Ii 5(1)}; L nmpiltr. DI OUR FLAG ! the unit!!! or hams—Hu- union of lunch flue [Vninn a! smm; none would ncwr ;‘ The union 0t hcil.'l'-'——Hn: union ul’ luuds— - And the I'ngwf (mr L'nhm forcmtl a. J. "Am: Emma Axn rum-11mm}: ISM GETTYS‘BIJRG, P.‘ l MONDAY momma. SEPT. 15,1 ch DEHOCBA'I‘IC STATE TICKET For: {\IJIDXTUP. mmmu.) HON. ISAAC SLENKER, or C 3“!!! COCATY For. Stm‘mmz GENERAL, COL. JAMES .P. BARR, or rnranrjn.» - ‘ . ‘ . ‘m-,_‘_ . ‘ mmognuxc 0011}ny TICKET. ‘ ' ' (‘...nyzrrfl.‘ ' : : ’Gcn. A. H. CUl’Fliu’l'll‘ Somr'rm! $O. . L. Scmtor,l - WILLIAM Mcsnrznm’hquz, Littlcstown. j -T Asunmhly, R {HENRY J. MY €116,128!qu T 3 rone tp. ; District Attornvy, \ W3l. A. DUNCAN, Hem, Gettysburg , (‘o‘mmiasionc-r. JACOB EI’I’LEMAN, Bulk-r tp. DiN‘CYln' of 3le Pour. JACOB M. BULMXUEB, .‘L'niun 1p ' Andimr. . JOSEPH H. SH] REMAN. Humilmn {p CrmnlySurvl-3or, JOHN G. unn‘ml:nm'l~‘,Sum.“ tp -. ,r - I “ff". 5: ,V! .- ‘ afi4 - "THE UNION AS IT \\'AS;" c “THE CONS’I‘I'I‘U’I‘IUN AS IT H!" CELEBRATION :. To Una ”(macro/s am! 0(1de [Hum/- Ql' (1w Caulilution um! l'm’nn in Arlmns (fun/My .- A}. a. meeting of the I‘vlmu'rntit' SUHC Con trnl Committtu'Jmhl the 22th m'July. pumm [allowing refilullon \\':H "domed, \‘lZ: . ’ Resolved, mt till: (‘hwiuuun cull upon the' loyal moi: of Ponnsylnmin, thrungh. tixq IJcm chdtlc Standing \Jommiuwa 01' "he di‘tferent counties, {0 meet in the several china and! counties of am State 21: such phoe: as :hnll' he dealgnnled by the said Stnnfiing l‘ommh -4m respectively, on nu.- 1m: u: blai'Ti-ZMIHJ‘. ne‘xt. to ceiebmtc the day as the :mni'regcury mkthe adoption of the Cunsxinnion ol the. fihited Smics’. . . g. jn pursuance offing rr~=dln€irm, we c: 11-upnn} add earnestly [9qu 2111 Damn-run and mei-u friends of the Cmmitxniun framed by our" hither: and the l'uiuu li-uxmlmanL-r ii, in ris-l semblejn .\lass BIN-“ting. at the (‘uurt liuucr. in] Gettysburg, on \\'!i!).\i-I>‘H.\Y, .\‘I'II'THMBIIIIi 17, 186?, Ml u'ulork, P. \l., for the [unwise of commemorating the adoption or the (Immun gun. JAM”: MIXKERHUH’. l ‘ Chairman Domoerufi‘x ('uuut) Cumming-c. ‘ Sept. 1, L 862. 2 DEMOCRATIC, COUNTY COMMITTEE The Drmnrmtic Standing L‘dmmim-e ~nf Adamé countywfill meet at tln Imm» o'f (‘lnrh-s 'WillJnGettyslmrg, mr\\'ED.\‘lZ§D.\Y. KIM-17111 0f SEPTEMBER inst, nt 10 n‘l-Im‘k, .\. M.— annv umnmn x: runnn To In: rummr. ‘ ‘ ‘ JACOB BIHNKEIIHUFVF, Chihrnmn. WThe followinz‘ persnm' compose the Committee: Ja'cob Brinkerhnfl'. 11. J. Stable, Cornelius DhnghL-rly. Henry I)ysortl_.!osc-ph J; Smith, isunc E. \\‘ierm:ln,,(‘unr.ul E. Myers; Daniel Biesorkcr, Edward .‘lcfnlirc, anry W6l3} Fgcdm'ick Wolf, .\‘Atbnulcl \hller, Simon Hamish, Joseph L. Sbm b. 3.5 mm \\'icmnc§;.ila on t iii-s (iflhbau nbjx zlfrnm the Arm‘s. "the mfly bald); u Leafy can be pry: rldutz ~ Argus. So much I pnhlicnn press in fnl liar theory of 710qu mme suggeitions on ing from llxe'lmm .1 to be not only pro] and necessary. Th .1 lican prnfesfidm hnl lulmltqd by‘tlmir - :1 falsely claim to hav 1 (1203.1)?erprim-il4l oflicv, oumdc (be 1 filos!,.ifuot-cxcldsi 1 and Abolilinnizml 1} their political némin same unmistakable ' fore. t 6 nlmko tlwn In put linsnp‘nhtiuul gull) «s<h tile proton'h-ra, W 0 git-6" I’u-mncrflh - iglc‘; of which the nn-pm'ty l ly and usvfu‘iy curri A grm! deal of I bow} offered, «'ince. wur‘ on the sul‘joct ‘ (ionyiulding up(‘ to the demands of i Amtuitouq advice th'c bogip'niryg hf‘ ‘lf su‘lyxdimfin'g 1‘ rparfiun‘ profe‘re ‘ ‘ r crrl‘m't‘rfi'n 'l'h'u: ‘ nnr! we think it 1 I fisin thnL‘v. Wt tgixw 34 a gnod one, mn-k m-U in practic decidndiy in favor If trying it.in t‘he [preaching politihii c. mpaign. “i A In putting in practice, hqwevorfim collcnt a principle—h. principic dictfitc the highest