm- dn' \ln _ ,i 1862 l \I ;‘ rgftnre um; [bots ilejliiiiy. {"l’l‘Qh"; Trni Wm 1011-.(‘iu'llyibl‘l‘itll at 7:1?!» :i’.~:\l‘.miililiii 6.1 T“??? “ 9"” “1:“!"1’m "final !‘ puserugrn fur nll’thc (minim-lions. .\‘ortii‘nuvi ".1 '" ’mw lui mu. 9‘3"“ of “'3 "PM“; South, on the Nuriflun lk‘t-ulml Iluihmy. null l , “um“ 0‘" "i 50'} gurmundmg ”2° return about 1 i'. M. ViThe uftL-rnnuu Train . in“; "’f ”at?“ ”'l2”th und MP“: will have (lettyrh‘rg .m :«L, l'. .\l.; ‘hut i 3"“ or ("'1 d FFml' ”I“ frifryf being pusscngcrs by ”Ii: Train bun gu nu futhvrthau wmt-or- .' e" he h". ‘ '9 's",mea “lIDOVH‘ the same hreiiing. 111-turning ‘wxll i applicant)“ "ISO reslol'es PPHP‘I'JNY‘: lem'h (lelty‘ahuru uhoiu 5H3 i’. .\L with puss”)- . ‘ “m,“ taking the xeumgsf. Tl": "i’i’hf— pars} from Harrisburg. [filiiillhl'lltiiily Jun ‘ li\ { “"13?“ has thf‘ )eué ‘0'“! ”m”? ‘9: this mrmngcmcut pt-r‘sous from the mutitrr prg>ent the fohttgrufthe trcoshmhhy neuq the line 0! the il-ulinnul, liming bll‘illl‘il: and' the "9,9 vygoroufi. “nil "my”. '0 to lruusnut iu (ivttyai‘mrfi, can take the mmfi ‘ ‘ ' ”‘9 ‘produtheness of “New,“ fr"_“"""l‘t'atitn up tlllli hme uunrlyitwo hours in Hell; 3. 5 Ther application to M "PP“?‘LW 3““ burg, :Iml rctunu iii the .\‘fu-rummTrum. ' j expensite. All hum sufllcn-nt mm! ll \luUL’ti 1, e-‘d-‘t'. ' ‘ _tnriulu on theirjplnnmtianu. r. 31"qu 18h" " ‘ i ’r‘l m A COPY will teH how m Prestin‘e all kind: 0 " .. i 1 ‘Fruits with little- or up meat. It will i 1 tell :how to koizp Apple: with. much i sucrg‘s. It will tell ilnw tn trout and manage Pears tn mature perfectly, nud ' to attain to thq hirzhnf! fiuvnr. A COPY prehents lta nn‘mcmus pit‘hlrfl nll nt a glance. and fibrmimich’nn girtmmrni - ’ I'o}!in wall us ~‘u-ill hi udmiro-d hy ulg’l . ‘ lhrurs ofart,drqwn fr‘ 111 nature's pro; ducis. H ‘ _ _ : ‘These comes are'puhliahmi h'y , .‘ ‘ 11, r. ..\i. PETERS, Near Bendersrille. A‘dnms r-n., Pu. m’rhc Mun is finiijhml ivith Ruin-{a And will he forwarded hy i‘:l[tt’s4%:l() an}f plgrp or dered. on refieipl of noi-v-‘inrf nmouut. . ”P 14091532 per cnptu ' A’tlrrneaV 11. F. \l._ PETER‘. .\‘urSe-ry. Flor‘l‘tfuie D. 0., nur- Bert dcrfivillc, Adams rm. Pu. “ . ' July 21.1862. [Noni]. ‘GL'. 1)] ’ ,3 The Old and Reliable. KW SPRING noém. , . ‘ SMALL PROFITS k QT'IPK'SALER—I . J. L. SCJIICK ‘_ ” would respvéfiully say L 9 the chin-n 5 of Cr:- tydhurg and vicinity. th‘ t he is how receiving at his stat-en splendid } ‘ STOCK OF SI" ‘JXG 006 D?» j The aim-k 1 con-fists In part nt‘ Fancy and Spy-la DRY GOODS, 0 Her}? description. SILKS. , . | " ’. MOZAVBIQFE. ' , ' ' . - cmmms, . g ‘ - mmm. - : , « ' 1' , LPchks. - 1 '’ ' prxs, ~ ’ > k GALLON-IS,I of n‘l qualities and chokrit siylen. W'lil‘h mlh be sold at PIéIPES TO Y‘EFY bOMPETITIQN.’i F YRNISHIN 1‘ GOODS ‘ of all kinds-“including :ilk, Linen and Cotton llandkrrchicfs, Gloves, .Jockimrs. #10}?