“WEAK? PRO]! WASHINGTON. THE OXIDER IN 3311x3336]; T 0 , - . DRAFTING.‘ ' i ”mus, in and m the Art of the Gen . j ‘VAK Dunn-rust. "WNW I)_ afiopt. V‘ t-ral .\ssz-mhly of this State. untltl ? I WASHINGTON, September s.——lt 5‘ under-i7‘h'—]"f‘_"“3ll”n! {ln United States Mar-‘ “2“ n‘rttb regulntt- the (it-110ml Eltctiona W 1 '{Hfight u,“ thirty "mug“,d at the ISlmlf'. Military(‘nmumm‘l-ntfl. Provost Mar-1”“ L","?‘“.°“.“"'“llh." "mu”! 0" ihe 2‘] . rebel troops have Pressed by ditt'erent Utrds lamb, Phlice (lfliccfl. Sheri“! *9- “'9' {HID 83‘” n'3 "m“mpd 0“ "'0 l° ‘1’": Pub" ' into Mnryfnnd. It wusnotknovm whetlier.qu.".m. ot‘ voluntoqn and the fiolltnnnt Gym?“ °‘" W“ Ehrmfn ‘0 be “:1, ”d I? this is a feint to draii' our forces from thél mlll‘Il! hngingheen com ilete n the seve- 399 m Am: m ninth "film" .Whm‘ “(fl rs “”fl: hel hborhood of Washington, or whether a . ml .Stnten, the Homily lor a ntrinurnt on- g” élt‘ *tchl. Aid bAltlt-hl. “ULF, MW"?! 0“! Istillzlargor army is to be thrown over. ‘ forremcm 0f the 073??! 0f the w"? DB-ltho-“m'l :9 “gymshzithciiffiim'yrr‘ib’ guy i It. is ascrtained that secnanionists umhuyo th'f'H't’ i" "plea-1° volunteering and ‘ t‘dzri‘tvh‘fc Minis: tl‘l’fll“; (ifdliißl-‘fl life “E! i lng horses in this city and Baltimore to sup- I dr’fmng "0 l'mE“? exists. ("T9595 m" “9" be hell! in Laid ('riuntv uu tiling-(5.47 7?: ‘1)”: ' ply the rebel artillery, cavnlry. kc. It. ‘in : “Elm“ (if ”‘9‘" orders, and for dM°y3l Pm’ (J'Ocliflernért (Mr 111/i ) imrheseAreritl Didirict ’ claimed by the Confederate-s that they have 3 ““9" m“ hereafter be made upon my 0):. l coiiiposed of the following; Tuxx‘nshi is \i: ‘ V bnnugh stores of. grnin in the Shenandoah ,l‘r‘?” warrants. or by directionlor the mill-t in the- li‘irst iii-" Jim mmpused ri‘ythe lin ' ‘valley to subskt an army of tho hundred , 3“"? C9H=mlnmler or Governor on the State orGettysburg.“ih'elcmi‘nmuumninHim-stun 5 thousand men six months.l It, is “apposed gm which web arrests may be made, andt [n the Second. di.trict,l rompwezl '0! th the that stores of supplies are wujtingoi refitl‘lt‘lmns upnn travel imposed by. those townshipot Germaniuxitthchouso utXntlmui hem in Maryland. which will be nvnilnhle;orders are reminded. ‘ Entries. in‘ the Inw'n d! Littlcstuwu, iu th i to them when they gain ‘a fwthold in that, L. C. TI'BNER', Judge Advodtita itqvlrnchip tit-(icrlhuny. ‘ i _ . . 1 ‘tnte. —~— 00.?» —- -- I ‘ it tho ' hird dbtrit‘t, comprised of the town EFIGIwIm-lal MtCiellzm has been placed (ml Rrrtridlon oln- va’{.]bflNNGJl—A\'D Pm“; Iship o' Quilterdwt the house otlAnthony Strxtri’ . '5" -u nommtmd of all the forces of the III"’I’"""I-"'Ph‘lf"l‘:ll'l‘l“v“'31"-Gth—Unitfifd Laugh, ”',me towlnot New xtord. - l >ll Nirgima and chin; pmdel ihtates .‘l’nmhal Millward Why attemggted‘l Il‘" ”‘9 huff!) ”hm”. Ct‘ Il’nfit'dflf ”IN-WI) 1%: whole army in front omethingtnn is ‘0 .11“! fl “"1, 0" a“ railroad travel, by re- “"9! “’ ’2‘““‘J’” “'1 "‘"Fmgwm '“ ”3 l rderad' to he provided with three ddy's 'Q}l|rl"t{o\‘ory citizen who wished w {.70 willow“: 9f (1. “.llildcbnutd, In the wwnshi ked mtiOnL I‘ ‘ ikpw \ork nndlnther cities to furopuro a Ofll""t“'g.l‘.’"‘ . . |‘l'lh ‘ i‘, During last. "if“ the INN]; nppnpd‘ hat-A 11:1in fmnli him, for tltlt-murplow of fit-cpgiring l Shy]???llrxiili‘lililsgwt' 05:1}?de "full: try“: '. #7 upon our 9 mp: at Miner's llill. eight. ' "b“‘h 1'“ clerks in‘?“ ”3““ Who“ “wine $1,001.13,“ .H' “(1%. ‘5 ”in” M l u u I ice mm the city, on threw 3»!ch shells “MINT" A“ 50"" M the Washington Mir; 1; the Sim dlxtn': x frl'u‘fiuj 0} 1 , - ntnthein. No casunlti s resulted. A sec-rl ”’Om'“ hem" ofthose Pr“ceedillflsxivrlle”[sm Ibif jig-Alums. “affiuiliwlfl'. Vt ‘8 toy-n ‘ Son of “'(‘Nlen'u hatter .I tinder Lieutenant worelM-Int to the m-irplml to rerhove. lll'nrtmh, h 'l’)“an Blacker, i: th: Litii'liieotllg‘istuhgilt‘iiie uokley,.repliotl, and tlux enemy's attriul"es‘rlc'-‘°"-" “1’0" tree “'3"qu “Wt E 0" all] lin the Seventh district compihcl of tli are soon ilencorl. 'lhb forcol by \\'lhit‘h/ :’f"'""'}“.(‘“" l!" {flu-re 1L“! 1’10"“, Widlvu‘i‘lpwllfiliip mi .\lvflullg-n, in the Public School hey ‘lvere ysinllrli-tul. l 1 d the battery itaelfl U” 0 Im”"H‘PUOH- lilu}lsc in the tnwn_ot lk-mlv stille. i 3 cm mime in mt u rztwn. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ,' ‘ ...» ’—"~—:‘ n tlm H'r-vh ll! 1 tr} , ~ .~ , . The constant n’i'rivul firocruit-x to.fill tip Court MartialofGenei-nla Portef,FlsDk-l~lifp 9f sailljfl'ligfltcil‘? $33315; 3:31))“: i he cgmplemonts’bfnll rogimn-ntu, i~' V’vryi " ‘ lin and Gritfin. ,\‘:I‘Ih~l, inJluutors‘to‘wn. .1. nt-i )‘ing to the militui ' :lllllihl'llit's: thaw] V g u ,“I ..I . , it {i lllll‘ . milfrl'.