donsidei'ution ofvlmhiic‘d‘ we are not goingto accept thedictfu the Rel-übiican haulers and almiKMn own convictions of rightour mvrivinw ‘goxernmant, or our own idonvof lhg ni sures which are tlom‘indcd to snvcthqci try from' tho‘ fc-m-f‘l doom uhicli . thrgntr‘ns it. We m, _not going?) giv om adhesion t 6 the oqhino that-the p ont ndministxatlcon iginfzillihle, and I Democrats ought, t :creféi'e, to‘ Mint: their own organizatiqn nndlbupfiort it. The truc patriot is fever roatiyio, Siibo hate pnrtimnship to the calls of.his com —ospocially when, M now‘its wry oxisto is endangered. and if imihority set at fiance. H‘e -wiH for my more panizm vantage foi' the high 1- and nohler pur OrauatninirLLthe Govsi‘mment ; ofimlint ing the (‘miflitutipn Jim! re~turingi the ‘ninn. This cvcry‘ pztriot is willing In "Hie only question, then. (which can iliv ‘ us is, how can such aigreit and inomgnt work he pnrformad? ‘ ' ' ’ ‘ The Republican lenders tell us that iduty’ connis‘ts in nuptial-ting nnd Miami!!! the adminiutmtirm._ryixfl giving in Gui-1 h‘eiion to the principlos' ot‘ the Inuiyi power—nos to 3:1”:er I/rc (lm-vrzimcntfimhr _——foy that. We all have done, and ure‘ilo with mien and money, ~voice and. mm. to rc-clect the members of the domin party, or 20‘ fill their 'phiccs with' other: ‘like vimvs, and .tn 1-ei-bi-tuutc-—éo 109% the war shall lust—4.l2:: reign of the bring irresponsihii and inconiiofltent‘ i’uiinghnl‘ or. This, i‘ cording In the radical Ifép‘ liczm creed, ii the lciigth mid breadth;l a} height mu! (Kept-h, in‘shmt, of [mi iotiziu' \\tii"! nil respect, for (how whl giiic =ur‘h mli‘ico, we rr-l udintc the t(_-nchi and rqjt-ct,_‘cn{plmti ally .mid togxlly, ‘ invitation to nhandoi our plim‘iplc‘s—fi principles upon \\'hic l the country roiei grgatnms, gmwpcrity and powon, {\nd adopt tho nrk ! Re. ',cu'. ole ! m‘ [.- Me mi»— |‘ nz‘ 'hoy ion and r the Ly his V6lOO, Lut‘liy his mh'a'. '“v e}e- 13' for (hp l'niun “‘U. the Can-Imm ."M' tlxorcrnrtl, {roe fmm nll mint of A Hr is'm. A sound lnwyflr‘ and an L "(3' ' rlwul‘rr. ulwuyi {o32'le in nplml. the rlglnt, tlm‘ people lnu'e in him a 5 1”" Learn ul-pn vylmm they run rally ‘ cul- lire confi‘tlenéo, asuurwljlmn tlm l i . ‘ i we xountr’y will find in him one of [13,3 valuable‘mlvocimxs. tlm' W 0 .slz'hnll allude to him again. ’oji. coedingsiof IIIZB Coufu'cnca will Le lcvs out: needl- , : . lo‘c-T " T"‘\f‘ “‘.‘" ' " "‘ l‘i'“ . I SENATORIAL NOMINATI uro‘ Tho Demon-mic Sr-mnnrlul Con lap-lat Clmmllcrelmx‘g. on Wrorlnozrln} i lmmrllv hominalod \\'.u. Mvfi'urm: ox-' of Linlegtown. this county, to rnpro |.y' munfiosjof Franklin, fullon and l"; l 3:; the Srlnnxl qr llw State. 0.3:. ' Bf} 8~q..0l klmnklin, very, gracefully wi I ur‘Jn [defcrqme‘ lo the claims of Adan : of 'need lmrlll say that Llni- nmnlnnlj New; anixaontb’fi‘fit to ho mmle‘.” ‘ ’l'hf-r m}. an unprej dig-0d man in the county, lowl party, ball will concode'to Mr. M -. in‘y tbé 31059 (lesixtahle qualifications IPSJ post, cnuipled with the purest pm Imt’ No one {call be ‘mmfe' ufiekcnplim lJon ’“nono numehim but luprnlsc." lin ’ lto the luv, butlnmv engaged in» the] (11-' of agriculture. he is pocnlign'ly}lle . ltry-I the plan-('. He was not brought out 00‘ cll‘ort 0f his own—(fir from it. ll‘ O-i nallmLx-efiultcd splully {mm a. uni, 44- I and lnbnrlily expressed prcl'r-l‘enée b “‘B' ucrats 3an other conserv‘uyvea c iID-l tlzgouglmut the entire enunty. I Us; "the ufl'xqe ‘sought the maufi’ it did? kg} imtuncmiand we cannot but bolim do ‘lllO people “ill omlolrso the achcLiux ”15; pulls triuhplmnlly. . _ ! ' Thekpr-ock-cdingslof the Con Rm- i ”11' ! bexfuundji’n another cnlumn.’ l 11g: :—_—--—7—~,aoo»r ..v d- ‘ £9“le Dcmocrutjg: Cunforeo; 111; T“ onlyfilrird C'qfugrohim‘ml Di>lric I}, {10:97} offiAxmslrmi‘ggnd Bulk-1:, gun u” j All: ghemhcouxfiy, lrm‘e nom'mahul Lu: ‘ ('nu Zuzuunk for (bngrfiés. The odd. n! ' his surcess i: not dvspm-nto—nml of" Dvnioorniggmmrry 11m «libll’k‘t, [l.O ‘m ;is the twin: lII} k (m..- 01' that 36” m t dauntx-(l,:11r-vm- didmnx-lvm q. Zgugl “..‘ L tropid, induhligairlc in We pursuit til;- { thing be undertaken, if. “vim-y lu ind “(here in’ the
