The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 27, 1862, Image 3
immrsifi‘ iffiin mm: m . scan. At the great Denmcmtié meeling in New York; on Monday night, John '\'.m Buren mndozn speech. in which he introduced the following lnunr from General SoOILKWI'men M the beginning of Mr. Lincoln's Adminis tration. Mr. Vim Buron saivl: 0n Hm 3d of March President. Lincoln, on the dnv before he mm to be nworn into office. fountl himmll m Washincmn. having leached IL in (lisauiw—(luuglltPr)—covpred WM) 11 Switch vipmnl a long plaid cloak— {grr-al laughter.) For the first. time in the lmmry of tho countrv the President‘found him?” at Um <(‘ut of Government, in danger. nnd It mm IhX'HUL'll thr- active exercise of we |t (‘igcri’tinn by General Scott and Gen— Pml won], that he mu enabled even to mkp the oath. Un Hie Lhird day of March. as he Wm nlmut (mm-in): upon his dutie‘n. and hefnrr- he look the oath. u. letter was 5 addres‘ed to him. Which I now propme to 9 road to ma. IMk yqu to note parficulurlv the wonderful spirit of prophecy. the ex traordinary judgment. and the u’nqumtion {ll.lo mtrinmm. that nmmates every word. untl hne cf this lPttor. (.Ewnuxsu‘n-rr‘a rnm'uirv. W nun-um.» March 3, ISGZ—Dear Sir: ._anin: HIM in .'I J’ruxidont wxi] hmwhu; nll pormnnl flatworm: HAHNIJin honored 51$ \\':uhington, wigh ym (Libinet. I beg leuvm “ hat I have lu-furv std mental {n my printed her lu~t.)— on the big! tion of our (inflate) h‘ ' him. To meet the 1 rim of the times. it. 31+ 'yuxllv of no an'nmmc inPnt‘fi field 9F Sela-ti plans of procedure su » 1. Throw 09‘ the oh dwiymfiion—tbo Uni‘ omwiliawry mensuros tandem. or the Pascal life uphn it. we dull 1‘ , Enrevinn ; but. on I” rPtm-n qf many, if n! which have already LI ‘ 'n'um. 'Wuhmn mam sure. the rmumnmgr-lzt 7 prnanfly yuin Ihr Mun' ‘3 in 1!“! than .\iny dnyl in}: inchulvd in n. fr " ru-quiro n permanent, Hurly five (hon-mud (‘mvnrmm-nl mlhm it H. Cullm‘l the du NIL-tit]? tly‘ pork nt’w Inns lost ”on mmmnn Ly Art of (‘nngrvu an In. L'nnquur the .l vmhng urnmw. .\Th ‘ domed" twnr-r lhrm- ‘ nhlraUmu-ml—hnWain-1 —wlththriaolmmlrcd HH'LI. («wanting :1 (hi ’lhc- lo~< p! a yr! grout i-st: niegm. lmulm .1. The donfnlt-liun nflil other Md? would be .'r k‘cl tho moral Iliumph Tin-comp“ d rump] wmtn of Lulnuu. 'l‘.“ Nurllnu nt—wnlh‘wl Iv: (“hon-Ln. and r": [mun] I rnvincw! not in be ‘7 mill lhmlr cunquerur purulfinn: In' lu-xvy ponue qleru h- the which it wan 1m thu-m. I'nlionel by u. ln-rur. Hf. .N'uv tn (hp “‘O9- w Irtl “.“U't‘n Ih-pml il') ] n'm‘uir, wry truiy.._ llnn. Wu {l. 5E;.\ ‘ (inn. Smut. un Hu -1 Mt Ihé Pro-“dent, in sin-urn m. an I being p in' tho ‘Tmto-I Hz'n‘ou V 111,“, "m fiwl hlln Hm nu nth mp! m’mnqxfi-x Hunt. in [liq fir»! place I ~ t ‘1 would xd-quzré: n Dwmx. n Hnr‘ho, n \\im Inul. nnt mnm' y. 'l9 HH- 'mlpilai 04' Mnx ‘IL‘JW’. fiuhtih: n‘vw '- '\\‘.-y,4m:lkin,-: Mn vhm ']mnnruhh- l-ozwo. w,“ “111]: In Miami-I‘m ( Man-s in (wu fir lin-my Mil-m) mm infnrnw-l l IHDW‘UU mm], and tn-tl. ‘h I‘. wav‘fhmmz‘: m.” one million. 'llu \\'nsl uwl lu'n ll|l|idi~tjlfl||ll [Huh—"lt’d JPN. Mill (0; 1y :1 \‘eérr :In-l_ | [MI] . rnhn‘viy wa‘w‘n hn-I I Iva: follnw citli n~. \ ‘m hr n! H ex mulcl lm «alcht-r. lhi< 'uuwmlu | 0m qlh-r the sn-mlwll umh-rumk :m :uivm- ‘ hH-r‘ than 11m \‘vm' mu ulvlfugy. "P Wu I ~la'lvn.’ ulmu‘ nn .u-nu‘ vmumy \\'h'ohJWva I )~ all“ shnwvz Hint 313$ n-udy than hecwruntitl Chan-"IA ('ms and !/ Almlilinn pro“ have ‘ m'm‘o limo psM‘. \\'lm (”aeé's 9,l“!an mcnt nl'l tipulion Prmlmnnlion tln-re muxt be some llfih it win a willful fal polilical Pfi'erl. but. I w.» muld not deny |- 15%.}nwevor, 00mm nld {Efilenlh and 39“.] flat donial.‘ The snu ‘ nnly fine»: not inflow but declares lhnt. “t the Exe’cuuve. under‘ dbcree the emancipn mum! there is nnl. a‘l know it as well as th have persuadpd the l nlmvo the Constitutio wicked enough to pln tllém. , . Darth qfa natal Sprn [alum—Tho 11911“! of Baron John B. Stninh-mer‘atm. Louis re calls to mind his form r career in tbia part. of the .coiuitry. where hr must be remem f[aeriid as one of the boldeat. operators and most hospitable of me‘q. ‘At one time he joined Nicholas Biddle 1n 3 cotton specula tion‘in which they cle‘rred $3,090,000. Af torwnnle‘ he Vn'tlempt ,d to, buy up. all the beef in the country and monopolizp the mar ket. but was defeated by the New York and Philadelphia dealers. and he was ruined.— 119 then. went. to California. and after ex peripncing the various tortphes of a. large‘ speculator. he becamei‘réduced andwent. to St. Louis at. the time Fremont “rived, be ing sent by a party of beef contractors at $2OO per month. In a short tirnc he was a bandonod. and he died in extreme indi gence. At one time he owned a large in terest. in the Biddle bank; ,and could check for $lOO,OOO at a time. He was a mart of noble character, stately mien and el eglnt bearingfliSun. The Mel (English) Nawr—A London correspondent, writing Sept. 23. says :—I wrote you, weeks ago, that the Confeder -9:93 were building and buying O navy here. ‘Ee two medable steamers which have V 1: out.‘ though not so powerful as they «are repmented. will lsoon be followed by H‘l‘our or five others. . Some of these are nuns, of great strength and pnwer,expressly built for the Confederates: the others are some of the fittest steamers that were ever built on the Clyde: Two or three months will _ see the Confederates in possession of not a. large butl a. very strong .nd efficient navy, for which the North mil do well to be pre pared. ' H‘The rebel steamer 290. or Alabanfa, u becoming quite mlorious for mischief and dnripp whaoteumship at Butch, reports the names of ten American fiends recently captured by {bu craft. m 1 3'72? *“v vygr— 75361—91 - -4- I J jAu .. “...