- 130‘?“ Also“ 3' s lendid as: "meat of R B l. Laces and Bulging. Um rnllns ‘nnd ansnls.—’¥ My stock “WHITE GO DS wzilipe fonnd full} and complete‘, and rust mersl may rely “pom: always getting good goal 5 M. the lowest. penal.- . ble prices. ‘ j; ’ Gentlemen yrlll find i 4 (0 their Mlvanmge to! call And examine my atoék'of ; CLOTHS, _ -_ -, _ A j CASSNERES AIM ‘ . j vns'rmcs, of all qnnhtiés and cho‘cest styles. . April 21, 1862. 1 J; 1.., scmcx ' Vinegar—V inegar. HE undersigned has icomménced the mann-. , {ucture of Vinegar. on Washington street, a few doors north of west Middle street, Get. tyshnrg. He has been manufacturing this Vine gar for neatly one year, and it has given general sutisfu-tion. The superiority of this Vinegar over all other manufactured Vinegar, consists in it being made entirely of grain, no acid of my kind being used in its composition, and free from everything injurious. It is strong, and at the some time pleasant to the taste, and has all the preservative qualities found in pure Cider Vinegar. He is prepared to wholesale this Vinegar in my quantity. Call and exam ine for yourselves. ADA)! DIEHL‘: Certificate; E, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have used in our families, for vari ous purposes. the "inegnr manufactured and sold by Ann DllnL,and find it to be all that he represents it to be. We have fairly tested it and believe it to be superior in every‘respect. to my other manufactured Vlnegar we have ever used, and would recouimend.J It to all persons. ' ' Wm. Boyer & Son. Gettysburg, Jacob Norbenk Jr Cor, “ Codori & Gillespie, “ John Chamberlln‘, Ennklin twp‘, Levi Pitzer, ‘5 ' A. P. Gm, Oxford. Sky 12, 1861. 11' STEP into McXLHENY’S and ice the immense qnlntity of HATS and GAPS that)“ has just. received. Cos“ nqtbing to look. f MUSLINS at low rates, from 6 cents up, can be-had at, the cheap "on: of FAHNESTOCK BROS. "FNGLISH DAIRY CHEESE, I very (infur -1 «clamor .o be had at m G. CARR’Sx ADIRS' DEBS mamas, hr grout n.- [dun It ‘ ‘ SCHIOK’Si Town' Property T PRIVATE SALE.-—l'heundcnlgned of- A fen m. Private Sale the Propertyin which he now rcsidl-l, situate in East. Middle utree}, Gem'sburu. adjoining H. R. Tipton on the won nnd .\lrs. llcl‘llrny on the enst, wnth In alley in the rear. 11m: “0.088 in I two—story mee, Wenthcrhonrded, with ‘ Huck-building; a well of water, with n pump lh it, at. the door; and a variety of fruit, such all apples, pears, peaches, apricots, cherries, and grapes, all ‘he most. choice. : ZACIIARIAII MYERS. 