The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 27, 1862, Image 1
Ternls. The Cairn.“ n publisbeci every Monday mornina, by HINKY J. Snau. u 51 75 per annum if paid strictly xx ”min-42 00 per nnngrn if not paid in advance. No subscription discoritinued, unless at the option of the puElisher, until all arrenrgea are Quid. . Anvnnrnsnxrfimeflmlnt the usualnk‘a. vJon Pumper. done with nenmoss and di<pntrh. Units in South Ihllimoro strrot. diréctly Qppoaite Wamplon' Tinning‘EMahlishmen? .—~“Coxrn.nn l’nn'rw,orrlr:" on the sign. PROPEBS’ZDNAL 33.9.33, - Edward B. Bushler. "_ ' é;"r'OR.\EY AT LAW, will faithfully and ~ promptly attend to all businessentruslcd 111. He spgsks the German langunge. Vane u! the sumo phcc, in South Bnltimore atrocz‘. non:- _l“orney’s drug store, and ncnrly' Opposite banner .4; Ziegler-'3 store. (:imwsburg,w Mural: 20. ‘ J. C. Neely, ‘ TTORXEY AT LAW. will attend to collec-I “A tlunb and all other business inlrusted to sl cure with proWess._—Ufllce in the S. E. corner of the Dlnmom ‘oni’merly occupied by Wm. B. .\(ck‘lcllnn. Esq.) . Getty «burg. Ayril 11, 1859.5 12' ' ___A J. < . ”«::. ‘ Wm; B. maplellan,’ TTORSBY‘AT LA \V.—Office in Weslllld; A ll“: streeti one door west: 01 the new Court House. ‘ Gettysburg. .\‘ov. H, 1859. , i Wm; A. Duncan, ITORNEY AT LA\\'.'——olfice in the North w‘cu comer “Centre Square, Gettysburg, ’n. . [UCL 3,1359. If A. J. Cover, "ORXEY AT LAW. \nllrpmmpfl‘y nuend - to [Tollcrliunqund u“ olln-r Inning-w: en ‘ruuml to him. ()lfirc between Falmcstocks’ and Daunrr & Zioglcr‘a Stores. linltimorv ant-ct. Gettysburg, Pal. , l [HopL 5, 1859. - D. McConaughy, TTORN BY .\'l‘ LUV, (‘olfigc one door was A of lhwhlcr's drug and book sturo,Chnm burubu'g strut-m .\T'ronsm' AM: SULH'ITOR run. I’A‘nnt rs no l'rzxslnss. Bounty Land Wur nnls, linuk—puy su<pr~ndod Chums, and all other clnim's agninsl the-Guwrnmom M Wuh lnz'on. D. (1,: nl")Am‘cricanUluilnsln Englnnd. Imm! \\':‘xrmnts located "ml wld.or buughl,nnd highesrprit-cs givvn. Agmna ongngad in In bnling Walrmnts in [nu-u, [Maui's and mhvr )‘wn-nletp Stutes WApply to him pol-solidly 'o’r hy letter. _ » ‘Uc-Ilnburg, .\‘uv. Zl_, ’53.‘ J. Lawrence Hill, M. D. .\8 his ofl'u-a one i a I'l door weal offlm ‘ ‘ ““gTJ Lutheran chum-l) in (Hnunlnerahurg urn-t. nn-l'oppmite Pit-kingb More. where those wishing :0 "RV? any Dentin! Opt-ration pm Munoxl llrl' réspcrtfully im HM I‘o ’c 111. Rununcns: |>r~. Humor. Ito». (‘. P. Kmuth, I). D , lhn’. H. L. R. uL'hor, D. D.,‘lL-V. Prof. M. Jncobs. l'rm, .\I. L. Starve“ ' ' (scm flung, April 11, 's3‘ . . - .. Bastress & ‘eters I)AY lhc highest cash pr ccs for ‘11” kinds of GRAIN, 1 ‘ FLOUR,‘ ‘ ‘ SEEDS. kc, m the “rickfiWm-clmnse in $9“ Uxforl‘. (.'- m mllv un Imus! :I lxt‘rge an: rt wnt 0! Cl: CE 'H-ZS. n! M h -lc-~:xl~- and r mi -2\lsu, Ll' BE :,«:->.\L,mx\.\'u,k’l,.\sn-,u,&c. . Alma, lac-z. Iy* ‘ ‘ Q Adams County [VTI'AI EXHET‘NSI'HANUHI:U\H'ASY.—r :Jnrn'H o .Llcnl—Murlll 15,1854. , OFFIL'FRS I’va/IrIII.—(h-(yr2c Swupe. l’vrr I‘z‘rmlml—S. K. Russell. ‘ N rrn'urL—U. .\. l‘»flvh‘(-l’.J “n. Trmwrur-‘rlnl-l .\lr'(‘rn-:nr_\'. ‘ I-Iznu’u'r Unrululll'l-n(fllcl‘l MCCIH‘IU', Jacob Killz. Andrew Hu-lnhzvhnun: ' "Int-(:rv—var'zo Swm-r-L [L A. “-IV‘III‘W‘. R. .\l'Luv-ly, JJUUII King, :\.ml‘lul7uhn:m. I). \ll - (re-:m. S. R. Rusw“. J'. B. 11.-11 h. Sum-Iv! I! Irhonu, H. G. l-‘l||m-<mrlk.\\'m. B. \\'il—ml. 11. .\ l'n'mug. \\'m. “HI-furl] lIL‘JHLII “'0!- 9 r-I, R. (L \lx-t‘rowrv.Jodin l’u'Ling, .\lu-IT. \\‘li'ht. J: In: (‘unniluzlrnlli~ Alnliel FILM“, LI mn ‘l. \lnrshull \l'. Hic u-Ihrr-Jér. 36‘ .i-x (‘nmpnuy I" II lute-l us ”5 onl-2hr B In to the counn of Addnfl. It has horn in fiil; \‘v:~l|ll‘ open-alum _lur mbro than six years, ME] in tlml ]I('~-iml lms Imin All lu-u-s mu] ox- Fl-nu~~‘.,¢_mllmulllnv/usvrrmcnl}hmingzvhnn large .surplus‘ capital in Hm Tr «surf. The (‘mn 'l"'”." cmplm‘Qßlo .\gunh ‘AH husim-s‘ l-nin: I"!I|l‘,l}" “w \l I‘l'l.’l§f~‘, whu no unnuully elm-l -0.1 In' Ilu- Slm-k'ml-h-H. 111) permit tic-Snug :le lumrluu- run :Iplll) [q mu of the Ihuve ..’nnu-I \lmm rd-re {m m: Xln ’3"an nmtiun, hf‘rho Executive I‘mnluH!L-I- find: .-I the (Hive ul the (‘u-npmn' vn 1M ”\\‘er-sdn’y _iu awry ngnut‘l. Al .’, P. .\LI ‘ 51"”. 2:, 1853. I \ ‘ .-» arm at. Work! K ‘lo.\(‘Yl\l\Rl.\'G AXD IH.URKQSH'I‘FHS'G (J —’|ll|§. un ler-igm-d rg=p¢ufully informs his firielnh and H 1» luuhlin-Illln he continues the Conchkamu anulr Ithdkslmtbinz business 'in every brunch at his cistxlitlislum-pt in Chum- Vrralmrr: Stu-9'. He has lon hand am! if”! mmnulai-lur‘oloorxlorull “Ads nH‘ARRIAGrIS, lilifillllfip‘, SLEIGHS, Spring \\'ugons, ML. ,of 1m- beat Inucl‘inl. and mndd by superior \\'o'k men. WRHPAIIHNW‘ nnd Bmcxsm'rmzm of all kiwuhfiuno ml rensonn‘ll'n- rate-l. promptly An I m the sutisfnrlion ul dustomvrs. ‘ (Yousnu‘ Pnoucv: mkelg lu exclmnge‘ for work at market. pr'u-qs. !- WWI-sons desiring unfit-leg orwork in the -Conch‘mnking or Blucksmithing line, are re lpeu-uully iuutcd tn 'rnll oh ‘ ' > ' , JUIIN I..}IIOLTZWORTH. j Gettysburg. Jan. 24. ’59.1 _ Something New ‘ X GETTYSTN'RQ—The undersigned informs I the citizens oftbe town’imd county, tlmt he in: cpmmgnced ‘th'e BAKING business“ on a flange scale, in York strectf (ieltyshurgfiieurly «opposite \\'Mfles‘s Hotel, where he will try to ‘dcecrve, am! hopes to rec-cilia a liheml patron age. BREAD. ROLLS, (I‘4 RES. CRACKERS, J’RE’I‘ZELS, km, kc..‘hukggl every day, (Sun .dnys excepted.) all of the beat quality. and sold at I“! lovmst living profliu Cracker-baking in all Its branches is largely carried oannd orders .10 an): amount, ffiom this and adjoinlng coun— fiGSysupplied ItJhe shortest. notice. llnvi‘fig erecled a large and commodioua bake-house and gained the best workmnq sud the most ap proved machinery, lie is prapnred to do a heavy. businesq. VALENTINE 'SAIIPEE ' A. Mathiot 8: Son’s . OFA AND FUBNITURE WAREROOSIS,N93. g 25 and 27 Nxfluy street, Baltimore, (near ‘nyette at..) extending from Guy to Frederick it.