  • tzivt he \zi'l 121sz ll ' " hoid fast to her. - Sng'rms to him. 1 ‘ss“)?“yiths’nnrimlg the fact I (ncmv' is Mongol)!" vm-y ‘ym'dvh‘, (I Ilépuhli‘cnns in our mth \\‘l.o:C] hnt‘e'is $0 bitimfllmt they still 1w dnnounging Dymncrht’s'}: Imitnrs n ul‘ms‘of lho'zr 361 ml“- i‘hii i: 1,0 The coume of these men [-nfiuk‘a‘ 1 the ihfcrnfll than the humvn. I :n'ot see that it is calculate! to giv and comfbrt’z to (he n-lgole, air! ‘2 tendency‘lmust be tn pl'fiducE harsh elifig; among bim- people? Every true ~nh'2ui muct tum \\'”!deth framfiainh r ieklt a _or thcuglatlms “ dl~tuerr< nf the p LO.” (7m. .mt'l’vZ‘hnF—T'hc Log‘rhuure {'Kon ‘ .1 . .' . . m‘ky lvnwunammomlypaw-d tuc tuluwmg resolutimi: ‘7 ‘ '-“l.'Moh'rd,.Tlml KcMucky lmik “11th de light the restoration offion. Georg? 3. Mc- Clellan (q the command of the A my of Virginia, Land Tog”?! zl 21> a high tokgn that under his: command the \\':u‘ “in” he butter be prosczfulml “with Um skin and Energy noceséary, to -brißg it. to u. speedy mgd em:- ccssl'ul texfmlinnLipn.” ‘ ..u lejmlm | 5i -——--«.u—~r— ul 1 fi’l‘he duty ofm‘t-ry lover ofhi< 01‘ I in this crisiéfis to ducountonhnceullx . unprofitable talk, all speculations u ”V: mors which have‘ no foundatiqn in t '8: common sense. II: is Jrom such zfi ‘1 , that both newspnp'eh and-Vixensm “I'_mzlnul'ucture panics. a'nd unfit. men 1 "‘!l'.lzlin,jpx-qctica[ dptics of the day ‘a ”1 rdevelopmonts. I‘ l ' ....- A «o»-- E (I? Politicu! A 1 st: -A 'scnsiblc *e— xollticm ;rrests.—. very ..nu M 1 will befifclt‘in the order of Jndga A ,y General Turper, revoking the reslngt e-l' travel, and annulliryg the wholmale ic of fines: forfldisloynl practicés” her in given to manhuls and policp officers ic I stitulional Eldon. , ‘t E , _: ,-.Hm..._._..___ ”’1: ‘ ‘ nmnocmnc- rum. 1 ic!» TIN“: is something {ubliuu‘ly hu’oi ‘ i calm faith with “‘lijt'h Dcxnucrau look I" {Ell to the inm‘ithhle triumph at their [wine |' i They know (lin't their principles me etc {‘s i truth,_nnd iiinstkther/ctbxgcl prevnil. The if! Argus addresses these enéoumging \\ 04rd of Demoormgy of No“) “-Y‘ork. ' They are as Qi prime to us (if Eqnnsyliznnin: f" ‘ “Feliow-clem cmts, have pntivnco, 0 im; by your 'principlcs, calmly cn’d g flippnnt repronchos '\nd misrepresg - [I kill) which partizuu angngucsfiur It i honest but weak ndeuatub‘le politicall )e'nssnil‘ you. ‘ \\'th the storm‘oi vita, e’shnll havé passer}, ahd the nojsy [fret patriots of xhe day shall have: shrqn from the dnnfiera which nnw imfiemt'ul the last hope of the nation will rc~t‘up gout-age and firmness, grounded upon gent political tuitlv, whirh will be equu terrible urdenl, and the salvation 0f yau‘ try will be wrought out by your own h Cherish your pnliticul principles; preset organization, patiently struggle ior‘ th anclmrepnrcfor the hourwhcn the war Enion will, by‘commou consent, be tutti to your hands." ' ministration of ' “AIRS Enicnox.