The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 20, 1862, Image 3

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    fired ohm“ haw-M 7-o'eloek. The citi
zens of the town were nthered together st
dim-rent pointt, and. (Scourge, had to en
dure the mortiflmtlon ot'betng passive in -
tutor; of the seem. Some few strngglihcg
soldier: Were in the town at the time the
rebels entered, but either remained con
cealed or mule good their escape toward:
Shippensburg or HarriAburg.
rm: 39cm: To)’lKtlL\'L\. *'
The following is one’ot the " Associated
Press" dtfipmrhm:
Naomi-1:. Untoher 11. 12 311—4 regret_ to
inform you that my surmise hit evening
of the Mcape of the rebel; acrrm the Poto
mnc. without any net-ion»: interference by
the Federal forcefi. is fully confirmed.—
They nt fir“ nttemptt’t‘l to crou at Nolan’s
«Ford, which is directly at the mouth of Mo
noucy river. They were driven from this
point by the rhells of our tomes stationed
ethere. and gave up the attempt without
much _oppmition. as the road we: _open to
'0? ’ cm to reach the lower fords at Conrad's
L. J! Eduards’ ferries. which are nearly op-
Ronite Leesburg. After being driven from
.'olnn’l ford. they divided and crossed the
river ‘nt difl'erent pnints‘, but principally at
I‘mmud’l ferry, which is fully aix miles be
low the mouth of the Monocwcy, and not
~ fur from Ponlesville, in Montgomery coun
tv. This in the principul ford by wind!
Gong. Lee and .lncluon made the crossing
with the rebel army.
fl‘he farmers taken rinonern at Mercen
hurg, Pa.. were parolotrhy the rehelq at the
river. ’They arrived here this morning.—
They report that Gen. Stunt-t and Gen.
llnlnptnn were both Wl”) the expedition.
’l'he cnvnlry eon-tidbit of (letnchments from
Virginia and South Carolina. regiments.
They Neized no linr-teq in Maryland. but
Iwept the portionsl of Penmylvania through
a winch they finned of every horse worth
taking. Mr. Clark's nengaper express
man was en tured liy-them. ut escaped af
ter they hag crowed the river.
All is quiet here this morning, after a
day ofexcitement yeutortluy. Much mor
tifimtion is expressed in military circles at
the failure. to intercept the daring marau
don. The importnnr-o nfpmtmting Frede
rick and the Monmnt-y Junction and bridge,
with millinm of government property”
xhowever. rmcenxitated the maming of a huge ‘
' force at those pointd. 833". daubflm, rnqui
‘ red all the nvntlahle troops. Gen. Pleasan
lon, with hi- cnvalry and artillery. traveled ‘
72 miles in 24 hours, in pursuit of them.
.-JRRIVAI. or A Must. rxlmxu—mnwa or
‘ noun Axn rnuvmoss 1'"le OBJECT.
- Ifgrr‘t’shiml )ct.l‘.’.-'i‘hv rebel primner (Ip
tured yesterday at New Salem arrived here
this afternoon. “is mime in Chander. 01'
‘the Fin-i Virginia Cuvalry. and he is the
oniy bite of {he invading pal-1v mptured.——
‘ Ila is intelligmt nnd talkative. He nnys
thnt three farmers surrounded him aml the
major of his regiment, while in the advance
after something to «k The ‘mninr «amped.
(.‘hnusler has been eighteen month‘ in the
lehel service. He gives no rebel plans, e;-
rept that the ohjnet,nt their raid was to pro
pure horn-sand )mvisinm. He i.- haml
. finioly uniformm‘, in clothes smuggled to
him t‘rnm llaperstnwn while the Pennsyl
tlunh militia were them. I
The "Warhington Star, of Mnndny cve~
hing. says:
A mm: who arrived here this mnrning;
_ from near Ccmrml’s Fert‘t'. states that h
was in the prom-nee n! Gen. Mum s f":
minutes Ingram he‘ermwd theriver with
his'mammlingfmee‘ in hiu retreat frnm his ‘
lute foray into Pennefilmnia. Gun. Stuart
infortiu-d him. in u saroastic manner, that
In) hml "fnnh-ddhe whale party,” but. re
' frenetl that he had unt‘aeemnpli‘hed what.
wnn int. ruled “hm he started. as he
rxpectmi tn rearh Frederick, Md” destmy
the government Mun-4 at 'that point. and
then destroy tho Lridue (Iver Mnmmlcy
t- river ; but that. nEI thingvx taken into can
siderutinn. he "had carried out. his pro
gmmme with muoh nta‘efi." ' ‘
Stuart‘s mun mul lmr4es looked extreme
ly ethwh‘d. but the funm-r trio in hizh
g‘e-e. HI'III frnnt the lunk)‘ nf the clnthing 0n
. tho-irrpersons, and that _whinh they hail
l tit-ll (in their extra (“(05011) hun‘es. (which
vjntttnln‘red {nlmut 1.00“.) that? vxpeeted nnil
. 'i-uhl thut the change would he: very now-[W
1b”, mlmr‘iaily the show ninl 19mm. of
\\'hit'h they him a. large quantity. (ion.
Sinai-t, HP"! his mmplimenh to :t nnmher ol
'l'nilml States nfl'tt-oru with whmn' he was
acquainted in Old time“. Until. decidedly.
_- “ ~ ' .CLJRKSHI'RG. Vn., Oct. 5. 1882.
~ DunCm:mum—Clarkshgw.our prowl»!
l- cation. iw the enmity sun, of Huryison.
maid tn )w lhl‘fi'eultbie-s! county in “’ll:th
Virghfin. It is «itunml on the wow brunch
‘ n! the Monongflnln‘ distant from Park'm‘s?
lung. on Um Ohio, eighty six. and from
‘ l’ultjmnrevnhont three hundred mllm. It.
onnmina n court-hmwm six chum-hos mulnn
men-lelny. nu _ofwlnrln. le‘Ojitx“ the roar!-
' home, gre ugml by the G-wernmént for
< gum-«l lmu-le, snhlinu' quarters. &c.
Thu podple generally are for the Union.
and [lke'nfl Virginiim, are open-hearted
mu} hnspitxhle, vieing \gith me]: other in
‘ making the nick and woundml soldiers
mmfovfublo. Thin i; (he birth-place of the
’nbel Gen. Jackm ; many of‘his relatives
live in and around the town. some 6! whom
have been arrested and confined for u. too
free up of the tongue, in expressing seces
jinn Glenliments. 7:
Gen, Kelly. accompanied by his ntafl‘f
consisting” oFCapt. Melvin and Lieut». Kelly.
reviewed our Regiment. yesterday, on a
fit‘lll adjoining our camp. and. as usual.
nude a splendid display; and at tha re‘quesc
of the General. Col. Ilay drilled the Regi
ment in the manual of arma. which elicited
the commendutions of all the military men
on the ground, of whom there was u large
number. _ x
It. has been determined. by permissién of
the commanding General, to send hqme
from each company one rqan to recruit} to
fine full standard, the different companies
oi‘our Regiment. Before this reaches you
the glad face of your old friend Barney will
:he peeping in at your door. to hell you of
withing: that Ihnve forgotten or neglected
to write, and‘ bespeak for him a hearty
welcome from his old friend-I in Gettysburg.
He deserves well of his friends and coun
try. for a truer soldier does not'live.
Sergeant Single has been detailed. to re
cruit. for Company I.
Let the yomg men of Adams county
come out and fill up both the companies
‘ {ram there in this Regiments. nndl am sure
they will not. regret their joining either the
companies or Regiment, when their term
of service is over.
A close‘mncy of over one year with
both the 6 ad line oflicers of this Regi-
meat. enables me to speak knowingly of
:rm‘u chmcter And dispositions ofall of them.
“find I do not hesitate to any that it is the
m grumble organization in the field.
‘ Among the troops gt this point are the
Ringgold Cavalry, from Washington coun.
' ty. Penn.- Lieut. Myers is in command,
_ Cch John Keyes being at home recruiting
t full Regiment. 2d Lieut. Hm. who is
every inc): . true-hearted son of Rennsyl
"nit. il'now confined to his bed by a
'~ upniued ankle, which he received by the
' ffll‘of his horse. The been feeling exists
_ "between our two organizations, and we all
. ~ topomuwo may not be gepomced during
(“mum of “m w.