—-(he largest establishment ofthe kind in the Union:' Alva}! on hand a large assortment of 30(18me AND OFFICE FURNITURE, em brgcinp Bureaus, Bedsteads, \Vushsmnds. Wu rd ‘robes, lmrasses of lluslx,‘Gomm sud Hair- Spring Beds, SonTete-e-Tetea. Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, geres, Marble Tables, Se?- ‘ues, Rempdpn,nnd Upholstered Chairs, AS SOIITEDDOLOBS 0F COTTAGE FURNITURE, Wood _Glmlrs, Ullice Chairs, Barber Clmirs, Cribs and Cradles, Hut. links), Hull Furniture, 1;)"; It‘d Wfiluut-Frume Lookiu Glasses, Side- Jdl, Extension Tables, of every length. x'ersons disposed to purchase are muted to 3:111 and give our stock an examination, which {or vsriexy and qgmlizy of workmanship is not min-11334 by hay establishment in the :ouutry. A. MATHIOT t SON, ‘ Nos. 25 and 27 5. Guy street. .Aug. 6 1860. ’ Queensware. I? you want nnytfiing in tha‘QUEENSWARE line call It A. SCOTT g éQN’S, where you «ill fled the be“ alionmeqz in: town. ““15 “I 1883' ‘ ‘ Fhflmm Itptriu‘uémtht ’ ' J ”WWI; 1111131111 BY 11'. J. STAIILE 4513-11 Year- @ll2, film. THE BALIJVI‘ BOX. Freedom’s consecrated dowcr,‘ Cnnket of a priceless gem ! Noble: heriluge of power Than imp‘erinl diudem ! Corner none on which was reared Liberty’s tr'rumphal domeL When her g‘loriuuslfom nppeargd ‘ 'Midst our own green mountain home! Purchased by as noble blood A: in mortal weins‘ere run. _ By the toil of those' who stood At the aide of \\'nshington ;-'- By the hem-ls that. met. the foe On their native battle 1113‘“, Where the arm that deals ale blow Never needs to strike again! ‘ Where the crnvon flmt‘would dnrfl .\lnr it with polluted brealh ? . ‘ Fcnrned and cursed be his to ahnre ' TLe truitor‘s shame—the iruitor's death 7 Let his faithless hem be torn, ' From his' recrennt baiom riven, . And upon the whirlwind‘borne, To Lho'cnyfop birds’be éiveul ‘ Gunnl it, freeman l—gunrd _it we"! \ Spotless ”your maidens' fund! _ ‘ Never lqtyour’ childrer~ tell - ‘ Ofyour weakness—of yourahnme— Tlmt their {.llllch hnsely sold , ( .\Vlml. vms bought with bluod nnd toil, Thnl you barlerml right for gold,. ' Here on freedom": sacred soil! Let your and"; q'uem-luh-es e 3 9'. _, Fin-IL unening, slowplms, bright,- anqh when duugrr hove-rs nigh; From hisglufcy mmlntuin bright While the stripes and stars sh'ull wnvq U'rr thi: tronsurfl pure am! from The land's I’ullndium, i! slunll‘sm’e ’The home and shrine pl lilferty gi'goil‘limllmwnim. A LITTLE HERO Grace Greenwood writes the fnllowifw lit tio story—mid true one it i<--fnr the Lil/16 I‘xG/lim. n'chiid'x pupvr. f'ho gets the facts from an incident de~cribed in the Ilhrtford ,Dru'ly ’l‘um, mlnP yours ago. as‘having hap l-g-nbd in Unit's Mpudmvu: In th 9 city of Hnrturd, Conn. lives the ham ofthe true hi~tnrv I um nl.out tn re hyo—hut no lnngrr " littlr,” ne the periifius :uli’r'nture. whivh for the time. made him funom in his native town, happened several )0!“ 320. ()m- hem was then a bright active hay of H yeah—tho {inn Ufa merhzmio. in the sevvro \\intvr M l“—. the hither worked in a factory. about u‘miie mid nhalft'rom his hnnw. and ‘m'vry day the bny carried him hi~ dinner} across a wide piece of meadow innit. H . . (hm koenfl frmty day he found ”no snow nn thé‘nmudow nvnr‘ly two feet {IN-p, and nu "wk of the “(tie fontpnt‘h remaining.— Yet, he run on u.- ‘rfirst as fmwiHoj. piungnng through driffi. kéeping himself warm by the most vigorous exeruiw, and brave, clwvrfu! ”naught. ‘ \\'lwn in the midst ofthe meadow. full half» mile from nny hnum, he suddenly felt “himself going down. down. doun! lle liml lullt-n into the well! Hejunk down into the glark, icy wnter. lmt arose immcdi ntelv to the surface. There he mrasped 11.-1.1 ofapltmk which Im} mmflm lee wvll a: he went down. One end Eris-led on the bounm ot the well. while thebther rose about four feet above the surface of the» water. 'l‘hw [mar lml shamed for help till hv “as almpst helpless and Rpet’xtlllvs“. but all in win, an it was impossible for him to make Inimuelfheartlnt such utlistanca from any-1101158. So at last he concluded that. jf he was to be saved at all he must save-him self, nnd by": at (mm, as he .wus getting extremely cold in the mater} So he went to work. . : First he tlrpw himself up the plmk‘, and‘ ‘ bracing himself at. the top of itl andthe‘| wall of the well. which was built 'of brick," and had become quite smooth. Then he pulled off his coat, and tnkingout his pock- ‘ et knife he cut. ‘ofi‘ his boots that he might 1 work togrenter advantage. Then with his ‘ feet against. one side‘of the ~wall and his shoulder agaimit the other. he worked his ‘ wnv. up by the most fearful exertion. about half the distance from the‘top. Here he was obliged to pause, to take breath. and gather up his energies for the work yet be- 1 fore him. Far harder was it than all he ‘ had gone thro‘, for the side of the well from ‘ that point. we; completely covered with ice. i He must cut. with his knife grasping places ‘ tdr his fingers, slowly and carefully, all the ‘ wsy up. ' , ‘_ i It was almost a hopeleslA attempt, but it was all 'he could do. And here he lifted up his heart to God, ahd prayed fervently To; hlelp. fearing ihut he could“ never get out a. one. . Doubtlcss the Lord heard his voice from thfe deep. and pitied him. He wrought no muscle to Sm'e him, buthreathed into his heart a yet largér measure of calnTness ahd couragenstrengthening him to work for his own ehverance. r After this the little hero cut his way up inch by inch. His wet. stockings froze‘ to the ice and kept his feet fromslip ihg. but his shirt was almost torn from his £3ok. ere ‘he I‘EACth the top. He did reach itat. lust -cmwled into the snow. ~and lay down a. moment to rest, pantingyut his breath in little white clouds on Ihe‘clear. froaty air. He had been two hours and a half in the well! ’ His clothes soon froze to his body, but he no longer suffered with thecold, as full ofjoy and thankfulness, he ran to the fac tory where his father was waiting and won deang. . The poor man was obliged to go without his dinner that day, but you may be sure he cared little about that, while listening with tears in his eyes to the thrilling story his son had to relate to him.