The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, September 29, 1862, Image 3

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Pnocnm'non by the PRESIDENT.
By the Prrn'dent MM! Fairer! Slam nf America.
1. Abraham Linmln. President of the I‘-
nitpd Shite-s ofAmerim, and Commnndnr-m
chief of the Army nnd Navy thereof. do
hereby proclaim uml declare that ht-ronfler.
m heretofore, the war will be proweutml for
the abject of practically rmtoring the con
stitutionnl yolutinm bofwoen the U. S. and
onch of the Bmm and (he pqople thereof,
in which States that relation is or may he
susperded or disturbed: that it is my pur.
pose, upon the next meeting of Congress,
to again recommend the adoption of a
practical mensuro tenrlormg pecuniary aid
to tho free noceptnncu or rojection of all
tlnvo Starr-a m-cnlled, the pooplo whorl-of
mnv not then he in rebellion against tho U.
hltE-‘LI States. unnl which States may then
have vnlunturily adopted) or tlieroafter may
Klixntnrily mlopt. immediate or gradual
'Xi-i-hment of slavery within theihreflpec-
Live: limits ; and that the effort to colonize
flex-sons of African (IPICOni, with their con
sent, upon this continent or elaewhere. with
the provioualy obtained consent of tho (lov
ornmént existing there. will he continuéd;
UiaLon the first day ol'Jimuary, in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and sixty-three. all persons held mHslaves
within any Staten or (inniunated partsvufn
State. the profile whereof shall then he in
rebellion against the United States. shall he
then, thenceforwnnl and forever free. and
the Exncutive Government oftbe United
Stntr‘s. including tho military and naval au
thority thereof. will recognize nndmnintaiu
the freedom of such ponon¢,an«l {will do no
net or arts to repress such persons, or nn of
them, in any (4TH they make for their
actual freedom : hat the Executive will,
on‘the first. any of J unuary proo
lamntiou, designate theSmtes and parts of
Sutton. il'uny. in which the people thereof
respectively «hull than be in rebellion
against the United States, and the fact that
any State. hr the people thereot‘jhall on
that «lay be inJmnd t'uith represented in the
Congress of tli‘e United States, by memhoré
clnnnen thereto nteleotions wherein mmjori~
ty of the qualified fitters ofuuch State shall
have purlicipntml: shall. in the absence of,
strong cnhnwrvuilwtimony. be deemed l
robrlusive evidl-n ‘ that such State and'
the pron]? thereof are ’nnt then in rebel-l
lion apt-inst the United States; that ‘atton
tion ii hereby called to an act of Congres‘nl
entitlml “An Act to timko an mhlitionnll
nrticlé of war," approved Mnroh 13. 1862,
and which .act in In the ‘words and figuresv
following: I l
13¢ il nine/rd.ti"c.. Tlmt hereafter the follow- ‘
ing shalihg vrnntulgntul a: an ulditionnl
utirlenf n'nr gor the govern mom. of the Army
of the Unite“ States, and shall be observed
tun mob article: I . El
All otficura or rmns in tho military or.
naval Refvlt‘l‘ of {lip United Stuteu m‘ pro-l
hibited from employing stay of the forces
undc I!xeir"rex[»ectivu commands for the
putfosdofrrlurning fugitives from service
my übnr. who have enrnped from any per
mm to whom sul-h «orvice or labor is claim
ml to be due; and any nfiivnr wfm Bhull he
fnmui guilly. by.“ :w;qlrwxlm'it:xl, of violating
this arlivln. shall be sdismisued from the
st-rvial-.. = ?
Sn". 2. Am! [ll' Iffurrfi. emu-(rd. "1% this
mt elm” take cfl'eét from and diet: its pas
tinpn. ’. " .A .
AM), in tho ninth and tofith sections of
an act. entitle-II ‘tAp Act to fluppless imur
rooting, to xnmiih treason And rebellion. to
win‘nnd mnfi~tmtelbo pmparty nf.rebels.
and for M hm- Twpmen." approved July 17,
”62. an-l whir | emotions are in the‘ word
and fiuum following: - ‘
$101193: 9. 11mm; ilj'm-tlmr nun-(ml. Ifint‘all
sun-y: of pevmnfwho <hnll llervnfter be en
gn 0d in I’vlu‘lllnn nzmnst tho Goverfimmt
:4 the United St QM. or who shall in any
shy give'nirl unvl mmfor't thereto. and cap—
-lurml from such persons and taken refuge
within tho lines of the army : and all slaves
rul-luretl from such parlor“ m- dosertpd by
tlu pi. and mming under the control of the
1,01? n-mc-mnf the U. Statosnndulhlnvon
v 1 mrh )w-rmm {dund on, or being Within
{my dare necupiod by the {on-es of (he U<
Ink-4‘ SM'M. sha“ be deemed captive; ofwar,
und shi“ 1m fan-vii: frw of then- servitude,
nn-l nnl agnm hold u‘ slaves. ,
~ Sun: 10. A'ml I»; itfu-rI/vr cum-M7. That no
elm-- ‘w'upin‘g intn any State nr 'l‘rn'itnry. or
the Dmn-ic: "oi-G-lumluin. from‘any other
-f~"u'o_ 944:11e delivered up, or in any way
_impC-dod m- hindored of his liberty exmpt
fur crime or some offence again“. the law,
mules}; the porsnu chiming said fugigive
Hm“ fific makq- oath that the person to
«Imm the inlwir nr son-vim- of such fugitive
i~ alleged to be due is his lawful owner,
and [ms not Inn-no arms against the U. S.
in the prawn! l‘l'lK‘lliOl‘l. nor in anv \my
'yi‘ron and and comfort. lhen‘to; no person
(‘Fg‘lgé‘d in Hue nnlitury or mind servxco of
the Uniiod State shall. under any prete um
Milan-yer, nssunw to decide on the validity
'of the claim of any person to the nervire
vr lulmr of [thy other-person 0r surrender
I?) uny Flfl'h person to the claimant, on paih
o [mung Ilimfiswd'frnm 11m service.
And I do hereby enjuin upon. and order,
n 1 persons rmmgvd in the military and
nuval rervice of l In» United States to observe.
whey nndenfon‘o.w‘itliin their respective!
eplwres ofsm V 109,“)? was and sectionsabnve
wrim-n;‘uud the Executive \\‘il_l in due
time recommend that. all cihmns bf the U.
Hates who him” have remained lnyal thereto
throughuut the rehellinn, shall, upon the
rtvtm‘ation of the oouitixutioual relations be
-Iweontho United States and their respective
States and the pee )9, if thgt relation slinll
"have been s‘uspémfid or disturbed. be com-
Eensate‘d for all Ems by acts of the United
.‘tntea. Including the loss of slaves.
in witness whereof, I have hereunto set.
my hand and caused the sealof the United
Suite: to be fixed. . '
Done :t the City'oflWa-hington‘ this 22d
day “September. in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and sixty
two. and 6f the Independence of the U
nited States the eighty-seventh.
By the President:
Wind“ 11. Ssmmn,
_, - i ‘ Secretary of State.
0 - -‘—
, » ‘ Wasmxnrox; Sept 24
By the J’ruidmt qf the L'niml Suite: qumeriezr.
I ‘ a normn'rlox. '
More» it has become neccesssry to call
into"service not only volunteers, but also
portions of the militia of the States by draft,
m order to suppless the insurrection existe
ing in the United States ; and disloyal per
sons are not adequately restrained by the or
dimu‘y process of law from hindering this
measure and from giving aid and comfort in
various ways to the insurrection. Now,
therefore, be it—
Ordercd: First—Thatduringtheexisting
insurrection. and as a necessary measure for
suppressing the same, all rebels and insur
gnts, their niders and abettors within the
nited States. and all persons discouraging
volunteer enlistments, reSisting military
drafts, orguilty of any disloyal practice af
fording ai and com fort to rebels, against the
7 authority of the United States, shall be sub
}ect to martial law, and liable to trial and
‘ punishment by courts-martial, or military
~Second.--That the writ of habea: corpu: is
suspended in respect to all persons arrested,
or who Ire now. or hereafter, during the re
beltion, fiall be imprisoned in any fort,
camp, “tonal, military prison, or other place
of confinement by any militant authority,
bythe schemes of court-mar ' ,or military
In witness whereof I herewith set my
hand And onus the seal of the United States
to betfllxed.