’ Th’o’aflcm Ind man in mummie-
fromyour mumwbhgood
health. Lieut. Noni: in with m. md looks
W 0- Campfire agrees with Msfm Enabler,
consequently he never oomphim and is Al
wnys ready for any duty. He deserves a
Coioneicy. Let him have one in the new
Pennsylvwh Regiments. Zoo Zoo.
The following is a. complete list of the
men drafted in this county lut week. x We
delay our paper several hours to insert it:
Samuel Jacobs. Emanuel Lauchman.
Wm. S. lAucbman, Jacob Kenamund,
William Elder, Samuel Fleming. Frederick
Shanebrougb. John Richter. PeterSu-rner.
lsarael banner. Nicholas Henry, David
Null, Jacob Mnrkle. John LnuchmanJohn
Segright, George Emleb, Annnias Wolford
Bonj. F. Kefimer, Rudolph Brown. David
S. Pefl'er, Wi] inm C. Beck, Jesse A-per.
W'm'um Hair. Emanuel R. Willa. Michael
Helms], Chm-lea Dosh, John M. Wolf, Jer.
Collins—lL ,
John Lower. Amos Myers, William Stein
our. Miohnel Miller, David Bricker. Henry
Smhl, Henry Roth, Charles A. Harlzel,
Zachariah Culliaon, Miller Linn, Joseph
Weible. Henry Bitner. Nash G.Cnm)-. Jesse
F. Slnybaugh. Franklin Rice. Martin Boyer.
Daniel March, Daniel Starry, Thomas Tay
lor, .lumesnn Myen, Gabriel Myern. Jncnb
Mowrey, Jamal Blicker, Dnniel McCane,
Moses Cnim. John Schloasor. William Crum.
John M. Peters, David MoDanel. 199 M
'l‘rmtle, Jeremiah Orner.lmac Boyer, Joseph
Lei-aw, Joseph Fleck. Henry Cmm. Dame]
Walter, George Shakely, John stvar,
Jalm Orner, James Heller, Ephraim Shank.
John Casey. Christina Keckler. Isaac Roth,
Samuel Cram—4s.
C (IMB ER L A .\‘D.
William G. Black, John Current, David
Bloch"; Hpnry Jacobs, John W. 1100an
plo, Ilmiel Forne . Wm. McGrew, Charles
M. Gallagher. &'illinm Spmglor, John
Mum-hover. Amm Leismr, David H.
Beams. Au§nstua Cmver, Joseph leding.
John Stnh. Jamfix A. Weigert, William
Currem, John S. Form-y. Abraham Keck
ler, John N. Seltzer. Peter Gleaner. John
Staub. Emanuel Weigert. Albert We),
David P. Wrigert, Imac T. Sohriver. m.
H. Sentz. John Gilliland, Jnhn Socks,
Frederick Hankey, David Hengy, George
Hurting—32. ‘
William H. Brogunier. William Over
haugh,Wininm Manges. Minna Bollinger.
Peter Krichten. Pntrick Dray". Michael
Sander, John But-hey. jr.. Edgar L. Jen
kins, Jnhn Kenn. Henry Links, Jereminh
A. Aulnbnuzh.‘Willinm Batu-man. John
Waltmnn. Frederick B 9r. Jacob Niederer,
Lewis Bulk. Lewis riICMMkP. Vincent
Cronincor. Vincent Obold. John Bricher,
John Kline. Samuel Trone. Adam McKin
ny. Joseph Heagy. Dmitri W. Fink, Elias
Adan". Jacki-on Cromn‘, Dwid Lawrence.
David mine, Adam Roth. Charles Dmher,
Pater (hater, James Slonesifer, Emu.
Kiwis—3s. ‘ fl
Leia; Rhoda. Alexander Hnfi'mnn. Thad
‘(leuu S. T. Suits. James Knily. John Duns,
Calvin P. Kriw, Francis Cunningham, Nrr
uh Konnu. John A. Bomgardner. Andrpw
Ore-sum. Abmhnm Rhodesn. Thomas A. Fur
gomn. iminh Um Simon Hnidomnn,.hmes
Flenner, William H. H. Hummnru‘lémn
Boyd. leeriok Pefl'er. Jnhn Puma-«on,
D will Bynnl. Benjamin F. Elmgle, William
C. Scott. William Lvnn. Abraham Fleagle.
Arhun'i Applm‘. George 8 ml, Grnnville
Stultz, Jacob E. Everhart. John Bighnm.
.Ymeph Hershey. Calvin Heugy. Jnhn E.
Whi‘a. Dmiel Beard. Au‘ulutus Marital.
David Tupper. Peter Cool, Thomas Stoops,
David Sic-wart. John Shank, Jacob Way
hrighL—Mk ‘ ‘
Jnmm Stmkdnger, SumuPl Cixrbtugli.
Alfrod Gch. William H. Adnml, Jeremiah
Flirt. Alum‘lkihl. PM»? Adams. Jacob
Uylrr. James Orr. llonry Shultz..lolm Butt.
szpph Baker. jr.. William llmn, Jonas
’lrner. John Howler, John Bull. George
Ilnrtmnn, Ahrnliam Stockslnzor, John Ri
kcr‘ John R‘iffemperger, William ley,
Lewiq Mill-4'. Vincent. William! Peter
Scllln‘igér, William ‘Mr‘Clan. David Mon
(larff. Samuel Fried. John .7. Brady, Eph
mim l‘mly, George Gay, Andrew Reinhol
mamJJohn Ynho. Israel MyersLJscob
Plank, Abraham Hart,jr . Augmthiller,
Adam BuchPr, lmwisCarhnuulnLevi lleiges,
William Ruswl, Jnmh Shelhmnn. Samuel
McKewll-ic. Gnnrge Kreinor. Michael Ilen
ry. William I“. Slover, Jacob H. Plank.
Victor K. Mollluanny, Caleb Myeru, John
Epley. Samuel anver, Samuel Stockclrmer,
Lavi Piuer. Elias Stovcr. Adam Minter.
Eli Gever. John Wilum, Adam Deardnrfl'.
Andrew Fritz. Levi Hummer. Charles Hen.
ind-l. Boniumin Blubmmh. William Slonaker.
\\’iilinm K. Shoemaiker, Jacob Mickly ofD..
John E. Hartman, Jeremiah Ream, Levi
Minn-v. Alexander Snvder. hm Bucher,
Jnlm Plan”. Jacob Eicholtz, 0. ’l‘. Hamel,
Alexander Oyler. J aseph Leives.-—74.
David Newman. Jacob C. Simpson. Al—
fred 11. Sta-lav. Thsddeus Blacher. Levi
Fisher. David H. Wintrode, E lward Shorb,
William McSherry, George Smith. Simon
Bittingcr. Au'zustus Cmu-e. Jacob Erect.
James H. Colehouse. Christopher Wilmn.
Levi King, Willinm Keefer. Elijah Hesson,
Jame‘ Adléx‘perger, John DJVii, Jeremiah
Eliz. Joseph Spengler, John Buddy. David
W. Sell. Sylventer llnrner, Imiah Muing.
James Kimz. William Morgan. Ephraim
Winn-ode. William H. Keefer. Amos Car
hnugh. James J. Staley, Peter Morgan.
Henry Seller“, Alonzo Sanders, Abraham
Fewer. James McSharrv. John Coshun.
George Sheely. Isaac Stonesifer. George W.
ShulTTGem-ge SMnesifer. Raymond S. Seis,
Emanuel Fink. Frederick Backnver. Amoa
Kump. Ephraim H.lrnor, Jacob Harner,
Amos Bmle, Oliver SL‘IIP'V. George I’. Dub
tern. Jerome LawrencP. ilenrv Ernetjnmes
U. Keefer, Andrew Kuhn, William Hull,
Amos Stonesifer. John Crousv. Henry Wil
lei.Josanh A. Crabbe, Edward F. Kootz.
Jmeph Fissel. Solomon Sell. Francis Elma,
1 Alexander Little, Levi Harrier, Henry
1 Bang. Andrew Long—67.
Henry Klunk. Franklin “'ollet, Michael
M<Sherry. W'illiam Rafi‘empergel‘. 15830
Peter, Lewis Stornbn'ugll, Johmon Shue,
Peter,Hoover, Henry Lawrence. David H.