-trwt.. rm inset] ()fthc tmvn t‘ogimcntv. will at oncr‘i Amine elllcit'llt rzom po".,.‘;,¥]’{:l,f‘;;'il,‘i {.‘It,'l~:::llm Ell‘th} “on? iii this» of l'ruuttilin.‘ nt. the hiluse now m-rupm l ”Lu-mg minglud with tlthvL-ilgvlmniplinml sol-I and his ”Hm-q, v"H ‘ ri-fil t (it ”'h‘hnxbtnmw‘l h3,.l .hn l'. itiitt, in bilitl tttwnah-ip. . I' l I get” ln mun“. t - Imifii tho gi'wtlut. preterit-d oinrm-thmug‘ 1;: I. . ILI (1'1“: l In thu‘Tl'llhll tll~l.vt, cm Alum..l'ut'the town I “"19“!” ofeiiit-ir‘noy from them (iguana) Mi"; l'runklin nnd‘l (il'itl' “PI”: "' ”f T," "3‘ 'I i ‘lllit at; "nun“:‘gtr, .it the ltuube ut'John Bus . (Jlellam is “it IllgillL' the ,yww rr-gjmonh into in tho lute en'un ”le it not a will”; 01 i “.5 l; .n Ml~fillcrx'l\t-[II\III.I . ‘ v bld'hl-igmlm: in this rhythm-I'3 ”my“ Ins-nt- dl‘l't-ut . Cs‘ ”lung .Iqu caumng DUI! ftl thlt lull-ram: win-trust, cmnpnsc-Id of th pr a nut nl liltrllt'il'lltiy in tiwl-J Juil lllltll \ I..:I :I . . ' ,_ . itfiiniztnp ”l. lltrpm», at tut- house at .\.llcu ‘ i T. . . ii .‘ . I f "Ti mart .tl lln'l onlv-r» t 0 a~¢r'trtllln l,‘l"h,”l llrnllrnlmrwt' i . ’3 : rm"? -uers “ill Hm" lfti “ "'“m'd‘ ' ”1W mtvrninz. mu] mr-t --t lln- \\' rl) ru~t-‘ l“ thx '1“ ‘llli lhni ‘rt’ '0) Hal hf tl l l'rcdé-rmkshurg lizwihgln-vn :.l_:tmlnnml m‘r-nt J‘ml 4”IIt I l‘,_l\ -,_‘ ,‘l 1'11" ’1 'll' 1-‘ ”\\‘." '.H r' ’, I‘I"‘l"l 1“ x. )y our Torres. 111 m-w om-upiml ll) urtrong (i -imi~ . 111 _I 1111. 11,.1u. ;I_i 1 ”flint!“ 4.12"" :Jtllillh ilip u limuvlnJl-ItlWlnl tult. muslc ut . l'lb. \ . mdv orn'm infuutn' :x‘l‘rl cavalry I .It in .u \\IJ,.|I.(-|. “Ont-r5ll (.:L\\-¥ “unllilhl-IM', m ”3'"! tutti :tlttllt. .4 —. . About It “‘(itk a rn'tii-hi r'i' Rtuim m'lt7o (:f’ht Hll Munriu-lclfllit‘ ‘liomtt. (m nucnllnt If ”'I“ “"rwhlll' ‘ll‘hl‘i'i ‘”7?")li"""d ”f “l I .l' I I I,L l I Io“. .: II .I“ at ”,9 non nth ”(11.”va”.,n‘m” 31:1“.fi‘.:‘l;lftflllrllll) ut" .\ltiuntplmnnnt. at :the pllllill, all]. Hit-l n ‘Ol 1031511171!) ‘ “Jim. I" 'k “i. 39, “ml tit nvrul l'ut'lvr, “‘lm in to he ITH (l ill'rt. ‘ N'iitcml-lmum i" “M ““"11-‘h‘ll'o *lil‘l‘lc ”1 ”l a-mgnml In :ll'lll’t' tluly III!!! tho tlh-nl, rtutmz Hit-y H‘ljuurlml ”It! “NHL“, mhrning. "i ll» ur it; rnmla. lht‘ um- lt‘ltlltlg Imm _“\iUlll t. 19):: lliol 115:] ).(t‘1:l”ll‘!‘t t‘linllftll'hylsgw IIlIiI'ItIIuL; u't‘inc‘n‘. (it-mini Eilzthhcld w:l,l ulivc Irvin" ”‘ ’T‘w T‘“““si ‘s‘“ ethnr trollltlluuufll"w ; i u.»m~ i, - : :z,:. - 2 ._ ‘ . . ‘ - -. M ' 54 ink-d tli-it ht multicl frt't'." f‘vlillllin \\itlltfii'w-hfm illnmut' tuldiy. ' i ‘ Joanna: ‘l‘a'lrtt‘m'll '175i1'3" é'mllln‘ml “fill ' 11l thehmh uiuluvg 1y higitin [mill vomit-(2b, . , S . ‘ .. A- ”h"— tnit'nship ut' Hint-{in' .tt thi: pulilit- Srhoul Ed Mi”) ‘1“ ”1- H" d‘ lh‘m‘H‘JlHl “A" ”1.0 it " DOGIAI NQti¢°s' lméK‘c‘in llauinH-m. 3" ‘~ l _, rd‘r‘s‘inu (‘thltl he Iti'vvfititml, hut \\'.l? in- 'l' " r ‘7.-. ' . ‘I I 7 . , En tl'u- l“liil'~'ll2ll Il‘i‘irit'L .(‘um lino—l nl' tLi ‘ g'mnuul thutl ut Ilirim‘t'nlt tho tinwrmm-tit I'l £131,120 ‘tifii‘Bllgfd}—Mnll ((HIHAII'LJIIZ' “‘lt‘bl‘fill 04. lit-”MM“ ut the l'dltlm .\.-110%.: ind hO nttt oi ii~ ~1-rvu':.-:~'ut Ilmt wln n’l .I‘ ‘ ~ 0"" ."““ ”WI“ W 3"K * l"‘.‘“,‘-‘ m _\‘:,!...1151..“n, , i i filmy may he Itt'l‘tlt‘tl hurlmll in; unified ol‘ Si 33‘:- i" .'m‘)‘ hufft (”it “"1"”:1’1"" "ri ll I‘l9s§\'tl'l!l‘ll tll‘llit ti I'Ulltgh‘t‘tl 0" I‘l us ; . . . -. . . s ‘ int-qr. 12:42.|:;“';i:::.::'2-..:;:;:::.°:.1-°:..ft 5:33; Jr ‘\'.' i . 'l'llil‘invli("lhnn0 ulrU du the li\? H." iriiii-N\:\!llii!;th:Jiii‘r'l'lltiltinl EnzlL'fillMllll-v ilul’l'Nsi i .-\t “hwy limo tuid pl.l:t'i)lt" t'lH‘ ll‘vtnltlil'l ltl‘lilni'll 1‘)“:th lil‘l'llu: “'l““"«l "31'“ "f. ”I" ll"‘"‘1““:l.:‘i.h if. ““45 ”3 infill llnlfm‘ i l l ‘ {2’ c ’ , IInI-m lo Ir-I‘tll..;n: flit: cum-uku- anits \ll‘lllt‘S.T: “Inn (Mt-1111.02”? .\w mlu‘v‘l: i x “.I i. I,in 1' . II ,119 II _ omm m wt.“ :11. _-’ _ntlv ‘uutvty ‘t-llllll“‘u‘lh \\'.h at _ I ———<°"’-""‘“ 1 - ‘ ('uy‘lbt-ranl,‘llmilibrd, L‘tllirl‘,‘(irl'Cll(‘, and H 'nltnnutli.ltitlm n lllllt .~ l'i-nmt unnutnh, .uul' [c.PSllmm it: Brennan‘s Store is well wnr- 3 tit." \iz: ‘ - Mutt H n main l-urly “mm t'ullmuug. ' til.) :\\isit;n~t nt thi: tune. \\'t- doubt ulnthch l Sm'jh'r army i (-~tit|t:ttvtl m 17» t'rgxm to-n rm-n in Ullr.lfll6(':l ritm. so line a Alhpld)‘ cl" firth”: tlmmm \ggitng, ;.;].l‘(.(.l”;l_;va 111- mm“; mu lu: .’uuml. 'l'lmir large Hum!" is .h lrfl '_ g: I. .ml 1. ( “mm; times in ,"s'l ut-‘twr ofwri' [mtg-m; Mm. 6‘ «11v "-1- mill: lzt'xingtnn and nut}; ' ~ llt'tj‘ nf .rlnllmt' \\'nm himvbir‘r‘n “gum, Tiul 'lj'lw trrvt nl’atiutu til (tum-ml “’nllm‘t‘ nro T‘l 4“} ”"1“4“ '1 \""r'~'I‘I'I“l.I““1 “'3m_C-"’l”"“" .ri‘nig l t‘l‘it't in} “:11. “1] ”I” ‘l. mu tI =lmu‘d- iulLu |h§vmlfl§h i_. thing 11l lllL' lllOllak‘ lurmsllliiug llfi rplu-L :xtt‘fmtvt “n .'ittmh Mt thl< ('ll)’. 