* Done at the city of Washington this twen
ty-fourth dny of September. 111 the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
lixtystwo. md of the independenm of the
United sates the eighty-«womb.
Alum: Lntcom.
BathQPruident: V 7 “
[From the Sun of fidurday.)
[lnformation is received that Gennral Mc-
Clellan still hnd his hondqunrtpm at Slim-1w
burg on TWllnv. On that :lay the Federal
for-res occupied Maryland Heights. and also
Bolivar Heights in Virginia. nn artillery force
tnrding the river. A heavy portion 0! the
army was‘ at Williamsport. The Federal
pickets occupy the country in Virginia
three miles out from Bar 'a Ferry. where
tlmv meet the outposts olpt‘lle Confederates.
The Confederates occupy \erenton with
a forre of one regiment. They amt engaged
in rebuilding the bridge over the Rnfimhtm
nook, indicating that they intend to ispule
the permeation of_ the country between the
riveriand Washington. 1
There is nothing of importance to report
from the West. .
Southern gym: claim the battle of An
tietam an a nfedemte sums. estimating
their loss in the engagement at five thous
and killed, wounded and missing. Gem.
Stank, of Misaim'ppi. nnd Branch. of North
Esmlinn, were killed. Ind six when wound-
The: towns of Charleston, Ripley and
Spencer. in Western Virginia. are navy occu
pied by Confederuto troops. With the ex
ception of. Point Pleasant. the _ Federal
troop: rlo npt hold a single post. walls of the
Litt e Knnawhu river. A
Yet-terday a number ofjlie Governors of
the loyal States, who participated in the
late conference at 'Altoom~ called upon
Presidnnt Lincoln and presented an sddress,
in whivh the Governorn—speaking' for
themselves and the neo in of the States
which they nprmcqt—ynlzzdzed to support
and maintain the eomtitutional authority
of the Preflltlent, nod to give him their hid
in all measure! calculated to bring the wru
to an early termination. They congratulate
him upon the emancipation proclamation,
believng that it in a measure ofbound pol
icy. and that. it will be productive of good.
All the Governors signed the address, with
the exception of Governor Brad I'ord. of this
State. who expressed the opinion that the
proclamation might not prove as’udvantnge
on: as the conference hoped, and regnrdpd
the matter as too doubtful tojustify them
in supporting it. “ , g
MORTANT rnou wmma'roh.
The Srhrmra oft/1: Alm’ilianixtx In Drponc G'g‘ne-
A ral .VcC/nllan—Geneml [lunlcr to [:5 M: Suc
cmor—Slurlling Diaclamru ! .
WAsnixnrox, Sept. 23.—Tbe secret his
tory of’bhe Government for the past. twelve
months. will no doubt show many strange
thingy, if everjtshalrbe written; but much
the moat singular part ofthe record will be
that connecled with the appointmfnts and
renpwinfmentn of Gen. McClellan. There,
is n rumor current to-«lny, that meets geno
rnl belief, that Gen. MbClPllxn in aboutto
he nupersedud in the command ofthe army
by General David Hunter. It is atntd’i ln
confirmation of the rumor that on the day
of G¥nernl McClellan’s recent appointment.
about two wwks ago; Bresidoqt Lincoln
was waited upon by General ”.41le And
infnrmod that. either (innernl Stonewall
Jackwn or General Gunny-:0 B. Ml-Clellan
would be in Immersion 01 Washington with
in forty-eight hour», and it rested with him
to any which oftlw two it slnogld be. Upon
b-ing thus urged Mr. Lincoln mule the ap
pnintmpm. of McClellan nu Commander-in'-
Chiol‘ of the army of the Potomac. l
it is also stated. in this connection. that
on the evening nf the day of his appoint,-
ment, General McClellan mu calledmpon
by Secretary Seward, and Mked to forgive
Mr. Stanton for lhe indignities that. gentle
man had put upon him; and that. ha le
pliml that he could neither forgivn nor for
get. Heacceptod the appointment. how
ever. on'heing urged. and having it repre~
Muted to him that it was Msontin] for him
tn do so for the salvation of the country.—
Ever since his arreptnnc’é thore hasheon a
determined and persistent effort mmle to
oust him from hlfl post god it is thought.
[o33sth that the President has yielded to
these importunities, inasinuch as the same
Barty have likewise importuncd him tojsaue
is Abolition manifesto.
.Beynnd this ibis well known here that
Hunter’s friends have been urging: him for
an important appointment, nud it may he
that they are succmsful in «ecuringML-Glei.
lan’s position for him. The aim seems to
be to acquire oontmllof the army. either in
this way or through the conspiracy of the
Governors, so thnt the radicals may have
matters their own “my, and compel Mr.
Lincoln to dance as they will the Wire's. 0
give place to their pet tool. Fremont. WE
are on the eve of the conspiracy. .
Whatxumx. Sept. 23.——-'l‘he emancipation
proclamation of the Preeident claims much
comment, and by many is regretted as one
ofthe 'worst steps that could have been
mule to follow our recent splendid auc
ceases; i
‘ The. Washington correspondent of the
Boston Traveler.who 11M been-strongly inti-
McCiellnn, says in his letter of {Thursdny
week: “To-day. McClellan is a rising mm.
The soldiers new nnd 01d adore him. I can
not account for it, but such is the fact. I
reveal no important secret when Ignite that
firefiovemment was compelled to r‘einstata
McClellan by file violent feeling in his favor
among the troops. He rode out. among Lhe
tmopé yesterdny, and. they wont wild with,
enthusiasm at the bin-e sight ofhim. What.
is the secret of this feeling in his; favci! T—
th can tell me? Under the circumstan
ces, can any one censure the Prosiden§ for
the course he has taken 2" .
Whilst such is,the popularity of Gen. Mm
Clellan in the arfny, scheming radicalisu at
Wauhington are working night and Jay to
have him removed. A Washington dispatch,
on Wednesday last, 'to the ComtitutionaLU
m'on. says: ‘
RIIOTAL or ennui. u'cunux.
The rumor that General George B. Mo.
Clellan has again been. or is bo‘be removed
from the army of the Potomac. continues to
circulate today, and gains credence with
many. I have no longer any doubt but.
that if he is not. already removed. the ar
rangments are already perfected for such
removal. and itfill be made us soon as the
army is again at rest. Neither have I much
doubt. that General Hunter‘will be appoint.
ted to the command.
There is a strong efl‘ort being made here
to mke room for Geneml Fremont by de
capitating General Halleck. The latter in.
true friend of General MeClellan. and can
not be retained in his present position If
General McClellan is superseded by Hunter.
Hence when the latter change is made, 8
vacancy will soon occur in which to instill
the captor of the Wooly Horse. This is
the present programme of the radicals,
who have President Lincoln in their keep
‘ing, body and soul. and will mould him
to suit whatever object they seek to carry
Slgnifi'mtl—An Abolition Serenade came
ofl'at Wuhinwn on Wednesdny evening ,
occasioned by the President's Emancipation
Proclamation. The President, Secretary
Chase and Cassius M. Clay made speeches.
Attorney General Bates made some re
marks, but he refused to speak of the Emm
oipation Proclamation, which refuel creat
ed considerable comment. . While he was
speaking of the Mississippivnlley, persons
in the crowd repeatedly asked. " what about
the proclamation 2” and at lut, when their
cries were redoubled, as he seemed about
to retire without alluding to it, he said.