—._....nawugg- -.. _ I'm mama—mum; Required—l - sham Bale. ’ Txmhm not to b! lOIMM' 'IN pursuance of sundry write of Venditioni :‘ The pnlitieul complexion oftho Lozkla— ' “Wm" ”’“ed m" ”r u” CW" °f an" ture is finall Ruled by the election of' Inna Plens'of Adnma count; i’qunnd to mo rtwo .Aholitiofiiuq to the House of Reprc- d‘lrecmd. will tie exposed to luhhc huh-v, It (be wntativm ‘from the Juninta. Snyder and Lawn, llionu’ 'r"¥6s'_¥sg‘;fgv on SAT: RDAY’ ' Union district. Until vesterdny morning 8'; 1:: ' gay; ‘1? m: f neatlfl-ifld)£: §Ksiielt confident. that Wharton. Democmtwgftfie ’,gz'. "‘ e o mung 0““ c ‘ “We" one of W Abolition commi“ A T’RACZI‘ or L \\'D situate in 5mm... «on i bl” 1‘ h” turned out otherwise, sf“! i township, Adams 3count)", Pm. on the State "'9 r‘eqret ‘0 flpnfmm‘c h” defeat by an ”3‘ Imad, adjoming lands of Dnmel Longenecker, 'algnlficqnt_mnjomy. seventeen. an reported John Gulden and John Yeagy, containing :5; ‘0 Ufi- fins result, settles the House at {if- ' Acres, more or less—about 5 acres in timber ‘ty-fpur Democrats, forty-six Abolitioniets, janrl about 2 acres in meldow~impmVCd with giving ut a. majority of eight; while the aTwo-story Frame Weatherhuarded DWEL 9cnnte stands thirteen Dnmocmis to twen- ‘ LING HOUSE, wood shed studied, well of ty Abolitionists..lonving hutona Democrat- , wnm near the door of the dwelling, Cellar iv m‘niority on joint, balloL—lf {here jg no lunder Stud HOUSC,DOnbI¢ FM! W'ealhé’rbuxu’d treachery, thii maioritynmeagre as itiu', .ed .3115“, “0K P 0“, indl FOUR]: OFChM‘d 0f will secure the election offl i'niwd States ”hm“? ”'1“ "99$ , Stiled 9nd 181““ in ”3‘ Senator in place of Bull] “'ilmot. whose ' cution as the groperty of Lnu CnoICI. term will expire on the 4th of Marci; next.; , . —: Auo ' . . We WI” not permit ourselves to ifrfiicilcwlte:l 30' l: A “FACT OF LAND- ““5".” defection on the part ofany member eleo- Exhaukn", towmlup, Adm" “mm," P'" “d’"”" ted as a Democrat. at a time like the pres- ['"filfinds‘zr'g’h" ”wrdom “m! 1.0"“ mend" eht, wlun unity ofaclion is no imporatively I“I he ll) ."nn ”Md’ .conmmmg 3 AU": required, and when sucllmomenwm come ' “1'” or gistllmprovedwuh'a one m"? u M" quem ~., depend-upon mm» on l mxwm°s§£fmirsti :23: £331.22; “'9 vote. “? 3'l“”.ka "9°" "“7 ""3"" ‘n*‘hnlf story Kitchen attache’d, Cellar under b" M ”“8 w the PMLY that. eiected hlm_: I said House. BakelOveu, Well of Wnter with ; “fa shall treat every one It: futhful. untlllpumr; in it, "a“; (lie door of the dwelling, mg!“ of spoutacyylmll lndlyate misplacedimncksmigh Sliopl_Rar-n, part log and pan CP"EJP“¢e—‘Wd IfWCh 3". time 9‘10““ M" I frame, Corn Crib, nnfl an Orchard with a va .rlVO.' nll‘we huge. 00 my XEL‘IT. would be bot-1 riety of choict frulttfieea. _ ‘rlny or two the new “)in paused through nnll find himwlf in ‘cceuor 6f the great 1: u the chief of his .to ”peat in writing d nrufly—Jhix supple ‘views," (duped ocm tlly dimrderml (1)!!!“- “ ppy and glorious U txtrnordinnry exigen fi‘emu to me Hm! I am in limiting the Pres n to one of the four :jninod: : and assume the new ‘ n party. Adapt the 1 proposed by Mr. Crit- J‘Convention, and my I ave no new came of I‘6 contrary. sn. mrly not of nll the Slums Tnkm oli’fmm the U equully benign men.- :i\'vlmhhnu.‘smtm W 1” I'llgnmmy Conlvdurnry; :, when ”iii city. Im- 'terfor the member who flinchps, or dod pr“. or goes directly over 10 the onnmy on the organization ofthe Home, the election ' of a. United States Senator, or any test (mew 't,ion that may arise. that he lu-d n millstone around his neck and were cast into the 50.1. 1 At this critical period, DemocrocpV expects every son whom ~he has honored‘to do his duty. and will visit with just retribution any one who shall prove lnithleas lo the {rust reposed in hi_m.—l’alriot (£- L/nioa. Wlmnghutién should be modest and reti ring; like the hunt, emotions extol-ted from it. an- uhynys ion forcible than those that. npriug Spout-mouly. - ,1 Cleaniio‘ the Blood.—With corrupt; dis or‘lcrml or vitintcl Blood, you mm! be sick q‘ll over. lt may burst out in‘ Pimplcs. or Son-‘l. or in some actiye disease, or ”it may men'l'.‘ keep you listless. deprrsged and good for nothing. But you cannot him» geml health while-your blood in iniunrr. ‘\yt-r's‘S-n’supn ilk} purge: nut time impurities nml stimulate; Hie orgzuu of life into vigoruus action, tenor.- ing lllr health and expelling discnse. ’ Hence it rapidly cures 21 variety of cmnplaintsv\\'lii\:h arr mum-(l by impurity of (liv- Moo-l, such as Srrnfuln or Kingi’ Evil, Tnnmrs.Ulcur.-x, Songs, ‘Eruplimls. l'implos. Blolclies, lluils, St. An llmny's l’irc, lime or ljlryaipelas. Tgncr or Snll. Rheum, Scald - llend, llingwufin, Cnncer or CAIH'OI‘OIN Tumors, Sore Eyes, Femnle Dis mwa 511le as llctc‘ntinn, lrn‘guluriggSumire4~ siun. \\'lxilce, Sivrility. Syphilii or Venercnl‘ 'lnscnirs. Liver Complaints and Heart. Diseasea.‘ Try “:lyor‘s Surlnpurillu," lLll! seu fur youriulf \ho sarpri~imr nl'tiVity with which it. clemucs the Mun-l anti ("m-I the 'ilJOl’llvri. , 'oign country. would lgmrisnn orut least room to prulecc the it"! (In fnrnign grmnh ,hwh Lln-Gnn-rnm-‘ut . nr 610 w Hur'h ports“ I Mmrkmle Lllbm. I; '13!"le Sum-q by in unbt thi< might in: mm by u yuu'n: :ml‘ at lh-sniern-HyT-lm' “mum-ml disciplined I w] l'ur ‘garrimns and l r numln-r by skirm-I u] Snulhem lavers.—— ’ and m-u’x-rl‘y‘on 11ml ghnul. hum-\w-r pet'-l wof the mvn'lvra i 'l(-¢l at [hat vnormnm ta llw Nut”: and, .q $250,001 whiny! «MPI; FAN-0n «la-vullnlm a "ugh! Inmermnny' , but to bu INN furl gnl‘l‘mlm, at. an ox n»! dulliu ‘nr flax“. fifi‘m ln‘l-xlni'rlwm, ’rnwclur or‘ an Elu-‘ “-.\)'Qr'§ (Hungry Peclornl " Is an} univermlly' knmtn m snrpai: I-n-xy other rempdy for the cure anlulngaFol-h. Inflm-nzu, llu'srsenc-ss, (‘r-vup, liq-uu-lnitis. Incipirnl (.‘unwmption, and for tho rélief of Conaumptivc I’Miehls in ad vunvc-I s‘a‘krs of the disease, 11ml it. “Is useless: hon- m n-rnunt the m‘i‘lcuce of its yirlucs.— TLO- \\'tiflll kHIIH‘i them. , “Ayl‘r's (‘ufh'utic PMS" fur (‘uflivezmum D} ~pcp>ifl. Indiumziun. I)_\'>cn(urv\’,_Foul Slum-f mh. Jmnuliccp Headache, Hmnl’mru. I’m-9.", Rhl-umutkm, Dropcy, Wurmx‘, nnd in elmrll'url all the purpnceinfn purgntive mé-Ji: inc. ! Wl’n-mlrcl by m. J. n. .\YER a on“! Lmvvll. Mn'es. Paws 25 Guns Hill Bux.—-» Fn'r: B aux ruwSl. ml Suites :—-“ “Hy [)HK‘P." In “{leo, \\' u rimn'Smrr [in'-fawn by A. D. BUEILLFII, nmlf dealt-rs everywhere] _ [.'mg. 3'02. 2m 3 ME (l'nf Mum-h. Imving ' n‘onmlmnn m M 1 v'lnyu lhv only man no wmlhl Imvv damn if h«- anxm'wl upon the ‘lt (‘.-dun: *t mu, he (mu-\L no! (in it;- ymmu g- nvml. “kn anmn: k l‘n-znnsn's Stomp is well wor th}- n \lisil.‘ll~t nt‘this time. We ‘ouhl whether, 0) en in our hrgcwt cities. 5: filic n. display of Slaves run he found. Tutir rage rhmn is full of Stun-s of cvvry pnt‘ém‘; also. every vu riuy‘of Hollow \\'xu'c7 Short-iron Were. Tin Ware, l’lnni-IH-d Ware, Japan \\'urc—cmbruc in:.‘z'|;n}h-cll,(:vcrgthiug in the house furnhbing line‘lhiv-sq, Snu'éilgc Fulton, S.xus.|gc Slum-Is, I-mrd l’rvsws, kin, kc. Thvy ure prepared to NH {\lmlusnlo nbthemil, Tm \\‘:lre mnl Sin-er inm§Wurre of thrir own nmnnfm-lnrc—keeping :\ suQiricn. numlvcr 0! hands m su‘aply'uny du-‘ man-1. Their nasnrtmenl 0F Lumber is véry huge; also (,‘unl ole-very kix’vl. n \\'ulhq Hull ho. an I». l‘nro. lIIII‘II-hm! n-n with M" .Ulll}' of It-llv-Il huulm nu the - null rnn'yn-rmz an lllmjnh‘ \\IIII {WWWM nmrurr HIP u‘f‘l‘vli'll pars. Jil'([hl‘ I‘l'ru lmt it would rwllllrc y}. wlu‘n we Ill‘t‘ only I]!!! uf “DIP. we have Mild (“at it wanhl li‘ny ’lnvllmm tn the an". whs-n «w are on- I through. that, John .9 hunch-ml llllulnll“.. uh lin-Ir eye> open, (bl-('Ilf’ll Ivy [hil grim! w I-iJu-Iml Upon» IO Slam-5. 