Bdker, Elijah Spungler, Abner S. Hilde
brand. William Miller, Cornelius Shue,
John Q. Schwartz, James Sumb. John Rie
gle, Henry Y6lre.'jr.. Jesse Bupp. Henry
Klinefeter. Jacob Getz, Charles Klunk,
Niche as Bupp, N. Snub, A.W.Storm. Levi
Wehler, John Hartley, Samuel Hilde»
brand. Albert Singleton, Daniel Sowers,
John Dubbs, Emanuel Rinahart, Corneliufis,
Brown. Andrew Dellone. Daniel H. Klin
gle. Daniel Baublnz, Daniel Trimmer. Jo
sephus Riegle, lamelSmmhaugh. George
D. Binder, Nathan Smmbaugh. Hem-y Ben
der. John Getz. Abraham Sewers, George
Nickey, Henry Hoover, Henry nghman
John Fry. Weslev Caufmm, Edward
Reese, Joseph Kint. John Bigham, George
Andrew, James Mcllhenny, William Hoke.
John Wagamnn. Benjamin J. Reed, James
Sanders, of A., Ebenezer McGinley, Wesley
C. King, Wllliam Sgrenkle, in, Peter Sto
ner, Charles Reed, A'icholu Fieagle, Wm.
H. Dickson, Henry Kaufman. Peter Over
doer, George Kaufman. of L.., Henry Over—
deer, Andrew Sanders, Solomon Smith,
Jnuhue Hartman. John E. Pfizer, Elias
Green. John W. Kepperly, William Lowe,
John Cochnn, Hiram Egbelmsn, Edward
Singl‘ey. Peter Baker. Jahn Miller. Ezra
Mo ughlin, John Smith. Willnm Rental,
Daniel‘Benchoof. Wuhington Pry“, June.
3. N‘nm'm. WI Shilghdo'eklhwm.
| ‘ ' m
tneodJoooph safian-mnwumngvémmf cmumt Mm
Smith, Jamel ighnm, William h ngle- . .
'decker, numb Cub-afgh. Frederick Pe-J Thl-‘f‘um‘m 09‘” 0W“? “I“ 0“? M‘
Stern, Abraham Stale-y, o L.. Jacob Hoode- tract wnh ('Ampalgn Subacribon. We hope
'shell. Charles J.sSifton, 13W “RENEE that many—ago! them—will continue the
rim“ KaufmgnLTY;INFTOV Ipaper regularly. A number hue alrudy
A J 4 v ‘ “Ed ~ '
‘ William Shufl‘. James Riggle, George W. 'ea ord ,wnh weasel] ”’“l'm‘ There
Wierman. James Rury, kamm Fremr. in room- for more. Come wnth a runhl In
{Elden S angler, George A. Group. John J. ”1999 times Democratic "(’Wlptpel's annot
1 Albert. fmb‘ Fickea. June: Grebble, Amos be too extensively circulated. They get .-
Ekgg‘vgnfffzfgmvggfi? 3' $333? an efl‘ectunl antidote to Abolition poi-on.
William H. Trimn'ier, Henry J. mime; "hm“ “s°“ bf‘d men” “"5 {eekmswm-
IJim,“ Gardner. 3”.“ 51m", John P. ten upon the wish; of the union. Let the
i Bream? Pete; lifw'ekj Hagar; Mich. truth have wide range.
mam, mac . canon. sec . new; p d - ~
rGe°'¥°~W’ D‘y' “’O5 3mm 0”" 9"“ "$332 iif'ifigmfiiiméfifm
5 Day, Nichol” Leander Wierman, William p 5 no "
‘H. Wolf. Hezekiah Gulden, Janiemekie, cfl'ecci
“we B. Houser, Alfred Livmzswwndrew
9}. Bininger. Samuel Plank, Isaac homu,
ISebastian Fickes. James Thomas. Arthur
lYingst. Alfred Crook, John Peifl‘er, Isaac
Kennedy, George Winand, Charles A. Pea
cock. Washington 3. Myers. John Snyder.
,George S. Yohe, Jacob A. Gardner. Joeeph
i Fitzgersld, Howard W. Group, Peter F.
[DolheimeLClmrles Sheaffer, John D. Day,
Jeremiah Sbeely.» Cornelius Bream, Abra
! ham Meals, Sam. Snyder,Jesse Smyers.——sB
Cornelius Hunmnn.ornn Grist, Daniel Ar
nold. Michael Hollinger, Howard Myerl, Dnvid
F. Stnzel John Lethery, Christopher Wiley.
Christian Cnufmnn, David Ilenbnrt, George
Myers, Jacob Shullz, Samuel: lluppert, John
Nichol, Samuel Albert, George F. Levulone,
Addipon W. Myers. Edward Criswell, John S.
Crnm‘scerJohn Albert, Franklin Albert, Joseph
11. fickle, DnvidHofi'mnn. George Yeagy, Daniel
Smi‘h, John Hoechst, Cornelius Becker, Hirnm
Manger, Jonathan Brennman, John Hnmilton,
Gen‘rge Smith, Arno: Yelen. George Hollingor,
lsanc Hess, Franklin Miller, Nicholas N.
Bushey. Jacob Hoescbt. Michael Jacobs, Philip
Andrew Myen. Edward Cronin", Emlnnel
Gulden, Andrew B. Lerew, Michael Bbenole,
William Beck. Dnniel Hoopert, Alfred J. Gard
ner, William Hoopert-47.
Lewis Benchom', Augustus Little, Edwln
Slclnlire, Georgo Sell. Trimper Reiley, Benjy
min Shriaer. Joseph Bollinger, Jacob Sbeyler,
James Adlms, Jamel H. Tnyler, Adam Blooml
Rosa A. Hunler,‘ Edward Mclntire. George
Beard, Lewis But, John Muuelman of ULeniuc
H. Wilmer, John Hunter, John Slngle. Jeue
Benn}, Jesse Bolling“, Puma Reiley, Wuh
ington Shover, Daniel C. Little, Robert 3!. Hill,
Smith D. Flohr, Williun Baker, John B. Mus—
selmnn, John A. Pelxacord‘ Johnston Stem,
William Shingledecker, Finley Butt, Jo’bn Ber
Henry M. Thomu, Samuel Crist, S. A. We.-
ver. Edwnrd WurrenTAmos Fob]. Hinun lye",
Amos Sinner, Benjamin Hudy, Aaron Paxton;
Henry Epplenan. Henry G. Cajun-n. Mich»!
?. Rice, luau: Miller, John Thomu, Felix or
ner,Corneliu| Riga, Lewis Dull, David Noel,
Efi Killer. Wnahington Morrison, anklin
Weiner, Abrnhhm Warren, Jacob C. Smith.
William H. Holler, Charla: D. E. Cook Josiah
Wickershnm, Daniel Peta", Williun Hippen
steel. Henry K. Rex, Nonh Snyder, George
Bully, anklin Sowen, Jacob Bonnier. George
W. Eldon. Elij-h P. Hotlmun. I. R. Eldon,
Henry Brimler, Henry Silflix, Angus!" Cur
bnngh, John Hofl'nun. Endeh koutunn, Jons
thun Cline, Luther H. _Conhmn, Henry Cu
bnugh, Jacob Grimm—4s.
Samuel D. Beck. Henry M. Bishop, Wear
ley Lynn. Edmond Arum, Peter Lam-once.
Wuhington Keefer. Joseph Omtlorfi‘. Bern
hart Brown. David ‘Kyhoitx. :Henry
Schwartz, James Winn-ode. Jacob W. Rider.
Hui-risen Wilson. Alfred Earner. Isaac W.
Ih‘nkey. JumeA Spnulding, Abraham Har
m-f. Jacob Fornvy. Emanuel Fenser, Smith
Bqtr, Cornelius Trostle. John A Kuntz.
James Topper, Same: Noel, Mchn 8.
Homer, Jacob Bowers, Jncob E. King.
Peter Bdhhey. Hugh G. Scott. Henry
Bucher. Edward Spungler, Wesley Winn-ode,
John Rodkey, How-rd “'in. John A. Orn
dorfl', John L. Allison. Robert Newmun,
Levi Swnrtx, Chrihtiun Harmon. David P.
Beitler, John A. Hankey-Al. ‘
John lily. A \dbonx Noel. Bmm“ Little, John I,
KI'I, Wnim {cl-h. Willi-m Shooly, Lovi Stuck. Junie.
C Dunn-I. “mun Young, Gear's Gmur. Jo'hn Snub.