“ Perdon me, gentlemen ; I will not discuss
the notions or doeumenta of my superior
before u promiscuous crowd.” A portion of
the populnce tfin proceeded to Secret“,
Sewnrd’s residence and called for the Be?
my, but he foiled w impair.
SOLDIERS' RELIEP.—The “Ladies Relic!
Association" of Gettysburg, forvmrded to tbd‘
cure of Rev. Mr. Bucher at Keedysvllle. on
Setnrdny night, two large boxes of Bandages,
Lint and Delicacies, 01 the chuicelt kind—one
of which was kindly contributed by the La
diel of Cashtown and vicinity, and neutdown by
Mr. Henry Micki] ; to whom and the led, con.
tribnmrs the thank! of the Association are lin;
cerely tendered {or their prompt and kindly Aid
to the suffering—The box sent by tho Auoq
cintion contained the following uticlu: 131”
bandaged, 5 packages lint, 23 shirts, 13 plinl
drawers, 8 Inn rests, 9 torch, 3 pillowqxnen}
l‘pillow, 1 pair slippers, a number of bundledt
at old linen And cotton, eompreuel, 18 jarj
Ind tumblers jelly. 4 cum 0! fruit, 10 bottle: 0 ,_
wine, 6 packages oi Porn-atlrcb and fnrinn, u
go, barley, I beg biscuit, 6 piece: soap, kc. ta”
-—nll of which nerd collected in two day! hyi,
the kindcontributionl ofour Ladica. The boxi
ient from Cuhtoffi ind vicinity wu Inge, Ind
confined of Banding".
We are rcqucatgd to In; that ihe Ladies 0'
the Association are preparing nncthor bax fo
the relief or the altering, ad will be glad to
receiv- contribution: therefor u promptly 35‘
possible. ‘
Where were also three boxes lent under
the kind inpervislon of the llrs. Flht.eatock\s'
to Hagerstown, containing‘choice articles (or
the lick and wounded.—3B¢ntiul of Wednu
day. .
me understand there wu another large
box , sent on Friday last to Frederick, contain
ing n grqat variety ofVl'ucful articles and deli
cutie: for the sicl} Ind 'wounded soldiers; but
the Indie: desiring to lend it 0t! without display,
we have not been furnished with I list of the
articles or‘ the nnmea of the patriotic contribu
tors. .
'NT.; -
Rye F!0ur...;........'..+......
White Whent..........? ......
Red Whent............4....."
(Torn .
(th 3 ........................ ......
Clm‘erb‘eed ...................
Timothy 5eed................
Flux Seed.
Pigmen- of Paris ........,.............:
Haste! groum’i, per bag............
Pip-”......“m-.............. ......... 5 75 to 5 ,8"
\VhTat......... ....... l 30 :0 l 65
xy»........ ~... 68 to 80
Cq’rfi..._......'. ................... ........ 65 so 68
Oats ....................................... 35 so 63
elm-er 5ee.1.....,
Ti inljthy Seem. .
Bt-l'e‘l Cattle, per hund.,........... . 4 50 :0 7 50
Hons, per hund.........g............ 5 DO ".5 7:5
[,l y.. 13 90 tom 00
G duo, Peruvianqugr'lon.........
1 —s—- ___- __ _,_
1 HANOVER—TunneI)" nu
Fl ur, from wagonsw
‘3O. lrom stores
W lent
ver 5eed.....;.....j.
o‘hv 5eed.........-
‘On the 2511) ill-s‘" nt Grnlfl'cnherg Spripzfi,
by the Rev. Jacob Ziegler. MLCHRISTIAN
KEPKLER, of Butler tmrmhip, to Miss LA
VINIA .\L FURNE ',‘oH‘umhcrlnnd township.
On'lhe ltilh incl in this place, by llev. Dr.
BIT’I‘IXGER, both of Adams county.
On Thursday, the IBIh inw, hy Rev. Dr.
Hunter, Mr. EMAXUEL SPAHR, of I’nmdim
township. York conuty. to lii-s AMANDA
BECK, of Oxford township, Aduuxs county.
’ fiOhitnnry notices ox‘ceodißg six linc;
will hereafter be charged at hnlf our usual ad'-
{ertising rates for all over that number of‘
“mafia ; -' ' . ’
lio on) S 10 mill
’ 0n the l'l’th inst., at the house of her son,
Dnvid Sneeringer, in .\lnnntplensfint townehip,
Mrs.ELIZ.\BETII SNEERINGHR, in the 8511:
year of L
"At Key West, Florida, on the '.’O_th at August
HIL. of yellow fever, GREh‘ngY MCCREARY,
of, the 90th Regt. N. Y. Vol ntecr‘s, aged 18
yew: and 2 months, son of Rev, Jnmes B: Mic—
Qumryflof Great Bend, PIL, formerly of this
: On the 16m inst, ALICE cumums
WALKER, ngégl 3 years 8 months and 24 days.
On the 17m ““31; GEO. W. GALLAGHER,
amid 10 yLm-s 3 111 Lbs and 18 days.
On the 13m inst, EDWIN, son of Emanuel
and Leah C. Fisaul, aged 1 yenr,4 months and
26 days. « ‘
0n flue 24‘11 fish, JOHN, aqn ofiMr. John
Guise, of Butler township, aged_ L 2 jean 2
months and 20 days. I
On the 24“] inst.y Mr. GEORGE CARR; of!”
Au. nu. u._ - 41‘"... J
Beechersnll:, aged ‘9 years 3 months and 4;
days. _. 1
Public Sale.
N SATURDAY, the 25th day ofOCTOBER
nut, die subscriber, Administrator do
honis non with the Will annexed, of Amunnt
BIEEL, Jeceased, will offer at Public Sale, on
the premises, the following Real Estate of said
decedent, viz: , .
No. l: A SMALL FARM, situate in Ger
many township, Adams county, Pm, adjoining
lands of thn Dotterer, Heirs of Samuel Graft,
uni others, containing 12 Acres, more or less.
The improvements Me a One-And- ?, .
n-hnlf-story LOG HOUSE, Log ,;;:;;'
Barn, Spring House, and other \lm
out-buildings; also, choice frui Q'; g 7 ..
on the premises. ; i
No. 2: A TRACT OF WOODLAND, nitrate
in Union ~township, Adams county, Pm, con
taining 5 Acres and 94 Perches, ndjonting lands
ofA. Graft, Heirs ofC. Bishop, and sthera.
E‘Persons wishing to View the properties
will be shown the sum by calling on the 4d
minlstramr, residing near.
@Snle to commence It. 1 o’clock, P. IL, on
said dawwhen attendance will be given and
termsAmade known by V v‘
‘ ‘ Axos LEFEVER, ‘
Adm’r de bouia non with the Will annexed
By the Court—Jon: Elcnonz, Clerk.
Sept. 29, 1862. u a ‘
HE undersigned, Auditor Appointed by the
:I‘ Orphnn's Court of Adams county, to make
istribution and dispose of the exceptions to
the first account ORDAMII. K. SxYnn. Admin
istratorc. t. a. of Dunn vansn, deceased,
will sit at his office, in Gettysburg, on
WEDNESDAY,the 22d day of OCTOBER, 1862,
at 10, o’clock, A. 3L, on said day, to perform
the duties of said appointment, when and
where all persons interested will attend, if
they see fit. EDWARD B. BUEHLER.
Sept. 29, 1863. at. Audxlor.
Auditor’s Notice
HE Auditor appointed by the Orphan’e
Court of Adams county, to report dietril
bution of the balance in the hands of Burns
Knco, Administrator of the estate of Scams“:
TAYLon, deceased, to and among the parties
legally entitled thereto. will meet all persons
innerea‘ed for the purpose of his nppoixament,
at the ofice of M. a; W. McCLIu, in Gettys
burg, on SATURDAY, the 18th day of OCTO
BER, 1862, at. 10 o'clock, A. M.
WM. McCLEAN,Auddor.
