The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 03, 1862, Image 2

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    E" ”fiifihflr’r.
ounx FLAG!
:3; in
Tb! union of lfizeSr-lhc union of land:—
Ihe Union qr States none “Ollld Ever;
The union of llmethe union of hwds—
~And the Flag 0! our I'uion runner!
‘f amxnfy MORNING. :Nuv. 3,1862.
We are rejoiced to know that this veter-
V, .
-,nn Democrat and honest man has been re
,xurnogi t 9 the Legislature by a largely in:
creils'ed majority. The people of Washing
ton county have done themselves hon‘or in
thus hbnoring their distinguished fellow
citizcn. No better or purer logiylntor can
lie-{dual} in the broad limits ,qf theflour
mon‘weulth. At the commencement of the
het-newion he was thl unnuimnus nominee
~t_-l't.hc Democratic éaum’ns fur Speaker of the
Mouse. but failed a few you-s of an election.
We take it for granted that it). the ensuing
sessionkwhen the Democracy will have a
clear majority, the postofhonm- wiil be ns~
signed him without a: dissenting uni-:9: No
min in the State is ngom (11-sewing. and we
'nre sure no 97116 WOQitilfiii the Speaker's
Chair with more ability, and impartiality.
' ‘ TIONS.
_ Ex-Juatice Curtis, iate_of the Fumremn
1 counonhe Uuited Sixties, whme Ilium/in_!)
lupiniou in we’ljgvdi‘Scott case was so murh
; lauded by the Abolition 111.055 uf the coun~
try. hmjust'published :1 pmnphhrt’in which
,he demonstrating with il‘t‘t‘ristil'lc furco of
iogic..that‘both tho‘limancipzttinn and the
~mhrtial law procinn‘mtiomflnteiy is-xnod hy
J’l‘csident Lincoln. are in violation nt‘_tho‘
Constitution. The turn of Judge C'xrtié's
mind is emiuehtly judiciui ; when he‘ wont.“
_ on‘ the bench hr- rgnuuncud all participa
tion in party politics, nyul has stood aloof:
fi‘oin‘ party rchtivms sinén ; he i»: Lhérut‘om
,undor nu Linefxxhich would permit. him tn‘
. hazard his reputation a: a constitutional?
Linwyier by comciouk sol-hint)“. The (win-7
.fiwd 31nd. reasoning of Judge Curtis}.- [mm-1
:rhlet: npproqch as near to the nl-iht): .'uul im~l
partitdity to he‘pxnoofed in thaliudgment:
' of the Supreme bench, us any opininn‘s and ;
.'_reasoning can do which are ~nnagigiwn un-j
.der “:6 responsibilities of that, high station. I
A ,and .it mny be regardedms certain that, if!
.either 01' the'proclzlmations mentioned ever
ggt ifito than Supreme Coui-t, they will be set.
didé as unconstitutionai, and thereforenull;
‘ md ,void. Jutige Curtis’s pamphlet is’thn_j
heaviest gun yet, fired at. Mr. Lincoln's rel;
cent‘poiicy, always excepting the inte ox~;
‘ pression‘of public sentiment at the ballot:
ybpxz _ _‘-“ . .
mommies or THE ggIRDER STATE
UNION m . ~
. The Innis-villa (Ky) Jou’rnnl, for years
the organ of :lhmry Clay. and always oppo«
‘ Md '0 Semion, in an zujlicle nnnoimcing
the Democratic victories in India‘nupfjhio,
' arid Pennsylmph, snis: -*_
“We (10 m with n lightpr hoax-t than we
‘llqu curled in uur imam {Or manyweeks.”
‘Thé Louisville lic‘mnrral. the orgn‘n 01 [he
‘ pouglas Democru‘cy, says:
"The Uuldn m'en bf this Slate will hail
the result wituxllnllnyell sutisfactxon. It
,isjnut what they \ynqtcd."
‘The St. Louis (Missouri) Republican ex
plaims : - .
“ Hymau‘mnl—The wisdom. the judg
ment, and: the patriotism of the people~
«their ability to govern themaelves—hns
againlheen Ass'erted in the remit of the re
_cent elections in Indiana. Ohio and Penn
sylvania. uni! we have a yight to shout nu.-
LE'LIiJMI! They hare engaged in a. revolu
tion which- is to work out their political sal
v‘nfion, and to bring back all the States (do
gforious Union—first, in discarding, as they
axe doing now, the Tuithless servants who
hiwe brouiiht these monstrous troubles up
-3n the country, and~pulling in their places
men who will seek assiduously to aid the
President in the adoption ofauoh measures
as will ensure the restoration of Peace and
,lhp zUuion of life Stu_tes.”
On Friday evening last, about 8 o’clock!
A number of (He Anderson Cavalry encemp;
pedct this place, en tered the I'oluntzer‘prin- ‘
ting office and pit! and otherwise injured
the materials m the 915:9. efl‘ect'mg their
eecape before they could b‘e recognized or
arrested. Why this gross foutmge was per
petrated we nr'e unable tßEnyj‘fid trust that
the guilty flex-sons may be discovered and
duly punished, ‘ , ‘
The riders «were evidently elm-med be
fore‘they‘sueeeeded hiaccomrplishiug what
they had ip‘ended, as we learn (be (lnmgge
done to the office wilf not exceed {my (101-
lars.— awhile Democrat.
seThe 170110qu appeared on Thursday,
(as uépalJ'noL in the lens: ruflle¢L ‘
~ £821“ the Dembixnts in the Arsenal
atA'Philnddphin, who would nét- vote the
'Abolixiontickex. on Tuenday, the 14th, in obe
diénce 10 the command of J ohn (Igrrodel r -
ceived tlwvfollowing note ufdismissal:
“you Ire hereby nntifiad that your wr
tices wiil’lno longer be required at this de
partment." ,
This is the. way’jn which while mm are
"campy-{nine Random of the Abolition fuc
tid!» ‘ "
; fiThe revolution in Ohio is extramdi~
many. The Democrufic majority in that
Z [State is B,ooo—bging‘ a gain of 63,000.
: Ahab; the defeated is Binghnm ;' and the
{notorious Wad» has not, if in hoped. any
‘ 'ctnnee of reflection to’ tb‘e‘United Sate:
Senate—anotherjust retribution over which
a w friends,“ law and order and ofconsti?‘
.tnfioénl rights will rejoice everywhere
thyoggbout the had. ' ’
in‘u’n—Uz.‘ ‘ M. - .——“"—_
W Boston Post says that. Mr: ancn
. .1288 ,tiughbpqg hufidred negro children at
"‘fi‘figahdingtrlu. 30 sing " Glory, Glory,
t'lifdieiujlh'."§t an estimated expense to
‘ pup 90“”;an 0152004110. Tim’s where
{l‘3“ ‘ 195“ MW 3052 and while it goes
5' _ lag-sap Leif; uygnid for six or eight
"“WYsé‘puakuofim'm was 91:5
fiat» " ‘ "‘
k I iltiPtriM ail • 1
It in very evident from tho uturnipub—
li-hed in the Abolition pope" tint “I;
camp elections held by Abolition politicians
war; exceedingly meagre. and hcld with
the role view of enlarging the chances of
Abolition candidates; Thervhnle thing, M
it was mannged. Wu _2. disgruel’ul farce.—
h'onis but Lbolitionprintod tickets were
circulated. the_ few Denmprgtq who voted
bding ybliged to write: their tickets. No
general notice was given that an election
would be held. The Democratic Boldlfli“,
knowing the.d9¢l§l&l of the Supreme Court,
had made no preparation for votingrand
but fnw of them could, flow récolleotion,
write the names of the candidates of the
partyin their ream-give districts. . Under
thue circumstances, but. one roxult—an
Abolition majority—was posqible. We sub~
joxn the returns. showing the small vote
polled, and two extracts from letters,
u'rz'llen by voluntrm, which confirm us in the
opinion hitherto expressod thin I hill and'
fair vote {polled in every regiment of _Penn
sylvania troops would show nvery large Lg~
gregnte Democratic majority :
Abolition. Democratic.