1 1:. In»), . “Md?“ utttl'rs,.\+us\E-t- bin L'lr, .ho‘y wiil lmve n rot:I lition ruch tltilln'vllllle L’J'd l 'A‘ 5““ ‘\‘3l x"; “‘l‘.“ “qu l‘ri‘lW‘Wl 10 -.th‘ct. ‘ . ' A ::..l;lv\“§ii‘:}::nlf r:Ilnrl icmtl. '1 In _I“ uln- mul bthct — ,‘ -. . ‘ . . I . - a‘ m ll'll‘ uu'n mmm ttl. ul'tr—kt‘t: mtg : Wurl‘rtl:l(;itri:::\::.nho “(If gumdt d .11 n” "n < b «:iflititlili, ltlllnlu r at Ilmtujsltu Stlllyl) Emil lll‘l jE-h-ztmnh cmnmunit‘ tion is opt-n us far 7:21.}: “ixluull33:l3:ll?“Llimb‘ui ‘5 wry I.‘ .ilmuu'h. ' ' _ . ___— . I ' ' ’ I [Mi rt-hnk are '(‘Etflrg‘ in form to-nipht "'“ '""’""’ ’ 1’ “‘ ”‘"““ “““ \t Willinphtmvn. (lilmntthn-tv miles distant, I - THE MARKETS -n the lit-urgotown turnpik-t. ;” _4_,.. ~94. ‘ » *A Lima” ..1 4%; Wm .11.:vnnis thicken in iii-"i3“ “'«lstm-n Virginia null “hm. 'l'lu- h’imkfll‘t‘ ll‘lll't“k’\”{t“it _ ntt‘klngltii-qn l':lt(‘ eiiluite to gain :t [it itlmhl ll< ‘1 “MCI-“I ‘in ‘tho luttpr _Stute. xtto :uu-mmh {Him (mm I g‘irlcinnuti report [bait to vnmny umlnrJt-n— Jvu I kn“, the gut-rilla (this! minimum! the Unmn quilt; . fomés unlm Colonel lhthlmne, at Sin-now. .i;m.k“|'“.m Kai" tobk "jxmi-eutiqn of that place nix-11mm! t"('\(»}s(-(.l_W in; enact-hurried ’lhwo wl:ii county. me Ft~t-«1................. YnL. si'itatml within liftpen mile: 0t thetmrn l'l.m-r ut' l‘niis of Birth-y. Blown county.()llio.a,llu~‘;v‘nl;l'lnsu-igin-luv. imr lin-L..... plait‘e fifty-ii): milds‘ up the river t'rnm ('in-i . I u”? j “ " - ‘ cin‘nati. anenswood is sittnnn-«l o])[l'tht' :l‘t l»’\I-“l4”~“0m‘“FW”-“' “‘l'- “, .the little village of “Join".‘in MIA”. Wynn..." 5 'l'; _tolb .'I-O manly. Olliq. It Wits rnpnrtml that Ellery, l’ m-at ....... ....... l. :2 ',u l 1:5 Incl crossed the river nearthh 13““quth ri'm ““"’." \.I 1..» to 76 Img,werenmri-hingdmm on both Sldt'S 0t“ ‘1":"””"“' ' ".377 ’ I” '0 ('3 u.- river vestPnluvfgfle curtqmlint: {Urn-st (it s 3:! {0 hr . , . ~ '. ~3 . . ~ - ou-r Scull. .. .‘- “0 to 5 .’.) i we 0 said to be mthm sight, of each otlwr,j,-r”n ” 'H- ‘ ~ , ' 2 ”If ‘2 q; ‘Sn ith being t-ncamped nt. Butfulo, find it i mw‘upfinelm ' .- ‘ in: "J . . . . . .. ,IH'l‘ hund............. .5JO.n 9 00 he tle mm tlme imminent. 'lhc greatest ' Ho's m. hund r, on I! r, 71'. (IX itoment prevailed in Cincinnati yesthr-i ”all; ’ I .......... 1;; at} [O2-0 r 5 (1:: from the rumortlutt Kirby Smith, with “‘llla‘lvdW-n ~ 32,“, 33 or 1' 10.000 men. was at. Fnlrmliuth, Ken-l Unituo,.l'eni-\:inii.,.ii:r'thti1..........‘...1‘ 69, 00 'tuiky, fifteen miles from (Jovm ton. 'l‘hel ri ler, however. was well guilt-deg at all irit-t flat-It, pointS. and the prepm-ut ions of Gen. If?“ Wallace to (101133 th city were com~ "l' elk: n -_" x\ ._ nicitr'mnn orcmnxsvmm‘, TEEN. l llooinsvxLLiz, Sept. filth—Colonel Prestnn. l _ of the Elghth_Kenttlcky Cavalry. has iuutl I‘uli’ved from Russellviiele and reports thin“ olfiSunday evening a portion of Genrrul‘ , G nt’sct'orces from Fort _Dnnalson, drove 9.1 y of réhehl. consistffiz (it; 3.00 cuerillan,l “vi about, 150 citizmis of Clgfisvville, trom i x tit ir rifle pits at Providence, three milvsl fro . Clarksinlle. The Federals- sheiled them out, when they took refuge in‘ a hm-n.‘ W then. shelled them out n( that, ix'hen th y resorted to a dwelling, antllngnin they wake shelled out.‘ They then entered rksville, when the citizens who were iii? the rebels laid aside their arms' and mad their-civil arocations. . We then‘ iodk fioseession at Chit-ks ville‘,..the rebels retreating. ‘3‘ f ' ' i, Th 9 Latest Army Hovemants, ,The War in Alabama—The Tmn‘ 9f Allan: Bfind.—ClxcmNA-H,S_elpt. 6.—-'l‘he Evening Taps has information [lth the United States forge at fitevcus. Aln.‘. was attacked by glue rebels, 12th ‘tlze enemy were repulsed With, great loss. , The town of Alhena, Alabama, has been jug-nod by—our troops. , 1.4 .‘ H \’ ,‘\ l ”Both Winchester and Martinsburg 7. Va bgeu. evacuated by our forges. 'Whut ‘ ' fipondition of things ism. Harper's Ferry '1 nno unabl‘e to say. It was supposedthat we‘hnd suflicient force“ there to hold the Elm . against all oppésition. Nashville. enu.,‘ ha been evacuated. ’ ”A dispatch‘from Cincinnati statei tint information has been received that. General Bragg had left Chattandoga and ll] ndvanci gon Nashville. A New York piper. on thee other hand, claims to have mtelligence‘l that his armyjs moving 9n Western Virginia, gwenty Ibousand strong. ‘3‘th A- K. Mcfllnn has been appoint. ed A'”“;‘. Adjutant Genet-“Qy the Presi. dune-y} Igncd for special duty in Penn”;- " '— ‘ ‘ ‘ ” "‘ __fi‘ \ GET?) SBU {Hi—s.ll cumu' LAx'T.