Sept. 29, 1862. 1d
VEHE anention of the Ladies is respectfully
invited to a large Ind splendid auortmen:
of adies‘ fine Kid and Morocco BOOTS and
SLIPPERS-Luting Gaiters, BQ, to.I 3:
April 11. B. F. IQXLHENY’E.
”AL OlL—ct. ’ ‘
__. DR. 8. HOBN’KR'S Drug Sign; ‘
hummus bf mrjnfiez "I. ‘
‘ mums. ;
7mm mania! comm—.ol; Frictfy
morning, a troop train and a freight, tram
came in collision (because of a dune fog)
on the Cumberland Valley Railroad. near
the quuehnnna Bl'ldg“. by which the cars
were pilNl three deep, and, awful to relate,
ten or twelve soldiPn-x were kxlled and about
thirty wounded. They were returning to
their homes. at Reading and Philadelphia.
—.-——- - ‘ «h F‘v'V—r
fi'l‘he New York Express of Thursday
evening says :
“The stock market Was immnnaolyinflated
to-dny—firxthy the proclamation. and next
by the radical trigmph in this Sate owr the
conservative republicans in convention.—
Fancy stocks jumped up three per cent"
railways two per cont.. wlu‘lr govrmmrnt “ac/.'.!
were clack. Gold has gnne up from 117 11le
days before the proclamation £01203 to—day,
with an upwarJ tendency, after A lcw local
causes have ceu‘ed to operate. The busi
ness public reason that, as the proclamation
has indefinitely :prolnnged the war, the
paper-money inflation must corrospnnd with
the probable length of the war, and hence
this rise in stobks. gold. etc.” ' _ -
At Philadelphia the same excitgment
prevailed. ‘ '
N pursuance of a writ of alias Venditioni
I Exponas, issued out of the Conn of Com
mon Pleas of Adam: county, Pn.,nr.d to me
directed, will be exposed to Public Salp, at the
Court House, in ticttysburg. on Saturday. the
181/! day of Utloberénut, (190.5.) at 1 o'clock, I‘.
51., the following tion rihed Real Estate, viz:
A TRACT OFvbANIJ, situate in Franklin
township, Adz-ms c'pumy, 154., fijulningJands
of‘ Geome Dnywnlt, Widow .\lciinughy, le
othfrs, containing 40 Arrcs, more or has, about
30 acres clear and lthe bn‘innce in timber, im
proved with A oneland‘u. hnli storytlog .
Dwelling liOCSE,§with an unfinished
two-stary log Building attached. Dou-
ble Log Burn, [giShom Spring House; Corn
(‘rih,.lnd all‘ol ch- necesmry out-buildings,
with n springo winner near the door of the
dwelling. and uniUrchnnl of choice fruit trees.
Seized and twin into execution nu _lhp
properiy of Allen: llznv.‘ , , 3 -
, ix \IUEL WOLF, Shim].
Sheriff's office; lysburg, Sept. 29, ’62.
man per aft. of the' purchase money
upon all sales by tzé’b'herill‘musl. be paid over
immediately nl‘lerfihé’ properly ii struck down
or upon fxnlurc m chinply then-with the proper
ty will be nguin [lth ip for Hula.-
_——— --‘—--it— ———~'-——
Valu'aifle Farm
...5 ()0 to 5 55;
2 MI
...1 10 ml 20
95 to l 12!
.... J: '5O
.. as!
... 41
:‘ . 42
4 50
...1 75 to 2 00
4.1. PRIVATE stun—The subscribers, Ex
# ecumrs of HUM! ELDERIHUE, deceased,
offer at Private Sale, the Real Estate or said
de‘ceased, viz: E
‘ A FARM, situatd in Frederick cminty, Mary
lnnd, lging on tllci right of the ram] loading
from Emluitslmrg to Tum-yum“, one mile mu}
3 half from St. Jul-eph‘s Sisterhood, und two
miles from Hmmityburg. adjoining 'lunds of
Solomon Krise, Joélnm 'l‘roxel, lluhcrt Allison
and otherl, containing 100 .\Clll-ZS, more or
lens; “bunt-IX Acres of good Timber and a due
prupurtion of .\lcmlgw. The improvements are
it good LOG IIObSE, with u Flaunt-‘-
End unilched, a Double Log far", a.
novervlhiling well bf water c 0 \‘enifint
to the buildings, 3,.guod Apple Qrchurd, with a,
variety of other Fruit Trees. " t.
Persons wishing to view the property are
requested to call on Robert Allison, adjoining
the property. who will also muke known the
terms of s Ilc, or on :cithcr of the HlllJSLribt‘rS,
James M. Elcerdicefreshling in Cnrliflu. Cum
h‘erlnu-i county,~ Pa; or John Carpenter, maid-z
ing on the Turnpiki lending from Gettynhnrg
m t‘lmmberalmrg, éix miles from the former
place. JAM s .\l. ELDHRIHCE, 1
Sept. 1, 1862. 6? _ Hutu/on.
._.—~ .‘~—\—J¢ -~ .- ”v-1a“.
5 00 £0525!
2 00 In! 25
23 to
60 00
.. 5' 00
.. ~ 550
.. l 45 to l 251
.. 6M
.. 60
.. ‘ 40!
n 4 00!
.. 1 75
6 25
Faméy Furs!’
mm FAnmn‘x
J No. 1”? @rchfli:
n-low Eighth, sour)
side, Pllilzidelllllizi,im
porter rund mnnulfiyc-
lurer of and drulL-Hi
all mm or qu:
FURS,-l‘or Ludiux’ uh
Children’s wcur. [Je-
friends 0( A-dnms at.
(he surroundinacnun
\ips that l have 110!
in Here, one of |th
largmt‘uml mast lwa‘u
litul nssurtmcms‘of all kind! npll qualified 01.
FANCY FI'HS. fur lelies’ unrl l‘hil'llrL-n‘s “'vnr,‘
that will be worn dining this Fazllinml Win'er”
My Furl- were pui'clmsvd in Eurépe. previous
to the riu- in-Strrling Exclmngf‘, nntl‘the MW
Duty impnsed on all Furs, imported since the
first of August. : 1 ‘
1 would Also fitntf. that as long as my Itovk
lusts. I will offer idnit prices proportinnme m
whnt the goods cost me; hutit will he impossi
ble for me to Im on and Manufacture any
more Furs, nnd Eel; them at the same prices,
owing to the unsct‘tled state DI the nfl'airs of
the Country. 5 , ‘
W‘lieauember tfie name, numher and strcgt.
‘ 7118 Arch Street, l’hilud'u. ,
Sept. 15, 1362. fin! , ‘
r [IE subscriber; having been appointed by
f the Court ofiCommon Pleas cl Adxum
county, Commith‘ePl‘ the person And estate of
Snug). Summary, A Luuntic, of (‘onowngo
township, Adams qounty. hereby gives notice
to all pers'ons having claim": or dcmands’figainst
said Sneeringer. lb presen' Ohe same to the
subsrriher. ruidiugg in Union loynship, for
”momma, and allgpersuus indebted to make
immedmte payment}.
JOSE-11’” L. SHORE, Command
SepLB,lB62. 6 , ‘
Fourth Stréet Carpet Store,
To. 47 nbm‘e‘ chesmn angel. Phiindglphin.
I solicit an ox’nminnlion oilhe plil‘?“ and
quality of my lurgq‘ and well selected STOCK
UF CARPETINGS,mII of ghc newest. styles imd
manufactured of th‘p‘ best materials. Brussels,
34fly—lngmin “nil Venetian pawl-tings.—
Druggeta, Floor ”‘ll Cloths, in every width.
Rug. List. and Cottage Cummings—together
with a huge stuck pf WINDOW SHADES, of
the newest and hfindsnmest patterns. ,wlllt'h
will be sold low. g J..'r DELMmmx,
Sept. B, 1862. an 4'! South 4th St.