Jun W. Nuy, Pour G Smith, annual .\longu, Junb
“Rabin“! .\lgflherry. Lat“ McM-ntzr. Junk: Gum.
Illlry Ryan, Jim“ sm“, Manna- No.l. Bichnrd Wolf.
.Iqu Crag-r. Jahn sze‘rt, Emanuel Gun", Pnur MIHOY,
Join Oman. Jnuph Shut“. Johns Rhonda, flou
ry Olin”, Peru Rink-nub, John Yoke. Georg: A, W'L
gun. (hows Myers. Upton P. Pom-t, Anhuny Smith,
[rumi- A Noel, Joseph J. Hemler, Suuupl llnldl, L‘hnrlol
Orndorfl.Jcnmilh(hum-, llmnu-l Rum-111, Duld Lill,
lphnim Wu it. Jnuph Sheely. Snmnel LIILV lurch l'u-r,
l‘nmhh “can. John A Am‘x. Diniel Shulenm
Small, John unmet, Dn'ld B. Smith, John Korripn
(Story Keilnl. Jncob anrenco. Jnhn Wulford. Aflnd
Pete". Schwinn Wen". Wuhnm P Kuhn. John J.
Chpwflo, Gaol-gs Guldau. Roberts 1,0“, Jnnn Diohl.
Wilhun Pnrr, I'eter K. Smith. Pnnklm B Hum-nun,
George Y. Hoflmnn. Jn-eph Bedermna. Anthony Lmle,
George V Hamlet. Henry .Shnwaldor. Mound" Lilllo,
Imnnuel Guide-n. Jahn L Jenkins, Bphnuu Miller, Sun-
IQIA. 3mm, John E TDDDI—7B.
Andrew Kefl’er, Samuel Stmsbnugh, Fronklin 3
Martin, Franklin Gross. Henry J. Lawrenéh, ‘
John Beckmnn, CharlesShillin, Churlee Burns,
Abraham Senft, Jecob Beck, Elias Lingg, Pine“
Small, Jacob Hamm, John Bleir, John Stonesi-i
fer. George Smith, Eli Keller-merger, Joeeph WJI
Hendrix, Edrfiund C. Gin. John Conner, James 1
Robinmn, James Hare, Jonu WolfJosieh WOl- 1
ford, Adam Wolf, Francis Klnnk, Henry Say
der, Jamee Bro‘rn. Solomon Brown. Henry I
Lingg,:Jeremia’h Small, michard lummert,
Henry Wieet, Jeeephnl Roland. Pine Sneerin
per, samuel McTeggen. Pine Little, Christi-n ‘
Wolf, James A. Llwrence, Joseph Miller, Al l
(red Hellel, Alexander Schroeder, Alexender‘.
S.’ Hines, Philip Hemler, Jerome Sneetinger, ‘
Amo- Medley—46. ‘
Solomo Miller, Levi Mon], Solomon Border;
Snmuel . rch, Franklin Stoke, Robert M. Dix,
Henry S angler, Singleton Eicholu, John H.
Criewell, eore Phillips, Peher Hartman, Soh‘
omon M mmert, Joseph Cronieter, lhniel
Marks, J 6 n A. Rummell, Zachariah Slough,
Cyrus Myers. Levi Lnydom, Alfred Myerl, 3
Oliver R 0 and, Solomon, Spengler, George H.
Duverer, John Sewers, John Kopp, Hurrieon l
A. Hullinger, Charming Picking, Cornelius ‘
Smith, Elias Wolf, Israel Stonesifer, Samuel‘
H. Taughlnbnugh‘ David Philips, Samuel Mm
lann, Josifih Bushey, Henry A‘ Spangler, Tho-l
mas Stevens, John Wolf, Washington M. Bren~ l
izer, Henri; A. Buckmasrer, Jacob A Croniner,
William 5. Tudor. George Heikes, George Al.
bert, Michael Philips, George Hoover, Daniel
Busbey, Ilsrael Troszle, William Myers. Albert
Myers, nulvid M. omm, Adam Wolf, George
Keul‘men Adam Miller, Peter Yohe, Lewis r
CronisterlAdam Myers, Xichael Nell, wan-m ‘
H. Dix—.s7.
lumW a, Andrn fl. Ho'ud, Willi“: u. Mun.
Duid Loci t, Johnc. Crag". Loch Ckur. Bland
finch". Jo Bond-r, Sum“! [mm-n, Edna Ludo.
Bdrm: net, Xufll‘fihulor, Duid Ham, hen.
(inflow-y, gnu lummrt. he» lull“, ld'ud In:
its. Numin‘lmn. John I. ,Olly, (horn Banal“.
Hoary mum, Juno!) Bach", lawn Loom, WOIIQ’
Bury, Po Decker, John! Link me W liidlu,
Duh! Qll In. Sour] 009 m. John W Btu-l], John A.
Yam. W 1 Toot. Willum Thomas, John I. Omar-y,
George Ki . Henry Wertme Scion. Will‘nm Cuh
mu. I-Ifi Ponorl, Juob Michel, [mum Stock-e),
Williun L. Thom-a. Wmiun I‘ We", Adam cm,
John H. hint. Dtninl Sun-mull, Willim Harman,
Jone Buchl,‘W|Hiau Gallqhur, Scary B Wunor,
l‘roderick Nun“, John H luon. Lu Brown, Lurk
Crichton. boob P. Thaw, Jlflmhh Shunt, 5&0-
phon Nod—47 '
Andrflr 3mm. Jghn Deltp. Wmhm Studebaker.
Wmiun Baum. Solomon Burner, Ink! Ere-m, John
Wolf, Sxmnel Kouduhell, Jahn licholu. Juno!) )3.
SMIQI’. Henry Spufler. Willmm Neckley‘ Allan 51.
Cool, John M. Yntenmrfl, WHHAn Baum. Edwin!
Gochenour. Wnlllun Bp-nghr. Henry}. Myerl, Land“
.1. Bonn, Them hrbu‘, .Ime C {magnum thuy
Cooly. Joflph Benn, Levi Gm”, hm- hddlcr. John
Cunponeoom W._Chn-, Juan m, Inn Bonn,
Dmm Bruin-30.
Chrhtim Walsh, onb Knk‘ lellun Minn. Vulca—
flm Slump-rt, lan I. Bushy, John lin, Andnv 5.11,
Our:- Kn». Pour Stan-Ihr, Dani“ him", lawn
Mai-(union‘s anlu, Dlnhl Li. Gobrocht. Au! bony
W. Klimt, Amman Bifl, me fox. John Bah, Gum‘-
W. Shun, “mi-m Huger, Jr, Win'nmJ. But, Henry
Bellman, bowl D. Hm, Jon- Ililbady Urn- Imgling,
John Uephsn, Yhilip Sum-r, Jab Kunp, D
Bunker. William Um. 3mm Imn, Autumn Mum,
Rudolph Olnunr. Rdvnd Robert. Pour Rub-r. John
Uw, Rom-y Ed, Bun-. 1 author, Levi Spanner,
Adm Hutu, Hoary Want. AmnV (finch. lrnk
Bullet, Adam 1..... Ankbony Kale, John am, John
H. mm, Solomon shippn, Jun!) mum—u.
fi'l'be Hon. Benjamin F. Hum, the wide
ly-kno‘n lawyer Ind Democratic ludcr of
Manznchalem, died u Bouon on Tue:-
.p-nmgpcncv o. m
Mchigan Poluirx.—lt is stated that the
conservative Republicans of Michigan,
alarmed at the progresuof the radicals, hue
sided off from the faction which supporbs
Senator Chandler, and put up candidates
who are really for the constitution. and the
Democrats have sdopted their ticket.
Movernor Buckingham. of Cmmecfi
out, has ordered a draft. for 800 men to fill
up the regiment: now organized in the
mile Ptris journals state that the
French troops will be in possession of Mex
ico city nt a very enr‘y date.
“Hon. T. A. Nelson, ofTennesee. who
bu hithprto remained neutral. has publish
ed an address condemning in ntrong terms
President. Lincoln’- emmcipntion preclu
mhe Governor of New Hampshire has
recommended Thursday. the 27d: of No
vember, to be observed an . dq of thanks
giving. ‘ >
Special Notices.