‘ ‘ » HANOVER—THURSDAY 1.5341" Flpur, from wagons Do. from stun-5.. M’hent . Rye ....m..:............. Cu’rn.......# ............ Udt5......'.............'... Glover 5emd........... Timothy 5eed......... p1a5ter...i......‘....... EEO mObitumy noticcs‘excocding six lines Will Inerenfler be chmged at half our usual ml vcrtfiint rules for all over 111 an number of lilac-3.19: ' J 7:3X11117=1. On Saturday, the 6th inst, at his residence,‘ in Curmll County, .\ld.,Col. JAMES McILIIESL NY, [(lnnerly of this county, aged 7f yours"! muulins and IS «lays. ' Al the residence aflbis grandfather, (Mr. Daniel Quip.) in this whee, on Thursday week, FREDERICK DANIEL, 801‘! ofng. G. \\'. Bless ing. 01 Harrisburg, aged Show}? and 23 days. On the‘ 271.11 1111., of scarlet ever,CAREY KANE, son of Gibson Myers, aged 5 years § months and 19 days. 'On the 23m ult., onypuom fever, ur. JOHN J. KEMPER, of this county aged 21 yenra‘G months and 5 days. . ' ~ At. Springfield, Ohio, on the 25th ult., 'Rev. ,JOHX s. GALLIUWAY, for many yearu’qsmr of the First Presbyterinn Church thereynnd formerly of Gettysburg. 3 On the 139. inst., JACJB 'DAXIEL, son of‘ DnvitLJ. A. Melhorn, aged 4 months tum-26 du s. ‘ {in the 2d ins}, JOHN FRANKI.I.‘§,pon of Jacob Wagner, a‘g'ed 1 1'98: '6 months nnd'9 d: s. . A , , 5n the 3d inst., POLLY,wil'eofJohn Fickes, imhe 53d year ol her age: 01the 10th inst, MARY ELLEN, daughter‘ of Mr. Jacob Knnns, of Franklin township, aged 1 mbnghand 26512131. , , , The Adams Dragoons ILL meet in Gettysburg, on SATURDAY NEXT, at 10 o’clock, A. 51., fur’pande. By order of. the Captain, ‘ JAMES MICKLEY, o. g.‘ “ Sept. 25‘ 1862. ,1 , HBI’HERD Fluids, Spring is Laingl. hm, ’justeopened m. A. SUQ '\{SUN'EL r r. a - Sinenm‘ L lie it en'wlml h)~ the Sen-Me m llmt-e nl‘ Repl‘l'iuuinlireb ni‘ihe (‘nnnnnnn'ml of Dem») h‘Juia in llrnrrnl .\«umi-‘y mu :m | isi-hereln l‘lL‘J‘lCA] mufm‘ nui‘nnriiy 0! {Le ~41 ——tlmt 3| :h'lli in'li H\ ihll’n‘ Hie Ilu til i "ii \ute hf t‘le (:nuulit‘s u‘f" .\‘l Imd‘, l. in! iwh'r. Mun-hi York. anklin. (‘n-nhei'inwl. linnltnril,'(‘<-ntr Greene, u'wl Erie, f-rnm :anl . I'li r t‘ie p l\~.'lf_‘ n! this not. 10 um: for ..‘.l e:iib3hl~ilv~' lnr tl \nriu‘usmli e: halve lil'ml Hi. ~m Herzl-m gm 0: ~l‘u‘) or ii: he: :-‘«.l‘m\ithil. Th 1i t‘h" n‘liw [‘o‘ which may in”, .‘QLIte i 4 \Ulfl‘nl L r. =imil hi Il(-~iglmiml, n, u quirmi ‘n_\- the 'e.\i.\lin__; hm: oi lhiq f‘nhlmnnui Jill]. K l - l SWIM“ 23. Tim.” any lrnuvl committed ivy um perfun \‘nliihr 'lu‘l thr- vn mnv-r.il:o\'e preserilu «l slnLil lye ynnklnid hy the existnig law; at [linl ('oflinmimt‘nlllni ‘ , ‘ i I: .\ bro—l" nn.l‘ lw virtue of the llth SN'll') nf’j‘he mt nihresuiil, cH-rv perm". min-nu ‘JIL‘ lens of Lhe ”me". “In: Sltv'll hnhl nny Ollie or inppuintmenti nt'lpmlil or must uiuhr Lh ('ini'elument of ihe l'niled SKEINN. ufipf nu city or incorpm‘ntefl «lislril t, \v'hetlzer a.‘ can {misdohcd olhcei‘. o‘, nLhurwisc, :wsnhuulinnt officer or agent, who is,l‘vr =lm|l he (‘nlplnyt' 'undvcr the legish tire. e.\eenli\e urjmlieiar) d pnrtment of [hi SLII6. ‘urul‘the l‘nited finite or ot- nny city‘v u iiirurpnr.~.ted (listiiq t. and :I 50 “ml. awry n ~lnlu-rnf (‘onzreuc nml nt‘ 11 :Slsite Leuiihtlue. and gut the Select. (_‘r Unn nwn Council nfl :Inv (‘inn' or (‘nnnni-siuner any jhiwrpnrfileil Ail‘lril'l, i-luy Luv ineuluh iil‘ 'lrjnluliux.r or efilerehing ill the game time. ll nili‘i‘b 0r nppbinimenl. of Judge. luipcclnr, ; Ulnrk' of sin char firm of this (.’ununnmvenll innd tlut nn .ln~iuei lnqu-eiur. or other utli'r [ ofllny such elpefinnwlmll be eligible to any 0 (let? to he then iron-d lnr. . ‘ l Also—JUL". in the fourth seetion of the A of Assiembly gnmled -r.\n Act relutin-j 10' e mentions; and for other purpose-z.“ npprnv [,Apri! Nth, 18 HT. it is enacted that the uforcsn , Nth sectjun‘ “:li.:ll nutlmconstrucd, :Is to pr ' vent unylmilitin. nflieer or borough ollieer, “'0 serving a'sjudge, ins‘pector or clerk. at any ge crnl or s‘peeiul election in this Commonweuth |‘ ‘And in and by an Act of the General .\sse lbly of this State, passpd the 2d dny of Jul ll‘S.;9,‘it is directedfihnt the {nzpectors urn ; Judges be at the 1)]711'05 of their ili>tricts on the :dn‘v of the General Election aforeinid, m 9 fo'elnck in the (uno‘uonn, to u'u and perform 1. e . several dutiea requirukudenjuiued on them in land by the mine aet. ' K I , And be it further directed, in and by the A t of the Gent-ml Ajsembly of this~ State, nfor - Isaid, that one. of the Judges of each of t 1: [different didricts ni‘oresnid, who shall bu c {the charge of the certificates of file number 1 votes which shim have been given forcnchcn - diilute for the mill-rent. unlit-cs then and. the e {Med for at their respective ,distriets, sh- 11 ! Inform: lh'u-ddnynfmr theeleetionnvhieh sh ll :’ he. on Friduil, line ml}: of October aforesaid, t thqgourt-honsr, in the Borough of Gettyshin then and thpre in make 9. mir statement in certificate at the number of votes, which sh: ' have been given ill the dtmrcnt (llsll‘lClSln l [county 0f Adaws fur any persons for tire ol 1' can nl'oresnid ‘ 5 AlOlO 5 n 3 2 7:: 11060! 