F PARTNERSHIP.—Tho panncnhipfiero
tofore existing belwe‘en‘the undersigned,
in the practice bf edicine, has this day been
dissolved. The bodks 9! the firm will b 0 found
in the ppsaessiofl olf Dr. Charles Hornet, who
will rontinUe the pllaclice. ’
{Emilee one clear above the Drug Scor- of
Dr. B. Homer. 1' CHARLES lIQRNEB, -
April 1,1862. i _ k ' . ,
1m BEARD‘S3ESTATE.—LctIers of ..1.
L ministrationt on the «can of Levi Beard,
late of Freedom township, Adams county,
deceased, having been granted to the under
‘signed, residing in the same township, the
hereby gives notice to all persons inde‘ned to
said estate to make immediate payment, and
those hanng claims against the same to present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
SARAH M. BEARD, Adnduutratra.
Sept. 1, 1862. at
Grain & Grocery Warehouse.
BANITE STATlON.—The—§fldersigned hne
leased King’s Warehouse, ntGrnniu Sm
tion, on the Gettysburg Railroad. where he ls
now engaged in the GRAIN, PRODUCE nnd
GROCERY business on a large scale. He
pays the highest market prices for Wheat, Rye,
Corn, Onts, Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, kc"
and sells Groceries of all kinds, N. the lowest
living profile. ’
Give him a call. No efort spared to render
satisfaction. PHILIP HANS.
Sept. 1, 1862. 3m
PURE GROUND SPICES, lelected and
, _ ground expressly for Dr. ROBERT BOR
NER‘S New Drug Store. _
T signed has Etsencea and Perfumeries of
all kinds, It wholes-. 10 find wail, all which be
in selling very cheap for cub. Call and ex
nnina them Ind nukeyour lekctions.
June 30, 1862. . H. H. CARR, Agent.
“ _d’nfiéfiés, Paula. (gingham; Brillignu
Ib., a 1.. 5:011 3 sax-. 5.
Shegifi’s‘ Bale.
Large Bale
day of OCTOBER next, the F'lhscrlhl‘l‘
Wlll offer It Public Sale, on the premises, the
following valuable Properties. v. i 1 - ‘
No. l: A LOT OF GROI'ND, situate in
thtlestnwn, Adams county, PL, fronting 50
feet on Baltimore atrcctmnd running bll'k 2'29
feet along I 30 feet street to I 16 feet alley,
having thereon erected a well built and con
venient Threwstory Brick HOUSE,
containing a handsome Store room,
a Two-star} Back-building attach
ed. Wash House With Cistcru,
Stable, 'f‘arringa House, Wugon Shed, Huy
packingShed. truit trees, 3:0. This praperly is
located nmrthe Depot of the Littlestmiu Rail
road, and is one of the best business slauds in
that place. i
'No. 2. A LOT OF GROUND, litlflue be
tween the Ibore property and the Railroad
Hotel, with I Lumber (mice Ind Railroad
Switch thereon. ' I
so“ a 4. TWO LOTS 01! enema-d.
joining No: 2. fronting 66 1 feet. on n tony feet
strut, Ind running back to the Railde A 46
to», vmh 9 Switch lhrofigh each. x
No. 5.‘ :A LOT OF GROUND, In Hanover
street, Lidleswwn. adjoining Noah Weiken on
the can swim Alley on tho west, ifnp‘rored
with t Two-awry Brick-caved HOUSE unq
Two-nor)! Brick Buck-building, large doublq
Frame Bum, well of water, fiui‘. trees, to.
No. 6: A LOT OF (”(013)”), adjoining
Lillleamwn. conuiuing About 1} Acres. with
A BRICK YARD‘ 9-Two~awry anl House.
and n Stn’nle, thereon—being No. 2 of Ken
shaw'a plot. ‘ i 1
adjoininglLiuk-slo“ n, and Adjoining lnudi of
Joseph Fink, Esq., James Colehouie, and otht-rsi
containing 13 Acres, more or less. ltxrill he:
nfi'cr d in four [11113,33 now _dlvided hi‘fcuccs
or nlcogethcl,‘ns may ln‘vt suit pnrchn era. 1
No. 8. A TRACF OF LAND. in (‘trmnny~
township. on ithe road leading from . organ;
Hill to the Tnueywwn rqnd. Ibont‘l mili- fro
Littlestown. containing 6 Acres, more or lent,
about one-half in good Timber, it will be of
fore-(Lin two tncts. or together. It adjoins
David Krepe and Henry Willa!”
No. 9. AN ICE HUI‘SE, in Littlestown, on
the Depot Lot‘ with n lease at the ground on
which it atlnds to run three yeura yet. -
Aim, HAY. STRAW 11nd .\MNUkF}, Loon?!
unll-(‘hcsnut Posts, Chcsnut Rails, Pulingu, and
othvr personal property.
Aim. on SATURDAY, the with} or 00.
TUBE“ next— ‘
No. 10. A; TRACT OF LAND. git'mtc in
Myers’s District, Carroll county, Md.. near the
rogd lending horn Hanover to l'nion Mills, ud
juuli‘ng lands of'Jqun Jones, John Gun-i, and
mb‘ers, containing 9 Acres. more o‘r [5391, well
co'vered with young thfiving (‘hPsnut limlwr.
30. 11. A TRACT ‘0? LAND, i ('nion
township. Adams rounty, I’m, mljoininlg Uxu'id
Rump nnd others. containing 2 .\cnes,én¢)re or
lode, also we»?! covered with xhrivin young
CIR-smut. Timber. . Z "
w-Pe‘raons wishing to View the pfopoffies
wiil he shown the same by Mr. Henry Dyscrl,
qulJmt-stown. . :
@811]: on {he’first day to commrnke It 10
o’clm-k, A. .\|., and on the second (I y M l
o'c‘lock, P. M. Attendance given and 'lerms
umde kno‘wn by JUUN MILLER.
Aug. 25, 1862. in‘
A; Desirable Farm
Arytrnmc sAr.t:.—Witl be uni-realm Put»-
lic Sale. on the premiseq. on Tlmday, III:
.31)”: (lay qr Seplnnber next, THE FARM of the
late Shunt/i Horn“, dece‘nsed, a trifle il]
Méuntplfinsnnt‘ towmhip, Adams cm My, ml
juigingflnnda of Henry J. Hemlor, J hn and
Lexi Stock, Christin llemlcr, Jncob F 1 Miller
ani‘i Francis X. Smith, and coutninirig fig Acres,
man: or less~with fair proportions 0 Wood—
hufll and Meadow. About. 2.600 bushels of
link have been put npnn the Farm, which in in
gnqd cultivation and undergood fencit‘z. The
imprint-merits consist 01"“ one and
half story Lug IIUI'SE, Bnnll Bur ~
Corn Crih,llng Pen, with n nm'erfnilin ‘
troll of water, nndn pump in it. ‘Alio Black
smith Shop on the premises; and )oung
hearing Orchard (If choice fruit. '
”Parson! wishing to vmw thc ruperty
are reqm-stedjo call on George Y. Hbll'mun,
n-sid‘ng thereoa. ' 4‘ . ,
@Ble to-comm'onvo‘at 1 o'r-lnok, , “..1":
will day. when nttt-ndnncu will he gi n tind
terms mndelmovn by THE M “‘S.’
'Aug. 25,1862. ts ' s '.'. ‘
7- -i - .AA .—-—: —. _. w ~....fi_...‘__....