‘ He must have been very proud of his boy that! day, as be wrapped him in his warm overcoat to take him home Cb ‘ momer.’ And how that mother must have wept and smiled over her boy, and kissed him, Ind thanked the Lord for him. —- 4 ‘—o - .———-—-— “The Confedemte'fle tmerflumter wag at Gibraltar on the 27th ulf. -V . EEELLbEéfiLé’TLEE—E—EMLVELL—26L“L? TB TMENT—-PLANT Foi- how much mdg down the. fruit and i furm‘? Every‘owneri auni (far above the costi jug them. This proi tree \plunting will pa: more certain way to pricnf and saleablenet stocking it with trees. be derived from abu shad . the attractive the me. and itg goo fami y circle, these c in (l liars and cents. Nw ip the time to ahe this richly pay ingi veatment. Cm mehcein the vicinity of the dwelling. Th finches, cherries, and, other stone finit, nrl tendertrees, will he Better left until n xtrspring. For up hie?" pears. and deeid lou‘s sluide treea, the Mime is when the: mitt has nearly strip }ued‘ihem of lenves. ' he'y become wellset~ tied Fin their places (1 ring winter. end are read} to‘commehce wth when spring Opeh‘s. A few eelsenti lfpoints need atten tion: [in transplanting Large trees may be suco ssfully ‘planted yiusing extra care, but t, is generally; fa preferable to take that of only a few; eate’ growth. In a few were they will on ~tilip those of larger size. and be of better; s‘hépc. us they need littl pruning wlien r mdved. -" ‘ W on taking them; .‘use great care nnt to i 'ure'the roots. pd tiiciularlvthe smaller fibe ; thesexdravii m ta the nnurinhment take from the soul ll injured roots shou dbe pared; sm‘ ; they will then heal more quickly. ' qt better the soil is. mad before plant ing} t 3 trees. the more npee ly and thritity wi l the growth. It is en ential not ohly ti 3 h few feet immedi ate! ground the "‘o‘! he enriched, but that the whole ni-ea w re the roots are to exte ul >hnuhlbd in g’ ’ ‘ rendition. -Il'the location he wet, 51min n}:l mmt lie resorte-l to, oi“ all other htbor ‘ ilfl he mostly wasted; the trees will drzig on his on and profitless exis once. > i i \ _ ' M Re. the holes la ‘ e‘ nough to allow of spy-e ding their roots t i )9. full length, and lay qhem all out ‘in tit . d‘rection nt‘grnwlh. Set the trees at‘ the} vi e depth as they originally rew. t g i ‘ Ifjnn art-ind is to e t out. the follnw inn q‘imple contrivnnc s(ii- published from a former \'olume.) ‘will 'nh le 3 pei'mn tn set them in exact relive: fitii merely a strip of liharil. nhuut eigut t'eTl linhg. with fan open. in}: Tram one side i a; he centre, large nnotigh to admit any a- e to he plnnted, and mving also [1 ho eiizuy of an inch in dim! etur, nem- efich .1 It. iq used thus: 'J'he 'round hnvihg he 11 staked out in the mu manner, tine ' uni is' placed within ‘ the cntrep toning m r_ stake. Now in sert. wo small pihs in‘ th ground. through the penings in him 0 d; ud lift tin: that-Al, leuv “g the pins iin th firth; Next dig a. lml'e nnll ‘\vhen‘ co plotted. replace the .lmarl over the end p ns.’, The opening in the entire-shows the' xn tplnve the. stake. ocr'tiipictl. and the tru IkLl‘the tree. in'-in: intr «lured through t effiide opening. will he‘li-Id in the sume_ rim (I, while the, hole is h ng filled, thus gtiea‘tiy l'uuilitating the War“ ‘ ' {nay would you cut shade trees on your Will, in reply, name I. do! planting and mis w‘es conclusively that. 19v. We know of n ncrcase the marks? of a farml than by The satisfaction to .1 dimce 6f fruit. and esp, thereby given to ‘ influence upon the .Ihprdiy be estimated ' l . . l planting fruit: ti'eoi nearfihe tmusn‘fv I“ settingtfiem near fellces. I‘ll-side the ntation offered to‘cgtbcnmnd passers lle highway, mupl ; 1 it. will be last ‘by g and being hr ifqd upon thefenoe.‘ ugh places he 00 urged by tall-grdwin v I unus shade tre‘ys.‘ asfihe m‘nplo 'nfi ‘ Evergreen“: mm dome next. thenihfit ; near the linuseqx get-e they may b* lto the beatntlvan‘ a . bythc occupants mama = ; ;l t g ‘ I “THE MBA}? lama" ,4 ‘ notorious mmp‘tvq‘slbrnught not long before‘nn Ononirt Juntice cf the e. 'He was accusléd “ comp the strap L. " met a nutivel! hhe portly Justice“ 'ing to decide u‘hd'grs ndingly. request to cubrit to‘giv Ititn a sample of his ‘ l “ The party" l 'ntsmntly fist-minced :1 er strap, gaveiit; a scxentific wisk , ~u the bench. an lremarked: l 0,51 see, Judge,}}tldciqwar(er undelj the MlO Pea gum wis‘l‘ ed t‘ ski! ! leél I new ,tr► What)" inférrupfled I my ; “do you me‘a'n 1t arter there I" ‘3 ‘ int-win!” was‘thqgré i 0 such thingyghiéi i'l! ‘go you I dollaz‘ maoner. ‘ K 5 greed I" said thJ ith accustomed!“ was withdrawn; wh P :1 qu‘a ter! , I § “ ell,” said [he (a ‘ wdu dn’t have believ I wit my ow'n eyes! ‘Th Andiyou are fined fiué dal contrary to the slum iui and ‘provided !” 1 Tile elongated (‘o nk comfited gambler re‘l di: evidkn’ce to testify hi up} suck,” 4 ‘7 E ‘ tion a q IMO .l' ——“9”—“——“ 44‘ Good on:.—,A' phfaician was once called upo‘ri to tend ei- his Lrofessional and to the wifeof a recently married countryman‘ who by the way'wus little versed in the tech nical terms which are are used by we med ical 1 family. The Doctor having felt, the pulse and viewed the Mngue of the patient. together with sundryiolher Wise tricks pre ured a pla ster which he ordered the hus- Canal to lay upon the clie=t of his “better half," promising to call again on the follow ing day. He came, and after making the usual inquiries respecting his charge, ask ed if the plaster had been applied agrees» bly to his instructions. “Sir,” said the husband. with the utmost. graviiy conceivable, “my wife said she had noxazer, and thinking it would answerju’st. as well, I laid it on her TRUNK l” ‘ About this time we might. have been seen making tracks dbwu che road in a mar 05 laughter. ‘ Colm-inq.