26 95ml 12 L.....) 75 lo 2 . 1 ,’..... 7 5 00 BE 5 50 1510‘1 25 4 ()l) I _75 6 ’25 SA .\II'EL WOLF, Sherifl'. Sh‘cgifi's‘Oflice, Gettysburg, Sept. 8, '6‘2. i Audltor’s Notice. >7 HE undersigned, Auditor appointed hy t e Court of Common Pluns ofédzuns coun _v, i to report dist'ributitiu of the monies accrui 1g ! ft'am the sale, by tine Sheriff, of the real est. (.6 ‘ leviedon as the property of Axnnnw 31ch - mm? and SAxuxnvncKn'mcx, lo and sum 3 i the creditors legally: entitled thereto, will m e'. all persons interesied, for the purpose at is I nppo'mfinent, ntthe oflice of M. t W. MCCLE x, in Gguysburgmn Monday, llus'loth day of ‘ - (MIMI, 1862, at. 10 o’clock, A. M. . » MODES McCLEA‘N, Auduord Aug.-25,1862. 3s , I I AME to the premises of the Inbscriber, . Sfi‘ubnl township, on the 18th day August last, two young Hrifers and one you ; Bull. One of the Heifers in red, Ind the ot whinannd [flack "magi—the Bull is blu xithastar on the forehead. Tire inimls ‘ . npparenfly thorn a' yen old. The _olmer reqursged to come forward, prove property, - - ch‘angdflnd uke uu-m away. ‘ ‘ w ' ’ ALEXANDER moon‘s 1 4.1862. aw Proclamation. Estrays. ' ' ' "-‘ -”a " 14‘ “ “ .' --~— ’4“ T“" >‘-- -~-_--:,-0~~.-~<——~3 I i A Large Sale A} _, i ‘ Desirable Property | ; Great 3810 7 ’. ; 5 17 REAL ESTATE .4)“ mev m-‘amA'i' PI'BIJC SALE—Tho anhucrihcr, Exoc- ' rf REAL nsrimzwrha Shadow], ;0 day 0! UCT’JBEXI next‘.~_thu wi‘ncniver' mat of ihe lan “'1" nm] wummnl of O fifligufl-l uflucm Gown-mu and W , “'1” offer at Puhlic Sale, on the prem m, the' , ANDREW WuiT, Sn. deceased, will (”Tar M W!" at“ at l'uhliv Sulv. nu WEDNHSIFAKIEO ‘l'ull'uwing \nluuhlc Proparlios, Vina l‘nhlic Salr, on the premises, rm Swim-«lay, (luv 111' ll y offlf‘Tnllßpl: 1:102. on Ihr premillal, i .\'l-. l." A. LOT OF GRUUXIM Ii nuts in 'Z'llhulny al' Sqlmber or”, the fullgming Raul the l'uilovrlng RM! Enialo, fiiiunt: on uteTnfn [Littlcslmi'm Adams county. l’.i., fro till: 54) Bantu: a! mill decedent, viz: ,pike rrmvl uhoul half-\uy lfi-iwmn licltyrbxtrg ‘lret on Baltimore street, and rnnnlng lint-k 229' ,A VALUABIJ-I TRACT OF LAND. conlnln- ' and i‘h'uuhcrdmrz, in Franklin lnmuhip, Hem along a3O feet street to 'n It; fr I. “fiik‘y, lng j ACRES, more ur lcbs, in Union township, Aulmnii «minty—RV) .\f’REH l)F‘L.\¥D;d‘ivided illnfing thorn-on (reeled rr wvll built. nd.rou- ' Adatm doubly, Pun-ruh’oul 2.}— miles north of: imot 'u'tu, .u lullmri: f ‘ \l‘flit'nt Thficc-storj Brit-l; llUl'Sli. “k , 'Lm Down, lying M‘tha Sum-ringer Elli roml,’ Nn 'il : Till-2 .\HNilO‘v’ Yrs-HAVE. rnhmlnigng ‘couuxininghhmldmmeSmrP room pg} _ :mlju nifig lundl of John Holding; Nicholns 15‘" Ali‘rt'r. nearly {macro}: or which unlin- Ydut in Two-slur): flickvbu‘ildingalmth- 3471' , Dull tuner, and others, The [and i: in' good prm’erfl lund, “-l-ll limo-ii mld in n gnmi gulch»! san 'O4, “'nSh House With L'Wtemeggzxf- lhmflng co’ntlilion antl'nndnr‘goo-l fencing? vnllirflion the hulnme uf-lhe trm-l‘l‘tw‘éll {.‘u islnhle, ("arrihge lloule, Wagon S d, llny-, The' improvemchls are It :l‘sro-Slory '... 11m “unfit". pint: nnt'lfuthfirlimher. 1}!" Ptgflu- , gpacltith’hL-dfimit :rcer,&r. This [groperrlyis LO( HOUSE, With ilurk-hu-ldlnz. Lngl u JHM‘llglzl-hfi hllu llU'i'l-Jl .'l‘ih . _z‘. sn.” 131.511 iii!!!“ "H“ qnmilic: 0‘ .‘locntcd uuurlhe Depot ol'thc Lillicatown ‘lhtil- Bar , Spring House, Hog Pen, a well of Si’lil}(ls,oueofthe mtg—t healthy, ”,..; ' r ludics‘ .uui ('l-ihhcn'; Wear, mm], and is puc of the hen hush]. as atm‘ds lfl never-luilihg water near the «MM uf the dwell. ,und p ens-ml Sutnmu “(3m : : in 'y-W In illuiring this Full and “inter. thuzplacc. . " ”HRHEQ“ ytlrriviug young ‘\ppie Orchard n! the niumry; and, with hm. l:uih-_ "1‘" ~, 7 lilrirlnuwiil;Enliulnn'phfl‘iuusi 'NO. 1!. A LOT OF GROUND, simutq be-‘rhoi e 3fruit. The land Innis ullxbveu—jimrd, oxpen mean he made cilu it In any inthg dune. lin: lin-hungix- mm! The New llwi-cn the 'w‘borc properly and line, Rlilromi and at! twice. , f v ‘are ufiou thik‘ :rmi. 