Cleanse the Bloodrdmh corrupt, dis
ordered or vilinteil Blood, you must be sick
I“ over. It may burst out in Pimplbs, or
Sores, or in tome Iclive disease, or it mny
merely keep you I‘mleu, deprnsed and good
for nothing. Butyoll cannot have good health
while your blood i; In ‘nre. Ayerl's Sarsapm
ilb purges ou¢ flux-mes and stimuln tea
eke organ: of life in vigorous action, restor
ing the heulth and expelling disease. Hence
it. rtpidly cures a variety of complaints which
are caused by impurity of the blood, such in
Scrnfula or Kingé’ Evil, Tumora, Ulcers, Sores,
Eruptionq,'Pimples, Blotches, Boila, St. An
than)": Fire, Role or Eryeipelee, Toner or Salt
Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Cancer o_r
Csnceronu Tumore, Sore Eyes, Femsle‘Dis
cases, such as RetenfiOn, lrregnlarity, Suppreh
eion, Whites, Sterility.z Syphili: or Venerenl
piseuel, Liver Complaint: end Heart Diseases.
Try “Ayer’s Sampnrilllt.” and m tor your-elf
the surprising oczivlly with which it cleanses
Ihe blood and cure: the disorders.
‘ “.\yer'l Cherry Pecteral" in so univeruiiy
known to lurpu!’ every other remedy for the
sire of Coughs, Colds. Influenza, HMHQMII,
roup, Bronchitis, incipient Consumption, end
for the relief of Consumptire Pntientl in Id.
Vanced Inge; of the disease, that it in useieu
here to recount the evidence of in virtuel.‘—
fl‘he world knows them.
. “ Ayer’u Guthnrtic Pins" for Custireness,
Dyspepsia. Indigenion. Dyuentery, Fonl Slam
nch, Jun-dice, Hesdnehe, Hexrthnrn, Pilel,
Rheumuism. Drops]. Wormn, and in abort for
til the purposes of i purgntive medicine. ‘
: H‘Pnpuel by Dr. J. C. AYEB t 00.,
Lovell. Mun. Pain: 25 Cu" PII Box.—
FIVI Bun m Sin
; Q’Sold by A. D. Bummmsnd dealers
anywhere. ' [Ang.4,’62. 2m
‘ 0n the 7th inst., by Rev. E. H. Eofl'heins,
Ir. EDWARD C. SLAGLE, from the vicinity
of Hmnoverhm Mini SARAH C. LOL'CH, only
daughter of Mr. Giorge Louch, of Hunfllon
township, Adams county. ,
On the 2d inst, n} the Lutheran Futon-(e,
in Pelenburg. by ‘Rev. P. Baby, Mr. JflHN
both of this county.| ; '
0n the uh huh, br Rev. Dr. Hauer, Mr.
WILLIAM A. mum} of York county, to His;
DALENA, daughlef Mills}. Henry Wolf, ofthil
countv. ‘ s ’
On the 30m mun-15hr U. 3'. Parsonage. in
Littlestown. by hue . Weidler. Mr. HENRY
H. uosswn to Mill ELIZA J. LITTLE, both
of Adnms county. ‘ .
fi‘Obituury nbtiéea exceeding six lines
will hex-caller be clinlged at. hilf our usual ad
vertising rates for' all overvthnt number of
lines.“ i
‘ pm.
0n 171-Mails“, In this plum-Xv. JOHN z.
HULLEBAUGH. aged 36 year: end 9 months.
He served in Homer’s szelry fix months,
when be we; diaqhnrged for dinbility (con
sumption.) His remains were followed to the
grave on Snurduy {by McCreuy’l Home Caul
ry, the Odd Fellowfi. the Gettysburg Beneficid
Auoclntion, and o lnrge number of remin-
Lnd friends. Pee ‘ to his uheel ‘
At his relidencjfin Pelenburg, 6n the 4th
in». Ir. JACOB SABDXEB, used 6'! years 1
month end ll dag-g,
On the 13": inn}; in this pllce, CHARLES
WILLIAM, non of dwnrd and Mary Hench”,
Iged 9 month: ludfl‘dtyl. ,
On the 2d inlu, of Icerlet fever, JOHN
FRANKLIN. son 9! John and Caroline Rupp,
aged 7 yen-Ind '2! dxye.
, 0n the nu: inst.)j SUSANNAB CATHARINE,
daughter of Michul Rice, of anklip town-
Ihip, fixed 5 year: [end [3 days. .
On the 13m inst, SAMUEL GRANT, [O. of
flenry Swarm, of Cumbfiu‘land Lownlhip, aged
6 month: and 8 dzeyl. ‘
0n the 13m inn, lin Mcnallen township,
SARAH ELLEN, eldest daughter of .W'lll'um
Yeans, aged 13 you: 7 months and 23 deyl.
On the 7th inst. WILLYCE AHBROSE, son
of John and Martha Hues, aged 3 yen-rs 10
manthl and 29 days.
Dearest lelice,‘ here we miss thee,
Ins: the. from thy childish plny ;
Bnt than art with the lngell.
. And thy pin- are wuhed any.
We miss thy sweet and gentle Imilq, ‘
That gave us joy while here;
But thou art no‘w with God in haven,
Removed from pain Ind death And fut. *
On the 11th MIL, in Tyrone town-hip, HAR
RIET EMMA, daughter or Snmuel :ud In]
Houdeabeu, used 6 month: gm} ll dnyl.
So blooms the human fuco divine,
When youth its pride and beguty shown;
Fnirer dun opting the colon shine, ‘
And sweeter than :1:- virgin rou.
Or worn by flovfly toning yearn, 1
0r broke by sickueu in a day;
The fading fiery disappesn.
The ahorx-hv'd beauties die “ray. '
A Chance for Drafted Hen.
lEUT. KYNG, of Robenn' Artiilery, for
L Fu‘rlresa fionroe, bus received Authority
to enlist Drafted men. All who der ‘ Q uplan
did service audio secure their
advance pay. have now In’
..v ' n le.
‘ . I
Arch St? 0
Ne. 8322 Arch Stre ‘
Ninth. PHILADELPHIA, Ire receiving .
their FALL STOCK of English an American
CARPETINGS, comprising all the new styles
of¥elvet, Brussels, Ttpesuy, Brnsscld, Three- ‘
ply, lngrnins and Venilianl, with a splendid
assortment. of
0m CLOTfiS,
HATS,” Bc.
The attention of patch-sen Ind other: in
cnlled to an examinuion of the then. A. I.
buy and sell exclusively for en]: In u! pre
pared to sell n small profits, and hold out
strong Inducemenu «3 CASH BUYERS.
Oct. 10, 1862. 3:11
BE tgunfiou of the 1..-din is rupeethlly
invilod m l lugs ad Iplendld unoruncnt
o LFdiu’ fine Kid Ipd Ilorocco BOOTS sad
am P 'l‘ up. uu. a. .
and! E “i 1. admin;
“0ur"......................................6 o. to 6 55
Rye F10ur................................. '1 75
Whim When........... .................1 :0 w z 25
Red Who-t................--..,.......gJ 00 to l [2
Corn ............ ........... . .............. 56
Rpm...................u.................. 65
Outs ~....................,..............u, U
8uckwhnt............................... ‘2
Clover Sat-d -...........................i 4 50
Timomy 28w 3 00
Flux 5eed..............................é l 40
Flue: of I‘uit .......................‘. 1 00
Hutu ground, per bug............. » 1 00
P10ur...........-.............. ”...... 76 8! lo 7 00
Wheat......:..................... ....ij ‘5 :0 l 85
Rye ~..... .. .............................: 74 lo 86
Cam.......... ................... ......J 74 _to so
Oats ....................................... 35 Mb 57
Clover 5eed.......... "nun-"...... 5 25 w 5 75
Timothy 5eed................... ..... 3:25 to 2 50
Beef Cattle, per hund............. . . 5:00 :0 9 00
Ham, per hund............ ".-‘...5 6309 u 5 50
Hay........................................ 18 _OO toil 00
Whi5key................................. $3 to 34
Guano, Pernvinn, per 10n......... I ‘ ‘ 60 00
Hour, h-om Imus...
Do. lrom u0ru....................f ' » b 75
Wham ...................................§ I 30 $9 I 30
Rye ......... mm... ...»... ......m...» 65
C0rn......... ............... ...-.... ...... 60
0at5............................. .....u... ‘0
010"? 5eed.................... ........ ‘ 100
Timothy 5eed.................‘..-.....4' 1 75
P]M!rr.................-................i G 1')
Jurors for November Term.