—Ponlanrl, Sept. turns from 91 towns in this State give lowing vote for Governor:— Colbtfrn, (Regulriicnn) Jameson, (Union Democrat) gradbur‘y, (Pt-ace Dem0crat),............! The same town: last your gafie Was 21,964, Dawn 7200, and Jameson 7754. The mfßepnblican loss in these nin towns is 3962. From appearances the ' , can: huve carried ('0 re) the firerCongr ; Ding-lets. The “I‘3: District is in There will be j. lar Republican mnj both bmncbes‘of the Legislature, thou : so large as last year: ~ . NM Jump—The nomination of Ge Parker for Gavan-nor, is hailed 1n" unease gratificgtion‘hy the Democrnti and people of an Jersey, and his 2 is beyond a reajsonable doubt. _ ‘ J I .V I. I. ‘ . V, x ‘ I 0 LIIE2 x 1 a ARRIVAL 0F CAVWH‘ Our téjkn was gréintiy enlive yesterday by the arrival of two lvgimnnls of.eavalry—' the Ne}? ’ York First and I‘ennsylvnnig E’ightlwpde‘r gonnmnnd of CULMCRonms.’ acting 'gndicx Gum-ml. They l'efl Fred erick o Saturday,}nml await order: here. These gimenta hu‘e noon much service. having 11 with film. McClellan through the PM? SD‘A cain'fnaign, and dpsorve to be clumed Among tho n‘t’h’anj. of the war.—-: Ofliccrsfténd men, by‘thoir soldier-1y dopan ment. h'qm made a most favorable impres 4-ion u fiourcitize‘m.“ It. is to bewpgruuod that ”#8;- stay nmqng us wxll neccasarily be brief. 2 1; 3‘ ~. They m distrifl. in Ful- Io pur- '. ten. A. 1 vine Frank- tion of lIMEM feeling T The istrict, having mm m ”I win pmjt that; man. Burrtside took pm f Frodt-rittk on Friday, charging rehr of Mn: Cofifodcmtcs. com cavhh-y. 45116 entered, and cap ernl. ‘ ‘ ' UM session l.c:srti- u pon posed n, and,. olitfuni turing DTI [typeset] HIM t!ne_‘rvbch will endea jn .'s inlu \"fi'gihifl at “'illinmsport.’ ; 'what wads; rhmnin's to be seen. king was Hoard here during sulur ‘i‘f‘b’t‘cl‘klfly. i , 4 "It. is repuflcd ‘Hmt Burnside is n! in.” A‘F'ighhhg All day y«-qk~r-I.Ly— ‘in: lmbchrden Bunnidr um] un'krun. '_"clln'n M. “Frederick ,cszc'mup The {wince to-dny; ‘\ 1‘ . , MOM MEM Pg the MTN m‘dnrd it]: 9n- Cannon ‘dny an EMS i- P. 8. Middle! s"“ka GJQ. M m :0 pm vcn in .1 cumin: 1 -' - SE f The: 'r- "1" 530-5 ~rfi\\‘(‘\'rfll engine “iii bout work. ”shay I‘4 “.ill nnt vute.‘ I can? 1 him. I believe him to be :m .n It is spill that he has exprok» (Hi himtolt} , and Irwmlld ivv‘plonseLLto-soo ngu‘rngnhfia lur My}, not vote 1‘" Aho'iti‘imi to the gun x‘ury him prov; of him nnt-ry la and I know‘ to be right upon this 11 I" fceli it'my duiy to ~uppurt w you Evil! do the samv. 01' la Demo‘ymt; and opposed to us ilnut shit“ ‘we in [lune trying Mr. M) queati'nn, 11113 him. I ‘l 1- n politiv oriuls ctwomlvtwo ppfiliqns. and lyt. s lhhbqy. who \\':w mme annify ip i‘ntqfiho Lx-gislulure, them ournEomont to n! olitionism, I.lm Inn-,0 lwen the muse 0t! our 'O, myl hivmls. I will not do it: I m 1051 th our good and yrval. .l__v will 'éeek the overthrow of hours halt. mgcrs or the” \ . ml Its “fell a ma Dmnncrnt, to give which see cafimntiex. I mourn and nann causes whit! feeding th My Mein warnings bf ‘ relief vocnfie ;- us on . I huvsx rqnsgg to believe, 'in-o res of clyellmn a, I hwe hot. forgottendhe \Vushi gtoh, Clay and 'M'eb- power ‘ wfore —.Can‘ ster. ‘ j Come’wgl in thh th resort to s m 9. and with one vmce, fan IDomor- mic party. as the last. I ourcémtt‘y. A-REI'UBLXCAN. l —-~ «ow—#7:»- Uomtii Seymobr hm been 31- (.'mv nor of New York by tic amt Cons mtional Union [Hm ucces: may bé safely 5 Abrilnionizgmqs‘doomed. I - ;.._ W ' In thel I‘hila elphia Republi ion', :Ltfeaoluli n was arloptwd, {mentiofacn mince If) 'Wgfit sideut (if the L‘ uited States and .inoval dfnny‘F- deral appointee !‘ ho FIIMI not express, in writ?- Ingnessl to perjmmlly 'und bili r'lhe néminee ‘of Lhe“Converu ls no. Qarty“ dn theiAbolitioh filler-g. ‘ nhminnted? f the Demo ‘ Convenlin a counted u o in the; ‘ rwnrd p 105.— ‘nnl as \lbnuj : to the NI: Par/j ca‘n,Co'nve forshé up i upon the Hr request their inJJmt cit ingl his 5w I ciul ysu ' ‘ tion." 'Pfifix prmcip‘e. sii,pro- stunrj re the ”ions .'.!ly be rut-mix, l‘rmion MEM ' away Inn-. 115. n om "telli to the nounce ‘cnt-of the restoration of ' “pm :2 the chfof command of about Washi‘nglon, was i-oceiv "(Rd N, by the entire army.