'Tlni uni: 'lvquinx' is $ll Fun, imp'urwl gum: the Hotel, Within. Lgmhg- (lilies and Railroad 19': the same day will he Offt‘tt'ii. A brick,l6‘£ a.” by» 30. with “WWII-49W mid: i K r {Swilrh thereon. - : LTR (3- OF LAND. in If”. nloromlontlunod hackdfiilding, 40 fuel. by: EiJ—lufli all him 40, thM, asf long us‘ my stock“ Nos. 3A: 4. TWO 'LOTS ()l'j GRllil'XL’l,ad-; tow ship nnd county, mutfnomg 2 Acres. more Mgnuilu nljwnummlalt- \ igi‘mra or harm: “4*— il- at prices premix-pinyin to“ jnining xO. 2, frbnlinz’ 66 feet on n lnrty leet’ur l 33,; about one-half mile north-hut of the Cull" fled \\ithrit is n Nm- 11mm; :w ‘1 15151. if! me; buqit kill be impussi-‘r‘ six-eel, and rhuning hack [o the‘ Pulilronti 146? «ha e plentiful-d prqxvgrty,udl_olmnz lumls M'Olfil'o ‘ nlsq. n lurgc ""‘i (”mm-him? Mu. when and“ Hunnfucluru nnyirm, with a switch uhrnugh each. 1 .1 Wil' mu Welqut, \\lllmm plxtcr,_nxxd olbcm- . Hons l “Mr :0, lied mum~ nn'uchnl worst-a. «ill rein all. Ihc'snme prices.‘ li\‘o. 5. A LOT 'OF GILUI'SIr. in kmovrnThc l‘nFls will he ofl'cmi either Single nr tr?- xwl in: Shliluflg.TL'!-;!Hf.lxiit7.~‘ll..i" ‘ "43“. ciul d amt}: ui'ti.e itfl'uirs ofl s rcpt, Littleatown. mijoiuing Sohh \\ 'ihm‘mu i gothprh ‘0 3““ -pnrchascrs. TM proprrty l 'ei‘oi ing Swing. lcr- llnn.'.-, and an off: “ " i ‘ ‘ ' itil'c cn‘at Andi an alley on the wash i proved f benlilifuliyloculed and convenient to Churches (min: ' lmildiuku. rum: 1 ”ml '1 .r;I. I u .mi .- ihe unmc.hnm'.zt«r and sirtctut with n "l‘wui-story’ Brick-Cilifl‘l HI) Si“. nudfiml “135-, Persons “iShiflK ‘0 View it MC: "3' :uiilh i- you"; Urfluill n“ (‘hnll't‘ l:--.‘. ' ini‘ 1 Jul? FARIIIRA. ;Two—3lory Biriek «Back-building. lurg doublmque. oth to call on JucohmGnll, wh_o.:T9sl-I}‘S oahor mall fruit nfuvir-u l‘mh f TH ‘Arch fuedr, l’lzil.ld'u. lFrnme Barri, “velluf wnter,‘ fruiting. kc, the: orig. I’mscssion nnd. 1!. clear 'mle mill Lu N", 3, .. ‘juiuhllr 4h n we. mm wisp: ‘5l { ‘ " - .No. [6: A LUT OF GROUND. ijuihin: I beg V 0? ‘2" ”1,0 15" OLAPNL ”M - ,‘ , iAt‘rN, and is wull cuured with \:)l'.\_ TL}?— ‘i 4““: "‘ "“‘~"\‘—»— Lit'tlcstown', iconmining about HAc caywith ~ $310“) commence "‘ 2 o’rlm-k, 91“”:lhi‘ll. -‘ ' ’ ‘ 1 ‘ b 1 C sale. ’ A lllil(}K’X.§l’-i)'.'a Two‘smry Frmn ‘Himcofion uh! day, MW“ MtkmLUWt‘ “‘ll h¢ 5'3”"! 1.0 No. 3 mnlr-i'w, inl‘ .\r-xrs :m? it Y, I .l' Qitli‘ lin-_ynl' REPTE‘J— und :1 Sm'ullc, lh‘ereun—bciugSUuZ m 'C‘ilvu- , «ml‘ tertns mndeknou‘n l»): . ‘~. ' Elle—cill{4,_neurly :u “at“, i, ». .H h_[lr,‘; L,vl'.|:'}ll‘ ' glhc ”lira; ul N.mx.i\~‘ if, [almw‘s plot. ‘ ,3 * ' ~ 3 i ,y ‘ ' A. L “”1 “1‘6”!!!“ :mnl in‘mul grill-r: Ila: 1m an .1 l 4 wl-li Multif— ifl‘], “-1” “m:- at [rum]... Salt-,1 No. 7,. I.A"V.\LUABLE‘T[:.\(‘T 0 HD3711 quql, 186‘}. 1:" ‘ -u«l '\'lth rheznmt, pine “vial” :mflwm, ”flip l: [lull Lulu of mid .lu- :Hi'niningz Mull-slum", nml’ mlininin: .iulls nl", : . ‘ “4'giqu-rufittncnw :m‘ u [w alum" . '-‘r_-;_ v i{i : i E .. .l ’ Juii‘bil i’ink.jfisxlqLunes'Colelmme, HI: I dlht-rz,’ ;J 1 valuable Farm ‘ -.l WW” L'r'lm'rdffl '1‘“"":"' ”UN;- @gfi' '- :\it"ili ”nglkingtun Yim‘nshih, lumluiuingk l 3 Auras, more‘or 1'55... J “iii be: ‘\ . PIHVATE S UJ'L—Thc yllusvriberi. EV'E: Stable and n um k \\V 311 m; m 133)? 3;: -..ij. “.3ng 'lhu-H t-l' _Mumunu ,mltrml in {our pill-ts,” nou‘ divided l 1 [lulu-s. : 4 vttlhrs nl‘ lll'Gll ELDHRNVE, rim-cairn. gum! ul‘hiug limit I', w. u‘n;hpf‘s.;_fj, :5 rig a nut 'iulhr-rl'. umn'li line or ulluflcthm‘, :Is mry hrsu1 .‘5 m-ll 11--‘r. hi 0 \i'l‘il (‘UYCI'Qd' I\\’iih tllrlyn r 3: run;‘ if JON} (”-.lill’l,.‘\'l‘l-I'i, \ ‘ ffif~4 (_‘hmngn Tim!" r, a; J, 1 . l Supt. 31, 196;). (in' I’.'2lr.§_ - . ; t. L; ’ I mum 3-2”- Q um] [AWL ‘ I'l. Thu-~- i: 1.1.”! [UHI [m'hw “'ilh‘ . A Desirable Farm ; .\T H'mm: s.\u-:...—\\'m vi- "211"“! :n i, 4 Hr :S:l!¢..sm l‘lr‘ ler’vilm-Qflm 'l'wr’d ‘in/,‘l .qu/ (ffflf'rw‘ m" r n a 11"”: F.\ I?" 0% lm- fil'mu A Hurrvwl, {l:4o.lan : ILLI \lni'mll'xlmHu! qu\-nzhij\:vi.\vlu‘in‘uw mg fininmr him”: I)! llcnr‘vJ'. Hrmlvr, Jim". [.125 film Iggfhri‘tmn ”an“? r, lJay-uh I. . .xguf Fl:llu’i~',N. S'lnilhamvli'nn: LII"|L' 5n \,' mm‘A'Klrr lr'~‘~‘——'-\\"lth fu‘r p'npu'linnz’ £1 \\' LAmI un'd Mmilow. .\lmllt .1! WM I‘:ch- |pxmnlh \\ 3!}. N lu-‘min; 'in I‘m- 1‘» l Y‘H k. P ‘1 u \u‘Lm gun: ~,„ E An 1;3 inm- 1 gr luwnpu: upon 19hr Hum. \\ ‘ 4‘ll‘ in I'm"! gnu-l C'll'hnl‘mn and UK!!! r gmul Mu? g.“ The .\l~u nfi‘pruh men!" (‘oxyid ' “fin um“ um] .I w . (_H hAH' :tni'y ‘l4ng lIUK'S‘E, l‘nnk H-I whifi :bnf; (,‘mn (‘rmJlng “on, with 2‘. mu-rnnhx . j , lord"; well of \v'ulvl‘, and A 1 [nu‘mxn’ m it. .\h. :x’flhrk-i A >l2“le Siop Il'l Hm ].rL-:|2i~\‘=; 2m! A young :11! ll luv-‘riug (Wuhan! ”fish-m :4 trali'. ' ‘ :IXI‘JU E-_'x~"l"-r . l - _ .‘l A ‘ ‘ Dl7. Robert flowers 1!