'I‘IIIN' who he ’fl'nm'nivnt knr-w :lI’I Ivhmut. llc- was mu-mwt. (mm wait lII'II'M 'HH man, in a, "-1 tWI'EVI‘. R It the four time-w war»: a]- i‘lull'll.—v/I~fl:7.3011111". GETTYSBUIICu-SA'rmuul; Mu, Flour. 5 00 to O 25 lh'u Flour \\'hite \\ hon. “ml \thut Gum ...,.... [{3e.......... ():uns-s.l-....... Buckwhvat Movers-M}! ... Timoxny Seed Flu Seed..." Pluer 0! Pan: ........... ',lusu-r ground, per bag ‘ BALTNOIIE—Fmon’ LAM. ‘ F1nnr.....,,..................... ......... 6‘ 75 to 7 (H) Wheat 1 53 :01 as Ry 9.. .. 95 ‘0 1 o'6 "ntu.......... ...................-....... 74 lo 79 "Ma‘. 35 m 6'! Clover 5eed.......... ’6 00 m 6 12 Timuthy 5eed................... ..... 2 25 lo 2 50 it I‘rvirbnnnfl'an,—'l‘hc lmon circuluting. fnr Hit-y mil Gmerui :e Pre‘idc-nl'sEmnn “'o fr“ suw- that )iix‘ml‘e about. it. or ohond circulated for “vim! I'm m’ulmritv. - Tho Detroit Frre I to the rescue of the I the question by a Id old ngfirrat not. Bud Cnttle,‘per hdnd............. . 5 00 :9 9 00‘ Hows, per hund..,......... ......... 5 25 I: 6 00 Huy....r....................'...............18 00 1021 00 Whiékeym. .....................,. 39_10 40 Human, Peruvian, per 10n.._....... 80 00 Flour, from wagons"... .... .....‘.. ‘ 550 DO. from 5c0re5...”......2....... 6 L 0 Wheat.................................... 1 30 to l 40 C0rn....................................‘..» 62 Outs 65 Clover 5eed.................... ........ 5 00 Timothy 5eed.........’.................. 1 75 P1MtPr................................... ' 6 35; ; flu: prochlgnmiop. xere 1% no WPI‘ 1n the Cun~ti,tu(iion, to Inn of filuvoi." Of «1 the Abolitxonists L” ('mno‘ml. but they resident, that he is \ and hplis wmk or the usurper to please On the 19m Im. at m) Arendm-inc Luth‘. Parsonage, by the Rev. J. K. Miller, Mr. LEVI HEIGES to Miss KATE STUYER, both df Cushtown. ‘ ‘ I 0n the 14m inst. by the By. E. B. Wilsoq',‘ Mr. JACOB BEAMEIL of Adv-ms county, 1}) Miss MARY E. WILSON, ofCumbez-lnnd coup t), Pa. » ; 0n the 9th inst, by Rev. Frnnklid Gui-hurt, Rev. J. P. BWANGER, of the East. Balt. Con- Snare, in Miss HATTIB HUUSEL, of “mod, n. fl-Obitunry notic-Es exceeding six lines will hemltorbe chuged'at hnlfbnr nun] agi vertising nm for All éver that nun'xber df lines.“ 0n the 16th inch, Mn. POLLY, wife of David Little, of lonirjoy townthip, uged 70 years 9 months lld 15 days. At hrk, -on the 15th inn. Hrs. ,KATE HUKE, aged 91 yelrs 5 months and 14 days. _ On Tueldny morning last, (Jemiér 21st, VIRGINIA MYERS, youngest. daughter of David A. and France: G. Bnehler, of am place. aged 4 years 2 months and 3 days. _ 0n the 18th inst., MARTIN LUTHER, son of Mr. William Yentts, of Menallen township, aged 4 years 6 months and 15 days. I On the 23d in‘sL, in Heuallen township, ELIJAE ISAIAH. son of Wm. Yemts, nged ‘8 years 3month and 13 days. This is the third dzaih in Mr. Yentts’ lluuily during the hut two weeks, by diptheria. At Emmitsburg, ou‘the morning of the .Bth "ISL. after a short illness, of typhoid fever, Miss SALLIE A. KREBS, youngest daughter of lawn Krebs, of Winchester. Vn., but formerly oi Adams county, PIL, aged 20 years 8 months and 16 days. The Adams Dragoons 11,1. meet at Gettysburg, on SATURDAY NEXT, a: 10 o’clock, All, {or pmde. By urder of the Cuptuin. , ‘ ,7 - JAMES XICKLEY, 0. 5. Oct. I‘7. 1862. Speoial -' Notice-‘- I‘I'HE MARKETS. llAXOVER—Tuunsnujuu. 711SWLIE7:>. 331.7E03. No. 3: A m' 01' 0F hm). situate in said toinshiflanrfcduniy,’ ndjoinlng- lnnds of Philip Culthl‘ll at"! Wm. Geezer, and the old Berlin rand, chum niiig 20 A es, more or less, _uhonz l ncrgjn (Mir Ind the bnlnm‘o ‘fnrm land. Sexudi‘mfii ta in execution u the property ol'BllX'JAlm nguma. ' , i . Mao —— j . A LOT OF GROUND, situate in the town of Hampton, Repdiug lawn-hip Adums county, Pm. on the mist. aldeiorlhe lipnover and Cut lisle turnpifieg‘ bounded on thq north by lot. of Stephen Beimlrd, south by [mi of Dr. C. Blish's heirl, nnd wast. by mi alley, i proved with I two story Log Dwelliing H 0 SE, with cellaf. well of wnter lieu “widow of lhe dwelling, ‘nnd some fruit trees. Seited and‘; when in execn’. tion as the pnopeny {of Jami 1. Man: and Mnrnlm Muhuy. ‘ i i ,‘ l - [.BO - ' The interesj‘ in A LLT ()F GROUND, situate in the Borough of Gettysburg, Adams countv‘, Pm, on the «fest aid‘ of Washington street, ‘ hounded scutl} by lofof Jnm‘es Rouser. west by an aLley, and harthi by lot of John ”lculp, improved witflfio wo‘ story Frnme Weather“ honrdrd Dwelling ot'sn, with collar. well of water with n ohni pump in it, near the door? of the dwelling, from another-boarded Stnhie, Corn Crib, Fruit Tree , kc. Seized nnvl when in execution at the pr perty of Jens F. lion-l will. ‘ l 5 L3o 1 .\‘o. 1: A iTRM) or LAND, being the! mansion track} situnte‘ in Hnniilmnbnn town? ship. Ailnms dounty, lPa., adjoining hmds ofl Wm.‘(.‘ul’p, Jaqob Muéselmnn. John Valentine, Peter Brooks, nnd~othqrs,contniuing 150 Acres,', moré or less. lthmg. 100 Acres being cleared (irrm.lnnd,i(of‘whi h nbout 10 acres are men-g, dew.) the balance in timber, improved with "i, one nnil n hnlfl‘story’Log Dwelling HOUSE,” with a one-story Backihuilding attached, D_ou- " ble Log Barn, good airings of water nonfithéi door of the dwelling Saw Mill, with Middle, (‘reek running througn said tract; orchnt‘dJ with A variety of choide fruit trees. ' mo. 2: A TRACT [or notmnm LAND, situate in suidfiownsh and county, adjoining In‘pds of Ahmhlm Ree er, and others, contnin in}; 8 Acres, more or'lesa, of‘vyhich about 5 min are clear, ithe lmhincein tlmher. :No. 3: A TRACT QF TlMltpß-LAXD, situ ate in snid to‘wuzhip‘nmb county, adjoining lninils oi Davifl Stewairt, Lewip Bushman, and others, containing 75 {.tcres, more or lees, of pij’ne, poplar and (Ink timber. l ‘ 1x1). 4: A norm on “minus mm. 1 situate in soil [own-glut) nnd C may. ndjoiulng lnruls oi l‘m’iifi'llngselTnnn.anoh .\inuteluinu, ‘ \\‘.ui. Culp. nmf omm; omnlnin‘ing 21 Acres of ‘ Mitt-nut. lorus'. um‘i onk’timhel‘t. ‘ ‘ \iXo. :3: A TRACT UP MDIFNTAIN I..