— ercn lh‘ sickmnd‘wounfid sul \& to anti: feelings in rouu‘ds‘ of WTIIO General .\I kill the. iorcés ed with nn 0 h is said Lh t‘ din-,4 gave 9 applause. 1 i COIN]- nus.— I: vo‘ur rigM, of we mined News I”?! “Smash/ALL? JACstx.—-.\ pas senger Irn _ hambersbnrg ntrhed id this city last evening, eport: that “Stouewnll’LJaL-kson was thrown” am his horse Milly or_two since, near Fredé i k, and f badly injurpd 1.1 m: he will not. be eto In athe’field torsomc time. Our iuiormgn received his information from a persob wk: ‘nrrived in Chambersburg from Frederick, nh gins u for v- but it is gum..— P/n‘z. Ingu'ufl , ' - g ‘ . - ~ , ,_ , Hmong E; I" I} PIXXSYLVAML— Gong nor Cunin,o Pennsylranin, has iasied special instructions!» the drafting qommiuioneg-s of the sum, it: thjch be‘ buys: . Although ihe ordei-s of dye “(gr Depart mem. n-qn‘xf d thq exiroilment 0f...“ men be, tween the; ges' of :eigbfgetl Int; forty-five .-—l'lch he 10l- 17,350 2,325 12,170 burns ty-ono pnblii ‘;sional doubt. rity in lzh not Alia lawigf this Stnle'nmpl from I” pnmng under manly-one yaw: erel‘ore, :whm; holding Appeals, 1e list. :1; p‘erfibng why umbgish years, the Id whiny duty You will, 1, erase from I . Joel 1: im. - my“ ,cuon ur mzilficden than“: an 'un thex fut. to -e yurz.‘ ant pin egggnine web 1- oath wren- you are {not olyer,‘ ’ ‘ i 1, 1. an ”any person: an wise salisfi " V l .‘ 1‘ ‘_ u. comma l dnmaml ,it I , LocAL bani-diam. _ ---“ . , ..V J.“ ...—4“.— -- r HUME DEFENCE—A‘miv mepnrnhonl' for home defence have been: in fcjgress he“;K for the lug ten duva. ; ‘ 1 The ‘Zonn‘qg hue re-orgaqi follqwlin‘g oak-era: ll Cnplnin. \\'m. J. Martin. 1116 Linn", \\'m. 'A. Duncan.| 2d ‘ “ Joseph .Brodhend‘ ' Orderly, JuMupp. _ : A new Compa‘ny: was orgnn‘il with the" Miofiingiofliuers :; .‘ Cnpmin,_Di. E. (In. Fnlmen . 15L Lit-ML, J. T. Idlbennyr 2d “ C. X. Ihnin. f Orderiy. CNN. Bushey -A third Company was orgdnjz d on Weddel day—{coxnpns'cd principallyi ofi «lit-r men—fur." d‘erlhefuflowing’ofliu-n: r_ l ‘ (Explain, S. s. )lgCn-ury. :" f k ' Isl Litul., John (,‘nlp. . 3s' g A J. L. Hill 9d , ‘ ~ ' - m, ,\ ‘ 7- i z ! Tlfq Companies that yegxnlxlrl for drill“ ‘ ! lnhfiditibn to the above, a. (.'lh airy Company ,is being filled up. Perry. Je‘in‘m’ has been ii idrilltng tbeiu. i 1' ’ , i l Tliesc prffnumtidns are cntfclp' pm; or, an}! . lit is Enot'douhted that. they u ll lead 143 big!!! Edvgnrc nt proficiency in the _iutiimry inn. 'lf -1 not liki'dt‘d‘ no lmrgn WI)! be (fink. ‘ 5 4~ ~-——,7~- “17—“; i I THE l)Il.\I-'T.—JC0L R. C. . \\‘opc mfrc-rtism ; ,iu the Republium pppersfithnt t eDmft for 9Ml] dish-ill :u'ld township of the chututy‘, xi 1“ com- ’ thence unfridny, the link inst}, fur the numliegrl iot‘ men ‘nc‘cessury‘tn'till its—(Wain, unicssthc “ dl:tr[chur\tuwnsliip furnishes itiie men-n 3 Yol- Luntct'rs on or befure that any; I;}?th idistrict . his 5110 prh ilcgc and can ofl‘flréVolm tears to I ‘iill its quutu ou the dn} th'e Dr‘nffi isto‘b‘c made; i and tJms‘obviuc the Draft entirely. 7 i' ‘1 I xoflj'bO'llbztlflntS mny be ciei iptcd.’ Thcyprc 1 ‘tu my sixth fine as the next Lo isinture pmy fix, I} and subscribe to thee roilein 4. 5 ~ ' H I But'urt- mo. Conunissinnormihpt-fink‘n'] draft- 2! :ing for .mul, t"ounL_\l, pcrwnal Iv hm-t‘urt-d i ‘-——. \\'hu' lit-in}? duly'—4— dig dicp'm- and my i lthnt he cnmucnxidusly sqrupipailg hbur .irnls; ‘ {lmiivws it ui.].u\'t'u'l tu do 50,1 whether in self ‘ Hit-fence or in duf'cijcv nfhi; ('( uutly. nr other-J lwiJ: \\‘li;st_~ue\ex'. "ltlmt ih‘l'Ft' nth-s “pd belief Inlmvl- state! have {IUL wen [u m tHig‘hlliy, hut [cur -tuH_\x (It-iiiiemtfly and con cicutiotuly‘ aunt . Lain-7mm dovlured um! prbt‘érrgi up: t'ot‘,thc wir- H ‘pmg n; Hauling lin: ‘mii’itury surh'ittv oi hi: claim-1 [try [n the prucnt eIuL-rgcncyl but hc’vuuunhe Sulmmxl'r nnd rtilgiunaiy Imm Am! maintnhns‘ than), and 111 hi: omm iOdI-e 1l lit-it's that. 1} 1; I his lzuuunh-n‘ utnty ‘tn ntt in qi-qtirdnncc with them on all occaniqns, and In :1 ‘r :11! ciruqlm- '\ sumccs. 