“, E , "VI-1W FAMILY Dlll'fl AV!) ‘ j ~ l i ~ H Huasvanm mama,- rnmannsnrxmxrnfln, l-hT'lH,l’l=fl- « { Having r-fin-nl from ”I" urlxvp firm-[five ul' my p'ruhmkifu'; l Mku pH-Isure i}! I&nmlmflng‘l to Mr- (‘itiz us or Ul‘llééulll‘g Mud; \l innit), “le l luxu- Qpfilflll -.\ , 1‘ 'l‘ l . , imwnnrq‘.‘ swmr,‘ ; ‘ in film Iroom‘ farmed); ninjnpr-ng (in: [1 .l‘ ('. [luau-m, :xs'lun [mix-o, “here I. \rfillh‘nn lxmlly .kt-rp ml llmltl a Lnge‘kuilply. Ufnll £15143 bf Flu-Isl! bums, l ' , ;: v _ MElill‘lNES, |. . UIIEMICAILS, ' A i r Pulmrlmm". ‘ 1 g ‘ mom m . . .A x L", DRY It)” S, and _ ’ i ‘ . PA] 'l‘.“ ground in Oil, 1‘ A ' OILS, exprcucd mid dlfililrjovl, ' . ‘ smmussm’qrnuikinda, lnk's, Pens, oncih. l‘apcg. Comm. )lynslncs, kc. \ . PATENT MEDH‘IRHS. ‘5 All tllellppulnr Pnlent'MM'cind, It) rclhor with n sell-mien of purq.Wl.\'l'.‘S, [IRA 'IHHS ’pmI‘WIUSI'FEY, lot nix-(livinul purpgo'se‘ only. ulwnys on blind. Inn word, my atm‘kmmjhrm-es m‘erytbing msnnlly loulrd in n hrl-l-pllusf store "of this dcsy‘ription. ‘1 ‘, A large supply of frcéh Drug: Ile Jmtn rc coivod, and other: are hrriving, which [mu 0(- fering to the public omvury nccom’flillgllng termi.‘ My: Medicines hulve all hm-n lxxrl-h‘metl undenmy pbrsonal iniplpzion and aupetviqion from the mésl reliable hbusms. l t-lul thl-rvrorn 'not only recorumend t dm as puré will Trash, but cn'n sell lhent cheafl.l - ‘ ; x. B.—-P.\RTI(“ULABATTEV’I‘IUX gm" w llemmment of all ohr nit: uliwn~.~.~:.. .‘l - 55m Ué v l C E in 41"! im __ " "“3. if ' It f’l‘ . Grace: Wage ' use. RANITE STATIOSq—TIIe uédcrfi mind has leased Kiga’s \Vlrrbuuse, mUr nle SM noxg, on the (lctuaburé Rain-02m. WI :9 he is now enmtgéd‘in the GRAIN, I’IWD (2E and GII§CEKY business on a" lair-4» s 112. Hg pnys the 'kighestxmarkel 'pficesfnr W! M, R) e, Corn. onty,’Clovcr Seell. Thunlhy 5 ed, M. and sells Gnu-cries of ill kinds; at. l c lowul li\‘i’ng profits. ' l ‘ Give him ‘a call. No-efl'ort spared wtisfiwtiém . PHILIP Saw. 1, lgcz. 3m ' ~,- -.-- ’r'ender AXN. t . , . Notice. ‘ -' , NDBEW WHITE‘S>ESTATE._ litters of ndminfistration on .the eat» vX'mlrew M nice. hue .bf Ffeedom twp, Adnng cp , dc, censui, hhving been gmnled to Ih utdwsisln fed, residing tn the same township, Lh ‘y‘finercby give nofipe It) all person}: indgitedflo snid estate to make ihmediue paymflxt, .nd thou Inning claims again“ the ninledq present them pfoperly hnthenticatcd forfiécmcmmn. . ' W. BOSS WHITE, . ’J: .HAnvsy wwm, ‘ Aug. 25,4361. 6m u4m'n. ' " r-~v.:—-*———-r'* "51 “-.. ‘ ' (£4er Bargains {t : SA/MSLOK' SE‘BLIN'GZQFF! , ' ' ‘ , ' 3 1 .131 3m: N" L; .‘ l x = l ' L [9-9 =1 ; «~11, ; ‘21:”! I'Ullfll 1. ‘ prwu ‘R. i >1“:- ‘ 'nrgfl L ’l'm & } 1 s|le }P""' ; Lulu Al,", T 11“ the "‘MF lc‘ in 3“le ‘ ".I_v Dvwl‘ and “hit! lillvr HUI} ' “Hz. ‘ luliu‘ "..,‘L I Tim; 'l~‘ of n":\ I («1 l'u (ha E~ m“ 4 ¢¢‘ RR 1 l ' . 'll’ltAtlT OF LAND, 'sitlzdtc in Twinin-y to ‘in “up, Adams mnnty, nvijuining Ltntii of .Umh'iun ”uiit‘, \\'illmm (iniso. nnd‘ Lthars, containing! in; .‘.rrw, man: or lose. The im— pr n‘e-thcnls are a 'Pwn-stnry nought-mt 7'3 II(}I"SE and Frumc Burn. , There is u “5 gr. )dflrchnrti of App]? nntl I’en’clu'lh'luu -—hr.re si ingionimquining propotjty. ‘ ’ Sniedo commence at. lp'clm-ka'. 1L on sn t 1 dity, when‘ am ndnme will be givtn find tclms Jlnhdekknown by 1‘ r' 2 a ABRAHAM GUISE, .Mmi . b 1 l 1’ By tho: Gourt—Jntts RicnuLTzTC-h-rk. ‘ _. “3.425, 1863. t 3 . ’ ‘ ' ? Notice. . . \i'L WHEER'S ES'l‘4\Tfi.—~Lctr-rs of 1143 ' ‘miuiumliun on the Hyde ut' Paul ' Yd)", lute of (‘nnnwngn town-hip. Athtmn enitnty, deceased, having been gra‘ntodjo the u ’ crpigned, residing in the name 'hvp., he he Pb! givesirotice to all pérsons indebted to said e‘smte to make immediate payment, and those havingi'lnims ‘nguinst the same Qp'reseitt thém prnperly authenticated fnr yttletunnl. i t ‘ MIQHAEL REILY, Adair“. 4mg. 18,1862. 6; , g ‘ ' Notipe. _ " . I an nmnh‘s ESTATE—Lune” of mi ‘ minktmtioht on the estate at Levi Beard. M: M Fréednm township, Adams'rorinty, dc awed, having been gmuled to the tinder sl' ned, residing in -the same, township, .ahe horohy gives notice to all Iwrsons indebted to said estate to fimke immediate psymenl.,unl those hawmg claims against thcs’ttme to prey-m: tncm 'prétw'rly buthcnticnled {or actuexnént. ~ ‘ SARAH .\l—fBEAhD, Atbnmhlfalriz. Sept. 1, $862. at , \4: , .- ._, ._ “__L L- _ 77,:_5__,_‘_ : . .Frmt Cans, ’ ‘ F 1 nn- sizes, wholesale and ‘ retail. at ‘ SHEADS & BUEHLER’S Stove and Tin Establishment, corner oanrlisle meet and dad Rniltond. ‘ [Sept. 8,1862. I ADIES, can gm! ape the chbapgsg lot at ‘ J {SILKS eve-(offend?! in Geuyaburx; which an: néw open aiid fend; for sale at ‘ , , MW 21. ‘ messsocxzs. ~ ‘ ; I 4. , I ‘J Ell [w " ' , ... Inn: ‘ 9 ‘ “ ' ‘ " " c I prphan’s Court Sale. 1 ”Eisuhsrrihrr. \dmhli .lmlnr a.” the 011110.