521 74
ll? 20 l
:61 5'2
l 6? mnj. ‘
143 mu). 1.: ~
Alhghzuy Cu. vols
Perry “-’
Dauphin “
Adam; “
Frnnkfiu "
Blair “
Hunfinmlon H
I'le llggiincul... .
2 Extract; from a letter from ibe £me pub~
lished in the Pittiburg Dispak‘. one of the,
most undisgu'jsed and virulent )‘ibolitioni
papers in the Stale : 1 V
“ Elcctinn day pissed quid-Hy by. Very}
few votes were polled in our regiment. ow—;
in'z. pmlmblv. to the fact that hut‘ one «at
of' tick?“ (Repubhcnn),wax ffirniiflmd uni
1!": [mar all changed our politics sin‘re we‘lgf‘!
[lr/me, and (la uol'vote that tic/cat now/E“ ‘ ‘
I Extract fronts letter written byla sbldier
’in the Corn Exchange regimen? to the
Philnilelphia Evcning Journal :. ‘i :
1 “We are now under orders to get three
"dnys' rations rendy to go—wh‘ereqwo know
' 110%. But. we suppofie, tn :0 in chine of the
Irehela, as we are to take sixty r'ounds pf
|cartridgo‘m. ‘
I “ Let me give ynu n hint as in General
iMcCiellan. ~occn<ionally wg’i havn (1 him;
:here that an effort. in_ making by the ‘Aboii-
Hionints to disp’flf’fl him. Prevent chic. if'
‘you can-not for .\loClellan’i sake, ‘nut for—
‘the snke of the Union: 1 L?“ you that‘if
the Ahblicionhts succeed in degrading Mc-
L'lvlhm, thév will have to get a nun army to
[ml/it fur r/m ”man. I tell you this. being. mi
ynu know, the most intense Union mun in
tho United-States. “i
“.Wilh rowed to politics, I will any ”13%:
——th::!. if n vote was taken murky. nineteén'
out 0| twmny of the soldie'ri wnuldpviua fincr, }
vote fur a. change infltfié'admiuistration." l
l The Journal Qf Commute saysizq—Wß have
n rr‘mnrkalile state of nflhix's noiv exhibitfxd
in this country. That party spirit mgninst
which all the great and good mm qf‘old
time warned the citizens oEthe :Xmerican
RPplilflic. but. which humanity, per-hips;
rfiust fail into, has led us to‘ an opening of
a“, campuignin politics in which one party
without. hesitation prononnécs the other
traitorous and rebellious.‘ This iii the higlr
e~t fever of party spirit. It, would' lead at
the next stop to battle for ‘pe‘rsonnl infety,
gzncé the party thus dénbuncingits oppo- ‘
Xlt'lllfi must. necessarily insist. oh the pro
priety of imprisoning and executing: the
traitors. while the latter, if,tl)ey_ believé l
themglvies loyal, must ngcessnrily demand i
that ,their trial be held in due‘fm‘m lo! law, ‘
and justify resistance to all attempts M 1
executing them without regulnr'procers,
conviction and sentence. - , l
There stands the fact in the historyiof
America, that two great portions'are en-l
gnged in civil war, and one of those por
ti'ons being divulod into two gartles on the
questioné growing out at the war, one_pnrryl
péonouncee the other nxebellious and trai
torous party. ' ', ‘ _» _
But the next fact is more startling still. i
It. appears at the election that the partyl
thus branded as traitors and rebels are in 31.
large majority in the three graft States 101’
Pennsylvpnln, Ohio and ‘lndiana, and this
leadeto (the belief that. they will be ih Vast-i
ly larger majority in the Empire Stator—i
What, then, becomes of the putyr‘which‘
boasted its ’loyalty and abused ite emf»,
nents? Can a majority of the people or!
the United States be treasonnble in a merei
matter of opinion as to the policy which}
should control the war? Never Ways 3 more
tremendoug rebuk’e given to the madnesg
of Abolition radicalism than it has received ,
in the result of these elections. Names}
heretofore; the Abolition leaders have en-i
deavored to keep back all the real issueal
out of sight, and persuade the people that!
the question before them was a question of:
Iqualty or women. But with that issue ofi'ebi
ed by the radicals. (lie people have chosen’ttli‘ei
3541:: which Ute politician: called treason, and ‘ihc -
teirible truth stare: these men in the finne‘
that they hue been telling Europe and the
South that a. majoritxaot' the memo? the ‘
l Northern States were. actually, in sympathy;
swimmer; ! Fortunately the world pltllcesl
ngc deuce in these Abolition slanderera, z
The? have deceived the nation too often,’
and their character is known and read or!
all men. “ 3 Q
S'The New York, Expreu professe'g; to
‘lmve reliable information, from semi-lili
cial circles in Europa. ‘tlnt England lmgl
France have decided uponlhe recognifion
ofitbe Southern Confederacy if tbejoink of
fers of meditation. and an armistiae for four
or six months, to “proposed to Mr. Sew/-
in]; are not accepted. 'l‘herfnar a. slave
insurrection, says the Erpnss, after th‘ 19!.
of gamutu'y, and,“ is to Alford their 1”“
citizfins residing there am ple protection.un
dex~ the eyes of their regulirly npp’oinzed aw
gents, mat England and France will claim
the necessity of recognizing the new Con
fedemcy. ‘ ' .
@The Governor of Ohio has suspended
{them-it of-lmbeu corpus 'in regnrd '0 draf
zed aliens 'in the Camps ofithatrState. This
100 k: like u higlrhmded measure on the
parlofa State Executive; and whence Gov
lernor Tod received his authority to abro
gnte this consfitutional guardian of men’s
rights and liberties in aomewhnt difficult to
”certain. The writ ofhnbeu corpug, which
was once considered of Each inesiimuble val
ue, has become a plaything.
A Genuine 'Nine .Duys' Wonder.~—_lt was
jus; nine days after Lincoln gave the Chi
cago preachers co'nclnsive renou- ngnimth c
_Efinncipatign of Negros, Lb» he inued
the Edict éfl‘Emgficjfltion, The [naydé'r
consists in his change (if timid;
Lam mu m 87TH
A Burgunws, L'pahur (20.. \‘a.,‘[
» - (Mom 2:. 1862. ;
Dmr Compiler :-—XYenrrived st tlll-‘plffl—fltnl
and most beautiful town yesterday about, l
’l’. I..»!!eary and firod. ind willing to lay
‘ down and ml. and disturb nobodynprovid
in}: we were Left in pump. ' ,
} We muci‘regretled the neceuity bf our
‘ dc-partufe fxom Clarkéburg, whine He had
forum] many warm personal qudnhnm.
‘ Our intércounw with cillzcns‘ and soldiéu
I Was very pleasantand agreeable and many
: were the "gran fogpressed by our friends
i as we marched dqn'u mg Lime: 0;; our way
[to tidy MM. 3 ‘ '1 f— ~
, The fond to this town" lies aiong a béw
tii'ul valley. wateired bi n strum about
the six; of Rook Creek, phd I found more
evidence qt goodtfurmin‘g and hard. banal
toil. than‘in au'y ‘othet pafl of \Viesiern
:Virginilz Aim i. everyi farmer w” busy
making syrup fut-jgn‘ sugl‘r cané—maq, wo
.men and childre ‘ nil seem to be engaqu
in Lthe work in; cutting cane, other:
' hauling it home it a 5191!; while others Wew
! working at. the ill-and {bpiiing the syrup.
l It. reminded me inuch qi‘ apple gathéring
‘ and cider-mnkin ‘ in Pennaxlvania.