—When the farmer's wife wnnts to color a bright red,siie must wash heryarn clean and nice, and boil in strong alum water; then dry in the sun 3 day—but do not rinse it out. Then the next (‘1)! boil in good madder. soak over night; then dry it again, after which wash it, and you will haven brilliant red. When you want to color a bright green, you must boil in alum wamr. the same way. having it very clean; they boil in the kettle some good, strong black hickory bark and put in the yarn; then make (some blue dye in the usual way. from indigo and a small bit of mndder. fl'The woman who never interfered Vwibh her husbuqd’s attain, nmvel in town Hugh» any. Sh. in; an—o‘ld fluid. ‘ “nun: 13 lIGBTY‘JND wm. PIIYAIL." éETTYSBURG, PA-, MONDAY, OCT. 27, 186$. TEE NOBLE OLD “RESERVES." ,lt send? a thrill of pleasure through eirery loyal heart. in Pennsylvania to hear of the high praise béstmved upon the con dict of our gallant and now veteran Re -6 I've-‘,ln the victory of Middletown and the es of the South 'Mmmtain on theillth uc. They were wiJ‘h Hooker when bead v need mthesuppo of Reno.and tlzey,witll l ickett’s First Brigade. held the extreme r glut of the line. illere the fighting w s h-Itest, but. the linemovod steuuily onwai'll - ith «perfect and: unbroken from. An fe- witness, writing for the New York mm. says: ' I " The valor displayed on this occasion by It} Pennsylvania Reserves. an? the Cox- 5 rmefly under the¢ommand o ‘McDowcFlv ‘ deserving of thefhighest praise. Nofia raggler could be edit: on the field. Eve‘ry an was at his post. in line. They all seem ? determined to {vice backvllie enemy and ke possession of the mountains in spite ol ‘ y opposition tha} mighLbe pian-dfin ieir way. The line did not. give way for ‘ instant, but keyS moving forwm'q and ; ward, pouring v 0 1 ey after volley of mus “trv into the enemy's ranks, until at last, 9 Reb'els broke and 'ran precipitately to .e top of the mountain, thence down on P other side." :’ Thus has it alway‘F been with the noble vision oflr McCalL; ‘The Vbannexs which mt above-{hair thin; ranks will be coveied love:- with lettmsiofgold. ‘ - ——; —~ Jnoo—A-L A CUBIQUB STORY. The B mi: of Engia'nd, lay; an English pa -I'. pos<esses Fomo Isingulur traditiohs and [wriPnr-es. \Ve hénrd, the ‘other day, an wodote from an au lentic sourcemithnhgh rehited to shmeth ng that happened .1113- I years ago—befo o the life time ofwhe ‘eaent genertion. I'l‘hc directors received I anonymous. lettfr, stating thaz the'wri- Ir had the menus lof access to. heir bui ' n-room. They trgated ‘ the matter as n Imx, and took no~notice of the letter.— I more urgent. :lan specific letter failed I arouse them. Allength the w'ritor of ,red to meet .thpmiin the bullion room at.~ I any hour. The! then communicated ith their cnrrewomiont th'rough tho chan 11l be had indicated. appointing sonic I ark and midnight, hour" for the l‘P"dfiZ-‘ lus. A deputatinn irom the board. hm. rn in hand, repmrgd to the bullion room. Icketl them‘soivesin, and awaited the arri 1,l ofthe m'ysterious-Tcorrespondaut. Punc lnl to the hour. a Inoisa was helardbolow. I. me board; in the floor- were without. uch trouble (lisplat‘sednand in a few min- Igs the Guy Fuwkfl‘ps df the bunk stood |ithin the midst o~ Ithégstonished direc rs iv His know this igvlery simple and ruightforwm (1., Ah olddrain ran through e bullion room, tine (*xistonce of which I-d hficnnw knbjfigwito him, and by means "which he might lluve carried away enor nus sums“. Inquiry Ih'ilsJDfltie. Nothing I-d been abstracteélannd the directorsh arded the ingenuitiy Inf their unonymnm Il‘l‘PspOllllenL—fl wod‘dng man who had I\en mnplnyml in‘r‘épitiring the sewers—by I irerento't £BOO. 1 A Short Answrr.—+One bf ‘Eh’e enrolling, nv-almls. the otheridny, 'rH‘ ived a strong int from a «lown‘tbwn femake. Stopping‘ the lady’s house l¥e fou‘ ll her before her. )nr endenvnring [ChI efl'ecrwitb a vegetablel uokster n twenty pm- cént. abatement» in ‘ 1e price of u peck of tonmmes. , I “ Have you any man lmre. mn’um ?” The‘rr‘ply was grufiamvl curL—“ No.” - “ Have yo.) no husband; madam 7'” I. No.” 1 . ‘ The marshal hast'enod round {hp corner a didn’t. fgrtlner interrogate the lady. } WA Dutchmanglmking fora person by 191 mm? of Dunn. ‘,vho owed I'lin 3 “sung” } count,” mkml a Wm: near Sweeny's eating amp whey-,9 XO. 6% was, as he "wished (.0 nd Mr. Dunn.” [he wag paid him to no 5 Sweeny's and the first. pefso' M the first, Me was the .gcxxtl¢nlnn he win e'nquiring Ir. . : ‘ 1 The Dutrhmtm wbnt in, aboult. as slow as 'jncknss to a peck 10foats. and] the " first. entlemnn.”.‘hnppeped to be rid Irishman. - “ Are you Dunn I? said the Dutchman. " Done 1" my: Pat} “by my wul.l have up just commencfilfi” . ‘he dignifipd func - any that (hex-9J3 tile' Jufitir‘n. In it,” exclaimed Inch: . / ilnms the syfnp .0! there ‘wm the ‘ @ln the novel,of.“Muius,” by Victbf Ingo. there}: a sketch of n refbrmer who U his life hnd beep lunsuccessfullyjrying 10 do two things, anely, “to overturn the ovornmcnt, and to get his (rowers men ‘ ed_" 5 ¢ ished Shallow, “I It in hadn't seen We iffy’our dollar; Ilaral or gambling, Lsych cases made / ‘fi-It is buggrseéd that. India. who know ow to prewve evprything but. their [hem ers, might save evgn that on the belf'sgul g principle. “K the mouth of the yes -i tightly closed}? the repipe. f mnce of the dis‘ fed no additional 'precialion of “the I ,The “Ladies’ Union Relief Association” , ‘l' York Springsaud vicinity hare sent al In: of hospital supplies in Rylnnd Chapel l nd Grace Church Hospitals, containing he following articles: , 1 18 new shirts, 18 pair hose, 1?. wrap ers. 12 pair slippers, 12 sheets, 10- pillows, i 0 pillow slips, 24 toWels, ~12 pair draw- Irs, 12 new pocket-handkerchi‘eis, ‘l6 part- i - worn haudkerchicin,l2 brln bags, 83‘ olls bandages, 3 large pack lint, ; rolls linen closhs, 2 rolls . l . worn shirts, 6 comforts, l .1 nilt, 25 lbs. dried fruit, 15 qts. cherries, ‘ i can peaches.l can jam, 2 cans apple, Inner, lJnr Jelly, 1 glass Jelly. 