}, nt;JOIIv Jana, .lr-cE-.L-v.-:l,'ii| gun-J: Inru ._.H .lhd‘br “film Urphuh‘s’fiuur! uf [.‘xr‘. unmet» .[ Jrulfl-r ut Publil' 3 do. an L 1“, p-n 'va 4”. nu; Him»: the 2mm .19» «.r stirrxmum; 't‘ 2110 lin-2H Hll prnpmty. { l ' ‘h-rmns \\l3l=ingt(»k‘ir\vit:zn- rcunFM-d ['on (411-0. \\’? lizfdlutuusvr, rusuang ‘l. _, , . Hill? (:2 rummcnrc 'nt 3 o‘vluqlu I" ‘31., fl dug, Nun :Ilu-m‘mmu “:11! LL- giuu 'lhs xnmflu Lzum 1. ‘wl . l I - udsmuummfmwMES..«tu'm'at- COUNT-Jul” lilcu«|Llz,t‘lu‘k. ; .25. 1462'. Is I, '1 i WM: :1 l [l'mu h. |"\\‘t~i \5 ‘ limiLAl I 'i' {a Ll] (heron ‘ 3'51 mn ~..|: land :1: I!) I'm- AIL-If. I’ubliq Sal-3 ' 1:, ,RE U. FFiTATH ~ 30» fid’unluv, (in: J 7 ’: Ann, of S p‘mulwr [IL ‘; IM- in‘-.4; W" 14' “‘lfu'rli- Silk. ”111'.” fig “H'l 5- 'l'm} 1:01;“. v‘nnzlnlo Imm tux-. 144” ‘\u 1m: 1 ““71 . , 'l‘H.\(‘~'l‘ HI" L.\,\U.f..,~~. :n .4: w Ln " I'vn 1154. IQ M,_"£L ”I“ “-1 .‘. ‘ni it: i {’s‘ {ml purl; by Uu- Imblx.‘ rv-a’ "3;“: ll'lgllhrhlwul.Lachh'hrugs -‘\ ‘ ' J“: - gul- urlknry.i.H(mitr..!.ms.ll'“ If'iiz , 1 Krvrutr. gum ozhln ltv- p r I" t 4‘ x funpnl} ”WM-[l‘7 {inc-ft". ‘ n- " l“- About “HP-{90:1,} _l' cu'. W ‘l‘ a MEAN-3 F l 9v” M“ in M-v‘ l':I_. A my] 1|" In) mt} hum I my 1., Hi my; ‘lv :11 I ‘ VIZ= talent 'l‘il..lwr_a.:.l "we grin.” " '4 3:1"!1‘ gum]! vx'Jug'nu { in :1 {UL-Erin“: r:t(~x'hirv!lh',{ 4,35 I: \\_.ll hr min! fu iblsLUr ah“ Mmmrm mm In m-‘u-q—ms. ~ K 1 3‘ - ti {'3’ ':~':\'lc Lu mmmnrm‘qt ] nil/«1:. I’. Harlan «$l.l d 1;. \\'hr-n nftrn-lzmqo w.“ ho gi'uu pm; in m- made kin)“ n I»): ~j i 1 Am. Yb", Inuit.‘ ls ‘JAWJ'! 1. SMITH!) - ‘ _, 7,..__ w- »- ”-4:- Forward Hovamenh g .. . » yr Hf Slum-i QUING rzx. . r mrms; I\' ("Own“); ‘ Hmjing Hymn-ed thethcawlquzil'lwrs uf‘mv ‘NutM-ig Efupmium {lmp my 'uhl ~t:‘.u Ii ‘in ‘thmlu-whurg strret intq lhlfiimnre flirt-AI. a it‘nv d mm north pf Dimmer EZhuk-r‘a. I hkn‘ 1.1 n+l- in nnnnu-u'iug Hi my lflcuds nndilho publh gem rdly. l‘mt Hum 'lxem-r‘prepnvd mm dyer In manmvnuluijc 11mm with cté‘ry ‘thingiin my firm. \h’ rwgm h's hum milks-45 any} In:§rfdst)m\ ly pnpcrml. and the rcccn: arrival ufn sjulnnrl'd :xcsorxmqut wk ~ ‘ ‘ } ' S‘I’IHNG AND SRIT‘IH‘IH CLUTHXXU{ {. 18613} f u Tm; ”I'!st ‘n'm‘s r 0" . 188: much it. 15mph nicallrv t} r: ('hup 'and Fllulb -1 innahie( mink}; p‘zure y: ‘ . 'nf fieltyslhurg. . _ 1. In‘ ‘hc .\l‘en'i Depart!" n: will he (and If in: u .mpla-u- :uémrlmcu of ‘ . < { ' FIfiECImTH CHATS, i _V k; . . .1; 'slslcss ('«u'rs. j ' ~ {1 "HPTD ASK) PqXTFh {hr \ SPIIIISU if I) SPHWER W in On B‘nyi" Dupzlrtme: t‘comprixps every ff!- rimy fsl} k 5?) Blnyfi cad he mmmed out rhm head a (not «H: suits c 'mplrte and chqnw ‘ FNIKNII3IIIS'IOOO9O3‘3' ‘ ‘ ‘ f such I . H \ 1 a , {lr 1' I E , 1 l I SHEETS, 4 ‘ WOLLARS. ‘ ' i lumac Isl-‘9, ‘ HFG‘K‘T] ', ‘ 1 ' GL V 1751. . j ‘ < , ' 1 llUr‘w'lEß'l', ‘6’ A“ sotrtmlfihh the grqdleet cure and 301941,}. them Can-Mbprit-es. w‘ dgeemituqm-cesfiry umnu :8 any oxtu newstqp-r finurvm. bfing confl m yhm a «mall m! za'ti”"' "21 tum u:— goodsjnn- j‘ust what u‘e .émm-yend [“9111 1‘: ha —well wad», of good nilnten'vs", and cllcfi l‘l‘ than the sume quality 0ft—.1045 -.xu rue-ho: LII in Adamtrcmmty. Thig #:lng 14¢!“ my, M lwillguarantee to all whp may favor we t (.5. their patronage, enlirdanulamiuuh :1} :9 q. ity, fit. m 3 pricA. ,F. U. l’l'ifilh'bj. April 2 ,_lBoj2. ‘ ' '[i Latest from New Orleansy, . CST received and laq‘ 52x19 M. 00909111 C J (:‘ILLESK’WJS Marga and excellent supply (it Orle'nus Sugar and Mbhuses, nitn I , quantity and varicl_;,of‘3agux. which 151“ seningloweither who)» aleorreuih. S p! of ..u ind! from 35 9ad mu pie “no * I .I Be 2.1,1352. ~ 3 -» ‘,zf‘ ......“ tr 4 ".....1. - , » , IX Ijttntion 0: 1.3.9 qwflf‘: i- meg}: lg. 11 invke tun lurgp m splenuxfi M5O ‘3 m Ladit-a’ 'le Kidamd omcco 8001‘3‘ W sm'Pl—zu. 4.4 mm ' , hm, km, “3?. ; ‘ AprmL : . 1' 11.-I.lLnlngfi. . V 3‘: 3:37: 3215 r H I; ,j£;;._v-,,2L 1 . _‘K ‘ s'. ¥ 3 .r,,- .J ..er m; hud~ m‘Jurihh "1 "ml [Chbn‘ figm n'm: ('..vh. null int. 'l‘ht-u- [on :m- \\‘-{l 4.lin ”'1 :1 "xx! 'r. -h ..t' 1‘ 5.3 Amid, yum}: LunJ-I "I T: hen-a. TIL: (11+: |~ . 111‘. . .ic“ Hm x-rcmiifl'! lidul Ihu-lyx r, (‘2'.l"! of lhl: .43.. mm: m Yuk-3‘1”“ the who: in Mu‘u ‘ ll Hm Huh“: gvmpff- Fm” tin) . “hare [- )L‘lul‘ 11mm: kmyfvn ' mmxl‘,‘ , ' l ‘ “gm-uh, ‘i ‘ Autyun‘af r ’ Farm . I In TI'EHDAY, ha \ m-xL Ivy wh’-rm“ im‘ wnfiln, r‘- 0 —.ih. Iv -z'! u sin-2:: l-‘l .3! rl, {W'LHI' SHIN. 1:" Eng ‘r‘l L I%} m uni fie- . = M: “1‘ :1.“ 4,2. ‘Eil'évr.,\,_ 3111,5411. \\‘dlnfingl 'll-, NHL: or ‘.K[-:‘, «WK-rm! with ma ‘ ~r 'Jm‘dmv. 3H» =CM