1 - 7 .)‘ 117“er .iljutl nf‘i .‘ ‘ , [cunt [Ii\EIIICI-p-ll‘ E l, in Hit hit-MU; fi-gf‘llirut. .L [tau Howler-q Huntcr's (‘.WJIry, fell inithc r Luspurg. He \\'.ll :hu'tf dual and in llx'le head. “\‘n cflfm \rii cow'r 11L houly. 'IH- \\fl's'jyhc 11. John, Ilnl'ncr, of this (“MIME—I :37: )éllh—‘Jn' llxc pHmc 61‘ m; lxglurc bqurc him. 'l’L-ucni Lu h , . , [lf-33'“ (hgusmnl‘ shunfi uf . hilly}; or {he urg.lni%'/.i-d o|.”an ls’.,"lhc;|3\"ilh mqurms‘uhé ly “in he szilhcicugw Ilejcv .\ fouling.” l ; 1 s, 1 V“ -».~~: "~— ‘1 [agiWh- x-ro rmnnsu-d by ggiu-Lnuu‘e lh.u{lhcfrxx-rdisu<'o I 4 ‘ ‘ _I 1 L'Lc xilfivuuhul 1‘1! [hp 13’."{'(1‘.l Wm." all the sdmlim u u m 1 , . _, Unwrfxdum; s g ‘ _ ~ _. writ _- ! ‘ (Q'fifJuhn FJF¢_’El:.‘, (hctm-H LEAD”) Furl-I‘l3 u: INK-Mr}; r‘tr-:':.'l’hlindvbrhiji, gnmuu'lcwxm h'h'wnsufl (Hf-yum}? ”IQ’OIA'IIIHEJ 51‘ n hf-nl- übnl 1w \\H’lhfl-dht'u of H'ms fur lam-65' and (h '.- dn-n'al \\'mr.‘ {lr-ml‘flim imlm émcénta hc 01111:: in mi n'iicrl‘uinrufi in lhi: imu‘c‘] »_-‘ -~ 1 no» ‘ -.4- BENJMCQLELLAI'I'S sItENCE. ‘. g; Hm. .\l’.’(:‘-L'ni\llglfi\‘ won éwacc for “is“ t-h:nza(~lc-:;,!‘.u:zn :x'! Jthinking nivfh, hy «x-eeg-h '1 \\‘Mé‘ix blls, l mu sillvvr. l-nl Inojujlé lly >ilmgfm" whifl) ImQIM-rn gnxg‘lon. Al‘mn‘n fwm "Q" ‘1 Itn-liiClstlhl" dvjvx [ill hm": fin- 1m;~ lmén ‘ the gnlgvi‘uf un~j{‘,u)~u‘.nm :mfzdinh. I’ulitirfl ml lAI’A-lili‘h'l.ll4l p‘phonul Innihinh-noo hm‘y'r .lisphprgr- I “U “wiry\\'(‘..llfixll<."’]“> mmmyy‘ “Lilia”. l‘szu‘u- h-vn'l nliHu-rl ‘Lyllxifimir‘rnir‘s, mm-u than lin-y lldjfi’bdrngvét-lj‘nhxd by his ‘ I'rit-ndw f'liho grim} me which he has hunk»? of the while tocnuntorpnl‘nnvb‘ihe onomyfs , wide in ljllvtflkols nfily omnml for.him from | thr r5ll lhu 11:31.01}: of "Ditchg‘l'i" , PulmyTe‘ lxerljd nut 'ler nsflhOfl’fl] filoiwhito Homer,‘ v.) 3&1; y 2: wt in pthor ant) hotter service,“ he “11% :\C( wed of :Leullmion with} traitor-gr!— ' I’lc Ifir‘g rvc-t-ived fund I.lmm {york all the nl-gr'bes which. o.lth his fink-v, yet was‘ alwni,‘ accused of ox‘ll‘udink ;them. His phuf Wore thwnriu-d‘ by thb intrigues {7 his fiTnomivs at Washington’, Iyet he “'3“ ' N mmihlo for Ith fifihixeé thus caus- aspmhh .np mi.“ lle ni-vor underrated thg {power of the I}‘. yvt it 11.1%. rirquix‘egi‘thei bjttg‘r lossnna ‘wvlro—mnnth‘to convinc‘ {the rndicnh 1,10 was rightfimi‘d (lnrin all that iinto'l clay of propqration'or fdnutinn in‘» denounced' rl5 the (1913'. df comlirdlqe, ‘lm-ihly. ‘li‘iix army wn divided; yiét‘ d 'nqt complain. His r ucst for 1101‘- _ on to attx'u-k Riciirponglfust Before h‘e, was lardered to leave the Pe .'nsuhl was rel, fused, and\nppnrt-mtiy his 1 "t. oppbrtuuitiyf of vindication (l: nied him, at. he yieldegl' withdnt an open mumjur. 1135 army “:35! witluiruwn’ from under’ hit; bommnpd and! vi to another who has wort; than «lacing»; t, mull left. all _things warsé-thnn they, la. twelvemonth ago, y‘ét _he did u t' l. Indeed it 's said that m? other (in;u ibis oomman wnébutn‘ mére hand!" i! n. he told th Pmiden‘ that. be you] I ‘ s duly faith ully {with that handfu , F'thpse were withdrawn, ofihxs resigni iesired, he would give {it ‘gi‘ndlf, btlrt' i thonibhoui era musk tdhéen‘listipl ,nks, lfiillée he ‘had entered for the wq’r‘, d not iutend;to leave ti lit‘was ‘endeilxfli :3: Jittunfly I eprived ofaicommanad i not ask to £9 relievbd, But acciapte‘ ‘ . {crior which assigned :9 him; we t,’ abourhis luminous) and with thel instinct f q soldier had the ”IN-respect- ! astrong In 1' 'noblé characberjat 'all times Im] under a ll N. I 900. nfn that the 1 been or In he d miss ngu [('d i CM reslg who of m duh] and i lion Woul the r and Thou be (H the i provocationsjtifl kept perv u; silence.