‘ Valuable Real Estat:
‘ T PI'BUC SALE—The Subsrri er, Ex
:A ecutor of the Inst willl nnd tentmrenl of
, .lnsm-n Human, deranged, wfll oficr at, Public
‘ Sale, on the premises, on NONHA Yulhe 6th
day of OCTOBER next, the following Real
1 Esmtr of snid‘decedent, \‘lt: . . ~
A PAIR“, lilnme in Monntpleunnp town
ship; Adams cnnnly, Pn.,_thrc-e miles east of
(loltubnrg, dear the road to Bonnu‘ blown,
Adjoining lnmla ofJohn Cress, Abrnlmgl Reev
ér, John Rummclfinnd otlurs, ('.onmiqing 173
Acres, mpre or less ; nhout 35 acres “El Timber
and good Madame) The Farm is i n gogd
blnteofcullivntion. , The improve. 1‘ _
menla are n‘ Two-story Frame 3‘ ' '
HOUSE, will) Back-building, Log H”;
Barn, Wagon Shed nnd Corn Crib“; "_‘_ ; :4
[log Pen, Smoke House, Spring House, with a
neverfailing Spring, and the Farm is Well wu
tcred with ueverfniling Springs in uearlyevuy
field; an Orchard of fruitlreea—Applw,‘ l’ench,
Cherry, and cher fruit. It Is 3. mos‘. desirable
prnperty. - '
Wl’ersonl wishing to View it are foqut-sl
ed to call on Fins and Joseph A. He, ler, re
siding thereon.‘ I ‘
[Ea-Sale to'commenco at 1 o'clock; . M., on
said dny, when altendnnct will be given and
terms made known by 5 ‘
' sonar: hEMLEß,Ex€rcular
Sept.s,lB62. ta : ,
Valuable Real Estate,
A No. 1. Gnnwaovx'r FARM, ndjnin
mg the Bornnkh o'l Gettysburg, containing 124
glues. Lan'd’goo-l and kuildinna hcw. ‘ I
-‘ xO. .2. (:UMbEyLAND FAIIM,-'four miles
south of Gettysburg, on the Tuueytmfn ram],
contoining.l3B nod-E. Land red sol?! land the
buildings good. ', l ;
‘ No. a. A GOOD GRIST MILL, wiggles mm
of Land in Germany Low'nship, l! {th from
Littlmtown. All in good order and .will be
sold cheap. ‘
HOUSE, in the Borough of Gettysburg, in
complete order.
All of which will be sold on nceommodming
terms. ‘ GEO. ARNOLD.‘
GettysburgHSept. 1, 1862. l .
Dr. Robert Hot-nevi
flaring retited Jrou the active practice of
my profession, I Luke pleunre in announcing
to the ciflunsnf Gettysburg ind vicinity,that
I have opened I
in the room fo‘rmen 1y Mcnpied by Drsz. 1 0.
Hon“, n In office, where lwill coiaunfly
keep on hlnd t Inge Inpply ofall kind! of
dHquCALS, ‘_ y .
PAINTS ground in Oil, 9 .
OILS, expressed and distilled,
STATIONERY ofllLkinds,
Inh, Pena, Penciln. Ppper, Combs, Brushes, kc.
All the papnlnr Patent Medicines. together
with nseleclion ofpure WINES, BlanDn-zs
Ind WHISKEY, for medicinal purposes only,
always on hand. In (word, my stock embraces
everything usimlly found in a first-class non
of this description.
A, large sup‘fily of fresh Drugs has bqen re.
ceived, and or era are arriving, which I an: o!-
feriug to the public on very nccommodating
terms. My Medicines have all been purchased
undermy personal inspection and supervision
from the most. reliab’le houses. I can therefore
not only recommend them as pure and freshr
but csn lell them cheap. '
‘bo treatment of all chronic diseases.
Mny12,1882. t!
B Itorafive, Shilling Hair Tonic. Ind other
preparations. for uh at Dr. K MEWS
Dd; Hum. , . ‘ g
r -
. ~ : --—-: 7- - H—-—-—.——‘—‘~——“'
Great Sale 1 ,x'” Proclamahon. V
P REAL ESTATE—The undnrsignad, > THEREAS, in and by the Act of the Gen
-0 Aniznees of "AVID (tnmwnu and \\’!!!” crul Auncmhly at this State, cutitlud
“I“ svllat l'uhlic Sillt‘. on WEDNESDAY,.{|IB H .\n ml to regulate the Gcmrul Elortiono of
lst rt n‘ of OCTOBER, Wig, on the premises, thlé ( nmm'nnyrenlth'," enacted on the 21! of
the to lo Vin: Real ham”, WWW (‘n't'WTUTH' Jul)‘ ISJQ, It 111 «grunt-d on m? to pro r’nb 1c
pike [Hold nhoutillmlf-nzuy tin-mam brottysbglfg‘xoucc of pitch hoctinn tolhe hugid, and to
‘ is ‘ in 0W"! ,0 :t" l‘ t c. w
Siam?'3-3ii'n’t°,7.£'f.‘f’.téimsr{3"r mo, alt-nape , til-Rial“; ’"i, ’s'iitxfliaif‘ivhi.“r,%miii 21? th
into "new, as tallnws: I (‘ounty or Adhms, do, therefore, hen-by give
1 No, 1: THE MANSION TRAPT, connininx i this puhlir notice to the Electhrq of the In”
'l5O Acres, nearly 50 acres oi.which are it'll-r 1 ('nunty of Adams, that a Gene-ml Blrch'orl \rlll
tron-d lund well timed and in a good state 0 he held in mm Con 'Y- on the Sermul Tumlay
{‘ultivmiun ;. the balance of the tmct it! We" 1 of Hem/wrnnr, (ILr I’M.) in thclcrrrnl Dirtrirtl
lset with chesnut, pine;E? oth‘c‘rrtimbor. The [ composedl'of thodt'ul owing Townships, :iza '
'GPu‘EFFENBI-Jltt) Ht) ; r In the ‘irat istrit't composed o. t E or.
'SI’RINGS, one of the most healthy zofttottystmrmuttheCou’rt-housejnGtttyshnrg.
'nnd plonsnnt Summer Resorts in 3 In the Second district. compost-d at" tho
'thc country, and with but “Ith - townihipnf Ga-rmnny, at the home ot‘Nnthanlel
[expense can he made equal to any i: tttl‘elptntg, 3 Hume? in rl‘l‘m town of ‘ Littlutown, In tho
'hficzfii‘; it: 1:;“26, “Tilt: :1 :t'lo-stloryullpficlm lurhntttlyl’lPhirZ: 11:22,“, computed of the town;
ibnck-bu‘ilding. 40 feet by ZU—lnid off into f'ship of Oxford,“ the house of Anthony Stras
‘ rooms to nvcommodntc visitors or bonrders.—- hnugh in the town nfhlcl' Oxford: -
iCounected with it is I Store Romn and III)“; in the Fourth dimict,comln{etl of the tan?”
:(lflire, giro I l-trgo and convenient at ’SI‘IIPS of Lhtunuro In'] flultmmon, At tts
‘Umtse, \flth 20 bed rooms attached. thereto,.ln-uu of b. W. lhldehnnd, in the township
fine?” sghling’, Tea-pin “leg!" Stlmothesrbxg ori‘i'i'igngizi' district composed ofthc tawn
cvo vil 'm .ce mine In a -. , , ‘
century hgildiqgg. A 1502 go’od Tenant Houses. l Ships oflltuuiltonbnn hnd Liberty, At thé fu‘bé
wittll .n‘lyhurng\'tortrh”? Nightlife rum, "at'i°l33?2°l33%l‘ii§3i3“l§sm ot the toivn
tori-n rmpvnrnus 1.: . Ill: .
0 LOT gem 2, Mjotnmg the above, contains 91 ; :hip of Hamilton, M the house now occnlptql
A A dis well covered with YOUNG THI~ tr Daniel "(‘l'kt‘f In tho town of Salt Ber In.
Big}: ”in 3ln the Seventh district, composed of the
Lo‘t‘ ‘tNo. 3 contains 2“ Acre! and 94 townahip Gf‘ilennllen. iu the Public School-
Percheq‘ nearly 20 acres of which in cleared house in the town'ot‘ Bondmville.
and in gnod ()l'tll‘l'i the bulanpe ist well am?!“ _ln tho Eighth district, compared ofthe town.
ed with ghesnut, [Mlle and other umber. Tbe’sinp at. htrnlmn, It the house of Jacob 1..
ir‘nprnvetnenl: (in; n 31:83:)? ! (urIflSF,l t::\ll_uirultt'll-st:)\t'r:.