Gun Jun. ; I '
Hamilton—llama Gen, (Poultry) ‘ Daniel
'Bender. ' 1
('nion—Vnrtin Grove, 1 ‘
Tyrone—George Guise. ' .
Gettysburg—Nicholas Codorl, Sr.
Nonnlpleunnb—Dnniel Lawrence.
Mnuntjoy—Prnncis AHison, Jen; I). Neill-n.
FranklinL—John Cole, Albert Vnd’ykc.
Mennllen—Samuel lulu. 3 .
Germany—Abnlmm Bankmd, E ‘
Oxford—Joseph A. Smith. ‘ I
Liberty—Peter Grady. g ‘ -
Huntington—Ephraim Lease. ‘ ‘
Canowago—Petor Neiderer. ‘
Reading—lame] Tronle. ' g?
Cnmborlnnddoueph Bailey. 5 L
Sxmbsn—liuc Killer, Hugh lash.
Humillonbnn—Winim Culp.
Butler—John Bruno. ‘ ,
FreedomTAugnnun Hinze“. I ‘1 2
Brrwick twp.-¢Snmuel Brown. ' j 5 11‘
JlGnnuL Jun. 5 r
HAmilton-oJOhn Dellone. Michael flohn.
Gettysburg—George F. Kalbflehh, avid Ken
dlehm, chob Troxel. 1 .
Butler—Abram: lye”, Willlum Bdrmxlton,
Elin- Gardner. 1 a ,
Houmjny—Peler Bil-hey. John fiafimh, Jr.
SLnbnn—Dnniel Lndy, curt-unj'rnouhflohq
Werurof H. _ E ‘ V
Hennllen—John Harlan. - ‘4 ;
Franklin—June- Linn, Adun mica, Philip
Cutshnll. ‘ t
Conowsgo—Jonph Hunk! f -.
Cumberllnd—Chulu Herb», Dun-Id Shiver.
Huntington—Amos Little. John Dehp; ’ ‘
Freedom—William Bighgm,’3|cpb Alfllofi
Union—Jacob Sterner, John Gamma“ '
Oxsfordl—Philip Hemlu, Goals { Sta-if 1360!:
kg e. ' * ‘ ,
lobuntpluunl—Puncll )1. Buddy, {rim Al
- .
Latimoro—Jouph Snyder, Slick ‘ l Std+nuxl
Germany—John Mun-in‘, Wfllsn Hi: 1, John
L. Fisher. = _ ,[ >
{leading—Wilma: s, Hildebnnp, John Nimb
mnn. i ' .
Libefly—Jtcob Krile. Sauna“ flammi
HumiltonbAn—B. J. Reed, John:! B. B 1 uphi
ner, Daniel King. - ,
Tyrone-4n" Stern". Andnwénm
Berwick twp.——G¢om Brown. ;
Berwick hon—Ch". Dolh, lichnclfltgnblnger.
(m. 20,1882. 5 §
“—._..fil. . _‘,__‘v_____...__,. _.
‘ ‘ Notice. E
ACOB GA’RDNER’H auxin—mun or
J Idminiura'uon on the est-II ofJacob Gnrd
ner, lnu of Huntingtén townsf’tip, Adams 00.,
deceased. hning been guinea to the under
signed, relidingin the same townjahlp, they here
by give notice 1.0 111 person: ipdebted m Mid
emu to umke immediate putpem, and. those
having claims ‘ggninat lho’nme to present
tho- pnpcrly authenticated” sett‘lemem.
0ct.20,1862. 6t .fidu‘ufilmton,
Notice. 2 /
xmmw TRIMMER‘S “hum—mafia
A testamentary on the esgate of An
rew Trimmer, lute of Reading inf)" Adams
county, deceued, hering been grained to ihe
undersigned, ruiding in thelmme hip, alie
hereby gives notice to :11 persons/indebted to
uid estate to ‘make immediate xpayment, and
those hevingehims against thqénme to present
them properly luthenticaud (qr aottlenenl to
LY'DIA,TiIISi¥ER, Ezatulnz,
Orlo her Age‘numvi Ci:roni|te;.Esq., Hunpton.
Oct. 20. 1862. GC ’ g
1862. Fall (Mimnejry. 186!:
[SS IcCBEARY bu 3119: "turned from
M Athe city and in now opening n large and
beau‘ifnl ulnr’tment of HILLI’NERY & FANCY
GOODS. of the latest stylesE which she in
vim the Luflics to can and “Maine. mnfidem
tbn they will be pleased with; hgr ulebtionl.
Oc‘. 20.1862. ‘ E K '
Bu: 0? GI‘h’TSIUIG,
October? 18, "'62. }
0110310 herghy given to hi Stockholder:
of the Stat of Gettylbnxg; um 93 Blee
tion (or Thirteen Dirutors, to «am one yonr.
will be held I: the Banking lion-e, on HUN
DAY, the 1m: day of NOVEIgiEB, lace.
fi-A general meefin; of the Stockholders
will “he plus It the some time.
On 20,1861. 1d
, EORGS BPLRY rnpectlulf’v Inform! the
public that he continue. the Auction":-
inx boainosl. Hi 3 changes are «dainty: moderate,
pm! In never spares w eflon 8) plane. H 0
hopes to merit snd receive I gcontimunce of
public patronage. He refers to lemu- Rubi-lon,
8.1., of Psirfiuld, “d Robert Martin, 0! Get
tysburg. who we luthoriud tognnke ens-goo
menu for him. His pox: affix. uddnu il
Gnenmannt, Adam. county, 3’55 '
Oct. 20, new . ‘
Stratton, Byant 8; 00:3,
Locum u
8. 3. con. 1" no Cuum Bn.
New Yark City, Brooklyn, Albany, Troy,Bufldo,
Detroit, Cleveland, Chicugo and St. Louis:
Book-keeping, Puma-hip. Commercinl
Arithmetic. Commercial Luv. Fermi, Corm
poudence. tc., prncficnlly “ugh.
Thou Colleges being nude: m um. genenl
And locnl manngenent, Ind unifinzin each the
ndunugel or I“. ofl'ar grencei facilitie- {or
impuning insuuction dun "I; other simihr
inultuliona in {be country.
A Scholarship issued by any one hxood in all
for an unlimited time.
The Philsdclphis College hu been recently
larged and refurnished in Luperior mun",
Ad is now the largest mad man pmperoun
Commercial lnltltmlon in ch. Sm.
, Bryunt t Strum’n uric; of Ten Books,
embracing Book-keeping, Commercid Arm:-
metic, snd£ommercinl Law, {at tale, Ind tent
by mm’l. . .
fi-For {an psuicnhn lend (a: s cixcnhr.
on. 20, 1882. 1y ' ‘
S hereby given to :11 potion vbo hue
I Ink-n Smu-plnul from tho Unued Pr"-
bytetisu Chmh Yard to nmm them: immedi~
nely. . 10d. 2Q, 1861.
WI duke ull penal" hdobud to u to
cm mud nth nettlemum, inning made
5 change in our manner of do‘ng bulinns.
Oct. 23, 1861: FAENESTOCK BRO’B.
TATIDNEBY. of m than} u Dr.& 303.
§ lII’I x.- but” Daft-d PW“
GB'I'IYSBURG—Suu-my h"
HAND Vi R—Tuuuou LA".
" Ym ROI! m
A OCTOBER the 22d, 1862,11: venom-100
o a order ofthe Orptnn'n Court: of York snd
Adam countien, the nndernigncd, Adminiltm
ton of the amt. or Wuun HARLACHIB,IIW
of Pnrndise township, York county, Pm. will
ofl'er at Public Sula. lhll valuable TRACT OF
LAND. nituuwd put]; in Pnndise towmhip,
York county, Ind partly in Hamilton town
ship. Adana county, one mile enstot’ Ent Ber
lin, on the rond leading from Berlin to the York
and Gettysburg turnpike, containing 108
Acres, more or lessmith uumcient Timber Ind
“endow, adjoining lands of George Jacobi, (of
Geo.,) Dumel Bender, Jacob bnkcr, George
Jscobs. (ofS .) and Thaophilus Stray-er. This
tnct is under good cultivativn, the greatut
part having been lxmed over the second time,
under good tencmg and is well watered, Bener
creek pn=sinz through it, and 5 number of
3 rings in the was. The im.
p‘ovementn thereon errcwd In: a.