\ND,' situatein snid townrhi and county, adjoining! Innis of Joseph ,Sher , Juliuk‘Ynlcnline. n'nd, winners, contniliiug IS LAcres, , ore or less, of ellosuut, hickorytmd 01k tiuibbr. :No. a: A TRACT 0t? LAM). riinnte in mi? {Oi‘Vnshill and cpunly, ntjninin ‘ lumls of Jncob ‘ Allhwel'mnn, Ez‘rn Oylu , Fredgriclg Miller, and 1‘ unlit-I'2, containing 12] Acres, jmnre or less, (.liilulll 6' m-res‘ clenr, the bal‘ihn'e in timber.) , improved withl ‘a one land a it ilf story Stone i Dneiling liUIfSE, witli a one W“ n nnlf story Log lim-k-buihliugnttn lied,Log Smblck‘pring, House, with a good 8 nring ol‘iwatcr near the door of the dwelling ; orchard with n mriety otfchuiL-e fruit trcei. small strum of water 1 runs through said trncu ; i “no. 7: A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN LAvh'D, situate in Franklin toknship, Adams county, Pin, adjoining lunds 06.1 mm, Throne, George llnrtnmn, Peter Henry, ml at crs, containing T’Acrcs, more or lees, d good a nuttimber. XO. 8: A TRACT F .\IUUN’ MN 1..-2ND, situate in snid townshiinnd count} Kailjoining land; of George llurt_ an, Jeseph Drudorfl‘, and others, contitiuing 30 Acres, more or legs, ot‘pnod clicsnut timber; Seized and tufin in execution as the properfly oi \\’iuux lloLLlht.‘ ' SAblL'l-JL WOLF, Slimfi'. Sheriff's olfice, Gettysburg Oct. 27. '62“ MEE 1420 10 1 30 1 20 to 1k 25 - 62 5030 175:02010 , 14‘0 F 12": per cent. of the purclmse money u on’fill sales by the Sperlfl'mt‘mt be paid over immediately nhcr the p opprtygis struck down or, uPon failure to com‘pfy thorexh'm the proper ty mil in: again put up ‘or sale“. ' 7 00 Professibnal Card; HAVING associate-(with mvself Dr. N. a. - ‘ KEIRLE, of Baltimore. fam now pm purcd to attend to all‘c'nlls, at {any hour. that may be nude upon I: ‘ Dr..Kcirle 1553 been let one year Ciinicnl As ismm in the Balximore Infirmary. and for the year: t: Medical Resi ldent in the Baltimorg ”-ity and‘ County Alma‘ ‘bouse. and Heel free to recommend him m the confidence othe pnblict I hope, by strictm. telflion to business, to} merit gfor myself and nrtuer a continuance 30f the same patronage hich has so long bee} hccorficd to 1118 old once. A E. G. Ktxzm, u. li. ' Littleswwn, Oct. 27, 17863.‘ *m “i.“ _-_‘ , _- ~_ .. ___4.“_._——— _ , Dr. James Cross, CLBCTIC PHYSICIAN, ofl’prs his profes ‘sional services to the citixens of Getty;- burg" and vicinity. Hkvfig been Associated with Prof. Paine two years, and a graduate of theificlectic Medical Coiiege of Philadelphia, I ‘ynd'u'hrepnred to practicenn‘e reformed system of me icine. ’ “ Eclectic " menus tp choose or se lect. Hence we select the best, safest and most reiiable rgmedies from all other sectarian: medical schools, which have been recommend ed from the experience and sanctioned by prac tice or the hblest Ecucnc Pucnnosus, and discard those more injurious, such as antimony, arsenic, mercury, blue pill, blood letting. kc. Oflice ianaltimore street, opposite McCreury’s Ba’dier Shop. Volunteers" fumilibs intended free '0! charge. . , [oa. 27, 1332. Calleqtors,; ‘ AKE NOTICE—The Collectors of Taxes for 1861 and previaus years, in the difl‘cr em townships of Adams man”, are hereby notified that they will be required to settle up ~lheir Duplicates on or before the 17th day of NOVEMBER next, on which day the Commis sioners will meet at their office to give the ne cessary excuemtions, fic. The Collectors of the present yam- will he re quired to pay over to the County TrehsnreFall moniesAlhnt may be Acollecmd bfthe November Court. ‘ ‘ ~.. JAMES H. MARSHALL, WI: B. GARDNER, ‘ EPHRAIM MYERS, ‘ ' Commiuionm of Aduns county Auest—J. I. WALTEI, Clerk. Oct. 27,1862. :d :- , . ‘ : 'Sale Notes. - HE Notes given the undersigned, for prop erty pmchnsed at‘his sale, in February last, will come due on the 12th of November next, at which time-payment will be expected. If not paid promptly. interest. from the date of the Sales will be charged. The Notes are in the hands of ISAAC Bonuses, Esq., Fairfield, t 9 whom payment is to be made. GEORGE TATE. Oct. 27, 1862. 3: , ARPETS, CARPETS.-A‘ splendid In! of Curpetiqp-good and cheap—just opened a. [in Her Stored ! M. SPANG LEB. Dov7rcs, - A.150./W . . ~- ~-—--~———~-—~~ --- ‘5 g - »- -,-. rs :7 -,~«~-~-‘~ -~ i Proo .. . . on. I Destrabh Property i ~ A Vlluibh Pm WEBnnAS m Eon. Int 1- Fug-nu 1 PUBLIC SALE—On Show“, the} T‘PY'BL'C SALE—On SATURDAY. the Pregldem oftheeevr-lCoslmofLom-IA 15m clay of xovmann am. the suhw A inch day of Norman next, by order won .m'“ l" ”‘9 Counties ampoamg “'9 19“ Lumbar will ofl’er at Public Bali, on the premi- ‘ 0H e ‘Urphnn’s Court of Adam: county, the D‘S'v'lfly Bud “53‘“ of [he-(101"? 0’ 03'" “'d ‘ lel, A TRACT OF LAND.conu.iniug l 3 Acres, ‘ lubscriher, Admininrnlnr of Jouru RIDDLI- Terrain" Md '(xgnerul “‘1 DHIWYL ‘0? the litunted on the Toneytown roan. 2 miles from ‘ loBll,‘Sr., decent-d, “‘1” offer M Public Sale, trial ofnll tapltnl nod oth rofl'ehden in the Outphurg. in cumberlnnd to’wnshlp, Adams on the premises. lhu following Roi} Estate of «and district, and Dunn luau-n nod lsu‘c B. «onnty, adjoining “pd. of Gnorge muffler. ' mid decedent, viz: “I'll”. Esq., INK" 0‘ “19 Courts of ( 0|!" Sarah Panama and Michael Frey. e xm- A FAR)l.Aituntein Librriy townibip,Adams. non “98.5, and Josue“ 0" the'Conrt'l 0‘ “."ef prm‘emenu inc 1!. two-story Prune Walther. cn..Pu.,mljoininglnnds olJnrnb linker, Andrew. “N 79”““3” and peneml 4"“ D“"""."- ff" boarded HOUSE. Frame Darn, well offirs: raid Whitemeid Marlin, John \\'elrv, and otherw. the trial 01 all capital and other otfenilrrs m “m“- nttbe doormndyoongthrfring {mini-egg, containing .511 Acre<. more or loss. about 75 the County of .\llzuo's—hme issued their pre. Aboutl ""3 of ".,. laud ".913 wood. ' nrrt-s of which are cowl-pd “”1, fine Timber, ”in. hearing date hm 20th dny of ..Wgust m Penna. wishing to view ”,.{pmpefgy u, n‘, ‘ wnn about 40 acres 01 .\loadow. The Farm is the year ofour LORD one thousandtelghl hu'n- queued m “11 on Adam Boliinger,‘residingl in a good Rule of cultivation, (port baring dred. and sixty-two, and to me directed, tor ‘ thPTBOD. ' '1 . , ‘Lbeen lime¢l,) and under good fencing. It is one holdings Court ofCommon Pleas,lnd General At m. game time will b 9 "fiend; about c’oflhe very best Farms in that region. The Qflfiftcf 39551005 0‘ “‘l‘ P 98"; and 6‘11"“ Acres of WOODLAND, ndjmnigg the hbore. [improvements ore A large Two- Jnil‘Dellvery and Court ofui'cr and Termmer, Term: ”33—, Sale to commence .1] o‘clock, “my Double Duelling “01:53.1, :1 (gettyshurg, on Monday. the ”(A day offio: p_ u._ on mid day, when nugmcg will be Bonk Born, anon Shednnd Corn driver "9‘!