\\'utl'cnbonr o ennn aI. ntto r I!” n l ttl no .h, .
Smhlr. +de it new SAW MIME it! ,_ {lhin nt‘ Pirnnklintnt the house new occm
*uniug order, on which“
to twelve hundred {cat oflumber cuu
¥ daily. ’ '
“N 99: 4. 5. 6 nudfl, enfitnln from fineen
Knoll I‘
from te }
be suwo
Juur acres each. nndhre well set’with
oak and other timbeli. ‘ »
No. 8 contains 6] Acre: and 100
and is TIMBEREU the mme 9310!:
, 6 nnd 7. ’ ,5“
0. Slamming 17 Acres nml 52 Perches,
'hich is meadow, the balance in woqd.
Nos. 4.
part or
.'ou-ments are a, HQE'SE ‘
hle, nnll n SHINGLE Ind
‘ILL, in good repair 31nd
' The |mp
.nnd Sm,
«)rder. !
hnvnfihip of .\loumplensnnt, -M the. publid
Helical—hum:- in uuid .wwnnbip. situate at tho
emu run-la Hm one lending from (Nford to
. {he Tu'u Taverns, the other from lluntentomn
o. 10 contni‘nn 201 Acres, and‘ia‘ we]LtolluHo\'¢‘l
lynung chesnnt and rack oak.
‘ IVE LOTS, ndjoining lnnda ofJncob
Alan "
, 'l‘. Stevens and Daniel Ku‘hn, four
lots contain 20 Acres each, and lot
or whic ;
tninin-z 75 Acres. These low are'well
will) chésmn, oak nud other timber.
Kn. 5 co
ha undimlcd une-hnlf of 98 Acres,
n H Wolf llill,” ndJuiQin‘g iunds of T.
Stevens bndjoséph Smhl‘s h‘rirs. This tract
19 well a t with young timber;
’wl‘iumns wigshiug to viéw tlmpremiau
will he bhowu are same by Umid Goodyear,
rrsidingfon Trout No. 3, or either of,llu:'As-
Signet-mule first-unwed residing in Fayette
ville, Fronklin county, and the other in Mum
mnshurg, Adams county. '
WSule to commence at the Hotel proper
tym 10>0’L‘l00k, A. 51., on Mia day, when: al.-
‘endonco‘ mll be giieu and terms made known
by. : . JUHN DOWKEY,
' 1 JOHN mam“,
{\ug.’ 8,1862. u
' , A Valuable Farm,
I T ['I‘JJC SA LE.——on TUESDAY. the
A 'l'! day of OCTOBER [nix-t, by ‘order of
the Urp mn's (‘uurt of Adams county, the sub
scrihcr. \llminislrnlur anusm'u Rmnuldqiu,
Sn, d('l'Bs(‘d, wi3l~ offer at Public Sale, on flu?
promise, the lalluwing Real Estate of said de
cedent, izz' ‘ '
A l-‘.\ l' \i, altuatc in Lihcrty township, Adams
county, I u., adjoining lnnda of Jacob Eikcr.
Andrew White, David Martin, John Welty, nnd
others; onmining zll Acrci, more or low,
about 75 acres of which are .11“ ercd with fine
Timbenlwith about. 40 ncrcs of Mcudnw. The
Farm is in a good ntule of cultivation, (pnrt
rhnving lcen hmcd.) anil under good icncing.
it. in one of the very hen Firms in "... Ll.
[hut Kilian. The ilnprm’eamcnts ‘24-.” : -‘ .
are :1 lug! Twolslnry Double 1'3"!“
Dwelling lIUK‘SE, Bunk Bnru, ‘. $5l
\\'ngon fished and Cbrn Crih, largc Hay Shed.
t'nrring lionsr. ling l’r-n, Smoke Hanan. Wnsh
llmue w‘ith cistern, LOG TEVANT llUl'h‘H,
and othér buildings; n well of good watcr M
the hon and nnother in the burn-yard, both
nei’erhni ing, with a pump in each ; two llniv,’
ling Apple Orrlmrdq, of choicr fruit.,)vith pear,
pcnch, cherry nml ethcr’l‘ruit. Thr Furm is
well watered, find is in every respect. :1 most
dqsinlbié property. -
WWI-sons wishing to vinw ii. nrq rcqncsted
to call bn Geo. W. Riddlcmoscr, residing
thcrEonu _ ,
Shh-Jo commence at lo‘clock, PAL,
on anid iduy, “In-n attendance‘ will be gifen
and herms made known by ’
various unites to e filled at on election on one
Flip or ticket—Rudd, That the oliice fn'r
which every Nindid 9 iii voted for. shall lie
vpesiguumd, an require by the existing love of
ihié Commonwealth. - ( 1
‘ chrmv 2. That any frn committed by I
‘_',— 5' ‘ '’ "W i’V*“ person Voting in’thc mnnnermbovc prescribe?
AjForward Movement, . elmll be punished by the exilttghun of thll
N f. _ ‘ommonwcolth. _ t '
THE fiIEGE 63110313: 1y COMMAND. Anso—ln and by virtue of the “h Methyl.
Ilavinl removed the headquarters of y of the 3“ “r°"°9‘“do "“7 WW“: “'P‘W
(‘lotliin Emporium from my old stand in Justice: of the Peace, who thnll hold n oflico
Chumhe shurg street into Baltimore street, a 0‘! mppomtmcnt "f Prom- " "‘1" ""d ““3
low doors north of Dunner & Ziegler's. I take , (internment of the [‘PIM- States. 9' ° ‘ “Y
plenurclin announcing ‘to my triends and the on_)! f" incorporated d""“’§x whether ‘‘3 ‘
public generally, that I tun thettor prepared missioned ofilcer or otherwue. n anhordluu ‘
than ever to accommodate them with every- 03‘1"" 9" agent, who 11, or .lhlll he fmliloyed
thing in lmy llne. Myroom has been pointed under the legiglutl‘ve. executneorvjudiciury do- .
itnd lihnilsomely pnpcred. and the recent‘nrrivnl ”mum!" 0! “'l3 hmte, 0' "r “‘9 ,L“!“d 89““:
of a sple did ”sown.“ of" . L or: at any City or, anOl’pl-l‘ilu'd district, and «In ~
Sl’liiNG AND SUMMER CLOTHING so that e\_ery member of Gangrene and of the
1862 II! “,5 “n," gnu” ",3 ' 1862‘ State Legislature, and oi the Select or Come
[nukes it emphatically the Cheap and Fault: mun Count-ii of any tlity, 0r Commissioner"!
‘ l iouub'e Clothing Store 5 'gny incorporated district, is by low incapable
, of Gettrshurg. ‘ A al‘hul-liugiart-“ruining ut the mm: time, the
In‘ the .\lrn'l Department will be found . office or uppouitment of Judge, inspector, or
moumntwfle "gnorlu‘ent of ‘ , Llexk of any election of this Commonwenlth,
“Np; (llLtlTll COATS, , and llmt no Judge, inspector, or other officer
‘ ”113.5355 COATS, ‘. , ‘ ofnny anch clection,shail be eligible tonny ol-
IVE-“TS AND PANTS, for , lice to he then voted lor. \
: spm“; AND SUMMER WEAR Ame—That in the fourth eectlon of the AM i
Our lluys’ Department i'nmprises every m; or A, “will! Cflllfled “A" 1‘“ l’l’llvl’ufll: W 9‘-
riety of élylel. Boys can be trimmed nutfroit 9“"? "3g _and {of other WWW“, ‘l'lm’V‘id
head ,0 in,“ with “,3“ complete “.,4 cheap. .Apri loll], IMO, itin enacted that tho aforemid
FUIINI3u l x (p a 0 OJ) 3 I l-lth et-tiun “shall not beconitmed, into pro
l - "ch .3 , tent itny militia officer or borough other, in.