I Qu Sunday cv hing fin-vious to leaving
‘Chu'ksburg, our fleéimgnt wins reviewed by
:Gen. Milroy, unfair whbse command we are
int (his time. liter ,Ith i'eview was (war
‘I Ran Regimen was} massed in close column
1, and addressed by Ethe Ge’peipl. He said he
i had commanded tin-oops from nearly nil the
. States, ‘but :thiu ‘71:“ the: first Regiment he
. had the honor to pommx‘ind from the noble
01d 3mm 61' Pennsylvania, and hg knew
‘from the reputation ofithe Regiment he
'shnuid never. reglfefi hmiing .us_ under his
' command; for. said 119:! Boys, you have n
g 2:;
} __
£00“ name. 'l‘lne‘tcitizvrnia here say it. is the
host liehnvgd, be“ (lir'diplined Regiment
that, has ‘evk-r heel} 'lieni. You should be
proud' of your mime and do all in your
power to keep it: i Let n Yne sully it. bdt
preqer‘ve it the? ill] 65: But I bade not
the time to«giy more of his plain, matter
of (ac! fip'oecli. I? w‘ué “i? the ‘poim, .wnrn
i'ng us'that‘sf‘e hpd? sogle lmrd marching
and hand figlxtin' No ‘0 before we wére
through} tliéé ca taign. iwhich he said was
going Mi be. bugrtf slmrtidurationf; .‘
Tl'OOpS are clonEmntlj pouringgnto the
town and age §ooll\6{|mqe(l on some‘of the
fieldsiclose by us. m é‘. few days we Will
liavafp large nrmy here} ready {0 move to
its allot-ted work, conélsti'ng -of- Pennsyl
’vnnian.~4, Ohioana and Virginiam. and you
mny rest muréd We of lhe old “Keystone
State"? will do'not-‘lnin‘g jhnt will make our
friemls at Home rqgret _‘r; being in this col
umn.“ Tlxe,B7tli i$ the wily Regiment from
I’vennivlvan'ia ma"; [ms ,éver bepn in Wel
tern Virginia. 3 I
In Eleaving Chi-ksbut‘g th‘o kirk of {He
Ikegxment {vex-e" sént uiGrnfton, Harrison
couniy, Va: Amimg tflbse son! are the fol.
lowing frnm your 'm‘ulity, attached to Com
panic»? F arid I, viz: E .
no. paw. n. woz‘guna. Charles Sciohrief.
*wlnmm 9311 mm. manna Linlo. vais’ My
ers, 54.111anan 34:” Little, Wm. 11.
Gray.. ' f ‘ ;
Co. T—Sni-ggt.’ Editard} 1“. CM, A. C. Thlr ;
ter, Jqs. Fry-11, anms C 1? Flsht‘l‘. R. 0. Dunc'
nol. Sémuel V. Mlmllz. .illlhquthorte. , .
Thgnnen are all doing \wll. umlvr fin»
care 61f thefexéelfet‘lt SlEll‘gf’On.‘ at. the fins
pital.‘hnd moat of‘gherlh will soon be” able ,
cojoih theii- comfimbios.’ . . l’
Col.;llaytis qo‘nym‘nndlmt of this post and
seem‘tlalreagdy tolhnye gained the‘ good will ‘
of cillgens n‘nd solider-‘3 11 indeed.~every day l
we hinge mdxe wagon {ope mom! of our old ;
Coldtie‘l, wh'o hnulino'rel than‘ fulfilled the '
expectftiojs of mlnqy of us, and I am sure _
that the cr ukers t} 1m 19, whp believe all
men cowards but} 1 msilire}. will lxidelheir I
healliiu shame w e 1 [llle hear the Pncomi }
iu‘ms ‘lneapmlupn £he' Colonel's head, by
the bfpys oflthe $30.16 deaiment. l
Théofiicérs in’flj'm Rlbgiment from your ‘
count? 9: "r" :h us and in good
health. 200 Zoo. l
For thelnst fewf «lays‘iCul. A. n. Cofi‘roth. ‘
the member of Cdn res; elect from the dis
trict lately repres£b tedlby McPherson. In.
been§soj6urning in out-Jolly. Hie majority
in thb district isfbn . This the opppsitioni
endeavored to ovip omie by an army vote,,
but. they failed ml 3ka it. large enough by
sever-pl huiidred.3 The [consequence is that
they lean tint. chargb thleir defeat to an ab-;
sence 9f their. wagers ll) the army, and the
shift: resorted t 6 iii orlrler to give anything}
like in plausible damn i forfiie shelving of
’one of the blackat‘ of Efibo‘litionists are ox-‘
tremely ridicule“; 10nd Re‘publicnn declares
that the rebels afiolc all the horses while in
Fi'ginklin'agld Adams éountiesf so {but the
‘ farmers coled not attend the election, wliile
nnhther mfiintnins that McClure giving up
‘ Chiirhherslll‘xrg tolthe enemy after his‘furious
war ‘speecv es, was cricugh {o knock the
spots éfi'nny rarfiy! ‘ q -
‘ The‘fnct‘ts Col.ECofi'rp:lh. nltliouglrlhe Be
; publican papers ,insistéd that hi: nß‘lnina
-1 (ionfims merely hjokiirlms proved liimuelf
z a. very pOpulér man, and is entitled to some
! credit for refleemin’gd district which lrss‘
I not. been meoératic‘l‘or many years. [Ya
I will make a fearless mid able Congressmah.
——l’a£riol (_E' Uniovi. : I 3
. —‘~,——— -—~—‘~o-ar ~ -———.~
Sucking (lienfle'psury.+Sdme of the Aboli
tion papers; are :bgecmjming weak from the
loss of blood, through *be Treasury Depart.-
ment. The expénses bf the war are consid'
etod quite enongh’ {‘l' them at present,
without pun-phasing mTlliom of slaves, and
afterward: mending addigioml millions of
dollars to cum; ‘pm. tl‘re President’s idea of
colnnizahon. .In nfié of agony, the Xew
York 1371 p: exclairhsfl . ¢
“In lit-huff 084 a suffering nations] trons
ury, we protest against. the further consid
emtioniof schemes {qr sending the newly
enfmnchised blacks t 9 foreign colonies.—
Everyday we see the engineering appliances
of these gigantic jobs‘pecring through the
Washington diqpulchesz, They have been
exposed and ex loded, and it is time they
were Aabnndonecfi” ‘ _ f
For the Compiler.
M 3. Ennon :~The undersigned asks in- ;
formation through the columns of yourl
paper concerning the raising and managing !
of (Bees) B's. The present year seemsiol
have been extremoly hard upon them.—‘
Whelher it be that. the particullr articles ‘;
upoq which they feed and gather honoyl
have been less xbundgnt than usual, orl
whether {he worm has of. among them. I
am unable w discover, int sure i! is mmel
are dying one by one. Will some one off
your many subsoribors’give me some light I
upon tho'aubjeot and accept my thank L—i
Wlll sugar or any other article answer to
keep them alive, or up anything be‘donel
in case the worm- have got “91131319131!
‘ ' ' ‘ Anus rm
We cull the following war intelligence} OUt ”‘3l 5'19 “3'38 5 failure Mrs 0' ‘‘3 [“1”
from our city exchnnces of Tuesday: . PM“ of deceiv-tng. M also ”'3'. atntement '3‘”
t . . ' the obsmcles 1n the James "tVel', below l~urt
I 1 esterdny (Jcnernl McClellan removed Dnrli 2 had been removed ,
this head mum. to the Vir 'inin tidaorme l'~‘~ , $-
' q . 'i“ . . . . 0n lrxda) last an expedirionlett Suffolk.