— ‘ ' ' ‘ iron nnd tms nude known b ‘rib, l r c Ha Shed, Carri: 0 songs lS nsannr an 17. x to an m. s ‘ Jorge “153 m. ‘Honu. iii} Peril. Smoke Hm: wa- House 'Jlllllce§ ofthe Peace, the Coroner and Comm-l Oct. 27, 1352, u! ~ with (‘istern, LOG Tl-INANTHOL’SB, and other bleo wuhm the mud (our!!! of Adnms, thin -, buildin‘ s: o well of good water at the house ”’FY be then nnd ”NYC m ”1 {1" P 709" persons, nnd nn (her in tlfi: barn-rnrd both neverfnil with their Rolls, Records, [truisitionm Exum- in: wi h n pump in web: “‘3O thriving A 'e inntions,nnd other Romemb ncel,to do those Orelinr 3 of choice iruit wkh p“, gm, things which to their oflices #111! in thlt hehnli cherry “'d other fruit. The Form in ,',";l “A: “llllfllfliu W he douje, Md.“ 0, they W 319 will term], a d is in every respect A mail. delinble proucute against the [ma erl that are or propert ‘lhcn shall be in theiJnil aft 2 said County of _, n. . Adams, are to he \hfn n‘nd t ere to prosecute ed to' against. them Is lhn l bejnst. ; ”we“ antral. wow, Sherri, rd.“ Sherifl"! Office. Gettysbur ,} , ‘0" snid‘ , Oct. 20,48621 to I ‘ ‘ “mus, ‘ Jurors for Hover , Gap» Junx Hamilton—Martin petz, (l ‘ Bender. ‘ Union—Martin Grow). ‘ Tyrone—George Guise. ‘ Gettysburg—Nichol s Codori ‘ liountplensnnt—Dnniel an‘r ‘Mountjoy—P‘rnncis Ellison, . Franklin—John Colé, Albert Men‘ollen—Snmuel thls. ' Germnny—Abruhnuj Bnnlmrd Oxford—Joseph A.£’mith. Liberty—Peter Cm . Huntington—Ephrn Lease. Com-wago—l’utur N inlerer. _Remliug—hs‘rael Tio lle. Cumberlnud~Joseph Bailey. Stmbun—lsgmc .\lillqr, Hugh I llnm:ltouhnn—Willi‘nm Gdlp. Butler—John Brumu‘ ‘9 ‘ Freedom—Augustunf Hurltell. Berwick twp.-—Samjul Brown ~ Gm ,nu. Jcn Hamilton—John [)ellone. Mic Gettysburg—George? F. Knlh dlehort, Jacob Trdxel. Butler—Abraham Mien, Wil Elins (Lu-liner. Blountjoy—l’etL-r Bujhey, Joh Strnb‘nn—Dnnielbu y, Christ Wertz, of H. i .\lennlleng—Juhn Halflnn. ' Frnulilinl—Jmues Lifu, Alla Cuhhnlt" ‘ , . Conqwago—Joseph :lnnk. l Cumberlan—Chnrl s llerbsL,‘ Huntington—Amos hittlo, Joly; Freedom—William “iglmm; J 1 Union—Jacob Sterner, John C Oxford—Philip lleuiiler, Geori Sluglt‘. Mountpleasant—Frnncis M. bn-rt. [Alimony—Joseph Sri’yder, Mic nel Smmbnngh. Germmy—Johu Making, William Hun, John L. Fisher. ‘ g v 7 ‘ Beading—William SI llildebrqhd, John Nilch- mun. . i i ”horny—Jacob Kriei‘. Samuel Beard. , Humiltunlnm—B. J. Bcéd, J'okq‘n H. Hnumgtrd ncr, Daniel King. _‘ g TyIOYIFq‘P'IEB SlernLr, Andre‘r Brnme. "or“ ick urn—(Ecor’e Brnwn. licrwirk hon—Chutstosh, Michael Slrnhihgch Out. ‘3O, mu. , , ‘ ..v _ h“; .‘.-‘_..-.._._._‘_.. Stratton, yant ;&: 0033,. ' f. TATIUXAL co maucuix. COLLEGES, l' " Lou-ran H L ‘ 'r PHILADELPUI '. ‘ l' S. E. con. 7'“! no Cumlxr'r $l5. a "New Yurlfl‘lly, Bron lyn. Allmhyflmy, llufl'.llp, ' Detroit, ()lcwluml “Hangman“! St. Louis,: ‘ Book-lcepmz, l’i-nmamhip, Commercinlul :‘Al’ltllmt‘lit‘: Comnu-r ilul Law. Forms; Corru |f‘puudonce. km. practically muglu., , . i These Colleges being qnder (he same general~ and local nmnngemen. q‘nél nuilmgin each the [advantages of 111. 9 ’urjgrcnter fucililies for [imparting instruct] illlnu any other‘aimilur linatituiions in the ('0 mtryh I A Scholarship insu+d by a” (main goofin all Ifor nu unlimited limt. 4 4' ' A ~ ' r ' Tne Phillldrlphia College has been recently bnlnrgcd xnnll-remrni+liéd in a superior mnuner, find is now the lar st. lndfmuat prmperoua Commerriul Instituli nin the Suite. ' , i' Bryant 3; Stmno ‘a series oi Text Books, iembmciug Book-keeping, Commercial Arnh 'in£‘tic, null Commercihl Law, for sale, and sent I‘hy mml. ',- A , ' , wl’nr full [urtiéulnrs ssnd fur. a circulfir. ~‘ Oct. 20,186.}. 1", ' Nbtice; ‘ ACOB GARoxaqrs Emma—Loam of J mlministmtiono (he I:3th ofJncob (infid ucr, lgte of Huntingion lowuafip, Adams 00., deceased, hm'ing he ‘n grmm to the under s'igned. residingin lb shine towhship,lhcy here by give nqtice to M persons ipdebtcd to snid damn- :0 make imm 'dum payment, nnd those Having claims ngai st he same to present them properly nutheLiciled for settlement; 1 it)" ' :GARDXEHI, ”my; E. wmmux, , 7 Oct. 20,1802. 6;} f ‘ Adnum‘slraton. ~." .‘- _ #,-y____.._,.,_- __ I NDRm'v Titling-3% ESTATE—Lenard A testamentary I[m the estate of An drew Trimmer, lute M eindipg NHL, ,Adnms c‘onnly, deceased, hai’in pecn grumpd to the undersigned, resulink in the unpu- W'p.. she hereby. gives notice go all person! indebted tp said estate to nuke immediate anyway, find those hm‘ingcluims agni ‘9: the sun to present them properly nuthen‘tic ed for settlement to ‘ LYDYK RIMMER‘, Ez‘uulriz, Or to her Agent,Levi ébrqnist‘erfism, Humpion. Oct. 20; 1862. 6: a i ' ,~_____ ~,"_i_-;___4_,.___., 1862. Fall Hillinery. 1852. , ISB MtCREARY has just rommed from D the city and isinow opening}: urge and hrnutiful assortmendof ILLINERY ‘t FANCY GOUDS, of the htfit gylea, which the; in vites the Ladies to c ,I a d examine, confident that they will he pledsed ‘wilh hat-Lunatic". Oct. 20, 1862. mg - ‘ Elecéon. Bin qr Glmsubn,} ;oc‘obcr 18, 1861. OTICE is hereby ivqn to the Stockhqlden I of the Bank of getfisburg, that In {Elec non for Thirteen Dix-pct s. to germane-your. will be held a the making Home, on nox- DAY, the 1m: dny orxovaunm, 13.62. ‘ “WA gnnernl megting of the Stockhqlden whl take place It the Inge Lime“ ‘ ‘ Oct. 20,1861.- 1d Anctioneering. EORGE EPLEY napectfuny inform. the public that he continues the Auctionrer ing business. His chlrges ue nlwnyl moderate, and he never spares an effort to please. He hopes to merit and receive a. contluulqce of public pafi-onue. fie refers {OI3BM Robinson, Esq.,'ofFairfield, and Robert Marvin, of Get.- tysburg. who are authorized to make engage ments for him. His p 0“ ofice addren is Greenmount, Adnml comm, P 5. 0ct.20,1862.* _ ' A Chance for Drafted Hen. lEUT. KING, of Roberta’ Arfinery,‘ for Fortress Monroé. bl! received authority 10 enlist Drafted men. All who desire I. aplen did service end to secure their Bountywitb‘ $4O advance pay, hue now an opportunity. Aapply immediately. . [Oct. 20, 18 2. Nance ; S hereby given lb an pennns who fine taken Store-plates from the United Preg bytcrian Church erd to return them immedi sLely. . [Oct. 20, 1862. thice. E desire all ponom indebted w an to W on“ And mnhtnnlemem, buying nude 1 chmge in our annual- oldoing Maine". Oct. 28, 1881. PAHNBSI‘OCK BRO'S. IBRELLAS of fiver; vuiuy at . , ; Pmum's .., . _ M+-r_ ._..