3 pieces ‘ l .r. p, 1 pack tracts, lot of paper and cnvel~ .pes, magazines, etc. . They also sent October 9th, to the ad res} of Rev. Cleveland Cox, shree barrels -f hospital supplies, containing the fol owing: * 4 120 rolls bandages, 24 new shirts, 12 ‘orn shirts, 24 psir drawvrs, 8 wrappers, I 2 pair hose, 4 bundles muslin, 2 bundles 'nen, 4 packages lint, 24 towels, 12 Wash :loths, 12 sheets, 12‘ pillows, 12 pillow lips, 3 comforts, l quilt, 1 sand-bag, 14‘ -ran bags, 11 new hsndkerchiefs, 5 won: andkerchiefs, 3 psir slippers, 4 sacks ; '. aches, I suck apples, 2 sacks cherries, i sack nhortleberriei. 2 cans fruit, 4 pieces i" p, lot of track and sanguine; , 1==1:11 Purhnpq you lmy‘le a sén, ml’am?" “'9“, What of in‘?" I should like to§know where he is.” Well. he isn’t. hpre ” So I see. mn’nmi l‘my where is be ?"> In the Union afmy, witch: you ought to '4 . Communicate You: Sénmas, opt. 6gb, {862. {THE gum. Tha rollow‘ing is a managing: o} the men drafted in this county fed] , beforje last: ‘ BER WICK TWE: E Samuel Jacobs. EmanueV-Laucfimm. Wm. S. Lauchmnn, JacobfiKenn und, William Elder. Samuel Flemi , . FH- Shane'brouglu John Richter, guns Iml .apannn‘r, Nichols“ I Fnry. Null, Jacob Murkle. John‘lmhghma'n‘ Segright, George Bullet, _Amifiina W 4 BERWICK 39153 ‘ . Benj. 1“. K 0 er, Rudolph gown, 1 R, Pefl‘er, William C. Beck, '; case 4 William llnir. Emanuel R. W m. M Helm-l, Chm‘l s Dosh, Jolm L . WOll Collins—ll. ‘ l 5 ‘ BUTLER ’ . Amos Myers, Vll‘ David B: John Lower}. . :1 our. Michael‘ iller. Dnviu ,l ker. uenry Smhl, Ilenr Roll); Clmrle .‘ ”hurl." Zachariah GEE-inn. Miller ‘ nn, waph‘ Weible, Hon llnner, Nash (MJAmefi-l who; l-‘. Slaybuugh‘, Franklin Rico. nrliufio’verq Daniel Murch‘ Daniel Starry. lj‘homzu ’l‘.iy-, lor. Junieson‘ . yPrs, Gabriel Ilyers. fluent)?! Mowrw, 15ml Bricker. D.u;;el M Guns,. Moses CrumJl hn Sclilossrr.\ llinmzlrumd John M. Pei rs. David Mu nnelrflsanc 'l‘n'ystle. Jon-I‘ll allaneszaac Epyer. J eph I Len-w. Jmefi Fleck. Henry Q-um, aniell wan". Geolr ‘ Slinkely, Mm Ll vver. ‘ l .lolm Ornor. J mos Héller,Epl;}nim S umk. ‘ | John Casey, C rlstinn Keckler“ Isaac {oth, Snmuel-Cruni 5.‘ s f l ' . clmmEßLA‘vnfi i: I “'m. G. Black. John Cu‘rrenv , 'Samllol R. ; Mrnlliater, llénryJambsf-lohé W.l Hmfnn- I l gle, Daniel Fdrnev. Wm. M "9W; Clmrle-sl ;M. Gallagher, Willinm ‘_ Spa'gler. ;Jolm ‘ Munshower, ‘ Agnm Leihter, ‘ David H. l Beams. Augustus Crnvér, J ‘ Ii Padding. 'John Stahl; lJnmPs A. Weig rt, William l Currnns, John S. Form-y. Abraham Keck-l (11-3 r. John‘,N.‘scltzor. Peter GlosserJJohn‘ iStdub. Emanuel; Weigert, AER?” \Yisler, . Daivivl P. \Vpigért, laanc T. Sc river,-Wm. 1 H. SOnl’z‘, thn nunmmfl aim Socks,, I FrmlerickV Ihnkcy, Duvid B gy, Georgel Hurting—32. I l ' CONOWAGO. l * l , \\'illinm 11. Brogunior. Wfllinm Over baugh,William Menzes. Ma'miqsa. Ballinger, Peter Krichten, Patrick DruVer. Michael Sander‘ Jnhh Busheyy jr.. Eilgar L. Jen ‘ kina, John K‘eagzv. Henry Lillie. Jeremiah A. Anlubauzh, William Bullfimun, John Walkman. Frederick Bryer, 11' h Niederel‘. ‘Lewié llrmlv. Lewis McMw er. Vim‘enl Croninger, Vincent Ohnld, J ‘in Britoher. 1 John Kline‘s. .‘lmnuel Trans. A am MrKin; m'. Joseph lleugv. Junie] “1 FinkéElias Adann. .l'ncklmn Cromer, Dav l Luweenae. David Eline.‘mlum Roth. (‘ll rlos Dunner. Peter mister“ James Stone. fed llufus' , Kru‘g.3s. .. “ - l K i l i 1‘ FREE/lON. . l .' Lew-i: Rhmil‘ . Alexander lloél‘mnn, 'l‘harl ‘, déui S. 'l‘. min. James Reilydlnhn hum. ‘ Calvin P. Krill». Frnnoiq Cunnf gham‘ Xn- I ah Koontz. John IA. Bomgnrd or, Amlrew < Creaton, Ahrjnhmn Rhodes Th mas Av. Fur l gown; Isainh‘Urr. Simon Hald rnmnulumes Flenner, \Viil‘mm 11. H. Um mrfr. James Bnytl. Frederick Puffer. Jnh Ilnttbr<nxi,, ‘ David Byorfifißenja-min F. Flo le, William C. Scan, William Lvnn. Ahrafm Fliengle. 'Arjmna AppJ‘er. Gem-'26 Bnkl. Gr: ville ‘StultL Jru‘obl E Everhar't; J hn Bi ham. ,‘meph Ibmliev. Calvin lieu v. .lnm 'l'l._ l White, Daniel Beard. Auguflln llfgrlzel, [David Topper; Peter Cool, 'l‘h' mm: Sfmps, Dnvill Stewart, John Sha’nk,’ JJcobiwliy ._bright—w. "‘ - i ' - ,1; FRANKLIMi . « , James Stohkflnger. Snmu Cnrllaunll. Alfred GraceliWilliam 11. Adll 5. Jeremiah Burt. Amos lDeihl. Peter A: nm<. VJacob Oyh-r. Jumes‘?rr, Henry Shu’ ”John Butt, Jmeph Bakei , jr.. Wimm «Hahn. 3mm ‘Orner. Johnlfillossler,-Jnhn all, Gem-:10 { Hartman. Alifnham Stoqkslng‘ r. Joll‘n. Bu ker. John Rnfl‘enspelger, 'nlimn flmly, I Lewis 3mm. Vincent W lersrr Peter .Schloss'er, William McClixre.i;.;Jeyvis ill-nth, iSumuel Friqd, John J. .l'j-udy. liElih min) Lnlly, (flame Goy. Andnrv ll‘elnlzyl -1 man. John iYnhe, larael N‘yers.‘ 3300 b EPlanthrah mfl.|{itu< ll i kley, ' Atlnm Burheii, Lewis Curhuugl 'Lei‘i leigen I William linealel. Jacob Shelli} inn. niuel lMcKem-ick, eorge Kreinerd wh Mien: .rv. WilliamglL StoverVJacog‘ H.lPlank. : Victor K.’ McllhenTiy; CulebeyersQJohn Epley. Samuel Lawver, SamueljSLoeliilager. Levi Pitzer.-EliM Stpver,‘ Atpm Minter, Eli Géy'erl John \Vilson, Ada-“h Dcnfdnrfi, Andrew Frit‘z, Levi llummerjlharles Ilen wl. Benjamin Blubwgh. wmihm Slnmiker, William K. Shoemaker. Jacobpxickly pf D., rJGhn E. Hartman. Jeremiahgmmy, Levi IMinti-r. Alemnder Snyder. lfimc Bucher. .lnhn l’lnntz..Jacob Eichbltz. ‘. T. llflrtzel, Alexander Ogler, Joseph Leiv' —74. 4 ' i ("IRMA Nl'. :. D-w‘id Newman. Jacob C. Himpmrl, Al fred 11. Stwley. Thaddeus I ncherulmvi Fifllwr. David H. Wintrode, ward Slimrb. William MoSherry, George % ith. S mon Bittinger. Augustus Crdllfi?.lj ucoh Freei, Jumes H. Colrhouse. Christa iher W‘ «On, Levi King, William Keefer. Egjuh H n. James Adlesperger, John DJ' :4, Jere mh Eltz. Joseph‘Sponsler. John ddy, vid W. Sell, Sylvester Earner, l iah Mqing, James King William Morg n, Ep aim Wmlrode. William H. Keefer, Amos Cur ‘hnugh. James J. Smley. Pager Mo gun, Henry Sellers. Alonzo Sand' 9, Ahr‘ um Feeser, Jam 5 McSherry, Jehn Cosl‘hun, Georg» Shed; Isaac Stonesif‘ey, George W. Shull, Georg? Smnesil‘er. Raymond SiSeis, .E'nmnuel Fink, Ellederick Bur kover. iAlnos Kump,. Ephraim Harrier, Jacob Htmer, Amos Bittle, Oliver Staley. (2" rge P' but. tern. JeromP Lawrence, Henrfirnflflinmes H. Keefer, Andrew Kuhn, William Hull, Amos Smnesifer. John Crousé‘, Hem? Wil let. Joseph A. Crabbs, Edwmfll F. ioolz. JmephVFissel. Solomon Sellfili‘rancisffilme, Alexander Little, Levi Magnet, Henry Bung. Andrew Long—67. :- ~ HAMILTO.