Potomac. Th“ may be taken an .‘(ldlc‘t've . Virginia. and proceeded t the lilackwnter
lof important movements to txumplre shnrt- ',‘river. which "a, "0‘“ “3;, quite a slum
Ily in that qonrter. it m: that. there in. “augment, The Federal iroopd‘then pen
no positive mformotton of the retiring “Hunted ”1&9 country. but
the Confederates from their advanced pod-imam x arifivhere‘thev now
ltion. the rtntements to that effect being en- are. loha' m , Sizbt at
Itxrely honed on rumors. _ 1‘ . the ri\ ill and minded.
, Since the above .tru! put in type a dis- The F in m hm it isnot
patch was received stating that (ten. Pit-m;- su ) )0; - ’ ‘ ;
{union’s advance arrived yestenhy at Pur- U ij__,_ i. l
collvillma few hours’ march from Gen. Lam! ‘1 RE H 0 17 ‘i
.Etreot’s command. which is believed to bo‘ : _ , _' :
l'nt Upperville, qonr Auhhy's Grip. Purcell-l' The 113 “PM nllehnve
fillelis finf" Lough-nu; countyi fiftelen mire I resolved Id testify their armpit-Minion oftheir
sout I o arpet s ~erry ‘nm twe ve mi op " - _ , t -
iwestof Leesburlg. The dispatch aleo ”vb! Hfi' Fr“?
that the positioh of the maid body ofthe' ' "‘3 '9B' “Tim“? °.'§t e . ."mcmm
'Cont‘ederhte arrhy is the same. The recent State Central Committefié by
i rains have had hit litthefl‘eot-‘on the Plltfl-i him with in handsome sitker a
"fuse. the rise in the river being only two ,lnrge meeting was held of; the,
’ matter. ‘. . . .s l . i the evening of the 18th nil"... ‘at
we reconndlxtennfipartiemtent out on‘ . ~ . .
,Thursday last metwit reverse-ti) The flirceicfi't‘c heedqultrten. m “"1"
thcteaerroachett Mnnasras Junction mu “Linecessary Preliminary I _ gem
: tack by (moat-tor force (ot the Cnnl'edert- , made. In‘o'rder 9,0 gm mo*
‘ ates and driven. back? with a logs oftiro‘ofli- ; tocontn'bute the subscript:‘ Its w‘
cars and fifteen men. The other p-rty. 1 ‘ ' h l? i
when near Brittow lStation. was attacked toone dolllr 6“ ' . F - . ‘
iand also forced to retire because of heavy’ I J‘heyote of; Schuylkll 130“"i 1! 80mg
oppooing forces; The Federal commander t 'thing for Mr. Hughes and . is fri§nda to be
““5 "*9“ Pri“¢‘9"- TWEIVd "f the (Jonf’d‘l proud o". esrweislly who V-itho en rgetient—
{rates were kitted and two on tured. . I‘hol tempts to injure him, angilhrmm: liim, his
Lonfederates sent reconnaitr-r ng parties to. , d ‘d d '.h D l .
Mnnnssni and; Bristnw on E-murduy, but, l““"‘y'_ “r“. cons: ere ‘_ it e exlno‘crntlc‘
there was no fu (her fighting. ‘ ' i .‘f [lttflJOrlly m Schuylkill lfiifgl“. ‘ lhls lg n"
Dispatches kom Cuiro report that tha.gain of 13:17 over Foster’s! ate! ‘
i Confederate! a x any active in the vicinity: ‘ ‘
‘of Helena, Vic‘ksbnrmnnd Holly Splrinm.
,evidently contemplating nom'a importunt
movement. but in what. direction ‘is not
known. Sevenyv thouqnnd men are said to
be gnthered at ilolly Springs. It. in report
ed that General Price is on {he Han-hie
river with fifty thousand men. marchigg to
ward Bolivar. iA fotcexof Confedemt 'cav
nlry, one thou‘xsind strong. is mid to he sm
tionéd nine miles from Memphis. on the
Chm-lepton railiiond. supposed to be the ad
vance of a large; force on the city. ,
On Thursday “(Lit a Federal force station
ed'nt Wmiefly. il‘ennesat-e, comistinz of two
hundred men, with one piece ot'nrtillerv.
was nttncked hyfthe Confederates eight hun
dred strong. but repulsed them with n his
ni‘twentv-iour hilled and a large nhvnher
wounded Rnd tdken priqo'ners. The Fede
ral loas was only two killed and two wounded.
A Chlmgo pnfier has '1 dispatch from Mem
phis stating that a Texnsjournul ot' the. 4th
inetant ronfirmt the report ofthe. et'ncuatiop
of Gttlveston by the Confederate“. ,Th'e
Federul gunbonts gave notice to the author
ities to remove? the women an ' children
from the eity,‘bht initend the ”hop: (Ivar-ilk
ated the town end it was occupied by the
Federal forces; ‘ ' .
An arrival :it:.\'ew ~York from Penmmlu
reports: that Cod], Farragut was there with
himfleet. awaitifig orders for hn uttm-k on.
Mobile. .. '
From Wadnosidn'y'q papal-c: . '
A dispMcb .ffism ‘he lmadqunrteyz‘x of fim
army' of tho {Dim/IMP, dated ye-Merdny.
states that Gvn. ’leasmunn lhte on Monthly
afternoon ‘anogmtorml the Cnnfode- ratm
with cavalry m 1! nrlillg‘ry at; Snickpr'v (hip.
YPstorday the fiction! scouts wen: pmln-d
nut. in the dire-atmn of Aldie nnd Muldle~
burg. The (‘on etlm-nte Gun-oral Ihll'~x mln~
[hand is at Up crville. Smnkmh Cup is
fiiuee‘n‘milos so nth nf Harpm'K‘ Ferry. and
Uppm-ville is.oi ht mihm muth of the Gap,
in Tunquiorcoul I)’. A long trhin nfwwgnns
mm won yostm‘fln" Initwoen Bank” "in
and \Vinrhmter‘ indimuilrg that: the Confed
eth ah” erJin thnrv. , ’ .x
Intell'grymp “Ml prgl :rhlv'finhn lm 1‘0?“ng
ml at the rvsnmétinn 0t" at-ti've ’hnstilitins in
“'nstorn Virginia. 'l'ho rvpnris ‘ received
t‘rnm Rnntlu-i-n‘ln umr~ that n‘ lurgv‘ army
umlr‘r (inn. Flolw ‘. haul hwn smut tn t‘hut‘
sobtißn of the .‘4 tl. urn mnfirmml. A'mv
nlry foretmmwmtt :it t'hm-lostcm nn thu‘llst.
instant. and the: iht‘nntrv i: hnliewtl tn hp.
near the GlUle. 'llie Fwterail ‘t‘nrces, nt;
lnst M'N‘unt-a. “- \‘Oalmllt(\\‘ellfil-t‘lglltnllléS
from Charleston pushing iorwhrd fox that ‘
pqint. ,‘ ' ‘ i 1
A skirmi<h n mrrod nmr Thnmncvillf.