— ‘ Valuable Fagin AT PRIVATE SALE—The subscribers, Ex ecutor: of IJI’GH ELDERDJCE, deceased, offer at Private Sale, the ngfismtc of mid deceased, 311:, ,“r , A FARM, situate in Frederiri’caunty. Mary laud, lying on; the righ! of th mud leading fxom Emulitubhrg to Tnneytor one mile mud a half from Stl Joseph’s Sine 00d, and two mile- from l-Irumitsburg. ndjoiling lands of Solomon Krisei'Joahun Truxel, latched Allison um] olbén, 'cummumg 100 A¢lESHulore or less‘; about 18 Acres ofgood Tifiher upd :1 due proportion of meadow. . The irquoveulents are n 200 d LOG HOUSE, .tith “3an _m» End attached. la Double Log Wm, I HHS}: ‘ never-failing I: ll of water to ‘ vuiem m Hm building ,u good Apple Quinn], with u \gnriety clothe} Fruit Trees. J. , ‘ l’enous will log to View [liq property nre requeatvd 16 ml 1 on Robert Allilpn,“ n‘djniuing the property, liq-will also mug;- kqown clue terms of axle, ron either of l"e subscribe“, ‘Jumeu Sick-11cc ice, residing in urliale. (‘um berhnd countyil P 3,, or John C enter, resid ing on‘lhe Tur‘ pike lending frdm Gettysburg m (rt-mlmshurg, six mil" fr he former place. JANE-s Imam 1:105, ' . ~iuus CARPEngItu ‘ . Sept: 1, 1862. 8' - Emlon. ~ --——-—i¢¢ :‘ _. Valuable Real ’tats, ‘l' vamk SALE.—- i : “l ‘ No. l, GREEN-MOUNT mt. ndjnin ing the Borough of Gettysburg.’ utniniug 124 Acres‘ Londgubvl and luuilding: ed- ' ‘No. 2. CUMBERLAND FAR , fgur miles lourh of (lenyullurg, on the Ta ymwn rond', containing 138 icrel. Laud refgnoi] nnd‘thc buildings gnud.‘ ‘ . ‘ 1 . No. 3. A (MED GRIST MILL ill! ER mren ofiLand in Gorilmny fowualii“.{ j milefl from jittlestuwn. All in good ordo“ audlwill be held cheap}? . ‘ " Ii N 0.4. 'A OMMODIOI‘S BRI DWELLING HOFSE,‘ in the Borough of “ya urg, in oomph-m o‘rderq ‘ , All offivhich will he sold on n nmnlodnfing tchs. _ ': . (ii-MHARNQLD. (en sburg. . e L l 1862. IL . ”tion. -3 P .' . .. NW, 7.'_,_‘.- ber Term. _ esu D. Newman 'nndyke. Mberry: nel Bohri. ish, Dnu'id Ken- eu S. Ilasailton, Hnr'tmiu. Jr. n Thomu,John pawn, Philip David Shr'u'er ‘ Delnp. cob Alth‘ofl'. rumrine. . _e Sh;ne,Jac9b . . . Notlce. f“ -‘ DAMS c men: SSS—Ad n. orplmn's Court hél at Gettysburgd and for said con 13;, on the 22d 4} offieptem her A. D., 1862, h re the Hon. 'llullcrt J. Fisher. clidtnt, and Davy} Ziegler and I nc E. Wien ' ‘ ‘ mutt, Esqfi , AssocinmtJudges, duly " ufifiignbd, kc. On at ion of M. k W: .\h-(‘len-t. 155qu the t‘ourt gr I Rule up on the widow, Elf! and legftli ircrentntive! of Surat. MAC [.n’. flcceuach of Struban tounship, to \\‘i Catharine Mn klex, widow, Henry )tm-kley, linbotli )lnckle. Peter Muck ley. l‘hriuiun MM‘klt-y, and Muu‘ Jnne. inter mxtrried \\ith Christian Cashm: , chilllren‘of deranged“ to be and nppear n n.,(erhnn's Court to -he 'held at Gettyshu on the 3d MONDAY (11th day) of NON-11l ER next, A. D., lth'l. nnd accept, or refuse met-pt, the real estate at" sntl‘decedent, ut‘ét e tnluution. o'r shew can“ 1' y the said run state should not Inemild in use they or any then; should neglect or refuse to take or act: the same. ‘ By the Cuurt, ‘ JUHN’ RICH T’IZ, Clerk. ~ Per S. 11'. Etcno 2, Deputy. 0ct.6,18132. pt - Auditor's No ..9 lIE Andimr‘nppoiuted by a Court to T make qistrlbuti'on of the I'unds‘ in the hands of ltonnr‘MnUcnnv, SEQlfitfinloroflhe Gettysburg Rnilrnnd Company,t and nmonurt the parties entitled thereto, wi is". for that purpose at his oflire‘, in lashing, on \\‘EDSESl)A\’.‘the sth day of ? OVEMBER. 186:, nt 10 o'clock, A. 3L, of on Bay. \i'Eu-n and where all psi-ties interested myuppnnr. ' ' J. C. NEE Auditor, Oct. 6, 1862. 4t 1~I\Tot;1ce. 7 ”E nubsbrihor, having been T the Court of‘i.‘ man Ph qounty, Committée of”; person nddy, John M- sAxvsu Smuznxsnln, n annlc, prnship“ Adams county. hereby {0 all persons having claim: onde uid Sneeringer.) to worsen! the guhsrribei‘, residing riu Union léerlnl‘nt, and all pcrsuns iude ilumodiug paymgnl. ' “ ”USE-3H! 1.. suom Seyl.B,‘lBd‘3. 6t +~~¢ Notice. ‘ 4;; ‘ “1 BR \RD'S ESTATE—Loner: of ud- L unininrution‘l on the estate oflLevi Beard. lfm- u"_Fr_eedym _townehip. .§d§m:_l county. deceased, having been granted ( the under slglwfl;'.rcsi\li‘ng in the sumo wvnfihip, slu hen-liy gin-s potlce to a“ person iiu'q'nod to snijl cunt; to quake immedinfie if ymml. and thnse hzn'lng claim: inguinal the s a qto present them properly Ilr'thenticnted for -' "layout.” SARAH-M. BEARD,,I in’idQulru. Sept. 1, 1862. m . i ___, . .. -... ..w....___..i 1 - .— ‘gNotlc-e. , , , HE ADAMSCOL'STY TEAC .RS'JASSO. (31.113033 will hol-I its next; nnual [leu ing, 11! Petersburg. on the 2955, 11l and 319'. ol OCTOBER. All commmeei pointed at our but meeting mill be-qxpec: a to reporL and l fnllattendnnce of Tucher‘ is upected. A cordial Invitation in 1130 u dgd to all friends ofoducnion. The ojwni union will commence at 10 o'clock, on ,Lln h. _ By drder ot the Ex. _ amines. 001.6,1862. m ~ ’g: ‘ l . ~ Notice. I? ~ , ARRET BRINKEBHOFF’I Eg‘l‘j’lEl-Jgt ten telhmenmry on the cum}. of Guru Brinkerhofl', late of Swaban mph; Atlnml cn., deceased, having been granted 3 the under lignod,renlding inlhenmétuwnllaganlmyherp bygive no'ice to all péflonl lingual mid, "call: to talk: immedisu pnym , sniatlmc“ bnving claims agninst the umo ta Ewan (bun proporly numonti'cated lor ultle "nt. E JOHN G. BR!;€ERHC§FF, ? JACOB CASSAM, 5 Oct. 8, 1862. ‘5: :ffixecn‘orl. ._.... ._.._4__.._.__.__§h _~§.__.- ‘ Arch Street Camet ‘ ‘ WAREHOUSE.—ULDDEN m 2 mohair; No. 8321 Arch Street, than" below Ninth, PHILADELPHIA. Ire nq‘f nothing their FALL STUCK of Englilh aid Amnricun ‘ CARPETLV'GS, comprising all I“ new styles I of Velvet, Brands, Tnpenry, Bruin-14, Thru- ‘ ply, lngruinn nnd Yunilianl, will: a lplendid unonmenc of ; 01L CLOTHS, xi ‘ ‘ DRUGGETS, é V . ' HATS, tc. flu atte'ntlon of pnrchlun Quid other: in ca led to u: cumin-tion of the above. Al we buy Ind ull exclusively for ml: in: are pre pared to lell u small profits, 941 d hold out strong inducement: to CASH BUYERS. Oct. 10, 1882. 33: HE Ittention of the Ladies in respettfully invited to a huge and aplendgd unlonmen‘. o adios” flue Kid and lorwco BOOTS And SLIPPE Inning ‘ 'Len unfit,“ April 55‘. (‘3 P.’ migxmn's. OMESTICS, Tickingl, Checlja, Flinnell &c., chap at Fshnestocko’. We 111:: .190 n MUSLIN banded wnh our egn us a, to which we invite alpecinl ntuntiofit: u it Excel: by far, ml ever ofl'ered in this mérkfl {it tho Wk”- :L; 3 RUNKS Ind Olrpot Such ch ‘ at ‘ T , Igfimd'a LY SETS—a luperior nucné'nenl—i F ' I‘lcmm is. "ersons wishing to View it are requeat all on George Riddlemol¢r, residing nle In cmfimencc M l‘o'cllock,‘ P. XL. Ilny. when ntlendunce will hie giv'on and lado known by - - i " JUSBI‘H RIDDLEHOSSR, JR‘. 4 ‘ Admimurntor. ollrt—v-JOHI Rica mu, Cleqk. , not 101 d, the {arm will beillenled on ”y the ' He'- said dn Ucl. I Large Sale ,5 ~ .RSONAL PROPEIITY.—OnIWEDNES- Y. thy.- 291 h dayof ()CTOPER inst., tribe", Admlnistmtors of {the astute I n A. Mununm, decayed. yilll sell at 3. BIG, M the Inc residence of- paid de ‘in Hnmiltonbnt} township. Adlms he following highly valunbie Personal ,vn: '- . ‘ of won): HORSES. 