5 Nov. 12. ISGO. if ~4- Gettysburg Marble Yard. 3 BALS ammo“ IN EAST YORK STREET, M GETTYSBURG, [ML—Where they up ' prepared lb furnish all kinds of work in theljr line, such as MONUMENTS, TOMBS,'HEAUI STONES, MANTLES, n, n: the shame” nq tine, And as cheap as the chenpesg. Give us I! call. - : meduce taken in exchange for WW - Genysburg. June 2, 1362. u . Lancpster Bonk Bindery.‘ 1 ‘ EORGE WIAN'I‘, , ~~ 1 . 1100 K unvzuufi AND’BLLflI noox fituuncw‘nn; .. ‘ , LANCASTER, PA. Phu'n am! Ornamental LBininng, 0? every I! scription, executed in um must. substantial an}! npprovcd styles. 3 I Ixrlmxcm F.» E. W.‘ Brown, Em 1,, w; _ .. .., mq., Farmérs Bunk of Lancutei. W. L. l’elper, Esq., Lon/ulster County Bank ' Shmucl Shock, Esq., (folumhin Bank. I Snmucl’ Wagner, Esq., Yérk Bmik. § Willinm annnr, Esq.. Y‘unk Gdunty Bank. T. D. Carson, Esq” Bunki‘of Gettysburg. ‘ Peter Mnnin, Esq., Proth" ' gl‘lmncnstcr co., Pa. K Geo. C. finwthorn, Ea'q., Igegister " 4; g Geo.- Whitgon, Esq., Ream-deg April 15,1861. ; "“": ‘\“‘ “~‘w'f‘fl The ‘ reat Dlscovery : F THE 'AG .-—lnfln‘mmntory and Chronib Q Rheumatism can be cured by usin H. I. M LLER'S CELEB ATED RHEUHATE': MIX TURE. Jinny'prorfiinent citizens of this, nn 1 the adjoining counli‘cthnve teatifiedno it? great ulil‘ny.- Its succ in Rheumatic nfl‘ci'r tion. has ,bern bitlnérul unpnrullelud~by mug specific, inlrniluccnl “to t public, Triqe- 5 cents per 1 ottle. For sale! gull drnguids nnl‘i sturekeefw}!. Prepared bnly vH. L. MILLJ‘HW Wholesale nnd Rotuil Drugglat, East ,llerhnr Adams caunty, Pa..'de:}l<:’rin Uh ’{3‘ (‘hr ' ,l-‘ Uilé, Varnish, Slvir'ltspl’ninls‘, U.“ um Olli, Essenréq and Tinctu Glaép, Perfumery, l’ntnnt Medicil A. D. Buchler istthe'Am bur: lor " H. L. )liller'aijk-brul Mixture." ‘ « g‘[June _AQREET-‘Mark‘ . - . Fmo minors.- . G. CARR has: nddk-Il to hi 9 Grocery am 1’1; Notion Sum: n ulfvpnrn‘m-m for them! of Liquurs. and having Hill In I} Hrgc unlulflill ussnrtnu-nl. In; infill-i qu’e ntmnion of huygr worm. n embraces mm‘u’txs, \\ Isms (USS, \\'IHSKIES, Jun, pfgftfl'crl‘flt kind: mu ,prires, sonu- "mung the best. to lvc'lmd‘in lh xitiys. Aihiimutm is,‘ quidg sulcinnrl sIuAl pmfitg.” he will 51'“ «hr. 1.. wry lin-.11: {unllr mslr. To be cunviurc 1, it is unl) nencnnrfl give him your p.xl'ruflzlgu.J ’ , Ucilysburg‘Jul) {,15'411. To D'isnbi 3dg Soidievs, qmuxcx .\.\'n MALIWIZS. .\VI) \\'numN' k UK U’HH R‘ ”EVER (H‘ THUSE '\Vlh ”AYE DIED (Jli HHICV NHJJSIHV THE Hm: }'l(HC.T(‘ll.\§_(l. TU in IL; .\nfunr-y for Main] unis, Bnnnh’ Land and Densiun .\gt-m: Why-l. ‘mgmu (My. h. U.—l’(~n.—l‘nm prmvun-ul Mr Sol dh-rs. smm! n and \hlriglc-I of the prt-Jont wnr who nrx- «lisuhlvd hymn-nitn‘nf “‘numL rum-in‘“ ur Misc-nil“ Committed vfilile in servicmnn-l lr‘en SiOM, Buuuty .