\'.§ ; \ Henry Klunk. Franklin We'llet, ijhns-l MoSherry, William Mens-‘zrger. Isaac Peter, Lewis Smrnbaugh, fimson Sliue, Pewr Hoover, Henry strenge, David H. Baker, Elijah Spangler, Abnrr S. Hilde brand. William Miller, Cornelius Slum, John Q. Schwartz, James Stalfb, John Rie gle, Henry Yn’he, jr.. Jesse ifipp. Henry KlinepetPr. Jacob Getz, Clarles Klunk, Nicholas Bupp, N. Staub. A.W,Storm, Levi Wehler, John Hartley, Sjunuel Hilde brand, Albert Singleeon, Déniel Sewers. Jolm Dubbs, Emanuel Rinehxjrt, Cornelius Brown. Andrew Dellone. Dufiel H. Klin gle. Daniel Banhlitz, Danielfirimmer, Jo. sephug Rieglo, Israel Stumbling), Georgia D.‘ Binder. Nathan Stambauglh’, enry Ben der. ~ John Gen. Abraham-Samara. George Nipkvy, Henry Hooter, Ilenng-y man «'47. K ”i: ' 1 I, 2. 11. i ;! flick rner. )nvid rJohn Mord avid sper, hnel J e‘r. } @llinmitein 'zke' L .5 . -. ..,.... .-..-- T ’ In way... 91. ‘E’AFA* , . , I .txJ . A A . M . .. , . TWO DOLLARS --YEAR I' l HAJIIL TOXBA .Y. thn Fry. Weslev Cunfmzm. Edward Rack». Jose-pl) Kint. John Bighnm, Gnorge Andrew. Jams: Mellhenny, William Hoke~ John Wagmnln. Benjamin J. Reed. Jump: Sandals. of A.._Eb‘enezer McGinlevLWesley Q. Kink. Willinm Sprenkle, in. Peter Sm hor. Cliarles anl.‘Nicholns Flangle, Wm. l . Dirkson, ”Henry Kaufman; Peter Ovvr oer, George Knulman, of L.. llenryi()vor-‘ ( ear, Andrew SandPrs, Solomon Smith, :mhue Hartman. John E. I’itzer, 'Elina men. John W. Kepperlv, William Lowe. olm )cllran. Ilirnm Eshelmnn, Edward ingle . Peter Baker. John Miller. Ezra clmughl'kn, John Smith. Wilhum Rent-tel, aniel lßénrhmf. Washington Pryor, flames . Newman. Mnddison Shinzlfllocker.Wm. eed;.loeeph Suvlor, Jumrs \\'ntmn.\\’illinm Bmith,l James Bighar‘n. William Shingle ltackrr Munnah Cnrbuugh, Frederick Pe l_ ra.‘ Aiira‘lmm Stnlov,.of L.. Jucoh IloudeJ Elm-11. pharlm J.‘ Sifton, Isaacillaefleigh, aniuh Kaufman-. 54. , - ‘ ‘ 1; : II UNTLYG'TOX. i i ‘ William Shull‘, (“HBO-E lixgglr. George W. IWiH-mnn‘, J amps Romy. Spenkm‘an Freon-r, {Men Spanglcr. (icon-gr A. Group. John J: Ilwrl,‘ Jacob kam,‘ Jumpgfirphhle, Amos lower {Joseph Ynhe. .\‘Mhun V. llé'rtmnn, . "mes? Dnvis of 81, WPhlt‘y C: 3859 mm. Villiuljrx ll.‘ 'l‘rilhiner. Henry J. Tmstle, . ames Gardner. Stewart‘Millet‘, John P. Bream Pt-tor Huv‘entick, Honr'y H. \Vipr: rim. I we W. Pearson” Jacob ROM-finer. .imrg W'. Day. Jacob Brelnm orJz. Duvid . :13]. A il‘ilfllas Leander Wiorman, William. I. “MM-Hezekiah Gulllvn. JameslgNmkle, mac 3. Homer. Alfrml Livinusloanndrew * . Billinger. Samuel l’lnnk. Isaac Thomas, . ohustipn Fickm. Jnmoi Thomm. Arthur lug-st; Alfred Crank, John l’tfiifl'er. Isaac '9nnnily, Cnorge Wimmd,‘Clmr 93 A. Pea ck. Waxliington S. Myerr. John Snyder, Georgelh‘. Ynho,.Jflvoh A. Gardner, Joseph Fitzgerrnld, lluwiml W. Group, Peter F. )olhoimqr. Churles Shenfi'ofr, John D. Duy, oremihh‘flheely. Cornelius BréamraAbra ham Mleala, $.11". Snyder; Jim-m: Shiyem ~58. ;- l ‘ 'LATIJIORfi. ‘. l Comping llurlnmnfilrfin ‘rist. Daniel Ar nold. .\hclmel Holliugcr, 110 er Myers, Duid F. Slit 11,: John Luthcry, Cl lialfillilel’ ,Wiley, Chlistian vCaufnmn. -ll.u’id .I-nlm‘rt, ”purge )_iyers, ucqu Shullz, Smn'ml llzumierl. John iichom Salmuel Albert, Gen 1w 1?. Leiastono, ddison W. Myers, Edwnrd lCriwfell, Juhn S. Cranial -r,Jnhn Albert, le'mnk in .\lt-en, Joseph 11. Fin-k ,DM'idHulemJ‘m ge Yémzy, Daniel Smith, ohn lloechsLqundi :s'chk'er. Hiram Mnneer Jénuthnmlhen‘nman John Hamilton, George 'nlith, Amos Plgfrs, icorge ”oiling", Li'mc ii?” ankliu‘ .\Zill I', N‘icholns N. Pusher Jn‘cub Hoechst, Mish cl J§¢obs. Philip \lgdl‘ev‘i Myers, Edwin] (.‘x mister, Elmmuul unhhiii Aiudrevfl‘l. Lerc‘v, iclmel Ebmsulet “'illiu Bock. ”unit-1 Huupcrt, .\ll're-i J._(iurd- Y‘Cl'l\vl linm Hnupert—H. ‘ I I_— ‘ LIBERTY; Lou-i {_ Br-nclmot‘, Augustus Little, Edwin .\lqlnllxi; lii-qrgr- Srll. 'l‘rimlnnr Reiiey. 11.-an- Ihin swim, thivpll nfiuugp‘r, Juan filrnytcr, limes J‘dnms, James H. Taylor, Adpm‘lllunm, Rubi .\. [innit-r. Edfifll'll Mclnliro. (inorgc Bler-l, l‘ cwi’a Bi|&§,John )lumulmnn of C.l.elxius lll,\\'iumr, .luhn Hunter. John Hl'nglc, Jesse Helm], MM: ‘llullinper, Puxtbn Reiluy, Wash ing‘mn. holn-r. [mm-1 «r. Lime. Robjmu. mu, smm. l . lflnhr, \\'illiuvn llnkpr. John B. Mus sollnun, John A. l’ellucurd, Jnhnston Stem, Flllinni.‘ihiuuledeukcr, Fink-i Bun; John BF" l§ig—-J. \ , . ‘ _, ':4 i ‘ JIIL‘NALLEN.‘ I ' llcnr '.\l. Tlrmm‘u. Samuel (‘riat, B. A. Wen iu-r. Ell ma \\"urg-n, .\mns FnhlJlimn-l Myers, mus 5 user, llcnj Imln llur-ly, Aaron Paxton; 111-.nry Epplemnn. Henry G. (lashmnn. Michael l'.‘l{icol Hunt Miller", John Thomas. Felix Ur m-r.(‘unuelxus Rico, Lewis Dull, David Noel, l-11l lliilcr, Wighington Harrison, Franklin “Winery .\brnhnrn \\‘:urcn, Jacob C. Smith, _lVilliMn 11l “elk-r, l‘hnrles'l). E. Cnok‘Josinh Wickershinn, Dnnirl J’C‘Cri. \\'illiam llippen steel. Henry K 4. Rex, Noah Snyder, George quh, Firnnklin Suwnrs, Jucoh Baum-r, Grunge \\'. Eldon. Elisha W. Button. E.‘ R. Eldon, _llt-nry Illrlmlcr, Henry billix, Aug‘us’lus Car. bungh, Hahn llnll‘iuan, EnOL-h Ruunnun, Jonn than Cline, Lulher H Cushzmn, Henry Cur ?augh, Patch (Drum—~4s: ~ , ‘, , MUL'X'IJOY. -‘ ' - finm ‘l D. Rock, llvnry M. Bishop, Wes lr‘v Ly n. Elmnnll Arnlz, Peter anronm, .\\}i‘hiiigtnn Keeffir. Ju~epll Orndorfi; Burn hnrt' , rownh‘ Dlvld Kyholtz. H‘vnry .