5 vad crunch Iheml ollYouug (Mule. {Brood Sun; lock Ho'gs, 30 Shouts, 1 Brand-tread Il Nnrrowdreud Plantatinn \\'-man, I ~=e Wagon, l One-lmrse Wagon, Wond- IWagnn, l, ('vt‘lrl’l'nKP‘ (nonrly new) ‘2 'roecb-lmndi, 4 pair of Fr'pnt ‘Geara‘ Ir l’lmxgha, Shun-l l’luuszhl,‘ Harro'vu, I llnr Lfl'ldlrb, l Titrrehinz Machine, illl, Wihnowing Mill, 2 Grain Cmdlel. I'ma. Cow Ulla-inn, Fork: I‘nd Rakes, ovel, and all other artit-leslneoeunry Inn tlu- furmin'.r luminary} WHEAT. .\TS_Amd PUTA’I‘UEH. by the bttalxol; the 'tt'm; Rifle nnd Double-lm'rreled l ; let 0“ Lumhcr, «inkling of Plank, chnnllinz and Lnth; lot t)l,Cl|esnut ; not of lllv-ckflnilh Toolnflwith Bel ms! new: wifh a Huge lot lol' House- I itu’re,nnd other articles too! numerous I’"' I F P 0 the Inh of Tnox Public ceased. Ommly. i’ropert ’ 5 hen ,owsLßl i/hrge‘. lIL'OI, wo-hn +014: of air (it: 1' §flh§h¢x pair 0’ Grain DI Lng Ch (imiu S ‘ In rnrny‘ omm, ‘ my {9-1 Shot. Gu Bnnrdq. ; . hing!“ l “‘9. 1|! I Id [-er t) me NH 1. S on suit! 1 'lO In comment:- a! 9 n'clqck,.A. M.. ny, when untehdnnpe wiU be; given Ind .dc known by ~ . ring liiii James m MARSHALL, ‘ .Luuzs 314 mm“; x 862. ls 1 Aiminizlratin. Oct. 6 rphan’s Court Bale. : X pu I Cour . dmiuin (In; due wemisdfs VENUE lunnre nl nn unle’r of thelOrl-Vlmn'l l of Adams county. the subscriber, nuor uf thl-esme ul Wmuut sto-rz used; will offer av. Public Smile, on Ihn ! ou SATl'Rl)A\'.-lhc-81h a. y of NO - nut. the qulowing Rad's-mu»! Imd dove! x' A hm lashingl (x the b» ulh 3! "Inn’s Eel I‘UL'sl—Q. huge Firm Trees, nn' h'nl, \izn . , l 0? GROUND. innate. in South or) nrcc‘, ndjbiuing.l"rederxg‘}( Frenn'l rib. and bounded by nulligs on the d West, the Improve- ‘ n}; n Two-story "RICK \\'xth Buck-building, a 3 g 4: Shop. Stable,’h'ruil. ‘ l a first-rate We” of Water. Ii“ are re: rsons wishing to View chi fir‘oporty 1 "ml '0 MI! on the Administrator, "aiding . Gctlyslnlrg. ' , 9W5 le lo comifirnro nt 1‘ o’vloék, P. .\l., on [fill an}- ulwrl nuandnnce will be given nud llfrms mnde known by W : , , DAVID ZIE_CI:ER, ‘Adm‘r. nrl—lonx Ewnouz, Clerk. [662. ft! , H ' the C gun. G, anting Fruit Trees. sensor! {or transplanting Fruit Trees w at hand. I take this method to in ‘d cmlomers |an the public in gene h-n‘e on lumd, at my camblishment, Nurwries near tho York Sprin‘gs,) l to 10.000 very superior Apple Tree: ' ' Bth ‘A is n‘ fut-m my ML that (hainfiel from 8.00 ”run (I go! in height mints par 'Ypung 0 sim- they 5 year: growth and from 7‘lo ”feet mum! will mun this se’gson M‘ m \troe. Any person wishing #0 pliant n chhhl.’cnn have trees of my age or » my drain” or iftlnty wish to replace ngpoflmd by 2 o 3 Adams ml ute 13f (glowing!) v iteu} notice , andangninsl ‘ ’ and to the gwmhip, for _ all 10 nuke lNl'i wllirh lmve died in their ()rchgtrdl, they can be arrommodau-d with ow lung? tree: as ”icy may choose to plant. My usqflmewt of Arples is full. ' I also have Peach, anr, Plum, (' nerry. Apricots and Quince trees—4nd in 14- digith Sllgule Trees and Ever Green of vnrlo’ul Hulls. The xenon for planting gener’nlly com mpnces 9 ‘un alter the middle of Octa‘hu. ‘ ‘ 7 , WILLIAM WRIGHT. Id Nurseries, Uct. u,‘ 1862. ; 4': . -| re=c2 ,000 Male or Female 8| 1: max A m..| THh l'_\' .\Ew ml omnploml grave il n‘ i s Tn an”. mm'n's NEW STEEL TE I‘OI'NTY COLDREDEMAP OF I‘I‘ED STATES. upmmg, Aim ['\'SWl 3K.—From ‘recenti surveys. Aug. m, IM2: cos} Sgt-,o'po to en. :1 one s‘rflf'! time. I ", r to my $lO map 9+2! made by Co!- when. flu! sells «HUN; Joyr price of . ; 370,000’numes ureiengxavpd on thig 1 - , ; \/\‘ ‘ only n {‘mme .\ln hut it i! also I AND RAILRUAD I \P o! the United 1 (‘unudns comhfnen in 099. giving lAILROAD STATXLTX unmdisupcu’ Stun-ri-l tan or N filly cents map. , h is no ('orx'r')’ Sh tea rm 1;? :mn bét 'ecn. l 9e In; woman in ninn $1 to $5 per in take back All 111ng t'lmt cannot d refund the mom-3,. . ’ 7 i 8] worth' totry. ; ~ I lnuruetiour how to enamel well, all one Agentl. l I ' Wholesale Agentl‘ for nut laps in te. Celifornia. Candi, Engllnd, d Cuba. A fortune Iney‘bn made hundred dollars capital. Na Cum- J. T. LLOYD, No. 164 firondwny, New York. The W Deputment me our lap of Vie ;rinin. ll- lend, nnd Penuuylvnun, colt. $lOO,- 000. on hit-b is 'marked Antietam Creek. Shurpahurg. Hurylnnd Heights. Willinmeport Ferry, Rhoreru‘ille. Noland’l Ford, end I“ Olhrrl on the Potomac. and every other place in Maryland. Virginia, Ind Penneylnnil, or mpncy refunded. e _ ILLOYD‘S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAYO? KEN TUCKY, OHIO. INDIANA, and ILLINOIS, is the only authoriiy to:- Gen. Bncll end the Wur Department. Money refunded to Any one finding an array in it. Price 50 cents. From the Tribune, Aug. 3. “LLOTD‘S MAP OF VIRGINIA, MARY LAND AND PENNSYL\'ANIA.—The lip in very lnrge; its cast is but ‘25 C0u“,llld it lulu but which can Lepurrhuud." L‘l.oYl)‘S GREAT MAP OF THE MISSIS SIPPJ RIVER-from Actual Surveys by Cnpu. Nrt and Wm. Bowen, Miuiuippl River Pilots, of St. Louis, 310., shows every man's plnntatiOn null owner's name {mm St. Louis to Gulf of Mexico—l,3so miles—every Innd-bMJnlsnd. toga. 'nnding, and ell places 20 mile: buck frbm the river—calmed in counties Mid Staten. Price. $1 in sheets. $2, pocket form, nnd $1 50 on linen, with rollers. Randy Sept. 20. Nut Dena-run, if Wnshinqton, Sept. H, 1862. } J. T. LLnyn—Sir: Send me your Slap of the Mississippi River. with price per hundred copies. Rear-Admiral Churlos H. Dnvis,com mending the Mississippuqundron, u authoriz ed to purchase u may na are required for use of that ~qnndron. 1 GIDEON WELLES, Sec'y of the Nery. 1 Oct. 10,1882. mil-an , and I old 1' all ['o ‘r‘nmdl furnisheiil Wun'o every ‘ France 5‘ with nvie pailm. AlLOR.——Shop in the corner or the Square, at. tLe oh! place. Care will be taken to have All work done right. l'nrticnlu “union ‘pfid to cutting and repairing. 1 Oct. 5‘ 1362. s: , pm GROUND among "let-ted “a ground exprenly {or Dr. nonn'r 103- StR‘S New Drug Store. ' ‘ 1.. “._.. u “WW”? ‘r 1““ ‘ . z , .». A .1 $3.4 {"211-‘.,:u-‘ a 1: ‘ ~ '- VI: r; ‘ , 1862. t 5 Robert Martin, L .my run! OIIN FAREIRA. 1 J No. 718 Arch 5! bilov!“ fiightrht rloul aide. Phih‘sfielphi-Jm‘ porter nnd mnnufa lurer nf nnd doulvr all kinda 0" FAN“ FURS, fur Lndles' an Chddron's wear. Id sir? to any to n friends of Allnma um (he surrounding con lies that l hni'e no‘ in More, one of U lurgennnd most but!