+ ‘, 1.7 ‘ . -'_‘_»_, er Not. one word qfooinplninc, - explanation” rem-'Liyk‘fi,s‘fm£,°:“fi§d ngggdhrk or self—exculpahob‘, or denial} riflefiense has ’ diflbum‘d. UP '0 Wednemlay Inst. sl~ "on! _ever passed his lips orlpen'. Nix Has an '3" the amount 0£5_19'2..000, and $2 notes Id one been anthnrized to Speak ch words f ’ thefimwm ,of $4“ '3oo' E him. Ilishpparent silenée which won] I " I”. ‘ - i eel I , - law-e been nhrewd.‘hu been real silen ~ . dio:{g;n£o:e§£|;u gigfififltngfifiq W111;CIIIitYnB‘ fame. . E. . I % 1119}: :ux lan n 1! congctionen. 'groqers;yect., . 0 10‘s mmpmgns,by_ the It!ernesqand!¥“, :6 JPquxregl to take out a ,hcemeq—J‘ misrepresentuions: wbi W‘hpany out-[£543 “flrrnneons. section M‘pFP'PVidef,‘ heated lliscuuionaJy-are! image eeuomh'e we, or Lgtfi2;;'guflo‘sfiof:§wtifg candidates Feroflicoinmf-de nee. Bitten-f inghonses, tobacoonigts 0':- retail d’etlers ,ness and :nureprepentnflon vs beenbefii dull not exceed the sumrof‘one thousand haugted upon GedLMcGe but he has'd°l.l”" Inch apotheeuies, oonfectionera, gone übout his business in? v! I»! no time : mmgggutsgstnzumetrd dléum'gl'gimill! 20‘ be in anticipating thejuéfiéa of 'Sfiory. Tbi? anything in :hi: :2! “12‘ figgyconuiiz'ygfigt is the more remu'lfable,ifor ough pplizir f withstanding.” , 3. . Giana and ‘ Mic n. ‘ ‘ ‘ ""“——"“"'°"““ ' g - . P" "3:” %“‘W¥9s§“§°’: ‘ ae-rrhe‘dmrc in New Jersey has been g 9 tune learn to covet-[then sensibxhtxe; i‘ndefi 'te] t ed; Rec it" - u hithean epidérmisas (hi I: M Rh? hidé of’ m y PO3 POll r-u His 90!!- h' _ 16 M 00! 1, e , , tinuu to belnsk. ‘ 3 ‘ r momma, en. 9 mdw‘ays {n.pn} , _w__,___ yet; liFEHnever an haye'wqdired by lmcli’ I ”the Cincipnui 77am, In pressed as lac-nu such‘ indifferon¢+ H‘qulence IT Taft days ago, haa'béen allowod‘tfi resume. I _ 3 . , ._, ~ 1 . ‘ A “ , i a, . —. .. rather to belauribumd to the cool decis Ind firmness 0| a well-balanced charuc It speaks for him. however, as no ton could do. If with his guns he mli silence the thunder hr the rebels, as by Mliconce he hnssik-ncod «lotrnction'nt ho the tongues of the peoflo and the pen historians wierpve Inoghihg.¥1:wi: '1 l-«-_\ puuhfit-L-l “.me HIV :LU.’Q~‘.']L\.'.:’llL’ in lidhuuult‘ .md :4 mm ‘\‘i.\\.u:.\. Thu 1! -l(_\ \c i in” {Ev-‘1“ n 1 'H-‘V 131 in}. _vmu may nunfi:l;,._ nlh I diklrojiug rnmll b;.-'.;,c on :hr \\‘-dun Marflm‘u‘ Lin 10nd. Tut ulwh'zdlun’o| Hu, \uwtcmuju‘kt pi nt‘ (119 r..=n...ye4l:w,u .9: 11w Magnum-y u- (n (mil-xl2 1L “..‘;I‘iUV- n ll.}o(_nt,.“u.)tll._. 1.: mm ijc mmlt- tu 3m- rd :0“ uf (hum [\\"3 :.gcd ahfut » :‘hb :1 Lright _s flushes. f 'V‘ . ! ujkcm nrrn‘n-X c.jp'..wc in lhv qu m ‘l5 - mud -133 in the unhi nix: on u “W's!" , . i “F. Lri‘hou’fiu ~lirjith‘nu] I” as. i .. J m-r, :1 “1:: h 1::me in buliu \‘Tlu- izzfi-nn H't u 1 Inn's :mny I .\.‘L. Mum.“ it Hum-mt I’cui:§~_vh‘.miz\'. A xlj u 1‘ n slumhl vgnlftintxh in» lu‘ hm. iv an haw) iiv n. )vI)~~Ihl(‘|1MiX :t-n ‘Hu- AH“ bmln-tl 'lnf LI '1). 'l ‘ Hf,l‘n-nnsylvzmin‘ 'l-- our'nlhnl and I'm-1y l-u‘ : ~eJ‘l‘iLw. . 5 1‘3)! ”rm-r ”f ‘'f ~1 IL \. H. ('l'lafx‘m’. an‘rnnr ‘anllA 'nunmm-lffin (mu-r. .\. 1.. RI ~>."::.|.. .\llju'nntHulmqul ['\L . ~ ~~ "-.. ~..., ‘x‘F‘A .51 TRUE! 31312213217335 ' ‘ ; Hu:n_l~:u‘z:r‘.. HA” $319!. ins—"mm I‘uwyilil‘ _V ni‘f‘n-wv~yl!.'n|ni-gniwnmv flmrnnghly 'n'v'lv-I Al. I- . :ultHi'" H nu “TM“: Pit-Ha ummvj, um! I.“ "I n' frum ('ho-lgr (manly. \HEIJu-uhuw' lm in r,- :L by nmrnini'. In :ynljvipntmu M film ”luv”- i nan m“. and Mill?!» '3l 1M:ll!