Oregon county. inunuri. cn tile ‘L'Hh in<t..
in which the (‘hnl'e'lvratés Wire drfthd
with n In." (if eilzht killed and eightaen t 1»
ken prisoners, ,After the fight the Confedw
crate forces reti d into Arlaimena. ‘
It“: lntnnt nvh co: t'ro‘m Mississip’pi report
that the Confeflwnte nrmv umlnr Gnnuml
Price was four ‘ iles from lhilirnr. nml that
(‘mnernls Cheathum’ anvl llolnin nra noni
llolena. thrent‘éninz an nttnvk on than
plnoo. Bolivar is'dn the cmmtypt‘thht name. '
on the Mis~i~=inipi river. u fvtv mitt»: helngv‘
the innuth ot'tlj'e Arkhmai ‘rlvan‘, Holem‘
i~x in.Philips cot nty. Ai-knnsu'g. nhhut furni
five miles ht-lmlv Memphit 'Amithnr dis-J
patch snvs that h roonnnniernnm WM math
A few day: ninth: hack of Mt-mnhis. and
brnkp n'n a Mini: of guerillns, whomctrcnted
across Wolt‘nvetr." _ t ~'
From Tlluttfitutyis mineral :_ l ' l
There was h intelligetm of spM‘inl im
portance receiv i from lnneml Pleasan
tnn’s advance . eclerday. It, in undérsnad
that the CnnfeJerate forces‘under (isnemlfi
Hill. Jackmn and Hnrnfxtnn nre encnmpfldv
hetween Bunke} ’llill ‘nnd Murtinahnrgfthe
lamest numhnrlnenr the lust‘nnmml place. i
From the Fetleml nocountn nt‘ the mbvel ‘
mentsnn theCHhi-lestnn and Savannah rail
road. on Wednesday of last week.“ npppnr;
that the expedition wainne of c‘onsiderablo
magnitude. consisting of the commands of
Generals Brannan and Terry. The main‘
body of the troqpx wore landpd, under-”rover:
ot' gnnhoats, nt'Mackley’s Point. distant. a
bout fifteen mjlgs from thefii‘ailroad, and‘i
marched seven tniles inlnnd,where the Con- ‘
fedemtes were met. in force. A slmrp fight
of an hour took: place. when the Confah'w- ‘
ates fell back tin a. [mint two miles beyond, ‘
but again retirM, making a third stanil at
i the village of Boostiligo. While thin fight
in_a was going (in between the main hn‘dies'
la. force of thre hundred and fifty Foderal
i troops penetm ed to the railroad nt Comm:
‘ watchie and to a up a few rails nnd'cut the'
f telegraJih wire,zbut. finally retired. the point,
i being et'enderl‘lby a battery of threqiguns.
After fighting five hours thefedeml’cnm
l manders. percéiving thatfurther prtl‘gresa‘
was impossiblebrdered a. retreat to the gun-
I hosts. The Cbnt’gderate cavalry fn‘lloWed
‘ for a short distance. but were,driven bar-k
eby the artillery. The Federal 10‘s in the
l engagements. was torty~aix killed. two hun-
Idr'ett and eighty-[our n’ounded and three
_ missing. ‘, .
Later Confefiprnte accounts of yhe Ifl'nii's
claim a complete victory—stating their loss
abfil‘teen killed and forty wounded.
watches fiom Missouri re mrt the dia
pe of seven“ {ll6th baués. with con
biderablo loss in 'illql and wounded and
prisoners. x ‘
From Friday-'1 papers: ’ "
_ There Were ho dispatches received from
‘ General McClellan’s headquarters last night. I
3 I! is stated in a “Washington journal of Mat”
evening that Gen. Bayard’a cavalry has;
communicated with Gen. Burnside's a-l-',
‘ vnnce on the Aldie and Snickersville road“
three or four rhiles from Aldie. A cavalry;
force belonging to Gen. Burnside’s corps oc—;
cupy Leosburg. Gen. Bayard’s cavalry is of
Gen. Sigel's army, and the fact of the out
posts 0'? the two armies communicating in-l
dicates that njunction ofthe forces will soon I
be made. if it has not already taken pineal
The Con'ederate forces have been with,
drawn from ppperville. in Fuuquier county.
On Tuesday n fight occurred near Fay-u
etteville, A rkunsru, between a‘Federal force
of one thouwnd men under Gen. Hen-on
and a body of Confederates three tlmusllnd ;
strong, in which, after a short engagement ;
of an hour, the latter were defeated, loav-l
in; eight n_en dead_on the field. The Fed
eral loan was 5 'e fiounded. l
Information Eu been received at Fortress
Monroe that the‘ Confederate iron-clad vor'
WAR. mews. ,
pol MerrimicNo. 2 in no“? readv for me
{lt is‘nmtod that the {span recently gin-u
b LATE Enmfmns TEAC .
[11“. of the fate «factions, in Pet .
lhio and Indiana? teach Ahrnhnim
(I the Requl £331 party “1:?
nts, an impo 'nt léyon. t
gisfnction on guepgrtgof n. -
e peoplq of th | Statéi with tle
which the paint Al‘minist -
onducted the 1 1", am it is 1n
isnpprovnl of f’ ‘ siden’ incolq’s
ion scheme nn ‘ isPro lnmatibn
the freedomllfif the slaves 'in
m which mny N 3 in're llion dn
WHAT th‘
if he .re<
winning 0
Lincoln in
be I‘oprs
shows din.-
'- ' , r 1|
”Hr-l) 0‘ l:
. manner-1n
tion has J
to' chlnr.
[how Stat
the firCt ON
the Unitec
next January. ‘TXO I’_ siilent of”
‘1 States has Jir be able {to}
carry out hil schemes view agaiq‘at
which it majority of theli eoyle recordod
their judgment; and it ring rem in: to he}
seen whether Preaidentifincol will at—i
tempt it. The populor ‘ he a 1 large
mnjnritv ol' the CongressmEn' in e ,h of the '
Smtes named above. seegnl to e for the‘
Democratic party. This insult: may gill—yi
he the fore-runner of whdt'is to follow. ‘
Much as we abominate the introlluclinn‘ol‘
party politlm at the prese 1: ‘timei when +lO :
i-hnulrl all-he bf oneimin nd 0 hfnrt in 1
our ddcrminntion to cr‘ h the rebelli n‘
null restore the Union, w must— 0 perniit- i
tell to remark. that the ‘ iends of the e-i
publicgm party made th firAdminiitmtion
uml ité ‘policy the isnuewi‘ld'the lknmc no:
party. and 'uyon that is: ' they were e-‘l
,fm‘tml in the most sig , manner; ' 19;
ll ~pul;li2:.mpolicy has he tried and {on 1d
wanting, end it is highly hahle th it t ’6,
re§llltoftlielntc election .is only an in L 4
cation of tlm'determinat' "n on the part off
the peoplel to return {|ng to Democratic
rule. under which they! ved so hem» ly
and prnepernudy for no ‘iy three-four ha}
of the time since the f ndntion of t’he;
(low-mment—Frmltrirlc L inn. i
~ - -.- 4'~—~«— ~ 2 I
mltutu'rns from co 'nnies “ml pn hf
ofiregitn'ents have been gblishal'd to Sll§3V 3
that the gentiment of th Lnrmy; i 3 largely l
Rupuhlimn. lo the firstiplaceiit is wfll I
known that the Supremei‘poprt-cifl’enii<_'l- .‘
vanin hm: decided the arm? voter ncrmstiltu-,
tionnl. Ye , in spite of tl s’.(ovidenccdlhy
theirejectii‘t‘hiot'a Democra ic Sherifl‘in 1? lil-‘
mlt-lphiti, elected by the ldihns’ vote ls‘t'
full. l emismries \rere seht dozxfn to he.