l Slilß‘i‘S, ' - -. ' ' . “"‘il‘tsflUUdlZo. inspectowrderk. a any ga
" GUI-LABS, i . oral or special Election in thist‘mmiwenthfl
l u‘gxnxgm‘fimfg. ' Arul in and by M Art of the Gunoml Ant-nu
, l NECKTIHF, - My of this state, passed the 2d day of July
1 . GLOVES, 18:19, it is directed that the inspector. on‘
i- A 4 ROSIERY, he, Judges be at the pluces of their diwtrictl on the,
All neledti-d with the greatest care and sold at ‘1’”! of ”"3 “Hm”! Bleed” “(mullmi "- 9
the lowehteuh prices. We deem it unnecessary o'clock in the forcnnon, to donnd [N'l’rurm the
to unkelnny extra “EVFPRPQV flourish; being. severaldutios required and eiuoined on them in
confident that a call will satiety all that our’ and 0} ”'9 “me ML . _ __
goods are just what we recommend them who r And be It further dU'OC‘edi ”1 had by "10 Afr“
——well made, of good material, 'ond cheaper oflthe GEM?“ Assembly 0" ““3 5““. 3'o"-
than the‘snme «in-l“! of goods can b. bought shill, that one. of the Judges of each of the
ln Adnnu county. This much I will say, that different diutrivts Hereill'i, who shall ill")
iwiligumuim to all who may favor me with the chute 0" thwart-Beaten 9f the number of
their lug-0”,". gnu“ ”targetion' M to qul- vo’es which shall have been given foreiwh eul and price. i, B. “35150,. dldnto for the dill'qrent ofliceo then ond the“ -
April 33, 1868. , voted for at their respective districts, ihfll
meet the third day utter the election, which ohn."
he on Friday, Ill! lfith of October aforesaid, it
the Court-house, in the Borough of Gettysburg,
then and there to make a. fair statement and
certificate of the number of.votea, which aha"
hnve been given at the different diltricts in tho
county of Aduius for tiny person: for the all
ces ufuresold.
B, the Qourt—Jufls Elcuouz, Clerk.
Aug. 25, 1862. tl ' ‘
Latest from New Orleans. .
DST received and (or sale at CODOlil &
J GILLESPIE'S‘nIm-ge and excellent supply
of Orleans Sugsr and Molasses, with n grenl
quantity and uriety of Sngnra, which we are
selling law—either wholesale orretnil. Syrups
of all kinds from 35 to 65 cents per gallon.
Sept. 1, 1862. ‘
» Notlce. K
P ministration on the estate of Pan
'eher, late of Conowngn township, Adams
county, decensed,lm\'ing been granted to the
undersigned, residing in the same twp., he
hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to
said estate to make immediate payment, and
those havingclnims against the same to present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
Aug. 18,1862. 0t
YSONS’ fifty cont picture: are securely
ysom’ fifty cent pictures are water proof.
Tysons’ fifty cent pictures org entirely dumb!
'l‘ywns’ fifty cent pictures are unsurpassed.
Tysons' fifty cent pictuml are wunnted.
Tyfima' fifty cent. pictures are put up in huge
or small easel. (Oct. 21, 1831.
OLLOGK'S LEVAIN—dn pl" bad
he” baking powder in use-- ' B.
U NEE! Drug Store.
' ’ " ”"n‘rw'r‘SsET-lEJL.»
FLY fiETS—o nape P 'I'G’S
composed hf fin.- (mm:
h_\ Jnlln I’. Hull. in said lwndnip. .
In the Truth district. composed nflhetown
ship of (.‘mnmngn, [lt‘llw ‘huuu ul Johmflnl
hey, in .\lcShL‘rryslown. '
in thz Elm-ohm distrigt, fomposgdngf the
township uf‘T) roue, M the house of Allen (1:.
Cuok,iu Uci-Hcrshurg. .
In the! ’l‘m-H'th district, compel-rd of the
tnwnship of Moumjuy, at tho house of 31rd. \L
”mum. in .\Xlill tnu‘rship. . ‘
[_n tho Thincz-uch district. cnmposqd of thg
In lho- Fourm‘nih dish-id, compose-l o“th
township of “ending, nlhuusc of R. .\LDickc
In the Fiftqpntfl (_lls‘fbo, eoglpqned M (I!-
Bnruugh of Horwick, in {he Pulblic School-
Mulsu in Alnboustuwn. ‘
in the Sixmench district, composed of the
township 0! l-‘rcédmn. m the house of Nicholas
Maria. in laid township. r
In the Smcntcenth district, composed of t'lo
township of l'uiun. m. the huuse of l'luucll Le
ferer, in Billll township. ‘
In the Eighteenth diutrict, composed of tlio
tnylmlnip ofllutler, at the public School-ho“
iquiil‘llt-mwnl humid tuwualnipr ‘ ‘ ' ,K
In the Nineteenth district, command of tho
township of Berwick, at the Pigeon Hill
Sehoul—lmu‘sc, in {mid township. _
In the Twentieth district, composed of the
[owmbip ot Cumberland, nt the house of D.
liluqbluluh. in the borough of Gettysburg. ; _
At \\llinh time and plflt‘e‘l will be elected ;
of]. Amiitol (ioneml oftheOommon‘edfli;
Uue Surveyor General of the Common.
n'cnltll ; . I i ; A
One Mriilmr of Congress, to rvérencnt an}
District “('ova of the untieu 9 .
Adan“, qu lin. Fulton, Bedford and
Somerset; t , ‘
One Member of the State Sonata. to ropre;
‘acnt, the Countirs pf Adams, Frankllixin
and Fulton : j ’ , ‘, ‘
One Member of Ansémbly; < 1 |
One County Comrmssibner; f
Ono County Auditor: \ y , , l
One Dim-tor of the Poor“ . ‘ ‘
One District Attorney; - ‘\\ .. 1 ;
()ue County Surveyor; .
Ono‘ Proilionotary; ' 1‘
One Coroner. ‘ . ll
Pnrlirular attention is directed to the Act "
Assembly, yrs-wad. tha‘ 27th day of Febml .
1849. cmitlwl II An not relative to voting It 4‘
h‘ctions in Adnmu, Dnnphin, York,~Laucute ,
(‘nmhl-rlnntlr'ilmdfo rd, Centre, Greene, 9nd :-
rit," viz: , 2 ‘
San-lax I. Be it enacted by the Sonntcgnfl
Hudae uqum-scntnliveu ofthe Communwenlm
ofl'cnnefimnin in General .\nsemhly mount!“
is hereby mrleal by the ugllhnrily of the sand
~lhnt it shall he luwful for the qualiflod votm
0f the mnmics nf Admin,Lnncnster,Dnnphlli,
fprk. Frxunkl'rnJJumherland, Hmdfurd, Centre,
Greene, anti: Erie, from and me:- thc pauufiq
of this net, to vote for an candidates to! ma
Sherm‘a Office, Gettysburg. Sept. 8. ’62.
Gm. Wlwux, Sec’y.
‘ .Beudersville, Aug. 12, 1862. ‘
A Administration on the estate of Andrur
Wlme, late of Freedom twp, Adam co., do.
ceflod, having been granted to tho undersign
ed. reshlingin the same townlhip, the} hereby
give notice to all persons indebted to laid
estate to muge immediate payment, and thou
having claims ngnimt the same to present
them properly nuthenficnfed rot settlement.
Aug. 25, 1862. w Adi-..‘
Fruit Cans,
P nil sizes, wholeule and {Milka
Establishment, corner OlOadisle In.“ and lE.
Rail i oad
ADIES, all nnd too the chapel! lb.“
SILKS om. oiieled in Columbus, 'M‘
no now 2’l: and ready h Isle". , '
April - . \ .'AHNM
[Sept. 8 ! IW .. '.1...