- lirul assortment: or 111 kinds and qnnlifln a! FANCY FERS, for Ladies' and Children's We", that “in be worn during this Full and Winter. My Furs were purch-nd in Europe. preview to the rise in Sterling Exdnnge. and the New Duty imposed on all Furs, imported line. lhl first of August. > _ I would also state, that an long u my itock lusts. I will odor it at price: proportion“ to what the goods cost me; but it will be impudw Me for me to Import and Manufacture nny more Fun, and sell them.“ the name prlcn.‘ owing to the unsettled state or the shin of the.Uonntry. -' H'llemcmber the name. number and "rest. JOHN PAREIRA, ‘ X 718 Arch Street, Philld'g. : Sept. 15, 1862. 5m ~ __ _t -. _ . -.‘_._» -__:____._.l.r Al Forward Movement. ' ma 811-165 mm: ox. a ‘ ; ‘mcmm INVCMNAND.’ I H'u'ing removal the hen'dqimrtcn o! my; Nothing Empnriu n From mx' nltl stnngl 39; Chfllhhur-hllr" amt-1 in’) RullLnuro “Lust, 1M 1M: dant‘ 7w mfn'n" 1mm»! ‘1 ZwulPr’sJ take! [sl-umun- m w u flu-nujn my “had: and thi§ publlc’gx-In'rnlly, that I am 'hctjcr prepared; than any; to nm-pmmodn‘te ”196} with evorfi' thing in My line.’ My room hus’ been p'nlnte‘: nnd handlomely pnpered. uud the‘reenm grin]? ofn plcndidauon‘mantof , a ‘ " ¢ “ gI'RJXG AN!) SUMMER CLOTHING : I 18621 HI “rue Luna-r snu- ron ll”? mnkéa it. emphgqicnlly the Cheap and Pub—g ‘ , ionable (‘iqthing Slun . 1 ~ . ‘ of Gcflyshurg. . .; In the; May-'1 Department will be foungl ‘1 most complete saknrtmem of ’_ 1 FINE} CLHTH COATS. f . BUSINESS cons, _ ‘ At 1 {ESTS AND PANTS, for 1 - g 1 spmmiwnsmmnn mmaf ‘ Qur Boys’ Deliarlmedt comprises every VM riely3of s‘lyles. Buys an be ‘rimmed outfrgq hgud to foot wnh suits complete and cheap; ‘ _jrvlgslau l-NG GOUDS,~' ~ ' _ such as « 3 I SHIRTS," ' ~ 7 ,; t CULLARS, _ J ‘ ‘ “.\xnxmrnrsrs, ‘ z { NEURTIES,‘ i g A GLOVES, l E '- HOSIERY, git/q 1 g All sélcrtcd with \llcgrcntest caye'nnd a d IQ ! the lowest. cash prices. We deem it unnefi‘auryl? to make any extra newspaper finnunh,‘beinf§ confihenthlmt n can wjll ntiuy all Man an! E goods aruijuat whng we recommend véem to bu : —well mndm of 20.031 material, and elm-pct 1' th the puma q'un‘lity of gnodl cgn likbough“ iannnm county. Tbif much [Will It], "In“: 1 \ illgua‘nmre to all- who mny/fqvor mo with I their patronage, cnut+ utisl'ncfion. u to qn‘l‘q 5 fly, fil'nn-l prim». ' E. B. PIGKING. ; ’April 23. 1862. ‘ g 7 --—‘——— -~—~——-———————-- - ——-—4 ,1 . DR. WM. B, HURD'S; ': DENTAL REMEDIES, ‘ RE my: 0351‘ IN THE WORLD, At manna t NE TEETH Ayn :} SWEET BREATH, . A. D C’I'RING ToomAan AN’D NEURALGIA. ’Do you wish :6 be hleued with and admired, for Fun” Winn nnd'Souml Teeth? Ul6 Dr. Wm. B. Eurd’s Unrivalled Tooth Powder-rwurmntcd free from acid, alknl!J or any injurious substance. Pnce 25 cents per béx. ‘ ' 'lG‘Bewm-c of the urdinnry cheap Tooth ! Powders. whicli whiten but destroy. ' ‘ ‘ Dnyou wish to be certain that your BREATH ‘ is puré, sweet, and ngreenble to hulhnnd or‘ wife, lon-i or friend? Use m. Hurd’fi Cal. 1‘ ébratzed Mouth Wash. Pliéefl'l cenu pet; bottle. I p. . This nuringonl wnnh is also the best remedy , in the wnrid fur Cunkh’, Bad Breath, Bleeding . Gums, Sore Mouth, etc. It. has cured hundredl. ; Do you or your‘children suffer from TOOTH: ACHB? bet Dr. Eurd’s Music TO9Ol - Drops. Price l 5 cents per bows. ,Are you afflicted with NEURALGIA? Ge! ; Dr. W. B. Hurd’s Nam-3.13m Pluto". The' most. effective and delightful remedy" known. ‘ ~ They dq nral‘ndhere uyr blister. but soothe Ind charm pnln sway. Try them. Price 19 ‘ and 31 can". MhHed on receipt of price. , Do you wish a. zomplolo net of DENTAL REMEDIES and n Trentlce on Preservln ; Tee!|l?- Get Dr. V 1 B. Eurd’s Danni: Treasury, the nes cpl and most mlunbld prosiu'. that one friend tun nuke to another‘ 3 Pride $l. ‘ Seyt by Expren oi receipt of prieé. 5 . Far 3 lo: I! the best. stores througlfiout the , confiryj ‘ « ‘ - Curlew—A: there are denier! who take Id- 3 vnntnge of our advertisements to impqse npoi 1 their custémers infprior preparation-5, i‘! In ne- ' cessnry Io insist, upon luring win". you cal! ' for, and you WiHJIRT flu lug, (horoughly' Muted, and prepared by an experienced anti Esacntific Dentist, Treasurer, of the New York I u- Deniist’a Asaoeinlion, and Vice Prufdeuv I of the New: York ony Dental Society. ‘ 7 Address ‘ ’ a . WM. ,fl. UL’RD k (70., New York. [‘, I|.ny 21,'18'J.’..1 Dec. 2. I, ‘1 Gram dz Grocery Warehouse. j: RAMTE STATII).\'.—The qndusigncd hal‘ G lea'sgd Kmx‘s \Vualmuse. “Gr-luau Sup ‘ tum, on the (leuyzthum Railroad, where he il , now engaged in the GRAIN; PRODUCE nnfl 1, GROCERY business op a large M3lllB. lie ‘ pays the highest. market pricegjor Wheat, Bye,’ ' Gum, Oats, Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, 1c" find sells Gruccrien of 111 kind:, at the Iowa“; 3 livinrprufils. _ < , Give him a. c3ll. ~No efl'ofi spared to rend“, ‘ satisfaction? ' PHILgl’ HASN. Sept. 1,1802. "am " - 1n Fang-tn Street Carpet 83“” j l 0. ~'l' more Chesnul urn-t. Phil lphimi l [elicit M: examination 01 the~ price: end‘ quality army Luge and well selected STOCK ' UF CARPEI‘ISGS, all of the‘newen nylon uul‘ l manufuctured of the be". maturing; Bruuell, 3-ply—lngruin end Venetian Curpetingl.—, Druggeul'J-‘loor Oil Clulhl, in‘« very width. , . Rug; List and Cottage Carpeting—together with a. large stock of “1? DOW SllADrA‘l,’of the newest and 11:“)le en. pnucrnl. which , wul be rm low.» J. ‘l‘ DELAURUIX, , Sepzii, 1862. am AWmh 4th St. ‘ Dlssolqtlon ' 3 ‘ F PARINEILSHIP.-—Tbe partn‘ershlp hero. tafure exming between me undenigned, in we pranrlice or Medicine, bu um ally been" dissolved. The books ol the firm will helonn-I‘ [ in the ponies-ion or Dr. Charles Homer, value; will routinue the prlaclice. ' “Office one door .I!in the Drug Store 0! Dr. 11. Homer. CHARLES IIUILVER, ‘ ROBERT BURNER. ‘ April 1,1862. ' ._l ._.._H,_ ___ WV, ‘ Latest from New Orleans. K UST "coin-d and for ule It (‘ODORI 8“ J (HLLESPIB’S a large sud excelfent supply. ( ofOrlenm Sugar Ind Molasses, wf'h a your 1 qunqtity and variet} of Sugars. v vlch we If!" f selling low—either wholmleurrmil, Syrup: of all kind: from 3' to 65 can? per gallon. _“ Sepf. 1, 1862. v! YSONS’ (my cent pictures In «emu T sealed. _ Tysons’ fifty centyictnres are‘vater proof. Tylona’ fifty can: pirtures an. entirely dnnbl ‘ . T’pons’ s!]; ram pic‘m‘fl are unsurpnnod. / Tysons' fifty cent pi lures are Ir-anled. - Tylons‘ fifty cent. Phylum) at: a; up in hm» or small cut-3.. [ 't. 21, 1831. 0 COUNTRY MERCHANTS —Thc linden», $7 signed hm E;=cucos and Perfilmcrien of' kinda, .:. nnoleule and retail, 3“ which by? in selling [Hy cheap {at cub. Call and oxo' win. them and mukeyoul’ selections. , June 30,1862. H. H. CARR, ms. ,4 OLLOCK'S LEVAIN—the we“ :3; Kuhn: baking powder in uaHt Dr. L‘ “'3 Drug Stun. J . «::-*é'vr =ES 1-i