qnmps n‘ith Republican {eke-gs" and cirPl-E
lin-s. ll“ “‘6’ l-mow_—were‘ ont to thé fli-'
(‘.Prs in thearmy. requesti .1 them to get out'
the vote of; the men, {fit a: RepublirmT—i
0n the cohtrary, the Dénocmq, always:
mhmis‘sitieito the lafis, ptg‘ferrexl losing hel
clnlnces of electing theirijtic'ket by ;theinr- i
my vote. to violating thel" “onstitution. and "
pnrsifitontl'y "refused. th gt. frequent {the
plieutions were made, t ‘send tiekets to
the nrtnyfi; \Ve are in rec ipt of SPt‘enlLt‘V‘
ters‘ asking why Democ_ tic ticketiz re '_
not sent, tm‘d stating “iii: altlmugh afwl
written tickets were cast or our candid tee
a much larger vote couldghnve been pol ed ’1
had any effort been mm’lnfl It is,therct‘nre, ‘
not surprising, that thdfireturn: from he
nrmy should exhibit‘Rep, hlican majoritEafl
when ‘we diicournged 'v inginithe nr y:
and they did their utmo éto go every tho ‘
possible.’ There is so hch ‘ rnnspnrent
humhug about these indp'igend'e tclaimiof'
the opposition that they'gvill l tgo down!
with. intelligent people; nt they rhny‘
mislead Some who doijnot nderstjnd
the shifts which these iickst rs are clmL‘
phlled to rnnke we vi: the ght best to
'ex‘yoae them.——Pittrbutsl§st. . l ‘
'-' ‘ _._._;,. » «Mk-«L— r
1 Irina Pianurul (he Behalf tr; MM'llW’t'"
olu conversntian with a £ntluman yes r- 1
day morning. (who hadlfiuat arrived firm
Adams countv.and whiqiip {respect blel
physicinntin Gettysburg he informed us\
.nnd a large crowd at t a railroad dehotfl
i that the Rebels were on ctcd'into‘ank-l
lin countv by three Brig'hririqt Democrats.l
: nnmod Wilson, Logan a’ Sintes. He no
‘serted that these traitorQ'kn w every b’y
: road. cow‘path and priv§e 133: in VFrnnk-l
jlin county; and it 471's Ith at that. the.
1 Rebels we‘re indebted ft? _ ,thei cocoon in I
I reaching Chambersburlg.‘ a Comment on this;
‘ horrible developmentis _' lessor—Harmfurg
‘thleyraP/h ‘ :3: V, l
I , We knownothing Ibou 03m and Simes,
'but Wilson we do knowglal He is n nntiv of:
i this county, and VI! an ‘o‘otive ndvocatfot’ l
it-lle 91 'tion of Lincoan écnd n prqminieml
lWide efiwoko. He no voted a‘ De’ o-i
Icntic ticket in his life: . lid: Valunbfli:
...-‘——-—-o- k i
} ‘. Denim: Contiabande . the Cincinimti
papers we find on ndverlfifiemént of "Freed
men’s gid'Sooiety,” odliri'g noon the Chirin
tain public to come formed and extend rc
lief to persons "‘made fl“ hy the recent.
Proclamation of our nohgll; President." ind
oomtcntly‘ orriving in that city. Them;—
ciety, through its oflicerj, says that many
of these helpless and homeless creatures
come naked, penniless and sick, and char
itable people ore called ugon 3.0 contribute
liberally to relieve themjn their destitute
condition. These nppealig‘ areégetting tol be
very common, and our ah<§itioh philanthro
pists are finding that thc ndgroes require
something more than freedom,
a ‘ _—.«..__.——__
mfil’i°r§s‘é§i’fi££§f§¥; sl32,;nt . “'1'?“ “”1“” ”mm" in “"9“”
Greeley and the “loyal 'fiovprnom." V £l3B Mm» ,to charge :11ng upon Demo-
IB‘llon. SimonCamm':g . late Secret», ‘ol‘fil. 1”" °'°'d’.“° “1° bus’mmend they
of \Vlr. And now Minis“? to Russia, it i. find I motion And, feeling of du‘uu. 1n
mid. inabout to return 1'9!"- ‘ Itho public mind. , .
we WANT woon.
#11:”! of our patrons who intend paying I
their snbtcriplinns in “NOD, WI” pleue for
ward it once, as me on“ BEHDOII is near M. hlgndfi
TELEGRAPH.—The pole: forihe Chuysburgi
Telegnph are now being put up. II In expect-y
ed that the entire line will be complfled during,
the preterit week. This important work ‘will
put us in “ lightning cummunic-l'mn ” with
“nu the wqud and the re” of mankind."—
Gegtysburg may now he contidh‘rcd fully “ up‘
with the times " in all public improvements.
THE DRAFTED MEX—The Slate nulhorif
ties hive dqtermined to place the drafted nil-n
of the bordéy counties in camp Ilong our
Southern borders, u {pthlzz-Thm regio
menu froin annklin, Fulton' find (‘umherlnnd
coin'ntiea, in cqmp M Chambersfiurg ; one regi
ment. from Adam: couniyjiu ennui) u Geuys
'burg; urb regiments from NH: cognq, in
catnp u York, and régiments from the other
bdrder counties; in tampon {heir rupective
cohqty seam, $0 say a. numlier 01‘ our (ex
changes. ‘ l . , ;
vice. A
bject. ct
* a Dem '
, and the
nts were
~ ~ rtunigy
e limited
fixaj. A.‘_ E. Lewis, of York, has lmem'nia
pointed (‘ommnnd'ant ofghgsjpolnt. He arrived
he're on Friday. He has mlde requisitions up
on lhe Qulrlermuler “(llarrihhhrgjor tents.
km, for I Regiment. which are kxpected, to ur
rive immediately. Major Le‘wié ia nn excellent
olficcrnrossesaing all the qualities 0? a gentle
man, and we think the pbst t'ort'uppte in‘huving
his aeivices as Comnmndhut. A \
Capt. lune D. Sniler. of lhe lbih'U. S. L.
Mastering lxr‘ officer, has also arriéed. Ile,_
too, is flwonbly s'pokeu bf. '
The drafted me'n w-ill assemble in this plnce
té-dny. .‘The men, and the frjeuds ‘who mny
acconfpmly they); will make first} unusually
large crowd; l i ..
, The Compn‘nies will he lmmglintelx formal‘
and the Company egg-era elecugd. , .
The Fullneltockérolhurs halve-secured the
conlrnct to .l'urnjg the mlidnsLlmL-l‘. pork,
brend, coffee, sugatfi‘ice, heunsl’poutqcs, kc,“
nt 21. cent's per union. it is mill: ~
A. F. Gil-Mof New bxstord, has fine conlr'aet
for the wood-7170: $3 25 per ctlll'd for oak.
"It's an ill [wind that blows robody gond'!”
36-11": foflowinz pc-rfl'on-x hhve thus far en
0. ‘~ I u ‘
listed und’lr Mam. lung for service at Fortress
)anroe : ’ ,‘ ‘ ' ‘
Jer- minh lqver, Cm. King. [David ant,
Ephraim Fehl. Geflrga Robimnu. anklid
Mir-Livy. load In Fi~hor. 11..W.' Fru‘JcrL, Lewis
Burns, ()livgh‘ ’l‘. Hnrlzel. L ‘
They wok sheir depqrture tqr Ugrr‘nsbnrg on
Friday morning. 1 ‘ i
WThe Anderson Ciu'nlry Haven-en ordpr;
ed to Kentucky, probably lu‘jfiin Gen. Hug“.
nml will tear} leiflcrin u réw‘dngs‘ Tin-y
“ill be furnished. with horses Yul Louisville.—
St-rg't. Jns. AL Lashell hha hark: promoted to n
Cupmimy and has received his coxumihion.
. C M~~~ r ~ '
fi‘Sm-nnd Lieu'. (‘rnsswm bf Capt. (‘hritz
mjm'a ('mnpnny. has been lirg‘mnted to .\«ijn
{ant ufthe mils: Regime-"UK \f. <
@Cnpmjm IA «‘5 compnnty of the 14m
Peulnsyh'anixx“ _Cm‘nlry 'is full} Theodore T.