Two-atoty Brxck Dwelling HOUSE,
with a Two-story Brick Back
bnilding attached, Buck Bnnk Ban,Wlgou
Shed, Corn Crib, Wood House, Srring House,
with a truer-falling sprmg, Carpenter Shop on
the second story of the spring house, Wuh‘
Hnnse, and other nvccunry ‘outhufldingL—
There is omthis truct A fine ORCHARD of
5 25
el‘ersuus wishing to riew the Inn} are
requested to call on Wilson Hnrlnchcr. who
rtsxdea thereon. Ppsseuion and a clan “do
will be giVen on the an!» of April next.
H‘Sala to commence u 1 o‘clock, P. K, on
aid day. when st'endnnce will be given and
um: muko known by
09L 6, 1862. ta Aduw‘uraton.
..‘—___...— «u._-W.
Large Sale
DAY, the 291 k day of OCTOBER hat,
the subscribe". Administrator: of the unto
or Tnona A. Human. deceased. will re” at
Public Sale, M the Isle residence of uid dc
ceued, in Hamilwnhnn township, Adams
county, the following high]; valuable Personal
Property, viz:
i 5 bend of WORK HORSES. 5 head of .\lilch
Corn. 8 bond 0| Young (mule, 4 llraod Bow,
8 large Stock Hogs, 30 Shoots. I Broad-trend
Wagon, l Nnrrow-trend Plantation Wagon, l
Two-horse Wagon, l One-horse Wagon, Wood
work of W’ngonJ Curringe, (newk,,new.) 2
pair of Breecbbnnds, ’4 pair of Front. Gears,
Bar-Ills" Ploughl. Shovel Plouzhn, Han-owl,
1 pair of Hay Lmlalers, l Thruhing Machine,
Gmln Drill, Widno‘ring Mill. 2 Grain Cradles,
#0; Chnini. Cow Chaim, Parks and ”Rakes,
~rnin Sborgl, and all other artirles necessary
in curry on~tlie running hu<incsa. WHEAT.
CORNFOATS and POTATOES, by the bushel;
HAY by the ma; Rifle and Double-harmled
Shot Gun; lot of Lumber, cousiwng ol‘ Plank.
Bonrds. Scanlling tnd Lalh; lot of Chesnut
Shingles; setof‘ Blncluimith Tools, with Bel
lows, almost new ; with I large lot. of Houn
hold Furniture,nnd other articles too numerous
‘to mention. ' >
fi‘Snle to commence at 9 o’clock, A. 51.,
on Jnid dny, when attendance will be given Ind
terms [nude known by
Oct. 8, IBM. 15 ‘ .Qdmrumn.
A Valuabl Farm
A um day 0! NOVEMBER next, by order
oft e Orphnn’l Court of Adam: county, the
luhnrrlber, Admlnlwstor of Joan Emu“-
loln, Sh, dumped, will ofler at Public 3116,
on the premises. the following Renl Ell-ta of
Mid decedent, viz: ‘ /
A PARHJituAte in Liberty townshifi, Adm“
em, Pm, mljoininglnndl ol‘Jacob Elke/r, Andrew
White, David Martin, John Waxy/ma otherl,
containing 211 Acres, more orJ/eu, shout 75
ucm of which are covered with fine Timber,
yith about 40 urea of Mendd’w. The Firm |-
in I good hm: of cnltivfltion. (put hning
been limcd,) and under good fencing. It in one
'of the vary but Farmavin that region. The
Improvement: Ire a ,large Tm».
nary Double Drown; HOUSE,
‘Bnnk Burn, anon/Shed and Corn
‘Crib, large Hay Shed, Cnrrilge
“rum-. 1103 Pin. Smoke House, Wash House
l with Cisteru,LOG TENANT HOUSE, and other
lhuildings g/fi 1111 of good water at the house
Innd another in the burn-yard, both neverfnil
,ing, with I {Jump in etch; two thriving Apple
[Orcim/dfl, of choice iruit. with pear, peach.
clu-rry and other fruit. The Fin-m is well mt
terevl, and is in every respect a most desirable
roperty.‘ ‘
F fi-i’nrions wishing to View it are request
ed to call oLerrge luddhmour, guiding
thereon. .
fi-Saie to commence at 1 o‘ciock, P. 11,
on said day. when Mtendnncc will be given and
terms made known by
, , Adminiuntor.
.By the Court—Jon! Elcu “.72, Clerk.
fi-It‘ not sold, the Farm will be Rented on
nid day. ' .'
Ocl. 10, 1862.‘ u
Orphsn’s Court Bale.
K pursuance of an order of flier Orphnn’l
1 Court. of Adam: count‘y, the snbocriber,
Adminmntor ofthe nun-o! quum WYlO'lb
In,_§l¢¢eu¢d, will ofl'er 11. Public Sale, on me
premium. on SATURDAY. the 3th day a! NO—
VEMBER next, {be following [in] Elute of
mild vlece lent, riz :
A LOT OF GROUSD, aim“. in South
Washington “reel, udjoiniug Frederick Frenzel
onjlhe North, and bounded by allies on the
South and mm, the nupi’oreE‘
mean being a Two-story BRIG
HOUSE. with luck-building, . ‘ '
hug: Frame Shop. Stuble, Fruit
Trees, um! I first-rate Well of “him.
fi-Persom wiihing to view the propeny
an requoned to call on the Adminiltmior,
raiding in Gettysburg.
Wrigley zo commence Ml o'clock, I". 31., on
paid day. when Attendance will be shut Mid
terms mud: known by
By the Court—lnn! EICHOLI}, Clerk.
Oct. 6,1562. u
DAMS COUNTY. BS,——At 11l Orpheu'l
Court held u Gettyab‘urg. in Ind for aid
, *county. ou'the 22d dny of Septem
‘ her. A. D., ”62, before the Hon.
Robert J. Fuher. President. enJ
Durid Ziegler and lpnac E. “’in
nun, Euqs., Associate Judges, duly
ueignpd, 1:. On motion of M. t
W. McClmn, E‘quu the Court grunt I Rule up
on tho widow, hem uud legal repreeenfstives
of Sum“. MACH", deceuod, late of Strabm
town-hip, to wit: C-ttbnrine Buckley, widow,
Henry Neckleyjliubeth Mackley, Peter Muck
ley, (‘hrislian Medley, and. Mary June. inter
unrried with Christian Cnlbmun, children of
deceased, to be and appear At an Orphw'l
Court to be held at Gettylbnrg. on the 3d
uosmn' (1m: day) orxovauum next, A.
D., 1862. and Iceept. or refuse to accept, the
real estate of sold decedent, at the VlluMiOH, ‘
or lhew cause why the Mid real estate should
not be sold in one they or my of them should
neglect or refuse to take or uceept the nine. \
By the Court, JOHN EICHOLTZ, Clerk. ;
Per S. H. ENEDLTZ, Deputy, l
Oct. 6, 1862. at l
HE underlined, Auditor Appointed by the
Orphsn’l Court of Adams couMyJo nuke
uuibufion 3nd dllpou or me excepuoun to
the fim. account of Dunn KESIYnn. Admin
mnlor c. i. n. at BAH-"I Sivan, deceued,
will lil. at his adieu, in Gettysburg, on
WEDNESDAY,¢he 22d any of OCTOBER, 1882,
u :0 o’clock, A. 11., on laid by, to panama
the duties at said nppoinunent, when mad
when .11 person {manned will ”Attend, it
they we fit. EDWARD B. BUBBLER,
bcpc. 29, 1862. 3‘ Auduor.
Auditor's Notice.
BB Auditor nppoinled by tho Orphnn’g
T Court. or Adnnu county, to upon diatri
buuon o! the bmnco in an hund- or Barn!
Kano, Admininuwr of the «use of Sun-nu
ann, deceased, m and “non; the pu-Ju
leggny entitled thereto. 'in meet at persons
inureued for the pnrpou of his npyoinunem,
a. mo onico or I. t w. flcCLnl, in um ..
burg, on SATURDAY, m 18:11 day of 00110.
818, mm, a )0 o’clock, A I.
wu. Kahuna...
MC. 9,1061. II , r
xsnunuu, m m. day domain
«next, the übgriher, Adminulrnot it
bonis non with the" m annexed, of Altai!