<2w.""’"ln n iwiH lu- in "mn'nm’himi \' H't-V. “Mom .I .‘L n 'v-nn mm rvnch ('Yrmn’erlrll'g hwy?!” b-- n.“ y quinwl lo nu-M. ,nwl Inharnnw ‘3l.!qu ul' ‘- I" nun lumiT'» vfiwhmnv\'—'lu-nu-‘mrfn [5 1M \' l in; fur HHHI‘ P‘Ww ~- 'l'hmhnmfi rjl'wnm ,Imu- Mun dig: :Lm- 51 .hr-nughuutllw bur-hi ‘0 (mnnvim pthv- Sfrnvrx: ' ‘ ‘ 'l. Thu M-~l «it with «111411 the \‘i'fiy "(Inn «" lifimtinm L'mt Hug St ur- ‘nnw «(Fin 1:: ’n “my: ll hf‘l‘l'os4fi I \\'H )1- new} m the» hm mivunbsgu '0 in :11» lfuzuhcr‘lma'l Valley mu! "’s'" the Sm .‘ ‘ 2 unuhwmn y‘ l, A” "Inn-J ”w Ynérhsjrn {‘u-nmd nni Hu ‘ 'Y'gvk :mrl (it-HyJ-ur; r‘n:,h'9.u3a I‘u‘n “ILL-u. '1 t'Nl‘hl'HH‘H‘r pvt-v. 31". Tva h ml: :x Hui" ‘I.WILm-orhmnlmioh-w r m humbh l“""-'4 n— , ’l‘siflnifilhng’dm-s imt hum! iL~ lmnfl o'.r yum-i -} om. wlnl'v an) drilling nip! nlht-rwigér‘ m ukiu: I rmpadjmium fur W'M‘H’nfh tn Statéin'aipdl ‘H‘pvi prmoctinn uhho gvnrrn‘ gnv‘qumwny I By dal'Q-lul‘vulnulali "Lit hllx Upon aka-M'- ' 1‘ Quinn! that Nun-é :uw- nvwr dwyi Hmnwmrl v mo'n 0| Um Ruse-rim- .\lxlilinonmvltal-(rugby I nrnunizwl inm cnmp'ufiH. . , , : “4 The hm}: ln'idutzuwr (He Susquohymna M ; Columbia is we“ ‘gnnpled by imaging. 1' A r-ommiuvqnfi sufl-ly hm bueh formed ht: - ‘Lanvzuwr. who lmvu ihsuml :m nIMn-ss Mdl: I. mu upon 1,110 people to arm for thpicummuu drR-ncv. 1‘ ' ‘ 3 ‘ . thvn- Bonjamirj Wnshulmugh,(ilnir-fnflhu ', nruhmncp dopargmvnhmnl Culnnd :Inlm It. ', Parker. of Curlislk, aid-dc ("mp lh‘rthe Guy-h . vrnnr.’ haw Men filmmimcd m z-qperinlo-ud jhe. armpit-Won of the reg-large militia of {Punnzylva’nim 1 > ‘ _ 2 ‘ .' ;' ' I ass-An arrival .from Nei‘v Orlefmabrinzz‘l the intolluflvnoe that Buton Ronni. although evacuated by theimain hndy nftqu Fwicml army} was still held by a compaiiy of nn-. a rim-a. Only about twenty hang-shad hvegl (lostrnynl. The 'troops which left' IL-lnu ‘ Rouge ureflxt Ugu-rnlltnn, near New Grimm. where they were throwing up fortificaciuns. Y ' v _ i 'lth daily expected an smile!“ i: B ‘ -—~-. ,_ -~-< «I»~—--—----,-1 ‘ ‘ 3%“ was rppdrted at Fortresti Mom—o 9 ‘ nn Frxdny that, “ad New Merrimnc 91ml cO3lB lclown from Rich‘momlflmd wuinenr w Few flotilla. Iving_ofi' Newport. NoWs.‘ "l'ugn "filled vusdls‘ ure leporu-G w hflVu y,cmgw do“ n “in: Que-r. ~ ‘ £ ' .—-~‘—?-- k»..- -l——-——-—-4-I [ l ‘ @lllo} lndimi mu- is'nnt «'mled. A .figbt occurred at Forest. oily. Minnesota. ‘on the 3d instant, in which thel Indians {were repulsed. The lass on Wei part of ,the whites was lhreu' killed mill fifleor‘l wbun-led’. The gammander thinkg Llial. the troubles will be very serious. “ "' . Tn: Rum An ”cum on! Nudv‘un—Eé , vAcm'rxox'of Tm: {luv (Janina—Mar York, (Supt, 8.-——A special dispatcrg to the World, from Cincinnati, snya that imporlafyg'gfiews is lupened from Nashville. Generaliflnel bps ordered the city'm‘he emcnnled. Pi‘lmw diu- Epatchca from‘Boyd‘z Stationrerntlgcknsny‘ ' that. 15,000 of the emy‘enlered tha‘t‘phce --. I day. The telegrnpfiopemtor left allqbon, ill 9a: ~the advance gunfd came in light. f - ’ —-————-—+—Wr4——v‘— f 9A Aiispatch from sun bake gluten a!“ the Indians mung two trains three hundmyl mile: north of mm city, and killed‘rfiflgelc fit memy persons, including womegl “"4 «him. The tribe: in insuriection in this country m 111.3 Snakes, Dic‘BfldnUCkß and we Shot-29‘”. WGeneral Leefin a byiefreport 16mm idem. bf tbeflunfedémte States, claim: we. casuiou or flames for his army in We regent, operations before Washingmnu Ho “mi“ Hm ' loss otm'zmy ofl‘icers m lulled and womfided, m does not. gin: an estimate of the genehl mu,— Serex} thousand prisoners were “flung.” paroled; “game v?” pieces ufcuuion bfi’pn, besides up a mm at of small am]; m Ind ambulances. : ~ I ‘i‘ 3 “E? Ell