Tale, ofthis Vince, is a Ist Lieute_lmnt.nnd his
brmher, l’cn'T J. Tate; i? Adjutant of the Regi
ment. ’ ‘ ' '
”TN d;
land nnd Full
camp of inst‘
militia of Yor
mph I
been druftud
e], of Bomughmwn, his Also
‘ mnking‘eigm physicians from
this county
Indios' ['ninnAid; Swirl). of New
icinity mmlp up. apd fnruardrd'
I [urge box of liospiml ~u_p]ies.
ve been judlcjopuly djspmed “(.5
«in; éllfligicn} lp cnnluifi All the,
sent in. nimlhcriis béing prrpnr-(i
disvrihmfnn. fljho Izuh'cs thgmk
inblic for “WWI lihcmlhy, um! I
a ladies of Hampton, whose git!!!
lquy and promlrlly besum ed:—
nowhdgc the re'ceipgnf $lB '4';
lb will be ‘prulwriy Inpplied. .
, mtg-The L
Oxford and
to. Frederick :
\\ here- Llwy h
(m:- hnx not
ed for lulnre
n gmernns 1
esp--oi.aHy fl 1
were so cheel
They niso ac!
dsrsmnfl thx‘ 1
inlion”oflhis ‘
V WWe \1
“ Relief Asso
up n box‘ 0
Regimenl,‘ C
Relay House
top. ong.
' gun-en Bqllinm
luL-Crenry‘s and
cnmpflnirs are in this regimml
have hurried ‘that ”my 'hm'c u
ness nud hre‘ nnél' in nket) of
comfort. - Cu;
.\léCrenry, W‘lil
1m er, we are,
ulripufioub me
{o‘twn lyiujg very
pleased 11;, lean:
WA dis ntch iron) "at; i
irradrlitinn . Elbe campia of r‘
drafted men 'dready Te‘puhliq
phin. i’ittsbnhr and Hlkl'l’ifihl‘
has 'giren sliders for gtheir 1
Chauibershnrjg‘, York, Gettysbfi
other points on our lwesteri
mbn will be Jrgnnized, lnrmedi
Once. It’is hlso undctstoodJ
the men will lye permitted to
oficers. .alrreudy'druded mi
tiring ii: Harrisburg by thou
lfi‘The ,Cntnlogue: oi thl
Society of Ponnsylvuni; Culid
our table. I‘3. his the imptix‘
stedt, and wane of this best 1
ex?" done h'ere. The list of}
hers lion-Ghana“ numberi
Members Qraduau I'Bo, E
Member: {lily—.Libnry ‘ Voiuv
S‘Hisl ‘Untharine— Toppl
N‘r. Jane P. Topper, of Freed
Compiler ofiica, a lot of! Ipl—n
cml of them measuring lb
circumfeFenco each. The M
thanks of all hands.
9A {Fight grain on thp Pennsyliani:
Réilmd'wu destroyed by fire on Saturday
evening near the Marine Hospital. "510,:
000 worth of property was dentroyed in re
fined 6i], cotton, &c. The fire occurred by
sparks from the engine. ‘ ' . '
fink frightful accident, the retult bf
carelessness, recently occurred on the Mis
sissippi Central Railroad, by which thirty
pagengen, mostly soldiers, were killed. ‘
‘ S'Tho 'Cumberlnnd Valley Railroad
Companymhose depot, engine-house, shops,
kc" at Chambersburg, weré destroyed by
the rebel cavalry, is rebuilding the different
structures, some of which will be larger
and much improved. '
fiThe Connecticut Dnmoc ‘y have cov
ered themuelves with glory. They have can
ried a. large majority ofthe town: in the r&
cent elections. and have completely turn
ed the “)qu upon the radicals.
Now for New York.
med men nf Frmxklin.,,('un_flm
n‘cuuntics lune in_een pinned in n
ucfinn n! (‘humberslnurm The
connly will he‘lg'cpt at York.
hc Lafiics of Hm
fialnce are maid-"g
its for the 13m
islmlium-d M the.
)lh‘c and \\'anhinp;
Cum. \\l'ulhl’s
,rnné the Indict‘
)nsidcmlglu sir):-
nrticlos (on; thrir
Lsuhcitcd. “.(‘upL
ill uilh typhoid
I is 'sluuly rim-ov-
nospiml supp“;
Sumwul'l, now}
lisburg says that
mlc’m‘ous for the
!1 ed at Philadel-
rg. GopCunin
sniblisl‘nmcn! at
rg,‘ and perhaps
p" borders. The
Quail cqilinpcd at
{we believe, that
lmoie their own
215 mm are «r
ands {very day
xge fl3rlB62is on
t of H. C. Keith,
ieccs of prjntin‘
‘Honorqry Mom‘-
N 621, Human“,
gated Honorary
n 1“, 4200.
r, (dengue? of
m,) sends in the
l‘ld Applet, 39v—
rteen inch“ in
'r donor has «he
If the Abolition editors who pretend to
think so much of the poor soldiers' ri hth
would unite in demanding of the sdmrtzinr
trntiotfproper and prompt attention to their
Actual pre-ent want-t, they would do an ad
at once creditable to thenwelxes and bend
ficial to therbrnve men who nre nerilin'g
their lives in the nervice ol‘ the Union-l-
The Philadelphia Pres: almost daily :ivet
an article on the great strength and official
ry ot‘M'Clellnn'a army. when the truth in‘.
it io not half as strong. numeteinlly. 111 it
{night to be for the servit‘e unsigned to its:
an . m to it: efficiency. half its regiments
onl reduced below five hundred memmny
of whom. al’though performimz duty. Aria
unfit for it from'expontlre and discus. Inll
not .moroflhan a third of the yhole "my
ore supplied as they ought to he with ten”,
£41068. atockinga. blankets and OVPI'COhIe-
It. itiis time for the whole country to I’m“.
its votce in behalf of our ill-trented. gumm
mg army. It is time to flnv to the held I
the idminintratinn. attend leg" to politi;
and negroea. and morei to the army and "K?
proper and pressing dutie- of your office,
you wish this war evcr‘to be terminated null
the Union restore!l.adlt is bad enough that
our sick and wound should he to sham
full. neglected as they are—it is diam-ac
ful in the administration and the countr
—h ‘ t. in Hooycn tndhtmmnity'u nnma.l
‘nor‘tthe living soldi¢r¢. upon whom th
.oountry now depends} for dt‘liveranco. h,
‘ longer neglected as lille have been, Th
erénal qf (,‘mnmcrr! 'cllnllg attention to th
[subject in the following article: .
g “‘lt il‘nhanlutely important thnt the n
‘ lention of the country should be called ti)
lthelgrom neglect uniler, ,which our Bravo
isoltliers in the~nrmy tinder General MfClell—
. lnn ‘are suffering. at the hand: either of coil:
truqtors er of some one in Wit-.hingtnn.+
[MW litugh at the “Myth!“ ‘,whoes’ Eff
wanted by an army. but the fact. nevertlu
‘ lens‘ is true, that the hrmy of the Potomu
lin si‘iufi‘eriu;V terribly lit-om thin want. In -
, merino numbers of our men 'are shoelenit,
] and unable to marc‘ui as n coneequenoe.
1 Th so who have shoemscurcely dare to tren
,in ct places, lest tliel poor remains of Inn
| dal. diuolve their feeble connections. 'l‘hii:
iii; ‘0 ttifling mntteri and the numerm‘i'
l pri ate letters we tunic reeeived from nil -
oer; nnd mnk and fileilenve no doubt Whn
l ever of the truth of tile statement.