‘ :bwartz. James \throde. Jnoob W. Rider. ilsu'gisnu Wilmn. Alfrcld llurnor. Isaac \\'. ‘lunki-y, Jnmos Spuultlmg. Abraham flir— er, Jacob l-‘nmey. Emnndel Fewer, Smith Em, (‘nrnelius Trmlle, :John A Kunlz, JJmeslprpcl'. Junta Spel,‘McA‘ll9n 8. Homer, Jueob Bowers. ‘Jncob E. King. rater l Bushev. Hugh G. Scott. llvnry Ilnche}. Edward Spangler. ‘Wesley Wintrode. John lodkey. Howard “'in, John A; Orn (lqrfi', ‘ohn L. Allison, Robert Newman, Levi . wanz, Christian Harman, David 1". Pe‘illen, John A. l'lnnkoy—Jl. , ' } MOTKVTPLEASJNT. Jnhu Iy. Axidlom Noel. Sum-l Limo. John I. Kuhn. 2 huim \\'ullh. \h illmln shealy. Levi Shack. Lune: (' Dun: . William Young, Georg. Glnlor. John Snub, Jul-o W, Nnrv, thr U fltnith. Samoa! Hang-n, Jncub Inn. Edward “(Sh-fly. [lle “unit". Jun-b (11-nun, Henry yawn-.... Sum. nun... Nail. nichml \\ulf, Jaguh Crugqrflunn Reba", Biuwueluinwr, Peter Miller, :uhn Cal-laugh. June’h bhulll. Jul”: 3. Eckenmle, flan yOlinur, I’elor “lullllu.l. Jnlm \ulu. George A “ci prx, Geprgo .\lyrn, Lplun F. furreu, Anthony Smith. t‘nncl- A Noel. Jowph J llemler. .‘muuel lllldt, Chulu Ora-lord. Jar-mint: Outer, Hnnnnul lluilmill, Duid Link, #:phr-im “11in, Juneph Surelyhumel Lilly. lamb l’nrr, aromiah Weaver, Juhn A. Arms. Dunll Shealy.Jnxnen Sinnll. John lin-nu. Dnnd B. amilh, John Karrignn, (hum Ken-l. 1M0}: Lairemo, John Waernl. Alfred Penn. Sebastian “our", “illiam F Kuhn. John J. (.'lapulla, Georg! Unlden. Rubens Lou. June Uiehl, “illinml’lrr, I‘nur K. Smith. imnlliu ll llngrnmn, Georg- Y. llomuln, Jouph Dedermnu. Anthony thllc. Gum-go T llr‘llllof. Henry any-. 14“. Alvxnnnlnr lunle, Emumrl Golden. John L Jyukiu. Ephriiu Miller, Bun ulA annw, Julm K Tunay-‘ia, OXFORD. Z Andrew Kefl'er, Samuel b‘lriislmugh, Franklin Mann), Franklin Gross, Henry J.‘ Lawrence, John Brahman, Charlcsthlliu, Chnrles Burns, Abraham Senfl, Jacob Beck, Elms Lingg, Pius Small,J:\cob llamm..luhu lilnir. Juhn Swneai fer, George Smith, Eli Kellenberger, Joseph \\’. Hendrix, Edmund C. Giu,John Conner, Jnmea Rubinnn, James Hare. Jonas \l'olfilosiuh Wol lord, Adum’ Wolf, Fruucls Klunk, Henry Sny der, James BrOWn, Solomon Brown,_ lleury Lingg, Jeremiah Small, Richurd Mummtrt, Henry Wiest, Josephus Roland. l’ius Sneerin for, Samuel .\lc'l‘nggnrl, Pius Little, Chriglian ‘K'olt, Jumei A. Luwrence, Joseph Miller, Al 'fid Huluel, Alamnder Schroeder, Aleander s.‘~Himes, Philip llemler, Jerome Sneeringer,’ Amos Medley—46. r ‘ ' READING. ' Solompn Miller, Levi Maul. Solomon Border, Sumuel March, Franklin Stoke, Robert M. Dix, llenry B. \\'aguer, Singleton Eichollz, Juhu H. Criewell, GPorge Phillips, Peter Hurunuu, Sol omon Mummcrt, Joseph Crouister, Daniel Marks, John A. Rummell, Zachariah Slough, Opus fliers. Len Laydom, Alfred .\lyers, Oliver Roland, Solomou, Spmgler, George H. Dui'erer, John Sewers, John Kopp, linrrison A. Hullmger, Channing Preking, Cornelia: Smith, Elna Wolfl Israel Stonesil‘er, Samuel H. quhinbsugh, Dnvid Philips, Samuel Ha laun, Josiah Bunkey. Henry A. Spangler, Tho mm SlevenS‘ John Wolf, Wuhington XI Bren imr, Henry l\. Buckumsler, Jacob A Croniucr. ll’ili'um A. Twat, Georg. llcihcs, (harp Al , 7 ._ .‘ a" . |..... W par-Nua- lie-vi Bush: .1 fa‘ W an I‘n n Mycrlfhhggk. C.\"h3|h[ Kdnm “’3', 'Grorgl Knuffnnn, Adam Miller, Petr! You. Low“ 3133“". Adam Myers, lichuel‘flell, Willi“! . “—37. ' ' hint-Whit nuke-r “ Ilnward, “‘nllhm 11. Hagan-n. David method. lulu-C. Ute-gar. bowl. clan. tun-at! huh-r John DOM-r, Sunni men, Henry LI“|O, Min-I W-‘ncr, Mum: Shall", Duid H-lu. Jacob u-llo'ny, Bury Slum-non, hen» mun, I‘d-mi 100 “1.0901. final-Inn. John F Fall]. (1:3 MIIFH no", Alb-:4. Jacob Bach-r, Hell}; I! 4». Wed" In”. I‘ll" beckon Jam: E Liull. Junk W. "ah. Dlvid Qumu. llonry whom. Jnhn W Stanly. Johl A. Yen”. H "Hun Touc, “ Hhun Thoma». Jnlm 11. (him. Georg. King. flunrv \\ art. Jam!» Son-n. Willi-m Cach mu. hun- l‘uuorm Jnctb Mum. Andrew l'unnrl, lillhm L Tlnumu.,\\|llmm .\l mnieu, Mun Curl, John 11. Retort. Duulul Stallnmixh, \Hllmu "main. Jun Bach", Wnllm- Unll-abur‘ "vary D. \\‘-an. Inderick Nonll. John H “Mull, Inna 11min. Luna Cdch'on. Jun!) I’. Thom-n, Jeronuuh Stu-fiver, Eln phqn Noel—6l, ’ , Andxow Bream, John Del-p, “.lhnm lmrhbcku‘. Wimun Bruin. Solomon burnerHMMkn “rum. John Wolll Samuel "nudolhell. Julm Enclmlu. Ila-b B. Bmugler. Henry Spungler. “Illmn Meckloy. Mun I. Cquk. Juhu M. Pulemurfl. “xlllnm Ihwm, Edith] Guchenour. William Spungler. Maury: "you. Land-u- J. "mu-H. Tlmnmn En hart, chub C rim-mum. I’hulp Cool]. Janey-la "an, lu-vi Uni-e, l'aur l’uldfor. Mll- Cumper. 'mrgo W. CUM Juub Hutu-n, km 110. ~ Dmid wicker—3o. ' . m. ‘ I\To.. 5.. Chri-nnn Wei-h. Junk Kala. William Beau-11. Ynlm- ‘ fine Slnwrl, luau: M. Manley, John HILL, Audruv 8011, tie-nan ’ 10. Publish-neuron D-nhl Pnlmu. Mnrnn Ileadngcr,.'umu Dru-l", Dmlel \l Uubrechl. Anthony \\‘. Kluuk, Mar-hm “muluub Enuduhn mu, 000 m ‘ W. Nun, \\illmm l‘nger.‘~.!r, \Vllling. flan. Maury Bnlhuget. Amul snugly, Jena Hilbaxl. ['rlu Yln‘lim, John udplnrt. l'luhp Slum-numb Rump, Story I). ' lauhurJ William l'mzrr, s|"an lrvm, Aupuull Mum. Mmlulphl Ulauwr. hum-u llobon. Velm- Ku-llu. Julm tug", ‘lleury llnll, Slulllll [hlehnrflofl'l ,awh ‘ Adam Hark“. Henry “mu-n Andnrv Uoricll. [MI . Steiner. Adam Mum. Anthnny‘Knlo. .|n||n :‘pmglvr,Juhn ‘ M. Znun, buluuwu bhuupcrl. Jacob Miller—lb. T _ . f THEY DIDN’T HAVE FAITH. ~ Oxphgus C. Kmr. the‘ corrqspondcnt of tho ‘ Neerurk .llrrrmy, illustrated the wnnt of {ni'h ‘ by the fnllouing stoiry: _‘ ' “1e wits u reuprctnhle family chnp who hut: formed is partnership with All his neighbor! fur ‘; the express purpuse ol‘twkinz entire Indie:- elusive chnrgc loeir business for them, and { evinced sun-h u. deci) inn-ms: in the mostprimta 2 affairs uf his fiiumls, thutnbsence did not. you. 'l quer theirlove for him. One Sunday than) l‘ was a city missionary in! the church he nttcn- ; dud, \vhn implored the ytid wd prayer: of the f congregatiun in bolu‘xli‘ of a poor but plnuq; .fu nil) \tho \\vrd blurring to dtuth .Afuund may it corner. h ' . I, “llcv any Iru-ta hm-u loft with your «uttering » fren?’ by; the respectable cliup. rising 111 hi! I fqu and punching hi; benevolL-ut chin thought.