BIIHL, deceased. wfll cm at Public 8.1., u
the prunnses, me following Ken! Elma of all
decedent, rm: , ~
No. 1. .\ SHALL FARM, ‘almm ha Gus‘
mun; township, Adnma cunmy, PL, Adjoining
lands (fJobn Dunner, Heirs nf Stun"! Graft.
and o'hvra, couuuning 12 Acren, not. or less.
The improve-menu are n One-‘nd- *
a-halfalory LOG HOUSE, Log
Barn. Spnng Home, nd other
own-building; tho, choice fruit
on the prtminl.
in Union mwnahip, Adams county, PL, con
taining 5 Acrel bad 94 Perchca, udjoming Ind!
ofA. (iron. Heir! of (‘. Bishop, and othen.
fiPer-onn wilbing to new the propenicl
wiu be Ihuwn the same by ullingion th- Ml
miuiuntor, residing uenr.
fi‘Snlc to commence a l o‘clock, P. IL, o.
said day, when attendance “in be given uld
berm: made known by
Adm'rde bonis non with the Will nnnexod
By the Court—Jou- Excuonu, Clerk.
Sept. ‘29, 1862. u
Valuable Farm _ .
A"? PRIVATE SALE—The lubscfib‘fi, Ix
‘ ecuwu of HUGH ELDERIHCE, decanted
offer at Printe Sole, the Real Est-Me of ‘l‘
deceased, v 33:
A FARM. situate in Frrderick coumy. Huy
lnnd, lying on the rigln of xhc ro-d ludln
hon Emmiuburg to Tnneymwn, one mile "3
l h§lf from 8L Joteph's Sisterhood; and two
mile: from Enpuiuburg, mlJninlng landl of
Salomon Kriu, Joshua 'l‘roxel, llobon Allison
and otheu. conuining 100 ACRES, more or
less; about 15 Acres of good Timber and I dun
proportiomof .\lenduw. The improvement! no
I good LOG HOUSE, with 1. Frame
End nuchod. a. Double Log Burn. 0
never-falling well of WML‘I mnvpnienl
to the buildings, a good \pple Urrhud, with I
variety ofother Fruit Trees.
Persons whhing to \iew Hm prop‘erty Sn
"quested lo cull on Robert .\lhiun, adjoining
‘he,property, whn win nlm mnke known tho
terms of rule, or on either of the subscribe",
Jamel M. Eirerdice, raiding in Carlisle. Cum
berlnnd county, Pa.. orJohn Cnrpcntzr, rend.
lug on the Turnpike lending {rum Getly~bnrg
to Chumbcrabnrg, six miles from the form:
place. J \\IES M. ELDERDICE,
Sept. 1, 1862. 6w Exec-« Ion.
Valuable Farm
T PRIVATE SALE—The subscriber ohr.
A his FARM at Private Sale, uimste in
llmbt‘flllnd township. .\dnms county, P... od
joining lands of Samuel Wintrode, Cornellll
Houghteliu, Alexander Current, And "then,
containing 43 Acres. more or lea, of Grin!“
land. The improvement. are I
new Two-story Stone HOUSE,
new 'Frnmc Bunk Burn, Wagon
Shed, Corn Crib, and other out
buildings, n well of excellent water with pump.
And I young Orchard ot choice fruit true.—
About 36 Acre: are improved and under fence,
the bnlauce (8 Acres) is in excellent yam
Timber. For nny one wishing u Irnnll Fu
thle ls a. very desirable one, as the hide or.
all convenient and all well adapted to paint.
The land is the Well ndapted to fruit cullin
tion and would to In excellent litualion for I
fill‘ not cold before the lat of December,
it will be for rent from the lat at April next.
Oct. 6, 1861. St
Notice to Assessors.
HE Aueuorl elected At the Spring election,
T urn heréby notified to attend at. tho Cou
muloneu’ Office. in "the borough of Out].-
burg, to receive Blank Annulment. Dupllm
And the «county innructionl, I: follow:
TheAneuox-s of Union, Conowngo, Berwlck,
Berwick Borough. (him-d, Hamilton, Rudln‘.
Mountplensam. Germany. Scrabnn Ind Mount
joy, «:11 “lead on WEDNESDAY, the 16th of
OCTOBER next— ,
And the Assessors oftbe Borolgh of Getty!-
bnrg, Cumberland, Freedom, Liborty, Humil
tonbnn, Franklin, BuUer, Menu-n, Tynan,
Huntington and Lnumore, will “told on
THURBDAY. the 16111 of OCTOBER nut.
By order 0! the Commilslonon,
J. I. WALTER, Clerk.
Oct. ‘6, 1862. u}
Planting Fruit Trees: '
8 the sewn for Inmplnmlng Fruit MI
in now a bind, I uke thin method to ll
fém my old customers Ind the public in gene
nl. that l but on_hn‘nd, st my uubluhmut,
f(Pluinlielrl Nurseries near the York Sprilgl.)
rom 8,000 to 10,000 very superior Apple Tree;
from 3 to 5 years growth and from 7 to l: {m
in height, which I will retail this leuon a. lo
com- per tree. Any person wishing to plant.
Young Orchard, can have lrces of nny age or
lite they may desire, or ”they wish :0 “pl“.
lreu which have dled in their Urchnrdo, any
csn be nmoxnmodned with as largo no“ u
they may choose to plant. My assortment 6!
Apple: is full. I also lune Peach, Pear, Plug,
Cherry, Apricots and Quince trees—and 5- Id
dilion Shsde Trees and EverGrcenl of "do“
kinda. The :e‘uon for planting gener‘lb‘ Nl
mcnccl noon nnur the middle of October.
,Plninfield Nurseries, Oct. 0, 1862. 4!.
Auditor’s Notice.
HE Audixor appointed by the Court to
make dlilribullun of the funds in We
kinds of Roan? .\icL‘L'nnv, Sequestralorof the
Gettysburg ilnilrond Cumpany,to nnd among“
the parties entitled thereto, will lit for “It
purpose at his office7 in Gettulmrg, n
WEDNESDAY, the sth day at NOVEIBKE,
1861, m. 10 o'clock, A. M., of laid dry. whu
Ind where all panics interested may Ippm.
J. (J. NEELY, Audibpf.
Oct. 6, 1862. u
HE subscribet, h-ving been Appointed by
theLUonn of Common Pleul of Am
county, Committee or the person And ell-111 d
Suun Snnmon, u Lunatic, of Conpw. o
township, Ad-ml county. hereby gins 'notl‘n
to all persons hn'lnq claims or demundagpinn
uid Sneeringer, to prenen'. the lame w the
Inbscribcr, residing in Union town-hip. for
"moment, Ind an perwu indebted :0 mt.
immcd‘uu puyment.
‘ Jusm’u L. MORE. comm.
5ept.8,1862. 6:. A
EV! BEARD'S ESTATE—Letter: of ul-
L mininrnxionz on the "the of Levi Bend,
line of Freedom township, Adams county,
decenued, having been granted to the Bad“-
l'igned, residing in the name wwnnh‘p,“
hereby give: notice to nil per-onl indoiru‘w
aid esute to make immediate plymnt, And
those {mung claim: npimt the lame $0 yNOI-t
them properly “uremic-ted for new.“
Sept. 1, 1802. m
CIATIUN’ will hold it. next ARM loco
lu‘, u Petenburg, on £he 2911:, 30th and 3M
‘0! OCTOBER. A!) commute“ appoint“ u“
on In: meeting will be expeuud w upon,
‘nd a In“ attendance of_ Teacher: in expand.
A cordial invitation is also extondod u d]
friendn of education. The opening union cm
i commonce at 10 o’clock, on the 2911:. ~ -
} By order at we 15:. Comm.
, Oct. 6. 1863. 1d
termegwwenury on the “an of Gun:
Brinkerhofl', late of Smban w p., Ad!” 09.,
deemed, having been granted to the oldu.
signed, ren'uhug in me name townshipfihym.
by give no‘ice to all person: indebted “Nd
sauce to make immedisu pnyumu, and than
having chun- tug-inn. the lune to want
properly nuthcmicated tor sauement. ‘
JOHN 0. 33124113330".
oa.. a, 1861. 6L . Runny.
Robert Hanan, .
ILOB.-—Shop in Myanmar 0! “helm
n the old pheeLrflß will b. m.”
bu un'ork done righ . I'nrticfld- um
[aid to emiuud um. ' fl, h;
0“ ll“. fl _ “ ‘. -“