"'makeh and otlutr articles of oomfo
, are also in g'rent smrolty. it is to he barn
" i jmind that. of thk‘ I’nton‘mc army
‘3 l rge portion were in lite field before Riel -
, ’ n'd, fought the iewu (lflyu' battle ,
imarc'hed‘to lrlitrrizzon’i landing. tlmnee t
V Yorktown, thence. Were. transported t
i Acduiu creek. marched to Warrento ,
'fou‘ght under Pope. l'till hack on Wit-shin -
.ton‘, marched through that city to Frerle -
llt‘k. fought at South Mountain. nnd'fitmll ,
;nt.Antietnm.zhldull tl‘lkmthmitnppo‘rtm -
'ity to rnplnve their torn hind \vnrniflu ,
menu. their lmt blanketé“ or their «on
out shoes. Soldiers \tho would Ol’tllnllrll
nqulv themselves out or tl-eirown’fun:
linue hnd no‘time orkp‘lnce to do it. and th \
uniformity of the want} is :i'striking‘l‘entur
of the case. ‘ f
' "flVe do not pro’edfii to knowtwhore th
blame lies in this mutlér. ’l‘hnt it i-tlilniiial
worlthy, none cnn ibPh‘t. lf Nupnquu'
army in Ruwin lmd Stb.llllft*r94l, (lit-r 0 mlxll
lmy‘e hi‘en nu excuse hinged on the dmnnv ~
from the sonree of Elimilies: but for. lh
army of the Unhfil stzttm, Wllllln njl'm
miles of ‘Wueluiruton; atnl within fiftm-t
hours of New York. to he thua nllowndl t
rsuffer' and to _he dehlyi-il in their unhl
nnxiety to he ut “‘Ol k. tpenke :i torrilnle or
cu~utinn nunin-zt some; one ut \\'nshinvtm
’wlmw limitless it is to i-‘éjfl that the unity i
kept up in such mutter“. , 7;_
‘jWe mnke spm-iul referent-o to thin mntlL
terrwith more t-onfirlont-e for the return
that our rendt-rfiz will ltour witm-xmgthnt tr 1
have not‘heou in the lmhit llfillllllillll'llllL.
But the little l.‘ now «ritilShl‘. The uuttlml
is at ll‘llld. Si: or oiylit w't-t-k~ :it- mmt‘n
tnuin flit hu-tme optitflvlltvn‘l in Virginia.
Evt'hty llfihll‘ lust now tint low of valuhhh
li\‘dé. ol‘nutumnl strength. “'l‘ {Fur ther
i=3 iii-« Tow lamb somt'Whl-rv} 114'» it my
.lltirig to do With the ritllimil wi~h hbretulnr
oxygen-ted that the wm‘| be delnvollv‘till tilte'
Juiguuiy 1,1? We trul‘ut not?" H
Iggy/rm: Prrfrrrnlfi—“lUHO nrlu‘o elinudnn ‘
.trlulp hmluwl hlut-k reluffim-u anx immlnvud ll
Hm Qunrll-Immtur'a D>-pnrtmonl horo‘unu
on' tlw «le'nnzns' about {\thingmn m. rmlu
odjvhufi. The :xlnnhpt HUN] ml llu- rli
ferencp lu-lwnpn llu‘ir [§:lv null tlml nl wlli'l
lulxblnrs i~s mur‘ly morna than sufficient ll
Hiflnmr't llm five or 537: llunvlred calm-'94
imam-n untl ’vlnilnern lin the pm'o-rnmvvn
lnvnd-u ‘ This iK [ll-rivrd lrnm ufilvml m
snn~,»\vlm my [lip vonlrnlmhtln- uurrvnlly
source nl‘ pnvninmr-m ‘,nrufil." ' 1
Sn «film-[lug \\':Hllippm’n rnrrekpnmlen
of llue’St Louis Dmmn‘rut. 'l'l-iH-nly gm
pr‘ol'un mm to niggvrq jun-r white l.:l~fro-r1
“2111»? Wives and rhild‘xrn mny~lnrvc far 'x
that the Abalitlnniulsl‘mw;lffln'y Ilw ml
gm mum-n unll clxil-lrjvn m-e prjw‘ulml ln
'1 he next move inn shlslilum Ilm "willow-I
gr-ntlr-mvn" in plat‘n otwhuw mm-lm‘nwi
and so on until ler during Mm 01' Illa J,"
"MUS. that. the niguvr is equal lo the Wbl
Imm. and “more 90,", is practically nper
li§le.—lm[iqna]m/ia Smllncl. ‘ . g I
rhanl‘sgirinq‘ Dam—iln nrrnrdnnnp wit
IN: old and hme-hpnorml ou-unm. IGO
Cllrfin has set nnm-t film EHHFdny of n 5.
mbnth as n «lay of guolenm pravnr inn
thl‘nkxgivinu. It will l’m‘nrflln'lin-nllrla
lime for prnyr-r, if nkgt'fnr tlmnksgiyin
and we hope lhmo Wllo do (In: public urn
in; in the State of Pulnnsvlvunia wiil lln ;
in a chriatinn munm’r. LA}? tlmm cmhil
home some ofa depbnllpnc’e bpnn the Ru] l
of the Univervm—let! llwm tqke inn? 0.
pulpigt héarts free from .mmical bittemel
é-let them plead at. 5' throng (fi— grnqe (3
mercy and pardon forfthemseivm and the]
people—Jet them inculcate on this ocohsi l
M least 1'! thin!’ of christian charity? A
kindnpss. Wahnve h‘nd enough nfpoliti :
preaching and war, maching. Let. us?!) l
a little of the goqpell+llglton DemocraLi I
”In a regent onl”, afoot counsq‘li 1
submissinn on the pn‘rt of his officers: ’3
mgn, to [he Pre’aidentfa l’raclamation.i(}e
McClellan says :‘ “'f-hq‘ remedy for polgti i
erron. if any are gommitted. is to .
found only ‘in thé octiqi. of the ‘ I
at the mill!" Well said, noblepfgl‘i’]
t'a Mac!" That's theéremedand tho 3
pie haw .jult availed themselves ofiit.
mike a change in ourlLegis‘latur-e India)
green, and next yen?~ Qhay will elect «10-l
erpor, and the yen; after,,thank Have
a constitutional President—3.lmm I '
crat. \ ' I
Important (0 Bun-bra. Aucliwml, (fa-«T J
Commiuioner of internal Revenue hu :
cided that under the new tax law. bumh Ll
who run a wagon through the century,“ f -
which to sell their meat. must take null
pedler’l license for the Mme. The lleen‘
ll! Len dollers for one end fifteen dollen fl
two horses. ' 1 I
It has alga been decided that the vendi
crierl come under the head of auctioneel
and must take out a lioensfiefore they
henceforth cry a single 9. The p .
ff on auctioneer’s license is twenty d-i
an. ,
lluckxten who buy ufi produce thrau
the country and sell in towns or cities Ira.
their whgons must, take out a pedler’l I
cause. If they haul their produce to :-
city or town and sell thence from an": l
tables, they are required to take out o d ~I
«’3 license, proyiding their sales. .‘ :1
hominid dollars annually. ‘ ’ e I.
fi'l‘he loyal citizens of St. Clgir,
Schuylkill cqumy, refused to allow the 11
James H. Camdpbell toeaqeuk in that
tough on Salur ny pres mg the alt '.
Whlle we have always been the ad»
of free speech. we thin}; thoaboli ....
have no ugh; to oomgulnln. We .. ‘
some time since, chi. suuh wouldie _t . .
turn! results. of the policy which they 1S
selves have magnum. -