- ; lullv. - i “'ch," said the missionary, sadly. “wejrnt l than same lrm‘t‘ on the ‘imumrlmity of thd-l ygulf hut, humble to relate, Lch gained no f flesh by lllt‘ln.” _ ‘ g The respevlublc chap, ;wl;o wagn bllkfl' h] l pn‘tessiun, was much mated by this revclnth'm' l o' hmnn‘n depravity. and an)! be to n-bulJ-hen‘a { dcd chap in the néxt pew ;_ -,l , ' ‘ “Brown-r Jones,]uu must atle'nd to this Ind ‘i casein the morning. We must remember our I fellow-beings in affliction, Brother Junel‘— t Enrly to- morrofv'you mug: take some Uri-ad 1d the sulfering fa uily. "you have no bread in' a: your own, tome to my almp and I will sell you ll some for this clinritlible purpose." , ‘ ‘ Batik-other Jones proud to be n grievoul I buckslider. my buy, nnd‘ said he had nn en~_: gagelnent (0 go to Hobokcn on the morning in ‘ qt anion. ’ ‘ ~ J ‘ “V9ry m ll," gum the relpnclnhle chap in] questiotl when he heard this. “then I will Ar: 7 range ilin gnuther wny. Tell your starving} brothers and lisll-I’d m hm‘c luilh," an): he to :’ the missinnmy; in a heart felt. mannor, “and 3 they fill m he nod. even as um runng! led my ; 91d l‘rlelld Elljdh.” ' l _ So lhlc next day he called 11 "grating oftho ! hrelheru M) that {um} might he sun: 10 um ; sum-rink ones. nnd they used up the omin.- Ell-'1” ghsh langumu in irruyer to web an extent lb“ l wlwn Ile reqmcul‘ule 'chup topped MI nth thq 11 lent-(hymn, hn‘ hnd to introduce Rome lmlin} quotations. 'l‘hL-y had just finishcdlhis whim} work of 'lhrlminn hem-valence, when lhvflmll-j f, sionalry pn'm‘e lmlringln and says: ‘ .‘ l “ll's ‘nll'm‘cr; thnyru all dead; the In“: child Mutual to dnmh hulf nn‘lzunr mm." 1 ‘ The rupeuuhlc uhnp Muted nt’hlm nghut.‘ i and sum he: ‘ 1 g “Did you fell ”mm I!) have {ll5lll I", f : 'l'lm missiuuury r’ruchnl a peanut, and ilmn‘E says he; ‘ . ‘ ; “Verilig, l' (“.14 but lhéy anld (ht-y couldn't ‘ hn‘ve finish on nnply stomachs." ‘ ' z I The 'n-spectuble chul) puudurcd uuhilo mud 5 then swam-z ' l “Ifthgy didn't have faith. my Irena, the mat-5‘ { tar is'explnincgl. \\'é atfleusl: hhve dnne our I duty. \\'o hn'u pr syml for them, {rein-1,16% hate prziyodt‘nr Unplug." .3n_d the brethern w‘mh ‘\ home tollhcir dinner. ‘ ‘ ’ 1 ’ ' .» WA le‘ter from Chntn-shurg any! Mr.‘ 5 Smith Ihe cn§hier cf the Inmk, w“ in‘ ‘lhg J bank abdn! 6 o’clock of the evening the Rehab“: came there, attending to some business woman 5 mil with the inuil.ution,and in comp'any with I two of the bank clerkuk x ' Shortly afterwards. an ofiicer of NF] finof appearance and splendidlydressedenme up And I “kid him ifhe was eonnee‘ted with" the trunk; 1 lie amend new“ the cashier. He was then and l kt‘d it the gentlemen with lllm were connecting w-‘nh- the institution (nlluding to the twa’ 1 clerks.)i lien-plied in the nfllrmntire. The”? amt-er, whose manner throughput wu very pots lite and coneidernute, stated tlmtit would hq‘ necessary l'ortliim to examine the hank, and thaw niedintely stationed guards around it. ‘ ‘ 0n enterin‘g the institution. Mcompnnicd by , a gunrd land the cashier and 'clerke. he asked} it any ‘\'ulun‘vles were delimited there. Nr‘” Silrith said there had been, but hearing thanMi rebels were in the neighborhood. they had nlii been removed fmm thc‘town. The othcer thrill halted Mr. Smith it he knewwt'hn he was; on; being replied to in the negnuve, he said. “i tutti Pol, Butler, at South Carolina. i am in-trnc- g ted to make an emminntion of the hank, mull report to (ion Stuart mysuecen.” lTlu: guard: pieced over the bunk We're All South Carolina: troupe belonging to the Hampton Leginu.——- .j They were nil well dreaded, unugenerally ope a. king. fine lwking men. ; l Shortly uni-wards Cnl. Butler said: “1’ ans; demoed hetero comiuglthnt the money lnut all I bren reincgved, but in hcnr there are Joule] ggvernment securities '91!” in the hunk." Hot then asked for the key, which were reluclnnv.’ ‘ 1y delivered, and the wmimtiqn made was “I; I very slight Che Heller. All 'he doors were. u.‘ ‘ pened and Col. Butler merely limited in with. out making a vyy minute search. = in one pnrtion ot'the hank shouttwo hun dred dullurs 'n specie vnin digemerul, which i the colonel linseed. by, remarking that he ‘ «pultl not dihllll‘ll‘li. and that he lmd gnore th \n thnt in his punt-salon at the time. During the enumeration that ensued, and < throughout which the rebel eolunel‘mu yer;l nfinble and polite, he linked Mr. Smith if he w‘ea mnrried. Mr. Smith laid he mu end ht- U t‘imnted tint his family was elupe It hnnd.—-Q Col. llutler told ‘ him that his family Would not be harmed, nnd desired him to quiet the fears ofuny citizens he met with, end degirexl him to 1': port nuy misconduct ofth - troop: uni der his command. After some further convert nation the colunel left the bank. tQ-When Harpor'; Ferry wu nurren'lerad. the Rebels,ot course, took possession of all mogeahle progeny there. except the cloth. hag of the pnrollgad prisoners. The parollod 0 cars and men bcmg destitute of tram portation, Larmwed of Stonewall Jackson twenty-one wagons and toamt. only a few hours previously belonging to_Uncl(- Sam. The loan was accompanied with a utipulntiou that the wagon: and teams should be ro turned. 'l'hny will leave here today I'm-Genera! MQCIC-llnn‘s headquarters, whence they will be sent under flag of truce, to the xebél lines. , 0n the whqle. though ofcourse aocordin to rules, this uriken us a being I. very nova: wonhy proceeding. ‘ i Nrw Ema'.—- ane dollar billn, purporting, to be issued by the ‘Clinton Bank ofPeum‘ sylvania, ure in circulanon. The notes are' altered lrom the broken Clinton, Bank of Maryland. are wall engraved and have t‘ mill-old him on uppei‘ centre. Therein no‘ bank of that. name m Pennsylvania. 3mm mum be- dmned mm the unite, whu would you do '2" asked I: gaming“ 1g; bin loving spouu, lately. “Get 1 “but!“ " for you, "I happen,” nhefiwmd. Whom. the Lupin‘ot uouverutlon I.“ W ME “My. ' . ‘ , .t . x k l S’I‘RA BA .\'. 7'l“}? ONE. L'XID N. ID