\lnne} un'd .\n'mrs ofl’Ay uh tainvd {or \r‘ulnwa m- mnit-rhoirvx oflhn-xc wh have dim] m- hu-n kiln-d iwhilg in sanity. Bounty Laud pyucurodlforjvrvin-os in nu). o the othcr‘wnrs. CHAS. C. TIN‘KI‘IIK, 1 Wnihimétun, ‘U. G. _ J. (‘. .\‘nn. .\gent, G¢uysburg. Nov. IH,.ldul. 1‘ ‘ ‘ . Notzpe; ; ». THE under-fiance), hnjring n large nmonn ' stundmg‘on his Boqks for: n consivh r'nhl‘ length of' lime, principully mule up of mm] aocuunls, takes his method uleoLilyin'g thus indebted lo him, tlml he‘ needs money, and i his‘l‘rionds will x-nll uudpt-ule their accounts he will feel under many "obligultiuns‘ to them. Sept. 2.5.1861; . ~j, _J. L. SCIIJ’GK. John W. H'ipton, FASHIONAHLE BARBER, North-east 'co -., net of the Diamond, (next door to MC Clellan's Hatch) Gettysburg, Pm, where h on at u“ Limos be’ foundxeady to attend to Al business in his line. Hahn: also excellent” aismnce and till ensue sutisfnction. Gir him a call. ' [Dec.~3, 1860. New Restaurant; HE. undersignefd bqs‘ofi'pened a Restaurant, ‘ at the corner ofEYork and Liberty streets Gettysburg, where he will keep everything 'i the exiting line in season—also Ale, Lxggei; in: CM”, Segurs, Tobacco, #6. He» ielikewis filling up a Suloon fqr- ice Cream M the sum pldce. Ht- hopes, by attention Lo busineuum‘ I desire to please, to receive I libs-l shnfe o ‘cuscom. HENRY W. C‘IRISMER. May 5, 1.02. L - - Hanover 'Bfah'cfi Railroad. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS.—-Punengo Trains run as folloiu: ‘ ‘ Leave Hanover at 9:30 A. 1.. Ind [2:30 I. I Leave Junction at 11:30 A. .1., and [:4O r. ‘ The 9:30 A. I. train make: connection “1h ‘ Junc‘tion for the North and South. 11104253! train makes connection f 0: ‘he South only. ‘ Through Tinkeh are issued to Philndelgfl Columbia, Harrisburg, Willinmsport, Res ’1); Bnltimore, York, Wrigbtiville, and all princi pal way points do the line ortheNonhern Cen find Railway. ' ' ‘ D. ‘E. TRONE, Ticket AgentT ' Jan. 20, 1882 Albums. w .h _‘ EW nnd eanigilely benuuml atylci ' ; Albuins, {or “ Gum do Visits" Ph 1 graphs, just. received and for ule a: pricey gait the times. TYSON BROTHERS, York SL, opposite the Bank, GettylUurgPl. March 10, 1862. ‘ . Fruit Cans, ‘ I" all sizes, wholuéle and retail“ At 0 SHEKDS a: BUEHLEB’S Stove “a 3;, Establishment, comer ofCax-liale street “an” Railmad. (Sept. 8.1862,, cnxsr’rvs cocomn, Wood's Hm $5.1 B storativc, Shilling Hury'l‘onic, and olborj preparations, for sale M Dr. B. 803 m“! Drug Store. ’ ’ g I LADIESJEQH sum mews. laid , , Bugs evecdofigsd i 1: qlxtyahntgrweh ~nnowq nn 1' y l on _ ‘pril 2r ' ,' HARRIETME'”; II amm